07-18-05Chair Vice Chair Member Member Member Member Member zoos 1111'"7� � T�,f T�� Mary Scott Russell Velma Palmer Randy G. wiscombe Marie Birts- Cooper Craig Z. Sherar Nancy Cobb Dr. Anna Price CRA General Counsel Eve Boutsis CRA Executive Director Maria Davis CRA Secretary Maria M. Menendez SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CRA Meeting Meeting date: July 18, 2005 Next Meeting Date: August 8, 2005 Phone: (305) 668 -7236 Time: 6:30 PM 6130 Sunset Drive, South Miami, FL City of South Miami Ordinance No. 10 -00 -1712 requires all lobbyists before engaging in any lobbying activities to register with the City Clerk and pay an annual fee of $125.00. This applies to all persons who are retained (whether paid or not) to represent a business entity or organization to influence "City" action. "City" action is broadly described to include the ranking and selection of professional consultants, and virtually all - legislative, quasi- judicial and administrative action. It does not apply to not - for - profit organizations, local chamber and merchant groups, homeowner associations, or trade associations and unions. CALL TO ORDER: A. ROLL CALL: B. INVOCATION: C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA - July 18, 2005 ITEMS FOR THE BOARD'S CONSIDERATION: 1. Approval of Minutes - June 13, 2005 Board Meeting 2. Executive Director's Report: A. Wounded Healers Report B. Monthly Budget C. James Bowman Scholarship applicants 3. General Counsel's Report PUBLIC COMMENTS (5- minute limit) CONSENT AGENDA 4. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RELATING TO ATTORNEY'S FEES; APPROVING ATTORNEY'S FEES FOR NAGIN GALLOP FIGUEREDO, P.A., FOR INVOICES DATED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004, MAY 25, 2005, AND JUNE 27, 2005 IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $12,097.24, CHARGING THE AMOUNT OF $10,380.14 TO ACCOUNT NO. 610 - 1110 - 564- 31 -20, GENERAL CORPORATE ACCOUNT; AND CHARGING THE AMOUNT OF $1,717.10 TO ACCOUNT NO. 610- 1110 - 583 -61 -10 LAND ACQUISITION ACCOUNT: PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (A RESOLUTION APPROVING ATTORNEY'S FEES FOR NAGIN GALLOP FIGUEREDO, PA IN THE AMOUNT OF $12,097.24, CHARGING $10,380.14 TO THE GENERAL CORPORATE ACCOUNT W/ BALANCE OF $14,208.66 AFTER PAYMENT; AND CHARGING $1,717.10 TO THE LAND ACQUISITION ACCOUNT W/ BALANCE OF $217,554.44 AFTER PAYMENT) RESOLUTION(S) 5. A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH BAZANI CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE DAVID D. BETHEL MEMORIAL PAVILION AT MARSHALL WILLIAMSON PARK; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 2 AGENDA - July 18, 2005 (A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH BAZANI CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE DAVID D. BETHEL MEMORIAL PAVILION AT MARSHALL WILLIAMSON PARK) 6. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RELATING TO LEGAL SERVICES; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ENTER INTO A TWO YEAR AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE JUNE 13, 2005 WITH THE FIRM OF NAGIN GALLOP FIGUEREDO, P. A. FOR THE PROVISION OF LEGAL SERVICES AND GENERAL COUNSEL FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ENTER INTO A TWO YEAR AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE JUNE 13, 2005 WITH THE FIRM OF NAGIN GALLOP FIGUEREDO, PA FOR THE PROVISION OF LEGAL SERVICES AND GENERAL COUNSEL FOR THE SMCRA) 7. A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO CONVEY CRA OWNED PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 6350 SW 60" AVENUE AND 6016 SW 63 STREET, MORE SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH IN A LEGAL DESCRIPTION BELOW, TO HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF GREATER MIAMI, INC. FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AFFORDABLE SINGLE FAMILY HOUSING; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO CONVEY CRA OWNED PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 6350 SW 60"` AVENUE AND 6016 SW 63RD STREET TO HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF GREATER MIAMI, INC FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AFFORDABLE SINGLE FAMILY HOUSING) 8. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RELATING TO THE PROVISION OF TRAINING AND EDUCATION IN THE CRA AREA; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH UNIVERSAL TRUTH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION TO PROVIDE A HOMEBUYER EDUCATION AND PREDATORY LENDING WORKSHOP FOR A FEE OF $1,000 AND CHARGING SAID AMOUNT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ACCOUNT NO. 610- 1110 - 553 -31- 20; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH UNIVERSAL TRUTH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION TO PROVIDE A HOMEBUYER EDUCATION & PREDATORY LENDING WORKSHOP FOR A FEE OF $1,000 AND CHARGING THE AMOUNT TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ACCOUNT W/ BALANCE OF $2,000 AFTER PAYMENT) 9. A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND GENERAL COUNSEL TO EXECUTE A GRANT AGREEMENT WITH THE LEE PARK CONDOMINIUM BOARD OF DIRECTORS INC. AUTHORIZING A DISBURSEMENT OF $20,000 FOR PARKING LOT AND LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS; CHARGING THIS AMOUNT TO RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION ACCOUNT NO. 610 - 0000 - 219- 13 -40; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR & GENERAL COUNSEL TO EXECUTE A GRANT AGREEMENT WITH THE LEE PARK CONDOMINIUM BOARD OF DIRECTORS INC, AUTHORIZING A DISBURSEMENT OF $20,000 FOR PARKING LOT & LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS; CHARGING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 3 AGENDA - July 18, 2005 AMOUNT TO THE RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION ACCOUNT W/ BALANCE OF $50,000 AFTER PAYMENT) BOARD COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT SPEAKERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT SECTION 2-2.1(k)(2) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES PROVIDES THAT "ANY PERSON MAKING PERSONAL IMPERTINENT, OR SLANDEROUS REMARKS OR WHO SHALL BECOME BOISTEROUS WHILE ADDRESSING THE COMMISSION SHALL BE FORTHWITH BARRED FROM FURTHER AUDIENCE BEFORE THE COUNCIL BY THE PRESIDING OFFICER, UNLESS PERMISSION TO CONTINUE BE GRANTED BY A MAJORITY VOTE OF THE COMMISSION." PURSUANT TO FLA STATUTES 286.0105, "THE CITY HEREBY ADVISES THE PUBLIC THAT IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THIS BOARD, AGENCY OR COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT ITS MEETING OR HEARING, HE OR SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND THAT FOR SUCH PURPOSE, AFFECTED PERSON MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. THIS NOTICE DOES NOT CONSTITUTES CONSENT BY THE CITY FOR THE INTRODUCTION OR ADMISSION OR OTHERWISE INADMISSIBLE OR IRRELEVANT EVIDENCE, NOR DOES IT AUTHORIZE CHALLENGES OR APPEALS NOT OTHERWISE ALLOWED BY LAW. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 4 AGENDA - July 18, 2005 1 2 3 4 DRAFT 7 i r 9 10 12 13 14 SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES 15 JUNE 13, 2005 16 17 CALL TO ORDER: 18 The South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency met in 19 regular session on Monday, June 13, 2005 beginning at 6:39 p.m., 20 in the City Commission Chambers, 6130 Sunset Drive. 21 22 A. ROLL CALL: 23 The following members of the CRA Board were present: Chair 24 Mary Scott Russell, Members Marie Birts- Cooper, Craig Z. Sherar 25 and Dr. Anna Price. Vice Chair Velma Palmer and Members Randy 26 Wiscombe and.Nancy Cobb were absent. 27 28 Also in attendance were: Luis Figueredo, CRA Executive 29 Director Maria Davis, Planning Director Don O'Donniley, CRA 30 Program Coordinator James McCants and Deputy City Clerk Nkenga 31 Payne. 32 33 B. INVOCATION: 34 35 The invocation was delivered by Member Dr. Anna Price. 36 37 C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 38 39 The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison. 40 41 ITEMS FOR THE BOARD'S CONSIDERATION: 42 43 1. Approval of Minutes 44 45 • May 9, 2005 46 47 Moved by Member Sherar, seconded by Member Birts- Cooper to 48 approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed by a 4 -0 vote. 49 50 Member Sherar: Yea 51 Member Birts- Cooper: Yea 52 Member Price: Yea COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1 MINUTES - June 13, 2005 1 Chair Russell: Yea 2 Member Wiscombe: absent 3 Member Cobb: absent 4 Vice Chair Palmer: absent 5 6 2. Executive Director's Report: 7 8 A. Annual Audit Report Presented By Caballero & 9 Castellanos, P.L. 10 11 Mr. Caballero presented the Board the annual audit report. 12 13 B. Monthly Budget Report (April & May 2005) 14 C. Update on joint effort between CRA & CAA relating to 15 Madison Square Mixed- Use Project 16 17 Ms. Davis stated that she, Mr. O'Donniley and James McCants 18 went to the CAA's last meeting to discuss the Madison Square 19 project and the report is included with the agenda package. 20 21 Mr. O'Donniley said that we have two entities focusing on 22 one project. One is the citizens group, the CAA. They have 23 been recommending the discretionary CDBG funds be used to help 24 implement buying Madison Square. To date, OCED hasn't 25 implemented any efforts to purchase those properties. They have 26 done some conceptual analysis trying to get a handle on how much 27 it will cost to buy the site. He stated the CAA could not have 28 implemented Madison Square by themselves. If Madison Square is 29 to be implemented, the key is to acquire the sites. The 30 understanding is that the CAA board is more than willing to join 31 the CRA in that effort; make the moneys available to purchase 32 those sites. He is going to try to get it in a more formal 33 fashion. One thing that grew out of this is it formed a more 34 proper relationship with the two entities. The CRA does not 35 have sufficient funds available to purchase all of the sites at 36 this point. It is going to take more programmatic activity in 37 the future to implement it fully, such as bonding. 38 39 Ms. Davis stated that the CAA for the last three years has 40 gathered comments from the community and their focus has been to 41 bring Madison Square to fruition. That is why they allocated 42 $100,000 each of those three years towards the soft cost for the 43 project. She heard loud and clear that the community wants 44 Madison Square to happen. Now they are making a formal attempt 45 to solidify a relationship between the CAA so that we can 46 jointly go towards the common goal. 47 48 D. Wounded Healers Report 49 50 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 2 MINUTES - June 13, 2005 1 NEW BUSINESS 2 3 Ms. Davis said the there is a grant that has been awarded 4 to Rebuilding Together in the amount of $15,000. Rebuilding 5 Together is interested in contributing the $15,000 to convert 6 one of the bays at the Mobley Building into a classroom in 7 conjunction with our efforts for the Apprenticeship Program. 8 Rev. Gay has offered his premises for classroom space for the 9 program so that we can work with the Wounded Healers. It is 10 going to be a temporary measure until we are able to get a 11 permanent home for the program. Ms. Davis stated that she is 12 working with Associated General Contractors and she will give a 13 full report at the next meeting. We are instituting our first 14 Apprenticeship Program in August. Ms. Davis is requesting the 15 board to give her the authority to utilize the grant dollars to 16 convert one of the bays at the Mobley building for the program 17 and to couple that space with the credit counseling and also the 18 incubator program with local businesses. Ms. Davis mentioned 19 that she just learned about the grant and asking for authority 20 to proceed with allowing Rebuilding Together, who will be 21 bringing in certified contractors, to renovate one of the bays 22 at the Mobley building. There is a very strict timelines, that 23 is why she is bringing this to the Board verbally and she would 24 like to get the Boards feelings regarding this. 25 26 Chair Russell asked if the $15,000 is towards the 27 renovation or towards the actual programming. 28 29 Ms. Davis answered that it is for renovations. 30 31 Chair Russell stated that from our own experience with 32 bringing the bays up to code, the renovations are much more than 33 that. Will it be there labor that is going to be the difference 34 in the value? 35 36 Ms. Davis said that it's their labor that will be the 37 difference and the materials will be donated as well. 38 39 Chair Russell said that it sounds like an excellent 40 program, but does it has to be at the Mobley building or is 41 there somewhere else in the City that we can put it. The Mobley 42 building is a sore spot for her. It bothers her that we take in 43 just enough income to pay the property taxes. We need to make a 44 decision about the Mobley building once and for all. Are we 45 going to move forward with using the building for these types of 46 services and get it off of the tax roll completely and stop 47 paying $13,000 in taxes or are we going to keep parceling out in 48 bits and pieces and hoping for something to happen there that 49 hasn't happen yet? It has been planned to put the CRA offices 50 there, that didn't happen. We did all the estimates and figured COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 3 MINUTES - June 13, 2005 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 out what it will cost to bring grateful for the opportunity to again, is there some place else? this could go on forever. it up to code. Although she `s work with Rebuilding Together If we keep parceling it out, Ms. Davis said that she is perplexed that this has come up now because she would have preferred to come to the Board with a master plan for the Mobley Building. We are very seriously talking about a Laundromat there. Ms. Davis stated that she has raised the rent of the tenant at the building. Chair Russell stated that she liked the idea that Ms. Davis has presented to them and she is excited about Rebuilding Together taking an interest in this community. Chair Russell said that she didn't know anything about a Laundromat going into the Mobley building. Ms. Davis said that she is also working with South Miami Hospital, and they are looking at a free clinic there as well. She stated that she shares their frustration, she would have preferred to have a master plan, but this idea was brought to her attention last week. Chair Russell asked what does the Apprenticeship Program entails. Ms. Davis said that it will be for study and workshop type space. She said that she spoke with the Recreation Director about using Phase I, but because of what's going on there he didn't like the idea, that is why she went to Rev. Gay. Rev. Gay is willing to house the program, but there is some conflict with the scheduling of the room. At this point and time she doesn't have an answer for placing the program some where else in the City. The training is something that we had plan to do. The Associated General Contractors had approached her about the apprenticeship program. They have also received grant funds to assist with paying their teachers. Chair Russell asked when this will be completed and when is the trial period. Ms. Davis said that it will be gets the approval tonight as far as apprenticeship program will begin in ten people lined up, but we need within the community. She stated t toward the program. Right now the apprenticeship program. completed in August if she the construction goes. The August. They already have maximum of twenty people hey are moving aggressively Drogram will be a carpentry Chair Russell asked what time the program will be offered. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES - June 13, 2005 4 1 2 Ms. Davis said that it will be offered in the afternoons. 3 There are two parts to the program. There is a pre - 4 apprenticeship course, which is thirty days full time (40 hours 5 a week) . The apprenticeship program will consist of going to 6 school at night because during the day they will be learning a 7 craft on the job. Associated General Contractors will be 8 finding jobs for these individuals with a commitment they will 9 go to school at night. With the approval of this Board we will 10 commit that we will assist with some of the cost for the 11 program. 12 13 Chair Russell would like a full report of the program and 14 once and for all sit down and determine what to do with the 15 Mobley building. She stated that it bothers her that we don't 16 do something useful with this asset. 17 18 Member Birts- Cooper stated that this is a good idea, and at 19 least we can start to bring the building up to code. 20 21 Member Price stated that it is unfortunately that we don't 22 have a master plan, but if this is approve that does not 23 preclude this particular program from being in the master plan. 24 In her view she doesn't see a down side to it and in the near 25 future we can look forward to a master plan for this building. 26 27 Ms. Davis said that she is looking at bringing a master 28 plan before the fiscal year so that we can budget for it. 29 30 Chair Russell clarified that the master plan will be given 31 to them before the budget so they can go over it. 32 33 Member Sherar said that he agrees with everything that was 34 said. He is happy that something is being done and he would 35 like to see the rent go up. 36 37 Chair Russell asked if the Board will give Ms. Davis 38 authorization to go forward with the apprenticeship program, 39 knowing that before the budget cycle we will have a master plan 40 for the building. 41 42 By acclamation the Board gave authorization for Ms. Davis 43 to go forward with the program. 44 45 BOARDS CONCERNS 46 47 Member Sherar mentioned the property on SW 64th Street where 48 Greater Miami Neighborhoods is building a house. He stated that 49 the property needs to be cleaned, because it is worse than it COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 55 MINUTES - June 13, 2005 I was before. He understands that they are having problems 2 getting a variance but they need to do something. 3 4 Mr. O'Donniley stated that they have spoken with them 5 regarding those issues and he will speak with them again. 6 7 3. General Counsel's Report 8 9 There was none. 10 11 PUBLIC COMMENTS 12 13 There were no speakers. 14 15 CONSENT AGENDA 16 17 CRA 17 -05 -164 18 4. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY 19 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RELATING TO ATTORNEY'S FEES; APPROVING 20 ATTORNEY'S FEES FOR NAGIN GALLOP FIGUEREDO, P.A., IN THE 21 AMOUNT OF $4,271.83, CHARGING THE AMOUNT TO ACCOUNT NO. 22 610 - 1110 - 564- 31 -20, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ACCOUNT; AND 23 $718.46 CHARGING THE AMOUNT TO ACCOUNT NO. 610 -1110- 583 -61- 24 10 LAND ACQUISITION ACCOUNT; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 25 26 Moved by Member Sherar, seconded by Member Birts- Cooper 27 approve the consent agenda. Motion passed by a 4 -0 vote. 28 29 Member Wiscombe: absent 30 Member Sherar: yea 31 Vice Chair Palmer: absent 32 Member Birts- Cooper: yea 33 Member Cobb: absent 34 Member Price: yea 35 Chair Russell: yea 36 37 RESOLUTION(S) 0!] 39 CRA 18 -05 -165 40 S. A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT 41 AGENCY (SMCRA) RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY; AUTHORIZING THE 42 SALE VIA QUIT CLAIM DEED OF THE PROPERTY HAVING PROPERTY 43 FOLIO IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 09- 4025 - 010 -0560 AND THE BELOW 44 LEGAL DESCRIPTION TO MS. THERESA SAWYER FOR $10,000, AND 45 AUTHORIZING THE PLACEMENT OF A DEED RESTRICTION ON THE 46 PROPERTY, WHICH COVENANT AND DEED RESTRICTION PRECLUDES 47 DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE 48 DATE. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 6 MINUTES - June 13, 2005 to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Moved by Member Sherar, seconded by Member Price to approve this item. Attorney Figueredo stated that the reason this item is before the Board again is because we had to satisfy the legal advertisement requirements. It has now been legally advertised in conformance with the Florida Statutes. Motion passed by a 4 -0 vote. Member Sherar: yea Member Birts- Cooper: yea Member Price: yea Chair Russell: yea Member Wiscombe: absent Member Cobb: absent Vice Chair Palmer: absent CRA 19 -05 -166 6. A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH INVESTOR'S RESEARCH ASSOCIATES FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING APPRAISALS OF TWENTY ONE (21) PROPERTIES WHICH NEED TO BE ACQUIRED FOR THE CRA SINGLE FAMILY INFILL HOME OWNERSHIP PROGRAM AND THE MADISON SQUARE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE 7,500 TO INVESTORS RESEARCH ASSOCIATES CHARGING THE AMOUNT TO 610 -1110- 583- 61 -10, LAND ACQUISITION ACCOUNT; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Moved by Member Price, seconded by Member Birts- Cooper to approve this item. Ms. Davis said that they went out for bids for the appraisals and the low bidder was Investor's Research Associates and she is requesting the Board's authority to expend those dollars to get the appraisals done. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES - June 13, 2005 Motion passed by a 3 -1 vote. Member Sherar: nay Member Birts- Cooper: yea Member Price: yea Chair Russell: yea Member Wiscombe: absent Member Cobb: absent Vice Chair Palmer: absent 7 1 CRA 20 -05 -167 2 7. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY 3 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RELATING TO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS; 4 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE $20,000 TO 5 MATCH MIAMI DADE COUNTY'S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 6 FUNDS FOR THE CHURCH STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT PHASE II 7 CHARGING THE AMOUNT TO ACCOUNT NO. 610 - 1110 - 513- 99 -00, 8 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNT; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 9 10 Moved by Member Price, seconded by Member Birts- Cooper to 11 approve this item. 12 13 Ms. Davis stated that this item was budgeted. We received 14 $100,000 this year from OCED and the $20,000 will be the CRA's 15 contribution towards the project to improve Church Street. This item 16 is to request permission to disburse the money to the Public Works 17 Department so they can put the project out for bid. 18 19 Motion passed by a 3 -1 vote. 20 21 Member Sherar: nay 22 Member Birts- Cooper: yea 23 Member Price: yea 24 Chair Russell: yea 25 Member Wiscombe: absent 26 Member Cobb: absent 27 Vice Chair Palmer: absent 28 MI 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 BOARD COMMENTS Each Board member was afforded an opportunity for comments. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this Body, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Attest: Maria M. Menendez CRA Secretary COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES - June 13, 2005 Approved: N. Mary Scott Russell CRA Chairperson Wounded dealers Inc. VOUCHER 6450 SW 5SP Place, South Miami, Fl. 33143, (305) 665 -0140 Date: f iz- 2005 Please remit $ 8,750.00 to the Wounded Healers Education, Employment, And Empowerment program for the dates from: April to July , 2005. Attached are the invoices on supplies and hourly rate for services rendered. Also, for each project attached is the estimate for services rendered and detailed description of labor and services rendered. r Rev. -Gre ory V. Gay, Sr. Director Date: 7 /z aS" COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (use only) Date of request: Amount Requested: $ Date Paid Out: Amount Paid Out: $ Authorized Signature: Print: Date: a C1 Wounded Healers Inc. 6450 SW 591h Place South Miami, Fl. 33143 (305) 665 -0140 July 14, 2005 To: Community Redevelopment Agency Attn: Marie Davis, CRA Director Re: Summary of Projects and ongoing initiatives Dear Ms. Davis, The Wounded Healers Inc, would like to make the following summary report of our accomplishments (projects) and our continual efforts to improve life for the young adults here in the City of Pleasant living. We are proud to list the following accomplishments: Fourteen (14) homes were completely pressure washed and painted. The wall at 62nd and 64`h St. completely pressure washed and painted. We created job opportunities for over thirty (30) individuals. We were able to transitions five (5) individuals in acquiring full time positions. We are still currently housing a GED program that operates Tuesday thru Thursday with complete staff. We currently employ a secretary who manages the office and one custodian. We also painted one home with the Rebuilding together effort. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact my office at (305) 665 -0140. Thanking you in advance for consideration. Yours truly, Rev. Gregory V. Gay, Sr. Director "Creating An Environment For Education, Employment and Empowerment" G Wounded Healers Inc. 6450 SW 59th Place Established 1997 South Miami, Fl. 33143 (305) 665 -0140 NOT-FOR-PROFIT FI Number 5 -0789131 N July 11, 2005 In the matter of the utility bills associated with the office of the Wounded Healers Inc., located at 6450 SW 59th Place, the building is sub divided into two(2) sections with two (2) separated meters, and also two(2) water meters. All utility bills constitute the Wounded Healers Inc., interest only. Yours , Rev. Gregory V. Gay, Sr. Director WOUNDED HEALERS,INC. MONTHLY REPORT JUNE 30,2005 - Beginning Bal 1957.89 DEPOSITS: Expenditures Labor $ Materials$ Educ $ Other $ 810.00 UTILITIES $ 137.93 Subtotal $ 947.93 Ending Balance $ 1009.96 SUMMARY:CONTRACT LABOR PAYMENTS JUNE 01 -JUNE 30,2005 EMP NAME AMT PAID JENNIFER ROYAL 350.00 ROSLYN SUMPTER 460.00 TOTAL JUNE30 810.00 Al&I to] ll:l -4 Z'9200 Z'9 S00 Z 'a Z0A Z 'v 200 D-4mai�u� -mime) -minim o - mimuV, o m m N p4 O W 00 m O O C S O i Is s V s �2 V Q s Qs P 13 0 A f3 O ,3 O j ni O W 13 Sg �+g 8g g Sg �g C M 7 C ZZc m'� H ce) °> -ml m U) a) v To, m v > vD O o m < m ry N r O m � b A -i K 3 A m z QQ11 Q� V is r f0 c p� V V1 1 m z _ I� 8�Oj`S SSOYOS A TI z m p O O- O s_ N O O R O 8 N S p O SSOaS SS S 8S N 0"S SS V,S N N N N N N N N V V V V O O O O C O O O 0 0 0 0 rn n°'s -�rZ �o ; ZZc m'� SS�NXS mz To, m O o ry N r O m � A K 3 m z -1 N w 74 w c z m c -i F M m z -i cn -I D00 D00 D00 Dnn 0K 3 9A K 7 9707. w-+ vow vow vow vow oa L z-Di z� z-Dt -I m z-Di -i m -I m -t m rn 00 00 N -, W �6 N cn .maON O 0 ol rn cn Cn N A ` N W N O N O Ul w 0 T m 0 om m O r j 00 �c n= n n V o� V N .n N 00 07 D n n v 3 D w— �v CO a °v 00 m co N N O am 0 � O'n _ U3 Z •• m r C N� M O 2 N -1 D 0 2 r o 'U m mZ zn -I N In N r O w �o•n N O 07 w cp!D n 0 Na) go 7 rr O O M 1 w fD CL w C CD n w 7 f0 T r CS-IQnc m CD Q C C H -n .0EL C v r -v0 Q CD r U) vi 13 �Q �r mID O =•Cp v to -� _.� m m� r) . cu x o cac �o o� N CD N Nv m IM C �CANH f o C, C4 0. p 'o -o N C o U1 D 3m A m �co N 0 3? w D O G �m Oo oD D� n Q,- -� nm�°� �o°_a-< O o r' CD N -. 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Bowman, Sr., a lifetime resident and a leader in the City of South Miami. The South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency ( SMCRA) Board has authorized an annual scholarship of $2,000. This scholarship(s) will be given once a year to a person or persons who has/have the potential to and has /have exhibited a desire to improve oneself/themselves through education. The scholarship monies, when awarded, shall only be used for tuition and related books /supplies for vocational and or higher education. The SMCRA Board may select more than one recipient with the total available not to exceed $2,000 for the combined recipients. RECOMMENDATION In order to recognize the new eligible applicants of this year, it is recommended that the following individuals be selected as the recipients of a scholarship award: (1) Tawanakee Cox (2) Robert Rainey II (3) Sebrina Currie (4) Lina Hill Attachments: Scholarship Information page 2005 -06 Ratings Chart MD /DOD /SAY /JM \\MCGRUFF\PLANNING \C R ATowman Scholarship Report.doc 0q K",\, 11\, E E ? 2 / c _ _ 0 C, :3 ] CD ° / m \ / w / $ V \ ° / D ƒ n F g . / x CD \ \ \ � \ \ CD B ƒ m » cn E ƒ CL m -0 \ � \ ; § / m (J) U) \ cn \ (n \ U) \ ( R / _ R S. \ ® 2 2 2 D ( S ƒ D D S S $ ®° 2 0 ] / CD 0 / / c / / / ] / / / § / / / � # e E Q » [ A / ƒ � a \ 0 9 ®° / a a a j § \ § 2 E nI =O =O2 o n n n m o c go = q o m =3 0 o 0 0 0 ® 2 2) ®/® » c o e E C_ CD 0 E E E E � f CL ( - (n CL > in-' CD�/ � E ����� § m o m ma R t a \ e R R E ƒ $ ° G ° 0 / 0 CL 0 ( § CL/%f2 E m -n J m 0 0 / R ° ƒ ° ' ) O R � � � \ m � E k l< ƒ A) \ � 0 0 / � B \ ■ \ cn / /_ w \ % � @ 0 \ § k n 0 g B § � m CL 2 0 v B � to � � „?kirq utr v�,'y'd:od;ai:. r n ,';n ....t fl";"' 10 f' ' L'.: nv r ;- Aa South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency James Bowman Scholarship 2005 -2006 An annual scholarship of $2,000 has been established in honor of Mr. James T. Bowman, Sr., a lifetime resident and a leader in the City of South Miami. Mr. Bowman, born in Tallahassee, Florida, moved to South Miami at the age of three. Mr. Bowman was committed to his country and to his South Miami community. He served in the United States Army during World War II. He was a pillar in the community. Mr. Bowman served untiringly on numerous boards and held active memberships in various organizations including the Community Action Agency and the South Miami Alliance for Youth. He served on the City Commission from 1978 through 1986. He dedicated his life to creating opportunities for black youths and businesses in the redevelopment area of the City of South Miami. He continually encouraged others to strive to the top and will always be remembered for being proud of the accomplishment of the others in the community. The South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency ( SMCRA) Board has authorized an annual scholarship of $2,000. This scholarship(s) will be given once a year to a person or persons who has/have the potential to and has/have exhibited a desire to improve oneself/themselves through education. The scholarship monies, when awarded, shall only be used for tuition and related books /supplies for vocational and or higher education. To be eligible, the applicant must have a high school diploma or a GED equivalent and must reside within the SMCRA district. The primary criterion for selection is a clear demonstration by the applicant to strive to become better. The SMCRA Board with advice and recommendation from the Community Action Agency Committee will select the scholarship recipient(s). The deadline for receiving the application is Friday, July 8, 2005, and the scholarship recipient(s) will then be selected and the names will be announced at a subsequent SMCRA Board meeting. In order to be considered for the scholarship, please submit a fully completed application to South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency, by 5:00 P.M. on Friday, July 8, 2005, Incomplete applications will be automatically eliminated from consideration. A complete application must have the following: 1) Properly completed application form. 2) Proof of SMCRA area Residency. 3) A letter of acceptance from an accredited educational institution or trade school. 4) A letter of recommendation on official letterhead from an employer, faculty member or school counselor. 5) Official copy of the High School ,College or GED transcript. The CRA Board reverses the right to select more than one recipient with the total available not to exceed $2,000 for the combined recerpints. :u.:.m �.., �•.cia,:n.., ±., r�:.. +r,,. r. �...:w,i ..u� nrr James T. Bowman, Sr. Scholarship Application Form Address: l(1 ( (0311 (. Q 2-' City /State /Zip: Date of Birth: r�(?%J,�^ i { Social Security number: -5� Last School Attended: ��,( �1�, ►C (� C�1�^ X1/1} V c1'I (�al� �C1 -�'J { When did you attend school last? f 4; Highest grade completed: Total amount requested (Provide breakdown of tuition and related supplies): Employment History (Please list names, addresses and phone number of previous employers /if more space is needed, additional sheets maybe attached): List Extra Curriculum Activities including Community Service, (if more space is needed, additional sheets maybe attached): Please write, on a separate sheet of paper, a brief narrative why you think you are deserving of this scholarship and how you plan to use the money. Please limit the narrative to 200 words only. I think I am deserving of this scholarship because of my dedication, my future, and my parents. I have always wanted to attend college and go to school to become a nurse. It has always been a dream of mine. Dedication is my number one. For twelve years I have stayed in school to accomplish my goals. I have earned my diploma because of hard work. I learned to be more responsible with my education. My future is also important to me. I know that without an education I don't have one. The world has a lot of different experiences and a lot to offer. I feel that if you have an education it will take you a long way. If it weren't for my parents I wouldn't be where I am today. Knowing that you have two strong figures in your life will keep you motivated. Motivation is my key to success. My parents have all of my gratitude. I have acknowledged them through everything in my life. My plan for the money is going towards my education. The money will also cover the cost of books and my uniforms. This is why I think I am deserving of this scholarship because of my dedication, my future, and my parents. Tawanakee Nikita Cox Flo d P b" � C�,9SS SENSE 4 rb Is Y w �� MIAMI DADE COLLEGE Admissions Office - Kendall Campus 11011 SW 104th Street Miami, Fl 33176 Res 3 06/17/05 Student 10: D28443699 Tawanakee Nikita Cox 6091 sw 63 St Miami, F1 33143 -2281 Dear Ms. Cox: We are pleased to inform you that you have been provisionally admitted as a student to Miami Dade College. This is the information you provided: Complete Name: Tawanakee Nikita Cox Date of Birth: 09/13/1986 Gender: Female Residency: Out -Of -State Applied Term: Fall Term 2005 (20051) Starting Date: 08/24/2005 Degree: Associate In Science Degree Program Objective: Nursing, Generic Preselect Basis of Admission:High School Graduate Campus Applied: Kendall Campus Telephone: Day: Evening: (305) 662 -7827 Email Address: High School: South Miami Senior Hs Grad Date: 06/05 If any of the above information is incorrect, please visit the Registrar's office on your campus to make the corrections. For more information please contact (305) 237 -2222. 1 Your assigned personal identification number (PIN) is 0986. For your protection, you are encouraged to change your personalized PIN. You may do so at the campus registrar's office, or on our web site at http: / /www.mdc.edu. Prior to Registration, entry -level testing is required to assist you in the advisement process. Testing information is available on our web site at http: / /www.mdc.edu /ir. Additional information will be provided to you by the advisement office. If you have any questions regarding this process, please call (305) 237 -2125. Sincerely, Admissions Office SOUTH MIAMI SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 6856 SOUTH WEST 53rd STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33155 (305) 666 -5871 CRAIG SPEZIALE PRINCIPAL STUDENT CERTIFICATION LETTER DR. RUDOLPH F. CREW SUPERINTENDENT MIAMI -DARE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Date: The following student is registered as a full -time student at South Miami Senior High School for the .-o� •��os'~ school year. Student's Name: Date of Birth: % • 13, Social Security Number: 5 — ?—? ,�— -- Grade Level: _/0 If you have any questions please contact the registrar's office at (305)666 -5871, ext. 2275. Sincerely, Martha Rodriguez Registrar >, giving our students the, world 7 ��R. • .• 'O - DISTRICT: 13 DADE SCHOOL: 7721 DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION FILE: SRTS12IS :BADE LEVEL: 12 PREPARED DATE: 06/21/2005 -CURRENT DISTRICT: 13 DADE PAGE 01 FL STUDENT ID: 589568889X SSN: 589 -56 -8889 CURRENT SCHOOL: 7721 SOUTH MIAMI SENIOR HIGH LEGAL NAME: COX, TAWANAKEE NIKITA (305) 666 -5871 MAILING 6091 SW 63 STREET 6856 SW 53 ST ADDRESS: MIAMI FL 33143 -0000 MIAMI FL 33155 DISTRICT STUDENT ID: 3403011 FL STUDENT ID- ALIAS: 589568889X PARENT /GUARDIAN (NAME /CODE): RACIAL /ETHNIC CATEGORY: B SEX: F COX SHERYN PARENT BIRTH DATE: 09/13/1986 BIRTH VERIFICATION: 1 ANDERSON. THOMAS PARENT BIRTHPLACE: MIAMI FFL ANDERSON BENNICE OTHER RELATIVE IMMUNIZATION STATUS: PERMANENT IMMUNIZATION CERTIFICATE VACCINE STATUS, DATE- VACCINE CERTIFICATE EXPIRATION DATE: TYPE DOSE DATE DOSE DATE DOSE DATE DOSE DATE DOSE DATE DTP 1 11/10/1986 2 01/12/1987 3 03/27/1987 4 07/19/1989 5 02/12/1991 TD 4 08/31/1999 POLIO 1 11108/1986 2 01/12/1987 3 07/19/1989 4 02/12/1991 HIB 1 07/19/1989 MMR 1 01/27/1988 2 08/31/1999 HEPATITIS n 1 06/30;1999 2 08/31/1999 3 11/26/1999 ------------ --- --- --- --- --- --- ----- - -- --- COURSE INFORMATION ------------------------------------------- DISTRICT: 13 SCHOOL: 7721 SOUTH MIAMI SENIOR HIGH DISTRICT: 13 SCHOOL: 7721 SOUTH MIAMI SENIOR HIGH YEAR: 2001 -2002 GRADE LEVEL: 09 YEAR: 2004 -2005 GRADE LEVEL: 12 SUBJECT CRSE CREDIT SUBJECT CRSE CREDIT T COURSE# COURSE TITLE AREA FLAG GRD ATT. /EARN T COURSE# COURSE TITLE AREA FLAG GRD ATT. /EARN 1 1501300 PERSONAL FIT PE R B 0.50 0.50 1 0800320 First Aid Safety EL B 0.50 0.50 2 1501310 FIT LIFESTYLE DESIGN EL A 0.50 0.50 1 1503400 Beginning Aerobics EL B 0.50 0.50 3 0708340 SPANISH I FL R C 1.00 1.00 1 2106310 Amer Govt AG R C 0.50 0.50 3 1001310 ENG I EN R D 1.00 1.00 2 0800310 Health II-Per Health EL C 0.50 0.50 3 1200310 ALGEBRA I MA R F 1.00 0.00 2 1503410 Intermed Aerobics EL C 0.50 0.50 3 2001310 ERTH /SPA SCI SC C 1.00 1.00 2 2102310 Economics EC R C 0.50 0.50 3 2109310 WORLD HISTORY WH R B 1.00 1.00 3 0109310 Portfolio I PF R B 1.00 1.00 4 1200310 ALGEBRA I MA RO D 1.00 1.00 3 1001400 Eng IV EN R B 1.00 1.00 CREDIT, TERM: 7.00 6.00 3 1200330 Algebra II MA D 1.00 1.00 CREDIT, TERM: 6.00 6.00 2001-2002 ANNUAL DAYS - PRESENT: 179 ABSENT: 0 SUMMER TERMS DAYS - PRESENT: 25 ABSENT: 2 2004 -2005 ANNUAL DAYS-PRESENT: 0 ABSENT: 0 ACADEMICALLY PROMOTED SUMMER TERMS DAYS-PRESENT: 0 ABSENT: 0 ACADEMICALLY PROMOTED `ISTRICT: 13 SCHOOL: 7072 CORAL GABLES ADULT YEAR: 2002 -2003 GRADE LEVEL: 10 SUBJECT CRSE CREDIT T COURSE# COURSE TITLE AREA FLAG GRD ATT. /EARN 4 1206310 Geometry MA TRO B 1.00 1.00 DISTRICT: 13 SCHOOL: 7721 SOUTH MIAMI SENIOR HIGH YEAR: 2002 -2003 GRADE LEVEL: 10 SUBJECT CRSE CREDIT T COURSE# COURSE TITLE AREA FLAG GRD ATT. /EARN 1 0200340 APPLIED COMPU TECH EL C B 0.50 0.50 2 0800300 HEALTH I -LF MGMT SKL LM R C 0.50 0.50 3 0708350 SPANISH II FL R C 1.00 1.00 3 1001340 ENG II EN R C 1.00 1.00 3 1206310 GEOMETRY MA RX F 0.00 0.00 3 2000310 BIOLOGY I SC R D 1.00 1.00 3 8503211 EARLY CHILD 1 VO C 1.00 1.00 4 0500510 Pars /Car /S;h Dav II EL B 0.50 0.50 CREDIT, TERM: 6.50 6.50 2002-2003 ANNUAL DAYS - PRESENT: 180 -ABSENT: 0 SUMMER TERMS DAYS - PRESENT: '20 ABSENT: 0 DISTRICT: 13 SCHOOL: 7721 SOUTH MIAMI SENIOR HIGH YEAR: 2003 -2004 GRADE LEVEL: 11 SUBJECT CRSE CREDIT T COURSE# COURSE TITLE AREA FLAG GRD ATT. /EARN 1 1502430 Ind Dual Sports III EL A 0.50 0.50 2 1900310 Driver Ed Class /Lab EL B 0.50 0.50 3 1001370 Eng III EN R B 1.00 1.00 3 1207310 Integrated Math I MA R D 1.00 1.00 3 2003340 Chemistry I SC R D 1.00 1.00 3 2100310 Amer History AH R C 1.00 1.00 3 8601110 Mat 8 Pro Tech 1 VO B 1.00 1.00 DISTRICT: 13 SCHOOL: 7742 SOUTHWEST MIAMI ADULT YEAR: 2003 -2004 GRADE LEVEL: 11 SUBJECT CRSE CREDIT T COURSE# COURSE TITLE AREA FLAG GRD ATT. /EARN 4 2003340 Chemistry I SC TRO D 1.00 1.00 CREDIT, TERM: 7.00 7.00 1003 -2004 ANNUAL DAYS - PRESENT: 180 ABSENT: 0 IMMER TERMS DAYS - PRESENT: 0 ABSENT: 0 w TO - DISTRICT: 13 BADE GRADE LEVEL: 12' PREPARED DATE: 06/21/2005 FL STUDENT ID: 589568889X SSN: 589 -56 -8889 LEGAL NAME: COX, TAWANAKEE.NIKITA SCHOOL: 7721 GRADUATION SUMMARY FILE: SRTS12IS CURRENT DISTRICT: 13 BADE PAGE 02 CURRENT SCHOOL: 7721 SOUTH MIAMI SENIOR HIGH (305) 666 -5871 * ** *** C U M U L A T I V E S U M M A R Y * * * ** DIPLOMA -DATE: 06/02/2005 * AS OF: 06/21/2005 * TYPE: 4-YR STANDARD HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA * * * GRADUATION OPTION: 4 -YR STANDARD * VOCATIONAL PROGRAM COMPLETION STATUS - f - - - - CREDITS - - - - * NUMBER: 8601100 Materials and Proces SUBJECT TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL * TERMINATION: IN PROGRESS COMPLETED: * AREA TO DATE NEEDED REMAINING * VOCATIONAL PROGRAM COMPLETION STATUS- * ENGLISH (EN) 4.00 * NUMBER: 8503210 Early Childhood Educ MATHEMATICS (MA) 4.00 * TERMINATION: IN PROGRESS COMPLETED: * SCIENCE (SC) 4.00 AMER HISTORY (AH) 1.00 * DISTRICT CLASS RANK- EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/11/2005 * WORLD HISTORY (WH) 1.00 * CLASS RANK, NUMERICAL POSITION: 440 * ECONOMICS (EC) 0.50 * CLASS RANK, PERCENTILE: 18 * AMER GOVERNMENT (AG) 0.50 * CLASS RANK, TOTAL NUMBER IN CLASS: 541 * VOCATIONAL/ (VO/ 2.00 * PERFORM FINE ART (PF) 1.00 N DATE PASSED ASSESSMENT TEST FOR'GRADUATION PURPOSES * LIFE MGMT SKILLS (LM) 0.50 * COMMUNICATIONS: 10/2003 * PHYSICAL ED (PE) 0.50 * MATHEMATICS: 03/2003 * FOREIGN LANGUAGE (FL) 2.00 * LANGUAGE ARTS (LA) 0.00 * COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS: 300 REQUIREMENT MET: Y * SOCIAL STUDIES (SS) 0.00 * ELECTIVE (EL) 4.50 * ESE (EX) 0.00 * COMPUTER ED (CE) 0.00 * CREDITS, CUMULATIVE: 25.50 * GPA QTY PTS GPA QTY PTS * * DISTRICT: 2.0640 0.00 STATE: 2.0750 0.00 * ******************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** +++++++++++++++++++ + +++++ ++++ + + + ++ ++++ +++ ++ ++ + + +++ +CERTIFIED BY: + +SIGNATURE: + +DATE: + '.44 +t+++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++ + + + + ++ + + + + ++ --------------------------------- - -- - -- DEFINITION OF TERM CODES ----------------- - - - - -- - CODE DEFINITION CODE DEFINITION CODE DEFINITION CODE DEFINITION CODE DEFINITION 1 SEMESTER 1 S COMBINED SUMMER B TRIMESTER 1 E QUINMESTER 1 J SIX WEEKS 1 2 SEMESTER 2 SESSION C TRIMESTER 2 F QUINMESTER 2 K SIX WEEKS 2 3 ANNUAL T INTERSESSION 1* D TRIMESTER 3 G QUINMESTER 3 L SIX WEEKS 3 4 SUMMER SESSION l U INTERSESSION 2* 6 QUARTER 1 H QUINMESTER 4 M SIX WEEKS 4 5 SUMMER SESSION 2 V INTERSESSION 3* 7 QUARTER 2 I QUINMESTER 5 N SIX WEEKS 5 R SHORT COURSE ** W INTERSESSION 4* 8 QUARTER 3 Y YEAR OF 0 SIX WEEKS 6 X INTERSESSION 5* 9 QUARTER 4 NONENROLLMENT * ** .4 USED (INSTEAD OF SUMMER SCHOOL SESSIONS) WITH YEAR-ROUND SCHOOL RECORDKEEPING . ** USED ONLY FOR WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION (ADULT GENERAL AND POSTSECONDARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION) * ** USED ONLY FOR REPORTING STUDENTS WHO HAVE WITHDRAWN BETWEEN SCHOOL YEARS STATE GRADING SCALE FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS.(REGARDLESS OF ENTRY DATE) EFFECTIVE SCHOOL YEAR 1997 -1998 GRADING SCALE, EFFECTIVE 07/01/2001 GRADE QUALITY GRADE QUALITY GRADE QUALITY GRADE EQUIVALENT POINTS GRADE EQUIVALENT POINTS GRADE EQUIVALENT POINTS A = 90 - 100 4.00 B = 80 - 89 3.00 C = 70 - 79 2.00 D = 60 - 69 1.00 F = 0 - 59 0.00 GRADING SCALE, PRIOR TO 07/01/2001 GRADE QUALITY GRADE QUALITY GRADE QUALITY GRADE EQUIVALENT POINTS GRADE EQUIVALENT POINTS GRADE EQUIVALENT POINTS A = 94 - 100 4.60 B = 85 - 93 3.00 C = 77 - 84 2.00 D = 70 - 76 1.00 F = 0 - 69 0.00 NOTE: FROM THE 1987 -1988 THROUGH THE 1996 -1997 SCHOOL YEARS, FOR STUDENTS ENTERING HIGH SCHOOL DURING THESE YEARS, THE GRADE EQUIVALENTS FOR C, D, AND F WERE: C = 75 -84, D = 65-74, AND F = 0 -64; QUALITY POINTS AND ALL OTHER GRADES WERE THE SAME AS THOSE SHOWN IN THE IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING STATE GRADING SCALE. --------- --- -- --- -- -- -- ---- -- --- --- - -- STATE DEFINED COURSE FLAGS -------------------------------------- E= ACADEMIC SCHOLAR - ELECTIVE R= ACADEMIC SCHOLAR- REQUIREMENT 9 =NINTH GRADER G= GIFTED H= HONORS N =NO CREDIT I= INCLUDE IN GPA X= EXCLUDE FROM GPA W= EXCLUDE FROM STATE GPA P= COURSE IS IN PROGRESS S= CREDIT AWARDED BY SLEP EXAM _ T= TRANSFERRED COURSE VOCATIONAL SUBSTITUTION COURSES- 8 =JROTC AIR FC SUB FOR LIFE MGMT S= JOURNALISM SUB FOR PRAC ARTS O =JROTC SUB FOR PRACTICAL ARTS 1 =COMP ED SUB FOR PRACTICAL ARTS 2 =SUS FOR BUS EN I 1001440 3 =SUB FOR BUS EN I 1001440/II 1001450 4 =SUB FOR MA I 1205540 S =SUB FOR MA 11205380/I1 1205390 6 =SUB FOR GEN SCI 2002310 7 =SUB FOR ANAT PHYSIO 2000350 B =SUB FOR PRE ALGEBRA 1200300 A =JROTC CST GD SUB FOR SCIENCE F =JROTC AIR FC SUB FOR SCIENCE K =JROTC NAVY SUB FOR SCIENCE O =JROTC ARMY SUB FOR LIFE MGMT Q =JROTC MARINE SUB FOR LIFE MGMT 2 =SUB FOR BIO TECH 2000430 * =SUB FOR ENV SCI 2001340 % =SUB FOR PHY SCI 2003310 LEP INSTRUCTION - M =HOME LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION B =NOME LANGUAGE 8 /OR ESOL INSTRUCTION (ELEMENTARY SELF - CONTAINED) D =ESOL INSTRUCTION w m I - DISTRICT:. 13 DADE SCHOOL: 7721 COMMENTS FILE: SRTS12IS .ABE LEVEL: 12 PREPARED DATE: 06/21/2005 CURRENT DISTRICT: 13 DADE PAGE 03 .L STUDENT ID: 589568889X SSN: 589 -56 -8889 CURRENT SCHOOL: 7721 SOUTH MIAMI SENIOR HIGH LEGAL NAME: COX, TAWANAKEE NIKITA (305) 666 -5871 ------------------ --- ------- ----- ---- - ----- GENERAL COMMENTS --------------------------------- --------------------------------- LOCAL COURSE FLAGS ----------------------- C = COMPUTER LIT 0 = PREVIOUS ATTEMPTED Z = TRANSFER CREDITS L = DCPS LOCAL CREDIT U = BELOW GRADE LEVEL Y = LOCAL HONORS ONLY --- ------------ -- ----- ----- - ------ LOCAL TERM FLAGS 1= SEMESTER 1 2= SEMESTER 2 3= ANNUAL 4 = SUMMER SESSION ----------------------------------------------- ----- ------ -- -- ------- - - - - - -- ONE SEMESTER IS EQUIVALENT TO 1/2 CARNEGIE UNIT. TWO CARNEGIE SEMESTERS ARE EQUIVALENT TO 1 CARNEGIE UNIT. FOREIGN LANGUAGE I COURSES SUCCESSFULLY COM- PLETED BY 7TH OR 8TH GRADE STUDENTS ARE INCLUDED FOR COLLEGE ADMISSION PUR- POSES BUT ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE ANALYSIS OF CREDIT FOR GRADUATION AND THE CALCULATION OF GPA. DADE COUNTY PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOLS ARE ACCREDITED BY THE SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. RANK IN CLASS IS DETERMINED BY A TOTAL GRADE POINT AVERAGE AFTER THE ADDITION OF SCMUS POINTS FOR THOSE COURSES DESIGNATED AS HONORS, ADVANCED PLACEMENT, PRE - INTERNATIONAL BACCA- LAUREATE, OR INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE COURSES. THIS INFORMATION -MAY NOT BE RELEASED TO A THIRD PARTY UNLESS APPROPRIATE AUTHORIZATION IS OBTAINED. GPA IS CALCULATED AT THE END OF THE FIRST SEMESTER OF GRADE 12. w TO - DISTRICT: 13 DADE SCHOOL: 7721 CATEGORY B INFORMATION FILE: SRTS12IS GRADE LEVEL: 12 PREPARED DATE: 06/21/2005 CURRENT DISTRICT: 13 DADE PAGE 04 OF 04 FL STUDENT ID: 589568889X SSN: 589 -56 -8889 CURRENT SCHOOL: 7721 SOUTH MIAMI SENIOR HIGH .EGAL NAME: COX, TAWANAKEE NIKITA (305) 666-5871 WITHDRAWAL-DATE: 06/02/2005 CODE: W06 HOME LANGUAGE SURVEY DATE: 06/26/1992 COUNTRY OF BIRTH: NATIVE LANGUAGE: EN ENGLISH PRIMARY HOME LANGUAGE: EN ENGLISH HEALTH EXAMINATION, SCHOOL ENTRY: Y SCHOOL ENTRY HEALTH EXAMINATION CERTIFIED. MIGRANT - QAD: 00 /00 /0000 RESIDENCY DATE: 00 /00 /0000 ----------- -- -- -- ---- ---- ----- ----- - -- -- -- TEST INFORMATION TEST INFORMATION: TEST TEST LEVEL SUBJECT SCORE SCORE SUBJECT SCORE SCORE SUBJECT SCORE SCORE GRD DATE NAME FORM CONTENT TYPE TYPE CONTENT TYPE TYPE CONTENT TYPE TYPE 09 04/01/2002 STA 07 04/01/2000 STA 06 03/01/1999 STA COMPREHE NS 0005 NP 0048 COMPUTAT NS 0004 NP 0038 PROB /SLV NS 0004 NP 0036 LANGUAGE NS 0003 NP 0017 05 03/01/1998 STA COMPREHE NS 0005 NP 0058 COMPUTAT NS 0006 NP 0076 PROB /SLV NS 0006 NP 0064 04 03/01/1997 STA COMPREHE NS 0004 NP 0028 COMPUTAT NS 0005 NP 0050 PROB /SLV NS 0003 NP 0019 11 10/01/2003 FCA READ(T) SS.0307 10 03/01/2003 FCA READ(T) SS 0281 MATH(T) SS 0307 09 03/01/2002 FCA READ(T) SS 0295 MATH(T) SS 0268 08 03/01/2001 FCA READ(T) SS 0299 MATH(T) SS 0296 07 03/01/2000 FCA 0 m w ICI 1�Wti� S[ pjLpLm SS 1001 "tvk�Finq tin Meiyhbnrfxxrl n Cntrrt IM ut to Jrire, lt2uk �nxl Ph�y/' South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency James Bowman Scholarship 2005 -2006 An annual scholarship of $2,000 has been established in honor of Mr. James T. Bowman, Sr., a lifetime resident and a leader in the City of South Miami. Mr. Bowman, born in Tallahassee, Florida, moved to South.Miami at the age of three. Mr. Bowman was committed to his country and to his South Miami community. He served in the United States Army during World War H. He was a pillar in the community. Mr. Bowman served untiringly on numerous boards and held active memberships in various organizations. including the..Community Action Agency and the South Miami Alliance for Youth. He served on the City Commission from 1978 through 1986. He dedicated his life to creating opportunities for black youths and businesses in the redevelopment area of the City of South Miami. He continually encouraged others to strive to the top and will always be remembered for being proud of the accomplishment of the others in the community. The South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency ( SMCRA) Board has authorized an annual scholarship of $2,000. This scholarship(s) will be given once a year to 'a person or persons who has/have the potential to and has/have exhibited a desire to improve oneself/themselves through education. The scholarship monies, when awarded, shall only be used for tuition and related books /supplies for vocational and or higher education. - To be eligible, the applicant must have a high school diploma or a GED equivalent and must reside within the SMCRA district. The primary criterion for selection is a clear demonstration by, the applicant to strive to become better. The SMCRA Board with advice and recommendation from the Community Action Agency Committee will select the scholarship recipient(s). The deadline for receiving the application is Friday, July 8, 2005, and the scholarship recipients) will then be selected and the names will be announced_at•a_subsequent.SMCRA Board meeting. In order to be considered for the scholarship, please submit a fully completed application to South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency, by 5:00 P.M. on Friday, July 8, 2005, Incomplete applications will be automatically eliminated from consideration. A complete application must have the following: 1) Properly completed application form. 2) Proof of SMCRA area Residency. 3) A letter of acceptance from an accredited educational institution or trade school. 4) A letter of recommendation on official letterhead from an employer, faculty member or school counselor. 5) Official copy of the`High School ;College or GED transcript. OThe CRA Board reverses the right to select more than one recipient with the total available not to exceed $2,000 for the combined recerpints. 'MIL S CR . '.4 +ingwr M1'•.�,bvbwduLrrw f4 <rMfnr, :M.i..iCp4rc James T. Bowman, Sr. Scholarship Application Form Name: Er) n 0115 Address: 0520 SW 5-) ?L City /State /Zip: M i a n j, 1=1. 314 3 Date of Birth: °I 1 S 1 Ss 6 Social Security number: 592 - ('O Last School Attended Rori c1 a S- I-A4 -e Un►v�rs� ky When did you attend school last? A2r,1 05' Highest grade completed: . it co11g�6- Total amount requested (Provide breakdown of tuition and related supplies): ' - �-u',-�;o n S So g Employment History (Please list names, addresses and phone number of previous employers /if more space is needed, additional sheets may be attached): A List Extra Curriculum Activities including Community Service, (if more space is needed, additional sheets may be attached): wo rlc G GiG 64"Ll A..,+ Please write, on a separate sheet of paper, a brief narrative why you think you are deserving of this scholarship and how you plan to use the money: Please limit the narrative to 200 words only. O ` OI was always taught to never forget those who helped me along the way, not to forget where I've come from. I have began traveling the long road to gaining an education and hope to become a very successful and educated intellectual. However, it would not all be worth it if I did not share the gained knowledge and experience with those back home, if I did not reach back to help those who helped me. I feel that I am deserving of the scholarship because I know that I would reach,back to help people in the very community, that extended it's hand to me. I would not be selfish with my intellect, but I would return home and share with the future products of the city of South Miami. If awarded the scholarship money I would truly be blessed. There are so many costs that come with become growing up and going to college. The money would assist me in paying for tuition, books, housing, or many of the other supplies that come with Qbeing a college student. I would greatly appreciate the scholarship and am thankful for even the opportunity to apply. 0 roz, m iii Sit 0130-1. i no n,, r,,) V, B, 70 0 5.0, Cc -4 In rn a p. 4. = 0 3 pmt CD 0 CD (D Cc) y 0 0 :t " �2. (D < 0 0 -,D-n MOE: -n '13 0 0 r 0 0 :c 0-FU 0 0, 017 ID 00 c- ID 0 1 (D B > C , 0 M D M 4 p CD 0 P CD 0 CD 5'. csm 2- C) 011 (D ms rn 0 1+ =: 0 (D N Ia. ID 0• OR z -n n (D 0 N 0 r- 0 0 0:1 zr m -(D �ID O. CL (DI CD 3 0 CD rn -< -5- a CKM 004 nom -0 mom I n C) I 0 ,.. Office of Admissions Ms. Erin Nicole Rolle 6520 SW 57th PI South Miami FL 33143 -3685 Dear Ms. Rolle: December 3, 2003 Congratulations! On behalf of our faculty, students, and staff, I am pleased to inform you of your admission to Florida State University for the Summer Term, 2004. You will soon be joining a tradition of living and learning on the oldest continuous site of higher education in Florida. Picture yourself as a member of our academic family — challenged by engaging faculty, motivated by your peers, and supported by a caring staff. While pursuing a liberal arts education, discover the depths of knowledge available only at an institution committed to research and scholarly examination. Complement your learning by participating in academic, service, and extracurricular activities — on campus and around the world. Appreciate the spirit of a diverse student body. Realize your goals and reach for your dreams! We look forward to, helping you develop your talents and interests to the fullest. Welcome to our Seminole family — and to the Class of 2008! Sincerely, V, Janice V. Finney Director JVF:bb:sb Enclosures Conditions of Admission: Receipt of official high school transcript showing graduation date and successful completion of senior year course work. Residency Status: Florida Tailaaassee, Florida 32305 -2400 850.544.5200 http: / /admissions.fsu.edu/ admissions @admin.fsu.edu To Whom It May Concern: June 6, 2005 I have had the pleasure of knowing Erin Rolle throughout her high school career. Erin is a hard working student who is dedicated academically. Erin is very focused and has a direction o her life. There are several factors that are common to successful people. Erin possesses these components and there is no doubt she will be a success. Your assistance in Erin's academic growth will be greatly rewarded because she is an investment that is guaranteed to bring forth a positive return in the future. I herein highly recommend Erin Rolle and if you desire any additional information please feel free to contact me. Dr. Silas E. Ashley �+ South Mami Senior High (305) 666- 5871 Unofficial Academic Transcript Pagel of 3 Unofficial Academic Transcript UNOFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT (ALL CREDIT HOURS ON THIS RECORD REFLECTED IN SEMESTER HOURS) ROLLE ERIN NICOLE Address High School 6520 SW 57TH PL SOUTH MIAMI SR HIGH SCHO SOUTH MIAMI, FL 33143 -3685 FL Residency: Florida Resident Summer 2004 Gender Date of Birth Graduated High Shcool FSU Matriculation Date Female September 08, 1986 June 2004 Summer 2004 TEST SCORES CLAST SAT ACT GRE MAT WRI RDG ESS VER MAT Freshman MAT REA SCI COM VER MAT ADV COD 996 996 996 96 500 500 E23 22 22 17 21 3.00 PRACTICAL FINITE MAT MGF1107 A 3.00 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Term Class Division Major Summer 2004 Freshman BASIC DIVISION BUSINESS NFA Title Type Course Grade Hours Hours GPA GPA Freshman Attempted Earned Hours Points MICRO APPL FOR BS /EC CGS2100 A 3.00 3.00 3.00 12.00 FRESH COMP & RHETRC ENC1101 A 3.00 3.00 3.00 12.00 3.00 Term Totals: 6.00 6.00 6.00 24.00 https: // apps. oti. fsu. edu/ StudentAca.../ StudentAcadennicTranscript ?noheadertme &nofootei =tm 6/6/05 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Term Class Division Major Fall 2004 Freshman BASIC DIVISION BUSINESS NFA Title Type Course Grade Hours Hours Attempted Earned GPA Hours GPA Points FRESH WRITING RESRCH ENC1102 B- 3.00 3.00 3.00 8.25 DYNAMIC EARTH GLY1000 D 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 PRACTICAL FINITE MAT MGF1107 A 3.00 3.00 3.00 12.00 REASONNG /CRIT THINKG PHI2100 C- 3.00 3.00 3.00 5.25 Term Totals: 12.00 12.00 12.00 28.50 https: // apps. oti. fsu. edu/ StudentAca.../ StudentAcadennicTranscript ?noheadertme &nofootei =tm 6/6/05 Unofficial Academic Transcript Page 2 of 3 TRANSFER INFORMATION Hours Attempted: 0.00 Hours Earned: 0.00 GRADING SYSTEM FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY NOT USED TO COMPUTE GPA A Excellent I Incomplete Term Class Division U Unsatisfactory Major Spring 2005 Freshman BASIC DIVISION EDUCATION NFA Title Type Course Grade Hours Hours GPA GPA NOTE: A grade of "W" is used only to denote NG No Grade Reported Attempted Earned Hours Points CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY CLT3370 C 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 DYNAMIC EARTH LAB GLY1000L C- 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.75 MATH FOR LIB ARTS I MGF1106 A 3.00 3.00 3.00 12.00 SOCIAL PROBLEMS SYG2010 B- 3.00 3.00 3.00 8.25 MODRN WORLD SNC WOH1030 B+ 3.00 3.00 3.00 9.75 1815 Term Totals: 13.00 13.00 13.00 37.75 TRANSFER INFORMATION Hours Attempted: 0.00 Hours Earned: 0.00 GRADING SYSTEM USED TO COMPUTE GPA NOT USED TO COMPUTE GPA A Excellent I Incomplete B Good S Satisfactory C Average U Unsatisfactory D Passing EC CLEP Exam Credit /CEEB F Failing P Passed (Graduate Tests) IE Incomplete Expired ED Department Exam Credit GE No Grade Expired WD Withdrawn with permission of Dean *W Withdrew NOTE: A grade of "W" is used only to denote NG No Grade Reported that a student was passing a course at the CR Credit Received time of withdrawal from the University. EVALUATION OF TRANSFER (see course type) https: // apps. otLfsu. edu/ StudentAca.../ StudentAcademicTranscript ?noheader= true &nofooter =tru 616105 Unofficial Academic Transcript D Course duplicated by other work. E Credit approved toward undergraduate degree. G Grade below transferable level. L Course below transferable level. M Remedial coursework. N Course not applicable towards degree. P Credit approved toward graduate degree. T Vocational or technical terminal course prior to Fall Semester, 1981. V Vocational or technical terminal course beginning Fall Semester, 1981. W Gordon Rule Writing Contest. X Coursework taken while on dismissal. Y Community college courses taken beyond AA degree. FORGIVENESS POLICY INDICATORS see course type) T Repeated (initial attempt) R Repeated (last attempted) Page 3 of 3 The information provided is for student use only and can not be given out to a third party without the student's permission. Press the back button on your browser to return to the student profile. Secure Apps I Problems ?(Ph:644 -8502 Option #1) https: // apps. oti. fsu. edu/ StudentAca.../ StudentAcademicTranscript ?noheader= true &nofootei =tru 6/6/05 f_13= LIST SCHEDULE Web Registration ROLLE ERIN NICOLE Page 1 of 1 Drop Ref # course Sec Hours Title Meeting Days Meeting Time Building Room 0 00314 B5C1005 Ol 03 GEN BIO NON - MAJORS M W F 09:05A- 09.55A WES 123 F 02088 MAC1105 O1 03 COLLEGE ALGEBRA M W F 08:OOA- 08:SOA UPL 101 M 12:20A- 01:10P HTL 104 04336 EME2040 OZ 03 INTRO TO EDUCTN TECH M 01:OOP- 03:45P STB 124 FE] E061 PSY2012 04 03 FGEN PSYCHOLOGY M W F 10:10A- 11:OOA LON 201 Total Credit Hours: J= Total course fees and outstanding accounts receivable: $ 34.554`5' Enter the course reference numbers of the courses you wish to register for below, and /or mark the drop box of any class you wish to dr6p. To add more than five (5), enter the first five, add those courses, and then repeat the process. SUBMIT CLEAR https: / /student. access. fsu. edu/ SecureScripts /WebEncore.dll ?OldWebLink.html 4/8/2005 300' 'P,SC6irr, ,. , �':.ahh��` a.Jn G. -,•,; I'lo.n .., ui . ..,ar r, , � .., South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency James Bowman Scholarship 2005 -2006 An annual scholarship of $2,000 has been established in honor of Mr. James T. Bowman, Sr., a lifetime resident and a leader in the City of South Miami. Mr. Bowman, born in Tallahassee, Florida, moved to South Miami at the age of three. Mr. Bowman was committed to his country and to his South Miami community. He served in the United States Army during World War II. He was a pillar in the community. Mr. Bowman served untiringly on numerous boards and held active memberships in various organizations including the Community Action Agency and the South Miami Alliance for Youth. He served on the City Commission from 1978 through 1986. He dedicated his life to creating opportunities for black youths and businesses in the redevelopment area of the City of South Miami. He continually encouraged others to strive to the top and will always be remembered for being proud of the accomplishment of the others in the community. The South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency ( SMCRA) Board has authorized an annual scholarship of $2,000. This scholarship(s) will be given once a year to a person or persons who has/have the potential to and has/have exhibited a desire to improve oneself/themselves through education. The scholarship monies, when awarded, shall only be used for tuition and related books /supplies for vocational and or higher education. To be eligible, the applicant must have a high school diploma or a GED equivalent and must reside within the SMCRA district. The primary criterion for selection is a clear demonstration by the applicant to strive to become better. The SMCRA Board with advice and recommendation from the Community Action Agency Committee will select the scholarship recipient(s). The deadline for receiving the application is Friday, July 8, 2005, and the scholarship recipient(s) will then be selected and the names will be announced at a subsequent SMCRA Board meeting. In order to be considered for the scholarship, please submit a fully completed application to South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency, by 5:00 P.M. on Friday, July 8, 2005, Incomplete applications will be automatically eliminated from consideration. A complete application must have the following: 1) Properly completed application form. 2) Proof of SMCRA area Residency. 3) A letter of acceptance from an accredited educational institution or trade school. 4) A letter of recommendation on official letterhead from an employer, faculty member or school counselor. 5) Official copy of the High School ,College or GED transcript. The CRA Board reverses the right to select more than one recipient with the total available not to exceed $2,000 for the combined recerpints. IIM SMCRA James T. Bowman, Sr. Scholarship Application Form Name: Robert J. Rained Address: 6030 s.w. 60 ter. City /State /Zip: Miami/Florida/33176 Date of Birth: Jan. 6, 1986 Social Security Number: 589 40 6577 Last School Attended: Coral Reef Senior High School When did you attend school last ?: 2004 Highest Grade completed: 12 Total Amount requested (provide breakdown of tuition and related supplies): see attached Employment History (Please list names, addresses and phone number of previous employers /if more space is needed, additional sheets may be attached: see attached): See attached List Extra curriculum activities including community service, (if more spaces is needed, additional sheets may be attached): see attached Please write, on a separate sheet of paper, a brief narrative why you think you are deserving of this scholarship and how you plan to use this money. Please limit the narrative to 200 words. Robert J. Rainey R SMCRA James T. Bowman Scholarship Personal Statement I, Robert J. Rainey H deserves this scholarship because of my financial situation and hard work. My first year attending Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University taught me living independently isn't easy. Cooking, cleaning and studying all became great responsibilities. Especially unemployed; calling my mother for everything that I needed knowing that the financial situation at home is worse than my financial situation because my sister, grandmother, myself and mother, receiving only a disability check, lives in the house. So I spent my first year in college not only fighting to maintain decent grades but on a tight budget trying to refrain from calling my mother and asking for financial help. Upon receiving the money from your scholarship I plan on upgrading my computer so I can do tasks such as surf the internet and type my papers without my computer freezing. Also I will put it towards getting some winter clothes being a Miami Native, Tallahassee weather is unbearable, remaining under thirty degrees for extended periods. The remnants will be deposited into a Wal -Mart account to purchase food. Receiving this scholarship would make my college experience easier, not worrying about how to pay for my necessities. i R500-770-86-006-0 a i R4$ERT JAMES R me( Lt 6030 sw 60 TERRACE n MUM, FL: 33142-2212 2 - BIRTH DATE SEX HGr REST ENDORSE .. 01.06 -30 m ISSUED EXPIRES DUPLICATE 044"1 01 -os-08 07- 27-04 X0Wl SAFE DRIVER Ieration of a mohsr vehicle w nsfihrtes consent to any sobriety test required by law Ul f r y► y� ��yr 'Yy r �yy� �.yr y�r y}�t�y�y�y{�t '1 L l �ba l �M tN t l N l 1 l(t 4 1 6 �J C l T.i l �� TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32307 -3100 A ,.•r!lrncc IYitlr Carir�; DIVISION OF STUDENT AFFAIRS NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION May 2004 Dear;ti"ew Student: TcLITI(ONE: (850) 599 -3869 r.%x: (850) 599 -3850 Congratulations on your official acceptance to Florida agricultural and Meehanicel University! `our hard work and dedication during high school have finally paid off. You are now rezdy to begin the next phase of your life. You represent the newest generation of Rattlers, and we know that you are eager to add your name to the record of Rattler excellence. Tu help you get started, the Office of New Student Orientation has developed a program to meet the specific needs of our newest Rattlers. The Total Orientation Program for Students (TOPS) is des4med to include all the essential elements of the University experience. Sze::ifically, during TOPS you will learn about the policies and procedures that regulate the University, receive information about the services and organizations available to you as a student, and gain valuable information about your academic area. You will also meet with your advisor, and register for your fall semester classes. TOPS is also an excellent time for you to become familiar with the campus and residenec hall life. Orientation is required for all first time in college freshmen and transfer students entering the University. Your Orientation session has been designed specifically for you based on the School or College to which you have been officially accepted. Therefore, it is extremely important that you attend Orientation on the dates assigned to you. You must attend Orientation in order to register for classes. Erclosed ill this packet you will find a registration form as well as add ioral' Information to halo y:,u plan for your Orientation session. Congratulations again, and we loots: forest,: d to sceirg you this summer! The New Student Orientation Staff FAMU IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY /EQUAL ACCESS UNIVERSITY OFFICIAL ACCEPTANCE ��` ,�,o Office of Admissions FLORIDA A &M UNIVERSITY Tallahassee, Florida 32307 -3200 ISSUED: iV�,1r -, • MD (850) 599 -3796 � E?�$ER 1$, 2;;x'3 Dear Student: Your Admission to Florida A &M University is official for the term indicated. Your /acceptance is valid only for that. term. If you do not enroll for the term indicated, submit a new date of entry in writing within one semester abiding by the deadline for the new term of entry. If you enroll elsewhere, you must submit a new application. I .�AtA +EY,r ROBERT JAJUES .JJ'ti: -W O:.,TH TER S CUTH Iw: IA PI 9 FL 133143 -2242 STUDENT No.` TERM ENTERING _ SCHOOL & MAJOR^ CLASSIFICATION *RESIDENCY STATUS_ 5$9 -4-' --5577 FALL 2-.'-."4 .' IF :RESHfKAN FLORIDA RESIDENT YOUR ADMISSION STATUS IS: tt�� yy--ii� LL REMARK: IF FINAL, NO FURTHER' 'ACTI6N WbIRED; IF PROVISIONAL, THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW ARE NEEDED TO COMPLE YOUR FILE: A FIRST TIME IN COLLEGE FRESHMAN MUST SUBMIT FINAL TRANSCRIPT PRIOR TO A SECOND REGISTRATIC 3ANSFER STUDENT MUST PRESENT FINAL GRADES PRIOR TO INITIAL REGISTRATION. • FINAL H. S. TRANtiSCRIPT • rURAL REcF S F. IG. • • • • PROBATIONARY STATEMENT IF APPLICABLE: • `THIS IS YOUR RESIDENCY STATUS FOR FEE - PAYING PURPOSE SUBMIT IN WRITING WITH SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS At CHANGES PRIOR TO THE FIRST DAY OF CLASSES. STL+j;EP r u° PY cSairzE aEE�xFar �ommuniEy r lsalonazy Bap&.tt (-7fxutcfi 36161rbay venue coconut wove, 51-d da 33133 Ba,4op (Wdfie Zzonaui (305) 443 -5653 July 7, 2005 Selection Committee South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency James Bowman, Scholarship South Miami, Florida Dear Members Selection Committee: I am the Pastor of St. Matthew C.M.B. Church for the past 22 years and pastoral for 30 years. James Rainey is a member of my church I have known him all his life. I have watched him grow up into a loving, respectful, and kind young man. He has a very good character, and he also serve's in the church as a young deacon. James has been raised by a wonderful, and caring family. If allowed the opportunity James Rainey will be a great asset to our society. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be apart of James Rainey character reference. Yours in Christ Bishop Willie J. Leonard, Pastor Unofficial Transcripts Page 1 of 2 Help Report Results Returr Unofficial Transcript Print Date . 2005 -07 -08 Florida P. &M University Identify_.ng Cade: 001480 Name Rainey II,Robert J Student :;D 100184600 - - - - - External Degrees - - - - - Coral Rec:f Sr.hy. 2001 -06 -10 High School Diploma - - - - - Beginning of Undergraduate Record Tall Semostar 2004 Program : FAMU -FSU Engineering Plan : Pre:- Engineering Major AMH 2091 INTRO AFRO -AMc.R HIST 3.00 3.00 B 9.000 CHM 1015 FUNDAMENTAL OF CHEM 3.00 3.00 C 6.000 ENC 1101 FRESH COMM SKILLS 2 3.00 3.00 C 6.000 MAC 1105 COLLEGE ALGEBRA 3.00 3.00 D 3.000 TERM GPA : 2.000 TERM TOTALS 12.00 12.00 24.000 CUM GPA : 2.000 CUM TOTALS 12.00 12.00 24.000 Spring Semester 2005 Program : FAMU -FSU Engineering Plan : Pre - Engineering Major CHM 1045 GEN CHEMISTRY I 3.00 3.00 D 3.000 CHM. 1045L GENERAL CHEM I LAD 1.00 1.00 B 3.000 EGN 10041 FIRST YEAR ENG LAB 1.00 1.00 C 2.000 ENC 1102 FRESH COMM SKILLS II 3.00 3.00 B 9.000 MAC 1147 PRECALCULUS MATHEMAT 4.00 4.00 B 12.000 TERM GPA 2.417 TERM TOTALS 12.00 12.00 29.000 https : / /ourshldent. famu. edu/ servlets liclientservletlaprdsal ?ICType =Panel &Menu= SA_LEA... 7/8/2005 Unofficial Tninscripts Page 2 of 2 53.000 0.000 53.000 53.000 Return https:// ourstudi: nt. famu. edu/ servlets liclientseivletlaprdsal ?ICType =Panel &Menu =SA LEA... 7/8/2005 UM GPA 2.208 CUM TOTALS : 24.00 24.00 Fall Semester 2005 Program FAMU -FSU Engineering Plan Pre - Engineering Major AER -1000 INTRO AUTO SYSTEMS 3.00 MAC 2311 CALCULUS I 4.00 PHY 2048 GENERAL PHYSICS I 4.00 PHY 3048L GENERAL PHYSICS I LB 1.00 ::ERM GPA 0.000 TERM TOTALS 0.00 0.00 :;UM GPA 2.208 CUM TOTALS 24.00 24.00 Undergrad.iate Career Totals ,::UM GPA : 2.208 CUM TOTALS 24.00 24.00 Page 2 of 2 53.000 0.000 53.000 53.000 Return https:// ourstudi: nt. famu. edu/ servlets liclientseivletlaprdsal ?ICType =Panel &Menu =SA LEA... 7/8/2005 ID: 2823286 SSN: 589 -40 -6577 NAME: ROBERT J. RAINEY GRADE: 12 HOMEROOM: 440 SEX: M ADDRESS: 6030 SW 60 TERR PHONE: ( 305) 232 -1820 BIRTHDATE 01/06/86 CITY: MIAMI ZIP: 33143 COM SR HR:426 DATE 10/03/03 UNWEIGHTED GPA: 2.551 WEIGHTED GPA: 2.984 AS OF: 02/10/04 CLASS RANK: 0462 18% COMP LIT MET: Y ITNWD CUM GPA: 2.473 AS OF: 06/15/04 27.50 CREDITS AND 68.00 UNWD GRADE POINTS ON FILE AS OF: 06/15/04 3CT /FCAT COMP:P MATH:P TOT CREDITS REQ: 24.0 TOT CREDITS EARNED: 27.5 ADULT CREDITS XFER: 1.0 6AT: VERBAL 500 MATH: 470 ACT: ENGLISH: MATH: READING: SCI RSN: COMP: FCAT NRT SCORES FOR 03/02 READ: 59 5 MATH: 50 5 SCIENCE: FCAT SSS SCORES FOR 03/02 READ: 338 MATH: 340 SCIENCE: PSAT SCORES FOR 2001 VERBAL: 48 60 MATH: 40 29 WRITING: 44 44 FCAT WRITING FOR 2002 SCORE: 4.5 !-----!-----l---------------------------'-----------!--- ----- -- !--- ---- '-- ---- !-- ---' i !GRADE!SUBJ ! COURSE !SUBJECT !FINAL FLAG!CYCLE !CREDIT!CR !CR ! !LEVEL!AREA ! TITLE !CODE !GRADE ! TERM!EARNED!REQ !NEED ! '-----'-----!-°--------------------------!-----------!-------- -- !----- --'- --- -- !- ---- ' -- - - -' ! 09 ! EN !Eng Hon I !100132001H !C ! 001 A ! 1.0 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 10 ! EN !Eng Hon II !100135001H !C ! 011 A ! 1.0 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 11 ! EN !Eng Hon III !100138001H !C ! 021 A ! 1.0 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 12 ! EN !Eng Hon IV !100141001 !B ! 031 A ! 1.0 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 4.0 ! 4.0 ! .0 ! '-- - --!-- °-!---------------------------+-----------'-------- -- !------ -'---- -- !- ---- ' -- -- -' ! 10 ! MA !Geometry !120631001 !C ! 011 A ! 1.0 ! ! ! 12 ! MA !SAT /ACT Math Pr -A 1120830004 !C ! 031 1 ! .5 ! ! ! ! 12 ! MA !SAT /ACT Math Pr -B !120830005 !D ! 031 2 ! .5 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2.0 ! 2.0 ! .0 ! !-----!-----'---------------------------!-----------'---------- '--- ---- !------ '- ---- + - - - - -' ! 09 ! AL !Algebra I !120031001 !C ! 001 A ! 1.0 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 11 ! AL !Algebra II !120033001 !C ! 021 A ! 1.0 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2.0 ! 1.0 ! 1.0 -! !-----!-----+---------------------------+-----------!---------- !------- !------ !----- ' - - - - -' ! 08 ! SC !Physical Sci Hon !200332001 !B ! 991 A ! 1.0 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 09 ! SC !Biology I 1200031001 !C ! 001 A ! 1.0 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ( ' 10 ! SC !Zoology !200041001 !C ! 011 A ! 1.0 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 11 ! SC !Chemistry I !200334001 !C ! 021 A ! 1.0 ! ! ! 12 ! SC !Physics I Hon !200339001H !C ! 031 A ! 1.0 ! ! ! 5.0 ! 3.0 ! 2.0 -! '-----!-----'---------- ----------------- '------ - - - - -' - - - -- -- - - - - - -- -- ---- -! '!- --- -' - - - - -' ! 09 ! WH !World History !210931001 !C ! 001 A ' 1.0 ! ! ! r ! ! ! ! ! ! 1.0 ! 1.0 ! .0 ! +-----!-----'---------------------------+-----------+-------- -- '-- --- -- '------ !- --- -' -- -- -' ID: 2823286 SSN: 589 -40 -6577 NAME: ROBERT J. RAINEY GRADE: 12 HOMEROOM: 440 SEX: M ADDRESS: 6030 SW 60 TERR PHONE: ( 305) 232 -1820 BIRTHDATE 01/06/86 CITY: MIAMI ZIP: 33143 COM SR HR:426 DATE 10/03/03 UNWEIGHTED GPA: 2.551 WEIGHTED GPA: 2.984 AS OF: 02/10/04 CLASS RANK: 0462 18% COMP LIT MET: Y "D CUM GPA: 2.473 AS OF: 06/15/04 27.50 CREDITS AND 68.00 UNWD GRADE POINTS ON FILE AS OF: 06/15/04 f /FCAT COMP:P MATH:P TOT CREDITS REQ: 24.0 TOT CREDITS EARNED: 27.5 ADULT CREDITS XFER: 1.0 VERBAL 500 MATH: 470 ACT: ENGLISH: MATH: READING: SCI RSN: COMP: FCAT NRT SCORES FOR 03/02 READ: 59 5 MATH: 50 5 SCIENCE: SAT SSS SCORES FOR 03/02 READ: 338 MATH: 340 SCIENCE: ;AT SCORES FOR 2001 VERBAL: 48 60 MATH: 40 29 WRITING: 44 44 r'CAT WRITING FOR 2002 SCORE: 4.5 ' ----- ! ----- ! --------------------------- ! ----------- ' ---------- ! ------- ! ------ !- ---- '- - - --' !GRADE!SUBJ ! COURSE !SUBJECT !FINAL FLAG!CYCLE !CREDIT!CR !CR ! !LEVEL!AREA ! TITLE !CODE !GRADE ! TERM!EARNED!REQ !NEED ! '----- ! ----- ' --------------------------- ! ----------- ' ---------- '------- '------ '----- ' - - - - -' ! 10 ! EL !Health I -Lf Mgmt Skl !08003000125!D X ! 01S 1 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 10 ! EL !Intensive Reading !100041001 !B ! 011 1 ! .5 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 10 ! EL !Driver Ed Class /Lab !190031001 !A T ! 011 1 ! .5 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 10 ! EL !Explor in Math 2 !120551002 !C ! 011 2 ! .5 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 11 ! EL !Basketball 1150331001 !A ! 021 1 ! .5 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 11 ! EL !Ind Dual Sports I !150241001 !A ! 021 2 ! .5 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 12 ! EL !Holocaust !210943001 !B ! 031 1 ! .5 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 12 ! EL !World Religions !210531003 !C H! 031 2 ! .5 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 4.0 ! 8.5 ! 4.5 ! '-----'-----!--------------------------- '----------- !---------- !------- !------ !----- ' - - - - -' TOTAL CREDITS EARNED: 991= 1.0 OOS= 1.0 001= 6.0 01S- .5 27.5 24.0 3.5- 011= 6.5 021= 6.0 03S= .5 031= 6.0 EXCESS CREDITS IN A SUBJECT AREA MAY BE APPLIED TO ELECTIVE REQUIREMENT CRSE FLAG: 9 =CRD(6 -8), X =NOT IN GPA, O =REPL CRSE, H =LOCAL HONORS, T =TRACE XFR, L =LANG LVL I ID: 2823286 SSN: 589 -40 -6577 NAME: ROBERT J. RAINEY GRADE: 12 HOMEROOM: 440 SEX: M ADDRESS: 6030 SW 60 TERR PHONE: ( 305) 232 -1820 BIRTHDATE 01/06/86 CITY: MIAMI ZIP: 33143 COM SR HR:426 DATE 10/03/03 UNWEIGHTED GPA: 2.551 WEIGHTED GPA: 2.984 AS OF: 02/10/04 CLASS RANK: 0462 18% COMP LIT MET: Y "NWD CUM GPA: 2.473 AS OF: 06/15/04 27.50 CREDITS AND 68.00 UNWD GRADE POINTS ON FILE AS OF: 06/15/04 ;CT /FCAT COMPQ MATH:P TOT CREDITS RET 24.0 TOT CREDITS EARNED: 27.5 ADULT CREDITS XFER: 1.0 .SAT: VERBAL 500 MATH: 470 ACT: ENGLISH: MATH: READING: SCI RSN: COMP: FCAT NRT SCORES FOR 03/02 READ: 59 5 MATH: 50 5 SCIENCE: FCAT SSS SCORES FOR 03/02 READ: 338 MATH: 340 SCIENCE: PSAT SCORES FOR 2001 VERBAL: 48 60 MATH: 40 29 WRITING: 44 44 FCAT WRITING FOR 2002 SCORE: 4.5 !-----!-----1---------------------------1------- --- -!------- ---!------- 1- - -- - -! '-- - - -' !GRADE!SUBJ ! COURSE !SUBJECT !FINAL FLAG!CYCLE !CREDIT!CR QR ! !LEVEL!AREA ! TITLE !CODE !GRADE ! TERM!EARNED!REQ !NEED ! '----- ' ----- ' --------------------------- ' ----------- ' ---------- '------- '------ ! - - - -- ' ! 11 ! AH !Amer History Honors !210032001H !B ! 021 A ! 1.0 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1.0 ! 1.0 ! .0 ! !-----!-----!--------------------------- '----------- '---------- '------- '------ ' ! 12 ! EC !Economics Honors !210232001H !C ! 031 2 ! .5 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! .5 ! .5 ! .0 ! '-----'-----'--------------------------- '----------- !---------- !------- ! ' - - - - -' i ! 12 ! AG !Amer Govt Honors !210632001H !B ! 031 1 ! .5 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! .5 ! .5 ! .0 ! '-----'-----'--------------------------- '----------- !---------- !------- !------ '----- '- - - - -' ! 10 ! PF !Ceram /Pot I !01023000125!C ! 01S 1 ! .5 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! .5 ! .5 ! .0 ! '-----'-----'--------------------------- '----------- !---------- !------- !------ ' - - - - -' i ! 09 ! VO !Engineering Tech I 060057001 !C ! 001 A ! 1.0 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 10 ! VO !Engineering Tech II 1860067001 !B ! 011 A ! 1.0 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 11 ! VO !Engineering Tech III 060177001 !B ! 021 A ! 1.0 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 12 ! VO !Communication Tech I !860101013 !B ! 031 A ! 1.0 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 4.0 ! .5 ! 3.5 -1 '-----'-----'--------------------------- !----------- !---------- !------- !------ !----- ! - - - - -! ! 09 ! PE !Personal Fit !15013000125!A ! OOS 1 ! .5 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! .5 ! 1.0 ! .5 ! '-----!-----! --------------------------- !----------- !---------- !------- !------ !----- ! - - - - -! ! 11 ! LM !Health I -Lf Mgmt Skl !080030001 !B 0 T ! 03S 1 ! .5 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! .5 ! .5 ! .0 ! ----'-----'---------------------------!-----------!---------- !------- !------ l---- -' - - - - -' 09 ! FL !Spanish I !070834001 !B ! 001 A ! 1.0 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 10 ! FL !Spanish II !070835001 !C ! 011 A ! 1.0 ! ! ! i ! ! ! ! ! 2.0 ! .0 ! 2.0 -1 '-----!-----' --------------------------- ' ----------- '---------- '------- !------ '----- ' - - -- -' ! 09 ! EL !Team Sports I !15033500125!B ! OOS 1 ! .5 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! '-----'-----!--------------------------- '----------- !---------- '------- !------ '----- ' - - - - -' Robert Rainey 11 14424 SW 105 CT Miami, FL 33176 Home -(305) 232 -1820 Cell -(305) 898 -2720 robrains042000 @yahoo.com *Objective -To receive an internship that allows me to use my education, experience, and skills. *Education - I graduated from Coral Reef Senior High in June 2004 with a Mechanical Engineering certificate. - I .am currently a second year Mechanical Engineering major at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University *Volunteer Experience - Summer 2002 -03 - -- Cleaning park for West Kendall *Activities - Freshman Class Cabinet 2004 -2005 Public relations committee -SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) member 2004- *Skills and Abilities - Computer/Technically inclined; - Educationally inclined in mathematics and differing sciences -Great Social and People skills - Mechanically inclined -Good at troubleshooting Work Experience - Party City Corp. 305 - 232 -7744 Oct. 2003 -June 2004 - Cashier, stock shelves, floor assistant - Miami Dade Park and Recreation. 305 - 382 -6407 June 2004 -Aug. 2004 -05 - summer camp counselor Financial Aid Inquiry Page 1 of 1 Financial Aid Cost of Attendance Financial Aid Year 2005 -2006 Robert Rainey II View detailed information about your estimated cost of attendance. Spring Semester 2006 Budget Item Amount Books and Supplies 742.00 USD Health Fee 59.00 Housing 1,717.00 Identification Card 5.00 Meals 1,035.00 Personal 1,000.00 Transportation Access Fee 47.00 Transportation Personal 530.00 Tuition Fees 1,477.00 Term Total 6,612.00 USD Fall Semester 2005 Budget Item Amount Books and Supplies 742.00 USD Health Fee 59.00 Housing 1,717.00 Identification Card 5.00 Meals 1,035.00 Personal 1,000.00 Transportation Access Fee 47.00 Transportation Personal 530.00 Tuition Fees 1,477.00 Term Total 6,612.00 Total COA 13,224.00 USD Return Help https: / /ourstudent. famu. edu/ servlets lielientservletlaprdsal ?ICType =Panel &Menu =SA LEA... 7/8/2005 An annual scholarship of $2,000 has been established in honor of Mr. James T. Bowman, Sr., a lifetime resident and a leader in the City of South Miami. Mr. Bowman, born in Tallahassee, Florida, moved to South Miami at the age of three. Mr. Bowman was committed to his country and to his South Miami community. He served in the United States Army during World War II. He was a pillar in the community. Mr. Bowman served untiringly on numerous boards and held active memberships in various organizations including the Community Action Agency and the South Miami Alliance for Youth. He served on the City Commission from 1978 through 1986. He dedicated his life to creating opportunities for black youths and businesses in the redevelopment area of the City of South Miami. He continually encouraged others to strive to the top and will always be remembered for being proud of the accomplishment of the others in the community. The South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency ( SMCRA) Board has authorized an annual scholarship of $2,000. This scholarship(s) will be given once a year to a person or persons who has /have the potential to and has/have exhibited a desire to improve oneself/themselves through education. The scholarship monies, when awarded, shall only be used for tuition and related books /supplies for vocational and or higher education. To be eligible, the applicant must have a high school diploma or a GED equivalent and must reside within the SMCRA district. The primary criterion for selection is a clear demonstration by the applicant to strive to become better. The SMCRA Board with advice and recommendation from the Community Action Agency Committee will select the scholarship recipient(s). The deadline for receiving the application is Friday, July 8, 2005, and the scholarship recipient(s) will then be selected and the names will be announced at a subsequent SMCRA Board meeting. In order to be considered for the scholarship, please submit a fully completed application to South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency, by 5:00 P.M. on Friday, July 8, 2005, Incomplete applications will be automatically eliminated from consideration. A complete application must have the following: 1) Properly completed application form. 2) Proof of SMCRA area Residency. 3) A letter of acceptance from an accredited educational institution or trade school. 4) A letter of recommendation on official letterhead from an employer, faculty member or school counselor. 5) Official copy of the High School ,College or GED transcript. The CRA Board reverses the right to select more than one recipient with the total available not to exceed $2,000 for the combined recerpints. 'I 1- MC oo, James T. Bowman, Sr. Scholarship Application Form Name: cf ..1 Address: 0 6") ( r, I St < r City /State /Zip: M Date of Birth: r L4 Lo C` Social Security number ;2&'7 - 5 S-- Last School Attended: N3"J :X� When did you attend school last? aOc) :5- Highest grade completed: Cry Total amount requested (Provide breakdown of tuition and related supplies): . Employment History (Please list names, addresses and phone number of previous employers /if more space is needed, additional sheets may be` attached): 1 AI-t 0� lruv I'll 11 0 (° l lit Lip C) - 6 S u 0 List Extra Curriculum Activities including Community Service, (if more space is needed, additional sheets may be attached): A� NJ 01-) t-MLC-k . "iA k,, 2VV-,- K 4 k--,.4- ( I 9 Please write, on a separate sheet of paper, a brief narrative why you think you are deserving of this scholarship and how you plan to use the money. Please limit the narrative to 200 words only. �I MIAMI -DA6E ELECTIONS DEPARTMtcNT P.O. BOX 012241 MIAMI, FL 33101 -2241 Ir PRESORTED RETURN SERVICE FIRST -CLASS MAIL REQUESTED U.S. POSTAGE PAID j MIAMI, FLORIDA 1 0381547 PERMIT NO. 877 Registration No Num. de Inscri W n .. ' -� ii"" ,.e_�z 1��� ft x'"x .c +r .3'w. .r •s �� .... .....,tOr,++•rk.�+ : ti ''T""a+""..r �' .;.ym V H. a wlw rc'i:°:•F'S . 0 ( MAIL TO. CURRIE,SEBRENIA BLACK .6010 SW 61ST ST SOUTH MIAMI FL 33143 -2246? IilFli##n "iiiil l l3 {l i'!tThiliIIIIIIilF till} lifllll11i #3 a` ` •r The Sunshine State -- LICENSE NLMBER C600- 782 -69 -914 -0 SEBRENIA BLACK CURRIE 6010 Sw 61 ST SOUTH MIAMI, FL 33143 -2248 BIRTH DATE SIX HG'T. REST. ENDORSE. 11 -1469 F 5-02 ISSUED EXPIRES DUPLICATE 10 -27-00 1144 -M 00-00-00 eA c k 1Z SAFE DRIVER . TBB00102707f7 Operation of a motor vehicle constibAes consent to any sobriety test required by law 9 ./ NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Miami Student Educational Center c din NSU \1I// June 8, 2005 South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency Reference: James Bowman Scholarship Dir Sir or Madam: This letter certifies that Sebrenia B. Currie is a current, full time student at.Nova Southeastern University. Ms. Currie is in good academic standing, and has been working on her Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Professional Management and a concentration in Business. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 954- 262 -3457. S' erely, 1 Michelle M. Horta Academic Advisor H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business & Entrepreneurship Nova Southeastern University P.O. Box 836719 • Miami, Florida 33283 -6719 • (954) 262 -3400 Fax: (305) 274.8075 G June 7, 2005 South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency Reference: James Bowman Scholarship Dear Sir or Madam I personally recommend that Sebrenia B. Currie receive the James Bowman scholarship award to assist her in completing educational requirements for her BS degree. I have known Mrs. Currie for over 10 years as her supervisor and friend. She has always maintained a professional demeanor and great work ethic throughout the time I have known her and continued to seek her college degree, even after the birth of her two children. Please accept my recommendation for the awarding of the above financial scholarship to Sebrinia that will support and enable her to achieve this challenging goal Sincerely, Shirley Browd v V Special ent Su ' or Flori epartment of Law Enforcement 1030 NW 111 Avenue, Miami, Fl 305- 470 -5500 Academic Transcipt Page 1 of 4 o NOVA SOLTMEASMN unn�er�srl� one, � 'C.CaSSYaww. 267854237 Sebrenia B. Currie Jun 07, 2005 08:32 am Display Transcript " This is NOT an official transcript. Courses which are in progress or not graded may also be included on this transcript. Transfer Credit Institution Credit Transcript Totals Courses in Progress Transcript Data for Sebrenia S. Currie STUDENT INFORMATION Name: Sebrenia B. Currie * **Transcript type:Web Transcript Request is NOT Official * ** OTRANSFER CREDIT ACCEPTED BY INSTITUTION lap_ 1987: Miami -Dade Cmty Coll North Subject Course Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points COMM 3120 Speech Comm For Professions TR 3.000 NOVA 1080 General Electives TR 33.000 NOVA 1090 Humanities Elective TR 3.000 NOVA 9999 Non-Business Elective TR 15.000 Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 0.000 0.000 54.000 0.000 O.DO NO Unofficial Transcript 2003: '. Prior Learning Subject Course Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points NOVA 1080 General Electives EQ 12.000 Attempt Hours Passed Hours. Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 0.000 0.000 12000 0.000 0.00 Unofficial Transcript PRE - SYSTEM INSTITUTION SUMMARY HOURS Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points: GPA Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.DO https: / /webstar. nova. edu /pls/PROD/bwskotm.P_ViewTran 6/7/2005 Academic Transcipt Page 2 of 4 Unofficial Transcript INSTITUTION CREDIT -- Winter 2003 College: Farquhar College Major: Professional Management Academic Standing: Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R BUSS 2150 U3 Business law I C+ 3.D00 6.90 MGMT 2050 U3 Principles Of Management B• 3.000 8.10 MRKT 3050 U3 Mkt Prin & Application A 3.000 12.00, TECH 1110 1.13 Technology In Information Age A 3.000 12.00 Term Totals (Bachelors - BPM) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 12.000 12.000 12.000 12.000 39.00 3.25 Cumulative: 12.000 12.000 78.000 12.000 39.00 3.25 Unofficial Transcript Summer 11 2003 College: Farquhar College Major: Professional Management Academic Standing: Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R PSYC 2330 U3 . Interpersonal Communication C 3.000 6.00 Term Totals (Bachelors - BPM) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 6.00 2.00 (` /) Cumulative: 15.000 15.000 81,000 15.000 45.00 3.00 Unofficial Transcript Winter 2004' College: Farquhar College Major: Professional Management Academic Standing: Additional Standing: Dean's List Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R MGMT 4050 U3 Organization Dev & Chang A 3.000 12.00 MGMT 4160 U3 Human Resource Management B+ 3.000 9.90 MGMT 4170 U3 Organizational Behavior A 3.000 12.00 WRIT 2150 ' U3 Writing for the Professions B- 3.000 8.10 Term Totals (Bachelors - BPM) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 12.000 12.000 12.000 12000 42.00 3.50 Cumulative: 27.000 27.000 93.000 27.001) 87.0D 3.22 Unofficial Transcript Summer 1 2004 College: Farquhar College Major: Professional Management OAcademic Standing: https:H webstar .nova.edu /pls/PROD/bwskotm.P ViewTran 6/7/2005 Academic Transcipt Page 3 of 4 Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R MGMT 2510 U3 Supervisory Skills A- 3.000 11.10 MGMT 3660 U3 Management Info Systems A 3.000 12.00 Term Totals (Bachelors - BPM) . L..,' Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 23.10 3.65 Cumulative: 33.000 33.000 99.000 33.000 110.10 3.33 Unofficial Transcript Summer 11 2004 College: Farquhar College Major: Professional Management Academic Standing: Subject Course Level Title ACCT 2200 U3 Financial Accounting I ECON 2010 U3 Prin Of Macroeconomics Term Totals (Bachelors - BPM) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA 6.00 6.000 6.000 6.000 15.90 39.000 39.000 105.000 39.000 126.00 Current Term: Cumulative: Unofficial Transcript Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R B+ 3.000 9.90 C 3.000 6.00 2.65 323 Fall 2004 College: Farquhar College Major. Professional Management Academic Standing: (� Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R BUSS 3550 U3 Intro To Intl Business C 3.000 6.00 BUSS 4680 U3 Business Strategy and Policy B 3.000 9.00 FINC 3010 U3 Corporation Finance B+ 3.000 9.90 POLS 1010 U3 American Govt & Politics D 3.000 3.00 Term Totals (Bachelors - BPM) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 12.000 12.000 12.000 12.000 27.90 2.32 Cumulative: 51.000 51.000 117.000 51.000 153.90 3.01 Unofficial Transcript Winter 2005 College: Farquhar College Major: Professional Management Academic Standing: Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R ARTS 2300 U3 Art And Society W 3.000 0.00 Term Totals (Bachelors - BPM) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 Cumulative: 54.000 51.000 117.000 51.000 153.90 3.01 0 Unofficial Transcript f https:// webstar .nova.edu/pls/PROD/bwskotm.P ViewTran 6/7/2005 Academic Transcipt Page 4 of 4 TRANSCRIPT TOTALS (BACHELORS - BPM) -Top_ Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Total Institution: 54.000 51.000 51.000 51.000 153.90 3.01 Total Transfer: 0.000 0.000 66.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 '�-�- Overall: 54.000 51.000 117.000 51.000 153.90 3.01 Unofficial Transcript COURSES IN PROGRESS -Top_ > Summer 12005 College: Farquhar College Major: Professional Management Subject `Course Level Title Credit Hours MATH 1030 U3 Intermediate Algebra 3.000 RELEASE: 6.1 0 0 https: / /webstar. nova. edu /pls/PROD/bwskotm.P_ViewTran 6/7/2005 June 8, 2005 To whom it•may concern: I was born at Doctors Hospital, located in the steamy. City of Coral Gables, Florida, thus making me a true native of Florida. I was raised in the beautiful city of South Miami. I began my educational career at South Miami Elementary School, located within the City of South Miami, Florida. Further, I attended South Miami Junior High and South Miami Senior High, graduating among the Class of 1987. Aside from personal encounters with Mr. James Bowman Sr., he provided me with scholarly advice, and the importance of furthering my education. Taken his advice, I applied and was accepted, to the Criminal Justice Administration Program at the Miami Dade Community College, and to the 'BPM Program at Nova Southeastern University. Truly, I believe that I deserve the James T. Bowman, Sr. Scholarship award. Additionally, l feel I should receive the award because I am a single mother with two kids, a full -time employee, and a full -time aspiring student. Mr. James Bowman's was a mentor, his educational advice has helped me improve my future. Due to high rising tuition fees, 1 am forced to take fewer courses, which prolongs my graduation date. Therefore, this award would help me further my educational goal. Thank you incereiy, Sebrenia B. Currie l Account Summary Page 1 of 1 ACCOUCI� SUCT1C11a 267854237 Sebrenia B. Currie Summary Jun 08, 2005 04:42 pm '�'" Review summarized charges and payments to your account. Account information includes a total detail listing "` of your charges, payments and balance at Nova Southeastern University. For a breakdown of how.your tuition was` determined, refer to your program catalog or contact your program office /advisor for an explanation. To review a term by term' breakdown, click on "Account Summary by Term" in the Student Records Menu. Click here to review NSU's Payment Policy. Anticipated third party contract payments, financial aid payments, collection fees, attorney's fees, and memo items are NOT included in this summary. Tuition for the 2004 /2005 academic year will not be available until mid April 2004. Summary Account Balance: , . $4,935.00 Detail Code Description Charge'7., Paymenfi Balance` 0355 U-HSBE Miami Tuition $21,438.75 $0.00 $4,510.00 2008 Registration Fee $250.00 $0.00 $50.00 2009 30 Day Late Fee $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 2025 NSU Stu Svcs Fee $375.00 $0.00 $375.00 2343 FAR-Student Sery Fee -BPM $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 2426 Edc Ctr Activity Fee Miami $60.00 $0,00 $0.00 6004 Refund $16,611.75 $0.00 $0.00 6007 Reclass of old open Balances $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 9930 Visa Payment - Thanks $0.00 $687.46 $0.00 FFPG Pell Grant (Federal Aid) $0.00 $9,025.00 $0.00 FFSL Federal Sub. Stafford Loan $0.00 $10,642.50 $0.00 FRAG FL Resid. Access Grant $0.00 $3,653.00 $0.00 FSEG SEW $0.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 FUSL Federal Unsub. Stafford Loan $0.00 $8,412.54 $0.00 Charges:..:.: .. $38,855.50 Credits and Payments: $33,920.50 Account Balance: $4,935.00 0 RELEASE: 6.1 baps: / /webstar.noua.edu /pis /PROD /bwskoacc.P_YewAcctTotal 6/8/05 SMC n7 1001 'hktRingrun VrmlhbutlxxKMr CnfrR !'Sxa rtrfe'ver, itkuk culd7 +l:r✓' South,Miami Community Redevelopment Agency James Bowman Scholarship; 2005 -2006 An annual scholarship of $2,000 has been established in honor of Mr. James T. Bowman, Sr., a lifetime resident and a leader in the City of South Miami. Mr. Bowman, born in Tallahassee, Florida, moved to South Miami at the age of three. 'Mr. Bowman was committed to his country and to his South Miami. community. He served in the United States Army, during World War H. He was a pillar in the community. Mr. Bowman served untiringly on numerous boards and held active memberships in various organizations including the Community Action Agency and the South Miami Alliance for Youth. He served on the City Commission from 1978 through 1986. He dedicated his life to creating opportunities for black youths and businesses in the redevelopment area of the City, of South Miami. He continually ,encouraged others to strive to the top and will always be 'remembered for being proud of the accomplishment of the others in the community. The South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency ( SMCRA) Board has authorized an annual scholarship of $2,000. This scholarship(s) will be given once a year to a person or Opersons who has/have the potential to and has/have exhibited a desire to improve oneself/themselves through education. The scholarship monies, when awarded, shall only be used for tuition and related books /supplies for vocational and or higher education. To be eligible, the applicant must have a'high school diploma or a GED equivalent and must'reside within the SMCRA district. The primary criterion for selection is a clear demonstration by the applicant to strive to become better. The SMCRA Board with advice and recommendation from the Community Action Agency Committee will select the scholarship recipient(s): The deadline for receiving the application is Friday, July 8, 2005, and the scholarship recipient(s) will then be selected-and-the names will be announced at a- subsequent SMCRA Board meeting. In order to be considered for the scholarship, please submit a fully completed application to South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency, by 5 :00 P.M. on Friday, July 8, 2005, Incomplete applications will be automatically eliminated from consideration. A complete application must have the following: 1) Properly completed application form. 2) Proof of SMCRA area Residency. 3) A letter of acceptance from an accredited educational institution or trade school. 4) A letter of recommendation on official letterhead from an employer, faculty member or school counselor. 5) Official copy of the High School ,College or GED transcript. The CRA Board reverses the right to select more than one recipient with the total available not to � P exceed $2,000 for the combined recerpints. o V 'S Wt C ru" 'dlv4%rx;ay.:v,rq,vf ».1u::i.t lkv..•Hir :i:.k vt'yn: James T. Bowman, Sr. Scholarship Application Form Name: A4a" /J I, V", �—) 62 r tl-� , Address: �� �'7 S'• lt/, (p City /State /Zip: Date of Birth: – Social Security number - 2� Last School Attended: -� When did you attend school last2f�"'�2(�S Highest grade completed: n f Total amount requested (Provide breakdown of tuition and related supplies): Employment History (Please list names, addresses and phone number of previous employers /if more space is needed, additional sheets may be attached): space is needed, sheets may be attached): , n C S �� Pleases ' e, o o parer f native why ou J yo ervmg of this scholarship and how you plan to use the money. Please limit the narrative to 200 words only. X &A off} La uill Dozier q Y .SMCRA James T. Bowman Scholarship Personal Statement My name is Laquilly Dozier, I have lived in the City of South Miami for ten years of my .life. I have grown in this city from a little, girl to the productive and educated college student that I am today. I am a hard working student who has been one all of my life. I started out in elementary school as an honor roll student, making excellent conduct grades, and maintaining perfect attendance for the rest of my school years. As a junior in high school, I became a victim of teen pregnancy. Although I carried with me the Oresponsibility of raising a child, I graduated on time and decided.to further n1y education by attending college.. I got accepted to. Florida International University, and besides giving birth to my daughter that was the happiest day of my life. I am now a sophomore, majoring in Elementary Education. Due to my experience in mentoring and tutoring young kids in my community I-felt that education was the perfect thing for me to do. I service work as a cheerleadin coach ' have also participated in volunteer community a in P P , tY g which I took a leadership position. If I were to gain this money, I would use it to pay for unpaid tuition fees and also for the cost of my books (in which cost approximately $500) - a _ The Sunshine State _ D260- 524 -84 -608 -0 "' ; • • f- ''''; LAQUILLY DENISE DOZIER t- "'`.•' , 6867 SW 68 STREET SOUTH MIAMI, FL 337434646 BM MTE sac WT • REST: ErmmtSF- 03 2844 F 6.09 ISSUED EOpm DUPUCATE O_ Ul . _ �` �. 02 -02-W 03 -2S4G 1041.02 SAFE DRIVER Opamtkm of a.motoc vehide cwwbhrtas consent to any sobiety twA roqulred by law. IN _ I FLORIDA - ` �z INTERNATIONAL Y '1 I UNIVERSITY y } • r 1 i • rape, Knowledge, and Opporeunity February 19, 2002 Ms. Laquilly Denise Dozier 5867 SW 68TH St Miami, FL 33143-3646, ' , Dear Ms. Dozier: ,t' . . ' ' ' ' . . y ' . Y64 (0 Ly StUdl -.1: �V \.y 1•i' �tiSiVY it�L'i�.�i4�11/3.A4L ��11YV{. 1iL `i-� V . Your decision to pursue a degree at FIU reflects your confidence in our institution, our faculty, and -our academic programs. Our letter of admission reflects our confidence in your, ability to prosper from your academic experience. at FIU• We are committed to providing you with the finest opportunities as you pursue your education at FIU. Soon you will be receiving information. from various campus offices. Meanwhile, if you have any questions, please refer to the appropriate telephone numbers sent to you with your acceptance letter. Feel free to contact any pertinent office to receive answers to your questions. I am very proud of Florida International University's accomplishments and recognition. Our recent growth and advancement over a relatively short period of time is evidence of our enormous potential. The degree you will earn at FIU is one of which you can be proud. We all look forward to working with you as a student and eventually as a member of our growing Alumni Association: Sincerely, Modesto f, Mandique President University Park • Miami, Florida 33199 www.fiu.edu Equal Oppornunir/tEqual Access Employer and [nnicucion • MD ,& FRS 800 955 -8771 Principal 1 Miami -Dade County School Board Craig Speziale Frank J. Bolanos, Chair., Dr. Robert B. Ihgram, Vice Chair i .. 'Agustin J. Barrera t Evelyn Langlfeb -Greer Perfa Tabares Hantman June 29, 2005 "Dr. Martin Karp Ana Rivas Logan f 'Dr. Marta Parez` . City of South Miami Dr. Solomon C. Stinson James T' Bowman Scholarship Superintendent of Schools .Rudolph F. Crew, Ed. D. South Miami Redevelopment Agency 3 RE: LAQUILLA DOZIER To Whom it May'Concern, - Please. allow 'this letter to serve as a letter of recommendation. for Ms: Laquilla Dozier. I deem this an honor to speak bri her behalf. - OI have known Laquilla for 7 years and during this time I have watched a young woman mature. and grow. Laquilla is trustworthy and a hard worker. *r` desire to,improve herself and create a brighter future is evident in all she does:'- Given the opportunity, I am certain Laquilla can fiilfill the dreams she has laid out . for herself. _ It is my pleasure to recommend Ms. Laquilla Dozier for your prestigious scholarship: You have an _ extremely qualified candidate who l know will make you proud as well. If I may be of any further assistance,.please do not hesitate to, contact me. Sincerely, -- Marion Chase 2005. Teacher of the .Year South Miami Senior High School SOUTH MIAMI SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL i. 6856 S.W 5P Street • IVlfarrri, Florida, 33155 305 -666 -5671 - Fax 305 -666 -6359 • smsh.dadeschools.net Lel NO Laquilly Dozier 5867 SW 68 ST 305) 669 -9990 Miami FL, 33143 786) 380 -7865 LdoziOOI(@fiu.edu Objective: To obtain an entry-level position at your company, to utilize current skills while obtaining new ones. Education: Florida International University Miami, FL Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood and Elementary Education December 2007 Experience: Precision Response Corporation Residential Sales for DirecTV Satellite Services 19500 S. Dixie Highway Cutler Ridge, FL 33157 Received inbound calls and provided great customer service in assisting customers with ordering their new DirecTV system. Also consisted of data entry in processing the order onto a computer. Florida International University America Reads Tutor University Park Campus 11200 S.W. 8" Street Miami, Florida 33199 Assigned at a site located in the City of South Miami, to assist students with homework assignments. Also helped elementary students with reading and how to understand the concepts of reading. Honors: Florida Bright Futures Scholarship (Academic Scholarship) Take Stock In Children Scholarship (Academic Scholarship) Certificate of Appreciation for America Reads tutoring program at Florida International University James Bowman Scholarship (Scholars Award) Community Action Agency Scholarship (Scholars Award) Activities: Volunteer hours mentoring and tutoring students at Murray Park in the. City of South Miami throughout the academic school year. . (2002) Head Cheerleading Coach for the Pop Warner league in the City of South Miami (2003) Skills: Proficient in Microsoft Word, and Excel Working knowledge of PowerPoint References: Furnished Upon Request O C cil n LLSI v' o QO n:0 X o O Ul En tnn n o 00 O 3 fS. co O y0 r Cn CD LLSI v' o QO n:0 X o O O CD �a En tnn n o D 3 N N � O y0 r Cn CD ��. C1 V la to o 'oo 00 � to n 3 c CD `D gCD CD CD 0 ul o °_ C-)v °4 � 0 -� O CD C a CC 1• CD 0 Do FL N CD CC 3 c -cno Cr 0 - EFO � LLSI v' o QO 01 n:0 X o a� C CD CD 4, r. D� D 0 N N CD O y0 r Cn CD O O m CD 3 rt � to n c CD `D gCD CD 0 c ul CD3 °4 � 0 -� m c CO N O m rn FL N CD � c -cno 0. 01 n:0 n o a� C CD CA m 4, r. N D CA N N CD Lin Cn N O O m N I of m c.n w� n o 0 c CD CD3 °4 � 0 0 CL n CO N O m rn FL N CD � c -cno o 0 - EFO � O 7 N �CD 3 I rt = C I y m, 3 cn �° rt w H O' = : c � y 0 X-0 00 CD o ,y+ 3 �� o cn n CD 01 n:0 o a� C CD CL 4, r. N D CA N N CD 3 Cn O m m 0 c CD CD3 °4 � 0 0 CL n > m rn FL N CD � c N 0 - EFO � O 7 N 0 co �. 3 co Ul 3 rt m, 3 cn no c � y 0 '�9 CD o ,y+ 3 �� o C o a� C CD CL o N N CD C/I m c CD Q 0 �d FL � c CD CD w 0 CD O 7 N co �. 3 Ul m, �� o n 0ZG =] cum mm -* a mm °00 N 3 CL CL CD < CL CL CL m a3 o a o ca a co = cm ° 3 m m cn CD 0 CD 7. O m m O > is m a o 'o p -- rL o o a a a 3 a "a r t=J m 3 7 CD 3 p� 3 --� 3 CD Cs, n co n W y yy 5' CD p CD (D Q rSJ W3 N W -+ OC _ I O.: C O C „� O C Oy cy oy �m .Z711 CD --� O Ul O O Lin O (M 7 o to m .,• • m cn ° m CA M 0 rt CA Q. CA i'•' .. CA a N N Q7 cn O co .. 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Florida International Univ �� Send Pay mentTo Charges Date Posted Item Description 04/18/2005 Health Fee 04/18/2005 Athletic Fee 04/18/2005 CBA Online Learn 04/18/2005 Parking Access Fee 04/18/2005 Undergraduate Resident Tuition 05/1172005 Lab Fee Math Total Charges: Payments Received Date Posted Item Description . � 05/18/2005 lam' Refund Payroll Total Payments: Self Service Pending Payments Reference Number Last Four Digit Total Pending Payments: Financial Aid Date Posted Item Description 05/18/2005 Fed-Sub Stafford - Summer 05/18/2005 University Grant Summer Total Financial Aid: Anticipated Aid Item Description Total Anticipated Aid: Admissions Deposit Due Short Description Academic Program Total Admissions Deposit: Term Balance: Amount 54.00 USD 10.00 295.00 56.50 874.08 10.00 1,299.58 USD Amount 334.17 USD 334.17 USD Amount 0.00 0.00 USD Amount Anticipated Aid 0.00 0.00 USD Due Amount Return to Term Summary https: // psprod. fiu. edu / servlets/ iclientservlet/students / ?ICType =Panel &Menu =SA LEARN... 6/28/2005 Account Summary Page 1 of 1 Account Summary Summary for Term Summer.Term 2005 Laquilly Dozier Florida International Univ Charge Activity: 1,299.58 USD Payment Activity: 334.17 Financial Aid Activity: - 1,633.75 View Elma- a4%_1e.LAid Anticipated Aid Activity: - 1,333.75 View Antipipated Aid Admissions Deposit Activity: Term Balance: Vie _Ac count.Deteii etym to,Accovrtt Summary littps: / /psprod. fiu. edulservlets/iclientserviet/ students / ?ICType= Panel&Menu =SA_LEARN... 6/28/2005 YLlflii W a" M X4,0M. rm' n C� =oa, '1.�7ohinq trcn Nriyldrorl rUrx! n C.rn! Mn {n !o i rie,+. L�YU6 orrf ohYJ' South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency James Bowman Scholarship 2005 -2006 An annual scholarship of $2,000 has been established in honor of Mr. James T. Bowman, Sr., a lifetime resident and a leader in the City of South Miami. Mr. Bowman, born in. Tallahassee, Florida, moved to South Miami at the age of three. Mr. Bowman was committed to his country and to his South Miami community. He served in'the United States Army during World War H. He was a pillar in the community. Mr. Bowman served untiringly on numerous boards and held active memberships in various organizations including the Community Action Agency and the South Miami Alliance for Youth. He served on the City Commission from ' 1978 through 1986. He dedicated his life to creating opportunities for black youths and businesses in the redevelopment. area of the City of South Miami. He continually encouraged others to strive to the top and will always be remembered for being proud of the accomplishment of the others in the community. The South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency ( SMCRA) Board has authorized an annual scholarship of $2,000. This scholarship(s) will be given once a year to a person or persons who' has/have the potential to and has/have exhibited a desire. to improve oneself/themselves through education. The scholarship monies, when awarded, shall only be used for. tuition and related books /supplies for vocational and or higher. education. To be eligible, the applicant must have a high school diploma or a GED equivalent and must reside within the SMCRA district. The primary ,criterion for selection is a clear demonstration by the applicant to strive to become better. The SMCRA Board with advice and recommendation from the Community Action Agency Committee will select the scholarship recipient(s). The deadline for receiving the application is Friday, July 8; 2005, and the scholarship recipient(s) will then.be selected and the names will be announced at a subsequent SMCRA Board meeting. In order to be 'considered for the scholarship, please submit a fully completed application to South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency, by 5:00 P.M. on Friday, July 8, 2005, Incomplete applications will be automatically eliminated from consideration. A complete application must have the following: 1) Properly completed application form. 2) Proof of SMCRA area Residency. 3) A letter of acceptance from an accredited educational institution or trade school. 4) A letter of recommendation on official letterhead from an employer, faculty member or school counselor. 5) Official copy of the High School ,College or GED transcript. The CRA Board reverses the right to select more than one recipient with the total available not to (� exceed $2,000 for the combined recerpints. 11,1.'SMCRA 1�depn.rv.v /;Anfrvi; urb.e An�n;•..•nr1.w. Mrr - James T. Bowman, Sr. Scholarship Application Form Name: —1N/? r i ( t .l Address: City /State /Zip:i(,in.� FL 231#3 Date of Birth: 'L 5 Social Security number: - ,Sjib Last School Attended: VA (tp —y,&.j hre�i 4(- When did you attend school last? Highest grade completed: k z, K Total amount requested (Provide breakdown of tuition and related supplies): S 28 Employment History (Please list names, addresses and phone number of previous employers /if more space is needed, additional sheets may be attached): List Extra Curriculum Activities including Community Service, (if more space is needed, additional sheets may be attached): I—W— 900 LAI�WV, Please write, on a separate sheet of paper, a brief narrative why you think you are deserving of this scholarship and how you plan to use the money. Please limit the narrative to 200 words only, o My name is a Darius Murray and I a student at Miami -Dade College and I am a graduate of Miami Coral Park High School. I represented Miami Coral Parkes a Silver Knight nominee for science in 2004. I am, 19 years old and I come from a household where it's just me and my mom and my four sisters. I am currently enrolled in classes at Miami -Dade College. My first full year of college thought me so much both inn and out of the class rooms. I've developed better time management skills the, improved my study habits and I now see life from a whole new prospective. I received the James Bowman Scholarship last year and it helped a lot in my schooling. Along with school and work I am still involved with Big Brothers and Big Sisters I've done more speaking events to help benefit the organization. I have volunteered more hours at the Miami Museum of Science and still enjoy doing it. If I am awarded this scholarship I will use the money to buy books and pay tuition as I continue to pursue a higher education. Thank you for this great opportunity to receive financial assistance to help me attain my dreams of becoming a Biologist. AN Ae Ml 3C 'CIO i IM Q Miami -Dade COMMUNITY. COLLEGE Wolfson Campus January 3; 2003 To Whom It May Concern: I am pleased to provide this Jetter of recommendation for Darius Murray. I have known Darius for the last six years through the Big Brothers Big Sisters program Darius is a young man with tremendous potential who is well on his way to a very successful life. He has a great deal of intellectual curiosity, he is smart, he is a quick learner, and he is very articulate. He likes to learn new things and discuss issues and ideas with others. He has excellent interpersonal skills and he is humble, respectful, and polite. Darius's warm, friendly personality, and outgoing nature make him a pleasure to be around. He makes friends easily and is very comfortable meeting and getting to know new people. Darius is very dedicated to his own learning and was able to gain acceptance to the engineering magnet program at Coral Park Senior High School in 2001. He also won a number. of academic awards while in middle school. He subscribes to several magazines and reads them voraciously (Popular Science and National Geographic)- Darius is also very dedicated to serving his community. For example, he has volunteered more than 300 hours the Miami Museum of 'Science Wildlife Center. Museum staff appreciate Darius and speak very highly of him. In addition,'he has performed myriad other volunteer projects including Hands on Miami, Volunteer Miami, Miami Book Fair International, Adopt -A- Highway cleanup program, Cape Florida Park restoration, and many other projects. Darius is often asked by Big Brothers Big Sisters to speak at volunteer recruitment events and recently spoke to their Board of Directors. Darius plans to attend college when he graduates from high school in 2004. He is an outstanding young man in every respect. Please call me at 305- 237 -7477 should you need any further information about Darius Murray. Sin rely, J hua B. Young Director, M -DCC Center for Community Involvement Mentor —Big Brothers Big Sisters of Great: MaLmimr " 0 Darius Murray 6700 SW 59`x' Place South Miami, FL 33143 Home 305- 665 -5161 / Cell 305-987-18491 DOB: 12!5!85 / Email: dariusmurrayna,yahoo.com .perience Gables Aquarium, August 2003 to present. Part -time job at Coral Gables aquarium store. Open and close store, handle sales, run register, provide customer service, maintain store and tanks. Starbucks Coffee Company, Currently still there. Youth Leadership Miami Participant, Miami Chamber of Commerce, January 2003. Selected as one of 30 teens for the inaugural "Youth Leadership Miami" program. Learned leadership and teamwork skills, analyzed and presented solutions for community problems, met community leaders. Wildlife Center Volunteer, Miami Museum of Science, Summer of 2001 to present. Have contributed more than 300 hours educating public about South Florida's wildlife, helping care for a variety of animals in the Wildlife Center, and serving as a summer camp counselor. School Assistant Intern, Ruth Owens Kruse Middle School, Summer 2000. One of only five students selected for Miami -Dade County Public Schools paid internship assisting teachers and administrators with summer programming. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Miami Participant, 1996 to present- Have been matched with a mentor for more than seven years. Selected as "match of the year" in 2001. Have been featured in the Miami Herald and on Channel 10 to help recruit more volunteers. Education Coral Park Senior High School Engineering Magnet Program, year of graduation, June 2004 Varsity Track Team, 2002, 2003, 2004 Passed FCAT in English, Math, and Reading, May 2002, Currently enrolled in classes at Miami -Dade College (�.'jards/Recognition Silver Knight Nominee in Science from Coral Park Senior High School — May 2004 Essay about Big Brothers Big Sisters published in "Little Magic. Big Moments" book 7 June 2004 President's Student Service Award Recipient December 2002 Coral Park Varsity Track Team "Coaches Award," June 2002 Big Brother/Little Brother Match of the Year - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Miami, 2001 Presentation to Big Brothers Board of Directors, January 2002 Featured in two Miami Herald articles (1998 and 2001) and on WLPG-- Chan.10 (2000 - present) Perfect Attendance Record —Ruth Owens Kruse Middle School and Coral Park_Senior.High Most Improved Student — Ruth Owens Kruse Middle School, June 2000 Graphic Arts Award — Ruth Owens Kruse Middle School, June 2000 Language Arts Award — Ruth Owens Kruse Middle School, June 2000 Social Studies Award — Ruth Owens Kruse Middle School, June 2000 Science Fair I' Place Award —Ruth Owens Kruse Middle School, June 2000 Selected as "Honorary Ballboy for Miami Heat - Indiana Pacers game, 2000 Recipient of the James Bowman Scholarship 2004 -2005 Volunteer Work Miami Museum of Science — have logged more than 500 volunteer hours at Museum; Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Miami; Hands on Miami; Miami Book Fair International, Children's Alley; Adopt A Highway Cleanup Program; Volunteer Miami SkilWCharacteristics . Excellent interpersonal and communication skills; reliable, conscientious, willing to learn, enthusiastic, and motivated to better myself. c : References Josh Young Miami Dade College Director, Center for Community involvement 305- 237 -7477 j oouung(aodc.edu John Rozelle Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Miami Inc. Social Work Supervisor 305 -644 -0066, exL 252 irozzelleCcOBBBSMIAMI ORG Karla Gottlieb Author /Consultant 305 -576 -5001 ext. 33 kariabe(@hotmaii.com Susan Azpillaga Teacher, Ruth Owens Kruse Middle School 305- 270 -8699, ext. 2251/4336 c s. x o� D s s D _ a D 7 S D D _ D S N D D C D e 30 D D a C R p A .v P J� nt-3 HWQHnro ED GO] .o �-+.N o m •. p. p N N N O rr rr N w W o m,m F- 1i�nnc�.o P-3 En 0cor_ O o►�NOm < �yoD�oD�tD w rr (r N H N O N rr cr. (D rr 'H nHHzt1]Hn.' O v.�O'G� r O C' o• VHr;UK 0 O M 4:4 H O m K O O O H Co. \ (D' .• t=SC7x3 n�t�roro+'nnw. K., K tio, O m rr ro z ro O (D 'y a 0 N y ooHH CO+] � K 0 0 {n n,K,.w w•.w w ro Iro w o ro w 0 .0 1�1, O O 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 �aww.�y rrorrroi�0000ly m m O O O O m w�D.000C 0 0 0 0 ••. . o. 0 0 0 Owwa� roO . N N H %D ln' O .0 H0.�xtyw d:C.:w rt 0 m H K . N• p (D.. Q, x m m fD .x N' m cn, p 0 H FJ•' n .1-h rr �,. H p H 0 . 1r O .. y p y... rr.� y m C m H (D m -N tu N :j It y.H w ,A CL .\ p ''. H In ' P , O Ul .� � (D ., .N x 0 y N H .tn ,a CD O M 3 :K M. V z'. H I t* V � o rn W < N b Wl- Oa LD Ul y . _ 'CD,o I r(D n CT ko:. ro W W rr w 0 rn: ' C M. I� (D r— L m z cwD• Q W CL H a a, C 0 N Z: 0 H y/ A, t ow EEL U2 co u.i O W Schedule Display for DARIUS A MURkAY Page 1 of 1 Miami Dade CoRegee STUDENT CLASS SCHEDULE AND FEE STATEMENT FALL TERM 2005(2005 -1) www.mdc.edu Student: DARIUS A. MURRAY Address: PO BOX 431559 MIAMI FL 33243155959 Validation Area THIS MDC SCHEDULE IS VALIDATED This Is your official receipt & schedule of classes when validated or paid. Please retain this document for future reference. Student -ID: C34-14 -7955 Home Phone: (305) 987 -1849 Work Phone: RES: 1 redit Hours: 9.0 [Printed : 7!7/2005 1:17 :43 PM am us: 2 on- Credit Hours, 0.0 rinted By: WEB STUDENT SERVICES Pro ram: 10400 BIOLOGY • "'Classes at Campus/Center. 300 WOLFSON CAMPUS Session: Session: 1 Main Session 2005 -1 Begins: 08/24/05 Deadlines: Drop w /Refund: 08/30 /05 Withdraw: 11 101105 MAT1033 312658 INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA 3.0 M W F 9:OOA- 9:50A 2205 10.00 Prof: LOPEZ,LUIS,A HUM1020 312462 HUMANITIES 3.0 M W F 10:00A- 10:50A - 1676 5.00 HUN1201 312471 ESSENTIALSINUTRITION 3.0 M W F 11:OOA- 11:50A 3225 10.00 Prof: MYERS,SUSAN,J CLASS DAYS: M =MON: T =TUE, W--WED, R =THUR, F =FRI; S =SAT, U =SUN, TBA =TO BE ANNOUNCED • STUDENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY FEE ASSESSMENT FEE PAYMENTICREDITS UNPAID FEESIREFUND Matriculation $576.45 Matriculation $576.45 Matriculation $0.00 Tuition $0.00 Tuition $0.00 Tuition $0.00 Special Fees $25.00 Special Fees $25.00 Special Fees $0.00 " -TOTAL — $601.45 7DTAL - .S6D]245 ;TOTAL. $0.00 Amount due CREDIT classes: $0.00 OTHER amount due this term: $0.00 Total amount due to the COLLEGE: $0.00 https: / /sisysr.mdc.edu/ student /schedule /Vpschedule.aspx ?CACHE = 77131736824 7/7/2005 0 0 � z 0 I- LQ .0 0.0 m M 0) rr. H 0 0 0 HL-1 V 0 r. 0 0 O0 ((DD 0 1-3 . ro 11.1. rt 00 tv I t1i W4 ro Ito 0 0 0 C) IV r% r. M to 0 0, 0.010 ro rr, rr O P) SU F-J H :;. m m H Co 0 to 09. ti -P- :DO M (D P) (Ir. rr 0 H rt rr. rr m CT to 0 0 0 00 ty (D' rr 0 W M tj co H Dh ooz o 0,0 P L � I.-OR . , N.: 0 ro: 10,6 �T rr rr C3, w Ln-0 0 0 0' 0 °w ro to . 0 H H to ON ea v A N c N q rr O W N o° c coo co It rn w A �'�CD vio cDgrt CQ d vy m CL a ma a c fD Z o 3 � C -3 I N v s n I w CD W �1 co e-nvc�mac� e 3 a o <G)rn@ m to W a im 06 � o O fD W 0 = N y = c ^' a�. GT �,, a oa�� a (n r( T CD n o `CD aj � c T, o a f m n = 'a to 3 X ID o. o 0 n @ K_ M 3 m 0 a p a o CD c C o --1 N c rn g a d to n a to N> z@ N a A :v cD " o. o.0 � 0' a r' (D N ., a vo �nfD,aa v �. ?� y CL rt minim oo0m'03 g, CL d 4 fl �O C (D iF ^42`� Nt� 3< rr b m �= r�D a 0 A'°a p 0 A O a 3 vc CL 3 = v0 rt 7 y at O 0 •• w CD W �1 co .a 111L SM-CRIA 2001. 190hin7 inn N6yh')nrhmd a Cnau Naw ro irm. At rrtd rhty'' South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency James Bowman Scholarship 2005 -2006 An annual scholarship of $2,000 has been established in honor of Mr. James T. Bowman, Sr., a lifetime resident and a leader in the City of South Miami. Mr. Bowman, born in Tallahassee, Florida, moved to South Miami at the age of three. Mr. Bowman was committed to his country and to his South Miami community. He served in the United States Army during World War H. He was a pillar in the community. Mr. Bowman served untiringly on numerous boards and held active memberships in various organizations including the Community Action Agency and the South Miami Alliance for Youth. He served on the City Commission from 1978 through. 1986. He dedicated his life to creating opportunities for black youths and businesses in the redevelopment area of the City of South Miami. He continually encouraged others to strive to the top and will always be remembered for being proud of the accomplishment of the others in the community. The South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency ( SMCRA) Board has authorized an annual scholarship of $2,000. This scholarship(s) will be given once a year to a person or persons who hasihave the potential to and has/have exhibited a desire. to improve oneself/themselves through education. The scholarship monies, when awarded, shall only, be used for tuition and related books /supplies for vocational and or higher education. To be eligible, the applicant must have a high school diploma or a GED equivalent ' and must reside within the SMCRA district. The primary criterion for selection is a. clear demonstration 'by the applicant to strive to become better. The SMCRA Board with advice and recommendation from the Community Action Agency Committee will select the scholarship recipient(s). The deadline for receiving the application is Friday, July 8, 2005, and the scholarship recipient(s) will then be selected and the names will be announced at a subsequent SMCRA Board meeting. In order to be considered for the scholarship, please submit a fully completed application to . South .Miami Community Redevelopment Agency, by 5:00 P.M. on Friday, July 8, 2005, Incomplete applications will be automatically eliminated from consideration. A complete application must have the following: 1) Properly completed application form. 2) Proof of SMCRA area Residency. 3) Aletter of acceptance from an accredited educational institution or trade school. 4) A letter of recommendation on official letterheadfrom an employer, faculty member or school counselor. 5) Official copy of the High School ,College`or GED transcript. O The CR.A Board reverses the right to select more than one recipient with the total available not to exceed $2,000 for the. combined recerpints. .1 110 SC I.., ' ' M. lyyl o-,rM'dJJnM:rsfnlSrn+Mn.o-.li.•; Nr.4.nrlMm" James T. Bowman, Sr. Scholarship Application Form Name: Address: S %qG City /State /Zip: •� ( f Date of Birth: 91VP Social Security number' % o- 24-3 Last School Attended: l �! When did you attend school last? l Highest grade completed: 2 Total amount requested (Provide breakdown of tuition and related supplies): OEmployment History (Please list names, addresses and phone number of previous employers /if more space is needed, additional sheets may be attached): avC - �r ec C� a 1 q5 so �� via List Extra Curriculum Activities including Community Service, (if more space is needed, additional sheets maybe attached): Please write, on a separate sheet of paper, a brief narrative why you think you are deserving of this scholarship and how you plan to use the money. Please limit the narrative to 200 words only. 0 �� Z cim cl�serVi �4t umv, �ar�►rat��lc�'- �Sh► �ea�- -cSi�ude�tl- uva-h j _� ql who is �!;l9� (�duCCP�Cfie.! in _._ I Gli'IS -i'O t�'i�mone� �oWc�rdS _ _ in 4ha+ w� I 1 tai. i�ten m ire _7�re a�`Z man (i�hef'�iud�►�0[r (�r � -1�h�- m .2yz . �plct� �o.pa �iJr bU?�Ks U�hWlctt�.pp��.c ano% cov.�,rre� so f�/- u r� -ea'�d Jorr�e�h� �_q iU alv�rycr -air) ravr'ted�h ;Se hol arshi� c aroc u�i!l hof��l �.�nnrse _ a<bu� any�i n , ria being �2d ��'Q ,eller�fi e�artot -.� schuvl a.�l laaship �s ore c jVF� 1�Gra-ct �.ttnhed. f��her�?� -�)�� ,��yvu- is .SchPla '..th�p ld�e �9rea� lre ,��r� rf. w�,gyeh, � s� vn e wed ►fie _. r�cc��?►i.�rner�r �n �rF�ancl J"am�' lawn -zr� m am �s RAO�n �larsnip d% Li o, P W u� 06/22/2005 01:27 9544999830 Ct� DeVry University Florida Orlando Campus 4000 Millenia Boulevard December 3, 2004 Orlando Florida 32839 -2426 Lina Hill 407 - 345 -2600 16621 SW 103 Place 888.857 5757 Miami, FL 33157 South Florida Campus 2300 South West 145th Avenue Dear Linea: DEVRY UNIVERSITY PAGE 01 Miramar Florida 33027-4150 Congratulations! It is our pleasure to confirm your admission to DeVry University 954. 499 -9800 at South Florida. You have been accepted into the Business Administration 666-793 -3879 Program, starting July 11, 2005. Your acceptance represents a significant www.devry.edu accomplishment in your academic career. As part of DeVry's admissions process, we have reviewed your academic records, including any DeVry placement examinations that you completed. Our review indicates a need for some assistance in basic college -level skill areas deemed critical to your success both at DeVry and in your chosen career. Please keep this in mind when you and your academic advisor review your plan of study to select your class schedule. In addition, to help us better prepare for your arrival on campus and to ensure that you will be able to begin classes as planned, please check the following and complete any outstanding items: Provide official transcripts showing the high school or college graduation, or equivalency, upon which your admission to DeVry is based, as well as any other college work you have completed. If you plan to apply for financial assistance, please refer to the "How to Apply for Financial Aid" checklist in your new student financial aid packet. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is completed at www.fafsa.ed.zQv. If you would like to discuss any questions or concerns prior to your arrival, please contact your educational advisor or new student coordinator. The DeVry faculty and staff welcome you as a student and look forward to working with you as you encounter both challenges and opportunities at DeVry. Best wishes for a successful educational journey. Sincerely, Julio Torres Canopus President South Miami Senior High School 6856 SW 53rd Street Miami, Florida 33155 To Whom It May Concern: Please accept this letter as a recommendation for Lina Hill. I have known her for three years, as I was her English teacher for English H, in grade ten. I have observed Ms. Hill to be conscientious, bright, innovative and clearly in pursuit of well established goals. It would take quite a strong and unusual circumstance to separate Lina Hill from her aspirations. Without a doubt, Ms. Hill would be an asset to your organization, and I would not hesitate to recommend her for virtually any program in which she expresses and interest. Should there be any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school, by e-mail at www.jvicenteCdadeschools.net, or at (305) 666 -5871. Very truly yours, Joanne Vicente Language Arts Teacher TO - DISTRICT: 13 DADE SCHOOL: 7721 DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION FILE: SRTS12IS RADE LEVEL: 12 PREPARED DATE: 06/23/2005 CURRENT DISTRICT: 13 DADE PAGE 01 'L STUDENT ID: 593402436X SSN: 593-40 -2436 CURRENT SCHOOL: 7721 SOUTH MIAMI SENIOR HIGH LEGAL NAME: HILL, LINA MAE (305) 666 -5871 MAILING 6540 SW 59 PLACE 6856 SW 53 ST ADDRESS: MIAMI FL 33143 -0000 MIAMI FL 33155 DISTRICT STUDENT ID: 2823187 FL STUDENT ID-ALIAS: 1302823187 PARENT /GUARDIAN (NAME /CODE): RACIAL /ETHNIC CATEGORY: B SEX: F HILL TRELODY PARENT BIRTH DATE: 01/02/1986 BIRTH VERIFICATION: 1 RILEY KENNEDY PARENT BIRTHPLACE: MIAMI VFL HILL PEGGY OTHER RELATIVE IMMUNIZATION STATUS: PERMANENT IMMUNIZATION CERTIFICATE VACCINE STATUS, DATE- VACCINE CERTIFICATE EXPIRATION DATE: TYPE DOSE DATE DOSE DATE DOSE DATE DOSE DATE DOSE DATE DTP 1 05/08/1987 2 01/23/1990 3 03/23/1990 4 08/14/1998 5 03/09/2004 TO 4 04/27/2004 POLIO 1 05/08/1987 2 01/23/1990 3 03/23/1990 4 08/14/1998 MMR 1 05/08/1987 2 08/14/1998 HEPATITIS B'•1 01/24/1997 .2 03/16/1998 3 08/14/1998 --------------------- ----- --- ---- -- - - - --- COURSE INFORMATION ------------------------------------------- DISTRICT: 13 SCHOOL: 7721 SOUTH MIAMI SENIOR HIGH DISTRICT: 13 SCHOOL: 7072 CORAL GABLES ADULT YEAR: 1999-2000 GRADE LEVEL: 09 YEAR: 2003 -2004 GRADE LEVEL: 12 SUBJECT CRSE CREDIT SUBJECT CRSE CREDIT T COURSE# COURSE TITLE AREA FLAG GRD ATT. /EARN T COURSE# COURSE TITLE AREA FLAG GRD ATT. /EARN 4 2400300 LEAD SKL DEV /TECH EL B 1.00 1.00 1.0200310 Compu Appli I EL TC C 0.50 0.50 CREDIT, TERM: 1.00 1.00 1 0200330 Compu Appli II EL TC B 0.50 0.50 1999-2000 ANNUAL DAYS - PRESENT: 164 ABSENT: 15 DISTRICT: 13 SCHOOL: 7721 SOUTH MIAMI SENIOR HIGH SUMMER TERMS DAYS - PRESENT: 22 ABSENT: 1 YEAR: 2003-2004 GRADE LEVEL: 12 ACADEMICALLY PROMOTED SUBJECT CRSE CREDIT T COURSE# COURSE TITLE AREA FLAG GRD ATT. /EARN DISTRICT: 13 SCHOOL: 7721 SOUTH MIAMI SENIOR HIGH 1 2102310 Economics EC R B 0.50 0.50 YEAR: 2000 -2001 GRADE LEVEL: 09 2 2106310 Amer Govt AG R C 0.50 0.50 SUBJECT CRSE CREDIT 3 0708350 Spanish II FL R C 1.00 1.00 T COURSE# COURSE TITLE AREA FLAG GRD ATT. /EARN 3 1001400 Eng IV EN R A 1.00 1.00 1 0300310 DANCE TECH I PF R C 0.50 0.50 3 2003310 Physical Sci SC C 1.00 1.00 1 1503350 TEAM SPORTS I EL B 0.50 0.50 3 8301610 Work Experience 1 VO A 1.00 1.00 2 0300320 DANCE TECH II PF R B 0.50 0.50 3 8301650 Work Exp -OJT VO A 1.00 1.00 2 1503360 TEAM SPORTS II EL A 0.50 0.50 CREDIT, TERM: 7.00 7.00 3 1001310 ENG I EN R D 1.00 1.00 1200310 ALGEBRA I MA RX F 0.00 0.00 2003 -2004 ANNUAL DAYS - PRESENT: 161 ABSENT: 14 - 2001330_ERTH.tSPA-SC_T SC X F- 0- .00 -OTOO -SUMMER TERMS - DAYS = PRESENT 0- ASSENT-: -O 2109310 WORLD HISTORY WH RX F 0.00 0.00 4 1200310 ALGEBRA I MA RO C 1.00 1.00 CREDIT, TERM: 4.00 4.00 2000 -2001 ANNUAL DAYS - PRESENT: 164 ABSENT: 12 SUMMER TERMS DAYS - PRESENT: 24 ABSENT: 2 ACADEMICALLY PROMOTED DISTRICT: 13 SCHOOL: 7721 SOUTH MIAMI SENIOR HIGH YEAR: 2001 -2002 GRADE LEVEL: 10 SUBJECT CRSE CREDIT T COURSE# COURSE TITLE AREA FLAG GRD ATT. /EARN 1 0200340 APPLIED COMPU TECH EL C C 0.50 0.50 1 1501310 FIT LIFESTYLE DESIGN EL B 0.50 0.50 2 0800300 HEALTH I-LF MGMT SKL LM R B 0.50 0.50 2 1501300 PERSONAL FIT PE R A 0.50 0.50 3 1001340 ENG II EN R B 1.00 1.00 3 1206310 GEOMETRY MA RX F 0.00 0.00 3 2001310 ERTH /SPA SCI SC 0 C 1.00 1.00 3 2109310 WORLD HISTORY WH RO C 1.00 1.00 4 1206310 GEOMETRY MA RO C 1.00 1.00 CREDIT, TERM: 6.00 6.00 2001-2002 ANNUAL DAYS - PRESENT: 167 ABSENT: 12 SUMMER TERMS DAYS - PRESENT: 25 ABSENT: 2 ACADEMICALLY PROMOTED DISTRICT: 13 SCHOOL: 7072 CORAL GABLES ADULT YEAR: 2002 -2003 GRADE LEVEL: 11 SUBJECT CRSE CREDIT T COURSE# COURSE TITLE AREA FLAG GRD ATT. /EARN 4 1200330 Algebra II MA TO B 1.00 1.00 DISTRICT: 13 SCHOOL: 7721 SOUTH MIAMI SENIOR HIGH YEAR: 2002 -2003 GRADE LEVEL: 11 SUBJECT CRSE CREDIT T COURSE# COURSE TITLE AREA FLAG GRD ATT. /EARN 3 0300330 DANCE TECH III PF HR B 1.00 1.00 3 0708340 SPANISH I FL R C 1.00 1.00 3 1001370 ENG III EN R C 1.00 1.00 - 1200330 ALGEBRA II MA X F 0.00 0.00' 2000310 BIOLOGY I SC R B 1.00 1.00 2100310 AMER HISTORY AH R B 1.00 1.00 CREDIT, TERM: 6.00 6.00 2002 -2003 ANNUAL DAYS - PRESENT: 167 ABSENT: 13 SUMMER TERMS DAYS - PRESENT: 0 ABSENT: 0 TO - DISTRICT: 13 DADE SCHOOL: 7721 GRADUATION SUMMARY FILE: SRTS12IS TRADE LEVEL: 12 PREPARED DATE: 06/23/2005 CURRENT DISTRICT: 13 DADE PAGE 02 1 STUDENT ID: 593402436X SSN: 593 -40 -2436 CURRENT SCHOOL: 7721 SOUTH MIAMI SENIOR HIGH LEGAL NAME: HILL, LINA MAE (305) 666 -5871 * *** ** C U M U L A I V E S U M M A R Y ****** DIPLOMA -DATE: 06/10/2004 * AS OF: 06/23/2005 * TYPE: 4 -YR STANDARD HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA * GRADUATION OPTION: 4-YR STANDARD * VOCATIONAL PROGRAM COMPLETION STATUS- * - - - - CREDITS - - - - N NUMBER: 8301600 Work Experience :t SUBJECT TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL N TERMINATION: IN PROGRESS ' COMPLETED: * AREA TO DATE NEEDED REMAINING N VOCATIONAL PROGRAM COMPLETION STATUS- * ENGLISH (EN) 4.00 * NUMBER: 8301600 Work Experience * MATHEMATICS (MA) 3.00 * TERMINATION: IN PROGRESS COMPLETED: * SCIENCE (SC) 3.00 * AMER HISTORY (AN) 1.00 * DISTRICT CLASS RANK- EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/19/2004 * WORLD HISTORY (WH) 1.00 * CLASS RANK, NUMERICAL POSITION: 258 * ECONOMICS (EC) 0.50 N CLASS RANK, PERCENTILE: 50 * AMER GOVERNMENT (AG) 0.50 N CLASS RANK, TOTAL NUMBER IN CLASS: ' 519 * VOCAT.IONAL/ (VO/ 2.00 * PERFORM FINE ART. (PF) 2.00 N DATE PASSED ASSESSMENT TEST FOR GRADUATION PURPOSES * LIFE MGMT SKILLS (LM) 0.50 N COMMUNICATIONS: 03/2004 N PHYSICAL ED (PE) 0.50 * MATHEMATICS: 03/2002 N FOREIGN LANGUAGE (FL) 2.00 N if LANGUAGE ARTS (LA) 0.00 * COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS: 150 REQUIREMENT MET: Y * SOCIAL STUDIES (SS) 0.00 * ELECTIVE (EL) 4.00 N ESE (EX) 0.00 ?� N COMPUTER ED (CE) 0.00 N * CREDITS, CUMULATIVE: 24.00 N * N * GPA QTY PTS GPA QTY PTS * N DISTRICT: 2.7190 0.00 STATE: 2.6670 0.00 * +CERTIFIED BY: + + ' +SIGNATURE: /J �vY1f�� )f} +DATE: --- -- -------- ----- --- -- - - - - -- DE-DEFINITION CODE-DEFINITION CODE DEFINITION CODE DEFINITION CODE DEFINITION 1 SEMESTER 1 S COMBINED SUMMER B TRIMESTER 1 E QUINMESTER 1 J SIX WEEKS 1 2 SEMESTER 2 SESSION C TRIMESTER 2 F QUINMESTER 2 K SIX WEEKS 2 3 ANNUAL T INTERSESSION IN D TRIMESTER 3 G QUINMESTER 3 L SIX WEEKS 3 4 SUMMER SESSION I U INTERSESSION 2* 6 QUARTER 1 H QUINMESTER 4 M SIX WEEKS 4 5 SUMMER SESSION 2 V INTERSESSION 3* 7 QUARTER 2 I QUINMESTER 5 N SIX WEEKS 5 R SHORT COURSER* W INTERSESSION 4m 8 QUARTER 3 Y YEAR OF 0 SIX WEEKS 6 X INTERSESSION 5* 9 QUARTER 4 NONENROLLMENTN *N * USED (INSTEAD OF SUMMER SCHOOL SESSIONS) WITH YEAR-ROUND SCHOOL RECORDKEEPING ** USED ONLY FOR WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION (ADULT GENERAL AND POSTSECONDARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION) *N* USED ONLY FOR REPORTING STUDENTS WHO HAVE WITHDRAWN BETWEEN SCHOOL YEARS STATE GRADING SCALE FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS (REGARDLESS OF ENTRY DATE) EFFECTIVE SCHOOL YEAR 1997-1998 GRADING SCALE, EFFECTIVE 07/01/2001 GRADE QUALITY GRADE QUALITY GRADE QUALITY GRADE EQUIVALENT POINTS GRADE EQUIVALENT POINTS GRADE EQUIVALENT POINTS A = 90 - 100 4.00 B = 80 - 89 3.00 C = 70 - 79 2.00 D = 60 - 69 1.00 F = 0 - 59 0.00 GRADING SCALE, PRIOR TO 07/01/2001 GRADE QUALITY GRADE QUALITY GRADE QUALITY GRADE EQUIVALENT POINTS GRADE EQUIVALENT POINTS GRADE EQUIVALENT POINTS A = 94 - 100 4.00 B = 85 - 93 3.00 C = 77 - 84 2.00 D = 70 - 76 1.00 F = 0 - 69 0.00 NOTE: FROM THE 1987-1988 THROUGH THE 1996 -1997 SCHOOL YEARS, FOR STUDENTS ENTERING HIGH SCHOOL DURING THESE YEARS, THE GRADE EQUIVALENTS FOR C, D, AND F WERE: C = 75 -84, D = 65 -74, AND F = 0 -64; QUALITY POINTS AND ALL OTHER GRADES WERE THE SAME AS THOSE SHOWN IN THE IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING STATE GRADING SCALE. ------------- ------- --- --------- - - - - -- STATE DEFINED COURSE FLAGS -------------------------------------- E= ACADEMIC SCHOLAR-ELECTIVE R= ACADEMIC SCHOLAR - REQUIREMENT 9 =NINTH GRADER G= GIFTED H= HONORS N =NO CREDIT I= INCLUDE IN GPA X= EXCLUDE FROM GPA W= EXCLUDE FROM STATE GPA P= COURSE IS IN PROGRESS S= CREDIT AWARDED BY SLEP EXAM T= TRANSFERRED COURSE VOCATIONAL SUBSTITUTION COURSES- & =JROTC AIR FC SUB FOR LIFE MGMT $= JOURNALISM SUB FOR PRAC ARTS O =JROTC SUB FOR PRACTICAL ARTS 1 =COMP ED SUB FOR PRACTICAL ARTS 2 =SUB FOR BUS EN I 1001440 3 =SUB FOR BUS.EN I 1001440 /II 1001450 4 =SUB FOR MA I 1205540 "B FOR MA I 1205380/11 1205390 6 =SUB FOR GEN SCI 2002310 7 =SUB FOR ANAT PHYSIO 2000350 B FOR PRE ALGEBRA 1200300 A =JROTC CST GO SUB FOR SCIENCE F =JROTC AIR FC SUB FOR SCIENCE OTC NAVY SUB FOR SCIENCE O =JROTC ARMY SUB FOR LIFE MGMT Q =JROTC MARINE SUB FOR LIFE MGMT as- dB FOR BIG TECH 2000430 # =SUB FOR ENV SCI 2001340 % =SUB FOR PHY SCI 2003310 LEP INSTRUCTION - M =HOME LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION B =HOME LANGUAGE & /OR ESOL INSTRUCTION (ELEMENTARY SELF- CONTAINED) D =ESOL INSTRUCTION TO - DISTRICT: 13 DADE SCHOOL: 7721 COMMENTS FILE: SRTS12IS GRADE LEVEL: 12 PREPARED DATE: 06/23/2005 CURRENT DISTRICT: 13 DADE PAGE 03 FL STUDENT ID: 593402436X SSN: 593 -40 -2436 CURRENT SCHOOL: 7721 SOUTH MIAMI SENIOR HIGH LEGAL NAME: HILL, LINA MAE (305) 666 -5871 ----- -- ----- ---------- -- - - - - -- GENERAL COMMENTS -- ---- ----- -- ---- --- - - --- -- LOCAL COURSE FLAGS C = COMPUTER LIT 0 = PREVIOUS ATTEMPTED Z = TRANSFER CREDITS L = DCPS LOCAL CREDIT U = BELOW GRADE LEVEL Y = LOCAL HONORS ONLY -------------------------------- -- LOCAL TERM FLAGS ------------------------ 1= SEMESTER 1 2= SEMESTER 2 3= ANNUAL 4 = SUMMER SESSION ONE SEMESTER IS EQUIVALENT TO 1/2 CARNEGIE UNIT. TWO CARNEGIE SEMESTERS ARE EQUIVALENT TO 1 CARNEGIE UNIT. FOREIGN LANGUAGE I COURSES SUCCESSFULLY COM- PLETED BY 7TH OR 8TH GRADE STUDENTS ARE INCLUDED FOR COLLEGE ADMISSION PUR- POSES BUT ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE ANALYSIS OF CREDIT FOR GRADUATION AND THE CALCULATION OF GPA. DADE COUNTY PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOLS ARE ACCREDITED BY THE SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. RANK IN CLASS IS DETERMINED BY A TOTAL GRADE POINT AVERAGE AFTER THE ADDITION OF BONUS POINTS FOR THOSE COURSES DESIGNATED AS HONORS, ADVANCED PLACEMENT, PRE - INTERNATIONAL BACCA- LAUREATE, OR INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE COURSES. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE RELEASED TO A THIRD PARTY UNLESS APPROPRIATE AUTHORIZATION IS OBTAINED. GPA IS CALCULATED AT THE END OF THE FIRST SEMESTER OF GRADE 12. Ed TO - DISTRICT: 13 DADE SCHOOL: 7721 CATEGORY B INFORMATION FILE: SRTS12IS GRADE LEVEL: 12 PREPARED DATE: 06/23/2005 CURRENT DISTRICT: 13 DADE PAGE 04 OF 04 .FL STUDENT ID: 593402436X SSN: 593 - 40-2436 CURRENT SCHOOL: 7721 SOUTH MIAMI SENIOR HIGH LEGAL NAME: HILL, LINA MAE (305) 666 -5871 WITHDRAWAL-DATE: 06/10/2004 CODE: W06 HOME LANGUAGE SURVEY DATE: 05/30/1991 COUNTRY OF BIRTH: NATIVE LANGUAGE: EN ENGLISH PRIMARY HOME LANGUAGE: EN ENGLISH HEALTH EXAMINATION, SCHOOL ENTRY: Y SCHOOL ENTRY HEALTH EXAMINATION CERTIFIED. MIGRANT - QAD: 00 /00 /0000 RESIDENCY DATE: 00/00 /0000 ------------ -- ----- -- ---- --- --- ------- -- -- TEST INFORMATION -------------------------------------------- INFORMATION: TEST TEST LEVEL SUBJECT SCORE SCORE SUBJECT SCORE SCORE SUBJECT SCORE SCORE GRD DATE NAME FORM CONTENT TYPE TYPE CONTENT TYPE TYPE CONTENT TYPE TYPE 09 04/01/2001 STA 07 03/01/1599 STA COMPREHE NS 0006 NP 0063 COMPUTAT NS 0006 NP 0066 PROB /SLV NS 0005 NP 0043 LANGUAGE NS 0003 NP 0018 06 03/01/1998 STA COMPREHE NS 0004 NP 0033 COMPUTAT NS 0006 NP 0069 PROB /SLV NS 0006 NP 0073 05 03/01/1997 STA COMPREHE NS 0006 NP 0060 COMPUTAT NS 0008 NP 0089 PROB /SLV NS 0007 NP 0083 04 03/01/1996 STA COMPREHE NS 0004 NP 0032 COMPUTAT NS 0007 NP 0082 PROB /SLV NS 0007 NP 0077 LANGUAGE NS 0005 NP. 0044 12 03/01/2004 FCA READ(T) SS 0301 10 03/01/2002 FCA READ(T) SS 0269 MATH(T) SS 0310 09 03/01/2001 FCA READ(T) SS 0250 MATH(T) SS 0259 08 03/01/2000 FCA READ(T) SS 0285 MATH(T) SS 0297 �F1aak�exr 2001 "Making our Neighborhood a Great Place :o Live, Work and May" To: Honorable Chair and Date: July 18, 2005 CRA Board Mem ers r From: Maria Davis % ITEM No. Executive D' ector 1 Re: Attorneys Fee Payment Invoices 9/30/04; 5/25/05; 6/27/05 RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RELATING TO ATTORNEY'S FEES; APPROVING ATTORNEY'S FEES FOR NAGIN GALLOP FIGUEREDO, P.A., FOR INVOICES DATED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004, MAY 25, 2005, AND JUNE 27, 2005 IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $12,097.24, CHARGING THE AMOUNT OF $10,380.14 TO ACCOUNT NO. 610 - 1110 - 564- 31 -20, GENERAL CORPORATE ACCOUNT; AND CHARGING THE AMOUNT OF $1,717.10 TO ACCOUNT NO. 610 - 1110 - 583 -61 -10 LAND ACQUISTION ACCOUNT: PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE BACKGROUND The firm of Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A. currently serves as general counsel to the CRA. The firm has submitted the following invoices: Invoice Date Amount September 30, 2004 $7,296.52 September 30, 2004 $ 204.30 May 25, 2005 $2,036.22 May 25, 2005 $1,512.80 June 27, 2004 $1,047.04 Charge Acc't No. 610- 1110- 564 -31 -20 610 - 1110 - 583 -61 -10 610- 1110 - 564 -31 -20 610- 1110 - 564 -31 -20 610 -1110- 564 -31 -20 General Corporate Land Acquisition General Corporate Land Acquisition General Corporate All invoices: 610 - 1110 - 564 -31 -20 General Corporate - $10,380.14 610 - 1110 - 583 -61 -10 Land Acquisition - $ 1,717.10 TOTAL $12,097.24 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Executive Director be authorized to: (1) Disburse payment for legal services rendered for general corporate matters in the amount of. $10,380.14 to Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A., charging this amount to CRA July 18, 2005 Page 2 of 2 Account No. 610 - 1110 - 564- 31 -20, General Corporate Account. The balance in Account No. 610 - 1110 - 564- 31 -20, after payment of these invoices will be $ 14,208.66. (2) Disburse payment for legal services rendered, costs advanced, for land acquisition matters in the amount of. $1,717.10 to Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A., charging this amount to Account No. 610- 1110 - 583- 61 -10, Land Acquisition Account. The balance in Account No. 610 - 1110 - 583- 61 -10, after payment of these invoice will be $ 217,554.44. Attachments: Draft Resolution Invoices MD /DOD /SAY /'JM EAC R A\Nagin Gallop Payment Report 7- 18- 05.doc I RESOLUTION NO. 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI 3 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 4 RELATING TO ATTORNEY'S FEES; APPROVING 5 ATTORNEY'S FEES FOR NAGIN GALLOP 6 FIGUEREDO, P.A., FOR INVOICES DATED 7 SEPTEMBER 30, 20049 MAY 25, 2005, AND JUNE 27, 8 2005 IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $12,097.24, 9 CHARGING THE AMOUNT OF $103380.14 TO 10 ACCOUNT NO. 610- 1110 - 564- 31 -20, GENERAL 11 CORPORATE ACCOUNT; AND CHARGING THE 12 AMOUNT OF $1,717.10 TO ACCOUNT NO. 610 -1110- 13 583 -61 -10 LAND ACQUISTION ACCOUNT: 14 PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE 15 16 17 WHEREAS, Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A., has submitted invoices dated 18 September 30, 2004, May 25, 2005 and June 27, 2005 to the CRA for legal 19 services rendered for general corporate matters in the amount of $10,380.14; and 20 21 WHEREAS, Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A., has submitted invoices dated 22 September 30, 2004 and May 25, 2005, to the CRA for legal services rendered for 23 land acquisition matters in the amount of. $1,717.10 24 25 26 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMUNITY 27 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA 28 THAT: 29 30 Section 1. The South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency 31 authorizes payment for legal services rendered for general corporate matters 32 in the amount of $10,380.14 to Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A., charging 33 this amount to Account No. 610 - 1110 - 564- 31 -20, General Corporate 34 Account. The balance in Account No. 610 -1110- 564- 31 -20, after payment 35 of these invoice will be $14,208.66. 36 37 Section 2. The South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency 38 authorizes payment for legal services rendered for land acquisition matters 39 in the amount of. $1,717.10 to Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A., charging this 40 amount to Account No. 610 -1110- 583- 61 -10, Land Acquisition Account. 41 The balance in Account No. 610 - 1110 - 583- 61 -10. after payment of this 42 invoice will be $ 217,554.44. 43 Additions shown by underlining and deletions shown by ever ,b. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of July, 2005. ATTEST: APPROVED: SECRETARY READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: GENERAL COUNSEL CHAIRPERSON Board Vote: Chairperson Russell: Vice Chairperson Palmer: Board Member Wiscombe: Board Member Birts- Cooper: Board Member Sherar: Board Member Price: Board Member Cobb: JAMy Documents \CRA RESOLUTIONS 2005 \CRA Res Nagin Gallop payment 07- 18- 05.doc EAC R A \Nagin Gallop Pay Rcsol 7- 18- 05.doc Page 2 of 2 CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEY /CLIENT PRIVILEGE NAGIN GALLOP FIGUEREDO`'". Attorneys & Counselors 3225 Aviation Avenue, Suite 301 Miami, Florida 33133 Telephone: (305) 854 -5353 Facsimile: (305) 854 -5351 Lorraine Council September 30, 2004 City of South Miami Community Revelopment Agency Matter ID: 0076 -001 CRA Assistant Director CRA - General Corporate 6130 Sunset Drive Statement No. 16583 South Miami, Florida 33143 Hours Amount 8/27/2004 EAB Met with Comm'r Sherar and telephone conference with Ms. Davis. 2.30 0.00 8/30/2004 EAB Telephone conference with comm'r Randy Wiscombe regarding 0.30 40.50 CRA matters; telephone conference with Mr. Joe Gibson regarding pending matters; e-mail communication with Mr. Tony Crapp and Mr. Jurgen Teintze regarding CRA existence; and coordinated meeting. 8/31/2004 EAB Revised Iler consultant agreement; telephone conference with Mr. 3.50 472.50 Gibson, city manager, Ms. Jeanette Navarro and several board members regarding legal rfp, and discrimination claim; telephone conference with Mr. Robert Meyers regarding city code and ethics code; analyzed city's discrimination policy and provided direction to staff relating to processing of claim. 911/2004 EAB Attention to Bernice Ellis grant agreement and possible release of 1.00 135.00 promissory note; e-mail communications with comm'r Wiscombe regarding performance evaluation of Mr. Gibson; telephone conference with Mr. Steve Zelkowitz; and e-mail communications with Ms. Davis on pending CRA matters. 9/1/2004 EAB Analyzed intedocal agreement and interrelationship with zoning 0.50 67.50 powers in order to respond to inquiry by comm'r Sherar and Ms. Davis. 9/7/2004 LRF Conferred with Eve Boutsis and prepared censure resolution. 1.20 210.00 9/7/2004 EAB Telephone conferences with Mr. Gibson; email communications 2.30 310.50 with CRA board regarding Sunshine laws; Iler contract, and upcoming agenda items; telephone conference with mayor Russell and Mr. Gibson on coordinating special meeting, CRA agenda and budget issues; and attention to censure resolution. 9/8/2004 EAB Meeting with comm'r Sherar regarding interlocal agreement, draft 3.00 405.00 Iler consultant contract; telephone conference with comm'r Marie Birts- Cooper regarding Iler negotiations; telephone conference with Payment is due upon receipt. Please notify us w ithin 10 days of any questions you have regarding this invoice. Interest at a rate of 1.5% per month will be charged if payment is not received within 30 days. Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A. Matter ID: 0076 -001 Statement No. 16583 Page: 2 CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEY /CLIENT PRIVILEGE Mr. Gibson regarding scheduling issues, upcoming agenda items, budget hearing dates, and other pending items; attention to grant items and resolutions on grants to authorize grants being recorded; and telephone conference with Mr. Crapp. 9/9/2004 EAB Telephone conference with Joyce of Mr. Tony Crapp's office, and 0.30 40.50 coordinating meeting date to discuss CRA matters. 9/10/2004 LRF Reviewed Commission Sherar's memo and conferred with Ms. 0.40 70.00 Boutsis. 9/10/2004 EAB Telephone conference with Mr. tier regarding coordinating 1.00 135.00 negotiations and request for additional information on scope of services; telephone conference with comm'r Birts Cooper regarding contract negotiations; provided direction to staff to post notice of 9114 negotiations; and telephone conference with Ms. Joyce of Mr. Crapp's office regarding CRA matters. 9/13/2004 EAB Telephone conference with Mr. Gibson and Mr. McCants regarding public records request, LeRoy Taylor property and upcoming negotiations with Mr. tier. 9/14/2004 EAB Met with Mr. Gibson and Mr. McCants regarding budget and public records requests; attended negotiations of consultant contract (tier) with Mr. Gibson, Mr. McCants, and comm'r Birts Cooper; discussion with comm'r Birts- Cooper and Mssrs. Gibson and McCants regarding CRA, CRA code enforcement measures, legal counsel, etc; and drafted e-mail to Mr. Gibson regarding allegations of harassment and coordinated meeting to investigate allegations. 9/15/2004 EAB Telephone conference with Mr. Gibson regarding coordinating meeting re: allegations of harassment; telephone conference with Mr. McCants regarding unsafe structure and purchase of structure; prepared resolutions for CRA meeting including consultant resolution; finalized tier consultant contract; various e-mail and telephone conference with mayor Russell, Ms. Davis, Mr. Gibson, vm Palmer, comm'r Sherar, comm'r Wiscombe, and comm'r Birts- Cooper regarding evaluations, pending matters, resolutions, and Her contract; attention to budget issues; telephone conferences with Pastors Gay and Hams regarding coordinating walk around the CRA; and e-mail communications with Mr. Her regarding revisions to proposed consultant contract and scope of services. 9/1612004 LRF Conferred with Ms. Boutsis regarding censure resolution. 9/16/2004 EAB Telephone conference with Mr. Crapp and Mr. Teintze; telephone conference with Mr. Gibson regarding agenda and allegations; prepared resolution relating to T. Sawyer property transfer; telephone conference with mayor Russell regarding several pending items; telephone conference with comm'r Sherar regarding pending matters including habitat homes and quiet title actions; analyzed memorandum on use of discretionary fund; and email and telephone conference with Ms. Navarro, and Ms. Davis regarding personnel related matters. 0.40 54.00 3.00 405.00 5.00 0.50 2.70 675.00 87.50 364.50 Payment is due upon receipt. Please notify us within 10 days of any questions you have regarding this invoice. Interest at a rate of 1.5% per month will be charged if payment is not received within 30 days. Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A. Matter ID: 0076 -001 Statement No. 16583 Page: 3 CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEY /CLIENT PRIVILEGE 9/16/2004 EAB Attended meeting with comm'r Wiscombe to prepare evaluation of 2.00 270.00 Mr. Gibson;.and made edits to proposed evaluation. 9/17/2004 EAB Finalized resolutions for CRA agenda including: Iler resolution, T. 2.00 270.00 Sawyer resolution, finalized Iler contract, and evaluation form; telephone conference with Mr. Gibson regarding pending matters. 911912004 EAB Attention to CRA matters; forwarded emails to CRA board 1.00 135.00 regarding upcoming agenda items; telephone conference with ch. Russell regarding budget agenda items and regular meeting agenda items. 9/20/2004 LRF Conferred with Ms. Boutsis regarding pending matters. 1.10 192.50 9/20/2004 EAB Prepared declarations for discretionary funds; analyzed agenda and 6.00 810.00 budget; revised resolutions; analyzed bylaws, interlocal agreement and ch. 163, Fla. Stat; telephone conference with comm'r Birts- Cooper, Wiscombe and Sherar, e-mail communications with all CRA board, Mr. McCants and Mr. Gibson regarding pending matters; and telephone conference with Mr. Lott re: T. Sawyer matter. 9/20/2004 EAB Attended pre- budget conference with mayor and city manager, and 5.00 675.00 attended budget hearing and partial regular agenda hearing. 9/21/2004 EAB Telephone conference with Reverend Gay; e-mail communications 1.80 243.00 with Mr. Gibson, Mr. McCants, Ms. Davis, Mr. Oshikoya, Mr. Balogun, mayor Russell, Reverend Gay regarding after action reports and necessary work prior to second budget hearing; attention to Ms. Valerie Newman's public record request; provided response to Ms. Newman and staff regarding public records; telephone conference with Reverend Gay regarding Wounded Healers and internship positions. 9122/2004 EAB E -mail communications with Mr. Gibson regarding Newman public 1.00 135.00 record request; and telephone conference with comm'r Sherar on quiet title actions; attention to unsafe structure and request to purchase the land; attention to Personal Paradise matter, and e -mail and telephone conference with Mr. McCants, Ms. Davis, and staff regarding pending items. 9123/2004 EAB Attended staff meeting to prepare for upcoming budget agenda; 4.50 607.50 attention to Brookes litigation; attention to quiet title actions and title search on unsafe structure; attention to code enforcement liens within CRA; and analyzed Shops of Sunset files regarding community promises, if any; and email communications with CRA board members regarding use of discretionary funds; telephone conference with mayor Russell regarding pending matters; and telephone conference with comm'r Wiscombe regarding public records laws. 9124/2004 EAB Telephone conference with comm'r Wiscombe and Mr. Gibson on 2.00 270.00 pending items; provided closing instructions to staff regarding Brookes foreclosure; analyzed further resolutions regarding Shops Payment is due upon receipt. Please notify us within 10 days of any questions you have regarding this invoice. Interest at a rate of 1.5% per month w ill be charged if payment is not received w ithin 30 days. Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A. Matter ID: 0076 -001 Statement No. 16583 Page: 4 CONFIDENTIAL -AT ORNEY /CLIENTPRIVILEGE at Sunset regarding job creation, day care, and other possible services to the community. Rate Summary Luis R. Figueredo Eve A. Boutsis Eve A. Boutsis Disbursements 9/1/2004 Mileage Total Professional Services 7,080.50 3.20 hours at $175.001hr 2.30 hours at $ 0.00 1hr 48.30 hours at $135.00/hr Total hours: 53.80 9/2712004 Disbursements incurred - 3.0% Payments and Credits 9/24/2004 Check No. 46385 9/24/2004 Check No. 46385 9/24/2004 Check No. 46385 9/24/2004 Check No. 46385 9/24/2004 Check No. 46385 9/24/2004 Check No. 46385 560.00 0.00 6,520.50 7,080.50 3.60 212.42 1,974.51 2,391.66 1,775.94 2,808.81 2,141.37 2,946.45 14,038.74 Payment is due upon receipt. Please notify us within 10 days of any questions you have regarding this invoice. Interest at a rate of 1.5% per month will be charged if payment is not received within 30 days. Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A. Matter ID: 0076 -001 Statement No. 16583 Page: 5 CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEY /CLIENT PRIVILEGE For Professional Services 7,080.50 For Disbursements Incurred 216.02 Current Balance: 7,296.52 Previous Balance: 14,038.74 Payments - Thank you 14,038.74 Total Due 7,296.52 To be properly credited, please indicate Statement Number on your remittance check. Payment is due upon receipt. Please notify us within 10 days of any questions you have regarding this invoice. Interest at a rate of 1.5% per month will be charged if payment is not received within 30 days. CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEY /CLIENT PRIVILEGE NAGIN GALLOP FIGUEREDO`'`' Attorneys & Counselors 3225 Aviation Avenue, Suite 301 Miami, Florida 33133 Telephone: (305) 854 -5353 Facsimile: (305) 8545351 Lorraine Council September 30, 2004 City of South Miami Community Revelopment Agency Matter ID: 0076 -008 CRA Assistant Director CRA - Land Acquisition 6130'Sunset Drive South Miami, Florida 33143 Statement No. 16584 Disbursements 9/9/2004 Recording Fee 72.50 9/9/2004 Recording Fee 131.80 Payments and Credits 9/24/2004 Check No. 46385 36.05 9124/2004 Check No. 46385 675.42 9/24/2004 Check No. 46385 16.00 9124/2004 Check No. 46385 361.53 9/24/2004 Check No. 46385 7.20 1,096.20 Payment is due upon receipt. Please notify us within 10 days of any questions you have regarding this invoice. Interest at a rate of 1.5% per month will be charged if payment is not received within 30 days. Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A. Matter ID: 0076 -008 Statement No. 16584 Page: 2 CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEY /CLIENT PRIVILEGE For Professional Services 0.00 For Disbursements Incurred 204.30 Current Balance: 204.30 Previous Balance: 1,096.20 Payments - Thank you 1,096.20 Total Due 204.30 To be properly credited, please indicate Statement Number on your remittance check. Payment is due upon receipt. Please notify us within 10 days of any questions you have regarding this invoice. Interest at a rate of 1.5% per month will be charged if payment is not received within 30 days. CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEY /CLIENT PRIVILEGE NAGIN GALLOP FIGUEREDO P.A. Attorneys & Counselors 3225 Aviation Avenue, Suite 301 Miami, Florida 33133 Telephone: (305) 854 -5353 Facsimile: (305) 854 -5351 Ronald Donald O'Donniley May 25, 2005 City of South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency Matter ID: 0076 -001 6130 Sunset Drive CRA - General Corporate South Miami, FL 33143. Statement No. 17498 Hours Amount 5/2/2005 EAB Attention to county agenda regarding CRA plan amendment; e-mail 1.00 135.00 communications with SMCRA board regarding same; and attention to quiet title actions. 5/3/2005 EAB Analyzed CRA plan, interlocal agreement; telephone conference 4.70 634.50. -� with board member Craig Sherar regarding powers of condemnation; and attended county hearing on approval of CRA amended plan. 5/4/2005 EAB Telephone conference with Pastor Whipple's office; drafted letter to 1.00 135.00 Pastor Whipple and Destiny Human Services; telephone conference with Bd. member Sherar regarding CRA plan and OCED; e-mail communications with staff regarding agenda, Destiny, OCED; and e-mail communication with chairperson Mary Scott Russell regarding same. 5/5/2005 EAB Attention to Pastor Whipple matter; and e-mail communications 0.60 81.00 with staff on pending items and recording of mortgages; telephone conference with vice chair Velma Palmer regarding CRA plan amendment; and drafted legal services contract. 5/6/2005 EAB E -mail communications with Ms. Maria Davis regarding CRA plan 0.20 27.00 amendment; and e-mail communications with Mr. Don O'Donniley regarding Pastor Whipple and upcoming agenda. 5/9/2005 EAB Telephone conference with Ms. Davis; telephone conference with 1.00 135.00 Pastor Whipple; and analyzed CRA agenda and letter to vacant property owners. 5/9/2005 EAB Attended CRA meeting. 3.70 499.50 5/12/2005 EAB Revised cover memorandum to SMCRA board re: T.Sawyer. 0.40 54.00 5/18/2005 EAB Analyzed chapter 83, Fla. Stat., and drafted month to month notice 0.50 67.50 and increased rent notice to tenant of Mobley building. 5/23/2005 EAB Telephone conference with ch. Russell, Mr. James McCants, Ms. 0.70 94.50 Lorraine Council, and Mr. O'Donniley regarding Mr. Castellanos and Personal Paradise; drafted letter to Mr. Castellanos regarding same. Payment is due upon receipt. Please notify us within 10 days of any questions you have regarding this invoice. Interest at a rate of 1.5% per month will be charged if payment is not received within 30 days. Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A. Matter ID: 0076 -001 Statement No. 17498 Page: 2 CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEY /CLIENT PRIVILEGE 5/25/2005 EAB Attention to Personal Paradise matter; and telephone conference 0.70 94.50 with Mr. Lott regarding update on files. Rate Summary Eve A. Boutsis Total Professional Services 14.50 hours at $135.00 /hr Total hours: 14.50 Disbursements 5/9/2005 Parking Charge - Stephen P. Clark Center for meeting on 5/6/05. 5/25/2005 Disbursements incurred - 3.0% For Professional Services For Disbursements Incurred Current Balance: Previous Balance: Payments - Thank you 1,957.50 1,957.50 20.00 58.72 1,957.50 1,957.50 78.72 2,036.22 11,568.35 0.00 Total Due 13,604.57 To be properly credited, please indicate Statement Number on your remittance check. F:._ ... ;; C� � /fie �� C��E,'� . •..•.� a La. i t. r'.v"t i tr:_. � iYt�" C!"AlN i 1TY AND QUALITY RECcJ�J eyti �i.._.. Payment is due upon receipt. Please notify us within 10 days of any questions you have regarding this invoice. Interest at a rate of 1.5% per month will be charged if payment is not received within 30 days. CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEY /CLIENT PRIVILEGE NAGIN GALLOPFIGUEREDOP.A. Attorneys & Counselors 3225 Aviation Avenue, Suite 301 Miami, Florida 33133 Telephone: (305) 854 -5353 Facsimile: (305) 854 -5351 Ronald Donald O'Donniley May 25, 2005 City of South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency Matter ID: 0076 -008 6130 Sunset Drive CRA - Land Acquisition. South Miami, FL 33143 Statement No. 17499 Hours Amount 4/26/2005 EAB Meeting with Mr. James McCants, Mr. Don O'Donniley, and Brooks 2.50 337.50 property owners regarding purchase of their two parcels. 5/4/2005 EAB Telephone conference with Mr. George Lott regarding status of 0.30 40.50 quiet title actions. 5/10 /2005 EAB Telephone conference with Mr. Lott regarding title policies and 2.70 364.50 reverter clause in Habitat parcel; telephone conferences with Mr. Sandy Youkilis and Mr. O'Donniley regarding T.Sawyer property; began revising resolution and cover memorandum; and legal research of ch. 163, Fla. Stat. 5/16/2005 EAB Attended meeting regarding purchase of Hanover properties. 2.00 270.00 5/18/2005 EAB . Telephone conference with Mr. Terry Voche regarding Graham 0.30 40.50 Hanover properties; and coordinated meeting with staff regarding same. 5/20/2005 EAB Attended meeting with Mr. Voche, Mr. McCants, and Mr. 2.60 351.00 O'Donniley regarding Graham Hanover proposition; drafted letter to Mr. Voche; and telephone conference with and fax communications with Mr. Lott regarding title insurance policies and reverter provision on Habitat parcel. , Rate Summary Total Professional Services Eve A. Boutsis 10.40 hours at $135.00/hr 1,404.00 Total hours: 10.40 1,404.00 Disbursements 5/3/2005 Recording Fee for recording satisfaction of mortgage for Margaret 10.00 Holmes. 1,404.00 Payment is due upon receipt. Please notify us within 10 days of any questions you have regarding this invoice. Interest at a rate of 1.5% per month will be charged if payment is not received within 30 days. Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A. Matter ID: 0076 -008 Statement No. 17499 Page: 2 CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEY /CLIENT PRIVILEGE 5/3/2005 Recording Fee for recording satisfaction of mortgage for Joann Billings. 10.00 5/3/2005 Recording Fee for recording satisfaction of mortgage for Richard Redden. 10.00 5/3/2005 Recording Fee for recording satisfaction of mortgage for Willie D. Litmon. 10.00 5/3/2005 Recording Fee for recording satisfaction of mortgage for Kelsey & 10.00 Tamara Toomer. 5/3/2005 Recording Fee for recording satisfaction of mortgage for Frank & Evelyn 10.00 Robinson. 5/25/2005 Disbursements incurred - 3.0% 48.80 For Professional Services 1,404.00 For Disbursements Incurred 108.80 Current Balance: 1,512.80 Previous Balance: 922.76 Payments - Thank you 0.00 Total Due 2,435.56 To be properly credited, please indicate Statement Number on your remittance check. P.O.#` r OPEN P,0.: r-j j ls L F1 r ^L1 'i DAl L Payment is due upon receipt. Please notify us within 10 days of any questions you have regarding this invoice. Interest at a rate of 1.5% per month will be charged if payment is not received within 30 days. NAGIN GALLOP FIGUEREDO P.A Attorneys & Counselors 3225 Aviation Avenue - Third Floor Telephone: (305) 854 -5353 Miami, Florida 33133 -4741 Facsimile: (305) 854 -5351 July 5, 2005 Ronald Donald O'Donniley City of South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency 6130 Sunset Drive South Miami, Florida 33143 Re: South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency Statements Matter ID: 0076 -001 Dear Don: I enclose our firm's invoices dated June 27, 2005, for the South Miami CRA matter referenced above. I also attach the resolution approving same. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Very truly yours, E . Boutsis eneral Counsel for the South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency EAB /glr Enclosures . CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEY /CLIENT PRIVILEGE NAGIN GALLOP FIGUEREDOPA. Attorneys & Counselors 3225 Aviation Avenue, Suite 301 Miami, Florida 33133 Telephone: (305) 854 -5353 Facsimile: (305) 854 -5351 Ronald Donald O'Donniley June 27, 2005 City of South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency Matter ID: 0076 -001 6130 Sunset Drive CRA - General Corporate South Miami, FL 33143 Statement No. 17598 Hours Amount 6/8/2005 LRF Reviewed CRA agenda and provided comments to Mr. James 1.80 243.00 Rate Summary Luis R. Figueredo Eve A. Boutsis Disbursements 6/13/2005 Mileage Total Professional Services 999.00 3.80 hours at $135.00 /hr 3.60 hours at $135.00 /hr Total hours: 7.40 513.00 486.00 999.00 3.60 Payment is due upon receipt. Please notify us within 10 days of any questions you have regarding this invoice. Interest at a rate of 1.5% per month will be charged if payment is not received within 30 days. McCants. 6/9/2005 EAB Attention to quiet title actions; executed affidavit for quiet titles; 1.30 175.50 e -mail communications with Mr. Don O'Donniley and Mr. James McCants regarding Habitat properties; attention to title insurance and unity of title; drafted letters to Mr. George Lott regarding quiet title actions and title insurance; and follow up on unity of title issues. 6/10/2005 EAB Telephone conferences with Ms. Davis regarding agenda items, tax 1.20 162.00 exemption and transfer of parcels to Habitat; telephone conference with Mr. O'Donniley and Mr. McCants regarding discretionary fund uses, and tax exempt IRS deadlines; telephone conference with Mr. Lott regarding pending quiet title actions; and attention to upcoming agenda items. 6/13/2005 LRF Attended CRA meeting. 2.00 270.00 6/16/2005 EAB Drafted unity of title; and e-mail communications with staff 1.00 135.00 regarding next steps in transfer of parcels to Habitat. 6/20/2005 EAB Attention to CRA budget process. 0.10 13.50 Rate Summary Luis R. Figueredo Eve A. Boutsis Disbursements 6/13/2005 Mileage Total Professional Services 999.00 3.80 hours at $135.00 /hr 3.60 hours at $135.00 /hr Total hours: 7.40 513.00 486.00 999.00 3.60 Payment is due upon receipt. Please notify us within 10 days of any questions you have regarding this invoice. Interest at a rate of 1.5% per month will be charged if payment is not received within 30 days. Payment is due upon receipt. Please notify us within 10 days of any questions you have regarding this invoice. Interest at a rate of 1.5% per month will be charged if payment is not received within 30 days. Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A. Matter ID: 0076 -001 Statement No. 17598 Page: 2 CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEY /CLIENT PRIVILEGE 6/16/2005 Mileage 3.60 6/1612005 Parking Charge - Recording Department 6.00 6/16/2005 Certified Copy 4.87 6/27/2005 Disbursements incurred - 3.0% 29.97 Payments and Credits 8112/2004 Check No. 45921 1,668.60 9/24/2004 Check No. 46385 1,775.94 6/30/2005 Check No. 49560 1,982.60 6/30/2005 Check No. 49560 2,289.23 912412004 Check No. 46385 2,141.37 8/26/2004 Check No. 46048 876.02 9/24/2004 Check No. 46385 2,391.66 9/24/2004 Check No. 46385 2,808.81 9/24/2004 Check No. 46385 2,946.45 12/17/2004 Check No. 047253 1,877.18 9/24/2004 Check No. 46385 1,974.51 Payment is due upon receipt. Please notify us within 10 days of any questions you have regarding this invoice. Interest at a rate of 1.5% per month will be charged if payment is not received within 30 days. Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A. Matter ID: 0076 -001 Statement No. 17598 Page: 3 CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEY /CLIENT PRIVILEGE For Professional Services 999.00 For Disbursements Incurred 48.04 Current Balance: 1,047.04 Previous Balance: 32,065.11 Payments - Thank you 22,732.37 Total Due 10,379.78 To be properly credited, please indicate Statement Number on your remittance check. Payment is due upon receipt. Please notify us within 10 days of any questions you have regarding this invoice. Interest at a rate of 1.5% per month will be charged if payment is not received within 30 days. 2001 "� 9akin� our Neighborhood a Great Pierce to Live, Ll irk and Y'oy " To: Honorable Chair and Date: July 18, 2005 CRA Board Members From Maria Davis Subject: Agenda Item # Executive Director Selection of Williamson Park Improvements Contractor RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH BAZANI CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE DAVID D. BETHEL MEMORIAL PAVILLON AT MARSHALL WILLIAMSON PARK; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BACKGROUND In 2005, the South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency (SMCRA) authorized the construction of a pavilion in the Marshall Williamson Park to be named for the late Commissioner David D. Bethel. The objective was to provide a covered place for senior citizens to gather and socialize. CONTRACTOR SELECTION The City's Public Works Department in May, 2005 issued City Bid No. C105 -0603 requesting bids for construction of several elements needed to complete the Pavilion. On June 3, 2005 four estimates were received. It was determined that the initial construction would be limited to site preparation, tree removal, pavilion construction and installation of tables and seats. (Tasks 1,2,6,9) Attached is a summary of the bid responses. RECOMMENDATION Based upon bids received, it is recommended that the lowest and most responsive bid received for the four tasks to be completed ( Bazani Construction Corp.- $72,000) be selected. It is recommended that the attached resolution be approved authorizing the Executive Director to execute a contract with Bazani Construction Corp. in the amount of $78,500, which includes $6,500 as the owner's contingency. The $78,500 amount will be charged to the Parks Improvement Account No. 610- 1110- 572- 99 -30. The Parks Improvement Account No.610- 1110 - 572 -99 -30 balance is $81,981. After payment of the $78,500 contract the Parks Improvement Account will have a balance of $3,481. Attachntents Resolution Bid Responses Tabulation Report MD /DOD /SAY /JM\ MCGRUFF \PLANNING \C R A \Williamson Park Selection Report.doc I RESOLUTION NO. 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY 4 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING TIIE 5 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH 6 BAZANI CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION FOR TIIE 7 PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF TIIE DAVID D. BETHEL 8 MEMORIAL PAVILLON AT MARSHALL WILLIAMSON 9 PARK; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 10 11 WHEREAS, the South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency (SMCRA) 12 authorized the construction of a pavilion in the Marshall Williamson Park to be named for the late 13 Commissioner David D. Bethel. The facility will provide a covered place for senior citizens to 14 gather and socialize; and 15 16 WHEREAS, the City's Public Works Department in May, 2005 issued City Bid No. 17 C105 -0603 requesting bids for construction of several elements needed to complete the Pavilion; 18 and 19 20 WHEREAS in June, 2005 after four estimates were received, it was determined that 21 the initial construction would be limited to site preparation, tree removal, pavilion construction 22 and installation of tables and seats; and 23 24 WHEREAS, it is recommended that the lowest and most responsive bid received for 25 the four tasks to be completed from the Bazani Construction Corp. be selected; and 26 27 WHEREAS, It is recommended that the Executive Director be authorized to contract 28 with Bazani Construction Corp. in the amount of $78,500, which includes $6,500 as the owner's 29 contingency; and 30 31 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMUNITY 32 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA 33 THAT: 34 35 Section 1. The Executive Director is authorized to negotiate and execute a contract 36 with _Bazani Construction Corp in the amount of $78,500 for the construction of a pavilion in the 37 Marshall Williamson Park to be named for the late Commissioner David D. Bethel. This amount 38 will be charged to the Parks Improvement Account No. 610 - 1110- 572- 99 -30. 39 40 Section 2. After payment of the $78,500 contract the Parks Improvement Account will have 41 a balance of $3,481. 42 43 Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. 44 45 PASSED and ADOPTED this day of July, 2005. we 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ATTEST: SECRETARY READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: GENERAL COUNSEL APPROVED: CHAIRPERSON Board Vote: Chairperson Russell: Vice Chairperson Palmer: Board Member Wiscombe: Board Member Birts- Cooper: Board Member Sherar: Board Member Cobb: Board Member Price: JAMy Docuinents\CRA RESOLUTIONS 20051CRA Res Williamson Park Bid 07- 18- 05.doc MD /DOD /SAY EAC R AMIliamson Park Bid Resolution.doc TO: Maria Davis City Manager CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI Excellence, Integrity, Inclusion FROM: W. Ajibola Balogun Public Works Director FROM: Don O'Donniley, CRA w/o attachment South Miami All - America City I I I I r 2001 DATE: June 28, 2005 RE: Marshall Williamson Park Improvements — David Bethel Memorial Pavilion Following our meeting on June 9, 2005, I met with the Architect of Record (Javier Salman, AIA) to establish the lowest responsive bidder, per the reduced scope of work. Using the attached Reduced Scope — Bid Tabulation Report, we discussed the reduced scope with the lowest bidder, BazanJ Construction Corporation (BCC). After couple of telephone conferences with Ms. Blanca Bazan, President, BCC, she submitted the attached letter accepting the reduced scope at $72,000, without owner's contingency of $6,500. Also, Mr. Javier Salman submitted the attached June 27, 2005 letter, recommending BCC as the lowest responsive bidder. With a copy of this memorandum to Don O'Donniley, it is our recommendation that CRA secure their board's approval of BCC as the lowest responsive bidder for the reduced scope of work, in an amount of $78,500, including owner's contingency. The following items are attached for your use: ❑ Certified Notice of Bid Invitation advertised in the Miami Daily Business Review. ❑ Bid Opening Report ❑ Bid Tabulation Report — Original Scope ❑ Bid Tabulation Report — Reduced Scope • Letter from BazanJ Construction Corporation • Letter from Architect of Record — C3TS Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. END OF MEMORANDUM ECEIVE JUN 2 9 2005 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE SENT BY: CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI; 3056636348; MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW PWhSrwd Daily except Saturday. Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, MtamFUaft County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI•DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared SOOKIE WILLIAMS, who on oath says that he or she Is the VICE PRESIDENT, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily 8uaines3 Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Miami -Dade Count', Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI • NOTICE OF BID INVITATION BID NO. CIOS•0603 In the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the Issues of 05/02/2005 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami In said Mlaml -Dada County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami-Dacia County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office In Miami In Bald Miami -Dade County. Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the flrif publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and af5ant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any parson, firm or corporation anv5Vunt, rebate, commission or retund for the purpose of ecu ng this advertisement for publication In the said ws per. Swom to and subscribed before me this' 02 da Y , LD__2005 (SEAL) ,rt Marta I. Mesa SOOKIE WILLIAMS personally kVf f Commwim D0293855 or rzYDin s March D41,2005 MAY -3 -05. 2:21PM; PAGE 2/2 '� `•;a.: <,r ^•n! %rte +^,' BID OPENING REPORT Bids were opened on: June 3, 2005 at: 3:05pm For: Marshall Williamson Park Improvements & David D. Bethel Memorial Pavilion Pre -Bid Estimate: CONTRACTORS: BID AMOUNTS: SAUANf co$-p• LEaQEx c�o� �zi�� lGq 9 z5 .60 (JEV[✓LbPMC - -rte► b-, CoMMUt-(1CA,TC0t,) C [LtiUP • 2-1 9'7D • 00 zA,m c cbrts:-rF- UCT10Nt • 41 �(o I 5pe - 00 ' THE ABOVE BID AMOUNTS HAVE NOT BEEN CHECKED. THE BID TOTALS ARE SUBJECT TO CORRECTION AFTER THE BIDS HAVE BEEN REVIEWED. City Clerk's Sign: / , Q � Witness• i lY \\ \\ }� \) � | � � \ & d } Eo / / � 2 � RP \ B2§- _w9 /$d 22222 �k \ {§ a0&..g nz�go o M. S$ J§@@E \oCj \ � m § ( § & E / \ R _ f k ] m 0 k § w v c 0 m Q @ 0 0 m m � § /_ CL \ » \ �- ° BSgf �E$$ ■Q20 cEEm am22 020E 2m_o ml G$ �y6E \Qk2 E k / 0 E � .. ,�� � � \ o � @ / 2 aR ID £ o > ca E E % Bm /Ek 2 E :3 / E\ /f2 \ § E ° / / & » J� ( K / / 2 C \ \ /EEC° $ R E § c E - E§pf% k o G m E / § 222 ƒ ƒ § / E 2 R2 A � / \ / E R } E > B 2 C B00< , \ �+Ga Ep§§ § ( K crU) 2 E 0 & =n, a C � < 0g CD E CL \ $ # $ $ ® E S S S 8 2 § ) ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 @ P e G g g k § k k G 8 k \ 3 20 ± $ $ $ e a e , « � 5 @ 0 8 S ° m A 60 ) ) § § § § \ cn � CL k \ § ■ 2 2 $ w ® « @ G g e § Ln 2 0 \ \ o § o § 8 § Cl) a 0 § 2 § k § W Z 2 m o Z; ¥ ¥ 7 § 0 q m G § q U) n § k 8 k f k ] m 0 k § w v c 0 m Q @ 0 0 m m � § /_ CL \ » \ �- ° BSgf �E$$ ■Q20 cEEm am22 020E 2m_o ml G$ �y6E \Qk2 E k / 0 E � .. ,�� � � \ .06/27/05 15:03 C3TS ARCHITECTS & ACCOUNTING DPT 4 3056687208 NO.107 D03 BAZANJ Construction Corporation C GCO62801 baza"Icon&ol com June 16, 2005 Mr. Javier F. Salman, AIA Principal Architecture CORZO CASTELIA CARBALLO THOMPSON SALMAN, P.A. 301 Ponce de Leon Blvd. Suite 900 Coral Gabbs, Florida 33134 Re: MARSHALL WILLIAMSON PARK IMPROVEMENTS — PHASE I SW 61 "Street Court, South Miami Florida Project No. C105 -0603 Dear Mr. Salman: After our teleconference of June 15, 2005 during which we reviewed the bid tabulation for the above referenced project, the following was agreed to, by our firm and is herein reiterated: 1. WAND Construction Corp agrees to prooeed based on a revised scope of work that enoompasses Bid items 1, 2, 6 and'9 with a total contract amount of $ 72,000.00. See enclosed Bid Tabulation Form. 2. The Owner's contingency amount of $ 6,500 is a separate line item not included in the total contract amount We look forward to meet with at your convenience should you have any questions or need further information. You may contact me at 786.355.5610. Sincerely, J6 &M�-//. aV Blanca Y. Kazan, President Cc: a Balogw4 R KCFGA City of south mami PO Boat 145188 Cora! WNW Rodds 93114 Tel: 3D5,446."97)FWf 3D5A46.W67 '06/27/05 15:03 C3TS ARCHITECTS & ACCOUNTING DPT 4 3056687208 June 27, 2005 City of South Miami Public Works Department 4795 SW 75 Avenue Miami, Florida 33155 Attention: W. Ajibola Balogun, REM Engineering Director Reference: Marshall Williamson Park NO. 107 P02 OTS Project No.: 1929 -022 Bid No.: CIOS -0603 Dear Mr. Balogun: Pursuant to the Bids that were received on June 3, 2005 for the above project, please be advised that the lowest bidder was Bazanj Construction Corp. of Miami, Florida, who submitted a bid for the amount of $72,000.00 The information obtained for Bazanj Construction Corp. demonstrated that the Contractor's work is in an overall good standing and is recommended. Therefore, based on our evaluation of the above, we find that Bazanj Construction Corp. is the lowest responsive bidder. The total project laid is $72,000.00 as per the attached letter from Bazanj Construction. Should you have any questions, or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (305) 445 -2900. Since Salman, gal 1 Arcl Thompson Salman, P.A. 1 SECTION 00500 CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 20 , A.D., by and between the City of South Miami, party of the first part (hereinafter sometimes called the "Owner "), and _ party of the second part (hereinafter sometimes called the "Contractor "). WITNESSETH: That the parties hereto, for the consideration hereinafter set forth, mutually agree as follows: 1.01 SCOPE OF THE WORK A. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, machinery, tools, apparatus, and transportation and perform all of the work shown on the Drawings and described in the Project Manual entitled: MARSHALL WILLIAMSON PARK IMPROVEMENTS & DAVID D. BETHEL MEMORIAL PAVILION SW 61St Court between SW 68th Street and 60th Terrace CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA Bid No. C105 -0603 as prepared by Corzo Castella Carballo Thompson Salman, P.A. acting as, and in the Contract Documents entitled the Owner's Architect/Engineer, and shall do everything required by this Contract and the other Contract Documents. 1.02 THE CONTRACT SUM A. The Owner shall pay to the Contractor for the faithful performance of the Contract, in lawful money of the United States, and subject to addition and deductions as provided in the Contract Documents, as follows: B. Based upon the price shown in the Proposal heretofore submitted to the Owner by the Contractor, a copy of said Proposal being a part of these Contract Documents, the aggregate amount of this Contract is the lump sum of Dollars 1.03 COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION OF WORK A. The Contractor shall commence work on the date established in the Notice to Proceed. B. The Contractor shall prosecute the work with faithfulness and diligence and shall complete the work not later than sixty (60) calendar days after the commencement date established in the Notice to Proceed. 00500 -1 1929 -22.01 1.04 CONTRACTOR'S ACCEPTANCE OF CONDITIONS A. The Contractor hereby agrees that he has carefully examined the sites for the work to be performed and has fully satisfied himself that such sites are correct and suitable ones for the work to be performed and he assumes full responsibility therefore. The provisions of this Contract shall control any inconsistent provisions contained in the specifications. All Drawings, Specifications and Contract items contained in this Project Manual have been read and carefully considered by the Contractor, who understands the same and agrees to their sufficiency for the work to be done. It is expressly agreed that under no circumstances, conditions or situations shall this Contract be more strongly construed against the Owner than against the Contractor and his Surety. B. Any ambiguity or uncertainty in the Drawings or Project Manual shall be interpreted and construed by the Owner's Architect/Engineer and his decision shall be final and binding upon all parties. C. It is distinctly understood and agreed that the passing, approval and /or acceptance of any part of the work or material by the Owner, his Architect/Engineer, or by any agent or representative as in compliance with the terms of this Contract and /or of the Project Manual covering said work, shall not operate as a waiver by the Owner of strict compliance with the terms of this Contract, and /or the Project Manual covering said work; and the Owner may require the Contractor and /or his insurer to repair, replace, restore and /or make to comply strictly and in all things with this Contract and the Project Manual any and all 'of said work and /or services which within a period of one year from and after the date of the passing, approval, and /or acceptance of any such work or services, are found to be defective or to fail in any way to comply with the Drawings and Specifications. This provision shall not apply to materials or equipment normally expected to deteriorate or wear out and become subject to normal repair and replacement before their condition is discovered. The Contractor shall not be required to do normal maintenance work under the guarantee provisions. Failure on the part of the Contractor and /or his insurer, immediately after Notice to either, to repair or replace any such defective materials and workmanship shall entitle the Owner, if it sees fit, to replace or repair the same and recover the reasonable cost of such replacement and /or repair from the Contractor and /or his insurer, who shall in any event be jointly and severally liable to the Owner for all damage, loss and expense, caused to the Owner by reason of the Contractor's breach of this Contract and/or his failure to comply strictly and in all things with this Contract and with the Drawings and Specifications. 1.05 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES A. It is mutually agreed that time is of the essence of this Contract and should the Contractor fail to complete the work within the specified time, or any authorized extension thereof, there shall be deducted from the compensation otherwise to be paid to the Contractor, and the Owner will retain the amount of $750.00 (seven - hundred and fifty dollars and zero cents) per calendar day as fixed, agreed, and liquidated damages for each calendar day elapsing beyond the specified time for completion or any authorized extension thereof, which sum shall represent the actual damages which the Owner will have sustained by failure of the Contractor to complete the work within the specified time; it being further agreed that said sum is not penalty, but is the stipulated amount of damages sustained by the Owner in the event of such default by the Contractor. 00500 -2 1929 -22.01 B. For the purposes of this Article, the day of final acceptance of the work shall be considered a day of delay, and the scheduled day of completion of the work shall be considered a day scheduled for production. 1.06 PARTIAL AND FINAL PAYMENTS A. In accordance with the provisions fully set forth in the General Conditions, and subject to additions and deductions as provided, the Owner shall pay the Contractor as follows: 1. Within 60 days after receipt of the Contractor's request for partial payment by the Owner, the Owner shall make partial payments to the Contractor, on the basis of the estimate of work as. approved by, the Owner's Architect/Engineer, for work performed during the preceding calendar month, less ten percent (10 %) of the, amount of such estimate which is to be retained by the Owner until all work has been performed strictly in accordance with this Agreement and until such work has been accepted by the Owner. 2. Upon submission by the Contractor of evidence satisfactory to the Owner that all payrolls, material bills and other costs incurred by the Contractor in connection with the work have been paid in full, and also, after all guarantees that may be required in the specifications have been furnished and are found to be acceptable by the Owner, final payment on account of this Agreement shall be made within sixty (60) days after completion by the Contractor of all work covered by this Agreement and acceptance of such work by the Owner. 1.07 ADDITIONAL BOND A. It is further mutually agreed between the parties hereto that if, at any time after the execution of this Agreement and the Performance and Payment Bonds hereto attached for its faithful performance, the Owner shall deem the surety or sureties upon such bonds to be unsatisfactory, or if, for any reason, such bond(s) ceases to be adequate to cover the performance of the work, the Contractor shall at his expense, and within three (3) days after the. receipt of Notice from the Owner to do so, furnish an additional bond or bonds, in such form and amount, and with such sureties as shall be satisfactory to the Owner. In such event, no further payment to . the Contractor shall be deemed due under this Agreement until such new or additional security for the faithful performance of the work shall be furnished in the manner and form satisfactory to the Owner. 1.08 SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY AND ATTORNEY'S FEES The City does not waive sovereign immunity for any claim for breach of'contract except for payment of any amount owed under the contract; provided, however, that in any action arising out of or to enforce this Agreement, the prevailing parry shall be entitled to its reasonable attorney's fees and costs, including, but not limited to paralegal costs, and computer research costs. The parties shall not be liable for the prejudgment interest. 1.09 MEDIATION 00500 -3 1929 -22.01 Any claim or dispute arising out of or related to this agreement shall be subject to informal mediation as a condition precedent to the institution of legal or equitable proceedings by either party. Both parties waive the right to arbitration. The parties shall share the mediator's fee and any filing fees equally. The mediation shall be held in Miami -Dade County, Florida, unless another location is mutually agreed upon. Agreements reached in mediation shall .be enforceable as settlement agreements in the circuit court for the 1 Vh Judicial Circuit for the State of Florida. 1.10 SIGNATORY AUTHORITY The officials executing this Agreement warrant and represent that they are authorized by their respective agency to enter into a binding agreement. 1.11 LIENS Contractor is prohibited from placing a lien on the City's property. This prohibition shall apply to, interalia, all subconsultants and subcontractors, suppliers and labors. 1.12 INCORPORATE BY REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED IN PROJECT MANUAL The contract enclosed within the "Project Manual for MARSHALL WILLIAMSON PARK IMPROVEMENTS & RAVID D. BETHEL MEMORIAL PAVILION SW 61s' Court between SW 681h Street and 60th Terrace CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA and all attachments in the Manual and the Construction Drawings shall be incorporated by reference into the contract, as exhibits to the contract. Between the contract and the attachments in the manual, the provisions of the contract shall control should there be any inconsistency in the documents. Contractor is reminded that all work under this contract must comply with Federal Regulations as listed in Section 00750 and 00770, as well as EDA Standard Terms and Conditions to the City's grant award and the Special Conditions to the grant award (Appendix B). 1.13 TRANSFER AND ASSIGNMENT A. None of the work or services under this contract shall be subcontracted beyond that shown on List of Major Sub - Contractors' (page 00300 -4 of the Proposal) unless Contractor obtains prior written consent from the City. Approved subcontractors shall be subject to each provision of this contract and Contractor shall be responsible and indemnify the City for all subcontractors' acts, errors or omissions. B. The Contractor shall not assign, transfer or pledge any interest in this contract without the prior written consent of the City; provided, however, that claims for money by the Contractor from the City under this contract may be assigned, transferred or pledged to a bank, trust company, or other financial institution without the City's approval. Written notice of any assignment, transfer or pledge of funds shall be furnished within 10 days by the Contractor to the City. 1.14 EXAMINATION AND RETENTION OF CONTRACTOR'S RECORDS A. The City, or any of their duly authorized representatives, shall, until '3 years after final payment under this contract, have access to and the right to examine any of the Contractor's books, ledgers, documents, papers, .or other records involving 00500 -4 1929 -22.01 transactions related to this contract for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts, and transcriptions. B. The Contractor agrees to include in first -tier subcontracts under this contract a clause substantially the same as subparagraph 8.1 above. "Subcontract," as used in this clause, excludes purchase orders not exceeding $10,000. C. The right to access and examination of records in subparagraph 8.1 shall continue until disposition of any mediation, claims, litigation or appeals. 1.15 ' OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All documents, reports, plans, specifications or other records, including electronic records, resulting from the services rendered by the Contractor under this contract shall be deemed the property of the City and the City shall have all rights incident to this ownership. The Contractor acknowledges that all documents prepared under this contract shall be public records, and shall be subject to- public inspection and copying, as provided by Florida Statutes chapter 119. Upon conclusion of this contract and any extensions, all documents shall be delivered by the Contractor to the City. The Contractor shall have the right to retain copies of the documents at the Contractor's expense. 1.16 SEVERABILITY Should any paragraph or any part of any paragraph of this contract be rendered void, invalid or unenforceable by any court of law, for any reason, the determination shall not render void, invalid or unenforceable any other section or part of any section of this contract. 1.17 CONTINGENCY FEE AND CODE OF ETHICS WARRANTY A. Contractor warrants that - neither it, nor any principal, employee, agent, representative or family member has promised to pay, and Contractor has not, and will not, pay a fee the amount of which is contingent upon the City awarding. this contract to Contractor. B. Contractor warrants that neither it, nor any principal, employee, agent, representative or family member has procured, or attempted to procure, this contract in violation of any of the provisions of the City of South Miami conflict of interest and code of ethics ordinances. C. A violation of this paragraph will result in the termination. of the contract and forfeiture of funds paid, or to be paid, to the Contractor. 1.18 WARRANTY OF AUTHORITY The signatories to this contract warrant that they are duly authorized by action of their respective city commission, board of directors or other authority to execute this contract and to bind the parties to the promises, terms, conditions and warranties contained in this contract. 1.19 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The Contractor is furnishing its services as an independent Contractor and nothing in this contract shall create any association, partnership orjoint venture between the parties, or any employer - employee relationships. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and date first above written in five (5) counterparts, each of which shall, without proof or accounting for the other counterparts, be deemed an original Contract. City of South Miami, Florida Party of the First Part (Seal) By: City Manager Attest: City Clerk Contractor Party of the Second Part WITNESS: (If corporation, attach Seal and attest by Secretary) City's Resolution No. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: By: Title APPROVED AS TO FINANCE: By: City Attorney Director of Finance City of South Miami ( *) In the event that the Contractor is a Corporation, the following certificate of resolution of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, authorizing the officer who signs the Contract to do so in its behalf shall be completed. AaAOKlespgr pYJ . LC �. 3001 "making our Neighborhood a Great Place to Live, Vllork and Play" To: Honorable Chair and CRA Board Members From: Maria Davis C 5' Executive Director Date: July 18, 2005 ITEM No.- 60 Re: Authorization to enter into Agreement For Legal Services RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RELATING TO LEGAL SERVICES; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ENTER INTO A TWO YEAR AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE JUNE 13, 2005 WITH THE FIRM OF NAGIN GALLOP FIGUEREDO, P. A. FOR THE PROVISION OF LEGAL SERVICES AND GENERAL COUNSEL FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BACKGROUND The firm of Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A. has been providing legal services to the SMCRA since its inception in 1999. The firm also serves as legal counsel to the South Miami City Commission. In order to continue the relationship between the firm and the SMCRA it will be necessary to enter into an agreement. The new agreement provides for a rate of compensation of $185 per hour. The previous agreement provided for a rate of compensation of $135 per hour. The attached agreement sets forth a scope of services, compensation, and other terms and conditions. It is to be effective for a two year period. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the South Miami CRA Board authorize the Executive Director to enter into an agreement with the firm of Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A. for the provision of legal services and general counsel to the SMCRA Attachments: Draft Resolution Agreement for Legal Services MD /DOD /SAY /JM EAC R A%Nagin Gallop Services Report.doc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 FIE RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RELATING TO LEGAL SERVICES; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ENTER INTO A TWO YEAR AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE JUNE 135 2005 WITH THE FIRM OF NAGIN GALLOP FIGUEREDO, P. A. FOR THE PROVISION LEGAL SERVICES AND GENERAL COUNSEL FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the SMCRA requires general counsel legal services in order to carry out its duties and responsibilities; and WHEREAS, the law Finn of Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A. fine currently provides legal services to the South Miami City Commission and the SMCRA; and WHEREAS it has been determined a written agreement for general counsel legal services is appropriate; and WHEREAS, the attached agreement sets forth the scope of services, compensation and expenses, term of agreement and termination, indemnification, and other terms and conditions.. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The executive director is authorized to enter into a two year agreement for general counsel legal services with the law firm of Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A. Section 2. Attached as Exhibit 1 is the Agreement for General Counsel Legal Services, which contains terms and conditions. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of July, 2005. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 20 21 54 ATTEST: SECRETARY READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: GENERAL COUNSEL APPROVED: CHAIRPERSON Board Vote: Chairperson Russell: Vice Chairperson Palmer: Board Member Wiscombe: Board Member Birts- Cooper: Board Member Sherar: Board Member Cobb: Board Member Price: JAMy Documents \CRA RESOLUTIONS 2005 \CRA Res Nagin Gallop Contract 07- 18 -05.doc EAC R A \Nagin Gallop Authorizing mso.6- 13- 05.doe Page 2 of 2 AGREEMENT FOR GENERAL COUNSEL LEGAL SERVICES This agreement entered into this [ ] day of • , 2005, by and between The City of South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency ( SMCRA) and 114agin Gallop Figueredo, P.A., located at 3225 Aviation Avenue, Suite 301, Miami, Florida, 33133, (general counsel). Now, therefore, the parties mutually agree as follows: 1. Scope of Services. The SMCRA hereby engages the firm of Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A. as general counsel. The firm of Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A. accepts said employment under the terms and conditions stated in this agreement. General counsel shall render all legal services that are customarily performed by a general counsel for the SMCRA. Legal services shall include, but shall not be limited to the following: (a) Attending all SMCRA regular and special meetings and workshops. (b) Attending annual, regular and special meetings of the SMCRA.. (c) Conferring with and advising the SMCRA board, the executive director and the employees of SMCRA on legal matters when requested by the board or the executive director. (d) Advising and assisting the SMCRA in the preparation of all legal documents, papers, contracts, specifications, bonds, waivers, and other legal documents as may be required. Page 1 of 6 (e) Appearing for and representing the SMCRA in all routine litigation. A case shall be considered "routine" if it does not require substantial litigation services. Whenever general counsel is of the opinion that litigation is not routine, the SMCRA shall engage special litigation counsel in compliance with SMCRA and City of South Miami regulations. (f) Approving contracts for form and legal sufficiency. (g) Handling of all legal questions and matters arising under contracts of the SMCRA and rendering of legal opinions on all matters submitted by the SMCRA. (h) Supervising the services of special counsel and implementing procedures to avoid fraud, waste and abuse. (i) Complying with the SMCRA and Miami -Dade County Interlocal, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes and other government requirements. 0) Adhering to legal requirements for open meeting and public records. (k) Rendering advice and opinions regarding compliance with ethics requirements. General counsel shall not serve as legal counsel on matters relating to real estate and title claims. General counsel shall engage the services of a real estate lawyer or firm. However, the real estate lawyer or firm shall be supervised by general counsel. Page 2 of 6 2. Compensation and Expenses. The SMCRA agrees to pay to general counsel as full compensation for services to be rendered under this agreement an hourly fee of $185.00 per hour. Invoices for services rendered shall be submitted to the SMCRA on a monthly basis. Payments for the monthly invoices shall be paid within seven days of approval by the SMCRA board. In addition, general counsel shall be reimbursed for such out -of- pocket expenses as third- party computer research charges, third -party copy and printing charges, court filing fees, witness fees, deposition transcripts, express delivery, courier charges, "soft cost" expenses, specifically long distance telephone charges, photocopies and postage express delivery, courier costs and postage. Necessary and reasonable travel expenses shall be reimbursed in accordance with standards established for travel expenses of the SMCRA . board members and employees pursuant to Florida law. General counsel shall also be reimbursed for the cost of attending one legal seminar per year, and additional seminars as approved by the SMCRA, and the cost of legal publications, not to exceed $500 per year, relating to Community Redevelopment Agencies. 3. Term of Agreement and Termination. This agreement shall be in effect two years from the date of acceptance by the SMCRA. Either party may terminate and cancel this agreement upon giving a 90-day- notice to the other party. General counsel shall be entitled to receive compensation to the effective date of termination. In event of termination, all documents (finished or in draft form), notes, memoranda, pleadings, exhibits, project data, reports and evidence shall, at Page 3 of 6 the option of the SMCRA, become its property and shall be delivered to it or to any party it may designate. 4. Indemnification. The SMCRA shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify the general counsel in the event the general counsel is made, or is threatened to be made, a party to any proceeding by reason of his or her status of general counsel, or alleged act or omission which serving as general counsel, including but not limited to, any alleged tort, liability, claim, fine, penalty, demand or other legal, equitable, or statutory action, whether groundless or otherwise, which arises in the scope of his or her authority as general counsel. The SMCRA shall advance all legal expenses, including attorney's fees, costs and investigation expenses, unless defense counsel is appointed by the SMCRA's or general counsel's insurer and the insurer pays all costs of the defense. This indemnification provision shall not require the SMCRA to indemnify general counsel for any liability or cost resulting from counsel's malfeasance, misfeasance or professional malpractice. This provision shall survive the termination of the agreement. 5. Malpractice Insurance. General counsel shall carry lawyer's professional malpractice insurance which shall be with an insurer satisfactory to the SMCRA's Risk Management Administrator and shall provide coverage of not less than $1,000,000. Page 4 of 6 6. Interest of the SMCRA. No member of the governing body of the SMCRA, and no other officer, employee, or agent of the SMCRA shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this agreement. 7. Interest of Other Local Public Officials. No member of the governing body of the City of South Miami, and no other officer, employee or agent of the city shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this agreement. 8. Interest of Certain Federal Officials. No employee of the federal government, and no member or delegate of the Congress of the United States shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this agreement. 9. Independent Contractor. This agreement shall not be deemed to create the relationship of employer- employee between the SMCRA and general counsel, and no rights or privileges of an employee of the SMCRA shall inure to general counsel. [SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW] Page 5 of 6 The SMCRA and general counsel have executed this agreement as of the date first written above. ATTEST: THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY go Title: (Print Name) (General Counsel)* (Print Name) *If law firm is retained as such give firm name first, then `By" and signature of partner; otherwise, general counsel's signature on first line. Page 6 of 6 lq -AmwCW r4-:z> 7"'r z - 2001 " laking our Neighborhood a Great Placc to Live, Work and Play" To: Honorable Chair and CRA Board Members From: Maria Davis 1 Executive Direct RESOLUTION Date: July 18, 2005 ITEM No. Re: Conveyance of CRA Property to Habitat for Humanity A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO CONVEY CRA OWNED PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 6350 SW 601h AVENUE AND 6016 SW 63 STREET, MORE SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH IN A LEGAL DESCRIPTION BELOW, TO HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF GREATER MIAMI, INC. FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AFFORDABLE SINGLE FAMILY HOUSING; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BACKGROUND The South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency owns two properties in the CRA area located at. 6350 SW 60`" Avenue and 6016 SW 63 Street. In accordance with the SMCRA's working agreement with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Miami, Inc., it is proposed that the subject properties be conveyed to that organization for the purpose of constructing two single family homes which will be sold to qualified low income applicants. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (1) Lots 77 & 78 Less North 5 Feet of Lot 78 & Less Ext. Area of Curve in NE Corner, Block 14, FRANKLIN SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Plat Book 5, at Page 34, of the Public Records of Miami - Dade County, Florida, commonly known as 6350 SW 60`x' Avenue, South Miami, Florida [Folio No.: 09 -4025- 010 -0820] (2) East '' /z of Lot 79, Block 14, FRANKLIN SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Plat Book 5, at Page 34, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, commonly known as 6016 SW 63 Street, South Miami, Florida[Folio No.: 09 -4025- 010 -0830] CONVEYANCE CONDITIONS Attached is a copy of a draft warranty deed conveying the two properties to Habitat. It is important to note that there are a number of conditions specified including completion dates, restrictions on home buyers, recordation of documents, and payment of taxes. CRA July 18, 2005 Page 2 of 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Executive Director be authorized to execute the warranty deed the subject properties be conveyed to Habitat for Humanity of Greater Miami, Inc for the purpose of constructing two single family homes which will be sold to qualified low income applicants. Attachments: Draft Resolution Warranty deed MD /DOD /SAYJM EAC R A\Habitat Property Convy Report.doe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO CONVEY CRA OWNED PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 6350 SW 60th AVENUE AND 6016 SW 63 STREET, MORE SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH IN A LEGAL DESCRIPTION BELOW, TO HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF GREATER MIAMI, INC. FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AFFORDABLE SINGLE FAMILY HOUSING; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency (SMCRA) owns the following described surplus property: (1) Lots 77 & 78 Less North 5 Feet of Lot 78 & Less Ext. Area of Curve in NE Corner, Block 14, FRANKLIN SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Plat Book 5, at Page 34, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, commonly known as 6350 SW 60'x' Avenue, South Miami, Florida [Folio No.: 09 -4025- 010 -0820] (2) East % of Lot 79, Block 14, FRANKLIN SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Plat Book 5, at Page 34, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, commonly known as 6016 SW 63 Street, South Miami, Florida[Folio No.: 09 -4025- 010 -0830] WHEREAS, the South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency has a working agreement with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Miami, Inc. which includes the conveyance of property to that organization for the purpose of constructing affordable single family homes which are sold to qualified low income applicants; and WHEREAS, the above described properties are appropriate sites for of constructing affordable single family homes; and WHEREAS, a warranty deed conveying the two properties to Habitat has been prepared by General Counsel which conveys the properties to Humanity of Greater Miami, Inc subject to a number of conditions including completion dates, restrictions on home buyers, recordation of documents, and payment of taxes. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY THAT: Section 1. The Executive Director is authorized to execute a warranty deed providing that the following legally described properties: Page 1 of 2 Additions shown by underlininu and deletions shown by . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 (2) (1) Lots 77 & 78 Less North 5 Feet of Lot 78 & Less Ext. Area of Curve in NE Corner, Block 14, FRANKLIN SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Plat Book 5, at Page 34, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, commonly known as 6350 SW 601' Avenue, South Miami, Florida [Folio No.: 09 -4025- 010 -0820] (2) East 1/2 of Lot 79, Block 14, FRANKLIN SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Plat Book 5, at Page 34, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, commonly known as 6016 SW 63 Street, South Miami, Florida [Folio No.: 09 -4025- 010 -08301 be conveyed to Habitat for Humanity of Greater Miami, Inc for the purpose of constructing affordable single family homes which will be sold to qualified low income applicants. Section 2. The conveyance of the properties should be in accord with the Warranty Deed attached hereto and identified as Exhibit A. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of July, 2005. ATTEST: APPROVED: City of South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency Clerk READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: Eve A. Boutsis, General Counsel Chairperson Mary Scott Russell Board Vote: Chairperson Russell: Vice Chairperson Palmer: Board Member Wiscombe: Board Member Birts- Cooper: Board Member Sherar: Board Member Price: Board Member Cobb: \\MCGRUFF \PLANNING \C R A \Habitat Property Convey Resolution.doc Page 2 of 2 This instrument was prepared by: Eve A. Boutsis, General Counsel City of South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency c/o Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A. 3225 Aviation Avenue, Suite 301 Miami, Florida 33133 Property Appraisers Parcel Identification (Folio) Numbers: 09- 4025- 010 -0820 and 09- 4025 -010 -0830 WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, made this day of July, 2005 between City of South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency, a community redevelopment agency of the City of South Miami, a Florida municipal corporation, whose address is 6130 Sunset Drive, South Miami, Florida 33143 (hereinafter referred to as Grantor or "SMCRA' *) and Habitat for Humanity of Greater Miami, Inc., a Florida non - profit corporation (hereinafter referred to as Grantee or "Developer " *). WITNESSETH, that said Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00), and other good and valuable consideration of said Grantor in hand paid by said Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to said Grantee, and Grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land situate, lying and being in Miami -Dade County, State of Florida, to wit: Lots 77 & 78 Less North 5 Feet of Lot 78 & Less Ext. Area of Curve in NE Corner, Block 14, FRANKLIN SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Plat Book 5, at Page 34, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, commonly known as 6350 SW 60"' Avenue, South'Miami, Florida [Folio No.: 09- 4025- 010 -0820] East 1/2 of Lot 79, Block 14, FRANKLIN SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Plat Book 5, at Page 34, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, commonly known as 6016 SW 63 Street, South Miami, Florida [Folio No.: 09- 4025- 010 -0830] THIS CONVEYANCE IS MADE SUBJECT TO conditions, restrictions, limitations, and easements of record, if any; but any such interests that may have been terminated are not hereby reimposed; and subject to applicable zoning ordinances, taxes and assessments for the year 2005 and subsequent years. THIS CONVEYANCE IS ALSO MADE SUBJECT TO the following covenants running with the land, and setting forth the right of reentry, to wit: The Developer will commence work on the property transferred under this Deed [folio no. 09- 4025- 010 -0820 and folio no. 09- 4025- 010 -0830) for the development of a single - family home for affordable housing purposes (hereinafter to be known as "the Improvements "). The Developer shall be responsible for the review and selection of low income applicant home buyers in accordance with all applicable Federal, State and County and local law. However, the Developer shall prioritize applicants as follows: a. South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency residents; b. City of South Miami Role Models, as defined by the South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency's Role Model Program; C. South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency Referrals; d. City of South Miami Residents; and e. General Public. The SMCRA shall have the sole discretion to resolve any conflict in the prioritization of applicants. However, the Developer shall have the right to determine the ultimate purchaser of the home in compliance with Developer's non profit purposes as provided under its bylaws and guidelines. 2. The Developer will commence work on the Improvements consisting of affordable single - family homes not later than December, 2005 and shall complete the Improvements by December, 2007. Promptly after completion of the Improvements in accordance with approved plans and provisions of this instrument, the SMCRA shall furnish the Developer an appropriate instrument certifying to the satisfactory completion of the Improvements. Such certification shall be in a form recordable in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Miami -Dade County, Florida. The Developer agrees for itself, its successors and assigns, to or of the property or any part thereof, that the Developer and such successors or assigns shall: Not discriminate upon the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin in the sale, lease or rental or in the use or occupancy of the property or any Improvements erected or to be erected hereon or on any part thereof; and this covenant shall be binding to the fullest extent permitted by law and equity, for the benefit and in favor of, and enforceable by the SMCRA, its successors and assigns, and any successor in interest to the property, or any part thereof. The SMCRA shall have the right in the event of any breach of any such covenants, to exercise all the rights and remedies and to maintain any actions or suits at law or in equity or other proper proceedings to enforce the curing of such breach of covenant, to which it or any other beneficiaries of such covenant may be entitled. 5. The Developer (or successor in interest), shall pay the real estate taxes or assessments on the property or any part thereof when due. Developer shall not suffer any levy or attachment to be made, or any material or mechanic's lien, or any unauthorized encumbrance or lien to attach except: a. Any mortgage(s) in favor or any institutional lender for the purpose of financing any hard costs or soft costs relating to the construction of the Improvements in an amount(s) not to exceed the value of the Improvements as determined by an appraiser; and b. Any mortgage(s) in favor of any institutional lender refinancing any mortgage of the character described in clause (a) hereof, in an amount(s) not to exceed the value of the Improvements as determined by an appraiser; and C. The recordation, together with any mortgage purporting to meet the requirements of clauses (a) or (b) above, of a statement of value by a Member of American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers ( "MAI "), (or member of any similar or successor organization), stating the value of the Improvements is equal to or greater than the amount of such mortgage(s), shall constitute conclusive evidence that such mortgage meets such requirements, and that the right of any reentry hereunder shall be subject to and limited by, and shall not defeat, render invalid, or limit in any way, the lien of such mortgage. For purposes of this paragraph an "institutional lender" shall mean any bank, savings and loan association, insurance company, foundation or other charitable entity, real estate or mortgage investment trust, pension funds, the Federal National Mortgage Association, agency of the United States Government or other governmental agency. 6. Developer shall not transfer the property or any part thereof without consent of the SMCRA and shall not change the ownership or distribution of the stock of the Developer or with respect to the identity of the parties in control of the Developer or the degree thereof. 7. The Developer shall not transfer the property or any part thereof prior to the completion of the Improvements, consisting of affordable single - family homes, and issuance of a Certificate of Complete and/or Occupancy for the homes by the proper authority for the residing jurisdiction. In the event the Developer shall violate or otherwise fail to comply with any of the covenants set forth herein or Schedule A attached herein, the Developer shall correct or cure the default/violation within thirty (30) days of notification of the default by the SMCRA. If Developer fails to remedy the default within thirty (30) days, the SMCRA shall have the right to reenter and take possession of the property and to terminate (and revest in the SMCRA) the estate conveyed by this Deed to the Developer, provided, that any such right to reentry shall always be subjected to and limited by, and shall not defeat, render invalid, or limit in any way the lien of any valid mortgage or Deed or Trust permitted by this Deed. Grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. * "Grantor" and "Grantee" are used for singular or plural, as context requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set its hand and seal the day and year first above written. City of South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency Witness Printed: Witness Printed: STATE OF FLORIDA ) SS COUNTY OF MIAMI -DADE ) Maria V. Davis, as Executive Director SEAL I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared, Maria V. Davis, the person described in and who executed the foregoing Warranty Deed and acknowledged before me that she executed the same, and who presented as identification the following: . and she did take an oath. WITNESS my hand and official seal in-the County and State last aforesaid this day of July, 2005. Notary Public Printed: Miami -Dade My Home LWLEM JProperty Information Search By: Select Item 0 Text only ` Color Aerial Photography - 2004 Digital Orthophotography - 2003 Summary Details: Folio No.: 9- 4025 - 010 -0820 Property: 6350 SW 60 AVE Mailing SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY Address: 0!0 Floors: REDEVELOPMENT Living Units: AGENCY dl Sq 6130 SUNSET DR MIAMI FL Footage: 33143 -5040 Pronerty Information: Primary 0100 SINGLE FAMILY Zone: RESIDENCE CLUC: 0081 VACANT LAND Beds /Baths: 0!0 Floors: 0 Living Units: 0 dl Sq 0 Footage: Total Exemptions: Lot Size: 9,366 SQ FT Lear Built: 0 $0 FRANKLIN SUB PB 5 -34 LOTS 77 & 78 LESS N5FT Legal OF LOT 78 & LESS EXT Description: REA OF CURVE IN NE COR BILK 14 LOT SIZE 98.590 X 95 OR 21357 -1234 04033 Sale Information: Sale O /R: Sale Date: 3/1996 Sale Amount: E0 Assessment Information: Year: 2004 2003 Land Value: $72,759 $16,169 Building Value: $0 $0 Market Value: $72,759 $16,169 Assessed Value: $72,759 $16,169 Total Exemptions: $0 $16,169 axable Value: $72,759 $0 Page 1 of 2 ACTIVE TOOL: SELECT " Aerial Photography - AirPhoto USA 2004 0 111 ft We appreciate your feedback, please take a minute to complete our survey. Web Site © 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. a http:// gisims2 .miamidade.gov /myhome /Propmap. asp?app= none &bytool = none &cmd= SELEC... 7/12/05 I Miami -Dade My Home My Home 0 Text only ` Color Aerial Photography - 2004 Digital Orthophotography - 2003 Summary Details: Folio No.: 9- 4025 - 010 -0830 Property: 6016 SW 63 ST Mailing SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY Address: 0 Living Units: REDEVELOPMENT dj Sq Footage: AGENCY Lot Size: 6130 SUNSET DR MIAMI FL Year Built: 33143 -5040 Pronertv Information: Primary Zone: 0100 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE CLUC: 0081 VACANT LAND Beds /Baths: 010 Floors: 0 Living Units: 0 dj Sq Footage: 0 Lot Size: 2,500 SQ FT Year Built: 0 Legal Description: FRANKLIN SUB PB 5 -34 E1/2 LOT 79 BLK 14 LOT SIZE 25.000 X 100 OR 21357 -1234 0403 3 Sale Information: I !�ale O /R: ale Date: 3/1996 ale Amount: $0 Assessment Information: Year: 2004 2003 Land Value: $21,300 $6,390 Building Value: $0 $0 Market Value: $21,300 $6,390 Assessed Value: $21,300 $6,390 Total Exemptions: $0 $6,390 axable Value: $21,300 $0 Page 1 of 2 IV n. _ Aerial Photography - AirPhoto USA 2004 0 111 ft r: We appreciate your feedback, please take a minute to complete our survey. E -mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Webmaster Web Site © 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. http: / /gisims2.miamidade. gov /myhome /propmap.asp?app= none &bytool=none &cmd= SELEC... 7/12/05 This instrument was prepared by: Eve A. Boutsis; General Counsel City of South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency c/o Nagin Gallop Figueredo, P.A. 3225 Aviation Avenue, Suite 301 Miami, Florida 33133 Property Appraisers Parcel Identification (Folio) Numbers: 09- 4025- 010 -0820 and 09-4025-010-0830 WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE; made this day of July; 2005 between City of South Miami Community Redevelopment. Agency,,. a community redevelopment agency of the City of South. Miami, a Florida municipal corporation, whose address is 6130 Sunset Drive, South Miami, Florida 33143 (hereinafter referred to as Grantor or "SMCRA " *) and Habitat for Humanity of Greater Miami, Inc., . �a Florida non - profit corporation (hereinafter referred to.as Grantee or "Developer " *). WITNESSETH, that said Grantor,.. for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00), and other good and valuable consideration of said Grantor in hand paid. by said Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to said Grantee, and Grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land situate, lying and being in Miami -Dade County, State of Florida, to wit: Lots 77 & 78 Less North 5 Feet of Lot 78 & Less Ext. Area of' Curve in NE Corner, Block 14, FRANKLIN SUBDIVISION, as.recorded in Plat Book 5, at Page 34, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, commonly known, as 6350 SW 60`h Avenue, South Miami, Florida [Folio No.: 09- 4025 = 010 - 0820] East %2 of Lot 79, Block 14, FRANKLIN SUBDIVISION, as recorded in.Plat Book 5,. at Page 34, of the .Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, commonly known as' 6016 SW 63 Street, South Miami, Florida [Folio No.: 09- 4025- 010 - 0830] THIS CONVEYANCE IS MADE SUBJECT, TO conditions, restrictions, limitations, and easements of record, if any; but any such interests that may have been terminated are not. hereby. reimposed; and subject to applicable zoning ordinances, taxes and assessments for the year 2005 and subsequent years. THIS CONVEYANCE IS ALSO MADE SUBJECT TO the following covenants running with the land, and setting forth the right of reentry, to wit: 1. The Developer will commence work on the property transferred under this Deed [folio no. 09 -4025- 010 -0820 and folio no. 09- 4025- 010 -0830] for the development of a single - family home for affordable housing purposes. (hereinafter to be known as "the Improvements "). The Developer shall be responsible for the review and selection of low income applicant home buyers in accordance with all applicable Federal, State -and County and local law. However, the Developer shall prioritize applicants as follows: a. South Miami Community. Redevelopment Agency residents; b. City of South Miami Role Models, as defined by the South Miami. Community Redevelopment Agency's Role Model Program; C. South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency Referrals; d. City of South Miami Residents; and e.' General Public. The SMCRA shall have the sole discretion to resolve any conflict in the prioritization of applicants. However, the Developer shall have the right to determine the ultimate purchaser, of the home in compliance with Developer's non profit'purposes as provided under its bylaws and, guidelines... 2. The Developer will commence-work on the Improvements consisting of affordable single- family homes not later than December, 2005 and shall complete the Improvements by December, 2007. 3. Promptly after. completion of the Improvements. in accordance ,with approved plans and provisions of this instrument, the SMCRA shall furnish the Developer an appropriate instrument certifying to the satisfactory completion of the Improvements. Such certification shall be in a form recordable in the Office of the Clerk of the .Circuit Court of Miami -Dade County, Florida. 4. The Developer agrees for itself, its successors and assigns, to or of the property or any z part thereof, that the Developer and such successors or assigns shall: Not discriminate upon. the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin in the sale, lease or rental or in the use or occupancy of the property or any Improvements erected or to be erected hereon or on any part thereof; and this covenant shall be binding to the fullest , extent permitted ' by law and equity, for the benefit and in favor of, and enforceable by the SMCRA, its successors and assigns, and any successor in interest to the property, or any part thereof. The SMCRA shall have the right in the event of any breach of any such covenants, to', exercise all the rights and remedies and to maintain any actions or . suits at law or in . equity or other proper proceedings to enforce the curing of such breach of covenant, to which it or any other beneficiaries of such covenant may be entitled. 5. The Developer (or successor in interest), shall pay the real estate taxes or assessments on the property or any part thereof when due. Developer shall not suffer any levy or attachment to be made, or any material or mechanic's lien, or any unauthorized encumbrance or lien to attach except: a. Any mortgage(s) in, favor or any institutional lender for the purpose of financing any hard costs or soft costs relating to the construction of the Improvements in an -amount(s) not to exceed the value of the Improvements as determined by an appraiser; and b. Any mortgage(s) in favor.of any institutional lender refinancing any mortgage of the character described in clause (a) hereof, in an amount(s) 'not to exceed. the value of the Improvements as determined by an appraiser; and c.: The recordation, . together with any mortgage purporting to meet the requirements of clauses (a) or (b) above, of a statement of value by a Member of American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers ( "MAI "), (or member of any similar or successor organization), stating the value of the Improvements is equal to or greater than the amount of such mortgage(s),. shall constitute conclusive evidence that such mortgage meets such requirements, and that the right of any reentry hereunder shall be subject to and limited by, and shall not defeat, render invalid, or limit in any way, the lien of such mortgage. For purposes of this paragraph an "institutional lender shall mean any bank, savings and loan association, insurance company, foundation or other charitable entity, real estate or mortgage investment trust, pension funds, the Federal National Mortgage Association, agency of the United States Government or other governmental agency. 6. Developer shall not transfer the property, or any part thereof without consent of the SMCRA and shall not change the ownership or distribution of the stock of the'Developer or with respect to the identity of the parties in control of the Developer or the degree thereof. 7. The Developer shall not transfer the property or any part thereof prior to the completion of the Improvements, consisting of affordable single - family homes, and issuance of a Certificate of Complete and/or Occupancy for the homes by the proper authority for the residing jurisdiction. 8 In the event the Developer shall violate or otherwise fail to comply with any. of the covenants set forth herein or Schedule A attached. herein, the Developer shall correct or cure the default/violation within thirty (30) days .of notification of the default by the SMCRA. If Developer fails to remedy the default within thirty (30) days, the. SMCRA shall have the right to reenter and take possession of the property and to terminate (and revest in the SMCRA) the estate conveyed'by this Deed to the Developer, provided, that any such right to reentry shall always be subjected to and limited by, and shall not defeat, render invalid, or limit in any way the lien of any valid mortgage or Deed or Trust permitted by this Deed. I ' Grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever: * "Grantor" and "Grantee" are used for singular or plural; as context requires. IN WITNESS. WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set its hand and seal the day. and year first above written. City of South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency By: Witness Maria V. Davis, as Executive Director Printed: I Witness Printed: SEAL STATE OF FLORIDA ) SS COUNTY. OF MIAMI -DADE ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared, Maria V. Davis, the person described in and who executed the foregoing Warranty Deed'and acknowledged before me that she executed the same,, and who presented as identification the following: and she did take an oath. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this day of July, 2005. ao- amatraW 2001 Making our Neighborhood a Great Place to Live, Work and Play" To: Honorable Chair and Date: July 18, 2005 CRA Board Members From: Maria Davis Executive Director s ITEM No. 8 Re: Authorization to Contract with Universal Truth CDC for Workshop RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RELATING TO THE PROVISION OF TRAINING AND EDUCATION IN THE CRA AREA; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH UNIVERSAL TRUTH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION TO PROVIDE A HOMEBUYER EDUCATION AND PREDATORY LENDING WORKSHOP FOR A FEE OF $1,000 AND CHARGING SAID AMOUNT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ACCOUNT NO. 610- 1110 -553- 31 -20; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BACKGROUND The SMCRA Plan has a stated goal of providing outreach education and training to residents of the South Miami Community Development Area. Aproposal has been received from the Universal Truth Community Development Corporation (UTCDC), which has conducted numerous seminars and workshops on the subject of home buying and predatory lending. The proposal (attached) would provide an eight hour workshop on these subjects free to interested residents. The total cost to the SMCRA would be $1,000. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the South Miami CRA Board authorize the Executive Director to enter into a contract with Universal Truth Community Development Corporation in the amount of $1,000. Said amount is to be charged to the Professional Services Account No.610- 1110 - 553- 31 -20. After payment of the contract the Professional Services Account will have a balance of $2,000. Attachments: Draft Resolution Proposal UTCDC MD /DOD /SAY /W EAC R A\Universal Truth Contract Report.doc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RELATING TO THE PROVISION OF TRAINING AND EDUCATION IN THE CRA AREA; AUTHORIZING THE , EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH UNIVERSAL TRUTH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION TO PROVIDE A HOMEBUYER EDUCATION AND PREDATORY LENDING, WORKSHOP FOR A FEE OF $1,000 AND CHARGING SAID AMOUNT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ACCOUNT NO. 610- 1110 -553- 31 -20; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the SMCRA Plan has a stated goal of providing outreach education and training to residents of the South Miami Community development Area; and WHEREAS, the Universal Truth Community Development Corporation (UTCDC) which has conducted numerous seminars and workshops on the subject of home buying and predatory lending has submitted a proposal. This workshop work provide a free eight hour workshop for the proposed subjects to interested residents of the South Miami Community Redevelopment Area at a cost of $1,000 to the Redevelopment Agency; and WHEREAS,' it is recommended that the South Miami CRA Board authorize the Executive Director to enter into a contract with Universal Truth Community Development Corporation. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency authorizes the Executive Director to enter into a contract with Universal Truth Community Development Corporation in the amount of $1,000 and charging said amount to the Professional Services Account No. 610- 1110 - 553- 31 -20; after payment of this amount the Professional Services Account will have a balance of $2,000. Additions shown by underlininc and deletions shown,by everstr'ikin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32' 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1.8 "' day of July, 2005. ATTEST: SECRETARY READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: GENERAL COUNSEL APPROVED: CHAIRPERSON Board Vote: Chairperson Russell: Vice Chairperson Palmer: Board Member Wiscombe: Board Member Birts - Cooper: Board Member Sherar: Board Member Price: Board Member Cobb: JAMy DocumcntslCRA RESOLUTIONS 2005 \CRA Res Universal Truth Contract 07- 18- 05.doe EAC R MUniversal Truth Contract Resoll.doc Page 2 of 2 Sent By: UTCOC; Forwarded To: Mr. James M, City of South 6130 Sunset E South N iami, Re: Homebuyer 305 627 9068; Program Coordinator -CRA 33143 Workshop Jul -13 -05 11:57AM; i Whereas, the South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency Universal Truth Cf ommunity Development Corporation (UTCD( a Homebuyer EduWion Workshop to residents of the City of So above parties agree to the following: The Universal Tru following services: 1. Conduct one Workshop A 2.' Issued a HO 3. Provide all Learning Pr 4. Provide at If Credit Coun 5. Provide at lc fair housing Community Development Corporation (1) HUD approved eight (8) hour Homebuye = 9 AM to .S PM. 1 Certificate to participants at the end of the orksheets, handouts and approved HUD Hof gram Guide for the participants, ist two (2) Certified HUD Counselors and on iclor to conduct the workshop. kst three (3) power point presentations on pr ind shopping for a loan. The workshop shag include the following topics: Predatory Lending Federal Fair Shopping for a Shopping for a Home Inspections Homeowner Title HOPE Inc. Practices HOPE Inc. Local Bank Local Realtor Literacy University of Florida Home Inspection Co. Insurance Company the Loan Greater Miami Legal Services, Page 2/3 ;I7A} and the sire to provide mami, the vide the ucation Lshop. yer Education Certified 9; 305 627 9068; Jul -13 -05 11:57AM; Page 3/3 Sent By: UTCOC; This workshop includes two (2) fifteen minute. breaks and one (I hou�'. lunch break. is The South Miami' hall pro de the following: I 'Community, Redevelopment Agency shall p 1. Identify and provide the participants for the workshop. 2. Provide t4 location to conduct the workshop. 3. Provide to les/chairs for participants.. 4. Provide eshm'ents for participants. 5. Provide power point equipmenticomputer for the prmesen 'an. The date of the workshop will be mutually agreed upon by the S, CRA,:and UTCDC. The South Miami 1 UTCDC a total of identified services. Blossoming Rose Executive Director Universal Truth Con 21310 NW 37 Aveni Miami Gardens, Floi (305)624-4991 ON (305)6Z7-9068 fax kmunity Redevelopment Agency agrees to thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for the deliv Development Corporation 33056 .org Of the above- I I Sent By: UTCDC; 305 627 9068; JU1 -12 -05 6:39PM; Page 111 — .t �1 • t _ -n ., . � u� :n r• 313IQXW7` Averizie'prn1 Ci `.1iurijj�� yam/( e Vof ' ;', ; :, •�,'. �,r. • :- x'81:: 624wi99L• ''�+' �0 ?.•6 �- :: { rarrliTti§snrriiri qse iltrut�tOnft itc�'• �• •�. •t, ,. .Pro , .. , '+'" •k�;. ��j'j •Cato' . �'' . erlt�IV•810 i]1 rPli��� •,Gl]C. ::, r l�' : 6133 S S M'iaii Flot7cia: 3g f-4`3' Ng ;�•. K•. a ''The •�: � .,;,'; ,"►Jr�arw� , . 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I :VtirtirlC v5!ith° 'ou .o' .t X- s �ror' ho t :r ; trice I R in •: i• t,; of� ['arT''..tij(efYC'��%1�1R�dDS• ' .. .. .1. .'..� 'i.: .. 14 •. •5, •rh -te'M n n' •'r '7. n' e b�" Y: ,r w• r' t -its Io�i� ' B s 'onr�i ,,.. '•,' .. .. . Ir XL'C � .. T•'• .:•E�icsuliv�:Dfi� tar' • 't.•' ... ::r•,'.• .. ,'�: ::`:,: '.�,• ,,• :Co s ti7t1 , X .� bav�date'•ta'3��� .•I•, • •' =I' •, • , ' I • ... • '. I...' � , , • • •'vr• . Ill.: r a}amarwcrar mnra7,e� Arxl lnk,,W� 2001 Making our Neighborhood a Great Place to Live, Work and Play' To: Honorable Chair and CRA Board Members From: Maria Davis i CS . Executive Director RESOLUTION Date: July 18, 2005 ITEM No. Re: Grant Award.to Lee Park Condominium A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. BOARD OF DIRECTORS AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE A GRANT AGREEMENT WITH THE LEE PARK CONDOMINIUM BOARD OF DIRECTORS INC. AUTHORIZING A DISBURSEMENT OF $20,000 FOR PARKING LOT AND LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS; CHARGING THIS AMOUNT TO ACCOUNT NO. 610 - 0000 - 2190- 13 -40, RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION ACCOUNT; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE BACKGROUND The South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency's Residential Rehabilitation Program provides assistance to improve the appearance and physical condition of properties in the South Miami Community Redevelopment Area. An application from Board of Directors of the Lee Park Condominium Association located at 6110 SW 680' Street was received requesting assistance. The Association is requesting a special assistance grant to do the following improvements: (1) upgrading of parking lots; (2) installation of a sprinkler system; and (3) upgrading of landscaping. In May ,of this year the Association received bids from four companies for the parking lot upgrading and two bids from companies to do the landscaping work. BID SELECTION The attached budget summary indicates that J.C. Discount Irrigation Co. submitted the lowest and most responsive bid for the common area irrigation system. ($7,500). The lowest and most responsive bidder for the parking lot repair and resealing is the Mosley Driveway Maintenance Co. ($9,700). The requested grant includes an additional $2,800 for purchase and installation of sod. The South Miami CRA staff, based upon established criteria and the submitted bids has determined that it -would be appropriate to provide the requested $20,000 in funding from the Residential Rehabilitation Program. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Executive Director be authorized to execute a funding agreement in the amount of $20,000 to the Board of Directors of the Lee Park Condominium Association with their CRA July 18, 2005 Page 2 of 2 parking lot and irrigation upgrading program with the condition that the above named companies are contracted with. It is further recommended that the Executive Director be authorized to disburse up to $20,000 from the Residential Rehabilitation Account No. 610 - 0000 - 219 -13-40 leaving the following balance in the account: $ 50,000. Attachments: Draft Resolution Funding request MD /DOD /SAYJM \\MCGRUFFIPLANNINGIC R A\Lee Park Grant Report.doc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND GENERAL COUNSEL TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE A GRANT AGREEMENT WITH THE LEE PARK CONDOMINIUM BOARD OF DIRECTORS INC. AUTHORIZING A DISBURSEMENT OF $209000 FOR PARKING LOT AND LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS; CHARGING THIS AMOUNT TO RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION ACCOUNT NO. 610- 0000 -219- 13 -40; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency Commercial Rehabilitation Program provides assistance to improve the appearance and physical condition of properties in the South Miami Community Redevelopment Area; and WHEREAS, the South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency received an application from Board of Directors of the Lee Park Condominium Association located at 6110 SW 68`x' Street requesting special assistance grant to do the following improvements: (1) upgrading of parking lots; (2) installation of a sprinkler system; and (3) upgrading of landscaping; and WHEREAS, the Association received bids from four companies for the parking lot upgrading and two bids from companies to do the landscaping work allowing for the selection of the lowest and most responsive bidder; and WHEREAS, the South Miami CRA staff, based upon established criteria and the. submitted bids has determined that it would be appropriate to provide the requested $20,000 in funding from the Commercial Rehabilitation Program. NOW, .THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS THAT: Section 1: The Executive Director and General Counsel are authorized to negotiate and execute a grant agreement with the Board of Directors of the Lee Park Condominium Association in the amount of. $20,000 for improvements to their parking lot and an irrigation upgrading program with the condition that the selected companies J.C. Discount Irrigation and Mosley Driveway Maintenance are contracted with. Section 2: Pursuant to the grant agreement, the Executive Director is authorized to disburse up to $20,000 from the Residential Rehabilitation Account No.610- 0000 - 219 -13 -40 leaving this account with a balance of $50,000. 1 2 3 4 Section 3: This resolution shall take effect immediately upon Adoption 5 6 7 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18 rt1 day of July 2005. 8 9 ATTEST: APPROVED: 10 11 12 13 SECRETARY CHAIRPERSON 14 15 Board Vote: 16 Chairperson Russell: 17 Vice Chairperson Palmer: 18 READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: Board Member Wiscombe: 19 Board Member Birts- Cooper: 20 Board Member Sherar: 21 Board Member Cobb: 22 Board Member Price: 23 GENERAL COUNSEL 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 JAMy Documents \Resolutions \CRA Reso Lee Park Grant 7- 18- 05.doc 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 \ \MCGRUFF\PLANNING \C R A \Lec Park Grant resolution.doc 53 Page 2 of 1 June 23, 2005 �EE Da'zk L7OrLdomCnCum Eno eS(IN. 68d ZS %ezt J�(!)- Box 431328 cSouEfi =Miami, 5lozicla 31143 (305 ) 665 -6221 Sax - 666 -3856 Zmad fpaJ6no Q aol com Maria Davis- City Manager Acting Director of Community Redevelopment Agency 6130 Sunset Drive City of South Miami, Florida 33143 Re: Lee Park Condominium Request for Funds for Physical Improvement Dear Ms. Davis, ECEIVE MIN PIN JUN 27 2005 kf CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE As you are aware Lee Park Cooperative converted to Lee Park Condominium August 1999 during its 25'h Anniversary. It has become necessary to undertake several physical improvements and beautification of the property for better living standards for homeowners. In order to complete the necessary physical improvement plan, we the Board of Directors humbly request for financial assistance in the amount of $20, 000.00 to do the following; (1) upgrading of parking lots, (2) install sprinkler system, (3) upgrading of landscaping. Enclosed are bids for the sprinkler system and parking lots. Granting our request for this one -time special assistance will be highly appreciated and should you have any questions please feel free to contact us at (305) 665 -6221. Sincerely, 7 Jean Larkin - Scott, Property Manager On Behalf of the Board of Directors f as � l SM 2001 �StJXnx� t, W: �,;y}.�,y'vo:.XY! J �C: � �i .?'.::F iJtN ;iiao•� <P."v S'4v'•/' SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 6130 Sunset Drive, South Miami, FL 33143 Telephone (305) 668 -7236 Facsimile (305) 668 -7356 COMMERCIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM APPLICATION FORM NAME OF APPLICANT: Lee Park Condominum PHONE #: 305 665 -6221 FAX #; (305) 666 -3856 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 6110 SW 68th Street South Miami.,.Florida 33143. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Condominium Association LOT (S) N/A BLOCK N/A SUBDIVISION N/A NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER: N/A PHONE #: FAX #: OWNER ADDRESS: AGENT (e.g. attorney, architect, engineer, or contractor) Jean L. Scott, PropertZ Manager PHONE #: (305) 665 -6221 FAX #: (305) 666 -3856- AGENT'S ADDRESS: 6110.SW•68th Street South Miami, .Florida 33143 DESCRIPTION OF COMMERCIAL REHABILITATION PROJECT (attach additional sheets if necessary): of garl�fink lots, � T -nstal 1 aUSigl��'' . �ysteL4a -01-Upzxadi -of -landscaping. SUBMITTED MATERIALS ' PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT ,XPLY: x Letter of Intent Proof of Ownership Current Survey (if required by City Code) x Site Plan (if required by City Code) Contractor's Estimates (Minimum of 3 required Documentation of Matching Funds from different firms The undersigned has read this completed application, including all addenda, and represents that the information and all submitted materials are true and correct to the best of the applicant's knowledge and, belief. Applicant's Signature and Title Date OFFICE,USE ONLY: Date Filed Date of CRA Advisory Board Meeting Date of CRA Board Meeting I. BUDGET SUNUVIARY Task Irrigation System(common area) A. 2" Well B. 2" Main w/ Electric Valve 4 -5 zone C. 2HP Pump Gould D. 4" Pop -up on F/X Pipe E. Rotor Pop -up on Pipe F. Timer w/ Rain Sensor and Starter G.. Plus Permit Total $7,500.00 II. Parking Lot Repair and Reconstruction A. Removal and haul away of existing concrete car stop B. Cleaning of asphalt edge and entire complex C. Supply and installation of new extruded concrete curbing at 3,000 PSI for approx. 2,200 linear feet III. Parking Lot Sealing, Striping and Painting A. Seal Coating of parking facilities and roadway using coal tar sealer conforming with US Specs adding silica sand to improve protection and durability also 2% latex rubber GS -10 neoprene two coats. B. Striping as per layout yellow C. Painting of car stop yellow D. Painting of HC stalls in blue per code E. Apply bond sealer at oil spots F. Power blower clean prior to seal IV. Contingency A. Purchase from Parker Sod at Wholesale Price Mulch,Sod,Top Soil, Small Root Trees/Plants for the Common Groves B. On -Site Staff and Brown's Lawn Service $9,700.00 MC4 r 7 $2,800.00 Total $201,000.00 (305) roposa Page No. of Pages MOSLEY PAVAN( 10610 SW 149th Street MIAMI, FLORIDA 3317E z35 -8435 Fax (305) 2 O- PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO a-- (' /D PHONE p DATE toy' • V_ i 1J STREET (0 /� (O S6 I ' JOB NAME Mr Propust'�h/e�reb to furnish material and labor — compl accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: CITY, STATE and ZIP CODE JOB LOCATION ARCHITECT Payment to b ma e as follos: 1 I c7 ` IQid in j DATE OF PLANS ba ^ X) 60 JOB PHONE We hereby submit specifications and estimates for .x __........ .......... _ r . r...4..►� ._.._�fi __.� _..__ ......... ..�- h.._..__:�...r...__.._._I ('ioLo rcu �, +I rv-j/) Loan n ® To Reorder. 800. 225-MBO or nebs.com underground wires, pipes and etc. but will replace at customers expense. Our company will not guarantee that grass will not grow l through asphalt, l Mr Propust'�h/e�reb to furnish material and labor — compl accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: 1�U fv �e� _ dollars ($ Payment to b ma e as follos: 1 I c7 ` IQid in j ba ^ X) 60 All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike Authorized manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications Si nature g Involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tomado and other necessary insurance. Note: This proposal m be Our workers are fully covered by Workman's Compensation Insurance. withdrawn by us if not accepted within days. Arr eptunrr of Proposal— The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized Signature to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Date of Acceptance: Signature ® To Reorder. 800. 225-MBO or nebs.com MOSLEY PAVIN( ' 10610 SW 149th Stree MIAMI, FLORIDA 3317E (305) 235 -8435 Fax (305) 2 Page No, of Pages PROPOSAL SUBMITTED T PHONE JJ��� -JJ p DATE - o STREET (0 � ^ �(pJ( 5 .� f . JOB NAME charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents CITY, STATE and ZIP CODE JOB LOCATION ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANS JOB PHONE We hereby submit specifications and estimates for. Ch i6�/o�'_.l- . _- _ .. L.._- ...:Ci ___...I_o 3 _- :(o..lr7_. -QL f ____. .� Arreptunre of proPDSE11 —The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized Signature •--- ....Power•- steering- marks; -bike- kick•• stands; - or.•any sharR.ob ject- •will- damage••new••asphalt.- Our - •company.•• will - not..be_held_ responsible ..far_any._...-- __._...._. underground wires, pipes and etc. but will replace at customers expense. Our company will not guarantee that grass will not grow through asphalt. HIP propsEir hereby to furnish material and labor — complete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: - dollars ($ ). Payment to be made as follows: All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike - y Authorized manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications Signature / involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tomado and other necessary Insurance. Note: This propo a ay be withdrawn by us If not acce d within days. Our workers are fully covered by Workman's Compensation Insurance. Arreptunre of proPDSE11 —The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized Signature to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Date of Acceptance: Signature !/ To Reorder. 800- 225.6380 or nebs.com Lee Park Ccndwinium P.O. Box 431326 Miami, FL 33143 A7TM- =011: ,:ear: Scott SEALCOATIM.:.Two Coats With Sand. PROPOSAL Oi-0500-28 Yard:.1100 N.W. 73rd Street • Mail: P.O. Box 430350 South Miami, 'Florida 33243-0350 Dade: (305) 836 -8678 • Broward: (954) 763.3350 MAY 17,2005_ Lee Park condominium (905) -665 -6321 5110 S.W. 66th Street Miami, FL 33143 I.•Thorauq *.-ay clean the entire asphalt area with power air b=ooms. i. Heavy oil spots will be treated with "Band Seal ". 3. Apply first coat of Staycoat LTC-7 sealer with 3% FSA Co- polymer added to sealer strictiv to manufacturers specifications with 3 -4 lbs of grade #t2 9311ca sand added per gallon. mechanically agitated and applied at the rate of 116 of a gallon per square yard using our e=lusive SAPID FuOW process. 4. Apply a second, separate coat of Staycoat JC -7 with sand in the sane quantity sand proportion as the :ira= coat. 5. Restripe at existing using DOT approved trattic white paint to include: _meal Ecotage, par.ting stall lines, painting and stenciling casstaca with "VISITOR" or 4,4444", repai:)t white Lsrbing, and handicap s =al:a in blue and white. FAY.# (30S)466 -3856 - *SEALCOATING TO BE COMPLETED IN TWO (2) MOBILIZWZZONS. *JOB SITE WILL BE BARRICADED DURING WORK. THIS CONTFACTOR WILL NOT BE RBSPCNSIBLE FOR PERSOUS BREW.11v'G THROUGH BARRICADES, TRACKING SEALER, OR PAIN:, OR CF.NW.GES TO CARS OR PERSONS TRESPASSING 3N DESIGNATED AREAS. *PSRM -,T FEES, PROC'JRBMENT FEES AND ANY ADDITION17L WORX RBQTJIRED BY :'FIE PEM4::T WILL BE AN EXTPA COST TO OJSTO.MER. *PAGE TWO OF TWO* WE PROPOSE to furnish labor and material - complete In accordance with above soeciflcat(ons. and subject to conditions stated herein, for the sum at " Y1=2 1f1O11C!M 5EV"a Z]UlILTLl'+4J iWEIM DWIZA aS 2am co 1..�1nc iw WITH PAYMENTS TO BE MADE AS FOLLOWS: K r 08011 =11PLETIM Not rasponstbie for any dalnaCe rs t rx'er_U=nd I irlaes. -A CWdioa:e of Ineurenra vrill be issued upon request p iar to commemn-ement of work. ACCEP -M The abu•e Prices, opecl(irntlans and wnc.1lons are snlsfactory and are henry aowgW. You am. w+ihor;etd to da the work as ceeoaed Parmerd ;rid be made as alined abcroe. ACCEPTAKCEOFPROPOSAL CP1t,TNAMC fiatATifiz i118a ;$.NIaSt8rC8ml f Al -ul=W Is u mranteed to be as sp=illed. NI work s to be comdeleJ In a wwkermtke manner aocwdaa a standard .3vukzA. Any mlavuarr or devallon Iron above spedrWiaons ImMrip extra coals. wit ne ues,:ed only upon rattle» orders, and vrib became an extra durps me, and ebow to est neye AI a:roementa contnpar+t upon Wkw ecckwu or caleo beyond our control.Owmr to arty fire, tornado and odmt necessary inau3noe upon obwo work Our wutatt am Wvotod by WxkTa"t Comwtuart Insuratca. ALL•D.ADE DRIVEWAYHAAINTENANCE CO K3v FIII&= Lee Park Condc-irsnium P.O. Box 431328 Miami, rL 33143 AT?EN"r -TON: .;ean Scott PROPOSAL 01- 050048 Yard: 1100 N.W. 73rd Street • Mail: P.O. Box 430350 South Miami, Florida 33243-0350 Dade: (305) 836 -8678 • Broward: (954) 763 -3350 -MAY. 17..2005 Lee Park Condominium !305)- 665 -622_ 5110 S.W. 68th Street Miami, FL 33143 FAX# .00s)-966-3956 As oar directions to perfo= the following work: FATCF'T_NO: Repair 1,502 Square Feet Of Damaged Asphalt. 1. Sawcut where required and clean areas .o be patched. Lack area-, with RC -70 primer tack. ?. Install hot plant :nixed asphalt, Type S -III. 4. Roll and comeact with a 3 -5 ton railer. CARSTOPS: Remove And Replace Nineteen Carstepa. 1. Fick up and haul away tae exioting broken ca--stops. 2. Deliver and layout nineteen (19) new 61 standard concrete caratops. 3. Fasten each new cazatop in place with two 1211 ateel pins. =RAGE Owe OF TWO* VVE PROPOSE to furnish )a= and material - complete in accordance with above specifications. and subject to conortfons stated herein, to the surn of WITH PAYMENTS TO BE MADE AS FOLLOWS: IU.1'L l:l'l 1 • Not responsible for any damage t: underground Uft as. • A Certt'ti ze of hsurance %ill be issued upon Wuest prior to commencement a work. ACCEPTED The aLnve prices, aped imilow and cmdiuons rile sadsfactury and At nratarW is guormlaed so be as spe:4ied. All work 6w be wnalslat m it are hereLy aempled. You oto nuharmd :o do the work as spacifed Payment wwkmenbko manner aamocinp m Ounda•d :sWaea. Ann ollerdlrr or ,via be made Fs oulned aoaue. droadai rtom above gwdffwltons rnvol Ang ex m call, wil be stem ed orb• upar wretsn orders, and wbi bewma rn extra *Mtge over and Won the ACCEPTANCEOF PROPOSAL Harass. A eptiem enrs ca drgait tool salt*, aedarcs 6 ealays bara►i our cw&VL 0—=".% Its. tornaio eid odor naanuq .•tswama upon 06" WWL Oar *wwad by Warkmadt Ccmpsnuoon (r wmVe. r � ALL -DACE DRIVEWAY NWNTENANCE CO. r'rinTNAYE 7J.'rE X ]GN FAIPl+lAN Asphalt Care Company, Inc. (305) 238-2023 Proposal No: 050001 Lee Park Condo 6110 S.W. 68 Street South Miami, Florida 33143 Atta: Jean Scott Phone: 305- 665 -6221 Date:. 13111iE :' 2005 Site: Lee Park Condo- Four Lots 6110 S.W. 68 Street South Miami, Florida Fax: 305- 666 -3856 As you have directed, we hereby propose to furnish materials and labor for the following work: Patching: 1,395 square feet A. Cut and remove damaged asphalt as needed. B. Clean the pavement thoroughly prior patching. C. Apply tack over entire surface area to be patched. D. Install type #2 hot mixed asphalt. E. Taper off as required and compact with a 3-4 ton. compacting roller. Scalcoat: A. Clean pavement with power blowers and brooms. B. Prime oil spillage areas with latex primer. C. Apply two coats of coal tar sealer including four pounds of silica sand per gallon mixed in the material with 3% latex additive. Carstops and Striping: A. Replace fifteen carstops. B. Stripe existing in D.O.T. approved paint including white parking lines, blue /white handicap parking, white carstops with black stenciling, white curb, white crosshatch. Contract Total: $10,499.00 Payment Terms: 25% Deposit, Balance at end of job permits, if needed, will be obtalnsd by Asphalt Can Company, Inc. Permit lees, costs associated to obtaining pear" and extra work required by permits will bean exile cost to this contract. Asphalt Cam Compary, Inc. Is notrespoaslbhe for damage to undsrgrtwnd utOks. Approved and accepted: The abae prices, sprdlcatlons and conditions we satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You tors authodxed to do the work as specMaf ftyment win be made as audined above. Signed Date Printed Name Title Asphalt Care Company Iric. Jerry Ward Note: Proposal may be withdrawn ifnot accepted in 90 days. NI material Is guaranteed lo be as spedled. All work is to be completed in a workmannAs manner In accordance with Industry standards. Any alteration or deviation from above ZcId�e nntsordelaysbbeeyyondourcconnttro OwnertocarrrryAm tornado and orders. win and wanncsa.OUrworkersarecrove�redby mceW*co0.mppeenptoninsurContingent e upon atlkes Wounded Healers Inc 6450 S.W. 59h Place Miami, Fl. 33143 (305) 665 -1040 Bill To: Lee Park Attn: Mrs. Jean Scott 6110 S.W. 68`h Street Miami, FL 33143 Estimate Number: E101 Date: 2/15105- Ship To: Same PO Number: N/A Terms: Y days Project: Parking tot-Re- Sealed Date 2/15./05 Description: See below Hours: N/A Rate: N /A. Amount: $9,900.00 A. The following proposed estimate is for the sealing and re- coating of the parking lot area located at 6110 S.W. 68d' St. Lee Park South Miami. The. Wounded Healers will remove: • All Debris (oiVdirt) • Repair pot holes • Apply two coats of sealer 1. Primer coat 2. Finishing. coat. • Paint Car stops • Paint Lines • Put in Handicap Parking Signs/ Paint. B. Upon-the acceptance of the condition ofthis proposal the, execution and the completion of the job is dependant on the weather conditions and-your cooperation en- closing the site for drying. Work will take S days:. C. We guarantee our labor to be top quality. The materials used are subject to the manufacturers warranty. If the manufacturer's for normal and usual usage of the product is followed. The project is guaranteed for 2 years. Total: $9,900 113 is needed to. start $3,300 2/15/05 Balance .of$6,6W due.at completion The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined: Date: Signature: Printed: 10c'. DISCOU44f Irrilwatkya 786 344 72" 306 270 10096 PrinPdWAY. crt>RMirre, n Tn- Name Address: Phone: O S S G r- rA Slott N; Date: WnRYC'Cn RV VVRRA0MVn AT- Date of Plans Architect We hemtby propose to famish the materials and perform the labor nemssary for the completion of r n ' /us All material is garanteed tdbe as specified and the above wort,: to be performed in accordance with the drawings and specifications submitted for above work and completed in a substantial workmanlike inatmer for the sum of Dollars ($ ) with payments to be Horde as follows. �J'Tlqio °O , Any alteration or deviation from above 3M.j ions involving extra costs will be Respectfully submitted' executed only upon written onle and wi extra charge over cad PCr above the eattmata contin 'hs atxidents, or delays beyond our control Nate - This proposal may be withdrawn by us if nor accepted within % S days. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL - The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You .are authorized to do the work as specified. Payments will be made as outlined above. Signature Date: Signature -- Z0 39tld lNf103SIaor' 96090LZGGE 90 :t'T 500Z /n /50 05/02/2005 10:23 TO 30533718E NURSERIES LANDSCAPE PELTOYS NURSERIES, INC. P.O. BOX 560912 MIAMI, FL 33156 305.233 -7372 (OFFICE) 305- 233 -7188 (FAX) W'VY'V' YELTQNSNURSERIE&COM FAX COVER SHEET . 7'7- FAX r UMMEIL 3o r S'- NO. PAGES 3 PAGE 01 05/02/2005 10:23 3052337188 NURSERIES LANDSCAPE O PELTON' S NURSERIES, INC. P.O. BOX 560912 MIAMI, FL 33156 305.233 -7372 (OFFICE) 305- 233 -7188 (FAX) W W W.PELMDjSNURSERYES.CQNi FAX COVER SHEET M, wm� FAx rrUMeER o� G G G 3 FROM NO. PAGES •3 PAGE 01 05/02/2005 10:.23 3052337188 NURSERIES LANDSCAPE PAGE 03 CJ Peltons Nurseries Inc. P. O. Sox 560912 Miami, FL 33256 Sales @peltowinirseries.com Lee Park Condominiums Jean Scott 6110 Sw 68th Street M Fi 33156 K Estimate pate Estlreats g 3/212005 164 Signature Paw 2 P.O. No. TOM Due Date Due on Receipt 3/2/2005 Doucription Total If customer contracts iPelton to do the Asphalt, Concrete work and Repairs, the additional cost to the customer will be $7800.00 Peltons not responsible for any water stains. Pelton's not responsible for any underground utilities damaged not located by underground locating company. 30% Deposit req. upon signing of contract, balance due on day of completion Thank Yau Subtotal '$22pSOO•OO Sales Tax (7.0%) $0.00 Total $22500.00 Signature Paw 2 05/02/2405 10:23 3052337188 NURSERIES LANDSCAPE PAGE 02 K Peltons Nurseries Inc. P. O. Box 564912 Miami,. FL 33256 Sales @peltonsnurseries.com I Nam* / Address I Lee Park Condominiums 3wtn Scott 6110 Sw 6&h Street Miami, F1 33156 01 Estimate Date Estimate # 5/2/2045 164 Signature Page 1 P.O. No. Terms Due Date Due on Receipt 5/212005 Description cftY Total LEE PARK CONDONIINIUMS Complete IrriptioalSprinkler System 22,500.00 18o Rainbird Spray Heads 1 5UP Pump 1 3" Well 1 Concrete Pump Box 1 ESP Timer 1 3' Brass Check "Valve 8 2" 24 volt valves 1 1 Rainbird Seusor 32, Rainbird Rotors Ali pipe fittings and labor included. Permits by others Low Voltage by Peltous Note: All 110 & 220 Electrical by others, All Asphalt and Concrete cuts and repairs, by others. 150% Deposit req. upon signing of contract, balance due on day of completion Thank You Subtotal Sales Tax (7.014) Total Signature Page 1 V L •(1 C It s � P—A t P--+ f 1 •id's NMI, s � � n • rl • 'N 1 1 r N It !j r. �I m Sonlln��'12m1 At,•�uu� 1 , .............. 11•ry�t��IL� i BRA i W u W O • i — yr . � ! e 1 ! 1 1 � i i � ffi j 1 i ! i I 1 f• � 1 1 i — A 1:21 a IMA j.l m `I r pa s ti Page No. of Pages We hereby submit specifications and estimates for 0,--i ,, In , . ln.r 11 l - \-h MOSLEY PAVING 10610 SW 149th Street. MIAMI, FLORIDA 33176 (305) 235 -8435 Fax (305) 252 -3693 PHONE JOB NAME I. JOB LOCATION DATE OF PLANS (I) (o103— . (o IrQ `7 Nm DATE i JOB PHONE I ha underground wires, pipes and etc, but will replace at customers expense. Our company will not guarantee that grass will not grow through asphalt. UIr prDP05P hereby to furnish material and labor — complete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: dollars ($ ). Payment to be made as follows: All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO;� manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications nature Si g involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra STREET �n lLL f � r r tl or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. CITY, STATE and ZIP CODE Our workers are fully covered by Workman's Compensation Insurance. ,CIICaptaurr of Proposal— The above prices, specifications ARCHITECT Signature We hereby submit specifications and estimates for 0,--i ,, In , . ln.r 11 l - \-h MOSLEY PAVING 10610 SW 149th Street. MIAMI, FLORIDA 33176 (305) 235 -8435 Fax (305) 252 -3693 PHONE JOB NAME I. JOB LOCATION DATE OF PLANS (I) (o103— . (o IrQ `7 Nm DATE i JOB PHONE I ha underground wires, pipes and etc, but will replace at customers expense. Our company will not guarantee that grass will not grow through asphalt. UIr prDP05P hereby to furnish material and labor — complete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: dollars ($ ). Payment to be made as follows: All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike Authorized manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications nature Si g involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents Note: This or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. withdrawn by us if nc Our workers are fully covered by Workman's Compensation Insurance. ,CIICaptaurr of Proposal— The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized Signature to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Date of Acceptance: Signature � To Reorder. 800.225 -6380 or nebs.com be days. r a ' .. _ ,���.r i'G�ainM. ;�'t" -mod.•. .. MIAMI, FLORI6Wii 76 j` A' f }} i j(305) 235= 8435` Fax 05) 252 3693. of PROPOSAL SUBMITTED �T ;.,' : ° . . [Y t'/�C ..'..: .. ... PHONE�t. DATE STREET (0 JOB NAME CITY, STATE and ZIP CODE JOB LOCATION - ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANS involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra JOB PHONE 0. Power steering marks,' bike kick stands, or:any sharp object will damage new asphalt. Our company .will not be held responsible for any underground wirespipas and etc. but. ;will:,replace at customers expense. ,Our company wili,'not guarantee that grass will not grow through asphalt Hie PropoSP `'hereby io furnish material and labor = complete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: dollars Payment to be made as follows.; To Reorder.. i 800.725.6380 or nebr -cwmm JI All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike Authorized manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications Signature A140 involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra 4 charge over and above the estimate. All agreements. contingentupon .strikes,.accidents be or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry tire, tornado and other necessary insurance. Note: This prop0 a ay . Our workers are fully covered by Workman's Compensation Insurance. ". withdrawn by us if not acne d within. days. r Arre t'aurr of Q Q1 The above prices, specifications nd conditions are satisfactory and are hereby' accepted.. You .are authorized rr. Signature o do the work as, specified., Payment will be made.as outlined above ate of Acceptance• Signature ' To Reorder.. i 800.725.6380 or nebr -cwmm JI c� S Page No. of `Pages MOSLEY -PAVING 10610 SVI 149th Street ` X MlAirll, FLORIDA 33176 ;4 t (305) 235` =$435. Fax {31353 252 -3693 „ �,.... PROPOSAL SUBMITTED „TC�� PHON//����w, �. E `� �/�'I DATE., • CJ✓ \S/ v v `� STREET (0 JOB NAME I �� i� r CITY, STATE and ZIP CODE ”' JOB LOCATION ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANS JOB PHONE We hereby submit specifications and estimates for :. R)�,e h �/ay r !� - i `j •.�, l 0 3 -- (o l a'-1 �- i -3�! rQO7' J w't +' hot I--Dp ,c� (�ncf m , u , Power steering marks, bike kick ataods, or any sharp object will damage new asphalt. Our company will not be held responsible for any ' undefground wires,. pipes and etc. but...will replace at customers expense. Our company. will not guarantee that grass. will not grow through asphalt WP 13rapOiSP hereby. to.furnish material and labor - complete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of:.- dollars ($ �. . _Payment to be made as follows; All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed In a workmanlike r 9I manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications Authorized ' h involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra Signature -� -r• U charge over and above the estimate. All agreements r contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. Note: This propo al%f gay be Our workers are fully covered by Workman's Compensation, Insurance. withdrawn by us if not acre tdd within s ,�1rreptunr a 111 ppliosal The above prices, specifications . and conditions are satisfactory and are. hereby accepted. You are authorized . Signature to do. the work as specified., Payment will be made as outlined above: Date of Acceptance: Signature AMa To Reorder ! ' f300- 225 -S38t) or reb&am days. ria Q S tt i Page No. of Pages MOSLEY PAVINI 10610 SW 149th Stree• MIAMI, FLORIDA 3317E 305, r% T) 35 Fax (305) 2 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO D `�- 5�n--IT PHONE 0 U05 DATE �. • �� STREET � � t �' � I , JOB NAME CITY, STATE and ZIP CODE JOB LOCATION ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANS JOB PHONE We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: ..�.. __._...._... _..__._._.__...__._ _.._...___..___.._.__... ._._._.._...__.._..._.._.__.._____.----------------------- _._...__–.__.._.____.__..__._... ........ ---------- ----------------- ._..__... _....._. _..,i._.___ _ .._. _..._...._.. ...._.:........._. ..._...._.__..______._....._... _. _...___.._..._.__..._..__ _._...__._....__.__._ _...___.__._..._.__...._..._..._.._... w...___.._...._..._..._.__..._..._.___.__._.. _....__._.._.._.___._..._.v._._ .. _...._v.__._.cl�..:_ __�.r_�'1..�� ._._.^....._ c�-_...�..c,��..►.- h._.�....C�� �_.r......__br1;�._..._ _._...__. _..._....._._..._.._ ............. _..._._.- ........... Cola t...._.. m.> c�.____._.._.._..._..._. 5....._...._ c-_.. rnd_..._._..._..._..._..____._.._..._.._____.._.__.._._. __.__...__._.__... _ ............ d_... rt..._.. i_... e...___.___._.:..__._..__..._.....__._...__._... ____.._..__..._....__..._...._. _..._...._..._..._.__.._... _....___._..._..._..._.__..__.. ........ ......... --- .._.._.._._..__..._.____....____..._...__.._.. ............ ..... ..._..._....__ .___ _._ ____._...._...._._...._...__._.._..._..___..._..._...._..._.._..:..._...._...__._...__._..._..._......._...__._..._._ ..._..__....._...._.____..._... _....__.._..._...._..._..._..:._..._:.. ._...�.._:.._........._........ ..._..__..._.__..._..._...._.........._...._......... ........... ........_...._.._.. .......... _..._......._...... _._.._.__...._..._..._...._.__. ..._ ........_........._........ ......... _..._......_......... __.._..._..._..._ ............._ ...__ w...._..._...._..... w..._..__..._....._..._..._..._.__..._..._.._..._..._..._._. .._...._..._..._...._........_. "' "" °'Power "steering" marks; °bike °kick"ttands; °'or'•any° sharp °'object"wlil- damage'•new'° asphalt: 'Our° company °wlll °not`be" held -responsible -for •any ............... ... °•••° underground wires, pipes and etc. but will replace at customers expense. Our company will not guarantee that grass will not grow through asphalt. UIP IIrapasC hereb to furnish material and labor — complete in'accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: � C�1 1 v dollars ($ 100 ). Payment to b made as follows: L7 'PQ ld 4►� •(�C� ba 4) VO All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All w1rk to be completed in a workraniike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications Involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. Our workers are fully covered by Workman's Compensation Insurance. Authorized Signature . Note: This proposal mfr be withdrawn by us if not accepted within 31rreptance UL Proposal— The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized Signature to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Date of Acceptance: Signature To Reorder. .. 600- 225 -6380 or nebs.com I � ` MOSLEY PAVIN 10610 SIN 149th Stree MIAMI, FLORIDA 3$1-7( 305)'A35 =8435 Fax k$90-.11 nr) I Page No. of Pages PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO Vol PHONE344 I 7DATE STREET (0 JOB NAME CITY, STATE and ZIP CODE JOB LOCATION ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANS JOBPHONE - We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: �a l . d6pn,. par�i. nq bt -Fr' W+h a-I Y, bro& n C).A Pot irk mlytfd W'I ih 5 I I co- _-50nd �PC_6t J rr_�tr' CIO t an Power steering marks, b ' ike, kick Standstands; 6r.any sharp object will damage new asphalt. Our company* will not be held responsible for any. underground wires, pipes and etc. but will 'replace at customers expense. Our company will not guarantee that grass will not grow- I through asphalt. ere mplete d Mr. 13rupose h b to furnish material and labor—, co in accor ance with above specifications for the'surn of: kilo dollars ($ Payment tob made—as follows: -5'nn - -6 ock n _. All material is guaranteed to�be as specified. All Ark to be completed Inarilike i manner according to standard practices. Any all I eration or deviation fronfabove specifications Authorized involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra Signature. Wir charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner. to . carry fire, tornado and other necessary . insurance. Note: This prop y withdrawn b us if not accepted jdays., Our workers are fully covered by Workman's Compensation Insurance. ' I Amptaurr of proposal --The above- prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are: hereby accepted., You are authorized Signature to do the work as.specified.. Payment will be made as outlined above:' e of Acceptance: Sign ature 1, nua To Reorder . ,800 - 225.6380 or nobs.corn propustt1 _ �,�.,.... ,....Page No. MOSLEY PAWING t 10610 SW 149th Street MIAMI, FLORIDA 33176 3 QGS N .� -. 5.8435 fax ) 2��2*6a3 ID &0% t, of PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO 1 PHON. / DATE t , STREET l 10V\ 1 JOB N. ME CITY, STATE and ZIP CODE JOB LOCATION ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANS JOB PHONE 11 We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: rlof-),6 �0- 6'I br r Ccx- l L . ca 6fcon-cLo - _._ ter 1 Jir1r� �OlLod tl� '�- Y no ,. Power steering marks, ,, ike kick stands, - or. any sharp object will damage nzri asphalt. Our company will not be held responsible for any underground 'wires, alpa. and etc, but will replace at customers expenses. Our company will not guarantee that grass w!!i not grow­_ l ` through a halt ' .,'� t 1t t'D DSP �h/elreb ''to furnish material and labor — complete in accordance with above specifications, for r tthe °um of: U i �•�11'J f �L� dollars ($ , v Payment to made as follows: > All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike Fr manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from'above specifications Authorized % involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and, will become an extra Signature f charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance.. Note: This proposal m y be Our workers are fully covered by Workman's Compensation Insurance, withdrawn by us if not accepted within days. L eptattr a of Proposal —The above prices, specifications onditions are. satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are.authorized Signature the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above f Acceptance: Signature . To Reorder. 81 225.6380 or nobs com , 11 We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: rlof-),6 �0- 6'I br r Ccx- l L . ca 6fcon-cLo - _._ ter 1 Jir1r� �OlLod tl� '�- Y no ,. Power steering marks, ,, ike kick stands, - or. any sharp object will damage nzri asphalt. Our company will not be held responsible for any underground 'wires, alpa. and etc, but will replace at customers expenses. Our company will not guarantee that grass w!!i not grow­_ l ` through a halt ' .,'� t 1t t'D DSP �h/elreb ''to furnish material and labor — complete in accordance with above specifications, for r tthe °um of: U i �•�11'J f �L� dollars ($ , v Payment to made as follows: > All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike Fr manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from'above specifications Authorized % involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and, will become an extra Signature f charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance.. Note: This proposal m y be Our workers are fully covered by Workman's Compensation Insurance, withdrawn by us if not accepted within days. L eptattr a of Proposal —The above prices, specifications onditions are. satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are.authorized Signature the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above f Acceptance: Signature . To Reorder. 81 225.6380 or nobs com ,