09-03-02 (6)'I V 2 D I . �, c.? (r-Y-t -0 1 hti)99013 is ALL WOMANMUP 4 MATERIALS 81W1 use IN SMCT lCW/iuirICE WIN lt.CPLIM i NATIONAL, STATE, LlOCAL CODES, • RULI�S & ORDINANCES. 2. CCN'IrRAGr , SHALL VISIT THf;• JCN SITE & T110i XU1LY FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITIV ALL MCISTING CONDITIONS. 3. ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE M. 4•. ALL WORK MlALLaE PERF mm BY A LICENSCD-PLUMHING CONTRACTOR IN A FIRST-CLASS WOMOWILIKE MANt=. THE COMPS SYSTEM SlML BE FULLY OPERATIVE., 5. .- Ji.F��l4'�Clf- =•�=>� Rr�'�Eb� #i8��i)�3i�-Ui�M . • . ..tISIiALI1�BI'T;'X'i'1�I�.Y•Ti _ -r- 6. RMUIPIM INSURANCE SHALL E6 PROVIDED BY T11I5 CCNT'RACTOR FOR PROrECTICN AGAINST PUBLIC LIABILITY & PROPERTY DAMAGE FOR THE DURATION OF WORK. DATE -7 - ID - oZ REVISED 1 l�4 1 ,}t `{' 14 S�1o.1�(C� G fl�t�I2 (�T I r46, vPC` 1-Y. . ... �y!I�.�TII�.tC�•... 5�,P1i.Yic�.f�``..��/IS,g"CIG. 4.,1titf��� XC> b 3' 2 _ T I A&A0 R& -5&&- Y' ..: X0.0. , M.o� .5rtit. ..). �( irj Sir k 3�t' av r�aN1T r sl►�K� t P.t_42ea ,lu.E'z _ -C� dr.5_.1�,.- Yif�iC7.C�,�, it^�• lu IT � � }� 1 A 7. aXil�OR S11ALL PAY FOR ALT, PERMITS, PEES, INSPECTIONS & TESTS. 1 � •SUEISTITVrIONS REQUIZ7TEA BE THE aWn1XWR SHALL BE PAID FOR BY THE CV 1111 CCWIIAMR.- i, yy Ilk 8. DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRWTIC. DO NO'T SCALP, FOR TILE EXACT LOCATICN OF 0 T FIXTURES, PIPING, EQUIPMENT, ETC. � oo 9. ALL WORK S11AM BE COORDINATED WITH OTIIRR TRADES TO AVOID INTMFERI:NCE; Gam' 1 WIT11 THE PROGRESS OF CCNSTRUCTION. ••' - 1. Well Assembly — The t or 2 hr fire.ratod gypsum wallboard/stud well assembly shso be con err ♦�- .a ��illltt _ Wall or Partition Drsigh in the UL F(ro R"stance 01rsctory and shill include the following ' cr) canstruction lectures. 10. VERIFY LOCATION f ,SIZE, Et.EVATIC N & ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO A. Studs--Wall framing may consist Elf either wood studs or steel channel studs. Wood studs ' BEdINNING CCNSTRUCTION. ADVISE EMINEER OF ANY DISCREPAWI.ES. �'�?�► "• *'' plates and cross braces. Steal studs to be min 3.5 /S In. wide by 1-3/8 In, deal) channsis spaced max 24 (n. OC, 11. WATER PIPING TO BE TYPE "L" COPPER. 8. Wallboard. Gypsont'�S /8 in. thick. 4 ft wide with savare or tapelod edges. The gypsum (y wallboard type. thickness, numbar of layers, fastener type and sheet orientation snail be ®� co 12. SOIL, WASTZ & VENT PIPING TO BE PVC. 140 DVW. WASTE • 6 VENT PIPING � rectory. Max dism of opening is 3.1/8 in. ABOVE SLAB PVC., IF APPROVED 13Y LOCAL AUnKMTIES 11AVING t7URISDICTION. • c15 use in closed (process or supply) or vented (drain, waste or vent) piping systems. One Pius to . be cantered in firastap sWilm. The annular space between the pipe and the circular cutout In / 1 13. ALL FIXTURES MU5T BE PWVIDED WITH READILY ACCESSIBLE S'T'OPS. the gypsum wallboard layers on each side of the wall shall be min 1/4 in, t4 max 3/a In. Pipe a to be rigidly supported on both sides of the wall as arntlly. 4— 14. FURNISH & INSTALL APPROVED'AIIR CIUtMBERS AT EACH'PLUMBING FIXTURE. N Ratings for the ftr**M system are equal to the hourly fire rating of the well astwmbly in (10 15. 'MUM DISSIMILAR ME'TAIS ARE TO BE JOINED, APPROVED INSULATING UNIONS, fJ C3 . SKM M USED. material faeid an one side with aluminum foil, supoliod in 2 in. wide stuns. Nom 2 Ia. M v wide strip tiglttly wrapped around nonmetallic pica (foil side outs with seam bvtt►d. Wrap stria foyer securely bound with steal wire or aluminum fail tape and slid into annular L 16, OCNI'R11Cr A S11TAI.L GUAEt?iMM -ALL MATMUAL9 & WORKMANSHIP FREE , FR M CU CU surface. - D]JF'DCrI,'S FOR A PERIOD OF 1'X7I' LESS T1{1W GNE ( i.) YEA it FROM DATE QF Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Coo -Type r "5-195 ' AGCEPTANCC. CORREC'T'ION OF ANY DEFEICI'S SHALL. BE CO 4MMED WITHOUT � 8. Fiil, Void or Cavity 1/4 in, diem continuous bead applied to ADDITIONAL C IAIttuE AND SIiALL zNCLUDE RC OR REPAIR OF ANY larding edge of wrap strip layer (Item AI pnor to insertion of wrtp step Isyw into annular OnIER PHASE OF THE INSTALLATION W11I01 MAY HAVE RF.i:T1 DAMAGE{) T11ERMY. -� specs. After insertion of wrap stno layer in annular space, a nom 1/4 in_ diem continuous l l CU bead is to be aoolied to the wrap stria/well Interface and to the exposed edge of the 17. INSULATE ALL 110T WATER LINES' WITH 2" TIIICK SNAP -ON E'IE3mm ASa INSU -- wrap Strip layers approx 3/4 in, from the wall surface. LATICN (CERATINTEED OR EQUAL) . "U Minnesou Mining & Mfg C*r Types CP•25 S /L- CF -25 N /S. CF-25 W8. CP•25 , F1 Wo- O •bearing the UL Classification Marking _ .......... ................. _ _.., .... System No. WL2003 v .- . _... ... _ _,.. ... ,... _... -..., .. -.. _.. ......... , ..... (Formerly Sysiem No. i ca) i�q _ ..... . ........ ........ -.._ ..... ....... . _..._ -.. -. F Ratings -1 and 2 Hr (See Item 3) (� T Ratings ---1 and 2 Hr (See Items• 3) 1 l�4 1 ,}t `{' 14 S�1o.1�(C� G fl�t�I2 (�T I r46, vPC` 1-Y. . ... �y!I�.�TII�.tC�•... 5�,P1i.Yic�.f�``..��/IS,g"CIG. 4.,1titf��� XC> b 3' 2 _ T I A&A0 R& -5&&- Y' ..: X0.0. , M.o� .5rtit. ..). �( irj Sir k 3�t' av r�aN1T r sl►�K� t P.t_42ea ,lu.E'z _ -C� dr.5_.1�,.- Yif�iC7.C�,�, it^�• lu IT � � 1 A �00 0I 1 - a 1111 i, yy Ilk •� LA Gam' 1 SqC ION A -A ••' - 1. Well Assembly — The t or 2 hr fire.ratod gypsum wallboard/stud well assembly shso be con err ♦�- .a strtrctad of the materials and in the manna, described in the individual U300 or U400 Sark" _ Wall or Partition Drsigh in the UL F(ro R"stance 01rsctory and shill include the following ' canstruction lectures. A. Studs--Wall framing may consist Elf either wood studs or steel channel studs. Wood studs ' to consist of nom 2 by a tn, lumber spaced 18 in, OC with nom 2 by a in lumbar and �'�?�► "• *'' plates and cross braces. Steal studs to be min 3.5 /S In. wide by 1-3/8 In, deal) channsis spaced max 24 (n. OC, 8. Wallboard. Gypsont'�S /8 in. thick. 4 ft wide with savare or tapelod edges. The gypsum wallboard type. thickness, numbar of layers, fastener type and sheet orientation snail be as specified in the individual U300 or U400 Sense Design in me UI. Are Resistanaa W. rectory. Max dism of opening is 3.1/8 in. Z Nonmetallic Pipes Nom 2 In. diem (or smailon Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe for use in closed (process or supply) or vented (drain, waste or vent) piping systems. One Pius to . be cantered in firastap sWilm. The annular space between the pipe and the circular cutout In / 1 the gypsum wallboard layers on each side of the wall shall be min 1/4 in, t4 max 3/a In. Pipe to be rigidly supported on both sides of the wall as arntlly. 3. F1racm Sysmm- 4nstslied symmetrically on bath sides of wall assomb(y. The hours F. and T Ratings for the ftr**M system are equal to the hourly fire rating of the well astwmbly in whfoh it is Ihatallea. The details of the lirestoo system shall be as follows. A. Fill, Vold or Cavity Materials• -»Wrap Suip --flom 1/4 In, thick intumescent elastomatic . material faeid an one side with aluminum foil, supoliod in 2 in. wide stuns. Nom 2 Ia. wide strip tiglttly wrapped around nonmetallic pica (foil side outs with seam bvtt►d. Wrap stria foyer securely bound with steal wire or aluminum fail tape and slid into annular space approx )-1/4 in. such that aaDrox 3/4 in. of the wrap strip arorrudes from the wall surface. Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Coo -Type r "5-195 8. Fiil, Void or Cavity 1/4 in, diem continuous bead applied to larding edge of wrap strip layer (Item AI pnor to insertion of wrtp step Isyw into annular specs. After insertion of wrap stno layer in annular space, a nom 1/4 in_ diem continuous l l bead is to be aoolied to the wrap stria/well Interface and to the exposed edge of the wrap Strip layers approx 3/4 in, from the wall surface. Minnesou Mining & Mfg C*r Types CP•25 S /L- CF -25 N /S. CF-25 W8. CP•25 , F1 Wo- •bearing the UL Classification Marking 2_ L