Res No 218-16-14773RESOLUTION NO.:218-16-14773 A Resolution approving and authorizing the City Manager to continue with the existing Miami-Dade County contract with Mansfield Oil Company of Gainesville,Inc.for the purchase and delivery of bulk fuel gasoline and diesel for the City's vehicle fleet and equipment.Including the initial purchase made during October 2016. WHEREAS,the City Manager wishes to continue purchasing bulk fuel gasoline and diesel for the City's vehicle fleet and equipment;and WHEREAS,the City Manager wishes to continue ensuring the lowest possible cost for the purchase of bulkfuel gasoline and diesel for the City vehicles fleet and equipment;and WHEREAS,the City Manager wishes to continue to piggyback on Miami-Dade County Contract No.:3143-9/18 withMansfieldOil Company ofGainesville Inc;and WHEREAS,the City of South Miami desires to continue utilizing the Miami-Dade County Contract under the Terms and Conditions as set forth in the solicitation and agreement between Miami-Dade County and Mansfield Oil Company.The current contract isvaliduntilApril 2017. WHEREAS,Miami-Dade County will proceed with the procurement process of selecting a fuel vendor at that time. WHEREAS,the expenditure be charged to departmental fuel account numbers 001- 1760-519-5230 (Public Works Fuel&Lube)witha current balance of $162,451, 001.1310.513.5230 (City Manager Fuel)witha current balance of $840,001.1410.513.5230 (Finance Division Fuel)witha current balanceof$1,750,001.1610.524.5230 (Building Division Fuel)witha current balanceof$1,400,001.1620.524.5230(Planning Division Fuel)witha current balanceof$126,001.1640.524.5230 (Code Enforcement Division Fuel)witha current balanceof$2,400,001.1910.521.5230 (Police Division Fuel)witha current balanceof$189,980, 001.2000.572.5230 (Recreation Fuel)witha current balance of $13,230 and 001.1750.519.5230 (PR Landscape Fuel)witha current balance of $11,683. NOW,THEREFORE,BEIT RESOLVED THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OFTHECITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1.TheCity Manager is authorized to expend an amount not to exceed $383,860 withMansfield Oil Companyof Gainesville Inc,forthepurchaseanddeliveryofbulkfuel gasoline anddiesel,charged to various departmental fuel account numbers. Section 2.Severability.Ifanysection,clause,sentence,or phrase ofthis resolution is foranyreasonheld invalid orunconstitutionalbyacourtof competent jurisdiction,this holding shall not affect the validityof the remaining portions ofthis resolution. Section3.EffectiveDate:Thisresolutionshalltakeeffectimmediatelyupon enactment. PASSED AND ENACTED this 15tlflav of November .2016. ATTEST:APPROVED: Pg.2 of Res.No.218-16-14773 CITY CLERK Y READ AND LANG U AG EX mayor/ COMMISSION VOTE:5-0 Mayor Stoddard:Yea Vice Mayor Welsh:Yea Commissioner Edmond:Yea Commissioner Liebman:Yea Commissioner Harris:Yea 7Souttf1 Miami THE CITY OF PLEASANT LIVING CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Via: From: Date: Subject: Background: Amount: Account: Support: TheHonorableMayor&Members of theCityCommission Steven Alexander,City Manager Kelly Barket Jr.,DirectorofPublicWorks November 15,2016 Agenda ItemNo.i A Resolution approving and authorizing theCity Manager tocontinuewith the existing Miami-Dade County contract with Mansfield Oil Company of Gainesville,Inc.forthe purchase and delivery ofbulk fuel gasoline and diesel forthe City's vehicle fleet and equipment.Including the initial purchasemade during October 2016. Bulk fuel gasoline and diesel must be purchased for theCity's vehicle fleet and equipment.The City Manager wishes to continue to piggyback on Miami-Dade CountyContract No.:3143-9/18 with Mansfield Oil Company of Gainesville,Inc. TheCityof South Miami desires to continue utilizing the Miami-Dade County Contract under theTerms and Conditions as set forth in the solicitation and agreement between Miami-Dade County and Mansfield Oil Company.The current contract is valid until April 2017.Miami-Dade County will proceed withthe procurement process of selecting a fuel vendor at that time. Not to exceed $383,860 001.1760.519.5230 Public Works Fuel with a balance of $162,451 001.1310.513.5230 City Manager Fuel witha balance of$840 001.1410.513.5230 Finance Division Fuel with a balance of $1,750 001.1610.524.5230 Building Division Fuel witha balance of$1,400 001.1620.524.5230 Planning Division Fuel witha balance of$126 001.1640.524.5230 Code Enforcement Fuel with a balance of $2,400 001.1910.521.5230 PoliceFuel with a balance of $189,980 001.2000.572.5230 Recreation Fuel with a balance of $13,230 001.1750.519.5230 PR Landscape Fuel witha balance of $11,683 Agreement with Mansfield OilCompany Miami-Dade County Award Sheet CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this f^day of December 2016 by and betweentheCity of SouthMiami,aFloridamunicipal Corporation byandthroughitsCity Manager (hereinafter referredtoas "City")and Mansfield Oil Company of Gainesville, (hereinafter referred toas "Contractor"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,the "Miami-Dade County"solicitedbids,pursuant to ITO No.6-2015 and Contract No.3143-9/18,for Gasoline and Diesel Fuel;and WHEREAS,the City of South Miami desires to utilize the Miami-Dade County Contract after completing acompetitivebiddingprocess,awardeda contract toContractor, and WHEREAS,the City of South Miami desires to utilize the Miami-Dade County Contract and pursuant to authority of theCity of South Miami's Charter. NOW,THEREFORE,theCityandthe Contractor,each through their authorized representative/official,agreeasfollows: 1.TheCity desires to enter intoa Contract,underthesame terms and conditions assetforthinthe solicitation andthe agreement between Miami-Dade County and Contractor,pursuant ITO No.6-2015 and Contract No.3143-9/18 forthe 2016/2017 fiscalyearforthe balance of the Miami-Dade County contract term,including any authorized extensions. 2.TheCityhasreviewedthe contract andagreestothetermsandconditionsto beapplicabletoa purchase ordertobeissuedbytheCityandfurtheragreestothefairand reasonableness of thepricing.Contractor hereby agreesto provide such goods and/or services,pursuant tothe City's purchase order made duringtheterm of this agreement,under thesame price(s),termsandconditionsasfoundinthe solicitation documentsandthe responsetothesolicitation,pertinent copies of whichareattachedheretoas Attachment A& Bandmadeapart hereof byreference,andtheagreementand/ortheawardbetweentheCity of South Miami andContractor,pursuant ITQ No.6-2015 and Contract No.3143-9/18,a copy of which,includinganyamendmentsandaddendumsthereto,isattachedheretoand madea part hereof by reference. 3.All references inthe contract between theCity of South Miami and Contractor,shallbeassumedtopertainto,andarebindingupon Contractor andtheCity of South Miami.All decisions that aretobe made on behalf of the County,assetforthinthe Miami-Dade County's ITO No.6-2015 and Contract No.3143-9/18 andits agreement withContractor,shallbemadebytheCity Manager fortheCity of South Miami.Theterm of thecontract,includingallextensionsauthorizedbythecontractshallnotexceedfive years.Notwithstanding anything contained in the ITO No.6-2015 and Contract No.3143- 9/18 orthe City of South Miami contract tothe contrary,this agreement shall be governed bythelaws of theState of Florida andvenueforalldispute resolutions or litigation shallbe in Miami-Dade County,Florida. Thomas F.Pepe-01-11-16 Page1 of3 4.Scope of Goods and Services.Thescope of goodsandservicesareset forth intheattached Miami-Dade County's ITQ No.6-2015 and Contract No.3143-9/18.The Contractor hasagreedto deliver,and install ina workman like manner andin accordance withall state,county andCitylaws,atthe locations designated bytheCity,allofthegoods andservices reflected in Miami-Dade County's ITQNo.6-2015and Contract No.3143- 9/18.withindaysfromthedateofthe execution ofthis agreement.TheContractor shallobtainall permits requiredforthe installation butasto permits fees charged bythe City,said feesshallbe waived. 5.Contract Price.Thecontractpriceforthegoodandservicesissetforthin theattached Miami-Dade County's ITQ No.6-2015 andContractNo.3143-9/18.Ifnot otherwise set forth intheCityof South Miami Agreement/Contract,the Contractor shallbe paidupon delivery ofallthe goods,the completion ofallthe services andafter final inspection by the City that approves ofthe goods delivered and the work performed. 6.Grant Funding:This project is being funded byN/Aand Contractor agrees to comply with all the requirements ofthat Grant,applicable to the delivery of the goods and services that are the subject of this Agreement,and that are within its power to provide and to provide allthe documentation within its control that is required for the City tobe able to recover the contract price pursuant tothe terms of the grant.A copy ofthe grant is attached hereto andmadeaparthereofby reference. 7.PublicRecords:CONTRACTOR andallofits subcontractors are required to comply withthe public records law(s.l 19.0701)while providing goods and/or services onbehalf of the CITY and the CONTRACTOR,under such conditions,shall incorporate this paragraph in all of its subcontracts for this Project and shall:(a)Keep and maintain public records required by the public agency to perform the service;(b)Upon request from the public agency's custodian of public records,provide the public agency with a copy of the requested records or allow the recordstobeinspectedorcopiedwithina reasonable timeatacostthatdoesnotexceedthecost provided inthis chapter oras otherwise provided by law;(c)Ensure that public records thatare exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements arenot disclosed except as authorized bylaw for the duration of the contract term and following completion of the contract if the contractor does not transfer the records to the public agency;and (d)Upon completion of the contract,transfer,at no cost,to the public agency all public records in possession of the contractor or keep and maintain public records required by the public agency to perform the service.If the contractor transfers all public records to the public agency upon completion of the contract,the contractor shall destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements.Ifthe contractor keeps and maintains public records upon completion ofthe contract,the contractor shall meet all applicable requirements for retaining public records.All records stored electronically must be provided to the public agency,upon request from the public agency's custodian of public records, ina format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the public agency.IF THE CONTRACTOR HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119,FLORIDA STATUTES,TO THE CONTRACTOR'S DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS CONTRACT,CONTACT THE CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS AT 305-663-6340;E-mail:mmenendez@southmiamifl.gov;6130 Sunset Drive,South Miami,FL .33143. ThomasF.Pepe-01-11-16 Page2 of 3 8.WaiverJuryTrial:Cityand Contractor knowingly,irrevocably voluntarily and intentionally waive any right either may have toa trial byjuryin State or Federal Court proceedings in respect toany action,proceeding,lawsuit or counterclaim arising outofthe Contract Documents orthe performance oftheWork thereunder. 9.Validity of Executed Copies:Thisagreementmaybeexecutedinseveral counterparts,each of whichmaybeconstruedasanoriginal. 10.Attorneys'Fees and Costs:Inthe event of any litigation between the parties arisingout of orrelatinginanywaytothisAgreementorabreachthereof,eachpartyshall bearitsowncostsandlegalfees.Nothingcontainedhereinshallpreventorprohibittheright tobeindemnifiedforanyattorneyfeesincurredinthedefense of anactionbyapersonor entitywhoisnotapartytothisAgreement. 11.Severability:If anytermorprovisionofthisAgreementortheapplication thereoftoanypersonor circumstance shall,toanyextent,be invalid or unenforceable,the remainder ofthisAgreement,ortheapplication of suchtermorprovisiontopersonsor circumstances other than those to which itisheld invalid or unenforceable,shall not be affected therebyandeachtermand provision ofthis Agreement shallbevalidand enforceable tothefullestextentpermittedbylaw. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,andastheduly authorized act of the parties,the undersigned representatives ofthe parties hereto have caused this instrument tobe signed in their respective namesbytheirproperofficialsonor before thedayandyearfirstabove written. Mansfield |Oi]tyCompany of Gainesville,Inc. By:. 'CYfriA wfaSjft^w'$ty\Cut\C\(type name and title of signatory above)^J CITYOTSOtrfM^IAMI^ By: Steverf Alexander City Manager By: laria M.Menenctez^CMC City Clerk Readand Approved astoForm, Language,LegalityandExecution Thereof. ^^^^^^-^^y^^ Thomas F.Pepe City Attorney Thomas F.Pepe-01-11-16 Page3 of 3 CONTRACT AWARD SHEET Internal Services Department Procurement Management Services DIVISION Bid No.3143-9/18-8 Award Sheet BID NO.:3143-9/18-8 TITLE:GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL PRE-QUAL CURRENT CONTRACT PERIOD:05/01/2016 through04/30/2017 Total #of OTRs:9 PREVIOUS BID NO.: MODIFICATION HISTORY Bid No.3143-9/18-8 Award Sheet PPM Notes APPLICABLE ORDINANCES LIVING WAGE:No UAP:No IG:No OTHER APPLICABLE ORDINANCES: CONTRACT AWARD INFORMATION: No Local Preference No Micro Enterprise Full Federal Funding No Performance Bond SmallBusiness Enterprise (SBE)PTPFunds Partial Federal Funding No Insurance Miscellaneous: REQUISITION NO.: PROCUREMENT AGENT: PHONE:305 375-4264 LEE,JESUS FAX:EMAIL:FJL@MIAMIDADE.GOV DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT DIVISION Page 1 of9 Bid No.3143-9/18-8 Award Sheet VENDOR NAME:INDIGO ENERGY PARTNERS LLC DBA: FEIN:262125536 SUFFIX:01 3000522 STREET:6230 SHILOH ROAD SUITE 120 CITY:ALPHARETTA ST:GA ZIP: FOB_TERMS:DEST-P DELIVERY: PAYMENT TERMS:NET TOLL PHONE:855-495-8374 VENDOR INFORMATION: Local Vendor: CERTIFIED VENDOR ASSIGNED MEASURES SBE Set Aside Bid Pref. Micro Ent.Selection Factor Goal Other:Vendor RecordVerified? AAA**************************AAA***************A********************* Vendor Contacts: Name Phonel Phone2 Fax Email Address BRANDON L.SCHICK 678-600-8520 855-495-8374 770-886-5154 BSCHICK@INDIGOENERGY.COM VENDOR NAME:LANDMARK AVIATION MIAMI LLC DBA:LANDMARK AVIATION FEIN:272983302 SUFFIX:01 33186 STREET:14150 SW129TH STREET CITY.MIAMI ST:FL ZIP: FOBJTERMS:DEST-P DELIVERY: PAYMENT TERMS:NET TOLL PHONE: VENDOR INFORMATION: Local Vendor: CERTIFIED VENDOR ASSIGNED MEASURES SBE Set Aside Bid Pref. Micro Ent.Selection Factor Goal Other Vendor Record Verified? ********************************************************************* Vendor Contacts: Name Phonel Phone2 Fax Email Address BILL SNEESBY 305-874-1477-305-874-4026 BSNEEBY@LANDMARKAVIATION.COJ DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT DIVISION Page 2 of9 BidNo.3143-9/18-8 Award Sheet VENDOR NAME:PETROLEUM TRADERS CORPORATION DBA: FEIN:351462227 SUFFIX:01 46804 STREET:7120 POINTE INVERNESS WAY CITY:FORT WAYNE ST:IN ZIP: FOB_TERMS:DEST-P DELIVERY: PAYMENT TERMS:NET TOLL PHONE:800-3483705 VENDOR INFORMATION: Local Vendor: CERTIFIED VENDOR ASSIGNED MEASURES SBE Set Aside Bid Pref. Micro Ent.Selection Factor Goal Other:VendorRecordVerified? ***************************************************************AAA*** Vendor Contacts: Name Phonel Phone2 Fax Email Address GAYLE NEWTON 260-2076347 800-3483705 260-2033820 GNEWTON@PETROLEUMTRADERS.CC VENDOR NAME:MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY OF GAINESVILLE INC DBA:MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY FEIN:581091383 SUFFDC:03 30501 STREET:1025 AIRPORT PARKWAY SW CITY:GAINESVILLE ST:GA ZIP: FOBJTERMS:DEST-P DELIVERY: PAYMENT TERMS:NET TOLL PHONE: VENDOR INFORMATION Local Vendor: CERTIFIED VENDOR ASSIGNED MEASURES SBE Set Aside Bid Pref. Micro Ent.Selection Factor Goal Other:VendorRecordVerified? ********************************************************************* Vendor Contacts: Name Phonel Phone2 Fax Email Address DAVID ZARFOSS 800-695-6626-678-450-2242 MOCBIDS@MANSFIELDOIL.COM DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT DIVISION Page3 of9 BidNo.3143-9/18-8 AwardSheet VENDOR NAME:BLAYLOCK OIL COMPANY DBA: FEIN:591208100 SUFFIX:01 STREET:724 SOUTH FLAGLER AVENUE CITY:HOMESTEAD FOBJTERMS:DEST-P PAYMENT TERMS:NET 33030 ST:FL ZIP: DELIVERY: TOLL PHONE:877-944-4262 VENDOR INFORMATION: Local Vendor: CERTIFIED VENDOR ASSIGNED MEASURES SBE Set Aside Micro Ent.Selection Factor Bid Pref. Goal Other:Vendor Record Verified? ********************************************************************* Vendor Contacts: Name Phonel Phone2 Fax Email Address CRYSTAL BLAYLOCK SANCHEZ 305-247-7249 877-944-4262 305-248-6501 JOHN@BLAYLOCKOIL.COM VENDOR NAME:OSHER OIL CORPORATION DBA:COSTA OIL CO FEIN:592033270 SUFFIX:02 STREET:9780NW 115TH WAY CITY:MIAMI FOBJTERMS:DEST-P PAYMENT TERMS:NET 33178 ST:FL ZIP: DELIVERY: TOLL PHONE: VENDOR INFORMATION: Local Vendor: CERTIFIED VENDOR ASSIGNED MEASURES SBE Set Aside Micro Ent.Selection Factor Bid Pref. Goal Other.Vendor RecordVerified? ********************************************************************* Vendor Contacts: Name Phonel Phone2 Fax Email Address MARIA COSTA 305-883-3224 -305-888-9819 LCOSTA02@COSTAOIL.COM DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT DIVISION Page 4 of9 BidNo.3143-9/18-8 Award Sheet VENDOR NAME: DBA: FEIN:592304457 STREET:7950 NW 58 ST FOBJTERMS:DEST-P PAYMENT TERMS:NET BV OIL COMPANY INC VENDOR INFORMATION: Local Vendor: Vendor Contacts: Name JOHN WRIGHT SUFFIX:01 33166 CITY:MIAMI ST:FL ZIP: DELIVERY: TOLL PHONE: CERTIFIED VENDOR ASSIGNED MEASURES SBE Micro Ent Set Aside Selection Factor Bid Pref. Goal Other:VendorRecordVerified? A******A**A********************************************************** Phonel Phone2 Fax Email Address 305-593-0705 305-591-1769 ALEXV@BVOIL.COM VENDOR NAME: DBA: FEIN:592520188 STREET:14592 SW 129 STREET FOBJTERMS:DEST-P PAYMENT TERMS:NET INTERNATIONAL FLIGHT CENTER INC VENDOR INFORMATION: Local Vendor: Vendor Contacts: Name SUFFIX:01 CITY:MIAMI 33186 ST:FL ZIP: DELIVERY: TOLL PHONE: CERTIFIED VENDOR ASSIGNED MEASURES SBE Micro Ent. Set Aside Selection Factor Bid Pref. Goal Other:VendorRecordVerified? ********************************************************************* Phonel Phone2 Fax Email Address WILFREDO VALLE -PRESIDEN 305-238-8122 305-238-0464 WILL@IFCMIAMI.COM DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT DIVISION Page5 of9 Bid No.3143-9/18-8 Award Sheet VENDOR NAME:SOUTH FLORIDA AVIATION INVESTMENTS INC DBA:FONTAINEBLEAU AVIATION FEIN:650416746 SUFFIX:01 33054 STREET:4200 NW 145TH ST CITY:OPALOCKA ST:FL ZIP: FOBJTERMS:DEST-P DELIVERY: PAYMENT TERMS:NET TOLL PHONE: VENDOR INFORMATION: Local Vendor: CERTIFIED VENDOR ASSIGNED MEASURES SBE Set Aside Bid Pref. Micro Ent Selection Factor Goal Other:Vendor Record Verified? *******A*A*********A**A****A********AAAA*A**AAAA*AAAAA***********A*AA Vendor Contacts: Name Phonel Phone2 Fax Email Address BOBBY COURTNEY 305-685-4646 -305-953-5828 BCOURTNEY@FBAVIATION.COM VENDOR NAME:RELIANCE AVIATION MIAMI LLC DBA: FEIN:650995851 SUFFDC:01 33186 STREET:14532 SW129 STREET CITY:MIAM ST:FLZIP: FOBJTERMS:DEST-P DELIVERY: PAYMENT TERMS:NET TOLL PHONE: VENDOR INFORMATION: Local Vendor: CERTIFIED VENDOR ASSIGNED MEASURES SBE Set Aside BidPref. Micro Ent.Selection Factor Goal Other:Vendor Record Verified? ***************A***************A********A*A*AAAAAAA****AA************ Vendor Contacts: Name Phonel Phone2 Fax Email Address BRAD NOJAM 305-233-0310 -305-234-2938 BRAD@RELIANCE-AVIATION.COM DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT DIVISION Page6 of9 BidNo.3143-9/18-8 AwardSheet VENDOR NAME:URBIETA OIL INC DBA: FEIN:651004416 SUFFIX:01 33178 STREET:9701 NW 89TH AVENUE CITY:MEDLEY ST:FL ZIP: FOBJTERMS:DEST-P DELIVERY: PAYMENT TERMS:NET TOLL PHONE: VENDOR INFORMATION: Local Vendor: CERTIFIED VENDOR ASSIGNED MEASURES SBE Set Aside Bid Pref. Micro Ent.Selection Factor Goal Other:VendorRecordVerified? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Vendor Contacts: Name Phonel Phone2 Fax Email Address WILLIAM EAGAN 305-884-0008-305-883-1927 WEAGAN@BELLSOUTH.NET VENDOR NAME:SSI LUBRICANTS LLC DBA:SSI PETROLEUM FEIN:651158761 SUFFIX:02 3388012 STREET:5131 RECKER HIGHWAY CITY:WINTER HAVEN ST:FL ZIP: FOBJTERMS:DEST-P DELIVERY: PAYMENT TERMS:NET TOLL PHONE:877-811-3835 VENDOR INFORMATION: Local Vendor: CERTIFIED VENDOR ASSIGNED MEASURES SBE Set Aside Bid Pref. Micro Ent.Selection Factor Goal Other:Vendor RecordVerified? *AA*AAAA*AAAAAAAft**AAAAAAAA*A*AAAAAAAAAAA*A****AftAAAAAAAA*AAAAAA*AAAA Vendor Contacts: Name Phonel Phone2 Fax Email Address CARLOS DE LA TORRE 863-965-8788 877-811-3835 863-967-6235 CDELATORRE@SSIPErRO.COM DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT DIVISION Page7 of9 BidNo.3143-9/18-8 Award Sheet ITEMS A WARDED Section: Details: Item#Description Otv Unit Price End ofITEMS AWARDED Section AWARD INFORMATION Section BCC Award:No DPM Award:No BCCDate:04/08/2008 DPMDate:10/26/2015 Contract Amount:$135,054,400.00 Additional Items Allowed:Agenda Item No.: Special Conditions: BPO INFORMATION Section: DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT DIVISION Page 8 of9 Bid No.3143-9/18-8 Award Sheet 1 ABCW1600236 Commodity ID Commodity Name 405-09 FUEL OIL,DIESEL 405-15 GASOLINE,AUTOMOTIVE Department Department Allocation AV $900,000.00 CR $32,500.00 FR $2,600,000.00 ID02****$62,920,000.00 ID06****$80,000.00 MT $51,012,830.00 PD $500,000.00 PR $800,000.00 PW $0.01 SP $40,000.00 SW $1,223,169.99 vz $8,500.00 ws $14,040,400.00 2 ABCW1600238 v. Commodity ID Commodity Name 405-09 FUEL OIL,DIESEL Department Department Allocation HD $55,000.00 End ofBPO Information Section DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT DIVISION Page9of9