Ord No 16-79-1038ORDINANCE NO.16-79-1038
Section 1.ThepurposeofthisOrdinanceisto improve the
administration,tocomplywiththeprovisionsofSenateBill No.14
andimplementthe provisions of Chapter 185,ofthe Florida Statutes,
Miami,Florida,mayreceive benefits fromthe funds provided for
the purpose by Chapter 185,Acts of Florida,1953.The fund hereby
created being derived from monies received from the State and not
taxpayers,shall bein addition toany other pension planof the
CityofSouthMiami,Florida,andnothing herein shallbeconstrued
toinanywayaffectthe operation of benefits ofanyother pension
planoftheCityofSouth Miami,Florida,thatpresently exists.
Section 2.The following words and phrases shall,for
the purpose of this Ordinance,have the meanings hereinafter
respectively ascribed tothem.Other words and phrases shall have
meanings as commonly understood with respect to the context;the
singular shall include theplural,and the masculine the feminine.
(a)Active duty:Active dutyshallmeanactualservices
as a police officer with permanent status in the Police Department
oftheCityofSouth Miami,Florida except for approved leaves of
absenceassetforthbelowunderparagraph (j)ofthis Section.
TrusteesoftheCityofSouthMiamiPolice Officers Retirement Trust
Fund,or such other board or boards as may be created by the City of
South Miami,or its successors,to administer the pension system.
(c)City:City shall be understood to mean the City of
South Miami,Florida,andthe lands under the jurisdiction thereof
fromtimeto time,as determined by law.
(d)State:State shall be understood tomeantheStateof
(e)PoliceOfficers:Police Officersshallbeunderstood
tomeanthe Police Chief and all full-time police officers ofthe
City of South Miami,with permanent status in the Police Department
oftheCityofSouth Miami,asthe Board shall determine tobe
engaged in enforcement of the ordinances of the City of South Miami
and Statutes of the State of Florida.The term police officer does
notinclude auxiliary officersorreserveofficers.
(f)Plan:Plan shall mean the "City of South Miami
Police Officers Retirement Plan."
(9)Fund:Fund shall mean the "City of South Miami Police
Officers Retirement Trust Fund."
(h)Participant:Every police officer of the City who is
onactivedutyandwhoisa participant inthe"South Miami Pension
Plan,"shall automatically become a participant in this plan.
(i)Service:Service shall mean all time served as a police
officer permanently appointed under the City of South Miami Code of
Ordinances and Personnel Rules,for which regular compensation is
paid by the City;and all time,not to exceed a period of five (5)
years during which a participant is absent on a military leave of
absence,it shall include all leaves of absence without pay for
sickness,for such period of time as may be determined by the Board,
in excess of accumulated sick time for which compensation is received.
(j)Chapter 185:Chapter 185 shall mean and refer only to
Chapter 185,Florida Statutes.
(k)Department:Department shall be understood to mean the
Police Department of the City of South Miami.
(1)Finance Director:Finance Director shall be understood
to mean the Finance Director of the City of South Miami.
Section 3:There is hereby created in a special fund to be
known as the City of South Miami Police Officers Retirement Trust Fund,
into which shall be paid all monies received by the City under the
provisions of Chapter 185,and all monies which are hereafter paid to
the City under the provisions of Chapter 185.
The monies received and/or allocated to the City for the
calendar years that the City was a participant in the State program
are as follows:
Calendar year ending December,1974 $8 250.10
Calendar year ending December,1975 8 574.61
Calendar year ending December,1976 11,738.95
Calendar year ending December,1977 12,073.83
Section 4:The City shall pay into said fund all monies
received by it from the State pursuant to Chapter 185 plus accrued
Section 5:There is hereby created a seven (7)member Board
of Trustees of the City of South Miami Police Officers Retirement
Trust Fund,which Board shall consist of three employees of the Police
Department (to be selected by the police participants and appointed
by the City Council),the Police Chief,the Finance Director,the
Mayor and a resident of the City (to be appointed by the City
Council)for a period of two (2)years.At the first election of
Trustees,there shall be elected one police officer to serve as
Trustee for a two year term;and one police officer to serve as
Trustee for a three-year term.Thereafter,each year,one police
officer shall be elected to serve as Trustee for a three-year term.
The Board shall annually elect from its membership a Chairman and
a Secretary.The Finance Director shall be the Treasurer.The
Chairman,when present,shall preside at all meetings.The Secretary
shall keep complete minutes of all proceedings of the Board.The
Treasurer shall supervise the books and records which record the
receipts and disbursements of the Fund and the inventory of assets
of the Fund.He shall report attach quarterly meeting the assets
and liabilities of the Fund as of the date of such meeting.All
elections of the Board shall be by a majority vote,a quorum being
present.Four or more members shall constitute a quorum.Trustees
shall receive no compensation as such.
Section 6:Elections:All elections of police officers to
the Board shall be by secret written ballot.Only participants in
the Fund shall be eligible for nomination and election of the Board
and only participants shall be eligible to vote in such elections.
Notice of each election shall be posted in the Police Station
in the City of South Miami at least two weeks prior to the date upon
whichsuchelectionshallbe held.
Section 7:Meetings:The Board of Trustees will hold regular
meetings quarterly or more often as determined by the Board.Special
meetings may be called by the Chairman and Secretary or by any three
members of the Board.Ten days written notice of a Special Meeting
shall be given in writing to all Board members,which notice shall
contain the purpose,date,time and place of the Special Meeting.
If any elected member of the Board of Trustees shall fail
to attend meetings of the Board on two consecutive meeting dates
without cause,as determined by the Board of Trustees,his membership
begiventothememberwhosemembershipisthus terminated.
Section 8:Replacement of Board Members:If at any time
between elections a vacancy occurs on the Board for any reason
whatsoever,such vacancy shall be filled bya special election held
in accordance withthe procedures in Section 5and Section 6
ofthis Ordinance.ThenewlyelectedTrusteeshallservethe
remainder of the term of any Trustee whose membership was
Section 9:Powers of Board:The Board shall have the power
and authority as follows:
(a)To invest and re-invest monies of the Fund.In making
such investments they shall be governed by Chapter 185 Florida Statutes
relating to the investment of fiduciary funds,except that no monies
shall be invested in common stock.The Board may,however,invest
up to ten percent (10%)of the unobligated funds in AAA grade or AA
grade corporate bonds and/or AAA grade or AA grade equipment trusts.
(b)To perform the acts required asthe administrator of
the Plan.TheBoardmay delegate administrative duties tothe
consultingfirmofRalph W.Symons and Associates.
(c)To approve disbursements,pay claims,and authorize
payments from the Fund by warrants signed bythe Chairman andthe
Secretary of the Board.
(d)Tointerpretthe provisions ofthisOrdinancewherethe
meaning is not clear or ambiguity exists;and to promulgate necessary
rules respecting the operation of the Fund,or elections of Trustees,
notinconflictwiththewordingorclearintentofthis Ordinance.
In the event of any conflict,the provisions of Chapter 185 of the
(e)To authorize expenditures in connection with preliminary
research,technical services,legal services and accounting services,
to contract for employees necessary tothe general administration of
the Fund and to employ legal counsel and auditors necessary to the
proper administration of the Fund.
Section 10:Security Safekeeping^.The custody of all
securities and cash of the Fund shall be with the Board.The Board
shall deposit all funds not invested as above,in a National or
State chartered.commercial bank located within the continental
United States,whose deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit
insurance Corporation.All security instruments shall be kept in
a safe deposit box or deposited with a corporate/bank trustee,and
current inventories of such securities shall be kept as a part
of the permanent records of the Board,which Will be audited annually
by an independent Certified Public Accountant appointed by the Board.
Section 11;Indemnification of Board Memh«„-g.A11 persons,
including Board members and employees,who sign checks or handle
money or securities of the Fund shall be bonded by a qualified surety.
The Fund shall indemnify the members of the Board of Trustees
of the City of south Miami Police Officers Retirement Trust Fund
individually and collectively against all claims of participants
as aforesaid and shall pay all expenses including court costs and
attorney's fees incurred in defending law suits of any form whatsoever
brought by participants in asserting such claims.
The members of the pension board may engage agents to
assist them in their duties and the City Attorney shall represent
the Board of Trustees pursuant to the provisions of Section 185.29
of the Florida Statutes which shall apply.lf the city Attorney
should fail or refuse to comply with the request of the pension board
in this relation,the said pension board in their discretion may
employ independent legal counsel for such purpose.The members of
the pension board shall be relieved of all responsibility whatsoever
for anything done or not done upon the written advice of counsel.
Section 12:Payment of Costs,Expenses and Fees:At each
meeting of the Board,the Trustees shall examine all known unpaid
bills of expense for setting up,amending and operating the Fund,
and shall approve and allow for payment all those bills of expense
that are found to have been necessary and proper charges against
the Fund,and these bills shall be paid promptly.
Section 13:Credits to Individual Accounts:
(a)An individual account shall be established for each
(b)After payment of all costs,expenses and fees as monies
are received from the State,the expenses of administering the Fund
for the preceding year shall be prorated by the Board and charged
against monies received for participants during said year;and the
balance of such monies shall be credited as contributions to the
several individual participants in an amount directly proportionate
to the total number-of months of duty performed by the several police
officers in the calendar year preceding the date the monies were
received from the State.The length of time of service computed in
monthly increments during the calendar year preceding the date upon
which payment is received from the State is the only criterion upon
which the amount due each participant out of the State monies received
annually is to be calculated.A participant will be credited with
a full month if his date of employment on permanent status is onor
before the 15th day of the month and if separation is on or after
the 16th day of the month.No partial monthly periods will be credited
to any account.No credit is to be given on account of seniority,
rank or amount of compensation which the participants receive.
(c)As of each December 31,the assets of the Fund shall be
valued at fair market value.The amount of any earnings from
investments,including unrealized gains and losses in market value,to
be credited to the account of the participant shall bear the same
ratio to the total amount of annual earnings as the participant's
individual account balance bears to the total of the individual account
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balances of all participants on the preceding December 31.This
ratic determined on the preceding December 31 shall be based upon
the participants'account balances including contributions for such
(d)In addition to the monies received from the State and
earnings on investments,all forfeitures from police officers as
provided for in Section 14(a)hereof shall be prorated and credited
annually to the accounts of the individual participants.Such
forfeitures shall be prorated to their individual accounts in the
same manner as monies received from the State,asset forth in
Section 13(b).
(e)Subsequent to the effective date of this Ordinance
after a police officer has retired and ceased to be a member on active
duty,as defined in Section 2(a)hereof,no contributions from monies
received from the State shall be made to his account.Police officers
who retired after December 31,1973 and prior to June 14,1974,shall
be entitled to participate in the monies they could have participated
in had this Ordinance been in effect on January 1,1974,but they
shall not participate in any other monies.Monies credited to a
participant's account shall be payable only upon application by the
filing of a claim form with the Board.The application shall be on
a claim form prescribed by the Board and shall be sworn to be the
applicant or his surviving wife or child,or if the child is a minor,
by the guardian of the child,or by any other person legally qualified
to apply for such monies under the laws of the State of Florida.
Section 14:Benefits:No participants shall receive benefits
from the Fund in excess of the amount credited to his account.Subject
to this provision a participant shall receive benefits as follows:
(a)Should a participant separate from the Department prior
to having satisfactorily completing ten years of service,the
participant shall forfeit all monies credited to his name in the plan.
(b)Should a participant separate from the Department
after having satisfactorily completing ten years of service but
prior to retirement age fifty-five (55)asset forth in Section
14(c),the participant will have a vested right to his credited
benefits at the time of his separation.These credited benefits
will remain in the investment pool and will receive a proportionate
share of investment earnings as set forth in Section 13(c)until
benefits are paid as set forth in Section 14(c),which follows:
(c)Normal Retirement Date:The normal retirement date
of a participant including separated participants with vested
rights,shall be the first day of the calendar month coincident
with or otherwise next following his sixtieth (60th)birthday.
(d)Early Retirement Date:A participant who is eligible
for and who elects early retirement under the City of South Miami
Pension Plan may elect an early retirement date which may be the
first day of the calendar month coincident with or otherwise next
following his fifty-fifth (55th)birthday.
<e>Disability Retirement:A participant determined by
the Board to be totally and permanently disabled shall be eligible
for disability retirement and may elect any one of the benefit
options set forth in Section 14(h).The Board shall set the date
for commencement of disability benefit payments to the participant
after eligibility therefor has been established.As used in this
Section,"total and permanent disability"shall mean that in the
opinion of the Board of Trustees the participant is wholly prevented
from rendering useful and efficient service as a police officer;
and a police officer will be considered permanently disabled
if,in the opinion of the Board of Trustees,such police officer
is likely to remain so disabled continuously and permanently from
a cause other than as specified below in Items (1)through (5).
A police officer will not be entitled to receive any disability
retirement income if the disability is a result of:
(1)Excessive and habitual use by the police officer
of drugs,intoxicants or narcotics;
(2)Injury or disease sustained by the police officer
while willfully and illegally participating in fights,riots,
civil insurrections or while committing a crime;
(3)Injury or disease sustained by the police officer
while serving in any armed forces;
(4)Injury or disease sustained by the police officer
after his employment has terminated;
(5)Injury or disease sustained by the police officer
while working for anyone other than the City and arising out of
such employment.
(f)Death of a Participant:Upon the death of a participant
prior to retirement there shall be paid to the beneficiary last
designated by him all the monies credited to the participant's
account plus 4%interest,compounded annually,for the period
commencing with the December 31 immediately preceding,but not
including,the day of death of the participant.
(g)Change of Beneficiary:Each participant shall have the
right to name a beneficiary and to change his beneficiary designation
from time to time.Any such exercise of rights shall become
effective immediately upon proper execution of the beneficiary
designation form provided by the Board as a standard form under this
(n)Benefit Options:The participant has three benefit
options of which he must choose one at the time of application for
retirement benefits.Once an option is chosen and the first payment
thereon has been made,the option selection becomesbinding on the
participant and no other option may be chosen in lieu thereof.The
three benefit options areas follows:
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(1)Cash:The cash payment will be equal to the
balance credited to the participant's account plus 5%interest,
compounded annually,for the period commencing with the December 31
immediately preceding the distribution of benefits to the participant,
but not to include,the day of retirement.
(2)Annuity Payments Certain for 36 Months Usinq
5%Interest factor in computing the amount of the monthly payment.
Should the participant die prior to receiving the final monthly
payment,the remaining monthly payments will be made to his designated
beneficiary.Should the beneficiary predecease the participant,the
remaining benefits will be paid to the participant's estate as a
lump sum,equal to the present value of the remaining monthly payments
discounted at a rate of interest of 5%per year.
(3)Whole Life Annuity Due:Should the participant
elect this option,the Board will purchase such a policy for the
insured from the life insurance company selected by the Board from
time to time and agreed upon by the retiree.The single premium
of the annuity will equal the amount credited to the participant's
account plus interest thereon at 5%annually for the period commencing
with the December 31 immediately preceding the distribution of
benefits to the participant,but not to include,the day of retirement.
Section 15:Denial and Review of Claims:
(a)If a claim for benefits of any participant,former
participant or beneficiary is denied by the Board,there shall be
timely adequate written notice within forty-five (45)days of claim
date given to the claimant whose claim for benefits has been denied,
setting forth the specific reasons for such denial.Unless otherwise
provided by law,the terms of the retirement system or plan shall
provide for a full and fair review in those cases where a member or
beneficiary has had his claim to benefits denied.
(b)After a claimant receives a denial of rights to benefits
or is in dispute with the decision of the Board and after such claimant
makes a written request to the Board for a review of his previous
denial,the Board will fully and fairly consider and review the
case of such aggrieved claimant.Within 30 days of the Board's
receipt of the aggrieved claimant's written request for their
review of his previous denial,the Board shall give written notice
of the disposition of the disputed claim to the appropriate claimant
by certified mail.The Board's decision so rendered shall be
conclusive and binding on all interested parties.
Section 16:Vested Rights:The vested rights and benefits
provided for herein are vested rights of the participants in the Fund,
and shall not be subject to garnishment,attachment,or execution of any
other legalprocess.
Section 17:City's Responsibility:The City shall have
no responsibility for the operation of the Fund except those specified
herein and shall bear no expense in.connection therewith.
Section 18:Limitations Generally:
(a)This plan is created for the exclusive benefit of
permanent police officers of the City and their beneficiaries,and
shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with its being a qualified
plan under Chapter 185 Florida Statutes as the same may be amended
from time to time.This section cannot be altered or amended.
(b)Except as provided in Section 12,no funds accruing to
this plan and no assets of the plan shall ever revert to,be used or
enjoyed by the City nor shall any such funds or assets ever be used
other than for the benefit of the participants or their beneficiaries.
This section cannot be altered or amended.
(c)Compliance by Parties,Claimants:All parties to this
Plan and all persons claiming any interest whatsoever hereunder agree
to perform any and all acts and execute any and all documents or
papers which may be necessary or desirable for carrying out any of the
provisions of this plan or of any amendments to this plan or for
complying with any federal or state disclosure laws.
(d)Plan is Not Contract of Employment:The pension plan
shall not be construed as creating any contract of employment between
the employer and any of its employees.
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(e)Alienation of Proceeds,Levy,Etc.;Prohibited:No
participant shall have any right to assign,alienate,anticipate or
commute any payments hereunder.
(f)Laws of Florida Applicable:This plan shall be construed
according to the laws of the State of Florida where it is made and
whereitshallbe enforced.
(g)Headings:The section and paragraph headings of this
Ordinance are intended for convenience and shall not affect the
meaning or construction of any provisions of this instrument.
Section 19:Invalid Provisions:If any provision of this
Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance
is held invalid such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or
applications of the Ordinance which can bfe given effect without the
invalid provision or application*a*id to this end the provisions
of this Ordinance are declared to be severable.
Section 20:Amendment &Termination of Plan and Distribution
of Fund:
(a)The City of South Miami may amend this pension plan at
any time and from time to time by an instrument in writing executed
in its name by an officer or officers duly authorized to execute
such instrument,and delivered to the members of the pension board;
(1)No amendment shall increase the duties or
liabilities of the members of the pension board without their
written consent.
(2)No amendment shall provide for the use of funds
or assets held under this plan other than for the benefit of the
participants and their beneficiaries.
(b)The City of South Miami may terminate this pension plan
at any time by an instrument in writing executed in the name of the
officer or officers duly authorized to execute such an instrument
and delivered to the Board.In such anevent,the Board shall cause
the Fund to be apportioned and distributed in accordance with
Chapter 185.37,Florida Statutes,Municipal Police Officers Retirement
Trust Fund;Policemen Generally.
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Section 21:All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in
conflict herewith be,and the same are hereby repealed.
Section 22:This Ordinance shall take effect immediately
at the time of its passage.
PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 24th day of July ,197 9
City Clerk
Passed on First Reading:6/12/79
Passed on Second Reading:7/24/79
Moved by.
Seconded byConm.
Vice ^feyor Gibson
ews Lantz"
bowman £.
lantz X_
M "Cannabsent