Ord No 04-21-2394ORDINANCE NO.04-21-2394
An Ordinance amending Section 20-2.3 of the City of South Miami's Land
Development Code to amend several definitions and affecting the ownership, sale,
lease and mortgage of unified parcels and two-family dwellings.
WHEREAS, the Land Development Code (LDC) defines terms used throughout the code; and
WHEREAS, the term Unity of Title is narrowly defined and precludes situations where more than
one person or entity has an ownership interest in a property; and
WHEREAS, ownership of property by more than one person or entity is not uncommon; and
WHEREAS, the terms used to describe places of habitation are confusing, redundant and use other
words that are neither used or defined in the LDC; and
WHEREAS, on January 12, 2021, the Planning Board held a public hearing on the ordinance and
voted unanimously to recommend approval of the proposed amendment; and
WHEREAS, the City desires to amend the definitions section of the LDC.
Section 1. The foregoing recitals are hereby ratified and incorporated by reference as if fully set
forth herein and as the legislative intent of this Ordinance.
Section 2. Section 20-2.3 Definitions of the City's Land Development Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
Section 20-2.3 Definitions.
Dwelling or Dwelling Unit. Sall Means a buildi structure or a ortion of a structure occupied
exclusively for residential purposes by one (1) ef-a family .aandGGA$iS+lr` of met FneFe than „Re (1)
housekeeping unit tham is ---Red fGF Geeking, diF;*I;Q. 606ali��iqg living 9F�:� sleeping . Each
Dwelling Unit is limited to one kitchen. . The word
"Ddwelling" includes , single-family houses, and each of the units
of two-family homes, duplexes townhouses, and multi -family structures. dwek;gsl Fees,
ree ng units and as well as the general premises where the unit is located, but sha4 does not include
recreational vehicles or camp trailers.
Dwelling, multi -family. Sbalt Means a residential structure designed f9F GF GGGUpiedby with three
(3) or more Dwelling Units, each occupied by one (1) family. families.
Dwelling, single-family. Shall Means a residential structure surrounded by a yard or other open
space on the same lot, designed for or occupied exclusively by one (1) family. It does not include spaces
that meet the definition of and are occupied as Rooming Units.
Page 1 of 3
Ord. No. 04-21-2394
Dwelling, townhouse. (See "Townhouse").
Dwelling, two-family. Shall Means a residential structure designed for eF-ass .. 4-by two (2)
families. Two-family dwellings structures may take the form of split levelduplexes two-story structures,
where the two (2) dwellings in the structure are placed one over the other in whole or in part; or semi-
detached "twin" dwellings, where the two (2) units in the building are separated by a common wall. In either
case, each unit in a two-family structure has a separate access and is serviced independently of the
aAother. Each of the two units may be owned separately and conveyed separately provided the owner(s)
of the two units create a master operating agreement by recording a covenant that conforms to the
substance of Section 33-257(2)[Ord. No. 98-125, -421, 9-3-981 of the Miami -Dade County Code.
as sepaFate living quaFteFs by a single family OF otheF 9FOUP Of PeFSGRG living tGgetheF as a h9usehold, GF
Unity of title. A covenant running with and binding the land, executed by pad-betweeA one or more a
property owners whereby the property ownerL , for a specified consideration
iven by the City, agrees that the lots and/or parcels of land that are required
to be united by the City's Land Development Code shal-may not be conveyed, sold, transferred, devised,
assigned, mortgaged aAdEor leased separate and apart from each other and that they shad must be held
together as one tract with the understanding that: (a) If there are multiple offices, apartments, or
condominium units, the Unity of Title does not prohibit the leasing of individual offices, or apartment units,
the recording of a declaration of condominium on the Property or the individual sale of condominium
units, provided the conveying or leasing document is approved as to form and substance by the City
Attorney and stating that it is subject to and bound by the Unity of Title and that the Unity of Title takes
precedence and governs any ambiguity or conflict between the two documents: and (b) the Unity of Title
does not prohibit a sale or mortgage of one or more of the unified parcels provided the applicable
conveyance or mortgage document, approved as to form and substance by the City Attorney, contains the
same terms, condition, restrictions and understandings as the Unity of Title. Nothing contained herein may
be construed to exempt property from taxation when the property is not tax exempt at the time of the
unification of title.
Section 3. Corrections. Conforming language or technical scrivener -type corrections may be
made by the City Attorney for any conforming amendments to be incorporated into the final ordinance for
Section 4. Codification. The provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made part of the
City of South Miami Code of Ordinances as amended; that the sections of this ordinance may be
renumbered or re -lettered to accomplish such intention; and that the word "ordinance" may be changed to
"section" or other appropriate word.
Section S. Ordinances in Conflict. All ordinances or parts of ordinances and all sections and
parts of sections of ordinances in direct conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
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Ord.No. 04-21-2394
Section 6. Severabitity. If any section, clause, sentence, or phrase of this ordinance is for any
reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, this holding shall not affect the
validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance.
Section 7. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective upon enactment.
PASSED AND ENACTED this 16", day of February, 2021.
N , Z y
151 Reading - 2/2/21
2nd Reading - 2/16/21
7�, ?��
Mayor Philips:
Vice Mayor Welsh:
Commissioner Harris:
Commissioner Liebman:
Commissioner Gil:
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Agenda Rem No:5.
City Commission Agenda Item Report
Meeting Date: February 16, 2021
Submitted by: Jane Tompkins
Submitting Department: Planning & Zoning Department
Rem Type: Ordinance
Agenda Section:
An Ordinance amending Section 20-2.3 of the City of South Miami's Land Development Code to amend several
definitions and affecting the ownership, sale, lease and mortgage of unified parcels and two-family dwellings.
3/5 (City Manager -Planning Dept.)
Suggested Action:
Definitions —Amendments —Cover —Memo (2).docx
ORD_Amending_Defin itions01.12.2021PBdAmendmentsCArevSPCArev2.docx
P13-21-001- Final PB ReguIarMeeting Minutes Excerpt - 01-12-2021.pdf
ORD_Amending_Definitions01.12.2021PBdAmendments (1).docx
MDBR Ad.pdf
Miami Herald Ad.pdf
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission
VIA: Shari Kamali, City Manager
FROM: Jane K. Tompkins, AICP, Planning Director
DATE: February 16, 2021
An Ordinance amending Section 20-2.3 of the City of South Miami's Land Development
Code to amend several definitions and affecting the ownership, sale, lease and
mortgage of unified parcels and two-family dwellings.
Recently, staff discovered some problems with the Land Development Code (LDC) that seemed
best addressed through amendments to the definitions section (Sec. 20-2.3). The first problem
concerns two-family dwellings and was discovered when the developer of a new two-family
dwelling tried to sell the units separately. Although separate ownership of the units in these
structures is typical, the LDC does not clearly recognize this possibility. Consequently, the county
has denied the developer's request to create two separate folios for the property. Staff believes
the best solution to this problem is an amendment to the definitions to recognize that the units
may be conveyed separately.
The second problem staff wishes to address concerns developments with multiple owners. The
LDC currently allows multiple lots to be developed as one project if the lots are owned by the
same entity; this is called a unity of title. However, the code doesn't contemplate situations
where the properties have different owners. Staff believes changes to the definition can resolve
this problem as well.
The proposed ordinance amends the dwelling, two-family definition to confirm that separate
ownership of the units is permitted. Minor changes to the other dwelling types are proposed to
improve clarity, accuracy and consistency with the regulations. Unity of title is amended to
recognize the possibility of multiple ownership and the rights of individual owners to mortgage,
lease and convey their interests.
After a public hearing on January 12, 2021, the Planning Board unanimously recommended
approval of the proposed ordinance with two amendments. The Board's amendments have been
incorporated in the attached ordinance.
PB-21-001— Definitions amendment
February 2, 2021
Page 2 of 2
Staff recommends approval of the proposed ordinance.
• Draft Ordinance
• City Notice of Public Hearing
• Legal Ad
Regular Meeting Minutes Excerpt
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
07:00 P.M.
The City of South Miami Code of Ordinances, Section 8A-5, requires that all lobbyists, as defined in that section,
must register with the City Clerk before engaging in any lobbying activities and in most cases pay an annual fee of
$500.00 and an additional S100 for each additional issue. This applies to all persons who are retained with or
without compensation to influence any action, decision, recommendation of someone with the city, including the
city manager, city attorney, department heads, city personnel, or members of the city commission or members of
any city board, concerning a matter that could foreseeably be address by the city commission or a city
board. There are some exceptions and exemptions. The following are not considered to be lobbyist: a
representative of a principal at a quasi-judicial hearing, experts who present scientific or technical information at
public meetings, representatives of a neighborhood association without compensation and representatives of a
not -for -profit community based organization for the purpose of requesting a grant who seek to influence without
special compensation.
Individuals who wish to view or listen to the meeting in its entirety, audio and video versions of the
meeting can be found on the city's website (www.southmiamifl.eov).
Call to Order
Action: Ms. Ruiz called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M.
Mr. Pepe provided the Board and public with the rules for the meeting.
II. Roll Call
Board Members Present Constituting a Quorum: Ms. Mary Ann Ruiz (Chairperson), Mr. Jay Miller
(Vice -Chairperson), Mr. Lee Jacobs, Mr. Brian Corey, Mr. Bruce Baldwin and Ms. Lisa Bonich.
Board Members Absent: Mr. Orlando Borges
City Staff Present: Ms. Jane Tompkins (Planning Director), and Mr. Marcus Lightfoot (Senior
Planner/Zoning Administrator).
City Staff Absent: None.
City Attorney: Mr. Thomas Pepe.
III. Administrative Matters
1. Election of Chairman and Vice -Chairman
Mr. Pepe provided the Board with an explanation as to why the elections were on the agenda.
Ms. Ruiz then stated that she was appointed chair at the after the City elections that were held in
February 2020. Mr. Pepe then asked Staff if they had any competent and substantial evidence to
support the election being held at the meeting. Ms. Tompkins responded that she did not have
any competent or substantial evidence. She then added that it has been the past practice to hold
the elections in January. In the past, the Board has waited to discuss the item until all of the
members are present. Ms. Ruiz stated that it was a good idea to wait since not all of the Board
members were present. She then asked the Board if they agreed, to which the members of the
Board agreed.
Ms. Ruiz informed the Board that all future Planning Board meetings will continue via Zoom until
further notice.
IV. Public Hearings:
1. PB-21-001
Applicant: The City of South Miami
An Ordinance amending Section 20-2.3 of the City of South Miami's Land Development Code to
amend several definitions and affecting the ownership, sale, lease and mortgage of unified
parcels and two-family dwellings.
Applicant: The City of South Miami, represented by Ms. Jane Tompkins, AICP (Planning Director)
Ms. Ruiz read PB-21-001 into the record.
Ms. Tompkins presented the staff report to the Board.
The Chairperson opened the floor to public comments on PB-21-001.
• None
The Chairperson closed the floor to public comments on PB-21-001.
Mr. Corey asked a question about the relation between the changes proposed in the draft
ordinance, to which Ms. Tompkins responded that there was no relation between the proposed
changes. Staff identified a problem with the "Two -Family Dwelling" use and took the opportunity
to clean up some other changes as well.
Mr. Miller asked if the builder built the property knowing that he was going to have this issue and
felt that it would be easier to ask the City for a split into two (2) separate properties once the
project was finished. Ms. Tompkins responded that if it was the City's intent that the property
should have been split, it should have been stated during the planning phases of the project and
not issue the building permit. Jay then asked if the City knew what the developer was proposing
to do, to which Ms. Tompkins stated yes. Mr. Miller then asked if the City knew of his intent to
sell each unit individually, to which Ms. Tompkins stated that she could not answer that question
because those discussions took place prior to her working for the City. Mr. Pepe added that
Miami -Dade County was giving individual folio numbers to townhouses and condominiums but
not for two-family dwellings. Mr. Pepe then stated that the issue was with Miami -Dade County
and explained that the County has a process that requires a covenant running with the land that
would address the developer's problems. He then stated that it was easier to revise the definition
so that it refers to the Miami -Dade County regulations.
Mr. Miller asked for clarification on the amendment to the definition of the Unity of Title. Ms.
Tompkins explained that Baptist Hospital has multiple properties owned by various for profit and
non-profit branches of the company. Baptist wants to use one of the properties as a parking lot,
but the Land Development Code (LDC) does not allow for a stand-alone parking lot in their zoning
district, so the solution seemed to develop it as part of one of the office buildings and not be a
stand-alone parking lot.
Mr. Pepe stated that because Baptist has various branches that are either non-profit or for profit,
they may try to bring all of their properties under the non-profit branch so that they're all tax
exempt. Mr. Miller asked if the owner uses two (2) entities, are they going to use the non-profit
entity to use the additional protections created by non-profit status. Mr. Pepe stated that
additional language could be added to address the non-profit status of the business. The Board
then held a discussion on the non-profit status of an entity.
Mr. Jacobs asked if the draft ordinance was an effort to make nonconforming duplexes conform
to the LDC, to which Ms. Tompkins stated no. if the new legislation is approved, it would allow for
them to be sold separately. Mr. Jacobs there were some setback requirements that weren't
included in the project for duplex. Ms. Tompkins stated that the zoning district has setback
requirements for duplexes.
Mr. Jacobs asked if the following statement in the draft ordinance was new:
"...recording a covenant that conforms to the substance of Section 33-257(2)[Ord.
No. 98-125, §21, 9-3-98] of the Miami -Dade County Code and that is approved as
to form and substance by the City Attorney."
Mr. Jacobs then asked if the City Attorney will be reviewing each project. Ms. Tompkins responded
that the whenever a project requires a covenant, the City Attorney reviews it before it is signed
by the City.
Ms. Ruiz stated that part of her professional work involves condominiums and homeowner
associations. She then asked if covenants for homeowner's associations and condominiums would
need to be approved by the City Attorney as well which is something that she's never heard of.
She then stated that Mr. Pepe stated that the language was added because we are using requiring
that the covenant conforms to substance of the regulations listed in Miami -Dade County's Code
of Ordinances, which gives the City Attorney the authority to review and confirm that it is in
compliance with the substance. Mr. Pepe then added that the regulations listed in the Miami -
Dade County Code of Ordinances doesn't exactly fit this situation. Because of that, the language
was added so that the covenant could be reviewed to make sure it complies with the substance
in the County Code of Ordinances.
Ms. Ruiz asked what the requirements were, to which Mr. Pepe stated that those requirements
weren't added. Ms. Ruiz then stated that there may be issues with looking into the form and
substance of a project's covenant, to which Mr. Pepe stated they he would be looking to whether
the covenant meets the form and substance of the County regulations. After discussing the issue
with the City Attorney's review of the covenants, Mr. Pepe responded that he would remove the
statement from the ordinance.
With no further discussion, the Board made a motion on the item.
Ms. Ruiz asked Mr. Pepe what language should be added to the Unity of Title portion of the
ordinance. Mr. Pepe responded that the following language should be added at the end of the
Unity of Title Definition:
"Nothing contained herein may be construed to exempt property that is non -tax
exempt at the time of the unification of title."
Motion: Ms. Ruiz moved to amend PB-21-001 and add the following changes:
1. Removal of Line #54 and Line #55 where it states "...approval as to form and substance by the
City Attorney." in the "Two -Family" section of the ordinance; and
2. To add the following statement at the end of the new definition:
"Nothing contained herein may be construed to exempt property that is non -tax
exempt at the time of the unification of title. "
Ms. Bonich seconded the motion.
Vote: Yes 6. No 0 (None)
Mr. Miller: Yes
Ms. Bonich: Yes
Mr. Baldwin: Yes
Mr. Jacobs: Yes
Mr. Corey: Yes
Ms. Ruiz: Yes
The motion to amend PB-21-001 was approved unanimously.
Motion: Ms. Ruiz moved to approve PB-21-001 as amended. Ms. Bonich seconded the motion.
Vote: Yes 6. No 0 (None)
Mr. Miller: Yes
Ms. Bonich: Yes
Mr. Baldwin: Yes
Mr. Jacobs: Yes
Mr. Corey: Yes
Ms. Ruiz: Yes
The motion to approve PB-21-001 as amended was approved unanimously.
V. Public Comments/New Business
The Chairperson opened the floor for public comments and any new business.
Public Comments Section
There were no Public Comments.
New Business Section
There were no Public Comments.
The Chairperson opened the floor for public comments and any new business.
VI. Approval of the Minutes
1. Planning Board Regular Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2020:
Ms. Ruiz moved to approve the meeting minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Vote: Yes 6. No 0 (None)
Mr. Miller: Yes
Ms. Bonich: Yes
Mr. Baldwin: Yes
Mr. Jacobs: Yes
Mr. Corey: Yes
Ms. Ruiz: Yes
The motion to approve the meeting minutes was unanimously approved by the Board.
VII. Future Meeting Date: February 9, 2021
VIII. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 P.M.
'01N 7I: ra\:Eli =1a*]
3 An Ordinance amending Section 20-2.3 of the City of South Miami's Land
4 Development Code to amend several definitions and affecting the ownership, sale,
5 lease and mortgage of unified parcels and two-family dwellings.
7 WHEREAS, the Land Development Code (LDC) defines terms used throughout the code; and
9 WHEREAS, the term Unity of Title is narrowly defined and precludes situations where more than
10 one person or entity has an ownership interest in a property; and
12 WHEREAS, ownership of property by more than one person or not uncommon; and
14 WHEREAS, the terms used to describe places of habitatio fusing, redundant and use other
15 words that are neither used or defined in the LDC; and
17 WHEREAS, on January 12, 2021, the Planning B el public g on the ordinance and
18 voted unanimously to recommend approval of the propo a ment; and
20 WHEREAS, the City desires to amend the definitions sect(pn of the LDC
24 -''
25 Section 1. The foregoing recitals are hereby ratified and incorporated by reference as if fully set
26 forth herein and as the legislative intent of this Ordinance.
28 Section 2. Section 20-2.3 Definitions of the Citynd Devel entCode is hereby amended to
29 read as follows:
31 Section 20-2.3 Definitions.
32 ` * '
33 Dwelling-or.Dwelling Unit. Shall Means a buildiag-structure, or a portion of a structure. occupied
34 exclusively for residential purposes and consisting of not more than one (1) family h9usekeeph4q-wP,4-that
35 is used for cooking, dining, socializing. Nwng-eF and sleeping purposes. The word "dwelling" includes shall
36 he reeler to nce reeFRer nG^ d^^Ffib edte FtG i^^' ode-dwelling-ualts single-family houses, two-family, duplexes townhouses, multi -family
37 dwellings, reeFaing#reuse& reoPaingtAn is and premises, but sh" does not include recreational vehicles
38 or camp trailers
39 Dwelling, multi -family. Shah Means a residential structure designed f9F-er essupied by with three
40 (3) or more units, each occupied by one (1) family tarailies-
41 Dwelling, single-family. Shall Means a residential structure surrounded by a yard or other open
42 space on the same lot, designed for or occupied exclusively by one (1) family. It does not include spaces
43 that meet the definition of and are occupied as Rooming Units.
44 PW811;Rg, siAgle family detaghed. Shall FPeaR a single family dwelling surrounded by yards o
45 other open spaces on the RarnA Int.
46 Dwelling, townhouse. (See "Townhouse").
Dwelling, two-family. Shag Means a residential structure designed for er essupied by two (2)
families. Two-family dwellings structures may take the form of split level duplexes two-story structures,
where the two (2) dwellings in the structure are placed one over the other in whole or in part; or semi-
detached "twin" dwellings, where the two (2) units in the building are separated by a common wall. In
either case, each unit in a two-family structure has a separate access and is serviced independently of
the aaother. Each of the two units may be owned separately and conveyed separately provided the
31101- : r — rrlmr=
Unity of title. A covenant running with and binding the land. executed by and hebAFRPA one or more a
property owners and the Gity ef South Miami, whereby the property owner(s), for a specified
consideration ig yen by the City, agrees that the lots and/or parcels of land 49
site that are required to be united by the Citv's Land Development Code spalL-may_nct be conveyed, sold,
transferred, devised, assigned, mortgagedaadI r leased separate and apart from each other and that
they sha44 must be held together as one tract with the understanding that: (a) If there are multiple offices.
apartments, or condominium units, the Unity of Title does not prohibit the leasing of individual offices or
Section 3. Corrections. Conforming language or technical scrivener -type corrections may be
made by the City Attorney for any conforming amendments to be incorporated into the final ordinance for
Section 4. Codification. The provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made part of the
City of South Miami Code of Ordinances as amended; that the sections of this ordinance may be
renumbered or re -fettered to accomplish such intention; and that the word "ordinance" may be changed to
"section" or other appropriate word.
Section 6. Ordinances in Conflict All ordinances or parts of ordinances and all sections and
parts of sections of ordinances in direct conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
Section 6. Severability. If any section, clause, sentence, or phrase of this ordinance is for any
reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, this holding shall not affect the
validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance.
Section 7. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective upon enactment.
PASSED AND ENACTED this _ day of 2021.
10 Reading
2nd Reading
Mayor Philips:
Vice Mayor Welsh
Commissioner Harris:
Commissioner Liebman.
Commissioner Gil.
Publisnod Del, except Saturday. Sunday and
Legal Hoficul
Miami, Mu a! ade County. Florida
Before the undersigned authority personalty appeared
GUILLERMO GARCIA, who on oath says that he or she Is the
DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, Legal Notices of the Miami Daly
Business Review We Miami Review, a daily (except
Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper,
published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the
attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement
of Notice in the matter of
In the XXXX Court,
was published in said newspaper in the issues of
Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business
Review is a newspaper published at Miami, in said Miami -Dade
County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore
been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida
each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and
has been entered as second clan mail matter at the post
office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County. Fonda, for a period
of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached
copy of advertisement; and agent further says that he or she
has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation
any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of
searing this advertisement for publication in the said
Sword to and subscribed before me this
5 dayA FEBRUARY, A.D. 2021
GUILLERMO GARCIA personalty known to met
1 Commission 4 GG 277771
i,yro1 Expires November 19, 2922
Boded TNuTmy FaN Insurance EM4*7619
In order to balance the need for the City of South Miami to function and
conduct vital business during the COVID 19 pandemic and, at the same
time, to protect the health, safety and welfare of its citirens, officers, officials
and administrative staff, and pursuant City of South Miami Code, Chapter
286.011, Fla.Stat, the City's Home Rule Powers, and the Governor's and
City Manager's declaration of a state of emergency due to the Coronavirus,
the City will be holding its City Commission Meeting VIRTUALLY through
communications media technology (CMT) until the state of emergency has
ended or social distancing is no longer required by any relevant Executive
Orders. Governor DeSantis's Executive Order (EO.) Number 20-69 suspended
that portion of Section 166.041(4), Fla. Star.. that required a quorum to be
present to adopt resolutions and enact ordinances. The Attorney General
has interpreted this to mean that a quorum must be physically present. If
E.O. No. 20-69 is extended, City staff and all Commission members will
participale by video conferencing through the Zoom platform and members of
the public may join the meeting via Zoom at (h_itpsl�zoo�3o5 6636F-3-38J and
participate. If E.O. No. 20,69 is not extended, a minimum of three members
of the City Commissioner will be physically present in the City Commission
Chambersl and they will be broadcast on the Zoom platform along with all
other members of the Commission, City Staff and the public who may attend
remotely from the Commission Chambers and from other locations.
The meeting is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, February16, 2021 at
7:00 p.m. to consider the fellovring public hearing'dem(5):
An Ordinance amending Section 20-4.4 of the City o1 South Miami's
Land Development Code to amen the parking standards.
An Ordinance amending Section 20.2.3 of the City of South Miami's
Land Development Code to amend several definitions and affecting the
ownership, sale, lease and mortgage of unified parcels and two-family
It you desire to present evidence or you are unable to use Zoom, there are
procedures to follow and other options available including a dedicated
phone line to listen and participate in the meeting and limited public
attendance, all of which is set forth In the meeting notice posted at City
Hall and at http;//cvnvw.�outhmiaLnifiaov/580/eLb_rLc-Meetings-NOtices.
Anyone who wishes to review pending application, supporting documentation or
who desire to have documents made available for viewing by everyone
during the meeting must contact the City Clerk by calling 305-663-6340.
C '�Oa+h "601 1
Note that pursuant to Flonda Statutes 286.0105, a person who decides to
appeal any decision made by a Board, Agency or Commission with respect to
ony matter considered at its meeting or hearing, a record of the proceedings
will be required for said appeal and such person will be required to have a
verbatim lranxtipt of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence
upon which the appeal is to be based.
ADA: To request a modification to a policy, practice or procedure or to re-
quest an auxiliary aide or service in order to participate in a City program,
activity or event, you must on or before 4:00 p.m. 3 business days before
the meeting (not counting the day of the meeting) deliver your request to
the City Clerk by telephone: 305-663-6340. by mail at 613o Sunset Drive,
South Miami, Florida or email at npaynelirsoulhmlamill.gov.
Nkenga A Payne, CMC
City Clerk
tThe minimum standards for adopting a resolution or enacting an ordinance are
set forth in 166.041(4) — A majority of the members of the governing body
shall constitute a quorum. An affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum
present is necessary to enact any ordinance or adopt any -6resolution.
Tourist snorkeling
near lighthouse off
Key West gives
signal, then dies,
police say
1fifmaOffaO --
A 42-year-old North
Carolina woman died Sun-
day after she signaled for
help while snorkeling off
Key West, police said.
Erica Michelle Brown
was taken to Lower Keys
Medical Came- on Stock
Island when , was pro-
1A, W.
A42-year-old North Carolina
woman died Jan. 31, 2021, after
signaling for help while snorkeling
off Key West, police said.
nounced dead at about 5:35
Brown had been snorkel-
ing near the Sand Key
Lighthouse with friends
and family on a Fury Water
Adventures Key West trip
when she began signaling
for help, according to Mon-
roe County Sheriffs Office
spokesman Adam Lin-
She was given CPR on
the Fury boat before being
transferred to a U.S. Coast
Guard boat, where CPR
continued, Unhardt said.
Brown was taken to
shore, where paramedics
were waiting. The sheriffs
office was notified of the
incident at 5:19 p.m.
Autopsy results are
pending, Linhardt said.
Gwen Filosa: KeyWestrGwen
Man's body is found in the water not far
from Eden Roc Hotel Miami Beach, cops say
nm IlwmamJv.J, r,
A 911 call came in
Wednesday afternoon
reporting that a body was
in the waterway, across the
street from the Eden Roc
Hotel Miami Reach.
When police arrived at
around 3:45 p.m_ near 45th
Street and Collns Avenue,
officers found a body float-
ing by the dock.
Police say the man did
not have am' idm[ification.
His body will be arms -
parted to the medical ex-
aminer's office, where an
autopsy will done to deter-
mine the cause ad death,
Miami Beach police are investigating after a man's body
was found in the bay near 45th Street and Collins Avenue.
In order to balance the need for the City of South Miami to function and conduct vital
business during the COVID 19 pandemic and, at the same time, to protect the health,
safety and welfare of Its cifuens, officers, officials and administrative staff, and pursuant
City of South Miami Code, Chapter 286.011. Fla. Slat, the City's Home Rule Powers,
and the Governor's and City Manager's declaration of a state of emergency due to the
Coronavirus, the City will be holding Its City Commission Meeting VIRTUALLY through
communications media technology (CMT) unlit the stale of emergency has ended or social
distancing Is no longer required by any relevant Executive Orders. Governor DeSantis's
Executive Order (E.O.) Number 20.69 suspended that potion of Section 166.041(4), Fla.
Stet., that required a quorum to be present to adopt resolutions and enact ordinances. The
Attorney General has interpreted this to mean that a quorum must be physically present.
If E.O. No. 20-691s extended, City staff and all Commission members will participate by
video confe mdrg through the Zoom platform and members of the public may join the
meeting via Zoom at (httns-//zoom.us/ /3056626338) and par8clpate. If E.O. No. 204191s
not extended, a mnimum of three members of the City Commissioner will be physically
present In the City Commission Chambers' and they WIN be broadcast on the Zoom
platform along with all other members of the Commission, City Staff and the public who
may attend remotely from the Commission Chambers and from other locations.
The meeting is scheduled to begin on Tuesday February 16 2021 at 7,00 p.m. to
consider the following public hearing ilem(s):
An Ordinance amending Section 20-4.4 of the City of South Miami's Land Development
Code to amend the parking standards.
An Ordinance amending Section 20-2.3 of the City of South Miami's Land
Development Coda to amend several definitions and affecting the ownership, axis,
lease and mortgage of unified parcels and two•famlly dwellings.
If you desire to present evidence or you are unable to use Zoom, there are procedures to
follow and other options available including a dedicated phone line to listen and participate
In the meeting and limited public attendance, all of which is set forth In the meeting notice
Posted at City Hall and at htt-1/iNvo••• 4h I mill aov/580'Publ'c-Mee6ng"otices.
Anyone who wishes to review pending application, supporting documentation or who
desire to have documents made available for viewing by everyone during the meeting
must contact the City Clerk by calling 305663-6340.
Note that pursuant to Florida Statutes 286.0105, a person who decides to appeal any
decision made by a Board, Agency or Commission with respect to any matter considered
at its meeting or hearing, a record of the proceedings will be required for said appeal and
such person will be required to have a verbatim transcript of the proceedings Including
the testimony and ev elence upon which the appeal Is to be based.
ADA: To request a modification to a policy, practice or procedure or to request an auxiliary
aide or service in order to participate In a City program, activity or event, you must on or
before 4:00 p.m.3 business days before the meeting (not counting the day of the meeting)
deliver your request to the City Clerk by telephone: 305-663-6340. by mall at 6130 Sunset
Drive, South Miami, Florida or email at npayn0southmlamlfi.gov.
Nkenga A. Payne, CMC
City Clerk
said Ernesto Rodrigues, a was immediately available. 'The minimum standards Ior adopting a resolution or enacting an ordinance are ad forth in
spokesman for Miami 166.041(Al " A majority of the members of the governing body shell constitute a quorum.
Beach police. Carh Teproff' An affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum present is necessary to enact any ordinance or
No other information 305-376-3587, @cteprpff adopt any resolution. "'