10ORDINANCE NO. ______ _ 2 3 An Ordinance amending the City of South Miami Code of Ordinances, 4 Chapter 2, Section 2-2.1 5 6 WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission desire to make major changes to 7 the City 's administrative procedure for Commission meetings. 8 9 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY 10 COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA: \I 12 Section 1. Chapter 2, Article I, Section 2-2. I of the Code of Ordinances , City 13 of South Miami , Florida , are hereby amended and shall read as follows: 14 15 Sec. 2-2.1. -Rules of procedure of ,Ceity ,Ceommission. 16 The following rules of procedure shall govern all meetings of the ,Ceity 17 ,Ceommission , namely: 18 (A) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 REGULAR MEETING . The Commission shall meet regularly at such times and places as may be prescribed by its rules but not less frequently than twice each month. The eity esmmissisll shall halel regular meetillgs, tY!lieally at 7 :()() !l .m. ell the first anel thirel Tueselays af eaell mantll. When the day set for any regular meeting falls on a day designated by law as a legal , public national or religious holiday , such meeting shall be held , the next day unless the 6IHI date ~ determined in advance by a majority of the Ceommission. Regular meetings may be otherwise postponed, cancelled , or reset by resolution ,.--adopted at a regular or special meeting by a majority of the entire membership of the Ceommission. All regular meetings shall typically be held in the Ceommission Cehambers located in the Ceity HIlal!. No meeting of the Ceity ,Ceommission shall extend later than II :00 p.m ., except upon super-majority vote ( 4 /5 vote) of members present at the meeting and such meeting extensions shall not exceed midnight. Any and all items not considered at tllat meeting anel that are nat taBled , eleferreel inelefinilely will Be autamatieally deferreel ta the by this limitation time period will be deferred to the next regularly scheduled Ceommission meeting. 36 (B) SPECIAL MEETING ; WORKSHOP MEETING and SUNSHINE MEETINGS. 37 A special meeting, sunshine meeting (a meeting of two (2) or more members of 38 the ,Ceity Ceommission to discuss any matter that may foreseeably come before 39 the ,Ceommission for action) or a work shop meeting of the Ceity Ceommission 40 may be called by the Mmayor whenever, in his opinion , the public business may 41 require it , or whenever three (3) or more members of the Ceity Ceommi ss ion 42 reque st a special or workshop meeting or two (2) or more members of the ,Ceity 43 Ceommission request a sunshine meeting. Whenever a s pecial, sunshine or 44 workshop meeting shall be called by the Mmayor, a notice in writing signed by 45 the Mmayor shall be served on the Ceity ,Celerk , and whenever a special , 46 sunshine or workshop meeting shall be called by three (3) or more members of Page 1 of 14 /0 1 the Ceity Ceommission, notice in writing signed shall be sent by such 2 ~eommission members sllall Be served in writing Hfl6fl-!Q...the ~eity ~elerk. The 3 ~elerk shall forthwith serve either verbal or written notice upon each member of 4 the Ceity ~eommission, the Mmayor, the ~eity Mmanager and the Ceity 5 Aattorney, stating the date and hour of the meeting, and the purpose for which 6 such meeting is called, and no other business shall be transacted at that meeting 7 other than that for which the meeting was called. The twenty-four-hour time 8 limit may be waived in time of public emergency affecting life, health, property 9 or safety. The Celerk, shall ensure that written notice is sent to the Mmayor and 10 all of the members of the Ceity ~eommission informing them of the date, time 11 and place of the special, sunshine or workshop meeting at least twenty-four (24) 12 hours in advance of the meeting. A copy of said notice is to be posted in a 13 prominent and conspicuous place at Ceity Hllall not less than twenty-four (24) 14 hours prior to such meeting. The twenty-four hour time limitations may be 15 ignored in time of public emergency affecting life, health, property or safety 16 unless a super-majority (four fifths (4/5)) of the members of the city commission 17 vote against ignoring the time limitation. The minutes of each special, sunshine 18 or workshop meeting shall include the manner and method by which notice of 19 such special, sunshine or workshop meeting was given, or shall state the reason 20 why the notice was not given as required by this section. All special, sunshine or 21 workshop meetings shall be open to the public and shall be held at Ceity Hllall 22 unless four days notice is provided. For the purposes of this paragraph, the 23 leaving of a copy of the written notice at the residence of the Mmayor or any 24 Ceommissioner shall constitute service of written notice on such Mmayor and 25 ~eommissioner. All written notices that are required by this section to be sent, 26 may shall be sent in any form of communication that appears in text format, 27 such as an email, and that can be printed by each Commissioner. 28 (C) AGENDA. There shall be an official agenda for every meeting of the 29 Ceommission, prepared by the city manager, and assembled and distributed by 30 the ~eity Celerk, which shall determine the order of business conducted at the 31 meeting. The Ceommission shall not take action upon any item, matter or 32 business (~eity business) which is not listed upon the official agenda without 33 approval of at least three (3) ~eommission members present at such regular 34 meeting to add such Ceity business to the official agenda. The official agenda 35 shall be pfepared compiled by the ~elerk in appropriate form approved by the 36 Ceommission. City business may be placed on the agenda by the Mayor maysf, 37 the ~eity Mmanager, any City Commissioner and the City Attorney. A physical 38 agenda books, if requested in writing by a member of the ~eity Ceommission, 39 will be compiled pfepafed by the ~elerk's Ooffice and will be placed in the 40 ~eommissioner's mailbox in Ceity Hllall by the Clerk. The agenda package will 41 also to the extent possible be uploaded into the ~eity's cloud server or similar 42 electronic location and on the ~eity's webpage, at least seventy-two (72) hours 43 prior to any regularly scheduled meeting, and twenty-four (24) hours prior to 44 any special, sunshine or workshop meeting. The twenty-four hour time limit 45 may be ignored in time of public emergency affecting life, health, property or Page 2 of 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I 12 \3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 safety, unless a super-majority (four-fifths (4/5)) of the members of the Ceity Coommission vote against ignoring the time limitation. Except for emergencies, no item will be placed on the agenda of a regular meeting of the Ceommission which has not been delivered to the ~eity Celerk by noon on the Wednesday preceding such regular meeting, excepting as provided in this subsection 2-2.1 (C). (1) Add-ons: No business shall be conducted at a regular meeting that is not reflected in the official agenda unless the official agenda is amended or supplemented to reflect additional business ("add-on items") to be conducted at said meeting ("add-on agenda") and unless the add-on agenda is posted and delivered to the ~eity ~oommission. The add-on agenda items must be delivered to the Ceity Ceerk no later than 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting and must be posted on the Ceity's website no later than 5 :00 p.m., and, at substantially the same time, it shall be forwarded to the members of the Ceity Coommission before the commencement of the relevant meeting, electronically or by any comparable means. The Ceity Celerk is further directed to make said add-on item(s) available to the public at the entrance to the eommission ehambers meeting location during every ~oommission meeting. The ~eity ~elerk shall at the end of the consent agenda, read into the record the title of any proposed add-on item(s) sought to be placed on that agenda. Nothing herein shall affect the requirement that any add-on item can only be placed on the agenda by the approval of the majority vote of the ~eity ~oommission. The time limit may be ignored in time of public emergency affecting life, health, property or safety, unless a super-majority (four-fifths (4/5)) of the members of the ~eity Coommission vote against ignoring the time limitation. (2) Workshops, sunshine and special meeting: No Ceity business may be conducted at a special, sunshine or workshop meeting other than that for which thets meeting was called. (3) Removal oj business: Any agenda item that has been tabled without a time certain shall automatically be removed from the agenda if not acted upon during the three (3) succeeding regular ~oommission meetings following the date of said tabling. If a proposed ordinance has been automatically removed for lack of action, it may only be re-introduced as a first reading of the ordinance. 36 (C.l) APPOINTMBl'ITS. The mayor shall notify eaeh eommissioner in writing 37 of appointments made by him not less than seven (7) days prior to the meeting at 38 vehieh it is proposed the appointments be approved and eonfirmed by the 39 eommlsslon. 40 (D) CALL TO ORDER. The Mmayor, or in his absence the Vice -Mmayor, shall 41 take the chair precisely at the hour appointed for the meeting, and shall 42 immediately call the ~eommission to order. In his absence or the absence of the 43 Viice -Mmayor, the ~ety ~elerk shall call the ~eommission to order, 44 whereupon a temporary chairmanperson shall be elected by the members of the Page 3 of 14 ~wmmission present. Upon the arrival of the Mmayor or Viice-Mmayor, the 2 temporary chairmaHperson shall immediately relinquish the chair upon the 3 conclusion of the business immediately before the Cwmmission. 4 (E) ROLL CALL AND QUORUM. Before proceeding with the business of the 5 ~wmmission, the ~eity ~elerk or his deputy shall call the roll of the members 6 and the names of those present shall be entered in the minutes. Four members of 7 the Cwmmission shall constitute a quorum whether present physically or 8 through a means of communication that will allow the member to hear the entire 9 proceedings in which he or she participates and to be heard by those in 10 attendance at the meeting. Upon affidavit by the ~eity Mmanager, filed with the II Ceity ~elerk, that an emergency exists which will affect the health, safety or 12 welfare of the citizens of the Ceity, three (3) members shall constitute a quorum 13 for such emergency matters and the meeting shall be limited to only those 14 emergency matters. The minutes of such meeting shall reflect the filing of the 15 affidavit. 16 (F) READING OF MINUTES. Unless a reading of the minutes of a Cwmmission 17 meeting is requested by a member of the Cwmmission, such minutes may be 18 approved without reading if the Celerk has previously furnished each member 19 with a synopsis thereof. 20 (G) RULES OF DEBATE; QUESTION UNDER CONSIDERATION. 21 (I) Priority of motions. When a motion is presented and seconded, it is under 22 consideration and no other motion shall be received thereafter, except to 23 adjourn, to lay on the table, to postpone, or to amend until the question is 24 decided. These motions shall have preference in the order in which they are 25 mentioned and shall be decided without debate. Final action upon a pending 26 motion may be deferred until the next regular meeting by a majority of the 27 members present. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 (2) Getting the floor; improper references to be avoided. Every member desiring to speak shall address the chair, and upon recognition by the presiding officer, shall confine himself to the question under debate, avoiding all personalities and indecorous language. The Mmyor and chair of board or committee shall have the right to participate in the debate of all motions and issues without relinquishing his or her right to preside over the meeting as chairperson. (3) interruptions. A member, once recognized, shall not be interrupted when speaking unless it be to call him to order, or as herein otherwise provided. If a member, while speaking, be called to order, he shall cease speaking until the question of order be determined, and, if in order, he shall be permitted to proceed. (4) Privilege of closing debate. The ~eommissioner moving the adoption of an ordinance or resolution shall have the privilege of closing the debate. Page 4 of 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 (5) Motion to reconsider. A motion to reconsider any action taken by the ~€Ommission may be made only on the day such action was taken. It may be made either immediately during the same session, or at a recessed or adjourned session thereof. Such motion must be made by one of the prevailing side, but may be seconded by any member; it shall be debatable. (6) Remarks of ~eommissioner; when entered in minutes. A ~€Ommissioner may request, through the presiding officer, the privilege of having an abstract of his statement of any subject under consideration by the C€Ommission entered in the minutes. If the ~eommission consents thereto, such statement shall be entered in the minutes. (7) Synopsis of debate; when entered in the minutes. The Celerk may be directed by the presiding officer, with consent of the C€Ommission, to enter in the minutes a synopsis of the discussion on any question coming regularly before the ~€Ommission. 15 (H) ADDRESSING THE COMMISSION. Any person desiring to adderss the 16 ~€Ommission shall first secure the permission of the presiding officer s&-to do 17 so; provided, however, that under the following hearings of business, unless the 18 presiding officer rules otherwise, any qualified persons may address the 19 C€Ommission without securing such prior permission. 20 (1) Written communications. Interested parties or their authorized 21 representatives may address the ~€Ommission by written communications 22 in regard to matters then under discussion. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 (2) Oral communications. Taxpayers or residents of the ~eity, or their authorized legal representatives, may address the C€Ommission by oral communications Of!! any matter concerning the ~eity's business, or any matter over which the C€Ommission has control; pfSviaea, however that preference shall be given to those persons who may have notified the Ceity ~elerk in advance of their desire to speak in order that the _matter in question may appear on the agenda of the C€Ommission. (3) Reading of protests, etc. Interested persons or their authorized representatives may address the ~€Ommission by reaaing of protests, petitisns, or eommunieat1sns relating to >"oning, sewer ana street proeeeaings, hearings on protests, appeals ana petitions, or similar matters, in with regard to matters then under consideration. 35 (I) ADDRESSING THE COMMISSION AFTER MOTION MADE. After a 36 motion is made by the ~€Ommission, no person shall address the ~€Ommission 37 without first securing the permission of the Presiding Officer eommission s&-to 38 do so. 39 (1) MANNER OF ADDRESSING COMMISSION; TIME LIMIT. 40 41 42 43 (1) Commission: Each ~€Ommission member shall have eight (8) minutes to address the Ceommission ("Commission Remarks") and the public at large and the total time shall not exceed forty (40) minutes. A member may transfer all or any portion of his or her time to another member. Page 5 of14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 (4) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Commission Remarks shall occur subsequent to the Commission having addressed the action items on the agenda. (2) No person shall address the Ceommission or the public from the audience. (3) Each person, before addressing the ~eommission, shall: (a) First legibly print tfleif his or her full name alla their resiaeatial aaaress and sign in the space provided on the speaker list; (b) Step up to the podium; (c) Speak into the microphone; and (d) State the person's name and city of residence and, if not a resident of the city, state whether the person has a business interest in the Ceity and its address. The person shall speak in an audible tone of voice for the public record, and unless further time is granted by a super majority of the Ceommission, shall limit his or her address to five (5) minutes, or less for public comments. Every person desiring to speak shall address the Presiding Officer, and upon recognition by the Presiding Officer, shall confine himself to the items for action on the agenda, avoiding all personalities and indecorous language. aruI Sstakeholders shall have five (5) minutes and non-stakeholders shall have two and one-half (2.5) minutes to address a matter during a public hearing. The amount of time allowed may be shortened by the Presiding Officer due to the number of speakers aeeoraillg to the formHla set forth below, or when statements appear to be repetitive or obstructive as determined by the Ppresiding Oefficer. (5) All remarks shall be addressed to the Ceommission as a body and not to any particular member or group of members. (6) No person, while addressing the ~eommission, shall be permitted to ask questions of or to enter into any discussion with any member of the ~eommission, or any Ceity Oefficer or staff member, while they are seatea Oll or besiae the aais aaa while a Ceommission meeting is in progress, either directly or through a member of the ~eommission, without the permission of the presiding officer .!',presiding Oefficer (7) Ouasi-judicial Procedure. No person who wishes to speak about an item that is subject to a quasi-judicial procedure shall speak about that item during the time set aside for public comments and shall only address the ~eity ~eommission on such item or subject matter after the item has reached the floor for action and the applicant has made hislher presentation and after the applicant has presented all of his/her witnesses and evidence. (8) Resolutions and Ordinances. No person who wishes to speak about a non- quasi-judicial item that is on the agenda for action by the Ceity ~eommission shall speak about that item more than once at that meeting. The speaker may either address the item at the time set aside for public comments or, if there is a Page 6 of 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 public hearing on the item, at the time the agenda item is on the floor and the public hearing opened. (8) The extension of the time for the meeting after II :00 p.m. shall only be for sity ImsiRess action items on the current agenda. (9) The total time for public comments on agenda items is limited to forty (40) minutes. P tl b lis remarks Ret re lat iRg te the ageRsa may be all ewes after all aetieR items haye beeR assresses aRs fo ll ewiRg Cemmiss ieRer Remarlls btlt the time shall be limites te 30 miR tlt es . The City Clerk, Presiding Officer, or a time keeper assigned such duties by the Presiding Officer shall keep a timer and notify the speaker when his or her time has expired. No one shall speak more than once during public remarks. Any speaker who has not signed the list of speakers by 7:05 p.m. shall not be allowed to 13 speak unless otherwise provided by this Section. AAyeRe whe s i gRs t h e 14 saeaker l is t after 7:05 a.m. may be a ll ewes te saeak fo ll ew iRg Cemmiss ieR 15 remarlls , i f t ime is ayail ab le . 16 The tetal time for 1mblie eemmeRts is limites te Sillty (eQ) miRtltes. Beth the 17 eity elerk IIfIS the mayer shall keep a timer te keep traek ef the tetal time te 18 eRStlre that ample time is allettes for eity btlsiRess. The mayer, er lIfIether 19 perseR sesigRates by the mayer, will keep traell ef time for iRsivistlal 20 speal,ers IIfIS Retify the speaker wileR his er her time has elapses. Ne eRe 21 shall speal, mere thaR eRee at ptlblie remarks. The mayer er the presisiRg 22 emeer shall asjtlst the time per speal,er se as Ret te elleees the allettes time 23 ef Sill!), (eO) miRtltes for ptlblie eemmeRts . 24 If the meetiRg is rnR effieieRtly aRs if speakers se Ret tlse their tetal allewes 25 time, assitieRal Rew speal,ers may speak se leRg as the tetal time sees Rei 26 el!eees sillty (eO) miRtltes aRS the speaker's iRsi\'istlal time sees Ret elleees 27 Ihe iRsiyistlal time allettes for the preyietls speakers . It is alse 28 reeemmeRses that the mayer pre,,,ises a \'istlal remiRser te the speakers 29 wheR thirt), (30) seeeRss is remaiRiRg. 30 (10) The l:;,eommission , at a meeting, may change any of these requirements by a 31 motion, duly seconded and approved by three (3) affirmaliYe a super 32 majority 'fflIes. 33 (K) DECORUM. 34 (I) By l:;,eommission Mmembers. While the Ceommission is in session, the 35 members must preserve order and decorum, and a member shall neither, by 36 conversation or otherwise, delay or interrupt the proceedings or the peace of 37 the l:;,eommission, nor disturb any member while speaking or refuse to obey 38 the orders of the l:;,eommission or its £presiding Oefficer, except as 39 otherwise provided. No Commission member shall make defamatory, 40 obscene, impertinent or intentionally rude or uncivil remarks nor shall a 41 member become noisy, boisterous or disorderly to the extent that the 42 m e mb er d is turbs t he cond uct of th e meetin g or th e ab il ity of atte ndees t o 43 h ea r, see a nd/o r part ic i pate in th e meeti ng, may be cen sured by a majo rity 44 of the City Commission. Commission members shall only use City issued Page 7 of 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4S (L) communication devises while on the dais and shall tllm elf all eemmllHieatieH Eieyiees ether thaH these IIseEi te view eemmissisH ageHEia items not use such device to communicate with non-City staff regarding Commission agenda items on the agenda for that meeting. aHEi tHese Eie\'iees SHall HaYe tHeir eJElemal eelHffillflieatisH either EiisesHHeeteEi sr EieaetivateEi EillriHg tHe time lletweeH tHe start ef a eemmissisH meetiHg aHEi tHe time tHat slleH meetiHg is aEljsllmeEi fer tHe Eiay . Commission Mmembers may HSt make aHY eleetrenie esmmllHieatieH er take flietllres frem tHe Eiais aHEi memllers must exit the chamber to answer incoming msllile phone calls unless permitted by the eHairmaH Presiding Officer. The Mayor shall be the Presiding Officer at all Commission meetings and, in his physical absence from the meeting, the Vice Mayor shall be the Presiding Officer. If neither the Mayor or the Vice Mayor are physically present at a meeting, the remaining members shall appoint the Presiding Officer provided there is a quorum for the meeting. (2) By persons. Any person who makes slaHEierslIs defamatory, obscene, impertinent or intentionally rude or uncivil sr stHerwise imflertiHeHt remarks in the Commission Chamber, and who refuses or fails to desist from making such remarks after being instructed to do so, or who shall become IlsisterslIs noisy, boisterous or disorderly and which disturbs the conduct of the meeting or the ability of attendees to hear, see and/or participate in the meeting esmmissieH eHamller and who refuses or fails to desist from such conduct after being instructed to do so, may be fertHwitH removed forthwith from the podium and from City Hall for the duration of that meeting at the direction of the fflresiding Osfficer or a majority of the Commissioners, lII11ess sverfllleEilly a majsrity \'ste sf tHe esmmissisH. No clapping, applauding, heckling, or verbal outbursts shall be permitted for any reason, including for the purpose of supporting or opposing any matter, any speaker or a speaker's remarks. No signs or placards shall be allowed to be displayed in any matmer other than when used from the podium to express an opinion or display facts. Signs to be used at the podium must be brought into the !::eommission !::ehambers in a manner so as not to unnecessarily display their content until the sign is IlrellgHt taken to the podium immediate ly before the sign is displayed from the podium in the Ceomrnission !::ehamber. Persons exiting the Ceommission !::ehamber shall do so qu ie tl y. Ta lki n g o n the ph o ne THe lise sf aeslIstie mslli le esmHlIlllieatisH Eie'o'iees , slleH as flHsHes, in the !::eommission !::ehamber is not permitted while the Ceommission is in session. Phone ringers and other devices that emit sound must be set to silent mode to avoid disruption of proceedings. Individuals must exit the Cehamber to answer incoming calls . No camera flash options shall be used by the publ ic during any portion of the meeting except during recognition and award ceremonies. MEMBERS MAY FILE PROTEST AGAINST COMMISSION ACTION. Any member shall have the right to have the reasons for his dissent from , or protest against, any action of the !::eommission entered sin the minutes. Page 8 of 14 (M) ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS, MOTIONS AND CONTRACT~. 2 (1) Preparation and presentation of ordinances and resolutions. 3 (a) The Ceity Aattorney shall draft and/or approve all ordinances and 4 resolutions. 5 (b) Ordinances and resolutions may be sponsored by an individual member 6 of the ~eommission, the ~eity Mmanager or the Ceity Aattorney. 7 (c) Ordinances and resolutions are deemed introduced after placement on 8 the agenda by the ~eity ~elerk and distribution thereof to each member 9 of the ~eity Ceommission, ~eity Mmanager and ~eity Aattorney at 10 least seventy-two (72) hours prior to a regular meeting and twenty-four 11 (24) hours prior to a special meeting of the ~eity ~eommission. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 (d) After the placement on the agenda of any ordinances or resolutions, the ~eity Celerk shall prepare a reasonable number of copies and file same in the office of the ~eity Celerk and such other public places as the Ceity Ceommission may designate together with a notice designating time and place of the meeting of the ~eommission for their consideration. (e) When ordinances or resolutions are presented as agenda items, the ordinances and the resolutions shall be read by their titles only. After said reading, a motion, duly seconded, shall be required before any further consideration may be had on the proposed ordinances or resolutions. Proposed ordinances and resolutions may be introduced at a regular meeting of the ~eommission and a formal vote thereon may be taken. Proposed ordinances acted upon favorably shall be placed automatically jllaeea for second reading on the agenda of the next regular meeting or for a meeting as otherwise designated by the Commission. Proposed resolutions that have been adopted aetea tljleR faverably by the appropriate number of votes a m~erity of the Ceommission jlreseRt shall become effective immediately. (f) The sponsor of ordinances or resolutions shall have the opportunity to present the merits of his proposals prior to the motion being voted upon. (g) After discussion is closed, a formal vote shall be taken on said motion. (h) If a motion is passed after first reading, proposed ordinances and resolution requiring two readings shall be placed automatically j3la€etI for lLsecond reading and public hearing at the next meeting of the ~eommission, or on at--a date eertaiR as stated in the motion and resolutions requiring only one reading shall be considered adopted without further action. (i) The ~eity Celerk shall place a legal notice of such public hearing on any resolution requiring a public hearing and on proposed ordinances passed at first reading in a newspaper of general circulation in the city. Page 9 of 14 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Such publication shall be at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the public hearing. (j) After a second reading of proposed ordinances which passed at first reading, the presiding officer shall open the hearing to the public. Then all interested persons shall have the opportuni ty to be heard at said public hearing. After the public has had the opportunity to be heard, the fpresiding fefficer shall close the public hearing. Then the proposed ordinances shall be considered by the ~eommission and a formal vote shall be taken unless the item is deferred or postponed. (k) Where state law requiree~ ane aF more then one public hearings be held prior to any aetian Being tal,en the adoption or enactment by the ~eommission on any ordinances or resolutions, then in that event, the notice requirements shall be met prior te for the first reading and all persons interested in such ordinances or resolutions shall have an opportunity to be heard prior to any action being taken thereon by the ~eommission at such public hearing. Each ordinance shall be read by only the title at both first and second readings and shall be considered at no less than two (2) meetings of the Ceommission unless declared emergency. If an ordinance is materially amended upon the final reading an additional reading shall be required at a subsequent meeting of the Ceommission. (2) Prior approval of agenda items by ~eity AaJtorney. All ordinances , resolutions , and contract documents shall be reviewed by the Cety Aattomey as to form and legality prior to the ~eity Mmanager including them on an agenda for action by the Ceity ~eommission. However, if, after reasonable efforts, the Ceity Mmanager is unable to transmit a copy of the item to the Ceity Aattorney, or if, after a reasonable time has passed since delivery of the item to the Ceity Aattorney, the ~eity Aattorney is unable to communicate his approval or the reasons for his disapproval of the item, the ~eity Mmanager may add the item to the agenda with an explanation as to why the item has not been approved by the ~eity Aattorney. No ordinances, resolutions, or contract shall become effective or enforceable unless it has been endorsed by the Ceity Aattorney as being approved as to form and legality. (3) Introducing for passage or approval. Ordinances, resolutions , and other matters or subjects requiring action by the Ceommission must be introduced and sponsored by a member of the Ceommission , except that the ~etty Mmanager or ~eity Aattorney may flFesent draft ordinances, resolutions and other matters or subjects to be addressed by the City Commission and direct the City Clerk to add them to a particular agenda of the City Commission te tile eaffiffiissien , and any e~ommissioner may assume sponsorship thereof by moving that such ordinances, resolutions, matters or subjects be adopted; otherwise, they shall not be considered. Page IOofl4 (N) PARLIAMENTARIAN. The ppresiding Oefficer of the eeuneil Commission,-Bf 2 committee or board, or ftis-said officer's appointee SHall aet as parliamentarian. 3 may appoint a parliamentarian for the meeting who shall be an expert in 4 parliamentary procedure and who shall serve at the pleasure of the Presiding 5 Officer, 6 (0) QUASI-JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS. 7 (I) Duration of presentations: 8 (a) Time for hearing: Each quasi-judicial proceeding shall be given thirty 9 (30) minutes for presentation of the case and the opposition to the 10 application. 11 (b) Applicant: The applicant shall have ten (10) minutes to make his/her 12 presentation and each of the applicant's witnesses shall have two (2) 13 minutes and thirty (30) seconds to present their evidence. The applicant 14 shall have five (5) minutes to rebut any evidence in opposition to the 15 application and to present a closing statement. 16 (c) Opposition: Each taxpayer, commercial tenant and each .ceity resident 17 ("stakeholders") shall have five (5) minutes and non-stakeholders shall 18 have two and one-half (2.5) minutes to present their evidence. After 19 reserving five (5) minutes for the rebuttal by the applicant, if there is 20 time remaining, non-taxpayers and non-residents of the .ceity shall 21 have the remaining time to testifY and present evidence. No speaker 22 shall be allowed to transfer any of his or her time to another speaker. 23 (d) Extension of time: A majority (three (3) votes) of the .ceity 24 .ceommission may authorize the granting of extra time to the applicant 25 and his/her witnesses and to taxpayers and commercial tenants and 26 .ceity residents. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 (2) Ex parte communications with local public official. Communications with local public officials regarding quasi-judicial matters, including the adjudication of the rights of persons and the application of a general rule or policy to a specific individual, property, interest or activity shall be governed by the following procedure: (a) Any person who fully and faithfully follows each and everyone of the requirements of this subsection, as set forth below, and who is not otherwise prohibited by statute, charter provision or ordinance may discuss with any local public official the merits of any matter on which action may be taken by any board or commission on which the local public official is a member. As used in this subsection, the term "local public official" means any elected or appointed public official holding a municipal office who recommends or who takes quasi-judicial action as a member of a board or commission. If any quasi-judicial action is contemplated at the time of any verbal communication, and if the following procedures are followed, the presumption of prejudice arising Page 11 of 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 (P) from ex parte communications with local public officials shall be removed pursuant to F.S. § 286.0115(1): 1. The substance of any ex parte communication with a local public official which relates to quasi-judicial action pending before the official is not presumed prejudicial to the action if the subject of the communication and the identity of the person, group, or entity with whom the communication took place is disclosed in writing, as soon as practicable after the communication takes place, with !::eity Celerk and is disclosed and made a part of the record at the hearing before final action on the matter. 2. A local public official may read a written communication from any person. Any written communication that relates to quasi-judicial action pending before a local public official, shall not be presumed prejudicial to the action, provided such written communication is disclosed and made a part of the record before final action on the matter. 3. A local public official may conduct investigations, make site visits and receive expert opinions regarding quasi-judicial action pending or impending before him or her provided that such activities and the existence of such investigations, site visits or expert opinions is made a part of the record before final action is taken on the matter. 4. Disclosure made pursuant to paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above must be made before or during the public meeting at which a vote is taken on such matters so that persons who have opinions contrary to those expressed in the ex parte communication are given a reasonable opportunity to refute or respond to the communication. 5. A person who appears before the decision-making body who is not a party or party-intervenor may be allowed to testifY before the decision-making body, subject to control by the decision-making body, and may be requested to respond to questions from the decision-making body. The decision-making body shall assign weight and credibility to such testimony as it deems appropriate. A party or party-intervenor in a quasi-judicial proceeding on local government land use matters, upon request by another party or party-intervenor, shall be sworn as a witness, shall be subject to cross-examination by other parties or party-intervenors, and shall be required to be qualified as an expert witness, as appropriate. 6. All decisions of the decision-making body in a quasi-judicial proceeding shall be supported by substantial, competent evidence in the record pertinent to the proceeding. SOUTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET. (1) Within five (5) days after the South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency ("SMCRA") approves the SMCRA budget, the !::eity !::eommission Page 12 of 14 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 shall hold a special ~eity ~eommission meeting ("SMCRA special budget meeting") for the purpose of reviewing and approving the SMCRA budget. (2) If the ~eommission approves of the budget, it shall be transmitted, by the ~eity ~elerk or the SMCRA Deirector, to Miami-Dade County for approval by the ,!1board of Ceounty ~eommissioners. (3) If the Ceommission does not approve of the SMCRA budget, the ~eommission may make recommendations for amendments to the SMCRA budget. (4) If the ~eommission makes any recommendations and: (a) If the SMCRA approves the ~eity ~eommission revised budget, the budget shall be deemed approved by the Ceity ~eommission and it shall be transmitted, by the Ceity ~elerk or the SMCRA Deirector, to Miami-Dade County for approval by the ,!1board of ~eounty ~eommissioners; or (b) If the SMCRA ,!1board make,ii any further amendments, within twenty- four (24) hours of receipt of the SMCRA revised budget by the Ceity Celerk's eOffice, the ~eity Ceerk shall transmit a copy to the members of the ~eity Ceommission. Within five (5) days of the Ceity ~elerk's receipt of the SMCRA revised budget, a second SMCRA special budget meeting of the ~eity Ceommission shall be held. (c) At the second SMCRA special budget meeting of the City Commission, the Commission may further amend the proposed SMCRA budget, or transmit the SMCRA budget to Miami-Dade County for approval by the Board of County Commissioners. If the City Commission makes any further amendments, the amended budget shall be transferred back to the SMCRA Board for further consideration. (5) If the eit)' eommission fails to approve the 8MCRA Fevisee Imeget at the see one 8MCRA speeial buaget meeting, OF if for any reason the budget is not approved by October I, the prior year's SMCRA budget shall be deemed approved, and adopted, by the eit)' eemmission. If there is not sufficient funding for the SMCRA budget expenditures, all line items shall be reduced by an equal percentage, rounding down if necessary, so as to balance the SMCRA budget expenditure with the SMCRA revenue. The budget that is deemed approved in accordance with this subsection shall be transmitted, by the ~eity Celerk or the SMCRA Deirector, to Miami-Dade County for approval by the Bboard of ~eounty ~eommissioners. 40 Section 2. Codification. The provisions of this ordinance shall become and 41 be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City of South Miami as amended. 42 Page 13 of 14 1 Section 3. Severability. If any section, clause, sentence, or phrase of this 2 ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent 3 jurisdiction, this holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this 4 ordinance. 5 6 Section 4. Ordinances in Conflict. All ordinances or parts of ordinances and 7 all sections and parts of sections of ordinances in direct conflict herewith are hereby 8 repealed. 9 10 Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective upon 11 enactment. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 PASSED AND ENACTED this __ day of _____ , 20_ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ATTEST: CITY CLERK 151 Reading 2 nd Reading READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: LANGUAGE, LEGALITY AND EXECUTION THEREOF CITY ATTORNEY Page 14 of 14 APPROVED: MAYOR COMMISSION VOTE: Mayor Stoddard: Vice Mayor Harris: Commissioner Liebman: Commissioner Gil: Commissioner Welsh: MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW -C"'- STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: -_''',,' Defore thE-unaecslglleo aut'10f':)' ;)(:;'5011311\' Spp82red ~1=:;-'.:.r,L, :][1\'': 1',1'(' on oath, sal's tila: 11E-or s'le ,~ tile LEGi.,L CLE:'I~I' ,-egal r~~llces of tnc: lvia''', Oal'\ Busl'less d2 I', (except SatLJ'08y Sl'noa', ili10 :"'e;:ra' H,_'llda}'s) ~1L'\'.'Sr'apE" I; lbIIS!'E-C at 1\('an"1I In i/,aIl1·Dade COem') 1101103 lila: tile atlache.::1 cop) 01 aj','ert SE-!Ilen\ :)8'0'9 matter of l'iOTI~T 01'" Pl_J[-iLIC Hi:: '·F:II-JG CITY OF SOUTh !/It-J,~I -Ii & F: F'':''\, I~G IHe El C t~.PR 1-,- 2D1 C 0400'2C18 qf:3nl Lr_'ler s2lS Pial tile said thallli Oal'y Eels.ness Revle-.', ,s a ne::spapE" fj:_Ji/lslled at 1,1 <'lrr; n 'Or''':) 11113r1' C'ao e L(UII;, F!omia eael oa) 'Except Sa:LI~(i2}' Sunday ana 'las been ente-rej ilS 'Oecond ciaO's ma' eT'GttE' at t·~t' r<st ofk0 11 r,I.13:l1' n sa 0 h~ artl!-Daj>2 CO," t~' FI(YIC2 1[<' a I'C-N10 c' (Xl(-)'.:a' '-,'2f, plc::-ec I 9 :11e [,,51 D~.bll~,2t'O'1 of 1I'C' 2!tarheel COcy co" ao,er:,semel1, 2riC afj',a'1t fLll111H say~ t'la l he or she ~,as '1'0,'1 '-er POl';:) In: ;;;0I'1IS['0 an, pescn flrl~' or c('pcrallcJll ar\ d SC,JU"! ceoate CO'l~IT1!SS!CI­ or reicl'1cl Toe 11-,e r.!,(i(;se of seC,LI'.'1g 1"10, ajvcril5>2rne't for "l·bllc2110n ill tile S2-0 Ile."'Sf:l3pe ~:\~irc';: :'~'J<'eii'l)"'; j', ;!O'~': -,,-,,';.: fIH'-:I,':' ::in !:1-, I;;,,,,:':' 3,~~_!':I,r' CITY 01' SOUTH MIAMi ~O'l'IC!O Of pUilln.!C HroARII\I@ NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the City Commission of the City of South Miami, Florida will conduct Public Hearing(s) at its regular City Commission meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 17, 2018, beginning at 7:00 p,m., in the City Commission Chambers. 6130 Sunset Drive, to consider the following item(s): A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a multi-year year agreement with H & R Paving, Inc., by piggybacking onto itS agreement with the City of Miami. An Ordinance related to the fee schedule; amending Ordinance 09-17-2279 ~o reduce fitness center annual membership fees per ratron find to add new fees to the schedule. ( A, o.rdinance amending the. City of South Miami Code of ordinances) Chapter 2, Section 2-2.1. ALL Interested parties are Invited to attend and will be heard. For further information, please contact the City Clerk's Office at: 305-663-6340. hAaria M. tv',enendez, CMC City Clerk Pursuant to Florida Statutes 286.0105, the City hereby adVises the public that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by this Board. Agency or Commission with respect -to any matter considered at its meeting 01 t1earing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that for such purpose, affected person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based 4/6 18-88/0000309673M 26SE I NEIGHBORS ... ~ CITY OF SOOTH MIAMI COORTESY NOTICE \OTICE l~ HEREHY ,:I\\~11 1h.11 Ilw ("11\ CIlll)IIlI",,)ll ,,) Ilh' 1'11\ "I Soul:) ,\II.ITIll, llu:H1., "ill ""lid",·, I'"bl" Ik.JrJtj~r" .,II!' Il',~uLJ] ('lt~ l'''l1Illll''I''~! l1lc\'ll1l,~ "hl'Utlkd lur ",("<1,,, \pld 17 2(ilS.I>:,~IIl~jn.': .11 7'(1) r 1\1 .111 Ihe ('Il' C"IllIl'lI"I'ln ('h.lln:"'I,'. (,I'll SllIb\?1 D'llc' I" l 1'11'1<,,"' Iii" 1,111, '" Ill,: Iwmf" \ kc"ol!lllol!1 .Illlh"n.clnr Ih~ ('II~ \1.lnag,'r I" c.'rlkr 1111"" 111\1111 !\~,': H'a, ",~'r"c'1\l\'nl 1I'111i II & !{ 1'.I'lIlg.j!" In l't.'!,~\ b"~k1l1,~ Ullt.> Ih d;':I('('II](,I11 " Ilh ,),.,-('11, ,,!' ;\]1.111)[ .. \n i!rUm,IIIU' Ic']',lt'd ',) Ill,' kc' "ill"llllit'. JlJlt'I1<11Il1,! (1r,III1.I11<\· 0"-17-.22"7" I" r,'dull' ;1111"" cc'rllc'l 'lnIHI.llllIclllber,hlp lee' pc': p:i1r"l1 .1Ilt! lit :,,1.1 lie" kc, I" Ih,' 'CII,',llIk ( !\\1 (l,t:IIl,III\,l' .Jlnt'I](li:l), 111<' ('11: "I :-,,,,,,h :\:1i.nn; ('0'''' \,1 O](lin.'rj'~'. CIl,q'lc': ~~ Sl'l'lJ"1l ~..:) I ) ,\U lmc'fc',I\'d jl.l]"llc" ,II c' ]\1\ lletiln •• tklld and" ill I", he:ll d h" ILirlllc'i lIi11lrlll,lIl"li. 1'1l'."," ('llt.'d llll' elly l ',,"rk',_ ()Ilh'c':<1 'lfiS-ho_'-h'4fl :\'1.,rj,L ,\) ;"h'm'n,k/, C\-1C l '11. Clt'l~ 1'''''11",11 L' [,I, '1.1., \'" III,', -.~I' ,JI'.J~, Illl' (''II h"""" ",1,,-.-, ,II.' 1'"',[,, '1",11:.' )h"',>I' dr',. ,,1.', '" apr.',I: Jill' ,h",,,;, II: "i,']" '1", )1",,,,1 ,\"""" '" ('LIlILHlI""'" ""II l·-'F,-II".II" :".11'··, ,-,,,,,,,1,-,,.,1.1' '\' ",,",'10;,,, h"01'-:111:, I", 'I .h,' ,,_,I" ",','.]., '''c',,,<1 "I II." pr""','J,,,:·,, ,'hll:1,H I,,> ,,,d, )""r"",', .111"",,'<1 p,""'" "" II,"n: I" ,"H_n' Ih"I., ",T'.""n "'",,,1 ", 'hl' I''''U'' .t"le·' " J11."it' "h,,-h rn,,,d ""hk, ,],,: "·,IJlr.''''v " .. 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For more information visit www.carrollton.org ~ 0)( '"''I''' ,.,,, \. ---'" \ l\. I\." }~ J.1 ~. )."'" '" '. . ... .. 3747 Main Highway, Coconut Grove