Res. No. 214-97-10184RESOLUTION NO.214-97-10184 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DISBURSE THESUMOF $1,800.00 TO DREAM TEAM PAINT &BODY SHOP FOR THE REPAIR AND MODIFICATION OF A STEP VAN TO BE USED BY THE BUILDING MAINTENANCE DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND CHARGING THE DISBURSEMENT TO ACCOUNT NO.1760-519-4680,"MOTOR POOL -MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS -OUTSIDE SERVICES". WHEREAS,theBuildingMaintenanceDivisionwithinPublicWorksdoesnotpresently havethepropervehicleforthedailytransportandsafeguard of tools,supplies,andotheritems, and; WHEREAS,duetothe discontinuation of apolice operation,astepvanhasbeenmade available tothe Public Works Department,and; WHEREAS,theuse of this vehicle will improve the efficiency of building maintenance services dramatically,and; WHEREAS,the cost to perform minor repairs and modifications to this vehicle is nominal in comparison tothe expenditure required to purchase a new truck of similar specifications. NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1.Public Works has obtained the following quotations from local vendors: MetroAuto Painting $2,400.00 American Truck Crane $2,050.00 DreamTeamPaint&BodyShop $1,800.00 Section 2.The City Manager be,andis hereby authorized to disburse thesum of $1,800.00 to Dream Team Paint &Body Shop. Section 3.That this resolution shallbe effective immediately and after adoption hereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of October,1997. ATTEST: READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM CITY ATTORNEY Cs^=Z^*tt&6iL ' COMMISSION VOTE:5-0 Mayor Price:Yea ViceMayor Robaina:Yea Commissioner Oliveros:Yea Commissioner Bethel:Yea Commissioner Young:Yea CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO:^V$^r md Comipissiyn.DATE:October 7,1997 ^^£^Sift FROM:L.Dennis Whitt M^RE:Agenda Item #01*S City Manager *Commission Meeting *October 7,1997 Repairs/Modifications tostepvan Theattachedresolutionseeksapprovalfora$1,800.00expenditureformodificationstoa stepvanformerlyassignedtothePolice Department.This 1983 truckwasdesignatedas theS.W.A.T.teamvan.Sincethe discontinuation of thatfunction,the van hasnot been used.PlansforitsauctionlaterthisyearwereinplaceuntilitwasrealizedbyPublic Works'staffthatthelargevanwouldbequiteusefulintheBuildingMaintenance Division. Thelargecapacityofthisvehicleaswellasitsinteriorsetup(includingshelves,storage compartments,andladderhooks)makeitidealforbuilding maintenance uses.Tools, supplies,ladders,andotheressentialitemscanbestoredandtransportedinthistruck. Thepresentuse of apickuptruckbytheBuildingMaintenanceSupervisorhampershis effectiveness inseveralways.Supplieslikewoodandcement,anditemslikefurniture are exposed tothe elements during transport.Large items such as ladders,hoses,and oversizetoolsarenotsecureinthepickupbedwhenthe supervisor makestripstothe hardwarestoreorisworkingawayfromthevehicle.Thestepvanwill therefore resultin a significant improvement in terms of the efficiency of the Division. Although thestepvanisingoodmechanicalcondition,anumber of policerelated accessories(lights,seals,etc.)havebeenremovedfromitsexterior.Thisrequiresthat body work and repainting be completed.In conjunction withthis,a roof leak willbe repaired.At$1,800.00,thecost of thisworkisasmallfraction of theprojectedcost of a new,fullsizevanwhichPublicWorksplannedtopurchaseinfiscalyear 1998-99. In addition tothe savings involved,Public Works'use of thestep van will improve servicedelivery of an important function.Itherefore recommend approval of the expenditure to repair and modify this vehicle. Attachments 6 C.Jvi t'PY y#r?£''*»^;~7~e *«<c V fl A?i*&<=?/&/ HOtffcPMO ^fNA^lA VK<fUv,; ^" luBRIi«?S3Sr"i \f*-~— PHONE WHEN READY O YE*QUO VEAIMUKE 6Q%-£****>_ UCINUM. *&&. b*w Rccnvio~ ADVIRTISMM SOUIICt RttURN REPLACEDPART" OTES QUO ^Izs-Zr? TIMS D AM cm DATE WHEN READY OAM T3~ DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS in >~™t^oMi/?^f/w h^^^L h rfAjuUcf -A^-^v^ /u*o?L JZw ft^-^—fY)fewt| A!-*-**, METRO AlwAr **/?©matting W%Jnw\S DIVISION OFCM.AUTOBODY REPAIR INC. 8040 S.W.69AVENUE 1 MIAMI,FL33143 TEL:(305)663-0023 FAX:<305)663-6471 -POSITIVELY NO CHECKS - RUST WILL RETURN. ESTIMATE VALID FOR 30 DAYS THE A&OVE ISANESTIMATEBASEDONOUR INSPECTION ANDDOESNOTCOVERADDITIONAL PARTSOR LABOR WHICH MAV Be REQUIRED AFTERTHEWORKHAGBEEN OPENED UP OCCASIONALLY WORN PARTS ARE DISCOVERED AFTER WORK HAS STARTED.WHICHWERE NOTEVIDENTON FIRST INSPECTION BECAUSE OF THIS.THEABOVEPRICESARENOT GUARANTEE I0'd METRO* AUTO PAINTING DIVISION OF CM.W!0 BODY REPAIR,WC. 8040 S.W.09 AVENUE MIAMI,FL 33143 TEL.:(305)663-0023 FAX:(30S)663-6471 <$con -aioi PARTS LABOR IPS*" Sub- Totol PARTS SOD?LABOR ,3'aa to o 3<^o" I1< «N>ms. PAINT 6S0 «-** 2£TOUCHUP PAINT BODY SHOP MAT. TAX TOTAL -o - i4;tJd idbbbb76303 AMERICAN TRUCK CRANE PAGE 01 £>JVtAmerican '"'"'/^^s '*/PWmimcan«3dn.w^oi™river drive F"Saa—-:TrUCk ^/J^/^y MEDLEY.FLORIDA 33166 2 •»»-PHONE:305-887-7170 ==^!Grans fa*305-887-6303 PROPOSAL PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TQ: _CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI 4795 S.W.75TH AVENUE MIAMI.FLORIDA 33JS«i DATE J09/25/97 PH:005)663-6335 PAX:<305)267-4207 ATTN:PEDRO ^ PAYMENT TERMS i NET 30 DAYS WE HEREBY SUBMIT SPECIFICATIONS/DESCRIPTION,AND ESTIMATES FOR.- MAKEJ1983_J3TEP MODEL:VAN 30 S/Nj ♦COMPLETE;BODY WORK.REPAIR ANDFAINT WHITE WITH BLACK BUMPER. PLEASE CALL US WITH ANY QUESTION YOUMAY HAVE REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL.: PARTS MATERIAL H/A LABOR $41.190 HR./ EXTENSION HRS. SUB-TOTAL AMOUNT SALES TAX OTHER TOTAL ESTIMATED 32.050.00 NOT INCLUDED Any alteration or deviation fromthe above specifications involving sxtra costs,not to exceed 20X of the TOTAL ESTIMATED AMOUNT,will be done only upon written change order/proposal. Thecostwill become an extra charge over and above theestimate. Thisis to include,butnotlimitedtohidden damages thatare uncovered during the course of the job."All element*of this agreementare contingent upon strikes,accidents or delays beyond our control." ACCEPTANCEOFPROPOSAL:Theabove prices,specifications and conditionsare satisfactory andarehereby accepted.Youare work as specified.Payment,will be made asauthorized•to do <mitinned ajiM»s&e*isv. MATERIA^HANDLING EQUIPMENT &CRANE ATTACHMENTS SPECIALISTS: .GAJSTC *Jffly •Prentice;•Faesi 'Copma •Liftmoore Loaders »K-0 Manitou Lift Trucks •lifttall »SoIvochHn *Seata SALES /INSTALLATION I PARTS I SERVICE *& S$SIONATURE^—*fwp"* *—-»?s art:U; a» OJ G) m en en en in s r- r-i CD s IS LU CL s in > 3 PQ 0<S Q_ ffi h- nvioi xvi T#mwft6 OHWKji yd ru 30WB3S "IViOl t dud' 'lanoisno vs»ssm««»-»~~-«"«"^^ B^mwio-MifawcttAKa •—F^/pm^tT^j^irt frQ/.L-888 (S0€)aunty i988*~M4 doqsM*B3WD4w^WMI(l tlDBffl. nnw iwcMr mnmis nn HOIU«IOB««W*»i»" ^S Ml»l a CL /0 0 S<r v w/p„*<=?A^\ AOoftttt Home,Phone {fa^^— PHONE WHEN READY a YES Q NO&£»•*-£^<s^ YEAft-MAKC k_ DAttRfCCfVtO <*fz<r/n _^u ,-t«&. rf/VjUOo' k&cd LICENSE NO.M4LEAOC 1DX1 ADVERTISING SOURCE AtTURN REPLACED PART OYCS qno O AM Dm DATE WHEN ftCApY TIME PAN ONI DESCRIPTIONOF REPAIRS P.I O^Ker- (/^>-^ijL*3f^ ^My^^ yw -fr^-^>—3)&*^ ^->~^JjU^y^A ^hrL 32ff*-^^AJ--a~Tgi_ *i/ro minting wwxJMmKS DIVISION OP CM.AUTOBOOYREPAIR,INC. 8040 S.W.69AVENUE *.MIAMI,FL 33143 TEL:(305)663-0023 FAX:(305)663-6471 -POSITIVELY NO CHECKS - RUST WILL RETURN ESTIMATE VAUD FOR 30 DAYS THE ABOVE ISANESTIMATE BASED ONOUR INSPECTION AND DOESNOT COVER AOOITIONAL PART5OR LABOR WHICH MAV BE REQUIRED AFTER THE WORK HAS 6GCN OPENED \jP OCCASIONALLY WORNPARTS ARE DISCOVERED AFTERWORK HASSTARTED.WHlCM WERE NOT EVIDENT ON FlRST INSPECTION BECAUSEOFTHIS.THE ABOVE PRICES ARE NOT Guarantee© METRO' AUTO PAINTING DIVISION OF CM.AUTO BOOV REPAIR,INC 8040 S.W.69 AVENUE MIAMI,FL 33143 TEL.:(305)663-0023 ___FAX:<305)663-6471 <£-G~7 -<Jlon PARTS LABOR -2g>*. 4a 39=>Q 7S&& Sub ToUl PARTS BODYLABOR /2<" o\»-LL3S1 PAINT osc *A* 2£TOUCHUP PAINT BOOY SHOP MAT. TAX •& TOTAL 2-VArt '•& (bvfy 7"£> Td Wd££:20 <L66T 6T dOHS Aaoa -s lNiWd wwhi •OUOUU t UsJUO American '5Br".L Truck Crane PROPOSAL PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: __CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI 4795 S.W.75TH AVENUE MIAMI.FLORIDA 3315H & HMtKiUttN IKULK L,KANt PAGE 81 '*'/?.7"^/^^s /f^/pc 9630 N.WyfeOLfTH fWBR DRJVE MEDLEY.FLORIDA 33166 PHONE:305-887-7170 FAX:305-887-6303 ^/j6/<?7 DATE .'09/25/97 PH:<305)663-633S FAX:<303)257-4207 ATTN:PEDRO PAYMENT TERMS{NET 30 DAYS !L=f?f!L-=?--L?!??!FICAT10NS/DESCRIPTI0N'AND ESTIMATES FOR.- MAKE:1983 STEP MODEL:VAN 30 S/N; •COMPLETE:BODY WORK.REPAIRANDPAINTWHITEWITHBLACK BUMPPP PLEASE CALL US WITH ANY QUESTION YOU MAY HAVE REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL. PARTS MATERIAL N/A NOT INCLUDED LABOR $41.150 Hft./ EXTENSION HRS. SUB-TOTAL AMOUNT SALES TAX OTHER TOTAL ESTIMATED Any alteration involving i?xtra AMOUNT,will be or deviation from the above specifications costs,notto exceed 20%of the TOTAL ESTIMATED doneonlyupon written change order/proposal. The cost will become anextra charge overandabovethe estimate. This is to include,but not limited to hidden damages that are uncovered during the course ofthe job."All element*of thi*» agreement lare contingent upon strikes,accidents ordelays beyond our control." ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL:The above prices,specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted.You are authorized;to do yr&work as specified.Payment.will be made as ffi Q MATEFHa/hANDLING EQUIPMENT &CRANE ATTACHMENTS SPEClALISTS- G/USTC 'Jiffy •Prentice;"Faesi •Copma •Liftmoore Loaders -K-0 Manitou Lift Trucks •LJfttall •Soh/ochun •Seat* SIGNATURE-•-KS- 2*- SALES/INSTALLATION /PARTS/SERVICE !2o