Res No 064-18-15097RESOLUTION NO: 064-18-15097 A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a professional service work order for Marlin Engineering Inc., for sidewalk, landscape beautification of Sunset Drive between US#l and SW 57th Avenue and minor traffic operational improvements. WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission wish to provide shade trees and improve the landscape of Sunset Drive between US#1 and SW 57th Avenue and provide minor traffic operational improvements; and WHEREAS, the City Commission budget for this project in the Capital Improvement Program; and WHEREAS, Marlin Engineering, Inc is one of four firms selected by Resolution No. 060-17-14861, to provide professional service agreement for engineering services on as needed basis in accordance with Florida Statute 287.055, "Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act;" and WHEREAS, Marlin Engineering, Inc., submitted a proposal in the amount of $41,935 that is comprehensive and cost effective in its design approach; and WHEREAS, the City of South Miami staff has negotiated the hours and find them acceptable; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission desires to authorize the City Manager to execute a professional service work order for Marlin Engineering, Inc., for landscape beautification of Sunset Drive between US#1 and SW 57th Avenue and minor traffic operational improvements. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA; Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute a professional service work order for Marlin Engineering, Inc., for landscape beautification of Sunset Drive between US#1 and SW 57th Avenue and minor traffic operational improvements for an amount not to exceed $41,935. The expenditure is to be charged to the Capital Improvement Program Fund Account Number 301-1790-519-6450 with an account balance of $1,014,840 before this request was made. Section 2. Severability. If any section, clause, sentence, or phrase of this resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, this holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. Page 1 of 2 Res. No. 064-18-15097 Section 3. Effective Date: This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this3rd day of April 12018. ATTEST: APPROVED: COMMISSION VOTE: 5-0 Mayor Stoddard: Yea Vice Mayor Harris: Yea Commissioner Welsh: Yea Commissioner Liebman: Yea Commissioner Gil: Yea Page 2 of 2 THE CITY OF PLEASANT LIVING TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-oFFICE MEMORANDUM The Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Commission Steven Alexander, City Manager Agenda Item No.: ::3 April 3, 2018 A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a professional service work order for Marlin Engineering Inc., for landscape beautification of Sunset Drive between US#l and SW 5~n Avenue and minor traffic operational improvements. The area of Sunset Drive between US#l and SW 57 th Avenue is heavily utilized by pedestrian traffic and providing for large trees will offer for additional shade to residents and visitors of the City of South Miami. As the next City's rotation list consultant, Marlin Engineering Inc., was requested to provide a cost proposal for professional services to conduct a survey to develop civil plans to maximize sidewalk widths, provide up lighting, add shrubs with enhance irrigation system and design minor traffic operational improvements in the area. Also, attend meetings during construction, review contractor's submittals, perform construction o~servations, review payment requisition, conduct punch list project close out. On March 8, 2018, Marlin Engineering submitted a cost proposal that is comprehensive and cost effective for the services requested. Marlin Engineering, Inc is one of four firms selected by Resolution No. 060-17-14861, to provide professional service agreement for engineering services on as needed basis in accordance with Florida Statute 287.055, Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act. PROPOSAL AMOUNT: Please refer to the consultant contract and fee schedules. FUND & ACCOUNT: The expenditure related to this contract shall be charged to the Capital Improvement Project Fund Account for an amount not to exceed $41,935. ATTACHMENTS: Capital Improvement Project Fund Account number is 301-1790-519-6450 which has a balance of $1,014,840 before this request was made. Resolution Resolution #060-17-14861 Professional Services Agreement Marlin Engineering Inc., proposal letter Revised March 8, 2018 \ i I i ".; .•... ~~_~~ •• c ~If~ .. ~!ot~; . EXHIIIIT16 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREIEMENT "ProfeIIIonaD Gam.ran IliaBllneeD'IA •• Ardtltecturall S.rvlc .... RFQ fIPW2Ol6-U THIS AGREEMENT made and entered" Into Ihls~~ayof t'\t.itn .20\1 byand between the cq f4 South Miami. a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as Owner or CITY) Il1 and throuah Its City Man.,. (hereinafter referred to as CITY or City Man.) and '" fl\G)}-1 t:l S; UH, NrEgit¥; who is authorized to do bullness in the Srate of florida, (hereinafter referred to as die tlCONSULTAN"r). In " collllderatlon of 1he premises and the muaJai CCMIftIIlCS contained In Chis AGREEMENT, the parties .. to the fol~ terms and conditions: ...,.:- 1.1 A Nadce to Pracead wID be IssUed by the' Chi Manqer. or his cIesJ&nee, follOWIng the .ng of this AGREEMENT. This AGREEMENT does not confer on the CONSULTANT..., exclusive rIgh1S CO perform work an behalf of Ihe Owner OIl.-than the work described In one or more Nadce tID Proceed (hereinafter ' I'fIfernd to 81 the ·'WORK',). nor" dDIII It obBpte the Owner in lUI)' manner to parantee wOrk far the CONSUlTANT. 1.2 The 0lY .... that it will furnish to the CONSULTANT awIIable cia .. and " documems In the CITY poaesIIon partain'" to the WORK 10 be perfannecl under this AGREEMENT promptly after che Issuance of the Nodee to Proceed anti upon wm. request of dta CONSULTANT. " 2.0 Smpa efScnrkcs. The CONSULTANT shan perform the wam as at fpnh in chI ~ ofSmkas II""""'" in the Notk:e tp Prp",", 3.0 TInw far Qunpletlpu 3.111ie ____ to be rendered by the CONSULTANT for any WORK shall be commenced upon racaJpt of a writlBn NOD to Proceed from the CITY subsequent to the execudon of this AGREEMENT and shall be completed within the time let forth 'In the NotiCe to Proceed or other document ...... d by the Cit.y ManIpr. or ........ 3.2 A reasonable extension of dme wiD be aranted In the event tIIere II a delay on the part of the CITY in fuUillalll Its part of die AGREEMENT, chanae of scope of work or should any ocher evena beyond che c:onvoJ of me CONSULTANT render parfonnance of hili duties impaalbIe. 4.0..." of Com._on: 11Ie fees for "",ces of che CONSULTANT shall be decermIned by one of the foDowlna methods or a, combination thereof. as mutually .. ad upon by che CITY and the CONSULTANT. 4.1 A fixed lURK The fee for a cask or a scope of work may be a fixed lum u mutually aareect upon ." the CITY and the CONSULTANT and If such an a,eement il reached. It shall be in wrkinf, signed b, the CONSULTANT and che CIty Manapr and auached hereto u ATTACHMENT A: 4.1 Hourly rate fee: If there is no fbcecI sum or If additional work is requuted without an aareement u to a fixed lum, the CITY aarees to pay. and the CONSULTANT .. rees to accept;, (or Ibe services rendered pursuant to dlis AGREEMENT, feel In accordance with the hourly ntes that shall include all -n.-.. JI. PepII 10IIJlBI6 ,.510166 1. wapi, benefics, ovemead and profit and chat shal! be in wrid .... signed by the CONSULTANT and the City Man..-and attached heretO IDS ATTACHMENT A. 5.0 hYmen' IDd Partial Paymeng. The CITY wi" make monthly payments or partial payments to the CONSULTANT for all audaorized WORK performed durlna the previOUS calendar monch as set forth In the schedule of payment as set fonh in ArrACHMINT A or, If no schedule of payment exhibit II attached to this AGREEMENT then payment will be made 30 days following the receipt of CONSULTANTs invoice as the work progresses but only for the work actually performed and approved In wrldng by dle Ciq Manlier. 6.0 RiD of DeFldgns· All services shall be performed by the CONSULTANT CD me adsfaction of the CITY's representative. who shall decide all quesdons, dlfftcultles and disputes of whatever nalUre which may arise under or by reason of this AGREEMENT, the prosacucton and fuIftllment of me servlces. and the character, qualhJ. amotmt Ind value. The representative's decisions upon all dmims. questions, and disputes shill be Onal. conclusive and blndina upon the parties unless such detennlnatlOn Is clearly arbitrary or urnasonable. In the event chat the CONSULTANT does not concur In the JucJ&ment of the representative as to lIlY decisions made by him, CONSULTANT shall present his Writelen objecdons CD che CIty Man.,. and shall abide by the decision of the at,ManIpr. 7.0 Qwnel'lhjp of Dacymems. All reports and reproducible plans. and O1:har data developed by me CONSULTANT for the purpose of this AGREEMENT shall become the prO,..., of the CITY without restriction or limitation. B.Q Audit I\J&hII. The CITY reserves the riJht CD audit d1e records of die CONSULTANT reIatI!d to ct.is AGREEMENT at any time durilll the execution of the WORK and for a period of one "year after fhW payment Is made. This provision Is applicable only to projeca dtat are on a time and cost bail. 9.0 TmtlJ.in N.,uatiDns: If the colltrlKt amount exceeds the threshold amount provided in .. 287.017 far ca..,ry four, the CONSULTANT shall execute a wchDfn.nqodaclon ceni8cate stating that WI&e rues and othS' faccual unit cOSll supportllll die compensation are acant.e, complete. and current at the time of comnctinJ. In such event. the or ... contract price and any adcfltions thereto shall be adjusted to exdude any alpltlcant sums by which the CIq determines the COntract price was Inereased due to i~. IncompJete, or noncurrent waae rates and other facWaI unit costs. All such contract adjustments must be made within one year following the end of the contract. 10.0 SyblettJns, The CONSULTANT shall not asslp or transfer Iu righa under chis AGREEMENT without the express written consent of the CITY. The CITY will not unreasonably withhold anellor delay its consent to the IIIlJ1lment of the CONSULTANT's rJahts. The OTY may. In its sole dlscredon, allow the CONSULTANT to as.... its duties. obllptlons and responsibilities provided the aalpee maets .11 of the CITra requirements ID the CITY', sole sadsfactlon. The CONSULTANT shall not subcomract this AGREEMENT or any of the services to be provided by it without prior written consent of the CITY. Any assJ&nment or subcontracdn& In violation hereof shall be void and unenforceable 11.0 Unaytborimd A)1enS; The emploYment of unauthorized aliens by the CONSULTANT is considered a vlolarion of Federal Law. If the CONSULTANT lcnowinaIY employs unauthorized aliens. such "Ioladon shall be cause for unHaterai cancellation of this AGREEMENT. TIlIl applies to any lub-CONSULTANTs used by the CONSULTANT as well. The CITY reserves che ripe: ae: Its dlscrelion, but does not assume the obligation. ~f.Pep8 .1113131111 PqeAof66 130 to require proof of valid citizenship or, in the alternatIVe, proof of a valid areen card for each penon employed In the performance of work or providlnl che lOads andlor services for or on behalf of the CITY includlna persons employed by any Independent contractor. By reseNtng this ...,ht, die CITY does not assume any obllpdon or responsibility to enforce or ensure compllance-wlth.--the. applicable IIiIIWS andlor repIations. " . " 12.0VVarnmy. The CONSULTANT warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other thiln a bona fide employee workinJ lotely for me CONSULTANT, to solicit or secure chis contract and chat he has not paid or qreed to pay any company or penon other than a bona Ide employee worldnl solely for the CONSULTANT Iny fee. commission. percemaae fee. lira or any other considerations comingent upon or resukinl from the award or makilll of this conna. For breach or violation of this warranty. the CITY shall have the riIht to annul this contract wi1hDUt lIam". . 13.0 TermInIrIoD. It Is expressly understOod and qreed chat the aTY mar U!rmlnafe. this" AGREEEMENT for any reason or no reason and wIthauc penalty b;r either deeDnllll to Issue Nadce to Proceed authorlzlns WORK. Dr. if a Notice to Proceed Is Issued. CITY may tennIrta\e d1is AGREEMENT by written nodce to CONSULTANT. and In either event the CITY's sole obliptton 1:0 che CONSULTANT shall be P¥JIent for the work previously authorized and perfonned In accordance with the provisions of this AGREEMENT. Pavrnent shaD be determined on the basis of due work performed by the CONSULTANT up to the time of timdnatlon. Upon termination. the CITY shall be entitled to a refund of any monies paid for any period of time far which no work was performed. 14.0 Imm Thll AGREEMENT shaD remain In force until the end of die term. which includes aD authorized renewals. or unless" otherwise tenninated by the CITY. The term of this .-ment Is three (~) J8IrI from the Inuance of the Notice to Proceed and one two- year opliOIMlD renew. The option to renew II at die discretion of the Oq Manapr. The CITY may .. nnlnate che contract without cause foIlowInz 30 dl1l advanced notice to tJJe CONSULTANT. Howaver. in no went shall the term exceed ftye (5) years" (gRowl .. the llsuanc:e of die Notice to Prac:eed. 15.0 petjwIt. In the evenc either party faDs to comply with the prcwilions of dlis AGREEMENT. the ._eeI fi2IrtY may declare the other par1J In default and notify the defauldlll ....., in writtlll-If aTY Is In default, the CONSULTANT wUI only be compensated for any completed professional services and CONSULTANT shall not be endded to any consequential or dllay cIarnaps. In the avent that partial pIl)'ment has been made for such professional services" not completed. the CONSULTANT shall retum such BUmS to the CITY wlchln ten (10) days after nodce that said sums are due. In the event of any htlption betWeen tile pardel arlsh,. out of or relatina in any way to this AGREEMENT or a bruch thereof. each party shan bear its own COStS and Ie&aI fees. . . 16.0 -raRCe tnd IndemDlftcatlQD, The CONSULTANT .-ees to comply with CITY's Insurance and Indernnlflcadon reqUirements thac are set forth In ArrACHM£NT I, to litis AGREEMENT. 17.0 ApemIDt NoC Exduslye. Nothlna in this AGREEMB'IT shall prevent me CITY from emplOJinl ocher CONSULTANTS to perform the lame or similar se"_ 18.0 Cod" OrdInances and Laws. The CONSULTANT ... to abide and be pemed b)' all duly promulpted and pubDshed municipal. county. state and federal c.odes, ordinances. rules. repladons and laws which have a direct bearlill on the WORK involved on chis project. The CONSULTANT is required to complete and slJn all afIIdavlts, includm, Public Entit.y Crimes AffIdavlt form (attached) punuant to FS "7.133(3) (a). IS required by the CITY·s solicitation. if any, applicable to this TIIama Po Pepe 1011312016 PapSJof66 137 AGREEMENT. 19.0 IDa. CONSULTANT shaH be responsIble (or payment of all federml, state, ancD/or I9w taxes related to the Work. Indusive of sales tax 6f applicable . . 20.0 DniJ Free Wprkplace. CONSULTANT shall comPly with CITY's Drug Free WorkpBllce policy which Is made a part of this AGREEMENT by reference. . 21.0 Independent Contrprtar. CONSULTANT is an Independent endty under this AGREEMENT and nothing conrai"ed herein shall be construed to create a partnership, joint yenture. or IIIncy relationship between the parties. 22.0 Dutiu and Rmpo .... bJUdes. CONSULTANT.,rea to provide Its services durllll the lel"m of this AGREEMENT in accordance with all applicable laws, rules. replations, and health and safety st:andards of the federal. state, and CITY. which may be applicable to dae service bel .. provided. 23.0 '!cemee and Certtfic:aa:ionl. CONSULTANT shaD SKure all necessary business and professJonli beenses at Its sole expense prior to executina the AGREEMENT. 24.0 Entire Apenumt. Mpdiftgtlgn. and Bloti'll Effect: Thll AGREEMENT constitutes the entire qreement of the parties; lncorporatas aU the understandlnp of the parties and aupenecles any prior ....-rnenu. undem:andlnas. represemulon 011' ~on, writ:ren or oral. This AGREEMENT may not be modIfied or amended except in wrlttn,g, '\&ned by both pardes hereto. This AGREEMENT shall be bindl .. upon and inure to the benefit d the CIty of South Miami and CONSULTANT and to chair respective heirs. successon and -tans. No modification or amendment of any lenns or provisions of thIs AGREEMENT ihall be wild or bindl. unl_ k compbes with dds panaraph. This AGREEMENT. m general. ~d this paragraph. in partiaalar ..... 11 not be modified or amended by acts or ondu,ons of the pardes. If this AGReEMENT was approved by wrIUen resoludon of the City Conunlsslon. or If such approval Is reqUired by ordinance or the ChJ Charter, no amendment to this AGREEMENT shaD be vabel unleR approved· by written resolution of the Oty Commission. 25.0 JIQ Trial CITY and CONSULTANT Icnowfn&iy. irravocablr voluntarily and Intentionally ~1Ve any right either may have to a trial by jury In State or Federal Court proc:eecIIn,p in respect CD any acdon. proceedl.,. lawsuit or counren:1aim nina out of this AGREEMENT or die performance of the Work thereunder. 26.0 V"1cIIQr pf Executed C:-This AGREEMENT may be executed In several coWltlerparts. each of whl shaD be construed al an ori&fnal. 27.0 Rules of .... ~: Throuahout this AGREEMENT the pronouns that are used I11a)' be substituted for male. famate or neuter. whenever applicable and the slnplar words subsdcuwl for plunt and Plural words substituted for singular wh~r applicable. 28.0 StyerablDg. If any term or prOvlllOll of thil AGREEMENT or che appllcadon thereof to any person or drcurnstanQ! shal" to any extent, be imIaIld .or unenfolalble. the remainder of this AGREEMENT. or the applic:attun of IUch term or provision to persons or circumstances other than chose to which It iI held Invalid or unenforceable. shall not be afectad thereby and each and every other term and provision of this AGREEMENT shall be valid and enfon:eable to the fuUest extent permitted by law. 29.0 Cumulative Remedies: The ~utiel and obIipdons imposed by the contract documents. if any. and the rlJhts and remedies available hereunder. and, In particular but wkhout limitation. the WIJ'I'Wl1fes. prantees and obIfpdons imposed upon CONSULTANT by ~e Contract Documents, If any. and this AGREEMENT and the rights and remedies available to the CITY hereunder, shall be In addldon to, and shall not be COIIStI'Ued In any way as a limitation of, any rl&hts and remedies available at law or In equity. by special parantee or by other provisions of the Contract Documents. if any. or this AGREEMENT. In order to endtle any party to exercise any remedy reserved to It in this "Y1Ioma II. It.,. 1111112016 PapS4of46 138 AGREEMENT. or existing In law or in equity, it shall not be neceuary to pe notice. other chan such notice as maybe heretn expressly nupllred. No remedy conferred upon or reserved to any part)' hereto. or existing at law or In equity, shalD be exclusive of any other awltabra remedy or remedies, but each and every such remedy shall be cumuratlve and shill be In addidon 10 evety other remedy aJven under this AG~EEMENT or hereafter exJstin& at law or In equIty. No delay or omlulon to exercise aD)' nam or power accruinl upon any def.wlt shall impair any such rIPe or power or shal be c:onscrued co be a waiver thereof, but any such rI&ht and power may be exercised from time 10 time as often as may be deemed expedient. 30.0 Non-Wajyer. CITY and CONSULTANT aaree that no failure to exerdse and no delay In exercising 1ft)' rlaht. power or prlvJl'P· under this AGREEMENT on the part of either party shall operate as a waiver of any rJ&ht. power. or priYUege under this AGREEMENT. No waiver of chis AGREEMENT. In whole or part. Including the provisions of this paraaraph, may be implied by any act or omission and will only be valid and enforceable if In wridllllftd duly executed by each of the parties co this AGREEMENT. Any waiver of any cerm, condition or provIJIon of this AGREEMENT wiD not constitute a waiver of any other term. condition or provision hereof. rior wOI a waiver of any breach of an)' tam. condhlon or provision camtltuta a waiver of any subsequent or succeeding breach The 6Ulura to enforce this AGREEMENT u to any partlcular breach or default I~H not act as I waiver of any subsequent breach or default. 31.0 No Dllcr!mInatIgo and Equal Employment No action shaD be mken by the CONSULTANT. nor will It pamlt IUIJ lea or omissions which result in discrimination qalnlt any penon, including employee or applicant for emplo)'lnent on the basis of rlclt creed. color. ethnIcity. national ari&ln, rell&lon. ap. sex. fammal status. marJral status. erhnicifJ. sexual oriemadon or physical or menIal disabill" as proscribed by Jaw and that It wliladce afRrmadYe IcriOlt to ensure 1IIat such discrimination does not cake place. The CONSULTANT shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Aa and It will take affirmative action Ie ensure chat such discrimtnadon do .. not cake place. The City of Soudl MIamI·s hlrJI1I pracdces strive co comply with all applicable federal repladans reprdinl emplOJR1ent ellJlblltty and employment pracdces in pneral. Thus. all inclviduafa and emities seeleillJ to do work for the CITY are expected to comply with all applcable laws. pemmental reqUirements and reguiadOns.lncluding the rep/allons of the UnhIKI States Depanment of Jusdce pen.aIninJ to employment eltaibllhr and employment practicaL By sllnln, this AGREEMENT. the CONSULTANT hereby certifies under penile, of perjury. to the CITY. chat CONSULTANT Is In compliance with all applicable reauladGl'lI and laws JOYemlng employment pracdces. 32.0 Gqnmlol Laws. This AGREEMENT and the performance of services hereunder wli be pemed by the laws of the State of florida. with exduslve venue for the resoludon of any dispute being a court of competent )urisdlcdan In MiamI-Dade County. Florida. 33.0 EIfecdye Date-This AGR.EEMENT shall not become effeaive and blndl .. until it hu been executed by both pardes hereto. and approved by the Oly Commission If such approval is required by City's ChIrw. and the etrecdve date shalJ be the date of its executlon by the last party so executing it or If City Commission approval is required by the City's Charter. then the date of approval by CIty Commission. whiChever Is !acer. 34.0 Third Pany Beneficiary. It is specifically understood and qreed that no other person or entity shall be a third-party beneficiary hereunder. and chat none of provisions of this AGREEMENT shall be for the benefit of or be enforceable by . 'Ill_F ...... 101111311. Pap 51 of.' r 139 anyone other ehan the parties hereto. and that onlv the parties hereto shall have any r1&htl hereunder. 35.0 Funber Assurances. The parties hereto agree to execute any and all oaher" and further documents as might be reasonably necessary In order to ratify. conflnn. and efectuate che Intent and purposes of this AGREEMENT. 36.0 Due of &gnce. Time is of the essence of this AGREEMENT. 37.0 Inreqntatign. This AGREEMENT shall not be constrUed more strongly apinst either party harelO. regudleu of who was more responsible for Its preparation. 38.0 Fcna Mtle.m, Nelcher pII'IJ h....., shall be in default of lu failure to perform la obllpdans under thll AGREEMENT If caused by acts of God. civil commotion, SCrIkes. labor disputes. or pemmental demands or requirements that could nOt be reasonably anticipated and cite etracts avoided or mldpted. EadI party shall notify the other of any such GCCUf'I'IIIIC8. . 39.0 SubcQnnc1Iu~ Wallowed by chis AGREEMENT. die CONSULTANT shall be as·fully I"8IpOnatble co the orr far the aea and omlsslonl of its subcontractortlsubconsultants ~ It Is for tIaa acts and omissions of people directly employed by it. All subcontradDnlaubawuhants and their ...-rnents, If allowed by this AGREEMENT. must be appnmKI by IDle CITY. The CONSULTANT Ihdl require each IUbcontractor. who Is approved by the CITY. to aaree .n the subcontraCt to observe and be bound by . aU obDpdons and COltditions of thll AGREEMENT to which CONSULTANT is bound. 40.0 Public Becgrds: CONSULTANT and all of illl iubcomractors are reqUired CD comply with the public recard, law (1.119.0701) while provicllnJ lOadl and/or senIces Dn behalf of die CITY and the CONSULTANT, under such. conditions. shall Incorporaca this panaraph In aUl of Its subcoftInCIS for d1Ia ProJect. Under such . condidon. CONSULTANT and Its subContractors are spedflcally required to: (a) Keep and maintain pubtlc records required by the publle II\PRCY co perform the senke: (b) Upon reqU8lt from die ""bile acency's arlCOdlan of public: records, provide the public Ipncy with a copy of me requesutd recant. or allow die rKOrds to be Inspected or copied widtin a reasonable time at a COlt that does not exceed the COlt provided In this chapter or as otherwise provided by law; (c) Enlure he public records that are _pc or confJdendal and exempt from public nICOrdi dIKlOlure requlremants are not dlsdaled except as authorized by law far die dundon of die contract term and follDwlnc completion of dte conll"lCt if the contraCmr. does not cnnsf'er tile records to the pubic .. c:r. and (d) Upon compledan of the contract. transfer. at no cost. to the publk: qency all publIc records fri possession of the concnctor or keep and maintain public records required by the public apncy to perform die service. If die contractor transfers III pubUc recorda to the public apncy upon completion of che contract, che connccor shall descroy any duplcata public records _ are exempt or confldentlal and axempt from public records disclosure requirements. If the contractor keeps and maintains public records upon compledon of 1M contract. the conttactOr shall meet all appRcable requirements for retalnl", public records. All records scored electronically must be provided to me public apnC)'. upon request from the public acency's custodian 01 public records. In a format that is compatible with the Information t~nology synems of the pubUc lIenC)'. IF THE CONTRACTOR HAS QUlESTlONS REGARDING THE APPUCAnON OF CHAPTER D I I. !FLORIDA STATUTES. TO THE CONTRACTOR'S DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBUC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS CONTRACT. CONTACT THE CUSTODiAN OF PUBLRC RECORDS AT 305.663-6340: E-mail: mmelmend.z@touthmlamlfl.pv; 6 a 30 Sunset Drive, South Miami, FL 311<43. 41.0 Notices. Whenever notice shall be required or permitted herein. It shall be Vhocna F .. Plape 'lt11lJa16 Pap 56 of 66 140 delivered by hand delivery. e-mail (or similar electronic transmission). facsimile transmission or certified mall. with return receipt requested and shalt be deemed delivered on the date shown on the e-mail or delivery conflrmadon for an)f facsimile transmission or. If by certlOed mail, die date on the return receipt or the date shown as the date same was refused or unclaimed. If hand delivered to the CITY. a copy must be stamped with the offiCial City receipt stamp showinl the date of deliver: otherwise the document shall not be considered to have been delJyerecl. Notices shall be delivered to the fotlowln& individuals or entldes at the addresau (Iracludlng e-mail) or facsimile transmllsion numbers set forth below: ToCITY~ With copies to: To CONSULTANT: Ot¥Manaaer. 6130 Sunset Dr. South Miami. FL 33143 Te~(305)~2510 Fax: (305) 66304345 i-mall: salexander@southmiamlfl.cov City Attorney 6130 Sunset Dr. South Miami, FL 33143 Tel: (305) 667·2564 Fax: (lOS) 341-0584 E-mall;_pa@Soyr.bmlamlfLgmr 42.0 Cocaorace Authority: The CONSULTANT and lis represematiYe who signs this AGREEMENT hereby certifies uncler penalty of perjury that cite CONSULTANT and lIS .represenca1lVe have. and have exercised. the required corporate power and that they have complied with all applicable IepI requirements necessary to adopt. uecute and deliver this AGREEMENT and fa assume .the responsibilities and obIJpdons crea .. hereunder; and that this AGR.EEMENT is duly executed and dehvered by an aud10rtzed corporata officer. in accordance with such officer's powers to bind me CONSULTANT hereunder. and consdaltes a vaIicI and blndl", obIlption enforceable In accorclance WIth Its terms. condkiona and provisions. mIN WITNESS WHEIllECF. this AGREEMENT was sJ&ned on or before the date first above ~itten subject to the temls and conditions set forth herein. T'taomat F. Pepe 111113/2016 ~-----,~------------- Pap 57 of 66 141 kead and Approved II to form. ~ •• Leaall" and ExeWdan chereof': . a,:.~~ 1110 .... F. Pepe, Esq. ClayAuotney ,.110'" '42 , . , ADDENDUM TO PROFESSIONAL SERV~a AGREEMENT "Profenfanel GI1I8rai Enlfnaerl.., and Architectural Servkes" RFQ 1PW2016022 The etv and CONSULTANT 8sree that a separate rotational list will be dedicated for work performed under a c:ontlnuinl professional service contract, as specified In the Scope of Services, for ·Certlfled Arborists Services," and a separate rotational list will be established for all CCNA professIonal services. "Certlfled Arborlsts Services" Is deflned as: iii Certlfted Arborist Services: Consultant may be called upon to review all tree removal permit appncatlons that are submitted to ensure compliance. wIth the rqulatlons outlined In Section 20-4.5.1 of the CltYs Land Development Code. The review includes the initial site Inspection followed up by the determination of mltlsatlon and a final Inspection. When needed, assist City Departments with other Issues related to the maintenance, preservation, and protection of trees on both private and public property. The rotational list for "Certlfied Amorlsts ServiceS-will rotate every three (3) months amons the CONSULTANTS. The City Intends to retain a maximum of four (4) qualified firms under four (4' separate butslmllar Professional Services Agreements. . By: ~=;;;;;.::::.... ______ _ SteVen Alexander, CIty Manager (Name of SIgnatory) Read and Approved as to Form, Lansuage, Lepllty and Execution thereof: By: • ··::;?:;'c-~~64=· Thomas F. Pepe, Oty Attorney lhamIIlP. ,.,. larl 11201 , ATTACHMENT A 1GCOMPINSA1'ROlNltt PIllOFEISRONAL SIEiRVBCE AGREEMENT IIprofelllanal G ....... IIEqIn .... In. ancII ArdIItIctu...a Sang" RFQ .tPW2I.6-:tZ Profe5sional General Engineering & Architectural Services RFQ IIPW2016·22 Wage' Rates Summary . Job Cla5Sification City of South Miami Benchmark Hourly Rate Principal $180.00 Sr. Project Manager $150.00 Project Manager $130.00 Senior Engineer $125.00 Senior Planner $125.00 Planner $85.00 Senior Traffic Engineer $125.00 Traffic Engineer $85.00 Senior Designer/Engineer $90.00 Designer $80.00 Engineering Intern $75.00 Senior (ADD Technican $75.00 CADD Technician $65.00 GIS Technician $80.00 Senior Construction Inspector $90.00 . Construction Inspector $75.00 Senior Landscape' Architect $125.00 landscape Architect $115.00 Landscape Architect Intern $70.00 Arbonst $75.00 Utility Coordinator $90.00 Surveyor I Mapper $85.00 Survey Technician $60.00 2·Man Survey Crew $115.00 3-Man Survey Crew $125.00 4-Man Survey Crew $135.00 Fire Protection Engineer $90.00 Plumbing Engineer $90.00 Mechanical Engineer $90.00 Electrical Engineer $90.00 Geotechnical Engineer $120.00 Geologist $90.00 Environmental Scientist $85.00 Senior Administrative Assistant $65.00 Clerical $45.00 ATTACHMENT. II INSURANCE Ir INDEMNIFICATION REQUDRIEMEINITS PROPESIBONAL SERVICE AGUEHII!NT aProrenIo_ GentanD ."nlHrI., and! Architedllnail ~rvlC8e·· IIFQfIPW2Ol6-22 . 1.010 IIIIUI'aDCI A. Widtouc Ilmtdn& lis !lablllq, the contractor, consulllnt or corasuld,. firm (hareinafcer referred to as "FIRM" with reprclm Insurance and IndamniflcatJon requirements) shaD be rwquired lID procure and maintain at its own expense durins the life of the Contract" Insuruce of the q,pes and In the minimum amoums stated below IS wiD prollact die FIRM. from dalms which may arise ouc of or resule from die conrract or dae p ..... rmance of the c:onncc whh die CkJ of $ouda MiamI. whether such dalm Is apInst the FIRM or any sub-conll'aClOr, or by al1JDfte directly or andiredly empIopd by any of 1hem or by anyone for whose acts any of diem may be liable. . 8. No insurance requfred by the CITY shall be ISlUed or wrlUen by a surplus lines carrier unlaa authorized In wrlllna by die CITY and such audlartzadon shill be at the CITY's sale and absoI .... discredon. The FIRM lhallpurchase Insurance from aRd IhaII . maiAIaIn the insui'anc:e with a company or companies lawfully 8IIIhoriaiId 111 sell tnsu~e In the Staee of Florida. on farms approved by die State of Florid •• as will protl!Ct the FIRM. It a minimum. from all claims IS set forth below which may arise out of or result from die FIRM's operations under the Contract ~ for whtch the RRM may be leplly liable. whether such operations be by the FIRM or by a Subcoatractor or by anyone dIrecdy or indirectly employed by any of them. or by anyone for whose acts any of chem may be 11aIJI« (a> cilia under worbrs' compensation. dllablllf¥ benefit and _er similar. emplope beneftt acts which are app6cable to the Work to be perfarmect (b) claims for cfamIaet becaule of bodily injury. occupadonal alckness or ..... or death of the FlRM"s employees: (c) claims for cIamJ&es because of bodily InJury. Ildcnea or eli ...... or 4Ieath of any person other than the RRM's employees: (d) claims for damages insured by usual personallnJuryllablnr, COYIrap. (a) claims tor darnIpI. other than to the Work hnIf. becau .. or injul')' to or destruction of tanBlble property. tndudiD,lloss of use resuldna mere hm; (f) claims far d ...... because of boclly Injury. death of a penon or property dam. arising oue of ownership. . malnatnance or use of a momr vehtde; fI) claims for bodily Injury or property d;unap arIsIn& out of complared operations; and (h) claims invohlns comraccualllabllltr insurance applicable to the FlRtfs oblfptions under the Contract. 1.0 II h's 'myrapce GenanIlJ. The FIRM shall proYide and maintain In force and effect until all the Work to be performed under this Comraee has been completed and accepted by CITY (or for such duration as Is otherwise speclfted hereinafter). the InlUranat covenae wrIaen on Flortda approved forms and u set forth below: I.OllWgrIgn· CgmpIDatign Insurance at the statutory amount as to all employees in compliance with the "Workan" Compensation laW" of the S1ate of Florida indudlill Cbapter 440. florida Statu_ .0 presently written or hereafter amended. and all applicable federal laws. 'Ill ..... , ..... 'If'lI28l. Paae'·of66 145 In addition. me policies must Indude: Employerso LiabOlt)' mt the SfatUtory cove ... amount. The FIRM shall funher Insure that all of Its Subcontractors maintain appropriate lev~ls ofWorlcer's Compensation Insurance. I.or 3 Commercial Comprehensive General Uabtl!\y Insurance with broad form endoriement. as well .s auramobJle liability. completed operations and produces n.blbty. contractUal liability. severability of 'merest wkh cross liability provislOJl. and per50nallnrury and property damap 1IablIIty with li""u of $1.000,000 combined slnale limit per occurrence and $2.000.000 ..... te. lndudlnJ: II 1Vs0nalIRJUry: S 1.000.000; .. Medical Insurance: $5,000 per person; " Property Damap: $500.000 each occurrence; 1.014 Umbrella Commercial CornpreMnsiYe Generai Uabilir;y insurance shall be written on a Florida appnwed Iorm with the same cove ... as the primary Insunnce pelley but in the amount of $1.000.000 per claim and $2.000,000 Annual Agreaate. Covera,ae must be afforded on a fann no more reaaicdve dian the Ia_ edldon of tlte Comprehensive General UabUky policy, wlthout restrlcdYe endorsements. as filed by the Insurance Services Office, and must Include: (a) Premises and Operadon (b) Independent Concnctors (e) Produas and/or Completed Operations Hazard (d) explosion, Colfapse and Underground Huard Coverage (e) Broad Fonn Property IJama&e (f) Broad Fonn ConnC1Ual Coverage applicable to this specific Contract Incluellng any hold harmless andlor indemnillcation acreement. (g) PersonalinJUI}' Coverap witB1 Employee and Contractual ExclUSions removed. with minimum Omits of coven,ae equal to those required for Bodily Injury liability and Property Damap Liability. 1.015 Business AuIpllJOblIe UahJllcy with minimum IImIu of One Million Dollars (SI,OOO.OOOJIO) plus an add"adonal One Million Dollar ($1,000.000.00) umbreDa per occurrence combtned single limit for Bod'dy InJury UabiUty and Property Damaae UabilllJ. Umbrella cove ... must be aforded on a form no more restricdve than die latest edldon of the Business AutamobDe liability potlcy. wldlout restrtcdve endorsements, as filed by with die state of Florida. and mUlt Include: (a) Owned Vehldes. (b) Hired and Non-Owned VebJcles ~)Emp~'~nenh~ 1.016 SUBCONTRACTS; The FIRM agre. chat if any part of ~e Work under the Contract 15 sublet. the subcontract shaD contain the lame Insurance provision as required by of the FIrm. other than die Fire and Extended Coverap Insurance and substitudn& the word Subcontractor for the word FIRM and subsdtuIing the word FIRM for CITY where apphcable. 1.0'7 Fire gd ExgruIed Cov_'nsyrance (BuDden' Rbk).IF APPLICABLE: C. In the eveM that chis contract: invotves the construction of a strucrure, the FIRM shall maintain, with an Insurance Company or Insurance Companies acceptable to the CITY. "Broad" form/All Risk Insurance on bulldlnp and strUCtures. Including Vandalism Is Malicious M'lSChief coveraae. while in the course of construction. including foundadons, additions, attachments and aft permanent fixtures belongl", to and constltudng a pan of ye-_F.Pe,. 10IIJlUI6 Pap'. of66 146 said buJldfn&l or struccuras. The policy or policies shall also cover machinery. If the cost ot machinery Is Included In the Conenct. or if die maddnery is located In a bulldlnc that is beIn& renovated by reason of dlls contract. The amount of Insurance must, at all " times. be at least equal to the replacement and actual cash value of the lnaurad proper1f. Ttl-polity shall be in the name of die CITY and the Firm. u their.lnwest may appear. and shall also COIf8I" the interests of atl Subcontractors performlns Work. D. All of the provisions set fonh In Miscellaneous secdon herein below shall apply to this CCMH"IIe unf_le waufd be dearly not applicable. 1.0 18 MlaceJIantous: F. If any notice of cancellation of Insurance or chaRp in coverap is issued by the Insurance company or should any Insurance have an axpiradon cIace that will occur durtRl die period of chis conuact.the FIRM sh-'I be responsll* for securi .. 01her acx:epable inswance prior to such cancellation. chan&e. or expbiltion so as to provide c:onIiiwous coverqe as specified In thlllllCdon and so as to malmai~ coverap during the If. of this Contract. G. AU deducdIrIu MUIt lie declared by the FIRM and IIWIt b .... roved by the CITY. At che opdon of 1he CITY. either the FIRM shall eliminate or reduce such daducdble or the FIRM shall proQlre a Bond. In a form ladsfacclary to the cny ccwerl.nl d1e same. H. The poflCies shaIIl contain waiver of subroption ..... CrrY where appUc:abIe, shall expressly pruvlde that such poUq or policies are primary over any other collec:tJble Insurance 1hat CITY may have. The CrY ,...". .... li&ht at 811)' date Ul request a copy of the required palleles for review. All policies shaIB camaln a "severablnty of Interest' or "ctOIsllablllty" clause without oblipion for premium ~ of die CITY as weB as contnaUalllablllty provision c:overIn& the FlAM'S duty to indemnify the City as provided In ,chis A,reemenc. I. Beran. stardq the Work, dae FIRM ahaII de&ver to the CITY cerciftcates of such Insurance. acceptable to the CITY. as well as the insurll1ce binder. If one ii "sued. die lnIurance policy. IncludllJl the declaration pap and an applicable enclonemenu and provide the name. address and telephone number of the Jnsuranee .. "Dr 8IroJrer mrouah whom the polley wai obtained. The insurer shall be rated A. VII or better per AM. 8est'. Key RatIns Gukle.latlelt edidon and authorized to issue insurance in the State of Florida. All insurance policies must be wrIUen on forms apprDYId by the State of florida and cheJ must remafn In (ull force and efecc for the duradon of the contract period wldt the CITY. The ARM may be requIred by 1IIe CITY. at its sole dlscntion. to provide a "certif'18d caw' of the Policy (as deftned In Ardele I of thIa document) which shaH include the dedaration N8 and all required " endonementa. In addition. the FIRM ,hall" deliver. It the time of delivery of the insul'lllce certificate, .... followlna endorsements: . (3) a policy provision or an endonement wi1h substantially slmdar provisions as follows: ~F • ...,. IIIIJlUI6 '~he City of South Miami is an addidonallnsurecl. The INurei' shall pa)' all Willi that the Cltr of South Miami becomes IepIIy obllpcecl to par as damages because of 'bodily InJury'". 'property cfamlt&e' • or "penonal and aeIYeniSi ... inJury" and it wlH pro'llde to die City all of the cove ... that Is typically provIded under the llandard FIor:ida approved forms for commercialleneral babllltJ coverap A and coverage a": ,.62 of 66 147 I 1 I 1 i 1 I I I I I \ (4) a policy provision or an endonemant with subnandzlly similar provisions as follows: .. "This policy shall not be cancelled (inciudm, cancellation for non-payment of premium). terminated or materially modified wlchout first giving the City of South Miami ten (10) days advanced written notice of the Intent to materially modify the policy 'or to cancel or termlnace the policy for any reason. The notificatIOn shaH be delivered to the City by «rdted mail with proof of delivery to the City." J. If the FIRM is Providinl profellional services, such as WDuld be provided by an architect, engineer. auorney. or accountant. to name a few. then In such BYent and In addtdon to the above requirements. _·FlRM shall also provide Professional UabIlily . Insurance on a Florida approved form In the amount of $1.000.000 with deducdble per claim If any. not to exceed 5% of the limit of atabillty providlnl for alliums whlcb the FIRM shall become legally obligated to pay as cfama&es for claims artsi". out of die seMces or work performed by the FIRM its 1Ients. representatives. Sub Contractors or -JaRS, or by any person employed or, ~1ned by him In ~onnectlon with this Aveement. This Insurance shall be malmained for four years after c:ompledon of the CORlllrUaion and accepmnce of any ProJect covered by this A&reement. However. the ARM may purchase Speclftc Project ProfesaionaI UabilJtr insurance, In the amount and under the terms specified above. which Is also ac:c:eptable. No insurance shall be issued by a lurplua rmes carrier unless authorized In writin& by the city at the dty's sole. absolute and Uiafetlereddlscredon. hlldemnlflcadon Raquirement G. The Firm accepa and ".,Iuntartly Incurs all risks of any Injuries, damages, or harm which ml&ht arise during the work or event that is occurrlnl on the ClTYls property due to the neall&ence or othe.. fault of the Firm or anyone actinl through or on behalf of the Fim1. H. The Firm shaD indemnify. defend. save and hold CIlY. itS officers, aftiliateS, employees, SUct8Ssors and assIJnI. harmless from any and aU daJna8es. dalms. llabllky. IDlles, claims, demands. sulls. fines. Judamems or COlt and expenses. InclUding reasonable attorney's fees. paralegal fees and Investlptlve costs incidental there to and incurred prior to. durina or followin, any lltipdon, mediation, arbitration and at aU appeUate levels, which may be suffered by. or accrued aplnst. charpd to or recoverable from che at)' of South Mtaml.1ts officers, afIIlla*, 8mpJ~St successors and usians. by reason of any causes of aalons Dr claim of any kind or nature. indudll1l claims for injury to. or death of any person or persons and for the lOIS or dlll'1l&e to any property arl .... out of a n"cent error, omlalon, misconduct, or any Iross neaJipnc:e, intentional act or harmful conduct of che Firm, Its contractorlsubconcractor or any of their officers, directors, aaenu. representatives, employees, Of aulJns, or anyone act:il1l through or on behalf of any of them. arising out of thIs A.greement. Incident to It, or resulting from die performance or no .... performance of the Firm's oblipdons under thIs AGREEMENT. I. The Arm IhaD pay all claims. losses and expenses of In)' kind or nature whatsoever. In connection therewith. indudina the expense or loss of the CITY and/or its affected ThomaI F. Pepe IOJIJllO" Page '3 of 66 148 ofticers. afFiliates. employees, successors and assigns. including their attorney's fees. in the defense of an)' action in law or equity brolilM aplnsc: them and arisIng from the nqlipnt error, omission, or act of che firm. its Sub-Comrac:tor or any of cheir qerlts. representatives. employees, or asslln .. andlor arising out of. or incident to, this Aareemem. or Incident to or resultilll from the performance or nan-performance of the firm's obIiptions under this AGREEMENT. J. The finn aarees and rec:oplz.es that neither the CITY nor Its ofttcm. affilia_ empl ... successors and assp shall be held liable or responsible for any claims, indudlna the COlts and expenses of defencllna such claims which may result from or arise out of actlonl or omissions of the Firm. Its contractor/subcontl"ldOr or any of .thelr .. representadvu, employees, or "I, or anyone actina mro ..... or on behalf 01 the them, and arising out of or concernlna the work or event that Is occurrin& on the CI1Y'a property. In nw1ewin& approving or reJecting any submissions or acu 01 ahe Firm. CITY In no way Illumes or shares responsibility or liabllltJ for the acts all' omissions of the Finn, its comractorlsubcontractor or any of their .. nu. representatives. emplo~ or II"" or anyone actina throUJh or on behalf of them. K. The firm has the dulY to provide a defense with an IttOm!!)' or law firm approved by the City of $ouch Miami, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld. L However. u to design proreasional contracts. and pursuant to Secdon n5.08 (I), Ftorida Satures. none of th~ provisions set forth herein above that are In conflict with t:hi5 subpanaraph shall apply and this subparllfaph .haIG let forth the sole responsibUity of the des. professional concerninalndemniftcatlon. Thus. the desiln prafesslonafs obllpdans as b) the City and Its apndes. as well as to its officers and employees. is to indemnify and hold them harmless from liabilities. damqes, losses. and cosa, Inclucfi ... but not Rmited to, reasonable attorneys" fees, to the extent caused by the neclf&ence, recklessness, or Inrendonally wronaful conduct of the des,," profealonal and other persons employed or utilized by the delran professional In the performance of the contract. Thomas F •• epa I GIl JIZO 16 THIS IS INCLUDED IN THE GENERAl. CONDITIONS END OF SEC110N Pap'~of66 MARLIN Consultant Project Proposal Date: March 8, 2018 Dear Mr. Carmenates; Marlin Engineering, Inc. proposes to provide the services identified below for the project en~itled "Roadway and Beautification hnptovements-Sunset Drive (nnd Street fi:omUS 1 to 57 th Avenue)", pursuant to the . Professiomil Services Agreement provided by the City of South Miami for Civil Engineering Services. I. General The project will primarily consist ofthe beautification of Sunset Drive (nnd Street) between US 1 and 57 th Avenue and minor traffic operationalimprovements:. . The scope of work~utlines the effort required for the production of the construction documents. . Scope of 'Services Design Phase: i. Site Investigation and Reconnaissance ii. Data Collection, Utility Coordination and Verification Of As-built Conditions iii. Various Site Layout Plans including a Site Plan, Planting Plan, Irrigation Plan and Landscape Lighting Plan (plans may be consolidated) IV. Irrigation service connection v. Signing and Pavement Markings, if required VI. SWPPP Notes and Applicable Details VB. Technical Specifications viii. Probable Construction Cost Estimate Pennitting Phase: 1. Permitting/Approvals with local jurisdictional authorities such as DERM and Miami-Dade DTPW. 1700 NW 66 th Avenue, Suite 106, Plantation, FL 33313 ·954,870.5070' www.marlinengineering.com MARLIN Construction Phase 1. Assist in preparation of Bid package ii~ Attend one pre-bid" meeting iii. Review contractor's submittals iv. Respond to allRFI's v. Coordinate the work and work schedule vi. Perfonn construction observations during construction activities· vii. Review contractor's p~yment requisition viii. Conduct punch list inspections lX. Complete project close out and certifications Scope of Work a. Remove existing black olive and palm trees and replace them with oak trees to provide shade and maintain / provide new up lighting as necessary. b. Plant 80 large trunk (mature) oaks on both sides ofllie roadway. No work will be perfonned in the Sunset Mall property since it is a separate project by others. c. Provide symmetrY when locating the proposed oaks on both sides of the roadway d. Maximize the width of the sidewalks without compromising existing on-street parking. e. Provide ground shrubs similar to the type on the south side of the intersection of US-l and SW nnd Street f. Enhance irrigation (backflow and water main cormection exist however the lines may not be functional\ g. Address sidewalk concern and tree concern by the Spris Artisan Pizza restaurant h. Address left turn lane concerns from Sunset Drive to SW 58th Avenue including signing and pavement markings. ll. Sched ule of Work -Time of Performance The anticipated length of service shall be 6 months (six) commencing after the Notice to Proceed. 50% Submittal to the City of South Miami prior to submittal to Miami-Dade County for their review. 1005 Submittal to the City of South Miami after final approval obtained from Miami Dade County 1700 NW 66 th Avenue, Suite 106, Plantation, Fl 33313 • 954.870.5070 • www.marlinengineering.com MARLIN ID. Compensation . Consultant shall perfonn the work detailed in this Proposal for a Total fee of $41 ,93 5 and 00 cents (100). The . City shall not be liable for any fee, cost, expense or reimbUrsable expense or other compensation beyond this arriouht unless approved in a supplemental Work Order. IV. Additional Services The City of South Miami may establish ail allowance for additional seryices requested by the City and for unforeseen circumstances, which shall be utilized at the sole discretion oftlle City. V. . Data Provided by the City of South Miami' The following infonnation or documents are to be provided by the City of South Miami, if available: As-built infonnation including survey and geotechnical infonnation. VI. Project Manager Consultant's Project Manager for this Project will be Jose Santiago, P .E. Submitted by: Jose Santiago, P .E. Marlin Engineering Reviewed and approval in concept recommended by: Department Director City Manager Procurement Manager 1700 NW 66 th Avenue, Suite 106, Plantation, FL 33313 • 954.870.5070 • www.marlinengineering.com CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COD'IIIhIDI Fe. Prop.sAl W ......... t project: SW 72nd Street BeautifiCillion Project Project No Descnptlon' .' ,STAFF CLASSIFICATION Job Classlncallon 111'. Project MIIgr Senior Engineer Engineer engineer IJmlm .. enlor Craftman Aseigned Staff Rafael Lagos ROll Matamoros ~I Domlnguu EliasCI"" John Blanken&llip Approved Rate Rate: $150.90 Rate: $12&.00 Rate: $90.90 flaie: $75.00 Rate: $75.00. Task Man CostJTask Man COslfTask Man Cosl/Task Man CoslfTask Man Cosl/Task· , hOUrs hours tlours hOUrs hours 1 2 Project General Task 2 5300 e 5750 10 . $900 3 4 Roadway Analysis S $750 5 $625 10 $900 15 $1.125 5 $375 5 6 Roadway Plans 6 $900 6 $750 10 $900 15 . 51,125 30 $2.250 7 9 Signing and Pavemanl Markings Analysis rw--5 $750 5 $625 5 $450 10 $750 10 $750 11 Signing and Pavement Markings Plans 6 $900 6 $750 5 $450 20 $1.500 20 $1.500 12 13 landscaping Analysis and Plans 5 $750 5 $625 24 $2.160 20 51.500 10 ' $750 _. 14 15ughting Analysis end Plans 5 $750 5 $625 5 $450 20 $1.500 20 51,500 16 17 Post Design Services 18' 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 -'--_. 26 27 Total Staff Hours 34 38 69 100 95 r-.' Total staff Cost $5.100.00 $4,790·00 $6.210.00 $7.600.00 fT.125,00" Total 'III or Work by PO$1I10n 8.6% 9.6% 17.6% 26.4% 24.1% Nate: Fee for the P~nclpal(s) of tna firm are nol to be Included above as the multiplier Is not applicable to their hours. The lea Is to be Shawn below and entered as a sep~ . Notes: Estimale of Principal's FIe Total hours _____ 1 hour 1. This sheell. to be used by Prtme Consultsnl to calculate the Grand Tolal Fee and one IS to be used for each 5ubCOnsultani 2. Manually enter fea tram each subconsultanl Unused subtonsullanl raws may, b9 hidden 3. Where appllcatile the basis 101' work activity descrtptions shall be !he FICEIFOOT Slandard Scope ana Staff Hour Estimation HandbOOk. 4. Enlar the multiplier value In the field afler the WOrd "multipllef' Mwdmllm Of 2 decimal points. Consultant Nama: Marti!" Engineering. Inc. Contrect No.: DaI8: 3/812018 WolII Onler No' ' sr. Const. IRSP canst. Insp. StaffH~UIII ~alary Miguel Soria German sanchez; Rate: $90.00 Rata: $ 16.00 By Cost By Man Coslf,Task Man Cast/Task Task Task hours, hours 18 $1.950 40 $3,775 $7 $5,926 35 $3;325 57 $5.100 64 $5.785 55 ' $4,825 58 $4.350 58 54.350 58 394 $4,S50,OO $35,035.00 14.7% 1 ~ SUBTOTAL EsTIMATED I;EE: multiplier 1.00 additional Setvices (Aile Subconsuhant: Marlin Englnaertng SUIV&y Subconsultant Ac:ai and Associates Subconsultant: Additional SetVlces Principal's Fea Ramon Soria 2. SUBTOTAL ESTIMATED FEE: Geotechnical Field/Lab Testing: Su~y Fee (or Survey Crew Fae):. Othar Misc. ,Fee: Enter Fea Description '3 • SUBTOTAL ESTIMATED FEE: I\'dCiUonat Services (AllOwance) ReI!l*'U1Sable& (Allowance) GRAND TOTAL ESTIMATED PEE: Average Rate Per Task 5108.33 894.38 $88.43 $95.00 $89.47 590.39 $87.73 $75.00 $8U2 $35.035.00 $3.000.00 $2.500.00 $1,400.00 $ 541,935,00 ' $41.935.00 $4~Ei.OO