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Res. No. 190-97-10160
RESOLUTION NO;190-97-1016 0 A RESOLUTION OFTHE MAYOR ANDCITY COMMISSION OFTHECITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,AUTHORIZING THECITY MANAGER TO DISBURSE THESUMOF$3,200.00 TO CERCAS ISLA -ISLAND FENCE, INC.FOR THE INSTALLATION OFA CHAIN LINK FENCE/GATE ALONG THE PERIMETER OFTHE MURRAY PARK EXPANSION (FORMERLY COKERANDMITCHELLPROPERTIES)ANDCHARGINGTHE DISBURSEMENT TO DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION ACCOUNT NUMBER 2000-6430,EQUIPMENT OPERATING. WHEREAS,the City of South Miami owns the open lotat SW 58th Place an SW 68th Street,the former Coker and Mitchell properties,and; WHEREAS,thelothas recently beencleared of a substantial amount of demolition debris,and; WHEREAS,the property needstobesecuredto prevent illegal dumping and reduce the liability arising from other unauthorized uses. NOW THEREFORE,beit RESOLVED bythe MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION of the CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA that: Section 1.The following quotes were obtained fromfence companies: Cercas Isla -Island Fence,Inc.$3,200.00 Artemisa Fence,Inc.$4,200.00 GomezandSonFenceCompany$4,498.00 Section2.TheCityManagerisauthorizedtodisbursethesum of $3,200.00toCercasIsla- Island Fence,Inc. Section 3.This resolution shallbe effective immediately after adoption hereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED this Sixteenth day of September 1997. AP ATTEST: READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM CITY ATTORNEY COMMISSION VOTE: Mayor Price: Vice Mayor Robaina: Commissioner Bethel: Commissioner Oliveros Commissioner Young: 5-0 Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea FROM: CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM L.Dennis Whitt City Manager ssion DATE:September 16,1997ivy/ RE:Agenda Item # Commission Meeting, September 16,1997 INSTALLATION OF 7 FOOT FENCE/GATE ALONG PERIMETER OF "COKER PLUMBER"LOT -68th STJSS*PL Authorization issoughtviatheattached resolution fora$3,200 expenditure to install a sevenfoot chainlink fencealongtheperimeter of thelot formerly knownastheCokerand Mitchell property onthecornerofSW 58th PlaceandSW 68th Street.The substantial demolition debris in this lotwas recently cleared outbythe Public Works Department. However,inthe interest of safety andto prevent potential trash dumping,thelot needs to be secured. Securing this City-owned pieceoflandisaprudent measure which will reducetheCity's liability andpreservethe aesthetics of this property.Itherefore recommend tothe Commission that thisexpenditurebeapproved. Attachments c CERCAS ISLA -ISLAND FENCE,INC. TOLOOS OE ALUMINIO .ALUMINUM AWNINGS 355 West 21Street•Hiateah.FL 33010 Dade:(305)888-9090 •Bwd.:(954)431-7$6?•Fax:(305)888-7424 LASMASSEGURAS DADE:CC#7799 BROWARO:CC#90571«iFX W«trniMMA mifakct to aceoptwiee tar CERCAS ISLA,to forainh and ImrtaU •fo*»la accordance witk quoattttao and rimlisted below.;Befeni Uih OF South fflfotoi .•_m, Pfttfiffti 9TATB fiLl orectioo KAME .ZXP~ ADOBSS3. cm au-teeo ffr*061-31^1 i '..i a 1 •———*'•~~—^— ofp /W D&tiTtnnz This Contract is tnibject to covenants and conditions on tho reverse side horoof,and itnotHndUtgupofi CxJiKCAD lolJV until accepted and approved by an oflkor of tho Company. OVERALL LENGTH WALK GATE WIRE GAUGE 3 DIAMETER LINE POST DIAMETER GATE FRAME m KNUCKLE UP W/BARB WRE OVERALL HEIGHT DRIVE GATE DIAMETER TERMINAL* 3H DIAMETER TOP RAIL 15 >RA1 w LINE POST SPACING 7oT5y trl-1. •P :li: i 4 :r: r •h- CERCAS ISLA DIAGRAM i<\5 I I'M ill.}.!- 1 '1 !-.i n-nn m j-t*l-..:lt i'fV .Jf .•i i.|..i..t:i...$l..;.j4. .Hr5..t:i',rL»4-«-<-.. <±rr.r d-i- TBRMSs a cojd. a CHARGE TOTAL CASH PRICE. <L *3it>o.o o D FOLLOW GROUND OLEVEL ACCEPTED:CERCAS ISLA T 0 •<d (Sec explanationoftortuson reverse side) UpBl^ PURCHASES: Byi By:Z 3 0 2 XT 3 fl JL -L6 —ST—dd^ ARTEMISA F€NC€ CMCftS RftTIMIM _5^iJ_? P.O.Box 651560 •MJoml.florido 33265-1560 Phono:(305)221-0214 *fox (305)221-2675 2,G,-V.<*1 A*U-*'Rolv^. 'fc£^--(»3>SO HltolT NAME: STREET: C\tV oc ^oorra Kaiami JOB'S NAME* STREET"'&g st j 5*PL. CITY: STYLE OVERALLLENQTTf\OVERALL/HEIGHT terminajcpost/\LINE\POST BOARDS fpVme /walk/GATE ORIvAGATE\ •K^fcwa M*o'-T WALK GATE DRIVE GATE •— ROLLING GATES BARB WIRE ©is'* WIRE GAUOE DIAMETER Terminal P. &<\3" OATE POST GATE POST 3"' OtAMETER LINE POST DIAMETER . TOPRAIL 2*\«Ar DIAMETER Gate Frame LINE POST SPACING »V*lo*±. FENCE TO BE STARTED IN APPROXIMATE FOLLOW GROUND AIRLINE LINES CLEAR OF OBSTRUCTIONS I o TIEONS (GET PERMISSION) TERMINAL POST EXISTING FENCE WALK GATE j*9 DOUBLE GATE f\ BUILDINGS --—-»—. KNUCKLE UP BARB UP ~rr T8'd STATE*MtAiKl STATEt P\. LOT NO...SLOCK No...SUBOIVISfON .PBIPG. EST.PERMIT FEB t*rfr XtX.lOOE.0.ACTUAL PERMIT PEE..PERMIT No.. $ INSTRUCTIONS TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Customer andthe Company agre*to the following terms and conditiona of thii contract: (l)The Company ahall furnishthe materials and perform allnecessarylabortoerectthefenceonthe Customer'spropertyaccordingtothespecificationssetforthaboveandthetermsandconditions^f thtocontract. (l)The Customer shall payuntothe Company thetotalcontract price of$*fy *OCJ as follows: Cash I ___________»«_„Down Payment Cash $i4f2QQ upon completion:or CashS ______________»»on or before ________daysafter completion,orFinancedby for months et $per month,including finance charges of S __________. NOTICE TO OWNER A.DonotsignthisHomeImprovementContractinblank. B.Youareentitledtoacopy of thecontractatthetimeyousign.Keepittoprotectyourlegalrights. C.You,theBuyer,maycancelthistransactionatanytimepriortoMidnight of the3rdbusinessday after the date of this transaction.See Florida Statute S20.72. Agreement signed this day of . ARTEMISA FENCE By: Sates JUpresMitettve Acceptedby ARTEMISA FENCE By*. Offlcei ..19 CUSTOMER •BUYER Tt 33N3_-ysiwaiyy i-18-97 THU 13:58 GOMEZ 8.SON FENCES p .e i DATE :~°f -<r? GOMEZ &SON FENCE COMPANY 10805 N.W.22 Street Miami,Florida 33172 TEL.(305)471-8922 FAX.(305)471-8925 CHAIN LINK GomezFenceCompanyproposesto furnish and install afenceatyoursizeandquantities.TheCustomer mustremoveallobstructionsthatmayinterfereandgivetheright measurements andproperty comer. NAME sTt&Q?ADDRESS CITYi AUaWi ^.TK^L ft\.s^L <ct.i -J&'Xv'JOB ADDRESS:hfl S?SW S^S P( CrrY*:______, PHONE ^l-L-gQ FAX_M-l£_L_ATTN.:*?n<3y Any change on the bejow specifications the contract will be entirelynew. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS £gNQETO FOLLOW CONTOUR QFOPOMNP •• • NOTICE PRICE: <D CD. <D JOB SKETCH / Ldjt. ir"u'« tfiuil.rtnnAi.MiJ-fhi."faflAi fecJRA PURCHASED BY m^^JLSALESMAI ACCEPTED GOMEZ ft FENCE COMPANY TOTAL PRICE HjHSf % AH material istobeasspecified.Allworktobe completed ina wprklike manneraccordingtostandardpractices.Any alteration or deviation fromabovespecificationsinvolvingextra costs willbe executed onlyuponwrittenorders,andwill become anextra &«r$&w«t aral abovethe estimate.Ourworkers are fully covered by Workmen's Compensation and Public Liability Insurance.c