THE CORRADINO GROUPSubmitted by: REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONSSOUTH MIAMI INTERMODAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN (SMITP)RFQ #PW-S2013-10 May 3, 2013 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS SOUTH MIAMI INTERMODAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN (SMITP) RFQ #PW-S2013-10 SUBMITTED BY: THE CORRADINO GROUP, INC. 4055 NW 97TH AVE, SUITE 200 ∙ MIAMI, FL 33178 T: 305.594.0735/F: 305.594.0755 JOSEPH M. CORRADINO, AICP – PRESIDENT JMCORRADINO@CORRADINO.COM MAY 3, 2013 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I – COVER/INTRODUCTORY LETTER SECTION II – EVALUATION FACTORS SYNOPSIS OF THE FIRM (LOCAL, REGIONAL, NATIONAL) 2-1 PROJECT OFFICE 2-1 PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE 2-2 LIST OF SIMILAR EXPERIENCE 2-2 WORKLOAD 2-9 STAFF EXPERIENCE AND ABILITY 2-9 QUALIFICATIONS OF PERSONNEL 2-10 STAFFING 2-11 APPROACH TO PERFORMING PROF. SERVICES 2-18 APPROACH TO PROJECT/SUMMARY 2-19 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT 2-20 DATA COLLECTION 2-20 NEEDS ASSESSMENT 2-21 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT 2-21 DETAILED SCOPE OF SERVICES 2-22 TASK 1 - PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT 2-22 TASK 2 - DATA COLLECTION 2-23 TASK 3 - NEEDS ASSESSMENT 2-24 TASK 4 – PROJECT DEVELOPMENT 2-28 TASK 5 – PROJECT PRIORITIZATION 2-29 TASK 6 – APPROVAL 2-29 INNOVATION 2-30 SECTION III – SUPPORTIVE INFORMATION FIRMS 3-1 FIRM LICENSES/CERTIFICATIONS 3-1 STANDARD FORM 330 (WITH ORG. CHART/RESUMES) 3-7 FINANCIALS (SEPARATELY-SEALED ATTACHMENT) 3-35 REFERENCES 3-35 OTHER DOCUMENTATION 3-36 EXHIBIT 2 (AFFIDAVITS AND SUBMISSION FORMS) EXHIBIT 3 (DISCIPLINE CHECKLIST) R:\60675 2-1 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 SECTION II – EVALUATION FACTORS SYNOPSIS OF THE FIRM (LOCAL, REGIONAL, NATIONAL) In business since 1970, The Corradino Group is a local firm with a national presence. The firm has Florida offices in Doral, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Fort Pierce, Hialeah, and Hollywood, with national offices in Louisville, Indianapolis, Nashville, Evansville IN, and Owensboro, KY. Corradino provides multidisciplinary services in the main categories of Urban Planning, Transportation Planning, Civil Engineering Transportation Engineering, and Construction Engineering and Inspection. Clients for the firm are primarily municipal, county and state governments. As a multi-disciplinary organization, Corradino is adept at handling the myriad of issues faced by cities of all sizes and all stages of development. Having practiced these services in South Florida the firm understands the enormous pressures that our municipalities are under as they try to keep pace with growth or spur the economy. Corradino’s municipal practice is diverse, and focused on planning, design, and construction management. The firm has worked on a great variety of similar projects, and understands how to move a project from its initial concept to a capital improvement program and through to implementation. For cities the firm serves as staff, reviewers of development, master planers, land use planners, comprehensive planers, civil engineers, water and sewer specialists, and construction managers. We have produced Intermodal Transportation Plans and bicycle and pedestrian studies for a multitude cities. In doing so, Corradino has earned a position as a long standing, valued and trusted component of many highly successful municipal teams. From a historic perspective, Corradino had gained a reputation as a “Can Do” firm from its early work in the development of the Metro Rail, and other large scale transit systems across nation. Subsequently in the 1980s the firm led the only system wide restructuring of Miami Dade Transit routes until the mid-2000s. As the program manager for the Louisville Airport Improvement Program, Corradino led the largest economic development project in the history of the State of Kentucky. Working with the Florida Department of Transportation, the firm has led the largest roadway re-construction projects in the state, with the I-95 Reconstruction in Palm Beach County, and the reconstruction of I-595. Corradino is the program manager on the Fort Lauderdale Airport Expansion Project, and the author of the regions official MPO transportation model. Many major pieces of transit infrastructure have been built in this region with the input of Corradino; from Metro Rail, and the Busway, to the I-95 Express Project. PROJECT OFFICE This project will be run out of our headquarters, located at 4055 NW 97th Avenue in Miami, FL. 2-2 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE The Corradino Group has performed intermodal and multi-modal transportation studies for a wide variety of municipalities in our region. These include Cutler Bay, Palmetto Bay, Pinecrest, Homestead, Miami, Miami Beach, Miami Gardens, Doral, and Hialeah to name a few. Corradino sees transportation planning as both an art and a science. Therefore, it is important to understand what the city wants and then what it needs, then blend the two together into a cohesive list of projects. Wants and needs are gathered concurrently. Before the wants and needs are gathered it is imperative to understand the conditions that exist in the community today through an assessment of current service and performance levels. At this time it is important to gain an understanding of previous efforts and currently planned projects. To evaluate the transportation system from a multi - modal perspective data is collected in the form of counts, and level of service for roads, bicyclists, pedestrians and transit. To understand what is needed, this data is analyzed and projected into the future. The weaknesses in the system are identified and projects are developed to mitigate them. These multi-modal projects are defined as to their location, project type, scope of services, cost and time line. On a parallel track an understanding of what is wanted is gathered. Finding what a city wants is done by talking to the people. Multiple meetings, charrettes and workshops are held with the staff, the elected officials and the citizens. Projects are created to address what is wanted and what is needed. These are organized into what Corradino calls a “project bank”. The project bank is then formally introduced to the public, project stakeholders, elected officials and staff through town hall style workshops. Here the projects are evaluated and prioritized. An implementation plan is put together to guide the city through the design, funding, bidding and construction process. This is typically a detailed timeline of how and when specific improvements are to be implemented. It is published in an attractive easily understood executive summary, which can be used as a tool to attain additional funding. It also serves as an insert directly into the city’s capital improvement element. As an example, for the City of Miami Beach Corradino produced one of the first municipal transportation master plans, called the Municipal Mobility Study. This was a multimodal effort that examined roadway level of service, transit, bicycle and pedestrian projects as well as policy initiatives. The result of this study was a project bank of nearly 50 multimodal projects, funded by the city’s $97 Million General Obligation Bond. Nearly all of the original projects have been implemented. These included some highly progressive initiatives, including the Electrowave, the county’s first municipal circulator, which, incidentally, ran on battery power. Also from this plan was an automated concurrency management system, which tracked remaining infrastructure capacity in real time, and included a concurrency fee for developers who could pay on a trip by trip basis for improvements. The transportation concurrency management areas, expanded 2-3 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 concurrency well beyond the traditional link by link measurements, and thought of it on an areawide basis. Corradino also performed the City Wide Parking Study in which each public and private parking space in the city was inventoried and analyzed. Subsequently he Miami Beach Coastal Communities Master Plan was a study initiated as an analysis of multimodal transportation on all of the barrier islands. Here Corradino did a giant origin and destination study tracking each and every trip in and out of the barrier island system between Hallandale and Miami Beach. This was done by setting up dozens of cameras at entry and exit points as well as municipal boundaries. For Palmetto Bay Corradino developed the award winning Palmetto Bay Transportation Master Plan. This examined the entire transportation system in a holistic multimodal manner. Its recommendations focused on safe routes to school, bicycle lanes, sidewalks, a municipal circulator and individual traffic operations improvements. Subsequent analysis implemented projects in each of those areas. Cutler Bay’s Transportation Master Plan was produced by Corradino and examined their entire transportation system in a multimodal way. Its recommendations focused on coordinating transportation and land use, a bicycle and pedestrian master plan, a municipal circulator and individual traffic operations improvements. Subsequent analysis implemented projects in each of those areas. In Doral Corradino developed their Transportation Master Plan. This examined the entire transportation system recommending a variety of projects that have been implemented including a municipal circulator, bicycle and pedestrian improvements, signal coordination and land use connectivity. Corradino also developed and currently helps manage the Doral Trolley, as well as many traffic operations activities within the city, in addition to assisting with development review. Today Corradino works as in house staff managing the Doral Trolley operations. Miami Garden’s Transportation Master Plan was developed by Corradino. This multi modal effort examined the entire transportation system. Many of its recommendations have been implemented including the transportation concurrency management areas, a multitude of sidewalk and bicycle improvements. Corradino is currently developing their municipal circulator, as well as performing development review for the city. For the City of Miami, Corradino produced the Transportation Element of their Comprehensive Plan. This coordinated with the Land Use Element and focused on creating a list of multimodal projects which could be implement t o provide mobility to the public. It furthered the concept of Areawide Level of Service and encouraged “person trips” as a way of measuring impact as opposed to just using vehicle trips. In Homestead, Corradino produced the transportation master plan and an update of the transportation element to the comprehensive plan. This focused on creating solutions to preserve the historic downtown, and CRA by the implementation of truck bypass. Sarasota’s transportation concurrency management areas were developed by Corradino. This enabled growth in their CRA, which had been stopped because of a 2-4 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 lack of capacity caused by the development in the downtown area. This was widely seen as a major economic development initiative that was a catalyst for development in a much needed area. In Gainesville Corradino performed charrettes and workshops to create a vision for the 13th Avenue Corridor, which boarders the eastern part of the campus. This recommended multimodal and land use improvements to make the corridor safer and more accommodating to the university population. In Hialeah, Corradino developed the transportation concurrency management areas, the concurrency management system the Hialeah transit system and numerous streetscape and traffic calming measures to coordinate with their new land use initiatives which have sparked a re-genesis of their downtown area. The following examples provide detailed, relevantl projects the firm has worked on. Municipal Mobility Plan Implementation Client: City of Miami Beach Planning Department - City Hall 1700 Convention Center Dr. Miami Beach, Florida 3313 Mr. Joseph Johnson 305-673-7550 Project Cost: $90,000 Start/Complete 5/1999 – 10/1999 Services Provided: Implementation Plan Project Manager: Joseph M. Corradino, AICP Project Description: The Miami Beach Municipal Mobility Plan Implementation Project provided a work plan for implementing public improvement projects identified in the Municipal Mobility Plan. These projects will help enhance future development with an improved transportation network, while preserving community sustainability. Shortly after the plan's completion, the City passed a $57 Million General Obligation bond to begin constructing the public improvement projects. 2-5 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 Cutler Bay Transportation Master Plan Client: Town of Cutler Bay 10720 Caribbean Blvd. Cutler Bay, Florida 33189 Ralph Casals/305.234.4262 Project Cost: $100.000 to date Start/Complete: 3/2008 – Ongoing Project Manager: Joseph M. Corradino, AICP Project Description: In this contract The Corradino Group is providing a variety of transportation planning services, on time and within budget. These include:  Public Involvement, and Consensus Building  Data Collection  Level of Service Determination  Travel Demand Forecasting  Analysis and Evaluation of Alternatives  Preparation of Maps, Reports, and Presentations Cutler Bay incorporated as a City in 2005. The Corradino Group acted as the Town’s initial Planning Director, Planning Staff and Transportation Consultant. Corradino continues to serve as the Towns General Planning Consultant assisting with a wide variety of tasks. On this study Corradino collected data at 50 locations and evaluated the existing conditions of the roadway, transit, and bicycle and pedestrian systems. Travel demand forecasting was performed using the MPO Long Range Model to project conditions into the future. Extensive public involvement was held to reconcile the desires of the community, with the transportation needs. Through a series of detailed and highly graphic reports and presentations, Corradino was able to build consensus on a list of projects which are being prioritized for inclusion into the Towns Capital Improvement Program. 2-6 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 S.W. 160th Street & S.W. 82nd Avenue - Roundabout, Miami, FL Client: Village of Palmetto Bay Total Dollar Value of Contract: $59,710 Contract Duration: 3 months Client Contact: Ron Williams/305.259.1234 Prime Consultant: Corradino Results of the Project: Completed Description of Work: This project included professional engineering services, topographic survey, geotechnical exploration, and landscape architectural services for the development of design plans and specifications, as well as the construction administration for a permanent roundabout at the intersection of S.W. 160th Street and S.W. 82nd Avenue, in the Village of Palmetto Bay. Village of Palmetto Bay Circulator Client: Village of Palmetto Bay 8950 SW 152nd Street Palmetto Bay, Florida 33157 Ron Williams, Public Works Director Tel.: 305.259.1234 Project Cost: $33,000 Start/Complete: 02/2005 – 06/2005 Project Description: As specified in the Palmetto Bay Transportation Master Plan and with the event of The Peoples Transportation Plan, municipalities in the Miami- Dade County have been charged to improve local transportation service and options. One of the legislative requirements of the PTP is the expenditure of at least 20% of annual revenues from this tax for transportation projects specifically related to transit. Palmetto Bay contracted with The Corradino Group to prepare a report to provide a factual basis for decision makers seeking to improve the quality of life in the Village via improved local transit. The study included the following tasks:  Existing Conditions  Recommend Circulator System 2-7 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10  Implementation Strategy  Public Involvement  Final Report Existing conditions were assessed and after meetings with stakeholders were held, recommendations were offered for an appropriate transit system and the operational characteristics of the system were developed. An implementation strategy was developed after anal sizing all of the general parameters – vehicle fleet requirements, personal requirements, cost estimates and service options. Public involvement meetings were held to determine a desire for the recommended transit solutions. Several options were provided to the Village for future follow thru. Doral Transportation Master Plan Client: City of Doral 8300 NW 53rd Street, Suite 100 Doral, FL 33166 Eric Carpenter, (former) Public Works Director/305.591.6725 Project Cost: $90,000 Start/Completion: January 2005/August 2005 Project Manager: Joseph M. Corradino, AICP Services Provided: Roadway Design, Including: Roadway Geometry, Drainage, Signing and Pavement Marking, and Signalization Description/Responsibilities: Joseph M. Corradino was Corradino’s project manager on this effort. As a new municipality Doral was trying to develop and upgrade its transportation mobility infrastructure in a multimodal manner. The City needed this type of plan to prove to the County Commission that they had an organized plan to deal with transportation, so that they could attain funds from the Peoples transportation Plan. This focused on an intensive public involvement process that would build consensus on projects developed in the areas of roadway capacity, alternative modes, and transportation demand management. A set of 27 projects have been developed in these areas. The City has already entered the implementation phase on some projects 2-8 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 Palmetto Bay Transportation Master Plan Client: Village of Palmetto Bay 900 Perrine Avenue Palmetto Bay, Florida 33157 Ron Williams/305.259.1234 Project Cost: $50,000 Start/Complete: 11/2006 – 5/2007 Services Provided: Urban Planning and General Traffic Engineering Project Description: In this contract The Corradino Group provided a variety of transportation planning services, on time and within budget. These include:  Public Involvement, and Consensus Building  Data Collection  Level of Service Determination  Travel Demand Forecasting  Analysis and Evaluation of Alternatives  Preparation of Maps, Reports, and Presentations Corradino has been recognized by cities, and transportation agencies in our region as a firm who provides multi-disciplinary expertise to transportation issues. This ability, coupled with a deep knowledge of local government, has given Corradino a reputation for being able to build consensus and implement difficult projects. This reputation stems from the firm’s experience with the Metrorail, the US-1 Busway, the I-95 HOT lanes, the Miami Beach Municipality Mobility Plan through the Palmetto Bay Transportation Master Plan. Palmetto Bay was able to build consensus based on Corradino’s efforts to implement an extraordinary amount of transportation projects, the result of which have built an intense sense of community in this relatively new city. 2-9 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 Doral Circulator Study Client: City of Doral, Florida. 8300 NW 53rd Street, Suite 100 Doral, FL 33166 Mr. Eric Carpenter, (former) Public Works Dir./305.591.6725 Start/Completion: 2006/2007 Project Description: The City of Doral is a relatively new city in Miami-Dade County which has experienced tremendous growth in both commercial/industrial and residential development. The purpose of the study was to establish the feasibility of operating a trolley as a circulator through the community and estimating what the costs and use of the service would be. Working with the City, Corradino examined all facets of the trolley operation and designed a route and operational specifications for the service. Following the completion of that study in the summer of 2007 Corradino worked with the City to develop an implementation plan, reviewed alternative fuel vehicles, and helped the City negotiate with a contractor to provide the service. On February 1, 2008, the trolley began operations and the initial reaction of the community has been very positive. Corradino has provided in-house staff on multiple contracts to continually revise and improve the trolley routes and services as recently as March 2013. WORKLOAD The Corradino Group closely monitors its workload to make capacity adjustments accordingly. Having been in business for four decades speaks to the firm’s ability to maintain and manage sufficient backlog. Currently the firm has a projected workload which anticipates companywide growth for the upcoming year. STAFF EXPERIENCE AND ABILITY The Corradino Group is an engineering and planning firm specializing in local and state government planning and engineering services. Specific to this proposal the firm’s range of activities includes transportation planning, urban planning, roadway and highway design, public involvement, and construction management. Having performed this type of work since 1970 , Corradino has more than 40 years of experience with clients of all sizes, large and small. Corradino is an expert at working with municipalities on these endeavors, having produced multiple award winning mobility studies for Florida cities. With 150 people the firm is multi-disciplinary, providing the services of transportation planning, land use planning, growth management, public 2-10 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 engagement, engineering design, permitting and construction management to its clients across the nation. Corradino’s multi-modal mobility planning experience is extensive. Previous similar efforts include work for Miami Beach, Sarasota, Doral, Hialeah, Hialeah Gardens, Miami, Homestead, Miami Gardens, Palmetto Bay, Cutler Bay, North Miami Beach, Homestead, Islamorada, Coral Gables, Hallandale, West Park, Sunrise, the University of Florida, the Alachua MTPO, the Miami Dade MPO, FDOT and many others. This experience will be brought to this project through the use of a project team which has worked together before on many similar projects, in highly complex environments. The team is familiar with the scope of services, and with the twists and turns that inevitably occur when working on a municipality’s mobility study. Cities today are seeking well thought out multi-modal solutions, that focus not only on roadway improvements but a more efficient and effective use of multimodal capacity coupled with policy enhancements. To ultimately be successful with any local government project is largely a function of building consensus. Corradino understands that this non-technical aspect of such a study cannot be over looked. Corradino’s vast experience and long term success in this type of work will applied to this project, focusing on fundamentally sound transportation analysis, projections and recommendations, coupled with heightened awareness and sensitivity to consensus building through public involvement. The project team’s primarily responsibility during the course of this effort will be working with South Miami, giving you the attention you deserve. Corradino specializes in working to understand municipal issues and tailoring solutions that fit individual communities. The essence of our approach is simple, proven and successful… understand and address wants and needs of the community by listening, learning, testing, solving, communicating and funding. Because of this approach the multimodal projects that result from Corradino’s mobility plans get implemented. Joseph M. Corradino, AICP will be the primary contact on this effort. He can be reached at 305-594-0735 (office) or 305-606-2364 (cell). Mr. Corradino lives in the area. He is the immediate past chairman of Chamber South, and he is a frequent user of all that South Miami has to offer from its roads, it’s shopping and restaurants, medical facilities, its industrial area. He believes that South Miami is an anchor of South Dade. It is a unique city in the southern part of Miami Dade County, due to its diversity in people, land use. It is a geographically small town with big city issues. It is a critical component in the County’s transportation system because hundreds of thousands of people travel to and through the community each day. QUALIFICATIONS OF PERSONNEL This team consists of Transportation Planners, Traffic Engineers, Transit Planners, Urban Planners, Urban Designers, as well as Public Involvement Specialists. These professionals have all worked together on similar intermodal efforts in the past. They possess all of the qualifications called for in the RFP. The team proposed will be involved in this project through its completion. 2-11 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 STAFFING The staffing for this project consists of a multi-disciplinary team including:  Project Administrators o Project Manager o Principle in Charge  Transportation and Traffic Engineers o Traffic o Modeling o Transit o Bicycle / Pedestrian  Urban Planners o Land Use / Comprehensive Plans / Zoning o Urban Design  Design Engineers o Roadway/Traffic Calming/Streetscape o Permitting o Construction Management  Public Involvement Specialists o Facilitators o Public Relations The following is a brief description of the personnel and their qualifications as it relates to this project. 2-12 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 Project Administration Project Manager Joseph M. Corradino, AICP will serve as the Project Manager for this effort. He is highly experienced in working with cities on multimodal master plans, having spent nearly his entire career solving these issues. His master plans have won awards in Miami Beach, Clearwater, Hialeah, and Palmetto Bay. As a technical professional, a community leader, and an elected official, Mr. Corradino’s holds a unique perspective on transportation planning. Joe is an elected official in Pinecrest, a member of the Miami Dade MPO’s Transportation Planning Council (TPC), a recommending body to the MPO Board. He is the immediate past Chairman of the Board of Chamber South. He is the immediate past Chairman of the Economic Development Council of South Dade. He is the past Chairman of the Miami Chapter of the American Planning Association, and a former member of the Miami-Dade MPO’s Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee, (CTAC). He is currently the Development Services Director for the City of Homestead. Principal in Charge Mike Ciscar, PE directs the engineering and project development services for The Corradino Group’s Florida operations. He has served for over a decade with FDOT as their lead environmental engineer. As such he is familiar with the FDOT process for design, and permitting. For Corradino he has served as the city traffic engineer for the City of Fort Lauderdale as well as the Principle-In-Charge for numerous projects including the SR- 826/SW 8th Street Interchange Post Design Services, the Districtwide Minor Design Services contract, and the final design of US-1 on Big Coppitt Key for FDOT District 6; and as the Deputy Project Manager and Public Involvement Functional Manager for the Krome Avenue South PD&E Study, and the SR-70 PD&E Study. Transportation Planners / Engineers The work of the transportation engineers and planners will be focused on the collection of data and the identification of the existing level of service for all aspects of the multimodal transportation system, including the LOS at intersections, links, for Bicycles, Pedestrians and Transit. This LOS will be projected into the future, and projects will be developed to mitigate deficiencies. Mr. Corradino’s master plans have won awards in Miami Beach, Clearwater, Hialeah, and Palmetto Bay. Mr. Ciscar is the former FDOT District 6 Environmental Management Engineer, where he oversaw the PD&E and corridor planning process for the district. 2-13 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 Traffic Engineer Salman Rathore PE, will perform the traffic engineering studies. Salman is a Traffic Engineer with extensive experience in evaluation multi-modal levels of service. He has done work related to traffic impact analyses for planned developments in municipalities. Mr. Rathore will be providing assistance in traffic engineering analyses, field inspections and data collection. Mr. Rathore has more than nine years of experience as a planner and traffic engineer and has participated in multiple projects in a variety of fields of discipline. His experience includes traffic impact studies, developments of regional impacts, traffic operations studies, signal / stop warrant analysis, development of traffic signal designs, accident/crash analysis and intersection improvement plans. He is proficient in the use of HCS, Synchro, TGEN and other traffic operations analysis software. Traffic Engineer Ryan Solis-Rios, PE, PTOE is an expert in areas of expertise is project development. He has worked on multiple projects that have evaluated corridors, areawide transportation, and innovative concepts such as reversible lanes and variable toll lanes. As a former District 2 FDOT Project Manager, Mr. Solis-Rios has worked and finalized many Planning and Project Development and Environment (PD&E) studies which include multiple interchanges on freeway systems, principal arterial widening projects, and FIHS/SIS facilities. He brings a significant perspective by being involved with the initial project development phases and construction management. Transportation Modeler Ken Kaltenbach, PE is the author of the transportation model used by the MPO to make the projections used in all our regional planning. Ken has nearly four decades of experience in South Florida. He will be leading the modeling effort for this project. As a nationally respected modeler, Ken has developed and calibrated the SERPM for FDOT District 4, the Florida Air Quality Model and the Florida Statewide Freight Model. He has detailed experience in travel demand modeling for bicycle and pedestrian mobility. Ken is currently the FDOT District 4 representative on the Statewide Model Task Force. He has been with The Corradino Group since 1976, and manages a team of 7 modelers, which are experts in this field. His similar experience includes work for LRTP’s in Ann Arbor, MI, Alachua County, FL, and Indianapolis, IN. Salman Rathore is a Traffic Engineer with extensive experience in evaluation multi- modal levels of service. He has done extensive work related to traffic impact analyses for planned developments in municipalities. Ken Kaltenbach is the FDOT Representative on the Statewide Model Task Force and has extensive experience with the Bicycle/Pedestrian Travel Demand Model, most recently for the Alachua LRTP. 2-14 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 Transportation Molder Srin Varanasi, EI serves as a modeler in Corradino’s nationwide transportation modeling practice. He currently serves as lead modeler in several projects in Florida, Virginia and Tennessee. He has more than 9 years of experience in travel demand model development, model applications, transportation planning and GIS database development projects. He serves as lead modeler and task manager on the FDOT District 4 district wide modeling support contract. He has made several enhancements to Greater Treasure Coast Regional Planning Model (GTCRPM3.3) and Southeast Florida Regional Planning Model (SERPM6.5). In addition, his most recent model application work involves managed lanes modeling for the I-95 Corridor Planning Study, and modeling for the Miami Dade Expressway Authorities Gratigny Expressway PD&E study. In 2009 and 2010, his modeling work was instrumental in the South East Florida Regional LRTP development, involving Broward, Palm Beach and Miami-Dade MPOs. Transit Planner Alison Townsend, AICP is a planner in Corradino’s transit division. She has worked on numerous transit studies and surveying projects. She recently managed a route study for the Columbus, IN, transit system. She has been senior planner on numerous transit planning studies including the Indianapolis Regional Mass Transit Service Plan; the Broward County, Fla., Transit Development Plan; the Region V (Michigan) Transit Planning Study; and, the Detroit Department of Transportation Comprehensive Operations Analysis. She participated in data collection and analysis efforts on the Southeast Florida Regional Transportation Characteristics Study; the Decatur, Ill., Transit Plan; the Knoxville, Tenn., Area Transit Action Plan; and, the Northeast Ann Arbor, Mich., Transportation Plan. Ms. Townsend has also managed survey efforts in Madison, Wis., for Madison Metro, a survey in Detroit for the DDOT bus system, supervised data collection and analysis for an Indianapolis ridership count and on-board survey, and managed and analyzed a variety of mail-back surveys for transit related studies. Bicycle/Pedestrian Planner Andrew Davis is Corradino’s Bicycle/Pedestrian expert. Andrew has assisted with these efforts in many South Florida Communities. He has experience with recommendations regarding complete streets and living streets. He has performed multiple safe routes to school projects and bicycle and pedestrian master plans. Corradino has developed municipal circulators for multiple communities including Miami Beach, Hialeah, Palmetto Bay, Cutler Bay, Hialeah Gardens and Doral. Recently Corradino won an American Planning Association Award for Excellence for the Palmetto Bay Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. 2-15 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 Urban Planners/Designers Urban Planner Alex David, AICP brings expertise acquired over 26 years with both private and public planning organizations. He specializes in both current and long range planning projects, including comprehensive planning, land development regulations, zoning and site development reviews. He has extensive experience working with local, regional and state planning regulations. He is committed to providing municipal government clients with the expertise and assistance they need to achieve local planning goals, while meeting regional and state planning requirements. Mr. David’s wide array of planning experience includes Evaluation and Appraisal Reports (EAR’s), EAR based amendments, revisions to municipal land development regulations, community build-out studies, annexation applications, and studies for both public and private clients; and strategic visioning plans. Additionally, Mr. David has assisted new governments in establishing the planning and development practices needed to guide growth and development. Mr. David also has a reputation for building intergovernmental partnerships and navigating though the bureaucracy of local and state agencies in an expeditious manner. Urban Planner Jerry Bell, AICP is a highly regarded urban planner with extensive land planning, and comprehensive planning experience. Mr. Bell spent several years with the Miami Dade County Department of Planning and Zoning working on the development of the comprehensive plan, and numerous special studies, which helped formulate county growth management policy. Mr. Bell served, or is serving, as the Project Manager for Evaluation and Appraisal Reports for the following municipalities: City of Miami; City of Hialeah; City of Cutler Bay, City of Aventura; City of Hialeah Gardens; City of Oviedo; Village of Royal Palm Beach; City of South Miami; City of Port Richey; Village of El Portal; Village of Biscayne Park; Town of Manalapan, and; Indian Creek Village. Mr. Bell stresses the importance of linking the transportation planning and land use planning processes, particularly in more dense urban areas. He has worked to develop urban design plans in Miami Beach, written comprehensive plan elements in Pinecrest, Palmetto Bay, Cutler Bay, Homestead, Miami City of Miami BeachCity of Miami Beach North Shore NeighborhoodNorth Shore Neighborhood 73rd STREET •Bulbouts •Pedestrian Lights •No Change in Parking •Enhanced Median •Pedestrian Crossing •Wide Sidewalks •Repaving •Traffic Calming Restriping 2-16 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 Gardens, Miami, Miami Beach, Sarasota and others, and has worked to update land development codes in Cutler Bay and Homestead. Design Engineers Lead Designer Ubaldo “Frank” Lena, PE leads Corradino’s civil engineering design team. Mr. Lena provides roadway, and streetscape design in three functional areas: project development, functional plans, and functional construction drawings. Mr. Lena’s design experience ranges from complex interchange configuration development and design, to local streetscape projects. Corradino expertly handles projects where issues of constrained right-of-way and permit issuance present major challenges. Corradino's Highway/Street Design services include:  Urban Traffic Calming  Streetscape  Urban/Rural Highways  Limited Access Facilities  Turnpikes and Toll ways  County Roads  City Streets The design process includes pre-design, design and post-design. The Pre-design Phase includes coordination meetings with city staff on the specific project to establish project criteria (time, budget, schedule, objectives). This is followed by coordination to make specific task assignments, review existing studies and preliminary design plans on the project, establish requirements for stakeholder involvement, conduct a preliminary site visit to confirm site constraints on design and construction, evaluate easement/right-of-way acquisition issues, and assess environmental evaluation/community impact. In all projects permitting requirements are identified in the pre-design phase and meetings are held with permitting agencies, as appropriate. Matrices of all required permits are prepared to facilitate the processing of required permits. This is why Corradino’s projects get constructed on-time and within budget. Corradino’s implemented design for Espanola Way on Miami Beach 2-17 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 Construction Engineering Inspection Ed Perez de Morales, PE was formerly FDOT District 6’s lead construction engineer, therefore he understands how to move a municipal project through design, permitting and construction. He is Corradino’s lead CEI engineer and has worked on some of the most notable projects in the state, including one of FDOT’s largest reconstruction efforts to date, the I-95 mobility project where a significant portion of I-95 was reconstructed in Palm Beach County—a 7-year, $25 Million effort. Public Involvement Specialists Cunningham Group, Inc. will be working with The Corradino Group on public involvement efforts. Courtney and Tasha Cunningham will provide the bulk of the work here. The Cunningham’s focus on providing public relations services on transportation projects to keep local communities informed about the projects in their neighborhoods. We believe in a proactive, transparent approach to public involvement and outreach. We encourage all project stakeholders to participate in conversations with the project team throughout the project life cycle to ensure all concerns are addressed and expectations are met. The firm currently provides large scale public engagement services for the Florida Department of Transportation on the I-595 Express Project in Broward County, the I-95 Project in the Treasure Coast and in the Broward and Palm Beach Operation Centers. On individual master planning efforts the attention to detail is significant, bringing together stakeholders and interested parties to build consensus allowing for uncluttered decision making on behalf of the municipalities. Having a supportive public that understands why enhancements are being done makes the jobs of staff and elected officials much easier. The firms involvement includes stakeholders meetings, coordinating neighborhood public information meetings, Open House Meetings, and Charrettes, preparing and disseminating Traffic Advisories and News Releases to the local media, developing project-related brochures and newsletters, creating and maintaining project websites and addressing all inquiries about the projects, whether they are from the public or legislature. Facilitation Joseph M. Corradino, AICP will be the facilitator of the public involvement process. He has based his career on the ability to communicate transportation and engineering concepts to all levels of the public in a manner that is easily understood. The key aspect of this relative to the development of the most successful mobility plans is the ability to listen. By taking the time to explain technical detai ls in common language and hear what is desired, a plan can be fashioned that meets the needs of the transportation system as well as the desires of the community, resulting in implementable plans. Corradino’s Ed Perez, was FDOT District 6’s lead construction engineer, therefore he understands how to move a municipal project through design, permitting and construction. 2-18 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 Melanie Sexton is Corradino’s Lead Public Information Officer. Melanie was the Public Information Officer for a widening project in the City of Hollywood in Broward County, Florida. In addition, she served as the Public Information Officer for the I-595 Express Project until her promotion to Manager of the Section, where she provides support, guidance and develops strategic planning for the unit. Her experience includes establishing Corridor Advisory Committees for several projects, developing Public Involvement Plans for very politically sensitive projects and the overall management of the Public Information Section. APPROACH TO PERFORMING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES This describes the firms approach to providing these services. In undertaking the work in these tasks, Corradino is constantly aware of project budget and schedules. The firm commits to the production of this work on-time and within budget. We understand the time and budgetary constraints of local government in today’s economy. It is understood that the City of South Miami desires to develop a plan to enhance the transportation and mobility choices of the residents and visitors of the city. Like in nearly all of our region, the ability to significantly enhance roadway capacity is almost impossible. What is needed is to provide viable alternative forms of transportation giving people options to the car. While the car is not going away, making it accept able and easy to walk, bike and utilize transit is critical to well-functioning mobility systems. Therefore this plan will focus on multi-modal mobility. This means that every aspect of transportation will be examined including:  Pedestrianism  Bicycling  Transit  Roadway The goal in examining these basic components of the system will primarily be to establish a network of multimodal improvements interconnecting key origins and destinations with the various modes themselves both internal to the city and to the areas surrounding the city. While traditional roadway level of service will be examined a primary focus of this effort will be to assess the city’s Level of Service relative to bicycle and pedestrian capacity. These are qualitative measures not quantitative like vehicular level of service. This means that Bicycle and Pedestrian Level of Service are scored as to whether and how a service is provided, not for how many bicycles or pedestrians can cross a certain point in a certain amount of time, like in vehicular level of service. The distinction is very important in the planning of these services. Corradino will demystify these concepts as it progresses through the project, so that the citizens truly understand why certain projects are being projected. The result will be a well thought out network of sidewalks, bike lanes, trails, neighborhood greenways, roadways and transit routes that create multiple options for people to travel 2-19 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 by, enhancing safety by providing the various modes their own capacity in the system, thereby minimizing conflicts and saving lives. These will be connected with the larger community by connecting to the existing County trail system, and those that may exist in Pinecrest, Coral Gables and Miami Dade County. Below is a project summary supplemented by a detailed, task by task review of the scope of services. APPROACH TO THE PROJECT / SUMMARY The following paragraphs are a brief synopsis of how the project will be undertaken. The approach to this project is geared towards developing a realistic, 5 year capital improvement program of implementable projects. Achieving the goal will require the blending of both the Art and Science of transportation planning. Essentially this plan will done by focusing on what is wanted by the community and what projects are needed to make the multimodal transportation network function adequately according to the prescribed levels of service. Flowing from these wants and needs will be a list of multimodal projects in various categories. Typically there are many projects that are both wanted and needed. These form the basis of the plan. The palate of multi -modal projects will be examined for cost, funding and then prioritized within the various project categories based on a set of criteria developed with the community. A highly graphic executive summary will summarize the process. Integral to accomplishing this process will be a detailed public involvement effort. The Intermodal Transportation Plan is structured in six main tasks leading to approval as follows: 1. Public Involvement 2. Data Collection 3. Needs Assessment and Analysis 4. Project Development 5. Project Prioritization 6. Approval Project Development Parking Projects Transit Projects Signage Projects Neighborhood Greenways Roadway Projects Bicycle Projects Pedestrian Projects Data Collection Priorities Approval Analysis 2-20 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT Public Involvement is a critical factor in the success and implementation of this type of study. It relies heavily on technique, skill and the ability to communicate interpersonally. This task will clearly identify what the community wants. Corradino’s approach is one of intensive listening supported by detailed analysis. The Public Involvement is designed as a means to assist in building consensus for the plan. It will be continuous throug hout the life of the study to ensure stakeholder input and build a partnership within the community. It will be led by an advisory committee to guide the overall effort. This committee may be comprised of concerned citizens, members of the Green Taskforce, the City’s Project Manager and a Council Liaison. Stakeholders meetings will be conducted at the outset of the project. One charrette will be held to gain insight as to the desired projects and to explain the process, and the existing and future conditions analysis. A project web site can be developed to assist in sharing information within the community, as well as gathering data on preferred projects. DATA COLLECTION Data Collection will focus on collecting and mapping existing conditions data. Data will include but not be limited to: 1. Origins and Destinations 2. Bicycle facilities; lanes, paths, trails 3. Pedestrian ways; sidewalks 4. Transit lines, stops, frequency and ridership 5. Roadway and intersection traffic volumes / capacities 6. Parking locations 7. Land Use and Zoning 8. Planned Projects (all modes): City CIP, County UPWP, LRTP, TIP Public Involvement will be continuous throughout the life of the study to ensure stakeholder input and build a partnership within the community. 2-21 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 NEEDS ASSESSMENT The Needs Assessment will progress from the analyses of the collected data and will point to various levels of need for all modes of transportation for today and at 15 and 25 years in the future as required by the MPO’s Long Range Transportation Plan. From this task a potential list of projects will be developed. This will entail the analysis of all modes so that the existing and future levels of service can be defined. Technical analysis will be done for Roadway Level of Service (LOS) at intersections, and roadways. Multimodal Level of Service for transit will be attained by a qualitative analysis of existing infrastructure. Bicycle Level of Service (BLOS), and Pedestrian Level of Service (PLOS), will be collected following FDOT qualitative methodologies. Additionally this task will review the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations for Sustainable Policies. It will work to implement those or recommend additional ones in the subsequent task. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT The Project Development Task will focus on creating the actual realistic projects in multiple project categories including: Bicycle, Pedestrian, Transit, Roadway, Signage, Neighborhood Greenways, and Parking. Importantly each street will be surveyed to develop an initial Bicycle and Pedestrian Level of Service. (BLOS / PLOS). This will evaluate each street as to whether facilities are present, their location, condition and geometry. This will create a baseline by which future projects can be measured. Individual projects will be determined from the needs assessment and wants assessment stemming from the public involvement. Each individual project will have a project sheet created for it including a project description, purpose, need, and cost to plan, design, construct and fund. The initial charrette will present the findings of the data collection and analysis, and solicit input relative to what the community wants. Later, the individual projects will be prioritized with criteria developed in the charrette, and inserted into a “project bank”. This may serve as a portion of the city’s Capital Improvement Element requirement. During this Phase the focus is on preparing multimodal alternatives to be developed for the short, mid, and long term. A full color, easily understood executive summary will be produced. Project Development will create projects in multiple project categories including:  Bicycle  Pedestrian  Transit  Roadway  Signage  Neighborhood Greenways  Parking 2-22 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 DETAILED SCOPE OF SERVICES This section describes the projects individual tasks in detail. Task 1 - Public Involvement Public involvement is the way to figure out what people want and how to prioritize the projects. Engaging the public and incorporating public input is a multi-level process that takes place consistently throughout the duration of the plan development. Ensuring the participation of the public will facilitate the implementation of the propos ed projects, and result in a plan that is uniquely tailored to the specific needs of the city. The public involvement plan will begin with the formation of a Steering Committee, which may consist of staff, people from the Green Taskforce, a council liaison if desired, and a citizen representative. This group will be consulted for at multiple times during the project for input on past tasks, and direction of the future tasks. 1.1 Stakeholders Meetings Stakeholders meetings will be held shortly after the kick off meeting with the Steering Committee. The list of stakeholders will be developed with the Steering Committee. Several of the stakeholders groups that have tentatively been identified may include: the city’s residents, the city’s business owners, religious leaders, the City Council, and perhaps members of implementing agencies. The makeup of this list of stakeholders is entirely up to the city but it always lends credibility to the process to include a population of diverse economic and political interests. The Stakeholders meetings will take place within the first 30 days of the project. If necessary a second round may take place after the charrette. 1.2 Charrette An interactive charrette will be held to solicit additional input. This charrette will introduce the project and explain the basics of capacity, mobility, and urban design, so that a common understanding of the direction is held. Past experience has proven that this is an invaluable exercise in moving the process forward. Subsequent to the initial introduction and explanation, the existing and future conditions resulting from the data collection and analysis will be discussed. A photographic inventory of issues and opportuniti es will be presented. Then various opportunities to focus on specific areas of the community will Steering Commitee Stakeholders Charrette Public Hearing Approval 2-23 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 be provided through “breakout” sessions, where citizens may visit various tables and provide detailed input. The charrettes will be held within three weeks of the completion of the data collection to provide time for the existing and future conditions analysis to occur. As a result of this meeting a list of projects determined from the public input and future conditions analysis. 1.3 Workshop After the draft projects are developed a second round of stakeholders meetings will be held. Soon after that a final Workshop will be held to present the proposed projects that will be used to mitigate the transportation deficiencies now and in the future. This will focus on a discussion of the projects and prioritization criteria. Each project will then be ranked and prioritized into the most appropriate time horizon. 1.4 Public Hearings The public involvement portion of the project will culminate by presenting the draft report to the steering committee for edits, then taking the final report to the City Council for approval. Task 2 - Data Collection Data collection is the step by which existing conditions are examined. This data is used in the analysis to project conditions into the future. It is a critical part of a project like this, and what makes it factual. Existing data, reports and plans will be collected from a variety of sources. Other safety and operational studies performed by other agencies will be collected during this phase. Also a description of applicable funding sources will be made. This explanation of why things are the way they are will help develop an understanding of the local issues we grapple with daily. In its entirety the data collection effort should paint a detailed picture of the transportation and land use efforts occurring in and around the City. Data collection will be completed within 30 days of project initiation. Data will be collected in the following categories. 2.1 Bicycle and Pedestrian Level of Service: Roadway characteristics of all major arterials and collectors will be collected from FDOT and the County, supplemented by field visits to obtain typical sections, and a qualitative assessment of the presence and scale of bicycle and pedestrian facilities, spacing of driveways and side streets, signal spacing, median openings, control devices, speed limits, and main deficiencies that can be addressed by the study. Bicycle and pedestrian activity will be obtained as an overall mode split between the various modes is developed. Crash and fatality data will be collected. 2.2 Traffic: Existing traffic counts collected from the City, County, and the Florida Department of Transportation. These will be collected and analyzed for appropriateness of use in the study. Signal timing data will be downloaded from the County. The Miami Dade MPO LRTP Model Data will be evaluated to determine volumes and capacities on study area links. It is proposed that the existing arterial counts be complemented with intersection turning movement counts at key locations within the City. The main focus analyzing these intersections will be to improve the efficiency of the street network within the study area in the short term with improvements such as adding and extending turn bays, 2-24 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 signal timing changes and minor operational/safety improvements. If necessary, additional traffic data will be collected on an as-needed basis and discussed with the task force. 2.3 Transit: Supply and demand in the form of ridership, headways and hours of service data will be collected from Miami Dade Transit and will be supplemented with data collected in the field (existing infrastructure: visual analysis of the location of transit stops, transit shelters, signs, route information, bus bays, etc.) 2.4 Parking: Information on existing parking structures and proposed parking plans will be collected from the city and other agencies. Visual observations of parking utilization issues will be. 2.5 Signage: Signage is an often overlooked aspect of intermodal mobility studies. An inventory and assessment of wayfinding signage will be made. Generators will be mapped. An analysis of wayfinding will be undertaken for all modes. Task 3 - Needs Assessment The needs assessment is the analysis of data. It projects what improvements would be needed to provide service at the levels approved in the Comprehensive Plan. During this phase of the project the analysis of transit, remaining physical roadway capacity, and pedestrian/bicycle level of service will be undertaken. Existing and future conditions will be evaluated here. This will be done by determining the system performance as stated by the Level of Service for the selected roadways and intersections in the existing condition, and the future condition in 2025, and in 2035, in the morn ing and afternoon peak hours of travel. All will be determined at a planning level analysis from the FDOT LOS Handbook, Capacity Tables, and by a review of MPO LRTP Model results. Roadways and intersections not operating at an acceptable LOS, will be analyzed separately through a program (ARTPLAN), which will show the deficiency in greater detail. Data will be collected in several areas including:  Activity Nodes  Traffic Counts  Trails, Paths, Sidewalks  Transit Ridership/Headways  Bicycle and Pedestrian LOS  Parking  Signage inventory 2-25 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 The bicycle and pedestrian analysis will focus on how supportive the each area is towards those modes in terms of safety measures, density, mix of uses, street connectivity, proximity to transit and other essential destinations like grocery stores, schools, senior housing and services, social services, major employment areas, hospitals, libraries and parks. The first step analysis allows the project to identify areas where pedestrian and bicycle improvements would likely have the highest impact on the largest number of existing and potential users. System deficiencies will be identified, specifically missing sidewalks and bike lanes. These will be mapped, and each corridor assigned a bicycle and pedestrian LOS. Level of Service will emphasizes reducing the number of obstacles that prohibit the greatest number of users from walking and cycling. Alternative improvement types will be evaluated based on their ability to reduce conflict and attract the greatest number of users. A discussion of why this is important will be initiated. From the results of the analysis and the input obtained from the charrette, a set of short, mid, and long term multimodal alternatives will be developed. Many of the needs will be gleaned from ideas received in the public involvement portion of the project. This task will develop and recommend a list of future transportation needs, identify concepts to address the transportation needs, and analyze the feasibility of transportation concepts. Seven categories of projects will be developed. These include: 3.1 Pedestrian: This will focus on pedestrian amenities and their levels of service, particularly as they interface with major trip generators, major intersections, and locations that have level of service issues as well as local neighborhoods. Pedestrian and bicycle projects will focus on projects that are interconnected with existing bicycle or pedestrian segments, connect to existing major trip generators, and that improve the level of service for pedestrians and bicyclists. By gaining an understanding of how pedestrian connectivity between origins and destinations can be beneficial to the community on many levels, the city can During this phase of the project the analysis of transit, roadway capacity, pedestrian/bicycle level of service and parking usage will be undertaken. Existing and future conditions will be evaluated, determining the systems Level of Service for the selected roadways and intersections in the existing condition future conditions. Analysis Parking Projects Transit Projects Signage Projects Neighborhood GreenwaysRoadway Projects Bicycle Projects Pedestrian Projects 2-26 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 change both driver and pedestrian behavior to prioritize the pedestrian. This has been done very well in many areas, yet Miami Dade County remains one of the most dangerous places to bike or walk. Being divided by major transportation corridors has a negative impact on this type of activity. These issues must be addressed. As such a program for incentivizing these facilities will be provided focusing on evaluation, education, enforcement, and engineering. Design guidelines for pedestrian facilities will be provided. 3.2 Neighborhood Greenways Neighborhood greenways are a concept that was suggested by Corradino in Miami Beach. The concept is to keep heavy traffic at the periphery of individual neighborhoods while maintaining capacity for alternative modes like bicycles and pedestrians internal to neighborhoods. Inside these areas individual corridors can be set up for bicycles and pedestrians to further separate different streams of traffic. While it is important to have space to walk or bike on each road, which is the concept behind “complete streets”, it is highly practical to separate this traffic on highly traveled roads like US-1. It will be critical to connect these greenways with those existing facilities (trails, lanes, boulevards and paths) that exist outside of the City, whether they be in Miami Dade County, Pinecrest of Coral Gables. The County has an extensive network of existing and planned facilities. Linking with these is critical. Bicycle Boulevards are lightly traveled roads parallel to heavily traveled facilities. These are designed with wide bike lanes and traffic calming to discourage vehicular traffic. They connect common origins and destinations providing safe alternative for cyclists and pedestrians. Logical connections with the other communities come from connecting with Miami Dade County’s existing and planned system, primarily along Sunset, 57th Ave and US-1, by connecting to the M-Path, the Biscayne Trail and the Old Cutler Trail. Corradino believes that there are several elements of a proper greenways network for bicycle and pedestrians including bicycle lanes, sidewalks bicycle boulevards, shared- streets and off-street paths or trails. In well planned communities it is common to find a combination of on- street lanes, off-street paths or trails or greenways, and South Miami is perfectly situated to see a combination of these facilities by connecting with the county trail system and utilizing rail road rights of way, canal rights of way, as off road paths connecting external generators. It is critical to add diversity to the mobility system. Bicycle and pedestrian use is not likely Miami Dade County Park Master Plan, Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Map 2-27 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 to increase without a sufficient network in place. Providing various options is important for the many different types of cyclists and their varying needs. With a proper network of facilities that includes greenways and trails, it is not unusual to transition from suburb to city from an unpaved trail to asphalt trail to a bike lane to shared street. All of these segments must be part of an integrated network of facilities. 3.3 Bicycle: This will focus on bicycle amenities and their levels of service, particularly as they interface with major trip generators, major intersections, and locations that have level of service issues. Pedestrian and bicycle projects will focus on projects that are interconnected with existing pedestrian and bicycle segments, connect to existing major trip generators, and that improve the level of service for pedestrians and bicyclists. A detailed examination of potential projects will be undertaken focused on the improvement on the level of service, the removal of impediments, or the filling of gaps in the system and the ease of implementation. Design guidelines for bicycle facilities can be provided. The critical component here is to evaluate whether the space or capacity to bike safely exists on the streets. Complete streets would dictate that this space exists. Incentivizing formal cycling facilities, whether they are on-road or off road, will be examined. 3.4 Roadway: Projects will be developed to address capacity needs for vehicles on the roadway network. The focus will be to improve intersections and links that do not meet the levels of service established in the City’s Comprehensive Plan in the future analysis year. Data will be placed in an existing and future map series. 3.5 Transit: This will focus on areas of transit level of service as it interacts with areas of existing and planned activity. As well as major trip generators. Focus for transit projects will be at points of concentration like transit stops, adjacent to trip generators—e.g. commercial areas, schools, hospitals, etc. This could focus on the evaluation on the necessity and potential effectiveness of a municipal trolley system, circulator or shuttle to supplement MDT service if necessary. Corradino has implemented many of these circulators in the past several years. After review of the previous circulator efforts, a potential route or routes may be examined linking parking and generators. Service characteristics such as capital costs, operating costs, system capacity and headways will be explored. This is a graphic from the Miami Beach Mobility Plan, which locates several of the projects developed for the city 2-28 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 These are prototypes of what individual project sheets would look like and consist of 3.6 Parking: This will identify the location, and capacity on and off street parking and determine its sufficiency from existing data. Potential resulting projects would focus on the development of additional facilities or the more effective linkage of those facilities to destinations via transit and wayfinding. An analysis of the best way to link parking lots and formal destinations will be undertaken. 3.7 Signage: This will focus on wayfinding and directional signage for all modes. It will contain several levels from the broadest directional signage on the roadway network to detailed signage from parking garages to individual generators for those using the transit and pedestrian system. This is very important in branding the community and adding a higher aesthetic and practical standard of design, which shows a higher level of commitment and strengthens the identity of the community, in addition to in making it comfortable and easy for people to find their way around the downtown. Signage is an integral aspect of intermodal mobility. Task 4 – Project Development Projects that arise from the needs assessment resulting from the analysis and the public ideas will be placed in the “Project Bank”. Each project in each of the four categories will be described on a project sheet that includes the following:  Description of the project  Purpose and Need  Location o Existing conditions assessment summary  Cost o Planning, Design, and Construction o Possible funding sources All projects will be cataloged by type in a Project Bank report. During this phase the Corradino will work with the Steering Committee to present the Project Bank and schedule the set of meetings that will follow to serve the consensus building phase. During this task a second round of stakeholders meetings and a second public workshop will be held. 2-29 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 Task 5 – Project Prioritization The formal implementation plan will prioritize the projects into short, mid and long term efforts and organize them in the Project Bank. Funding sources and strategies will be developed. During this phase, all final public approval hearings, final reports, and presentations to the agencies will be performed. Approval by City Council will be finalized during this phase. This will be done in the final month of the effort. Task 6 – Approval The project will conclude with presentations to the City Council for an official approval of the plan. A final report and highly graphic executive summary will be produced as a PowerPoint presentation for purposes of Public Hearings and/or Workshops/Presentations as necessary in the implementation phase. Drafts will be delivered to the project manager and advisory committee for review. After the final presentation, all necessary bound copies will be made available at the city and a digital copy of the executive summary to be available on the city’s website for the Public’s availability. This study will serve as a component of the required Capital Improvement Element which needs to be updated annually and will be integral in framing solutions for land use and transportation in the City and proactively managing the impending growth of the community. An implementation plan of the “next steps” will be framed out in the plan. This will be a project the City will be proud of for years to come. You will be able to see its success in the constructed projects that follow immediately afterwards. This is a typical prioritization matrix, with highest priorities in green and lowest in red. Criteria may include: 1. Satisfies Level of Service Standards 2. Can be implemented in 12 months 3. Requires no approval by any other agency 4. Funded by Peoples Transportation Plan 2-30 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 INNOVATION Corradino is constantly searching for innovative ways of producing its work. Over the years this innovation has led to some projects that were extremely successful, award winning, or the first of their kind. The following are but a few examples. From a transportation planning and engineering stand point, Corradino recently produced the Coastal Communities Transportation Master Plan. This was the first sub regional transportation master plan in the area. It was developed for all of the cities making up barrier islands of Miami Dade County. It was predicated on Corradino’s Miami Beach Municipal Mobility Plan, which had developed multiple multimodal projects. The Coastal Communities Master Plan was able to gain a detailed understanding of traffic flow on the islands, by conduction a massive origin and destination study by which trips were tracked through the entire system by the use of cameras stationed on each causeway and at critical links in the roadways system. These cameras captured license plates as they entered, traveled through, and exited the system. In the long run we were able to gain an understating that trips entered and exited the barrier island system on the causeway closest to the origin or destination. This meant that people did not typically use AIA for long distance travel. If they needed to travel long distance they got off the islands and made that travel on the mainland. This then was used to stricter long term capital improvements on both the islands and the mainland. Similarly, Corradino was able to understand transportation concurrency in Miami Beach, Miami Gardens, Hialeah and Sarasota in a holistic perspective. Understanding that traditional concurrency was beginning to shut down desired growth Corradino develop the State’s first Transportation Concurrency Management Areas, which enabled concurrency and capacity to be counted on an areawide basis. Corradino also This is an example of the results of Corradino’s Transportation Planning Projects. They are positive for the City, painting citizens, staff and elected officials in a good light. 2-31 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 developed the State’s first Automated Concurrency Management Systems which enabled cities to track remaining capacities virtually on a GIS program. From a public involvement perspective Corradino is excellent at communicating complex engineering concepts to the public, staff and elected officials, so that the entire community has a solid understanding of the efforts to be undertaken. This aids in quality decision making. The approach Corradino uses is to go to the people in one- on-one meetings, meetings in small groups, workshops, and charrettes—all leading up to public hearings. This ability to consistantly communicate builds trust for the public and governmental process, assists in developing a common understanding of technical issues and ultimately builds consensus and enables difficult projects to be implemented. The Corradino Group developed a special document control software for the I-595 Express Project to manage all project documents including design reviews, shop drawings, lane closures, foundation certification packages, public requests, etc., that is seamlessly integrated with the Department’s document control system (EDMS/Hummingbird). This document control system can be easily modified to fit any project. TCG created an audit program to statistically validate the Concessionaire’s operations on the I-595 express project. Corradino uses Google Earth on the I-595 project website to show the public current and future traffic control plans and ongoing operations along the corridor. The inspection team uses iPads on the I-595 Express project to conduct their audits in the field and to manage observations in the field. 3-1 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 SECTION III – SUPPORTIVE INFORMATION Firms Prime Firm: The Corradino Group, Inc. Subconsultant: Cunningham Group, Inc. The Corradino Group, Inc. has entered into a subconsultant agreement with Cunningham Group, Inc. Firm Licenses/Certifications The Corradino Group, Inc. 3-2 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 3-3 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 3-4 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 3-5 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 3-6 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 Cunningham Group, Inc. 3-7 SOUTH MIAMI CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan RFQ #PW-S2013-10 Standard Form 330 (Contains Organization Chart and Resumes) ARCHITECT - ENGINEER PART I – CONTRACT-SPECIFIC QUALIFICATIONS A. CONTRACT INFORMATION 1. TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) South Miami Intermodal Transportation Plan ∙ City of South Miami 2. PUBLIC NOTICE 4/12/13 3. SOLICITATION OR PROJECT NO. RFQ #PW-S2013-10 PW-S2013-10 B. ARCHITECT-ENGINEER POINT OF CONTACT 4. NAME AND TITLE Joseph M. Corradino, President 5. NAME OF FIRM The Corradino Group, Inc. 6. TELEPHONE NUMBER 305.594.0735 7. FAX NUMBER 305.594.0755 8. EMAIL ADDRESS jmcorradino@corradino.com C. PROPOSED TEAM (Complete this section for the prime contractor and all key sub-consultants. (Check) 9. FIRM NAME 10. ADDRESS 11. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT Pr i m e J-V Pa r t n e r Su b c o n - tr a c t o r a. X The Corradino Group, Inc. 4055 NW 97th Ave, Suite 200 Miami, FL 33178 General Engineering/Planning b. X Cunningham Group, Inc. 9100 S. Dadeland Blvd. Suite 1500 Miami, FL 33156 Public Involvement c. d. e. f. g. D. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART OF PROPOSED TEAM X Attached Joseph M. Corradino, AICP Project Manager Mike Ciscar, PE Principal in Charge TRANSPORTATION Salman Rathore, PE Ryan Solis-Rios, PE, PTOE Traffic Eng./LOS Analysis Ken Kaltenbach, PE Srinivas “Srin” Varanasi, EI Travel Demand Model Alison Townsend, AICP Transit Planner Alex David, AICP Project Manager Jerry Bell, AICP Zoning Ubaldo “Frank” Lena, PE Roadway/Streetscape Ed Perez de Morales, PE Permitting/CEI Cunningham Group, Inc. Joseph M. Corradino, AICP Melanie Sexton Facilitators/Public Relations URBAN PLANNING DESIGN ENGINEERS PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT Andrew Davis Bicycle/Pedestrian E. RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Joseph M. Corradino, AICP Site Planning Services a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 24 18 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) The Corradino Group, Inc. – Miami, Florida 16. EDUCATION (DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (STATE AND DISCIPLINE) University of Cincinnati, MA (Community Planning) (1992) Villanova University, BA (Geography) (1990) American Institute of Certified Planners No. 012032 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) Mr. Corradino is president of The Corradino Group and heads the company’s planning operations in South Florida. In addition to administrative responsibilities, Mr. Corradino works with local and state governments developing policy and strategic planning efforts, including public involvement, charrettes and workshops; transportation, traffic and transit studies; as well as comprehensive plans and mobility studies. Mr. Corradino is a skilled transportation/land use planner, and has more than a decade of experience in the field. His specialty is working with municipalities, in transportation master plans, urban design studies, traffic calming, traffic impact analysis, transit planning, comprehensive planning and growth management/concurrency. He has won six awards from the American Planning Association. Former Chair Village of Pinecrest, FL, Planning Board; Chair-American Planning Association; Gold Coast Section Executive Board; Miami-Dade MPO, Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee, (CTAC); Miami-Dade MPO, Development Permitting Advisory Committee; Chair-Doral Business Council Transportation Committee. City Council Member – Pinecrest. FL 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Town of Cutler Bay, FL Cutler Bay, Florida PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Principal-in-Charge: Corradino serves as the Planning Staff. Cutler Bay is newly incorporated and faces a myriad of issues relative to taking over the planning and zoning tasks from Miami-Dade County, as well as developing a planning department. In doing this job, the firm reviews planning and zoning applications, has re-written land development regulations for an Urban Center District, meets with applicants, develops staff reports, and provided a profession planning staff recommendation at various public meetings. b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED General Planning Consultant – Cutler Bay, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Principal in Charge Work on miscellaneous planning and engineer tasks as Planning Director and department staff. Including Comprehensive Plan, Corporation Master Plan, Land Development Regulations, and development application review. c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED General Consultant – Palmetto Bay, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Principal in Charge Direct work to staff given by Planning Department and Public Works Department relative to traffic impact analysis, roadway design, Traffic calming, expert witness. d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED MPO, GPC – Miami-Doral, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2010 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Principal –in-Charge: Performed planning projects as directed by MPO staff. Projects included public involvement, transportation analysis, high level presentations and consensus building. e. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED City of Miami Beach, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Principal in Charge Led various efforts for committee including transportation planning, development review, urban design, concurring management, Comprehensive planning, public involvement, preservations to elected officers. E. RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Mike Ciscar, PE Roadway/Site Design a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 25 9 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) The Corradino Group, Inc. – Miami, Florida 16. EDUCATION (DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (STATE AND DISCIPLINE) B.S.C.E. (Civil Engineering) (1985) P.E. 1990/NO 0043244/1985/Civil Engineering/FL 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) Mr. Ciscar directs the engineering and project development services for The Corradino Group’s Florida operations. He is currently serving as Principle-In-Charge for the SR-826/SW 8th Street Interchange Post Design Services, the Districtwide Minor Design Services contract, and the final design of US-1 on Big Coppitt Key for FDOT District 6; and as the Deputy Project Manager and Public Involvement Functional Manager for the Krome Avenue South PD&E Study, and the SR-70 PD&E Study. He served as project manager for the completion of the NW 7/9 Connector PD&E Study for the City of Fort Lauderdale/Broward County/FDOT, and as the project manager for the US-1 Big Coppitt Key PD&E Study in FDOT District 6. He also served as the City Traffic Engineer for the City of Fort Lauderdale from June through November of 2002. 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED 7th/9th Street Connector Study Fort Lauderdale, Florida PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2004 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Mr. Ciscar served as Project Manager for the completion of the NW 7th/9th Connector PD & E Study for the City of Ft. Lauderdale/Broward County FDOT. The 7th/9th Connector Study was a roadway corridor study and environmental assessment. b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED US 41 Tamiami Trail Group Projects Miami, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Project Manager - Environmental Services Contract to perform project management plans review, and construction cost estimating services for the Tamiami Trail Modification as part of the modified water deliveries to the “Everglades National Park Project”. c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Krome Avenue PD & E Corridor Study Miami-Dade County, Florida PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2008 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Principal-in-Charge Project development and environmental study for roadway corridor. Project objectives included the following: Implement the necessary safety improvements; improve roadway conditions; increase capacity to mitigate existing traffic congestion and to accommodate future traffic demand; improve drainage by providing the necessary stormwater treatment; improve access management; improve bicycle/pedestrian access and continuity; incorporate landscaping and aesthetic treatments; maintain an adequate level of service for traffic during construction Project Cost: $1.3 Million d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED SR-826/SW 8th Street Interchange Post Design Services Miami Florida PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2007 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Provided construction documents for the reconstruction of this major urban interchange-project included redesign of ramps, widening of SR 826 to six lanes in each direction, stormwater system development, as well as including eight new bridges and a 12 foot wall for noise reduction e. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED SR 9/I-95 Project Development and Environment( PD & E) Study from North of Oakland Park Blvd. to South Glades Road Ft. Lauderdale, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Performance of conceptual design and environmental study of roadway improvements to SR 9/I-95. Project includes widening and rehab of SR 9, addition of one general purpose lane in each direction and addition of auxiliary lanes where necessary. E. RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Salman Rathore, PE Traffic Operations Support a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 8 <1 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) The Corradino Group, Inc. – Miami, Florida 16. EDUCATION (DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (STATE AND DISCIPLINE) Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan MSc., Transportation Engineering & Planning Registered Professional Engineer Florida, No. 75281 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) Transportation Engineer : Mr. Rathore has over eight years of experience as a planner and traffic engineer and has participated in multiple projects in a variety of fields of discipline . His experience includes traffic impact studies, developments of regional impact s , traffic operations studies, signal / stop warrant analysis, development of traffic signal designs and intersection improvement plans. He is proficient in the use of HCS, Synchro, TGEN and other traffic operations analysis software. 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Serenbe Mixed-Use Development (Development of Regional Impacts) Fulton County, Georgia PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2006 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Traffic Engineer - Provided traffic impact analysis and planning for an initial phase of a 1000 acre, mixed use, sustainable development. Alternative modes of transportation such as, bicycling and walking were incorporated into transportation / traffic impacts as encouraged by Serenbe community. Internal traffic circulation was also analyzed as part of the traffic impact study. . b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Landstone Communities Mixed-Use Development (Development of Regional Impacts) Sumter County, Georgia PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2007 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Transportation Planning Engineer - Project Engineer for managing and conducting a comprehensive traffic engineering analysis for the Landstone Communities DRI. The proposed development is located on a 4,130-acre property situated along the southern frontage of CR 470 in Sumter County, Florida. The development of the DRI occurred in two phases with a total program consisting of over 8,000 residential units, approximately 500,000 square feet of supporting commercial uses, an elementary school, a regional park, and a potential golf course. c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Traffic Studies – various locations in the State of Georgia. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2005-2006 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Traffic Engineer - Responsible for performing traffic engineering studies, intersection safety / crash analysis and capacity analysis for the following studies (some studies mentioned):  Traffic engineering report for the intersection improvement of Jonesboro Road (SR 138) & Old Jonesboro Road (Fulton County, USA).  White Sulphur Road mixed use development (City of Gainesville, USA)  Spring Drive residential development (Cherokee County, USA). d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Traffic Studies – various locations in the State of Georgia. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2005-2006 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Traffic Engineer- Responsible for performing traffic engineering studies, intersection safety / crash analysis and capacity analysis for the following studies (some studies mentioned):  Etowah Shoals mixed-use development (Cherokee County, USA)  Riverstone Plantation residential development (Forsyth County, USA)  Driveway analysis as well as Left / Right turn warrant evaluation for Union Road at Stone Gate residential development (Fulton County, USA) e. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Signal Warrant / Stop Sign Warrant Studies PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2004-2006 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Traffic Engineer –  Four way stop sign control warrant analysis at the intersection of Blue Jay Road and Midland Road under the criteria set forth in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices 2003. (Effingham County, USA)  Signal warrant analysis at the intersection of Fort Howard Road and Buckle Up Bend Road under the criteria set forth in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices 2003. (Effingham County, USA) E. RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Ryan Solis, P.E.,P.T.O.E. Traffic Planner a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 15 9 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) The Corradino Group, Inc. – Fort Lauderdale, Florida 16. EDUCATION (DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (STATE AND DISCIPLINE) B.S.C.E./1998/Civil Engineering Florida P.E./2005/No. 63345/Civil Engineering 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) Project Development Engineer. Mr. Solis-Rios’ area of expertise is planning and project development. He has worked on multiple MPO work orders and has lead the 137th Avenue Corridor Study and the US-1 Reversible Lanes Study. As a former District 2 FDOT project manager, Mr. Solis-Rios has worked and finalized many Planning and Project Development and Environment (PD&E) studies which include five interchanges on freeway systems, six principal arterial widening projects, and four FIHS/SIS facilities. He brings a significant perspective by being involved with the initial project development phases and construction management . 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED SR 9/I-95 Project Development and Environment( PD & E) Study from North of Oakland Park Blvd. to South Glades Road PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Project Engineer - Performance of conceptual design and environmental study of roadway improvements to SR 9/I-95. Project includes widening and rehab of SR 9, addition of one general purpose lane in each direction and addition of auxiliary lanes where necessary b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Big Koppit Key Project Development and Environmental (PD&E) Study – FDOT Miami, Florida PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2004 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Project Engineer - This study focused on the improvements necessary to upgrade/enhance roadway conditions, improve intersection operations, provide water quality treatment, improve signing and pavement markings, provide bicycle path continuity, and study the possibility of adding a culvert under U.S. 1. ” c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED SR-997/Krome Avenue Project Development and Environmental Study Miami, Florida PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2008 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Project Engineer - The project consisted of the evaluation of roadway and safety improvement alternatives along a 10 mile segment of SR 997/Krome Ave/SW 177th Avenue in South Miami-Dade Avenue. The study was to address improvements to the existing facility The current project is in the PD&E Study phase in which preliminary engineering and environmental impact statement (EIS) are performed d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED SR 137 Corridor Study Miami Dade County, Florida PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Conduct the corridor study for the proposed reconstruction of SR 137 e. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED SR 70 (Okeechobee Road) Project Development and Environment Study St. Lucie County, Florida PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2006 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Project Manager - A Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study was initiated as part of the planning process to evaluate roadway and safety improvement alternatives along a 1.2-mile segment of SR 70 (Okeechobee Road) from the Florida’s Turnpike Entrance/Kings Highway to Jenkins Road (CR-611B). The project corridor is located in St. Lucie County, Florida. Project objectives include the following: Improve roadway conditions; increase capacity to mitigate existing traffic congestion and to accommodate future traffic demand; improve drainage by providing the necessary stormwater treatment; improve access management; improve bicycle/pedestrian access and continuity; incorporate landscaping and aesthetic treatments; maintain an adequate level of service for traffic during construction. E. RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Kenneth D. Kaltenbach, PE Traffic/Transportation Modeling a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 35 WITH CURRENT FIRM 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) The Corradino Group, Inc. – Ft Lauderdale, FL 16. EDUCATION (DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (STATE AND DISCIPLINE) BSCE, 1971 (University of Kentucky) MSCE, 1972 (University of Kentucky) Professional Engineer: Kentucky, Ohio, Florida, California, Indiana, Virginia, Michigan, North Dakota 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) Institute of Transportation Engineers, “ FSUTMS/CUBE Tranplan Workshop, “ FDOT ( 2006), “ Thinking Beyond the Pavement, Context Sensitive Design Workshop, “ Univeristy of Kentucky (2004). “ Freight Modeling Workshop”, FDOT ( 2002), “ Traveling Surveys, “ Kentucky Transportation Cabinet/ FHWA (2002), “ Congestion Performance Measures Workshop,” Kentucky Transportation Cabinet/ TTI (2003) 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Gainesville Florida Long Range Transportation Plan Gainesville, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2005 N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Lead Modeler. Corradino performed a long-range transportation plan update for Gainesville. Included in this job was the update of the transportation elements of the University of Florida’s comprehensive plan. Gainesville’s FSUTMS travel model had not been updated since 1990. Project Cost: $300,000. b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Southeast Florida Regional Planning Model VI (SERPM) Fort Lauderdale, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2006 N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Lead Modeler. Corradino was retained by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), District IV (Fort Lauderdale), to calibrate the Southeast Regional Planning Model (SERPM). SERPM is a multimodal travel model covering Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties that will be used by FDOT for the I-95/I-595 Major Investment Study (MIS). Project Cost: $450,000. . c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Petoskey, Mich., Area-wide Transportation Study Petoskey, MI PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2007 N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Lead Modeler. The Corradino Group is working with a group of local governments (City of Petoskey, Emmet County, Bear Creek Township, and Resort Township) to develop a plan to address future congestion needs in Petoskey. Project Cost: $188,000. d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED I-95 HOT Congestion Mitigation Dade and Broward Counties, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) Ongoing N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Lead Modeler. The Corradino Group was retained by Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Districts VI (Miami) and District IV, to enhance the South East Regional Planning Model (SERPM) to model proposed High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes in Miami-Dade and Broward counties. e. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Northeast Ann Arbor Transportation Plan Ann Arbor, MI PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2005 N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Lead Modeler. The Northeast Ann Arbor Transportation Plan focused first on determining the preferred approach to addressing the access issues along M-14, particularly the Barton Drive/M-14 interchange. Project Cost: $406,000. E.RESUMESOFKEYPERSONNELPROPOSEDFORTHISCONTRACT (CompleteoneSectionEforeachkeyperson.) 12.NAME 13.ROLEINTHISCONTRACT 14.YEARSEXPERIENCE SrinVaranasi ProjectRole a.TOTAL b.WITHCURRENTFIRM 74 15.FIRMNAMEANDLOCATION(CityandState) TheCorradinoGroup,Inc.–Miami,Florida 16.EDUCATION(DEGREEANDSPECIALIZATION)17.CURRENTPROFESSIONALREGISTRATION(STATEANDDISCIPLINE) B.E.CivilEngineering,AndhraUniversity,India M.SCivil(transportation)Engineering,LouisianaStateuniversity, BatonRouge,LA EngineerinTraining 18.OTHERPROFESSIONALQUALIFICATIONS(Publications,Organizations,Training,Awards,etc.) SrinVaranasihascloseto7yearsofexperienceintransportationengineering,planningandmodelingactivities.Hehasworkedinpublic andprivatesectorsintheindustry,andalsohasdoneextensiveresearchwhilepublishinghisMaster’sthesisonTransportation forecastseffectsontheair-quality.HepublishedapapertoTransportationResearchBoardonrelatedtopic.Heisanactivememberof theInstituteofTransportationEngineersfrom2002,andalsoModelUser’sGroupsinFloridaandNorthCarolina.Heisafrequent speakerinSouthEastFLmodeluser’sgroup. 19.RELEVANTPROJECTS a. (1)TITLEANDLOCATION(County)(2)YEARCOMPLETED Districtwidemodelssupport,FDOTD4 PROFESSIONALSERVICES CONSTRUCTION(ifapplicable) Ongoing Ongoing (3)BRIEFDESCRIPTION(Briefscope,size,cost,etc.)ANDSPECIFICROLE Checkifprojectperformedwithcurrentfirm TransportationModeler:Transportationmodeling/forecastingSupporttoFDOTD4.Mr.Varanasiservesasonsiteandoncall consultanttoFDOTD4regionalmodels.MostrecentservicesincludedGreaterTreasureCoastRegionalModel(GTCRPM) CalibrationandValidation,SouthEastFLRegionalModel(SERPM6.5)improvements,SouthEastFLRegionalLRTP modeling/forecasting.Mr.VaranasiprovidedtransportationforecastingsupportandforecastdevelopingmodelssupporttoFDOT. b. (1)TITLEANDLOCATION(County)(2)YEARCOMPLETED TransportationForecastsSupport,MDX PROFESSIONALSERVICES CONSTRUCTION(ifapplicable) Ongoing (3)BRIEFDESCRIPTION(Briefscope,size,cost,etc.)ANDSPECIFICROLE Checkifprojectperformedwithcurrentfirm TransportationEngineer:ProvidedtransportationengineeringservicestoFDOTD4CorridorPlanningStudy.Developedfuture yeartransportationforecastsontheI-95corridor,analyzingwithandwithouttheI95HOTlanes.Workinvolvedutilizingadvanced transportationmodelsandprovidingforecastusingbestengineeringjudgment.Theworkisongoing. c. (1)TITLEANDLOCATION(County)(2)YEARCOMPLETED TransportationForecastsSupport,MDX PROFESSIONALSERVICES CONSTRUCTION(ifapplicable) Ongoing (3)BRIEFDESCRIPTION(Briefscope,size,cost,etc.)ANDSPECIFICROLE Checkifprojectperformedwithcurrentfirm TransportationEngineer:ProvidedtransportationengineeringservicestoMiami-DadeExpresswayAuthority(MDX)onSR924 WestExtensiontoHEFT.DevelopedfutureyeartransportationforecastsontheMDX(Gratigny)corridor,analyzingvarious alternatives.Workinvolvedutilizingadvancedtransportationmodelsandprovidingforecastusingbestengineeringjudgment.The workisongoing. d. (1)TITLEANDLOCATION(County)(2)YEARCOMPLETED TransportationForecastsdevelopment,Miami-DadeMPO PROFESSIONALSERVICES CONSTRUCTION(ifapplicable) 2009 (3)BRIEFDESCRIPTION(Briefscope,size,cost,etc.)ANDSPECIFICROLE Checkifprojectperformedwithcurrentfirm TransportationEngineer:ServedastransportationengineerandprovidedmultimodaltransportationforecastsforMiami-Dade HealthDistrictstudy,fortheMiami-DadeMPO.Workinvolvedalternativesanalysis,engineeringjudgmentofforecastsand forecastdevelopment,LOSanalysisusingHighwayCapacityManualandFLprojecttraffichandbook. e. (1)TITLEANDLOCATION(County)(2)YEARCOMPLETED PROFESSIONALSERVICES CONSTRUCTION(ifapplicable) (3)BRIEFDESCRIPTION(Briefscope,size,cost,etc.)ANDSPECIFICROLE Checkifprojectperformedwithcurrentfirm E. RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Alison Townsend, AICP Senior Planner a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 17 17 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) The Corradino Group, Inc. – Fort Lauderdale/Louisville 16. EDUCATION (DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (STATE AND DISCIPLINE) University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, Masters of Science in Urban Regional Planning (1995) University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, Bachelors of Business Administration, Finance (1989) American Institute of Certified Planners (#014199) American Planning Association Kentucky Chapter American Planning Association 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) Ms. Townsend has participated in a wide variety of planning projects including comprehensive plans, corridor studies, environ mental assessments and impact statements, site selection studies, and public transportation plans and studies. 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Rockford Mass Transit District Comprehensive Transit Analysis PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2011 - Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm PM/Senior Planner. The purpose of the study is to provide an in -depth analysis of existing routes that can be used to formulate recommendations that will address a steadily increasing ridership, expanding community boundaries, and new ridership generators. b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED University Corridor Redevelopment Study, Louisville, Ky PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2007 - 2010 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm PM/Senior Planner. The project included an analysis of existing conditions, stakeholder interviews and workshops, and an analysis of priority segments of the corridor. c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Akron, Ohio, Metro Transit Development Plan PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2008-2009 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Senior Planner. The Corradino Group prepared the Transit Development Plan for the METRO Regional Transit Authority in Akron, Ohio. This plan was an update of a plan prepared by Corradino in 2004 and was the first such plan to be prepared since a quarter percent sales tax increase was passed in March 2008 increasing funding for METRO. d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Portage Creek Corridor Reuse Plan, Kalamazoo, Mich. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2008 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Senior Planner. The purpose of the reuse plan was to develop a future land use plan based on three factors: environmental analysis; a market study; and, a thorough public input process. Work on the study resulted in identification of several alte rnative reuse scenarios. e. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Metro Regional Transit Authority Economic Impact Study, Akron, Ohio PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2007 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Senior Planner. The Corradino Group prepared an Economic Impact Study of the operations of the Metro Regional Transit Authority (METRO) in Akron, Ohio. Corradino conducted research to determine the direct and indirect impacts of METRO in the region. E. RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Andrew Davis Transportation Planner Planning a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 7 7 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) The Corradino Group, Inc. – Miami, FL 16. EDUCATION (DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (STATE AND DISCIPLINE) Florida International University, Miami, FL B.S.C.E. American Society of Civil Engineers Florida Society of Engineers American Planning Association 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) Mr. Davis is a Transportation Planner for Corradino’s South Florida Planning Group. Primary responsibilities include research and support in the following areas: GIS and database support, assistance with identification of municipal & county land use/zonin g codes, property ownership, countywide development patterns, local and regional urban and transportation planning issues, and assists project managers with traffic analysis and reports. Mr. Davis has attended the FDOT Livable Communities Workshop, the FDOT Lev el-of- Service Training, Highway Capacity Analysis Seminar, the ITE Overview Safe Routes to School Program Seminar and attends scheduled public meetings conducted by the Miami -Dade MPO, Miami-Dade Public Works and FDOT Public Workshops. Mr. Davis is experienced with Microsoft Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Work, AutoCAD, HCS+, and ArcGIS. 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Data Analysis Engineer PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2012 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm City of Doral Extension of Staff/Trolley Manager Assistant (2012- present) Involved in day to day activities related to the Doral Trolley. Handled management of the trolley system and its vendors. Rev iewed invoices, passenger data, passenger complaints and trolley outreac h efforts. b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Data Analysis Engineer PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2009 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm City of Miami Bird Avenue Corridor Traffic Study (2009) Data analysis of Traffic counts data for major intersections and roadway segments in the study area. Involved in estimating t he Level-of-Service within those roadways for the next ten to fifteen years. Involved in gathering transit data and reviewing studies impacting the area. Involved in recommending projects to the final project list and setting up project priority. . c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Data Analysis Engineer PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2011 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm SR 826 HOT Lanes Traffic Model Analysis (2011-2012) Analysis of model results for highway facility and creating excel reports to balance out the model results. Also, involved in inputting volumes that justify future highway plans. d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Data Analysis Engineer PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2010 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm City of Miami Beach Bike Rack Analysis (2010) Involved in creating a database of locations where bicycle racks would be installed throughout the city. The locations where selected with input from the City such as creating a standard for where racks should be installed. Also, involved in FDOT permitting process. e. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Data Analysis Engineer PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Town of Cutler Bay Bike & Pedestrian Master Plan Study (2011) Involved in traffic data analysis of all roadways and intersections impacting the subject area. Developed a matrix for eac h corridor throughout the village. Involved in cost feasibility analysis. E. RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Alex A. David Planning & Zoning a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 27 1 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) The Corradino Group, Inc. – Miami, FL 16. EDUCATION (DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (STATE AND DISCIPLINE) B.S. Geography, M.B.A., APA, AICP American Planning Association American Institute of Certified Planners Reg No. 015953 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) APA Gold Coast Section Board Member, MDC Transportation Aesthetics Review Committee, MDCPS School Oversight Committee, Miami Beach Design Review Board – Former Vice-Chair, MD Planners Technical Committee – Immediate Past Chair 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED City of Deltona, FL Community Strategic Plan PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2008 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Vision Planning b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Town of Cutler Bay, FL – LDR’s PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Sub-consultant contracted to rewrite town’s Land Development Regulations. c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Town of Cutler Bay, FL General Planning Services PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Provide planning and zoning related services to town. d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Village of Indian Creek, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Provide Planning and Zoning related services to village since 2004. e. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Village of Biscayne Park, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2006 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Completed Village’s Evaluation and Appraisal Report and continue to act as the Village’s General Planning Consultant. E. RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Jerry H. Bell Planning & Zoning a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 18 1 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) The Corradino Group, Inc. – Miami, FL 16. EDUCATION (DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (STATE AND DISCIPLINE) B.S. Geography, M.A. – Urban Regional Planning American Planning Association American Institute of Certified Planners Reg No. 013685 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) MDCPS School Oversight Committee Appointee, APA Gold Coast Section Board Member, University of Florida Urban and Regional Planning Department Advisory Council Board Member 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Cutler Bay, FL Growth Management Plan PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2008 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Sub consultant for the town’s Growth Management Plan (Comprehensive Plan) b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Hialeah Gardens, FL – EAR and Amendments PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2004-2005; 2011-Present (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Completed town’s Evaluation and Appraisal Report and Comprehensive Plan amendments. c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Hialeah Gardens, FL - Block Grant Consultant PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2000 - Present (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Obtained grants and managed construction and rehabilitation projects. d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Royal Palm Beach, FL - EAR and Amendments PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2006-2009 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Completed village’s Evaluation and Appraisal Report and EAR-based amendments. e. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Town of Manalapan, FL - EAR and Amendments PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2006-2009 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Completed Village’s EAR and EAR-based amendments. E. RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE UBALDO “FRANK” LENA, P.E. Project Manager a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 28 <1 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) The Corradino Group, Inc. – Miami, FL 16. EDUCATION (DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (STATE AND DISCIPLINE) B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Florida Professional Engineer: Florida (40167) 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) Ubaldo Lena has more than 28 years of experience in the overall management of engineering operations and has a wealth of expertise in highways and urban roadways. He also worked for six years with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District Six office as an internal design project manager directing a multi-disciplined design team. 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED SR 826/SR 836 Interchange, FDOT District 6, Florida PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2003-2006 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Senior Project Engineer for this $500 million project that includes the complete reconstruction of the existing interchange. The new five-level interchange included the reconstruction of approximately 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) of SR 826 (Palmetto Expressway), approximately 3 miles (4.8 kilometers) of SR 836 (Dolphin Expressway) and 52 new bridges ranging in type from AASHTO beams to segmentals. As project engineer, Mr. Lena was responsible for the design of all the vertical alignments, typical sections, ramp terminals and superelevation transitions. b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED SR 836 Westbound Auxiliary Lane, Miami Dade Expressway Authority PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2003-2004 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Project Manager in charge of design and plans production for the construction of a portion of the SR 836 Westbound C-D. The project included a new bridge over railroads, retaining walls and the construction of 1.5 miles (2.4 kilometers) of the new SR 836 Westbound C- D. c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED SR 953/NW 21st Street Interchange (MIC/MIA Interchange), FDOT District 6, Florida PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2001-2004 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Project Manager for this $72 million project that included the reconstruction of SR 953 (LeJeune Road) and NW 21st Street, the realignment/reconstruction of all the ramps of the interchange, the replacement of seven bridges and the construction of three new bridges. d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED NW 17th Avenue Toll Plaza at SR 836, Miami Dade Expressway Authority, Miami, Florida PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 1999-2000 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Project Manager for this $32 million project that included reconstruction of SR 836 between NW 27th and 17th Avenues, including a toll plaza equipped with SunPass, an electronic toll collection system, five bridges, construction of a satellite toll plaza on the NW 17th Avenue ramps, reconstruction of the 17th Avenue eastbound ramps and provisions for the proposed rail line to the airport and seaport. e. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED SR 826/NW 58th Street, FDOT District 6, Florida PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 1997-1999 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Project Manager responsible for the widening of SR 826 and realignment of all the ramps and reconstruction of NW 58th Street, including widening of the bridge over SR 826. E. RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Eduardo Perez de Morales, PE Project Advisor a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 28 11 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) The Corradino Group, Inc. – Fort Lauderdale, Florida 16. EDUCATION (DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (STATE AND DISCIPLINE) University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, B.S., Civil Engineering Professional Engineer, Florida, No. 36146 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) Ed Perez is Senior Vice President and head of Corradino’s Construction Engineering and Inspection Division. Mr. Perez's recent experience includes serving as the Resident Engineer for the I-95 Mobility 2000 project in Palm Beach County. He was responsible for managing eight construction projects with a value of $400M. While working on the I-95 Mobility 200 Projects, Ed Perez developed processes to control time and cost and ensure all contract administration is performed according to the guidelines established by the Department. Most recently, Ed Perez and The Corradino team began work as the Oversight CEI on the first ever Public Private Partnership Project in the state of Florida, the I-595 Express. Prior to joining Corradino in 1999, Mr. Perez was the head of construction engineering for District IV of the Florida Department of Transportation, where he was responsible for the management of the construction Work Program for that District that averaged $200-$250 million dollars per year in construction contracts. 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Oversight CEI For I-595 Reconstruction Broward County, Florida PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Principal-in-Charge - This project will widen and resurface or reconstruct approximately 10½ miles of I- 595, adding three reversible Express lanes at-grade in the median, with variable-tolling features, from the I-75 / Sawgrass Expressway to east of the Turnpike Interchange. This project will include direct connections to median widening on the Turnpike, the addition of EB and WB auxiliary lanes to the outside of I-595 and the SR84 frontage roads, braided ramps to provide grade separation between on and off ramps in areas where conflicts and weaving movements presently exist, reconstruction of the Turnpike interchange and portions of the University Drive interchange, constructing a continuous connection of SR84 from Davie Road to SR7 in order to separate that traffic from I-595, and new Sound Barrier Walls. b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED FDOT D4, I-95 Mobility: 2000 Palm Beach County, Florida PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2009 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Principal-in-Charge - Responsible for the Managing of seven (7) active construction projects with a construction cost in excess of $ 400M dollar. Developed processes to minimize time and cost overruns, obtain a quality product and ensure all contract administration is performed according to the guidelines established by the Florida Department of Transportation. c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Mobility 2000, Pre-Engineering Services, I-95 HOV Palm Beach County PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2009 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Principal-in-Charge Responsible for the pre-construction activities on several I-95 HOV projects, developed special provisions for all the projects including I-95 Regional DRBs, no-excuse Bonus, limitation of operations, and others. Made recommendations and implemented project limits changes to ensure proper transition between projects. Coordinate all constructabilities and biddability reviews. d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED SFRTA/Tri-Rail New River Bridge Design/Build Project Ft Lauderdale, FL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2007 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Principal-in-Charge Corradino is the acting FDOT D4 representative in the administration of this project, which is a Joint Project Agreement between FDOT and the South Florida Rail Transit Authority (SFRTA). Project features includes the construction of a high level railroad bridge spanning the South Fork of the New River, with 34 spans of Type VI AASHTO girders and a 140’ structural steel main channel span resting on hammerhead piers and controversial 10 foot diameter non-redundant drilled shaft foundations Cost - $65 million. e.. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Thomas B. Manuel Design / Build Bridge Ft. Lauderdale, Florida PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2005 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Principal-in-Charge Corradino provided various pre-construction services during the design phase of the project, and continues to provide Construction Engineering and Inspection services for the construction of a new high level bridge over the St. Lucie canal as well as the rehabilitation of the existing bridge on the Florida. Turnpike in Martin County Cost - $34 million. E. RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT (Complete one Section E for each key person.) 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Melanie Sexton Public Information Officer a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 5 3 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) The Corradino Group, Inc. – Fort Lauderdale, Florida 16. EDUCATION (DEGREE AND SPECIALIZATION) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (STATE AND DISCIPLINE) Miami University, Oxford, Ohio BA (Public Relations & Communications) (2004) 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) Ms. Sexton’s experience in public information with the Corradino group has helped her establish and maintain working relationships with all residents, media, government officials and civil organizations involved in and around construction projects. Recently her expertise has focused on the area of construction projects, proactively providing information to the public about construction activities through notifications such as email blast lists and responding to all inquiries in a timely manner. 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED I-595 Express Corridor Improvements Project, Davie, FL Broward County PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2009 Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Public Information Officer for FDOT District 4. Establishes and maintains working relationships with the public, including but not limited to-- motorists, business owners, residents, community and civic organizations, government officials, and members of the media. Notifies the public of lane closures in advance to minimize the impact of construction, distributes timely information such as project updates and press releases to the public via an e-mail blast list, monitors portions of the I-595 Express Construction website, and responds to and/or follows- up with all inquiries in a timely manner. Coordinates responses to Operations and Maintenance complaints throughout the corridor, including property damage claims. b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Hollywood Boulevard Project, Hollywood, FL Broward County PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2008 2009 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Public Information Officer for FDOT District. Established and maintained working relationships with the public, including but not limited to-- motorists, business owners, residents, community and civic organizations, government officials, and members of the media. Notified the public of lane closures in advance to minimize the impact of construction, distributed timely information such as project updates and press releases to the public via an e-mail blast list, and responded to and/or followed-up with all inquiries in a timely manner. Coordinated and processed claims for damage in the construction zone. c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Enterprise Rent-A-Car West Palm Beach, Florida. Palm Beach County PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2007-2008 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Management Trainee. Develop ongoing customer relationships to enhance future sales and partnerships, sell Enterprise brand and various upgrades to retail and corporate customers daily, respond to customer needs- including customer complaints and account adjustment. d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED CEU Institute, Inc., Jupiter, Florida Palm Beach County PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2006-2007 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Education Coordinator. Coordinate onsite continuing education programs with volunteer speakers, vendors and insurance organizations from an offsite location, communicate expectations and changes to programs with onsite contacts, vendors and speakers and managed the database of clients and served as liaison to legal, medical and insurance executives. e. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (County) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Nationwide Insurance, Columbus, Ohio. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) 2005-2006 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm Communicate with agents in the field and manage their licensing requests on a daily basis, research state-specific insurance trends and issues to alert agents to changes in the field, and ensure agents in database remained in good standing with the company by checking license and appointment status. F. EXAMPLE PROJECTS WHICH BEST ILLUSTRATE PROPOSED TEAM’S QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS CONTRACT (Present as many projects as requested by the agency, or 10 projects, if not specified. Complete one Section F for each project.) 20. EXAMPLE PROJECT KEY NUMBER 5 21. TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) University Corridor Redevelopment Study, Louisville, Ky. 22. YEAR COMPLETED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2007-2010 CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 23. PROJECT OWNER’S INFORMATION a. PROJECT OWNER Metro Development Authority 600 W. Main St., Suite 400 Louisville, Y 40202 b. POINT OF CONTACT NAME Drew Shyrock c. POINT OF CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER Tel.: 502.574.1560 The University Corridor is defined by a section of South Third and Fourth Streets between the University of Louisville (UofL) on the north and Southern Parkway/Oakdale Avenue on the south in Louisville, Ky. University Corridor contains UofL sports facilities, a concentration of rental housing, a major retail center, and is adjacent to Churchill Downs. The project included an analysis of existing conditions, stakeholder interviews and workshops, and an analysis of priority segments of the corridor. The project resulted in the development of an Action Plan for the area that includes various strategies for redevelopment. Consideration was given to bicycle and pedestrian movements through the incorporation of Complete Streets principals and linkages to UofL and Olmsted Parkway bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The resulting plan focuses on mixed-use development and the creation of a transportation corridor to improve connectivity to the interstate system. 25. FIRMS FROM SECTION C INVOLVED WITH THIS PROJECT a. (1) FRIM NAME The Corradino Group, Inc (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) Louisville, KY (3) ROLE Planning/Analysis b. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE c. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE d. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE e. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE f. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE STANDARD FORM 330 (6/2004) F. EXAMPLE PROJECTS WHICH BEST ILLUSTRATE PROPOSED TEAM’S QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS CONTRACT (Present as many projects as requested by the agency, or 10 projects, if not specified. Complete one Section F for each project.) 20. EXAMPLE PROJECT KEY NUMBER 21. TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) Palmetto Bay Transportation Master Plan 22. YEAR COMPLETED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2006/2007 CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 23. PROJECT OWNER’S INFORMATION a. PROJECT OWNER Village of Palmetto Bay b. POINT OF CONTACT NAME Ron Williams c. POINT OF CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER 305.259.1234 Palmetto Bay Transportation Master Plan Client: Village of Palmetto Bay 900 Perrine Avenue Palmetto Bay, Florida 33157 Ron Williams Tel.: 305.259.1234 Project Cost: $50,000 Start/Complete: 11/2006 / 5/2007 Project Description: In this contract The Corradino Group provided a variety of transportation planning services, on time and within budget. These include: • Public Involvement, and Consensus Building • Data Collection • Level of Service Determination • Travel Demand Forecasting • Analysis and Evaluation of Alternatives • Preparation of Maps, Reports, and Presentations Corradino has been recognized by cities, and transportation agencies in our region as a firm who provides multi- disciplinary expertise to transportation issues. This ability, coupled with a deep knowledge of local government, has given Corradino a reputation for being able to build consensus and implement difficult projects. This reputation stems from the firm’s experience with the Metrorail, the US-1 Busway, the I-95 HOT lanes, the Miami Beach Municipality Mobility Plan through the Palmetto Bay Transportation Master Plan. Palmetto Bay was able to build consensus based on Corradino’s efforts to implement an extraordinary amount of transportation projects, the result of which have built an intense sense of community in this relatively new city. 25. FIRMS FROM SECTION C INVOLVED WITH THIS PROJECT a. (1) FRIM NAME The Corradino Group, Inc (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) Miami, Florida (3) ROLE Transportation Master Plan b. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE c. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE d. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE STANDARD FORM 330 (6/2004) F. EXAMPLE PROJECTS WHICH BEST ILLUSTRATE PROPOSED TEAM’S QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS CONTRACT (Present as many projects as requested by the agency, or 10 projects, if not specified. Complete one Section F for each project.) 20. EXAMPLE PROJECT KEY NUMBER 2 21. TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) Flagler Street Marketplace, Miami, FL 22. YEAR COMPLETED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2002 CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 23. PROJECT OWNER’S INFORMATION a. PROJECT OWNER City of Miami b. POINT OF CONTACT NAME Adam Lukin c. POINT OF CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER 305.579.6675 24. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AND RELEVANCE TO THIS CONTRACT (Include scope, size, and cost) Flagler Street Marketplace, Miami, FL I. Client: City of Miami II. Description of Work: This project included milling and resurfacing, streetscape improvements consisting of decorative sidewalks and paving patterns, landscape enhancements, traffic signals, signing and pavement markings, and drainage improvements. The scope of the project also included the conversion of Flagler Street from a one-way thoroughfare to a two-way road. III. Total Dollar Value of Contract: $572,461 IV. Contract Duration: 24 months V. Client Contact: Adam Lukin – Phone #: 305.579.6675 VI. Prime Consultant: Corradino VII. Results of the Project: Completed 25. FIRMS FROM SECTION C INVOLVED WITH THIS PROJECT a. (1) FRIM NAME The Corradino Group, Inc (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) Miami ,Florida (3) ROLE Streetscape Improvements b. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE c. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE d. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE e. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE f. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE STANDARD FORM 330 (6/2004) F. EXAMPLE PROJECTS WHICH BEST ILLUSTRATE PROPOSED TEAM’S QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS CONTRACT (Present as many projects as requested by the agency, or 10 projects, if not specified. Complete one Section F for each project.) 20. EXAMPLE PROJECT KEY NUMBER 21. TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) Homestead Mobility Plan 22. YEAR COMPLETED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2000 CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 23. PROJECT OWNER’S INFORMATION a. PROJECT OWNER City of Homestead b. POINT OF CONTACT NAME Mr. Charles Baldwin c. POINT OF CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER 305.247.1084, ext. 101 Homestead Mobility Plan Client: City of Homestead 790 North Homestead Boulevard Homestead, FL 33030 Mr. Charles Baldwin Tel.: 305.247.1084, ext. 101 Project Cost: $75,000 Completion: 2000 Project Description: The purpose of the Transportation Element of the Homestead Comprehensive Development Master Plan was to plan for an integrated multimodal transportation system providing for the circulation of motorized and non-motorized traffic in the City of Homestead. Addressed are all aspects of transportation in the City of Homestead including the road system, the public transit system, bicycles, pedestrians, freight rail lines, and Intermodal facilities and their access as well as: ƒ Analysis of the existing transportation system, ƒ The availability of transportation facilities and services to serve existing land uses, ƒ The adequacy of the existing and projected transportation system pertaining to emergency evacuation, ƒ Growth trends and travel patterns as well as the interactions of different land use scenarios with transportation systems, ƒ Intermodal deficiencies, ƒ Projected transportation system levels of service, ƒ The effects of transportation concurrency management areas and exceptions, ƒ An analysis of local and state programs, ƒ The maintenance of adopted levels of service standards. 25. FIRMS FROM SECTION C INVOLVED WITH THIS PROJECT a. (1) FRIM NAME The Corradino Group, Inc (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) Miami, Florida (3) ROLE Mobility Plan b. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE c. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE d. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE STANDARD FORM 330 (6/2004) F. EXAMPLE PROJECTS WHICH BEST ILLUSTRATE PROPOSED TEAM’S QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS CONTRACT (Present as many projects as requested by the agency, or 10 projects, if not specified. Complete one Section F for each projects.) 20. EXAMPLE PROJECT KEY NUMBER 4 21. TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) Hollywood Boulevard Broward County, Florida 22. YEAR COMPLETED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 2009 23. PROJECT OWNER’S INFORMATION a. PROJECT OWNER Florida Department of Transportation b. POINT OF CONTACT NAME Jeannette Harris c. POINT OF CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER 954.777.4382 24. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AND RELEVANCE TO THIS CONTRACT (Include scope, size, and cost) Hollywood Boulevard Broward County, Florida Client: Florida Department of Transportation 3400 Commercial Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 Jeannette Harris 954.777.4382 Services Performed: This project was primarily CEI (Construction, Engineering and Inspection Services) for FDOT Project FIN No. 228160-1-52-01 SR820 Hollywood Blvd. Our Services consisted of providing project administration, inspection and testing services to ensure that the project was built in accordance with the contract documents and completed within time and budget. The project was completed on Contract day 463/496, September 21, 2009, which was 33 days ahead of the scheduled date of October 24, 2009. Project Cost: $6,022,071.08 Start/Completion Date: June 2008 / September 2009 Project Description: This project included 2 types of bonuses: milestone and completion incentives. Milestone #1 is to complete Phase I of the project at the 185th calendar day from the start of the contract for the amount of $100,000. Milestone #2 is to complete Phase II of the project at the 339th calendar day from the start of the contract for the amount of $84,000. There is also an incentive/disincentive bonus for $3,000/per calendar day that project completion precedes/exceeds the original contract time of 496 days. The maximum amount of incentive is not to exceed $150,000. The improvements under this Contract consist of major RRR milling and resurfacing over the entire roadway section of SR 820 (Hollywood Blvd.), which includes six (6) through travel lanes with landscaped median from west of Presidential Circle to Hollywood Canal for approximately 1.191 miles. The project also includes: drainage improvements, side road construction of ten existing side streets between N. 44th Avenue and N. 31st Avenue, new signalized mid-block pedestrian crossings at Hollywood Blvd. and Calle Grande Dr., closing existing median opening at 32nd Avenue and adding a new east bound directional median opening for U turns near Calle Grande. Additional improvements include: upgrading sidewalk ramps to meet ADA requirements, traffic monitoring site plans, lighting, landscaping, removal of on-street parking and bus stop improvements. a. (1) FRIM NAME The Corradino Group, Inc. (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) Palm Beach County, FL (3) ROLE CEI Services b. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE c. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE F. EXAMPLE PROJECTS WHICH BEST ILLUSTRATE PROPOSED TEAM’S QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS CONTRACT (Present as many projects as requested by the agency, or 10 projects, if not specified. Complete one Section F for each project.) 20. EXAMPLE PROJECT KEY NUMBER 21. TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) Cutler Bay Transportation Master Plan 22. YEAR COMPLETED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2008/Ongoing CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 23. PROJECT OWNER’S INFORMATION a. PROJECT OWNER Town of Cutler Bay b. POINT OF CONTACT NAME Ralph Casals c. POINT OF CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER 305.234.4262 Cutler Bay Transportation Master Plan Client: Town of Cutler Bay 10720 Caribbean Blvd. Cutler Bay, Florida 33189 Ralph Casals Tel.: 305.234.4262 Project Cost: $100,000 to date Start/Complete: 3/2008 / Ongoing Project Description: In this contract The Corradino Group is providing a variety of transportation planning services, on time and within budget. These include: • Public Involvement, and Consensus Building • Data Collection • Evaluation of Existing Roadway Network, Transit, Bicycle and Pedestrian Systems • Level of Service Determination • Travel Demand Forecasting • Analysis and Evaluation of Alternatives • Preparation of Maps, Reports, and Presentations Cutler Bay incorporated as a City in 2005. The Corradino Group acted as the Town’s initial Planning Director, Planning Staff and Transportation Consultant. Corradino continues to serve as the Towns General Planning Consultant assisting with a wide variety of tasks. On this study Corradino collected data at 50 locations and evaluated the existing conditions of the roadway, transit, and bicycle and pedestrian systems. Travel demand forecasting was performed using the MPO Long Range Model to project conditions into the future. Extensive public involvement was held to reconcile the desires of the community, with the transportation needs. Through a series of detailed and highly graphic reports and presentations, Corradino was able to build consensus on a list of projects which are being prioritized for inclusion into the Towns Capital Improvement Program. 25. FIRMS FROM SECTION C INVOLVED WITH THIS PROJECT a. (1) FRIM NAME The Corradino Group, Inc (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) Miami, Florida (3) ROLE Planning – Transportation Master Plan b. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE c. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE d. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE STANDARD FORM 330 (6/2004) F. EXAMPLE PROJECTS WHICH BEST ILLUSTRATE PROPOSED TEAM’S QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS CONTRACT (Present as many projects as requested by the agency, or 10 projects, if not specified. Complete one Section F for each project.) 20. EXAMPLE PROJECT KEY NUMBER 7 21. TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) Oversight CEI For I-595 Reconstruction Broward County, Florida 22. YEAR COMPLETED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing 23. PROJECT OWNER’S INFORMATION a. PROJECT OWNER Florida Department of Transportation b. POINT OF CONTACT NAME Courtney Drummond c. POINT OF CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER 954-486-1400 Oversight CEI For I-595 Reconstruction Broward County, Florida Services Performed: Oversight CEI Project Cost: $1.2 Billion Start/Completion Date: July 2009 / July 2013 Project Description: This project will widen and resurface or reconstruct approximately 10½ miles of I- 595, adding three reversible Express lanes at-grade in the median, with variable-tolling features, from the I-75 / Sawgrass Expressway to east of the Turnpike Interchange. This project will include direct connections to median widening on the Turnpike, the addition of EB and WB auxiliary lanes to the outside of I-595 and the SR84 frontage roads, braided ramps to provide grade separation between on and off ramps in areas where conflicts and weaving movements presently exist, reconstruction of the Turnpike interchange and portions of the University Drive interchange, constructing a continuous connection of SR84 from Davie Road to SR7 in order to separate that traffic from I-595, and new Sound Barrier Walls. Construction time is estimated at five years in the Scope of Services. The Oversight CEI (OCEI) and the District Material’s Office will monitor the Concessionaire’s work to determine the progress and quality of work. Any deficiencies discovered will be addressed with the Concessionaire for resolution. Highlights of the major improvement components include: ¾ Tolled reversible ground level express lanes to be known as 595Express, serving traffic to/from I-75/Sawgrass Expressway from/to east of SR 7, with a direct connection to Florida’s Turnpike. ¾ Geometric improvements to the I-595 / Florida’s Turnpike Interchange. ¾ Additional auxiliary lanes on the eastbound and westbound I-595 and SR 84 roadways. ¾ Continuous connection of the SR 84 frontage road between Davie Road and SR 7. ¾ Grade separated (braided) entrance and exit ramps. ¾ Combined ramps and cross-road bypasses. ¾ Construction of the New River Greenway, a component of the Broward County Greenways System. ¾ 13 sound barriers providing noise abatement for 21 communities. ¾ Implementation of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) / Express Bus Service within the I-595 corridor. ¾ Accommodation of a transit envelope within the corridor, currently under development as part of the Central Broward East- West Transit Analysis. Educational Modules are being prepared for the client as well as the public 25. FIRMS FROM SECTION C INVOLVED WITH THIS PROJECT a. (1) FRIM NAME The Corradino Group, Inc (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) Broward County, FL (3) ROLE CEI Services b. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE c. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE STANDARD FORM 330 (6/2004) F. EXAMPLE PROJECTS WHICH BEST ILLUSTRATE PROPOSED TEAM’S QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS CONTRACT (Present as many projects as requested by the agency, or 10 projects, if not specified. Complete one Section F for each project.) 20. EXAMPLE PROJECT KEY NUMBER 8 21. TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) S.W. 160th Street & S.W. 82nd Avenue - Roundabout, Miami, FL 22. YEAR COMPLETED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2007 CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 2008 23. PROJECT OWNER’S INFORMATION a. PROJECT OWNER Village of Palmetto Bay b. POINT OF CONTACT NAME Ron Williams c. POINT OF CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER 305.259.1234 S.W. 160th Street & S.W. 82nd Avenue - Roundabout, Miami, FL I. Client: Village of Palmetto Bay II. Description of Work: This project included professional engineering services, topographic survey, geotechnical exploration, and landscape architectural services for the development of design plans and specifications, as well as the construction administration for a permanent roundabout at the intersection of S.W. 160th Street and S.W. 82nd Avenue, in the Village of Palmetto Bay. III. Total Dollar Value of Contract: $59,710 IV. Contract Duration: 3 months V. Client Contact: Ron Williams – Phone #: 305.259.1234 VI. Prime Consultant: Corradino VII. Results of the Project: Completed 25. FIRMS FROM SECTION C INVOLVED WITH THIS PROJECT a. (1) FRIM NAME The Corradino Group, Inc (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) Miami, Florida (3) ROLE Engineering Services b. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE c. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE d. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE e. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE f. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE STANDARD FORM 330 (6/2004) F. EXAMPLE PROJECTS WHICH BEST ILLUSTRATE PROPOSED TEAM’S QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS CONTRACT (Present as many projects as requested by the agency, or 10 projects, if not specified. Complete one Section F for each project.) 20. EXAMPLE PROJECT KEY NUMBER 21. TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) SR 973 (N.W. 87th Avenue) from north of W. Flagler Street to N.W. 12th Street – Miami, FL 22. YEAR COMPLETED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2008 CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 23. PROJECT OWNER’S INFORMATION a. PROJECT OWNER Florida Department of Transportation b. POINT OF CONTACT NAME Ms. Ana Arvelo, P.E c. POINT OF CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER (305) 470-5210 SR 973 (N.W. 87th Avenue) from north of W. Flagler Street to N.W. 12th Street Corradino was responsible for the final design of this 3R project in Miami-Dade County. The scope consisted of milling and resurfacing and widening along the 87th Avenue corridor and provided for dual southbound left turn lanes onto eastbound S.R. 836, as well as extended the left turn lane storage at the intersection of N.W. 12th Street. The work also included drainage, upgrading pedestrian ramps to comply with ADA standards, signalization and lighting modifications, and signing and pavement marking improvements. Owner/Client: Florida Department of Transportation Contact: Ms. Ana Arvelo, P.E. Contact Telephone: (305) 470-5210 Contact Physical Address: Florida Department of Transportation – District VI 1000 N.W. 111th Avenue Miami, FL 33172 Construction Cost: $2 Million Status: Completed Construction 25. FIRMS FROM SECTION C INVOLVED WITH THIS PROJECT a. (1) FRIM NAME The Corradino Group, Inc (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) Miami, Florida (3) ROLE 3 R Project Design b. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE c. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE d. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE e. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE f. (1) FRIM NAME (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) (3) ROLE STANDARD FORM 330 (6/2004) F. EXAMPLE PROJECTS WHICH BEST ILLUSTRATE PROPOSED TEAM’S QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS CONTRACT (Present as many projects as requested by the agency, or 10 projects, if not specified. Complete one Section F for each project.) 20. EXAMPLE PROJECT KEY NUMBER 10 21. TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) West 8th Avenue from 51st Place to 84th Street, Hialeah, FL 22. YEAR COMPLETED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2005 CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 23. PROJECT OWNER’S INFORMATION a. PROJECT OWNER City of Hialeah b. POINT OF CONTACT NAME Jorge Hernandez c. POINT OF CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER 305.687.2611 West 8th Avenue from 51st Place to 84th Street, Hialeah, FL Client: City of Hialeah Description of Work: This project consisted of the reconstruction and streetscape of West 8th Avenue from West 51st Place to West 83rd Street. The scope included complete reconstruction of the corridor, including travel lanes, parking lanes, drainage improvements, signing and pavement markings, lighting, and landscape enhancements. Drainage reconstruction consisted of the installation of exfiltration trenches to meet DERM’s water quality and flood protection criteria. Total Dollar Value of Contract: $218,000 Contract Duration: 8 months __________________________________________________________________________________ Corradino has provided engineering, construction management, planning, environmental, and architectural services to government and industry across the nation and particularly here in South Florida for nearly four decades. We have successfully completed more than 100 engineering, architectural, planning, and construction management projects for the City of Hialeah over the past several years. A few selected projects illustrating our experience with the City of Hialeah include: ƒ West 18th Ave. from West 60th St. to West 65th St. ƒ East 6th Ave. from East 37th St. to East 41st St. ƒ East 6th Ave. from East 32nd St. Street to East 37th St. ƒ East 29th St., East 30th St., and East 31st St., from East 6th Ave. to East 8th Ave. ƒ East 43rd St. and East 42nd St. from East 5th Ave. to East 7th Ave. ƒ West 14th Ln. from West 60th St. to West 68th St. ƒ West 23rd Street: West 12th Avenue to West 8th Avenue ƒ Southeast 9th Court: Okeechobee to Southeast 8th Court ƒ Southeast 12th Street: Southeast 10th Avenue to Southeast 9th Court ƒ East 10th Avenue: East 25th Street to East 41st Street ƒ East 32nd Street: East 8th Avenue to East 10th Avenue ƒ East 10th Avenue: Southeast 5th Street to Northeast 9th Street ƒ West 78th Place: West 4th Avenue to West 2nd Court ƒ West 78th Road: West 4th Avenue to West 2nd Court ƒ West 79th Place: West 4th Avenue to West 2nd Court ƒ West 75th Place: West 4th Avenue to West 2nd Court ƒ West 74th Place: West 4th Avenue to West 2nd Court ƒ West 2nd Court: West 79th Place to West 74th Place ƒ West 32nd Street: West 4th Avenue to Palm Avenue ƒ West 41st Street: West 4th Avenue to Palm Avenue ƒ West 40th Place: West 4th Avenue to West 3rd Avenue ƒ East 41st Street: East 4th Avenue to East 8th Avenue ƒ East 32nd Street: East 4th Avenue to East 8th Avenue ƒ West 18th Street: Okeechobee Road to West 8th Avenue ƒ McDonalds Park ƒ Concurrency Management Program Development ƒ Annexation Studies ƒ Transit Circulation and Planning Studies 25. FIRMS FROM SECTION C INVOLVED WITH THIS PROJECT a. (1) FRIM NAME The Corradino Group, Inc (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) Miami, Florida (3) ROLE Streetscape Reconstruction STANDARD FORM 330 (6/2004) G. KEY PERSONNEL PARTICIPATION IN EXAMPLE PROJECTS 26. NAMES OF KEY PERSONNEL (From Section E, Block 12) 27. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT (From Section E, Block 13) 28. EXAMPLE PROJECTS LISTED IN SECTION F (Fill in “Example Projects Key” section below before completing table. Place “X” under project key number for participation in same or similar role.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Joseph M. Corradino, AICP Project Manager X X X Mike Ciscar, PE Principal in Charge X X X X Salman Rathore, PE Traffic Engineer Ryan Solis-Rios, PE, PTOE Traffic Engineer X X Kenneth Kaltenbauch, PE Transportation Modeler X Srinivas “Srin” Varanasi, EI Transportation Modeler X Alison Townsend, AICP Transit Planner X Andrew Davis Bike/Ped. Planner X X Alex David, AICP Urban Planner X Jerry Bell, AICP Urban Planner X Ubaldo “Frank” Lena, PE Lead Designer Eduardo “Ed” Perez de Morales, PE Lead CEI X X Melanie Sexton Public Involvement Officer X X 29. EXAMPLE PROJECTS KEY NO. TITLE AND EXAMPLE PROJECT (FROM SECTION F) NO. TITLE OF EXAMPLE PROJECT (FROM SECTION F) 1 University Corridor Redevelopment Study 6 Cutler Bay TMP 2 Palmetto Bay TMP 7 CEI I-595 Reconstruction 3 Flagler Street Marketplace 8 SW 160th St - Roundabout 4 Homestead Mobility Plan 9 SR 973 5 Hollywood Blvd. 10 West 8th Ave 3-35 SOUTH MIAMI RFQ #PW-P2013-04 CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan Financials (Balance Sheet and Income Statement) The financial information has been included in a separately-sealed envelope. References The Corradino Group, Inc. City of Homestead 650 NE 22 Terrace, Homestead, FL 33033 George Gretsas/305.224.4401 City of Hallandale Beach 400 South Federal Highway, Hallandale Beach, FL 33009 Christy Dominguez/954.457.1378 Florida Department of Transportation – District VI 1000 N.W. 111th Avenue, Miami, FL 33172 Ana Arvelo, PE/305.470.5210 Town of Cutler Bay 10720 Caribbean Boulevard, Suite 105 ∙ Cutler Bay, FL 33189 Ralph Casals/305.234.4262 City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Eric Carpenter/305.673.7080 Cunningham Group, Inc. Miami-Dade County Public Schools School Choice & Parental Options 1501 NE 2nd Ave. Ste. 237, Miami, FL 33132 Marcus Ortega, Administrator/305-995-7684 FDOT District Six 1000 N.W. 111th Avenue, Miami, FL 33172 Kathy Yeomans/305-640-7437 Miami-Dade Expressway Authority Mayra Diaz, Planning Manager/305-637-3277 3-36 SOUTH MIAMI RFQ #PW-P2013-04 CORRADINO Intermodal Transportation Plan EAC Consulting, Inc. 815 NW 57th Avenue, Suite 402, Miami, FL 33126 Rick Crooks/Main: 305-265-5400/Direct: 305-265-5455 FDOT District IV Jorge Padron, Public Involvement Coordinator/954-777-4320 Other Documentation The following pages contain the forms comprising Exhibits 2 and 3.