Res. No. 216-97-10186RESOLUTION NO.216-97-10186 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH FLORIDA ELECTRIC SERVICES COMPANY,INC.,FOR ELECTRICAL WORK (SPORTS FIELD LIGHTING)SERVICES FOR THE CITY'S PARKS &RECREATION DEPARTMENT,FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS,($4,500.00),FROM ACCOUNT #2000- 4620,"MAINTENANCE &REPAIR"-OPERATING EQUIPMENT. WHEREAS,Article III,Section 5,H,ofthe City Charter, requires bids be obtained for purchases of items over $1,000.00; and WHEREAS,the City of South Miami Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for maintaining the Sports Field Lighting atour City Parks,and requires the services ofa company qualified todo this work for an amount not to exceed $4,500.00;and WHEREAS,the City of South Miami Parks &Recreation Department obtainedbid prices fromtheRequestfor Proposals usedbytheCity ofCoral Springs to meet this Charter requirement,asset forth in the attached bid information. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1.That a purchase order is awarded to Florida Electric notto exceed $4,500.00 forthe serving ofsportsfield lighting for all City parks. Section 2. upon approval. This resolution shall take effect immediately PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7_thday of October 1 QQ7 ATTEST: dhtuZZtD CITY CLERK READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: ^•<fe^4* CITY ATTORNEY A,'\RES.ELECTRICFLORIDA97 COMMISSION VOTE: Mayor Price: Vice Mayor Robaina: Commissioner Bethel: Commissioner Young: Commissioner Oliveros 5-0 Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea TO: FROM: City of South Miami Inter-Office Memorandum yor &Commission L.Dennis Whitt Wjr City Manager v 4 DATE:September 30,1997 SUBJECT:Agenda #7> Commission Meeting October 7,1997 Florida Electric Company The attached resolution seeksapprovalforlighting services providedbyFlorida ElectricServicesCompany.Chargeswouldbedisbursedfromaccountnumber 2000-4620,"Maintenance&Repair",nottoexceed$4,500.00. ThebidpriceswereobtainedbytheRequestforProposalsusedbytheCityof Coral Springs to meet the Charter requirements. I recommend approval. c:\wpdocs\WhitUights97 J ••*'' ~*CITY OF CORAL SPRINGS WCITYCOMMISSIONMEETINGOFFebruary 7n,^ae AGENDA ITEM SUBJECT;ElflCtrical Contractor.flnn^Rftfrf,fnhT|nn PACKGROIIND INFQRimATT^^- 1.Using Department(s):Parks and Recreation 2.Justification for Award Recommendation: __Most responsive and responsible Bidder _2L_Highest ranked Proposer Other 3,Funding:Account Number:.Various Exp.A^n,^depending on work project. Current Balance: 4.No.ofVendors solicited 8 No.of Coral Springs firms solicited 0 No.of Vendors responding _2 5.Insurance:_x Approved WA 6.Additional Information: The City has an ongoing need for an electrical contractor to perform work associated r^1TUS ^f8 °J °Utd00r ,i9htlnS'on a"as needed basis.ThTlaTgest»ofcn^ti .IS.^VO,yed With Sports fleld llghtln9 whlch inc,udes the instaLon ofTargeconcretelightpoles,installation of the fixtures and lamps on these poles,and the ,vftPr;rfiofatHie^tn(:e !nd repair of ,lohtlng in Parkin9,ots and Parks.It is in the bestinterestoftheCitytohaveavendorunderatermcontractforthistypeworkbecause oLs*iflneCeSS Y t0 h9Ve malntenance and rePair work completed as quickly aspossible. Inn S?S.!!3?Recreat,?n Department prepared their listing of service requirements was us JiiT.l^°Ti0n deve|°Ped a Req«est for Proposal.The RFP procedureriSw^the proper vendor because prompt service,proper equipment, !2™K n "'completing this type work were important factors.The Parks and Recreation Department did not want to select an electrical contractor,based on price aione,who was not experienced or capable of doing this specialized type of work. Sl1"J7"9!'tW?(2J RFP'S were received for this service.The Parks and RecreationuepartmentandthePurchasingDivisionreviewedbothproposalsanditwas determined that Florida Electric Service,Ft.Lauderdale,Florida was the higher ranked proposaland should be recommended for award. &* Agenda Item ^*'N°'964 P4/7 ~ Etectrteal Contractor's *o,d LightingPage3 The reasons the Parke a„w » «-»«,«.er«s%.°sr:Syr-*-.- Location -Florida a**•*9ht,ns pro^ect- 2. 3. 4. *» CITY OF CORfiL SPRINGS PURCHASING DIVISION TABULATION ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR -SPORTS FTyr.n LIGHTING BID NUMBER: BID OPENING DATE: RffP 96-B-045 1A7/36 LABOR Serviceman EQDIPHBKT WITH OPERATOR fiUL 350 Hrs. Hills Electric Pompano Bch,FL COST/HR 5 30.00 EXTENDED COST S 10,500.00 State firm hourly rate for rental of the following equipment. A. B. C. E. F. G. H. !• J. K. L. N. ¥ 85'bucket truck 100 Hrs. 65'bucket truck 50Hrs. Augerwithpole setter (9'digging depthupto21"dia)20Hre. Auger with pole setter (30*digging depthup to 5'dia)80Hrs. Trencher with linelayer5 Hrs. Trencher with rock chain {5r diggingdepth)5Hrs. Boring machine {for boring under paved orothersurface) Telescopic crane -9 ton with pin-on bucket 100J reach Gelpumpingtruck (required forsetting poles) Gel pumping trailer (required for setting large poles) Trencher-Davis 70+4orequal Earth saw-Vecmeer T-218 or equal Service truck-general type (equippedwithnecessary toolstocompletework) Backhoe 10 Hrs. B0 Hrs 5 Hrs. 15 Hrs. 5 Hrs. 10 Hrs. 300 Hrs. 25 Hrs. TOTAL(Labor &Equipment) NOTE:Percentage of discount on materials used(tobe provided upon request by City)s $85 .00 $75 .00 $90..00 $90..00 $60..00 $60..00 $50..00 5 85..00 $75.00 $75.00 $40.00 $50.oo $10.00 $55.00 $_8.500 .00 $_3.750,.00 $_1-B00,.00 $_7.200..00 «L 300,.00 $_300..00 $.500..00 s.6.800..00 $375..00 S 1.125.DO $_200.,00 $_500.00 $_3.000.00 $lf375t 00 *Hourly rate includes operator, has a4 hr.minimum and will be billed portal to portal. NO.VENDORS CONTACTED: NO.VENDORS RESPONDED: Florida Electric Service Ft.Lauderdale,FL COST/HR $35.00 -$70.00 $65.00 $65.00 $B5.00 $40.00 $55.00 $35.00 $75.00 $60.00 $60.00 $55.00 5 45.00 $6.00 $50.00 26 EXTENDED COST S 12.250-00 $7.000.00 $3.250.00 $1.300.00 $6.800.00 $200.00 $275.00 $350.00 $6.0D0.O0 $300.00 $900.00 $275.00 $450.00 $1.800.00 S 1.250.00 c ,' CITY OF CORftL SPRINGS PURCHASING DIVISION TABULATION ELECTRICALCONTRACTOR -SPORTS F»TTCT.p LIGHTING BID NUMBER: BID OPENING DATE: RFP 96-B-045 1/17/96 LABOR Serviceman EQUIPMENT WITH OPERATOR QTY 350 Hrs. State firm hourly rate for rental of the following A. B. C. E. F. G. B. 1. J. K. L. M. N. 85'bucket truck 100 Hrs. 65'bucket truck 50 ^xsl Auger with pole setter (9'digging depth upto 21"dia)20 Hrs. Auger with pole setter (30'digging depth upto 5*dia)80 Hrs. Trencher with liae layer 5 Hrs. Trencher with rock chain (5'digging depth)5 Hrs. Boring machine (for boring under paved or other surface) Telescopiccrane-9tonwith pin-on bucket100'reach Gel pumping truck (required for setting poles) Gel pumping trailer (required for setting large poles) Trencher-Davis 70+4 or equal Earth saw-Verxneer T-218 or equal Service truck-general type (equipped with necessary tools to complete work) Backhoe 10 Brs. 80 Hrs 5 Hrs. 15 Hrs. 5 Hrs. 10 Hrs. 300 Hrs. 25 Hrs. TOTAL (Labor &Equipment) NOTE:Percentage of discount on materials used (to be provided upon request by City): Hills Electric Pompano Bch,FL OOST/HR S 30.00 equipment. S 85.00 COST S 10.500.00 S 8.500.00 S 3.750-00 S 1,800.00 S 7.200.00 300.00 300.00 500.00 $6.800.0D S 375.00 S 1.125.00 $200.00 S 500.00 $_75 .00 $L 90 .00 $_90..00 S.60..00 $-60,.00 $_50..00 $_85..00 $.75.,00 $75.00 S 40.00 $50.00 S 10.00 $_55.00 $3.000.00 S 1.375.00 $46.225.00 ♦Hourly rate includes operator, has a4 hr.minimum and will be billedportal to portal- NO.VENDORS CONTACTED: NO.VENDORS RESPONDED;~ Florida Electric Service Ft.Lauderdale,EL COST/HR S 35.0O EXTENDED COST S 12.250.00 S 7.000.00 S 3.250.00 S 1,300.00 S 6.800.00 $.200.00 275.00 350.00 $6.000.0D £.300.00 900.00 275.00 450.00 -s 70.00 $65.00 $65.00 $85.00 $4O.00 $55.00 $35.00 $75.0D $6O.00 $60.00 $55.00 ?45.00 $6.00 $50.00 1,800.00 S 1,250.00 2&_ (•• c? 1. 2. NO.964 P.7/7~" *.-_*..."PROPOSERS RFP NO.96-B-046 ?!?l'?lf4'0Ctrlc Serv|ce CO*,"ic.1491 SW 21st Ave. Ft.Lauderdale,FL 33312 Contact:Steven L.Siems Telephone:(954)587-6760 Mills Electric Service.Inc. 810 SW14thSt. Pompano Beach,FL 33060 Contact:James F.Stufablefield Telephone:(954)785-0338 Fax:(954)785-0494 **• HL£copy City of Coral Springs City Commission Agenda Item SUMMARY SHEET CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF;FEBRUARY SO.1996 AGENDA ITEM; DEPARTMENT?Financial Management/Purchasing Division PREPARED BY/FXT:Art Rasnik.Purchasing Aaant II COPIES m-R.Engle,Facilities Business Mgr.-Mullins M.McGoun,Aquatics Business Mgr. S.Josias,City Attorney J.Joseph,City Clerk Initials: SUBJECT;Electrical Contractor -Sports Field Lighting REQUESTED ACTION;Award of Bid STAFF RECOMMENDATION; It isrecommendedthat RFP 96-045,for an electrical contractor, specializing in sports field lighting,be awarded to Florida Electric Service Co.,Inc.,Ft.Lauderdale,Florida.ItIs estimated that the annualdollar amount of this contract willbe approximately $100,000.00. LOCATION:_X_City Wide Specific NA ATTACHMENTS AVAILABLE ON DISl^ Bid Tabulation Sheet ATTACHMENTS AVAILABLE ON HARE) qopy? Parks &Recreation recommendation letter Contract Quality Review aJ- ~*CITY OF CORAL SPRINGS *~ CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF February 20.1996 AGENDA ITEM SUBJECT:Electrical Contractor -Snorts Field Lighting BACKGROUND INFORMATION; 1.Using Department(s):Parks and Recreation 2.Justification for Award Recommendation: Most responsive and responsible Bidder X Highest ranked Proposer Other '_ 3.Funding:Account Number:Various Exn.Accounts-denendinp on work project. Current Balance: 4.No.of Vendors solicited 8 No.of Coral Springs firms solicited 0 No.of Vendors responding _2 5.Insurance:_X.Approved N/A 6.Additional Information: The City has an ongoing need foran electrical contractor to perform work associated with various types of outdoor lighting,onanas needed basis.The largest portion of this work is involved with sports field lighting which includes the installation of large concrete lightpoles,installation of the fixtures andlampson these poles,andthe general maintenance and repair of lightinginparkinglotsandparks.Itisin the best interest of the Citytohaveavendorunderaterm contract forthis type workbecause of the necessity to have maintenance and repair work completed asquicklyas possible. TheParksand Recreation Department prepared their listing of service requirements and the Purchasing Division developed a Request forProposal.The RFP procedure was usedfor selecting the proper vendor because prompt service,proper equipment, and experience in completing this type work were important factors.The Parks and Recreation Department did notwantto select an electrical contractor,basedon price alone,who was not experienced or capable of doing this specialized type of work. On 1-17-96,two (2)RFP's were received for this service.The Parks and Recreation Department and the PurchasingDivision reviewed both proposalsandit was determined that Florida Electric Service,Ft.Lauderdale,Florida was the higherranked proposal and should be recommended for award. at- Agenda Item Electrical Contractor- Sports Field Lighting Page 3 The reasons the Parks and Recreation Department and Purchasing Division are recommending Florida Electric Service Co.,Inc.are as follows: 1.Quality ofwork-Florida Electric Service has always provided quality work on all projects sincetheyhavebeenthecontact firm usedbytheCity for the past three (3)years.Theyhavealsoreceivedexcellent ratings ontheir Contract Quality Reviews. 2.Pricing -The overall pricing submitted by Florida Electric Serviceonthis proposal is 14%lower than the pricing on the current contract. 3.Services-Florida Electric Serviceprovides electrical designservicesonano chargebasiswhenever they are involved in asports field lighting project. 4.Location -FloridaElectric Service is located inFt.Lauderdale and areavailable on very short notice to handle emergency repair situations. In summary,Florida Electric ServicehasgiventheCityacomplete program which includesproduct,customerservice,andtechnicalsupport. AcurrentCertificate of Insurance ison file in the Purchasing Division. IV CII3TOFCORALSPRINGS PURCHASINGDIVISION TABULATION ELECTRICALCONTRACTOR-SPORTSFTCT.nT.TGHTIKG BIDNUMBER: BIDOPENINGDATE: RFP96-B-Q45 1/17/96 LABOR Serviceman EQUIPMENTWITHOPERATOR QTY 350Hrs. HillsElectric Pompano5ch,FL COST/gg S30.00 EXTENDED COST $10,500,00 Statefirmhourlyrateforrentalofthefollowingequipment. A. B- C. D. B* F* 6. H. I. J. K. L- N« s 85*buckettruck100Hrs, 65*buckettruck50Hrs, Augerwithpolesetter(9rdigging depthupto21"dia)20Hrs. Augerwithpolesetter(30'digging depthupto5'dia)80Hrs. Trencherwithlinelayer5Hrs. Trencherwithrockchain (5rdiggingdepth)5Hrs. Boringmachine(forboringunder pavedorothersurface) Telescopiccrane-9tonwith pin-onbucket100'reach Gelpumpingtruck(required forsettingpoles) Gelpumpingtrailer(required forsettinglargepoles) Trencher-Davis70+4orequal Earthsaw-VenneerT-218 orequal Servicetruck-generaltype (equippedwithnecessary toolstocompletework) Backhoe 10Hrs. 80Hrs 5Hrs* 15 5 Hrs* Hrs* 10Hrs. 300Hrs. 25Hrs. TOTAL(Labor&Equipment) NOTE:Percentageofdiscountonmaterials used(tobeprovideduponrequestbyCity)j S85*00 S75*00 S8,500,00 $3.750*00 S90*00S1,BOO*00 S90*00 S60*00 S60*00 S50*00 S85*00 S75.00 S75.00 S40,00 S50-00 S10,00 S55*00 S7,200*00 5300*00 6300*00 500*00 S6,800>0Q 375*00 $1,125-00 S200*00 500.00 S3.000*00 S1-375.00 ♦Hourlyrateincludesoperator, hasa4hr.minimumandwillhe billedportaltoportal. NO.VENDORSCONTACTED: NO.VENDORSRESPONDED: FloridaElectricService Ft.Lauderdale,FL cogqVffB $35*00. EXTENDED COST S12,250*00 S70.007,000.00 S65.00S3,250.00 565.00S1,300.00 S85.006,800,00 S40,00S200,00 S55.00S275.00 S35,00S350.00 S75*00S6,000.00 S60*00S300.00 S60*00S900.00 S55*00$275*00 S45*00$450.00 S6*00l-BOO.OQ S50,00S1.250*00 S42,400.00 26 / CITX OP CORAL SPRINGS PURCHASING DIVISION TABULATION gf.wrraTCAL CONTRACTOR -SPORTS FIELD LIGHTING BID NUMBER: BID OPENING DATE: RFP 96-B-D45 1/17/96 LABOR Serviceman EQUIPMENT WITH OPERATOR 2SL 350 Hrs. Hills Electric Pompano Bchp FL COST/HR S 30.00 EXTENDED COST S 10,500.00 State firm hourly rate for rental of the following equipment. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. s 85*bucket truck 100 Hrs. 65'bucket truck 50Hrs. Augerwithpole setter (9*digging depthupto 21"dia)20Hrs. Augerwithpolesetter (30*digging depthupto 5'dia)B0Hrs. Trencher withline layer 5Hrs. Trencher with rock chain (5'diggingdepth)5Hrs. Boringmachine(forboringunder pavedorothersurface) Telescopic crane -9 ton with pin-on bucket 100'reach Gelpumping truck (required forsetting poles) Gelpumpingtrailer(required for setting large poles) Trencher-Davis 70+4orequal Earth saw-Vermeer T-218 or equal Servicetruck-generaltype (equippedwithnecessary tools tocompletework) Backhoe 10 Hrs. 80 Hrs 5 Hrs. 15 Hrs. 5 Hrs. 10 Hrs. 300 Hrs. 25 Hrs* TOTAL (Labor&Equipment) NOTE:Percentage of discount on materials used(tobeprovideduponrequestby City): S 85.00 S 75,00 S 90.00 S 90.00 S 60*00 S 60*00 S 50*00 S 85*00 S 75*00 S 75*00 S 40*00 S 50*00 S 10*00 $55»00 S 8,500*00 S 3,750.00 S 1,800*00 S 7,200*00 300*00 S 300.00 500*00 S 6,800.00 375*00 5 1,125.00 S 200.00 500.00 S 3,000.00 $.lf375-OQ $46,225-00 ♦Hourly rate includes operator, has a4 hr*minimum and will be billed portal to portal. % HO*VENDORS CONTACTED: NO*VENDORS RESPONDED: Florida Electric Service Ft*Lauderdale,FL COST/BR S 35*00 EXTENDED COST $12,350*00 $70.00 65.00 65.00 85.00 40.00 55.00 35.00 75.00 60.00 60.00 55.00 45.00 6,00 5O.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7.000.00 5 3.250.00 $1.300.00 $6.800.00 $200.00 $275.00 $350.00 $6.000.00 $300.00 $900.00 $275.00 $450.00 $1.800.00 $$1.250.00 $-42,400.00 26 (-v* -PROPOSERS W- ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR -SPORTS FIELD LIGHTING RFP NO.96-B-045 1.Florida Electric Service Co.,Inc. 1491 SW 21st Ave. Ft.Lauderdale,FL 33312 Contact:Steven L.Siems Telephone:(954)587-6760 2.Mills Electric Service,Inc. 810 SW 14th St. Pompano Beach,FL 33060 Contact:James F.Stubblefield Telephone:(954)785-0338 Fax:(954)785-0494