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Res No 224-17-15025
RESOLUTION NO. 22~-17 -15025 A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a multi-year renewal subscription with LexisNexis to provide online legal publications. WHEREAS, LexisNexis, a division ofRELX Group, and West are the primary legal publication companies that provide the type of legal publications needed by the Legal Departments of the City; and WHEREAS, LexisNexis offers a program that automatically links to cases, statutes, and rules that are cited in any document ("citation function") which will save time searching for these authorities and which function costs an additional $34/month; and WHEREAS, the citation function requires a one-year subscription; and WHEREAS, LexisNexis requires a minimum of 12 months for the citation function subscription on the existing subscription; and WHEREAS, the City currently has a contract with LexisNexis to provide the LegaJ. Department with online legal researching tools which will expire on April 30, 2018; and WHEREAS, the current LexisAdvance will be extended from the current end date of 4/30/18 to 12/31118 with NO change in the price; and WHEREAS, the citation function service will be added for no charge for November and December 2017 and then will be charged at $34/month starting 111118 to 12/31118; and WHEREAS, the citation function is preferred by the Third District Court of Appeal for briefs filed with the appellate court; and WHEREAS, LexisNexis is a sole source for specific online legal researching tools and hyperlinked downloadable cases, legal citations that it makes available to its customers, as well as for some of the online legal pUblication that it provides. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to extend the current one-year contract with RELX Group, through a division of the company known as "LexisNexis" to provide the Legal and Human Resource Departments with legal publications for an eight-month extension at $384/month for the base subscription and $34/month for the citation function. The contract sum shall be expended from account 001-1500-514-4065, which was budgeted at $103,180 and has a current balance of $1 0 1 ,371. Section 2. If any section clause, sentence, or phrase of this resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, the holding shall not affect Page 1 of 2 Res. No. 224-17-15025 the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. Section 3. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by vote of the City Commission. PASSED ANTI ADOPTED this 5 th day of December ,2017. COMMISSION VOTE: 4-1 Mayor Stoddard: Yea Vice Mayor Welsh: Yea Commissioner Edmond: Yea Commissioner Liebman: Nay Commissioner Harris: Yea Page 2 of2 LexisNexis* "Subscriber" Name: .Clty of South Miami .Account Number: . 1000ROY46 "LN"; lexisNexis, a division of RELX Inc. 1. Amendment Lexis Advance® Subscription Amendment for· State/local-- Government (Existing Subscriber Version) This Amendment ("Amendment") amends and supplements the terms of the Lexis Advance Subscription Agreement pr~yiously entered into ,between LexisNexis, a division of RELX Inc. ("LN") and Subscriber (the ·Subscription Agreement"). This Amendment shall serve as Subscriber's acceptance of the General Terms & Conditions for Use of the Online . Services In effect as of ~e dat~ of this Amendment and displayed at www.lexlsnexis;com/terms/general. 2. CertIfication . '2.1 Subscriber. certifies that the number of government profesl!ionals In Subscriber's organization is ',as set forth below. . A ~'Govern.ment Professional User" is defined as an attorney, judge, librarian, researgher, Investigator or analyst. who is amployed by'the Subscriber.' 2:2 A "Support Staff User" is defined as a person who supports the Government Professional User, including, but not limited le:--paralegals,II'l~Fns.legal"se€l'8tafieH)r-0ther~admIFlfstl'8tive"sl:ll'>J*lrt-membeFs.-lJl'>"t0.3.I~~s.willhbe ,issuel;!.tG-suppGrt.staff----- for each Government Professional User accounted for above. Support Staff Users will receive access at no additional charge. 2.3 Each LN 10 must be issued for individual use by the Govemment Professional· User Qr Support Staff User; 2.4 If Subscriber, at the time of Signing this Amendment has 11 or more' Government Professional Users, then Subscriber is required to .notify LN if the number of (3ovemment Professional Users falls below 11. Subscriber shall, within 30 days of the staffing change, rio~fy LN in writing. 2,5 Subscriber acknowledges that the pricing and menus provided to Subscriber in this Amendmenl depend in part on the number of Governm,enl Professlor:)al Users In Subscriber's organization, Subscriber certifies· that as of the date Subscriber signs this Amendment there 'are the number of' Government Professional USers In Subscriber's organization (the "Reference Number") as Subscriber h.as 'specified above. . (I) At LN's request from time to time, Subscriber will certify in writing the then-current Reference Number. (Ii) If there is a change in the Reference Number during the Term, LN may, in its sole discretion on at least 30 days prior written notice to Subscriber, increase or decrease the Monthly Commitmen't by an amount" thai does not exceed, on a percentage basis, the change in the Reference Number, 3. Lexis Advance Product and Charges 3.1 This Section 3 amends the Subscription Agreement with respect to the Lexls Advance® product offering described below. The term of Subscriber's commitment for the Lexis Advance product offering will.begin upon the date Subscriber's billing account ("Account Number") is activated ("Acliyation") and will continue for the last period set forth in Section 3.3 below (the "Committed T.e.rr:n U ). Subscriber may hot terminate this Amendment under' Section 5.2 of the General Terms during the. C' .. Clmmilled Term_ In addition, Subscriber may terminate this Amendment during the Committed Term for a material breach by LN thai remains uncured for more than 30 days after LN receives written notice from Subscriber identifying a specific_ breach. If Subscriber terminates this Amendment pursuant to this Section, then Subscriber will pay all charges incurred up 10 the date of termination. Upon the expiration of the Committed Term, all access to and use of Lexis Advance by Subscrihcr will be billed in accordance with the applicable Ihen-current Price Schedule. _ ________ PniCiucl Na~C)nafp.:t[mary piuS ---__ La~or & E'TlEIQ)1t1efll Law kibintY._ ,. :.:ill1. tf.'II-"f'l-:.lh I\fJ I.i-!"';lh ,.,~.:.-~1 t 1:.~jJ 1.c.t.~t __ ! News ~10~1~O~6~10~~ ______ ~ __ +~2 ____ ~~ ______________ 1 l~INews 1011823 2 o CitY Altor6av Premium Llbra~ ____ . __ .. ...!!!1_19_6_6~ __________ --:-t-=:2_o _____ _ o 0 ·00 o. o COO O. ----,--o .SJiJ:I. allacl'ielfRIdi3r No .• 1 foradiliUonai Conlenr& Features , . ., . 3.2 During the Term, the premium features Shepard's Graphical and Research Map will be,includE)d at no additional charge. 3.3 In exchange for'acceSs to the Lexls Advance Content, Feature ana/or Service sel forth above in Section 3.1, Subscriber. will pay to Lf'..! the followilig amount. (the "Monthly Commitment") during the periods set ~ below; " ._ "i --'-:-----'----3:-4~~llrinIFllTe4"-eI'lTl,'I:M-rna)1irfalte--mnlel1H1m!"f~IIa~[jbsci1b'ertlTat'1ll'lfml·IOOl1dliif·Irnt'l1f'l:ED(irAlMm"'ce;:---~- Content described above Which Will be offered to Subscriber at an additional charge ("AItemate Materials"). Subscriber will"ba under no obligation to access and use the Altemate Materials,oor to incur additional fees beyond the Monthly Installment If. Subscribei' elects to access tha A1temate'Materials by Initialing oelow, Subscriber will be notified that additional charges will apply before the Altemate Materials is displayed. 'If Subscriber proceeds to access t.he Alternate Materials; Subscriber will pay the then current, transactional charge(s) for lhe A1tefTllilte Materials that Is dlspl~yed al the til1)e of ~s. ., , . Subscriber elects access to the Alternate Materials ~' . . " 3.5 Use of LexJs Advance under this Amendment is available t~ Subscriber and 'ils Authorized 'Users (deflnea in the General Terms)._ 3.6 LN may temporarily suspe'nd access to lexls Advance "lntil all unpaid amounts are paid in full." No claims·direclly or . indirectly relat~d to this Amendment with r~spect to amounts billed or payments made under this Amendment may be initiated by Sub~crlpermore thah 6 months'after such amounts were first billed 10 Subscriber. 4. Closed Offer . . The prices and other terms are subject to change if Subscriber has nol submitted a signed original or copy on or before 0 11120/17. . -. - 5. Confidential Information Subject 10 any slale open records or freedom of Information statutes, this, Amendment contains confidential pnclng information of LN. Subscriber understands that disclosure of the pricing inFormation contained herein could cause competHive harm 10 LN, aDd will;receive and maintain this Amendment ih trusl and confid~nce and take reasonable pracautions against . such disclosure to any third person .. This Section 5 will survive the termination or expiraliofl of this' Amendment 6, SUPPORT AND TRAINING During the Term, Subscriber, with the support of LN, agrees 10 encourage the efrective lise of Lexis Advance through: (a) Mandatory basic training in the lise or lexis Adv;:lnce by LN for all Authorized Users: (b) Meaningful partiCipation in additional ongoing programs presented by LN 10 update and train Authorized Users; (e) Authorize the periodic dislnbution of memos or other communications by LN and/or Subscriber to Authorized Users; and " .(d) The periodic r.eview with LN of Subscriber's Authorized User's use of materials and training under this Amendment 7 •. Mlscellaneous . Thi$ Amendment does not bind either party until It has been accepted by' both parties. Subscriber m.ay accept this Amendment by signing below. LN will accept this Amendmenl byproilidfng Subscriber with access to Lexis Advance or by signing below. LEXISIlIEXIS WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY CHANGES, CORRECTIONS OR ADDmONS TO THIS AMENDMENT UNLESS SUCH CHANGES ARE EXPRESSLY ACCEPTED BY·LN IN WRI.TlNG .. SUCH CHANGES WILL HAVE NO LEGAL EFFECT. AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED BY: Authorized Sub.scrlber Signature;~ Date: LexlsN~ls,.a division of RELX Inc. Authodzed Signature: . Name: Date: . Approved as to form, language, leg1lUty and execution thereof: By;' ~~~~.;f6~ City Attol'ney -. -,I,J· 'o,-(iI,IH, .. i~"'ttiJ:o, . A.'I,~jl.it .•. ;.,;. ..... '.,;.;'1 .1 • J'11U.'.,_:i"'_;f . .. '! LexisNexis 5 , Q FederaUSiale & Local Govemmenl LEXIS FOR MICROSOFT~ OFF.ICE LEXIS ADVANCE® EDITION ORDER This Lexis for Microsoft Office -Lexis Advance Edition ("Lexis for Microsoft Qffiqa") Order ("Order") amends and· supplements the terms of the Lexls Advance Subscription Amendment .(the "AgreemenC'), previously executed between LexisNexis, a division of RELX Inc. (formerly known as Reed Elsevier Inc.) rLN") and Citv Of South Miami (·Subscrlber"). 1. Term. The term. of this qrder wHl begin on tne day this Order Is executed by Subscriber and will ~ntinue until the las~ COll:1mitm~nt, . Period set forth below (the "Term"). Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Order shall aulomalically lerminate upon expiration of the Agreement. Although·the Term of this Order Will start upon eXfi!Cution, Subscriber will not have access to Lexls for Microsoft Office until the following condlUons (collectively, the 'Requlremeri~") are met: (8) Subscriber meets the tectl-nlcal Requirements set forth in SeCtion 2; and (b) Lexls' for Mlcros~ Office Is installed on Subscriber's system via ·one of thEr Installation proeesses setforth In,SeCtlon 5. .' . . 2. Tecbnlcai'Requlrements. _ .. Lexis for Microsoft Qffic~ is proprietary software developed by.JN to Integrate LN content directly within tile M!cr;osoft • _ Corporation softWare applications MICl:OSoft· Outlool( and Microsoft Word. In order to use Lexis for Mlci'Osoft·' Offi~, . .' Subscriber must (~~ ha~ a pald-!JP:li~nse ·to .the,·requlsite Micro$,C)# Q:m~'·:!I~.;~~~·,Q?l~~ !!t~A~hnicaf req~irements .speClfied.on the ~exis fol' Mlcrpsoft.Offlce download site l_J&~R9lcls;SRmtdOWJilOid..teXlS;.p~rfor: the :proper operation of the Software (collectively, the "T.echnlcal Requirements·}:' .' ~. Lice"se. , ; 3.1. LN grants Subscriber a personal, limited, 1J0n-excluslve, non-transferable, right to access and use the Lexis far Mlcrosoft- Qffice product indicated in Seellon 4 below subject to the terms of the Lexis for Microsoft Office End User License ~-~~-~AgFeement·attached·hereto-as':Exhlb~l::N·retains·alJ"r1ghtrlitle;-and·1nterest~in,;and-to"I:exiS-"'or·Microsoft·efflcfr,anhny""""'''--~ intell~ual.property embodle!! therein. All accassto and use Clf LN content via Lexls for Microsort Offtce shall be subject to . the terms.setforth In the Subscription Agreement. . . . '3.2 'For Contract Gompanlon sa~re Subscribers Only. SubscrlbE!r's access to and· use of the Contract Companion software available ffO!1l Micl'O$.ystems, a aavlston of F~dom Solutions Group,. LLC C"Mlcrosystems") through LQXis for Microsoft Office is conditioned upon' (a) Subscriber having a vand subScription to Lexls· for Microsoft by way of this enter; and. (b) Subscriber's ~cceptance of the. Mkrosystea:ns teims and col)ditions which are Iocatad Jit http://sltes.microsvstems.com/po!!Ciesleula .1MG;) and'ineorporated herein by reference (the "Contract Companion Terms·). Subscri~ ac~nowledges and agrees that Its use of the Contract Companion software is ~ubject to the Contract COmpanion Terms and:thal the Contract' CoIJlP~lon T~l1JIs form an independent agreement between Subscriber and Mlcrosystems. ~Icrosystems is a third party beneficiary of this Order. '4. Lexls for Microsoft Office Platform, Menus, Monthly Software Charges, Functionality Charges. 4. f In exchange for Subscriber's'monthly paYJ'l'lent to LN' of the ~exis fOr Mlcinsoft Office Monthly Software Charges amount set forth below, Subscr.lber wlll'be provided with the Lexis for Microsoft Office features and content indicated below during the Commitment Period ("Your Subscribed Product"). Access to lexis for Microsoft Office shall be limited, to Ihe number of Authorized Users··set forth below. -. LEXIS-FOR MICROSOFT OFFICE QQ1lonal. QQntJ:aqt CoO:iPttnlj~ts9ftware -Chec:i< lf~Jlf:lliGabl!~'JI[tlQ1&11tJ.9_1§11J)21J. "COMMITMENT PERIOD" Jllclivalioh to 12131117 . 17m 8 10 12731116 NUMBER OF AUTHORIZED USERS bF LEXIS FOR MICROSOFT OFFICE (Offering 1000352) -- NUMBER OF AUTHORIZED .U8ERS OF .LEX" FOR MICROSOFT·OFFICE -WItH DOCUMeNTlOOLS lOff~rinJl~000781) 1 - 1------.----------.--~--~---.,-~~~ I·· ... ------.. -. ... --... . . --. -.--.. -.-.-I Nt:I; 5_C;clll·Fec.r..n'lt·I"~&IsMlaOllOrl/)lr/C(!}\r11114...-:lrisAd;'nnr.I!·0Jl1I?'(l16 1011 '1P,2:l-:12B~·2826 . ~ -. --'. -- "TOTALLEXIS FOR MICROSOFT OFFICE MONTHLY SOFTWARE CHARGE" $0 $34 $ $ ------------··-~~":;-----I S 3 I r $ $ $ $ 4.2 For purpos~s of this Ord~r, the term "Authorized User" shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement. LN will monitor the number of Authorized Users of Lexjs for Microsoft Office. In the event that the average monthly users in any three month period exceeds the greater of 5 Authorized Users or 105% of the Authorized Users set forth above, LN may adjust the Lexis for Microsoft Office Commitment upon written notice to Subscriber effective as of the first day of the following month to reflect the current number of us.ers. Additionally, Subscriber will certify In writing the then-current .numb~r of Authori~~d l,lsers of I,..exis for Microsoft Qffi"e at LN's request from time to time. 5. Installation •. In Ortier to -access Lexis for Microsoft Office, Lexis for Microsoft Office must be installed on Subscriber's system via one of the following Instililati0D method~: (Subscriber to check its eleclion(s) below.) ~ Standard Implementalion -. . In a Standard Installation, LN does not perform any installation services and LN's'proprielaty technology which allows enrichment· of Subscriber'~ content is' not. Installed behind Subscriber's firewall; In a· .standard Implementation installation, Subscriber will not receive any transfer of tangible personal property, nor will there be any electronic transfer or software. to the Subscriber In an Individual !)esktop Installation. A1lstardard installations will be implemented through electronic retrieval by Subscriber of t~e-. software that Is hosted by the IN website. Subscri!>er will download the software from the LN website'at an individual desktop level by individual users or on a network level by an IT administrator. By electing this option, Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that. the Microsoft Word .documents and Microsoft' Outlook emaits ("Subscriber's Work") that It sel!'lcts to.be analyzed by Lexls. for Microsoft OfflCe.wil~ mC?J11entarily leave its environment and will be sent to IN to be marked/taggedJindexed. LN represents -~----------'a""'nH Wl:!rfailts ttiat all sucH processlfl1forSOllscriber'EfWofK Will-happen fl1iR!tiine::t<Fri'l-ac/'iine;-wIth'OlJt~----' -. human IntE1rventlon (similar to a iaxis.com search) and IN will not store, review, or retain Subscriber's Work beyond the time required for processing (La., LN will ncit store Subscriber's Work. in any back up logs·, server logs, etc.). There are no Inst.allation charges for this 'option and no_ separate inJfilgratlon ~~~~~-. : In selecting this option, Subscriber must further define Ihe method of deployment: o . Individual Desktop Installation -Lexis for Microsoft Office will be-downloaded from the LN website . on an indb,idual desktop basis . Subscriber NetWork Installation -Lexls for Microsoft Office is downloaded from the LN website and . Subscriber distributes the Software 10 multiple desktops or on an organ~alion~wide basis . .0. Installation for existing Lexls® Search Advantage Subscriber -If Subscriber currently subscribes to Lex~ Search Advantage, LN and Subscriber will execute a new Statement of Work 10 Subscriber's existing Lexis® Search Advantage Agreement to document the additional integration services that will be necessary to integrate Lexis for Microsoft Office and Lexls® Search Advantage within Subscriber's environment. o . Custom Installation -In a custom installation. LN pei:forms professional services' work beyond providing Instructions and general guidance for downloading Lexis for .Microsoft Offi~. Professional services rendered by LN may include, but are not limited to, writing custom code to install Lexls for Microsoft Office within Subseriber's environment. installation services at Subscriber's site in order 10 download and install software on individual desktops and across the enterprise automatically, or specific effort to install the . Le~is for Microsort Office server version within the clienl environment. The custom Installation may include electronic transmissions of computer software and !'lleclronic data retrieval of computer software. Custom installations may also include "'load and leave" deliveries In which LN visits Subscriber's site, installs the soflo,yarc. then takes the phYSical medium away when finished. The nature of the services to be provided to Su~scriber, the charges for the cuslom installation services, and the terms regarding the r-NO:· SLGO'M'cdGI;lVI.1J'ldsMir;O~Ar.iin;LnXi:;AIIV"~I~:;;:.(j;;i. iill,'6 -' --" .... ---~-'.---'-'--···---®'2016 Lcxis.'1exis. AI/ nshls reserved. I...'U/L'1823-328_~.2826. . -._ ~ __ .•. _ . ___ ... _'.' ........ ... ..' . ___ .. ___ 00_:.__ __ •• ____ . __ " .. __ . ____ 1';]!J~1.. sl3rvices wilr be documented in a Statement of Work Issued against a separate Master Integration Services Agreement to be exec'uted py the parties. A custom InSlaliatlOn will not InClude'the transfer of tangible personal property or transfer of title to the Software . . . 6. Miscellalleous: . 6.1 In-!fie"event of any conflict between the 'femis:'of this Order and lh!! attach~ E)(hlblt A, the teRns 'of this Order shall control.' ','" -.' . 6.2 Exeept as ~xpresslY modified by this Order. all other terms and conditions of the Agreement will remain In full force and , effect and wIIl,be unaffected by this Order. ,In the event of a conflict or Inconetst8l\91es between the Agrell,,"mt and 'this' ;. Order, H!!s Order will control. The Agree!1lent·and this Order represent the enth'e::~grE!ement betweefl tha parties with respect _ to Lelds for Microsoft 'Office. ' .o,n prior agreementS, proposals, purchase orders, representations, promises or understandings, whether oral or In-writing; concerning LeXls for MicroSOft Office are superseded In their entirety by this O~ . . L.:N's acceptance of tbe tet:ms of this Qrder shaD be evidenced by its signature below or by:LN prQVidlng SubScriber Eiccess to Lexls for Microsoft Offlge. . \ Supscriber Impleme.ntation Information , ~ 'IT Administrator Name; r;, g,r&,-A.l r Ere J,Admlnistrator Address: (",1'1 £J' .5 q,{ iU '\"t:: r /)rt..$"~.~4",1l.J.foIJ£.4 .... ~ 131'11 ~L IT AdmihiSlratorPhone'Number: ,,("'(c-' (,1.1-L "1 '111 IT Administrator Em/:lll Address; ~e.,...tf ~ ...... /.~ n AtJ:A Ih ~E(, .. ~(117 I NI.l· :,;1. GoVI·FeoJGtWl-I.. ,xi~.Mi'" o~".'11 (Jf/iC(:/\(I01-L;):'i~:IVI'!;"'Ce-Oc;112016 , IIJII '11l:'3-:i~W\.:J/l2fi . . © 20'16 LcxisNcxis. All righlS resorved.\ _ . _ .. r:.ag c 0\ J ·. EXIIIBITA LEX1S® J"OR MICROSOFT® OFFICI~ END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT 1. SUBSCRIPTION LICENSE ·GRANT. a. SLlbject to the lerms Bnd cOQditions of this LexisCl!l for Microsoft® Office End User License Agreement (this ''HULA''). LexisNexis, a division ofRBLX Inc. (ULl'>/") grants'you a personal, Jimited, nonexclusive, non-transferable license.~ access and use the LexiS®for Microsoft® Office software produCI (the "Software") set forth in Ihe agreement between you and LN for acceSs to the Sonware (the ,'·Orderj. Use ofth~ Software is subject to the: temis set forth in the Order including th,e nu~ber of Authorized Users and limcrperiod ('~erm") llet forth in the Order., , b. Restrictions and Prohibitions on Use. Ex.cept as expressly permille(J by Section'l(a), or upon the express prior wri~ten consent of LN, you JJlay not, nor pennit others to: (I) copy, print, republish, display, transmit, distribute, sublicense, sell, r.;nt, lease, loan, or othea:wise make available in any form or by any means (incl.uding electronic JJledia now existing or \iereafter,developed), all' or iir!y substantial portion of the Software: (2) provide anyone other than y~ur Authorized Users access to the Software or BlJY portions theieof,(3) use the Software to develop, or as a cqmponcnt of, aninformatio~ storage or retrieval system, ~base, info-base, or similar information resource (in any media now existing or hereafter developed), including through .sale, lic:ense, lease, rental, subscription, or any other conmiCJ:Cial distribulion mechanism:(4) create compilations or deJ:ivative viorks of the Software;(S) make . any portion of. the Software available through any tim.baring system, service bureau, the Internet, or any other technology .now existing or developed in the future:(6) remove, change. or obscure any copyrlght notice or 'other proprietary notice or,terms of uSC cimtained in the Software; (7) remove, disable, 'Or defeat any functionality of tbe Software: or (8) upload content in the Software (through the Notes feature or otherwise) that is defamatory, Iibelolls, pomognlpbic or obscene, unless such content is reasonably related 10· professional re8pOllStcililies. In addition, Authorized Users are IItrlctlj prohibited from uploading content to' the Software that is ' considered protected ~Ith information under the Health Accountability and Porfabiliiy PrOti:ctiOll A<:t of 19.96 (HIPAA) or the Hewth Information Technology for Economic and Qinical Health Act of 2009 (HITECM). c. Electronic DocUtn\lnts. Solely with respect to the electrol.lic ~cuments included with the Software (e.g.,.the electron'ic versiOn of the user guide). you may only JJlake as many copies as reasOnably necessary for each Authorized User (either in hard.copy or • elecfrOiuc lC!nTI). provlaeil}liat sucJ\ copies SIIan Deused on)Yloryo~ sale use and are' not republi8Deaor Gistii6uteil to anyUiiid pilrty. -~ , . , d. Third Party Materil!ls. The use of some thitd~~y materials included in the'SoftwBre may be subject to pther tems and conditions typicaRy fo.und in a separate 'Software agn,ement or '"Read Me" tile located in or DCar;such materials ' 1. COPYRIGHT~, LN and its third party liconsors and developers hol~ exclusive ownership of the, Software and ell intellectual properly righls embodied Iherein~ including copyrights and valuable trade secretS inCo~ted in the SoftWare's design and' coding me~ology. T~ Soft~rc is protec~ by United States and inler!lational copyright laws and international.treaty provisions. This R1 JI.A does nor grant you any ownership OT intellectnal property righlll in the Software. Upon expiration ofibe Tenn, yo'! wnt not have the right to continue using th.e Software and will promptly remov~ all copies orthe Software fiom your systems: 3. ~VERSE ENGINEERING. You agree that you will nOl, IlOT will you permit others 'to allempt t,o: (i) modify QT translate the SoftWare; (il) decompile or disassemble the Sonware, (iii) crcale derivative works based on the Software; (iv) merge the Software with or into another product not approved for use by l:.N (excluding Microsoft Office): or (v) copy the,.Software except as expressly permitted by Lliis EULA. -'. ' .' , , 4. SOFfWA'RE SUPPORT. 4.1 As~part of your SUbscription ,to the Softwarc, LN will provide the following support Rnd maintenance for the 'Software during the Term ("Support Services"): (a) Product Support. LN will provide telephonic product support services for the Software 24x7x365 days. (b) Software Problem Resolution. If you repol1 to LN that the Software does not function according to the user-level documentation for the Software ("SQfiwarc Problem'') and othel'Wise comply with Section S YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES, LN will investi~ahl the Software Yroblem Within a rcnsonabh~ lime aner receiving proper nouce from you. and sufficient information to identify the problem. LN will work to correct the Software Problem(s) thllt can be verified based Oil the information provided . by. you utilizing a system that meets the system requirements for the Software. If the .investigation confirms the existence of a S.oftware Problem. LN will use reasonable effotts to correct' the Software Problem which lI'1ay include j~h~menting a temporary work-around. If LN, ill good faith, dctcrmines,thllt thc SoOwarc Problem resulls from an error in the applicable user-level documentation. J.N may correct ,Ihe Sofiwarc I'roblcm,by cOIl'tlcting that documentation. (c) Sofiware Updates and Upgradcs. LN lUIS multiple difrercnt offeringll or Ihe Lex is /01' Microsoft soliware product (Lcllis for Microsoft Onicc, Lexis fOl' Mierosnf: Orliec --wilh Dlll;lIll1l:nl Tnnls, 1:\(;) The license grallico herdn is only III the Lexis fiJI' Microsoft Software product alTering you have selected in the Qrder (for pUI-pOSes of this Section 4.I(c) "Your Subscribcd Product") and te;> the Upd'!-tes and Upgrades released by LN to Your Subscribed Product. This license does not entitle you to have access or use of any other Lexis fol' Microsoft software product. In order to ensure tile proper operation of Your Subscribed Product in accordance with its written documentation, l,.N will provide you with patches, bug fixes, corrections and minor en~ancements ("Updates") during thc Term. Updates will be provided free of charg~ mf they beeo·me. commercially available from LN. Your failure to promptly install Updates may result in the voiding oflN's warranty set forth in Section 6. LN will also proviiJe you with feature or. functionality enhancements to Your Subscribed Product (lin "Upgradc") free of charge as such Upgrades becomc commercially availablc from LN. LN's distribution of Upgrades and/or Updates to you does nol entitle'You to use more cOpies of Your Subscribed Product than the number of Authorized Users for which you have a valid slIbscription. This license, including the release of any Update or Upgrade to Your Subscriber Product. doe.~ not entitle you to have access to or use of any other Lexis/or Microsoft softwtire producl. If you wish 'to subscribe ~ .any other Loxis/or. Microsoft sofiwar,? product, you must execute an Order with LN which contains the appropriate tenns of use and eharges for the appli~ble Lexis for Microsoft software product. Your use of an Upgrade or Upd&ie is licensed in accordance wi!h the terms and conditions of !his EULA.. . . . 4.2 LN is·nol obligated to provide Support Services for Bny Sojtware (a) that has been provided to you free of charge, (b) that has been altered otber ~an by LN or at LN's direction, (c) lhat is more than two versions out of dale, or (d) that integ~tes wilh or is designed for any platfonn that LN or Microsoft no ,longer supports in the normal and "ordinary course of its support lifecycle and/or release cycle. For example, LN is 'not obligated 10 suPPort software designed to work with Microsoft platforms that fall outside of the period i.n which complimentary support services are ~vailable as pan'of the Microsoft license or Ucensing program; or' requires extenqed support plans that 'may require additional charges. . 4.3 LN ..:e~ains. the right to change or modify the Support Services offered herein !it any time and' from time to time upon thirty (30) days' wriuen notice to YOll. In the event any such charige materially and adversely affects the Support Services, you may terminate ~e Order an~ this EULA upon 10 days' written notice to LN. S. YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES. -~-~----~S..l..:rpc.Suppoa:t.ser.vices"do_not-inelude,_and.you.must_pro:vjde_al,.your_expense"unless_otheT;.Wjse.exp(essly~agJ:eecl.by..y.ou~and~Ll~tjp __ _ writing: (a) inStallation, testing, lind operation oJ the Software and all Upgrade andlor Updaies; (b) isolation and documentation. of Software Problems;' (c) illlrallet rcsOurces, backup and restorati.on of your systems; an4 (d) modems and Internet access for LN's remote access and diagnosis ofSofiware Problems, when necessary.' . -~. . . . S.2 LN is not,Jesponsible for produ~ts provided to you by third parties, whether or not LN recommended them or !\ssisted in their evaluation, selection, or ,supervision. The failure of those products or thei!: respective supp!iers to meet your requirements will not" affect either party's obligations under this EULA. . 6. LIMITED WARRANTY. During .the Term, LN warrants that the Software will operate substanti'ally in accordan~ with the documentation. provided, unless perfonnance problems are the result of hardware failure, improper use, or modification by you or your agents or. contractors or due to ' your failure to install all Updates. If the Software does not so operate, your exclusive remedy and LN's sole obligation under this warranty shall be, in LN's sole discretion, either to 'replace Ule Software, to provide you with a bug fix or patch, or to refund the purchase pJ'ice paid for the current version of the Software. LN fui.th~ warrants lhat-Software Support will be perfonned in a professional manner, cOlJsistent with industry: standards. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH ABOVE. LN DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS AND IMPLIED, INCLUDING nUT NOT Ll~ITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTTES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. LN DOES NOT. WARRANT THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE SOF1WARE, UPGRADE· OR UPDATE. WILL MEET ANY PARTICULAR REQUIREMh'NTS OR NEEDS YOU MAY HAVE, THAT THE SOFTWARE, UPGRADE' OR UPDATE (INCLUDING SOFTWARE WHICH LN CREATES OR MODlI'JES FOR YOU) WILL OPERATE UNINTERUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, OR THAT TIlE SOFTWARE, UPGRADE OR UPDATE IS COMPATIBLE WITH .ANY:PARTICULAR PLATFORM, SYSTEM OR APPLICATION. PORTIONS OF THE SOFTWARE HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY MICROSOFT CORPORATION AND SUCH PORTIONS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS." ADDITIONALLY, IF YOU ~ECEIVED tHE SOFTWARE FREE OF CHARGE, THE SQFTWARE IS PROVIDED TO YOU "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. ALL WARRANTY DISCLAIMERS AND LlMn:ATIONS OF LIABILITY SET FORTH HEREIN APPLY TO LN'S· SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS, SUBCONTRAcrORS AND SUPPLIERS.. IT IS THE MAXIMUM FOR WHICH THEY AND LN ARE COLLECTIVELY RESPONSIBLE. 7. FEES AND.PA YMENT FOR SUBSCRIPTION. 7.1 Applicable fce;; and charge:::! fill' the Sort wan: and the SIJPPOl't services are ~et forth in yOlll' l.exis for Microsoft Office Orller. Unlcss otherwise stated, the rces 1<.11' the suh~cliplioll do 1:01 illcludc allY laxes, slIch <IS sales. usc, or c1I.:isc laxl:S. • 7.2 In the event LN sends you an invoice for the subscriptioll"you shall pay LN .the net amount of each invoicc jll Uniled Siales dollars within 30,days aftor the dale oft'he invoice. If you fail 10 pay lilly invoiced amount when due, LN may charge you interest on the unpaid balance frorra the d'aie oflhe invoice until the date paid at,a rate equal to 1.5% p.er month or. the highest r.ate permitted by, law, whichever is lov.:er, In the event you pay \be fee for the subscription by credit card, LN will send you a receipt Confirming' the amount paid and date ,of expiration ot'the Term. ' 8. TERMINATION. Upon ~min8tion of the Orde,; you will promptly cease all use of thu SOnWDre and will return all Copies of.thcSoftwm and documeiltiltion to'LN or, al tbe option of LN, certify to LN in' writing, signed by an executive officer, ihat 1111 copies of the Software and documcmlalion have been destroyed. TeaninatiDl'! of.the Order will not be an exclusive remedy and all other remedies will be available 10 either party whether or not the Order is terminat~d. LN may ~enninale this BULA upon 90 days' no~ice to YOIl in the event.LN no longer provides Support Services for the Software. In the event of termination, LN will refund any pJ:CPDid but unused fees to you on a Jm)-rata basis. 9. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY •. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TERMS CONTAINED IN THIS EULA, IN NO EVENT AND UNDER NO LEGAL TIIEORY, "INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, TORT, CONTRACT, OR STRICT PRODUCTS LIABILITY. SHALL LN, ITS PARENT, ~FILlATP.s, OR ANY OF ITS SOFTWARB'DE~LOPERS, SUPPLIERS OR SUBCONTRACTO~S BE UABLB TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY INDIRECT, ·~PECIAL.. ,INCIDENTAL. ,9R CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGFS OF AN'X KIND,' INCLUDING WITHOUT UMIT~TJON, DAMAGES" FOR LOSS OF' GOODWILL;~ BUSINESS PROFITS. BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, .LOSS OF BUSINBSS INFORMATION OR,PATA, COMP1)tER MALFUNCTION, OR ANY O'.i'HER. KIND, 'OF COMMERCIAL DAMAGE, EVEN IF LN HAS BBEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. UNDER LOCAL LAW, CERTAlN LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY, AND YOU MAY HAVE ADDITIONAL RIGHTS WHICH VARY. FROM"STATE TO STATE. IN NO EVENT SHALL LN'B' LIABILITY fOR ACTUAL DAMAGES .. FOR ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER, AND REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF THB SUBSCRIPTION PAID . BY YOU FOR THR PRECEDING·TERM. • -----·"""·-11'O:=UNI:pE-HT-M'ES'"6eftRNMENT-l:ISE:-1'tIe'·SoftWate"'~s-eOmmercifi .... eompuICT Sli'1l:Waie proViU~m-RESTlUCTImc"------ RIGHTS under the Federal Acquisition Regulations and agency supplements to lhem. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U,S. Government is subject to Jhe restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(lXii) of the Rights in System Data.and Compu~e[ Software clause at OF AR 252.227-7013 ct. sQq. or subparagraphs (c)(l) and (2) of !he Commercial Computer Software'Reslricted Rights at DFA~52.2277]9, as appliCable. ' II; EXPORT RESTRICTIONS'. You agree that you will not permit use of m: expoJt, directly or ilidirectty,·re-expon, divert or tran$fer:.,thc Software in violation of,any applicable export control law or regulation, including witholJ(limitation, thll U.S. Export Administration Regulations ("Export CoDtrols"). • 12. MISCELLANEOUS. 12.) LN (or its licensor, if applicable) tetains sole title to and oVlnersilip oC thi Software and all componcnts, all 'related in(~rmation f'Umi~cd to you und~J' this-HULA, and all related coPyrights,lr.ade secrets, and other intellectual property. 12.2 LN flimisbCl! p,roducts and servic.es to you under this aULA ,on a non-cxclusive basis. LN may directly or indirectly furnish the same or similar products and services to other patties doing business within or outside thc verlical, horizontal, or geographic markets in wbich you do business. . .12.3 All notices required or permittc:d under this EULA shall k in writing and shall be delivered by any method 'providing sufficient proof of delivery, except that any not~cc other than a notice of dcCault or notice of termination may be delivered by facsimile lrallsrnissiun if the original document is also promptly·deli:vered to the recipienl. Any notice shall be deemed tu have been given on the date of receipt. Notices to LN shall be sent 10 the address listed above with a copy to LN, Attention': Customer Legal Services, 9443 Springboro Pike, Miamisburg, OH 45342: Notices to you shall be senl to the address LNhllS on record. . -.' 12.4 Each palty shall submit requests for approvals, consents, and.waivers 10 thc othcr party in wriling in a timely maImer. No approval, consent, or waiver under'this BULA shall be enforceable unless set forth in a. wriling signed by an authorized representative of the gronting party. A waiver of Ldcfault of any term oElhis EUllA shall nol be conslrued as 'a waiver of any succeeding defaull of that lerm or as a waivet of the term itself. A party's perfonnance after the other party's default shall not be,construed as a waiver of lhal defllult. No' approval, consent, or waiver shall be dt:emed to have ~eell given by implication and neither party shall be liable for delays in responding to, failures to respond to, or. denials oftbose requests, . 12 . .5 Each term of Ihis BULA is severable, If II cOllrt, agcncy. or urbitmtor having jurisdiction determines thaI any term is unenforceable under applicable law. that delcrmin:nion shnll not urf'eclthc enforceability oflhc other tenus ()fthis ElJLA. © 201.6 L~SNeXi~.Akrlghtsre!!e.rVett-1 . . . __ paBa 7 . -- 12~6 This BULA, together with the Lexis lor Microsoft Office Order, constilutes the complet~ agreemeilt between the parties_ co~ing this subject, and supersedes all earlier oral and wrillen communications between the parties with respecllO this subjCct. In the event thit you are required to accept any ':click-through" license lerms at the time of download of the Software or otherwise, llie terms of such click-lhr~ugh shall control over any conflicting lenns sel forth in this HULA. '12.7 Neither party shall assign its'righlS or delegate its duties under tlii~ HULA wit~out the prior written consent of the ~~her pany, - except IhatLN may Quign this HULA to an affiliate or to its successor by merger Qr to ~e trilnsferee of substantially all of its slock or ass~ls. Any assignee or delegatee shall be subject to the same obligations, restrictions, and limitations to which the assignor or delegatOr hi subjeet, and no assignex: or delegator shall be released from liabilitY uhder this EUI.,A by R!Uon of any s~ch assiJPU"enl or delegation. This HULA shall be binding on and jn\lnj ,to tbe benefit of the parties and their respective suC?"Ssors and ~d aSlligna. -. (End orllxhibil A) '; . ~ ',. . , ~--. ,; -. :, !l ,.' .' .... ,', .:. ''- .. :' ~, , .. ~. .-.' " .... .a . , .' .. , . ,.:,' .~ " •• ", ;' I'." " ,. ., '\7.fi .. ",' 1.11. -:. ~. -. .; '!> , MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Salurday, Sunday and Legal HoDdays Miami, Miami-Dade Counly. Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF rJjIAMI·DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MARIA MESA. who on oath says that he or she is the LEGAL CLERK. Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review flk/a Miami Review, a dally (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Miami-Dade County. Florida; that the allached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the mailer of NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI -DEC 5. 2017 in the XXXX Court. was published in said newspaper in the issues of 11/24/2017 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami, in said Miami-Dade County. Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously" published in said Miami -Dade County. Florida each day (except Saturday, Sunday end Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail mailer at the post office-" in Miami in said Miami-Dade County. Florida. for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he" or she has neither paid nor promised any person. firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the this advertisement for (SEAL) MARIA MESA personally known to me SUNDAY NOVEMBER 26 2011 MIAMIHERALD.COM FROM PAGE 24SE BRIEFS for Hialeah-Miami Lakes High School; and Michelle Joseph at 305-557-5901, ext. 2206, for Jose Marti MAST Academy. MIAMI-DADE PARKS: FIT2PLAY, FIT2LEARN Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Department invites parents to enroll their kids in one of two specialized programs: The "Fit2Play Health, Well- ness, and Physical Activ- ity" after-school program for ages 6-14; and the "Fit2Lead Youth Enrich- ment & Sports (Y.E.S.)" program for ages 12-14. Fit2Play is held from 2 to 6 p.m. Mondays through Fridays through June B, 2018, throughout the school year and school vacation breaks at 25 Mia- mi-Dade park locations. Program fees range from $25-$35 per week. . Fit2Lead Y.E.S. is offered free during the regular school calendar year, 4 to 7 p.m. Mondays through Fridays at 10 county parks. For more infonnation about FitZPlay, visit http:// bit.ly/2w6Foll. For more about FitZLead, visit http:// bit.ly /2wUfpHR. CORAL GABLES: BACKGAMMON Play live backgammon at the Miami Backgammon Club. No costs or member- ship dues (tournaments cany $10 entry fees). Play- ers of all levels are wel- come at 7 p.m. every Wednesday at The 19th Hole Bar & Grill, Biltmore Hotel, 1200 Anastasia Ave. Contact Leo at 305-669- 5260 or Leo@Miami Backgammon.com. Miami Backgammon.com. FLORIDA CITY: flORIDA PIONEER MUSEUM Florida Pioneer Museum, 826 N. Krome Ave., Florida City, is looking for volun- teers at the museum from 1 to 5 p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Knowledge oflocal histo- ry is not necessary, but you learn over time while work- ing with experienced vol- unteers. The museum, open November through April, depicts family life and commercial life in South Miami-Dade County from 1904 through the 1940s. For more informa- tion, call Bob Jensen at 305-248-0976. HOMESTEAD: SOUP KITCHEN NEEDS HELP Homestead Soup Kitch- en, at 105 SW Third Ave., needs volunteers for cook- ing, serving and cleaning. No experience necessary. The kitchen is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Meal preparation begins about 9 a.m., serv- ing is at noon, and cleanup is done by 1:30 p.m. Volun- teer whenever your sched- ule allows. Bring friends. Call 305-248-0976 be- tween 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.rn.. On serving days for more information. NORTH MIAMI: CREATIVE ARTS 4 KIDS The Museum of Contem- porary Art-North Miami (MOCA) is offering the series Creative Arts 4 Kids on the flTst Saturday of every month. These art classes are for children 6 to 12 years old. Each month, the class will have a differ- ent theme. The cost is $18 per class or $60 for a four-class series. For MOCA mem- bers, North Miami resi- dents and city employees, cost is $12 per class, $40 for a four·class series. There is a $2 discount for each additional child in the household. For advance NEIGHBORS registration, call 305-893- 6211. PINECREST: DRONE FLYING CLASSES , 29SE Subscribers: Drone-flying classes are offered by the Pinecrest Parks and Recreation De- partment from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays and Thurs- days at Evelyn Greer Park, 8200 SW 124th St. Partici- pants willleam how to build and fly drones, fly aerial photography plat- forms, and learn about racing rules and regula- tions. The classes will be taught by the Gravity Goons in collaboration with the parks department. For more information, call 305·284-0900 or visit pinecrest-fl.gov /parks. Activate your full digital access, included with your subscription. Visit lDialDiherald.colII/adivate BliamiHctal~ Participation is free and registration is not required. For more information, the public may visit www. MiamiSMARTPlan.com MtAMIHERALD.COM HDTM201 ,,' ~ft .~~ .,.{I ... r. :':i!f!jj!} .~ CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION NOTICE IS IlEREBY GIVEN that " Gefu'n~ Ejection for tbe Cit)' of Soulb Miami for th. ,Mnyor for n hvo t 2) year term. a Commissioner-Group I for a four (4) year tenn. and n Commissioner-Group IV fur a four (4) yonr term. ,,,ill b,' held on Tuesday. Febn.ary 13.2018 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., in the City Commission Cham~crs City Hall. 6130 Suns,'t Drive, SOUtll Miami. Florida 33143. There "ill be Early Voting held 00 SoturdaY, Februarv 10, 20tH from 9:00 a.m. In 5:00 p.m.· at the same location. Qualifying period forlhis electioo begins Monday,December 4,2017 al 9:00 a.m .• and end., Thursday, D ... -ember 14, 2017 3t5:00 p.m. Rt."giSfrDtiCJIl .begin.t (II 9:00 a.m.! and rntis DrS:OO D.m .. "harp eacil day. Inquuics can be made by ,'ailing Ihe City Clerk·, olliee at J05-1i63-G340. Maria M. M.nende1., CMC City Clcrk Cit)' of South IVliruni CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COURTESY NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY given thut the City Commission of the City of South Mimm. Flmid. ",11 conduct Publio Heanng(s) at its regt11u.r City Commissi(ln meeting ~cbcduled for Tuesday, December 5. 20l7. beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the City Commission Chnmb.",. (;130 Sunset Drive. to con.ider tho follov;ing itcn'l(s): l\ Re~,'lurion authorjzing tbe City J\.1au~er to cnter into R multi-year agreement "'Ib Gomez Barker Associates. Inc. for Lobbying and Consulting Services. ( A Re.c.:olulion authorizing the City rdauagcr to enter iUlo~a multi·ye-,lf 1\."1lewl\J subscription with Lexi$Ne;tis 10 proyjde "oIiDe I~gnl puhlicalions. AU.. mt,'rc.\1~d parti"" arc invited to aU<'nd and wtlJ b,· b":lrd. For furlher infurm3lion, pl~Ase conUlCl thf City Clerk."s Office al: 3t)5-G63-6~40, Moria M. Menend". CMC City Clerk T'Un.u:a:l\ If! "1nridll SI:'Il\.TI~ '2560:1)'\, (ht' Ctl~' 11m-II)' 3th-il<" th, .. I'liblil' \hal ir" PCI'):t1li dLOCiJc.\ !11 ~fPra1I1rfY d~'Ci",illn mad\: h)' Ihi! ftnartl, At;ellcf nr CClI:u:u,~j('ll: ",ito, rc1~':1 1\1 IIny II'\;llIet cron."dCtt'Cl :11 il'J n ...... ',.'ri!llj 01 ik-nrll'l' h~ 01' ~c ""ill u .. \'t! n n'~'(Ird otlh~ pt.K~ijng~, and Ihnl (1,Il' "Ilcb pUll'O'K', .a!ft':ll'tl petllUn rn"'~ mll'd 10 "!SUlI' ,b.'1! t "t"tb:lI:llllt\'urJ. (If tilt proo.'t't'dlD~. h UI~,1e .... ·b:.:b trellld tndu.ks 1I~ tClltilflt':'I)I!\nJ c'.'MIt'nt'C 11111'111 which !he appc;11 is lC' k' h.'\:R"'J.