Res. No. 129-97-10099129-97-10099RESOLUTIONNO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DISBURSE THE SUM OF $2,900.00 TO J.A.M.WELDING SERVICE FOR PERFORMING VARIOUS BODY AND FRAME MODIFICATIONS TO A PUBLIC WORKS TRASH CRANE TRUCK AND CHARGING THE DISBURSEMENT TO ACCOUNT NUMBER 1760-519- 4680,"MOTOR POOL DIVISION -MAINTENANCE OUTSIDE SERVICES". WHEREAS,the City ofSouth Miami Public Works Department provides weekly trash collection services toits residents,and; WHEREAS,the daily operations deploys two trash cranes,thereby requiring two front line cranesandonespare,and; WHEREAS,one of the front-line crane requires cab and truck bed modifications to make ita safer and effective piece of equipment. NOWTHEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHEMAYORANDCITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1.The Public Works Department obtained the following competitive price quotations: J.A.M.WeldingService $2,900.00 AmericanTruckCrane,Inc..$5,400.00 B&BWeldingandMachineService,Inc.$6,198.00 Section 2.The City Manager be,and is hereby authorized to disburse the sum of $2,900.00to J.A.M.Welding Service. Section 3.Thatthis resolution shall be effective immediately and after adoption hereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED this July 22 day of 1997. ATTEST COMMISSIONVOTE 5-0 te&J2Z&2.>».-*w*U Mayor Price:Yea Vice Mayor Robaina:Yea READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM Commissioner 01 iveros :Yea ^Commissioner Young:Yea "~^^//C G<//a Commissioner Bethel:Yea City Attorney CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM 'or and Comjnissipn. L.Dennis Whitt /0fyK^ CityManager DATE:July22,1997 RE:Agenda Item #l3_ Commission Meeting, July22,1997-Approval of modifications to trash crane truck The attached resolution seeks approval for a $2,900.00 expenditure to make modifications toa trash crane truck purchased by a previous Department administration.The cabin height and layout in this piece of equipment makes its operation difficult.Furthermore, the vehicle's bed poses a potential safety hazard due to an undersized floor section.This situation can be remedied through some cabin and frame modifications. The modifications involved will make this crane truck a safer,functional and highly effective vehicle.Given the fact that this piece of equipment is relatively new and is one of the front line trash cranes for the daily operation,approval ofthe expenditure is recommended. Attachments -American ^p,Truck ='Crane 9630 N.W.SOUTH RIVERDRIVE MEDLEY,FLORIDA 33105 PHONE:305-887-7170 FAX:305-887^303 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: _CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI 4793 S.W.73TH AVE SOUTH MIAMI.FL.331 A* DATE:06/05/97 PH*C303)663-5335 FAX:(305)666-4391 ATTN:PEDRO GONZALEZ PAYMENT TERMSl MET 30 DAYS WE HEREBY SUBMIT SPECIFICATIONS/DESCRIPTION,AND ESTIMATES FOR: MAKE:PREMTICE MODEL*F9Q S/Nt 'SBItS.CM HgICTT P^TIB SAFETY AMD COMPORT QF DRIVER/CRAMB !E™VA??-?"SAFETY AMD protection OF crame operator?*" migas&iJKiF$B&gaasmgWFyT ™****YAbYg p"w BmFiy *LA?!?SAT"?..!IHSTA|'L*TT0W nP DRTVER/CRAME OPERATOR SEAT BHIMB .&HDIMB TRACK. •FRAMED &ADJUSTED TRUCK BfW)Y OVER WHEELS FOR THE SAFETY A PROTECTIOM OF DRIVER/rRAHE OPERATOR.*"M"'"*Stli-S- .REINFORCE BOTH ENDS OF PROMT TRUCK FEMDER •IMSTALl'hEw'baCK UP g-Aeg"'IIWW rM<Wi J™SE CALL 0S WXTH AMY QUESTION YOU MAY HAVE REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL.DOWNTIME!APROX 30 DAYS PARTS MATERIAL SUB-TOTAL AMOUNT SALES TAX OTHER TOTAL ESTIHATED »9.aoe.aa HOT INCLUDED LABOR *41.00 HR./ EXTENSION_ Any alteration or deviation fromthe above specifications Involving extra coots,notto exceed 20%of the TOTAL ESTIHATED AMOUNT,will be done only upon written change order/propoeal. Thecoat will become en extrachargeoverandabovethe eatlaate. Thla lato Include,butnot Halted tohiddendamagesthatare uncoveredduringthecourseofthe Job."All elements*ofthla agreement are contingent upon strikes,accidents or delays beyond our control." .i ACCEPTANCEQFPROPOSALSTheabove prices,specificationsand conditions are satisfactory andare hereby accepted.Youore authorized todotheworkasspecified.Payment vlll bemadeas i •.t *-••••ft *"j.^.r~t-'i ¥ _.SlGNATURej^SL:BUYER.NAMEi, MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT*CRANEATTACHMENTSSPECIALISTS: JLG/USTC •Jiffy •Prentice •Fasw •Copma •Uftmoore Loaders •K-0 Manrtou Lift Trucks •Ufttafl .Sotvochen •Saale SALES /INSTALLATION I PARTS I SERVICE (I &0?fr"<44*#A* tot/tf^oT5^e^Yzr^s? NORELOCATIONOFTANK oc\ PROPOSAL: J.A.M WELDING SERVICE 5791 COMMERCE LANE SOUTH MIAMI MIAMI FLA 33145 PHONE (305)662 3787 FAX(305)6625080 PATF-June26th,1997 FROM;Alvaro J,Espinoza TH South Miami City Attn:Pedro SUBJECT-Fabrication of Cabin Extension ofa Crane. PROPOSAL Thank for the opportunity to present our proposalJ.A.M welding Service will fabricate cabin extension of a truck, ramp on the side,two fenders and fabrication of scat rotation reel This work includes painting of the extension Id each pipe. Tlicjob price is $2,900.00,The time for completion time it will be of approximately 4 weeks. J.A.M will supply all the man power and material to perform the job Thank you,ifyou any question please feel free to call me any time. Respectfully /J <4>*Xim*iJM%ji ANDTjMACHINESERVICEBfC. Go-Pi 7**7?*ob'0*«*e*'PROPOSAL NAME: PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO:PHONE: PHONE 6964621 •6964622 FAX:693.1602 1.8004284088 Pages DATE "6>-18-97 STREET: CITY: STATE: City of South Miami JOB NAME: Crane -Truck STREET: CITY: 8TATB Attn:Pedro We hereby submit specifications and estimates for Labor and material to cut roof and install 1/9 *«.••t., XS'fSTEirSS!flool'?nd supply -ndaiistYi2ithiCk plexa£>£&%controls....$4798.50 *' 52t°Sf"SJS^1*1 t0 SUpply and install-set of fenders.$1400#00 Total $6198.50 <JA3/ -dollars «Above acceptance within aa outlined above. ACCEPTED: Oate —days and la Authorized Signature 2"rr^'~',,^,w^MA,SS Signature:. Signature:. —)with payment tobe made aa follows: n !'.•....••:-*-v'•.....'.-i /5