CHARTER1994CHARTER CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI ARTICLE I SECTION i.Name "Citv o?q«?£h tnmun^tclPal,government existing under the name,Cl?°f South Miami"shall continue to exist and shall continuetobeknownas"City of South Miami".continue SECTION 2.Existence This municipal corporation shall have perpetual succession. SECTION 3-Boundaries th*qnn?ioot?g at *^J*in ?he center ot Southwest 57 Avenue atf^?^C°r.ner °f Section 36'Township 54 South,Range 40tnlL^?nne^UnSlng N?rtherly al^ng the East line of Section 36,and Section 25,Township 54 South,Range 40 East,said line being the center line of Southwest 57 Avenue (Red Road)a distance of approximately 7,920 feet,to the Northeast corner of ^t^?0™Sf^f^,.af0reMid Section 25;thence running«?q~1*o.g ^w N°rth llne of the aforesaid Southeast quarter Street m^«JL't,^Same b*ing the Center line of Southwest 64S(Hardee Road)approximately 1,660 feet to the East line ofHAMLETsaidpointbeingtheSoutheastcorneroftheWestha??of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast therF^°f-af°r;^id SeCti°n 25 thMce'ruiming NG^er^SSStheEastlineofHAMLETandAVOCADOHOMESadistanceof19882 thfsoSLT leSSZ to the Northeast corner of the West half ofaLrtPrnfquarteroftheNorthwestquarteroftheNortheast corner ofthr!^h25VthenCf rUnning West*rly to the NorthwestS«2?k 5 Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of thetTo^r6"of Section 25,aforesaid,a distance of lle.ot „€iu™xf JL 1S;thence running Northerly along the East lineoftheNorthwestquarterofNorthwestquarterofNortheast 1 SOUTH MIAMICITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 quarter to the North line of aforesaid Section 25 (center line of Southwest 56 Street,sometimes known as Miller Drive)a distance of 663.53 feet,more or less;thence running Westerly along the North line of Section 25,Township 54 South,Range 40 East,said line being the center line of Southwest 56 Street,to the Southeast corner of the West half of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 24, Township 54 South,Range 40 East,a distance of 1,011.45 feet, moreor less,thence running Northerly alongthe East lineofLA HAMACA SUBDIVISION,tothe Northeast corner ofthe Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 24,aforesaid,a distance of 1,024.81 feet,more of less,thence running Westerly a distance of 337.59 feet,more or less,to the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter ofthe Northeast quarter ofthe Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 24,aforesaid,said point being in the center line of Southwest 63 Avenue;thence running Northerly along the center line of said Southwest 63 Avenue a distance of 343.07 feet,more or less,to the Northeast corner of the East half of the West half of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 24,aforesaid;thence running Westerly a distance of 337.59 feet,more or less,to the Northwest corner ofthe East half ofthe West half ofthe Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 24;thence running Southerly a distance of 1,371.49 feet,moreor less to the center line of Southwest 56 Street (Miller Road)at the Southwest corner of the East half of the West half of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 24 aforesaid;thence running Westerly along the center line of South west 56 Street,said line being the South line of Section 24 aforesaid,to the Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 24,aforesaid,a distance of 337 feet,more or less,thence running Northerly along the East line of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 24, a distance of 660 feet,more or less to the North line of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of aforesaid Section 24;thence running Westerly along said North line of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 24,to the Southwest corner of the East half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 24,a distance of 337 feet,more or less;thence running North along the West line of the East half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 24,a distance of 660 feet,more or less,to the Northeast corner of the West half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 24;thence running Westerly along the North line of the West half to the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 24,a distance of 330 feet, more or less,to the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of aforesaid Section 24,said point being in the center line of Southwest 65 2 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 Avenue,at the Northeast corner of GRANDVIEW PARK SUBDIVISION; thence running North along the East line ofthe West half ofthe Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 24,to the Northwest corner ofthe Southeast quarter ofthe Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of the aforesaid Section 24,a distance of 660 feet,more or less;thence East 330 feet,more or less,tothe Southeast corner oftheWest half ofthe Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter;thence North 660 feet,more or less,tothe center line of Southwest 48 Street,said point being the Northeast corner ofthe West half of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter ofthe Southwest quarter;thenceWestalongthe center lineof Southwest 48 Street 990 feet,more or less,tothe Northwest corner of Southwest quarter of aforesaid Section 24,said point being the intersection of the center line of Southwest 48 Street and Southwest 67 Avenue;thence running Southerly along the center line of Southwest 67 Avenue;the same being the West line of aforesaid Sections 24 and 25,to the Southwest corner of the Northwest quarter ofthe Northwest quarter of Section 25 aforesaid;said point being the intersection of the center line of Southwest 67 Avenue and 60 Street;thence running Westerly along the North line of the South half of the Northeast quarter of Section 26,Township 54 South,Range 40 East,to a point on the Easterly Right of Way line of the Florida East Coast Railway Company (Miami Belt Line);thence run Southerly along the Easterly Right of Way line of aforesaid Florida East Coast Railway Company (Miami Belt Line)toa point on the North line of the Southeast quarter of aforesaid Section 26;thence Easterly along the North line of the Southeast quarter of aforesaid Section 26 to the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of aforesaid Section 26;thence run Southerly along the West line of the East half of the Southeast quarter of Section 26,aforesaid,and the West line of the East half of the Northeast quarter of Section 35,Township 54 South Range 40 East,said line also being the center line of Southwest 69 Avenue,a distance of 5,280 feet,more or less,to the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 35,Township 54 South,Range 40 East;thence running easterly 1,980 feet,more or less,tothe Northwest corner of the North half of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 36 Township 54 South,Range 40 East;thence South 330 feet,more or less,to the Southwest corner of the North half of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 36;thence East 660\more or less,to the Southeast corner ofthe North 1/2 ofthe Northeast quarter ofthe Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 36;thence North 33 0 feet,more or less,to the Northeast corner of the North half of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 36;thence running Easterly along the center line of Southwest 80 Street,also the South line of the Northwest quarter of aforesaid Section 36 to a point at the 3 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 intersectionofthecenterlineofSouthwest80Streetand Southwest 62 Avenue,said point being thecenterof Section 36, Township 54 South,Range 40 East,a distance of 1,320 feet,more orless,thence running Southalongthe center lineofSouthwest 62 Avenue,said line being the West line ofthe Southeast quarter of Section 36 to the center line intersection at Southwest 88 Street;said point being the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of aforesaid Section 36,a distance of 2,640 feet,more orless,;thence Easterly alongthe center lineof Southwest 88 Street2,640feet,moreorless,to the Southeast corner of Section 36,Township 54 South,Range 40 East,said point being thePointof Beginning.ALSOthefollowingdescribedareasin Section 24,Township54 South,Range40 East:Allofthe Northeast quarter oftheSoutheast quarter oftheSoutheast quarter of Section 24,Township 54 South,Range40 East,the same being the ORCHARD HEIGHTS and RIVIERA PINES SUBDIVISIONS. Allofthe Northeast quarter ofthe Northeast quarter ofthe Southeast quarter ofSection 24,comprisinga Re-subdivision of Blocks 5,6andtheNorthhalfofBlock 15,BILTMOREHEIGHTS SUBDIVISION,togetherwithallthe streets and avenues lying in theNorthwestquarteroftheNortheastquarterofthe Southeast quarterandtheNortheastquarteroftheNorthwestquarterofthe SoutheastquarterandtheNorthwestquarteroftheNorthwest quarter ofthe Southeast quarter andthe Northeast quarter ofthe Northeast quarter oftheSouthwestquarterandallofthetract oflandintheEasthalfofthe Northwest quarter ofthe Northeast quarter ofthe Southwest quarter of Section 24, together withthe following described lots:Lots 9,10,11and 12of Block 9;Lots 1,2,3of Block 13;Lots20and21ofBlock 1;of BILTMORE HEIGHTS as recorded inPlatBook21at Page 34 of thePublicRecordsofDade County,Florida. ALSO: TheEast80feetofTract 4,BILTMORE HEIGHTS REVISED,recorded inthePlatBook39atPage65ofthePublicRecordsofDade County,Florida;also formerly knownasLots 23,24,25andthe East 5feetofLot 22 in Block 4of BILTMORE HEIGHTS,recorded in Plat Book 21 at Page 34 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. ALSO including all of the following described lands lying in the North half of the North half of Section 24: Beginning atthe Northeast corner of Section 24,atthe intersection of the center lines of Southwest 57 Avenue (Red Road)and Southwest 40 Street (Bird Road);thence running Westerly alongthe North line of Section 24 (center line of Southwest 40Street)to the Northwest corner of the East half of the Northwest quarter ofthe Northwest quarter ofthe said section;thence running South along thewestlineofthe East 4 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 half of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter to the Southwest corner of the East half of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 24;thence running easterly along the South Line of the North half of the North half of Section 24 to the Southeast corner of the West half of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section,a distanceof3,960 feet,moreor less,thencerunning Northerly alongtheWestlineoftheEasthalfofthe Northeast quarterof the Northeast quarter of Section 24 to the Northwest corner of theSouthhalfoftheSoutheastquarterof the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said section a distance of330feet, more or less,thence running Easterly along the North line of the Southhalfof the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said section to the East line of Section 24,a distance of660feet,more orless,to the Northeast corner of the South half to the Southeast quarter to the Northeast quarteroftheNortheastquarterofSection 24,saidpointbeing inthe center lineof Southeast 57 Avenue;thence running North alongtheEastlineofSection24totheplaceofbeginninga distanceof990 feet,moreor less;however,excludingfromthe above description certainparcelsand tracts ofland,butnot excepting any rights ofwayfor highways within the area described,the exceptions beingasfollows: AlllotsintheSoutheastquarterofthe Northwest quarterofthe Northwest quarterandtheEasthalfofthe Northeast quarterof theNorthwestquarteroftheNorthwestquarterofSection 24, Township54 South,Range40 East,Tract 1-A andLots 10,Tracts 2-A,2-B,Lot 9 and Tract 2-C,Tracts 4-A,4-B,and 4-C,the North 10 feet of the East 50 feet of Lot 5 and Tract 3-D in ALTA TERRA a subdivision of the East half of the West half of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 24as recorded inPlatBook35atPage26of the Public Records ofDade County,Florida. ALLlotsintheNortheastquarteroftheNorthwestquarterofthe NortheastquarterandintheNorthhalftotheSoutheastquarter oftheNorthwestquarteroftheNortheastquarterofSection 24, Township 54South,Range 40East. ALLlotsinBlocks4and 5,withthe exception ofLots21and24 inBlock 5,ALLlotsinBlock3withtheexceptionofLots 1,2,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,and 16,;ALL lots in Block 6,with the exceptionofLots 8,9,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,and 20;ALL lotsinBlock 7,withthe exception ofLots 14,17,18,19,20, 21,22,24,25,26,and 27;as contained in WESTERFIELD MANOR, Section One,TwoandThreelocatedinthe Northeast quarterof the Northeast quarter of Section 24,aforesaid,and recorded in PlatBook18atPage47andinPlatBook27atPage9oftheDade CountyPublicRecords,andthe jurisdiction andpowersofthe CityofSouthMiami shall extend overalllandswithinsaid area, whetherplattedorunplatted,andincluding,butnotlimitedto 5 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 all streets,sidewalks,alleys and parks and to and over all water,waterways,canals and submerged lands whatsoever within the said boundaries. ALSO,beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Southwest 59 Avenue and the centerline of Southwest 64 Street; thence run easterly along the centerline of Southwest 64 Street to the intersection of the East boundary line extended of UNIVERSITY GARDENS SUBDIVISION NO.1 as recorded in Plat Book 89 at Page 15of the Public Records of Dade County,Florida;thence run Northerly along the East boundary line of said UNIVERSITY GARDENS SUBDIVISION NO.1,to the Northeast corner of Block 2,of saidUNIVERSITYGARDENS SUBDIVISION,NO.1,thencerunwesterly along the North line of said Block 2,of UNIVERSITY GARDENS SUBDIVISION NO.1toa point ontheEast right of way lineof Southwest 59Avenue;thence run Northerly along the Eastrightof way line of Southwest 59 Avenue to the intersection of the North right-of-way lineof Southwest 62 Street,thencerun westerly along the North right-of-way of Southwest 62 Street to the West boundary line of UNIVERSITY MANOR FIRST ADDITION as recorded in PlatBook 48,atPage45ofthePublicRecordsofDade County, Florida,thence run southerly along the west lineofsaid University Manor First Addition and the West line of STORMPROOF SUBDIVISION as recorded in Plat Book 47at Page 12of the Public Records of Dade County Florida,to a point on the centerline of Southwest 64 Street;thence run East along the centerline of Southwest 64 Street to the intersection of the centerline of Southwest 59 Avenue and the centerline of Southwest 64Street, the same being point of beginning. ALSO the NW1/4of the NE1/4of the NE1/4 and the NE1/4of the NW1/4of the NE1/4allof Section 25,Township 54South,Range 40East,less the North50feetthereof,DadeCounty,Florida. Thetitleand jurisdiction overall streets,thoroughfares, sidewalks,parks,alleysand public lots withintheCityofSouth Miamiandallotherpropertyandmunicipalpublicworksofthe Citynow owned,possessedoroperatedbyitisherebyvestedin theCityofSouth Miami,as created bythisactasmaybe contracted or expended. SECTION 4.Form of Government ThisCityshallhavea Commission-Manager government. SECTION 5.Authority ThisMunicipalCorporationshallhaveallthe rights, privilegesandimmunitieswhichmayhavebeenorhereafterbe granted under the Constitution and General Laws of the State of Floridaandsuchotherrights,privileges and immunities which may have beenormay hereafter be granted under general actsof 6 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 the legislature of the State of Florida,including but not by way of limitation,the rights,privilegesandimmunitiesunderthe Home Rule Amendment,Article 8,Section 2of the Constitution of the State ofFlorida,andany amendments thereto which have been or may hereafter be enacted. ARTICLE II COMMISSION SECTION 1.Composition \IQAj4U*0 The Commission shall consist of a Mayor and fourVy^;^;co^issioners.{^^^A^^^JUo^^Q^^Zl SECTION 2.Mayor /U^' The Mayor shall preside at meetings for the City Commission N Cfjii^ andshallberecognizedasHeadoftheCitygovernmentfor ceremonial purposes.The Vice-Mayor shall serve for a two (2)] year term and shall be the Commissioner receiving the greatest /i ji number of votes in the preceding general election.^J,p drT SECTION 3.Compensation The annual salaries and expense accounts of the Commission shall be prescribed by ordinance and fixed in the annual budget andshallnotbe increased aftersuchbudgetshallhavebeen submitted and approved./1/jlW-£J -la^~^_fXfr*VL * SECTION 4.Vacancies TheOfficeofa Commissioner shall becomevacantuponhisor her death,resignation,removal from office in any manner authorized bylaw,orby forfeiture ofhisorheroffice. ^-Forfeiture of Office.A Commissioner shall forfeit his or her office if heor she (1)lacks at any time during his or / her term of office any qualification for the office prescribed by this Charter or by the General Laws of the State of Florida,(2) willfully and intentionally violates any express prohibition of J s) this Charter,(3)is convicted of a felony or crime involving VP^Y y Wgl turpitude,(4)wiTTfirily and inLeiiLiunally fails to attend tj?<££3$f consecutive regular meetings of the Commission without being ^sC excused by the Commission.Grounds of forfeiture for (1)and (2) will be determined bya Court of competent jurisdiction.Grounds of forfeiture for (3)and (4)will be determined by the City Commission. B-Filling of Vacancies.Anyvacancyinthe Commission 7 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Commission within 15 days from the date of the vacancy.If the Commission fills such vacancy within the time prescribed,the person so chosen shall serve in such capacity only until the next general election.If the Commission shall fail to make such appointment, then the vacancy shall be filled bya regular or special election tobe held not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days from the date of the vacancy.If the vacancy occurs in the office of Mayor and the Commission selects a member of the Commission as Mayor,this shall create a vacancy in the Commission.If the person so selected as Mayor had an unexpired term extending beyond the time of the next general election,that individual so selected as Mayor shall have the option of notifying the Clerk of the City of South Miami in writing of his or her intention to qualify for the office of Mayor no later than 15 days before the deadline for qualification for the next general election.Ifhe or she should exercise this option,his or her seat as Commissionershallbeconsideredvacantforhisorherunexpired term.Ifheor she should not exercise this option,heorshe shall be considered as serving temporarily as Mayor hereunder and shall revert automatically to his or her unexpired term to which he or she has been previously elected. Should any vacancy occur more than nine (9)months prior to the general election,the Commission shall have no power tofill thesame;the unexpired term shall be filled bya special electionbeingheldnotlessthan45daysnormorethan60days after suchvacancy occurred.^-—,->.i SECTION 5.Meetings <^V-^X A.Attendance. shall be public. All meetings of the City Commission B.Special Meetings.Special meetings maybeheldupon call by the Mayor or three or more Commissioners.Written notice of said meeting shall be delivered to the members ofthe Commission bytheCityClerk twenty-four hoursbeforesuch meetingis held.Nobusinessshallbetransactedatanyspecial meetingotherthanthatforwhichthe meeting wascalled. Provided,however,thetimelimitmaybewaivedintimeofpublic emergency affecting life,health,property orsafety. C.Regular Meetings.The Commission shallmeetregularly atsuchtimesandplacesasmaybe prescribed byitsrulesbut not less frequently than twice each month. D.Procedure.The Commission shall fix its rules of procedure and order of business or,in the absence of applicable rules,itshallfollowRobert'sRulesof Order (Revised). E.Record The Commission shall keep a permanent written 8 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 publicrecordofits proceedings. F.Quorum.Four members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for a regular meeting and three members shall constitute a quorum fora special meeting. SECTION 6.Ordinances TheCityCommissionshallactonlybyordinanceorwritten resolution and those acts of the City Commission shall be by ordinance which: (1)Adopt or amend an administrative code or establish,alteror abolish anyCity department, office or agency. (2)Providefora fine orotherpenaltyor establish aruleorregulationfor violation of whicha fine or other penalty is imposed. (3)Levy taxes (4)Grant,renew or extend a franchise and regulate public utilities service rates. (5)Authorize theborrowingofmoney. (6)Conveyorleaseorauthorizetheconveyance orleaseofanypropertyofthe City. All other acts maybe accomplished either by ordinance or resolution except as otherwise provided bythis Charter. A.Form.Every proposed ordinance shall be introduced in writing and in the form required for final adoption.No ordinance shall contain more than one subject which shall be clearly expressed in its caption.The enacting clause shall be "BE ITORDAINEDBYTHEMAYORANDCITYCOMMISSIONOFTHECITYOF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA" Any ordinance which repeals or amends an existing ordinance or part ofthe CityCode shall be set outinthe caption ofthe ordinance of section of the Code. •B*Introduction.An ordinance or resolution maybe introduced by any member at any regular meeting of the Commission. (!)Procedure.After introduction ofany ordinance,the 9 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 City Clerk shall prepare a number of copies and shall distribute a copy to each member ofthe Commission and tothe Manager.The City Clerk shall also file a reasonable number of copies in the office of the City Clerkandsuch other public places asthe Commission may designate,together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon and for its consideration bythe Commission. (2)Public Hearing.The public hearing shall follow the introduction of the ordinance and publication by at least ten (10)days prior to the public hearing and may be held separately or in conjunction with the regular City Commission meeting.All interested persons shall have an opportunity tobeheard. (3)Readings.Each ordinance shall be read by only the title at both first and second readings and shall be considered at no less than two meetings of the Commission unless declared emergent.If an ordinance is materially amended upon the second reading,a third reading shall be required at a subsequent meeting of the Commission.(Amended 2/94) (4)Publication.As soon as practicable after the adoption of an ordinance,the City Clerk shall post the ordinance in a conspicuous place in the City Hall of South Miami. c-Effective Date.Except as otherwise provided in this Charter,every adopted ordinance shall become effective at the expiration of ten (10)days after adoption or any other date specified therein. D*Voting Procedure.Voting shall be by roll call.The "yeas"and "nays"shall be recorded individually in the minutes of each meeting.No Commission member shall be excused from voting except as set forth in Article VI,Section 2.(Conflict of Interest). ,.1-Requirements for Adoption.All resolutions or ordinances shall be adopted by not less than three (3) affirmative votes of the Mayor and Commission;provided that specifically designated matters shall require four (4) affirmative votes except if two (2)members are recused,in which C?S?-,ai1 three <3)affirmative votes are required/and recusal(s) shall be counted for purposes of a quorum only. 2*Exceptions.Except as otherwise provided in this Charter,four (4)affirmative votes of the City Commission shall be required in the following instances: 10 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 To issue bonds or borrow money Togrant,renew or lease franchises other than public utilities Tosell and/or leaseproperty Toliberalizezoning To appropriate or expend non-budgeted funds An initiatory ordinance pursuanttoArticle V Notwithstanding any other provisions of Article II,section 6D.,the following shall apply in the enactment of emergency ordinances:If three members or four Commission members are present,an affirmative vote of three members shall be required for adoption;if five Commission members are present,adoption shallrequiretheaffirmativevoteoffour members. 3-Emergency Ordinances.To meet a public emergency affecting life,safety,health,property or the public peace,the Commission may adopt one or more emergency ordinances,but such ordinance may not grant,renew or extend a franchise or authorize the borrowing of money except as provided in this Charter.An emergency ordinance will be introduced in the form and manner prescribed for ordinances generally,except that it shall be plainly designated as an emergency ordinance and shall contain, after the enacting clause,a declaration stating that an emergency exists and describing it in clear and specific terms. An emergency ordinance may be adopted with or without amendment or rejected atthemeetingatwhichitis introduced. If three or four Commissioners are present,the affirmative vote of three members shall be required for adoption.After its adoption,the ordinance shall be published as prescribed for other adopted ordinances.it shall become effective upon adoption or at such later date as it may specify.Every emergency ordinance shall automatically stand repealed as of the 31st day following the date on which it was adopted but this shall not prevent re-enactment of the ordinances in the manner specified in this section,if the emergency still exists.An emergency ordinance may also be repealed by adoption of a repealing ordinance in the same manner specified in this section foradoptionofemergency ordinances. SECTION 7.Officers A:Appointments The Commission shall appoint the following,who shall be officers of the City who shall serve at the pleasure of the Commission: 1'A City Manager as prescribed in Article III. 11 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 2--A City Attorney and such Assistant city Attorneys aB may be necessary who shall act as the legal advisor for thl SESr^SiV*V"a11 °f itS °«i"rs in matters relating to be a'iferof £"?"J"?dUt±eS-The Citr Attorney shanth«%i«?£nf *»iat -^eaS*flv?years Practice in the Courts oftheStateofFloridaimmediatelyprecedingthetimeofhisorherappointment.He or she shall preplre or review alf ordinances,resolutions,contracts,bonds and other written instruments in which the municipality is concerned and shallendorseoneachhisorherapprovaloftheformi™,™,*^ ordsheeshair ^^"^re<JUired b*the ^ssion?hecTi-v »f?Prosecute and defend,for and in behalf of the city'S1 aOB,oa^CtS'h^itS'a"d contr°versies in which theY4.-i\?Party/before any Court or other leaallvZ?T££ettt£sn£lb?-°r >rS-ha11 ""^rsulh odirect-and heo.«1-^the City as the Commission mayairect,and he or she shall perform such other professional Resolution ofV*r"*iir«*°f »»i»or her by Ordinance orResolutionoftheCommissionorbythisCharter. 3.*City Clark and such deputies that may be necessarv who shall give notice and attend all Commission meelinas'keep the minutes and records of all of the proceedings^of al?SS'Sffm-'11 b00kS'Papers and Sg ofallkindscommittedtohisorhercareduringhisorher- tenure;keep the corporate seal of the Citv and afiMv «»f conductWfUily dir.^^administer oaths;ha^e charge of ?Seconductofmunicipalelections;act as Supervisor ofRegistration;act as clerk of the Municipal Coirt anf perform such other duties as shall be required by th?s restricted ^v ^the^HLaWS ,°f,the State °f FlorTda^unlessMetropolitan^ade^oun^^*-»*-"*provisions of offices s^aTlT^"^e^Sularie?and exPe«se accounts of allbudget!prescribed by ordinance and fixed in the annual C.Vacancies.The City Commission shall have power in the ^„°te'sickness or disqualification of any of these officers tl thPrtf (3%)SUdCaCy\SSafterndSuSchh°U0ld ^C°™^™not do^w^hintheMUr^^^int'Tsuccessor!"61106'"Sha11 **the dUty °f SECTION 8.Boards artrl Committ*** emission the ComiIllssl°"**the purposes defined by the B-°rc?i,lanm Provision-For any Board or Committee 12 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 hereinafter established by ordinance,the Commission,but not bv way of limitation,shall provide for the following: (1)number of members (2)term of members (3)selection of chairperson (4)quorumformeetings (5)dutiesofboardsand committees C.Mandatory Board There shall,at all times,be a Planning Board composed of residents of South Miami whose members shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the fE^i1011'*,?°^dUly ele<rted official,officer or employee oftheCityshallbeanappointeehereunder.Notwithstanding any £d?n^°V1S1°Vf hr^lB "'but not h*wa^of limitation!the provisions:Creang B°ard Sha11 contain the following 1.The Planning Board shall be a continuous body and shall be composed of seven (7)members.A quorum for its meeting shall SZLtnt?.(5).mem.bers'The Board sh*H investigate andrecommendtotheCommissionsuchchangesintheboundariesofthe various use districts zoning regulations,use of land and type of construction,locations and use of all structures on any valid appointment submitted to it.y ua In arriving at its recommendations,the Board shall £2!!ldS;'^^.„by Way °f Imitation,the character of thearea,the suitability of particular uses,the conservation of the property values and the direction of building development.In S?f 2'*S ?°ard Sha11 investig*te and make recommendations to rehabii?t^ton10n °n ,.matters affecting redevelopment,rehabilitation,conservation and renewal progress toward the alleviation of a slum or blighted areas and such other conditions as may injuriously affect the City. 2.Any recommendations of the Board which affect use of land or structures or concern redevelopment,rehabilitation conservation or renewal shall not be adopted by the citvCommissionuntilapublichearingthereon.No application f2 zoning changes shall be filed in the name of the City without prior approval of the City Commission.There shall be no change £*.fniK9 Kn°r any amendment to the zoning laws unless proposalsforsuchchangeshavefirstbeenreceivedbythePlanningBoard! SECTION 9.Investigating* Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Charter the Commission or its authorized representative or representatives may make investigation into the affairs of this City andI the conduct of any city department,Board,Officer or Agency and for this purpose may subpoena witnesses,administer oaths,take 13 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 testimony and require the production of evidence.Any person who fails to obey a lawful order issued in the exercise of these powers by the Commission shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of not more than $500.00 or by imprisonment for notmorethan six months,or both. SECTION 10.Civil Service/Merit System The City Commission shall establish a civil service system or a merit system covering and embracing the salaried employees of the City of South Miami,except where in conflict with anv other provisions of this Charter. SECTION 11.Departments Except as may be otherwise provided by statute or this Charter,the Commission shall establish,by ordinance,such departments of the City as it deems necessary or advisable. ARTICLE III THE CITY MANAGER SECTION 1.Appointment ~.Thf.city Commission shall appoint a City Manager by the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the citv Commission.y SECTION 2.Qualifications The Manager shall be appointed solely on the basis of his or her executive and administrative qualifications with specific reference to his or her professional training and experience in municipal government.He or she shall be a graduate of a thereto2^SCh°01 °f 9°vernment or have experience equivalent SECTION 3.Removal .J??e Ci*y Commission may remove the City Manager from office t,^-k ir 1Ve Vote of a ma3°rity of all of its members,with orwithoutcause.If his or her removal is without cause,the Citv Manager shall receive his or her salary for thirty (30)days immediately following the adoption of the resolution removing him or her from office.The City Manager,after ninety (90)days of continuous absence shall be removed from office. SECTION 4.Acting Citv Manager 14 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 ni~*A'.^SSsmmMMtioa The Manager may recommend,bv letterfiledW1ththecityclerk,subject to the approval of thecommission,a qualified City administrative officer to exercise the powers and perform the duties of the Manager durina anv noTserve torTtJlJ'T^SUCh aCting ^V "antger^sha??not serve tor a period longer than 90 days.During such absence or disability,the Commission may decline such recommendation atanytimeandappointanotherofficeroftheCitytrierveuntil the Manager shall return or his disability shall cease as set'forth *£*ta?^TTT^r.•JUring SUch absence or disabilityActfnari^J m=„(A)'^tf the Flty onager fails to recommend anActingCityManager,the Commission shall name an Actina ManiLo,-to serve at the pleasure of the Commission.9 Mana^er SECTION 5.Powers and Duties h„,The City Manager shall be the chief executive officer and =ha k ,*?*adnllnistrative branch of the City government He orsheshallberesponsibletotheCommissionfortheJ™ ?df1^^ra-i°n °f a11 affairs of the cit^Hrorshe^Kthefollowingpowersanddutiesto:nave A.Appoint and,when necessary for the aood of the ri+vremoveanynon-elective officers or employ^of thl CitvC?tvecommU^n?a«thorized to be appointed and removed by the clvL^vSTrovi^ns41.1115 SUCh rem°Val d°6S not ">*"-*with B.Prepare the budget annually and submit i+-*-«4-^~2SSE?"^be ™**™^^r yifan,idISa^.t1L.t0^ r,..hn^'=,Submit to the Commission and make available to the activities^2^6^ry "l°nth °n the "nances and administrativeactivitiesoftheCity,together with his or her recommendations? f.„?•Prepare and submit to the Commission at the end of the fcSvitSfol the^cftv",reP0.rKt °n thS -finances and administrativedctivitiesoftheCityfortheprecedingyear. d«n»r+™o«*«ireC**.and suPervise the administration of alldepartments,offices and agencies of the city except tt otherwise provided by this Charter or by-law;pVescrTbe tho ^SS^iUtiL11ofdSr^n "^the ^ies?W'au?hor?ties andresponsibilitiesofthedepartmentheads. part Ik discuIsLn.11 C01Mnission stings with the right to take G.Perform such other duties as are specified in this 15 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 Charter or which may be required by the Commission. H.Contract for the purchase of any supplies,materialsequipmentorservicesforanydepartmentofthePcityinanamount n?1 and inc^udln9 One Thousand ($1,000.00)Dollars whenever neorshedeemsitnecessaryandpropertodoso.All contracts for Com^issLn.n eXCeSS °f $1'°00-00 sha11 »*approvedCbf?hetSCi?y P,f„*13-Purohases of supplies,equipment and materials for the «£11 g<?vernment in excess of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000 001shallbeapprovedbytheCityCommissionaftercompetitive ^ro™1^11?sha11 *ave *een maintained and competitive b?Ss sough?from at least three different sources of supply if available such determination to be made by the Commissio^anH ?hr:uahS\atnhdlng ^foregoin^the "city uy^''purchases biddiS P^ohce^Trnmental agenCieS Wh°^f°lloWed simil- ARTICLE IV Finance SECTION 1.Fiscal Year- as th^fi^V^V*the City of South Miami shail be the sameasthatsetbyDadeCountyoritssuccessors. SECTION 2.Budget davs tio/in ^v Mana?er sha11 Bubinit to the Commission,60?^h -5u beginning of the fiscal year,an annual budgettogetherwithanexplanatorymessage.The budget,budget messaae nubnf,1-SUPP<lr.tinlSChedUles'sha11 be a Public'record open topublicinspectionbyanyone.p k-uSIw *yblic Hearings At the meeting of the Commission at shan SSeSSSTiE?t"dget TSTge are fitted,tST^wJnhJSiii-t U®^he time and place for a public hearing on thebudget,at which time,interested persons shall be aiven an S^Eity V F heard-The City C?erk shall post a n9ot7ce o?the place and time not less than five days after the date ofpostingatwhichtimetheCommissionwillholdapublichearing? +u~r>°'•Ad?ustment*After conclusion of such public hearinasITleZ^nl*?^°r may increL.,dec^as^oraeietetheitemsofthebudget;provided,however,if the total eve^trOPOthed S^teiT F^™*^*thereb^then a«^ln thatrZt^lL ™®.CltY Clerk shall post a notice setting forth thenatureoftheproposedincreaseandlistingaplaceLdtimenot 16 SOUTHMIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 hlarin?therein."***""the ***°f *°Stin9 °f «»P«bllc =*«•D*^.AdoPtlon -The budget shall be adopted bv thr-ee tt\affirmative votes of the City Commission not later than ten nil days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year %h™,£(IV Commission take no final action on or prior to said d!te the SSfffti ?4.tUbaitted'sha11 be deemedP to have bfen finallyadoptedbytheCommission,provided that if t^T ^Z^.i finally ofntheinnany-dePart-nt «dlpaTtme^ts'exceeds ^n ^ercent^do") **•Modification* «anag£tffgSSSrife^^g^^^/f^t rlso'lV^ genLrrCcfasririacaPtri°oPnriaofi0n *^~^£'t^STES^r "^ciassirication of expenditure within an o^-;~« S^e mo^thsheo^8?^^ar^tS^^^^ port^Se^^^^^^^portion tnereof from one office or department to another ^.<-iuy.such notes shall not exceed in&«-f +-k^4-^4.i S^To^t^Tut^alT sCuUcrhrent *^^*^££ sntlfhave been issued ^F"i"Which the original notes SECTION a..Revenue*? A.Taxation The Commission shall levy such taxes as 17 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 authorized by law to meet the appropriations made not later than the next Commission meeting after adoption of the budqet as ?e?^ded ln ^i*IV'Section 2 D'If the commission shall"J"8?or ne9lect to pass an ordinance levying the taxes for anv budget year,the ordinance last previously passed lewina taxesshallcontinueinfullforceandeffectandafailurPtopalsa anyrtaxes°.rdlnanCe Sha11 in n°Way invalidate the collection o? B.Assessment In the event Dade County shall fail or ceasetoassessproperty,the city shall have the right,power and duty to assess all property in an amount not to exceed that permittedbyStateLawortheHomeRuleAmendment.permitted C.Bonds.The City shall have the power to issue bonds only after an election in which at least 25%of the voters who are ?hf same SEFV'r?±ding **Said City'Sha11 P^ticiplte andthesameshallhavebeenapprovedbyamajorityofthevotes SECTION 4.Administration A.Control The city Manager shall have charge of the SrS0^sect's?131 affalrS °f ^City in Lc-da- m-+A~fustodYof Public Funds The City Manager shall have custody of all public funds belonging to or under control of the City or any office or department thereof,and deposit all fundcomingintohisorherhandsinsuchdepositoriesasLbedesignatedbyResolutionoftheCommission."orles as maY be all r?™™JLPf°Val "I-"r^n*ir"rp?Thp City Manager shall approvea*lPr°Posed.expenditures,but'«nless he or she shall certify availablf^un^"L unencult,b^ed balance of appropriation and eaSdtoeftSl'l be°made!0^100 ^be encu»be~«—no „.,D:„Multi-annual—Contracts No contract involvina the shaTr^LTe"6/°Ut °f ^aPPr°Priatio„s of more than onf year such contract he°™aiSerl?d °f mSr*than 4 *ears'n°r shall anyIhallbe^il d ^leSS made or aPProved by ordinance.itshallbemandatoryontheCommissiontoprovidefundsineachsucceedingbudgetforcontractsextendingmorethanoneyearns herein provided.Providing,that this section shall not restrictthetermofGeneralObligationorRevenueBonds.restrict fVi .Audlt The Commission shall designate a qualified Certified ^he^Aooountant who,at the end of the fiscal year and at suchothertimesasorderedbytheCommission,shall make an independent examination and review of accounts and other 18 SOUTH MIAMICITYCHARTER AMENDED 2/94 evidences of financial transactions by the City government,and shall submit such report,together with his or her recommendations for improving fiscal control,to the Commission and to the City Manager.Such accountant shall have no personal interest,direct or indirect,in the fiscal affairs of the Citv government or any of its officers.He or she shall not maintain any accounts or records of the city business,but within specifications approved by the Commission,shall post-audit the annual financial statements of the City and all accounts kept bv any office or department of the City. ARTICLE V. Elections SECTION 1.Qualifications A.Any person who is a duly registered voter of Dade County and who has been a legal resident of the City of South Miami for a period of no less than thirty (30)days immediately before the date of the election. B.Candidates The City Clerk shall certify that a candidate for election to the Office of the Mayor or Commissioner,no more than 42 days nor less than 28 days prior to a duly scheduled election has: tL^K ,Exhibited to the Clerk proof that he or she is qualified elector of the City of South Miami and has continuously resided in the City of South Miami for at least one (l)year immediately before the date of the election in which he or she is seeking election. Exhibited to the Clerk proof that he or she is a qualified elector of the city of South Miami and has regularly and continuously resided in the city of South Miami and has occupied of the°Cite deSlgnated as residential property by the ordinances (2)Paid a qualifying fee of $100.to the City Clerk (3)Taken the following prescribed sworn oath: "I hereby accept the nomination for Mayor/Commissioner,and aqree to serve,if elected,and further that I hereby make the 19 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 following oath: State of Florida County of Dade Before me,an officer authorized to administer oaths,personally appeared to me well known,who, being duly sworn,says that he/she is a candidate forthe office of r that he/she is a qualified elector of Dade County,Florida;and that he/she is qualified under the Constitution and the laws of Florida,to hold the office to which he/she desires to be nominated or elected;that he/she has taken the oath required by ss.876-05-876.10,Florida Statutes;that he/she has not violated anyofthe laws ofthe State relating to elections or the registration of electors;that he/she has qualified forno other public office inthe State the term of which office or any part thereof runs concurrent (with that of)the office he/she seeks;that he/she has resigned from any office (from)which he/she is required to resign pursuant to ss.99.012,Florida Statutes;andthathe/shehas submitted a sworn statement of contributions and expenditures,if any incurred,prior to the time of qualifying and since the last preceding general election. Signature of Candidate Address Signature and Title of person administering oath (4)No appointed officer or employee of the City of South Miami,shall be certified for nomination of any elected position in the City of South Miami. (5)AnyofficialoftheCityofSouthMiamiwhoiselected or appointed toany office and qualifies for an elective office outside the City of South Miami shall forfeit his (her)office by thefactof such qualification. (6)No person shall be certified for nomination toan elective office in the City of South Miami who concurrently has qualified for nomination of or is concurrently holding an elective office outside the City of South Miami. (7)Anypersonwho qualifies foranelectiveoffice outside the City of South Miami after having qualified for an elective office in the City of South Miami shall by the fact of such qualification become disqualified for nomination in the City of 20 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 SouthMiamiandhis (her)nameshallbestrickenfromthe ballot. SECTION 2,General Elections. A.Time General elections for the Commission shall beheld during February of each even year,the day,place andtimetobe setby ordinance,atwhichtimetheMayorshallbeelectedtoa termoftwoyearsandtwocommissionersshallbeelectedtoterms of four years. B.ModeThe office oftheMayor and Commission seats shall be filled on the basis of the highest number of votes received by the candidates.Ateachgeneralorspecialelectionwherethere areatleasttwo (2)Commissionerstobe elected,theelection shall be conducted on a group basis for each member of the City Commissiontobeelected.EachCommissionseattobefilledat said election shall be designated numerically,and each candidate fortheCityCommissionshalldesignateinwhich numerical groupingheorsheistobeacandidate.No candidate shallrun for office in more than one numerically designated group. SECTION 3.Special Elections As prescribed under Article II,Section 4B. SECTION 4.Runoff Elections Intheeventofatie vote,runoff elections shall be held, if necessary,within thirty (30)days from the date ofthe canvass of the votes castatthe regular elections. SECTION 5.Procedures A.Provisions.The City Commission shall provide,by ordinance,forthe procedures ofelectionsnotinconsistentwith SateLawsand/orthe Metropolitan DadeCountyHomeRuleAmendment andCharter,except as specified herein. B.Canvassing Committee Upon the closing ofthe polls and the casting ofthe ballot bythe last person then entitled to vote,the Canvassing Committee,comprised ofthe majority ofthe Commission andthe City Clerk,shall publicly record the results ofthe election and proceed to tabulate the absentee ballots and certify the results. <?•Installation At 8:00 P.M.ontheday following any City electionintheCityofSouth Miami,theCommissionshallmeetin special session for the sole purpose of receiving the certified report ofthe Canvassing Committee and thereupon the installing officer,selected by the duly elected incoming Mayor,shall 21 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 install thenewly elected MayorandCommissionmembersafterthey shall have taken the prescribed oath of office. D.Oath of Office Every officer of the City shall,before entering upon the duties ofhisor her office,take and subscribe tothe following oathor affirmation tobefiledandkeptinthe office of the City Clerk. "I solemnly swear (oraffirm)that I will support the constitution and will obey the lawsof the United States and of the State of Florida;that Iwill,in all respects,observe the provisions oftheCharterandtheOrdinancesoftheCityofSouth MiamiandwillfaithfullydischargethedutiesoftheOfficeof SECTION 4.Initiative and Referendum A.General Authority (1)Initiative ThequalifiedvotersoftheCityshallhave powerto propose ordinances to the Commission and,ifthe Commission fails toadoptan ordinance so proposed withoutany changeinsubstance,toadoptorrejectitata city election, providedthatsuchpowershallnotextendtothebudgetor capitalprogramoranyordinancerelatingtoappropriationof money,levyof taxes or salaries of City officers oremployees. (2)Referendum The qualified voters of the City shall have powertorequire reconsideration bytheCommissionofanyadopted ordinanceandiftheCommissionfailstorepealanordinanceso reconsidered,toapproveorrejectitataCity election, provided thatsuchpower shall notextendtothebudgetor capital program orany emergency ordinance or ordinance relating to appropriation of money orlevyoftaxes. B.Commencement of Proceedings.Petitioners;Committee; Affidavit Aminimumof100qualifiedvotesmaycommenceinitiativeor referendum proceedings byfilingwiththeCityClerkanaffidavit stating thatthey will constitute thepetitioners1 committee and beresponsibleforcirculatingthepetitionandfilingitin proper form,statingtheirnamesandaddressesandspecifyingthe address to which all notices to the Commission are to be sent and setting outin full the proposed initiative ordinance or citing the ordinance sought to be reconsidered. 22 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 Promptly after the affidavit of the petitioners'committee is filed,theCityClerkshallissuetheappropriatepetition blanks to the petitioners'committee. C.Petitions (1)Number of signatures.Initiative and referendum petitions mustbesignedbyqualifiedvotersoftheCityequalin number to at least 15%of the total number of qualified voters registered tovoteinthelastregularCityelection. (2)Form and Content All papers ofa petition shall be uniform in size andstyleand shall be assembled asone instrumentfor filing.Eachsignatureshallbeexecutedininkor indeliblepencilandshallbefollowedbytheaddressofthe person signing.Petitions shall contain or have attached thereto throughout their circulation the full text of the ordinance proposed or sought to be reconsidered. (3)Affidavit of Circulator Each paper ofa petition shall have attached to it,when filed,an affidavit executedbythe circulator thereof,statingthatheorshepersonallycirculated the paper,the number of signatures thereon,that all the signatureswereaffixedinhisorher presence,theheorshe believes themtobethegenuinesignaturesofthepersonswhose names they purported tobeand that each signer had an opportunity before signing toread the full text of the ordinance proposed or sought to be reconsidered. (4)Time for Filing Initiative or Referendum Petitions. Petitionsmustbefiledwithinthirty (30)daysafterthe Commissionhasfailedtoadoptaproposedordinanceorfailedto reconsideranadoptedordinancewhenrequestedtodo so. D.Procedure after Filing. (1)Certificate of Clerk;Amendment.Within ten (10)days afterthepetitionis filed,theCityClerkshallcompletea certificate asto its sufficiency,specifying ifitis insufficient,the particulars wherein itis defective andshall promptly send a copy ofthe certificate to the petitioners' committeeby registered mail.Apetition certified insufficient forlackoftherequirednumberofvalidsignaturesmaybe amended once if the petitioners'committee files a notice of intention toamenditwiththe Clerk withintwo days after receivingthecopyofhisorher certificate,andfilesa supplementarypetitionuponadditionalpaperswithinten (10) days after receiving the copyofsuch certificate.Within five (5)days after such supplementary petition isfiled,theClerk shallcompleteacertificateastothesufficiencyofthe 23 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 petitionasamendedandpromptlysendacopyofsuchcertificate tothe petitioners'committeebyregistered mail.Ifapetition or amended petition is certified insufficient and the petitioners'committee does not elect toamendor request Commissionreviewundersubsection 2,below,within thetime required,theClerkshallpromptlypresenthisorhercertificate to the Commission and the certificate shall then be a final determinationastothe insufficiency ofthepetition. (2)Commission Review Ifa petition has been certified insufficient andthepetitioners'committee does notfilea noticeofintentiontoamenditorifanamendedpetitionhas been certified insufficient,the committee may,withintwo (2) days,after receiving thecopyofsuchcertificate,filea request that itbe reviewed by the Commission.The Commission shallreviewthe certificate atitsnextmeeting following the filingofsuchrequestandapproveordisapprove it,andthe Commission's determination shall then be a final determination as to the sufficiency ofthepetition.However,the Commission shall not declare a petition to be insufficient unless the findings oftheCityClerkare illegal orare factually in error. (E)Referendum Petitions;Suspension of Effect of Ordinance. When a referendum petition is filed with the City Clerk,the ordinancesoughttobereconsideredshallbesuspendedfrom taking effect.Such suspension shall terminate when: (1)Thereisafinaldeterminationof insufficiency ofthe petition;or (2)Thepetitions'committee withdraws thepetition;or (3)The Commission repeals the ordinance. (F)Actions on Petitions (1)Action by Commission When an initiative or referendum petitionhasbeenfinallydetermined sufficient,the Commission shall promptly consider the proposed initiative ordinance in the manner provided in Article II or reconsider the referred ordinance by voting itsrepeal.If the Commission failstotake action ona proposed initiative ordinance without any change in substancewithinthirty (30)daysorfailstorepealthereferred ordinance withinthirty (30)daysafterthedateofthe petition wasfinallydetermined sufficient,itshallsubmittheproposed or referred ordinance tothevotersoftheCity. (2)Submission to Voters SuchCityelectiononaproposed orreferredordinanceshallbeheldnotlessthanthirty (30) daysandnotlaterthanseventyfive (75)daysfromthedateof 24 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 thefinalCommissionvote thereon.IfnoregularCityelection istobeheldwithintheperiodprescribedinthis subsection, the Commission shall provide fora special election otherwise the vote shall be held at the same time as such regular election. Copies of the proposed or referred ordinance shall be made availableatthe polls,andatCityHallatleastfifteen (15) days prior to the election thereon. (3)Withdrawal of Petitions.An initiative or referendum petition maybewithdrawnatanytimepriortothetenthday precedingthedayscheduledforavotebytheelectorsbyfiling withtheCityClerkarequestforwithdrawalsignedbyatleast twenty (20)members ofthepetitioners'committee.Uponfiling such request the petition shall have no further force or effect andall proceedings thereon shall be terminated. (G)Results of Election (1)If15%of the qualified electors vote ona proposed initiative ordinance anda majority voteinits favor,itshall be considered adopted upon certification of the election results and shall be treated in all respects in the same manner as ordinances of the same kind adopted by the Commission.If conflicting ordinances are approved at the sameelection,the one receivingthegreatestnumberofaffirmativevotesshallprevail to the extent of such conflict. (2)If 15%of the qualified electors vote on a referred ordinance anda majority vote against it,itshallbe considered repealed on certification of the election results. (3)An ordinance adoptedbythe electorate through initiatory proceedingsshallnotbeamendedorrepealedbythe Commission fora period ofoneyear after the election at which itwasadoptedbut thereafter itmaybeamendedor repealed bya 4/5 vote. (4)After a referendum petition has been filed,if the Commissionrepealstheordinanceinvolvedbeforethepetitionis vote onby the electorate,then the Commission may not reconsider suchordinanceforaperiodofone (1)yearafteritsrepeal. (H)Recall Petitions. The procedure on recall petitions shall be identical with thatforaninitiatoryorferendarypetition,exceptthat: (1)The recall petition shall be under oath and shall set forth the name or names of the Commission member of members whose removal is sought together with a statement of valid charges constituting the grounds for removal. (2)The recall petitioner,at the time of filing the recall 25 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 petition,shall deposit with the City Clerk,a fee in the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00)in cash to defray the expense of the election. (3)Recall petitions must be filed within thirty (30)days aftertheClerkhasissuedthepetitionblankstothe Petition Committee. (4)The signed petitionsshallbe canvassed and certified bythe City Clerk.Ifa petition or amended petition is certifiedinsufficientandtheCommitteedoesnotelectto amend,the certificate shall then bea final determination asto the sufficiency ofthepetition. (5)TheCommissionshallhavenorighttoreviewor consider arecallpetition. (6)TheCommissionmustprovideforthequestionofrecall being placed on the ballot in a manner that will give the elector aclearchoiceforor against therecall. (7)If 20%of the qualified electors vote in the recall election anda majority vote in favor of recall,the Commission member or members shall,regardless of any defect intherecallpetitionbe deemed removed fromoffice immediately.Ifthe majority is against recall then Commission member or members shall continue in office under the terms of his or her previous election. (8)No recall petition against such Commission member or membersshallbecertifiedwithinoneyearafterheorshe takes office nor within one year after a recall petition against him or her is defeated. ARTICLE VI GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 1,Conflict of Interest TheCityCommission shall,by ordinance,enactaconflictof interest ordinance which shall beat least equal tothe standards ofconductforpublic officers andemployeesassetforthinthe statutes of the State of Florida and,more specifically,denoted as Florida Statutes 112.311 through 112.319,inclusive,and shall further set forth the penalties for violation thereof. SECTION 2.Bonding The Commission may require,by resolution,any officer or 26 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 employee to give bond in such amount and with such surety as deemed necessary.The premiums on such bonds shall be paid bv the City.c J SECTION 3.Publication Recruirement Whenever publication is required herein,such publication shall be made by posting,at a conspicuous place in the City Hall,for the requisite period and,if the publication is of an ordinance,said ordinance shall,at least ten (10)days prior to adoption,be noticed once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of South Miami.The notice of proposed enactment shall state the date,time and place of the meeting,title or titles of the proposed ordinance,and the place or places within the City of South Miami where such proposed ordinance may be inspected bythe public.Said notice shall also advise that interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance. SECTION 4.Annexation Inthe event thatthe City of South Miami shall desire to change its territorial limits by the annexation of any unincorporated tract of land lying contiguous thereto,and within Dade County,it shall follow the procedure laid down by the Metropolitan Home Rule Amendment and/or Florida Statutes. SECTION 5-Franchise No ordinance granting,renewing or leasing the right to use the streets,alleys,public grounds or buildings of the City of South Miami to any person,persons,firm or corporation shall become a law or effective in any way unless the same is passed by a vote of 4/5 of all members of the Commission and no such grant, renewal or lease shall be for a longer period than thirty (30) years andno such grant,renewal or lease shall be transferable except with the approval of 4/5 of the Commission expressed by ordinance.Copies of all transfers and mortgages or other documents affecting the title or use of such grants,renewals of leases shall be filed with the City Manager within ten (10)days after the general circulation in the City of South Miami once a week for at least two consecutive weeks,not less than 14 days prior to such meeting,notice that the Commission will consider the granting or renewal of such franchise and other improvements. SECTION 6.Powers of the City The City of South Miami exercising its power under State Law,may exceed,by ordinance,any limiting feature of the State 27 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 Law unless the same is prohibited under the Home Rule Amendment and Charter of Metropolitan Dade County. SECTION 7.Autonomy Neither the Commission or any of its members shall direct or request the appointment of any person to,or his or her removal from office by the city Manager or by any of his or her subordinates,or in any manner take part in the appointment or removal of officers and employees in the administrative service of the City.Except for the purpose of inquiry,the Commission and its members shall deal with the administrative service solely through the City Manager and neither the Commission or any member thereof shall give orders to any subordinates of the City Manager,either publicly or privately.This section shall not apply to officers appointed under Article II,Section 7 of this v-narter. SECTION 9.Amendments This Charter may be altered or amended at any time as provided by the Home Rule Amendment and Charter of Metropolitan Dade County or as provided by the Florida Statutes,whichever shall prevail and beineffect. SECTION 10.Ratification All officials acts and ordinances passed by the City including any ordinances annexing certain unincorporated territory to the City and thereby enlarging its boundaries,done prior to the passage of this actare hereby ratified,cured and made legal as fully and completely as though all requirements and details by any general or special law government relating to the samehavebeendoneand performed. SECTION 11.Invalidity If any section or part of section of this Charter shall be held invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction,such holding shall not affect the remainder of this Charter nor the context in which such section or part of section so held invalid may appear except to the extent that an entire section or part of section may be inseparably connected in meaning and effect,with the section or part of section in which such holding shall directly 28 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94 SECTION 12.Acceptance This Charter shall become effective upon its being approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the City of South Miami voting at a referendum election to be called for that purpose by the City Commission of South Miami in accordance with Section 5.03 of the Metropolitan Dade County Charter and upon being filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court as provided in said Charter.* SECTION 13.Repeal Any and all special acts of the State of Florida in conflict are hereby superseded. SECTION 14.Transition rwio oi «J?-°n adoption of this Charter as herein provided,the and ^L^^^vf'C^y °f South Miami'and a11 °ther ordinancesandresolutiontheretoforepassedandadoptedshallcontinuein full force and effect until thereafter amended,superseded or repealed;and all officers,employees and appointees of the City shall continue in office for the terms to which they were elected or appointed.*u 4-^4.?"Nf ac.tion or Proceeding,civil or criminal,pending at the ct?v o ^S.£arter,Shali take effeCt'brou9ht by or againstshai?tl »?4J£°fflCe^dePartment or agency or official thereof,f«Sii-affected or abated by the adoption of this Charter or by anything herein contained;but all such actions or proceedings JJ.e continued notwithstanding that functions,powers and oartv th~2X I 1Cei,deDartment or agency or officer thereof,party thereto may,by or under this Charter be assigned ortransferredtoanotheroffice,department or agency or office^ S in t£at event,the same may be prosecuted or defended by the nowl-o ^e^°l-1Ce'udepaftinent or a(?encY to which such functions,this Charter assigned or transferred by or under tav^0'^TiVLtit*e',rights and ownership of property,uncollectedS£?'c.laims'judgements,decrees,liens,suits,actions andchoicesinaction,of whatsoever kind or nature held or owned by S£J?*1Sti™?municipality shall not be affected or abated by the adoptionofthis Charter.y <„~i !?•Ni°debt or contract of the present municipality,indibt^bUl ™\lim.ited to bonds or certificates ofi?f ^?*'*?ef^tofore issued,shall be impaired or avoided by theadoptionofthis Charter.y 29 SOUTH MIAMI CITY CHARTER AMENDED 2/94