The Honorable Mayor & Members ofthe City Commission .
Steven Alexander, City Manager a
March 7, 2017 Agenda Item No.: __
A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a
multi-year agreement with Management Partners, Inc., for
performance based audit services for each City
division/department pursuant to the City Charter.
The City issued a Request for Proposals for "Performance Based Audits"
to establish a contract with a consultant to provide Performance Audits
for each City Division/Department in accordance with the City Charter
requirement. Pursuant to Section 4(F) of the City Charter, (as amended
in 2000), the City of South Miami and certain divisions will conduct a
performance based audit of each City department. These audits are
called for in the Charter,specifically, Section 4(F), which requires that
f7he City Commission shall require a performance-based audit for each
department at least once every ffve years." Performance Audits focus on
"Department Performance" and is defined to include workload measures,
outputs, outcomes, and benchmarks either to professional standards,
neighboring communities, or historical trends.
Performance audits differ from Financial audits in that a financial auditor is
usually asked to express an opinion on the fair presentation of an
entities basic financial statements in conformity with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America and the
financial reporting requirement of Governmental Accounting
Standards Board Statement No. 34, "Basic Financial Statements -and
Management's Discussion and Analysis for State and Local
The City, to be in compliance with the Charter requirement, issued a
formal RFP in November, 20 I I and subsequently entered into a five-year
contract with Advaion, LLC; which expires March, 2017 and, after
delivery of the final Division/Department audit report. The final report
was received from Advaion in January, 2017.
Three proposals were received:
I. Advaion, LLC
2. Management Partners, Inc.
3. Municipal Financial Services
A selection committee, comprised of Alfredo Riverol, Chief Financial
Officer and Chairperson of the Committee, Shari Kamali, Deputy City
Manager, and Quentin Pough, Parks and Recreation Director, reviewed
each proposal on July 13, 2016 and identified a "short list" of respondents
for oral interviews, in accordance with the Evaluation and Selection
procedures addressed in RFP. Respondents selected for oral interviews
were; Advaion, LLC and Management Partners, Inc. Interviews were
scheduled August 3, 2016.
The committee scored and ranked the "short list" respondents after
completion of the interviews, receipt of a fee break down by both
respondents by hours and tasks, and a check of references. The
Selection Committee is recommending Management Partners, Inc., for
the award.
The proposal cost summary for all three respondents is provided below
for a five year term:
Respondent FY FY FY FY FY 5-YEAR
2017 2018 2019 2020 ·2021 TOTAL
Municipal $26,500 $27,300 $28,100 $29,000 $29,900 $140,800 Financial Svcs
Advaion $30,000 $32,000 $32,000 $34,000 $32,000 $160,000
Management $29,990 $29,990 $49,990 $49,990 $39,990 $199,950 Partners
While Municipal Financial Services provided the lowest financial quote,
the Selection Committee was unanimous in eliminating this firm from
further consideration as it also offered the least experience. Municipal
Financial Services is a new corporate entity and provided limited
examples of previous engagements similar to the Scope of Services
addressed in the City's RFP.
Advaion, LLC, the incumbent, has completed five department audits over
the five (5) year term of the agreement. The City has no issues with the
quality of work performed by Advaion who has delivered each audit
report to the satisfaction of the City. The Selection Committee feels
Management Partners has much more experience with municipal and City
governments by performing numerous similar engagements over the past
22 years.
Management Partners also brings something unique to the City. Each
associate understands the demands and limitations of local government
because they all have worked in that capacity. Their subject matter
experts have had careers in successful governments which allow them to
analyze the feasibility of potential enhancements for each department
since they are keenly aware of the unique circumstances of each
individual department.
Management Partners is not simply an audit company. They specialize in
identifying reasonable process improvements that can be implemented by
government agencies due to their unique composition of former public
Management Partners is staffed with approximately 80 professionals who
are experienced public service managers and qualified management
consultants from the relevant disciplines:
• Finance; Budget and Strategic Planning
• Public Safety
• Planning/Land Use
• Public Works
• Community Development
• Internal Services
• Community Redevelopment
• City Administration; City Manager
They have worked in most of the areas and departments in which the
City will be auditing and; has worked with many local governments in 40
states. While the company is based in Cincinnati, OH, they have either
completed or are in the process of similar engagements throughout the
State of Florida. The Selection Committee addressed this point during
the interview process and reached out to City governments in Broward
and Palm Beach counties to determine if their base of operations was an
impediment to the work or project timetable. The Selection Committee
is satisfied their out-of-state base of operations will not be an issue or
supplemental expense for the City.
In addition, Management Partners has the expertise to assist the City to
achieve the ICMA certificate program in Performance Management.
ICMA's Certificate Program in Performance Measurement recognizes
jurisdictions that excel in local government performance measurement.
ICMA recognizes achievement in three categories, utilizing specific
criteria for each. The categories are:
I. Achievement
2. Distinction
3. Excellence
Accordingly, Management Partners, Inc. is recommended for the award.
The expenditure shall be not exceed $30,000 for FY 2017 and charged to
Contractual Services, account number 001-13 10-513-3450, which have
balances of $65,000 before this request was made.
Pre-bid Sign-in Sheet
Bid Opening Report
Management Partners, Inc. Proposal
Selection Committee Short List & Final Score and Rankings
Management Partners, Inc., Fee Breakdown
Management Partners, Inc., Contract
RFP #FN20 16-12
Demand Star Results
RFP Notice/Advertisement
Sun Biz
1 RESOLUTION NO: _____ _
2 A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a multi-year
3 agreement with Management Partners, Inc., for performance based audit
4 services for each City division/department pursuant to the City Charter.
5 WHEREAS, the City issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to retain a qualified
6 consultant to provide a performance based audit of each City division/departments; and
7 WHEREAS, the RFP was issued in accordance with the City Charter requirement
8 pursuant to Section 4(F) of the City Charter, (as amended in 2000L the City of South
9 Miami and certain divisions will conduct a performance based audit of each City
10 department; and
11 WHEREAS, the performance based audits are called for in the Charter,
12 specifically, Section 4(F), which requires that "The City Commission shall require a
13 performance-based audit for each department at least once every five years;" and
14 WHEREAS, a Selection Committee comprised of City staff, reviewed the
15 proposals received and identified a short list of respondents for further review; and
16 WHEREAS, the short list respondents were interviewed by the Selection
17 Committee and subsequently scored and ranked the short list; and
19 WHEREAS Management Partners, Inc., was the highest ranked short list
20 respondent by the Selection Committee; and
22 WHEREAS fees for performance based audit services will be expensed to
23 Contractual Services, Account No. 001-1310-513-3450; and
24 WHEREAS, the professional services agreement with Management Partners, Inc.,
25 shall be for a term of three (3) years, with one (1) two (2) year option to renew at the
26 discretion of the City Manager for a term not to exceed five (5) consecutive years.
29 Section 1. The City Manager is authorized enter into a multi-year agreement
30 with Management Partners, Inc., for performance based audit services for each City
31 division/department pursuant to the City Charter. A copy ofthe contract is attached.
32 Section 2. Severability. If any section, clause, sentence, or phrase of this
33 resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent
34 jurisdiction, this holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this
35 resolution.
Page 1 of 2
1 Section 3. Effective Date: This resolution shall take effect immediately upon
2 enactment.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this _ day of ____ " 2017.
Page 2 of2
Mayor Stoddard:
Vice Mayor Welsh:
Commissioner Harris:
Commissioner Liebman:
Commissioner Edmond:
Time for residents to weigh in on Chinatown district
More than a vear after
the plans for a Chinatown
in North Miami were ap-
proved, the city is hosting a
community forum on the
planned district.
The area, planned for a
stretch of Northwest Sev-
enth Avenue from 119th to
135th streets, has gained
marc support since it was
first announced, but some
residents are still asking
the same questions a bout
the district a year later:
Why Chinatown and why
North Miami?
"We have so many other
things that we nced to
prioritize. Our water me-
ters need to be updated, we
have cracking sidewalks,"
said Judy Brown, president
of the Sunkist Grove home-
owners association.
Residents will have a
chance to ask those ques-
tions, discuss the master
plan for the district and
learn about the city's next
steps at 5:30 p.m. Wednes-
day at the Joe Celestin
Center, 1525 NW 135th St.
City leaders believe that
the new designation v.~ll
encourage development
along Seventh Avenue, an
area that has seen new fast
food restaurants in recent
years but is primarily lined
Mth strip malls, churches
and small businesses.
North Miami plans to in-
corporate Chinese design
and facade elements.
"If you put a facade with
a dragon's head across
119th Street and just say
it's Chinatown, that's not a
Chinatown," Brown said.
Councilman Alix Des-
ulme spearheaded the idea
and traveled with a
delegation of city leaders
to China last May to partic-
ipate in the graduation
ceremony for Florida In-
ternational University's
hospitality school campus
in Tianjin, China, and to
also meet with urban
planners and other
government officials in
Tianjin, Beijing and Shang-
"I have lived here almost
all my life. I have not seen
any development on Sev-
NDlt~ Shore Anlmolleooue Amerlco·s
Your Pet, OUf Passion:
8241 W. Flagler St., Ste. 101
Flagler Park Plaza
Miami, FL
For more Information and tour adoption event details Visit animalleague.org
enth Avenue," Desulme
said at a previous council
The plan has evolved to
include the city's conlll1U-
nity redevelopment agency
and the Fort Lauderdale
consulting finn Keith and
Schnars. In addition to the
Chinatown designation,
the city is considering
more mixed-use devel-
opment along Seventh
Avenue. City leaders also
plan to appoint a steering
committee to aid the dis-
trict's development. It will
include business owners,
residents, Chinese consul-
tants and real-estate ex-
Demographics were also
a cause of confusion when
the area was first proposed,
given the small number of
Asian Americans in South
Florida and particularly in
North Miami. According to
2014 U.S. Census esti-
mates, Asians make up 1.6
percent of Miami-Dade's
population and 2.2 percent
of North Miami's pop-
ulation. In the city, 139
people identified them-
selves as having Chinese
City leaders have coun-
tered those numbers by
pointing to the hundreds of
Chinese students that have
courses at FlU's campus in
North Miami, a number
that's bolstered by the
partnership with the cam-
pus in Tianjin.
Still, some residents in
the city's District 4 -a
primarily black and His-
panic area where Chit,.-
town will be located -
think the investment is not
truly for the area's long-
time homeowners.
"They're using the Icom-
munity redevelopment
agencYI to really help an-
other con1ffiunity/' at·
tornev Ron Cordon said.
"That money could be
used to put a police sub-
station there,"
The master plan process
could take up to six
months. The plan, once
finalized, would require
city council approval be-
fore being implemented.
Lance Dixon:
305-376-3708, (a)LDixon_3
NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the City COlllllliS<1011 of the City of Soulh Miami. Flond"
will conduct Public Hearing(s) at it>; regular City Commis.o;;ion mccting scheduled for Tuesday,
Moreh 7, 2017. beginning at 7:00 p.m" in the City COInllli>sion Chamber,. 6130 Sunset Drive.
10 con~lder thc !<llJowing ilem(s): 0
A Resolution authorizing the City Manager W enter into a multi-year agreement with
Managcment ParLncrs, Jnc" j()r performance hascd audit services for cach City division!
dcpanmenl purl:.uant to the City CharIer,
A Resolution relating to a Special lJ~c application tn permit a General Restaurant use at
40110 SW 57 Avenue.
A Resolution relating to a Special U~e application to permit a General Restaurant llse at
5X3.l-58.l5 SW 72 Street.
An Ordinance amending the Land Development COlle, Arlirle 11. "Definitions", Se~tion
10-2.3, "Definition",", and Arllc1c ]]1, '·Zoning Regulations", Sccltom 20-3.3(D) "Permitted
Use Schedulc" and 20-3,4-fB) "Special Requirements" adding sub')eCliou (24) relating to
Medical Mmi,iuana Centers ilnd providing definitions relating til and criteria and regulations
lor Medical Marijuana Cemers inthc City of SOUlh Miami,
ALL interesteu pmtics arc invited to attend and will he ht.~nnJ.
For further information. pic,,'e cDnlaetthc City Clerk', Glncc at: ~(I5-663-(i340.
Mm'ia M. Mcnendcl. CMC
City Clerk
Pursuant Ii' FlnriJa S\,llu!rs 2~C'dll0:5, til{' City hrrt'l'Iy :tdvi~{'~ lil,> f111hli~' I1MI jf rl Tll'r~'~Jllkdd('s III :ljJpl';11 any {kd~lf))llllad(' "y
lhh B,·,ltd. l\gl'llcy I,lr C(,mrrl1~si;;m v.;lh Tt:~peci \(1 ally millie! ;':l1n~Jd('rcd ,11 its meeting lIT hearing. hI.' "T Shl' wi1lllfl'd a rl'cord
!!Ilhc rr,'ccC'djllg~, :l:1l11Ih:l\ iur ~llch pllrpj\~c. llJlctiClijlCr'H1ll may nc{'d hI cn~u!C thal:1 "l'rh~tiIn ;['t'lm.t ollh" pnlcccthnts i~
mJ{]t' whh:h tt'l'r>nJ in,:ludt·s thr it'::linHIJlY and ('\'iUt'IKe' np,ll) wh1.:11 Illl' apr,'.!! is In Ill' hast'J
Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and
Legal Holidays
Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared
MARIA MESA, who on oath says that he or she is the LEGAL
CLERK, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review
flk/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and
Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade
County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement,
being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of
in the XXXX Court,
was published in said newspaper in the issues of
Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business
Review is a newspaper published at Miami, in said
Miami-Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has
heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade
County, Florida each day (except Saturday, Sunday and
Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail
matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami-Dade County,
Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first
publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant
further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any
person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission
or refund for the securing this advertisement for
MARIA MESA personally known to me
NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the City Commission of the City of South
Miami, Florida will conduct Public Hearing(s) at its regular City Commission
meeting scheduled for Tuesday; March 7,2017, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the
City Commission Chambers, 6130 Sunset Drive, to consider the following item(s):
A Resolution author'lzing the City Manager to enter into a mUlti~year)
agreement with Management Partners, lric., for performance based audit
services for' each City division/department pursuant to the City Charter.
A Resolution relating to a Special Use application to permit a General
Restaurant use at 4000 SW 57 Avenue.
A Resolution relating to a Special Use application to permit a General
Restauran.t use at 5833-5835 SW 72 Street.
An Ordinance amending the Land Development Code, Article II, "Definitions",
Section 20-2.3, "Definitions", and Article III, "zoning Regulations", Sections
20-3.3(0) "Permitted Use Schedule" and 20-3.4(B) "Special Requirements"
adding subsection (24) relating t6 Medical Marijuana Centers and providing
definitions relating to and criteria and regulations for Medical Marijuana
Centers in the City of South Miami.
ALL interested parties are invited to attend and will be heard.
For further information, please contact the City Clerk's Offic,e a\:'305-663-6340.
Maria M. Menendez, CMC
City Clerk
Pursuant to Florida Statutes 286.0105, the City hereby advises the public
that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by this Board, Agency
or commission with respect to any matter considered at its meeting or
hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that for such
purpose, affected person may need to 'ensure that a verbatim record of the
proceedings is made which record includes the testimony 'and evidence
upon which the appeal is to be based. 2/24 . 17 -73/0000200882M
RFP Title:
RFP No.:
Pre-Bid Conference
June 20, 2016
Performance Based Audits
X:\Purchasing\Request for Proposals & Qualification (RFPs)\Performance Audit 2016\Pre Bid\Pre-Bid Meeting Sign-In Sheet Perf. Based
Audits 6.20.16.doc
Bids were opened on: Thursday, June 30, 2016 after:· 10:00am
For: RFP # FN 2016-12 Performance Based Audits
5-Yr Total
1. ADVAION, LLC ........................................................ .
2. MANAGEMENT PARTNERS INC ................................. .
3. MUNICIPAL FINANCIAL SERVICES ............................. .
Maria M. Menendez
City Clerk: __ -,------________ _
Print Name
Witness:.~S..L_~~e==-=u~..z--.!.~~~=..!·~( cLodi.' ''::'''e:.-~
Print Name
Witness: ___________ _
Print Name Signature
Proposal for
Performance Based Audits
City of South Miami
In response to RFP #FN2016-12
June 30, 2016
Management Partners
1730 Madison Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45206
(513) 861-5400
Mrs. Maria Menendez
City Clerk
South Miami City Hall
6130 Sunset Drive
South Miami; Florida 33143
Dear Mrs. Menendez:
June 30, 2016
It was a great idea for the City of South Miami City Charter to mandate performance-based
audits in each department at least once every five years, as such audits are a best practice that
can significantly increase efficiency, encourage alignment with strategic goals, and yield a more
effective structure. As specialists in local government perforni.ance, Management Partners is
highly qualified to assist in analyzing municipal departments to identify and implement
realistic recommendations in pursuit of the City's goals. We have performed hundreds of
similar assessments over the past 22 years and our clients will attest to the value we have added
as a result.
Every associate at Management Partners understands local government because we have all
worked there. As consultants, we have completed organizational analyses and improvement
projects in virtually every type of service, including reviews of entire governments and selected
studies of individual departments and functional activities. We are specialists in performance
management and key team members led the creation of the International City/County
Management Association's (lCMA) Center for Performance Measurement, now known as
lCMA Insights. We are also currently a consulting partner with lCMA.
Four distinctive qualities make Management Partners' project approach particularly helpful for
a project suchas this. First, in pursuit of our passion for perform:ance excellence, every project
we do is executed on time and on budget with realistic implementable recommendations that
are carefully crafted for the specific project. Second, our team includes subject-matter experts
. with distinguished careers in local government. This allows us to analyze the feasibility of
potential enhancements within the unique circumstances of each major department such as
finance, police, public works and parks and recreation. Third, we are unusually good at
engaging City staff members because of our own local government backgrounds, creating
avenues for employees to playa role in identifying opportunities for improvement and
promoting buy-in for the recommended changes. And fourth, we include an Implementation
1730 MADISON ROAD • CiNCINNATI, OH 45206 • 513 8615400 • FAX 513 8613480 MANAGEMENTPARTNERS.COM
2107 NORTH FIRST STREET, SUITE 470· SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95131 • 408 437 5400 • FAX 4084536191
3152 RED HILLAvENUE, SUITE 210· COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626· 949 2221082. FAX 408453 6191
Ms. Maria Menendez Page 2
Action Plan as a second deliverable with every final report to help ensure the recommendations
come to fruition. The Implementation Action Plan includes action steps, priorities, and staff
assignments to promote accountability and timely execution. This "extra step" assures that the
result will be realistic and useful for the client.
Management Partners is staffed with 80 professionals who are experienced public service
managers as well as qualified management consultants. This group includes generalists as well
as subject-matter experts in all areas that the City intends to audit. Management Partners has
. worked with hundreds of local governments in 40 states. The firm's experience in this diverse
array of local governments will be useful to the City of South Miami as a source of best practice
Every engagement we undertake is unique and individually tailored for the specific client. They
involve identifying opportunities and implementing recommendations in management,
process, benchmarking, and/or best practices. They include a great deal of analysis of work
processes, using financial and workload data to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
Our project director, Kevin Knutson, worked for the City of Coral Springs, Florida, for 17 years,
many of them as the budget and strategic planning manager, where he led a team that was
recognized by lCMA's Certificate Program in Performance Measurement. Other Florida
associates who are available to support this project are Bob LaSala, former city manager of Boca
Raton and county administrator of Pinellas County, and Susan Boyer, former city manager of
Avon Park, Lady Lake, and Crystal River and current executive director of the Florida
Benchmarking Consortium. Amy Paul, who will act as project manager for many of the
assessments, was part of the original management team of the International City/County
Management Association's Center for Performance Measurement and she helped produce
lCMA's training materials on outcome measurement.
This proposal describes a thorough approach that emphasizes an understanding of the
departments as they exist today, careful analysis of the opportunities for improvement based on
best practices in local government within the context of the City's organizational culture, and
ongoing collaboration with City staff that supports buy-in of the resulting recommendations.
Having worked with many Florida local governments, we have an appreciation for the unique
state context within which they serve their public. This provides background knowledge that
complements our deep understanding of local government best practices to enable us to deliver
useful, high-quality work for the City of South Miami.
The following activities will form the basis of the performance-based audits for the identified
departments. Each audit will be tailored to the specific circumstances of the department being
analyzed. The work plan is presented in greater detail later in this proposal.
Activity 1: Start Project
Each audit begins with a learning phase in which we work with City staff members to confirm
and review the process, work plan, and schedule of key deliverables.
Ms. Maria Menendez Page 3
Activity 2: Gather Data and Background Information
During this activity, Management Partners will review and analyze the relevant department's
existing policies, procedures, strategies and structure. We will interview policymakers and
senior staff, design and deploy surveys and conduct focus groups to solicit feedback about the
management system and service delivery processes. As appropriate, we might also design and
issue an online survey to gather feedback from community members.
Activity 3: Analyze Service Delivery Processes
Using the information gathered during Activity 2, we will review department service delivery
models to identify alternative approaches that will maintain or improve services while lowering
Activity 4: Analyze Departmental Staffing
In the context of our understanding of the City's service delivery processes, we will analyze
department staffing and workflow, workload and the distribution of tasks, and skill level needs
for various positions.
Activity 5: Analyze Performance Measures and Outcomes
Management Partners will assess the City's current measures of effectiveness, efficiency and
workload for each program. The analysis will determine which measures are succeeding and
where changes are needed, either to the strategy behind the measure or the measure itself.
Activity 6: Summarize Observations and Preliminary Recommendations
When we have completed our review of the organization (activities 2 through 5), our focused
research into applicable best practices and the analysis of operations, staffing, and structure, we
will summarize our observations and identify opportunities for improvement.
Activity 7: Report Results
Once we have received feedback about the ideas for improvement and the business
opportunities they represent, we will prepare a draft report containing the analysis and
recommendations. After gathering feedback, we will prepare a final report.
Activity 8: Support Implementation
In adqition to the final report we will prepare a draft Implementation Action Plan that
incorporates each recommendation. The draft Action Plan sets forth the steps required for
implementation, assigns responsibility for action, and an assigned priority level (immediate,
near-or long-term) for each recommendation.
While our experience is provided in more detail in the proposal, in the past two years we have
completed projects or are currently working with the following Florida communities:
Clearwater, Delray Beach, Lakeland, Lantana, Largo, Margate, Melbourne, Miami, Miami-Dade
County, Oakland Park, Parkland, Port Orange, Sanford, Sarasota County, Tamarac, Tavares,
and West Palm Beach.
Ms. Maria Menendez Page 4
Management Partners has the experience, the professional talent, and the commitment to
quality necessary to successfully complete this project for the City of South Miami. We welcome
the opportunity to provide additional information that may be helpful, and we look forward to
the chance to discuss the ideas contained in this proposal.
As President and CEO of Management Partners, I am the firm's authorized representative. I can
be reached in our Cincinnati office (address, phone and fax numbers below) and via email at
jnewfarmer@managementpartners.com. I would be pleased to answer any questions you may
have about this proposal or about Management Partners.
Gerald E. Newfarmer
President and CEO
City of South Miami
Our Approach ............................................................................................................................................. 1
Holistic Project Management Approach ............................................................................................. 1
Ensuring a High-Quality Outcome ...................................................................................................... 2
Achieving Results ............................................................................................................................... ; .. 2
Proposed Work Plan ........................................................................................ : ......................................... 3
Management Partners Overview ............................................................................................................. 7
Why Management Partners? ................................................................................................................ 7
Taking a Collaborative Approach ........................................................................................................ 8
Recognizing that Every Organization Is Unique ............................................................................... 8
From Recommendations to Implementation ..................................................................................... 8
Services to Support Local Government Leaders ................................................................................ 8
Your Partner ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Personnel and References ....................................................................................................................... 10
Project Team .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Clients from the Previous 36 Months ................................................................................................ 13
Our Experience in Florida ................................................................................................................... 15
Our Experience in Performance Measurement ................................................................................ 15
Other Relevant Experience ..................................................................................................................... 16
Case Studies .......................................................................................................................................... 16
Hours and Cost. ........................................................................................................................................ 19
Conclusion ............................................................................................................ , ................................... 19
Attachment A -Project Team Resumes ................................................................................................ 21
Attachment B -Required Forms ............................................................................................................ 37
City of South Miami
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Management Partners has extensive experience with similar work and is prepared to assist
South Miami with all elements of the scope of work as identified in the RFP. We make a
commitment to quality and timely performance with each client we serve. The essentials of our
project management approach are summarized below.
Holistic Project Management Approach
While each project has unique needs, our approach emphasizes engagement with South
Miami's staff and leaders, taking into account the distinctive circumstances and leveraging of
things that are already being done well, to craft an appropriate and customized plan for
improvement. There are six distinct elements to our process:
» Listen. We respect the fact that your managers, employees and stakeholders are best
positioned to know what is working well and what needs improvement. Often, front-
line staff have excellent ideas that they haven't been able to implement for various
reasons. We use a number of tools, which can include individual interviews, focus
groups, online surveys, workshops and team
meetings to listen to your staff, leaders,
elected officials, residents, or customers.
» Learn. To best identify how to improve
efficiency and effectiveness in your
organization, we must first fully understand
your organization, including its operating
environment, the way it has worked
historically and its service demands and
opportunities. Using existing documents
such as strategic plans, work plans, budgets,
capital programs, comprehensive plans,
master plans, staffing plans, codes, policies,
or procedures, we drill down to the level
necessary to provide context for our analysis.
» Diagnose. Based on what we hear and see, we analyze relevant aspects of the agency,
such as daily operations, organization structure, the use of technology, management and
monitoring systems, and the degree to which performance measures and standards exist
and are being used. We concentrate on how work is planned, managed and executed,
knowing that most performance issues are caused by systemic problems.
» Compare. For most projects, we look at industry standards and best practices from across
the nation. Not every best practice or standard is appropriate for any given jurisdiction,
so we take care in selecting those that will work well in your circumstances. Many
projects also include peer benchmarking surveys to cre~te a context for the level of
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Performance Based Audits
investment and performance. We work with you to identify the right peer group,
making sure the analysis is both relevant and appropriate.
» Identify Opportunities. When the investigation and data gathering activities are complete,
we are able to analyze the information and identify changes that will increase efficiency
and/or improve service delivery. Every human organization has opportunities for
improvement. The challenge is to identify those that are realistic, cost-effective and will
produce better service to the public.
» Implement Solutions. Management Partners has a strong bias for implementation. Our
work goes beyond providing good analysis to providing concise, actionable
recommendations. We also support implementation to help improve efficiency and
realize cost savings, when appropriate.
Ensuring a High-Quality Outcome
Management Partners goes to unusual lengths to ensure our work is of reliably high quality.
Our reports and other deliver abies are subjected to careful internal control processes designed
to ensure your products meet our high quality standards.
Before we develop a draft report, we meet with your project team to discuss our observations
and initial recommendations to solicit your feedback and identify any implementation issues.
Each deliverable undergoes a peer review process within the firm to see that it meets
Management Partners' standard of excellence, with thoughtful analysis leading to clearly stated
and actionable recommendations. In addition to our own high standards, we also survey each
client when a project is complete to learn how we can improve.
Achieving Results
Management Partners has worked for the majority of our clients on multiple occasions. They
consistently tell us that they use our services on a variety of projects because our work provides
implementation actions that accomplish their objectives. Management Partners is led by local
government experts who know how to get things done, appreciate the difficulties and the
constraints on local leaders, and understand the essential elements that effectively drive
implementation. These elements include:
» Creating a sense of urgency;
» Engaged leadership;
» Well-developed implementation planning;
» Frequent communication with stakeholders;
» Planned milestones and completion dates; and
» Institutionalized management processes.
Implementation is effective only if there is an expectation and commitment to it. We use well-
grounded management techniques to effectively shape organizational culture so that project
goals can be realized.
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City of South Miami
Based on our experience and our understanding of the needs of South Miami as outlined in the
RFP, we have prepared the following detailed plan of work for each performance-based audit to
be performed over five years. Each project will be customized to the department being
Activity 1: Start Project
Management Partners will begin each project with a carefulleaming phase, starting with a
planning meeting with the designated individuals in the City Manager's Office to ensure we
have a sequence of events and a schedule that will fit appropriately with the policy needs and
tempo of City events. During the kick-off meeting we will confirm and review the process, work
plan, and schedule of key deliverables.
The project start-up activity will form the foundation for the partnership between our project
team and the City. In addition to covering logistics such as who should be interviewed and
communication protocols, we will discuss the approach and timing of this project in relation to
other activities in the City to plan for a smooth interface between our work and the regular
work of the enterprise. We understand that the effort associated with this study is in addition to
the normal work and must be integrated in a way that minimizes disruption. Throughout the
project we will keep you informed of our progress, observations, and initial recommendations.
Key deliverables: Finalized work plan and schedule
Activity 2: Gather Data and Background Information
During this activity, Management Partners will review and analyze the department's existing
policies, procedures, strategies, goals, measures and structure. Through this analysis, we will
identify how well the current policies and procedures promote operational sustainability and
make recommendations based on that analysis. One of the first steps in the analysis will be to
interview policymakers and members of the senior staff to learn their perceptions, hear their
ideas, and obtain their suggestions about areas needing attention, including ideas that perhaps
have been suggested in the past but were not acted on.
For larger departments, we will design and deploy an employee survey to solicit feedback
about management systems and service delivery processes, giving all employees the
opportunity to be engaged in the improvement process. We can also use focus groups with
various front-line staff members to discuss issues and explore ideas. '
When appropriate, we will also design and issue an online survey to gather feedback from
community members and encourage their ideas about how to increase efficiency and
effectiveness in specific service areas.
There is no doubt that City leaders know opportunities and have ideas to pursue. We will
combine these ideas with our own knowledge of local government industry standards and best
Partners~' Page 3
Performance Based Audits
practices (including reforms that have been implemented or considered in other cities) to create
a preliminary list of opportunities for improvement.
Our team members who are generalists are familiar with techniques that work in many settings
to increase effectiveness and efficiency, while our subject-matter specialists know the demands
specific to areas such as police, public works, parks and recreation and finance. Assembling a
team with a wide range of experience and expertise allows us to look at South Miami's
government from many different perspectives and strengthens our ability to create solutions
uniquely designed for the individual project. \.
As a result of working with a variety of local governments to help them best use their resources,
Management Partners has extensive knowledge about best practices in jurisdictions throughout
the country. Using that data and other pertinent sources, we will gather best practices that may
have application in the City of South Miami and examine each service and program to identify
potential areas for improvement. We do not assume that because something is considered a best
practice that it automatically should be adopted by South Miami, but rather critically appraise
each opportunity in light of the unique culture and resources of the City.
Key deliverables: Results from background research, surveys, focus groups and
leMA performance-measurement criteria supported by this activity: surveying,
Activity 3: Analyze Service Delivery Processes
Using the information gathered during Activity 2, we will review department service delivery
models to identify alternative approaches that would maintain or improve services while
lowering costs. For this analysis we will research relevant best practices, evaluate current
service levels, identify discretionary services that could be reduced or eliminated, find
opportunities to consolidate services within the City's organizational structure or enter into
service agreements with other agencies, recognize outsourcing/privatization opportunities, and
research alternative revenue sources.
Particular attention will be made to processes that cross departments or jurisdiction boundaries
and require the support of resources outside of the City. Often, City staff are directly impacted
by the policies and procedures of other agencies and our analysis will identify where negotiated
standards could improve efficiency. Business process analysis is particularly useful in processes
that span department boundaries, such as the development review process, purchasing process,
and the hiring process. Management Partners has done specific analyses of these processes for
clients on many occasions. We use a number of tools, depending on the circumstances, that can
significantly improve business processes, including process mapping and Lean process
improvement approaches.
Our team members have considerable experience identifying, analyzing and assisting with the
implementation of alternative service delivery approaches, including those mentioned above.
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City of South Miami
Key deliverables: process maps, performance data
ICMA performance-measurement criteria supported by this activity:
accountability/process improvement
Activity 4: Analyze Departmental Staffing
In the context of our understanding of the City's service delivery processes, we will analyze
department staffing and workflow, workload and the distribution of tasks, and position skill
level needs. The goal of this analysis will be to determine optimal staffing to maintain services
while keeping costs as low as possible. Recommendations may include suggestions to reassign,
combine, or add positions. We will also identify standards for manager-to-employee ratios in
For public safety, our deployment and staffing analysis includes a position utilization analysis
designed to ensure that highly trained and certified sworn staff are not being used for tasks that
could be accomplished by non-sworn civilian staff.
Key deliverables: position utilization analysis, organization charts
ICMA performance-measurement criteria supported by this activity: coordination,
Activity 5: Analyze Performance Measures and Outcomes
Management Partners will assess the City's current measures of effectiveness, efficiency and
workload for each program. The analysis will determine which measures are succeeding and
where changes are needed, either to the strategy behind the measure or the measure itself. We
will also discuss how the performance measures will mesh with the department work plans
already in place.
The primary emphasis will be on outcome measures (effectiveness and efficiency measures) that
can be used to determine the extent to which each program's goals and objectives are being
achieved. The family of measures will also take into account industry standards and metrics
commonly used as benchmarks, as well as the department work plans.
Key deliverables: recommended performance measures
ICMA performance-measurement criteria supported by this activity:
accountability/process improvement, planning, data collection
Activity 6: Summarize Observations and Preliminary Recommendations
When we have completed our review of the organization (activities 2 through 5), our focused
research into applicable best practices and the analysis of operations, staffing, and structure, we
will summarize our observations and identify opportunities for improvement. We will prepare
a summary of the results of our work for review with the City's project management team. Our
observations and subsequent recommendations will be organized in an easy to understand
format and presented in a positive and productive manner. We will discuss our observations
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and preliminary recommendations with the project team to hear their feedback, as well as
discuss any impediments to implementation.
Key deliverable: Summary of observations and preliminary recommendations
ICMA performance-measurement criteria supported by this activity: This step will
address all criteria.
Activity 7: Report Results
Once we have received feedback about ideas for improvement and the business opportunities
they represent (in the summary reviewed in Activity 6), we will prepare a draft report
containing the analysis and recommendations. As noted below, the draft report will be
submitted for review by the City. Then with feedback in hand, Management Partners will
prepare the final report that includes recommendations supported by analysis and clearly
defensible justification, as well as a cost/benefit analysis for any funding required for
implementing a particular recommendation.
We undertake several discrete steps to ensure quality. The first is to prepare a draft report for
managers to review to ensure that facts are accurate and ideas are presented clearly.
Management Partners retains responsibility for our professional recommendations but we
expect that vetting the draft report with the City's project team improves its utility. In addition
to vetting the report for accuracy the draft review provides an opportunity to discuss the
recommendations and to identify implementation issues. We are committed to recommending
actions that result in meaningful operational improvements and can be implemented. Once
comments have been received, the final project report will be prepared, subjected to a rigorous
peer review, and then transmitted to you. We will be prepared to present the results to the City .
Council in a public session if desired.
Key deliverables: Draft and final reports
ICMA performance-measurement criteria supported by this activity: This step will
address all criteria.
Activity 8: Support Implementation
Management Partners has a strong bias for action. Our reports and resulting recommendations
become tools for setting priorities, and for the development of department and division work
plans because we assume that every recommendation is going to be implemented. Thus, in
addition to the final report we will prepare a draft Implementation Action Plan, which
incorporates each recommendation. The draft action plan sets forth the steps required for
implementation, assigns responsibility for action, and an assigned priority level (immediate,
near-or long-term) for each recommendation.
The action plan is prepared as a draft and becomes final once directors and managers integrate
the action steps into their actual plans of work and replace the priority with actual dates for
planned completion.
Page 6
City of South Miami
Key deliverable: Draft Implementation Action Plan
ICMA performance-measurement criteria supported by this activity: This step will
address all criteria.
~ , '< -~' , ,
,1\7I_~nagerri~ult Partners QVE!rview
Management Partners was founded in 1994 with a specific mission to help local government
leaders improve their service to the public. Since then we have worked with cities, counties,
towns, and special districts of all sizes across the United States to help them work more
effectively and run more efficiently.
Management Partners is a corporation, owned by Gerald Newfarmer. Staff from our Cincinnati
office will serve the City on this project. The office contact information is listed below:
1730 Madison Road, Cincinnati, OH 45206
513-861-5400 phone 513-861-3480 fax
Gerald Newfarmer, President and CEO is the person responsible for this submittal. He can be
reached at the above contact information or via email: jnewfarmer@managementpartners.com.
Why Management Partners?
We offer a balance of perspectives with a practitioner's bias and a proven track record of
successful consulting engagements. This experience gives us a sensitivity that produces positive
outcomes. We are proud to say that as a result of our quality work, many of our clients ask us to
complete subsequent assignments. Ask our clients and they'll tell you:
Our associates have served in local governments, so we have a deep
understanding,Ofthe operating and political environments in which you
We consider ourselves part of your team and strive to ensure our work
supports your overall corporate strategy and goals.
Each of our more than 80 associates is an expert in one or more service
areas, and our firm has assisted more than 900 jurisdictions in 40 states.
We understand the importance of a holistic approach to improving
organizations, using field-tested techniques for each aspect of the work.
Each of our projects is individually tailored to our client's unique needs,
starting with a careful learning process.
Our internal processes ensure first-rate, complete staff work and adherence
to the highest ethical standards in public service.
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Performance Based Audits
We are Focused on
As practitioners, our recommendations make practical sense and are
designed for implementation.
Taking a Collaborative Approach
Success in the public sector requires an approach that is inclusive, collaborative, respectful of
differing viewpoints, and appreciative of democratic self-government, with its focus on
extensive input and diverse opinions. This philosophy governs our work.
We view each project as an opportunity to design the best possible approach to achieve the
desired results. At the beginning of our partnership we work with you to design a work plan
and schedule that takes into account the needs of your organization. Weare sensitive to the
impact a project can have on busy staff and plan our work accordingly to minimize disruption.
We often involve employees throughout the enterprise in the project because they are in the
best position to know what works. When they have a chance to express their concerns and share
their ideas they are more likely to support the changes that need to be made to improve. This is
particularly true when using process improvement techniques, by encouraging employee buy-
in through inclusion in the improvement process.
Recognizing that Every Organization Is Unique
Because we have partnered with hundreds of local governments across the country, we
understand that every place has unique circumstances, challenges and opportunities. As a
result, we do not use a cookie-cutter approach to our projects. Instead, we start by talking with
you to understand what makes your organization different. Then we develop recommendations
that make sense given your resources, history, goals and circumstances.
From Recommendations to Implementation
Management Partners has a strong bias for action. Our reports and resulting recommendations
become tools for setting priorities and for developing department and division work plans.
After completing the project report, we prepare a draft Implementation Action Plan,
incorporating each recommendation in the project report. The draft action plan lays out the
steps required for implementation, assigns responsibility for action, and identifies a priority
level (immediate, near or long term) for initiating each recommendation.
The action plan is prepared as a draft and becomes final once directors and managers integrate
the action steps into their actual plans of work and replace the estimated task time and priority
with actual dates for planned completion. The action plan offers an important management tool
for implementation of the work reflected in the project report.
Services to Support Local Government Leaders
Management Partners' services include everything required to support local government
leaders. The range of our services includes:
Page 8
City of South Miami
» Organization Development -Developing organizational capacity, a key to high-
performance organizations, through executive coaching, customer service training,
employee and customer surveys, and conflict management workshops.
» Organization Assessments -Analyzing the organization (including structure, staffing,
business processes, policies and resources) to identify improvements to an operation's
efficiency and effectiveness.
.» Performance Management -Systematically tracking the performance of the enterprise,
including performance measurement, process management, performance budgeting,
employee performance evaluation, and strategic and process benchmarking.
» Process Improvement -Critically examining specific business processes through which
internal or external customers are served to identify opportunities for improvement
using process mapping, performance improvement workshops, and other quality tools.
» Financial Planning, Budgeting and Analysis-Managing the financial affairs of the
enterprise, performing multi-year financial planning, and developing a well-structured,
transparent budgeting process supported by thorough analysis.
» Strategic and Business Planning -Setting the direction for the enterprise and preparing
business plans required to achieve desired outcomes.
» Sharing and Consolidation of Services -Improving the cost-effectiveness and quality of
service delivery by partnering with other units of government through sharing or
» Interim Management Services -Assisting government leaders by providing executive staff
during transitional periods. Our approach combines continuing services along with
analyzing organizational effectiveness to provide a solid foundation for a new
permanent employee.
» Executive Recruitment -Identifying top quality leaders who are a good fit for your
organization and your community.
Your Partner
Management Partners has helped hundreds of local government leaders in 40 states improve
their service to the public. The work we do is not an academic exercise; it is grounded in the real
world of customer service and accomplishment in the public sector. We will work closely with
you to produce the desired results, focused on achieving your goals and mission.
Managemen~.t .
Partners~ Page 9
Performance Based Audits
Project Team
Management Partners has a strong project team that is well qualified to complete this work for
the City of South Miami. Kevin Knutson, Regional Vice President, will serve as project director
and will oversee the substantive work and execution of the contract. Kevin will be joined by
project teams selected for each specific subject area identified. Key team members are listed in
the table below. With over 80 associates from every discipline in local government, we are able
to assign Management Partners associates to any sub-projects that result. As a result, we have
no plans to hire sub-contractors to complete this project.
Kevin Knutson, Regional Vice President ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./
Amy Paul, Corporate Vice President ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./
Wayne Chapman, Partner ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./
Jacquelyn McCray, Ph.D., Senior Manager ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./
Travis Miller, Senior Manager ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./
Susan Boyer, Special Advisor ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./
Bob LaSala, Special Advisor ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./
Tom Frazier, Special Advisor ./
Ned Pettus, Special Advisor ./ ./
Sam Lieberman, Senior Management Advisor ./ ./
Brief qualifications of each team member are provided below, with more complete backgrounds
included as Attachment A.
Kevin Knutson, Regional Vice President
Kevin has more than 20 years of experience directing local government leadership, strategic
planning, communications, and budgeting functions, with a particular emphasis on
performance measurement and process improvement. He was part of a team that implemented
quality management practices in Coral Springs that led to the City being the first local
government to earn the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. For eight years, he directed
strategic planning, budgeting, and performance management for two large cities. He is
recognized as a Credentialed Manager by lCMA and was 3CMA's "Communicator of the Year"
in 2011.
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City of South Miami
Amy Paul, Corporate Vice President
Amy has more than 30 years of experience in local government management, performance
measurement and strategic planning. She assists public agencies in conducting organizational
reviews, implementing organizational improvements, identifying alternative service delivery
methods, designing and implementing performance management systems, and developing
strategic and business plans. She also is a skilled facilitator and trainer. Amy was part of the
original management team of the International City/County Management Association's Center
for Performance Measurement and she helped produce ICMA's training materials on outcome
Wayne Chapman, Partner
Wayne Chapman has more than 35 years of experience as a practicing public manager and
nearly 20 years of experience assisting local governments as a consultant for Management
Partners. Wayne is a nationally-recognized expert in municipal finance, housing and
community development. Wayne's consulting engagements have included comprehensive
staffing reviews, organizational analyses, process improvement projects, management
information systems, performance measurement, training, financial modeling and forecasting,
and cost recovery modeling. Wayne led our recent projects for the City of Covington, Kentucky,
and Pinellas County, Florida. He has been with Management Partners since 1994, after a career
of public service including the positions of city manager of Aspen, Colorado and Schenectady,
New York, and as budget director and director of neighborhood housing and conservation for
the City of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Jacquelyn McCray, Ph.D., Senior Manager
Jacquelyn is a professional planner and a certified economic development professional. She has
worked on numerous projects involving development review, organizational and workflow
analyses, performance measurement, strategic benchmarking and planning, and service
sharing. Jacquelyn has expertise in process improvement and re-engineering of local
government development review processes involving multiple departments and agencies. She
also has excellent interview and facilitation skills, and frequently conducts leadership,
employee and stakeholder focus group meetings. Before joining Management Partners,
Jacquelyn held positions as a budget analyst, project manager and land-use manager with the
City of Cincinnati. After concluding her tenure with Cincinnati, she served as vice/chairperson
and member of the Cincinnati City Planning Commission for nine years. Jacquelyn is a member
of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP).
Travis Miller, Senior Manager
Travis has been a management consultant for more than 20 years, having completed projects in
37 states. His career includes prior work as an economist for the State of New York and as an
investment banker for Goldman, Sachs & Co., where he sharpened his strong analytical
approach. Prior to joining Management Partners, Travis headed public safety consulting for a
national management consulting firm. His projects included facility and resource location,
staffing levels, resource deployment, service level objectives, management systems and
performance management. Travis' work has also focused on helping clients determine what
Partners~ Page 11
Performance Based Audits
kinds of services to offer and under what circumstances. He has successfully managed projects
for many cities, including Edmond, Oklahoma; Plano, Corpus Christi, Sugar Land, and
Texarkana, Texas; Sacramento, California; Clearwater and Fort Lauderdale, Florida, among
Susan Boyer, Special Advisor
Susan Boyer has spent over 25 years in local government public service. She has worked for a
diverse set of cities and counties, serving as city manager in the Florida cities of Avon Park,
Lady Lake and Crystal River. As a manager, she provided visionary leadership and was an
effective change agent in the areas of financial transformation and stability, project management
and staff development. Susan has been a longtime member of the International City/County
Management Association and the Florida City/County Management Association, as well as
many other professional organizations.
Robert LaSala, Special Advisor
Robert LaSala has over 40 years of experience managing cities and countie~ in Florida,
California, New Jersey, and New York. Most recently he served as county administrator of
Pinellas County, Florida, an urban county of 920,000 with a combined operating and capital
budget of $1.7 billion and a workforce of over 5,000. He also served as city manager in Lancaster
and Sunnyvale, California; and Boca Raton, Florida. Bob is skilled in strategic planning,
performance management, multi-year financial analysis, forecasting, and planning. He has
additional experience in economic development, redevelopment, public-private partnerships,
outsourcing, utilities, and parks and recreation. While serving as city manager of Sunnyvale,
California, he was responsible for a world-renowned performance and management system.
Tom Frazier, Special Advisor
Tom Frazier has been a leader in law enforcement at local and national levels. Tom began his
career with the San Jose (California) Police Department, where he held all ranks from police
officer through deputy chief of police. He then served for five years as police commissioner of
the City of Baltimore, Maryland. During his tenure there, Tom led a major modernization of the
department, including innovative application of information technology to departmental
operations, as well significant reassignment of personnel to increase the department's
commitment to direct police service to Baltimore citizens. Subsequently, Tom was named
director of the U.S. Department of Justice's Community Oriented Policing Services Program.
Subsequently, Tom has served as Executive Director of the Major Cities Chiefs Association. For
Management Partners, Tom provides expertise in directing our organization review of the
police function.
Ned Pettus, Special Advisor
Ned Pettus, Jr. serves as a Special Advisor for Fire, EMS, Emergency Management, and
Emergency Communications for Management Partners. Prior to joining Management Partners,
he had a distinguished career as a member of the Columbus, Ohio Division of Fire for 35 years
beginning in January 1977 and moving up through the ranks to the position of fire chief in
March 2002. Chief Pettus served the Columbus City Charter maximum of two-five year terms as
Page 12
City of South Miami
chief, retiring on March 24, 2012. Under his leadership the Columbus Division of Fire received
international accreditation from the Commission on Fire Accreditation, International (CFAI) in
March of 2007, and was reaccredited in August, 2012. In June 2009 Chief Pettus received the
2009 Metropolitan Fire Chief of the Year award, and served as Secretary, Treasurer, Vice
President and President of the Metropolitan Fire Chiefs Association, a section of the
International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) and the National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA). Chief Pettus was appointed to the Board of Directors of the NFPA in June of 2010. He
holds professional designations of Chief Fire Officer (CFO) and Member of the Institution of
Fire Engineers (MIFireE).
Sam Lieberman, Senior Management Advisor
Sam is responsible for conducting complex financial and operational analysi~ to support many
different types of clients including organization reviews, process improvement studies, service
sharing projects, and financial planning and budgeting studies. He has helped facilitate
strategic planning and process improvement workshops, developed and analyzed strategic
planning community input surveys, conducted research and analyses, assisted in the
development of performance measurement systems, and directed benchmarking research. He
also collects, analyzes, and reports data for the annual Southwest Ohio Fire Benchmarking
Project. Recent clients whom he has served include Berkeley, Carson, San Bernardino, Orange
County, Santa Clara Valley Water District, and Zone 7 Water Agency in California; Hartford,
Mansfield, and New Haven, Connecticut; Kenton County and Florence, Kentucky; Kansas City,
Missouri; DeKalb County, Georgia; Pinellas County and Largo, Florida; Phoenix, Arizona; and
Hamilton County, Fairfield, Mason, Montgomery, and Westerville, Ohio.
Clients from the Previous 36 Months
To give you an idea about the breadth of Management Partners' experience, we have included a
list of clients we have assisted in the last three years, many of whom have hired us for more
than one project. The vast majority of these projects have included organization or financial
analyses to improve processes and service delivery.
Acacia Adult Day Services, CA
Alameda County Health Care Services
Agency, CA
Alameda County, CA
Alameda, CA
Albany, CA
Alliance for Innovation, AZ
American Canyon, CA
Arvin, CA
Atherton, CA
Aurora, CO
Axis Community Healthcare, CA
Baldwin County, AL
Barstow, CA
Bay Area Rapid Transit, CA
Bedford, TX
Benicia, CA
Berkeley, CA
Beverly Hills, CA
Bladensburg, MD
Managemen~.t Partners~
Gulf Shores, AL
HalfMoon Bay, CA
Hamilton County, OH
Hamilton Township, OH
Hillsborough, CA
Housing Authority of Santa Clara
County, CA
Huntington Beach, CA
Ingham County, MI
International Hispanic Network (IHN)
Irvine, CA
Kansas City Area Transportation
Authority, MO
Kansas City, MO
Kenton County Governance
Committee, KY
La Plata County, CO
Laguna Beach, CA
Lantana, FL
Port of Oakland, CA
Poway, CA
Redwood City, CA
Region 2000 Local Government
Council, VA
Regional Economic Area Partnership,
Richmond Metropolitan Authority , VA
Richmond, CA
Riverside, CA
Rohnert Park, CA
Roseville, CA
Sacramento Area Council of
Governments, CA
Sacramento Area Sewer District, CA
Sacramento, CA
Saint Paul, MN
Salinas, CA
San Bernardino County, CA
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Performance Based Audits
Blue Ash, OH
Boone County, KY
Brea, CA
Brentwood, CA
Brookville, OH
Brunswick, OH
Campbell, CA
Capitol Region COG, CT
Carlsbad, CA
Carmel, CA
Cooperative Agricultural Support
Center for Local Government
Charles Town and Ranson, WV
Charlotte, NC
Chatham County, GA
Cincinnati, OH
Claremont, CA
Claremont, CA
Clearwater, FL
Concord, CA
Contra Costa Transportation
Authority, CA
Costa Mesa Sanitary District, CA
Costa Mesa, CA '
Center for State and Local
Government Excellence
Cypress, CA
Daly City, CA
Davis, CA
DeKalb County, GA
Delaware County, OH
Delaware, OH
Downey, CA
Dublin San Ramon Services District,
Dublin, CA
East Palo Alto, CA
El Cerrito, CA
ElMonte, CA
Elk Grove Water District, CA
Encinitas, CA
Fairfield, CA
Florence, KY
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Foster City, CA
Fountain Valley, CA
Fremont, CA
Fresno Co Fire Protection District, CA
Fresno, CA
Garden Grove Community
Foundation, CA
Garden Grove, CA
Glendale, AZ
Grover Beach, CA
Page 14
Largo, FL
Lathrop-Manteca Rural Fire District,
Little Miami Fire District, OH
Livermore, CA
Long Beach, CA
Los Altos Hills, CA
Los Altos, CA
Loudoun County, VA
Loveland, OH
Manhattan Beach, CA
Maple Bluff, WI
Margate, FL
Marin County, CA
Martinez, CA
Menlo Park, CA
Merced, CA
Miami Valley Communications
Miami-Dade County, FL
Midpeninsula Regional Open Space
District, CA
Millbrae, CA
Mission Viejo, CA
Modesto, CA
Monrovia, CA
Monterey County, CA
Moraga, CA
Morgan Hill, CA
Morgantown, WV
Morro Bay, CA
Napa, CA
New Concord, OH
New Orleans, LA
Newport Beach, CA
Norfolk, VA
Oakland, CA
Oakley, CA
Ohio Fire Benchmarking Consortium
Orange County Fire Authority, CA
Orange County Sanitation District, CA
Oxnard, CA
Pacifica, CA
Palmdale, CA
Palos Verdes Estates, CA
Parkland, FL
Pasadena, CA
Peninsula Family Service, CA
Piedmont, CA
Placentia, CA
Pleasanton, CA
Pomona, CA
Port Hueneme, CA
San Bernardino, CA
San Carlos, CA
San Joaquin Valley Library System,
San Jose Public Library, CA
San Jose, CA
San Juan Capistrano, CA
San Leandro, CA
San Mateo County Sheriff, CA
San Mateo, CA
San Rafael, CA
Sanford, FL
Santa Ana, CA
Santa Barbara County, CA
Santa Clara County, CA
Santa Clara, CA
Santa Clarita, CA
Santa Cruz, CA
Santa Maria, CA
Santa Monica, CA
Santa Rosa, CA
Sarasota County, FL
Seal Beach, CA
Sedgwick County, KS
Solano County, CA
Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio
Sonoma County, CA
Soquel Creek Water District, CA
South Bay Council of Governments,
South Gate, CA
South Lake Tahoe, CA
South San Francisco, CA
Spartanburg, SC
Springdale, OH
Stege Sanitary District
Stephenville, TX
Stockton, CA
Sunnyvale, CA
Surprise, AZ
Tavares, FL
Town of Ross, CA
Tracy, CA
Tulare, CA
Tustin, CA
Tyler, TX
Vallejo, CA
Walnut Creek, CA
West Contra Costa Transport Advisory
West Palm Beach, FL
West Sacramento, CA
Wichita State University
Wichita, KS
Woodland, CA
Yellow Springs, OH
Zone 7 Water Agency, CA
City of South Miami
Our Experience in Florida
Our role as a national consulting firm gives us an advantage because we have a breadth of
clients and projects to draw from when looking for best practices and instructive examples. The
team we have assembled for this project has extensive experience working ill Florida and deep
understanding of the particular circumstances facing municipalities in the state. A recent list of
Florida clients is provided below.
Client Project Year
Cape Coral Development Review Process Improvement 2006
Clearwater Annual Employee Engagement Survey (ongoing) 2015 to 2019
Fort Lauderdale Human Resources Operations Review 2014
Fort Lauderdale Public Works Succession Planning (pending) 2016
Gainesville Management Retreat 2008
Kids Central Analysis of Positions and Processes 2012
Lakeland Organizational Efficiency Study (ongoing) 2016
Lantana Public Works Organization Review 2015
Largo Development Review and Permitting Process Improvements 2013,2015,2016
Margate StrategiC Planning 2014
Melbourne Police Department Organization review (ongoing) 2016
Miami Police Onboarding Process Analysis 2015
Miami-Dade County Library Services Study (with Godfrey's Associates) 2013
North Port Development Review Process 2007
Oakland Park Citywide Organization Review (ongoing) 2016
Parkland StrategiC Planning 2015 and 2016
Pinellas County Partnership Agreement (various projects) 2013
Polk County Efficiency Commission Analysis Support 2006
Port Orange StrategiC Planning 2016
Sanford Organization Review 2014
Sarasota County Utilities Organization and Financial Review 2013
Tamarac Public Services Organization Review (ongoing) 2016
Tavares Performance Measurement Training 2015
West Palm Beach Fleet Outsourcing Study 2014
West Palm Beach Parks and Recreation Study 2014
West Palm Beach Strategic Planning (ongoing) 2016
Our Experience in Performance Measurement
Management Partners has played a leading role in the development of local government
performance measurement, starting with the development of the International City/County
Management Association's (lCMA) Center for Performance Measurement. The Center for
Performance Measurement, which is now lCMA Insights, is a collaborative effort by cities and
counties to develop comparative performance measures through the collection and sharing of
performance results for a basic set of government services. Through our prior consulting work
with the lCMA Center, we have trained local government staff in over 100 jurisdictions
Partners~ Page 15
Performance Based Audits
throughout North America. Management Partners also provides significant training in the areas
of customer service and public sector ethics.
In addition, Management Partners has provided direct assistance to many individual
jurisdictions in the development and implementation of customized performance management
systems. We have worked with jurisdictions large and small around the country, including the
• Alameda, California • Walnut Creek, California • Lexington, Massachusetts
• Marin County, California • Florence, Kentucky Troy, Michigan
• Monterey County, California • Louisville, Kentucky • Fairfield, Ohio
• Orange County, California • Lawrence, Kansas • Montgomery, Ohio
• Sacramento, California • Olathe, Kansas • Springdale, Ohio
• San Bernardino County, • Overland Park, Kansas • Westerville, Ohio
California • Unified Government of • Arlington County, Virginia
• San Jose, California Wyandotte County/Kansas • Kent, Washington
• San Mateo County, City, Kansas • Washington, DC
California • Rockville, Maryland
• San Mateo, California
Other Relevant Experience 0' 0
Management Partners specializes in providing quality planning and financial management
reviews to local government clients. Our website, managementpartners.com, contains
information about our clients, and you are welcome to contact any of them about the quality of
our work. We believe our track record of completing similar projects on time and on budget,
with quality deliverables specifically designed to be implemented, makes Management Partners
well qualified to successfully complete this work for South Miami.
Case Studies
We would be pleased to provide contact information for any client, but have selected several
case studies for your review, along with contact information for client representatives.
'Sanford, Florida ' , _ "", ,,: _
Mr. Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr., City Manager
300 N. Park Avenue
Organization Review
Management Partners conducted an organization
review and developed recommendations to allow the
City of Sanford to address a projected shortfall in
revenues while continuing to provide the same levels of
service. We analyzed information that results from
employee and stakeholder interviews, an employee
survey, and an extensive document review. The report
provided both financial and operational options, which,
Sanford, Florida 32701
(407) 688-5009
Page 16
West Palm Beach, Florida
Ms. Christine Thrower, Director
Parks and Recreation Department
401 Clematis Street
West Palm Beach, Fl 33402
(561) 804-4903
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Mr. Ed Memmott, City Manager
145 W. Broad Street
Spartanburg, SC 29304
(864) 596-2394
City of South Miami
when implemented would address the structural
imbalances in the forecast budgets. A strategy for a
balanced budget was outlined in the recommendations,
with more than $500,000 in annual savings.
Recommendations included changes to operations,
changes to revenue and expenditure forecasting
techniques, changes to the pension systems, adding a
number of economic development strategies, and
investing fund balances. The five-year impact of all
recommendations was estimated to be $8.8 million.
Efficiency Analysis of Parks and Recreation
The City of West Palm Beach retained Management
Partners to perform an efficiency and outsourcing
analysis of its Parks and Recreation Department. The
Department's responsibilities include recreation and
maintenance functions for the entire City. As part of
the analysis, Management Partners performed process
improvements, best practice research, and
organizational and financial analyses. The final report
included 37 recommendations that identified
opportunities for improvement and possible
outsourcing that will increase the quality of services
provided to residents.
Organization Analysis of Police and Fire Departments
The City of Spartanburg recently transitioned from a
combined public safety operating department to
distinct agencies for police and fire services, with a new
police chief and a new fire chief providing leadership.
Management Partners was asked to conduct a detailed
organizational analysis of each department to ensure
they are following best practices, are appropriately
organized and staffed, and operate efficiently and
effectively. The project included interviews with
managerial staff, a review of budget and other
administrative documents, and a review of each
department's facilities. Our analysis resulted in 40
recommendations that, once implemented, will
improve Spartanburg's police and fire operations
consistent with industry best practices.
Page 17
Performance Based Audits
Ms. Tansy Hayward, Assistant City Manager
PO Box 590
Raleigh, North Carolina 27602-0590
(919) 996-3070 Ext. 4650
Public Works Department Organization Analysis
Management Partners conducted an analysis of the
Public Works Department organizational structure and
staffing, which included the following functions: Street,
Traffic and Construction Management; Stormwater;
Infrastructure Support and Maintenance; Parking;
Transit; Solid Waste; Facilities Maintenance; and
Vehicle Fleet Services. We evaluated several models to
improve service delivery, use resources more
efficiently, and provide a sound management structure.
Our report provided four alternative organizational
plans. Two of the plans address reorganizing asset
management based on the type of asset. One of the
plans sets forth an integrated entity for planning,
managing and operating transportation and transit
systems. A fourth plan suggests a broadening of the
business plan for solid waste services to more fully
address state-of-the-art practices for sustainability.
Stephenville, Texas '
Mr. Patrick Bridges, City Administrator
298 W. Washington
Stephenville, Texas 76401
(254) 918-1225
Ms. Carol Strickland, Director
Community Development Department
201 Highland Avenue
Largo, FL 33770
(727) 586-7490 x7300
Page 18
Organization Review
Management Partners conducted a high-level review of
organizational structures and staffing in each of
Stephenville's six divisions to identify opportunities to
provide more efficient and effective services. Through
Council and staff interviews, a review of workload data,
comparisons with best practices and industry
standards, a survey of peer cities, and an employee
workload survey, we evaluated the staffing levels of
each division and department. Recommendations
included adding support staff in several departments,
bringing a licensed engineer on staff, using managed
competition to determine the most cost-effective way
to provide cemetery maintenance, and conducting
resident and business satisfaction surveys t.o identify
customer needs and expectations.
Development Process Review
Management Partners was retained by the City of Largo
to analyze the development review and permitting
services operations and business processes. The work
included conducting interviews with staff and
City of South Miami
stakeholders, developing lias is" process maps as well
as lito be" process maps to streamline processes.
Management Partners also facilitated a three-day
process improvement session with Largo City
employees most familiar with development review
processes and procedures. Another component of our
work was to identify requirements for a new permitting
system, which the City will use in its request for
proposals. The recommendations identified actions to
make the processes more efficient for staff and more
business friendly for customers. Three years after the
initial project, Management Partners was again
retained to assess implementation and update the
Implementation Action Plan as well as process maps.
DeKalb County ,
Zachary L. Williams, Chief Operating Officer
DeKalb County
Manuel J. Maloof Center
1300 Commerce Drive, 6th Floor
Decatu r, GA 30030
(404) 371-2174
Purchasing Department Process Improvement
Management Partners performed a review of the
Department of Purchasing and Contracting including
business workflow comparing the regulations, policies
and procedures to the actual processes used. In
addition to interviewing department directors, we
conducted focus groups and surveyed internal and
external customers. To identify improvement
opportunities, we used a workload survey and
conducted benchmarking. When the recommendations
in our report are fully implemented the City will benefit
from improved customer service, more efficient use of
staff time, and better overall results from the
procurement and contracting functions.
, "
Hours and Cost ' . , ,
As requested in the RFP, we have provided cost information on the required form and included
it in Attachment B.
( < "~' -.' ,
Conclusion ,','" ' , ' . ~'"
, , ,-" ; .', 'I ,. ~, ,I ' .;; 't Ie ~ ~ { M"
Management Partners has the experience, the professional talent, and the commitment to
quality necessary to successfully complete this project for the City of South Miami. We welcome
the opportunity to provide additional information that may be helpful, and we look forward to
the chance to discuss the ideas contained in this proposal.
Partners~ Page 19
City of South Miami
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Kevin Knutson, ICMA-CM, is Regional Vice President for Management Partners' eastern office
in Cincinnati, Ohio. Kevin has more than 20 years of experience in local government, including
ten years in strategic planning, budget, performance measurement, and process improvement
and six years in community relations, communications, and citizen engagement.
He has served as an assistant city manager for the City of Reno, Nevada, with oversight of
human resources, intergovernmental affairs, economic development, and redevelopment; as
well as neighborhood services, community resources, and public information. He also served as
interim city manager for the City of Reno and interim executive director of the Reno
Redevelopment Agency. In September 2011 he was named "Communicator of the Year" by the
City-County Communications & Marketing Association (3CMA).
. He previously served as the director of the office of management and budget, where he
oversaw strategic planning, budgeting, performance measurement, internal audit, community
resources, and public outreach. Before that, he was the director of community relations, with
responsibility for the City's communications, neighborhood services, and Reno Direct. This
included responsibility for media and public relations, advertising, Reno TV, the City's website
and intranet, the City's call center, neighborhood services, and the community liaison program.
Prior to joining Reno, Kevin served as the director of communications and marketing for the
City of Coral Springs, Florida.
For seven years, he served as the budget and strategic planning manager for Coral Springs,
overseeing the award-winning strategic plan, business plan, budget, capital improvement and
replacement programs, performance measurement system, process improvement program,
managed competition, and elements of the City's quality initiative. He was writer and editor of
the City's Baldrige and Sterling applications and has served as a Sterling Examiner. The City of
Coral Springs was awarded the Florida Governor's Sterling Award for Organizational
Excellence in 1997 and 2003, and was the first local government to win the Malcolm Baldrige
National Quality Award in 2007.
He is recognized as a national expert in local government performance management, long-term
financial planning, and communications; and has been a speaker and author on long-range
financial planning and performance management for the Government Finance Officers
Association (GFOA), the American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC), and 3CMA.
Kevin earned master and bachelor degrees in English from Florida International University in
Miami, Florida; and has attended the Center for Creative Leadership, GFOA's Advanced
Government Finance Institute, and Harvard's Kennedy School of Government executive
program. He was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army, after service in Germany.
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Performance Based Audits
Amy Cohen Paul, Corporate Vice President, has over 30 years of experience assisting local
governments with a variety of engagements, including process improvement and performance
management systems. Her expertise includes research and training in performance
measurement and benchmarking, process improvement, total quality management, strategic
and business planning, organizational development, and identifying service sharing
opportunities among jurisdictions. She is also a skilled facilitator and trainer.
Amy has managed a variety of Management Partners' process improvement, strategic planning,
organization review, and performance measurement and benchmarking projects. She has
worked with small and large jurisdictions, as well as special districts. A sampling of clients she
has helped with process improvement projects include: North Port and Largo, Florida;
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government and Louisville, Kentucky; Des Moines, Iowa; the
City of Rockville, Howard County, and the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning
Commission, Maryland; Okl~oma City, Oklahoma; and Stockton, California.
Her focus is on identifying meaningful, results-oriented measures and industry best practices.
A sampling of clients she has assisted with organization reviews and performance management
systems includes: Berkley, San Jose, Oakland and Marin County, California; Manchester,
Connecticut; Louisville, Florence, and Kenton County, Kentucky; Des Moines, Iowa; Rockville,
Maryland; the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas; Kansas City,
Missouri; Arlington Public Schools, Virginia; the District of Columbia; Rye, New York;
Lexington, Massachusetts; Troy, Michigan; and Montgomery and Westerville, Ohio.
A sampling of clients she has helped with strategic planning and goal setting include the cities
of Huntington Beach, La Palma, and Pittsburg, the Orange County Cemetery District, and the
Solano Irrigation District, California; the City of Louisville and the Louisville Department of
Health, Kentucky; the Hamilton County Job and Family Services Agency and the Hamilton
County Solid Waste District (Ohio); Montgomery, Ohio; the Town of Mansfield and the
Mansfield Downtown Partnership, Connecticut.
Amy was part of the original management team of the International City/County Management
Association's (ICMA) Comparative Performance Measurement Consortium. It originally was a
group of about 40 large cities and counties, and has grown to more than 120 jurisdictions.
Amy designed and presented performance measurement and benchmarking training sessions
for more than 75 jurisdictions, and for the ICMA University. She also helped design a training
program to ?evelop outcome-based indicators. Amy has designed and lead community
workshops on performance measurement with the National Civic League.
Amy directed a three-year Leadership Development Program for the ICMA, funded by the
W.K. Kellogg Foundation. She developed a multi-media training program and implementation
Page 22
City of South Miami
materials for public boards, commission and committees. She also directed a two-year
FutureVisions Program for the leMA, working with 67 communities.
She is the editor of the book, Managing for Tomorrow: Global Change and Local Futures, and is the
author of many articles in professional publications, including The Municipal Year Book.
Amy earned a bachelor's degree in public communication and a master's degree in public
administration from The American University.
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Performance Based Audits
Wayne Chapman, Partner, has more than 35 years of experience in local government
organizations. He has led a variety of consulting projects for Management Partners since 1994.
Earlier, he served as city manager of Aspen, Colorado, and Schenectady, New York; and he was
budget director and director of Neighborhood Housing and Conservation for the City of
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Wayne's consulting engagements have included comprehensive staffing reviews,
organizational analyses, process improvement projects, management information systems,
performance measurement, training, fimincial modeling and forecasting, and cost recovery
modeling. He is knowledgeable about numerous functions of government, including law
enforcement, courts, jails, child support enforcement, development review, emergency
communications operations, housing, schools, public works, airports and fire service.
As a Management Partners consultant, Wayne has helped police departments in Boston,
Baltimore, Cleveland, Albuquerque, Louisville, Kentucky; and Topeka, Kansas. Wayne has
worked with sheriff's departments in Polk County, Florida; King County, Washington; and
Loudoun County, Virginia. He has reviewed court operations in district and common pleas
courts. And he has worked with corrections agencies, including affiliated services such as
probation, parole and diversion programs.
Wayne has managed development review improvement projects for several fast-growing
jurisdictions, including Wichita, Kansas; Cape Coral, Florida; Louisville and Las Vegas. These
projects have successfully improved the development review process without compromising
Wayne also has carried out several comprehensive organization reviews of many local
governments, as well as specific departments within local governments. Those include Polk
County, Florida; Topeka and the Unified Government of Wyandotte/Kansas City, Kansas;
Kenton County and Louisville, Kentucky; Las Vegas, Nevada; and Allegan County, Michigan.
Wayne earned a bachelor's degree in political science from the University of Cincinnati.
Page 24
City of South Miami
Jacquelyn McCray, Senior Manager, has more than 25 years of experience in local government
management. Nine of those years were with the City of Cincinnati, where she was a budget
analyst, project manager and land-use planner. Since joining Management Partners she has
been a key staff member on myriad projects analyzing development review processes,
implementing performance measurement systems and conducting organization reviews. She is
particularly adept at process improvement, benchmarking, performance management and
measures, and focus group facilitation.
Jacquelyn is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), the American
Planning Association, and a certified economic development professional. She served as a
member and vice chairperson of the Cincinnati City Planning Commission for nine years.
During her tenure with the City of Cincinnati, Jacquelyn was a member of the City Manager's
Performance Team and helped develop performance measurement training materials for all city
departments. She has also served as a city planner and a budget and evaluation.
With Management Partners, Jacquelyn has led development review process analyses and
improvement projects for the Louisville, Kentucky consolidated government; the cities of Cape
Coral, Largo and North Port Florida; Wichita, Lenexa and Olathe, Kansas; Nevada County,
California; the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission; the Unified
Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kansas; Lexington, and Louisville,
Kentucky; Howard County, Maryland; Novi, Michigan; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Aurora,
Colorado; Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Jacquelyn has worked on various service sharing and consolidation projects to analyze and
assess opportunities. Some of the agencies have included the cities of Blue Ash, Montgomery
and Sycamore Community Schools in Ohio; the cities of Chesapeake, Norfolk and Virginia
Beach, Virginia, and Allen County and Fort Wayne, Indiana. In the area of performance
measurement and management review projects, she has assisted the District of Columbia;
Arlington County Public Schools and Loudoun County, Virginia; the Louisville, Kentucky
consolidated government; the Unified Government of Wyandotte County, Kansas; King
County, Washington, Westerville, Ohio and Manchester, Connecticut. She also conducts
performance measurement training for local government employees.
Jacquelyn has completed human resources benchmarking analyses for Sedgwick County,
Kansas; and Loudoun County, Virginia; and she assisted with benchmarking and compensation
analyses for the cities of Oakland and Santa Clara, California. She has also assisted Boone
County, Kentucky by designing and conducting performance evaluation training for directors,
managers, and supervisors.
Jacquelyn has completed organization development and improvement reviews, position
analyses and service consolidation assessments for agencies across the country. Among them
Partners~ Page2S
Performance Based Audits
are Berks County, Pennsylvania; Kansas City, Kansas; the Nashville (Tennessee) Airport
Authority; Kenton County and the consolidated governments of Louisville and Lexington
Kentucky; the City of Fort Wayne and Allen County, Indiana; Lancaster and Muhlenberg,
Pennsylvania, Chesapeake, Hampton, and Norfolk, Virginia; and Blue Ash, Montgomery and
Sycamore Community Schools in Ohio. Jacquelyn has also assisted the following jurisdictions
and agencies in the development of strategic plans: Montgomery, Ohio; Manchester,
Connecticut; the Hamilton County, Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, the Mansfield
Downtown Partnership, Connecticut, and Morgantown, West Virginia.
Jacquelyn recently completed her doctoral studies at Antioch University's Ph.D. in Leadership
and Change Program. She also holds a bachelor's degree in urban planning and a master's
degree in public administration from the University of Cincinnati.
Page 26
City of South Miami
Travis Miller, Senior Manager, has been a management consultant for more than 20 years,
having completed projects in 37 states. His career includes prior work as an economist for the
State of New York and as an investment banker for Goldman, Sachs & Co., where he sharpened
his analytical techniques. Prior to joining Management Partners, Travis headed public safety
consulting for a national management consulting firm. His projects included strategic planning,
master planning, facility and resource location, staffing levels, resource deployment, service
level objectives, management systems and performance management.
Travis' work has also focused on assisting clients in determining what kinds of services to offer,
and under what circumstances. Mr. Miller has successfully managed projects for many
communities, including Edmond, Oklahoma; Plano, Corpus Christi, Sugar Land, and
Texarkana, Texas; Sacramento, California; Clearwater and Fort Lauderdale, Florida among
One area of particular focus has been in the development of strategic plans. Travis has worked
with a wide variety of agencies and for communities of varying sizes and service level
expectations. Recent examples include Paradise Valley, Arizona and Liberty County, Texas.
Travis works closely with regional architectural firms that specialize in feasibility analysis, site
selection and program development and design for public safety facilities. On numerous
projects, strategies recommended by him have resulted in both improved response times and
services levels.
Travis has a bachelor's degree in political science and a master of science degree in public policy
analysis from the University of Rochester. Mr. Miller is an active member of the Greater River
Valley Medical Reserve Corps.
Managemen~.t -Partners~· Page 27
Performance Based Audits
Susan Boyer, Special Advisor, has spent over 25 years in local government public service
distinguished by providing progressive vision and decisive leadership. She focused her public
service career in Florida serving as assistant city manager in Port Orange and city manager in
Avon Park, Lady Lake and Crystal River. Prior to her leadership positions, Susan was a city
planner for the City of Kissimmee. She also served in several interim positions for Lake County;
each time brought in to repair organizational and financial issues and develop team work.
Ms. Boyer developed the foundation for the transformation and creation of a new
organizational culture and vision in each city she managed. She is familiar with the need to
manage an effective and efficient workforce and the importance of identifying stakeholders,
their roles and responsibilities. She has led the development of master plans for water,
wastewater, storm water and recreation departments. Ms. Boyer is also experienced in grant
writing, and performing cost/benefit analyses.
In Crystal River, she initiated the process to rewrite the Land Development Code, thus updating
and taking the first steps to be better prepared to address development while maintaining the
City's identity. She has a proven track record in organizational transformation, planning,
customer excellence, financial management and consensus building. Her private sector work
has included multi-million dollar project management, personnel policy review, and an
incorporation study.
She is currently servrng as the executive director of the Florida Benchmarking Consortium and
remains active in the Florida City/County Management Association and the International
City/County Management Association. She also serves on the board of directors for the
University of Central Florida Public Administration Advisory Board.
Susan attended the University of Florida where she earned a bachelor's degree in political
science and a Certificate of Environmental Studies as well as a master's degree in political
science/public administration. She completed the Senior Executive Institute at the Weldon
Cooper Center for Public Service, University of Virginia and is an lCMA Credentialed
Page 28
City of South Miami
Robert LaSala, Special Advisor, has over 40 years of experience managing cities and counties in
Florida, California, New Jersey, and New York. His experience includes managing communities
experiencing high growth and development and those engaged in redevelopment and renewal.
Bob has managed a wide variety of complex challenges and provided leadership during times
of expansion and retrenchment from Silicon Valley to the Rustbelt and Sunbelt.
Most recently he served as county administrator of Pinellas County, Florida, an urban county of
920,000 with a combined operating and capital budget of $1.7 billion and a workforce of over
5,000. During the Great Recession LaSala led a major rightsizing effort to ensure long-term
financial sustainability and the continuation of high quality service delivery despite the
elimination of over 1,700 positions and the reduction of $200 million in revenue.
Bob is recognized for his strategic planning skills, having helped elected officials, staff, and
residents in several communities develop consensus and clarity about a desired future and
identifiable. He has proven experience in performance management, multi-year financial
analysis, forecasting, and planning. He has developed numerous tools and techniques to
communicate effectively and engender the trust and confidence of elected officials and the
community at large.
Having served as city manager of Sunnyvale, California for over six years, he advanced a
world-renowned performance and management system by incorporating an outcome and
results based component to enhance decision making for elected officials and senior
management. In doing so, he emphasized the end product that residents care most about: How
does government serve us effectively and contribute to creating a quality community at a
reasonable cost?
Bob has developed change management initiatives that include reorganizing for outcomes,
continuous learning investments, high performance organization models, employee
involvement initiatives, productivity assessments, and program evaluation and accountability
system design.
He received a master's degree in public administration (MP A) degree from the Maxwell School
of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University and has done post graduate study at
the University of Michigan. He is a graduate of the Senior Executive Institute at the University
of Virginia and has completed requirements to maintain certification as a Credentialed Manager
from the International City County Management Association.
Bob is a former board member of The Alliance for Innovation, a network of local governments
committed to innovation and technology adaptation and transfer, public private partnerships,
and best practices.
Managemen~.t· . Partners~· Page 29
Performance Based Audits
He has been an instructor in the graduate program in Public Administration at the University of
South Florida and has been a speaker at national and regional conferences.
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City of South Miami
Tom Frazier has a long and distinguished career in law enforcement that ranges from working
as a police officer to directing a U.S. Department of Justice program. He has worked as a trainer
and instructor, has directed the policy of the Major City Police Chiefs organization and is the
recipient of numerous national awards.
At a special advisor to Management Partners, Tom brings an expert's knowledge and intimate
understanding of law enforcement best practices worldwide.
Tom began his career serving with the San Jose (California) Police Department, where he held
all ranks from police officer through deputy chief of police.
Tom then was named police commissioner of Baltimore, Maryland. He was responsible for all
operational aspects of a full-service metropolitan police department, commanding 3,150 sworn
and 600 non-sworn personnel in a nine-precinct configuration. He led a major modernization of
the department, including innovative application of information technology to departmental
operations, as well significant reassignment of personnel to increase the department's
commitment to direct police service.
Subsequently, Tom was named director the U.S. Department of Justice's Community Oriented
Policing Services Office. During his administration, he oversaw the development,
implementation and management of grant programs that assist local law enforcement in
putting 100,000 additional community-policing officers on the street. He administered and
monitored over $8.8 billion in fep-eral grants.
Tom is also a trainer and instructor who has assisted the California Commission on Peace
Officers Standards and Training, Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy at
Quantico, Canadian National Police College, Justice Institute of British Columbia and the
International Community Policing symposium, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Tom serves on a variety of boards and professional organizations. He was president of the
Police Executive Research Forum Board of Directors and executive director of the Major City
Police Chiefs. He was chair of the executive committee of the Baltimore/Washington High
Intensity Drug Trafficking Area. He is a member of the National Community Oriented Policing
Resource Board, a board member for Mid-Atlantic Regional Community Policing Institute, a
member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, and a member of the Fraternal
Order of Police.
During his career, he won the Edmund J. Randolph Award for Outstanding Service, U.S.
Department of Justice and Webber Seavey Award for Quality in Law Enforcement, and the
International Association of Chiefs of Police award for 3-1-1.
Partners~ Page 31
Performance Based Audits
Tom served as a u.s. Army intelligence officer in Vietnam, where he received the Bronze Star,
the Air Medal, and the Combat Infantryman's Badge. He earned a master's degree in the
administration of criminal justice and bachelor's degree in social studies from San Jose State
Page 32
City of South Miami
Ned Pettus Jr., Special Advisor, served as fire chief of the Columbus Division of Fire, which had
over 1,500 members. He was appointed as the first African-American fire chief on March 26,
2002 and was reappointed for a second term in March of 2007.
In June of 2009, Pettus received the 2009 Metropolitan Fire Chief of the Year Award. He had
served as treasurer, secretary, vice president and in May of 2011 was elected president of the
Metropolitan Fire Chiefs Association, a section of the International Association of Fire Chiefs
(JAFC) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). He was appointed to the National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA) Board of Directors in June of 2010.
During his career, Ned achieved a personal and professional milestone in his career and was
designated as a "Chief Fire Officer" (CFO) by the Commission on Professional Credentialing.
He also received his designation as a Member of the Institution of Fire Engineers (MIFireE)
which promotes, encourages and improves the science and practice of fire extinction, fire
prevention and fire engineering and all operations and expedients connected therewith, and to
give impulse to ideas likely to be useful with or in relation to such science and practice to the
members of the institution and to the community at large.
Pettus graduated Summa cum Laude from Capital University with a bachelor's degree in
political science and public administration and a master of arts in human development from
Fielding Graduate University. He holds two master's degrees: a master of science in
administration degree from Central Michigan University. Ned also attended Harvard
University's Kennedy School of Government, Executive Education program and was awarded a
certificate of completion for the Senior Executives in State and Local Government program in
June 2007. He began studies toward his Ph.D. in human and organization development in the
fall of 2009.
Manageme.nn~t ' Partners~· Page 33
Performance Based Audits
Sam Lieberman, Senior Management Advisor, joined Management Partners in April 2010. Since
then he has conducted complex financial and operational analyses to support a variety of
assignments including organization and process improvement studies, and service sharing,
financial planning, and budgeting projects. He has helped facilitate strategic planning and
process improvement workshops, conducted research and analysis on staffing studies, assisted
in the developing performance measurement systems, and directed benchmarking research.
During his tenure at Management Partners, Sam has assisted with the development of
performance measures in Fairfield and Westerville, Ohio and manages the annual Ohio Fire
Benchmarking Project. He has participated in numerous fire and police organizational
assessments, most recently for Florence, Kentucky and Chatham County, Georgia. He has
facilitated strategic planning efforts in Montgomery, Ohio, and Morgantown, West Virginia and
has developed and analyzed strategic planning commumty surveys, most recently for the cities
of Margate, Florida and Santa Ana, California. He has analyzed budgets and staffing for several
jurisdictions and assisted with a fleet management study.
Sam has most recently helped Saint Paul, Minnesota and Aurora, Colorado improve their
development review processes. Other clients he has served include the cities of Berkeley,
Carson and San Bernardino, Orange County, Santa Clara Valley Water District and Zone 7
Water Agency in California; Hartford, Mansfield, and New Haven, Connecticut; Kenton County
and Florence, Kentucky; Kansas City, Missouri; DeKalb County, GA; Pinellas County and
Largo, Florida; Phoenix, Arizona; and Hamilton County, Fairfield, Mason, Montgomery and
Westerville, Ohio.
Sam gained valuable experience in the day-to-day functioning of local government during an
internship with the City of Cincinnati while completing his undergraduate work. He
researched the feasibility of implementing a streetcar system in Cincinnati and prepared staff
reports on the subject. He also assisted with the process of rolling out and implementing
CincyCare, a public/private health care partnership. As he was concluding his political science
degree, Sam authored a scholarly article that assessed the accuracy of pre-primary polling in the
2008 Democratic Presidential Primary. That paper was presented during a conference of the
Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research in September 2008. Sam graduated from the
University of Cincinnati in 2008 with honors degrees in sociology and political science.
Prior to joining Management Partners, Sam worked in local politics. He managed a Cincinnati
City Council campaign and then served as deputy finance director for a Congressional
Page 34
Andrew Belknap
West Regional
Vice President
: . .:.~ -'-;"~,\;.~~,. :~:
Project Managers
I ._. _. _.L. _. _.
I Subject Area I
Consultants I Specialists I
. I 1_. _. _. _. _._.
City of South Miami
Company Organization Chart
Gerald Newfarmer
President and CEO
" "~
I ~ I
AmyC. Paul Kevin Knutson I Jeri Beckstedt
East Regional Administrative Corporate Vice President
i Vice President Services Manager
-.-----'.~ :~.<~,.:,: ". '" ',' "+" j-. I
Quality Assurancel Manage Administration Project Consulti Staff Management Project Ma
I ._. _. -.1_. _. _.
I Subject Area I
Consultants I Specialists I
. I 1_._._._._._.
Page 35
Performance Based Audits
Project Team Organization Chart
Kevin Knutson
Project Director
~ C' .. !
Amy Cohen Paul Wayne Chapman Jacquelyn McCray Corporate Vice
President Partner Senior Manager
Travis Miller Susan Boyer Bob LaSala
Senior Manager Special Advisor Special Advisor
I I 1
Tom Frazier Ned Pettus Sam Lieberman
Special Advisor Special Advisor Senior Management
Page 36
City of South Miami
Page 37
Proposal Submittal Checklist Form
Performance Based Audits
RFP #FN20 16·12
This checklist Indicates the forms and documents required to be submitted for this solicitation and to be presented
by the deadline set for within the solicitation. Fulfillment of all solicitation requirements listed is mandatory for
consideration of response to the solicitation. Additional documents may be required and. if so. they will be
Identified In an addendum to this Solicitation. The response shall Include the following items:
Attachments and Other Documents described below Cf I lec ( to be Completed
IF MARKED WITH AN "X": Completed.
Proposal shall consist ot. one (I) unbound copy. five (5)
additional BOUND copies. (three.ring binders are not
permitted). and one (I) digital (I) digital (or comparable
___ medium Indudlng flash Drive, DVO or CD) copy
x Indemnification and Insurance Documents. EXHIBIT 3 ---
x Bid Form. EXHIBIT 4 ---
x ---Respondents COSt and Technical Proposal. EXHIBIT 5
X Signed Contract Documents (All -including General Conditions
____ and Supplementary Conditions if attached). EXHIBIT 7
X ---Respondents Qualification Statement
X Ust of Proposed Subcontractors and Principal Suppliers ---
X Non-Collusion Affidavit ---
x Public Entity Crimes and Conflicts of Interest ---
__ X __ Drug Free Workplace
X Acknowledgement of Conformance with OSHA Standards ---
X Affidavit Concerning Federal & State Vendor Listings ---
X Related Party Transaction Verification Form ---
X Presentation Team Declaration/Affidavit of Representation ---
X Reviewed for signature if awarded
Submit this checklist along with your proposal Indicating the completion and submission of each required forms
andlor documents.
Thomas F. Pepe
END OF SECTION The items listed in section 17 of the
Instructions for Respondent (pg. 6)
are included on the enclosed USB
Performance Based Audits
RFP #FN20 16·12
The response to this questionnaire shall be utilized as part of the CITY'S overall Proposal Evaluation and
RESPONDENT selection.
I. Number of similar projects completed,
a) In the past 5 years
b) In the past [0 years
2. Ust the last three (3) completed similar projects.
a) Project Name:
Owner Name:
Owner Address:
Owner Telephone:
approximately 490
approximately 980
Miami, Florida. Police Recruitment Process Analysis
Mr. Daniel J. Alfonso, City Manager
3500 Pan American Drive. Miami. FL 33133
. Actual Anal Contract Completion
Date: November 2015
Thomas F. Pepe
Actual Final Contract Price:
Project Name:
Owner Name:
Owner Address:
Owner Telephone:
Actual final Contract
Actual Fina[ Contract Price
Project Name:
Owner Name:
Owner Address:
Owner Telephone:
Actual Final Contract
Actual Final Contract Price:
Raleigh, North Carolina· Public Works Organization Analysis
Ms. Tansy Hayward. Assistant City Manager
PO Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602
February 2016
Stephenville, Texas -Or~anization Review
Mr. Patrick Bridges, Citl Manager
298 W Washington, Stephenville. TX 7640 I
July 2015
3. Current workload:
Project Name Owner Name Telephone Number Contract Price
Clearwater, Florida Jill Silverboard (727) 562·4040 $59,990 Assistant City Manager
Delray Beach, Florida Francine Ramaglia (561) 243·7010 $22,990 Assistant City Manager
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Stanley Hawthorne (954) 828·5013 $59,990 Assistant City Manager
Lakeland, Florida Brad Johnson
(863) 834·6006 $112,900 Deputy Assistant City Manager
Shannon Lewis (321) 608·7211 Melbourne. Florida Assistant City Manager 548,990
Tamarac, Florida
Diane Phillips
(321) 608-nll Assistant City Manager 529,990
West Palm Beach, Florida Dorrltt Miller (561) 822.1200
Deputy City Adminisrator $29.990
Other states. 14 open proJec 5
4. The following Information shall be attached to the proposal.
a) RESPONDENT's home office organization chart.
b) RESPONDENT's proposed project organizational chart.
c) Resumes of proposed key project personnel. including on-site Superintendent.
5. List and describe any:
a) Bankruptcy petitions filed by or against the Respondent or any predecessor organizations. NONE
b) Any arbitration or civil or criminal proceedings, or NONE
Suspension of contracts or debarring from Bidding or Responding by any public agency brought
c) against the Respondent In the last five (5) years NONE
6. Government References:
Ust other Government Agencies or Quasi·Government Agencies for which you have done business
within the past five (5) years.
Name of Agency: West Palm Beach. Florida
Address: 401 Clematis Street, West Palm Beach. FL 33402
Telephone No.: ...,;5;;.,;;6;.;;,1...;;"8;.;;,0..;;,.4 • ...;;4;,.;90:;,;:;3 ___________ _
Contact Person: Ms. Christine Thrower, Director of Parks and Recreation
Type of Project: Efficiency and Outsourcing Analysis
Thomas F. Pepe
NameDtAgencr-~S~u~n~fu~rd~,~F~~~r~id~a~ ____________________ __
Address: 300 N. Park Avenue, Sanford, FL 3270 I
TelephDne No.: 407·688·5009 ------------------------------
Contaa Person: Mr. Norton Bonaparte, Jr., City Manager
Type of Project: Management Analysis of Operations and Structure
Name of Agency: Parkland, Florida
Telephone No.:
Contact Person:
Type of Prolect:
Thomas F. Pepe
6600 University Drive, Parkland. FL 33067
Ms. Caryn Gardner-Young,AICP, City Manager
Strategic Planning
) . . , ~I
__ G_e_ra_l_d.;..E...,;' N:....-ewfi_a_rm_e_r ____ ·_}_·x_-. ______ being first duly sworn. deposes and states that:
, "Il"
HeJSheffhey isfare the --:P:-re_s_id_e_n_t _an_d_C_E_O""'"!"'_-:--:-_________ '_: A_"':-:,,·~~':r-;·,,",,·I.~r :--
(Owner. Partner. Officer. Representative or Agent) of ,-,:: O'~ ·~if.~ \ 1"~.
_M~a::.:.n~ag~e.:.:m:;;:e:,:nt::,;P~a::r.::tn;;;;e.::rs;.....----------the Respondent that has s~mltt~d
attached Proposal:
(2) HeiShelThey is/are fully Informed concerning the preparation and contents of the attached Proposal
and of all pertinent circumstances concerning such Proposal: '
(3) Such Proposal is genuine and Is not a collusive or sham Proposal;
(4) Neither the said Respondent nor any of its officers. partners, owners, agents, representatives,
employees or parties in interest, including this affiant, have in any way colluded. conspired. connived
or agreed, directly or indirectly. with any other Respondent, firm, or person to submit a collusive or
sham Proposal in connection with the Work for which the attached Proposal has been submitted; or
to refrain from Bidding or proposing In connection with such Work: or have in any manner, directly
or Indirectly. sought by agreement or collusion, or communication, or conference with any
Respondent, firm. or person to fix any overhead. profit, or cost elements of the Proposal or of any
other Respondent, or to fix any overhead. profit, or cost elements of the Proposal Price or the
Proposal Price of any other Respondent, or to secure through any collusion. conspiracy. connivance.
or unlawful agreement any advantage against (Recipient). or any person interested in the proposed
(5) The price or prices quoted In the attached Proposal are fair and proper and are not tainted by any
collusion. conspiracy. connivance. or unlawful agreement on the part of the Respondent or any other
of its agents, representatives. owners. employees or parties of Interest, including this affiant.
Signed. sealed and delivered in the presence of:
Witness "Ii:r--::: Signature
Gerald E. Newfllrmer. President and CEO
Witnes. Print Name and Title
On this the~ 51!: day of ~JJdu... .. 20 t I,p • before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State
of Fferida; personally appeare(Name(s) of indlvldual(s) who appeared before notary)
Thomas F. Papa
a f!~~ e. N ~ I:t.r M<er and whose name(s) Is/are Subscribed to the within
instrument, and he/she/they acknowledge that he/she/they executed it.
WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~'~ ~
n =O;:;ry PUblic,~tLe g~i/i)
SEAL OF OFFICE: _ PubIc. -dorm
(Name O~n~"M-,s.!'1S commissioned.)
Thomas F. I"epe
t:L Personally known to me, or
Personal identification:
Type of Identification Produced
Did take an oath, or
Did Not take an oath.
Pursuant to the provisions of Pangraph (2) (a) of Section 287.133. Florida State Statutes -"A person or affiliate
who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a
Proposal or bid on a Contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity. may not submit a Bid or
proposal for a Contract with a public entity for the construction of repair of a public building or public work. may
not submit bids or proposals on leases or real property to a public entity. may not be awarded to perform Work
as a RESPONDENT. Sub-contractor. supplier. Sub-consultant, or Consultant under a Contract with any public
entity. and may not transact business With any public entity in excess of the threshold amount Category Two of
Section 287.017. Florida Statutes. for thirty six (36) months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor
The award of any contract hereunder Is subject to the provisions of Chapter 112. Florida State
Statutes. Respondents must disclose with their Proposals. the name of any officer. director. partner. associate or
agent who is also an officer or employee of the City of South Miami or its agencies.
I. This sworn statement is submitted to
City of South Miami
[print name of the public entity]
Gerald E. Newfarmer. President and CEO ~-----~---------~------~~~-------------------------------------------------[print Individual's name and tide]
&or Management Partners
II ____ ~ __ ----~--~~--__ ----------~----------------------------[print name of entity submitting sworn statement]
whose business address is 1730 Madison Road. Cincinnati. OH 45206
2. I understand that a "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287.133 (I )(g). Florjda Statutes,
means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and direcdy related to the
transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state
or of the United States, including. but not limited to , any bid, proposal or contract for goods or services
to be prOVided to any public entity or an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the
United States and Involving antitrust, fraud. theft, bribery. collUSion. racketeering. conspiracy. or material
3. I understand that "convicted" or "conviction" as defined in Paragraph 287.133 (I) (b) • .EIm:ma
Statutes, means a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without an adjudication
of guilt. In any federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or
information after July I, 1989. as a result of a lury verdict. non-jury trial. or entry of a plea of gUilty or
nolo contendere.
4. 1 understand that an "affiliate" as defined in Paragraph 287.133 (I) (a), ElDrida Statutes. means:
(a) A predecessor or successor of a person convicted of a public entity crime; or
(b) An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity
and who has been convicted of a public entity crime. The term "affiliate" includes those officers.
directors. executives. partners, shareholders. employees. members. and agents who are active in
Thomas F. Pepe
III 10/10 IS
the management of an affiliate. The ownership by one person of shares constituting a controlling
interest in any person, or a pooling of equipment or income among persons when not for fair
market value under an arm's length agreement, shall be il prima facie case that one person
controls another person. A person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person
who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 months shall
be considered an affiliate.
S. I understand that a "person" as defined In Paragraph 287.133 (I) (e), florida Statutes. means any
natural person or entity organized under the laws of any state or of the United States with the legal
power to enter into a binding contract and which bids or proposal or applies to bid or proposal on
contracts for the provision of goods or services let by a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or
applies to transact business with a public entity. The term "person" includes those officers, directors,
executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active In management of an
6. Based on information and belief, the statement which I have marked below is true In reladon to the
entity submitting this sworn statement. [Indicate which statement applies.]
~ Neither the entity submitting this sworn statement, nor any of its officers, directors, executives,
partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active In the management of the entity,
nor any affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to
July I, 1989.
__ The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of its officers, directors, executives,
partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in the management of the entity,
or an affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July
__ The entity submitting chis sworn statement, or one or more of its officers. directors, executives,
partners, shareholders, employees, members. or agents who are active in the management of the entity,
or an affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent of July
I, 1989. However, there has been a subsequent proceeding before a Hearing Officer of the State of
Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings and the Final Order entered by the Hearlng Officer
determined that it was not In the public interest to place the entity submitting this sworn statement on
the convicted vendor list. [attach a copy of the final order.]
(S;&n.ture] ~
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 16'1-(4-... day ofJ~ _ . .., 20_LtL
Personally known ~4'X,=~~~~~~~=
OR Produced identification _______ _ Notary Public -State of ~~~L::L.-"'o,,"-~~_
(Type of identification)
Form PUR 7068 (Rev.0611 1192)
Thomas F. Pepa
My commission expires ____ -:--__
(Printed, typed or stamped commissioned
name of notary public) JERll. BECK81EDT
Nolaly Public, State of ()fjo
My Commission Expkes IJ4..15-20t7
Whenever two or more Bids or Proposals which are equal with respect to price, quality and service are received
by the State or by any political subdivisions for the procurement of commodities or contractual services, a Bid or
Proposal received from a business that certifies that it has implemented a drug-free workplace program shall be
given preference in the award process. Established procedures for processing tie Bids or Proposals shall be
followed if none of the tied vendors have a drug-free workplace program. In order to have a drug-free workplace
program. a business shall:
I) Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution. dispensing.
possession. or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the
actions that shall be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition.
2) Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace. the business' policy of
maintaining a drug-free workplace. any available drug counseling. rehabilitation, and employee
assistance programs. and the penalties that may be Imposed upon employees for drug abuse
3) Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under
Bid a copy of the statement specified in Subsection (I).
4) In the statement specified In Subsection (I). notify the employees. that, as a condition of working
of the commodities or contractual services that are under Bid. he employee shall abide by the
terms of the statement and shall notify the employee of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or
nolo contendere to, any violation of Chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the United
States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) business days
after such conviction.
S) Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory partidpation In a drug abuse assistance or
rehabilitation program. If such is available in the employee's community. by any employee who is
so convicted.
6) Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation
of this section.
As the person authorized to sign .t, I certify that this firm complies fully with the above requirements.
RESPONDENTs Signature: ~-.L:..~~a:.Jt~~~;p.~_ ....... ~_
Print Name: Gerald E. Newfarmer
Thomas F. Pepe
We. Management Partners • (Name of CONTRACTOR). hereby acknowledge and agree that as
CONTRACTOR for the Performance Based Audits project as specified have the sole responsibility (or
compliance with all the requirements of the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. and all State and
local safety and health regulations. and agree to Indemnify and hold harmless the City of South Miami and NIA
(Consultant, if any) against any and all liability. claims, damages. tosses and expenses they may Incur due to the
failure of (Sub~contractor's names):
to comply with such act or regulation.
BY: Gerald E. Newfarmer
Presidentand CEO
Thomas F. Pepe
The person, or entity, who is responding to the City's solicitation. hereinafter referred to as "Respondent", must
certify that the Respondent's name Does Not appear on the State of Florida, Department of Management Services,
If the Respondent's name Does appear on one or all the "listings" summarized below. Respondents must "Check
If Applies" next to the applicable "listing." The "listings" can be accessed through the following link to the Florida
Department of Management Services website:
http://www.dms.myflorida.com/business operations/state purchasing/vendor information!convicted susp-
ended discriminatory complaints vendor lim
I. Gerald E. Newfarmer (hereinafter referred to as the "Declarant") state. under penalty of perjury.
that the following statements are true and correa:
(I) I represent the Respondent whose name is Management Partners
(2) I have the following relationship with the Respondent President and CEO) (Owner (if Respondent is a
sole proprietor). President (If Respondent Is a corporation) Partner (If Respondent is a partnership). General
Partner (If Respondent Is a Limited Partnership) or Managing Member> (if Respondent is a limited Liability
(3) I have reviewed the Florida Department of Management Services website at the following URL address:
scrimlnatory_complaints_vendor Jists
(4) I have entered an "x" or a check mark beside each Iistin'lJcategory set forth below if the Respondent's
name appears in the list found on the Florida Department of Management Services website for that category or
listing. If I did not enter a mark beside a listing/category. it means that I am attesting to the fact that the
Respondent's name does not appear on the listing for that category in the Florida Department of Management
Services website as of the date of this affidavit.
Check if
Convicted Vendor Ust
Suspended Vendor list
Discriminatory Vendor list
Federal Excluded Parties list
Vendor Complaint List
Gerald E. Newfarmer
By: ~~!!!!!!~~~~:::::::~
(Signawre of Dec n
On this the,$y of \.)~_ n . 20 l~nn' before me. the undersigned authority, personally
appeared li-e.roJ4.li .. do(qJ~mftC-who is P'!!2onal1y know to..m.e or who prOvided the
following Identification and who took an oath or affirmed that that he/she/they executed the
foregoing Affidavit as the Declarant.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
Thomas F. Pepe
cary PubliC, State of-Fleriea-Oh.to
.n -'. • _~ StalaafOhiJ
(Name of Notary Public: P.'l'J:I;r.~;;,:, Cvnl 04-15-2017
Scamp or type as commlsslmfdtfflllllllOJ'IIII11Io.A}1'res
I Gerald E. Newfarmer • individually and on behalf of Management Partners
("Firm") have Name ofRepresenralive CompanyNendorlEntity read the City of South Miami ("City")'s Code of Ethics,
Section SA·I of the City's Code of Ordinances and I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury that to the best of my
knowledge, information and belief:
(I) neither I nor the Firm have any conRict of Interest (as defined in section SA· I ) with regard to the contract or
business that I, andlor the Firm, am (are) about to perform for, or to transact With, the
City, and
(2) neither I nor any employees, officers, directors of the Firm, nor anyone who has a financial interest greater
than 5% in the Firm, has any relative(s). as defined in section SA· I , who is an employee of the City or who is(are)
an appointed or elected offidal of the City, or who is(are) a member of any public body created by the City
Commission, i.e., a board or committee of the City, [while the ethics code still applies, if the person executing this
form is doing 50 on behalf of a firm whose stock Is publicly traded, the statement in this section (2) shall be based
solely on the signatory's personal knowledge and he/she is not required to make an independent investigation as to
the relationship of employees or those who have a finandal Interest in the Firm.]: and
(3) neither I nor the Firm. nor anyone who has a f1nandal interest greater than 5% In the Firm. nor any member of
those persons' immediate family (i.e., spouse, parents. children. brothers and sisters) has transacted or entered
into any contract(s) with the City or has a financial interest, direct or indirect. In any business being transacted
with the city, or with any person or agency acting for the city. other than as follows:
_ (If necessary. use a separate sheet to supply additional information that will not fit on this line; however, you
must make reference. on the above line. to the additional sheet and the additional sheet must be signed under
oath). [while the ethics code still applies. If the person executing this form is doing so on behalf of a firm whose
stock is publicly traded. the Statement in this section (3) shall be based solely on the signatory's personal
knowledge and he/she is not reqUired to make an independent Investigation as to the relationship of those who
have a financial interest in the Firm.}: and
(4) no elected andlor appointed official or employee of the City of South Miami, or any of their Immediate family
members (i.e., spouse, parents. children. brothers and sisters) has a financial Interest. directly or Indirectly. In the
contract between you andlor your Firm and the City other than the follOwing Individuals whose interest is set
forth following their names: ~~~~~~~=~~=~~~~~~~=~~
(If necessary, use a separate sheet to supply additional information that will not fit on this line; however, you must
make reference, on the above line, to the additional sheet and the additional sheet must be signed under oath).
The names of all City employees and that of all elected andlor appointed city officials or board members, who
own, directly or indirectly. an Interest of five percent (5%) or more of the total assets of capital stock in the firm
are as follows:
(if necessary, use a separate sheet to supply additional information that will not fit on this line; however, you must
make reference. on the above line. to the additional sheet and the additional sheet must be signed under oath).
[while the ethics code still applies, if the person executing this form is doing so on behalf of a firm whose stoc~ Is
publicly traded, the statement in this section (4) shall be based solely on the signatory's personal knowledge and
he/she is not reqUired to make an independent investigation as to the financial interest in the Firm of city
employees. appointed officials or the immediate family members of elected andlor appointed official or employee.]
(5) I and the Firm further agree not to use or attempt to use any knowledge. property or resource which may
come to us through our pOSition of trust, or through our performance of our duties under the terms of the
contract with the City. to secure a special privilege. benefit, or exemption for ourselves. or others. We agree that
we may not disclose or use information. not available to members of the general public. for our personal gain or
benefit or for the personal gain or benefit of any other person or business entity, outside of the normal gain or
benefit anticipated through the performance of the contract.
(6) I and the Firm hereby acknowledge that we have not contracted or transacted any business with the City or
any person or agency acting for the City, and that we have not appeared In representation of any third party
before any board. commission or agency of the City within the past two years other than as
Thomas F. Papa
follows: _ _ (if
necessary. use a separate sheet to supply additional information that will not fit on this line; however. you must
make reference. on the above line. to the additional sheet and the additional sheet must be signed under oath).
X:\Purchaslng\Vendor Registntion\12.28.12 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTION VERIFICATION FORM [3].docx
(7) Neither I nor any employees. officers. or directors of the Firm, nor any of their immediate family (i.e .. as a
spouse, son, daughter, parent, brother or sister) is related by blood or marriage to: (I) any member of the City
Commission: (II) any city employee; or (iii) any member of any board or agency of the City other than as follows:
____ -,--__________ ~~~~_,(if necessary. use a separate sheet to supply additional
information that will not fit on this line; however. you must make reference, on the above line, to the additional
sheet and the additional sheet must be signed under oath). [while the ethIcs code still applies. if the person
executing this form is doing so on behalf of a firm whose stock is publicly traded. the statement in this section (7)
shall be based solely on the Signatory's personal knowledge and he/she is not required to make an independent
Investigation as to the relationship by blood or marriage of employees, officers, or directors of the Firm. or of any
of their immediate family to any appointed or elected officials of the City, or to their immediate family members].
(8) No Other Firm, nor any officers or directors of that Other Firm or anyone who has a financial interest'greater
than S% in that Other Firm, nor any member of those persons' immediate family (I.e., spouse, parents, children.
brothers and sisters) nor any of my Immediate family members (hereinafter referred to as "Related Parties") has
responded to a solicitation by the City in which I or the Firm that I represent or anyone who has a financial
interest greater than 5% in the Firm, or any member of those persons' immediate family (i.e. spouse, parents,
children, brothers and sisters) have also responded, other than the following:
_ (If
necessary. use a separate sheet to supply additional information that will not fit on this line; however, you must
make reference, on the above line, to the additional sheet and the additional sheet must be signed under oath).
[while the ethics code still applies, jf the person executing this form is doing so on behalf of a firm whose stock is
publicly traded, the statement in this section (8) shall be based solely on the signatory's personal knowledge and
he/she is not required to make an independent Investigation into the Other Firm. or the Firm he/she represents. as
to their officers, directors or anyone having a financial interest in those Firms or any of their any member of those
persons' immediate family.]
(9) I and the Firm agree that we are obligated to supplement this Verification Form and Inform the City of any
change In circumstances that would change our answers to this document. SpeCifically, after the opening of any
responses to a solicitation, I and the Firm have an obligation to supplement this Verification Form with the name of
all Related Parties who have also responded to the same solicitation and to disclose the relationship of those
parties to me and the Firm.
(10) A violation of the City'S Ethics Code. the giving of any false information or the failure to supplement this
Verification Form. may subject me or the Firm to immediate termination of any agreement with the City, and the
imposition of the maximum fine and/or any penalties allowed by law. Additionally. violations may be considered by
and subject to action by the Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics. Under penalty of perjury, I declare that I
have made a diligent effort to investigate the matters to which I am attesting hereinabove and that the statements
made hereinabove are t and correct to the best of my knowledge. information and belief.
Print Name & Title: Gerold E. Ne ---------------------------
Date: f., -" '\ -1 t..
Thomas F. Pepe
Steven Alexander
City Manager
City of South Miami
6130 Sunset Drive
South Miami. FL 33 143
Performance Based Audits
RFP #FN20 16·12
I. If this Proposal is accepted. the undersigned Respondent agrees to enter into a Contract with the City of
South Miami in the form included in this Solicitation Package and to perform and furnish all work as
specified or indicated in this Solicitation. including as set forth in Exhibit I (Scope of Services) for the
Proposed Price as set forth below. within the Contract Time and In accordance with the other terms and
conditions of the Solicitation Package.
2. Respondent accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Solicitation and Instructions to Respondents.
Including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Proposal/Bid Bond. if required. This
Proposal will remain subject to acceptance for 180 calendar days after the day of the Proposal Opening.
The Respondent. by signing and submitting this proposal, agrees to all of the terms and conditions of the
form of contract that is a part of the Solicitation package with appropriate changes to conform to the
information contained in this Bid Form. Respondent agrees to sign and submit the Bonds. if required by
this Solicitation. required Insurance documents. and other documents required by the SoliCitation.
including the Contract if not already submitted. within ten (10) calendar days after the date of the Clty's
Notice of Award.
3. In submitting this Proposal, Respondent represents that:
a. Respondent has examined copies of all the Solicitation Documents and of the follOWing Addenda. if any
(receipt of all which is hereby acknowledged.)
Addendum No. #1 and #2 Dated: June 21 and June 23. 2016
b. Respondent has familiarized himself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents. the proposed
work. site. locality. and all local conditions and laws and regulations that In any manner may affect cost.
progress, performance or furnishing of the Work.
c. Subsurface conditions: If applicable to this Solicitation. the Respondent represents that:
i. Respondent has studied carefully all reports and drawings. if applicable. of subsurface conditions and
drawings of physical conditions.
iI. Respondent has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for obtaining and carefully
studying) all such examinations. investigations, explorations. tests and studies in addition to or to
supplement those referred to in this paragraph which pertain to the subsurface or physical condldons
at the site or otherwise may affect the cost, progress. performance, or the furnishing of the Work at
the Contract Price. within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions
'of the Contract Documents. The Respondent hereby acknowledges that no additional examinations,
investigations. explorations, tests. reports or similar Information or data are, or will. be required by
Respondent for any reason in connection with the Proposal. The failure of the Respondent to request
a pre-bid marking of the construction site by any or all utility companies shall create an Irrefutable
presumption that the Respondent's bid. or proposal price. has taken into consideration all possible
underground conditions and Respondent, if awarded the contraCt, shall not be entitled to a change
order for any such condition discovered thereafter.
iii. Respondent has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations. investigations.
explorations, tests. reports and studies with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents.
iv. Respondent has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated in the Solicitation
Package or In the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities or conditions
at or contiguous to the site and assumes responsibility for the accurate location of all Underground
Thomas F. Pepa
Facilities and conditions that may affect the Work. No additional examinations, investigations,
explorations, tests, reports or similar information or data In respect to any Underground Facilities or
conditions are, or will be. required by Respondent in order to perform and furnish the Work at the
Contract Price. within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of
the Contract Documents unless the Proposal speCifically states that the contract price is subject to
adjustment for future discovery of underground facilities andlor conditions that affect the cost of the
Work and unless the respondent makes a written request to the City for additional information
prior to submitting the bid or proposal as required in subsection Ii above.
d. Respondent has given the City written notice of all conflicts. errors or dIscrepancIes that it has
discovered in the Contract Documents and. If any conflicts. errors or discrepancies have been found
and notice given. the Respondent represents. by submitting its proposal to the City. that the
Respondent has received sufficient notice of the resolution thereof from the City. that such resolution
is acceptable to Respondent and that the Respondent waives any claim regarding the conflicts. errors or
e. This Proposal is genuine and not made in the interest of or on· behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or
corporation and is not submitted pursuant to any agreement or rules of any group. association.
organization. or corporation: Respondent has not <lirectly or indirectly induced or solicited any other
Respondent to submit a false or sham Proposal; Respondent has not solicited or induced any person.
firm or corporation to refrain from responding: and Respondent has not sought by collusion or
otherwise to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Respondent or over the CITY.
4. Respondent understands and agrees that the Contract Price Is the amount that it needs to furnish and
Install all of the Work complete and in place. The Schedule of Values. if required. is provided for the
purpose of Proposal Evaluation and when Initiated by the CITY, it shall form the basis for calculating the
pricing of change orders. The Contract Price shall not be adjusted in any way so as to result In a
deviation from the Schedule of Values, except to the extent that the CITY changes the Scope of the
Work after the Contract Date. As such, the Respondent shall furnish all labor. materials, equipment,
tools. superintendence and services necessary to provide a complete. in place. Project for the Proposal
Price. If this Solicitation requires the completion of a Respondents Cost and Technical Proposal, as
set forth in in Exhibit 5 and attached to this Solicitation, such proposal must be attached to this
Bid Form:
Respondents shall submit their "Contract Price" in Exhibit 5, "Respondents Cost and
Technical Proposal"
S. The ENTIRE WORK shall be completed. in full, within N1A days from the commencement date set forth
in the NOTICE TO PROCEED. Failure to complete the entire work during the described time period
shall result in the assessment of liqUidated damages as may be set forth in the Contract.
6. Insert the follOWing information for future communicatlon with you concerning this Proposal:
RESPONDENT: Management Partners
Address: Ino Madison Road Cincinnati OH 45206
Facsimile: 513·861 ·3480
Contact Person Gerald E. Newfarmer
7. The terms used in this Proposal which are defined in the Contract shall have the same meaning as is
assigned to them in the Contract Documents, unless specifically defined in this Solicitation Package.
8. If a Respondents Cost & Technical Proposal is required by the Solicitation. Respondent hereby
certifies that all of the facts and responses to the questions posed in the Respondents Cost &
Technical Proposal, if such an exhibit is made a part of the Solicitation, are true and correct and are
hereby adopted as part of this Bid Form, and are made a part of this proposal. by reference.
Thomas f. Pepe
1211 0/20 IS
9. By submitting this proposal. I. on behalf of the business that I represent, hereby agree to the terms of the
form of contract contained in the Solicitation package and I agree to be bound by those terms. with any
appropriate blank boxes, If any, checked and any blank lines filled In with the appropriate information
contained in the Solicitation Documents and this Proposal, or such information that the City and I have
agreed upon in the course of contract negotiations and which have been confirmed by the City in writing.
including e-mail confirmation, if any. I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am the lawful
representative of the business entity referenced in this Bid Form. that I have authority to bid for that
entity and that all of the information and representations contained herein are true and correct to the
best of my information and belief.
SUBMllTED THIS a..-CJ.¥ DAY OF .....;_ J::w...II<JW!t..k~:o....-=~~ 20l!tL.
Management partners
Gerald E. Newfarmer
President and CEO
Thomas F. Pepe
Telephone Number
Fax Number
Email Address
Performance Based Audits
RFP #FN10I6·ll
Respondents shall enter their proposed cost for the annual Audit and a Grand Total over the
five (5) year term in the table provided below:
Year Department Under Review
Year I: Finance, including; MIS and Procurement Division ,
Year 2: Parks and Recreation
Year 3: Planning & Zoning and Building
Year 4: Police and Public Works
Year 5: Administration, including: Code Enforcement and
Personnel Division
Grand Total:
SUBMITTED THIS _~t[+'" DAY OF =Jw.. .. """"'~~=--~~~~ 20 " •
Telephone Number
Total Cost
$ 199,950
Fax Number
President and CEO
Thomas F. Pepe
Email Address
IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the pollcy(les) must be endorsed, If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to
the terms and conditions of the policy, certain pol/cles may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the
certificate holder In lieu of such endorsement(s).
PRODUCER 1'¥lE Vicki /Jil(on The Hauser Groug ..... I'S 1 g.. 745-9200 I f.e!.NOI: 8260 Northcreek rive, Suite 200 ~=~ss;ydixDn~[Ql.ID.com Cincinnati OH 45236
INSURER A :Hartford Fire Insurance Co 19682
Man~ement Partners, Inc. INsuRERc.:J-Ia~altv Ins Co ~9424
1730 adison Road INSURERD: Cincinnati OH 45206
311/2016 31112017
311/2016 311/2017
33WECBU6135 3/1/2016 31112017
MPL100S388 6/20/2016 6/20/2017
DESCRIPnON OF OPERATIONS 1 LOCAlIONS I VEHIct.ES CAtted! ACORD tal, Addillolllll'l.marka Sch.dull, II more lpaC. Is requlredl
CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION 30 days except 10 days for non pay
&,hf: uJ~
@1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
ACORD 25 (2010/05) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD
I ,
1 1
RFP Title:
RFP No.:
Scoring Sheet
Performance Based Audit
FN 2016-12
Purchasing Division
6130 Sunset Drive
South Miami, Florida 33 143
(305) 663-6339
DIRECTIONS: Please score each firm, for each specific criterion provided. Scoring is based on each criteria listed below with a
maximum score for each criteria. The total score for each proposer is calculated by adding each criterion for a total score by proposer.
The maximum score total score for each proposer is 100 points.
Respondent's methodology and process for
completing the performance audit.
(Max 40 points)
The ability of professional personnel,
including pertinent training, skill and
experience. (Max. 30 points)
Respondent's willingness to meet City
timelines and budget requirements.
(Max. 10 points)
The location of the firm and the place from
which the work is to be performed and, the
recent, current, and projected workloads of
the firm
(Max 10 points)
Respondents proposed price proposal.
(Max. 10 points)
(Print Name)
Page 1 of 1
RFP Title:
RFP No.:
Performance Based Audit
FN 2016·12
Purchasing Division
6130 Sunset Drive
South Miami, Florida 33143
(305) 663·6339
DIRECTIONS: Please score each firm, for each specific criterion provided. Scoring is based on each criteria listed below with a
maximum score for each criteria. The total score for each proposer is calculated by adding each criterion for a total score by proposer.
The maximum score total score for each proposer is 100 points.
Respondent's methodology and process for
completing the performance audit.
(Max 40 points)
The ability of professional personnel,
including pertinent training, skill and
experience. (Max. 30 points)
Respondent's willingness to meet City
timelines and budget requirements.
(Max. 10 points)
The location of the firm and the place from
which the work is to be performed and, the
recent, current, and projected workloads of
the firm
(Max 10 points)
Respondents proposed price proposal.
(Max. 10 points)
Page 1 of 1
~ South~iami
RFP Title:
RFP No.:
Scoring Sheet
Performance Based Audit
FN 2016-12
Purchasing Division
6130 Sunset Drive
South Miami, Florida 33143
(305) 663-6339
DIRECTIONS: Please score each firm, for each specific criterion provided. Scoring is based on each criteria listed below with a
maximum score for each criteria. The total score for each proposer is calculated by adding each criterion for a total score by proposer.
The maximum score total score for each proposer is 100 points.
Respondent's methodology and process for
completing the performance audit.
(Max 40 points)
The ability of professional personnel,
including pertinent training, skill and
experience. (Max. 30 points)
Respondent's willingness tomeet City
timelines and budget requirements.
(Max. 10 points)
The location of the firm and the place from
which the work is to be performed and, the
recent, current, and projected workloads of
the firm
(Max 10 points)
Respondents proposed price proposal.
(Max. 10 points)
R~1iiewi!Jb:y:' -1 Qevl/;-h RU;J )'1
(Print Name)
~ Date: 7/s/iro
Page 1 of 1
RFP FN2016-12
Evaluator Advaion
Quentin Pough 85 94
Shari Kamali 90 97
Alfredo Riverol 83 95
TOTAL 258 286
Evaluator Advaion
Quentin Pough 85 94
TOTAL 85 94
Evaluator Advaion
Shari Kamali 90 97
TOTAL 90 97
Evaluator Advaion
Alfredo Riverol 83 95
TOTAL 83 95
RFP Title:
RFP No.:
Scoring Sheet
Performance Based Audit
FN 2016·12
Purchasing Division
6130 Sunset Drive
South Miami. Florida 33 143
(30S) 663 .. 6339
DIRECTIONS: Please score each firm. for each specific criterion provided. Scoring is based on each criteria listed below with a
maximum score for each criteria. The total score for each proposer is calculated by adding each criterion for a total score by proposer.
The maximum score total score for each proposer is 100 points.
Respondent's methodology arid process for
L}\) I.
completing the performance audit. ' Q~ (Max 40 points) "
The, ability, of professional personnel. ~S 3D 2. including pertinent training. skiff an,!""
experience. (Max. 30 points)
Respondent's willingness to meet City 10 1 3. timelines and budget requirements.
(Max. 10 points)
The location of the firm and the place from
which the work is to be performed and. the
/0 4. recent, current, and projected workloads of
the firm
(Max 10 points)
Respondents proposed price proposal. 10 5. (Max. 10 points)
Page 1 of 1
~ South'Miami
RFP Title:
RFP No.:
Scoring Sheet
Performance Based Audit
FN 2016-12
Purchasing Division
6130 Sunset Drive
South Miami, Florida 33143
(305) 663-6339
DIRECTIONS: Please score each firm, for each specific criterion provided. Scoring is based on each criteria listed below with. a
maximum score for each criteria. The total score for each proposer is calculated by adding each criterion for a total score by prQPoser.
The maximum score total score for each proposer is 100 points.
Respondent's methodology and process for
~5 I.
completing the performance audit. ~O (Max 40 points)
The ability of professional personnel, ~D 2. including pertinent training, skill and "bD experience. (Max. 30 points)
Respondent's willingness to meet City ~ 0 3. timelines and budget requirements. I (Max. 10 points)
The location of the firm and the place from
which the work is to be performed and, the
l 0 4. recent, current, and projected workloads of \ 0 the firm
(Max 10 points)
Respondents proposed price proposal.
S. (Max. 10 points)
Page 1 of 1
(il South~iami
RFP No.:
~ .\
Scoring Sheet
Performance Based Audit
Purchasing Division
6130 Sunset Drive
South Miami, Florida 33143
(30S) 663-6339
DIRECTIONS: Please score each firm, for each specific criterion provided. Scoring is based on each criteria listed below with a
maximum score for each criteria. The total score for each proposer is calculated by adding each criterion for a total score by proposer.
The maximum score total score for each proposer is 100 points. .
Respondent's methodology and process for
completing the performance audit. 3~ tfO (Max 40 points)
The ability of professional personnel,
2. including pertinent training, skill and "7-0 3 0 experience. (Max. 30 points)
Respondent's willingness to meet City
3. timelines and budget requirements. I 0 10 (Max. 10 points)
The location of the firm and the place from
which the work is to be performed and, the
4. recent, current, and projected workloads of I 0 the firm
(Max 10 points)
Respondents proposed price proposal.
/0 7 s. (Max. 10 points)
~=---~~~~ (Signature)
Page 1 of 1
Mr. Steven Kulick, C.P.M.
Purchasing Manager
Procurement Division
City of South Miami
6130 Sunset Drive
South Miami, Florida 33143
Dear Mr. Kulick:
August 8, 2016
As requested, this letter provides a breakdown of our proposed cost by hours and tasks for the
Performance Based Audits (RFP #FN2016-12), as well as contact information for Florida clients.
Please note that we had proposed different fees based on the size of the department, mostly due
to the number of interviews and meetings that would be needed to engage staff and to review
departmental business processes. In years with two smaller departments, the breakdown is:
Activity Hours Cost
1 -Start Project 8 $ 2,650
2 -Gather Data and Background Information 50 $ 8,990
3 -Analyze Service Delivery Processes 30 $ 5,945
4 -Analyze Departmental Staffing 16 $ 2,360
5 -Analyze Performance Measures and Outcomes 16 $ 2,080
6 -Summarize Observations and Preliminary Recommendations 12 $ 2,630
7 -Report Results 24 $ 4,175
8 -Support Implementation 8 $ 1,090
TOTALS 164 $29,990
For years with larger departments, the breakdown follows.
Activity Hours Cost
1 -Start Project 8 $ 2,650
2 -Gather Data and Background Information 90 $17,840
3 -Analyze Service Delivery Processes 60 $11,035
4 -Analyze Departmental Staffing 24 $ 4,260
5 -Analyze Performance Measures and Outcomes 20 $ 3,360
6 -Summarize Observations and Preliminary Recommendations 16 $ 3,380
7 -Report Results 36 $ 6,375
8 -Support Implementation 8 $ 1,090
TOTALS 262 $49,990
1730 MADISON ROAD • CiNCINNATI, OH 45206 • 513 8615400 • FAX 513 8613480 MANAGEMENTPARTNERS.COM
2107 NORTH FIRST STREET, SUITE 470 • SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95131 • 4084375400 • FAX 408 453 6191
3152 RED HILL AVENUE, SUITE 210 • COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 • 949-2221082 • FAX 408 4536191
.. ..
Page 2
All activity costs include relevant expenses. As we discussed in the interview last Wednesday,
we are open to discussing changes to better suit your needs.
The contacts for other Florida clients you requested (in addition to those identified in our
references and work-in-progress table) are:
Oakland Park*
West Palm Beach
Deborah Manzo
Ana Alvarez
Dianne Phillips
Dorritt Miller
*These two projects are still in progress, so they will not be able to comment on the quality of our
Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to be of assistance.
Kevin Knutson
Regional Vice President
Performance Based Audits
RFP #FN20 16·12
THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of , 20_ by and
between the City of South Miami, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (hereinafter
referred to as CITY) by and through its City Manager and Manalement Partners. Inc ..
authorized to do business in the State of Florida. hereinafter referred to as the
"CONSULTANT". In consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants contained in this
AGREEMENT, the City of South Miami, through its City Manager. agrees the following terms and
1.0 General Provisions
1.1 A Notice to Proceed will be issued by the City Manager. or his designee,
following the signing of this AGREEMENT. This AGREEMENT does not confer on the
CONSULTANT any exclusive rights to perform work on behalf of the CITY other than the
work described in one or more Notice to Proceed nor does it obligate the CITY in any
manner to guarantee work for the CONSULTANT.
1.2 The CITY agrees that It will furnish to the CONSULTANT with the available
data in the CITY files pertaining to the work to be performed under this AGREEMENT, as set
forth in the Scope of Services as described in the attached Exhibit I. promptly and upon
request of the CONSULTANT after the issuance of the Notice to Proceed.
2.0 Time for Completion
2.1 The services to be rendered by the CONSULTANT for any of the work shall
be commenced upon receipt of a written Notice to Proceed from th,e CITY subsequent to
the execution of this AGREEMENT and shall be completed within the time based on
reasonable determination. stated in the said Notice to Proceed and in accordance with the
Scope of Services.
2.2 A reasonable extension of time will be granted in the event there is a delay on
the part of the CITY in fulfilling its part of the AGREEMENT. change to scope of services or
should any other events beyond the control of the CONSULTANT render performance of his
duties impossible.
3.0 Basis of Cgmpensation: The fees for services of the CONSULTANT shall be
determined by one of the following methods or a combination thereof., as mutually
agreed upon by the CITY and the CONSULTANT.
a. A fIXed sum:The fee for a task or a scope of work may be a fixed sum as mutually
agreed upon by the CITY and the CONSULTANT and if such an agreement is
reached, it shall be in writing. signed by the CONSULTANT and attached hereto
Hourly rate fee: If there is no fixed sum or if additional work is requested in writing
without an agreement as to a fixed sum. the CITY agrees to pay, and the CONSULTANT
agrees to accept. for the services rendered pursuant to this AGREEMENT, fees in
accordance with the hourly rates, which include all wages, benefits, overhead and profit
that have been negotiated by the parties. The negotiated hourly rates are as set forth in
4.0 Payment and Partial Payments. The CITY will make monthly payments or partial
payments to the CONSULTANT for all authorized work performed during the previous
calendar month as set forth in ATTACHMENT "N/A" schedule of payment or, If no
schedule of payment is attached to this AGREEMENT then payment will be made, 30
days following the receipt of CONSULTANTs invoice, as the work progresses but only
for the work actually performed.
5.0 Rlgbt of Decisions. All services shall be performed by the CONSULTANT to the
satisfaction of the CITY's representative, who shall decide all questions, difficulties and
disputes of whatever nature which may arise under or by reason of this AGREEMENT,
including those relating to or arising out of the prosecution and fulfillment of the
services. and the character, quality, amount and value. The representativets decisions
upon all claims, questions, and disputes shall be final, conclusive and binding upon the
parties unless such determination is clearly arbitrary or unreasonable. In the event that
the CONSULTANT does not concur in the judgment of the representative as to any
decisions made by him, CONSULTANT shall present his written objections to the City
Manager and shall abide by the decision of the City Manager.
6.0 Ownership of Documents. All reports and reproducible plans, and other data developed
by the CONSULTANT for the purpose of this AGREEMENT shall become the property
of the CITY without restriction or limitation.
7.0 Audit Rights. The CITY reserves the right to audit the records of the CONSULTANT
related to this AGREEMENT at any time during the execution of the work and for a
period of one year after final payment is made. This provision is applicable only to
projects that are on a time andlor cost basis.
B.O Sublettinl' The CONSULTANT shall not assign or transfer its rights under this
AGREEMENT without the express written consent of the CITY. The CITY will not
unreasonably withhold andlor delay its consent to the assignment of the
CONSULTANTs rights. The CONSULTANT shall not subcontract any of the services
to be provided by it without prior written consent of the CITY nor shall the
CONSULTANT subcontract the total of this AGREEMENT. Any assignment or
subcontracting in violation hereof shall be void and unenforceable
9.0 Unauthorized Aliens: The employment of unauthorized aliens by the CONSULTANT Is
considered a violation of Federal Law. If the CONSULTANT knowingly employs
unauthorized aliens, such violation shall be cause for unilateral cancellation of this
AGREEMENT. This applies to any sub-CONSULTANTs used by the CONSULTANT as
well. The CITY reserves the right at its discretion, but does not assume the obligation,
to reqUire proof of valid citizenship or. in the alternative, proof of a valid green card for
each person employed in the performance of work or providing the goods and/or
services for or on behalf of the CITY including persons employed by any independent
contractor. By reserving this right, the CITY does not assume any obligation or
responsibility to enforce or ensure compliance with the applicable laws andlor
10.0 Warran1;X. The CONSULTANT warrants that it has not employed or retained any
company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the
CONSULTANT, to solicit or secure this contract and that he has not paid or agreed to
pay any company or person other than a bona fide employee working solely for the
CONSULTANT any fee, commission. percentage fee, gifts or any other considerations
contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this contract. For. breach or
violation of this warranty. the CITY shall have the right to annul or terminate this
AGREEMENT without liability.
f 1.0 Termination. It is expressly understood and agreed that the CITY may terminate this
AGREEEMENT for any reason, or no reason, and without penalty, by either declining to
Issue a Notice to Proceed authorizing work, or, if a Notice to Proceed Is Issued. CITY
may terminate this AGREEMENT by written notice to CONSULTANT, and in either
event the CITY's sole obligation to the CONSULTANT shall be payment for the work
previously authorized in writing and performed in accordance with the provisions of this
AGREEMENT. Payment shall be determined on the basiS of the work performed by the
CONSULTANT up to the time of termination. Upon termination, the CITY shall be
entitled to a .refund of any monies paid for any period of time for which payment was
made but for which no work was performed.
12.0 Term. The initial Contract shall be for a period of three (3) years with an opportunity
for the CITY to extend the Contract, at the City Manager's discretion, for one (I)
additional two (2) year renewal period. for a term not to exceed fIVe (5) consecutive
years. at the same terms. conditions and prices. This AGREEMENT shall remain in force
until the end of the term, which Includes all authorized renewals, or unless otherwise
terminated by the CITY. The term shall not exceed a term of five (5) consecutive year's
following the issuance of the Notice to Proceed.
13.0 Default. In the event either party fails to comply with the provisions of this
AGREEMENT. the aggrieved party may declare the other party in default and notify the
defaulting party in writing. If CITY is in default, the CONSULTANT will only be
compensated for any completed professional services and CONSULTANT shall not be
entitled to any consequential or delay damages. In the event partial payment has been
made for such professional services not completed, the CONSULTANT shall return
such sums to the CITY within ten (10) days after notice that said sums are due. In the
event of any litigation between the parties arising out of or relating In any way to this
AGREEMENT or a breach thereof, each party shall bear Its own costs and legal fees.
14.0 Insurance and Indemnification. The CONSULTANT agrees to comply with CITY's
Insurance and Indemnification requirements that are set forth in Exhibit 1 of
the RFP and shall become a part of this AGREEMENT by reference.
15.0 Azreement Not Exclusiye. Nothing In this AGREEMENT shall prevent the CITY from
employing other CONSULTANTS to perform the same or similar services.
16.0 Codes. Ordinances and Laws. The CONSULTANT agrees to abide by and be governed
by all duly promulgated and published municipal, County, state and federal codes,
statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations and laws which have a direct bearing on the work
involved on this project. The CONSULTANT is required to complete and sign all
affidavits, Including Public Entity Crimes Affidavit form (attached) pursuant to FS
287.133(3) (a), as required by the solicitation applicable to this AGREEMENT.
17.0 Taxes. CONSULTANT shall be responsible for payment of all federal. state, and/or
local taxes related to the Scope of Services, inclusive of sales tax if applicable.
18.0 prug Free Workplace. CONSULTANT shall comply with CITY's Drug Free Workplace
policy which is made a part of this AGREEMENT by reference.
19.0 Independent Contractor. CONSULTANT is an independent entity under this
AGREEMENT and nothing contained herein shall be construed to create a partnership,
joint venture, or agency relationship between the parties.
20.0 Duties and Responsibilities. CONSULTANT agrees to provide its services during the
term of this AGREEMENT in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, of the
federal. state. and City. which may be applicable to the service being provided.
21.0 Licenses and Certifications. CONSULTANT shall secure all necessary business and
profeSSional licenses at its sole expense prior to executing the AGREEMENT.
22.0 Entire Agreement. Modification. and Binding Effect This AGREEMENT constitutes the
entire agreement of the parties, incorporates all the understandings of the parties and
supersedes any prior agreements. understandings. representation or negotiation, whether
written or oral. This AGREEMENT may not be modified or amended except in writing,
signed by both parties hereto. If this AGREEMENT is required to be approved by the City
Commission, then upon approval by resolution of the City Commission. the City
Commission shall be deemed to be a party hereto. This AGREEMENT shall be binding upon
and inure to the benefit of the City of South Miami and CONSULTANT and to their
respective heirs, successors and assigns. No modification or amendment of any terms or
provisions of this AGREEMENT shall be valid or binding unless It complies with this
paragraph. This AGREEMENT. in general, and this paragraph, in particular; shall not be
modified or amended by acts or omissions of the parties. If this AGREEMENT was required
by ordinance or the City Charter to be approved by the City Commission. then no
amendment to .this AGREEMENT shall be valid unless approved by the City Commission.
23.0 lury Trial. CITY and CONSULTANT knowingly. irrevocably. voluntarily and intentionally
waive any right either may have to a trial by jury in State or Federal Court proceedings with
respect to any action. proceeding. lawsuit or counterclaim arising out of this AGREEMENT
or the performance of the Scope of Services thereunder.
24.0 ValiditY of Executed Copies. This AGREEMENT may be executed in several
counterparts, each of which shall be construed as an original.
25.0 Rules of Interpretation: Throughout this AGREEMENT the pronouns that are used
may be substituted for male, female or neuter, whenever applicable, and the singular words
substituted for plural and plural words substituted for singular wherever applicable.
26.0 SeverabilitY. If any term or provision of this AGREEMENT or the application thereof
to any person or circumstance shall, to any extent. be deemed to be invalid or
unenforceable. the remainder of this AGREEMENT. or the application of such term or
provision to persons or circumstances. other than those to which It is held invalid or
unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby and each and every other term and provision of
this AGREEMENT shall be valid and enforcea~le to the fullest extent permitted by law.
27.0 Cumulative Remedies: The duties and obligations imposed by the contract documents,
If any. and the rights and remedies available hereunder; and. in particular but without
limitation, the warranties. guarantees and obligations imposed upon CONSULTANT by the
Contract Documents. if any. and this AGREEMENT and the rights and remedies available to
the CITY hereunder. shall be in addition to, and shall not be construed in any way as a
limitation of any rights and remedies available at law or in eqUity. by special guarantee or by
other provisions of the Contract Documents, if any, or this AGREEMENT. In order to entitle
any party to exercise any remedy reserved to it in this AGREEMENT. or existing In law or In
equity. it shall not be necessary to give notice. other than such notice as may be herein
expressly required. No remedy conferred upon or reserved to any party hereto. or existing
at law or in equity. shall be exclusive of any other available remedy or remedies. but each
and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy
given under this AGREEMENT or existing at law or in equity either now or in the future. No
delay or omission to exercise any right or power accruing upon any default shall Impair any
such right or power nor shall it be construed to be. a waiver thereof. but any such right and
power may be exercised from time to time as often as may be deemed necessary or
28.0 Non~Waiver. CITY and CONSULTANT agree that no failure to exercise and no delay
in exercising any right. power or privilege under this AGREEMENT on the part of either
party shall operate as a waiver of any right, power, or privilege under this AGREEMENT. No
waiver of this AGREEMENT. in whole or part, including the provisions of this paragraph. may
be implied by any act or omission and will only be valid and enforceable if in writing and duly
executed by each of the parties to this AGREEMENT.Any waiver of any term. condition or
provision of this AGREEMENT will not constitute a waiver of any other term, condition or
provision hereof, nor will a waiver of any breach of any term, condition or provision
constiwte a waiver of any subsequent or succeeding breach. The failure to enforce this
AGREEMENT as to any particular breach or default shall not act as a waiver of any
subsequent breach or default.
29.0 No Discrimination and Equal Employment: No action shall be taken by the
CONSULTANT. nor will it permit any acts or omissions which result in discrimination
against any person. including employee or applicant for employment on the basis of race,
creed, color, ethnicity, national origin. religion, age, sex, familial status. marital staws, , sexual
orientation or physical or mental disability as proscribed by law and that it will take all
affirmative action necessary to ensure that such discrimination does not take place.The
CONSULTANT shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and it will take
affirmative action to ensure compliance. The City of South Miami's hiring practices strive to
comply with all applicable federal regulations regarding employment eligibility and
employment practices in general. Thus, all individuals and entities seeking to do work for
the CITY are expected to comply with all applicable laws. governmental requirements and
regulations. including the regulations of the United States Department of Justice pertaining
to employment eligibility and employment practices. By signing this AGREEMENT, the
CONSULTANT hereby certifies under penalty of perjury, to the CITY, that CONSULTANT
Is in compliance with all applicable regulations and laws governing employment practices.
30.0 Goyerninl Laws. This AGREEMENT and the performance of services hereunder will
be governed by the laws of the State of Florida, with exclusive venue for the resolution of
any dispute being a court of competent jurisdiction in Miami~Dade County, Florida.
31.0 Effective Date. This AGREEMENT shall not become effective and binding until it has
been executed by both parties hereto, and approved by the City Commission if such
approval is required by CITY's Charter, and the effective date shall be the date of its
execution by the last party so executing it or date of approval by City Commission.
whichever is later.
32.0 Third Part)' Beneficiary. It is specifically understood and agreed that no other person
or entity shall be a third party beneficiary hereunder, and that none of provisions of this
AGREEMENT shall be for the benefit of or be enforceable by anyone other than the parties
hereto, and that only the parties hereto shall have any rights hereunder.
33.0 Further Assu@nces. The parties hereto agree to execute any and all other and further
documents as might be reasonably necessary In order to ratify. confirm, and effectuate the
intent and purposes of this AGREEMENT.
34.0 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence of this AGREEMENT.
35.0 Interpretation. This AGREEMENT shall not be construed more strongly against either
party hereto, regardless of who was more responsible for its preparation.
36.0 Force Majeure. Neither party hereto shall be in default by reason of its failure to
perform its obligations under this AGREEMENT if caused by acts of God. civil commotion.
strikes, labor disputes, or governmental demands or requirements that could not be
reasonably anticipated and the effects avoided or mitigated. Each party shall notify the other
of any such occurrence.
37.0 Subcontracting; If allowed by this AGREEMENT, the CONSULTANT shall be as fully
responSible to the CITY for the acts and omissions of its subcontractorslsub-consultants as
it is for the acts and omissions of people directly employed by it.AlI subcontractors' and
sub-consultants' agreements. if allowed by this AGREEMENT, must be approved in writing by
the CITY. The CONSULTANT shall require each subcontractor; who is approved by the
CITY, to agree in the subcontract to observe and be bound by all obligations and conditions
of this AGREEMENT to which CONSULTANT is bound.
38.0 Public Records: CONTRACTOR and all of Its subcontractors are required to
comply with the public records law (5.119.0701) while providing goods andlor services on
behalf of the CITY and the CONTRACTOR, under such conditions, shall Incorporate this
paragraph in all of its subcontracts for this Project and shall: (a) Keep and maintain public
records that ordinarily and necessarily would be required by the public agency in order to
perform the service; (b) Upon request from the public agency's custodian of public records,
provide the public agency with a copy of the requested records or allow the access to public
records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time on the same terms and
conditions that the public agency would provide the records and at a cost that does not
exceed the cost provided in this chapter or as otherwise· provided by law; (c) Ensure that
public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure
reqUirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration of the contract
term and following completion of the contract if the contractor does not transfer the
records to the public agency; (d) Upon completion of the contract, Meet all requirements
for retaining public records and transfer; at no cost, to the public agency all public records in
possession of the contractor or keep and maintain public records required by the public
agency to perform the service. If the contractor transfers all public records to the public
agency upon completion of the contract, the contractor shall upon Termination of the
contract and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and
exempt from public records disclosure requirements. If the contractor keeps and maintains
public records upon completion of the contract, the contractor shall meet all applicable
requirements for retaining public records.AII records stored electronically must be provided
to the public agency. upon request from the public agency's custodian of public records. in a
format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the public agency. IF
mmenendez@sQuthmiamifl.gov; 6130 Sunset Drive, South Miami, FL .33143.
39.0 Notices. Whenever notice shall be required or permitted herein, it shall be delivered
by hand delivery, e-mail (or similar electronic transmission and all of which shall be referred
to as "eTransmission"). facsimile transmission or certified mail, with return receipt
requested. and shall be deemed delivered on the date shown on the eTransmission or
delivery confirmation for any facsimile transmission or, if by certified mail, the date on the
return receipt or the date shown as the date same was refused or unclaimed. If hand
delivered to the CITY. a copy must be stamped with the official CITY receipt stamp shOwing
the date of deliver: otherwise the document shall not be considered to have been delivered.
Notices shall be delivered to the following individuals or entities at the addresses (including
eTransmission) or facsimile transmission numbers set forth below:
With copies by U.S. mail to:
City Manager,
6 t 30 Sunset Dr.
South Miami, FL 33143 Fax:
E-mail: salexander@southmiamifl.gov
City Attorney
6130 Sunset Dr.
South Miami, FL 33143
Fax: (305) 341·0584
E-mail: tpepe@southmiamifl.gov
40.0 Corporate Authority: The CONSULTANT and its representative who signs this
AGREEMENT hereby certifies under penalty of perjury that the CONSULTANT and its
representative have. and have exercised, the required corporate power and that they have
complied with all applicable legal requirements necessary to adopt. execute and deliver this
AGREEMENT and to assume the responsibilities and obligations created hereunder; and that
this AGREEMENT is duly executed and delivered by an authorized representative, in
accordance with such representative's powers to bind the CONSULTANT hereunder, and
constitutes a valid and binding obligation enforceable in accordance with its terms,
conditions and provisions.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF. this AGREEMENT is accepted and subject to the terms
and conditions set forth herein.
By: ________ _
Maria M. Menendez, CMC
City Clerk
Read and Approved as to Form. Language.
Legality and Execution thereof.
By: _________ _
Thomas F. Pepe. Esq.
City Attorney
~;.nZf~ S;;;:. ~
(Print Name Above)
City of South Miami
By: ___________ _
Steven Alexander
City Manager
Performance Based Audits
RFP #FN20 16·12
Basis of Compensation
Performance Based Audits
RFP #FNIO. 6·12
Respondents shall enter their proposed cost for the annual Audit and a Grand Total over the
flv~ (5) year term in the table provided below:
Year Department Under Review
Year I: Finance, including; MIS and Procurement Division
Year 1: Parks and Recreation
Year): Planning & Zoning and Building
Year 4: Police and Public Works
YearS: Administration, includlngi Code Enforcement and
Personnel Division
Grand Total:
SUBMITTED THIS (Aq fL" DAY OF .....,J ....... UAl..t-;:;.;;..;.;;;;-=-___ 10 ) to .
Telephone Number
Total Cost
fax Number
President and CEO
Thomas F. Pepe
Email Address
'" 10
Mr. Steven Kulick, C.P.M.
Purchasing Manager
Procurement Division
City of South Miami
6130 Sunset Drive
South Miami, Florida 33143
Dear Mr. Kulick:
August 8, 2016
As requested, this lelter provides a breakdown of our proposed cost by hours and tasks for the
Performance Based Audits (RFP #FN2016-12), as well as contact information for Florida clients.
Please note that we had proposed different fees based on the size of the department, mostly due
to the number of interviews and meetings that would be needed to engage staff and to review
departmental business processes. In years with two smaller departments, the breakdown is:
)!' !l~'~~ ~'''''h"' '''''/,:'.' -IS;';-'!-~~""" "f£,~' "0 ~' [:l;~,' H~'!$r!t~-~~~fjl"J'tiil",,'!;r'.!"f' ~.,..."\,~ .·-'l.:i<f.J;.~~C~t'J7"~~ ~f;t<' r;-j.': .. ,r;,,,,) sActiviW~:f![~~;""~~~~i}~it-:;~~1?;1lf,:S;lJ~::~It3~T~r:\~.1~~~'\iwl~\~~~1~~.~~f~l}~~~~Hours~~t"(~J!t1=sf\~~:t • ~ '" ,-~ '1 S-'", '" ~ ,~R:::G1 ~ ~ h l.'~' "",I C'>;'!l" '"-<'" ,~':!( "', ~J' <!i ,':t, _. f!~ ~ .. , ;<; ~ _", __ ,~.r' ....... ~~ t>it,~ ~' • ...! "''It",
1-Start Project 8 $ 2,650
2 -Gather Data and Background Information SO $ 8,990
3 -Analyze SeNice Delivery Processes 30 $ 5,945
4 -Analyze Departmental Staffing 16 $ 2,360
5 -Analyze Performance Measures and Outcomes 16 $ 2,080
6 -Summarize ObseNations and Preliminary Recommendations 12 $ 2,630
7 -Report Results 24 $ 4,175
8 -Support Implementation 8 $ 1,090
TOTALS 164 $29,990 .... _ ... _-
1730 MADISON ROAD • CINCINNATI, OH 45206 • 5138615400 • FAX 513 8613480 MANAGEMENTPARTNEf'iS.COM
2107NoRTHFIRSTSTREET,sUITE470· sANJOSE,CAuFORNIA95131· 4084375400. FAX4084536191
3152 RED HILL AVENUE, SUITE 210 • CO!~AMESA,CAUFORNIA92626. 949·2221082. FAX4084S36191
Page 2
All activity costs include relevant expenses. As we discussed in the interview last Wednesday,
we are open to discussing changes to better suit your needs.
The contacts for other Florida clients you requested (in addition to those identified in our
references and work-in-progress table) are:
Oakland Park'"
West Palm Beach
Deborah Manzo
Ana Alvarez
Dianne Phillips
Dorritt Miller
·These two projects are still in progress, so tlley will not be able to commeflt on tile quality of our
Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to be of assistance.
Sincerely, ;lp
Kevin Knutson
Regional Vice President
RFP #FN20 16-12
Solicitation Cover Letter
The City of South Miami, Florida (hereinafter referred to as "CSM") through its chief executive officer (City
Manager) hereby solicits sealed proposals responsive to the City's request (hereinafter referred to as "Request
for Proposals or "RFP"). All references in this Solicitation (also referred to as an "Invitation for Proposals" or
"Invitation to Bid" to "City" shall be a reference to the City Manager, or the manager's designee, for the City of
South Miami unless otherwise specifically defined.
The City is hereby requesting sealed proposals in response to this RFP #FN20 16-12 "Performance Based
Audits." The purpose of this Solicitation is to contract for the services necessary for the completion of the
project in accordance with the Scope of Services, (Exhibit I) and Respondents Cost and Technical Proposal,
(Exhibit 5), or the plans and/or specifications, if any, described in this Solicitation (hereinafter referred to as "the
Project" or "Project").
Interested persons who wish to respond to this Solicitation can obtain the complete Solicitation package at the
City Clerk's office Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or by accessing the following web page:
http://www.southmiamifl.gov/ which is the City of South Miami's web address for solicitation information.
Proposals are subject to the Standard Terms and Conditions contained in the complete Solicitation Package,
including all documents listed in the Solicitation.
The Proposal Package shall consist of one (I) original unbound proposal, five (5) additional copies, (three-
ring binders are not permitted), and one (I) digital (or comparable medium including Flash Drive, DVD or
CD) copy all of which shall be delivered to the Office of the City Clerk located at South Miami City Hall, 6130
Sunset Drive, South Miami, Florida 33 143. The entire Proposal Package shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope or
container and shall have the following Envelope Information clearly printed or written on the exterior of the
envelope or container in which the sealed proposal is delivered: "Performance Based Audits," RFP
#FN20 16-12 and the name of the Respondent (person or entity responding to the Solicitation. Special envelopes
such as those provided by UPS or Federal Express will not be opened unless they contain the required Envelope
Information on the front or back of the envelope. Sealed Proposals must be received by Office of the City Clerk,
either by mail or hand delivery, no later than 10:00 a.m. local time on June 30, 2016. Hand delivery must
be made during normal business days and hours of the office of City Clerk.
A public opening will take place at 10:00 a.m. on the same date in the City Commission Chambers located at City
Hall, 6130 Sunset Drive, South Miami 33143. Any Proposal received after 10:00 a.m. local time on said date will
not be accepted under any circumstances. Any uncertainty regarding the time a Proposal is received will be
resolved against the person submitting the proposal and in favor of the Clerk's receipt stamp.
A Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting will be conducted at City Hall in the Commission
Chambers located at 6130 Sunset Drive, South Miami, FL 33143 on June 20, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. The
conference shall be held regardless of weather conditions. Proposals are subject to the terms, conditions and
provisions of this letter as well as to those provisions, terms, conditions, affidavits and documents contained in this
Solicitation Package. The City reserves the right to award the Project to the person with the lowest, most
responsive, responsible Proposal, as determined by the City, subject to the right of the City, or the City
Commission, to reject any and all proposals, and the right of the City to waive any irregularity in the Proposals or
Solicitation procedure and subject also to the right of the City to award the Project, and execute a contract with a
Respondent or Respondents, other than to one who provided the lowest Proposal Price or, if the Scope of the
Work is divided into distinct subdivisions, to award each subdivision to a separate Respondent.
Maria M. Menendez, CMC
City Clerk
City of South Miami
Performance Based Audits
RFP #FN20 16·12
The Scope of Services and the Schedule of Values. if any. are set forth in the attached EXHIBIT I
Thomas F. Pepe
Performance Based Audits
RFP #FN20 16-12
Advertisementl Distribution of Solicitation & Cone of
Silence begins
Non-MandatorJ Pre-RFP Meeting
Deadline to Submit Questions
Deadline to City Responses to Questions
Deadline to Submit RFP Response
Projected Announcement of selected Contractor/Cone of
Silence ends
Thomas F. Pepe
Date* Time*
6/6/2016 10:00 AM
6/20/2016 10:00 AM
6/23/2016 10:00 AM
6127/2016 10:00 AM
6/30/2016 10:00 AM
7119/2016 7:00 PM
Performance Based Audits
RFP #FN20 16-12
I. Purpose of Solicitation. The City of South Miami is requesting proposals for the lowest and most responsive
price for the Project. The City reserves the right to award the contract to the Respondent whose proposal is
found to be in the best interests of the City.
2. Qualification of Proposing Firm. Response submittals to this Solicitation will be considered from firms
normally engaged in providing the services requested. The proposing firm must demonstrate adequate
experience, organization, offices, equipment and personnel to ensure prompt and efficient service to the City
of South Miami. The City reserves the right, before recommending any award, to inspect the offices and
organization or to take any other action necessary to determine ability to perform in accordance with the
specifications, terms and conditions. The City of South Miami will determine whether the evidence of ability to
perform is satisfactory and reserves the right to reject all response submittals to this Solicitation where
evidence submitted, or investigation and evaluation, indicates inability of a firm to perform.
3. Deviations from Specifications. The awarded firm shall clearly indicate, as applicable, all areas in which the
services proposed do not fully comply with the requirements of this Solicitation. The decision as to whether
an item fully complies with the stated requirements rests solely with the City of South Miami.
4. Designated Contact. The awarded firm shall appoint a person to act as a primary contact with the City of
South Miami. This person or back-up shall be readily available during normal work hours by phone, email, or in
person, and shall be knowledgeable of the terms of the contract.
5. Precedence of Conditions. The proposing firm, by virtue of submitting a response, agrees that City's General
Provisions, Terms and Conditions herein will take precedence over any terms and conditions submitted with
the response, either appearing separately as an attachment or included within the Proposal. The Contract
Documents have been listed below in order of precedence, with the one having the most precedence being at
the top of the list and the remaining documents in descending order of precedence. This order of precedence
shall apply, unless clearly contrary to the specific terms of the Contract or General Conditions to the
a) Addenda to Solicitation
b) Attachments/Exhibits to
c) Solicitation
d) Attachment/Exhibits to Supplementary Conditions
e) Supplementary Conditions to Contract, if any
f) Attachment/Exhibits to Contract
g) Contract
h) General Conditions to Contract, if any
i) Respondent's Proposal
6. Response Withdrawal. After Proposals are opened, corrections or modifications to Proposals are not
permitted, but the City may allow the proposing firm to withdraw an erroneous Proposal prior to the
confirmation of the proposal award by City Commission, if all of the follOWing is established:
a) The proposing firm acted in good faith in submitting the response;
b) The error was not the result of gross negligence or willful inattention on the part of the firm;
c) The error was discovered and communicated to the City within twenty-four (24) hours (not
including Saturday, Sunday or a legal holiday) of opening the proposals received, along with a request
for permission to withdraw the firm's Proposal; and
d) The firm submits an explanation in writing, signed under penalty of perjury, stating how the error
was made and delivers adequate documentation to the City to support the explanation and to show
that the error was not the result of gross negligence or willful inattention nor made in bad faith.
7. The terms, provisions, conditions and definitions contained in the Solicitation Cover Letter shall apply to these
instructions to Respondents and they are hereby adopted and made a part hereof by reference. If there is a
conflict between the Cover Letter and these instructions, or any other provision of this Solicitation, the
Cover Letter shall govern and take precedence over the conflicting provision(s) in the Solicitation.
Thomas F. Pepe
8. Any questions concerning the Solicitation or any required need for clarification must be made in writing, by
10:00 a.m. on June 23, 2016 to the attention of Steven P. Kulick at skulick@southmiamifl.gov or via
facsimile at (30S) 663-6346.
9. The issuance of a written addendum is the only official method whereby interpretation and/or clarification of
information can be given. Interpretations or clarifications, considered necessary by the City in response to
such questions, shall be issued by a written addendum to the Solicitation Package (also known as "Solicitation
Specifications" or "Solicitation") by U.S. mail, e-mail or other delivery method convenient to the City and the
City will notify all prospective firms via the City's website.
10. Verbal interpretations or clarifications shall be without legal effect. No plea by a Respondent of ignorance or
the need for additional information shall exempt a Respondent from submitting the Proposal on the required
date and time as set forth in the public notice.
I I. Cone of Silence: You are hereby advised that this Request for Proposals is subject to the "Cone of Silence,"
in accordance with Miami-Dade County Ordinance Nos. 98106 and 99-1. From the time of advertising until
the City Manager issues his recommendation, there is a prohibition on verbal communication with the City's
professional staff, including the City Manager and his staff. All written communication must comply with the
requirements of the Cone of Silence. The Cone of Silence does not apply to verbal communications at pre-
proposal conferences, verbal presentations before evaluation committees, contract discussions during any duly
noticed public meeting, public presentations made to the City Commission during any duly notice public
meeting, contract negotiations with the staff follOWing the City Manager's written recommendation for the
award of the contract, or communications in writing at any time with any City employee, official or member of
the City Commission unless specifically prohibited. A copy of all written communications must be
contemporaneously filed with the City Manager and City Clerk. In addition, you are required to comply with
the City Manager's Administrative Order AO 1-15. If a copy is not attached, please request a copy from the
City's Procurement Division.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Cone of Silence shall not apply to ...
(I) Duly noticed site visits to determine the competency of bidders regarding a particular bid
during the time period between the opening of bids and the time that the City Manager
makes his or her written recommendation;
(2) Any emergency procurement of goods or services pursuant to the Miami-Dade County
Administrative Order 3-2;
(3) Communications regarding a particular solicitation between any person and the
procurement agent or contracting officer responsible for administering the procurement
process for such solicitation, provided the communication is limited strictly to matters of
process or procedure already contained in the corresponding solicitation document; and
(4) Communications regarding a particular solicitation between the procurement agent or
contracting officer, or their designated secretarial/clerical staff responsible for administering
the procurement process for such solicitation and a member of the selection committee,
provided the communication is limited strictly to matters of process or procedure already
contained in the corresponding solicitation document."
12. Violation of these provisions by any particular Respondent or proposer shall render any recommendation for
the award of the contract or the contract awarded to said Respondent or proposer voidable, and, in such
event, said Respondent or proposer shall not be considered for any Solicitation including but not limited to
one that requests any of the following a proposal, qualifications, a letter of interest or a bid concerning any
contract for the provision of goods or services for a period of one year. Contact shall only be made through
regularly scheduled Commission meetings, or meetings scheduled through the Purchasing Division, which are
for the purposes of obtaining additional or clarifying information.
Thomas F. Pepe
13. Lobbying. All firms and their agents who intend to submit, or who submitted, bids or responses for this
Solicitation, are hereby placed on formal notice that neither City Commissioners, candidates for City
Commissioner or any employee of the City of South Miami are to be lobbied either individually or collectively
concerning this Solicitation. Contact shall only be made through regularly scheduled Commission meetings, or
meetings scheduled through the Purchasing Division, which are for the purposes of obtaining additional or
clarifying information.
14. Reservation of Right. The City anticipates awarding one contract for services as a result of this Solicitation
and the successful firm will be requested to enter into negotiations to produce a contract for the Project.
The City, however, reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to do any of the following:
a) to reject any and all submitted Responses and to further define or limit the scope of the award.
b) to waive minor irregularities in the responses or in the procedure required by the Solicitation
c) to request additional information from firms as deemed necessary.
d) to make an award without discussion or after limited negotiations. It is, therefore, important that all
the parts of the Request for Proposal be completed in all respects.
e) to negotiate modifications to the Proposal that it deems acceptable.
f) to terminate negotiations in the event the City deems progress towards a contract to be insufficient
and to proceed to negotiate with the Respondent who made the next best Proposal. The City
reserves the right to proceed in this manner until it has negotiated a contract that is satisfactory to
the City.
g) To modify the Contract Documents. The terms of the Contract Documents are general and not
necessarily specific to the Solicitation. It is therefore anticipated that the City may modify these
documents to fit the specific project or work in question and the Respondent, by making a Proposal,
agrees to such modifications and to be bound by such modified documents.
h) to cancel, in whole or part, any invitation for Proposals when it is in the best interest of the City.
i) to award the Project to the person with the lowest, most responsive, responsible Proposal, as
determined by the City.
j) to award the Project, and execute a contract with a Respondent or Respondents, other than to one
who provided the lowest Proposal Price.
k) if the Scope of the Work is divided into distinct subdivisions, to award each subdivision to a
separate Respondent.
15. Contingent Fees Prohibited. The proposing firm, by submitting a proposal, warrants that it has not employed
or retained a company or person, other than a bona fide employee, contractor or subcontractor, working in
its employ, to solicit or secure a contract with the City, and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any person,
company, corporation, individual or firm other than a bona fide employee, contractor or sub-consultant,
working in its employ, any fee, commission, percentage, gift or other consideration contingent upon or
resulting from the award or making of a contract with the City.
16. Public Entity Crimes. A person or affiliate of the Respondent who has been placed on the convicted vendor
list pursuant to Chapter 287 following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a Proposal on a
contract to provide any goods or services, or a contract for construction or repair of a public building, may
not submit proposals on leases of real property to or with the City of South Miami, may not be awarded a
contract to perform work as a CONTRACTOR, sub-contractor, supplier, sub-consultant, or consultant under
a contract with the City of South Miami, and may not transact business with the City of South Miami for a
period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list.
17. Respondents shall use the Proposal Form(s) furnished by the City. All erasures and corrections must have the
initials of the Respondent's authorized representative in blue ink at the location of each and every erasure and
correction. Proposals shall be signed using blue ink; all quotations shall be typewritten, or printed with blue
ink. All spaces shall be filled in with the requested information or the phrase "not applicable" or "NA". The
proposal shall be delivered on or before the date and time, and at the place and in such manner as set forth in
the Solicitation Cover Letter. Failure to do so may cause the Proposal to be rejected. Failure to include any of
the Proposal· Forms may invalidate the Proposal. Respondent shall deliver to the City, as part of its Proposal,
the following documents:
a) The Invitation for Proposal and Instructions to Respondents.
b) A copy of all issued addenda.
c) The completed Proposal Form fully executed.
d) Proposal/Bid Bond, (Bond or cashier's check), if required, attached to the Proposal Form.
e) Certificates of Competency as well as all applicable State, County and City Licenses held by
Thomas F. Pepe
f) Certificate of Insurance and/or Letter of Insurability.
18. Goods: If goods are to be provided pursuant to this Solicitation the following applies:
a) Brand Names: If a brand name, make, manufacturer's trade name, or vendor catalog number is
mentioned in this Solicitation, whether or not followed by the words "approved equal", it is for the
purpose of establishing a grade or quality of material only. Respondent may offer goods that are
equal to the goods described in this Solicitation with appropriate identification, samples and/or
specifications for such item(s). The City shall be the sole judge concerning the merits of items
proposed as equals.
b) Pricing: Prices should be stated in units of quantity specified in the Proposal Form. In case of a
discrepancy, the City reserves the right to make the final determination at the lowest net cost to the
c) Mistake: In the event that unit prices are part of the Proposal and if there is a discrepancy between
the unit price(s) and the extended price(s), the unit price(s) .shall prevail and the extended price(s)
shall be adjusted to coincide. Respondents are responsible for checking their calculations. Failure to
do so shall be at the Respondent's risk, and errors shall not release the Respondent from his/her or
its responsibility as noted herein.
d) Samples: Samples of items, when required, must be furnished by the Respondent free of charge to
the City. Each individual sample must be labeled with the Respondent's name and manufacturer's
brand name and delivered by it within ten (10) calendar days of the Proposal opening unless schedule
indicates a different time. If samples are requested subsequent to the Proposal opening, they shall be
delivered within ten (10) calendar days of the request. The City shall not be responsible for the
return of samples.
e) Respondent warrants by signature on the Proposal Form that prices quoted therein are in conformity
with the latest Federal Price Guidelines.
f) Governmental Restrictions: In the event any governmental restrictions may be imposed which would
necessitate alteration of the material quality, workmanship, or performance of the items offered on
this Proposal prior to their delivery, it shall be the responsibility of the successful Respondent to
notify the City at once, indicating in its letter the specific regulation which required an
alteration. The City of South Miami reserves the right to accept any such alteration, including any
price adjustments occasioned thereby, or to cancel all or any portion of the Contract, at the sole
discretion of the City and at no further expense to the City with thirty (30) days advanced notice.
g) Respondent warrants that the prices, terms and conditions quoted in the Proposal shall be firm for a
period of one hundred eighty (180) calendar days from the date of the Proposal opening unless
otherwise stated in the Proposal Form. Incomplete, unresponsive, irresponsible, vague, or ambiguous
responses to the Solicitation shall be cause for rejection, as determined by the City.
h) Safety Standards: The Respondent warrants that the product(s) to be supplied to the City conform
in all respects to the standards set forth in the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and its
amendments. Proposals must be accompanied by a Materials Data Safety Sheet (M.S.D.S) when
19. Liability, Licenses & Permits: The successful Respondent shall assume the full duty, obligation, and expense of
obtaining all necessary licenses, permits, and inspections required by this Solicitation and as required by
law. The Respondent shall be liable for any damages or loss to the City occasioned by the negligence of the
Respondent (or its agent or employees) or any person acting for or through the Respondent. Respondents
shall furnish a certified copy of all licenses, Certificates of Competency or other licensing requirement
necessary to practice their profession and applicable to the work to be performed as required by Florida
Statutes, the Florida Building Code, Miami-Dade County Code or City of South Miami Code. These
documents shall be furnished to the City as part of the Proposal. Failure to have obtained the required
licenses and certifications or to furnish these documents shall be grounds for rejecting the Proposal and
forfeiture of the Proposal/Bid Bond, if required for this Project.
20. Respondent shall comply with the City's insurance requirements as set forth in the attached EXHIBIT 3, prior
to issuance of any Contract(s) or Award(s) If a recommendation for award of the contract, or an award of
the contract is made before compliance with this provision, the failure to fully and satisfactorily comply with
the City's bonding, if required for this project, and insurance requirements as set forth herein shall authorize
the City to implement a rescission of the Proposal Award or rescission of the recommendation for award of
contract without further City action. The Respondent, by submitting a Proposal, thereby agrees to hold the
City harmless and agrees to indemnify the City and covenants not to sue the City by virtue of such rescission.
21. Copyrights and/or Patent Rights: Respondent warrants that as to the manufacturing, producing or selling of
goods intended to be shipped or ordered by the Respondent pursuant to this Proposal, there has not been,
Thomas F. Pepe
nor will there be, any infringement of copyrights or patent rights. The Respondent agrees to indemnify City
from any and all liability, loss or expense occasioned by any such violation or infringement.
22. Execution of Contract: A response to this Solicitation shall not be responsive unless the Respondent signs the
form of contract that is a part of the Solicitation package. The Respondent to this Solicitation acknowledges
that by submitting a response or a proposal, Respondent agrees to the terms of the form contract and to the
terms of the general conditions to the contract, both of which are part of this Solicitation package. The
Respondent agrees that Respondent's signature on the Bid Form and/or the form of contract that is a part of
the Solicitation package and/or response to this Solicitation, grants to the City the authority, on the
Respondent's behalf, to inserted, into any blank spaces in the contract documents, information obtained from
the proposal and, at the City's sole and absolute discretion, the City may treat the Respondent's signature on
any of those documents as the Respondent's signature on the contract, after the appropriate information has
been inserted, as well as for any and all purposes, including the enforcement of all of the terms and conditions
of the contract.
23. Evaluation of Proposals: The City, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to inspect the facilities of any or all
Respondents to determine its capability to meet the requirements of the Contract. In addition, the price,
responsibility and responsiveness of the Respondent, the financial position, experience, staffing, equipment,
materials, references, and past history of service to the City and/or with other units of state, and/or local
governments in Florida, or comparable private entities, will be taken into consideration in the Award of the
24. Drug Free Workplace: Failure to provide proof of compliance with Florida Statute Section 287.087, as
amended, when requested shall be cause for rejection of the Proposal as determined by the City.
25. Public Entity Crimes: A person or affiliate who was placed on the Convicted Vendors List following a
conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a response on a contract to provide any services to a
public entity, may not submit Solicitation on leases of real property to a public entity, and may not transact
business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for a period of
36 months from the date of being placed on the Convicted Vendors List.
26. Contingent Fees Prohibited: The proposing firm must warrant that it has not employed or retained a
company or person, other than a bona fide employee, contractor or subcontractor, working in its employ, to
solicit or secure a contract with the City, and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company,
corporation, individual or firm other than a bona fide employee, contractor or sub-consultant, working in its
employ, any fee, commission, percentage, gift or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the
award or making of a contract with the City.
27. Hold Harmless: All Respondents shall hold the 'City, its officials and employees harmless and covenant not to
sue the City, its officials and employees in reference to its decisions to reject, award, or not award a contract,
as applicable, unless the claim is based solely on allegations of fraud and/or collusion. The submission of a
proposal shall act as an agreement by the Respondent that the Proposal/Bid Bond, if required for this project,
shall not be released until and unless the Respondent waives any and all claims that the Respondent may have
against the City that arise out of this Solicitation process or until a judgment is entered in the Respondent's
favor in any suit filed which concerns this proposal process. In any such suit, the prevailing party shall recover
its attorney's fees, court costs as well as expenses associated with the litigation. In the event that fees, court
costs and expenses associated with the litigation are awarded to the City, the Proposal/Bid Bond, if required
for this project, shall be applied to the payment of those costs and any balance shall be paid by the
28. Cancellation: Failure on the part of the Respondent to comply with the conditions, specifications,
requirements, and terms as determined by the City, shall be just cause for cancellation of the Award or
termination of the contract.
29. Bonding Requirements: The Respondent, when submitting the Proposal, shall include a Proposal/Bid Bond, if
required for this project, in the amount of 5% of the total amount of the base Proposal on the Proposal/Bid
Bond Form included herein. A company or personal check shall not be deemed a valiq Proposal Security.
30. Performance and Payment Bond: The City of South Miami may require the successful Respondent to furnish a
Performance Bond and Payment Bond, each in the amount of 100% of the total Proposal Price, including
Alternates if any, naming the City of South Miami, and the entity that may be providing a source of funding for
the Work, as the obligee, as security for the faithful performance of the Contract and for the payment of all
persons or entities performing labor, services and/or furnishing materials in connection herewith. In addition,
if the Respondent's employees will be working in secure or sensitive areas of the City, the City may require
that the Respondent provides employee bonding, naming the City of South Miami as the obligee on the bond.
The bonds shall be with a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Florida.
Thomas F. Pepe
30.1. Each Performance Bond shall be in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract
Price guaranteeing to City the completion and performance of the Work covered in the Contract
30.2. Each Performance Bond shall continue in effect for five years after final completion and
acceptance of the Work with the liability equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Sum.
30.3. Each Payment bond shall guarantee the full payment of all suppliers, material man, laborers, or
subcontractor employed pursuant to this Project.
30.4. Each Bond shall be with a Surety company whose qualifications meet the requirements of
insurance companies as setforth in the insurance requirements ofthis solicitation.
30.5. Pursuant to the requirements of Section 255.05, Florida Statutes, Respondent shall ensure that
the Bond(s) referenced above shall be recorded in the public records of Miami-Dade County and
provide CITY with evidence of such recording.
30.6. The surety company shall hold a current certificate of authority as acceptable surety on federal
bonds in accordance with the United States Department of Treasury Circular 570, current revisions.
31. Proposal Guarantee: Notwithstanding the fact that the Respondent, in submitting a proposal, agrees to the
terms contained in the form of contract that is part of this Solicitation package, the successful Respondent,
within ten (10) calendar days of Notice of Award by the City, shall deliver, to the City, the executed Contract
and other Contract Documents that provide for the Respondent's signature, and deliver to the City the
required insurance documentation as well as a Performance and Payment Bond if these bonds are required.
The Respondent who has the Contract awarded to it and who fails to execute the Contract and furnish the
required Bonds and Insurance Documents within the specified time shall, at the City's option, forfeit the
Proposal/Bid Bond/Security that accompanied the Proposal, and the Proposal/Bid Bond/Security shall be
retained as liquidated damages by the City. It is agreed that if the City accepts payment from the Proposal/Bid
Bond, that this sum is a fair estimate of the amount of damages the City will sustain in case the Respondent
fails to sign the Contract Documents or fails to furnish the required Bonds and Insurance documentation. If
the City does not accept the Proposal/Bid Bond, the City may proceed to sue for breach of contract if the
Respondent fails to perform in accordance with the Contract Documents. Proposal/Bid Bond/Security
deposited in the form of a cashier's check drawn oh a local bank in good standing shall be subject to the same
requirements as a Proposal/Bid Bond.
32. Pre-proposal Conference Site Visits: If a Mandatory Pre-proposal conference is scheduled for this project, all
Respondents shall attend the conference and tour all areas referenced in the Solicitation Documents. It shall
be grounds for rejecting a Proposal from a Respondent who did not attend the mandatory pre-proposal
conference. No pleas of ignorance by the Respondent of conditions that exist, or that may hereinafter exist,
as a Solicitation result of failure to make the necessary examinations or investigations, or failure to complete
any part of the Solicitation Package, will be accepted as basis for varying the requirements of the Contract
with the City of South Miami or the compensation of the Respondent. The Respondent, following receipt of a
survey of the property, if applicable, is bound by knowledge that can be seen or surmised from the survey and
will not be entitled to any change order due to any such condition. If the survey is provided before the
proposal is submitted, the contract price shall include the Work necessitated by those conditions. If the
survey is provided subsequent to the submission of the proposal, the Respondent shall have five calendar days
to notify the City of any additional costs required by such conditions and the City shall have the right to reject
the proposal and award the contract to the second most responsive, responsible bidder with the lowest price
or to reject all bids.
33. Time of Completion: The time is of the essence with regard to the completion of the Work to be performed
under the Contract to be awarded. Delays and extensions of time may be allowed only in accordance with
the provisions stated in the appropriate section of the Contract Documents, including the Proposal Form. No
change orders shall be allowed for delays caused by the City, other than for extensions of time to complete
the Work.
34. Submittal Requirements: All Proposals shall comply with the requirements set forth herein and shall include a
fully completed Bid Form found on EXHIBIT 4 and, Respondents Cost and Technical Proposal found
on EXHIBIT 5 which is a part of this Solicitation Package.
35. Cancellation of Bid Solicitation: The City reserves the right to cancel, in whole or part, any request for
proposal when it is in the best interest of the City.
36. Respondent shall not discriminate with regard to its hiring of employees or subcontractors or in its purchase
of 'materials or in any way in the performance of its contract, if one is awarded, based on race, color, religion,
national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, disability, or familial status.
37. All respondents, at the time of bid opening, must have fulfilled all prior obligations and commitments to the
City in order to have their bid considered, including all financial obligations. Prior to the acceptance of any bid
Thomas F. Pepe
proposal or quotation, the City's Finance Department shall certify that there are no outstanding fines, monies,
fees, taxes, liens or other charges owed to the City by the Respondent, any of the Respondent's principal,
partners, members or stockholders (collectively referred to as "Respondent Debtors"). A bid, proposal or
quotation will not be accepted until all outstanding debts of all Respondent Debtors owed to the city are paid
in full. No bidder who is in default of any prior contract with the City may have their bid considered until the
default is cured to the satisfaction of the City Manager.
38. Bid Protest Procedure, attached as EXHIBIT 8.
39. Evaluation Criteria: If this project is to be evaluated by an Evaluation Committee, the evaluation criteria is
attached as EXHIBIT 6.
Thomas F. Pepe
Proposal Submittal Checklist Form
Performance Based Audits
RFP #FN20 16-12
This checklist indicates the forms and documents required to be submitted for this solicitation and to be presented
by the deadline set for within the solicitation. Fulfillment of all solicitation requirements listed is mandatory for
consideration of response to the solicitation. Additional documents may be required and, if so, they will be
identified in an addendum to this Solicitation. The response shall include the following items:
Attachments and Other Documents described below Check
to be Completed
IF MARKED WITH AN "X": Completed.
Proposal shall consist of: one (I) unbound copy, five (5)
additional BOUND copies, (three-ring binders are not
permitted), and one (I) digital (I) digital (or comparable
____ medium including Flash Drive, DVD or CD) copy
x ----
x ----
x ----
x ----
x ---
Indemnification and Insurance Documents, EXHIBIT 3
Bid Form, EXHIBIT 4
Respondents Cost and Technical Proposal, EXHIBIT 5
Signed Contract Documents (All -including General Conditions
and Supplementary Conditions if attached), EXHIBIT 7
Respondents Qualification Statement
List of Proposed Subcontractors and Principal Suppliers
Non-Collusion Affidavit
Public Entity Crimes and Conflicts of Interest
Drug Free Workplace
Acknowledgement of Conformance with OSHA Standards
Affidavit Concerning Federal & State Vendor Listings
Related Party Transaction Verification Form
Presentation Team Declaration/Affidavit of Representation ---
Submit this checklist along with your proposal indicating the completion and submission of each required forms
and/or documents.
Thomas F. Pepe
Performance Based Audits
RFP #FN20 16-12
The response to this questionnaire shall be utilized as part of the CITY'S overall Proposal Evaluation and
RESPONDENT selection.
I. Number of similar projects completed,
a) In the past 5 years
b) In the past 10 years
2. List the last three (3) completed similar projects.
a) Project Name:
Owner Name:
Owner Address:
Owner. Telephone:
Actual Final Contract Completion
Actual Final Contract Price:
b) Project Name:
Owner Name:
Owner Address:
Owner Telephone:
Actual Final Contract Completion
Actual Final Contract Price
c) Project Name:
Thomas F. Pepe
Owner Name:
Owner Address:
Owner Telephone:
Actual Final Contract Completion
Actual Final Contract Price:
3. Current workload:
Project Name Owner Name Telephone Number Contract Price
4. The following information shall be attached to the proposal.
a) RESPONDENT's home office organization chart.
b) RESPONDENT's proposed project organizational chart.
c) Resumes of proposed key project personnel, including on-site Superintendent.
5. List and describe any:
a) Bankruptcy petitions filed by or against the Respondent or any predecessor organizations,
b) Any arbitration or civil or criminal proceedings, or
Suspension of contracts or debarring from Bidding or Responding by any public agency brought
c) against the Respondent in the last five (5) years
6. Government References:
List other Government Agencies or Quasi-Government Agencies for which you have done business
within the past five (5) years.
Name of Agency:
Telephone No.:
Contact Person:
Type of Project:
Thomas F. Pepe
Name of Agency:
Telephone No.:
Contact Person:
Type of Project:
Name of Agency:
Telephone No.:
Contact Person:
Type of Project:
Thomas F. Pepe
Performance Based Audits
RFP #FN20 16-12
Respondent shall list all proposed subcontractors, if subcontractors are allowed by the terms of this Solicitation to
be used on this project if they are awarded the Contract.
Classification of Worl< Subcontractor Name Address Telephone, Fax &
This list shall be provided to the City of South Miami by the apparent lowest responsive and responsible Bidder
within five (5) business days after Bid Opening.
Thomas F. Pepe
1211 0/2015
_____________________ being first duly sworn, deposes and states that:
(I) HelShelThey is/are the ______________________ _
(Owner, Partner, Officer, Representative or Agent) of
_----:-__________________ the Respondent that has submitted the
attached Proposal;
(2) He/ShelThey is/are fully informed concerning the preparation and contents of the attached Proposal
and of all pertinent circumstances concerning such Proposal;
(3) Such Proposal is genuine and is not a collusive or sham Proposal;
(4) Neither the said Respondent nor any of its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives,
employees or parties in interest, including this affiant, have in any way colluded, conspired, connived
or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any other Respondent, firm, or person to submit a collusive or
sham Proposal in connection with the Work for which the attached Proposal has been submitted; or
to refrain from Bidding or proposing in connection with such Work; or have in any manner, directly
or indirectly, sought by agreement or collusion, or communication, or conference with any
Respondent, firm, or person to fix any overhead, profit, or cost elements of the Proposal or of any
other Respondent, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost elements of the Proposal Price or the
Proposal Price of any other Respondent, or to secure through any collusion, conspiracy, connivance,
or unlawful agreement any advantage against (Recipient), or any person interested in the proposed
(5) The price or prices quoted in the attached Proposal are fair and proper and are not tainted by any
collusion, conspiracy, connivance, or unlawful agreement on the part of the Respondent or any other
of its agents, representatives, owners, employees or parties of interest, including this affiant.
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of:
Witne~s Signature
Witness Print Name and Title
On this the day of , 20 __ , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State
of Florida, personally appeared (Name(s) of individual(s) who appeared before notary)
Thomas F. Pepe
1211 0/20 15
______________________ and whose name(s) is/are Subscribed to the within
instrument, and he/she/they acknowledge that he/she/they executed it.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
Thomas F. Pepe
Notary Public, State of Florida
(Name of Notary Public: Print, Stamp or type as commissioned.)
Personally known to me, or
Personal identification:
Type of Identification Produced
Did take an oath, or
Did Not take an oath.
Pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph (2) (a) of Section 287.133. Florida State Statutes -"A person or affiliate
who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a
Proposal or bid on a Contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity. may not submit a Bid or
proposal for a Contract with a public entity for the construction of repair of a public building or public work, may
not submit bids or proposals on leases or real property to a public entity. may not be awarded to perform Work
as a RESPONDENT. Sub-contractor. supplier. Sub-consultant. or Consultant under a Contract with any public
entity. and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount Category Two of
Section 287.017. Florida Statutes. for thirty six (36) months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor
The award of any contract hereunder is subject to the provIsions of Chapter 112. Florida State
Statutes. Respondents must disclose with their Proposals. the name of any officer. director. partner. associate or
agent who is also an officer or employee of the City of South Miami or its agencies.
I. This sworn statement is submitted to
[print name ofthe public entity]
by ____________________________________________________________ __
[print individual's name and title]
for ____ ~--------~------~----------------~------------------------------[print name of entity submitting sworn statement]
whose business address is
and (if applicable) its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is (If the
entity has no FEIN. include the Social Security Number of the individual signing this sworn statement:
2. I understand that a "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287.133 (I )(g). Florida Statutes.
means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the
transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state
or of the United States. including. but not limited to • any bid. proposal or contract for goods or services
to be provided to any public entity or an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the
United States and involving antitrust, fraud. theft. bribery. collusion. racketeering. conspiracy. or material
3. I understand that "convicted" or "conviction" as defined in Paragraph 287.133 (I) (b). Florida
Statutes. means a finding of gUilt or a conviction of a public entity crime. with or without an adjudication
of gUilt, in any federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or
information after July I. 1989. as a result of a jury verdict, non-jury trial. or entry of a plea of gUilty or
nolo contendere.
4. I understand that an "affiliate" as defined in Paragraph 287.133 (I) (a). Florida Statutes. means:
(a) A predecessor or successor of a person convicted of a public entity crime; or
(b) An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity
and who has been convicted ofa public entity crime. The term "affiliate" includes those officers.
directors. executives. partners. shareholders. employees. members. and agents who are active in
Thomas F: Pepe
the management of an affiliate. The ownership by one person of shares constituting a controlling
interest in any person. or a pooling of equipment or income among persons when not for fair
market value under an arm's length agreement. shall be a prima facie case that one person
controls another person. A person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person
who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 months shall
be considered an affiliate.
5. understand that a "person" as defined in Paragraph 287.133 (I) (e). Florida Statutes. means any
natural person or entity organized under the laws of any state or of the United States with the legal
power to enter into a binding contract and which bids or proposal or applies to bid or proposal on
contracts for the provision of goods or services let by a public entity. or which otherwise transacts or
applies to transact business with a public entity. The term "person" includes those officers. directors.
executives. partners. shareholders. employees. members. and agents who are active in management of an
6. Based on information and belief. the statement which I have marked below is true in relation to the
entity submitting this sworn statement. [Indicate which statement applies.]
__ Neither the entity submitting this sworn statement, nor any of its officers. directors. executives.
partners. shareholders. employees. members. or agents who are active in the management of the entity.
nor any affiliate of the, entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to
july I. 1989.
__ The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of its officers. directors. executives.
partners. shareholders. employees. members. or agents who are active in the management of the entity.
or an affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to july
__ The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of its officers. directors. executives.
partners. shareholders. employees. members. or agents who are active in the management of the entity.
or an affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent of july
I. 1989. However. there has been a subsequent proceeding before a Hearing Officer of the State of
Florida. Division of Administrative Hearings and the Final Order entered by the Hearing Officer
determined that it was not in the public interest to place the entity submitting this sworn statement on
the convicted vendor list. [attach a copy of the final order.]
Sworn to and subscribed before me this _____ day of _____________ ,. 20 __ .
Personally known ___________ _
OR Produced identification _______ _
(Type of identification)
Form PUR 7068 (Rev.06/11/92)
Thomas F. Pepe
Notary Public -State of ______ _
My commission expires _______ _
(Printed. typed or stamped commissioned
name of notary public)
Whenever two or more Bids or Proposals which are equal with respect to price, quality and service are received
by the State or by any political subdivisions for the procurement of commodities or contractual services, a Bid or
Proposal received from a business that certifies that it has implemented a drug-free workplace program shall be
given preference in the award process. Established procedures for processing tie Bids or Proposals shall be
followed if none of the tied vendors have a drug-free workplace program. In order to have a drug-free workplace.
program, a business shall:
I) Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing,
possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the
actions that shall be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition.
2) Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business' policy of
maintaining a drug-free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee
assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse
3) Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under
Bid a copy of the statement specified in Subsection (I).
4) In the statement specified in Subsection (I), notify the employees, that, as a condition of working
of the commodities or contractual services that are under Bid, he employee shall abide by the
terms of the statement and shall notify the employee of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or
nolo contendere to, any violation of Chapter 893 or ofany controlled substance law of the United
States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) business days
after such conviction.
5) Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or
rehabilitation program, if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is
so convicted.
6) Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation
of this section.
As the person authorized to sign the statement;1 certify that this firm complies fully with the above requirements.
RESPONDENT's Signature: _______________ _
Print Name:
Thomas F. Pepe
We, , (Name of CONTRACTOR), hereby acknowledge and agree that as
CONTRACTOR for the Performance Based Audits project as specified have the sole responsibility for
compliance with all the requirements of the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, and all State and
local safety and health regulations, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of South Miami and N/A
(Consultant, if any) against any and all liability, claims, damages, losses and expenses they may incur due to the
failure of (Sub-contractor's names):
to comply with such act or regulation.
By: ____________________________ _
Thomas F. Pepe
The person, or entity, who is responding to the City's solicitation, hereinafter referred to as "Respondent", must
certify that the Respondent's name Does Not appear on the State of Florida, Department of Management Services,
If the Respondent's name Does appear on one or all the "Listings" summarized below, Respondents must "Check
if Applies" next to the applicable "Listing." The "Listings" can be accessed through the following link to the Florida
Department of Management Services website:
http://www.dms.myf!orida.com/business operations/state purchasing/vendor information/convicted susp
ended discriminatory complaints vendor lists
I, (hereinafter referred to as the "Declarant") state, under penalty of perjury,
that the following statements are true and correct
(I) I represent the Respondent whose name is _____________ ~
(2) I have the following relationship with the Respondent (Owner (if Respondent is a
sole proprietor), President (if Respondent is a corporation) Partner (if Respondent is a partnership), General
Partner (if Respondent is a Limited Partnership) or Managing Member> (if Respondent is a Limited Liability
(3) I have reviewed the Florida Department of Management Services website at the following URL address:
http://www.dms.myflorida.comlbusiness_ operations/state _purchasing/vendor _information/convicted_suspended _ di
scriminatory _ complaints_vendor _lists
(4) I have entered an "x" or a check mark beside each listing/category set forth below if the Respondent's
name appears in the list found on the Florida Department of Management Services website for that category or
listing. If I did not enter a mark beside a listing/category, it means that I am attesting to the fact that the
Respondent's name does not appear on the listing for that category in the Florida Department of Management
Services website as of the date of this affidavit.
Check if
Convicted Vendor List
Suspended Vendor List
Discriminatory Vendor List
Federal Excluded Parties List
Vendor Complaint List
(Print name of Declarant)
By: _----:-::-__ --:-::---:-----: ___ _
(Signature of Declarant)
On this the __ day of _______ " 20 __ , before me, the undersigned authority, personally
appeared who is personally know to me or who provided the
following identification and who took an oath or affirmed that that he/she/they executed the
foregoing Affidavit as the Declarant.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
Thomas F. Pepe
Notary Public, State of Florida
(Name of Notary Public: Print,
Stamp or type as commissioned.)
_____________ ----'--', individually and on behalf of ______________ _
("Firm") have Name of Representative CompanyNendor/Entity read the City of South Miami ("City")'s Code of Ethics,
Section 8A-1 of the City's Code of Ordinances and I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury that to the best of my
knowledge, information and belief:
(I) neither I nor the Firm have any conflict of interest (as defined in section 8A-I) with regard to the contract or
business that I, and/or the Firm, am(are) about to perform for, or to transact with, the
City, and
(2) neither I nor any employees, officers, directors of the Firm, nor anyone who has a financial interest greater
than 5% in the Firm, has any relative(s), as defined in section 8A-I, who is an employee of the City or who is(are)
an appointed or elected official of the City, or who is(are) a member of any public body created by the City
Commission, i.e., a board or committee of the City, [while the ethics code still applies, if the person executing this
form is doing so on behalf of a firm whose stock is publicly traded, the statement in this section (2) shall be based
solely on the signatory's personal knowledge and he/she is not required to make an independent investigation as to
the relationship of employees or those who have a financial interest in the Firm.]; and
(3) neither I nor the Firm, nor anyone who has a financial interest greater than 5% in the Firm, nor any mert,ber of
those persons' immediate family (Le., spouse, parents, children, brothers and sisters) has transacted or entered
into any contract(s) with the City or has a financial interest, direct or indirect, in any business being transacted
with the city, or with any person or agency acting for the city, other than as follows:
_ (if necessary, use a separate sheet to supply additional information that will not fit on this line; however, you
must make reference, on the above line, to the additional sheet and the additional sheet must be signed under
oath). [while the ethics code still applies, if the person executing this form is doing so on behalf of a firm whose
stock is publicly traded, the statement in this section (3) shall be based solely on the signatory's personal
knowledge and he/she is not required to make an independent investigation as to the relationship of those who
have a financial interest in the Firm.]; and
(4) no elected and/or appointed official or employee of the City of South Miami, or any of their immediate family
members (i.e., spouse, parents, children, brothers and sisters) has a financial interest, directly or indirectly, in the
contract between you and/or your Firm and the City other than the following individuals whose interest is set
forth following their names: ______________________ _
(if necessary, use a separate sheet to supply additional information that will not fit on this line; however, you must
make reference, on the above line, to the additional sheet and the additional sheet must be signed under oath).
The names of all City employees and that of all elected and/or appointed city officials or board members, who
own, directly or indirectly, an interest of five percent (5%) or more of the total assets of capital stock in the firm
are as follows:
(if necessary, use a separate sheet to supply additional information that will not fit on this line; however, you must
make reference, on the above line, to the additional sheet and the additional sheet must be signed under oath).
[while the ethics code still applies, if the person executing this form is doing so on behalf of a firm whose stock is
publicly traded, the statement in this section (4) shall be based solely on the signatory's personal knowledge and
he/she is not required to make an independent investigation 'as to the financial interest in the ,Firm of city
employees, appointed officials or the immediate family members of elected and/or appointed official or employee.]
(5) I and the Firm further agree not to use or attempt to use any knowledge, property or resource which may
come to us through our position of trust, or through our performance of our duties under the terms of the
contract with the City, to secure a special privilege, benefit, or exemption for ourselves, or others. We agree that
we may not disclose or use information, not available to members of the general public, for our personal gain or
benefit or for the personal gain or benefit of any other person or business entity, outside of the normal gain or
benefit anticipated through the performance of the contract.
(6) I and the Firm hereby acknowledge that we have not contracted or transacted any business with the City or
any person or agency acting for the City, and that we have not appeared in representation of any third party
before any board, commission or agency of the City within the past two years other than as
Thomas F. Pepe
follows: (if
necessary, use a separate sheet to supply additional information that will not fit on this line; however, you must
make reference, on the above line, to the additional sheet and the additional sheet must be signed under oath).
X:\Purchasing\Vendor Registration\12.28.12 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTION VERIFICATION FORM [3].docx
(7) Neither I nor any employees, officers, or directors of the Firm, nor any of their immediate family (i.e., as a
spouse, son, daughter, parent, brother or sister) is related by blood or marriage to: (i) any member of the City
Commission; (ii) any city employee; or (iii) any member of any board or agency of the City other than as follows:
----: ___ ---:-_---::--_:--_--:---:-________ ,(if necessary, use a separate sheet to supply additional
information that will not fit on this line; however, you must make reference, on the above line, to the additional
sheet and the additional sheet must be signed under oath). [while the ethics code still applies, if the person
executing this form is doing so on behalf of a firm whose stock is publicly traded, the statement in this section (7)
shall be based solely on the signatory's personal knowledge and he/she is not required to make an independent
investigation as to the relationship by blood or marriage of employees, officers, or directors of the Firm, or of any
of their immediate family to any appointed or elected officials of the City, or to their immediate family members].
(8) No Other Firm, nor any officers or directors of that Other Firm or anyone who has a financial interest greater
than 5% in that Other Firm, nor any member of those persons' immediate family (i.e., spouse, parents, children,
brothers and sisters) nor any of my immediate family members (hereinafter referred to as "Related Parties") has
responded to a solicitation by the City in which I or the Firm that I represent or anyone who has a financial
interest greater than 5% in the Firm, or any member of those persons' immediate family (i.e. spouse, parents,
children, brothers and sisters) have also responded, other than the following:
_----_______________________ '---__ (if
necessary, use a separate sheet to supply additional information that will not fit on this line; however, you must
make reference, on the above line, to the additional sheet and the additional sheet must be signed under oath).
[while the ethics code still applies, if the person executing this form is doing so on behalf of a firm whose stock is
publicly traded, the statement in this section (8) shall be based solely on the Signatory's personal knowledge and
he/she is not required to make an independent investigation into the Other Firm, or the Firm he/she represents, as
to their officers, directors or anyone having a financial interest in those Firms or any of their any member of those
persons' immediate family.]
(9) I and the Firm agree that we are obligated to supplement this Verification Form and inform the City of any
change in circumstances that would change our answers to this document. Specifically, after the opening of any
responses to a solicitation, I and the Firm have an obligation to supplement this Verification Form with the name of
all Related Parties who have also responded to the same solicitation and to disclose the relationship of those
parties to me and the Firm.
(10) A violation of the City's Ethics Code, the giving of any false information or the failure to supplement this
Verification Form, may subject me or the Firm to immediate termination of any agreement with the City, and the
imposition of the maximum fine and/or any penalties allowed by law. Additionally, violations may be considered by
and subject to action by the Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics. Under penalty of perjury, I declare that I
have made a diligent effort to investigate the matters to which I am attesting hereinabove and that the statements
made hereinabove are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.
Signature: ____________ _
Print Name & Title: ______________ _
Date: ___________ _
Thomas F. Pepe
Sec. SA-I. -Conflict of interest and code of ethics ordinance.
(a) Designation.
This section shall be designated and known as the "City of South Miami Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics
Ordinance." This section shall be applicable to all city personnel as defined below, and shall also constitute a
standard of ethical conduct and behavior for all autonomous personnel, quasi-judicial personnel, advisory
personnel and departmental personnel. The provisions of this section shall be applied in a cumulative manner. By
way of example, and not as a limitation, subsections (c) and (d) may be applied to the same contract or transaction.
(b) Definitions. For the purposes of this section the following definitions shall be effective:
(I) The term "commission members" shall refer to the mayor and the members of the city commission.
(2) The term "autonomous personnel" shall refer to the members of autonomous authorities, boards and agencies,
such as the city community redevelopment agency and the health facilities authority.
(3) The term "quasi-judicial personnel" shall refer to the members of the planning board, the environmental review
and preservation board, the code enforcement board and such other individuals, boards and
agencies of the city as perform quasi-judicial functions.
(4) The term "advisory personnel" shall refer to the members of those city advisory boards and agencies whose
sole or primary responsibility is to recommend legislation or give advice to the city commission.
(5) The term "departmental personnel" shall refer to the city clerk, the city manager, department heads, the city
attorney, and all assistants to the city clerk, city manager and city attorney, however titled.
(6) The term "employees" shall refer to all other personnel employed by the city.
(7) The term "compensation" shall refer to any money, gift, favor, thing of value or financial benefit conferred, 'or
to be conferred, in return for services rendered or to be rendered.
(8) The term "controlling financial interest" shall refer to ownership, directly or indirectly, of ten percent or more
of the outstanding capital stock in any corporation or a direct or indirect interest of ten percent or more in a firm,
partnership, or other business entity at the time of transacting business with the city.
(9) The term "immediate family" shall refer to the spouse, parents, children, brothers and sisters of the person
(10) The term "transact any business" shall refer to the purchase or sale by the city of specific goods or services
for consideration and to submitting a bid, a proposal in response to a Solicitation, a statement of qualifications in
response to a request by the city, or entering into contract negotiations for the provision
on any goods or services, whichever first occurs.
(c) Prohibition on transacting business with the city.
No person included in the terms defined in paragraphs (b)( I) through (6) and in paragraph (b)(9) shall enter into
any contract or transact any business in which that person or a member of the immediate family has a financial
interest, direct or indirect with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, and any such contract,
agreement or business engagement entered in violation of this subsection shall render the transaction voidable.
Willful violation of this subsection shall constitute malfeasance in office and shall affect forfeiture of office or
position. Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit or make illegal:
(I) The payment of taxes, special assessments or fees for services provided by the city government;
(2) The purchase of bonds, anticipation notes or other securities that may be issued by the city through
. underwriters or directly from time to time.
Waiver of prohibition. The requirements of this subsection may be waived for a particular transaction only by four
affirmative votes of the city commission after public hearing upon finding that
(I) An open-to-all sealed competitive proposal has been submitted by a city person as defined in paragraphs (b)(2),
(3) and (4);
(2) The proposal has been submitted by a person or firm offering services within the scope of the practice of
architecture, professional engineering, or registered land surveying, as defined by the laws of the state and
pursuant to the provisions of the Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act, and when the proposal has been
submitted by a city person defined in paragraphs (b)(2), (3) and (4);
(3) The property or services to be involved in the proposed transaction are unique and the city cannot avail itself
of such property or services without entering a transaction which would violate this subsection but for waiver of
its requirements; and
(4) That the proposed transaction will be in the best interest of the city.
This subsection shall be applicable only to prospective transactions, and the city commission may in no case ratify a
transaction entered in violation of this subsection.
Provisions cumulative. This subsection shall be taken to be cumulative and shall not be construed to amend or repeal
any other law pertaining to the same subject matter.
(d) Further prohibition on transacting business with the city.
Thomas F. Pepe
No person included in the terms defined in paragraphs (b)(I) through (6) and in paragraph (b)(9) shall enter into
any contract or transact any business through a firm. corporation. partnership or business entity in which that
person or any member of the immediate family has a controlling financial interest, direct or indirect, with the city
or any person or agency acting for the city. and any such contract. agreement or business engagement entered in
violation of this subsection shall render the transaction voidable. The remaining provisions of subsection (c) will
also be applicable to this subsection as though incorporated by recitation.
Additionally. no person included in the term defined in paragraph (b)(I) shall vote on or participate in any way in
any matter presented to the city commission if that person has any of the following relationships with any of the
persons or entities which would be or might be directly or indirectly affected by any action of the city commission:
(I) Officer. director. partner. of counsel. consultant. employee. fiduciary or beneficiary; or
(2) Stockholder. bondholder. debtor. or creditor. if in any instance the transaction or matter would affect the
person defined in paragraph (b)( I) in a manner distinct from the manner in which it would affect the public
generally. Any person included in the term defined in paragraph (b)(I) who has any of the specified relationships or
who would or might, directly or indirectly. realize a profit by the action of the city commission shall not vote on or
participate in any way in the matter.
(E) Gifts.
(I) Definition. The term "gift" shall refer to the transfer of anything of economic value. whether in the form of
money. service. loan. travel. entertainment, hospitality. item or promise. or in any other form. without
adequate and lawful consideration.
(2) Exceptions. The provisions of paragraph (e)( I) shall not apply to:
a. Political contributions specifically authorized by state law;
b. Gifts from relatives or members of one's household. unless the person is a conduit on behalf of a third party to
the delivery of a gift that is prohibited under paragraph (3);
c. Awards for professional or civic achievement;
d. Material such as books. reports. periodicals or pamphlets which are solely informational or of an advertising
(3) Prohibitions. A person described in paragraphs (b)( I) through (6) shall neither solicit nor demand any gift. It is
also unlawful for any person or entity to offer. give or agree to give to any person included in the terms defined in
paragraphs (b)(l) through (6). or for any person included in the terms defined in paragraphs (b)(I) through (6) to
accept or agree to accept from another person or entity. any gift for or because of:
a. An official public action taken. or to be taken. or which could be taken. or an omission or failure to take a public
b. A legal duty performed or to be performed. or which could be performed. or an omission or failure to perform
a legal duty;
c. A legal duty violated or to be violated. or which could be violated by any person included in the term defined in
paragraph (b)(I); or
d. Attendance or absence from a public meeting at which official action is to be taken.
(4) Disclosure. Any person included in the term defined in paragraphs (b)( I) through (6) shall disclose any gift, or
series of gifts from anyone person or entity. having a value in excess of $25.00. The disclosure shall be made by
filing a copy of the disclosure form required by chapter 112. Florida Statutes. for "local
officers" with the city clerk simultaneously with the filing of the form with the clerk of the county and with the
Florida Secretary of State.
(f) .Compulsory disclosure by employees of firms doing business with the city.
Should any person included in the terms defined in paragraphs (b)(l) through (6) be employed by a corporation.
firm. partnership or business entity in which that person or the immediate family does not have a controlling
financial interest, and should the corporation. firm. partnership or business entity have substantial business
commitments to or from the city or any city agency. or be subject to direct regulation by the city or a city agency.
then the person shall file a sworn statement disclosing such employment and interest with the clerk of the city.
(g) Exploitation of official position prohibited.
No person included in the terms defined in paragraphs (b)(I) through (6) shall corruptly use or attempt to use an
official position to secure special privileges or exemptions for that person or others.
(h) Prohibition on use of confidential information.
No person included in the terms defined in paragraphs (b)( I) through (6) shall accept employment or engage in
any business or professional activity which one might
reasonably expect would require or induce one to disclose confidential information acquired by reason of an
official position. nor shall that person in fact ever disclose confidential information garnered or gained through an
official position with the city. nor shall that person ever use such information. directly or indirectly. for personal
gain or benefit.
Thomas F. Pepe
(i) Conflicting employment prohibited.
No person included in the terms defined in paragraphs (b)(l) through {6) shall accept other employment which
would impair independence of judgment in the performance of any public duties.
(D Prohibition on outside employment.
(I) No person included in the terms defined in paragraphs (b)( 6) shall receive any compensation for services as an
officer or employee of the city from any source other than the city, except as may be permitted as follows:
a. Generally prohibited. No full-time city employee shall accept outside employment, either incidental, occasional or
otherwise, where city time, equipment or material is to be used or where such employment or any part thereof is
to be performed on city time.
b. When permitted. A full-time city employee may accept incidental or occasional outside employment so long as
such employment is not contrary, detrimental or adverse to the interest of the city or any of its departments and
the approval required in subparagraph c. is obtained.
c. Approval of department head required. Any outside employment by any full-time city employee must first be
approved in writing by the employee's department head who shall maintain a complete record of such
employment. .
d. Penalty. Any person convicted of violating any provision of this subsection shall be punished as provided in
section I-II of the Code of Miami-Dade County and, in addition shall be subject to dismissal by the appointing
authority. The city may also assess against a violator a fine not to exceed $500.00 and the costs of investigation
incurred by the city.
(2) All full-time city employees engaged in any outside employment for any person, firm, corporation or entity
other than the city, or any of its agencies or instrumentalities, shall file, under oath, an annual report indicating the
source of the outside employment, the nature of the work being done and any amount of money or other
consideration received by the employee from the outside employment. City employee reports shall be filed with
the city clerk. The reports shall be available at a reasonable time and place for inspection by the public. The city
manager may require monthly reports from individual employees or groups of employees for good cause.
(k) Prohibited investments.
No person included in the terms defined in paragraphs (b)(I) through (6) or a member ofthe immediate family
shall have personal investments in any enterprise which will create a substantial conflict between private interests
and the public interest.
(I) Certain appearances and payment prohibited.
(I) No person included in the terms defined in paragraphs (b)( I), (5) and (6) shall appear before any city board or
agency and make a presentation on behalf of a third person with respect to any matter, license, contract,
certificate, ruling, decision, opinion, rate schedule, franchise, or other benefit sought by the third person. Nor shall
the person receive any compensation or gift, directly or indirectly, for services rendered to a third person, who
has applied for or is seeking some benefit from the city or a city agency, in connection with the particular benefit
sought by the third person. Nor shall the person appear in any court or before any administrative tribunal as
counselor legal advisor to a party who seeks legal relief from the city or a city agency through the suit in question.
(2) No person included in the terms defined in paragraphs (b)(2), (3) and (4) shall appear before the city
commission or agency on which the person serves, either directly or through an associate, and make a
presentation on behalf of a third person with respect to any matter, license, contract, certificate, ruling, decision,
opinion, rate schedule, franchise, or other benefit sought by the third person. Nor shall such person receive any
compensation or gift, directly or indirectly, for services rendered to a third party who has applied for or is seeking
some benefit from the city commission or agency on which the person serves in connection with the particular
benefit sought by the third party. Nor shall the person appear in any court or before any administrative tribunal as
counselor legal advisor to a third party who seeks legal relief from the city commission or agency on which such
person serves through the suit in question.
(m) Actions prohibited when financial interests involved.
No person included in the terms defined in paragraphs (b) (I) through (6) shall participate in any official action
directly or indirectly affecting a business in which that person or any member of the immediate family has a
financial interest. A financial interest is defined in this subsection to include, but not be limited to, any direct or
indirect interest in any investment, equity, or debt.
(n) Acquiring financial interests.
No person included in the terms defined in paragraphs (b)( I) through (6) shall acquire a financial interest in a
project, business entity or property at a time when the person believes or has reason to believe that the financial
interest may be directly affected by official actions or by official actions by the city or city agency of which the
person is an official, officer or employee.
(0) Recommending professional services.
Thomas F. Pepe
No person included in the terms defined in paragraphs (b)(I) through (4) may recommend the services of any
lawyer or law firm, architect or architectural firm, public relations firm, or any other person or firm, professional
or otherwise, to assist in any transaction involving the city or any of its agencies, provided that a recommendation
may properly be made when required to be made by the duties of
office and in advance at a public meeting attended by other city officials, officers or employees.
(p) Continuing application after city service.
(I) No person included in the terms defined in paragraphs (b)(I), (5) and (6) shall, for a period of two years after
his or her city service or employment has ceased, lobby any city official [as defined in paragraphs
(b)( I) through (6)] in connection with any judicial or other proceeding, application, Solicitation, RFQ, bid, request
for ruling or other determination, contract, claim, controversy, charge, accusation, arrest or other particular
subject matter in which the city or one of its agencies is a party or has any interest whatever, whether direct or
indirect. Nothing contained in this subsection shall prohibit any individual from submitting a routine administrative
request or application to a city department or agency during the two-year period after his or her service has
(2) The provisions of the subsection shall not apply to persons who become employed by governmental entities,
50 I (c)(3) non-profit entities or educational institutions or entities, and who lobby on behalf of those entities in
their official capacities.
(3) The provisions of this subsection shall apply to all persons described in paragraph (p)( I) whose city service or
employment ceased after the effective date of the ordinance from which this section derives.
(4) No person described in paragraph (p)( I) whose city service or employment ceased within two years prior to
the effective date of this ordinance shall for a period of two years after his or her service or employment enter
into a lobbying contract to lobby any city official in connection with any subject described in paragraph (p)( I) in
which the city or one of its agencies is a party or has any direct and substantial interest; and in which he or she
participated directly or indirectly through decision, approval, disapproval, recommendation, the rendering of
advice, investigation, or otherwise, during his or her city service or employment. A person participated "directly"
where he or she was substantially involved in the particular subject matter through decision, approval, disapproval,
recommendation, the rendering of advice, investigation, or otherwise, during his or her city service or
employment. A person participated "indirectly" where he or she knowingly participated in any way in the particular
subject matter through decision, approval, disapproval, recommendation, the rendering of advice, investigation, or
otherwise, during his or her city service or employment. All persons covered by this paragraph shall execute an
affidavit on a form approved by the city attorney prior to lobbying any city official attesting that the
requirements of this subsection do not preclude the person from lobbying city officials.
(5) Any person who violates this subsection shall be subject to the penalties provided in section 8A-2(p).
(q) City attorney to render opinions on request.
Whenever any person included in the terms defined in paragraphs (b)( I) through (6) and paragraph (b)(9) is in
doubt as to the proper interpretation or application of this conflict of interest and code of ethics ordinance, or
whenever any person who renders services to the city is in doubt as to the applicability of the ordinance that
person, may submit to the city attorney a full written statement of the facts and questions. The city attorney shall
then render an opinion to such person and shall publish these opinions without use of the name of the person
advised .unless the person permits the use of a name.
(Ord. No. 6-99-1680, § 2, 3-2-99)
Editor's note-Ord. No. 6-99-1680, § I, adopted 3-2-99, repealed §§ 8A-1 and 8A-2 in their entirety and replaced
them with new §§
8A-1 and 8A-2. Former §§ 8A-1 and 8A-2 pertained to declaration of policy and definitions, respectively, and
derived from Ord. No. 634, §§ I (lA-I), I (IA-2) adopted jan. II, 1969.
Thomas F. Pepe
This affidavit is not required for compliance with the City's Solicitation; however, it may be used to avoid
the need to register members of your presentation team as lobbyists. Pursuant to City Ordinance 28-14-
2206 (c)(9), any person who appears as a representative for an individual or firm for an oral presentation
before a City certification, evaluation, selection, technical review or similar committee, shall list on an
affidavit provided by the City staff, all individuals who may make a presentation. The affidavit shall be
filed by staff with the Clerk's office at the time the committee's proposal is submitted to the City
Manager. For the purpose of this subsection only, the listed members of the presentation team, with
the exception of any person otherwise required to register as a lobbyist, shall not be required to pay any
registration fees. No person shall appear before any committee on behalf of an anyone unless he or she
has been listed as part of the firm's presentation team pursuant to this paragraph or unless he or she is
registered with the City Clerk's office as a lobbyist and has paid all applicable lobbyist registration fees.
Pursuant to '92.525(2), Florida Statutes, the undersigned, _______ , makes the following
declaration under penalty of perjury:
Listed below are all individuals who may make a presentation on behalf of the entity that the affiant
represents. Please note; No person shall appear before any committee on behalf of anyone unless he
or she has been listed as part of the firm's presentation team pursuant to this paragraph or unless he
or she is registered with the Clerk's office as a lobbyist and has paid all applicable lobbyist registration
For the purpose of this Affidavit of Representation only, the listed members of the presentation team,
with the exception of any person otherwise required to register as a lobbyist, shall not be required to
pay any registration fees. The Affidavit of Representation shall be filed with the City Clerk's office at the
time the committee's proposal is submitted to the City as part of the procurement process.
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing declaration and that the facts stated
in it are true and specifically that the persons listed above are the members of the presentation team of
the entity listed below.
Executed this ___ day of _______ -', 20_
Signature of Representative
Print Name and Title
Thomas F. Pepe
Print name of entity being represented
Performance Based Audits
RFP #FN20 16·12
The City has considered the Proposal submitted by your firm for the Performance Based Audit project
in response to its advertisement for Request for Proposal and Instructions to Respondents.
You are hereby notified that your Proposal has been accepted for the Performance Based Audits
in the five (5) year total amount of $ , broken down as follows:
Year I:
Year 2:
Year 3:
Year 4:
Year 5:
You are required by the Instructions to Respondents to execute the Contract Documents at the time of submittal
of proposal and to furnish any required insurance documents (see Proposal Submittal Checklist Form) within ten
(10) day from the date of this notice to you.
Notwithstanding the fact that you have agreed, by responding to the Solicitation, to the terms of the contract
attached to the Solicitation package, if you fail to execute said Contract and to furnish said bonds, the required
insurance documentation within ten (10) calendar days from the date ofthis notice, the CITY shall have the right
and be entitled, in its sole and absolute discretion, to disqualify the Proposal, revoke the award and retain the
Proposal/Bid Bond/Security. Please be advised that if the contract price exceeds $5,000.00 or if it is a multi-year
contract requiring payment out of more than one year's appropriation, the award and the contract must be
approved by the City Commission before it is binding on the City.
BY: __________________________ __
Steven Alexander
City Manager
Dated this __ day of __________ ---J' 20 __
Receipt of the above Notice of Award is hereby acknowledged by ______________ _
On this the ____ day of _________ " 20 __ .
You are required to return an acknowledged copy of this Notice of Award to the City Manager.
Thomas F. Pepe
Attachment A
Performance Based Audits
RFP #FN20 16-12
The City of South Miami is accepting sealed proposals for performance based audits for City
departments and certain divisions. The work covered by the specifications herein shall be for
performance based audits as described· in the contract documents and Scope of Services. The
City will select a single vendor to perform performance based audits to be completed over a
five-year period and shall conform to the Scope of Services, "Performance Based Audit
Agreement," Exhibit 7, and schedule identified as "Department Schedule," listed below in
paragraph 4.
Pursuant to Section 4 (F) of the City Charter, (as amended in 2000), the City of South Miami
will conduct a performance based audit of each City department. These audits are called for in
the Charter, specifically, Section 4, (F), which requires that "The City Commission shall require
a performance-based audit for each department at least once every five years." A single audit
was performed by a consultant in June, 20 I O. In 2012, the City selected a consultant as a result
of a competitive solicitation and entered into a five (5) year agreement for performance based
auditing. Fiscal Year 2016, ending on September 30, 2016, represents the last year of the
current agreement.
The City intends to hire a single qualified consultant to conduct the department/division
performance audits based on a recommendation of an evaluation committee. The evaluation
shall be conducted in accordance with the Evaluation and Selection Criteria, as set forth in
Exhibit 6. The awarded consultant shall enter into an agreement for a 5-year term to
commence on the date of execution of the agreement. See uExhibit 7 Performance Based
Audit Agreement," which is the form of the agreement that the consultant will be required to
execute. Only consultants with experiences and a proven track record of performing
performance based audits either in the private or public sector are encouraged to apply. Please
refer to "Supplemental Instructions and Proposal Format," Exhibit 2 for further
I. Scope of Services
The audit shall be performed as follows: Two departments, and the division of said
department, if any, per year over a five-year period, for a total of 10 individual department
audits. The schedule is referenced as "Department Schedule" in paragraph 4 below. The
audits will focus on "Department Performance" and is defined as to include workload measures,
outputs, outcomes, and benchmarks either to professional standards, neighboring communities,
or historical trends. Other factors that should be considered:
• Responsibility of the department.
• Adherence to department budget line items.
• Community's needs.
Thomas F. Pepe
• Department's goals.
• Communication between and within departments.
• Establishing a level of productivity and performance.
• Assessing productivity and performance.
• Job training.
• Work environment.
• Technological impediments
It will be the awarded consultant's option to determine the most effective method and/or
strategy to collect the information necessary to complete the audit, including but not limited to;
interviews with senior departmental staff, analyze any relevant City documents to determine if
performance indicators were deployed and to assess if there was an established organizational
capacity for their use, resident survey's to establish baseline data on citizen satisfaction and, to
identify critical issues for future performance measurement development.
2. Deliverables
The audits will confirm if there is a strategic road map in place that ties performance measures
to goals and vision. Possible strengths and weaknesses, by department, will be identified in
municipal service delivery and, a benchmark or road map will be provided for individual
departments to increase performance measures as well as staff and resident satisfaction. In
addition, the audit will reveal if departments utilize explicit measures of performance or
benchmarks, either internal or external, to track or quantify delivery of services.
At the completion of a single department audit, the awarded consultant will provide an
assessment of the department and include corrective actions that can be reasonably deployed
to effectively measure performance internally and to the residents they serve to the City
Department Follow-up Process:
The awarded consultant will be responsible to provide a brief evaluation within the
following 12 month period to determine if the department/division previously audited
has addressed the findings, achieved improvements or not met expectations or
recommendations provided in the original department/division assessment.
3. Performance Measurement Award, leMA
It is the goal of the City, for departments/divisions that completed the performance audit
process, to achieve recognition from the International City/County Management Association,
(ICMA). ICMA's Certificate Program in Performance Measurement recognizes jurisdictions
that excelled in local government performance measurement. ICMA recognizes achievement in
three categories, utilizing specific criteria for each. The categories are: .
• Achievement
• Distinction
Thomas F. Pepe
• Excellence
The awarded consultant must assist each departmentldivision with the ICMA certificate
application process and will provide supporting documentation as required by ICMA for each
category. At the end of the S-year agreement, it is the objective of the City for all departments
to achieve the "Excellence" certificate. Refer to Exhibit I, Scope of Services, Attachment
S, ulCMA Criteria: 2016 Certificates in Performance Management"
For additional information, please refer to the ICMA website link listed below:
4. Department Schedule
Over a five-year period, the City departments audited will be as follows, however at the
discretion of the City, the "Department Schedule" is subject to change:
Year I: "Finance," including; MIS and Procurement Division
Year 2: "Parks and Recreation"
Year 3: "Planning and Zoning" and "Building"
Year 4: "Police" and Public Works
Year 5: "Administration," including; Code Enforcement, Personnel Division
The awarded consultant is expected to complete each yearly audit within a three-month
period, between October 1st with the "Final Report" issued by December 31 st of each
year, from the execution date of this agreement. Completion is defined as when the awarded
consultant submits a uFindings and Recommendations Report" to the City Manager. The
awarded consultant must submit one unbound original and one electronic copy (Word and
PDF) of the "Findings and Recommendations Report."
The mail and delivery address is:
Mrs. Maria Menendez, City Clerk
City of South Miami
61 30 Sunset Drive
South Miami, FL 33143
Thomas F. Pepe
Attachment B
Performance Based Audits
RFP #FN20 16· 12
"ICMA Criteria: 2016 Certificates in Performance Management"
Thomas F. Pepe
1211 0/20 15
I€MAt# •• -Insl
Measure· Compare. ExpLore AnaLyze· Transform
Criteria: ICMA Certificates in Performance Management 2016
Category Achievement Distinction Excellence
Data Collection 4 services areas over 2 6 services areas for 3 years Identification and
years. tracking of key outcome
measures beyond inputs,
outputs, and workload
Verification Participation in efforts to verify, correct, or further explain any data that may be in
question (e.g., through ICMA Insights exception reports, internal auditing, amnesty
programs, etc.)
Coordination Designation of primary staff person to oversee PM efforts
Training/Support At least one informational Consideration of the Meets criteria for the
or training session during particular needs of new certificate of
the past year for other employees in achievement and
jurisdiction staff performance distinction.
dealing with performance measurement training NEW: Discussion of
measurement issues, or efforts. performance as part of
coordination of staff's citizen bvdget
attendance at alternate academies may
training contribute toward
sessions consideration for higher-
level awards, but is not a
Public Reporting Incorporation of jurisdiction Incorporation Use of graphs, color-
performance data in into public reporting of: coding, dashboards,
documents or local media. 1) sufficient data to judge etc., to highlight
Sharing of performance past performance performance above or
data online or in public 2) comparison values from below expectations or
mailings. Targets or goals other jurisdictions, groups varying significantly from
for key measures. NOTE: or private industry; and past or comparable
For data collection and 3) narrative text to explain data. NOTE: Use of
reporting, please provide the meaning or interactive, social media
links as appropriate. significance of the data. or mobile technology for
NOTE: All three are public access to or
required. search of performance
data may contribute
toward consideration for
higher-level awards, but
is not a requirement. This
may be a requirement in
Continued below ...
201 6 Certificate Criteria, page 2
Category Achievement
Distinction Excellence
. Adoption of policies for New: Internal tracking
holding staff accountable and consideration of
to report performance performance data on at
data and work toward least a quarterly basis.
continuous improvement
Participation on at least two occasions in e-
mail/phone communications with ICMA Insights staff
and/or online discussions about performance
measurement issues and/or ICMA Insights continuous
improvement. Feedback may also take the form of
internal process improvement efforts.
Sharing of performance measurement
experiences/lessons-learned with other communities
Consideration of performance data in measuring
progress toward strategic plan goals (for the overall
organization, departments, or individuals), making
management decisions, or considering financial
Internal emphasis on
measurement that makes
it pervasive in the
organizational culture,
and external leadership
in networking,
presentations, and data
Conduct and reporting
of customer satisfaction
surveys, both of internal
customers (employees)
and the general public.
ICMA Center for Performance Analytics
Performance Based Audits
RFP #FN20 16·12
I. Format and Content of RFQ Response
Firms responding to the solicitation, shall disclose their qualifications to serve as a
consultant for the City in the format set forth below. Failure to provide requested
information may result in your proposal being deemed non-responsive and
therefore eliminated from further consideration.
A. Title Page
Show the name of Respondent's agency/firm, address, telephone number, name of
contact person, date and the subject: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL for
"Performance Based Audits," RFP #FN20 16-12.
B. Table of Contents
Include a clear identification of the material by section and by page number.
C. Cover Letter and Executive Summary
This letter should be signed by the person in your firm who is authorized to negotiate
terms, render binding decisions, and commit the firm's resources.
Summarize your firm's qualifications and experience to serve as a Consultant, and your
firm's understanding of the work to be done and make a positive commitment to
perform the work in accordance with the terms of the proposal being submitted. This
response should emphasize the strength of the firm in any relevant areas which you feel
the City should weigh in its selection, based on the criteria set forth above.
This section should summarize the key points of your submittal. Limit to one to four
.pages. Proposals must include the following.
I. Proposer's perception of the problem, based on this RFP and the Scope of
Services, Exhibit I.
2. Detailed work plan/project approach and schedule designed to accomplish the
objectives of the proposed project in a timely manner.
3. A list of the executive and professional personnel that will be employed in the
completion of the project and their experience with similar projects, including the
percentage of project time projected to be spent by each person;
4. Proposer's experience with projects of a similar scope including a summary of prior
work experience and competence in undertaking projects of this type. Experience
shown should be of the lead project personnel who will be assigned to the City's
project and will routinely be interfacing with the City.
Thomas F. Pepe
D. Firm Overview
State the full legal name and organizational structure of the firm. Describe the ownership
structure of your firm. State the location of the office that will be serving the City including
mailing address and telephone numbers.
a. Name of Firm submitting responding to the solicitation.
b. Name and title of individual responsible for the submittal.
c. Mailing and e-mail addresses.
d. Telephone and facsimile numbers.
E. Personnel and References
Identify the primary individuals who will provide services to the City with regard to the day-
to-day relationship with the City and include a brief resume for each of the primary
individuals including licenses and certifications held by those individuals. Provide a list of
five clients the firm has worked with in the last 36 months. Indicate the firm's
experience with clients within the State of Florida and provide a brief description of the
type of services provided as well as the names, titles, addresses and telephone numbers of
.those primarily responSible for the account. In addition to the day-to-day relationship,
please prOVide information regarding the firm's and individual's experience with
engagements which are similar to the project contemplated by the City. Finally, provide
specific services required to complete this project, that are provided by your firm, through
subcontractors or sub consultants.
F. Other Relevant Experience
Provide a description of your proposed primary individuals' relevant experience over the
last three years with other cities that you believe are relevant to this proposed engagement.
Include three case studies, if available, that illustrate experience with relevant services
where the proposed primary individuals have served as consultants for similar engagements
as proposed by the City detailed in the Scope of Services in this RFP. Please limit your
response to two pages.
Thomas F. Pepe
Performance Based Audits
RFP #FN20 16-12
Insurance & Indemnification Requirements
Without limiting its liability, the contractor, consultant or consulting firm (hereinafter referred to as
"FIRM" with regard to Insurance and Indemnification requirements) shall be required to procure and
maintain at its own expense during the life of the Contract, insurance of the types and in the minimum
amounts stated below as will protect the FIRM, from claims which may arise out of or result from the
contract or the performance of the contract with the City of South Miami, whether such claim is against
the FIRM or any sub-contractor, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or by
anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable.
B. No insurance required by the CITY shall be issued or written by a surplus lines carrier unless authorized
in writing by the CITY and such authorization shall be at the CITY's sole and absolute discretion. The
FIRM shall purchase insurance from and shall maintain the insurance with a company or companies
lawfully authorized to sell insurance in the State of Florida, on forms approved by the State of Florida, as
will protect the FIRM, at a minimum, from all claims as set forth below which may arise out of or result
from the FIRM's operations under the Contract and for which the FIRM may be legally liable, whether
such operations be by the FIRM or by a Subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by
any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable: (a) claims under workers'
compensation, disability benefit and other similar employee benefit acts which are applicable to the Work
to be performed; (b) claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or
death of the FIRM's employees; (c) claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, or
death of any person other than the FIRM's employees; (d) claims for damages insured by usual personal
injury liability coverage; (e) claims for damages, other than to the Work itself, because of injury to or
destruction of tangible property, including loss of use resulting there from; (f) claims for damages because
of bodily injury, death of a person or property damage arising out of ownership, maintenance or use of a
motor vehicle; (g) claims for bodily injury or property damage arising out of completed operations; and
(h) claims involving contractual liability insurance applicable to the FIRM's obligations under the Contract.
1.02 Firm's Insurance Generally. The FIRM shall provide and maintain in force and effect until all the Work to
be performed under this Contract has been completed and accepted by CITY (or for such duration as is otherwise
specified hereinafter), the insurance coverage written on Florida approved forms and as set forth below:
1.03 Workers' Compensation Insurance at the statutory amount as to all employees in compliance with the
"Workers' Compensation Law" of the State of Florida including Chapter 440, Florida Statutes, as presently written
or hereafter amended, and all applicable federal laws. In addition, the policy (ies) must include: Employers' Liability
at the statutory coverage amount. The FIRM shall further insure that all of its Subcontractors maintain appropriate
levels of Worker's Compensation Insurance.
1.04 Commercial Comprehensive General Liability insurance with broad form endorsement, as well as
automobile liability, completed operations and products liability, contractual liability, severability of interest with
cross liability provision, and personal injury and property damage liability with limits of $1,000,000 combined single
limit per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate, including:
• Personal Injury: $1,000,000;
• Medical Insurance: $5,000 per person;
• Property Damage: $500,000 each occurrence;
1.05 Umbrella Commercial ComprehenSive General Liability insurance shall be written on a Florida approved
form with the same coverage as the primary insurance policy but in the amount of $1,000,000 per claim and
$~,OOO,OOO Annual Aggregate. Coverage must be afforded on a form no more restrictive than the latest edition of
the Comprehensive General Liability policy, without restrictive endorsements, as filed by the Insurance Services
Office, and must include:
(a) Premises and Operation
(b) Independent Contractors
(c) Products and/or Completed Operations Hazard
Thomas F. Pepe
(d) Explosion. Collapse and Underground Hazard Coverage
(e) Broad Form Property Damage
(f) Broad Form Contractual Coverage applicable to this specific Contract, including any hold harmless
and/or indemnification agreement.
(g) Personal Injury Coverage with Employee and Contractual Exclusions removed. with minimum limits of
coverage equal to those required for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability.
1.06 Business Automobile Liability with minimum limits of One Million Dollars ($ plus an
additional One Million Dollar ($ umbrella per occurrence combined single limit for Bodily Injury
Liability and Property Damage Liability. Umbrella coverage must be afforded on a form no more restrictive than>
the latest edition of the Business Automobile Liability policy. without restrictive endorsements. as filed by with the
state of Florida. and must include:
(a) Owned Vehicles.
(b) Hired and Non-Owned Vehicles
(c) Employers' Non-Ownership
1.07 SUBCONTRACTS: The FIRM agrees that if any part of the Work under the Contract is sublet. the
subcontract shall contain the same insurance provision as set forth in section 5.1 above and 5.4 below and
substituting the word Subcontractor for the word FIRM and substituting the word FIRM for CITY where
1.08 Fire and Extended Coverage Insurance (Builders' Risk). IF APPLICABLE:
A In the event that this contract involves the construction of a structure. the CONTRACTOR shall
maintain. with an Insurance Company or Insurance Companies acceptable to the CITY. "Broad" form/All
Risk Insurance on buildings and structures. including Vandalism & Malicious Mischief coverage. while in the
course of construction. including foundations. additions. attachments and all permanent fixtures belonging
to and constituting a part of said buildings or structures. The policy or policies shall also cover
machinery. if the cost of machinery is included in the Contract, or if the machinery is located in a building
that is being renovated by reason of this contract. The amount of insurance must, at all times. be at least
equal to the replacement and actual cash value of the insured property. The policy shall be in the name of
the CITY and the CONTRACTOR. as their interest may appear. and shall also cover the interests of all
Subcontractors performing Work.
B. All of the provisions set forth in Section 5.4 herein below shall apply to this coverage unless it would be
clearly not applicable.
1.09 Miscellaneous:
A If any notice of cancellation of insurance or change in coverage is issued by the insurance company or
should any insurance have an expiration date that will occur during the period of this contract, the FIRM
shall be responsible for securing other acceptable insurance prior to such cancellation. change. or
expiration so as to provide continuous coverage as specified in this section and so as to maintain
coverage during the life of this Contract.
B. All deductibles must be declared by the FIRM and must be approved by the CITY. At the option of the
CITY. either the FIRM shall eliminate or reduce such deductible or the FIRM shall procure a Bond. in a
form satisfactory to the CITY covering the same.
C. The policies shall contain waiver of subrogation against CITY where applicable. shall expressly provide
that such policy or policies are primary over any other collectible insurance that CITY may have. The
CITY reserves the right at any time to request a copy of the required policies for review. All policies
shall contain a "severability of interest" or "cross liability" clause without obligation for premium
payment of the CITY as well as contractual liability provision covering the Contractors duty to indemnify
the City as provided in this Agreement.
D. Before starting the Work. the FIRM shall deliver to the CITY and CONSULTANT certificates of such
insurance. acceptable to the CITY. as well as the insurance binder. if one is issued. the insurance policy.
including the declaration page and all applicable endorsements and provide the name. address and
telephone number of the insurance agent or broker through whom the policy was obtained. The insurer
shall be rated AVII or better per AM. Best's Key Rating Guide. latest edition and authorized to issue
insurance in the State of Florida. All insurance policies must be written on forms approved by the State
of Florida and they must remain in full force and effect for the duration of the contract period with the
CITY. The FIRM may be required by the CITY. at its sole discretion. to provide a "certified copy" of the
Policy (as defined in Article I of this document) which shall include the declaration page and all required
endorsements. In addition. the FIRM shall deliver. at the time of delivery of the insurance certificate. the
following endorsements:
(I) a policy provision or an endorsement with substantially similar provisions as follows:
Thomas F. Pepe
"The City of South Miami is an additional insured. The insurer shall pay all sums that the City of
South Miami becomes legally obligated to pay as damages because of 'bodily injury", 'property
damage', or "personal and advertising injury" and it will provide to the City all of the coverage
that is typically provided under the standard Florida approved forms for commercial general
·t liability coverage A and coverage B";
(2) a policy provision or an endorsement with substantially similar provisions as follows:
"This policy shall not be cancelled (including cancellation for non-payment of premium),
terminated or materially modified without first giving the City of South Miami ten (10) days
advanced written notice of the intent to materially modify the policy or to cancel or terminate
the policy for any reason. The notification shall be delivered to the City by certified mail, with
proof of delivery to the City."
E. If the FIRM is providing professional services, such as would be provided by an architect, engineer,
attorney, or accountant, to name a few, then in such event and in addition to the above requirements,
the FIRM shall also provide Professional Liability Insurance on a Florida approved form in the amount of
$1,000,000 with deductible per claim if any, not to exceed 5% of the limit of liability providing for all
sums which the FIRM shall become legally obligated to pay as damages for claims arising out of the
services or work performed by the FIRM its agents, representatives, Sub Contractors or assigns, or by
any person employed or retained by him in connection with this Agreement. This insurance shall be
maintained for four years after completion of the construction and acceptance of any Project covered by
this Agreement. However, the FIRM may purchase Specific Project Professional Liability Insurance, in the
amount and under the terms specified above, which is also acceptable. No insurance shall be issued by a
surplus lines carrier unless authorized in writing by the city at the city's sole, absolute and unfettered
Indemnification Requirement
A. The Contractor accepts and voluntarily incurs all risks of any injuries, damages, or harm which might
arise during the work or event that is occurring on the CITY's property due to the negligence or other fault of the
Contractor or anyone acting through or on behalf of the Contractor.
B. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend, save and hold CITY, its officers, affiliates, employees,
successors and assigns, harmless from any and all damages, claims, liability, losses, claims, demands, suits, fines,
judgments or cost and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, paralegal fees and investigative costs
incidental there to and incurred prior to, during or following any litigation, mediation, arbitration and at all
appellate levels, which may be suffered by, or accrued against, charged to or recoverable from the City of South
Miami, its officers, affiliates, employees, successors and assigns, by reason of any causes of actions or claim of any
kind or nature, including claims for injury to, or death of any person or persons and for the loss or damage to any
property arising out of a negligent error, omission, misconduct, or any gross negligence, intentional act or harmful
conduct of the Contractor, its contractor/subcontractor or any of their officers, directors, agents, representatives,
employees, or assigns, or anyone acting through or on behalf of any of them, arising out of this Agreement,
incident to it, or resulting from the performance or non-performance of the Contractor's obligations under this
C. The Contractor shall pay all claims, losses and expenses of any kind or nature whatsoever, in
connection therewith, including the expense or loss of the CITY and/or its affected officers, affiliates, employees,
successors and assigns, including their attorney's fees, in the defense of any action in law or equity brought against
them and arising from the negligent error, omission, or act of the Contractor, its Sub-Contractor or any of their
agents, representatives, employees, or assigns, and/or arising out of, or incident to, this Agreement, or incident to
or resulting from the performance or non-performance of the Contractor's obligations under this AGREEMENT.
D. The Contractor agrees and recognizes that neither the CITY nor its officers, affiliates, employees,
successors and assigns shall be held liable or responsible for any claims, including the costs and expenses of
defending such claims which may result from or arise out of actions or omissions of the Contractor, its
contractor/subcontractor or any of their agents, representatives, employees, or assigns, or anyone acting through
or on behalf of the them, and arising out of or concerning the work or event that is occurring on the CITY's
property. In reviewing, approving or rejecting any submissions or acts of the Contractor, CITY in no way assumes
or shares responsibility or liability for the acts or omissions of the Contractor, its contractor/subcontractor or any
of their agents, representatives, employees, or assigns, or anyone acting through or on behalf of them.
E. The Contractor has the duty to provide a defense with an attorney or law firm approved by the City
of South Miami, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld.
Thomas F. Pepe
F. However, as to design professional contracts, and pursuant to Section 725.08 (I), Florida Statutes,
none of the provisions set forth herein above that are in conflict with this subparagraph shall apply and this
subparagraph shall set forth the sole responsibility of the design professional concerning indemnification. Thus,
the design professional's obligations as to the City and its agencies, as well as to its officers and employees, is to
indemnify and hold them harmless from liabilities, damages, losses, and costs, including, but not limited to,
reasonable attorneys' fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentionally wrongful
conduct of the design professional and other persons employed or utilized by the design professional in the
performance of the contract.
Thomas F. Pepe
Steven Alexander
City Manager
City of South Miami
6130 Sunset Drive
South Miami, FL 33143
Performance Based Audits
RFP #FN20 16-12
I. If this Proposal is accepted, the undersigned Respondent agrees to enter into a Contract with the City of
South Miami in the form included in this Solicitation Package and to perform and furnish all work as
specified or indicated in this Solicitation, including as set forth in Exhibit 1 (Scope of Services) for the
Proposed Price as set forth below, within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and
conditions of the Solicitation Package.
2. Respondent accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Solicitation and Instructions to Respondents,
including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Proposal/Bid Bond, if required. This
Proposal will remain subject to acceptance for 180 calendar days after the day of the Proposal Opening.
The Respondent, by signing and submitting this proposal, agrees to all of the terms and conditions of the
form of contract that is a part of the Solicitation package with appropriate changes to conform to the
information contained in this Bid Form. Respondent agrees to sign and submit the Bonds, if required by
this Solicitation, required insurance documents, and other documents required by the Solicitation,
including the Contract if not already submitted, within ten (10) calendar days after the date of the City's
Notice of Award.
3. In submitting this Proposal, Respondent represents that:
a. Respondent has examined copies of all the Solicitation Documents and of the following Addenda, if any
(receipt of all which is hereby acknowledged.)
Addendum No. Dated:
b. Respondent has familiarized himself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, the proposed
work, site, locality, and all local conditions and laws and regulations that in any manner may affect cost,
progress, performance or furnishing of the Work.
c. Subsurface conditions: If applicable to this Solicitation, the Respondent represents that:
i. Respondent has studied carefully all reports and drawings, if applicable, of subsurface conditions and
drawings of physical conditions.
ii. Respondent has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for obtaining and carefully
studying) all such examinations, investigations, explorations, tests and studies in addition to or to
supplement those referred to in this paragraph which pertain to the subsurface or physical conditions
at the site or otherwise may affect the cost, progress, performance, or the furnishing of the Work at
the Contract Price, within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions
of the Contract Documents. The Respondent hereby acknowledges that no additional examinations,
investigations, explorations, tests, reports or similar information or data are, or will, be required by
Respondent for any reason in connection with the Proposal. The failure of the Respondent to request
a pre-bid marking of the construction site by any or all utility companies shall create an irrefutable
presumption that the Respondent's bid, or proposal price, has taken into consideration all possible
underground conditions and Respondent, if awarded the contract, shall not be entitled to a change
order for any such condition discovered thereafter.
iii. Respondent has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations,
explorations, tests, reports and studies with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents.
iv. Respondent has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated in the Solicitation
Package or in the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities or conditions
at or contiguous to the site and assumes responsibility for the accurate location of all Underground
Thomas F. Pepe
Facilities and conditions that may affect the Work. No additional examinations. investigations.
explorations. tests. reports or similar information or data in respect to any Underground Facilities or
conditions are. or will be. required by Respondent in order to perform and furnish the Work at the
Contract Price. within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of
the Contract Documents unless the Proposal specifically states that the contract price is subject to
adjustment for future discovery of underground facilities and/or conditions that affect the cost of the
Work and unless the respondent makes a written request to the City for additional information
prior to submitting the bid or proposal as required in subsection ii above.
d. Respondent has given the City written notice of all conflicts. errors or discrepancies that it has
discovered in the Contract Documents and. if any conflicts. errors or discrepancies have been found
and notice given. the Respondent represents. by submitting its proposal to the City. that the
Respondent has received sufficient notice of the resolution thereof from the City. that such resolution
is acceptable to Respondent and that the Respondent waives any claim regarding the conflicts. errors or
e. This Proposal is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person. firm or
corporation and is not submittep pursuant to any agreement or rules of any group. association.
organization. or corporation; Respondent has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other
Respondent to submit a false or sham Proposal; Respondent has not solicited or induced any person.
firm or corporation to refrain from responding; and Respondent has not sought by collusion or
otherwise to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Respondent or over the CITY.
4. Respondent understands and agrees that the Contract Price is the amount that it needs to furnish and
install all of the Work complete and in place. The Schedule of Values. if required. is provided for the
purpose of Proposal Evaluation and when initiated by the CITY. it shall form the basis for calculating the
pricing of change orders. The Contract Price shall not be adjusted in any way so as to result in a
deviation from the Schedule of Values. except to the extent that the CITY changes the Scope of the
Work after the Contract Date. As such. the Respondent shall furnish all labor. materials. equipment,
tools. superintendence and services necessary to provide a complete. in place. Project for the Proposal
Price. If this Solicitation requires the completion of a Respondents Cost and Technical Proposal, as
set forth in in Exhibit 5 and attached to this Solicitation, such proposal must be attached to this
Bid Form:
Respondents shall submit their IIContract Price" in Exhibit 5, IIRespondents Cost and
Technical Proposal"
5. The ENTIRE WORK shall be completed. in full. within N/A days from the commencement date set forth
in the NOTICE TO PROCEED. Failure to complete the entire work during the described time period
shall result in the assessment of liquidated damages as may be set forth in the Contract.
6. Insert the following information for future communication with you concerning this Proposal:
Contact Person
7. The terms used in this Proposal which are defined in the Contract shall have the same meaning as is
assigned to them in the Contract Documents. unless specifically defined in this Solicitation Package.
8. If a Respondents Cost & Technical Proposal is required by the Solicitation. Respondent hereby
certifies that all of the facts and responses to the questions posed in the Respondents Cost &
Technical Proposal, if such an exhibit is made a part of the Solicitation. are true and correct and are
hereby adopted as part of this Bid Form, and are made a part of this proposal. by reference.
Thomas F. Pepe
9. By submitting this proposal, I, on behalf of the business that I represent, hereby agree to the terms of the
form of contract contained in the Solicitation package and I agree to be bound by those terms, with any
appropriate blank boxes, if any, checked and any blank lines filled in with the appropriate information
contained in the Solicitation Documents and this Proposal, or such information that the City and I have
agreed upon in the course of contract negotiations and which have been confirmed by the City in writing,
including e-mail confirmation, if any. I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am the lawful
representative of the business entity referenced in this Bid Form, that I have authority to bid for that
entity and that all of the information and representations contained herein are true and correct to the
best of my information and belief.
Name of Person Authorized to Submit Proposal
Thomas F. Pepe
20_. -----------------------
Telephone Number
Fax Number
Email Address
Performance Based Audits
RFP #FN20 16-12
Respondents shall enter their proposed cost for the annual Audit and a Grand Total over the
five (5) year term in the table provided below:
Year Department Under Review
Year I: Finance, including; MIS and Procurement Division
Year 2: Parks and Recreation
Year 3: Planning & Zoning and Building
Year 4: Police and Public Works
Year 5: Administration, including; Code Enforcement and
Personnel Division
Grand Total:
Name of Person Authorized to Submit Proposal
Thomas F. Pepe
1211 0/2015
20 __ . --------------------
Telephone Number
Fax Number
Email Address
Total Cost
Scoring and Ranking
Evaluation Selection Criteria
Performance Based Audits
RFP #FN20 16-12
Phase I -Competitive Selection-Ranking: maximum 100 points. Consultant submittals shall be
evaluated by the City. Respondents deemed as best suited and qualified shall be selected by a
Selection Committee of at least three (3) City representatives for discussion and/or
presentations, ranking and subsequent negotiations with the highest ranked consultant.
The evaluation factors used for determining qualifications for ranking include:
• Respondents methodology and process for completing the performance audit.
(Max 40 points)
• The ability of professional personnel, including pertinent training, skill and
experience. (Max. 30 points)
• Respondent's willingness to meet City timelines and budget requirements.
(Max~ 10 points)
• The location of the firm and the place from which the work is to be performed and, the
recent, current, and projected workloads of the firm
(Max 10 points)
• Respondents proposed price proposal.
(Max. 10 points)
Phase II -Competitive Negotiations.
Submittals will be evaluated by a Selection Committee. A ranking of all respondents or short-
listed respondents will be determined by the Selection Committee. The Selection Committee
may schedule interviews and/or presentations with the "short-list" respondents or, any
A final ranking of all firms or short-listed firms will be submitted to the City Manager for review
and approval. Once the City Manager has approved the final ran ki ngs, negotiations with the
first ranked firm will be initiated. If those negotiations are unsuccessful, negotiations will be
opened with the next ranked firm, etc., until the successful completion of negotiations and
execution of contracts.
The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to further negotiate any proposals, to
request clarification of information submitted in any submittal to request additional information
from any proposer, and to waive any irregularities in any proposal.
Thomas F. Pepe
Performance Based Audits
RFP #FN20 16·12
THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of , 20_ by and
between the City of South Miami, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (hereinafter
referred to as CITY) by and through its City Manager and
______________ authorized to do business in the State of Florida,
hereinafter referred to as the "CONSULTANT". In consideration of the premises and the
mutual covenants contained in this AGREEMENT, the City of South Miami, through its City
Manager, agrees the following terms and conditions:
1.0 General Provisions
1.1 A Notice to Proceed will be issued by the City Manager, or his designee,
following the signing of this AGREEMENT. This AGREEMENT does not confer on the
CONSULTANT any exclusive rights to perform work on behalf of the CITY other than the
work described in one or more Notice to Proceed nor does it obligate the CITY in any
manner to guarantee work for the CONSULTANT.
1.2 The CITY agrees that it will furnish to the CONSULTANT with the available
data in the CITY files pertaining to the work to be performed under this AGREEMENT, as set
forth in the Scope of Services as described in the attached Exhibit I, promptly and upon
request of the CONSULTANT after the issuance of the Notice to Proceed.
2.0 Time for Completion
2.1 The services tc? be rendered by the CONSULTANT for any of the work shall
be commenced upon receipt of a written Notice to Proceed from the CITY subsequent to
the execution of this AGREEMENT and shall be completed within the time based on
reasonable determination, stated in the said Notice to Proceed and in accordance with the
Scope of Services.
2.2 A reasonable extension of time will be granted in the event there is a delay on
the part of the CITY in fulfilling its part of the AGREEMENT, change to scope of services or
should any other events beyond the control of the CONSULTANT render performance of his
duties impossible.
3.0 Basis of Compensation: The fees for services of the CONSULTANT shall be
determined by one of the following methods or a combination thereof, as mutually
agreed upon by the CITY and the CONSULTANT.
a. A fixed sum:The fee for a task or a scope of work may be a fixed sum as mutually
agreed upon by the CITY and the CONSULTANT and if such an agreement is
reached, it shall be in writing, signed by the CONSULTANT and attached hereto
Hourly rate fee: If there is no fixed sum or if additional work is requested in writing
without an agreement as to a fixed sum, the CITY agrees to pay, and the CONSULTANT
agrees to accept, for the services rendered pursuant to this AGREEMENT, fees in
accordance with the hourly rates, which include all wages, benefits, overhead and profit
Thomas F. Pepe
that have been negotiated by the parties. The negotiated hourly rates are as set forth in
4.0 Payment and Partial Payments. The CITY will make monthly payments or partial
payments to the CONSULTANT for all authorized work performed during the previous
calendar month as set forth in ATTACHME.NT "TBA" schedule of payment or, if no
schedule of payment is attached to this AGREEMENT then payment will be made, 30
days following the receipt of CONSULTANT's invoice, as the work progresses but only
for the work actually performed.
5.0 Right of Decisions. All services shall be performed by the CONSULTANT to the·
satisfaction of the CITY's representative, who shall decide all questions, difficulties and
disputes of whatever nature which may arise under or by reason of this AGREEMENT,
including those relating to or arising out of the prosecution and fulfillment of the
services, and the character, quality, amount and value. The representative's decisions
upon all claims, questions, and disputes shall be final, conclusive and binding upon the
parties unless such determination is clearly arbitrary or unreasonable. In the event that
the CONSULTANT does not concur in the judgment of the representative as to any
decisions made by him, CONSULTANT shall present his written objections to the City
Manager and shall abide by the decision of the City Manager.
6.0 Ownership of Documents. All reports and reproducible plans, and other data developed
by the CONSULTANT for the purpose of this AGREEMENT shall become the property
of the CITY without restriction or limitation.
7.0 Audit Rights. The CITY reserves the right to audit the records of the CONSULTANT
related to this AGREEMENT at any time during the execution of the work and for a
period of one year after final payment is made. This provision is applicable only to
projects that are on a time and/or cost basis.
8.0 Subletting. The CONSULTANT shall not assign or transfer its rights under this
AGREEMENT without the express written consent of the CITY. The CITY will not
unreasonably withhold and/or delay its consent to the assignment of the
CONSULTANT's rights. The CONSULTANT shall not subcontract any of the services
to be provided by it without prior written consent of the CITY nor shall the
CONSULTANT subcontract the total of this AGREEMENT. Any assignment or
subcontracting in violation hereof shall be void and unenforceable
9.0 Unauthorized Aliens: The employment of unauthorized aliens by the CONSULTANT is
considered a violation of Federal Law. If the CONSULTANT knowingly employs
unauthorized aliens, such violation shall be cause for unilateral cancellation of this
AGREEMENT. This applies to any sub-CONSULTANTs used by the CONSULTANT as
well. The CITY reserves the right at its discretion, but does not assume the obligation,
to require proof of valid citizenship or, in the alternative, proof of a valid green card for
each person employed in the performance of work or providing the goods and/or
services for or on behalf of the CITY including persons employed by any independent
contractor. By reserving this right, the CITY does not assume any obligation or
responsibility to enforce or ensure compliance with the applicable laws and/or
10.0 Warranty. The CONSULTANT warrants that it has not employed or retained any
company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the
CONSULTANT, to solicit or secure this contract and that he has not paid or agreed to
pay any company or person other than a bona fide employee working solely for the
Thomas F. Pepe
CONSULTANT any fee, commission, percentage fee, gifts or any other considerations
contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this contract. For breach or
. violation of this warranty, the CITY shall have the right to annul or terminate this
AGREEMENT without liability.
I 1.0 Termination. It is expressly understood and agreed that the CITY may terminate this
AGREEEMENT for any reason, or no reason, and without penalty, by either declining to
issue a Notice to Proceed authorizing work, or, if a Notice to Proceed is issued, CITY
may terminate this AGREEMENT by written notice to CONSULTANT, and in either
event the CITY's sole obligation to the CONSULTANT shall be payment for the work
previously authorized in writing and performed in accordance with the provisions of this
AGREEMENT. Payment shall be determined on the basis of the work performed by the
CONSULTANT up to the time of termination. Upon termination, the CITY shall be
entitled to a refund of any monies paid for any period of time for which payment was
made but for which no work was performed.
12.0 Term. The initial Contract shall be for a period of three (3) years with an opportunity
for the CITY to extend the Contract, at the City Manager's discretion, for one (I)
additional two (2) year renewal period, for a term not to exceed five (5) consecutive
years, at the same terms, conditions and prices. This AGREEMENT shall remain in force
until the end of the term, which includes all authorized renewals, or unless otherwise
terminated by the CITY. The term shall not exceed a term of five (5) consecutive year's
following the issuance of the Notice to Proceed.
13.0 Default. In the event either party fails to comply with the provisions of this
AGREEMENT, the aggrieved party may declare the other party in default and notify the
defaulting party in writing. If CITY is in default, the CONSULTANT will only be
compensated for any completed professional services and CONSULTANT shall not be
entitled to any consequential or delay damages. In the event partial payment has been
made for such professional services not completed, the CONSULTANT shall return
such sums to the CITY within ten (10) days after notice that said sums are due. In the
event of any litigation between the parties arising out of or relating in any way to this
AGREEMENT or a breach thereof, each party shall bear its own costs and legal fees.
14.0 Insurance and Indemnification. The CONSULTANT agrees to comply with CITY's
Insurance and Indemnification requirements that are set forth in Exhibit 3 of
the RFP and shall become a part of this AGREEMENT by reference.
15.0 Agreement Not Exclusive. Nothing in this AGREEMENT shall prevent the CITY from
employing other CONSULTANTS to perform the same or similar services.
16.0 Codes. Ordinances and Laws. The CONSULTANT agrees to abide by and be governed
by all duly promulgated and published municipal, County, state and federal codes,
statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations and laws which have a direct bearing on the work
involved on this project. The CONSULTANT is required to complete and sign all
affidavits, including Public Entity Crimes Affidavit form (attached) pursuant to FS
287.133(3) (a), as required by the solicitation applicable to this AGREEMENT.
17.0 Taxes. CONSULTANT shall be responsible for payment of all federal, state, and/or
local taxes related to the Scope of Services, inclusive of sales tax if applicable.
18.0 Drug Free Workplace. CONSULTANT shall comply with CITY's Drug Free Workplace
policy which is made a part of this AGREEMENT by reference.
19.0 Independent Contractor. CONSULTANT is an independent entity under this
AGREEMENT and nothing contained herein shall be construed to create a partnership,
joint venture, or agency relationship between the parties.
Thomas F. Pepe
20.0 Duties and Responsibilities. CONSULTANT agrees to provide its services during the
term of this AGREEMENT in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, of the
federal, state, and City, which may be applicable to the service being provided.
21.0 Licenses and Certifications. CONSULTANT shall secure all necessary business and
professional licenses at its sole expense prior to executing the AGREEMENT.
22.0 Entire Agreement. Modification. and Binding Effect: This AGREEMENT constitutes the
entire agreement of the parties, incorporates all the understandings of the parties and
supersedes any prior agreements, understandings, representation or negotiation, whether
written or oral.ThisAGREEMENT may not be modified or amended except in writing,
signed by both parties hereto. If this AGREEMENT is required to be approved by the City
Commission, then upon approval by resolution of the City Commission, the City
Commission shall be deemed to be a party hereto.ThisAGREEMENT shall be binding upon
and inure to the benefit of the City of South Miami and CONSULTANT and to their
respective heirs, successors and assigns. No modification or amendment of any terms or
provisions of this AGREEMENT shall be valid or binding unless it complies with this
paragraph. This AGREEMENT, in general, and this paragraph, in particular, shall not be
modified or amended by acts or omissions of the parties. If this AGREEMENT was required
by ordinance or the City Charter to be approved by the City Commission, then no
amendment to this AGREEMENT shall be valid unless approved by the City Commission.
23.0 luryTrial. CITY and CONSULTANT knowingly, irrevocably, voluntarily and intentionally
waive any right either may have to a trial by jury in State or Federal Court proceedings with
respect to any action, proceeding, lawsuit or counterclaim arising out of this AGREEMENT
or the performance of the Scope of Services thereunder.
24.0 Validity of Executed Copies. This AGREEMENT may be executed in several
counterparts, each of which shall be construed as an original.
25.0 Rules of Interpretation: Throughout this AGREEMENT the pronouns that are used
may be substituted for male, female or neuter, whenever applicable, and the singular words
substituted for plural and plural words substituted for singular wherever applicable.
26.0 Severability. If any term or provision of this AGREEMENT or the application thereof
to any person or circumstance shall, to any extent, be deemed to be invalid or
unenforceable, the remainder of this AGREEMENT, or the application of such term or
provision to persons or circumstances, other than those to which it is held invalid or
unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby and each and every other term and provision of
this AGREEMENT shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.
27.0 Cumulative Remedies: The duties and obligations imposed by the contract documents,
if any, and the rights and remedies available hereunder, and, in particular but without
limitation, the warranties, guarantees and obligations imposed upon CONSULTANT by the
Contract Documents, if any, and this AGREEMENT and the rights and remedies available to
the CITY hereunder, shall be in addition to, and shall not be construed in any way as a
limitation of any rights and remedies available at law or in equity, by special guarantee or by
other provisions of the Contract Documents, if any, or this AGREEMENT. In order to entitle
any party to exercise any remedy reserved to it in this AGREEMENT, or existing in law or in
equity, it shall not be necessary to give notice, other than such notice as may be herein
expressly required. No remedy conferred upon or reserved to any party hereto, or existing
at law or in equity, shall be exclusive of any other available remedy or remedies, but each
and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy
given under this AGREEMENT or existing at law or in equity either now or in the future. No
delay or omission to exercise any right or power accruing upon any default shall impair any
Thomas F. Pepe
such right or power nor shall it be construed to be a waiver thereof, but any such right and
power may be exercised from time to time as often as may be deemed necessary or
28.0 Non-Waiver. CITY and CONSULTANT agree that no failure to exercise and no delay
in exercising any right, power or privilege under this AGREEMENT on the part of either
party shall operate as a waiver of any right, power, or privilege under this AGREEMENT. No
waiver of this AGREEMENT, in whole or part, including the provisions of this paragraph, may
be implied by any act or omission and will only be valid and enforceable if in writing and duly
executed by each of the parties to this AGREEMENT.Any waiver of any term, condition or
provision of this AGREEMENT will not constitute a waiver of any other term, condition or
provision hereof, nor will a waiver of any breach of any term, condition or provision
constitute a waiver of any subsequent or succeeding breach. The failure to enforce this
AGREEMENT as to any particular breach or default shall not act as a waiver of any
subsequent breach or default.
29.0 No Discrimination and Equal Employment: No action shall be taken by the
CONSULTANT, nor will it permit any acts or omissions which result in discrimination
against any person, including employee or applicant for employment on the basis of race,
creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, age, sex, familial status, marital status, , sexual
orientation or physical or mental disability as proscribed by law and that it will take all
affirmative action necessary to ensure that such discrimination does not take place. The
CONSULTANT shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and it will take
affirmative action to ensure compliance. The City of South Miami's hiring practices strive to
comply with all applicable federal regulations regarding employment eligibility and
employment practices in general. Thus, all individuals and entities seeking to do work for
the CITY are expected to comply with all applicable laws, governmental requirements and
regulations, including the regulations of the United States Department of Justice pertaining
to employment eligibility and employment practices. By signing this AGREEMENT, the
CONSULTANT hereby certifies under penalty of perjury, to the CITY, that CONSULTANT
is in compliance with all applicable regulations and laws governing employment practices.
30.0 Governing Laws. This AGREEMENT and the performance of services hereunder will
be governed by the laws of the State of Florida, with exclusive venue for the resolution of
any dispute being a court of competent jurisdiction in Miami-Dade County, Florida.
31.0 Effective Date. This AGREEMENT shall not become effective and binding until it has
been executed by both parties hereto, and approved by the City Commission if such
approval is required by CITY's Charter, and the effective date shall be the date of its
execution by the last party so executing it or date of approval by City Commission,
whichever is later.
32.0 Third Party Beneficiary. It is specifically understood and agreed that no other person
or entity shall be a third party beneficiary hereunder, and that none of provisions of this
AGREEMENT shall be for the benefit of or be enforceable by anyone other than the parties
hereto, and that only the parties hereto shall have any rights hereunder.
33.0 Further Assurances. The parties hereto agree to execute any and all other and further
documents as might be reasonably necessary in order to ratify, confirm, and effectuate the
intent and purposes of this AGREEMENT.
34.0 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence of this AGREEMENT.
35.0 Interpretation. This AGREEMENT shall not be construed more strongly against either
party hereto, regardless of who was more responsible for its preparation.
36.0 Force Majeure. Neither party hereto shall be in default by reason of its failure to
Thomas F. Pepe
perform its obligations under this AGREEMENT if caused by acts of God, civil commotion,
strikes, labor disputes, or governmental demands or requirements that could not be
reasonably anticipated and the effects avoided or mitigated. Each party shall notify the other
of any such occurrence.
37.0 Subcontracting: If allowed by this AGREEMENT, the CONSULTANT shall be as fully
responsible to the CITY for the acts and omissions of its subcontractors/sub-consultants as
it is for the acts and omissions of people directly employed by it.AII subcontractors' and
sub-consultants' agreements, if allowed by this AGREEMENT, must be approved in writing by
the CITY. The CONSULTANT shall require each subcontractor, who is approved by the
CITY, to agree in the subcontract to observe and be bound by all obligations and conditions
of this AGREEMENT to which CONSULTANT is bound.
38.0 Public Records: CONTRACTOR and all of its subcontractors are required to
comply with the public records law (s.119.0701) while providing goods and/or services on
behalf of the CITY and the CONTRACTOR, under such conditions, shall incorporate this
paragraph in all of its subcontracts for this Project and shall: (a) Keep and maintain public
records that ordinarily and necessarily would be required by the public agency in order to
perform the service; (b) Upon request from the public agency's custodian of public records,
provide the public agency with a copy of the requested records or allow the access to public
records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time on the same terms and
conditions that the public agency would provide the records and at a cost that does not
exceed the cost provided in this chapter or as otherwise provided by law; (c) Ensure that
public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure
requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration of the contract
term and following completion of the contract if the contractor does not transfer the
records to the public agency; (d) Upon completion of the contract, Meet all requirements
for retaining public records and transfer, at no cost, to the public agency all public records in
possession of the contractor or keep and maintain public records required by the public
agency to perform the service. If the contractor transfers all public records to the public
agency upon completion of the contract, the contractor shall upon Termination of the
contract and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and
exempt from public records disclosure requirements. If the contractor keeps and maintains
public records upon completion of the contract, the contractor shall meet all applicable
requirements for retaining public records.AII records stored electronically must be provided
to the public agency, upon request from the public agency's custodian of public records, in a
format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the public agency. IF
mmenendez@southmiamifl.gov; 6130 Sunset Drive, South Miami, FL .33143.
39.0 Notices. Whenever notice shall be required or permitted herein, it shall be delivered
by hand delivery, e-mail (or similar electronic transmission and all of which shall be referred
to as "eTransmission"), facsimile transmission or certified mail, with return receipt
requested, and shall be deemed delivered on the date shown on the eTransmission or
delivery confirmation for any facsimile transmission or, if by certified mail, the date on the
return receipt or the date shown as the date same was refused or unclaimed. If hand
delivered to the CITY, a copy must be stamped with the official CITY receipt stamp showing
the date of deliver; otherwise the document shall not be considered to have been delivered.
Thomas F. Pepe
Notices shall be delivered to the following individuals or entities at the addresses (including
eTransmission) or facsimile transmission numbers set forth below:
With copies by U.S. mail to:
City Manager,
6130 Sunset Dr.
South Miami, FL 33143 Fax:
E-mail: salexander@southmiamifl.gov
City Attorney
6130 Sunset Dr.
South Miami, FL 33143
Fax: (305) 341-0584
E-mail: tpepe@southmiamifl.gov
40.0 Corporate Authority: The CONSULTANT and its representative who signs this
AGREEMENT hereby certifies under penalty of perjury that the CONSULTANT and its
representative have, and have exercised, the required corporate power and that they have
complied with all applicable legal requirements necessary to adopt, execute and deliver this
AGREEMENT and to assume the responsibilities and obligations created hereunder; and that
this AGREEMENT is duly executed and delivered by an authorized representative, in
accordance with such representative's powers to bind the CONSULTANT hereunder, and
constitutes a valid and binding obligation enforceable in accordance with its terms,
conditions and provisions.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this AGREEMENT is accepted and subject to the terms
and conditions set forth herein.
Thomas F. Pepe
By: _________ _
(Print Name Above)
By: __________________ __
Maria M. Menendez, CMC
City Clerk
Read and Approved as to Form, Language,
Legality and Execution thereof:
By: ____________________ _
Thomas F. Pepe, Esq.
City Attorney
City of South Miami
By: ________________________ ___
Steven Alexander
City Manager
Thomas F. Pepe
City of South Miami Bid Protest Procedures
The following procedures shall be used for resolution of protested solicitations and awards.
The word "bid", as well as all of its derivations, shall mean a response to a solicitation, including
requests for proposals, requests for a letter of interest and requests for qualifications.
(a) Notice Of Intent To Protest. Any actual or prospective bidder who perceives itself to
be aggrieved in connection with any formal solicitation or who intends to contest or
object to any bid specifications or any bid solicitation shall file a written notice of
intent to file a protest with the City Clerk's office within three calendar days prior to
the date set for opening of bids. A notice of intent to file a protest is considered filed
when received by the City Clerk's office bye-mail or, if hand delivered, when stamped
with the City Clerk's receipt stamp containing the date and time of receipt of a notice of
intent to file a protest. Any actual responsive and responsible bidder who perceives
itself to be aggrieved in connection with the recommended award of a contract and who
wishes to protest the award, shall file a written notice of intent to file a protest with the
City Clerk's office within three calendar days after the City Commission meeting at
which the recommendation is considered for action. A notice of intent to file a protest
is considered filed when received by the City Clerk's office bye-mail or, if hand
delivered, when stamped with the City Clerk's receipt stamp containing the date and
time of receipt. .
(b) Protest of solicitation. A protest of the solicitation or award must be in writing
("Protest Letter") and submitted to the City Clerk's office within five calendar days after
the date of the filing of the notice of intent to file a protest. The Protest Letter is
considered filed when the Protest Letter and the required filing fee of $1,000 are both
timely received by the City Clerk's office. In order for the Protest Letter and filing fee
to be considered timely delivered by hand delivery, the date stamp of the Clerk's office
must appear on the original Protest Letter and/or a copy of the Protest Letter and the
date stamp must also appear on a copy of the check issued for the payment of the filing
fee, or, if payment is made in cash, a receipt must be issued by the Clerk's office
reflecting the date of receipt of the payment. While the Clerk may accept the Protest
Letter by email, the Protest Letter shall not be considered to be timely received until
and unless the required filing fee of $1,000 is received by the City Clerk's office and, if
payment is in cash, a receipt is issued with the date of the receipt of payment, or if
payment is by check, a copy of the check is stamped by the Clerk with the date stamp of
the Clerk'~ office showing the date of receipt. The Protest Letter shall state with
particularity the specific facts and law upon which the protest is based, it shall describe
and attach all pertinent documents and evidence relevant and material to the protest
and it shall be accompanied by any required filing. The basis for review of the protest
shall be the documents and other evidence described in and attached to the Protest
Letter and no facts, grounds, documentation, or other evidence not specifically
described in and attached to the Protest Letter at the time of its filing shall be permitted
or considered in support of the protest.
Thomas F. Pepe
(c) Computation of time. No time will be added to the above time limits for service by
mail. The last day of the period so computed shall be included unless it is a Saturday,
Sunday, or legal holiday in which event the period shall run until the next day which is
not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.
(d) Challenges. The written protest may not challenge the relative weight of the evaluation
criteria or any formula used for assigning points in making an award determination, nor
shall it challenge the City's determination of what is in the City's best interest which is
one of the criteria for selecting a bidder whose offer may not be the lowest bid price.
(e) Authority to resolve protests. The Purchasing Manager, after consultation with the City
Attorney, shall issue a written recommendation within ten calendar days after receipt of
a valid Protest Letter. Said recommendation shall be sent to the City Manager with a
copy sent to the protesting party. The City Manager may then, submit a
recommendation to the City Commission for approval or disapproval of the protest,
resolve the protest without submission to the City Commission, or reject all proposals.
(f) Stay of procurement during protests. Upon receipt of a timely, proper and valid Protest
Letter filed pursuant to the requirements of this section, the City shall not proceed
further with the solicitation or with the award or execution of the contract until the
protest is resolved by the City Manager or the City Commission as provided in
subsection (e) above, unless the City Manager makes a written determination that the
solicitation process or the contract award must be continued without delay in order to
avoid potential harm to the health, safety, or welfare of the public or to protect
substantial interests of the City or to prevent youth athletic teams from effectively
missing a playing season.
Thomas F. Pepe
Member Name
Bid Number
Bid Name
City of South Miami
RFP-RFP #FN2016-12-0-
4 Document(s) found for this bid
13 Planholder(s) found.
Supplier Name Address 1
Baker Tilly Virchow Krause
Baker Tilly Virchow Krause
Cherry Bekaert LLP
Crowe Horwath LLP
Eastern Engineering Group 3401 NW 82nd Ave
GAl Consultants 618 East South Street
Hill International, Inc. -
Keefe McCullough 6550 North Federal Highway
Link Systems LLC 5870 Hummingbird Court
Management Partners, Inc. 1730 Madison Road
201 San Antonio Circle, Suite
Matrix Consulting Group 148
Providence Services
Corporation 64 E. Broadway Boulevard
Water Company of America 6320 SW 89 Court
State Zip Phone Attributes
1. Hispanic
2. Small
3. Woman
FL 33122 3055998133
FL 32801 4074238398
FL 33308 9547710896
1. Small
FL 32780 4074010031 Business
OH 45206 5138615400
1. Small
CA 94040 6508580507 Business
AZ. 85701 5207476600
FL 33173 3056302703
Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and
Legal Holidays
Miami, Miaini-Dade,County, Flonda
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared
RHONDA PELTIER, who on oath says that he or she is the
LEGAL CLERK. Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business
Review flk/a Miami Review; a daily (except Saturday,
Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami
in Miami·Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of
advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the
matter of
in the XXXX Court,
was published in said newspaper in the issues of
Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business
Review is a newspaper published at Miami, in said
Miami-Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has
heretofore been continuously published in said Miami-Dade
County, Florida each day (except Saturday, Sunday and
Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail
matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami-Dade County,
Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first
publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant
further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any
person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission
or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for
publication in'the said newspaper,
i ,
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Detail by Entity Name
Foreign Profit Corporation
Filing Information
Document Number
FEI/EIN Number
Date Filed
Principal Address
Mailing Address
Registered Agent Name & Address
Name Changed: 09/17/2013
Address Changed: 09/17/2013
Officer/Director Detail
Name & Address
Title PCS
Title T
Detail by Entity Name
Annual Reports
Report Year
Document Images
Filed Date
01/05/2016 --ANNUAL REPORT
01/14/2015 --ANNUAL REPORT
Detail by Entity Name
View image in PDF format I;
~,_.~.ft' __ ·-'·" • __ .. _-'_. ______ ..,..~._ ..... w __ ... __ ~._~ .... ,.·~
View image in PDF format ! ,·~-"--.. " .. -------.--"---,-.-.~ .• -.. ,"-,,,,",,.--.... I
01/13/2014 --ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format : ..... _._ •• ,,-------_._-_._ .... _. __ 1
09/17/2013 --Reg. Agent Change _. ____ ... X~w image_~D!_!~~l;l~._ ... __ .J
01/29/2013 --ANNUAL REPORT ... __ . __ .. __ ~~~~mag~in PD~_~~~!_ .. __ ._J
02/01/2012 --ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF fO~~ .. _. __ .. ..J
02/02/2011 --ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format j
06/1712010 --ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format .J
02/24/2009 --Foriegn Profit View image in PDF format . .J
http://search.sunbiz.orgllnquiry/CorporatiOllSearchlSearchResultDetail?inquirytype=EnlityName&directionType=lnitial&searchNameOrder=MANAGEMENTPA .. 212
DOCUMENT# F09000000741
Current Principal Place of Business:
Current Mailing Address:
FEI Number: 31·1407585
Name and Address of Current Registered Agent:
Jan 05, 2016
Secretary of State
Certificate of Status Desired:· Yes
The above namsd entity submits this statement for the purpose of changing its reglstared office or registered egent, or both, In the State of Florida.
Electronic Signature of Registered Agent
Officer/Director Detail :
City-State-Zip: CINCINNATI OH 45206
Address 1730 MADISON RD.
City-State-Zlp: CINCINNATI OH 45206
I hereby certify that the InformaUon Indicated on /his report or supplemental report is troe and accurate and that my electronic sIgnature shall have the same legal effect es If made under
oath; that I em an omcer or director of tha corporarion or tha receiver or trostae empowered to executa this report a8 requIred by Chapter 607. Florida Statutes; and that my name appears
above. or on an a/lachment wflh all other like empowered.
Electronic Signature of Signing OfficerlDirector Detail Date