1926-1 - 5 SL- CO ...... 11 HOST iCK 501 L_, .. _ SS7 IT Kecn of Gar- .s.ta. If. B. 11n. 558 F in^.nc c & T ^.x:- t ion Po ,td 1st time 4/27/31. ;, BILL TO Br Ei1TITLI_',D AN ..CT TO PROVIDE i3OR T177 T TEN OF A T:,X UPON _?CTRICITY USIM OR MNFUI!';D III iliE ST:,T;^ OF FLORil), FOft LIGIV2, Ii: :T OR °OPISR; PROVIDING -Mrt REPORTS OF TYE DISTRIBUTION ..LID S'SE OF ELEC- TRICiTY, :.IID FOR THE COLLECTICi1 OF -THE TAX II:'OS .D Ii i.3Iil, ;_ND FOR TI:E DISPOSITIOi1 OP PHE PROCi,-t',DS THER21FROM, 'AD FIXING PE.t'1.',LTV K h THE V IOL:.T ION OF T'F'.� PROVISIONS OF THIS ;CT. BE IT MACTED BY TF2 LEGISV:WIt 0' TPE ST.= OF FLORIDA: SECTION 1. There is hereby levied and ntsesscd a tex of one - half cent upon every kil -)watt -hour of electricity for light, hc, t or power used ^.nd consamed in the St^ tc of Florid::. S730"TION 2. Such t ^.x shall be paid by the user or consumor of such electricity. SECTION 3. All c -)rear ^tions, including municipal carpor- tions, or persons, their lessees, trustees or recc- ivers, receiving rtny p.V- ment for electricity for light - =, heat or power used or consumed in the State of Florida. sh. ^11 c:.olleet from those using the same the tax of one -half cent per ki.lotcc *,t -hour provided herein; ­.nd shall on or babrc. the 15th day o`f each month report under oath to the Comp- troller the number of kilowatt -hours of electricity for light, heat or power distributed, sold or A rnisred by them to or for the pub- lic in the St ,-.te of Florida duriro! the preceding month, and shall at the se.nP time prty to the Compti--.Iler ! szm equal to one- hnl-1' "i ent for every kilowatt -h�ur of such �.LoCtricity, and if any such corpo r -t ion, manic ip,-.l cor or: t ion or person shall fail to m=ake Luch report and payment to the Comptroller, Rs herein provided, the Comptroller shall -.fter 'h. ^.vin; given ^t least five. (5) days notice to nn official or represent,.Aive of such corporation or mnieipal corporation or to such person, cstim-te the total kilowatt -hours of electricity for light, hest or power.r'iistributed, sold or furnished by them to or for the public, from sucii information as he may be able to obtain, and shall ndd ten percent (10/0) to the amount )f the tax herein levied thereon as c. penalty far f'td lure of such corpora- tion or pers.)n to mv.ke said report ^.nd p, y said t ^x and shall pro - coed to collect such tux together with all costs and penalties thereon the same-as delinquent railroad and express company taxes arc now collected- provided that no penalty shall 11 madded if P. re- turn is made and the ^mount due n ^.id to the Comptroller before the expiration of the time stp.ted in the notice required to be given by this Section. SECTION 4. The Comptroller shall deduct the necessary ex- penses incurred by him in carrying out the provisions of this -.ct and shall p ^.y the b:lr.neo of the proceeds of this t.-.x into the St:•.tc ,Tro..sury to be there held and disbursed - =o riling to 1 ^.w. SECTION 5. This -.ct shall t^.kc effect upon bec,omine, P, law.