Res No 232-16-14787RESOLUTION NO.232-16-14787 A Resolution by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of South Miami, Floridain opposition to the registration of allreligious groups or nationalities coming into the United States of America. WHEREAS,President-Elect DonaldTrumpisinfavor of strictimmigrationscreening of Muslims;and WHEREAS,somesupporters of President-ElectDonaldTrumparecallingfortheregistration of all Muslims entering the United States of America;and WHEREAS,DonaldTrumpsupporter,CarlHigbie,defended the proposed registry of immigrants from Muslim countries by citing the WWII internment of 110,000 Japanese-Americans as legal precedent;and WHEREAS,in 1943,President Franklin Delano Roosevelt stated,"...Americanism isa matter of the mind and heart;Americanism isnot,and never was,a matter of race or ancestry.";and WHEREAS,President Roosevelt's statement wasin response tothe patriotism of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team which grewto14,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry,and which became the most decorated military unit foritssizeand length of service inthe history of American warfare.The "Go For Broke"442nd Regimental Combat Team andits 100th Infantry Battalion (the One Puka Puka) accumulated the following achievements thathavebeenreported:8Major Campaigns inEurope,7 Presidential Unit Citations,9,486 Casualties (Purple Hearts),18,143 individual decorations including:21 Congressional Medals of Honor,52 Distinguished ServiceCrosses,1 Distinguished PresidentialUnit Citation,1 Distinguished ServiceMedal,560SilverStars,28withOak Leaf Clusters(inlieu of asecond), 22Legion of MeritMedals,4,000 Bronze Stars,1,200withOak Leaf Clusters (inlieu of asecond),12 French Croix du Guerre with2Palms (representing second awards),15 Soldiers'Medals,2Italian Crossesfor Military Merit,and2 Italian Medals for Military Valor;and WHEREAS,in1988,President RonaldReagansignedintolawtheCivil Liberties Act,which apologizedfortheinternmenton behalf of theUnitedStatesGovernmentandadmittedthatgovernment actionswerebasedon"raceprejudice,warhysteriaandafailure of politicalleadership".TheUS Governmenteventuallydisbursed1.6billiondollarsinreparationsto82,219formerlyinternedJapanese Americans and their heirs;and WHEREAS,thefollowingentrywasreportedtohavebeenfoundintheDanishking'spersonal diary following World War II: WhenyoulookattheinhumanetreatmentofJews,notonlyinGermanybutoccupiedcountries aswell,youstartworryingthatsuchademandmightalsobeputonus,butwemustclearlyrefuse suchthisdueto their protection undertheDanish constitution.I stated thatIcouldnotmeetsuch ademandtowardsDanishcitizens.Ifsuchademandismade,wewouldbestmeetitbyall wearing the Star of David;and WHEREAS,aftera93%successful nationwide collectiveresistanceofDanishcitizens,clergy and governmental officialstosaveDanishJews from plannedNazi deportation,anexcerpt from the Danishking'sdiaryandaSwedishcartoon (described below)arepurportedtohavegivenrisetothemyth thattheDanishkingsaidthatallDaneswouldweartheyellowstariftheNazis required Danish Jewsto wear it: Page 1 of 2 Res.No.232-16-14787 ASwedishcartoon of thaterahadDenmark'sformerprime minister askingDanishKing ChristianX (10th)whathewoulddoifthepresentNazi-approvedprimeministermade alltheJewswearyellowstars,andinthecartoontheKingresponds,"Wewillallhaveto wear yellow stars";and WHEREAS,throughout American history,therehavebeen examples of members of oneethnic groupfightingfortheliberties of otherethnicgroups.Examples of thisare:Quaker oppositiontothe Mexican American War,Quaker participation inthe Underground Railroad,American Catholic,Jewish participation in struggles duringtheCivilRightsEraandnowthehost of "The DailyShow",Trevor Noah,has suggested that all Americans should signuponany registry required of Muslims;and WHEREAS,inan effort to combat Islamophobia,twodozen female Duluth EastHighSchool Students have recently organized "Hijab Wednesday"where students of all religions and ethnicities wear a hijab to school. NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1.The Mayor and Commission of theCity of South Miami hereby callonall Americans tofollowthe suggestion of Trevor Noah tosignuponany registry required of religious groups or nationalities should anybe created. Section 2.A copy of this resolution shallbesenttoall elected officials throughout Florida. Section 3.Severability.If any section clause,sentence,or phrase of this resolution isforany reasonheldinvalidor unconstitutional byacourt of competent jurisdiction,theholdingshallnotaffect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. Section 4.Effective Date.This resolution shallbecome effective immediately uponadoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6 th day of December ,2016. CTEST: ORM, Page 2 of 2 APPROVED: '/^Uuu COMMISSION VOTE: Mayor Stoddard: Vice Mayor Welsh: Commissioner Harris: Commissioner Edmond: Commissioner Liebman: 4-1 Yea Yea Yea Yea Nay