Res. No. 114-97-10084RESOLUTION NO.114-97-10084 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OFTHE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA,AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DISBURSE THE SUMOF $20,595.00 TO AUTOMOTIVE DIAGNOSTICS FOR THE PURCHASE OF A VEHICLE WHEEL ALIGNMENT/BALANCING RACK AND COMPUTERIZED EQUIPMENT FORUSEBYTHE MOTOR POOL DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND CHARGING THE DISBURSEMENT TO ACCOUNT NO.1760-519-6430,"MOTOR POOL-EQUIPMENT OPERATING". WHEREAS,theCity does not presently havethe equipment toperform vehicle wheel alignment and balancing,andmust therefore rely on private vendors to perform this work,and; WHEREAS,periodicwheelbalancingandalignmentprolongstirelifeandreducesthe probability of blowoutssimilarundesiredincidents,and; WHEREAS,theabilitytoperformthistypicalmaintenanceroutinein-houseenhances safetyandreducestire replacement costs,and; WHEREAS,fundingforthe purchase of thewheel balancing andalignmentequipmentis includedinthe current fiscal year's budget. NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section1.Public Workshas obtained the following quotations fromlocalvendors: Baez Equipment Co.,Inc. Automotive Diagnostics Automotive EquipmentGroup,Inc. $33,048.00 20,595.00 20.709.00 Section 2.TheCityManagerbe,andis hereby authorized todisbursethesumof $20,595.00 to Automotive Diagnostics. Section3.Thatthisresolutionshallbeeffectiveimmediatelyandafteradoptionhereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 10.June day of 1997. AND APPROVED AS TO FORM /6.<£>g-J Jo, City Attorney Commission Vote:5-0 Mayor Price:Yea ViceMayor Robaina Comm.Oliveros Yea Comm.Bethel:Yea Comm.Young:Yea Yea TO: FROM: CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM kyor and Commission L.Dennis Whitt CityManager DATE:June10,1997 %SUBJECT:AgendaItem # Commission Meeting June 10,1997 Approval of expenditureforpurchase and installation of front end alignment and wheel balancing equipment -MotorPoolShop The attached resolution seeks approval ofa $20,595.00 expenditure to purchase and install a wheel alignment and balancing equipment at the Motor Pool shop.Front end alignment and wheel balancing will be performed in conjunction with the shop's preventive maintenance program. The alignment and balancing equipment will allow the shop to maintain our police fleet and other light and medium weight vehicles properly aligned.This measure enhances safety,as well as prolonging the life of tires.It therefore translates into significant savings,astire purchases areoneofthe highest expense categories in fleet maintenance operations.This equipment purchase is included in the current fiscal year budget. Based on the above,I recommend that the expenditure for wheel alignment and balancing equipment be approved bytheMayorandCity Commission. Attachments Equipment,Tools,Parts &Supplies *6864 S.W.8tb Street MIAMI,FLORIDA 33144 (305)264-8001 FAX (305)264-8007 CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI 4795 SW 75TH AVE. SOUTHMIAMI,FLORIDA,33155 'ATTN.:PEDRO PH.:663-6350 (MATED SHIPPING DATE SHIPPED VIA PLEASE INDICATE THE ABOVE NUMBER WHEN ORDERING ^QUOTATION DATE 02/07/97 SALESPERSON EVILIA INQUIRY DATE £2/06/97 INQUIRY NUMBER -0- 2 TO 3 QUANTITY WEEKS TRUCK DEST. / J-'/<•rf(,r •r DESCRIPTION PRICE AFTER CAREFULLY EVALUATING YOUR FACILITY AND NEEDS,WE RECOMMEND THE FOLLOWING SYSTEM: 311 HUNTER 209-82 HUNTER DSP9002 HUNTER COMPUTER ALIGNER WITH 14"SVGA COLORMONITOR,COMPUTER CONSOLE ANDKEYBOARD,INFRARED REMOTE CONTROL,BRAKE PEDAL DEPRESSOR, STEERING WHEEL HOLDER,0KID|ATA PRINTER,REMOTE INDICATOR, ONA MOBILE CART,TURNING AKGLE GAUGES,AND(4)DSP250OPTICAL SENSORS INCLUDING STORAGE BRAKETS PARALLELOGRAM MULTISERVICE RACK 8000LBS LIFTING CAPACITY WlllH 2 SWING AIR JACKS (3,500LBS EACH) REARSLIPPLATES,AIRLINEKIT, WIRING KIT.220 VOLTS,1PH,60HZ. THE LIFT HAS ALL THE SAFETY FIXTURJES THAT TECHNOLOGY CAN OFFER:22 SAFETY LOCKS ACTIVATE IN CASE OF HYDRAULIC PRESSURE LOSS,AUNIQUE HYDRAULIC DESIGN, PREVENTS LOWERING IF EITHER RUNWAY CONTACTANOBSTRUCTIONDURINGOPERATION 24 VOLTS CONTROL PANEL ELIMINATES DANGERS ASSOCIATED WITH 220 VOLTS CURRENT CLOSII AT HAND AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEM AUTOMATICALLY SHUTS OFF POWER WHEN CONSOLE IS UNATTEIDED. HIGHSPEED WHEEL BALANCER,DIGITAL! SIGNAL PROCESSOR,SELFCALIBRATED 220 VOLTS,20 AMPS,60HZ WlfTH A 1HIP MOTOR. RIM WIDTH 1 1/2 TO 20",DIAMETER lp"Td 24.5",MAX TIRE DIAMETER 41",WIDTH 20'>rnMTTmnrn ---•-AND MAXIMUM"TIRE 'WEIGHT 15QLBS CONTINUED £ARE PLEASED TO SUBMIT THE ABOVE QUOTATION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION.SHOULD YOU PLACE AN ORDER.BE ASSURED IT WILL RECEIVE OUR PROMPT ATTENTUmTH JOTATION IS SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS PRINTED ON REVERSE SIDE.AND IS VALID FOR AMOUNT 11,998 60 17,400 00 .DAYS.THEREAFTERITIS SUBJECT TOCHANGEWITHOUTNOTICE. (&Z~t/./&*%*(CONTINUED) ACCEPTED .DATE. 2-1.cz: MANDRETURNYELLOWACCEPTANCECOPYWHENORDERING.giW,0^!tf Mi "i C I1LJ,,£NT CO.,INC. jf Automotive Service .,Tools,Parts &Supplies ^864 S.W.8th Street MIAMI,FLORIDA 33144 (305)264-8001 FAX (305)264-8007 PLEASE INDICATE THE ABOVE NUMBER WHEN ORDERING CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI /^QUOTATIONDATE 02/07/97 IMATED SHIPPING DATE QUANTITY NOTE: PAGE2OF 2 SHIPPED VIA F.O.B. DESCRIPTION INQUIRY DATE 02/06/97 THE BALANCER HAS ALSO SPLII WEIGHT MODE.BALANCING SPEED 330 RPM,AVERAGE CYCLE TIME IS 5 SECONDS.VERY ACCURATE AND EASY TO OPERA!E SrS^Mn0^0 miNING PROVIDED BY HUNTER SERVICE SS w JnJSrS081-INSTALLATI0N DOES NOT INCLUDE t^aJSS1^08 air lines m 0R H00K-"P.a Starr FLdoRISALSOTOBEPROVIDEDBYCUSTOMER^^M SEE HUNTER WARRANTY POLICE ATTACHED. SALESPERSON EVILIA INQUIRY NUMBER TERMS PRICE -0- AMOUNT 3,650 00 ^Ts^c\^—AN ™?J~»'T -—«™MPT A™™REVERSE SIDE.AND IS VALID FOR DAYS.THEREAFTER IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. IIS Arrcn-rrn <A^ AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT GROUP,INC. 18524NW67thAVE M68 MIAMI,FL 33015 Pro-forma invoice #2062 To:City ofSouthMiami 1-V5 20MFMC Alignment Machine 2-85653 Printer Pkg 3-7000 lb Floor mount lift 4-Brake Lathe 66 performance C .5-2550 Wheel Balancer Total $10,599.00 $480.00 -$-A635^0 $5,700.0(0 $26,409.00 •-)w- s ^t : <Z AUTOMOTIVE DIAGNOSTICSAdivisionofSPXCorporatton^-*~****9 ••V0 FACTORY SALES ORDER FORM SELLER:AUTOMOTIVE DIAGNOSTICS,SPX CORPORATION 3001 ANGLING ROAD,KALAMAZOO,MICHIGAN 49002 Order Date:<£-</"-<~7 7 Purchase Order No: CUSTOMER:C IT-lj <gjg S^r.rW.Us *™,BILL TO: ungnutf P.O.orCopyRaqumeT Address City/State , ZipCode County*" Telephone f]CreditCard ExpirationDate •CWD •Lease •Other Address City/State Zip Code SHIP TO: .Telephone CD Net 30 days (Credit Application Required) Address City/State Zip Code SHIPPING INFORMATION .Telephone, f"l Deliverproductfromfieldstock 'Serial numbersrequired O Ship product &DO T^DESCRIPTION j e& Pro Code Lead Source O 1Ooc fru^imftvor EA.Qho iv£,/Sryw^AAft Ca^>, 31>JClvjr>&3,I ^.NitT!rg.Pt^s^/A^uugr^Su pouh Kc'Ou^i^ '+• <Tvwi>>A<?n CrVfoLc Uit 1S^rT^^U 4 Xwj'JT^O.Tioxii u A-c_ I^CKTrf'.i f\Q,tvr^Rpwci^HL\6ivi/w»w,r klFT 112^^^^ X^CcuOs^>•Z.H11 q>lfofc Rajw-m >7v/T"'o>jg.>>\j /1 1TlLy ft-f gLM4HOf rwiic 1^U2.^nv^o JTUDENTS TO ATTEND CLASS:.5i?SUBTOTAL TAX EXEMPT NUMBER (IfApplicable)(ft*Exempt Documem or Copy Required)•••%TAX TOTAL STIMATED TRAININO DATE:LESS DOWN PYMT.(CK#) TOTAL AMOUNT cctSOo! Li. /<LSL ^1 7&c?o. BALANCE DUE j The undersigned agrees to all ofthe terms and conditions above and on the reverse side hereof which are made a part ofthis form.l J .y siden< fcj^u*flrcACL^./Get*)jS ^?7g7 Automotive Diagnostics Representative Number,Date and Signature District Manager Approval and Date White:Sales Yellow:TSM Authorized Purchaser (Print Name) Authorized Purchaser (Signature andDate) Pink:Customer A95-155 7 AUTOMOTIVE DIAGNOSTICS Adivision ofSPX Corporation FACTORY SALES ORDER FORM SELLER:AUTOMOTIVE DIAGNOSTICS,SPX CORPORATION 8001 ANGLING ROAD,KALAMAZOO,MICHIGAN 49002 Order Date:a-V-9 7 Purchase Order No: .TO: Ongmel RO.orCopyRequired Addrtfft Citv/State ZioCode Telephone 9TO: AAAr~* City/State CUSTOMER: Address . City/State. Zip Code . County*" TERMS OF SALE PRODUCTION CODE C~<ry £F South-/!/,^j billto. Telephone |—|CreditCard ExpirationDate •CWD •Lease •Other •Net 30 days (CreditApplicationRequired) •New •Other ZipCode .Telephone. SHIPPING INFORMATION n Deliver productfromfield stock 'Serial numbers required ^J Ship product Pro CodA Lead Source QTY MODEL NUMBERS ♦SERIALNUMBERS DESCRIPTION TOTAL AMOUNT i Cc>&ts (xliTea Bau^col °t^a S>«?<?.C~ STUDENTS TO ATTEND CLASS:SUBTOTAL ^<?^r,° TAX EXEMPTNUMBER MH4TAY (IfAppbcable)(ft*Exempt Document orCopyRequired)™IAA> TOTAL ESTIMATED TRAINING DATE:LESS DOWN PYMT.(CK#) BALANCE DUE (_.//^zQ^yS^Ltow*(/,^Wi ?5*-47<r7 AutomotiveDiagnostics Representative Number,DateandSignature DistrictManagerApprovalandDate White:Sales Yellow:TSM Theundersignedagreestoall ofthetermsandconditionsaboveand onthe reverse side hereof;whicharemadeapart ofthis form. AuthorizedPurchaser(PrintName) Authorized Purchaser (Signature andDate) Pink:Customer SA95-155 ^ Xptkt&eaiMr, ~t sc«j«^l •mi -S.,=*.£&!*vl •12,000 lb.capacity •"Pro-Style"24"widedecks(noadjustments required) •Hydraulic Cylinder concealedunderdeck,nodoor opening obstructions •AlignmentLevellinga 18 different positions .* •Dual safety systems,single point releaseair operated locks ateachpostand mechanical backup safety locks •9/16"diameter pre-stretched cables •8"cast iron pulleys •Factory built-in air kit operates optional air-operated jacking beamsandyourshoptools. •Fullfloating rear steer platefor rear camber &toe •Front radius plate •All ofBearproductsare built to assure the ultimate insafetyand quality. (AcopyoftheANSI B1531 standardis available uponrequest) «-'«j*Uv:»•*•:****•* «'-#i!Wls^¥*#s ^v^j*;yrV^>v;^>r^#s^->--•,'><*/SjTp- r.*'.v.*rV rV•-*«'•••V'*":.>«^i!V+'Ai^'-'*V-Wwi'.i;.i»>/J6*'-"-- J«K."V«^*'.*r-;•••*.•.-.»VL»'.i\'t>(-:->^.-.'i---:^lr'S"-*v>-': ^*^j^?5.•*.'-••<•***^'iiwr'V't,-^'i'*jj.'-«'.•..-••v...>,•c^p^M>4«>)^'4oci*'«'> ffi 1 p3qtpp$ifiSiBl4f$ •mm* jSgjMl K^ Ml°i 286-AT or better required *S»HW Runout Compensation 4S^|S uses audible &visual prompts -;^-•-•to help"6peratbr"perfdlm*^^!tv automatic electronic rmout^m^^^^^^^^^f^^L. compensation programs *?***/«*****>••<from >work area.Requires onlymsingle-.w^^*^^^ •at wheel"for fast,aboM'-33££3£$££^ rosultc!Status llahts Indicate ^'''^^•S^^ rim clamp position..^-xt-'tT ^^^^^^muwt^'",l*W^^»^'^^^^:^ Advanced CCD Technology 3nab\es wheel units to handle -videst tires as well as lowest air jams of ground effects vehicles. Accommodates all makes and styles of passenger cars &light :rucks with rim diameters from 12"to 19.5." Jplfe BBI ige'dFABSl^S'Construeted|of*rugge Menu-Driven Software allows operator to use single keystrokes to select alignment,comprehensive inspection routine,or combination ofall tests via operator-programmable test sequence.VGA graphics minimize fatigue;reduce technician error. ]800C :iooal)8tandibreart.-Sim UgreiintyourjF! PPSfe pfll r/SAIiMaa«uramant; ieg'reSK^s&irr&TSAi p- <«MWMM . Rugged Wheel Units have individual power supply, microprocessor,and function keys permitting complete "at-wheel" operation to eliminate wasted motion between vehicle &console. Feature convenient quick-release connectors.S