US eDirect 2of2Recreation Dynamics Response to ITQ #PR2014 -07 City of South Miami Recreation Operations Management Software US eDIRECT 5/5/2014 Page I 1 Prepared by: Michael A. Wands US eDIREC 516.767 -2431 mwands @usedirect.com www.usedirect.com Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 = Dynamics Contents ........................................................... .......................................... . ........................ ... . ...... I .... I................... 3 Letter of Introduction and Statement of Qualifications ............................................ ............................... 3 USeDirect Staffing Structure ............................................................................... ............................... 7 PriorExperience ................................................................................................. ............................... 11 SoftwareSolution ................................................................................................ ............................... 17 ActivityDynamics ............................................................................................... ............................... 18 FacilityDynamics ................................................................................................ ............................... 26 Modify /Cancel /Refund Process ......................................................................... ............................... 34 BoatSlip Reservations .......... ..............................• ---........................................... ............................... 37 CustomerDynamics ............................................................................................ ............................... 40 Memberships: ................................................................................................................................... 42 Pointof Sale ........................................................................................................ ............................... 49 Financeand Reports ........................................................................................... ............................... 55 Implementation Methodology to Provide Solution ............................................... ............................... 63 TrainingProposal ................................................................................................ ............................... 70 Software Support and Maintenance Services ........................................................ ............................... 78 PCICompliance ....................................................................................................... ............................... 80 DisasterRecovery Plan ........................................................................................... ............................... 83 ................... .......................................................... ....I.......................... 83 DataBackup Storage .............................................................................................. ............................... 85 Page 12 Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dynamics Ms. Maria Menendez, CIVIC 6130 Sunset Drive South Miami, FI 33143 May 6, 2014 Dear Ms. Menendez, US eDirect is pleased to respond to City of South Miami's ITQ Recreation Operations Management Software with our state of art, integrated software product Recreation Dynamics together with a suite of services as outlined in this proposal to meet all the requirements of this RFP. Our solution is market - proven at the federal, state, and city government level. Our proven technology, combined with a seasoned project team, will provide the City with a "best value to the agency" solution. Our proposed solution, Recreation Dynamics, is fully implemented and in operation in multiple government entities equal to or greater than size and complexity to the City . Examples include, but are not limited to, the State of Minnesota (State park reservation and revenue system), USDA's Land between the Lakes, Miami -Dade County (FL), Saint Louis (MO), The City of Los Angeles (CA) and many more. Recreation Dynamics is a modular system designed to consolidate revenue streams by providing the tools to manage all recreation aspects with one comprehensive system. With our proposal, we are offering the City of South Miami our complete system to handle reservations, activity registrations, membership management and more. One of our most recent implementations was for the State of Louisiana Office of State Parks for their state park reservation system. This implementation was initiated in early April 2013 and went live on web and in parks on July 15Y 2013. This same proven implementation methodology and drive towards efficient resource allocation and meeting deadlines is what is being proposed to City of South Miami. Recreation Dynamics is the result of extensive market experience and years of R &D and field trials and provides a comprehensive, real -time operational infrastructure on which the City can easily implement an integrated solution which will enhance customer service, more efficiently manage customers, activities and facilities, maximize the usage of recreational opportunities, make POS sales, integrate with their The system provides accurate revenue accountability and extensive reporting capability. Built on state of the art technology, the system is highly secure — meeting all security standards is highly reliable and flexible and will scale to meet current and future needs of the City. In addition to meeting the requirements outlined in the RFP, our proposal provides significant advantages over all other products and solutions in the market. Benefits to the City include, but are not limited to: 1. The City will receive a state of the art, real -time, integrated, modular, flexible and future -proof system The system we are proposing includes the functional aspects requested by your RFP and is a vast improvement over the current functionality. Recreation Dynamics provides you with the tools to effectively manage the day to day operations of your facilities. With Activity Dynamics, staff will be able to manage all City classes, programs and events — whether it is a recurring activity or a single, one -time event. With Facility Dynamics, staff will be able to use an interactive map or our user - friendly Matrix to easily manage all aspects of customer reservations (booking, canceling, modifying, check -in, check -out and much more). Additionally, the system includes several other modules and features that the City may consider using in the future, such as Golf Dynamics tee time Page 13 1 Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dynamics management system. Our solution integrates all revenue generating processes such as facility management (reservations), retail, , day use facilities, rentals, tours, events and classes for one stop access via various channels. All of this functionality is available now within our solution and can be custom - configured for City use under a single sign -on. Multiple systems, databases and reporting will be a thing of the past.. 1. Improved revenue and customer experience through all distribution channels Our solution is centralized, scalable, configurable, and proven in the recreation environment: a geographically dispersed network of "field" sites and Agency offices with real -time access to the centralized hosted servers. It integrates multiple sales channels (website, field sites such as parks and centers, and admin offices) and various functional modules with a single database in real time. Tight integration with our financial application, Payment Dynamics, ensures accurate processing, tracking, and reporting of the Agency's revenue elements. Our solution has a proven track record of performance throughout this industry and is fully PA -DSS compliant. The result: an improved customer experience through our various sales channels will provide the City with increased revenue. 2. Improved Account Management US eDirect will provide our most experienced and seasoned Project Team for this proposed project. Our team structure, roles and responsibilities and the management processes have been proven to deliver projects on time and within budget. Bill Anderson - our proposed project manager, has substantial experience implementing and managing large -scale reservation projects. Bill, US eDirect's Director of Business Development, has more than 18 years of state /City /federal reservation program management experience. He has been involved with the implementation and management of more than 17 such projects. Our other team members bring substantial Recreation Dynamics' experience and all have participated in various aspects of system implementations including business analysis, software development, software installation, training and accounting. 3. Lower cost of ownership We are providing a system with vastly improved functionality. The cost of ownership is reduced by the intuitive, easy -to -use application interface for City personnel. The applications are delivered in platforms that are conducive to retail environments, where the pace is fast and the turnover is high. The use of a customized thin client application, with strong business rules' enforcement and the inclusion of touch screen capability, maximizes workstation to central database processing speed. In addition, we can provide your administrative users with modular access to many of the inventory elements, the website and web - services to enable you to immediately complete data or web- content modifications. 4. Flexible delivery model While we offer an off the shelf product, our customers have requested and been delivered customized options that allow them to maximize their customer service and profits. Being a moderate sized, technologically savvy company focused on this one industry allows us to be agile and responsive to address your needs while maintaining our strategic goals. There are not multiple administrative "layers" that must be navigated. Additionally, our architecture and product model is not a "take it or leave it" model, a "one size fits all" model, or a highly custom built solution model as adopted by several other providers. We work with you during "Discovery" to analyze your business requirements — most of which will be accommodated "out of the box" with our highly configurable solution. What can't be met out of the box can be often be customized to provide you with the "best fit" solution for all of your needs. 5. System security and PCI compliance Our application is PA -DSS validated and may be deployed at all your locations. It is not merely a self - certification of a website. This rating is the highest that can be achieved for a payment application. Our application (Payment Dynamics) is listed as a certified payment application by the PCI organization. Please see our listing on the PCI Security Standards site by following the link below and searching "US eDirect ": Page 14 Recreation Response ITQ#PR2014 -07 Dynamics https:ll www. pcisecuritystandards lorgZapproved companies providers /validated payment a licat�a io�hhp 1. Exemplary service We are a modest- sized, growing company with a sharp focus on our recreational business and our customers. We do not have any unhappy customers. We encourage to you speak with our references. Our existing clients will provide the City with a true evaluation of our service — much more than anything that is written as an RFP response. We encourage you to contact our references; you will see that if we say something will be completed or resolved by a certain timeframe — it will be completed. Anything that you require will be discussed and addressed in a timely and efficient manner. 2. Consolidated financials Our system will enable you to access accurate financial data on ALL transactions in real time. You can have a consolidated view of all your revenue associated with program and cost center in one location regardless of channel, rather than depend on consolidated financial views from accounting systems that takes months to compile. In summary, we recognize that there is always a risk in making a change in programs. However, changing to our solution you find that the advantages outweigh the risks as City of South Miami will be receiving a better and more comprehensive solution at a lower cost. Sincerely, Tony Alex President Page 15 �� �Rec►ead" Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 w Dynamics Page 16 Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dynamics US eDirect Staffing Structure US eDirect Staffing Structure City Executive Resources: Executive Steering Committee — Overall senior management oversight and direction for this project will be provided by an Executive Steering Committee. A schedule for Steering Committee meetings will be defined at the onset of the project. Customer and US eDirect Managers will share joint responsibility for reporting to the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will consist of the key business sponsors with overall responsibility for leading this project at a strategic level. These members will also be defined at the onset of the project. The Executive Review Steering Committee is responsible for the following: • Making decisions on project strategic direction • Serving as the final arbiter of Project issues • Approving significant Change Request Forms. City Executive Resources: City Project Manager (Director) — The City Project Manager, in cooperation with the US eDirect Project Manager, is responsible for management of day -to -day project activities, aligned with the project plan, to satisfy a successful and timely implementation of all project tasks. The City Project Manager is responsible for City resource allocation and management. The activities and responsibilities of the City Project Manager will include: • Work with the US eDirect Project Manager to develop the project plan and schedule Monitor and drive project progress and results • Conduct Project Kick -Off and Status Meetings with the US eDirect Project Manager Allocate and Schedule City project resources • Ensure project issues are dealt with promptly and escalated when necessary Actively participate throughout all phases of the project • Ensure City "Key Users" are available for design workshops, system set -up, training and testing Ensure all data files are available for migration to the new system • Ensure that the required infrastructure is available as required Review and sign -off on Service Documents • Provide support for training activities. Page 17 IJI aear -fl" Response ITQ#PR201407 !U Dynamics US eDirect Business Manager: Tony Alex A co- founder of US eDirect Tony holds a PhD from Rutgers University and is a former VP of technology the Pall Corporation. While at Pall he authored 14 U.S. Patents. He brings 15 years of technical and corporate expertise to the company.. Our Engagement Manager (EM) will be responsible for ensuring that the US eDirect team delivers the services agreed upon in the contract. The EM will have contractual performance responsibility for us and will obtain required technical resources to provide services specified in the contract. The Engagement Manager will have the following responsibilities: • Monitor overall technical progress of the contract Monitor overall cost expenditure status of the contract • Ensure that appropriate contractor technical resources are made available in a timely manner to ensure the Project Plan schedule can be maintained • Monitor scope on the project and work with customer to address any "out of scope" tasks that maybe identified • Review weekly status reports • Attend Monthly Project Status Meetings to assist in communication with our Project Manager overall project status Serve as the primary Point of Contact for billing and invoicing on the project • Participate in close out meeting with the customer and review COS checklist to ensure COS checklist items have been addressed. US eDirect Account Manager: Bill Anderson Bill led the team responsible for managing the State of Missouri campground project, including the Project Manager, Engagement Manager, Product Manager, and Systems Architect and is responsible for resource allocation and coordination. The US eDirect Project Manager is responsible for day -to -day project management of activities in alignment with the project plan and the proposal. The objective of the US eDirect Project Manager is to accomplish a successful and timely completion of all project tasks. The Project Manager is responsible for consulting resource allocation and coordination. The Project Manager works closely with the City Project Manager as part of the project management team and reports directly to the City Engagement Manager on all project related matters. The US eDirect Project manager also brings to the project the appropriate implementation, and technical resources that are to be engaged at the required time. The US eDirect Project Manager's responsibilities include: • Establish a "Conditions of Satisfaction" (COS) checklist for the project with City in terms of how the customer will define the project has being successful once completed • Leading the team in the day to day tasks of the project Providing consistent and ongoing communication with the City Project Manager Developing • and maintaining the detailed project plan and daily schedule for the project Tracking project progress and project status and reporting status on these items Tracking and managing • budget • Managing the master project schedule Driving Pagel 8 • 1,21 Recreation Response ITQ#PR2014 -07 0 Dynamics risk management processes Facilitating communication and negotiation within the team, including City and US eDirect team resources • Allocating and scheduling project resources • Managing the day -to -day project scope and critical trade -off decisions and escalating as required • Monitoring and driving daily project progress and results Reporting project status to the Steering Committee team on a pre- determined basis Acting as a central point for the overall US eDirect project team for all issues and risks Managing Change • Requests in conjunction with the City and US eDirect project teams. US eDirect Solutions Architect: Tom Strand Tom is a co- founder of US eDirect. Before his involvement in the company he worked as a computer networking specialist and expert in firefighting corporate software integration problems. He is responsible for overseeing our web operations, new software licensing and training /support programs. Our Architect will provide in -depth technical support for the project regarding the architecting of the overall solution. The Architect will review all aspects of the technologies involved in the solution to ensure that the optimal solution is being deployed to address the project requirements. The Architect will also serve as the lead Quality Assurance agent to ensure that the solution functions as designed, has been properly tested, and can be supported in the future with the minimal resources. Our Architect will have the following responsibilities: Function as the technical lead in driving decisions that affect the solution architecture Participate in discussions regarding design alternatives and support driving of final decisions that best address project requirements • Review and provide approval to our PM regarding all technical deliverables Understand and ensure that appropriate approaches are used to interface with existing systems Ensure • that comprehensive testing is conducted to ensure that the solutions functions as designed Identify any technical issues /risks, develop mitigation strategies and present to PM and customer as needed • Participate in meetings /discussions regarding project scope changes • Monitor and drive technical progress for all tasks on the contract Assume primary responsibility for Quality assurance • Provide input to PM for weekly status reports of activities completed, in- progress, planned and identify • any challenges or risk areas in the report • Participate as needed in Monthly Progress Review meeting. US eDirect Functional /Business Analyst: Mark Lelo The Business Analyst will facilitate assessment workshops to gather and define requirements within the project scope. This resource will drive functional discussions and guide clients in the decision - making processthrough their understanding of the POS technology. The Business Analyst will delegate related tasks and work with other teams to properly scope requirements as well as manage the organization and change of collection of requirements. The Business Analyst is responsible for identifying risks and working with the team to provide risk mitigation strategies to the Project Manager. The Business Analyst will document functional decisions as well as validate implementation through systems testing. This re- source will be the primary interface with the client and Page 19 Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dynamics the technical staff and will act as the consistent consultant filling multiple roles, including, for example, application, requirements, design, testing, t raining, and adoption consulting. The Business Analyst will: • Define business requirements across client's business units • Create business narratives for the technical specifications • Work with development and technical staff to create technical specifications that are compliant with RD technology • Assist with implementation recommendations to clients that are compliant with RD technology Participate in review and approval activities as defined in the project plan • Assist in defining technical solutions for the technical staff • Provide business end user and technical user training for client Ensure quality • Provide training to client on how to perform User Acceptance Testing • Validate development work meets agreed functional requirements • Identify project risks and escalate to the Project Manager • Assist in risk mitigation strategy • Submit weekly status activity summary input. Page 110 Recreadon Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 I W Dynamics Prior Experience US eDirect has substantial experience in the Recreation industry, including providing services to the agencies offering the following services and features: • Facility reservations for campgrounds, cabins, pavilions, athletic fields and other recreational facilities • Activity registrations for classes, programs, special events and programs • Memberships sales, visitation tracking and reporting • Point of sale items w/ inventory management • Gated entry and permitting • Online facility reservations, activity registrations and membership sales To illustrate US eDirect's prior experience in delivering systems similar or larger in size and scope to the one proposed to City of South Miami, please review the following case studies, in addition to contacting our references found in the following section. Page 111 Rftm M Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 I W Dynamics Sample Installation 1: Miami Dade County Park, Recreation and Open Spaces The Miami -Dade Park and Recreation Department maintains and programs more than 250 parks, recreation facilities and greenway areas; and it provides park and recreation services to a resident population of nearly two million. From camping at one of the many campgrounds, playing golf at the course, swimming at one of the 15 County pools, to tennis at one of the more than seven multi -court tennis centers, to playing sand volleyball on our beaches, and the more than 175 ball fields that accommodate baseball, soccer, softball or football, Miami -Dade parks offer a diversified selection of programs and facilities. In order to provide residents and visitors with an easy, comfortable, and pleasant experience when accessing the Park & Recreation programs and facilities, the Miami - Dade County Park and Recreation Department selected RECREATION DYNAMICS from US eDirect for Program Management, Facility Reservations, Memberships Management, Point of Sale, Internet Reservation and Registration, and League Scheduling. Decal based entry at the Marinas and day use parks and the need for auditable fee collection at the gate entry points was a major concern for Miami Dade. By setting up a system that issued serialized passes, validated a pass being active, associating the pass with a customer vehicle and most of all allowing for remote sites to upload this information upon docking laptops to the main connections has made this a reality. Financial controls and standardization are brought across every aspect of Miami Dade's fee collection process. KEY Benefits to Customer: • Standardization of business rules and discount policies • Eliminated operator based judgment at day use gate facilities • Incorporates asset usage and visitation data as part of normal POS operations. • Elimination of operator initiated discounts/ tax exemptions and fee reductions and focus on system generated discounts/ tax exemptions and fee reductions • Elimination of daily paper work and multiple copy keeping • Automated end of the day accounting into FAMIS, eliminating manual entry into excel and further manual entry into FAMIS • Provide much better customer service by centralizing reservations ( including hourly use ) • Allow anyone in parks to make a booking for another park by applying business rules for that particular park, eliminating the need for a centralized reservations call center • Centralized the credit card process by using the Miami Dade Payment gateway Key Project Members: Tony Alex Mike Wands Madhu Gupta Mohan Nalla Tom Strand Andrew Davies Page 1 12 Engagement Manager Project Manager Business Analyst Mohan Lead Developer Systems Architect Trainer Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dynamics Sample Installation 2: Minnesota DNR Integrated Campground Reservation Service and POS System Background Minnesota DNR is responsible for managing a variety of recreation facilities and programs, including: • Management of overnight customers by means of site - specific advance reservations and walk -up sales. • Development and enforcement of business rules to manage recreational facility use. • A robust retail program, including warehouse operations • Management of various recreational activities such as camping, lodging, tours, facility & equipment rentals and special events. • Communication of accurate and timely information to the public in a manner that increase participation in outdoor recreation activities and maintains or increases customers' satisfaction levels. Minnesota DNR's diverse statewide inventory includes: 76 park and recreation areas, 4,508 campsites, 111 group campsites, 62 cabins /guest houses & lodge rooms, 84 camper cabins, 11 group centers, 67 picnic shelters, 142 tours per week (summer) and 15,000 unique POS products. With the "twin cities" population center within the state Minnesota has a substantial number of vacationers who take advantage of DNR's recreational features. Minnesota DNR was seeking a solution to: enhance customer service, more efficiently manage customers and facilities, maximize the use of recreational facilities, making POS inventory management more efficient and integrated, expand the number of recreation opportunities available for advance reservations, and provide accurate revenue accountability. Our Solution US eDirect proposed a multi - channel solution for DNR: a call center, field sites, and an Internet channel for reservations. All three channels are linked to a centralized database for Irtlnneaa� tr�utr�arrr� Highlights POINT OF CONTACT Megan Godbold, Project Specialist PARKS AND FACILITIES PARKS 76 CAMPSITES 4,508 CAMPER CABINS 84 CABINS & LODGE ROOMS 62 SHELTERS 67 ALSO: 142 tours per week in the summer season and multiple I CAN programs (I CAN camp, canoe, climb). PROJECT STATISTICS (March — December 2012 CALLS TAKEN 49,790 RESERVATIONS (CALL CENTER) 22,573 RESERVATIONS (WEBSITE) 74,763 PERMITS (ANNUAL) 130,000 PERMITS (DAILY) 250,000 PERMIT SALES $4 mill RETAIL PRODUCTS 15,000 RETAIL SALES $4 mill FIELD UNITS 250 FIELD USER 450 real -time reservations processing and reporting. Our modularized system provides Facility Dynamics for campground and facility reservations, Activity Dynamics for tours and I CAN programs, Payment Dynamics for secure tendering, Point of Sale for retail products and Finance Dynamics for best in class financial management. In October 2011, Minnesota selected US eDirect as a partner who could take over its reservation and retail business, stabilize it, and place DNR in a position to grow. The criteria used in this selection included: • Our ability to deliver a comprehensive, modularized solution (Recreation Dynamics) within a short time frame, • The flexibility of our real -time, centralized, highly - configurable Recreation Dynamics solution that enforces Agency business rules, • Our focus on customer /client service, • The inclusion of a fully- integrated POS solution for retail sales that includes inventory management, warehousing, transfers and more. Page 113 Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dynamics Our.ability to provide a gift card program The immediate benefits provided by our Recreation Dynamics solution included improved inventory management, enhanced agency- branded website, and streamlined park operations with our multi - functional matrix. Commendations Our team members are often complimented on their innovativeness, helpfulness and courtesy. The appreciation by State officials and the customers of the fact that we go the extra mile is summed up in the commendations below. "US eDirect has provided excellent customer service in a variety of areas including technical support, project management, and training. Technical support staff is friendly and helpful; it is nice to know everyone by name. We have also been impressed by how quickly issues have been addressed, and how quickly the system has been improved to better meet our needs." Megan Godbold, Project Specialists, Minnesota DNR "I have enjoyed working with the US eDirect team on retail management topics. They have a friendly staff to work with and are creating an ordering module complete with product photographs for Minnesota State Park state that I'm very excited to help implement. Ty Gangelhoff, Interim Retail Management Coordinator, Minnesota DNR "My happy note for today: the folks at the MN State Parks Reservation center are FANTASTIC!" G. Halverson, Minnesota State Parks' customer Key Highlights Management of overnight customers by means of site - specific advance reservations and walk -up sales. Development and enforcement of business rules to manage recreational facility use. A robust retail program, including warehouse operations for more than 10,000 items. Management of revenue and reporting revenue to the state's revenue system. Management of various recreational activities such as camping, lodging, tours, facility & equipment rentals and special events. Communication of accurate and timely information to the public in a manner that increases participation in outdoor recreation activities and maintains or increases customers' satisfaction levels. Key Project Members: Tony Alex David Detar Madhu Gupta Page 114 Engagement Manager Mohan Nalla: Lead Developer Project Manager Tom Strand: Systems Architect Business Analyst Andrew Davies Training Manager f Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dynamics Sample Installation 3: United States Dept. of Agriculture's Land Between the Lakes Land Between The Lakes (LBL) in Kentucky and Tennessee is the largest United States National Forest, covering 170,310 acres that encompass 300 miles of shoreline and 12 recreation destinations that include several campgrounds. LBL's 302 employees serve more than 4 million visitors annually and collect approximately $4 million each year in fees for admissions, services, and products. More than one hundred types of admissions include discounts for seniors and children, day passes for varying durations, and visits to the planetarium, an 1850's home exhibit, and nature stations at different locations. Visitors can buy passes for fishing, hunting, horse - riding, snow - shoeing and other activities. Recreational rentals are available for bicycles and canoes up through complete family camping set -ups. Camp stores, administrative locations, and gift shops add "thousands" of gift and souvenir items. Name of individual or company services were provided for: U.S.D.A. Land Between The Lakes Address of individual or company: 100 Van Morgan Drive Golden Pond, KY 42211 Name and title /position of management -level contact person; Greg Barnes - Program Manager Telephone number of contact person; Phone 270 - 924 -2086 Type of services provided and dates services were provided or are being provided. Multiple Location Federal Park, Recreation Dynamics, Campground Dynamics, Permit Dynamics, POS, Internet Reservations Installation 2003 to present KEY Benefits to Customer • Centralized the data base allowing for offline processing at locations and automatic centralization of the data when network is available. • Interfaced and automated FFIS, federal accounting data to import expenses and export revenues • Created AFFCAP - an on line key indicator reporting system with access via the web browser Centralized their cash counting process Key Project Members: Tony Alex Engagement Manager Tom Strand Project Manager / Systems Architect Madhu Gupta Business Analyst Mohan Nalla Lead Developer Andrew Davies Training Manager Page 115 Sample Installation 4: City of Los Angeles, CA Background Los Angeles residents have a wide range of recreational activities available to them. The golf and tennis reservation system is the largest reservation system in the United States doing over 1.5 million transactions per year. The Solution In April of 2004 US eDirect was awarded the contract and on the day of the award, the previous vendor cut off services to the City of Los Angeles golf and tennis reservation system. The City was in crisis mode. That day without the benefit of a contract US eDirect was requested to provide emergency software services to their 21- location setup in Los Angeles. We customized, installed and got the new system back on line within three days. This achievement was possible because of the core functionality being flexible and configurable. Normal installation and configuration time for such an operation would be 4 to 6 weeks. The solution provides golf and tennis administrators with a set of central management tools that helps administrators with managing schedules, customers, finances, so work can be completed efficiently and securely behind the scenes, while customers experience a more enjoyable recreation experience. The system provides for cashiering, photo -id's scheduling, reservations, reporting, inventory management, marketing management and financial checks and controls for a wide variety of activities including Golf scheduling and General cashiering needs at 24 locations and a central administration location. Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dynamics Highlights POINT OF CONTACT Rick Reinschmidt, Project Manager FACILITIES AND ACTIVITES GOLF COURSES 13 TENNIS COURTS 287 PROJECT SCOPE TOTAL TRANSACTIONSIYEAR 1,500,000 Contract In place since 2004 PHONE (IVR) (818) 291 -9980 WEB: http: / /www.lar)arks.org /golf /reservations.htm Our software provided a customer interface tailored to the recreation industry, a flexible golf and tennis reservation system (through online and IVR based methods), coupled with complete retail management, and reports geared to common needs of the golf and tennis administrators. Using a common look and feel throughout its functions, Recreation Dynamics encompasses the traditional power of Microsoft Retail Management System for receiving stock, making transactions, keeping customer records, inventory management, and purchasing. Custom and standard reports on retail aspects remain available. Page 116 Recreation Response ITQ #PR201407 Dynamics Software Solution The Recreation Dynamics system is a single, integrated, modular system comprising all of the functional elements required by a busy City recreational department. The single software system model means that the City of South Miami can benefit from the following features: • Integrated processing of all recreational services in a single software application, including a single transaction able to process reservations, registrations, POS sales and memberships without the need to manage multiple systems and transactions • Staff learn only one set of software interfaces, meaning training times are minimized and knowledge retention is improved • Reporting of all finances, customer activities and history, key performance indicators can be ran at an 'enterprise' level which incorporates all locations, services and sales into a single report. No need to compile multiple excel sheets and reports- drastically reducing the time it takes to get the reports you need • Integrated database of customers across all modules, sales channels The system is broken down into modules specific to the functional tasks and business areas, including: • Activity Dynamics • Facility Dynamics • Customer Dynamics • Point of Sale • Finance Dynamics • Admin Module The following pages will provide a brief overview of the modules, including screens and interfaces and general functionality proposed to meet the needs of City of South Miami's RFP. Page 117 Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 ® Dynamics Activity Dynamics The Activity Dynamics Class and Events module enables administrators to manage a wide variety of activities from a centralized location. The system is designed for enterprise use, and events can be scheduled across various facilities regardless of location. Activity groupings allow for various types of events to be scheduled with the time and date of the event, instructor and facility association. Customers can register for events onsite, at a central administration office, or through a web interface. Each registration has a unique number that ties it directly to a customer, service, or product and all financial transactions are integrated with the point of sale. From an internal control perspective, each individual transaction can be independently viewed and traced from the finance module. Manage activities such as classes, leagues, recurrent programs, events enterprise wide. Group your activities by category or create your own custom groups. Specify activity details including the schedule, schedule exceptions, instructors, location and gender • Configure web visibility properties • Establish age limits or prerequisites for activities Auto- • create catalogue numbers or create your own Establish a • minimum and maximum class size • Set up single or recurring events with date exceptions • Control individual start / end time by week - day • Assign fee per day, per week, per session, scholarships etc. • Easily customize extra fees • Establish different rates for different types of customers • Assign fees to GL or job codes for integration with accounting • Easy and secure online enrollment • Confirmation E -mail automatically sent to customer • Allows first - come first - served enrollment • System supports wait listing • Multiple enrollments can be done in the same transaction using the shopping cart paradigm • Offer discounts for related customers • Change the payer on the fly • Validate a customer's age as of a specific date • Encrypt customer medical comments • Track attendance and no shows • Group your activities by category or create your own custom groups • Specify activity details including the schedule, schedule exceptions, instructors, location and gender • Configure web visibility properties • Establish age limits or prerequisites for activities Auto- • create catalogue numbers or create your own Control • individual start / end time by week - day • Establish different rates for different types of customers • Assign fees to GL or job codes for integration with accounting • Option to charge based on utilization • Unique settlement feature for programs like summer camps and day care • Quickly generate class lists for instructors. Print sign — in / sign — out sheets for attendance Page 118 FA Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 I A Dynamics Activity Dynamics User Interface (Walk In) Activity Dynamics User Interface is designed to be simple and efficient, in order to streamline customer signup, activity creation and editing and reporting. The following are screenshots of some of the key user interface tasks offered by Activity Dynamics. Activity Creation Recreation Dynamics activity creation allows the creation, editing and scheduling of activities all from one menu. Activity Details: The general activity information can be entered, such as: Name Catalog ID Category Required Membership Type Reminders Activity Description Adding and creating session times and dates Fees: Establish the fees for the activity, including Resident, Non - Resident, Corporate fees Tax Enrollment, per session, per week fee structures Extras: Create and attach free or fee based extras to an activity for example: T Shirts Lunch Supply Costs Other: Easily attach waiver forms and other necessary information � W i< i✓ Program: Intoduction to Yoga U..pp d Pre ;ram 5a. ira �. . i �.mS YnledVt[i0Q 10 `Me3 . csrak+; 3FS P,.n. - Yoi ic f!.T r,•v • lrrnc..n.aauNV.vr1�,r.: i ... nom i FtfV ffe,�be.si:p Ho-w Page 120 I Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dynamics Customer Sign Up The customer sign up process is designed with speed and efficiency in mind. The busy nature of a Parks and Recreation department means there is no time for unnecessary screens or data input. rr. r: B.C. .,. IG Activity _r Facility (C_!Permit lAdm =n f Finance Email u MActivity Customer Launch Pad Dynamics -- _ "` Customers 00F,.tONN• 11310 � Attendance I I In[eraclrve i' Ros'er �. ....... 1 Sign lip search •:. F: e . I J' Conli9ura!ion Name (rr C�r•al,: ° ID ri •.• �•4v�en.in -, __• xaei - r , G - Any I. Reports i .�•_- �, (era r.-. }F -, ........... .......... -. �: .. -. i,. shc:, nnivaatvilus er.e,r;g or. n. a8e• III L? /.Fill •rau VS "'. - Syn �9 erA irrc Se„b�n.,•. +y. P. +re 1.. .. i.•d3.�. N_rYee�er. -bon 4 .i;Y TTC. - •M• . APPLES TO ZEBRAS- SING -A -LONG (;M3 L nl F e [ re Y..a•. F`er�an.,.. A •7DIr1 APPLES TO ZEBRASARTIST (995) 08/02/2011 Apples tO Zebras 3 Years to B Year., 08.102 ,12011 08/25/2011 Tkis program win... Class Art, and f. FISH (432) - 1 07/13/2011 loam All Ages 07/18/2011 07/21/2011 Fish -Pass F-ig Class ,1aun1� l 07/13/2011 5Pm All Ages 0711812011 07/28/2011 Fish - Pass Frong.., Class aqua+• 07/13%2011 6pm All Ages 07(18/20;1 n7)2s,"n FIS6 -Pass Frong ... Class sa­n 07/ld/2011 7pm All Ages Wf18 /2011 07/28/2011 Fish - Pass Frong Class anr..ir• INTRO APPLES TO ZEBRAS•TUMBLEW EEO (3971 08,10212011 intro Apples to Z.., 3Years to 5Year, 08/02,12011 00/18/2011 Get readyfo: an. Class soc,al Enac. Once a customer is found via a name search or ID card scan, the Sign Up Search screen can be used to sign a customer up to an activity. The activity can be searched for by name or category ID, or the search can filter activities by location, category, age range, gender, season and activity dates Once the customer chooses to sign up for the activity, the Pre -cart screen is brought up to allow the adding of optional extras and to review the schedule. Select OK and the activity is added to the customer's cart, ready for purchase. 0 Ini *due don I Yap Prg -CB rI " Ys... rs, :eJ�mt •1�r: r:2�It Page 121 Recreation Response ITQ##PR2014 -07 l Dynamics Activity Dynamics User Interface (Online) Search Function: Online activity registration allows the user to search for any activity using numerous search criteria such as • Entering keyword e.g. 'Swimming'. 'Dance' etc. • Type • Location • Age Range • Gender • Date For specific keywords- such as 'Art' below: Your shopping cart is empty. View Shopping Cart City of FRedwicksbargI A, NPIV SignnpI Ywrt Account L-1 lis or Create Accnuni 4 Browse •:9i calendar Search for Specific Activities Ivance Conversational Italian [V Dorothy Hart Community Center d on the skills you learned In our previous classes. The instructor teaches an expanded set of skills to those that have died a basic knowledge or Italian through completion of conversational Italian I. This Is ideal forthose who are planning a to Italy 11ay ART IN THE PARK M Hurkamp Park artists can buy a table at the extended Farmer's Market First Saturdays event All work must be the original fine an or craft _ ... ...... . ... _ ..-- __....._ .._ created by the exhibiting artist Search Activities Page 122 select Schedule Restrictions Seats 311in Up 05104/2013 - 05104!2013 None 16 2/1/2013 to SM013 Sat: 9:00 AM - 700 PM Bellydance I W Dorothy Hart Community Center The artistic way to have fun, get fit, and make friendsl Classes feature a belly- robics warm-up, Raks Sharki combinations and Tribal Odyssey foundation Anthea's certified teaching method, refined over twenty years, will get you dancing right away, Anyone may join, no experience necessary! Select Schedule Restrictions Seats Sign Up 05/02/2013 - 05/23/2013 12 Years and Up 47 1/7/2013 to 523/2013 Thu, 7:30 PM - e:30 PM Bellydance II [A Dorothy Bart Community Center Continue from Basics I for more FUN and FITNESS! Enroll by instructor approval. Anthea's classes feature: Belly-robics warm- s ills. Pales Shark! combinations and choreography(may include Yell), and Tribal Odyssey foundation Recreatlart Response ITQ#PR2014 -07 Dynamics Browse Function: 1 011( stloppmg cast is empty Mew Shopping Cart City trF F rr,+tr -r kk•:h!!rq I Atdvity Si•tnnrr I Your An nonr Lag in or C saran ArcOLHn -4 Search • % Calendar Browsing Activities Viewing activities In Nature Programs Category v -- Adventure Fishing Camp =. Dorothy Hart Community Center Thls week -long da!y camp for 7.14 yr- t)Ids, ,4)omorcU bywginia n'€ hrng Ach'enturBS (wn++viFglnralishinp2ttrenlures .tom], Adult Special Interest teacn[.s the enure process of 6;111ng lrom Fig ging reds, tying icnpt5, carxle[ng, and natt[ng hpolss, all v4 lie Inlroducmg campers Aquatic to [lie We atweaIIn of lrshing in the area campers meet at the VA Or,rrdaor renter, load Into vans, and head to pr [Yale ponds, the Rappahannock nr RaprdHn Prvers All equlprnenipF0,1110 artd 5caut5 may earn thelF riShlMg badge, A detailed Ietterwlll Children's Activities be sent later Special Events Youth Sports �Iect Schedule Restrictions Seats. Sign U Nature Pro ams 07/29!2013 - 06/02/2013 7 Years to 14 Years 11 Months 3 2/22/2013 to 712912013 Weekdays: 6:30 AM - 4'.30 PM Tri� pe a 1 interes Blowing Off Steaml Alum spring Park. Attentions all budding, vulcanologists, come have a "blast" doing some hands on activities to learn all about Volcanoes. We'll even explode our own and have a volcano snack. (Mimi Dempsey, Instructor) Cicada Mania ® Motts Run Reservol They're BPAAAACCKK! Broad 11 of the 17 -year periodical cicadas, last seen In Fredericksburg In 1996, will be emerging tram their underground nymph stage soon! Parents, you remember their bulging red eyes and Incessant hum from the treetopsl Well, now they're calling all Wds to come Investigate and have some cicada mania! snack included-- hmmmml? (Parents must attend with children under 10.) (Linda Battey, Instructor) Select Schedule Restri0ons Seats 9 Ign Uri KIM M. 05114/2013 - 05/1412013 6 to 12 Years 11 2/20/2013 to 511 412 01 3 Tue : 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Dipnetting for Dragonflies 1-7 hlotts Run Reservoir; Splash Into yrlur s,Pnngttme Saturday at Mpti: Run P.eserA)irl Wa -II senrrh trle.greawng Iaiv.eshore far aquatic Insects and mnr? From tadpoles to Insert larvae• tiny rrimquite h5h (n rtawrlIll. thp re, s a wo1 It! of wonder lust beneath the waters srirfac.e ([•.ids rw,,t atren +.I vrlllr prying adult ) Wear mud shoes! (Doris Bryant, invrurtor) The browse function is useful for when you're interested in just seeing what's going on- in specific categories, or at a given location, without having to search for keywords etc. This is a very useful feature for customers to find information on activities that they perhaps may not be aware of with specific search criteria. Page 123 F-3111 Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 I d Dynamics Calendar: Viewable by date range, for one or multiple locations, and for specific categories- the calendar function is frequently used by customers who are interested in seeing available activities on an upcoming calendar, to see activities that take place on a given day. Looking for something fun to do on the weekend? This is the screen for you! .... ............... .. _ 'Your snoppmg cce is empty. View Shopping Cart City of Fredorlcksburg! Adivity Signup Your Accounrl Log In Cieair A�rwuu Search -4 Browse Activity Calendar Search Text (3 Ow ill) Use this section to reserve your activites at various parks Use the filters on the left to see all activates on the E�zrFr t:�- .,wRrds i•Ir:rc calendar e Previous Next p . �...... Aium 5prin.9 Palk Fun with Fasaats Calling all di no lovers, join us at Alum Spring Park to see some multi- million year old fossils, including mako shark teeth, whale bones and ancient artifacts We'll also make a fossil you can bring home and take a hike to see fossils in our cool sandstone cliffs right in the park (Mimi Dempsey, Instructor) Sign Up Now! i� Alum Spring Park Sunrise Yoga This all- encompassing yoga session will help you clarify, relax, focus, and concentrate. All levels are accommodated in this active and energizing class. This class will improve your strength, flexibility, and concentration. Bring water, yoga mat and wear comfortable clothing to experience the wonderful benefits of yoga outdoors) J Sign Up Now! Alum Spring Park Sunrise Yoga This all- encompassing yoga session will help you clarify, relax, focus, and concentrate. All levels are accommodated in this active and energizing class This class will improve your strength, flexibility, and concentration Bring water, yoga mat and wear comfortable clothing to experience the wonderful benefits of yoga outdoors) Page 124 Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 I ® Dynamics Once an activity has been found, the customer is brought to the details screen: lo our shopping cart is ompiy. View Shopping Cart rAr.Y Fr. d. z =b -x,,I Ac i, vi! :r Sidi Your r,.-•. r:,; t Leq ti or Creel tc•. rr.arc Activity Details Toll a Friend Fun with Fossils - Fun with Fossils 302 (�Atum Spring Park; Calling all dino lovers, join us at Alum Spring Park to see some multimillion year old fossils, including mako shark teeth, whale bones and ancient artifacts. We'll also make a fossil you can bring home and take a hike to I see fossils in our coot sandstone cliffs right in the park. (Mimi Dempsey, Instructor) Type Glass Catalog ID 247.302 Restrictions This activity is ages 4 to 7 years. Schedule 05Mr)013.05M2013 Thu AM PM - 5:30 PM Prices Registration Fee The registration is a one -time fee necessary to sign up for this specific activity I Non - Resident- Registration Fee $0,00 Enrollment Fee For camps, this fee is paid at the park at the beginning of each week. For all other activities, this fee must be paid at the time of sign up. Nan - Resident ` See park for pricing information Registration You may register between 12i26I2012 and 5NJM3. Page 125 $6,00 r Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 ® Dynamics The customer may then review all necessary information such as session details, prices, optional extras and any other information deemed necessary. From here, the customer may click'Sign Up Now'. our shopping cart is empty. View Shopping Cart _I, of F•, - 1 -;r-: Activity :•! YoLw Hello ni*Pr;i;K loamd Activity Sign Up You are registering for one activity. Please make sure that you would like to make the following sign tip, Name Fun with Fossils - Fun with Fossils 302 Place alum Spring Park Schedule 519/2013 - 51952013 0510912013 - 0510952013 Thu : 4 :30 PM -5:30 PM Now, please select the individuals who are registering. If you do not see someone on this list, you may add a new dependent 0 DAVIES, ANDREW Q DAMES, LITTLE TIMMY Q DAMES, LITTLE SUSIE s Cancel i Instfudians I CoMad U.1 I Once a user chooses to enroll in an activity or book a facility, and reviews their cart, they are brought to the payment screen for final transaction review, credit /debit card input and the purchase can be completed. Upon completion the customer receives an e-mail confirmation with receipt of his payment. Facility Dynamics Facility Dynamics is a user friendly, interactive map based reservation system that is designed for enterprise use. Customers can apply for permits or reserve shelters at any facility within the parks department from one application. Facility Dynamics will reduce repetitive work for your staff, eliminate human error and provide administrators with an audit trail for all financial transactions. Your access to real time reservation and registration reports will never be easier. • Manage facility schedules for campgrounds, shelters, athletic fields, gyms, auditoriums, arena's etc. • Schedule facilities directly from interactive facility maps • Track individual or recurring reservations Use multi - facility MATRIX scheduler • Easy display of schedules Check availability of facilities Page 126 aecreana, Response ITQ#PR2014 -07 Dynamics • Set minimum and maximum booking requirements. Create waitlist • Track all fees and deposits • Track facility attendance and usage statistics • Create and display unlimited facility amenities and fees Reserve facilities per day, per hour, per night, and more Easily move or cancel reservation • Automatically generate contracts, waiver, agreements Easily customize extra fees • Establish different rates for different types of customers Easily capture custom data on your reservations • Add alerts to your facilities o Define rules -based cancellation and modification fees Define tender rules per facility type o Restrict user access based on security level Facility Dynamics Customer interface • 24/7 365 day per year reservation access via Web or IVR (if applicable) • Cancel & modify reservations • Automatically generates reservation confirmation • Automatic e-mail generation of contracts, waivers, agreements. • Allows first come first served reservations • Streamline data entry with reverse phone -to- address search which prevents the creation of duplicate customer records Facility Dynamics Integration • Web and /or automated phone reservation systems • Activity Scheduling • Customer Membership Management • Permit Sales • Gated Entry • Point of Sale • Centralized Recreation Dynamics Customer Database Page 127 Recruti Response ITQ#PR2014-07 "ami"cs Facility Dynamics User Interface The Facility Dynamics user interface allows facility sign up based on map based or grid based systems. Each is designed to display all necessary information needed for facility sign ups and allow fast and easy reservations. 01 J_ The Facility Dynamics user interface features a map based reservation system for ease of customer sign up. The map based system allows for the user to see unit location, layout, relative proximities and availability, all in one screen. The map is based on GIS files, to ensure accuracy of geographical data. Facility Dynamics Customers LJ MReaspamation Dale ate - Based Matrix Date /Tl ad Matrix - E1 age Court . Based Matrix Reservations Vehicle Search 'P, Configuration J Reports �J Quick Sell Return to POS Page 128 Date/Time-Based Matrix Flegion; Woflhea;l PL. AN plies Q111DELM10113 Times XWAH I. 1154ill .... .... ... ........ From In"Al v To 7!14111 v: 41()ay, E] S 2 M ow T 9 W E T El F 40 5 UkC1MeQWj1 41IL*E.Y11.1 UMTW. A3 W,014.rs v Vroi. Arc, v 1: Rmr,,h i J'J W Place n.•rrlr.dPmkHor. +'anl•s Cenhal park Roc r. crib.. .1. E 7uO Sawcjj. T91" "wL Tyj>w .�Ilpkw 11 PON F, 1"I I., HPH 14 I I-1 11rPA4 IN: 111JAW 10 09 AM A hl— Cwhry.ation Nurntcp I I F,I),%m W ��-jzuarA VMS 10�1 '�� -, UsIlinek S . 02 UII Flil Fhone q?. (9j N Pill I'm uril in 11f,1111PPIr A'&al (17:011 PM 1r11 P'k 8—Nd FiAl 01 J_ The Facility Dynamics user interface features a map based reservation system for ease of customer sign up. The map based system allows for the user to see unit location, layout, relative proximities and availability, all in one screen. The map is based on GIS files, to ensure accuracy of geographical data. Facility Dynamics Customers LJ MReaspamation Dale ate - Based Matrix Date /Tl ad Matrix - E1 age Court . Based Matrix Reservations Vehicle Search 'P, Configuration J Reports �J Quick Sell Return to POS Page 128 Date/Time-Based Matrix Flegion; Woflhea;l PL. AN plies Fa ky AR Fw&.p Times XWAH I. 1154ill .... .... ... ........ From In"Al v To 7!14111 v: 41()ay, E] S 2 M ow T 9 W E T El F 40 5 UkC1MeQWj1 41IL*E.Y11.1 UMTW. A3 W,014.rs v Vroi. Arc, v 1: Rmr,,h i J'J W Place n.•rrlr.dPmkHor. +'anl•s Cenhal park Roc r. crib.. i, k t L,•j! k '­In 7uO Sawcjj. T91" "wL Tyj>w .�Ilpkw 11 PON F, 1"I I., HPH I I-1 11rPA4 IN: 111JAW 10 09 AM Cwhry.ation Nurntcp I I F,I),%m W ��-jzuarA rfl I N 1 I I 10�1 '�� -, UsIlinek 0 [1311 PM ; . 02 UII Flil Fhone q?. N Pill I'm uril 11f,1111PPIr A'&al (17:011 PM 1r11 P'k Lue Out Is" 4111 IIIA Nigill 111 4111 P'W NEI 11 flil I'M Arrival Status W 8(mitecl -Renewed '@ Checked-In EM Checked-Out On Hold 1.•'Wewo jnoolwlr Recreati on Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dynamics Facility sign up can also be achieved through a date /time based matrix screen. This screen allows for the selection of multiple units, times and dates for reservation. Dates and times may also be placed on hold, blocked from reservations, and comments may also be added. ONLINE FACILITY: As part of our solution, we will provide City of South Miami with an agency- branded reservation website for your customers to process reservations for all applicable facilities offered via the web. The website features interactive maps, color photos, as well as the ability to combine these bookings with other City services such as activity registrations. The customer can manage their reservations (processing cancelations and /or modifications — based on City of South Miami' business rules), as well as their account profile. Our website is load- balanced and monitored to ensure that it can handle heavy spikes in consumer traffic. The website also meets all security standards. As noted above, we will provide the City with a customized website designed with their desired "look and feel ". To illustrate the features of our website, we've included screen captures from one of our other installations Customers are greeted with colorful images and welcome messaging, some samples of which are shown below: Cn Yaa knM ipd Ml:.»I%!!< ?•o! 9 � Re(rea =.��� nfe:s s rF;Y wrl.lf aeM�xr r:r f <tf'S CI dtl H;68 H! aUte <a :ry f�+�Y '!:µh ae :llaHp); UasuL.Y and s•.�::�, °!' xr:ezkLau wa'awf,ur�<vy ax'ma.:i Db you 4r.yxll..;rv:..:aRr man, k:efix o(azrwzs is f:mr<f: ?inns (utCeHtv_..✓.fiy:. <':l Y.egs �'v -0Y iia: ! �afnerSq!'1'v1'!tl, rrt NP. 8'r9 tH ^! nh<:n fYl lM lY¢_fl ?ar Intlst i[IM4! aM114'S fatal -.� }'�^: Its rvay.itk -<S OfYwI!'I,rslPk]<f mly �z +n WM✓n Y. eu aalE `N rPtftoe s_ xhe Ms-rv.Ui<s f•n48 fizsz:n:�u: �: a:Sm .i'aMS 1',•a I; *ra i par^ ?e.:ny —,.,.r is s ehHH hr a hhlhSSf Cas %, b9e.ae or :<d^?+u I.xy wlay :f i1 W a3uxk'su:::C :L2Y1H kF prfgrmv ar.p r .rA:es'l.al'a%l Ak:. ;:::fy�ag ;Yr, :y V� aa.- mH.s+RS: HYY..}�Y Vasil:. SaprYr. an0lpvr;mzY6ldeaiws Mam.�:.aM •'.•: -a: r•::: s. :. .. slats lxM! <.<nmsrisl:Irba;re1+'o•ag`:al U:n.y..s <a::-:, I>,;r:_, yaw!:: e+h.r' �Iv4 yfcet•':. a. tiosRlasrykrEa ::e.vfS;alr:+loranNxaaks:+rn; a asal ?N away (rw:::na.:_r ..a'Ss. .I • ylx a'un, • nl.r.•: .1 Inktrueti In Ta nn;:.i a ral6:y rt:�:::.Mdn, xIN'•v r AAra FAdth( Rninatlam ps ham a ays» Tn :ly:p6. an- 1f•a'14)(k ,q A."514M1r irA W. R!aUNY . ! a:4W M•..:Ori <8.wy •nyuura.<s r •:w Arlf:nr cuss rue:..'s'.nr S.gprn c.l LAKE PARK5 T C % A 5_ .............. <a N+l rxa laic a . rf�nl valve mNna :"••CawNr,�<n - �n,�l_ arCa(a<{�roA�a)ana <an Ha..w.NOe<.al sa4llN an rs:l na fna aw•nl -lrs lsraa va.ev4 Liansna nnnanal. ,mMI uln cwa.! al.au n,ww uMa'r San uµ.sa. tlaen o. /ts BaN Ln Val:ari.n i IRNS sra wuf .•.uei Nile, iikl n.l sNannaR l:a:R upn Hue.wm nr (Wan auy .aww vanr :nW:�I an :ne.s .rs.5srne, Welcomel Wekc -1 �Arva r..t NC�M.•�xaexs atr. ��Ca ��rs �v x.<7Y%n r�a5vel u so�.nw jj R.eaWtlo DfUmks ::ato kart: xA ntnan ­1 ! wh tc... ar ­4", wmmNn ..m psa art: ealsinn fang Ras In 6&T f_W <ak�9 sM :'rsrl•:�rs•r -m rnsrfv.afi e.z+l :. =:r+eln N'szl Jeaci T.'Frarnrr I., nlr ••If .a r-I. .1 ..!'.rf..r..:..R ..aar:c seines .y:nakny 1.1- 1-U,f:R4:+ffwlrhrq ine Lr:teiny:q.4 hN!o•akwv a_s-PO &:.« ,, ,', wine senhry ced 0 ReaoWon Dynamics .A- Recrution Response ITQ#PR2014 -07 I 0 N Customers can choose from any of the tabs in the menu bar or initiate a reservation by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page. We can also provide the City with access to a section of the "home page" where they can manage the content. Map Based Reservations Map based reservations can be processed for all reservable inventory including pavilions, ball fields, rooms, shelters, campsites and any other services that the City offers. The map based reservation screens allow your customers to 'drill down' from the City level down to individual parks, fields and other locations to view unit availability and the park layout. As an example, shown below is a map view for Grand Prairie, TX. The park shown below offers pavilion rentals. For the customer, they have the ability to 'hover over' the icon for the site and be shown a pop -up box, including an image of the site, as well as any pertinent information and features of that site: 'I + • �/� "AAS Your shappfn® cart Is empty Vfow Shopping CaIY LAKE PARKS T 3 ON JOE POOL LAKE, iiamrel Facility lkseiwNiaDr Ymv Accoind I ion ki m GeDle ArcrosR Facility Map Viewing ;Y Map • ; Grid • - 101168013 2 ' Pavilion *PAVH flare Loyd Parka Pavilion Area H $ I Jse TW)e Day Use Amenities i ;etnsr. 2RAIAP • �ia}!sel �!,, ^,Ileyba;l Past WAer Charcoal Orill =:irr Finn O p N'D)E LEGEND w� �' AwIWJnulryYt.u� '.4 aa]:iw Sx raswevn 34 k PASwd SW nisi De ReuM.d i:7 Cdng see IXke Popp of sns "oft —Uon -d LT" c,ta on sit. w Nml .­w LYr>a 1—av UWY epdoas by nW".4ceans an da Dt.s and hil —.h Customers may click on the icon, and depending on its availability and whether the organization allows web bookings, the site may be reserved (please see the 'completing the reservation' section). Page 130 Recteati" Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dynamics Calendar'Grid' Based Reservations Customers may also go through the calendar or 'Grid' based interface to process a reservation. This interface allows customers to search for all available units across the City, based on one or multiple search criteria including: -Date - Park /Place - Category of Unit (field, shelters, rooms) -Type of Unit (baseball field, large shelter, meeting room) - Amenities (electricity, BBQ pit, kitchen) -Unit Name These can be added to the search filters as shown to the right: Page 131 Reset Search Criteria � Recreation Response ITQ #PR201407 Dmmics Once the search has been performed using 'Refresh Grid', the Grid will display the results. This Grid screen displays the availability based on the selected criteria, and also displays future availability, and whether a site can or cannot be reserved online. In addition, the feature that shows a pop up window and image, shown previously on the map, is also shown below: V -avdng j °; Grid • vW Map Facility Grid Adjust the fiitees on the left to view the grid and make unit resenahons Banc #007' X v X Bask#009 r Bask 4009 r Whether the reservation is found through the Map or Grid, selecting will bring customers to the Unit Pre Cart, where they can complete their reservation. Completing the online reservation The Unit Pre Cart page will summarize the reservation, display all important information, and allow the City to also track specific reservation information such as occupancy, what the purpose of the booking is ('Birthday Party', 'Corporate Event' etc.) as well as charging for additional items if needed (staff person, electricity /hour, tables and chairs etc.) Page 132 I �I Basic =1 I j ll Is ME Basle Full Hook no #27F x s Charcoal Grit: Full Hook up .#24F X r • . • r FUN Hook Ip 425F s . • * • + Basic # FUN H"k in) *26F K E"eAbn ampiag Fill Heuit 141 P27F I I M Ilw, is N Basle 5 FIN IIWk,p fuN Haak LIP tW Frw "Oil qr al If . r Frdl Hank LID -0 1-0 hank 17r e73F r 04114004 r4, rdaF FuN14tuN00 "15 FUN Milk lip 1 Basic #007 - -- Fill Hook up 9: Place I oyd Palk >. I nyd Pmk.Loop A Full "oak lip Gse ?ypo Hightly Amenities Full Hoollm, ` rhFc1; In 2:00 PM • 10:80 PM Ekclnc 304VP FIN Hook IMx 1 Check• 0012:00 PM WateI Banc #007' X v X Bask#009 r Bask 4009 r Whether the reservation is found through the Map or Grid, selecting will bring customers to the Unit Pre Cart, where they can complete their reservation. Completing the online reservation The Unit Pre Cart page will summarize the reservation, display all important information, and allow the City to also track specific reservation information such as occupancy, what the purpose of the booking is ('Birthday Party', 'Corporate Event' etc.) as well as charging for additional items if needed (staff person, electricity /hour, tables and chairs etc.) Page 132 M,a -Xrupaosy8 . Shade Basic =1 hlsx Voh:cles 2 Conrad I-ie.ni rap e Basle Pulldn Type Back In Charcoal Grit: Eire Rlr:g Basic # E"eAbn ampiag Basic # Basle 5 Baslr: Banc #007' X v X Bask#009 r Bask 4009 r Whether the reservation is found through the Map or Grid, selecting will bring customers to the Unit Pre Cart, where they can complete their reservation. Completing the online reservation The Unit Pre Cart page will summarize the reservation, display all important information, and allow the City to also track specific reservation information such as occupancy, what the purpose of the booking is ('Birthday Party', 'Corporate Event' etc.) as well as charging for additional items if needed (staff person, electricity /hour, tables and chairs etc.) Page 132 Recrestlon Response ITQ #PR2O14 -07 Dynamos &"M r Your shopping cart is empty View Shopping Cart LAKE PARKS T E IX A ON JOE POOL LAKE H.rj Paeiniy Re— vallonal Yaw Actaurdl Log in or Create Aecowrt tCp Unit Details , Reservation Details Place Loyd Park)) Loyd Park.Loop A Nights 2 mi Unit Basic #DD4 Arrival: 9 Dl16t2013 i I Use Type Nightly Rate Check -In 2:00 PM -10:00 PIN Max Occupancy 8 Classification Regular Check -Out 2:00 PM Max Vehicles 2 Whole Day Rate S20.00 Alloyed Stay 2 -14 nights Pull -In Type Back In . Extra Information 0 Amenities Adults Electric 30AMP Water Double Parking Shade Covered Picnic Table Charcoal Grill Fire Ring Equestrian Camping &Allowed Camping Units Tent RV t . __ Children ( D. Vehicles 0 Y Camping Unit Type lent -, Good Sams Membership Number Your reservation is not guaranteed until you have provided your payment information and checked out. Go Back Fdweredby Recreation mimics Selecting Reserve Unit will add the reservation to the Shopping Cart, once the customer has logged in to their account or created a new account. Customers may then pay for the booking, or choose to continue shopping and add more reservations or even activity /event registrations or other services. Upon completion of a transaction an e-mail confirmation is automatically and sent to the customer. Enclosed below is an example of a confirmation . Page 133 MISSOURI SVLTE NNt1 JOSH HUBBARD 8559 STATE ROUTE T AMAZONIA, MO 64421 -3185 Confirmation Number: 541216 Description Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dynamics 1� i3ynamita Transaction Number: 74646 Date: 03/12/2014 04:12 PM Batch IY: 703 Register #: 15 Cashier: Athorn Unit Prim Qty Amount Unit: Wallace State Park • Campground 2 • Ele[trk -041 Stay: Fri 5/23/7014 - PUM 5/26/7014 (3 n0ft) Classirlut{an: Reqular Comments: Informed customer of the maximum number allowed ner s". Reservation Fee $&50 1 58.50 Electric 05/23114 3:00 PM - 05126114 2 :00 PM (Per 1 Days - Weekday $21.00 1 $21.00 Rate) Electric 05123114 3:00 PM - 05126/14 2:00 PM (Per 1 Days- Weekend $21.00 2 542,00 samara Subtotal $71 >50 Sales Tax $0,00 Shopping Cart total $7150 VisaTendered $71.50 Card: Auth: 115872 x j IAGv RSeTGI Yf180VETOTAL4MOUNT ACCORDING TO CARD ISSUER ,AGRE> fr Modify /Cancel /Refund Process Customers can modify or cancel a reservation on line or they can be done by staff at a facility. If applicable finance refund check can be issues as a form of payment. At the park facility, modifications and cancellations are done via the Reservations task. Page 134 Facility Dynamics �t15 }4rYl6i4 —I M40 `�'' Re :eaalrur� N Qi26 - �<ed ¢A&tnr U Tr"* O:afef Ve 1 tAahrx coon - 6ase4 M�irsx •�� Refenatlony Rlft P"rFa aeaeation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 DynaMyCS s;. ACNl ky so Permit '.: U0d ilfln.f ; frnihcF v - Reservations .. 11ri.— rvwtiun, 0) -� µtads. (3) _..1 . _.. -_ .... .--- A�fSEYpUnn.. _ -_ .Vnls NSlr�_�fy,- IM1rWwflyW 6rN •WnWfe..Ptl- fl..re..r -RR 'i- ,I O.fL'1YYrlM Wl�lflf if off Ml 1iMf YM (311MS� [LwNe.W.r � h /wPf. Nwfro 'Per t H.W] - - Nile WaAbW .P.A , WrA&fb. Part MO*PWPq P —MPR D.Wr .x Pd WW"If 11M PM NyMM {),M+.) d -A&.b— < n P-0. V-An PvrPPSe Pow jPtr 2 rwvrsl 5518,7 S SSf PAuISt•Pwpmst Ramon4ta ft (Ab1 N9ur) E77A0 7 3aT W +7esnrq.peppfit 5M 01) t $MOO Sgbtolal 9�s o4 c r�rmfd4;zl3ota {xs3:caenn uimto* Saco edloml $33.00 �l heynrPteyw +.ISO C.YCei We rmdxWr➢yi? IIYh wsAryM PaA i� d.I. •er.. er.µ•n � t.S95.roam totr 1 .r.h. .:�ra 1 slaa0o "Motal $108.00 wim fay $400 IN--- __- -i tnn4ryn.rirv•Ir 1r;01t Wand and 1 u!a! Once the Reservations task has been selected the Reservations Window will appear. The operator will choose customer from the Customer Search screen and hit Select Customer. All future reservations for the customer selected will be populated in the Reservations window. You can cancel an individual unit reservation made within a reservation or the entire reservation. For an individual unit cancellation hit the Cancel button next to the unit reservation. For an entire cancellation hit the Cancel #XXXXX button at the bottom. Once you've made your Cancel choice you will be prompted to confirm the Cancellation. If cancellations rules apply they will be applied at this point and you will be directed to the tender window where you can apply the refund, if applicable, to the desired tender type. Confirmation reports can also be reprinted by clicking on the Reprint #xxxxx button. Page 135 Online, a customer can access his account and future reservations. See below. After selecting the reservation to be modified or cancelled he selects and cancels or modify button. After making the change to the reservation the tender screen window appears where a refund will be applied to the credit card with which was used to make the reservation. Page 136 166 MAN ST Tender Transaction Online, a customer can access his account and future reservations. See below. After selecting the reservation to be modified or cancelled he selects and cancels or modify button. After making the change to the reservation the tender screen window appears where a refund will be applied to the credit card with which was used to make the reservation. Page 136 Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 1 4 Dyftarnics Torn Strand ( #40010) ')n AAV- .mat ;w {li Pa•dRe:crva #.ity�; s:; IJU e R t✓NL s41047 Unit pflce (iW ltlbl wYS�ttlniauw4aa Yinax •rMrwsa,+Yawsx •..wo•r «P waal, -rr" A 0ab /7Yrar Noe 66/201206"M AM- 7I00111 VM (1111"") (. t1404k411ear <29 Pee PLe Unpaid Multi- Purposs Room (Rte 2Hours) j4A 00 1 $54,00 Multi.Pu■ pose Room (Each (A" Hour) 11a11r 1G.WaKa bads h - taanatfa 0"6 lr - Mdtl-PwM'. +A"M- -OR D1TlfiMM<TO#M /2f/2ela"M AN° 1240 PM (3ltaan) co"o ralNer < 2i PQopk Unpaid Mvle'PurposeROOm(Per2HOUrs) 55406 1 $5400 MUMGPurpo3'e ROOm Rath Rxba Haul) $2100 1 $2)00 Udtt Maw•lia Davit * ,10aaea*a Davis i -1a *4hffPara RaeYw - WR GaNl11Mr Mr 01/al/2ato MM AM - 11M PH (f IMM) 0a44Rcatloe: < 13 P*"w paid Multi- PurpOSe RpQra (Ptr 2 Hour ") 1554 00 S $54 00 MuID•Duepase Raoro (Each Extra Haar} $2700 i $27,00 volts Waaais.ttae Parts - WaAkhv � Past. - U -ume" " "t k ut" - Pin Dates tlw a9fW"10 Clasarfieattwe Aaqwar Unpaid UrrvhslteredPicnicSites - - �­J - � fo— >�4r ka THDMAS %TRAND .,. .. µ :#ems THDHAS STRAND 16 &iA3ir3 >i .�°.st =rat +'iri i3q -c'= ia9 •cnt & Hi,3s:7fll ry w-JS: - Arno3nat Paid: U1,00 arw -�... ArnounTDue; $2,666,00 Boat Slip Reservations Our system will manage boat slip reservations. Please see the screen shots below of an operational system. This system utilizes all of the functionality of the facility reservation module and is available via IVR, Web and at the park for reservations and management. The system allows for customer information to be collected, and the boat information captains name, length, beam, owners name can be collected as EXTRAS. This information will travel along with the reservation. The system allows for multiple reservations per your business rules The system allows for various Fee structures depending on the type of event or the type of customer (customer classification) or membership type. For example a marina member may get a 20% discount of regular fees while a Non resident may be 20% higher than regular resident rates We are not sure about the requirements to collect payment per linear feet The system will allow for wait list The system prints a rental and user agreement that can be modified by the City and must be acknowledged by Page 137 the customer prior to completing the transaction See example screenshots below. Suffolk County Parks Marina Reservations Welcome! I 3-�: Arrival 0 02,20 10 L-21-i I 2. &"T rY i)l Nights 2 v I ;i ;x,atch f4rW M Or sl pi Only 3 Recreation Response ITQ #PR201407 - Nnamics. Floating dock AvagAbPe ex &n rn can C i 5 9791GOrrtC! ex """"ii°'r i ft if Night: 0 harsh 9ulkhead A.!'viimh Mom rfr I• - U." - .. mycan My Accourd is I Fl- IIPIAdak Clitka rn{t'wf kMh l,xi �7r, `..'r- .•`•.' �'n ila 66Xy IP CTwppr; I�Y :�i t} „I + yourepinpru. ' ;. ;• 0 SOM Qirlkhwd Th. v d�a.d nor, rtipw ly 7 . mod Page 138 Rm�eaizan Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 w pymniycs Campground: Si innecock f.larina � � � � Disp ay Availabffljty Ur: ' sep 201 Days,-, 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 06 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2` Beat Slip 110 u u u u Bast Slip 120 8aat Slip FDL Boat Slip F010 u u u u u Boat Slip FDL1 u u It u u Boat Slip F012 u u u u u u Boat Slip F013 u u u Boat Slip F014 u u u u u u Boat Slip MIS u u u u u u Boat Slip FDL6 u u u[� u u u u Boat Slip F017 Boat Slip F018 Boat Slip FD19 Boat Slip F02 u U u u Boat Slip F020 u u u Boat Slip FD21 u u u Boat Slip FD22 Boat Slip FD23 u u u u u Boat Slip FD24 Boat Slip F025 Boat Slip FD26 Boat Slip F027 Boat Slip F026 r i Unit is not available For reservation. Page 139 u u u u u u u u u u u F. I Ii 0: Unit Is available for reservation. ]' Recreation Response ITQ#PR2014 -07 Dynamics Customer Dynamics ............. .. . Recreation Dynamics' Customer Dynamics module allows staff to manage customer's information and memberships, including the following features: Adding and Modifying Customer Information Head Of Hvuc Wd JOHN DoE 36 } Bd�s, 6 n:pn; hr R.W,omhip JOHN DOE wa B'Mrs Hcsd of Hvurehald Dem ographtc! ' aini hf•nr :Ot[NI h.md ' Est Nsme DOE .. i U +ange Address) i ' ;.I E—j pS1Ui/t975 r0.r•.r•l:WW"t 'Gender M (M or Fj Phena Numbers 0- 01cation pr,n.ri ;h� n� iSld�.a16731 Re<;rleni j7j ilxiare xcr•n rc, Expiration Date - NEVER i Web 1 F-d t,1.nre_. . '� 'Inc usr -aT? mss' De §z'� <cen n aid SS cha—t— • �Jr � v 1 A Adding or editing customer information is designed to be as fast and user friendly as possible. From one screen, the user can edit contact information, customer classification, medical information and emergency contacts. The customer household information screen features the following benefits: • Address Verification o Enter the address of a customer, and the system will automatically verify whether it is a real, deliverable address based on US Postal Service records. The system will prompt the staff person if they require a house or apartment number, or whether the address is recognized by the system. This allows the customer database to maintain only accurate information for marketing purposes • Address Normalization o In addition to verifying the address, the Recreation Dynamics system will also normalize the address format. In older systems, one staff person may enter '123 Main Street' and the other '123 Main St'. This would typically lead to duplicate records for the customer. With the Recreation Dynamics system, the address is normalized to USPS standards • Automatic Duplicate Entry Check o Should the system, after performing the address verification and normalization find a possible duplicate, it will notify the staff person. This can prevent both duplicate entry of the same Page 140 Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 I a Dynamics customers, as well as entry of a spouse or other family member of a customer with an existing account, as shown below: pnttihMr tiuptkefe [ intornel D4fecl,itl i Possible Duplicate Customer Detected Please make achoice about which customer to use. The Customer You Are Creating ., lli�nl: �'�9tonxr hre.r d1r hpt wUi me the luownwm the 0,lt,IBa:c. Your changes will be discarded. ! ,.9 fl—, SUSAN AADLAND '44, s- 16129 JbVLJN WAS, LAKEVJLLE� . rh— - 0,12) E9B-122? Possible Duplicates List AADLA i •� l „_ - - -. Using this ustomerwill add your y new rustomerto the database_ Automatic Resident /Non - Resident Status o If resident and non - resident rates apply to the City , then Recreation Dynamics can automatically assign resident or non - resident status to a customer when they are entered into the system. Simply provide US eDirect with a GIS file of the boundary of the City, and the system will verify whether the customer's address is part of the City boundary. • Other Features • Emergency Contact tracking • Customer 'Flag' to alert staff on important customer information • Tracking of allergies and medical notes • Custom Fields in the customer account to track City of South Miami- specific data such as Employee ID # Page 141 Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dynamics Memberships: Recreation Dynamics Memberships feature allows customers to purchase numerous memberships for multiple facilities, which can give privileges such as access to recreation centers, discounts on programs and activities etc. Memberships can be of the following types: • Visit Based 0 Commonly referred to as punch card /ticket memberships, these memberships can be assigned a certain amount of visits, meaning when users visit a rec center and check in, they lose one visit which will count down until they reach zero. Once zero visits remain, customers will need to purchase a new membership • Time Based 0 1 month, 3 month, Annual and any other combination of days in which the membership is active • Daily 0 Like the visit based, except this is a one time, one entry purchase for a single use of a facility such as a rec center. This membership will be added to the Customer Launch Pad 'Quick Panel' tab, for a streamlined purchase process for single visit customers. • Fixed Expiration 0 Fixed expiration memberships can be assigned a date at which they are no longer valid, regardless of the purchase date. This is used for season passes such a student summer memberships. mea, bermmp igli hmr nation Add Membership Purchase Option I,+r •:fr.z�� . �ltrn,r + l�,r,,,,, Sum me Seasonal '.I. •:, i!-: ili., r.; �.... f r:l,l r.,rr •:'•lr : ,iis [. ., •!.I • :fi�i ifil� �il,i: ,�:I l: Til? n4111iPW .Y S1)e6fy Ehe aaity ren ?vi al marl , a� rw„ber .if dar1F ID Cards Recreation Dynamics has the ability to print ID cards corresponding to customers for the tracking of membership usage at parks locations. ID card templates can be configured based on the requirements of the City , with the ability to change font, colors and background logos as below: Page 142 Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dynamics Id Card Setul John Doe o,uu claivnCaillx+' PB7tPilf4 NoRYlola Hgrf3plr WIW^p!2 n.su Certl r�rbu6df. a?B't' .. r I�I�II'II IIII VIII II W 0.00 NE _..icnieY''i�: >i�i. .4�::t; inr.•�,: [I• +. a.,n•,.. Name Usine Default card Regular l:oryorale Pend =nt I I i� I' �i I Staff may also assign purchase fees and renewal /replacement fees to cover the cost of the printed ID card. Changing the default design as below allows staff users to set the ID card up to match the format that they wish to use: A-1 nl,ly f I r.1 d, f.ar:Blirnd:a, • E:.0 at:umir et b x ca as LA a «s ��7assin!atian . . Uateo't— utl: �E•f.lrauu�ln:.t:, , m .fvVlNa�iu . �l lr.ral m m :Nlr ,• Photo FulIName Classification: Classification Exp Date: I ExpirationDate Card Number: CardlNumber f Adding Customer Photos: With a standard webcam connected, a customer photo may be added to the account. This photo allows a photo ID to be printed onto a ID card printer (if applicable). The system will also store the image even if there is no need for an ID card image, for staff reference. Step 1: Take a picture of the customer Page 143 I -A Recreation Response ITQ#PR2014-07 Dynamics M.- Fb Activity Customer Launch Pad Dynamics — ----- E �ler bt Wan L m Gynainte 11�24 INC== ...... . ... .1 Step 2: Print out on an attached ID card printer: 11A,Jr.i� F.Al, 51.F N- ,• ,0 Activity :0 -IONrRpl, Customer Launch Pad Dynamics 117.7-77 –Muff. 4 h.ld %141[.,TCN. REp.ds F+T o M 11F.•I Vll=" ANDREW DAVES stIN"M pens W�q L;M awk Ed R--W, Page 144 ReCr ban Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 I a 0ynamics Assigning Key Fob Membership Cards Should the City desire, memberships can be assigned to key fob ID cards, instead of a printed ID card. With an attached barcode reader, a pre - printed key fob card can be assigned to a customer's account- allowing their information to be populated on the screen when they scan in the membership card. Membership Access: Recreation Dynamics features a unique 'Membership Access Point' feature, allowing staff to track recreation center and membership usage: Features: • Track membership usage for rec center entry • Track the usage of 'services' such as gyms, swimming pools, cardio rooms etc. • Pop up display allowing easy viewing of customer's membership status- active, suspended, cancelled • Optional customer facing touch screen functionality, allowing customers to scan themselves in, saving staff time in the check in process Check In Process A customer may enter a recreation center or other location where a membership is required for entry and /or use of specific services. Below is the process for a customer facing touch screen check in process: 1. The customer enters the recreation center and scans their membership card with the available barcode scanner such as the one illustrated below: IV [I 2. A screen pops up on the customer facing screen, asking the customer which services at the recreation center they plan on using. Once they touch the options, selecting Finish will grant them access Page 145 RKrud n Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 .4 OVaunks Customer Name - ANDREW DAVIES Pivasa choose service options;. O Selected Options - 2 Page 146 Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 if Dynamics On the staff screen, a window pops up, displaying a color coded image, chime sound and the customer's details: _. fk 1u.5 nl Crrl,i A'f v, N,. i 7'�r1n 11 •A AM110 5' {ur.v,r• t A "i Activity customer Launch Pad i ii,llinier+ '�4 = 11efiRd'�CP '® e! pear: v: Z,0 -:.- 4 Mefe11 o-11— Mtn Up Rre UAWn _ qe:.y ►snsl Ive,N,l Acmunss 1 Glh Ca,d }lead of Household slr..rvr ❑nwn JL Wry• 7mrri✓•i Huy M. ,D, 016p v Ali—d— 6 C-0 A-- The details are displayed clearly on the pop -up window including the Membership Expiration Date, or in the case of a punch visit membership- how many visits are remaining. The pop up displays regardless of which section or tab of the system the staff person has open- meaning front desk staff can continue with ringing in sales, registering customers and running reports without having to scan each customer in manually Page 147 N+f} F'er W11L4 11rjM Rw s a.. S'yl :l�1: •- -. - ..,... - - ....riar.•,wafaia .snvl« ANDREW DAVIE S Membership Ex0es 10/12/2012 *Actual Size on standard screen* Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 I i Dynamics Protection against 'pass backs' and double scans: The Membership Access Point features a setting which allows staff users to be alerted of double scans and approve /deny access accordingly. The 'blackout window' can be configured to be scaled in 5 minute increments from 0 minutes up until 24 hours, depending on the organization's business rules. If a card is scanned more than once within the blackout window- the staff will be alerted via the screen below. At this point, staff members have the choice to allow access or not, based on whether the scan was deliberate or accidental, or an attempt at getting two people in to the location with one card. Page 148 I Allow Duplicate Scan? I I This customer's card was recently used within the blackout window for duplicates. I Please decide whether this customer is legitimate. ANDREW DAVIES I Last Access G R A N 7 E 0. Thu, Sep 13, 2412 02:50 PM Membership: General Membership Effective: 09 /13/2012 - 10/12/2012 I t' Status: ACTIVE Is this a legitimate customer? Would you like to try to Brant access? Click'Yes t; rpntinue �.;ith the pr�cai5, did 'No' tc, abort the Ptuces AW I I Page 148 Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dynamics Point of Sale Recreation Dynamics fully integrated Point of Sale screens allows all all sales processed through the system to be handled via the same POS system, without the need to manage multiple machines, software applications and payment processes. The POS screen is designed with efficiency of use in mind, by minimizing keystrokes and providing a simple to use interface, cutting down on staff frustration and decreasing the time taken to perform daily POS tasks. The image below shows the POS screen with the following features: I . P .i iha_ t filled Ac:r. Int lane R= I St?i: F2�li2n +. 70C C1i57U Milt i5!C: =1; 11,if201 yiairl C- -( H> > +,I',f ltv]tl a ir�;s 56 C04�ERHQUoE PD, P054YN Cnehltl: ll; ai�ira;t A<{mlr, I . Tlliin. (�P;:`�.t ('i:'' i�� 15361934-6200 S2if_Iiitg Ld >-�I: li Ma :4ave Pooi • h'av� Pool - Group -CIrpA Adult Wave Pool - 'Nave Pool - ` CBiIA Group -Adult Wave Pool Ent... ; irIld � VeS(rl tl Unit Peke MY Total subtotal Sniskers $1.00 2.00 $2.06 t'-- 0 ® Reeses cups $1.00 1.00 $1.00 fi1 ��J '.rase Pool -child ;.t ;e x oe $s oo ' ®wage Pool - Aduu s10 00 1.0o Slo 00 :-.� subtotal $18.00 10— J Sales Tax $0.00 Grand Total $18.00 Sprite ... ... ti�il ll�U4jnd Page 149 =H- I.Y. Recreation Response ITQ#PR201407 Dynamical Quick Key POS Items and Tabs: Staff may choose to associate any items with a POS Quick Key and Item Tab, as illustrated with the General Merchandise Tab. Each item, when selected, will be pulled into the POS shopping cart: Quick Search: Searching for items or services in the quick search window will populate the search window with all applicable results- vastly reducing the time taken to ring up items: St a search Results 5prir? r Page 150 F]�stri �11an nit Prlcp C t 1'nt+�l Reeses cups SkITSf4: O Skittles 4,100 1.00 $1.00 Generat Merch... Small Drink Snickers Quick Search: Searching for items or services in the quick search window will populate the search window with all applicable results- vastly reducing the time taken to ring up items: St a search Results 5prir? r Page 150 8�0m*�wuum �spon,emQ#pnooz�ov U�� m»nmmics Quantity and Price Change (Price Change Access Restricted): Depending on City staff credentials and desired system access settings, the price and quantity ofan item may be changed in the POS cart: Edit Price Price Sn'.11 Drink Edit Quantity Quantity Page 151 Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 14 Dynamics Easy Access to Key POS Tasks and Functions: Journal Tab: Search for transaction receipts and information based on a variety of criteria including customer, date, and register Batch # to allow POS staff or management personnel to review, reprint and search for all transaction receipts: Journal 129 DA`AES, ANDP.E'.'v US e0hed Athnin 1 A —N)l k5:39:26Pfa 10033 Ba• :o Filter;: By Oates Dy Confinnatron Rq Cv>tomel 8, R,Vh No )bPr 11410Itt showing from. dste 4/111013 to 4/19/2013 and Park 2 4 IW2011310:54:44 , 10016 Bavo, — T.—. 1— iii na"... •air I -, IAYLOP., NIAIIDY US Mreit Admm iiii.iri Fiat- m 11.1 'hi "v. 125 CAVAPEF, CATHY If eDlle[t Alh)VII A 216 4r9r2t Y 31!49!J9 P 10 100019 (I rmpL 126 TAYIOF NIANNY US eDIFed Ad im 9 190 4!7'71)131:91:13 PI -t 100020 n 'B.,a 127 ALEX 701U us PDil ed Adnin 3 ?A* L,9; A1113 -3392 P41 100027 n Bavo, 129 DA`AES, ANDP.E'.'v US e0hed Athnin 9 314 A —N)l k5:39:26Pfa 10033 Ba• :o 130 (AMPEF, CATHY US e011ett Ackwn a -50 4 IW2011310:54:44 , 10016 Bavo, 131 IAYLOP., NIAIIDY US Mreit Admm 8 0 41101XI1 10:55: ?2 100011 ea•:o 132 (APAPEP CATHY US 4Oltert Adam 8 120 4,!10(201311:36:22 10W19 IBa•:o 133 ENVELOPE HOU US eD.e(t Admm 8 62 4,•'10,`X11311:56:43 100035 :Ba.o 134 CAMPER (ATHY US eDHed Adlnn 2 5 4j10i2013 L30:06 PM 100026 Bayu. 1.35 Etl•iELOPE HOW US cDire[t Adllio B 506 4 "10;2013435:03 P 100037 R 2;c 136 EN';ELOPE, HON US HInM Adnin 8 62 4;'10;20134,55:59 PM 10038 8+,0 137 SYSTEM "TO ,. ItS eUired Admin 2 8 4 "10,.27135:56:43 PPA 100039 o 138 SYSTEM CUSTO, US e01ret4Ahw 3 125 4110,,W136:07:58PM 100040 yyip J( • Pre —s Pale - Ned Page - Selecting from the Journal will bring up a copy of the receipt: Page 152 U tl 6 O 0 D i 0 0 I 0 r y U >r ;wr: lnun4 IMP Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Q Dynamics Bayou Segnette State Park 7777 Westbank Expressway W estwego LA70094 Tiansactlon R: 128 P e.j ISt (,,14! 7 044 Nor 4: US eDlrect AchtHn Batch Al: 8 Customer: TAYLOR, KEITH Date: 4/9/21013 Time: 3:46 PM Transaction Type: Sales Confirmation Number: 100032 Description -,� ..... " -n -- •- - -.s.- Unit Price9Oty Amount . OEPOs IT Pax 54500 100 545.00 iampsitx (Pramlumi- EYE -0ay0u ixtn 4t lx itatx Park - Campground - Campsite(Pramium)-21- 50100 2100 SO.00 Thu 04/11,1201112,00 AM -12:00 A9.1 tampsitx (Prxmiumi•W0 -Payou Se;nxux State Park - Campground - campsite(pramiumi -21- SO Do 100 MO0 Thu 04j11120111210 AN - IMO ANA lion P.Oundabie P.xseiv. ion Fee -Pxr ;500 S6.01) P4,4N.IIon 100 55.tl ��........ �� ....... ............�,..a.,randTotal: -- $51.00 6 Tax: $0.00 GrandTotal: 551.00 Cash $51,00 Clone InI Print Payment Histo Print Laser Secure function: Secure will allow staff to lock the register when they step away for a break, to assist a customer, or for other purposes. Selecting this function will immediately lock the register and require a re -login to continue Page 153 Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Flinn Dynamics I Page 154 0 0 r,k;x Lgf;s7ll U;er IT• viF.. 013 Page 154 J Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dynamics The Recreation Dynamics system, whether it is on on -site transaction performed by City staff, or an online transaction processed via your patrons, operates in a single integrated shopping cart for each transaction. This will allow the integration of multiple varying service types and items to be purchased in a single transaction. The screen below shows a transaction with an Event ticket sale, facility reservation, daily membership pass and a retail item in a single shopping cart, to be paid for in one transaction: Finance and Reports Recreation Dynamics' strength is in its substantial, real time data capture techniques, designed to give the most accurate, usable and customizable reporting features in the industry. Whether the user wants to track attendance, view revenue, compare sales projections to actual or hundreds of other vital reports for Parks operations, Recreation Dynamics gives you this ability. The Financial Accounting Personnel are able to: Consolidate reports of all financial activity from all locations on a single system Associate each SKU with a general ledger code and sub account codes Access reports by accounting codes Automatically interface transactions on an accrual basis to Financials Electronically interface the batch reports with existing accounting software View every transaction receipt from any location Page 155 Reaeadon Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 pynairnics Sample Report Screenshots Following are examples of just a few of the reports available with Recreation Dynamics. Activity Roster 1 G 'ri A ;.. i I C' View enrollment details for an activity (class, event, drop -in, program). The above report is tailored to show enrollee's name, address, age, contact information, as well as the date, time and receipt number of the transaction. Page 157 Hay ride PM Dates: 6121i2011to7Pd012011 Season, Agts: £1vo0ed; 2 Waek!daya: 06i21r2011- 0789/2011 .Park: F,J.Mlekain Ewa "4)1axt 0 to 20 OW: i0 Weekdays : 1:00 PU • axon PU ws;t�.y Wt. 0 Cakquy' programs E special Fleona!y !rsinxtor; Events it 6SM261l7 0?X$10l1 a0g7 L53U 6110 tSAO"h`4fLRRY A7 a=enwr 2 Gi: ✓_T'. �sqr 16 LS':i +5! itA3'MSt 21:11'9 ll -RS}!S FSve!ffAY 1} rrnak ERN TN VMI-W Dates; 6121/x911 to TrAM11 fibastn: Hay517 Ode PM A9ls; Er.raed 0 WeQk"ry 06121/2011- 11Tl2912011 Puke F.I'Mclain EM.4WvMax- 6to20 OW; 20 Weekdays: 1;D0 PM - 3:00 PU Programs 6 Special PA.Mary instw_1or: IAS w" Lis d Category: Everts Hay ride PM OJJW: Bd2lmil to 7fa0/20i1 Season; Ages; Enro9kd: 3 wokdsys; OwtMil OT129f2011 Park' F,J Mclain Enron ldr Uac 0 to 20 Upon; 17 Weekdays : 1:00 PM • 3:00 P4 1•Ysitirq tisL 0 C;,,"Ory: Programs 0. Special Pa'nna±y itatnrctor; Events 1 ,i:!G4• CtG,9L 1 11 F'1::753!: t- OvIt"/1 I&MOO It :i -ISFI' 160 i•IX7a!A AC fel" OAOM" 3122WIM i I C' View enrollment details for an activity (class, event, drop -in, program). The above report is tailored to show enrollee's name, address, age, contact information, as well as the date, time and receipt number of the transaction. Page 157 Response ITQ #PR2O14 -07 I a bynamira Activity Enrollment Totals Y� _.. . f :•'f; r4 !' is WeCIS:' i C: • -: r - ' -' -- _ a:. '. } k- :''�.. ":I"7� ,,,y Event Twin lake 1,30 pm 06/25/2011 06125/2011 Sat, 0-20 MARK YORK Resident { Rustic 2 Hr 06/25/2011 1 Tour PM- 3 PM ..,...9 -Event Twin Lakes 1:30 pm 06125/2011 06 /25f2011 fiat, 0 -20 MARK YORK Resident . Rustic 2 Hr 06/25/2011 1 gip: 4ti Tour PM - 3 PM x Event Twin Lake 1:30 pm 06125/2011 06/25/2011 Sat, 0 -2A ROBERT BERG Resident Rustic 2 Hr 06lE5 /2411 1 - ,a•:. ,:.g TOUT PM - 3 PM Event Twin Lake 1,30 Pm 06/2512011 0612512011 Sat, 0 -20 ROBERT BERG Resident Rustic 2 Hr 06/25/2011 1 5 Tour PM - 3 PM t :' Event Twin Lake V pm 06/25/2011 06/25/2011 Sat, 0.20 ROBERT BERG Resident Rustic 2 Hr 06125/2011 1 Tour PM - 3 PM i E•fe xt Twin Lake 3:30 pm 06/2512011 06125/2011 Set, 0 -20 JERROLD Resident Rustic 2 Hr 06/25/2011 3 SINGER Tour PM - 5 PM Event Twin Lake 1;30 pm 06/26/2011 06126/2011 Sun, 0 -20 BRIAN Non- Resid-: Rustic 2 Hr 06/26/2011 1 ALEXANDER Tour PM - 3 PM "-3 fi t., .I Event Twin Lake 1,30 pm 06/26/2011 06/26/2011 Sun, 0.30 BRIAN Non -Resid '.. 7 . Rustic 2 Hr 06/26/20111 ALEXANDER 7rrs Tour PM - 3 PM ,? 3Event Twin Lake '1.30 pm 05126/2011 06/26/2011 Sun, BRIAN Non-Rewid Rustic 2 Hr 06126/2011 1 ALEXANDER Tarr PM - 3 PM s Event Twin Lake IM pm 06/26/2011 OW26/2011 Sun, 0.70 BRIAN lion -Reaid f , Rustic 2 Hr 06/26/2011 1 ALEXANDER View activity enrollment totals, enterprise wide, or filtered down by location (e.g. Rec Center A), activity type and more. Page 158 Recreation Response ITQ#PR2014 -07 I Q Winks Membership Report ,:!, r •.r,,* 1-1vilibership Primary Phom, Address purchisse, Date Effectwe Date Expiration Visit, visits Name ALb(ANDER Whgw State 8122642035 1024 GREEK ST 06/2612011 06126/2011 Left IQ6/2612011 purchased 0 BRIAN Paz l��tt'' BAGGETT jERRY Midugari State 9312895131 811 H1W WAY 13 07%08/2711 079o8/2021 07/rry <i] I I 0 Pass BERRY CHRISTINA BoatPernr t 2702652207 P,), Box 93 07/08/2011. 07/08/2011 5 7121-11 0 (ETA A sHisH ve }e Perrot 8129297804 8321 07,)0812011 GV08/2011 x77;07' 211 0 CHAMPIONSHIP DR APT 202 GUPTA MADHU VeNde Permt 7182004545 66 PMVERHOUSE 07/98/2011 07608/2011 07107/2012 0 RD View current memberships and sort by customer, membership type and filter expiration dates to show anyone with upcoming membership expirations, vital for customer retention. Department Sales J x A . CORPACCI 14NRUM, [)Ppartfueot Mace Itent Date Sub lotal CASH VISA MCARD AMFX CHUCKS SpoCk , wast"tor, Err for 7/5(20Ii 40 0 0 0 0 `. Paris Flag Footb 6:44:01 PM HOLLSFACCI 40 0 0 - Resident Ya :.their E!rfor 7/6/2011 20 �] 0 0 0 0 0 0 R[•:-rr,)[-:aa FlagFooib 5; 26:02 PM Sdioiar M?,t.:1— Erg for 7/612011 40 0 40 0 0 0 0 I [ .• r F e=!c•r Flag Foot6 12A531 CL—.Ter Resident PM "' .' f• .. J Yo �� � r•T Ia- Err for 71612011 40 0 40 0 0 w F.r_•= rr?t =., i'agFaoffi 12:05:31 0 0 0 I Resident PM Yo into so99i.s 4sd4:2s so -zs o anus Ci]isdy:RedtiS:.. �Q7 0 300 Z �� IAitiS X4 7 9158:;5. YS i ff a M44$ r , I 4 iq V View sales by department, and break it down by place, tender type, date and item as necessary. Page 159 Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dynamics General Ledger Department Sales Report Page 160 x� 20 -40 . 4 .... R <�.o.. .. 8.. ' . L QARAi °iJ °:-: FackyRentak Aftar 07( stx1'. 0 0 0 0 0 � ?cecrealian Center t}9G> 476 10 376 0 o. # o p ROW � FaoatvRentak Cask 0710212011 130 0 0 Q0 0 0 0 Recreation Center eft ,g:. lei; q 206. y 8 x.206 w o Ei.QDltSf' 2:f5 . mr-1 Al p 4326rF Classes rag a rs AOvrar 07X52011 26 0 0 0 0 necrea Center 432600 CaKS7aants C j �r 07A,5112011 13 0 0 30 9 0 9 ne7eat"n Center C!asses;fe9rams 17,051201 i 13 13 0 0 0 Rei e!5Wn Center . '. C[assesp,ogams Rftw 17fv512011 66 0 0 26 0 4 0 0 Reueaw Center Cllla%es?Ofa0rams Abw 07012011 65 0 a 65 a 0 0 0 �: � Retreahors Conte: ,.- CtassesjPtcgams Athmar ViO51x011 26 0 0 26 0 3 0 0 ... View General Ledger account distribution, based on departments (eg the above Facility Rentals, or Classes /Programs). Easily separate tender types, any applicable corporate or house accounts, and more. Page 160 3` Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dynamics Reconciliation Report 194 5 441 19 6-d A V e - Based on deposit numbers, break down tender distribution by tender type, GL account, locations, and more- vital for accounting personnel to track revenues for each location. Page 161 St Louis County RECONCILIATION -GL CODES • REPORT Generated On 811/2011 This Inpn11 does Rai lucludo Oetch IOfornretlmi F1fs1(fAyti•s_IL'Ta Betwen 112912014 AHD 8'V201 Dy,Ary saanl5 W'sV'16 14N -i Aftan Commnily Center 57,215,M $1,215.M $ M k1RCRCmr.AyCx4d 012=124000 Pit 021 (f:Fi0)7 9700 $O) REVTS TiMN1 ": Won Oxff"y Cedd 020M0124000 P2k121 315000 1 W 4000 REYTS 70 011 Aldo C�.o*y Ceft 02=1240W P24,721 71500) 3:00 2000 RNTS 729/1011 AMtn Cao ro Cete D2WWI240W P52O61 $78750 V00 $000 PAR % &RECKEA 12917011 Altm Cmr"Aj Ceyd 02=12400C CA.SKOECAS C.."KIEC]KS $00) 1763.), $000 CA9<*:KS 70011 AIOWCa M1*yCENd 0200001240M CRECITCAR03 CRE0ITCARDS Wo $13J50 SON CREDIT CARDS 71;92011 Al ton Cmmnty Cher 020000124000 OVEt_WIRT PSM SOHO $ ) $6W OVER)S11OP.T 7rAW11 AlnonCw— AyCKtd 01W00124000 PAD BY AC PAD BY.AC 9700 $7500 $000 PAID BY ACCC41 70r01i AIaW Cahn";" Cola 02MV24100 P2)21 125.) %W 4000 WCIS MOH Alnm Cwecunby Ca4r 02=124100 PS2781 $13650 9107 w) PARK 11 RECREA mr91? Alarn Grl4nNyC4sdp D20Y10124101) CASM,LFECKS CAS4CtEG<.S S0) $13: y]0) CtStt_CAECKS M2011 AInWCe(( "YCd4e OITM24100 CKUTCARDS M41CARLS yA 07 52K) SOW CRU47 CARDS 6,nW AinW C[auudy Cer4d 0')00124100 OVERIZ40Ri PSMBO SOW 9700 SOHO OVERISRORT BM.QOI1 A(tm Cmmnly Cever 0203 001 2 4 2 0 0 P"061 128.0) $0 W $0 W PARK 3 RECREA 071;1(]11 AI4m Cwm,*Celle+ 0.^0000124200 CASHICtECKS CASLra'.:.K3 SOW 52600 5000 CASH CWKS 6Ar201I AIft. Caamxdy Cetld 02OW24200 GREDITCARDS �CITCAMS SOW i;w SOW CREDIT (AP•DS "all A14m Ca r4rdy Ce:ye 020)00124200 OVER,,SFMT P52JW SOW SOW $000 OVERSM'�TtT eA rUl? C164an Adrin Off.. $1,614.M $1,649.44 $6.111) aennody 4tarealiotl Ce(tw $1,na.00 $1,474.110 $$.04 Km-ly RMeellm Cede, 01070010480 PI-1-321 s11s) s.) $eW PENIS Trn:701I Kmrb]y Rwemon Center 010700104800 PS4761 5725 03 $C W SOW PARK 3 RECREA 7r$''2711 Ke(redy Rerealion Gene. 0100MIL40W CASH.rCWNS CASHA CKS SOW 323200 $000 CAW CXCKS 7M011 Kee,dy Recreehm Cenld OI0000104300 CREDITCAADS MOITCARS $000 3:0).) SOW CFUIT CARTS 70MI! 'K; e1(Rec(emm Ceder 010.hY31048W OVERSI"t P%XO $000 SO W $000 GVER0"T 7(Mr2D1i KeroddY R.ecredkn LeMe 01408104900 CAS40ECKS ChSH!CIECKS $0) S:) 100) CASH/]ECKS "M70II Kwmy Rweaem Cm 010])104900 CRECITCARDS C UTCARDS SOW 3:0) $000 CREDIT CARDS 7LAw1. Ken^+1yRMeeI0 QN. 0100W1049W OVER.511CRT PAW SOW $100 y)0) OVER.13H)R1 7181701' Kefre?7 Rwe*w CMd 01I)MOS0J0 P54-36i S8'7W 308; $000 PARK RECREA 701011 Ke("*Reuedm(W4 0100HOM CA5,40ECKS CAWfL*Ca, $OW SE6900 3000 CAS -CWCKS 10NI? Kerr e*Rweabon Ceerdd 0180010" CRED(7CARDS C£LC4TCARDS 508] 114500 $0 DO CREDIT CARDS i131Wi K.erxRf Remalm CeNd 01001)(Hom OVERrt"T P540e0 $00) $000 $000 GVEPJS,"T 71310011 I<wa dy Rxlea4m Cde 010?W1)400 P2461 $195) V, cc VW PARK 3 RECREA 87Ii701i Kerrnl /ReuaeGm Celle. 010b010540) CASHkIECKS CASrKOKS y300 $1950; $00 CASH UECKS eJl W K(wysdY F.eaeMidlCWer 01080106400 CREOAX -ARDS (XE(AfCAF•fY' $000 97.00 YAW '~((EDIT CARDS 5A011 Kwedy RSCreebn Cd4d 01000011)648 'IVERS�IORT P543W m0) 3^00 1000 OVERf4KRT PA11011 K&Y" Rmee[im C&-An 01WWIO5500 P24S $42600 V00 $00) P.Nbt &RE( -RE.A UAW, KG1r,0yRDCret"CerW aI0Ww D, SKI CASW- }IECKS CAWFIE^(S $06] $42601 $000 CASH CFECIIS 811 ?WI Kmmli, ReM-Ai ,CeMd 010A0106e8 rX?ELITCAA03 CREdTVRDS 3000 SOW $000 CREDIT CAS GArio0 Kerrie F/ Rwekm Ceder 01CCWIoewo NIER;1gRT P'.AOW $000 VW $000 OVERASIkVT Mail tWh CourllyRee Cornplaw $11374175 $1,370.75 M,M St. Vkwerd Community Center SMOG $TMA $0100 Based on deposit numbers, break down tender distribution by tender type, GL account, locations, and more- vital for accounting personnel to track revenues for each location. Page 161 Recreation Response ITQ#PR2014 -07 I A DparnicS R"orv&dak Repan Detailtd "U hued f•!er'A:rni�( "YP = is 1l: �rf 1J 9A4n i Sawday, July 02, 2011 - 3ARM1 We W181yp "xOrw +`4dIe m Mw" SeMee • 7nrlai �ev�+top�� a" A4ne4 b6paut 1GOMPO TI ?w COr740 Crrr: 4ASSU19411W6 ")M-7102 WO or? - 7At2Mt LAue ycv"wr: CS"LooRr tl 7OW', L*c"O*YCOWbv CMiALOwCWedei OedvA bte 13 j "of" au316 3 Xr r..1.zF • :r:1�u' 15755 &qk+ 7A 001 LM2 WIN C4M"V €atAIL O €r100" 5KlFXrAke 2a 11w } =fTk; l: •F,uL, � 7'l�a'L 15MP R"k inor , LYeRe4e'kiCd1O�F014 Cffw 4pCmp34e 60th%w n 114278 7 7AA2M1 LAte Cj"Cee",m kmAK%pC&"aA fleIOWN 30 11149 8 Re4" fit w1 L*ef3,1e*fcwffSfd catllugLeole1 &*CJr`lo 2 111Yk i .Sfd16: ? „a x�';f'.e4Y 15VA A"& 711M LakeLj OCWOP” 1 Cb*NLOWt4mpsie4 EtditAAAkx 35 112% � 4AF251Y ism Ov" C"OLOMCoRdel E>uh"eo 3! A14 SM014132 1919 Rep" L"CO 141 lid,�AAB► 3$ 114711 E"ZI, w2W150 15365 Roo" VA vrx'T 19 114517 IA'•�i V?44A& 9991 Rep" IAW! Llke"tbit7WOM Ce"LOVC4tOale4 50ZAMW 20 114SM V_ '- Cf,a S"571 s9 13294 RepA4r MM, u"DAMO(MVINM (ff"i- CC►sps" E14e[NHtt 21 111176 3 r :• Ii:t -rr7::r +X 1957 Rep" YAW! (eh41LOVC*V' -OL 05A`CY+1%L 71 114291 3 I:`-'i =,:nz• �.., 4s'd6 Rq* 7AWI Lak4fe4 - YC4Aeppwd Ce&e1LOVC0e041e4 6e"Aft 24 114271 1 .Shp* rryx4r: ur 15741 Rep" Mot Lak DOrkyC -WOAd M40VCtrr4" SWIV W n 114271 3 •C: .n7 ..- :':SrY• 1945 Rep" 7ARM t LAFe LFAte4" CaWOd CffMax CWWAn &&Offt S*Y 114Di E- `..4'F W48 Rtpir — 14011 Lae MM?FCWWWW EMI LWPCOW" 7AIXi4 UkeB,**CeAWM4 bdLAVCV0a lVi0h 101 -. UYI,Pft W4231652 17809 Rep" 7A M 1 L&VA&O" eCa4pRoM E "tatpCeVO" Ten OM 103 +rs;ti C;Yi,PAL 5514niml 1797 Rep* 7Ep1d 11 b e Eli* -ti a -W -ae. w0veowtu Ierlift I%e rtt!:e - FJ90,ALEX 6511N?L83 Vw Nap" 11172011 meetseDrtd "S" ewLwcwpdn Twit" VA „'b',4 ANIM" m 6612MM Semi ftepNr R"orv&dak Repan Detailtd "U hued StWon A Sawday, July 02, 2011 We W181yp "xOrw +`4dIe m Mw" SeMee Cwftffm Lt o Onolk" a" A4ne4 b6paut 1GOMPO TI ?w COr740 Crrr: 4ASSU19411W6 ")M-7102 WO or? 13 j "of" 910 1324( Soo 7 TOM M5AM In DO �Ajrd vakftr1k5 I Cow d4r:1'ol 11113111 , rerr R vaton Detak.YG '")O70IM Vft 43M sow 741"1 IMAM 1"w Type; PEG Image ante Sre; 88,3 KB l4mr151w 110 x 834 pixels VA vrx'T ;ti31)M2LII,, Web 023 Resmerl MW 1 1711AM, 114060 s S24ddtd :,A 0 1 e"k ***III "w5f T&D " *4 1M'ddtw 49t,ia joa 'bZt WO WO 4.4% Fttu*r4 F 7WMI 1x'1500 114100 1 .Shp* rryx4r: ur irw de'1'li: S*Y Page 162 Recmtion Response ITQ #PR201407 I a Dynamics Implementation Methodology to Provide Solution US eDirect's proven project planning methodology is derived from the tried - and - tested SureStep implementation methodology. SureStep has been used by US eDirect for project implementations of all scales, including State -level implementations such as Minnesota Department of Natural Resources state -wide campground reservation system. This methodology will be applied to the project for the implementation of a Recreation management solution for City of South Miami. SureStep ensures a timely, efficient implementation process through mutually agreed upon steps, phases, milestones and deliverables. A clear set of 'success factors' are established, dictating the criteria necessary for the project to be successfully closed. The primary purpose of SureStep is to provide US eDirect and the City with: • Mutually agreed project milestones and dates • Established scope of work and deliverables • Knowledge transfer of business operations, rules and practices • Mutual understanding of roles and responsibilities • Project personnel work breakdown and agency resource requirements Sure 51C p - ity of South M ia rn i Re c reation Rese rya. 'on and R eid strain syste m Project SureStep Methodology breaks down the activities across eight cross - phases • Program Management • Technical Infrastructure • Training • Integration and Interfaces • Data Migration • Requirements and System Configuration • Custom Code Development • Quality and Testing Each of these activities may be broken down into smaller work packages, and as such, you may view this as the start of your work breakdown structure (WBS). The five phases of the implementation project lifecycle denoted in the SureStep Methodology is as follows: • Analysis • Design • Development • Deployment • Operation Analysis Phase - Goals, Tasks, Activities and Deliverables The Analysis phase represents the official start of the implementation project. The overall goals are to: • Confirm project scope and WBS, • Define and agree upon the project governance aspects of the implementation, • Establish the Project Charter • Define requirements Page 163 Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 I a Dynamic, The project charter is the document which will address all project governance aspects of the implementation and is prepared jointly with City of South Miami and US eDirect. Once it has been determined how the project will be governed, requirements are gathered for each of the cross phases. Some of the key activities include: Project Kickoff Meeting - Core Project Team / Stakeholders US eDirect will chair and conduct a one -day kickoff meeting for the combined US eDirect and City of South Miami project teams. The kickoff meeting will introduce /reintroduce the team members to each other and cover the follow topics: • Project Plan and WBS for the project • Project assumptions • Project scope review • Overview of documents to be developed • US eDirect expectations of City of South Miami's role in • project VA's expectations of US eDirect role in project • Other topics of interest, time permitting Infrastructure Review This activity group will consist of discovery work to understand and document the existing infrastructure and technical environment of the City of South Miami. The information will be used to identify the necessary upgrade in any of these areas to accommodate the new implementation. • Review existing infrastructure • Review existing technical environment The activities associated with this group will be documented in the Infrastructure Assessment Document Functional Requirements Gathering This activity group will consist of discovery work to gather, document, and validate detailed requirements from various divisions and from those provided within the RFP. US eDirect expects that each of these departments will make available the necessary subject matter experts and /or users to assist with this effort, as needed and in a timely manner. Topics may be combined into single sessions or performed separately based on City of South Miami staff availability We will conduct this discovery session in these sections • Financial and Payment Processing • Reservations • Registrations • Customers and Memberships • Reporting These activities involve documenting the information gathered during each of the activities mentioned above to produce following deliverables documents: Business and Functional Requirements document Playground /Sandbox (Create Demo and Pilot Environments) The goal of this activity is to install the application into a demo environment, create the demo and pilot databases required for the implementation, and distribute and configure the client software components. The workstations will typically be accessible in a conference room environment for each project team member that needs to be involved in the functional testing of the system. This environment will be utilized in discovery and configuration stages. US eDirect expects that there will be joint responsibility between US eDirect resources and the City of South Miami IT resources for this activity. Conduct Fit Gap Session Page 164 Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 I J Dynamics The goal of this activity is to: • Define the customizations required to resolve gaps from City of South Miami's requirements not present in the US eDirect system • Document alternatives to customizations and to approve solutions for development. • Present a preview of the software transactions that will be used after Go -Live. • Evaluate and document the fits and gaps between the functionality in the US eDirect business process(es) and product module(s) as delivered when compared with the City of South Miami's business needs. The key deliverables of this activity are: • Formal Fit /Gap Summary document that describes at a high level the fits, gaps, and alternative solutions. • List of possible gaps, associated business needs, alternatives discussed, and recommended solutions where possible. • Validate list of potential customizations. • Document alternatives and initial functional specifications for customizations, conversions, interfaces, reporting, security, and workflow. Summary of Analysis Phase Activities Key US eDirect activities during Analysis Phase: • Conduct detailed requirements analysis meetings with the City of South Miami's project team to discuss discovery findings and applicable business processes to determine how they can be incorporated into the Recreation Dynamics application • US eDirect will conduct approximately 8 (or as mutually agreed to) meetings with the user communities and functional owners to review documented processes and validate discovery information of the day -to- day business processes • Provide the project team with a 'conference room pilot' demo of the proposed RD functionality • US eDirect will document the results of requirements gathering activities in a Business Requirements document. • Review and compile existing system and process documentation (i.e., diagrams, workflows, procedures, org charts -- provided by the City of South Miami) • Review existing business functions and processes - current and future City of • South Miami Review user and usage profiles (structure - organizational units • /functions) Review reporting and output requirements • Develop the integration scope (technology validation) • Develop solution concept /approach • Conduct an assessment of current development, testing and production environments to determine changes to support new solution. Key City of South Miami Activities during Analysis Phase: • City of South Miami Project Manager will be responsible for scheduling of required meetings. • City of South Miami Project Sponsor will responsible for the presence of a representative from each of the affected user communities and functional owners to actively participate in the meetings to document day -to -day business processes. At a minimum, each functional owner and a representative user community member for each of the functional areas will support these meetings • City of South Miami Project Manager will identify key Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and assign project personnel to the necessary calls, meetings and demonstrations. These SMEs will fall into functional areas such as reservations, registrations, marketing and financial personnel • City of South Miami SMEs will provide all required information on business processes, systems and • organization City of South Miami project team will attend business review workshops and project • meetings • City of South Miami Project Manager will ensure SME involvement and project personnel participation • City of South Miami Project Sponsor will secure involvement from organization (including third party vendors) Installation and setup of Demo, Development and Test environments. Page 165 Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 I a Dynamks Service Documents to be produced: • Business and Functional Requirements • Operational Requirements • Infrastructure Assessment Document • Fit Gap Identification and Prioritization Report • Project Plan, WBS, and Resource - loaded Schedule for Design, Development and Test phase • Communication Plan • Test Plan Milestones City of South Miami accepts the Service Documents. Design Phase - Goals, Tasks, Activities and Deliverables The goal of the Design Phase is to define how the business requirements from the discovery and functional requirements gathering sessions will be implemented. This phase includes configuration of the overall Recreation Dynamics solution and the design of specific customizations needed to satisfy business requirements identified during the Analysis Phase. The customizations can range from simple user interface or report modifications to complex functionality additions or modifications based on the needs of the City of South Miami. The phase also includes mapping for the interfaces and designing for the integration and data migration programs required to support the requirements. At the end of the phase, the master project plan will be updated and evaluated for impacts to scope and budget. The key deliverables and milestones of the Design Phase are listed below: Solution Design This purpose of this activity is to finalize functional details and specification for new system, specifically • Reporting requirements • System Administration • Registration processes • Reservation processes • Customer user interfaces and functions- online • Staff, administrative controls and functions • Interfaces • Tender Interfaces • Import interfaces o External interfaces • Security • Finalize Integration Strategy and Planning US eDirect expects that the City of South Miami will make available subject matter experts representing each of the areas listed above to participate in finalizing the strategy and planning approach. The purpose of this activity is also to present the complete solution and the project approach to the Executive Steering Committee, Project Sponsor and the project team. Page 166 Recreation J Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dynamics US eDirect expects that the City will make available all members of Steering Committee, the Project Sponsor and the project team to participate fully in these sessions. These sessions are crucial to ensure the success of the implementation, providing for a clear and mutually agreed upon software solution. Key US eDirect Activities during Design Phase: • Develop overall solution concept approach. • Design configuration and setup information for the new system • Design the integration scope • Design reporting approach and needs Key City Activities during Design Phase: • City of South Miami team will attend business review workshops and project meetings • City of South Miami Project Manager will ensure SME involvement and project personnel • participation City of South Miami Project Sponsor will secure involvement from organization Deliverables • Installation and setup of Demo, Development and Test environments. • Functional and Technical Design Document Milestones City of South Miami accepts the Functional and Technical Design Document Development Phase - Goals, Tasks, Activities and Deliverables The goal of the Development Phase is to develop the customizations, integrations and data migration processes that are defined and approved in the design specifications agreed upon in the previous steps. The major deliverables include the complete system configuration, and the Enterprise Design Document. At the end of the phase, the master project plan will be updated and evaluated for impacts to scope and budget. The Recreation Dynamics environment will utilize infrastructure through various phases of implementation. This infrastructure will be comprised of workstations, various hardware components and software. Within this group activity, the hardware and software components will be put together to form the basis of development, test and conversion environments. The US eDirect technical team will be providing the technical infrastructure specifications for all environments that will be utilized during the reminder of implementation. These specifications were detailed in the Infrastructure Assessment Document (Analysis phase deliverable). The Pilot testing is broken into two parts a. Pre Pilot: here the Software will be set up in a test environment and one park will serve as the main testing and development arena. b. Pilot: the Pilot will provide the environment for testing all the functionality, hardware and interfaces require by this RFP. Data Migration Identify and map existing reservation system data including customers, reservations, reservable facilities, POS items and Department /GL code structure Page 167 Recreadw Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 I a Oynamks Security The purpose of this activity is to document the activities involved in the use and application of a security layer throughout the Recreation Dynamics Implementation. Pilot Testing System testing verifies that the Recreation Dynamics system meets the functional requirements established for the project. System testing focuses on the successful completion of all the end -to -end business processes for the application. System test documentation consists of a test matrix of all conditions to be tested; detailed test cases to simulate required business transactions, a test schedule, and provisions for problem resolution. The detailed test cases include specifics such as navigation, the required input for each data element, and the expected result of the transaction Create Production Process Documentation The activities will be comprised of detailed documentation which will be used as a training manual and post - production reference materials. As the Recreation Dynamics environment is developed and tested, the documentation will detail the steps specific to City of South Miami business processes. Key US eDirect activities during Development Phase: • Assist City of South Miami in deployment of Infrastructure and • systems Configure base application on City of South Miami • hardware • Finalize base application configuration and setup data • Develop and unit test the integrations • Develop and unit test customizations • Develop and configure reports • Configure Recreation Dynamics security • Conduct Integration Testing (including developing test scripts) • Conduct System Testing Develop production process documentation (user manual) Key City of South Miami activities during Development Phase: • Provide hardware infrastructure support for implementation environments (i.e. development, test, conversion and quality assurance environments) • Provide the data source files in format as specified for all integration points • Make accessible the resources needed to validate base software configuration and setup data in conjunction with the US eDirect team • Make accessible the resources needed to perform Integration Testing in conjunction with the US eDirect team • Make accessible the resources needed to perform System Testing in conjunction with the US eDirect team • Make available all the relevant departmental teams for training • Make available the technical team resources for knowledge transfer Service Documents to be produced Production Process Document Milestones Code Freeze Process Testing complete Page 168 Rcaeadw Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 I a Dynamics Integration Testing complete System Testing complete Deployment Phase - Goals, Tasks, Activities and Deliverables The Deployment Phase will be a series of events as outlined in the Project Plan. Primarily this involves readying the environments for the software, loading the data and creating an environment for effective User Acceptance Testing. This is followed by a final Test Phase which validates all user functions and system functions. At the conclusion of this final testing, the system is ready to go Live. Each deployment will have a series of activities that must be completed for each of the locations to go live (including pre consultation, equipment and time selection, specific configurations) There are several important activities that must be completed in order to reach the end goal. This phase includes all the activities related to Performance and User Acceptance Testing, End User Training, and the actual cut -over to the new production environment. This phase marks the culmination of the Rollouts in terms of taking the solution live. The key deliverables and milestones of the Deployment Phase are listed below. UserAcceptance Testing (UAT) Acceptance testing is typically performed as one of the last steps before a system goes live. This testing includes the execution of key business processes to verify the output is consistent with a given set of inputs. The acceptance test verifies both the integration of the system and the configuration of the system by simulating transactions very close to those expected in production. Final Cut -Over (Go -Live) During this activity, the production hardware infrastructure is configured and validated. All hardware and software components needed to operate smoothly in production are verified. Key US eDirect Activities during Deployment Phase: • Assist City of South Miami in final hardware infrastructure and software • configuration Finalize production process documentation • Assist City of South Miami in hand -over to US eDirect Support. Key City of South Miami Activities during Deploy Phase: • Configure hardware infrastructure and software • Develop and implement procedures and policies to support City of South Miami personnel as required. Service Documents to be produced: • UAT Report • System Acceptance Signoff Milestones • End User Training • User Acceptance Testing • GO LIVE Operations Phase - Goals, Tasks, Activities and Deliverables The goal of the Operation Phase is to transition the City of South Miami from the implementation project into on- going support following a successful go -live. The deliverables for this phase include the transition of the Standard Solution to Deluxe /Premier Support, ISV Solutions to the ISV's, and Custom Code to the Code Developers. Project closing also takes place where the agreed upon project documentation is provided to the customer. Page 169 al Recreation Response ITQ#PR2014 -07 id dynamics The key deliverables and milestones of the Operation Phase are listed below: • Deliverables • Post Go -Live Support Report Milestones City of South Miami accepts the post live support agreement. City of South Miami formally closes the project Training Proposal US eDirect's training plans are tailored to each new implementation of our Recreation Dynamics system. This ensures that we provide the most focused, efficient and retainable software training to each new customer. While other companies repeat a standard training template for each customer, US eDirect will work with City of South Miami personnel to ensure the training is City specific in regards to: • Functional scope of work /business areas • User groups and roles (cashier /clerk, manager, administrator, financial, IT) • User proficiency with software systems • Training environment (Webinar, On -Site, Classroom vs. conference room) • Training Type desired (all end users, train the trainer) For the purposes of this project, it is estimated that the training will fall into the following general categories: • Functional Front End /Cashier • Manager and Administrator /Super User • Financial Functional Front End/ User This training is designed for the majority of the City's staff users who will be using the system on a day to day basis at the parks and other POS locations who perform the following functional tasks: • Point of sale transactions • Reservations (walk -in and phone based) • Membership and pass sales, check in procedures • Activity registrations • Customer entry • Opening and Closing procedures It is optional to the City whether these sessions are held in several sessions covering all end - users, or using a Train - the- Trainer methodology with a smaller group of attendees. In addition, it may be suitable to provide several separate functional front end training sessions depending on each users business areas. For example- staff persons at the golf course may not require the knowledge for reserving facilities. In this scenario, users may be trained for only their functional areas. An example of this is shown below for a front end /cashier training session for campground /facility reservation staff: Page 170 .` Recmatlnn Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dynamics Dav One Agenda- Field Operations and Functions Logging In • Show login procedure r Explain login- cashier based + Shorn screen for changing password s Enter OpeningAmounts a Explain concept of a Batch Recreation Dynamics Overview s ShowoverviewofRD: o Facility o Activity- POS o Admin o Finance o Email Functional Reservation. Processes • Reservations on Grid: * Make a single reservation • Add a newcustomer and explain customer entry • Show Unit Pre Cart and functions of o Make multiple bookings using Multi- Select and /or click and drag o Modify a booking using modify €s Modify a booking using cut/paste * Cancel a booking a Place a unit on hold o Accept& partial payment on a hold o Block a site o Comments is Checkin a customer o Checkout a customer o Due Outs- cheekoutmany customers • Reservation Search- o, Quick Search on grid o Advanced Search on grid * Reservations Tab Page 171 Recreation Response ITQ#PR201407 [Dynamics • Merchandiseiabs o Navigating through merchandise tabs • Selling item(s) in the POS o Adding o Removing one o Removing all • Searchingfor items • Changing Pricesof items at POS o Selectingthe price and updating • Changing quantities of items e Multiple item button clicks o Manually updating price r Negative quantity for quick refunds • Open SKUs o Open price items and setting the price at the time of sale • 'voids • Securingthe register • Gift Card button • Selling GC • Reviewing GCs sold • Viewing balance of GC • Journal Tab. o Searchingfor transactions by • Customer • Date and Park • Confirmation Number • Batch Number o Viewing the receipt; • Payment history • Reprinting to receipt printer or laser This session would show all cashiers /clerks each function needed to operate the Recreation Dynamics system on a daily basis, including selling items, processing walk -in customers, checking in /out campers and other tasks such as searching for reservations, voiding transactions and typical day -to -day tasks. Sessions like these may be held several times to accommodate the user group's schedules and the available training environment. In addition to the campground- specific plan above, a detailed plan will be provided for other tasks including activity registration, membership /pass sales and other functional processes. Page 172 Recreation Response ITQ#PR2014 -07 4 DVnmks Manager and Administrator /Super User Manager and administrator staff will benefit from attending the functional /end user training sessions outlined in the previous section, to provide them an understanding of their cashier's daily functions and provide them a reference point for all of the activities and functions outlined in the Manager /Admin /Super User training. This training will encompass the following areas: • Adding, editing and removing retail POS items • Adding, editing and removing reservable sites (campsites, shelters etc.) • Fees • Features /Amenities • Extras • Inventory • Booking restrictions and business rules • Map locations • Configuring activities (schedule, fees, details, waivers, wait lists) • Classes • Programs o Events o Drop Ins • Setting up memberships /passes • Adding new users (security levels, adding and editing staff credentials) • Configuring custom fields and functions • Reporting and Close Out /Deposit procedures Much like the previous section, managers and administrators may fall into several functional categories and business areas within the City. In this case, staff may choose to attend sessions specific only to their area. An example of an Admin training session is outlined below: Page 173 Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 i J.11 k:; Admin Tab • Amenities: Adding and editing • Extras. Adding, editing, applying rates, diiferentextras types • Sleeping Units. Adding, removing, editing • Usage Classifications: • Purposefor • Adding, removing • Applying business rules • Image Types: Now they v; orkwith the maps • Cancel Rules:. Editing • Regions. o Adding new campground, loop • Unit Types; • How this relates to rates /fees • Adding, editing • Unit: a Add or Editing anew unit O Assigning web rules, extras, amenities, motes • Restrictions: • Inventory, o How it works in regards to new units /seasons • Web Settings. o Assigning web book ability and windows Page 174 Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 I Dynamics Facility- Configuration Tab • Pee Schedules • Location Rates: * Mewing the location via location search. o Finding list of unit types • Unit Fees_ • Rates: • Configuring and changing existing rate types • Adding new rate types • Hierarchy of rate types (for holiday rates)- top down hierarchy • General: • assigning the Department • Unit Type Fees: • Managing Deposits s Managing Res Pees s Managing Mod Fees * Managing Cancel fees F,"i, • Enter opening amounts • Enter closing amounts (Blind Close) • Finance - Manage Batches: • Re Entering OpeningArunts • Re Entering Closing Amounts • X Report • Tax totals • Tendertotals • Department Revenue • Z Report: • As above- finalized X report, ready for deposit Deposits o Finance - Manage Deposit Slips • ridding one or multiple batches • Creating slip number • Creating deposit slip • Retrieving old deposit slips Page 175 , Recread" Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dynamics Reports Browser Reports o Day Use: o Clue In o Due Out o Turnover o Reservation Details • Managers: • Occupancy • Visitation Details • Department Sales • Finance; o DepartrnentGLs a Journal o Reconciliation • Exporting to other formats Similar detailed outlines and training sessions will be held for staff that manages the City's activities, memberships and other services. Financial Financial personnel may choose to attend any training session to gain a greater understanding of the system's functions as it relates to opening and close -out procedures and deposit slip creation, but may also benefit from a specific financial session to cover: • Deposit slip creation • Financial interface file creation • Adding and editing Departments • Adding and editing General Ledger codes • Managing taxes and tax rates • Financial reporting Page 176 Documentation Documentation provided will include. User Guide: f Reaeation Dynamics Point of Sale Application Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 I a Dynamics - - -ice The User Guide will cover all aspects of front -desk, customer service based system use- including tasks such as ringing up items, selling memberships, booking facilities, selling activity registrations, processing returns, how to handle multiple tenders and other items needed on a'day -to -day' basis. Configuration Guide Recreation Dynamics Configuration Guide ...... The Configuration Guide is designed to provide staff with an accompanying document to the Admin /Configuration training, providing a reference point for all topics covered in the training. This will allow managers and administrators to configure and manage all data within the system such as pricing, customer classifications, peripheral troubleshooting etc. Page 177 a° Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dymmks Training Hours It is estimated based on City of South Miami's ITQ and Addendum information that the training hours will be approximately: Functional Front End /Cashier: Manager /Admin /Super User: Financial: 16 Hours (2 x 1 Day Sessions) 6 Hours (2 x 3 Hour Sessions) 2 -4 Hours These training hours have been calculated and used to provide the City's pricing found in the pricing documentation Recommended Class Size and Environment: The training environment will ideally be in a location where US eDirect's trainer can demonstrate the system via a projector or other large screen, in a presenter - classroom format. IT training rooms and conference rooms will often work well for this requirement. If possible, users will either have access to a screen in front of them either via a projector screen or computer screen- or in a best case scenario and if the facility allows, a working copy of the Recreation Dynamics system in order for staff to perform tasks themselves once the trainer has displayed it. This will often help with retention of the training information provided. Typical and recommended class sizes range between 3 -20 attendees per session, typically dependent on physical classroom size /capacity and number of end users who require training. US eDirect may perform this training via WebEx webinar meeting sessions. Software Support and Maintenance Services We will provide phone support by calling 516 767 -2431 or by email at support @usedirect.com . During "after - hours" caller can leave a message which is forwarded to our after -hours support group. After -hours support is cell phone based typical response time is within 30 minutes. Page 178 } Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 dynamics Technical support is limited to the reporting and correction of product defects and installation and configuration assistance. Help Desk Services Live support for "System issues" is available from 8:30 AM — 6:00 PM (EST) Monday — Friday. After hours Support for "system down issues" is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, via the above phone service. Customer issues are handled at the help desk and certain requests require the creation of a ticket. Typical issues are handled on the same call. Priority Levels The priority levels described in this section is reflective of the impact of Deficiencies on customer's business operations. We shall use the following as a guideline in assisting Customer Project Director in determining the appropriate Priority Level to assign and record for each Deficiency: • Level I Prior' - A Deficiency condition exists where any Software Component becomes unavailable, jeopardizes Customer's compliance with laws, affects the security or integrity of any customer's data, or degrades the Software's response time below Customer's performance requirements. We expect that all Level I Priority Deficiencies are resolved within four (4) hours of the notification of Deficiency. • Level II Priority — A Deficiency condition exists and moderately disrupts Customer's business operations or requires users to implement temporary Workaround processes for no more than one (1) business week. Page 179 7y Recreation Response ITQ##PR2014 -07 pyarnIs PCI Compliance US eDirect's 'Payment Dynamics' application is fully PCI compliant and PA -DSS certified.. US eDirect's validation was performed by a Security Metrics PA -QSA. Information on US eDirect's PCI -DSS validated payment application 'Payment Dynamics' can be found at: https://www,pcisecuritystandards.org/apprc)ved companies providers/ vpa areement.php by searching 'US eDirect' US eDirect's software developed using industry- standard security best practices. Therefore Payment Dynamics and Recreation Dynamics will comply with the standards that are required by the agency. A summary of the key element standards that we employed with our solution are as follows: Card numbers, magnetic stripe data, or security codes are not stored on US eDirect client devices. Applications developed in -house are subject to strict quality testing and security review. Web development follows industry- standard secure coding guidelines, such as those recommended by OWASP. Card - processing applications adhere to the PCI Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA -DSS). In general the application adheres to HIPAA compliance, Section 508 Compliance and WCAG 2.0 compliance The PA -DSS evaluation of the Payment Dynamics /Titan software took place at the Security Metrics, Inc. test lab in Orem, Utah and was validated for use by the PCI Security Standards Council. Payment Dynamics software is a payment application that runs on several Windows OS types, and was evaluated on these supported types. Cardholder PAN's are stored truncated (all but the last four digits) in the MS -SQL database. Because Payment Dynamics does not store the PAN or any other sensitive authentication data it does not utilize database value encryption. US eDirect uses SSL encryption during transmission of credit card data to the processor. All transactions are "real- time" there are no separate settlement (capture) required to finalize a transaction. No full credit card numbers are retained by Payment Dynamics, only the last 4 digits of the PAN are kept post authorization. Currently only credit card processing is done. Payment Dynamics does not conduct the authorization or settlement of credit card transactions, but passes data to one of many supported processors (example First Data, Authorize.net, Vital, Paymentech, and Elavon). Our hosted system is separately security checked on a quarterly basis for PCI compliance issues. Below is a diagram on the credit card handling portion of the hosted system at our Data center. The system is PCI - compliant and is validated regularly by a QSA .. Page 180 al Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 Dynamics US eDirect Inc Payment Dynamics AtrSfx�iri +NET Piryl7,lln�TecfS. Remote Hosting Network Diagram v1.2 V'. Vr.., TSYS. Eta . DMZ CAB Router 1 Internet "(only dge Firewall r Pert 443 Open) ; web Server fornov Payment t7yrtarrdeb P'rS"rKw,t Dynrunic% Server SewrRy Negoliaux web PMW Data Firewall SECURE SWItU, B 1 l I SM10 B • OB Server I 1 Web Server ❑US eDirect Payment Dynamics Service Provider Network Segment Cuslumar POS Terminals M 4_ rminats running Payment Dynemlra V Security Negodawr Client PWW ❑ Customer's Card Network Segment Why is Payment Dynamics different? Payment Dynamics consists of stand -alone software modules that can be interfaced with POS software or web based shopping -cart pages. All collection, processing and transmission of sensitive card data is done by the Payment Dynamics application module. Recreation Dynamics simply messages Payment Dynamics when payment is due and a. Send Payment amount information to Payment dynamics b. Payment dynamics presents a web form to the user that allows for tender input including credit cards c. Payment dynamics encrypts the Tender information, processes the information via merchant processors, receives authorization , stores token information is isolated database and d. Messages Recreation Dynamics of payment success, payment type and amount Page 181 J Recreation Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 pynm i s e. During the entire process Recreation Dynamics is never exposed to PAN data. The diagram below shows the boundary limits of payment Dynamics. The QSA has validated that the PCI scope is limited to this boundary. What this means that Recreation D namics never handles PAN data and is out of scope for PCI_ compliance, the scope is entirely limited to Payment Dynamics. This key design aspect allows for Payment Dynamics to allows the use of Point to Point encryption and keeping ensuring that terminals remain out of scope for PCI compliance. If need be Payment dynamics can be run on a separate terminal, device and network from the POS terminal Titan Payment Dynamics Network Communications CLIENT INTRANET App / web server (SSL over HTTP} {SSL over H TTP) e Internet ..e,SSLoverfllTr, To-ndar Dala r Web Cannected Device °e. Web Users Page 182 CAAuftrdo A0 3rd -party Payment Provider (ssL aver - DATA CENTER Titan Server i (SSL over HTTP) {� © Rw v ,Fa vtm (SSL over HTTP) I f i IntP.rnPt Tender Data ,Q� µ Windows Users ICashiers) 151 J Recreation Response ITQ##PR2014 -07 A Dynamics Disaster Recovery Plan The US eDirect Disaster Recovery Plan addresses the recovery requirements for the all departments. The Plan provides for recovery strategies outside of particular customer needs for whom the plan has been adopted. Fundamentals of US eDirect Disaster Recovery Plan US eDirect has developed a DR plan designed with the following factors in consideration: 1. Risk Management - The DR plan is designed to minimize contractual and financial risks. 2. Business Impact Analysis — Identify impact to all aspects of the business as a result of a disaster impacting any business operation site and identify the business operations and processes that need to have DR and continuity and establish DR requirements. 3. Critical Operations Continuity — All critical business operations are identified and documented. The DR plan ensures that the recovery and continuity of these operations has minimal impact. Typical operations include Reservation (and Change /Cancel) operations, Check -in Operations. Examples of non - critical operations are Reports. 4. Data Protection —The DR plan establishes processes and guidelines to safe guard all electronic and non- electronic (document) data. The guidelines to safe guard are based on disaster events that may occur — such as site disaster (fire, flood) or Network outage, power outage and system outage. S. Recovery -- The DR plan establishes processes and procedures to return to normal operation and recover from the outage. Typical actions are conversion of paper to data, updating systems with manually collected information, and updating of primary data systems from the DR data systems. 6. Testing and Validation —The DR plan establishes processes and guidelines to test, validate and update the DR plan and establish key metrics for failure detection, failover and recovery for each key process. Data Hosting and Business Continuity US eDirect will provide a hosted solution for DEC. The system will be hosted at a US eDirect data center in Boston, US. This data center is a SAS 70 Type 2 data center with all the state of the art technologies on security and connectivity. We maintain a disaster recovery data center in Dallas. The data center utilizes high availability VM Ware clusters. We use SQL 2008 servers on a clustered server farm, with separate application servers, web reservation servers, reporting server and staging servers. Failsafe instance of each of these servers exist at the data center. The central database, reporting services and application all reside on these servers. The payment application resides in isolated cluster of servers at this data center. The Campgrounds application as well as the web application and call center are hosted at this location and all users access the applications from this data center. This strategy helps allow for significant fluctuations in load /demand from all connected sales channels. US eDirect infrastructure is replicated from Boston, MA data center to Dallas, TX data center using Vision Solutions DoubleTake Availability replication. All vital production servers are replicated on a server to server basis in real time. In the event there is a single server failure in Boston, MA, 1S Support our Business continuity consultant will work with USeDirect's senior staff to determine the need to fail over to the secondary server in Dallas, TX until such time that the senior management team and IS Support confirm the primary Boston server is fully functional. The capacity exists to switch to disaster site in a matter of minutes. Page 183 fec(xeetlon Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 I a Dynamks Data Center'., 'n[on Payment r 1` & DR Plan _ ■ ` web Swar L.oW Batancec • �► '• Windows WebSh Q o 0 4 Gb +9.8 ON Prot ` 150'06 SR$ 16K RAID 50 xx Re$cated IL 200 Iva assNe a ! w SQL 2W8 Loustef • '\H10h Availability t GI star windows 2008 .R2 HotSils 'Nh 2008 R2 18Gb RAM/I I Gliz Pror. 18Gb RAM 1 t Ghz Proc 25Q Qy 5AS 16Y RAID.% ■ 250 Gb SA RAID 50 ■ TBan Pa fit Server Repn:atw RAplicatik Web $ervee LosdBafarwed Ifiyh AvaFtabilily Hfgh:4lvolteb* Wlntinws Wuh " x Hot Sue HoS n 4 GbIN.6 Ghx.P 1811 Gb SAS 151( RAID — X2 Data Center Pu1if>clnterfarb ■ ti Web Sorvar Lmd.9alsnce d Windows WW.$4x u 4 4 GtV9.0 Ghz egos . 150 Go SAS 15K RAID 50 n lntemet X2 SOL 2008 S%ndartl \ Wrndgws 20% R2 8 Gb RAW11 Ghr. Proc 150 Gb SAS 16K RAID Pub5c Interface ~ Web Sorvar Low ealanow Windows Web 64x Renllralwl 4 GW3 Ghe Proc IIWh Avatlabillly i 5o Gb SAS 151[ RAID 50 Hot Site Second Data Center (DR) RD Awl Serval Web Server L anaed Windows Web 3 Iteporufng saner RD Application Senrer 4 Ob19 8 (31tz Pr o , 1M17ndows 2048 R2 Web Sarver Load Satanced 8 at, RA�A19,S.QI+K F�rot Windows Web fi4x 150 tab SAS 15K RAID • f 2fi0 Gb SAS ,8.G RAID 50 4 GW Ghz.PmW x3 15D Gb SAS 1 SM RAID 50 Alert, Escalation and plan triggering events Key trigger issues at headquarters /Boston data center that would lead to activation of the DR/BC Plan are: Server outage Total loss of all communications Total loss of power iLand (Dat Center) critical outage Activation of Emergency Response Team When an incident occurs this plan must be activated by approved senior management at US eDirect as listed in Section Key Personnel Contact Info of this document. Senior management will decide the extent to which the DR/BC plan must be invoked. Responsibilities of the team as it relates to this DR plan are to: Respond immediately to a potential disaster and call emergency services Assess the extent of the disaster and its impact on the business, data center, etc. Decide which if any elements of the DR/BC Plan should be activated Contact I Support per instructions below to "declare a disaster: and advise what DR servers need to be spun up Ensure all appropriate personnel are notified and allocate responsibilities and activities as required Page 184 7' Reaeatton Response ITQ #PR2014 -07 id Dynamics Data Backup Storage US eDirect will provide a hosted solution for the City . The system will be hosted at a US eDirect data center in Boston, US. This data center is a SAS 70 Type 2 data center with all the state of the art technologies on security and connectivity. We maintain a disaster recovery data center in Dallas. The data center utilizes high availability VM Ware clusters. We use SQL 2008 servers on a clustered server farm, with separate application servers, web reservation servers, reporting server and staging servers. Failsafe instance of each of these servers exist at the data center. The central database, reporting services and application all reside on these servers. The payment application resides in isolated cluster of servers at this data center. The Campgrounds application as well as the web application and call center are hosted at this location and all users access the applications from this data center. This strategy helps allow for significant fluctuations in load /demand from all connected sales channels. Details on our backup strategy are highlighted below: Local Backup Strategy The local backup strategy chosen is for a full backup with daily incremental backups stored locally at the Boston, MA data center. This local backup strategy is utilized for rapid file -level restore processes. All local backups are image -based and use the Acronis engine. Background to VMware backup - VMware Data Recovery offers an efficient mechanism for backing up virtual machines hosted on a vSphere environment via a virtual backup appliance. Its disk -based and agent -less design allows users to easily deploy a backup solution for their vSphere environment. All the backup data are de duplicated and stored in a destination store which is a virtual disk, along with all the metadata and indices. The destination store is self- contained and it alone is what is needed for recovery of the virtual machine data. If your VDR backup appliance fails, our operators detach the destination stores from it and re- attach them to a new VDR backup appliance to continue protecting the virtual machines or to recover the data. The Destination stores are archived Data is locally replicated on a daily basis • Here are some functionality the Acronis software allows our staff • Automated deletion of outdated backups • Staging to 2nd tier storage • Manual or scheduled validation • Enhanced archive validation confirms that your backups are complete and your server and data will be recoverable. • Alerts • Tasks History.-For a backup plan see what was running in the past and with what result. • Import and Export of Backup Plans- Export backup plans from a file on one machine and import on another. The file is in XML format and can be customized manually. Import of backup plans can be automated by placing the file to a dedicated folder on a machine. Page 185 Recreado Response ITQ #PR201407 9 nynai,ls • Recoding events in Windows Event Log- Log events be viewed locally from the console or configured to be duplicated to Windows Event Log. • Consolidating incremental or differential backups- Consolidate incremental and differential backups to save space. • Command line with scripting support- Execute tasks and create backups from a command -line interface. • Integrated Acronis Disk Director Light- Management utility Mite Replication Strategy US eDirect's infrastructure is replicated from the Boston, MA data center to the Dallas, TX data center using Vision Solutions DoubleTake Availability replication. All vital production servers are replicated on a server to server basis in real time. The SQL data is replicated in real time. Our backup and DR are designed not have a negative impact on server performance. Double Take replicates at the byte to reduce the impact on physical or virtual hosts. Acronis vmProtect is scheduled as a nightly task, any impact on performance which is minimal, will be done off hours. Page 186