The Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Commission
Steven Alexander, City Manager
Quentin Pough, Dire~tor of Parks and Recreation .Ll
October 5, 2016 Agenda Item NO.:_' __
A Resolution authorizing the 'City Manager to procure football referee
services from South Florida Football Officiating Association during fiscal
year 2016-2017.
The City's youth tackle football program, South Miami Grey Ghost
Football, is a member of Miami Extreme Youth Football League (lithe
League"). The League is comprised of approximately eighteen (18)
different member teams, which includes the Key Biscayne Rats, North
Miami Redskins, Miami PAL Jets, and Homestead Knights, just to name a
few. Miami Extreme Youth Football League has the designated and
agreed duty and responsibility to negotiate contracts as it pertains to the
League and its members.
In 2014, the League re-negotiated and executed the officiating contract
with South Florida Football Officiating Association ("SFFOA") for home
games over the next four (4) years. This contract provides security and
cost saving measures to the League and its members.
The City forecast the expenditure and will pay up to $10,000 to SFFOA for
procurement of referee services for fiscal year 2016-2017 depending on
the number of games played.
$10,000 annually.
001-2000-572-5630, Football, with a current balance of $54,137.
Resolution for approval
Officiating contract between the League and SFFOA
RESOLUTION NO: _________ _
A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to procure football referee services from South
Florida Football Officiating Association during fiscal year 2016-2017.
WHEREAS, the City's youth tackle football program, South Miami Grey Ghost Football, is a
member of the Miami-Dade Extreme Youth Football League, Inc. (the League); and
WHEREAS, the League is comprised of approximately eighteen (18) different member teams,
including South Miami Grey Ghost; and
WHEREAS, in 2014, the League re-negotiated and executed the officiating contract with South
Florida Football Officials Association, Inc. (SFFOA) for home games over the next 4 years; and
WHEREAS, this contract provides security and cost saving measures to the League and its
members; and
WHEREAS, the City forecast the expenditure of up to $10,000 to SFFOA for procurement of
referee services for fiscal year 2016-2017 depending on the number of games played.
Section 1. The City Manager is authorized to expend an amount not to exceed $10,000 to South
Florida Football Officials Association, Inc. during fiscal year 2016-2017 for referee service payments,
drawn from Football account 001-2000-572-5630, with a current balance of $54,137.
Section 2. Severability. If any section clause, sentence, or phrase of this resolution is for any
reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, the holding shall not affect
the validity ofthe remaining portions ofthis resolution.
Section 3. Effective Date. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by
vote of the City Commission.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this __ day of ____ -', 2016.
Mayor Stoddard
Vice Mayor Welsh
Commissioner Edmond
Commissioner Liebman
Commissioner Harris
In as much as the South Florida Football Officials. Inc. (SFFOA) is desirous of provicJiDg
officiaIiDg services and the Miami X1reme Youth FootbaU League (Xmmu,) desires to
reCaiu officiating services fbr its games. This memcmmdmn outlines the basic
undeJatancUng oftb.e parties aDd is DOt.intended to be all eaoompasaing or address every
potential situation. ·]be patties agree that there may be a need to address additiOll8l
points or issues not specifically CtNel'8d by this agreement.
This coutmct is tor a teIm. of four years commencing w4h the 2014 football season and.
ending wi1b the conolusion of the 2017 f001ball seaSOll. Tho tam season means tIIo
competitive football season. customarlly nmoing ftom sometime in August until early
Officials are considafed independent contractors and are not employees of SPFOA,
Xtrome or any of its teams. SPFOA will provide a game officiating crew of four (4) .
oflicials consisting of a referee~ umpire, linesman ami fine judge. The referee sbaD be a
bigh sehool eligible football official with no less than. (3) years experience and no
mom than one ~ffio.ial on the ~ sbaJl be in their fir8t year of officiatiDg, tmless an
em.ergaocy or lack ofmo.ce experience officials requires that two be assigned and they
shan be assipd to 1hc.lowest weights possible when that need arises. Ideally the .c:nwt
should consist of one varsity :aded. official, ono official with. two (2) or m01'O years of
expmiem:e, DJle firSt and one second year official. In no event shaD them be Jess than
1hreo (3) officials for any coniest absent Dgury to an official during a game. or other
unf'm:eseen and situation not communicated to the referee or Booking Commissioner.
Playoff crews may be inaeaseci to include a back judge for the three highest weight
classes. a timer and a line to gain crew, Junior Peewees will have two (2) ofiiciaJs for
Ngular season and pla.yoflB, and four (4) for tho champi~ game. If a Peewee game
. is pahed with a game of a highe.r.weigbt fora .two ~e ~ on~y, four'(4) o~ ..
Willbe-sChedUled: .. ' :--_. .-.. ".-" .. ', , -........ --. -... , .-r',. " .
SFFOA will provide, at no charge, no more than two (2) coaches rule c1inics prior to the
competitive season.. The SFFOA Rules Interpreter, Boo.king CommjssiOIWJ' and/or
Executive Board Member will conduct the clinic. . .
Games wiD be officiated accotding to the National Federation of State High School
Associations (NFHSA) and Florida Higb School Athletics Association (FHSAA) Rules,
Florida mgb. School Athletic .(\ssociation and Guidelines and exceptions as adopted by
XiRmte's Board. Said exemptions sba11 be distributed to·the CleW chie&. It is not
Ullibreseen ihat other exceptions maybe necessary in order to ensure competition and 1idr
play. . .
For the regular season. SFFOA oftichils shaD be compensated for their semces based on
the number of games worlred. Tho referee shall wear a league provided logo hat, officials
shall not wear pafdles for an.y other leagues wmked, but may wear a patch or otbel'
marking indicating their affiliation with·· the SFFOA. Officials ue expected to arrivo
thirty (30) miimtes before kickoff of the first game to inspect field conditions, check line
to gain equipm~ meet with park commissioner and head coaches to ellSUI8 a timely
start to the dars games. X1rem.e shall have the teams wuigbed in and ready no less 1ban
ten (10) minutes prior to kickoff: In the event that the mama are not ready the opening
kiclr.oir of the game the game shall be called. 1he parties lIDd.tnfand that while the day
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of games is 10Dg there may be an occasion whem a game nms long or ends early. The
coaches are expecced to tab their respective teams 10 be weighed in at 1Ja1ftime of the
pteVious game. If the previous game ended early (that is m.otc than ten (10) minufe8
before its scheduled ldckoff), both coaches must agree to start thair game early. It is
UIlderstood iIIat a coach may nonetbdess want to start his game as scheduled. IfPJ:eYious
game eads late, or iDsido fmI. (10) mUmtes prior 10 the scheduled kickoff, 1hen teams and
coaches 8IO expected to proceed with their pre.game respomdbilities. If ieams ale not
ready to start at tb.eir schedaled time the g8IDD sball be caDed at the NqUost of the team
ready to play. Late arriving officials or emiy departing officials shall be paid in quarterly
incremeuts of the actual pme wodced, If official was a last minute mpJacement for
mother ofticia1, Xtreme is eucourage to pay that official a. fo:iJ. game fee provided that 11e
workB tba majority of the game. If in doubt X1reme uiay obtain verification ftom the
BooldDg COIIIIIdssjoner, reimbursement if my shaU be haruD.ed through SFFOA who will
in tum deal with the official(s) if overpaid. ' .
Suspensions, caucenati0D8 or forfeits prior 10 game day should be coIDumoicated 10 the
Bookiog CoIDlJlissiouer and the park scbedule adjusted accordingly to eliminam the
inferval for ihe canceled or forfeited game. Xtrem.e understands the SFFOA bas invested
in assignment software to communiCate game assignments to officials the Xttem.e has
mandated a schedule look: wberc schedules become final and can be plIblished, changes
aflm'that date shall be subject to a $2S _go fee. Any changes in order ofweigbtB that
do not affect game times will not, be charged the· game fee unless the pam: or team is
considered by Xtreme and SFFOA Presidents 10 be a habitual offender. Officials will be
paid for game day canceDations and forfeits with. the exception of the last schednled
game QU 1bat field for the day if four or mote games are scheduled. In the event that the
last game'is camceled the game officials shall be released immediately and DOt expect
compeuntinn ftom the home team, ifhome team officials xequest the crew to wait to see·
if the team Qt' additicmal plaJCIS aaive or other situation or disPute to be resolved they do
-·~:.~":1mdeJ'stmidingtbat'-~.officiah.i ~bc.pic!J .. dl~ofWhe~_:~~~ is .. >'.~_~; ____ .~" _
actually playecL It; ho~er. the schedule calls for three or less games and any game is
C8Jlceled tbe·offici~ ahaU be paid for 1hat cimceled game. It is understood that Xireme
By-laws provide that tIw team causiDg the last minute cancellation shaU be responsible
for the officials fces J th.erefme payment if not rooei.ved at the game site 'WiD. be handled
1Io:ough Xtreme and SFFOA admD.ristration. In tho event that the last game on a field is
C8JU)01ed or forfeited and there~fother games to be played on a:no1hcr field that is not
iblly staffed, if a departing offici8l works the 1DId0r porlion of a game on another field, he
will be campeosated as if he bad worltI:d the entire game. An official not workiDg 1he
majority will be compcmsamd in quaIW.r1y iDmemenfs aotoally worked.. If a game is DDt
played or completed, 1he originally asSigtied. officials will be given preference to wprlc the
IeBChedoled game. If official not :pIeViously paid 1I1cy will oDly be . paid the game fisc
upon xetmn. If o:fticia1s where previously paid and only a portion of 1he game is being
made UP. officials Will be cmtitled to receive ..,. additional $12.00 travel nrlmbmsement
during 20)4 and 2015 seasons and $15.00 during the 2016 and. 2017 seasons :fur Miami-
Dade and Broward. Counties 0D1,.. AnyappoItiomnent of a game fee between-the official
workiDa the rescheduled game 8nd the ofticia11hat was nrigip.sJ11y assigned will be made
by SFFOA and oflicUls directly. ..
CompeD88tion for game oftioials dining the term of this agreement aba1I be 88 follows.
For scrimmages, pxe-season games or J~OIeeS $15.00 per official per hour in 2014 and
2015 and $20.00 per official per hour in 2016 and 2017 for weeks other than 1he week
Prior to the first competitive week of the season teams may elect to use three IBIher than
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four ofticia1s with the sception of peewees that may'DSe two at any time. Compensation
for field officials sbaJl be $SO tbr the 2014 and 2015 Seasous and $55 1br the 2016 and
2017 Seasona for aD. divisions during Jegular season and playoffOgames Compensation of
$60.00 :tbr 2014 ~d 20]5 and $6S.00 during 2016 and 2017 for all divisiooa for
champlon!hiP ~ or Jeaguo spODSOXecl games, with the exception of the Peewees that
abaJI remain at $SS 8lld S60 wiih a four· member officiating~. CompeusatiDn for
elecb:onic clock operatms (timers) sha1l be $40 ifrequostOO during the xeguIar Sea80Il or
playoff sames and $45 for all cJmsians for league sponsored and cbampioDsbip games.
ot1iciaJs shall be paid in cash durlng lIaIttime of1heir last game at that site for the day, it
is undentood that all officials may not be paid at the same timo. Checks will not be
~ unless approved. and submitted prior to game day and subj~ to a bandliDg
chatga of seven doUars ($7.00) per official per game, and any check submitted after game
day fora fud"eitecJ, SUBpended or some other reason is &bIo subject to tim bandling charge.
While it is understood that .dm Jeague cmently has no team outside Miami-Dado and
Broward CoUD1ies for any games outside those counties. a travel fee of $100.00 as long
as average price per gallon remains at or below $4.00, parties agree to negotiate tra"Yel fee
if necessary and price pm: gallon exceeds $4.00 dming b term of this contract. Travel
shall be paid for cm1.y one car carr:ying b entire officiating crew. If officials choose to
travel separately only one travel fee will be paid and may be divided bY the officials
themselves •. A Supervisor of Ofticia1s shall be provided for any cbampionship or other
league hosted game. oA league hoatal game is odefined as any contest between teams at a
ccm.tm1 site or whem the league is respOD81'ble for payment. A 1ino to gain cmw may be 0
provided at the option oof Xtreme and the Jine to gain cmw of three (3) members. if
fumisbed, sba1l be paid $35.00 per ~ however tho Xtrrm.e may request cm1y a down
indicator ~fficial (box. man) be proWled at $40.00. The Supervisor of OfiiciaIs will be
paid $35.00 per game. JfXtIeme iDtends to III8ke payment for all officials by way of a
single check SFFOA agrees to bill X1Ieme sufficiently in advance to aUowXireme to
issue a check 72 hours before tho event 80 that anangements can be made to negotiate tb8
~ in order to ~ o~ in cash at the game site~ifnot X1:tem~ shall ~_~'ble 0 _ _
-, -·:foLp~ clficiJl1s:in.cash on _ at tlio· cOnclUsion. of each 'game or other 'appioprlat.oc --.-:. ;,: ,_ 0,-
iDterfal durlog the ev~ 0
The SFFOA Board shall appoint one of its membem to SCJW as its Booking
CoJDIDissionor who ~ be l'C8pOJlSible for assigning officials to Xttem.e games. The
BookiDg Commissioner shall be compensated for t1mse services on a per member patk
per year basis, the compensation dudng tho term of this agreement shall bo $150. 0 Said
fee is to be paid to the SFFOAimmediately at the conc1usionofihe competitive seaaon.
X1reme shall provide a safe and properly Haed field ,for all contests. ~e field shall be
roped offftom spec1at0l'B as. teqUin:d by Xkeme bylaws. The respective, Commissicmms
should make an effort to iDfIoduce ~ to h oftioiating crew and where or how
t)u,y can be teached should the need arises. 'l11e home team is respoDsible for baviDga
liDB to gain crew of be (3) people (preferably adults) ready and available during the
applicable pte-game period to meet with the head Jinesman. Failure to bavD a line to gain
crew available to start the gama or second balfwill result in a five (5) J81d delay of game
peua1t;y. AU authorized sideline pemODJJ.Cl need to be pmpedy idcmtified andjf in the
coaches' &lea will be the RSpQDBibilliy of the head coach. The head coach may receive a
waming boibIe a penalty for UDa1Itborized personnel in the coaches box during the game,
, however, the head coach may be penalized based em the conduct of individuals in the
coaches box, autbodzed or not, without ~. Both teams shall assign pti:soJm.ol to
ensure that ouly aUthorized pemons 81'e within the rope. The Xtteme home team may at
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ita sole discretion extmJd ita hoIpitalily to game officials. ~~ot promise or mr:pectatioo.
of fkvo.table tno:atme.ot. SFFOA UDderstands that a home~'s hospitalitJ is not to be
abused. Ncmethe1ess the home team has a fe8PODS1"llity to:~ that officials ~ 88 i1B
players are pIOp8dy hydrafec1 during the day. Game attend8nts should provide wafer or
fluids to officials dmiDg water breaks aod time outs cIurin8'. game. Additional water or
:fluids may be plO'rided. at the conceasion. stand or ~ designated area. dtiriug ~
and betweeu. games. Just as officials ue concemed With~,pJilyer safety tile home team
should concern itself'With making sure officials are proper1y11ydrated and in a position to
. complete their assignment. '.;";
'.(~:' .
Any questions or disputes that occur 88 a result of an intmpxetation of a rule should first
be addressed with. ib.e memo as prescn'bed. under the NFHSA rules and should involve
th8 immediately proCeeding play. It is impoxtant to DOtefJlat Park Commissioners have
delegated' game day authority to ~ Coaches fo,r their respective, games.
CommissiOners, UJay consult with the reteree and ask"~ODS during halftimO, or '
between games. but they are not authorized to iDtemJpt Pk).:,Ol' 'appmach officials durlDg
a game for a role oxplanation. or clarification. It is lJIidersfoQd that theI:e is no provision
to playa game tinder protest 1Dlder. rules. Notwi~ SPFOA understands that
i1n1her investigation and uniform ia.tequetation of the mleais'~, necessity. Coaches and.
Commissioners sball com.mtmicaie their questions or ~ to the Xtre.me President
who· will request an official ~es iatexpxetation ftom the 8FFOA Ru1es Intel:preter. A
WIitten irdetpretatlon of the rule or rules involved will' be sant eledlonicalJy to the
X1xem.e President t<S be fbl:warded to the Coach or Commissioner JDitia1iDg ihc inquDy •
.Any rule in1apretafion will be pRiented.lo 1Ilc SFFOA membemhip as a 1I8iDing tool at
the nmtt scheduled officials meeting and disseminated to Q"eW chiefS immOOiately to
ensure the consistent application of 1he role or mles in qaesliOD. The, SFFOA Rules
interpreter may or may not be available at X1ren1e B08l'd Meetings, but will handle only
less involved inteJpletatiODS. . . : ..... --...
: .. :, 'Itis:1hFm.tssiOil 'ofSFFOA to pro" :WJe-M;Mi1;ni~'traii1ed'and.~irtuu~t)1:tiCiii1s1O!:---:-'-•• "1 ......... .1,.. --.r."
area youth ,league contests: With that in mind SFFOA needs to be advised of any
situation that may impact oD. an official's ability to be impartial. SFFOA makes ~
effort to determine which officials have 'cbildren or a filmily member associated or
p1aying for a particularparlc. SFFOA will DOt assigo.1hose offic.ials games ci1her home or
away involving those teams. SFFOA relies on its officials to disclose any potential
conflict befbIe the season but sometimes an official may fail or neglect to advise SFFOA
of a potential conflict. Pn.rthcr SFFOA understands 1bat as Ofticial8~ its members are in a
pOsition of authority and BeJW as role models for many childlen. Any acts of
inappropriate behavior need to be c:ommonicaWd to X1reme President immediately who
wi1i in tum contact the Booking COIIDDissiODtJr or SFFOA President. All inciden1s
should aceura~y documented andHst contact infounation for any witnesses in writing as
soOn. as posSible. Evexy incident will be investigated. 'the parties uuderstand that
SFFOA is involved in offi.ciating c:ont.ests between tWo comp~, and that Xtreme
member. teams and coaches are Sometimes swayed by emotion and their desire to win.
Sometimes the decision in a game is not resohed in. a maDIIBJ' fiLvorahIe or satis&ctory1o
a party who may misioteqm;t the situation. Misundersf.aDdi between ,1t'Coach aad
ofticial can be teso1ved, but frivolous and/or puDiti.ve complaints win not 'be tolemted.
Any complaint that after investigation'is determined to be baseless or intended to damage
111e lqIotation or standing of the official in· question shall be zefeJ:red. to XireInB Ptesident
or Board for turtber action. X1remc and SPFOA Plesidents shaH conduct investigations
or designate a member of their respective organization to do so. Investigative fiDdii1g
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