09-17-90 SPECIAL13 OFFICIAL AGENDA :ITY OF SOUTH MIAMI 6130 Sunset Drive IPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 17TH, 1990 :30 P.M. Next Resolution: 109-90 -9135 Next Ordinalite: 20. -90 -1460 Next Comission Meeting: 9/18/90 A. Invocation 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America )RDINANCES- 2ND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING: 1 an Ordinance fixing the mi11age and levying taxes in the City of South Miami, 3/5 Florida, for the calendar year 1991. (Administration) An Ordinance adopting a Budget and Pay Plan for the 1990/,91 Fiscal Year. 3/5 (Administration) 7SOLUTIONS: r 3. A Resolution authorizing the City Administration to' disburse to Metropolitan Dade County,'Florida, the sum of $21,262.73 in payment of assessments for sanitary sewer improvements and providing for disbursement therefor from Account No. 05- 1310 -6210 entitled "Revolving Trust Fund /Public Works /Building Improvements. (Administration) 4/5 ORDINANCES - FIRST - READING AND PUBLIC HEARING: 4. An Ordinance amending Section 15 -4 of the Code of Ordinances of, the City of South Miami, Florida, relating to Burglar Alarm Systems by amending -subsections C.and E to require posting of the telephone number of a person who can be contacted at any hour for entry into the premises of the alarm and/or deactivation of the alarm'; requiring a back -up power supply effective on the event of power failure or outage in the 'source of electricity from the electric utility company; and to Provide for changes in the fines for violations of this section; providing for severability; repealing of conflicting ordinances; and an effective date. (Mayor McCann) 3/5 You are hereby advised that if any person desires to a eal a with respect to any matter considered at this meeting r hearing, decision Person will need to ensure that a verbatim record Of the Procee:ngscis Afade, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is„ based. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 18, 1990- -- PAGE 2 RESOLUTIONS: 6. A Resolution authorizing 'the City Administration to enter into a contract with Wi:1l i;e Tompkins- for' the operation' of a concession' stand at South Miami: Field.. (Admi'ni,s-tra.tion)._ 4/5 7. A Resolution supporting a major league baseball fra,nchi:se in Dade County, Florida. ('Mayor McCann) 3/5 8. A Resolution auth,or- zing the City Manager to obtain bids for the collection' and proper di's-posal of plas-t 'c refuse from a. central collection point in, South. Miami as- an addi ti'on to the recycl ing program of the 'City.. (Mayor McCann) 3/5 ORDINANCES - FIRST READING AND PUBLIC HEARING: none * *An Ordinance for first reading may be presented by Commissioner Cooner from the floor. You are hereby advised that if any person desires to appeal any decision. with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, such Person will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceed;ngs is Made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is„ based.