Ord No 10-24-2495ORDINANCE NO. 10-24-2495 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE CITY CODE OF ORDINANCES TO ABOLISH THE COMMISSION FOR WOMEN ESTABLISHED PURSUANT TO SECTION 2-26 OF THE CODE AND THE JUNIOR COMMISSION FOR WOMEN ESTABLISHED PURSUANT TO SECTION 2-26.1 OF THE CODE, AND MERGING THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE TWO COMMISSIONS INTO SECTION 2- 26.6. "COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD"; PROVIDING FOR CORRECTIONS; SEVERABILITY; CONFLICTS; IMPLEMENTATION; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Article VIII, Section 2 of the Florida Constitution, and Chapter 166, Flo1ida Statutes, provides municipalities with the authority to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except where prohibited by law, and to adopt ordinances in furtherance of such authority; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of South Miami ("City") finds it periodically necessary to amend its Code of Ordinances ("Code") to update regulations and procedures to maintain consistency with state law, implement municipal goals and objectives, clarify regulations, and address specific issues and needs that may arise; and WHEREAS, Section 2-26.6. "Community relations board" of Chapter 2, "Administration and City Government", of the City's Code provides for the establishment and duties of the City's Community Relations Board (the "Board,,); and WHEREAS, Section 2-26 of the Code created the "Commission for women'' and provides the structure and duties of the commission (the "Commission for Women•'); and WHEREAS, Section 2-26.1 of the Code created the "Junior commission for women" and provides the structure and duties of the commission (the "Junior Commission for Women"); and WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that the goals and objectives of the Commission for Women and Junior Commission for Women would be best accomplished through the merger of the duties of the two commissions into those of the Board; and WHEREAS, the City Commission wishes to abolish the Commission for Women and the Junior Commission for Women, and amend Section 2-26.6. to accomplish the foregoing; and WHEREAS, on March 19, 2024, the City Commission approved the ordinance on first reading; and WHEREAS, on April 2. 2024, the City Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing as required by law and approved the ordinance on second reading; and Page 1 of9 Ord. No. I 0-24-2495 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Recitals. The above-stated recitals are tn1e and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. Amending Section 2-26, "Commission for Women," Section 2-26.1, "Junior Commission for Women," and Section 2-26.6, "Community relations board", of Chapter 2, "Administa·ation and City Government", of tile City Code. Section 2-26, "Commission for Women," Section 2-26.1, "Junior Commission for Women," and Section 2-26.6, "Community relations board", of Chapter 2, "Administration and City Govemment", of the City Code of Ordinances, is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 2. -ADMINISTRATION AND CITY GOVERNMENT Sec. 2-26. Commission fer women Rese19Ved. ~a) C,-88ted; e9111fJ9Sill011. TheFe is herel:,y eFeateEI a eity eemmission fer YI-Omen. The eeftlfflissiee shall eeesist efelwltm (11) memhei:s. ~~ AppBilllH1e,1t s111! HJ1=111s 9/111en1hers. Memhm·s of lite eeeuBissioa shall he appointed by the mayor as pro1.cided in the City Charter. MembefS ef the eemmissien shall he permaaent residents, employed in husieess in. lhe eity ier t\¥0 (2) er meFe yeaf9 01:-fileully member ef South Miami Senior High Soheel. Baelt memher shall have Elemeestrated a eeRlftlitment te impF01.&e the eenditiea ef wemea through eeRHBUeity aREI ether sen•iee. The membership should reAeet the Faeial aed elt.nie divemity of the Fesidents of the eity. (&) 'Ferms 9.ftef.liee. le ere er that the terms ef effiee ef all meml,efS ef the eemmissien shall aet eK-piFe at the same time, the ieitial appointmoets te the eemm:issien shall be as felloiv.,r-s; Fi11e (5) memb8f6 eftke eemmiUee shall be appointed ier a tel'm ef two (2) years ffem date ef its fimt meetieg and fi¥e (S) mombefS skall be appointed te the eommissien fer a term of three (3) yeat=S. i1\:ppoiated members shall tkei:eafter ser,e fer a period of two (2} yeaFS er until their sueeessor is appointed, v,,rhiehe¥er eeeHrs later. fd) Chsitpet&Oll £Mid ,Jiee ehsirpe:wev1. T.he ekairpea;oe and Yiee ehairpersen sl1all be eleeted by the memheFs ef the eommissiett fer a term of ene yeM. 1\ppeietmettls te fill any ·;aeaRey ett the eommissien shall he ier the remaindeF ef the ue~£pifeEI tenHs. When any memher of the eemmissien fails te attend tBree (3) eenseeuti1Je meetings widlout ae eHoused ahsenee, he er she skall be remell'Jed hy lhe eity eemmissioe. An "e:Keused ahseaee" shall he defined as an ahsenee resuUing EIHe ta pef&onal er family illness, death ie family, heing out efte,hlJl l:leeaase ef husiness, professioeal, er ether eemmitments subjeet to the appm1.cal of the ehairpeFSen. 1 Coding: Sk=ikedn:eugk '.'Jares are deletions to the existing words. Underlined words are additions to the existing words. Changes b~~~~en farst and second reading are indicated with deu&Jle ell'iltelht·eugh and double underline and are highlighted in ~Y.-Modifications made at second reading are shaded in lfflilQffl. Page2of9 Ord. No. l 0-24-2495 (e) Or-gm1irt11i0n of 1Jie eommis!Ji011. Me1Bhers ef the eefflftlissien for '.'lomen shall elect sueh effieefs, iB additiee te the ehait=peFSeR aaEI a Yiee ehaifpeFsoe, as may he deemed aeeessary. SiK (6) membem ekall eoestitute a EtYOrum aeeessary te llelel a .meetiag te take any aeti0B. Memhe1'6 skall sewe 1uitllout GOIBf)OBsatioa hut sllaU he Feimhw=sed fe1· aeoessary eKf)eeses ieean-eel ie the pedem1aeee ef their offieial daties as approved hy the eit)' eommissieB. A hudget shall be established hy the eity m&Bager, as seee as possible, fer parpose of faadieg eM:f)eeses. Regular a&ti special meotiags of the eommiosioe shalt l,e sehedaleel, aad eotiee of sueh meetings shall be given, as fHto 11ided ie this Code for meetiegs of tlle eity eommissioe; proJJided, ho•.ve:r;er, that sehedulieg speeial meetiegs shall i=eEJ.Qi1te Ike ·nriUea re~est of siK (6) eommissioa memhefS. Mieutes shall be 1Eept by eity staff of all meetiegs. A EfH0rum is siK (6) members that atteeel eithe1· in pefSeR or Femetely p1·0¥iEled the memeOfS atteedia-g remotely ean he seeB aed heai-d hy, aed the remotely atteediag memher eae see aad llear, e11eryeee attenEling the meetiag ia pei·soa aMI remotely. (t) l)l(/.ie.,; £111«power.,; eft-he eeH,~'fli55io11f<J1· w0»1e11. The po:r."1eFS and duties of the eommissioa shall ieekide, hat aot UmUed to, tll.e fello·wieg daties, filftetieae, pe:i.,.refS aad i-e9f)oesibilities. (1) Te serYe ia a& ad.,lisery eapaeity 13y maleieg iw)estigatiees, st:udies, i=eports and reeemmendatioes to the eity eommissiea, the eity manage1· ane her or his administration, aed the eofftlftaeity, ie respeet te all maHefs peftainiag te the states of\\'OffieR in the eity, ineladi-eg, hut BOt limited te, the fair aBd eEtYal k=eatmeat of 1noe1ea; those polieies and pr-aetiees v.tlliea diserimieate agaiaet ,.,.,amee. wMtMF p1·aetieed 13y publie OF pri11ate persons, indi¥idaLWs ei-eerpor-atioe.e; aml, the p\lblie aad pri-¥ate emplo:ymeat of womee, the wedeing &Rd li11ieg eoaditi0Bs of womee, the deli¥ery of puhlie and pri-"late serv-iees te women, and the edueatioe aad tfaiai&g of womea and pahlie aeeolllftledatiens fer women; (2) Te 1neke eoetiRUiag studies Yrith reeommeadatiees and 1·eperts of all eity ageaeies, faeilities, beams, seniiees anEI tu·ogi-ams E1ealieg v.tith er afteotieg wemea, inoluEling equal ftlndiag of sueh fueilities, serYiees anEl pf8grams; (3) Te study, reeommeed aed report aay needed impro~1emeets and ehaages te eit)' eedes, beams, eftlinanees, t'esetations, and wfittea anEI UA'Nrittee polioies and praetiees of the effYt (4) Te apf)ear befefO aey gevemmeatal er eee ge¥emmeetal ageaey to preseet fiRElings anEl i-eeemmendations ee beltalf of the eemmissiea fer 'lfomee, as '"'ell as ee behalf of the eity with the appre¥al of the oi~ eommissioa. (5) Te selioit eontribatioas, sen'iees aad iiaaeeial SUf:1.f)Ort ffem other gevemmeetal aathorities, pri¥ate busieesses, gt=eups, institutiees aed a:ust maEls; (6) To ser.ce as a liaisee or iafefmal meEliate1· aRteeg the eity eoflllllissioa, the eity admieistration, the eity employees ane tho 1:1sers of eity se1viees aed faeilities. The oomraissiee for 111omee may ooasult with roprese&tath«es of these groups ffem time te time as aeoessary to earry out the 00R11Rission for '.'leinee's datien aed maotiees; aad (7) Te perform ethet· ElaHes, fiu1etieas aed serviees as m~ he assigfteEI te it by the eity oommissien. *** Page3of9 Ord. No. l 0-24-2495 Sec. 2-26.1. J.unieF eemmissien r-e, wemen Reserved. (&) Created, eeHff1B.9it-it·m. There is hef8by 8f8ated a junier eommissiea for v,1omea. The eommissioR shell eoasist of least eight (8~ memh0f9. (h) AJJP6i11ll11e1,1 mul que#jicelit:J11s ofmemhen,·. Memhers of the eommissioa shall he appoiRted hy the m&yel" as pro11ided fer ia the eity eharter. Memhers shall: (1) Either be a resident ef the eiey, a studeet at a eiey seheel er a shldeat at South MiBlfli Senior High Sehoel; (2) Be age thirleea (13) thfeugh a senier in high seltool; (3) Be ia¥el11ed ia at least eae (I) eKka eunieular aetivity; and {1) MaiRlaia at least a "C 11 graEle point a11erage. t'dl applicant mllsl present tv1e (2) f8eomn:tendations fi:em e\H'fent endter former teaehet"s aael one (1) reeo1BmenEletioa .frem a persoa wke ie aet a memhe1· of the applieaRt's immediate family attesting te the applioant's geed oharaoter anEl lead8f8hip a'=>ility. The eemmissien fer women shall re¥i8'N all applioatieas aREI make resemmeRdatione fer appeimmeRt te t-1¼8 mayor. (e) Terms ef8jflc,e. In ot"der that the toms ef effiee of all nieftlbers of the eemmiesioa shall Ret eKpire at tee same time, tee ieitial appointments te the eommissien shall he as folla,,.,s; ene half(I~ of the memhe1·s shall be appoieted fer t\1.ce (2) yeaES and ene half(l4) efUie memhers shall be appointee fer thfee (3) yeai=s. 1B ~e e¥ent the JllllMer ef i&itial appailltmems te tee eemmissiea 1:aakes up OR odd aumher, thee oae (1) ftlOfe pet"soa shall he appeimed for two (2) yem·s. The1·eailer, appoiated meftlbef9 sltoll serr,r-e for twe (2) ye&PS or uatil a sueeesse1:· is appointed. Appoiatmeats to fill oay ,,aeaney en the eem-missien will he for the un83(-J)ired temr. {El) C!im,ge hi m,w,her Bf H1~Hh01w. The nuftlber ef persees seivieg en the eemmiesiett m~ be ine1:·eased er Eleefeased ~y the eity eommissien haseEl en tke le,,cel ef partioipatien by yeung 1.1,omen. In the e-veat of a eha&ge iR memhefS, the numher efmemhers dlat Hl\lSt he present te eenstitute a E}l!Ol-UFR for a meeting shall '=>e half (14) tlle total memhers phis one (1). Int-Re e,,r:eat ef any iaerease ia the aumhe1· ef meJRhefS, tke teRBs ef effioe sliaU he presorihed by lhe eity eemmissioa. A quemm ineludes those members whe are pltysieally pFesent as well as these memeers v,ho atteed remotely pro1tided the ftlemhem otteadiag remotely eaa be seea aeel hearEl hy, aael the Femotely atteMieg memher eae see aed heat·, e1,ceryoae atteREliag the meetiBg ie persaa and t=einetely. (e) Chei1"pe,-se11 fllrtl ;,;ee ehei11J01°tio~,. The ehaiFp8fSen aad Yiee ehak:persOR shall he eleeted hy lhe metMem ef the eemmissien fer a lei·m ef ene (1) yea£. Tke members may eleot aay adElitioaal et-lioers that tkey deem neoessary. (t) ReH16wtl. \'thee aay meml>er fails te alteed three (3) eonseeuti1,1e ftleeaags ,,.citheut an eKeuseEl abseese, ~e member shall he reme,reEI 1:Jy tile eity semmissiea. ft.:R "eKeused absenee" skall ineluEle, but net he limited to, an ahsenoe resulting fl:em a death iR the family, er efa teaeher er a elese pemenal frienc.4, a peFSeeal er family illeess, being eut ef town on persenal husiness, field trips er ether seheel related mattem, er 1.•aealioa, OAd preparing for fieal e:ffam.inatieas, 8lltl shall be su&jeet te the appF0¥al of the ehair. 2'\ii aeaea ef the eom&lissioa shall aot he auUified heeause eee er mere ef ils memhers are later EletermieeEI te he Elisqaalified ffem helding that et-lioe. Page4 of9 Ord. No. 10-24-2495 (g) l-,i6iso11 wit-.ff eom111is-sie11 J"<J,· lWHlfell. Tite ehairpefSeB et· the vice eh&iff)ef90B ef the eommissioe will atteed moBthly meetings of the eommissiOB for '•'Jomea; like11,iise, the eo1Bmissioa fer 1,1,remen shall desigeate two (2) members vAl:e shall attead meetiegs of the junior eomfRission fer ,,.,emea oe a Fetatieg hasis. The ElesigBated persees shall atteed n~eet-ings in a nea 1Jetieg eJt effieie eapaeity. Failure te attend a meetiBg as an eK effieie memher shall net eeuat agaiest t-he memher as &R uneKeuseEI ahsenee. (h) }AeeJings, &pe115es. R:egula~ seheduled meetings shall he held monthly at eity hall at a een-venie&t time te he EleeiEleEI lly the eeRtm:issien meftll,ef9. The memhe~·s may ehange the plaee and time ef a padieular meeting by metiea and a 11ete ef the majority ef memhef9 present at a regularly seheEluleEI meetieg. A majority of the members ie geed standieg shall eonstik-lte a (tllorum aeeessary to hold meetiegs and take aetien. &egalar and Sf)eeial meetings shall he sohoduled, aaEI eotiee shall he gi¥en, as prO¥ided in tke eity eode for meetings of ti-le oit-y eommissien; p1·0\cided, 1-lo'l.'&",'er, that soheduling speoial ineetiegs shall t=eEJ.oire ti-le ¥lBHeH reEfuest of a majerity ef the moml,efS in good stanElieg. Miootes shall ho kept oitlier by feeerEling er in y,,rfittea foFm. MeftlhefS shall ser.1e witheut eempensaUon llut shall he 1·eimhu1·sed for neeessary aoo autho1·i2ed mEpeeses ineun=ed iB the performanee of the werlc of the eemmission. A hudget may be established hy the oity maeager fer ti-le purpose of fl¾nding ~eases. The W(uas "memhem present" f.er tke pYFposes eflhis seetien means mel.B9efS ,.1.r.ho are pll:}'Sieally pi=esent as ¥.,ell as those membeFS wl-lo attead remotel3/ pF0 1fiEled the me1Bhet=s atteading remotely eae be seen aeEI heaFEl lly, aed the fCmetely attendieg member ean see aed hea1·, 8Ti1eryene aUendieg the meeting ie persoe and 1·emotely. (i) .. 9.ewer.v e.·1« euHe.v. The po1♦-'.refS aeEI duties ef the een1:missiee shall iBelude, eut net ee limited ~ (I) To sen'e in an ad1.cisory oapaoity to the eommissioe for womee and to the mayor aed eity eommissien hy makieg iw.cest-igatiees, studies, repefts aeEI reeemmeedatioes ie respeet to all matters peftaieieg le ti-le status of young v.«omen in the ei(3/ and ia eit,r seheels; inelading the worlcing, eElueatienal aed li:ffiag eenditiens of young v.1emee; edueatien anEI trainieg; health, teea pregnaney aad e:1E_posure to predatory orimes; ayailability of EJUality anE1 aeoessible healtli s8f¥ioes, eElueatioaal, family and psyeholegieal eoueseling ser,,riees; a1.cailabiliiy of meaningful employment fer young 1l}omee; aiseriminatien and i=espensiveness ef go 1,1emmeet to the eeeEls ef yeueg 1Hemea. (2) Te smEly, i:epert ee anEI reeommeed eeeded impf8wmeets ie the eKistense anEI Eleli 1,,ery of aeeded medieal, edaeatioeal, eriminal and soeial servieee. (3) To appear before the eo1B:1Bisoien fer ,vomen aed t-he m~er and &ity eemmissioa to Eleli¥er report:s, reee1Bmendations anel re(tllests fer assistanee. (4) To perf.e1:m other duties, mnetions anEI servioes as may lle reEJYesteEI by Ule eommissiee ~r 1Nomee and ti-le mayor aed si,y eommission. *** Sec. 2-26.6. Community relations board. (a) C,■e(l/ed. There is hereby created a community relations board (board) for the city. The board consists of nine (9) members. The qualifications of the members are as follows: (1) One (l) appointee must be between the ages of eighteen (18) and thirty (30). Poge5of9 Ord. No. I 0-24-2495 (2) Four ( 4) members must be residents of South Miami and have diverse religious, gender and ethnic backgrounds. (3) All members must be selected because of their leadership roles within the resident population of the city. One ( 1) should have pe1·sonal experience with housing insecure issues. (b) Appoi11tme11t mu/ terms of members. Members of the board must be appointed in accordance with the city Charter. The community outreach coordinator will provide the commission with a list of app!·op~ate potential c~mmitt~e memb~rs. The tenn of eac~f ... e~~~~e is f ~~ :~? -~~~ ~:~~~O~U~!l~--~~~!~er_s,u~~~~~--~~J?gl~, ~hi~~e~~~-~~~~~~Jat~r,_. -~!~ .. ~:-~:~. ~ fisi-• ' -Li •u ~ . -• · •.:. ,:! • • <J L . • iu Lt1 m,Jfi)Jj're!?0fflle1161tirll!Jiiifit}fi'@lr8ie:;JWnftiJBW~its6lnabfl. The community outreach coordinator will serve as an ex officio members of the board. Section 2-22 (term limits) does not apply to this board. ( c) Chair mu/ yice-clwiror co-chairs. The members shall meet promptly and select a chair and vice-chair If • "''" ---.-er. -s•· • • • • • • ,~ l c.·:1~ii < ·=:t(. ft •• -~~ ''=;"'\( eii6'f€aWif&at1\,ie{oniurffi»·~flfeiirrfttfe1liif@1Wfe1feffmj~w1m (d) Quorum. A quorum for meeting of the board shall be a majority of the members of the board. A quorum includes those members who are physically present as well as those who attend remotely provided the members attending remotely can be seen and heard by, and the remotely attending member can see and hear, everyone attending the meeting in person and remotely. (e) Duties. The duties of the board are as follows: ( 1) Meet at least once every three (3) months and, when needed, the board, by a majority vote, may schedule additional meetings. In addition, meetings may be called; a. By the chair; or b. By one (1) member who may call for one (l) or more additional meetings by contacting the city clerk, and the city clerk will dete1mine if there are four (4) additional members who want to hold such meeting(s). (2) Recruit members. Each board member who has been appointed by a memberofthe city commission is responsible for recruiting people for nomination to fill any vacancy on the board. The city commission must approve all those who are nominated to fill a vacancy in the four ( 4) seats on the board that have not been directly appointed by a commission member in accordance with the city Charter. (3) Foster mutual understanding, tolerance, and respect among all economic, social, religious, sexual orientation, special needs (including the homeless), ages and ethnic groups in the city. Page6 of9 Ord. No. l 0-24-2495 (4) Cooperate in the development of educational programs dedicated to the improvement of community relations and enlist the support of civic leaders (religious, veterans, labor, industrial, commercial and charitable) and private agencies engaged in the inculcation of ideals of tolerance, mutual respect and understanding. (5) Recommend to the city manager ways to include all city residents in celebrations of city and national holidays. ( 6) Recommend to the city commission events that are designed to attract and include all city residents. (7) Recommend to the city commission ways to improve communication to all city residents, especially to those who are not computer literate. (8) Recommend to the city commission a plan for an internship program to develop future community leaders within the businesses, commercial, industrial and other agencies in the city. (9) Recommend to the city commission ways to build equity goals and plans into matters (resolutions and ordinances) that come before the commission. ( l 0) Recommend to the city commission ways to insure climate justice for all city residents. (1 1) To serve in an advisory capacity by making investigations, studies, reports and recommendations to the city commission, the city manager and her or his administration. and the community, in respect to all matters pertaining to the status of women in the city, including, but not limited to, the fail" and equal tt·eatment of women; those policies and practices which discriminate against women whether practiced by public or private persons, individuals or comorations; and, the public and private employment of women, the working and living conditions of women, the delivery of public and private services to women, and the education and training of women and public accommodations for women; including the working, educational and living conditions of young women; education and training; health, teen pregnancy and exposure to predatory crimes; availability of guality and accessible health services, educational, family and psychological counseling services; availability of meaningful employment for young women; discrimination and responsiveness of government to the needs of young women. (12) To make continuing studies with recommendations and reports of all city agencies, facilities, boards, services and programs dealing with or affecting women, including equal funding of such facilities, services and programs; ( 13) To appear before any governmental or non-governmental agency to present findings and recommendations on behalf of the board, as well as on behalf of the city with the approval of the city commission. (14) To solicit contributions, services and financial support from other governmental authorities, private businesses, groups, institutions and trust funds; and { 15) To serve as a liaison or infonnal mediator among the city commission, the city administration, the city employees and the users of city services and facilities. The board may consult with representatives of these groups from time to time as necessary to carry out the board's duties and functions. Page7of9 Ord. No. I 0-24-2495 (16) To study, report on and recommend needed improvements in the existence and delivery of needed medical, educational. criminal and social services for young women. (l 7} To appear before the mayor and city commission to deliver reports, recommendations. and requests for assistance. ri,8)JF94)J'icus-s~eij~tjj~~bydM1afiti~made;f@iiiji),;Jsu(fldmffiuJji)WJlle]aifuji;d39ardGan1i igjijijjlafltirehtrifunimlfatmtts1Ifor1pblil>yilintpfoyj'f;pel}t3utgym'eY¢6tifflijsToli¥ (~JID Recommend to the city commission such ordinances or resolutions as will aid in carrying out the purpose.q of this section. (~~ Apply for and recommend the acceptance of grants and donations to the city from foundations and others for the purpose of can-ying out the functions of the board. All grants must be approved and accepted by the city commission. t~~ Submit an annual report to the city manager and city commission. The report will cover educational programs, sensitivity training, grant..ci, interventions for persons in need, etc. (~gg) The board has the power and duty to: a. Examine the issues of any persons in need in the city; and b. Recommend to the city commission a comprehensive strategy to support all the people in need, including professional services, health services, and rehabilitation services. (~~) One (I) appointee will act as the LGBTQ liaison to serve as an accessible and friendly ear to the city's LGBTQ+ community and elevate LGBTQ-related concerns to the city commission. Section 3. Corrections. Confonning language or technical scrivener-type corrections may be made by the City Attorney for any conforming amendments to be incorporated into the final Ordinance for signature. Section 4. Severability. If any section, clause, sentence, or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, the holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 5. Conflicts. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances, resolutions or pa11s of resolutions, in conflict herewith, are repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 6. Implementatio11. That the City Manager and City Attorney are authorized to take any and all actions necessary to implement this Ordinance. Section 7. adoption. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon PASSED on first reading on the 19 th day of March, 2024. Page8of9 Ord. No. I 0-24-2495 PASSED AND ADOPTED on second reading on the 2"'1 day of April, 2024. ATTEST: CITYCL~~ READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM, LANGUAGE, LEGALITY AND EXECUTION THEREOF ~ WEISS SEROTA HELFMAN COLE & BIERMAN, P.L. CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED: Mayor Fernandez: Vice Mayor Bonich: Commissioner Call e: Commissioner Liebman: Commissioner Corey: Page 9 of9 3-1 Yea Nay Yea Absent Yea Agenda Item No:8. City Commission Agenda Item Report Meeting Date: April 2, 2024 Submitted by: Daniela Cimo Submitting Department: City Attorney Item Type: Ordinance Agenda Section: Subject: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE CITY CODE OF ORDINANCES TO ABOLISH THE COMMISSION FOR WOMEN ESTABLISHED PURSUANT TO SECTION 2-26 OF THE CODE AND THE JUNIOR COMMISSION FOR WOMEN ESTABLISHED PURSUANT TO SECTION 2-26.1 OF THE CODE, AND MERGING THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE TWO COMMISSIONS INTO SECTION 2-26.6. “COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD”; PROVIDING FOR CORRECTIONS; SEVERABILITY; CONFLICTS; IMPLEMENTATION; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 3/5 (COMMISSIONER COREY) Suggested Action: Attachments: Memo-CRB Ordinance-SR Ordinance Amending Sec. 2-26.6 Community Relations Board-SR MH Ad.pdf 1 CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO:The Honorable Mayor, Vice Mayor, and Members of the City Commission FROM:Lillian Arango and Tony Recio, City Attorneys CC:Genaro “Chip” Iglesias DATE:April 2, 2024 City Commission Meeting SUBJECT:AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE CITY CODE OF ORDINANCES TO ABOLISH THE COMMISSION FOR WOMEN ESTABLISHED PURSUANT TO SECTION 2-26 OF THE CODE AND THE JUNIOR COMMISSION FOR WOMEN ESTABLISHED PURSUANT TO SECTION 2-26.1 OF THE CODE, AND MERGING THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE TWO COMMISSIONS INTO SECTION 2-26.6. “COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD” (COMMISSIONER COREY) The accompanying Resolution was prepared and placed on the agenda at the request of Commissioner Corey. 2 6A .............................................................................................MIAMI HERALD FRIDAY MARCH 22 2024 In an effort to reduce weapons in schools,the Broward County School Board voted Wednesday to pay about half a million dollars to install metal detectors in 10 schools for the 2024 -202 5 school year. Currently,the district uses handheld metal de- tectors. “Metal detectors are not the answer or end all,be all,but we’ve seen the reduction of weapons found in other counties,” Broward County Superin- tendent Peter Licata told reporters after the board’s decision.“Also,we’ve seen a significant reduc- tion of vape pens.So that is a great consequence to it.” Charles W.Flanagan High School in Pembroke Pines and J.P.Taravella High School in Coral Springs will pilot the metal detectors during the sum- mer,Licata said. The district will pay $540,000 to install metal detectors at Flanagan and Taravella and eight other schools.Those schools will be announced in the next few weeks,Licata said.He expects the schools will be equipped with at least three each. Since the 202 2-2023 school year,Broward County Public Schools has had 220 weapons-related incidents and 3.6%of those incidents involved guns,according to the district. The district will start installing the metal detec- tors in high schools before gradually installing them in middle schools,Licata said. The decision came months after the district decided against requiring clear bookbags for this school year.The initial measure was meant to deter students from bring- ing weapons to schools. Raisa Habersham: @newsworthy17 Broward Public Schools will try metal detectors to catch weapons (and vapes) CARL JUSTE cjuste@miamiherald.com Broward County Public Schools Superintendent Peter Licata said Wednesday in Fort Lauderdale:‘Metal detectors are not the answer or end all,be all,but we’ve seen the reduction of weapons found in other counties.’ Fort Lauderdale police are asking for the public’s help to find a man they say sexually battered a woman last month. The attack happened Feb.2 7 around 2 a.m.on the 700 block of SE 16th Street,police said in a press release. A woman was walking on the 1600 block of South Federal Highway when a man began follow- ing close behind her in a gray Hyundai Sonata,said police spokeswoman Casey Liening.Shortly after,Liening said the man,who had a handgun, got out of the car and demanded money from the woman. When she refused to give him the cash,he dragged her into the car and sexually battered her at gunpoint,Liening said. She escaped and ran away. Security-camera footage released by police shows the car in the area before the attack. Police said the man is clean-shaven,with short dark hair and a medium build.The car’s windows had dark tint,Liening described.Police also released a sketch of the man based on the victim’s description. “He was possibly wear- ing a white T-shirt with a dark- colored sweater and long dark pants,” Liening said. Detectives are asking for anyone with information or video of the attack to contact Detective Sgt.Hector Martinez at 954-828-5510 or Detective Christopher Chylack at 943-828-5535.Information can also be provided anony- mously by contacting Bro- ward County Crime Stop- persat 954-493-TIPS (8477). David Goodhue: 305-923-9728, @DavidGoodhue Fort Lauderdale police are looking for sexual-battery suspect.He could be armed Sketch of suspect 12