1951-398 RMOI1T (M 110. 398 A RWOUI 'ION AUMMZIUO AN IN031631 OF =XPMM2URi IN TUB OPWRI011 OF TUE SANITARY DEPABTMT, AND NtINO AN APMPRIATION Zg=@°14R. S60WJ"# since July 1, 1960 and sinoe the edeption of the } "ot for $he cement fiscal year ttw nand ror added equiparant and operstiow thereof has increased materially, and WWAS, it is esaential to the efficient sdainistratioa of the City and to the safety and welfare of its residents that these services be increased, Wff, THEMOnB, BB IT RESOLVED BT 2U8 KUM MD TBS CITZ ODWCIL OF SOUTH MIAMI, PLORIDU 1. That the aforesaid accounts be and they are hereby Increased, as fellows 8-3 Nquipment $10,000.00 I E. That the necessary amounts to reset the inermwed eVesditares authorised hereby be and the sass here- by are appropriated from available umappropristed revenue of the city to the several affected a000unts forth* eurrent fiseal year, PASS=D AND ADOPTED this Srde day of April, A. D. 1961• s ouno ATTWT: L C