ORDINANCE 917ORDINANCE NO. 38 -76 -917 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA, IMPLEMENTING THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER '28230, ACTS OF FLORIDA, 1953. PROVIDING CERTAIN BENEFITS FOR POLICE OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI; CREATING A SPECIAL FUND DERIVED FROM MONIES RECEIVED FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA; SAID FUND TO BE KNOWN AS "THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI POLICE OFFICERS RETIREMENT TRUST FUND "; PROVIDIING FOR AN INTERIM COMMITTEE, A BOARD OF TRUSTEES, ELECTION PROCEDURES FOR SAID TRUSTEES, OFFICERS THEREOF, DUTIES, TERMS OF OFFICE, AND OTHER REGULATIONS GOVERNING SAID TRUSTEES, SECURITY SAFE KEEPING, INDEMNIFICATION OF BOARD MEMBERS, PAYMENT OF COSTS, EXPENSES AND FEES, CREDITS TO INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS, BENEFITS, RETIREMENT DATES, PAYMENTS UPON DEATH, CHANGE OF BENEFICIARIES, BENEFIT OPTIONS, AND OTHER REGULATIONS CONCERNING SAID FUND, INCLUDING AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION OF THE PLAN, DISTRIBUTION OF THE FUND, AND PROVIDING FOR THE FUND TO BE IN ADDITION TO ANY OTHER PENSION PLAN OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA; AND PROVIDING FOR THIS ORDINANCE TO TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY AS AN EMERGENCY MEASURE AND DISPENSING WITH THE REQUIREMENT OF READING THIS ORDINANCE AT NO LESS THAN TWO MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The purpose of this Ordinance is to implement the provisions of Chapter 28230, Act; of Florida, 1953, and to provide means whereby police officers of the City of South Miami, Florida, may receive benefits from the funds provided for that purpose by Chapter 28230, Acts of Florida, 1953. The fund hereby created being derived from monies; received from the State and not from a tax levied by the City of South Miami on City of South Miami taxpayers, shall be in addition to any other pension plan of the City of South Miami,, Florida, and nothing herein shall be construed to in any way affect the operation of benefits of any Other Pension Plan of the City of South Miami, Florida, that presently wrists. V Section 2. The following taords' and phrases shall, 'for 'he purpose of this Ordinance, have the means hereinafter ,respectively ascribed to them'. Other words and phrases shall have meanings as commonly understood with respect to the context; the singular shall include; the plural, and the masculine the feminine, (a) Active duty: Active duty shall ,mean actual services as a police officer with ,permanent status in the Police Department of the City of South Miami, Florida, except for approved leaves of absz-nce as set forth below under paragraph (i) of this Section. (b) Board: Board shall be understood to mean the Board of Trustees of the City of South Miami Police. Officers Retirement Trust 'Fund, or such other board or boards as may be created by the City of South, Miami, or its successors, to administer the ,pension system. (c) City: City shall be understood to mean the City of South Miami, Florida, and the lands under the jurisdiction thereof from time to time, as determined by law. (d) State: State shall be understood to mean the State of Florida. (e.) Police Officers: Shall be understood to mean the Police Chief and all police officers of the City of South Miami, with permanent status in the Police Department of the City of South 'Miami, as the Board shall determine to be engaged in enforcement of the .:ordinances . of the City of South Miami and statutes of the State of Florida. (f) Fund: Fund shall mean the City of South Miami Police Officers Retirement Trust Fund. (g), Participant: Every police officer of the City, as defined herein, who is eligible to have monies credited to his individual account and to receive benefits therefrom under this Ordinance shall automatically become a Participant; (h) Permanent Status., The term permanent status shall have the meaning ascribed to it from time to time by the City of South Miami Code of Ordin- ances and Personnel Rules. (i) seryicos Service shall mean all time served as a police officer permanently appointed under the City of South Miami Code of Ordinances and Personnel Rules, for which regular compensation is paid by the City, and all titner not to exceed a period of five (5) yearn during which a participant -2- i ttx I I na i'• rt shall include a1.1 leaves of ,Illtia'ilr'.t'' tt' I l }t„r,1. I,. i.� ' i;t >' I '1• G,� r',: + 1 •.1 ;;iai`11 Pori od of t l me as may be deter- Sick time for which-comjiens•,a- (j)' f.ItapLor 28230: Ch,tl tot- 28X30 shall mean and refer only to Chapter 28"!30, Laws 01 F.loriI:10, Acts of 1953. '. (k.) Department: Derpartotc'nt shall be understood to mean the Police Dopar.tmont of tho City of South Mi.'tmi. (1) Pinanct: Director: Pinance Director shall oe unuerstood to mean the Finance Director of the City of South Miami. Section ;3: There is hereby created in the City a special fund to he known as the City of (South Miami Police Officers Retirement Trust Fund, into which shall be paid all monies received by the City under the ;provisions of Chapter 28230, and all monies which are hereafter paid to the City under the provisions of Chapter 28230. The monies received and /or allocated to the City for the fiscal year the City was a participant in the State program are as follows: Fiscal year ending October 1974 ........ .............$8,250.10 Fiscal year ending October 1975 ..$8,574.61 In addition to the payments of principal hereinabove set forth, the City shall pay into said Fund interest accrued at the rate of 5;$ compounded daily on unpaid balances of principal,, said interest to be computed from the 27th day of August, 1976. In addition to the repayment of monies received by the City plus inter- est thereon, the City shall pay into said fund all monies received by it from the State pursuant to Chapter 28230. Section 4. There is hereby created an interim committee composed of the City Manager, the Chief of Police and two police officers selected by the Chief of Police. This committee shall immediately establish the neces- sary rules and regulations for the first election of the three police officers of the Police Department who shall serve On the Board of Trustees of the City of South Miami. Police officers Retirement Trust Fund as set forth below. This interim committee shall perform the function of the Board until the first, election is held. The first election shall be held on or before two (2) months from the date of the passage of this Ordinance. Section S. There is hereby created a Board of goatees of the City of South Miami PO lee Officers RettreMent Trost Fond, which Board shall consist of tthr" employees of the Pol,ieti ftepatttfWnt to be elected by po ;ico partii -I eipantsr ithre Police Chief, ainrd thV V>3nUCO Wreet6t, At +the first elerrlon to( TE'ogt#-eze;, there sha1-1 : W t"ItC -etvA otltt 1l➢'ec offiept to 'gored ag T>Gdn" fit ti eareg veal terol" Role twolev catty: r to serve as v>s•`ugtty for a yt + 'Vedr f vttm.- 'V ?of C ?_ou vvl! fit +d9d l e0v '' tO 9 @ttt* a'�4 'fi td & §tcre for a �+htep Vvb� r $erno ma N 40 Pliori ,t f t Q r, oach yoar, onu poI ivo 0fYiCO17 shall be elected to serve as Trustee for a three yrar Corm. The Board shall annually elect from its 0111bors :,ip a Chairman and a Secretary. `Phu Finance Director shall be the TreaSUrer. The Chairman, when present, shall preside at all meetings. The Secretary shall keep complete minutes of all proceedings of the Board. The Treasurer shall supervise the books and records which record the receipts and disbursements of the Fund and the inventory of assets of the Fund. He shall report at each quarterly meeting the assets and liabilities of the Fund as of the date of such meeting. All elections of the Board shall be by a majority vote, a quorum being present. Three or more members shall constitute a quorum. Trustees shall receive no compensation as such. Section 6. Elections: All elections of police officers to the Board shall be by secret written ballot. Only participants in the Fund shall be eligible for nomination and election to the Board and only participants shall be eligible to vote in such elections. Notice of each election shall be posted in the Police Station in the City of South Miami at least two weeks prior to the date, upon which such elections shall be held. Section 7. Meetings: The Board of Trustees will hold regular meetings quarterly or more often as determined by the Board. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman and Secretary or by any three members of the Board. Ten days written notice of a Special Meeting shall be given in writing to all Board members, which notice shall contain the purpose, date, time and place of the Special Meeting. If any elected member of the Board of Trustees shall fail to attend meetings of the Board on two consecutive meeting dates without cause, as determined by the Board of Trustees, his membership on the Board shall be terminated. Written notice of this fact shall be given to the member whose membership is thus terminated. Section 8. Replacement of board Members: if at any time between elections a vacancy occurs on the Board for any reason whatsoever, the remaining Board members, by majority vote, shall fill said vacancy. The new members so chosen shall serve until the next election of the Board of TfUstees. At the next election a new Trustee shall be elected to serve the remainder of the term of any Trustee whose membership was terminated. S60 (n ), fldwers_of Board.. The Board shah, have the power and authority as follows. (a) To i"Vest and rd- Invest fi-A pies of the rondl. to miki`ng such it�e� t nt they shall bo goVerined by Chapter M r1orlda Statutes rolatt inn to the move -nt"M or fiduelary fu"no oxoept thAt fill tw"It -'s shall Hie Ifivested and ate h. tNn Olvat'd mwy7 #ZU,- Vt -rj, i>b �qt: olo to teto portent (1641 „a U ,ut,VL9.Ine,1;utJr-A FUft -As 9 tb "d tjid r -1t4- 1 muI§ .In I'M t' tjUi##' "m* trtmIL (b)... 'fo opprove disburse,mcnts, p0y claims, and authorize payments. from the Fund by warrants signed by the Chairman and the Secretary of the Board (c) To interpret the provisions of this ordinance where the meaning is not clear or ambiguity exists; and to promulgate necessary rules re- specting the operation of the Fund =, or elections of Trustees, not in conflict with the wording or clear intent of this ordinance. ('d) To ;authorize expenditures in connection with preliminary research, technical services, legal services and accounting services, to contract for employees necessary to the general administration of the Fund and to employ legal counsel and auditors necessary to the proper administration of the Fund. Section 10. Security Safekeeping: The custody of all securities and cash of the Fund shall be with the Board.. The 'Board shall deposit all funds not invested as above, in a National or State chartered commercial bank located within the City, whose deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. All security instruments shall be kept in a safe deposit box or deposited with a corporate /bank trustee, and current inven- tories of such securities shall be kept as a part of the permanent records of the Board, which will be audited annually by an. independent Certified Public Accountant. Section 11. Indemnification of Board Members:. All persons, including Board members and employees, who sign checks or handle money or securities of the Fund shall be bonded by a qualified surety. The Fund shall indemnify the members of the Board of Trustees of the City of South Miami Police Officers Retirement Trust Fund individually and collectively against all claims of participants as aforesaid and shall pay all expenses including court costs and attorney's fees incurred in defend- ing law suits of any form whatsoever brought by participants in asserting such claims. Except for gross negligence or willful breach of the terms of this plan, no member of the pension board shall incur any individual liability for any action or failure to act pursuant to the terms of this plan. No momhor of the pension board shall be liable for the acts of any,othwr mPmhar of the pension board. The members of the 'pension board may engage agents to assist them in their duties and may consult with eounse;l who may be e15U"S0 i. to flits City. The members of the pension board shall be relieved .5- It r spots 1'4r.i ;l it what.souver for 'r"inythi nc3 done or not done upon the Wl-ittvri ,tdv ue of counsel. section 12. Payment of Costs, Expenses and Fees: At the first meeting, of tt'co Board, the Trustees shall examine all known bills of expense for sotti -nd up the Fund, and shall approve and allow for payment all those that are found to have been necessary and proper charges against the Fund, and these bills shall be pain promptly. Section 13. Credits to Individual Accounts: (a) An individual account shall be established for each police officer of permanent status on the effective date of this Ordinance, and for each police officer who attains;, permanent :status subsequent to the passage of this Ordinance. (b) After payment of all costs, expenses and fees as monies are received from the State, the expenses of administering the Fund for the preceding year shall be prorated by the Board and charged against monies received for police officers participants during said year; and the balance of such monies Shall be Credited to the Several individual participants in an amount directly proportionate to the total number of months of duty po rtormed by the several police officers in the calendar year preceding the ctate:'the monies were received from the State. The length of time of service t-imputed In monthly increments during the calendar year preceding the date upon which payment is received from the State is the only criterion upon which the amount due each participant out of the State monies received annually is to be calculated. A participant will be credited with a full t•onth if date of employment on permanent status is on or before the 15th d.iy of the month and if separation is on or after the 16th day of the month. - PIo partial monthly periods will be credited to any account. No credit is to *— given on account of seniority -, rank or amount of compensation which the participants receive: (g:) The amount of oarnings from investments credited to the account Of the participant shall bear the same ratio to the total amount of annual . o- arnjngs as the invested funds belonging to the particioant in the Fund bear tr, the total monies invested on behalf of the Fund. -fi- ((it) rn addition to the monies received from the State and as earnings on investments, all forfeitures from police officers as provided for in Sect n 14(a -) hereof shall be prorated and credited annually to the accounts of the individual participants.. Such sums shall be prorated to their individual accounts in the same manor as monies received from the State, as set forth in Section 13(b). (e) Subsequent to the effective date of this Ordinance after a police officer has retired and ceased to be a member on active duty, as defined in Section 2(a) hereof, no credits shall be made to his account. Police officers who retired, or separated from the City, after the enactment of Chapter 28230 and prior to the effective date of this Ordinance, shall be entitled to participate in the monies they could have participated in had this Ordinance been in effect on the date of the enactment of Chapter 282.30, but they shall not participate in any other monies. Monies credited to a participant's account shall be payable only upon the filing of an application with the Board. The application shall be on a form prescribed by the Board and shall be sworn to by the applicant or his surviving wife or child, or if the child is a'minor, by the guardian of the child, or by any other person legally qualified to apply for such monies under the laws of the State of Florida. Section 14. Benefits: No participants shall receive benefits from the Fund in excess' of the amount credited to his account. Subject to this provision a participant shall receive benefits as follows: (a) Should a participant separate from the department prior to having satisfactorily completing ten years of service, the participant shall forfeit all monies credited to his name in the plan. (b) Should a participant separate from the Department after having satisfactorily completing ten years of service but prior to retirement age as set forth in .Section 14(c), the participant will have a vested right to his credited benefits at the time of his separation. These credited benefits will remain in the investment pool and will receive a proportionate share of investment earnings as set forth in Section 13(c) until benefits are paid . as set forth in Section 14(c) , which follows. 7r i 111,1 1 No( 1 i omont I).it I'ht, ."Ormd I Vot 1 rome+nL (late of •a pabticiiljant I]WI Lill 11r,.1 _Wjl),ir;it,,•1 I)Artrcipantli wi.Llt vesLud rights, shal l be the first ddy eel Lho calendar niunttr ouincedulit wi.Clt or otherwise next following his .:iktieLh (60) biI'Llid y (ii) E:arL y _Rut irreement Dail:: A participant who elects early retirement Under the City of South Miami Pension Plan and /or a participant who separates from the department who is not a member of the City's Pension Plan may elect an early retirement date which may be the first day of the calendar month coincident with or otherwise next following his fifty -fifth (55) birthday. (e') Disability Retirement: As used in this section, "totally and permanently disabled`" means the inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of a medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death or to be of'long- continued and indefinite duration. The disability of any participant -shall be determined by the Board in accordance with uniform principles consistently applied, upon the basis of such evidence as the Board deems necessary and desirable. The Board shall set the date for commencement of benefit pay- meats to theme participant after eligibility therefor has been established. A participant determined by the Board to be eligible for disability retire- ment may elect any one of the benefit options set forth in Section 14(h), (f) Death of a "Participant: Upon the death of a participant prior to retirement there shall be paid to the beneficiary las* designated by him All the monies credited to the participant's account plus 4% interest thereon for the period commencing with the day of the last credited distribution to, but not including, the day of death of the participant. (q) Change. of Beneficiary: Each participant shall have the right to namr. a beneficiary and to change his beneficiary designation from time to time. Any such exercise of rights shall become effective immediately upon proper execution of the beneficiary designation form provided by the 13oard as a standard form under this plan. (h) Benefit Options: The participant has three benefit options of which ho must choose one at the time of application for retirement be±nefats. Once sin option is chosen and the first payment thereon has been made, the option gt*lvVLi0h becomes binding on the parti ipaht and net othief option may I-ov Miti on in l i eu thereof. of. The three benefit o1st lobs tiro as fol low#; * -3i - (1.) Cash: The cash payment will be equal to the amount credited to the participant's account plus interest thereon at 4% for the period commenc- i:nq with the day of the last credited distribution up :to, but not to include, the day of retirement. (2) Annuity payments certain for months using a 5% interest factor in computing the :mr),ant of the monthly payment. Should the partici- pant die prior to receiving the final monthly payment, the remaining monthly payment will be made to his designated beneficiary. Should the beneficiary predecease the participant, the remaining benefits will be paid to the participant's estate as a lump sum, present value of the remaining monthly payment due using a 5% discount factor. (3) Whole Life Annuity Due: Should the participant elect this option, the Board will purchase such a policy for the insured from the life insurance company selected by the Board from time to time. The single premium of the annuity will equal the 'amount credited to the partic'ipant's account plus interest thereon at 4% :annual for the period commencing with the day of the last credited distribution up to., but not to include, the day of retirement Section 15. Vested Rights: The rights and benefits provided for herein are vested rights of the participants in the Fund, and shall not be subject to garnishment,, attachment, execution of any other legal process, except that co- makers or guarantors of notes of the police Officers partici- pants payable to the South Miami Municipal Credit Union shall. be able to garnishee or attach the funds due the participant in case the participant shall fail to pay such 'loans when due. Section 16. City's Responsibility: The City shall have no responsibilit• for the operation of the Fund except those specified herein and shall bear no expense in connection therewith. Section 17. Limitations Generally:. (a) This plan is created for the exclusive benefit of permanent Police Officers of the City and their beneficiaries, and shall be inter- preted in a manner consistent with its being a qualified plan under Chapter 185 Florida Statutes as the same may be amended from time to time. This section cannot be altered or amended. (ig) VNCep+t as provided in Section 12. no funds accruing to this plan and no .issett; of the plan shall. over revert tee, he used or enjoyed by the City nor shall any such funds or assets ever be used other than for the benefit of the participants or their beneficiaries. This section cannot be altered or amended. (c) Compliance by Parties, Claimants: All parties to this plan and all persons claiming any interest whatsoever hereunder agree to perform any and all acts and execute any and all documents or papers which may be nec- assary'of desirable for carrying out any of the provisions of this plan or of any ;amendments to this plan or for complying with any federal or state disclosure laws. (d) Plan is Not Contract of Employment: The pension plan shall not be construed as creating any contract of employment between the employer and any of its employees. (e) Alienation of Proceeds, Levy, Etc.; Prohibited: No participant shall have any right to assign, alienate, anticipate or commute any payments hereunder; and, 'except as otherwise prescribed by law, no payment shall be subject to the debts, contracts or engagements of any payee, nor to a judicial process to levy upon or attach the same for the payment thereof. (f) Laws of Florida Applicable: This plan shall be construed accord- ing to the laws of the State of Florida, where it is made and where it shall be enforced. (g) Gender Number: Wherever used in this article, the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender and the singular shall include the plural. Section 18. Invalid Provisions: If any provision of this 'Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or appli- cation, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 19. Amendment & Termination of Plan and Distribution of Fund: (a) The employer may amend this pension plan at any time and from time to time by an instrument in writing executed in its name by an officer or officers duly authorized to execute such instrument, and delivered to the members of the pension board; provided, however, that:. (1) No amendment shall increase the duties or liabilities of the rmnhtrs 6.4 the pension board without their written consent. _10— (2) No - amendment shall provide for the use of funds or assets held under this plan other than for the benefit of the participants. (b) The employer may terminate this pension plan at any time by an instrument in writing executed in the name of the officer or officers duly authorized to execute such an instrument and delivered to the Board. In such an event, the Board shall cause the fund to be apportioned and distributed in accordance with Chapter 185, Florida Statutes, Municipal Police Officers Retirement Trust Fund; Policemen Generally. Section 20. That all laws, or parts of laws, in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 21. This ordinance is declared to be an emergency ordinance for the purpose of meeting a public emergency affecting the life, safety, health and property of the residents of the City of South Miami, Florida, and the requirement of reading this ordinance at no less than two meetings of the City Council is hereby dispensed with and this ordinance' shall . take effect immediately at the time of its passage, and for the further reason that it is nece-sary to comply forthwith with State Law. Attest: City Clerk PASSED and ADOPTED this 21st day of December ,1976. .a.11� APPROVED: Mayor 1 v