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2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ORDINANCE NO. ---------------- An Ordinance amending Chapter 2, Article I, Section 2-2.1 (B), (C) and (C) 1 and 2 of the City of South Miami's Code of Ordinances, to modify the capitalization of key words and to add requirements for Sunshine Meetings. 9 WHEREAS, in the past, two or more Commissioners have held a Sunshine 10 meeting but the notice of that meeting was never sent to all of the City Commission 11 members; and 12 13 WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to amend Chapter 2, Article I, Section 14 2-2.1 (B), (C) and (C) 1 and 2 of the Code of Ordinances to modify the capitalization of 15 key words and to add requirements for Sunshine Meetings in order to require more notice 16 to the entire commission. 17 18 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY 19 COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Section 1. Chapter 2, Article I, Section 2-2.1 (B), (C) and (C) 1 and 2 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of South Miami, Florida, are hereby amended and shall read as follows: Sec. 2-2.1. -Rules of procedure of Ceity Ceommission. The following rules of procedure shall govern all meetings of the Ceity Ceommission, namely: * * * B) SPECIAL MEETING; WORKSHOP MEETING and SUNSHINE MEETINGS. A special meeting, sunshine meeting (a meeting of two or more members of the City Commission to discuss any matter that may foreseeably corne before the Commission for action) or a workshop meeting of the Ceity Ceommission may be called by the Mmayor whenever, in his opinion~ the public business may require it, or whenever three (3) or more members of the Ceity Ceommission request a special or workshop meeting or two (2) or more members of the City Commission request a sunshine meeting. Whenever a special, sunshine or workshop meeting shall be called by the Mmayor, a notice in writing signed by the Mmayor shall be served on the Ceity Celerk, and whenever a special, sunshine or workshop meeting shall be called by three (3) or more members of the Ceity .Geommission, notice in writing signed by such commission members shall be served in writing upon the Ceity Celerk. The Celerk shall forthwith serve either verbal or written notice upon each member of the Ceity Ceommission, the Mmayor, the Ceity Mmanager and the Ceity Aattorney, stating the date and hour of the meeting, and the purpose for which such meeting is called, and no other business shall be transacted at that meeting other than that for which the meeting was Page 1 of 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 called. The twenty-four-hour time limit may be waived in time of public emergency affecting life, health, property or safety. The Celerk, shall insure that written notice is sent to the Mayor and all of the member of the City Commission informing them of the date, time and place of the special, sunshine or workshop meeting at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of in the notiee of a speeial the meeting, shall allo\v not less than t\venty four (24) hours to elapse bet'.veen the eall of the meeting and the date and hour of the meeting. A copy of said notice is to be posted in a prominent and conspicuous place at in-the Ceity Hhall not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to such meeting. The minutes of each special, sunshine or workshop meeting shall shew include the manner and method by which notice of such special, sunshine or workshop meeting was given, or shall sho\v a state the reason why the notice was. not given as required by this section. waiver of notiee. All special, sunshine or workshop meetings shall be open to the public and shall be held at in-the Ceity Hhall. For the purposes of this paragraph, the leaving of a copy of the written notice at the residence of the Mmayor or any commissioner shall constitute service of written notice on such mayor and cornniissioner. All written notices that are required by this section to be sent may be sent in any form of communication that appears in text format, such as an email, and that can be printed. (C) AGENDA. There shall be an official agenda for every meeting of the Ceommission which shall determine the order of business conducted at the meeting. The Ceommission shall not take action upon any item, matter or business (city business) which is not listed upon the official agenda without approval of at least three (3) commission members present at such regular meeting to add such Ceity business to the official agenda. The official agenda shall be prepared by the Celerk in appropriate form approved by the Ceommission. City business may be placed on the agenda by the Mmayor, the Ceity Mmanager, any commissioner, and the Ceity Aettomey. A physical agenda books, if requested in writing by a member of the City Commission, will be prepared by the clerk's office and will be placed in the Commission's mailbox in city hall. The agenda package will also be uploaded into the City's cloud server or similar electronic location and on the City's webpage, /\. eopy of the agenda shall be delivered to eaeh eommissioner, the mayor,' the eity manager, and the eity attorney at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to any regularly scheduled meeting, and twenty- four (24) hours prior to any special, sunshine or workshop meeting. Except for emergencies, no item will be placed on the agenda of a regular meeting of the commission which has not been delivered to the Ceity Celerk by noon on the Wednesday preceding such regular meeting, excepting as provided in this subsection 2-2.1(C). (l)Add-ons: No business shall be conducted at a regular meeting that is not reflected in the official agenda unless the official agenda is amended or supplemented to reflect additional business ("add-on items") to be conducted at said meeting ("add-on agenda") and unless the add-on agenda is posted Page 2 of 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 and delivered to the Ceity Ceommission. The add-on agenda items must be delivered to the Ceity Celerk no later thean 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting and must be posted on the Ceity's website no later than 5:00 p.m., and, at substantially the same time, it shall be forwarded to the members of the Ceity Ceommission before the commencement of the relevant meeting~ electronically or by any comparable means. The Ceity Celerk is further directed to make said add-on item(s) available to the public at the entrance to the commission chambers during every commission meeting. The Ceity Celerk shall at the end of the consent agenda, read into the record the title of any proposed add-on item(s) sought to be placed on that agenda. Nothing herein shall affect the requirement that any add-on item can only be placed on the agenda by the approval of the majority vote of the Ceity Ceommission. (2) Workshops, sunshine and special meeting: No Ceity business may be conducted at a special, sunshine or workshop meeting other than that for which this meeting was called. **** 20 Section 2. Codification. The provisions of this ordinance shall become and 21 be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City of South Miami as amended. 22 23 Section 3. Severability. If any section, clause, sentence, or phrase of this 24 ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent 25 jurisdiction, this holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this 26 ordinance. 27 28 Section 4. Ordinances in Conflict. All ordinances or parts of ordinances and 29 all sections and parts of sections of ordinances in direct conflict herewith are hereby 30 repealed. 31 32 Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective upon 33 enactment. 34 35 36 37 38 PASSED AND ENACTED this __ day of ,2016. 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 ATTEST: APPROVED: CITY CLERK 1 st Reading 2nd Reading MAYOR READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: COMMISSION VOTE: Page 3 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 LANGUAGE, LEGALITY AND EXECUTION THEREOF CITY ATTORNEY Page 4 of4 Mayor Stoddard: Vice Mayor Welsh: Commissioner Liebman: Commissioner Edmond: Commissioner Harris: 8SE NEIGHBORS I SUNDAY NOVEMBER 6 2016 MIAMIHERAlD.COM CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COURTESY NOTICE NOTICE Hi HElmR\' ~i\,t:n llltll the City Cllmrni~~ion of the CUy 1'f SOLith Miaffil. Flmirla Willl'\lmluct Pllhlic HC<lring:(~) at il'; regular Cit:-Cummh';llIll mCl'lin,g. ~dJrJukd fol' Tursdu.v. Novcmber 15, 20J(i, hC'ginning at 7.110 p.m .. in the City O!lmni.~~j\'Il Chamt-er~. "J~O Sunset Drive, I!) cunsub Ihe fCllh1wmg Ilcm(~) A Re'il1]mhlll allihonzin,!!." Iht' City Manngcf 10 rn'cufc ll])line rc!!i~lralitln mudull,' of ReCPm with R,C. Systems. 1m;, A Res\1lulion nuthorll.Jng the ell), IvInnagcr to purdltl~c MiLlO.~()ft 365 !-;oJtwalC <lnu cnlcr into u lkcminc u~rcemcnl with SI JJ Int!~I1I;}li(lnLlI ('Mp .. an aulhnriJ.c'u cnnlra.:tor f/lf Mn;f{)snJI. through a piggyhad wJlh thl~ Slall~ IIfFlf>rJda Contrac: No.4.nOUOU-15-02. A ResolutIon ilutholiljn!! Iht' Chy M;ma!!cr tn I)llrdlil~t' Chel:k Point firl:'wall sofh\flr~ appli:lD("C from CompUt.jllljl TCl;hnoit'gic<;. LLC. un autl!IJII/.cJ rc.,dle, "I CheCk PI/in( LTD. llullUgh a )llggyhad with the Slale uf l .... laryJaml Conlr;u.:1 No. 06(lB:!4900~2 All OnllllllUCl' :Hncndlnl! the Land Ikwlopnwlll ('ode. Aftit'll: Vl. SeJ.;liPll 20-6.1. mlll111her t\pplkabk prnvlslilllS. Itl dc-linC' the lerm "k.-:s le.-:trklin"· u<; itllpplies 1\llh~' nltin!! re41l1rCmt'nl~ of lilt;' City C\lmnll\~il)n An Ordinancl' v,\(;lIling ;1n(1 ilhandoninp: '1 portion llf SW X2 Street mnrl' fl111;: lksl"rir-ed in a lej!al {lesnipti("ln ht'rem. ~lIh.ietll0 l'cllain (UII(lilhJllto, mdmhng the prCl'Cl villlflll of till cascmcnl. An Onilnullcc arnemlmi! Seclinn 20·".1 (If Ihe City pr SI'uth ~1imm Lmhl Devcl"llIncnt lodc. III makc tnrrerliun<; and In amend Iht' mCJJJb('r~hir and {jlh'mm T('tjuln'1llCnl, for till' PJannhlg Hoard. ~ ( An Ordinanr{' amending 1l~1'. Chapte]" 1. Article I. Se~'Uon ,2-2.1 (B). (C) ,Ifill Ie) 1 and:2 tv nMitfy the rapitalizallllll11f lry wtln.l~ UlHJ to aJd rC"qulI\'Il11'nl~ Inr Sumilinr "/I.1('('lm~s Au Or(\imlll("c "Illclhhn~ Ihe Cil~' (If Snuth MiamI Land DC"\'clopmcnl Atlide VI. ScclioIl20-6.1(B) (4} ((I.) iii It) pruvidc fur a rC(;l'mnwndnlioll \)f the Pl:JJ\um,r BOilll1 whl.'lI the BI'ar~1 h ~lca~llll(k('d. 1\1.1. inh'Tcsled partie'> arc invjll'd l\.1 atll'nd and WIll hl' heard. For furthC'r informlllirJn, plca~l·l't)nlutt tht' Clly Clt-fk'!'> Olliec al: 3{)5·(,6_~·6340. Maria M. MrnendC'z. Cr.,·lC CllY Ckrk l'Ulsu:mll,' FI(">nJ~ SI~lIJk~ ~8.(, u105, III ("Il~' h..'rch~ nti\"i<,'J the rub);, 1~'llr;1 p-.·JSI'1l (hia,·~ II' arre~! ;.ny Ikd<II'n m.,d.· t·y 11m l\(wd A£cl1cy"r('("Inunil>H'n wnh r.:~r(."~ll,' 4ny n!alkr ~"n~l;I"wj ~1 il-IJPI'IIIl\l ',r h".lrm)!. h.: \'f ~hl' \\"111 n~c\l .• fe, I'hl ,'JIll>' ['J1"'c,';Jmp, amI !h:,! f," III~h rlllf'th\', ~Jk~!cJ ~Nln ilia) u~~d 1<, ,)f,\,U~ Ih;'1 J Ic\bUm t~I"!I[d Hllh~ 1'1(,;c~lhn!-,; i~ Ilml~ \\'hl~h 1~;.t1fo.l il!dll,lc~ Ih~ lc'l1n~,"~· ,1wi clhbwc "P"ll whkh lh~ ~1'I'~I'1 h 1t< Ix: h~,~!l CRIME WATCH Miami-Dade Police offer tools to cut crime RY CARMEN GONZALEZ CALDWELL Special to Tile Mimni Herald This week I want to share with you some great tools offered by Miami- Dade Police, which can help you not only be safe' but also better informed. These tools can help pre- vent crime, help solve crimes and help you know what is going on in your immediate area: NEW MIAMI-DADE POLICE CELLPHONE APP Many crime watchers are using the new COP (Com- mtmity on Patrol) app, a great tool for reporting everything from crimes to suspicious incidents. Just go to Apple 01' Android app store and search for Com- munity on Patrol. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY SEXUAL OFFENDER & PREDATOR SEARCH Any Florida resident who has been convicted of a SCXl1a1 offense (incJnding ,1l1vone convicted in another state) must register as a sexual offender with the office of the local sheriff. In the case of Miami-Dade County, that is the Miami- Dade Police Department. Sexual offenders must dis- close where they Jive, and must notify the police when they relocate. This infonna- Miami-Dade Police's new Community on Patrol cell phone app. tion is entered into the Sexual Predator/Offender database of the Florida Department Law Enforce- ment. Members of the pub- lic can search this database at http://gisweb.miami dade.gov/sexoffenders/ and detemline whether they or their children, in their rou- tine activities (walking from the bus stop, biking to a friend's house, or going to the mall) ,11'e likely to en- cOlillter these offenders. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY'S CRIME VIEW COMMUNITY Miami-Dade County's Crime View Community is an online tool at http://www.crime mapping.com/map/fl/ miami-dadecotmty, which residents can use to keep themselves infonued about crime in the areas of interest to them, such as near their home, bllSiness or other places they frequent. Users can sign up to re- ceive automated email alerts about recent criminal events in specific areas. While this online tool works in all areas of mlincorporat- ed Miami-Dade, it doesn't work in some of the munici- palities. Residents should check with their local gov- ermnent to see if a similar service is offered by that mtmicipalily. HOMICIDE BUREAU - COLD CASE SQUAD Advances in technology and forensics have given a boost to the work of Miami- Dade Police's Cold Case Squad. However, despite scientific advances and the work of these detectives, there are about 2,000 cold cases that remanl unsolved. Maybe you know something that can help solve one of these crimes. To leam about these cases, go online to http://www.miami dade.gov /police/cold- cases.asp. Perhaps you can help bring justice to the families of these victims. MIAMI-DADE POLICE ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow MDPD on Twit- ter at https://twittcr.com/ MiamiDadePD and visit the department on YouTube al www.youtube.com/user/ mdpdmedia. Carmel! CaldnJcll is executive director of Citizens' Crime Watch oj Miami-Dade. Send feedback and news fiJI' tilis cO/limn to carmen@citizenscrime lVatc1l.Org, or call her at 305-470-/670. MiAfliH IDA!L Y IBUS~f\!ESS IREV~EW Published Daily except Saturday. Sunday and Legal Holidays MiamI. Miami-Dade County. Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF f\~IAIViI-DADE: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI-NOV. 15.2016 In the XXXX Court was published In said newspaper in the issues of 1110412016 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a . . newspaper published at MiamI. In said Miami-Dade County. Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County. Florida each day (except Saturd S d . . ay. un ay and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mad matter al the post office In Miami in said rVllami-Dade C t FI 'd oun y on a,. for a penod of one year next precedino the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement: ~and affianl further says thai he or she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporal Ion any discount. rebale. commission Or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for P"""'''''~.7 P:' -~~"'-j'-' =UV''--------_ Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4 day of ~_OVEMBER A.D. 2016 / ..... , l./ ,:Li{(Z ;?kL~::.:il(·'2,i!ii-'(,<~" (SEAL) OCTELMA V. FERBEYRE personally known to me ©O'il'if @[¥I ~@()jJ'iTtf.l IMdU£fMilll W1©'ll~©~ @il" I?lUll~.Hb~© co(Jr@bti~nfl~@ NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the City Commission of the City of South Miami, Florida will conduct Public Hearing(s) at its regular City Commission meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 15, 2016, beginning at 7:00 p.m, in the City Commission Chambers, 6130 Sunset Drive, \0-consider the following item(s): A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to procure online registration module of ReCPro with R.C. Systems, Inc. A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to purchase Microsoft 365 software and enter into a licensing agreement with SHI International Corp., an authorized contractor for Microsoft, through a piggyback with the State of Florida Contract No. 4320000-15-02. A Resolution authorizing the City lv1anager to purchase Checl, Point firewall software appliance fmm Compuquip Technologies, LLC, an authorized reseller of Check Point LTD, through a piggyback with the State of Maryland Contract No. 06082490022. An Ordinance amending the Land Development Code, Article VI, Section 20-6.1, and other applicable provisions, to define the term "less restrictive" as it applies to the voting requirements of the City Commission. An Ordinance vacating and abandoning a portion of SW 82 Street more fully described in a legal description herein, subject to certain conditions, including the preservation of an easement. An Ordinance amending Section 20-6.1 of the City of South Miami 'Land Development Code, to make corrections and to amend the membership and quorum requirements for the Planning Board. An Ordinance amending the, Cilapter 2, Article I, Section 2-2.1 (8), (C) and (C) 1 and 2 to modify the capitalization of key words and to add requirements for Sunshine Meetings. An Ordinance amending the City of South Miami Land Development Article VI, Section 20-6.1 (8) (4) (a) iii to provide for a recommendation of the Planning Board when the Board is deadlocl,ed. ALL interested parties are invited tei attend and will be heard. For further information, please contact the City Clerk's Office at: 305-663-6340. Maria M. Menendez, CMC City Clerk Pursuant to Florida Statutes 286.0105, the City hereby advises the public that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by this Board, Agency or Commission with respect to any matter considered at its meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that for such purpose, affected person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings IS made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. 11/4 16-133/0000168486rVI