Res No 168-17-14969RESOLUTION NO.1 68-1 7-1 4969
A Resolution of the City of South Miami establishing a Special Assessment
District,including the nature and purpose of the District and its location;a
designation of:the area to be improved,the portion of the expense to be paid by
assessment and when it is to be paid,lands to be levied,and total estimated cost
and procedure for creating the District
WHEREAS,pursuant to Chapter 170,Florida Statutes,the City may provide forthe
imposition and collection of charges intheform of special assessments;and
WHEREAS,Chapter 170,Florida Statutes,provides that a municipality,subject to the
approval of a majority of the affected property owners,may assess,levy and collect special
assessments against property benefited ina retail business district for the purposes of stabilizing
and improving such district through promotion,improvements,maintenance,management,
marketing,and other similar services in such districts;and
WHEREAS,a majority of the affected property owners must approve of the levy and
collection of special assessments against property benefited ina retail business district forthe
purposes of stabilizing and improving such district through promotion,improvements,
maintenance,management,marketing,and other similar services in such districts;and
WHEREAS,the Business Improvement District ("District")concept is based upon
collaboration among the City of South Miami,the Red/Sunset Merchants Association and South
Miami Hometown,Inc.,with funding tobe generated by special assessments tobe levied on
affected property owners within the District who will benefit from the establishment of the
District,witha majority of affected property owners agreeing to accept the establishment of a
Special Assessment District alsotobe known asthe "South Miami Business Improvement
District"forthe purpose of stabilizingandimprovingthebusinessactivityintheDistrict;and
WHEREAS,the development of a Business Improvement District will improve the
economic activity of the District forthe benefit of affected property owners located within the
AssessmentAreaby providing ameanstoorganizeandmanage promotions,marketing,and
othersimilarserviceson behalf of allpropertieswithinthe Assessment Area,therebyprovidinga
special benefit to such properties;and
WHEREAS,the District andthe assessment setforth herein will enhance andspecially
benefit the health,safety and welfare of property owners within the District;and
WHEREAS,the Assessments tobe imposed in accordance with this Resolution
providesforanequitablemethod of fundingandauthorizesDistrictactivitiesbyfairlyand
reasonably allocating thecostto specifically benefited properties;and
WHEREAS,theCityandthetwo associations have worked with Redevelopment
District,includingboundaries,programs,assessment methodology,andpreliminarybudgetfor
the District;and
WHEREAS,the City Commission desires to create the South Miami Business
Improvement District ("SMBID")
Pg.2 of Res.\No.168-17-14969
Section 1,Establishment of Business Improvement District A Business
Improvement District shallbe established underthefollowingtermsand conditions:
(a)Nature of the Improvement The recitals set forth above concerning the nature
of theimprovementareherebyadoptedbyreferenceas if fullysetforthhereinandarefoundto
be true and correct.
(b)Description of Area to be Improved,The proposed Assessment Area shall include
the area described in Exhibit 1 attached hereto.The Assessment Area is proposed for the purpose
of improving the business and economic environment,enjoyment of property,and funding the
provision of the District benefiting propertylocated therein.The City Commission may expand
the Assessment Area,in accordance with the procedures utilized to create the District.An
assessment plat (amap showing the Assessment Area)andacopy of this resolution showing the
estimated cost of the proposed improvement,shallbe available inthe office of theCity Clerk and
opento inspection bythe public.
(c)Costs to be Paid by Assessment The entire cost of the District shall be paid by
special assessment levied against the affected properties that benefit fromthe activities of the
(d)Manner of Assessing Property.Theratetobe charged the owner for each property
intheBusinessInvestmentDistrictshallbeequaltotwothirds of theproduct of theamount of the
property's linearfrontagethatisfacingastreetmultiphedbythe assessment rateforthatstreet
andonethird of theproduct of thetotalsquarefootage of thebuildinglocatedontheproperty
multipliedby $0,775 forthefirstyear.Theratesmaychangeatthediscretion of theBoard of
Directors if theproposedexpensesforeachfollowingyearexceedtheamountavailablefor
collected based on the assessment formula set forth above but in no event shall the increase
exceed5%of theprevious year's assessment.
Therateperlinearfootwilldependonthestreet.Streetshavebeen assigned assessment
levels based onthe benefit properties onsaid streets will receive.Streets that arethe
most prominent (SW 72 andSW 73 Streets)willhavethe highest rates,basedonan
allocation that accounts for pedestrian and vehicular traffic that passes infront of the
property andthe levels of service provided bytheCityto those properties.
oLevelA=$12.00 per linear foot
oLevelB=$10.00 perlinearfoot
oLevelC=$7.50per linear foot
oLevelD=$6.00 per linearfoot
The assessment for vacant lotsandparkinglotswillbe50%of thelinearfrontfootrate
for improved properties that facethesame streets to which those lots have access:
oLevelA=$6.00 per linear foot
oLevelB=$5.00per linear foot
oLevelC=$3.75per linear foot
oLevelD=$3.00 per linear foot
Pg.3 of Res.No.168-17-14969
Thelevelassignedtoaparticularroadwayhasbeendesignatedintheattached exhibit 1
to this resolution.
Parcelsthathaveless than 300squarefeet of building/vertical improvements thatinclude
spacethatisleasedor occupied for commercial activityshallbe assessed as vacant lots.
(e)Imposition of Assessment.The Assessments shallbe collected pursuant tothe
Uniform Assessment Collection Act when available,orbyany other lawful means.Atthe
discretion of theCity,in lieu of using the Uniform Assessment Collection Act,theCitymay
elect to collect the assessment byany other method which is authorized by law oras provided by
this Resolution.If the collection isin the manner authorized by the Uniform Assessment
Collection Act,the Statutory Discount Amount shallbe computed for each assessed Parcel inthe
same manner as the amount established by law asthe maximum discount for early payment of ad
valorem taxes and non-ad valorem or other assessments.
ffl Lands to be Assessed,All property located within the District shall incur a special
assessment in accordance with the forgoing manner of assessment.
(g)Estimated Costs.The estimated cost allocated to the Assessment Area for the
promotion,management,marketing,maintenance,administration,and similar expenses is
$200,000.00forthe first year beginning October 1,2018.
(h)Duration of the District.The District shall remain in existence foran initial period
often (10)years and shall be extended foran additional period often (10)years upon approval
of theCity Commission,provided,however,thatupon receipt of a petition executed by Affected
Property Owners representing in excess of fifty percent (50%)of the most recent Assessment
Roll,City Commission may elect to abolish the District.
(i)Approval of Affected Property Owners.This resolution and a ballot shall be
delivered by certified return receipt mail tothe Affected Property Owners at their address asit
appears onthe Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser/Tax Collector's tax rolls.The mailing
shallincludea ballot anda self-addressed stamped envelope forthe return of the ballot tothe
CityClerk.The ballot shall explain thatthe Business Improvement District cannot be
established without the approval of a majority of the affected property owners andthat if the
ownersdesiretohavethe District established,theymust return the ballot totheCity Clerk within
30days of receipt of the Ballot.
Section 2.Severability.If any section clause,sentence,or phrase of this resolution isfor
any reason held invalid or unconstitutional byacourt of competent jurisdiction,the holding shall
notaffectthe validity of the remaining portions of this resolution.
Section 3.Effective Date.This resolution shall become effective immediately upon
adoptionbyvote of theCityCommission.However,theBusiness Improvement Districtshall
notbe established until a majority of the affected property owners have voted infavor of the
establishment of the District.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this15th day of August 2017.
Pg.4 of Res.No.168-17-14969
Mayor Stoddard:Yea
Vice Mayor Welsh:Yea
Commissioner Harris:Yea
Commissioner Edmond:Yea
Commissioner Liebman:Yea
South11 Miami
To:Mayor and City Commission
Date:August 15,2017
From:Steven Alexander
City Manager
Re:Downtown South Miami Business Improvement District
A Resolution of the City of South Miami establishing aSpecial Assessment District,
including the nature and purpose of the Districtanditslocation;a designation of:
the area to be improved,the portion of the expense to be paid by assessment and
when itis to be paid,lands to be levied,and total estimated cost and procedure for
creating the District.
During the past several years,the Red Sunset Merchants Association and South Miami Hometown
have discussed the creation ofaBusiness Improvement District (BID)to fund enhancements to
Downtown SouthMiami.In2015,the organizations,alongwith the Cityof South Miami,engaged
Redevelopment Management Associates to prepare a business planfor the BID,and develop a
proposed methodology for the special assessments.
Chapter170,Florida Statutes,authorizesthe City toimposeandcollectchargesintheformof
special assessments,followingapprovalbymostof the affected property owners,for the purpose
of stabilizing and improving the area through programs that include promotion,maintenance,
management and marketing.
Chapter 170 further requires that at the timeof the adoption of the subject resolution,there shall
beonfilewith the city,said resolution,an assessment plat showing the area to be assessed,with
plans and specifications and an estimate of the proposed improvement.This information is
provided in the attached Business Improvement DistrictPlan.Additionally,a property rollwith
assessment information is attached.
The attached BID plan details:
•The reason to create the BID;
•Proposed BID programs;
•Boundaries and the Assessment Methodology
•A sample operating budget;
Organization and governance of the BID
The proposed boundaries of the BID are the area generally bounded by US 1 to the north,SW57
Avenue to the east,SW61 Avenue to the west,and SW74 Street to the South.
If the Resolution is adopted,a vote of the property owners will occur.The resolution and a ballot
shallbe delivered by certified return receipt mail to the Affected Property Owners at their address
asit appears on the Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser/Tax Collector's tax rolls.Themailing
shallincludeaballotanda self-addressed stamped envelopefor the return of the ballotto the City
Clerk.Theballotshallexplain that the Business Improvement District cannot be established
without the approval ofamajorityof the affected property owners and that if the owners desire
tohave the District established,they must return theballotto the City Clerkwithin30daysof
receipt of the Ballot.
There are 107 properties located within the proposed BID boundaries.Each parcel to be assessed
whichhasa separate folio number receivesonevote.Ownershipofat least 54parcels must vote
affirmatively to create the BID.
An initial budget of $200,000 has been established for the BID's initialyearof operation for the
purposes of promotion,management,marketing,maintenance and administration.An
assessment methodology has been developed which blends building square feet with linear front
feet facing a street.
The BID is proposed to haveaninitial term often (10)years.
Assessment Methodology
The rate to be charged the owner foreach property intheBusiness Investment Districtshallbe
equal to two thirds of the product of the amount of the property's linear frontage that isfacinga
street multiplied by the assessment rate for that street and one third of the product of the total
square footage of the building located on the property multipliedby $0,775 for the firstyear.The
rates may change at the discretion of the BoardofDirectorsif the proposed expenses foreach
following year exceed the amount available for collected based on the assessment formula set
forthabovebutinno event shall the increaseexceed5%of the previous year's assessment.
The rate per linear foot will depend on the street.Streets have been assigned assessment levels
based on the benefit properties onsaid streets will receive.Streets that are the most prominent
(SW72andSW73 Streets)willhave the highest rates,based onan allocation that accounts for
pedestrian and vehicular traffic that passesin front of the property and the levelsofservice
provided by the City to those properties.
•LevelA=$12.00 per linear foot
•Level B=$10.00 perlinear foot
•LevelC=$7.50 per linear foot
•LevelD=$6.00 per linear foot
The assessment for vacant lotsandparkinglotswillbe50%of the linear front foot rate for
improved properties that face the same streets to which those lots have access:
•LevelA=$6.00 per linear foot
•LevelB=$5.00 per linear foot
•LevelC=$3.75 per linear foot
•Level D=$3.00 per linear foot
Parcels that haveless than 300 square feet of building/vertical improvements that include space
that is leased or occupied for commercial activity shallbe assessed as vacant lots.
RECOMMENDATION:Approve the resolution
Red Sunset Business Improvement District
Property Owner Rollas of information availableonJuly 1,2017
BuildingPortion LinearFrontageby Street Rating 9
Folio Address Building SqFt Assessment A B C D Assessment Total Assmnt.Parking Lot Owner
940360890200 7301 SW 57 CT 1352 $88 $-$88 CRN ENTERPRISES LLC
940360890120 7301 SW 57 CT 1824$119 $-$119 535 PLAZA HOLDINGS LLC
940250300150 5828 SW 71 ST 1,907 $124 50.36 $302 $426 5828 SW 71 STLLC
940360220170 5850 SW 73 ST 20,664 $1,343 146.64 281.71 285.02 $5,289 $6,633 5850 SW 73 STREET LLC
940360220180 7331 SW 59 AVE -$-140.30 108.23 $2,215 $1,107 Yes 5850 SW73STREETLLC
940360290030 5901 SW 74 ST 34,251 $2,226 93.45 422.86 $3,238 $5,464 5901 COSTALLC C/O MARKET STREET RETAIL ETAL
940360890010 7301 SW 57 CT 1988 $129 $-$129 7300 INVESTMENTS LLC
940360890011 7301 SW 57 CT 1665$108 $-$108 7300 INVESTMENTS LLC
940360890012 7301 SW 57 CT 1521 $99 $-$99 7300 INVESTMENTS LLC
940360890013 7301 SW 57 CT 1521 $99 $-$99 7300 INVESTMENTS LLC
940360890014 7301 SW 57 CT 1213$79 $-$79 7300 INVESTMENTS LLC
940360890020 7301 SW 57 CT 3701$241 $-$241 7300 INVESTMENTS LLC
940360890030 7301 SW 57 CT 2047$133 $-$133 7300 INVESTMENTS LLC
940360890050 7301 SW 57 CT 2980$194 $-$194 7300 INVESTMENTS LLC
940360220530 7300 REDRD 8,887 $578 178.52 117.32 $3,315 $3,893 ADPINC
940360890085 7301 SW 57 CT 1186$77 $-$77 ANDREW WEN6ER PHD PA
940360220120 5850 SUNSET DR 6,918 $450 77.31 138.46 $1,966 $2,416 ANDROULAKIS KORRESINC
940250300020 5893 SW 72 ST 2,862$186 63.34 104.44 $1,543 $1,729 ANDROULAKIS KORRES INC
940360320010 7400 REDRD 5,346 $347 276.38 $1,658 $2,006 AWAD BAIG INC
940250310060 5701 SW 72 ST 299,725 $19,482 486.21 1,718.22 $18,721 $38,203 FRrT SHOPS AT SUNSET PLACE
940360220540 7230 REDRD 7204 $468 77.37 119.32 $2,122 $2,590 BALOGH ERDHEIM PARTNERSHIP
940360220040 5734 SUNSET DR 6,596$429 35.26 $423 $852 BALOGHFAMILYHOLDINGSLTD
940360270020 6050 SDIXIEHWY 6,275 $408 92.56 165.90 $1,690 $2,097 BARDISA ENTERPRISES LLC
940360890040 7301 SW 57 CT 2940 $191 $-$191 BILLFISH INVESTMENTS LLC
940360890160 7301 SW 57 CT 2482 $161 $-$161 BLUE GROUP MEDIA INC
940360890140 7301 SW 57 CT 2107$137 $-$137 CHILD PSYCHOLOGY ASSOCIATES PA
940360220080 5796 SUNSET DR 6399 $416 54.95 93.18 $1,358 $1,774 CINQUE PARTNERSLTD
940250300100 5820 SDIXIE HWY 5373 $349 415.57 145.63 $3,991 $4,340 COLLEGIATE MKTG INC
940250300070 5801 SW 72 ST 6,791$441 93.37 119.90 $2,020 $2,461 COURTNEY SUNSET LLC
940360220341 5800 SW 73 ST 1,789$116 85.38 120.69 $1,759 $1,875 CREDO HOLDINGS LLC
940360890210 7301 SW 57 CT 1352$88 $-$88 CRN ENTERPRISES LLC
940360220090 5800 SUNSET DR 18367 $1,194 232.91 103.88 $3,574 $4,768 DABBY PROPERTIES
940360220110 5840 SUNSET DR 4,587 $298 52.65 93.43 $1,333 $1,631 DABBY PROPERTIES
940360220150 5898 SUNSET DR 4,567 $297 102.41 164.13 $2,460 $2,757 DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENTS OF FLORIDA CORP
940360290110 6022 SDIXIE HWY 5,543$360 110.38 124.09 $1,572 $1,933 S MIAMI RETAIL BHLLC
940360270011 6030 SDIXIEHWY 4,504 $293 66.15 67.02 $898 $1,191 DIXIEACQUISITIONSNUMBERONELLC
940360300010 -$-47.97 $288 $288 DIXIE ACQUISITIONS NUMBER ONELLC
940360270090 7435 SW 61 Ave 2,233$145 166.31 $998 $1,143 DIXIEACQUISITIONSNUMBERONELLC
940360320020 5730 SW 74 ST 6,664$433 378.06 $2,268 $2,702 BLANCKHOLDINGSLLC and J MARKQUINLIVAN
940360220160 5885 SW 73 ST 9,871 $642 285.78 $2,143 $2,785 EVIENNE INV INC
940360320030 7420 SW 57 AVE 748$49 214.68$1,288 $1,337 FS STORES INC
940360890230 7301 SW 57 CT 2488$162 $-$162 GARSH INVESTMENTS LLLP
940360890190 7301 SW 57 CT 885$58 $-$58 GATEWAY INTEREST LLC
940360890170 7301 SW 57 CT 3884 $252 $-$252 GB 57 LLC
940360890150 7301 SW 57 CT 1680 $109 $-$109 GFS CORP
940360890220 7301 SW 57 CT 1352 $88 $-$88 ANP 510 LLC
940250300130 5840 SW 71 ST 5,448$354 75.92 $456 $810 GROUPER SOMI LLC
940360290080 5958 SDIXIEHWY 9,827$639 250.85 193.63 $3,043 $3,682 GRSTSOMI INVESTORS LLC C/O BRADLEY SAFCHIK
940360240070 5930 SDIXIE HWY 1366 $89 61.93 $464 $553 HARVEY AMSTER &W ELLEN&
940360220130 5864 SUNSET DR 3,449$224 105.92 $1,271 $1,495 JALI LLC
940250310170 5795 SUNSET DR 7,082 $460 261.10 $1,958 $2,419 JECFUNDINGINCC/OCVS PHARMACY INC
940250300110 5830 SDIXIEHWY 1333 $119 .84.87 98.73$1,229 $1,348 KURT L ANDERSON
940360890080 7301 SW 57 CT 1085$71 $-$71 L RICHARD MATTAWAY LISAC MATTAWAY
940360290070 5940 SW 73 ST 6,321 $411 130.07 47.35 $1,585 $1,996 LINDA COURT INC
940360290060 7311SW59CT 3,798$247 98.16$589 $836 LINDA COURT INC
940360220010 5700 SUNSET DR 34,901 $2,269 382.20 $4,586 $6,855 LOUIS MJEPEWAYJR
940360220260 5829 SW 73 ST 7,620 $495 287.97 229.39 $4,600 $5,095 MARK RICHMAN PROPERTIES INC
940360220140 5880 SUNSET DR 6,616 $430 80.44 $965 $1,395 HARRIET LHARRISTRS MARCHALL SHARRISREV TRUST
Red Sunset Business Improvement District
Property Owner Rollas of information availableonJuly 1,2017
Building Portion LinearFrontageby Street Rating 9
Folio Address Building SqFt Assessment A B C D Assessment Total Assmnt.Parking Lot Owner
940360890100 7301 SW 57 CT 2482$161 $-$161 MICHAEL ECRIDEN PA
940360890110 7301 SW 57 CT 1680$109 $-$109 7300 INVESTMENTS LLC
940360290010 5900 SW 73 ST 18,368 $1,194 159.35 191.16 $3,027 $4,221 ORENSE COMPANY
940250300060 5825 SUNSET DR 21,420 $1,392 106.48 $1,278 $2,670 PETER PREVITITR
940360890001 7301SW57CT 3959$257 153.03 310.06 141.96$4,708 $4,965 REDSUNSET PROPERTIESLLC
940360220380 7211 SW 58AVE 3,003 $195 115.75 $868 $1,063 REMSEAOLIVLLC
940360240010 5900 SUNSET DR 8,770 $570 215.99 $1,620 $2,190 ROBINS PLAZALLC
940360240050 5920 SUNSETDR 6,090 $396 61.50 $461 $857 ROBINS PLAZA LLC
940360240060 5922 SDIXIEHWY 3,275$213 47.54 $357 $569 ROBINS PLAZA LLC
940360240090 5946 SDIXIE HWY 1,840$120 109.22 187.61 $2,499 $2,619 ROBINS PLAZA LLC
940360240140 7230 SW 59AVE -$-132.42 $1,324 $662 Yes ROBINS PLAZA LLC
940360240150 7230 SW 59AVE -$-23.08 $231 $115 Yes ROBINS PLAZA LLC
940360240160 7230 SW 59 AVE -$-34.29 $343 $171 Yes ROBINS PLAZA LLC
940360240170 7230 SW 59 AVE -$-88.42 77.06 $1,462 $731 Yes ROBINS PLAZA LLC
940360240180 7230 SW 59 AVE 4,830$314 83.00 $623 $936 ROBINS PLAZA LLC
940360240190 -$-63.75 $478 $239 Yes ROBINS PLAZA LLC
940360220050 5738 SUNSET DR 18,958$1,232 100.14 134.21 280.54 $4,648 $5,880 SEVEN SKIESCO NV
940360890060 7301 SW 57 CT 1650$107 $-$107 7301SW57CTLLC
940360890130 7301 SW 57 CT 2784$181 $-$181 SKIPPERJOE'SLLC
940360220430 5791 SW 74 ST 2,582$168 252.98 279.91 $3,577 $3,745 SO MIAMI CORP
940360220450 7320 SW 57 CT -$-58.73 $352 $176 Yes SO MIAMI CORP
940360220240 5859 SW 73ST 7,012$456 287.58 $2,157 $2,613 SOMA CORPORATION
940360320040 7400 SW 57 CT 7,709$501 201.14 $1,207 $1,708 SOMI7400 LLC
940360290090 5966 SDIXIE HWY -$-58.84 19.35$557 $557 SOMi CENTER LLC
940360290100 5970 SDIXIE HWY -$-47.96 64.96$749 $749 SOMI CENTER LLC
940360290120 -$-237.98 $1,428 $1,428 SOMI CENTER LLC
940360220280 5824 SW 73 ST 12,142$789 140.34109.03 $2,221 $3,010 SOUTH MIA CENTER LLC
940360220060 5750 SUNSET DR 29,781$1,936 118.60 134.56 260.59 $4,723 $6,659 SOUTH MIAMI CORP
940360220070 5760 SUNSET DR 8,081$525 99.54 $1,194 $1,720 SOUTH MIAMI CORP
940360220400 5795 SW 73 ST -$-142.00 51.12 $1,803 $902 Yes SOUTHMIAMICORP
940360220410 5795 SW 73 ST -$-282.28 121.51 $3,734 $1,867 Yes SOUTH MIAMI CORP
940360220420 5795 SW 73 ST -$-89.94 $675 $337 Yes SOUTH MIAMI CORP
940360220290 5801 SW 74 ST -$-61.93 $464 $232 Yes SOUTH MIAMI CORP
940360220300 5801 SW 74 ST -$-58.54 $439 $220 Yes SOUTH MIAMI CORP
940360220310 5801 SW 74 ST -$-60.20 141.48 $1,300 $650 Yes SOUTH MIAMI CORP
940360220320 5801 SW 74 ST -$-117.61 144.14$1,747 $873 Yes SOUTHMIAMICORP
940360220330 5801 SW 74ST -$-59.80 $449 $224 Yes SOUTH MIAMI CORP
940360220440 7320 SW 57CT -$-57.20$343 $172 Yes SOUTH MIAMI CORP
940360220520 7390 SW 57 AVE 6,941$451 154.33 143.55$2,713 $3,164 STEPHEN HESSEN COOFFLA
940360300030 7400 sw 59 PL 8,809$573 120.00 $720 $1,293 West Caribe LLC
940250300050 5837 SUNSET DR 9,342$607 119.38 $1,433 $2,040 SUNSET 58 LLC
940250300040 5855 SW 72 ST 4,347$283 49.58 $595 $878 SUNSET 58 LLC
940250300010 5875 SUNSET DR 9,636$626 105.42 104.36 $2,048 $2,674 SUNSETONEPROPERTIESLLC CO/ROBERTGBERRIN
940250300030 5857 SUNSET DR 14,607$949 88.48 214.08 17.86$2,775 $3,724 SUNTRUST BANK MIAMI NA
940360220340 5818 SW 73ST 4,012$261 69.99 $700 $961 THOMAS ARMOUR YOUTHBALLETINC
940360300030 8,809$573 163.02$978 $1,551 WEST CARIBE LLC
940360300010 -$-48.00$288 $288 S MIAMI RETAILBHLLC
940360890070 7301 SW 57CT 2200$143 137.17$823 $966 WON HOLDINGSLLC
940360890180 7301 SW 57CT 1675$109 $-$109 WYNBROOK PROPLLC
Totals 848,338 $55,142 2,965 2,630 8,913 4,835 S 157,737 >202,980
Downtown South Miami
Business Improvement District Plan
Prepared by Redevelopment Management Associates
Red Sunset Merchants Association
South Miami Hometown,Inc.
City of South Miami
Red Sunset Business Improvement District Business Plan
Downtown Business Improvement DistrictPlan
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Why Form the South Miami BID?4
Proposed BID Programs 6
Boundaries and BID Assessment Methodology 8
BID Operating Budget 11
Organization and Governance ofthe BID 12
Exhibit A-Draft Resolution 13
ExhibitB -Draft Letter to Owners 17
ExhibitC-Draft Notice to be Published 18
Red Sunset Business Improvement District Business Plan
WhatisaBusiness Improvement District (BID)?A BID isa legal mechanism for property
owners and businesses ina defined geographic area tojointly plan and put in place a
sustainable funding source that can pay fora set of services to improve their area.In
the case of South Miami BID,the BID's mission envisions programming and benefits to
businesses and commercial properties that will include enhanced safety,marketing,
advocacy,promotions,and maintenance.BID services will be in addition to services
currently provided by the City of South Miami.The South Miami BID will serve as an
organizational mechanism to ensure that the management and activities within the
South Miami's public space is beneficial not only to the Districtitself,but also to the City
and surrounding residential community.The BID serves as a unified voice and
centralized communication center that speaks equally among allofits stakeholders
which isof particular importance in building a strong and positive relationship with the
City.Importantly,the BID isa critical tool to ensuring that property values continue to
riseforall property owners in and around the Cityof South Miami and a mechanism to
help all businesses in the district.
The following isa summary of primary characteristics of the South Miami BID,the detail
of which is provided inthis Business Plan:
Name:South MiamiBusiness Improvement District (BID).
Boundaries:Generally US 1to the North;Red Road (SW 57th Avenue)to the East;SW 61st
Avenue to the West;SW74th Street to the South.
Potential BID
Programs:Marketing,Landscaping &Aesthetics,Special Events,Advocacy,
Maintenance and Public Relations.
Budget:$200,000 annually
Method of
Assessment:Blended Methodology of Weighted Linear Front Footage and Total
Building Square Feet
The basic premise ofa BID is that the City agrees to continue to provide a base levelof
service and that the BID may provide enhanced services,such asextra police
protection for expanded special events,maintenance for specialty landscaping,
downtown marketing programs,cleaning after special events,whileprovidingfora
unified voice to advocate on behalf of the district's stakeholders.
Red Sunset Business Improvement District Business Plan
Useof these funds will be governed by the Board ofDirectorsofa new not-for profit
organization created to oversee the BID.The Board will include property arid business
owners in the district,the Cityof South Miami and will ensure representation ofall
interests.The process for establishing the District and ensuring that funds are collected
and properly spent will be governed byFlorida Statutes,Chapter 170 and by an
agreement between the new not-for profit organization and the Cityof South Miami.
Why Form the South Miami BID?
The first BID established in the US was in the Cityof New Orleans in 1974 and,since then,
there have been more than 1,200 BIDs created nationally.The continual growth of BIDs
nationwide isa testament to the success that many of these organizations achieved
over a long period of time.Though gauging success among BIDs varies greatly by
community/there are often common evaluations including but not limited to:increased
sales;stronger occupancy rates;improved pedestrian traffic;support for larger events;
and/or increased permit activity.Perhaps the most important measure,however,is
likely to be the increase in property values within the BID.A City-wide analysis of New
York City BIDs indicates the value of
commercial properties within the BID's
boundary increases significantly more
rapidly than other,comparable
properties in the neighborhood.Our
estimates suggest that impacts are as
large as IS percentage points1
.'?'"•I SHOP
Until recently,the utilization of BIDs in
Miami Dade County was relatively limited.However,thisis quickly changing and the
growing interest and need for BIDs in our own backyard is clearly evident.Coral Gables
(commonly branded as Downtown Coral Gables and Miracle Mile)was among the first
BIDs established within the County,which was initially formed in1997,and has since
enacted two successful BID renewal terms (in2005 and 2012).The Coconut Grove Bid
was formed in 2009,followed by the
recently formed Wynwood and
Lincoln Road BIDs.Additional BIDs
have recently been contemplated
for the Miami Design District,the
MIMO District and Doral Tile and
Marble District.
Furman Center PolicyBrief:The Benefits of Business Improvement Districts:EvidencefromNewYorkCity(2007)
Red Sunset Business Improvement District Business Plan
The proposed Business Improvement District (BID)could focus on improving the
commercial district in the area east of US1 between Red Road and SW 64th Avenue
by acting as an advocate for Downtown South Miami,promoting a new image for the
district,and establishing an annual marketing program in order to compete with other
South Florida shopping and dining destinations.The BID would represent the interests of
both property and business owners and provide an ongoing,dedicated source of
revenue to support BID programs,and to work in partnership with the City for the
enhancement of the neighborhood forall South Miami stakeholders.
Objectives of the proposed Business Improvement District (BID):
,o identify and implement organization strategies to advocate
for Downtown South Miami issues including parking,urban
zoning/permitted uses to enhance Downtown South Miami for
all stakeholders.
To create a unified voice for the broader Red Sunset business
community and advocate on behalf of district stakeholders at
the Cityof South Miami and Miami-Dade County.
To strengthen the district's identity,identify and implement
marketing and public relations strategies to promote and
market Downtown South Miami as a unique destination for
dining,shopping,and recreation to South Florida residents and
visitors to the area.
fo establish benchmarks f
To encourage Stakeholder participation and responsi
To create a steady source of funding for BID programs
including area and aesthetic improvements and maintenance,
marketing,public and government relations.
Red Sunset Business Improvement District Business Plan
Proposed BID Programs
A Downtown South Miami BID could accomplish these objectives by developing
strategies to improve the Downtown area,through advocacy and image-based
The BID's Board of Directors (made up of property and business owners)will determine
the BID's operating plan annually based upon priorities and goals agreed upon by
committee.The following provides a summary of recommended programs for the first
year of BID operations.The Board may amend program activities from time to time
within the general categories authorized by state law and in the approved annual
operating plan and budget.Final programs and budgets will be subject to the annual
review and approval of the BID Board of Directors.
Implement programs that identifya "brand"for Downtown South Miami and promote
image/brand through website(s),social media,publicrelations,and advertisingfor its
The benefits ofa BID are that it provides enhanced buying power,economies of scale,
and serves as a mechanism for implementation of these activities and an ongoing
source of funding.The activities of the BID would supplement,and would not replace,
anyroutineactivitiescurrently undertaken or funded by the CityofSouth Miami or
individual business owners.Some activities that the BID could undertake include:
♦Special Events
♦Walking Guide /Brochure
♦Social Media and Public Relations
♦Coordination with GMCVB and
other marketing initiatives
Proven success of image-based improvement initiatives can be seen in BID districts
throughout the nation as wellasin the state ofFlorida,such as the BIDs in Coral Gables
( Naples (
Red Sunset Business Improvement District Business Plan
♦Maintenance and upkeep by part-time BID Street Personnel -services may
include cleaning,litter maintenance,event assistance,visitor/customer
assistance,and identification of issuesfortheCityto address.
♦More effective communication withCityAdministration and Elected Officials-
workwiththeCitytoestablish and maintaina baseline of municipal services for
the district,especially Security and Sanitation.
♦Parking -encourage the Cityto implement "user friendly"parking solutions and
explore further the need to create additional parking spaces in the Downtown
area,including the possibilityof new parking structures.
♦Future Streetscape Improvements -workwith the City and County to identify
future opportunities for streetscape improvements,capital improvements,
lighting and signage.
♦Fagade Improvements -encourage property and business owners to improve
facades and awnings through Miami-Dade "Mom &Pop"Grants and any future
funding sources.
♦Downtown Code Enforcement -encourage property and business owners to
workwith the Citytoidentify priority code enforcement issues and effective
strategies for improvement.
♦Zoning-encourage a comprehensive review of zoning code to ensure that
commercial and mixed-use zoning is most conducive to increasing business and
creating the best business climate/environment.
Additional Opportunity
♦Expansion toincludeCoralGablesand Unincorporated Miami-DadeCounty
properties east of Red Road to share inthecosts,including futureRed Road
improvements efforts.
Red Sunset Business Improvement District Business Plan
Boundaries and Assessment Method
The proposed
boundaries are
identified in the
following map,and
include properties that
?are located between
US 1,Red Road (SW
Avenue,and SW74th
Street.A significant
amount of time and
thought went into the
identification of the
boundaries and the
including involvement
from the Red Sunset
Merchants Association
and South Miami
Hometown Inc.
property owners association,from downtown property and business owners,the Cityof
South Miami,and from the professional staff of RMA.The boundaries were chosen
based on the immediate needs and can be expanded at a later date.
Chapter 170,Florida Statutes,provides that a municipality,subject to the approval ofa
majorityof the affected property owners,may levy and collect special assessments
against the property benefited inaretail business districtfor the purposes ofstabilizing
and improving such district through promotion,management,marketing and other
similar services in such districts.A BID isa special assessment district.The BID assessment
will be collected as part of the property tax bill.
Assessments can be based upon:
•Linear front feet facing a street
•Assessed value of the parcels
•Parcel area
•Building Square Footage
II m VlcnE
Red Sunset Business Improvement District Business Plan
For the South Miami BID,a blended methodology is being utilized.Under this
methodology,2/3 of the assessment revenue is based on the linear front feet and 1/3 is
based on the total square feet of the building.Vacant lots and parking lots without
buildings will pay a rate per linear foot that is 50%of the linear front foot rate.Owners
will be assessed based on a combination of total building square feet and the amount
of linear feet of street frontage.
Linear Foot Methodology
The rate per linear foot will depend on the street.Streets have been assigned
assessment levels based on the benefit properties on said streets will receive.Streets
that are the most prominent (SW 72nd and SW 73rd Streets)will have the highest rates,
based on an allocation that accounts for pedestrian and vehicular traffic and levels of
•LevelA=$12.00 per linear foot
•LevelB=$10.00 per linear foot
•Level C=$7.50 per linear foot
•Level D=$6.00 per linear foot
The assessment for vacant lots and parking lots will be 50%of the linear front foot rate
for improved properties:
•Level A=$6.00 per linear foot
•Level B=$5.00 per linear foot
•'Level C=$3.75 per linear foot
•Level D=$3.00 per linear foot
Square Foot Methodology
The assessment per square footofbuilding area is $0.07736.This assessment is only
applied to the square footage withinabuilding that is utilizedfor commercial activity.
For example,a1,500 square foot commercial property located on a 100'x 50'lot,with
50'facing aLevelBStreet (73rd St.),would pay the following annual assessment:
Linear Methodology:50 feet x $10.00 =$500
Square Foot Methodology:1,500 sq ftx $0.07736 =$116.04
Total Assessment:$666.04 or $55.50 per month
Red Sunset Business Improvement District Business Plan
Only parcels that include frontage on a street or structures of at least 300 square feet
that include space that is leased or occupied for commercial activity shall be assessed
and are eligible to vote on approval of the BID and its ongoing governance.
The resulting South Miami BID would be asmalldistrict and create a relatively small
annual assessment of approximately $200,000 per year.For comparison purposes,the
last annual assessment for the Coral Gables BID was approximately $800,000.
10 RMA
Red Sunset Business Improvement District
PI pfll ic'fe
-1 F:-*l*^-Hm E»i !-P3
Red Sunset Business Improvement District Study Area 1
Business Plan
Red Sunset Business Improvement District ^Business Plan
Proposed BID Operating Budget
In order to provide efficiencies and commit the largest amount of funding
possibleto BID programs,the BID may outsource implementation and
administration toa firm that provides similar services to other BIDs,CRAs,and
cities,rather than employ full time staff.
It is estimated that this approach could reduce administrative costsby $100,000
and allow for the addition of social media and enhanced public relations
efforts.A first-year budget for the BID might contain the following components,
althougha final budget notto exceed $200,000 would be created bythe BID
Board of Directors once itis formed.
Proposed Annual Budget
Contracted Staffed
Events $8,000 $6,000
Walking Guide $2,500 $0
Website $3,900 $7,200
Advertising $43,000 $43,000
Social Media /PR $33,600 $3,500
Implementation/Contract Marketing Staff $60,000 $0
Total Marketing $133,000 $41,700
Landscape and Upkeep $10,000 $3,300
Personnel (Maint/Sanitation/Ambassadors)$30,000 $30,000
Total Aesthetics $40,000 $33,300
Executive Director $0 $75,000
Office Space/Utilities $0 $11,000
Printing and Supplies $3,000 $3,000
Insurance/Legal $3,600 $3,600
Memberships $1,200 $1,200
Secretary $0 $15,000
Misc $1,200 $1,200
Total Administration $9,000 $110,000
Total BID Budget $200,000 $200,000
12 RMA
Red Sunset Business Improvement District Business Plan
BID Organization and Governance
Chapter 170,Florida Statutes,provides that a municipality,subject to the approval ofa
majority of the affected property owners,may levy and collect special assessments
against property benefited inaretailbusinessdistrictfor the purposes ofstabilizing and
improving such district through promotion,management marketing,and other similar
services in such districts.
Creation ofa BID would require actions approved bytheSouth Miami CityCommission.
These actions include:
•Resolutionof the CityCommission-This resolutionwould include the proposed cost
of improvements,required public and property owner notice,location of the retail
districtto be improved,the expense to be paid by special assessments,and when
assessments are to be paid.
•Voteofthepropertyowners-Following approvalofthe Resolution by City
Commission,property ownersof affected propertieswould vote on creation of the
BID.To apply the assessment,there would need to be a majority (50 percent plus
one)ofpropertyowners approving the BID.Each Folio (parcel)represents one vote,
and property owners that do not vote would be considered a "no"vote.
•Public Hearing/Equalizing Board -Upon theapprovalofthe BID bytheproperty
owners,theCity Commission wouldholda final publichearing,whichwouldinclude
an equalization hearing to consider complaints asto the special assessments.
ABoardof Directors ofanew not-for-profit organization BID)would manage the BID.
According todiscussionsto date,an example of the composition ofa BID Boardof
Directors will include7votingmembers,six ofwhomserve staggered three-year terms.
•3 property owners from the District*;
•3 business owners from the District;
•1 representative from the CityofSouthMiami (permanent)
*At least one representative must be from the Shops at Sunset Place;
RMA recommends the Downtown South Miami BID assessment be proposed for an
initial period often years and be extended for an additional periodof ten years upon
approval ofthe City Commission.However,upon-receipt ofapetition executed by
affected property owners representing in excessof fifty percent (50%)ofthemost
recent assessment roll,the Commission may elect toabolish the District.Key to
consideration of extension to the District would be its successful implementation of the
advocacy,marketing and other BID programs.
13 RMA
Red Sunset Business Improvement District
Business Plan
WHEREAS,pursuant toChapter 170,Florida Statutes,the City mayprovidefor the impositionand
collection of charges in the form of special assessments;and
WHEREAS,Chapter170,Florida Statutes,provides that a municipality,subjectto the approvalofa
majorityof the affected property owners,maylevyandcollectspecialassessmentsagainstpropertybenefitedina
retailbusinessdistrictfor the purposes ofstabilizingandimprovingsuchdistrict through promotion,
improvements,maintenance,management,marketing,and other similarservicesinsuchdistricts;and
WHEREAS,theBusinessImprovement District concept isbaseduponcollaborationamong the Cityof
South Miamiand the Red/Sunset Merchants Association and South Miami Hometown,Inc.,with funding to be
generatedby special assessmentstobe levied on commercial propertyownerswithinthe District,with commercial
propertyownersagreeingtoaccepttheestablishmentofanAssessmentAreaforthecreationofa Business
Improvement District intended tostabilizeandimprovebusiness activity;inaccordancewith the termsand
conditionsofanAgreement that maybe entered into between anot-for-profitcorporationestablishedby
property owners within the Districtand the City;and
WHEREAS,the development ofaBusiness Improvement District will improve the economic activityof the
Districtfor the benefitof property ownersandbusinesseslocatedwithin the AssessmentAreabyprovidinga
meanstoorganizeand manage promotions,marketing,and other similarservicesonbehalfofall properties within
the Assessment Area,thereby providinga special benefit tosuch property;and
WHEREAS,theBusiness Improvement Districtis substantially composed ofsimilarlyzonedparcelsand It
isfairand reasonable tousea computation using the taxablevalueof property,as determined by the most recent
WHEREAS,the District and the assessment set forth herein enhance and specially benefit the property
owners and improve the health,safety and welfare of property owners within the District;and
WHEREAS,the Assessments tobe imposed in accordance withthisResolution provide an equitable
method offunding authorized District activities byfairlyand reasonably allocating the costtospecially benefited
14 RMA
Red Sunset Business Improvement District Business Plan
WHEREAS,the City and the two associations have worked with a contractor,Redevelopment
Management Associates,tocreatean organization pjafjj fora Downtown South Miami Business Improvement
District,including boundaries,programs,assessment methodology,and preliminary budget for the District;and
WHEREAS,the City Commission desires to create the Assessment Area.
TheestimatedCostallocatedto the AssessmentAreaforthepromotion,management,marketing,
maintenance,administration,andsimilarexpensesis$200,000.00for the firstyearbeginningJanuary1,
2016.TheCostidentifiedherein will befundedthroughthe imposition ofAssessmentsagainstproperty
locatedintheAssessmentAreain the mannersetforthin Section 9hereof,beginning intheyear2016.
TheCityManagerisherebydirectedtoprepareapreliminaryAssessment Roll inthe manner providedin
Chapter 170,Florida Statutes for the Assessment Area.
The City Manager shallcomputeandallocatethe Assessments forthe District among the parcelsofreal
property within the AssessmentAreaasreflectedon the Tax Roll inconformitywithSection9hereof.
TheAssessment Roll shallbemaintainedonfileintheofficesof the CityManagerordesigneeandopen
topublicinspection.Theforegoingshallnotbeconstruedtorequire that theAssessment Roll bein
printed form iftheamountofthe Assessment foreachpropertycanbedeterminedbyuseofacomputer
terminal or Internet accessavailableto the public.
Apublichearing will beconductedbythe City Commission atp.m.onat the City Commission
Chambers,to consider imposition of the Assessments for the District.
the publichearingauthorizedbySection3hereofinthemannerand the timeprovidedinChapter170,
Florida Statutes.Suchnoticeshallbeinsubstantially the form attached hereto asExhibitC.
Uponcompletionof the preliminaryAssessment Roll,the City Manager shall,at the timeandin the
manner specifiedinChapter170,FloridaStatutes,providefirstclassmailednoticeof the publichearing
authorizedbySection3hereoftoeachpropertyownerproposedtobeassessedat the addressindicated
on the Tax Roll.Suchnoticeshallbeinsubstantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit B.
The proposed Assessment Area shall include the area described inExhibitD attached hereto.The
Assessment Areais proposed for the purpose of improving the business and economic environment,
enjoyment of property,andfunding the provisionof the District benefiting property located therein.The
CityCommissionmayexpand the Assessment Area,in accordance with the procedures utilizedto create
15 RMA
Red Sunset Business Improvement District Business Plan
the District.
Assessmentsshallbeimposedagainstrealpropertylocatedwithin the AssessmentArea,the annual
amount and term ofwhichshallbe computed for each property in accordance with this Section.When
imposed,the Assessment foreachYearshall constitute alien pursuant toChapter170,Florida Statutes
upon the TaxParcels located in the Assessment Areaas described in the Assessment Role.
In determining the method of apportionment,itisfairandreasonabletotakeinto consideration the
distinctions between the relativepositionof owriers ofcommercial properties,owners of property
identifiedbyindividual Folio Numbersand utilized solelyforresidentialpurposes,property ownedby
religious institutions,governmentalagencies,and other propertiesexemptedfrompaymentof local
taxes or special assessments.
reasonabletousea computation usingthetaxablevalueofproperty,as determined by the mostrecent
taxrollsdevelopedbythe Miami-Dade CountyProperty Appraiser,multipliedbyanumericfactor.
ThemethodforcomputingAssessmentstofund the authorizedactivitieswithin the Assessment Areais
baseduponlinearfrontage facing astreet multiplied bytheassessmentrateforthat street plustotal
building squarefeet multiplied by $0,775 forthefirstyear.Foreachyearthereafter,theratesshallbeno
more than 5%higher than the previous year.
Therateperlinearfoot will dependonthestreet.Streetshavebeenassignedassessmentlevelsbasedon
the benefit properties on said streets will receive.Streets that are the most prominent (SW 72n and SW
73rd Streets)will have the highest rates,based onan allocation that accounts for pedestrian and
vehicular traffic and levels of service.
oLevelA=$12.00 per linear foot
oLevelB=$10.00 per linear foot
oLevelC=$7.50 per linear foot
o Level D=$6.00 perlinearfoot
The assessment forvacantlotsandparkinglots will be50%ofthelinearfrontfoot rate forimproved
o Level A=$6.00 perlinear foot
o Level B=$5.00 perlinearfoot
oLevelC=$3.75 per linear foot
oLevelD=$3.00 per linear foot
STATUTORY DISCOUNT AMOUNT.The Statutory DiscountAmountshallbe computed foreach
assessment Parcelin the same manner as the amount established bylawas the maximum discount for
early payment ofad valorem taxes and non-ad valorem or other assessments.
The Assessments shallbe collected pursuant to the Uniform Assessment CollectionAct when available,
16 """""RMA
Red Sunset Business Improvement District Business Plan
orbyany other lawful means.At the discretion of the City,inlieuofusing the Uniform Assessment
CollectionAct,the Citymay elect to collect the assessment byany other method whichis authorized by
law or as provided by this Resolution.
Ifanyclause,section orprovisionofthisResolutionshallbedeclared unconstitutional orinvalidforany
reason or cause,the remaining portion ofsaid Resolution shallbeinfull force and effect and bevalidasif
suchinvalidportion thereof hadnotbeen incorporated herein.
TheDistrictshallremainin existence foraninitialperiod often (10)years andshallbe extended foran
additionalperiod often (10)yearsuponapprovalofthe City Commission,provided,however,that upon
receipt ofa petition executed byAffectedPropertyOwners representing inexcessoffifty percent (50%)
of the most recent Assessment Roll,CityCommissionmayelecttoabolish the District.
17 RMA
Red Sunset Business Improvement District Business Plan
Downtown South Miami Property Owner:
Beginning in2013,the Red Sunset Merchant Association andSouthMiamiHometown,Inc.(South Miami
commercial property owners)havehaddiscussionswithDowntown property and business owners and
cityresidentstocreatean organization planforaproposed Business Improvement District (BID).Afinal
draft of the plan is attached for your review.
Thebasic premise ofa Downtown SouthMiami BID is that the City agrees to continue to providea base
level of service to the Downtown area and that enhanced services,such as the advocacy,maintenance
and marketing services recommended in the attached BID Plan,are funded through a self-imposed
assessment on the property owners.The BID Planincludesa preliminary assessment roll,by property,
assuming the BID is created and properties areassessedbasedona combination ofbuildingsquare feet
andlinear front feet facing the street.Afinal determination of assessment rates willbemadeby
Resolution of the City Commission.
A Resolution to create the Business Improvement Districtwillbe placed on the ,2016City
Commission agenda.Thisisa courtesy notice,and I request that a representative fromeach property
contact meassoonas possible so that wecan ensure that all property owners are includedin the
Please contact if I can provide further information.
Steven Alexander
City Manager
18 RMA
Red Sunset Business Improvement District Business Plan
Noticeisherebygiven that theCity Commission of the City ofSouthMiami will conduct apublic
hearing to consider the collection ofspecial assessments within the Downtown South MiamiBusiness
Improvement District Assessment Area,asshownabove,through the impositionofspecial assessments
forthe purpose of stabilizing and:improving retail business through promotion,
maintenance,management marketing,and other similar activities.The hearing willbeheld at
p.m.on,at the CityCommission Chambers,6130 Sunset Drive,South Miami,33143,for the
purpose ofreceivingpublic comment on the proposedAssessmentArea,special assessments and
improvements.All affectedpropertyownershavearightto appearand speakatthehearingandtofile
written objections with the City Commission ^^lrii^^^@M^of this notice.If a person decides
to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at the
hearing,suchpersonwill need arecord of the proceedingsand may need to ensure that a verbatim
recordis made,including the testimony and evidence uponwhich the appealis to be made.In
accordance with the Americanswith Disabilities Act,persons needing aspecial accommodation oran
interpreter toparticipateinthisproceedingshouldcontact the CityClerk at 6130 Sunset Drive,South
Miami,FL 33143,atleast forty-eight (48)hourspriorto the date of the hearing.
i^>lll?^MK86<€i3.Themethodfor computing Assessments tofundthe authorized activities within
the Assessment Areaisbaseduponlinearfrontagefacinga street multipliedbythe assessment ratefor
that street plustotalbuilding square feet multipliedby $0,775 forthefirstyear.Foreach year thereafter,
the ratesshallbenomore than 5%higherthanthepreviousyear,unless the not-for-profit corporation
shall propose,andtheCommissionshallapproveachangein the rate.A more specific description of the
improvements and the method of computing the assessment foreachparcelof property are set forthin
the Initial Assessment Resolution adoptedbythe City Commission on.Copiesof the initial
Pjgsjlsftienl-Re^luti^andthe preliminary Assessment Roll are available for inspection atthe office of
the CityClerk.
Commencing in October 2016,the assessments are anticipated to be collected through invoice by
the City ofSouth Miami Finance Department.Commencing inOctober2017,the assessmentsareanticipatedtobe
collected on the advaloremtaxbillby the Miami-DadeCountyTaxCollector,as authorized bySection
19f^632§,Florida Statutes.Failure topaytheassessments will causeatax certificate tobeissued
against the property which may result inalossof title.TheCity Commission intends to collect the
special assessment for a period ^f fiVie^(5)^eaf^,with the option for City Commission to renew the
assessments for an additional fl^liiy^ifC unless a petition,signed by at least fifty percent (50%)of
the property owners within the Assessment Area,is received byCityCommission requesting that the
special assessment be terminated.CityCommissionmay then terminate the assessment.
If youhaveany questions,please contact .
19 RMA