Res. No. 055-97-10026RESOLUTION NO.55-97-10026 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA RELATING TO DEFERRAL OF ZONING REVIEW FOR APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS, SITE PLAN REVIEWS,PLATTING,VARIANCES AND ANY ADMINISTRATIVE,LEGISLATIVE OR QUASI-JUDICIAL ACTION THAT RELATE TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCES FOR THAT PORTION OF LAND AREA DESCRIBED AS THE "SNAPPER CREEK STUDY AREA;"PROVIDING FOR A SCHEDULE;AND,PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,residents,property owners and other interested personswillbe undertaking aseriesofpublicmeetings,inorder toprepareaspecificplanforthatareaof land,tentatively known asthe "Snapper Creek Study Area,"and roughly described as the area bounded by S.W.57 Avenue (Red Road),S.W.62 Avenue (Tevis Drive),S.W.80 Street (Davis Drive)and S.W.88 Street (Kendall Drive),including a portion of Snapper Creek canal;and, WHEREAS,amendments tothe Land Development Code will be proposed,in order to implement the specific plan developed in upcoming public meetings for the Snapper Creek Study Area;and, WHEREAS,theCityCommissionwillholdaPublic Hearing to receivefurtherinputfrommembersofthepublic,concerningany proposed amendments to the Land Development Code,andmay adopt, adopt with modifications,or not adopt proposed amendments;and, WHEREAS,theCityCommissiondesirestoensurethatallnew development in the area addressed by the proposed specific plan willbe consistent with the efforts ofthe community to develop and implement a specific plan for the Snapper Creek Study Area; NOW,THEREFORE BEIT RESOLVED BYTHE MAYOR ANDCITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA; Section 1.Anyactionon zoning reviewfor applications for building permits,site plan reviews,platting,variances,andany administrative,legislative or quasi-judicial actionthat relates tothe construction of single-family residences forthat portion ofland described asthe "Snapper Creek Study Area"shallbe Moratorium Resolution:March 18,1997 Page2of Res.#55-97-10026 deferred until the adoption of amendments to the Land Dovolopraciit Code which relate to the plan to bo developed for the Study Area, or for 2 70 calendar day a—[Man.—12/15/97],whichever occur:;firat consideration of a moratorium ordinance at the next,regularly scheduled City Commission Meeting. Section 2.Occupational licensing is exempt from the above deferral,and the City's Finance Department isto proceed with occupational licenserenewalsforthe upcoming fiscalyear. Section 3.The City Clerk is directed to post a copy of this Resolution in a newspaper of county-wide circulation,and to mail or hand deliver a copy of this Resolution to all property owners who own real property in the Snapper Creek Study Area. Section 4.This resolution shall take effect immediately upon approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th dayofMarch,1997. ATTEST:APPROVED: CITY CLERK Cy VICEMAYOR READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: COMMISSION VOTE:4-0 s^Z*Vice Mayor Robaina:Yea ~SSt?/£?-G^//*/l^Commissioner Price:Yea CITY ATTORNEY t Commissioner Be the 1 :Yea Commissioner Jqyn.gx:report3 x M&e&r Moratorium Resolution:March 18,1997 CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM To:Mayor and City Commission Date:March 14,1997 ,&4&J<7^7Z5&?<Agenda Item #([From:L.Dennis WTiitT^^^^'^^^^Re:Comm.Mtg.03/18/97 City Manager Moratorium Resolution REQUEST. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA RELATING TO DEFERRAL OF APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS,SITE PLAN REVIEWS,PLATTING VARIANCES AND ANY ADMINISTRATIVE,LEGISLATIVE OR QUASI-JUDICIAL ACTION FOR THAT PORTION OF LAND AREA DESCRIBED AS THE "SNAPPER CREEK STUDY AREA;"PROVTDPNG FOR A SCHEDULE'AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BACKGROUND &ANALYSIS: On January 21,1997,the City Commission instructed City Administration to prepare an initial, draft budget and implementation plan for the City's third charrette activity.Adraft plan for the proposed charrette area,tentatively known as the "Snapper Creek Study Area,"is presented as part of a proposed resolution (under separate cover)to appoint a study area steering committee. City Administration requests that the City Commission consider the enclosed resolution,in order to delay building permits and related approvals for properties which are located in the proposed charrette area.The purpose of which is to ensure that development will be consistent with the community effort to develop and implement a specific plan for the Snapper Creek Study Area. On May 4,1993,the City Commission approved a similar measure for the Hometown District via Resolution No.83-93-9827,which is attached for your reference. RECOMMENDATION:Approval. Attachments: ProposedResolutionforAdoption Adopted Resolution No.83-93-9827 City Manager's Report:Moratorium Resolution RESOLUTION NO.83-93-9827 ci??SSfUsoS?h %Jg*»£S?S^d city commission of theBUILD?nG ?ERMI?S ETC SX wiTES!?0 ^P^CATIONS fSrBYU.S.1 RED loxrs \32*T P0RTI0N OP LAND BOUNDEDCONSISTENTWlS5TS2oniS'W-Uth 9TREET'*OTRESOLUTION^NO 8.9l"f353LguAL^P^VE^IN PRINC^BYadoptionopamend„Lts35?oSlH^JRvS^n^™ WHEREAS,the City of South Miaml an,^^^ —hants,property ovnera and ^^^ undertaken,in aseries or public meeting,the preparation of a specific plan £or Downtown South Miamir and WHEREAS,on February 2.199**«.k-„,„«y ^,1993,the City Commission,by Resolution No.8-93-<m-»93 9353 ,approved ln ptlnclple th.spectflc *•»pr.p.t.d by th.,JOV,.a„KlbM ptocegi>;an<j WH88M8'°"APCU "'""•th.city of south Mia»i,by R"0lUtl0n "°-70-"-"">h»-.««..th.preparation or«—nt.t0 lt6 La„d Dev,lopiMBt R,guUtloM ^iBpieBent ^^ »p.eirle pl.„tor Downtown South Miami,and «WM.th.City ot south Mia.i d„ir.s to .n.ur.that aU n.»a.v.10pB.„t ln tha ar„coverM by tM8 gpeci{ie piM bui ->«P*.1««e.th..rrort,8f th.C0Munlty t,^^^ *~m.that win b.created by lBple-entatlon of the ^^ NOV,THraSF0RE/BS „RM0LVE0 BV THE mavob md cw 00NN1..10.o,THE c:TY op 30UTH mtMi ptoRiDA! /? *»WUn U That all aeti„„. '««•Plan .r.vt.wa,piattm„-.1-l.tr.tlv..l.,ux.t|v,''""""V"lanC"'"«h.r «.««.«!..or d.velo «-*-i«-iei.l action,£or th. <w "velopment land wii-hi-,.,. Miami bounded by u s Portion or South "ot =on.istent tfUh ;he'^R°*d'""S-W->«»Str..t that la •—1««.»„o..-„_,"hSMeiUe PUn aPP"Ved l»Prinelple by t".A„.„d„„ts t0 t.L"*"b*d**""d ""11 th.adoption o£ —ever SBall _,.J^*"1~-!'—"~".*>,. 8ttttn".lL That the City clerk s.t0 "«a copy 0£thl ,*'and hB"by *•'^-tedPyofthisResolutionatCityHall«.°W 0,this R..olutlon ^^^t0 PUWi8ha emulation,and t newspaper of county-widen'*"<*to maU or hand deliver a ,.Solution to anv Oliver a copy ot thia a«X property owner in th«*. hereinabove.atea deified PASSED AND ADOPTED this fch day of May,1993. APPROVED: ATTEST: CLERK «*»AND unono AS TO P08M: n