Res No 209-16-14764RESOLUTIONNO.209-16-14764 AResolutionrelatingtothereviewandacceptanceof tie Annual Housing Report of the RRC 57 Avenue LLC [Red Road Commons]. WHEREAS,theownersandoperators of theRedRoadCommonsdevelopment,pursuantto the Development Agreement dated March 29,2007,betweentheCity of SouthMiami and RRC 57 Avenue LLC,isrequiredtosubmitan annual housing reporttotheCity Manager;and WHEREAS,thedevelopmentagreementSection 2f stipulates that aminimum of ten. percent (10%)of theresidentialonthe property willrenttoindividualsorfamiliesinthe ModerateIncomeSegment of theaffordablehousinggroup;and WHEREAS,thearea median incomeforMiami-DadeCountyin 2015 was$49,900;and WHEREAS,theDecember 31,2015reportdeliveredtothePlanningDepartmentbyRed Road Commons,shows that 390 units were rented,of which 41unitswere rented to individuals or familiesthatqualifywithintheModerateIncome Segment,accordingtothereport;and -WHEREAS,the Planning DepartmentreviewedtheAnnualHousingReportandfindsthat itisincompliancewiththeprovisionofSection 2f of theDevelopmentAgreement,basedonthe data reflected inthereport. NOW,.THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,JLORIDA: Section1.TheAnnualHousingReportfortheRedRoadCommonsdevelopmentsubmitted onFebruary 18,2016 isherebyacceptedbytheCityCommissionforthecalendaryear 2015 based ontheassumptionthatthedatareflectedinthereportiscorrectandwithoutwaivingthe City's right toinvestigatethetruthoftherepresentationmadeinthereportatsomefuture date. Section 2,Thisresolutionshallbeeffectiveimmediatelyuponbeing approved. PASSEDANDADOPTEDthis 1_st dayof November ,2016. ATTEST:APPROVED: CITY CLERK READAND APPROyED ASTOFORM,COMMISSION VOTE:5_0 LAN^aS%-fcEC^|TY^ND Mayor Stoddard:Yea Vice Mayor Welsh:Yea Commissioner Harris:Yea Commissioner Liebman:Yea Commissioner Edmond:Yea («f )CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI South Mltimi office of the city manager THE CITY OF PLEASANT LIVING INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM To:TheHonorableMayor&Membersof the CityCommission From:Steven Alexander,CityManager Date:May 3,2016 AgendaItem No.:£AUJk {*) Subject: A Resolution relating to the review and acceptance of the AnnualHousingReport of the RRC 57 Avenue LLC [RedRoad Commons]. Background; TheCity Commission atitsApril 5,2005 meeting approved Ordinance No.12-05-1834 allowing foraPlannedUnit Development,Mixed-Useproject known asRedRoad Commons located at 6600-6640 SW 57th Avenue,tobe constructed that included upto 407 multi-family residential units,retailuses,office usesandaparking garage.Pursuant to Section12 of the Development Agreement between the City of South Miamiand RRC 57th Avenue LLC,executed March29, 2007,the developers legal counsel submitted their annual report on the Moderate Income Housing requirement of the agreement. Analysis: Pursuant to Section 2(f)of the Development Agreement, "A requirement of ten percent (10%)oftheunitswillrentto individuals or familiesinthe moderate income segment oftheaffordablehousinggroup.Ifthe residentialunitsconvertto condominiums,tenpercent (10%)of theunitswillbe sold toindividualsorfamiliesinthe moderate income segment of theaffordable housing group/' As listed on the attached Affordable HousingComplianceReport,390 units were rented as of December 31,2015.Of the 390units rented,41 were in compliance with Section2(f)of the Agreement.Furthermore,the incomesforthose41unitsranged between $39,920 and $59,880;which were between 80%and120%of the annual median income.In Fiscal Year2015, the UvS.Department of HousingandUrban Development determined that the areamedian income forMiami-DadeCountywas$49,900.Additionally,moderate income is defined as those that earn between 80%to120%of the annualmedian income.Afterreviewing the Affordable Housing Compliance Report,itwasfound that the Development isin compliance with the provision of Section 2(f)of the Agreement. Please refer to the additional detail contained in the report submitted by the owner's representative. Recommendation:> Staff recommends the MayorandCityCommission accept the attached 2015Annual Housing Report. i -O Bilzin Sumberg ATTORNEYS AT LAW FEB 18 2018 'tanning sncf Zoning •January 13,2016 JerryB.Proctor,Esq. Tel 305.350.2361 Fax 305.351.2250 jproctor@bilzin.com Via Hand Delivery Mr.Steven Alexander City Manager Cityof South Miami 6130 Sunset Drive South Miami,FL 33143 Re:"Red Road Commons" Property:6600 SW57 Avenue,South Miami,FL Housing Report Dear Mr.Alexander. Our firm represents the owners and operators of the "Red Road Commons"mixed use development at6600 SW 57Avenue(the "Property")in the City of South Miami, PursuanttotheDevelopmentAgreementbetweenthe City ofSouth Miami andRRC 57th Avenue,LLC,a copy of which is enclosed,a minimum often percent (10%)of the residential unitsontheProperty will renttoindividualsor families inthe Moderate Income Segment ofthe Affordable Housing Group.This requirement is contained in paragraph 2fon.page 3of the Development Agreement.1 Determinationofthe Moderate IncomeSegmentis made annuallythrough the provisionof theAreaMedianIncomefrom Miami-Dade County bytheUnited States Departmentof Housing andUrban Development.The area median incomeforMiami-DadeCountyis $49,900,as determined byU.S.HousingandUrbanDevelopmentinFiscalYear 2015.Moderateincomeis definedas those earningbetween80%to120%oftheannualmedianincome.Accordingly,the currentincomelevelperunittocomplywiththe10%requirement isbetween $39,920 per year and $59,880 peryear. Enclosed please findalistof the unitswhere the residents complywiththe Moderate Income Segment and,therefore,qualifytheunits as such pursuant tothe Development VI have also attached an "Amendment to Development Agreement,"recorded on March 25,2010,that did not amendthehousingcomponentofthe Development Agreement MIAMI 4877482.1 77430/27649 BILZIN SUMBERG BAENA PRICE &AXELROD LLP 1450 Brickell Avenue,23rdFloor,Miami,FL 33131-3456 Tel 305.374.7580 Fax 305.374.7593 www.bilzincom Steven Alexander. City of SouthMiami January 13,2016 Page 2 Agreement.Asof December 31,2015,390unitsin "Red Road Commons"were rented out; accordingly,the attached listofunits and incomescomplies with the 10%requirement. I trustthissubmittal complies with theannualhousingrequirementintheDevelopment Agreement.Please give meacallifyou have any questions. JBP:id Sincerely, <s Jerry &Proctor Maria Menendez,City Clerk,CityofSouth Miami (w/encl.) DwayneWilliams,PlanningDirector,City ofSouth Miami (w/encl.) Thomas Pepe,Esq.,City Attorney,City ofSouth Miami (w/encl.) GabrielFisher,PropertyManager,RedRoadCommons(w/encl.) Nazar Elwazir,Equity Residential (w/encl.) MIAMI 4877482.1 77430/27649 C5^V BILZIN SUMBERG BAENA PRICE &AXELRCD LLP 10 -11 12 13" 16 17' 18 19 20 _21 22 2.015 Metro Dade;l AMlasse'tbyH.UD j.$49.900..00 Moderate-Income f-80%\to;i20%of AMI" Definition as -set by.j or $39;920vto •:HUD"!••$5.9:880 ' Total number of Apartments leased asof December 31, 1015 Units in compliance ! per Development : Agreement ;• Apartment A-100 A-202 /V407 A-410 B-103 B--106 B-116 B-112 B-209 B-220 B-307 B-323 B-329 B-426 B-521 C-202 C-309 CM09 C-508 P-202 D-203 D-206 390 ,41 Unit Type" 1x1 1xi 2x2 2X2 2X2 1X1 2X2 1x1 2x2 2X2 2x2 2x2 1x1 1x1 1x1 2x2 1x1 1x1 2X2 2x2 2X2 2X2 Initial-: Certification: Date'-.•""*• 8/1/2015 5/25/2013 8/27/2014 8/8/2015 10/31/2015 12/5/2015 6/12/2015 .8/1/2015 6/27/2015 3/9/2015 9/16/2015 9/25/2015 8/18/2015 9/5/2012 8/28/2015 8/13/2014 7/16/2015 5/4/2014 8/26/2014 8/8/2013 8/25/2014 8/15/2014 Red^Road Commons A ffprdable;Housing.Compliance Report fphYear^'ding 20f5 Lease Expiration Bate •••:' 7/31/2016 7/24/2016 7/26/2016 8/7/2016 8/30/2016 10/4/2016 7/11/2016 7/31/2016 6/26/2016 7/8/2016 7/15/2016 8/26/2016 8/18/2016 6/30/2016 8/27/2016 8/12/2016 7/15/2016 7/3/2016 MTM MTM 7/24/2016 8/14/2016 Annua)Lease ¥Kfd>r":...:;:. •fnqQnle"?.-.•.'::• exceed/'.••."•' t$53;880 $50.124.00 $48,000.00 $48,000.00 $51,273.00 $55,896.00 $55,200.00 $51.300.00 $51.000.00 $51.000.00 $54t000.00i $48.000.00 $48,000.00 $41,800.00 $46.500.00 $49.500.00 $51,000.00 $59,367.00 $55.008.00 $49,448.00 $46,500.00 $48,000.00 $49,448.00 Income as '•; percentage.of .i.V: .2015HUD AMj f#: Miami 0ade.'•:•&:. Gaufity.-setattv- $4&;'90O by H13DS 5n<J"0{V2015-;/r".'- |Sh6ul&not'exceed #20%•:..:'"• 100% 96% 96% 103% 112% 111% 103% 102% 102% 107% 96% 97%% 84% 93% 99% 102% 119% 110% 99% 93% 96% 99% In .Gonip.lianeelof\ AMIbaseWo'rVthe Moderate-Incofrje-. a¥:define9;b>^liJP •Actual Lease •Rate $1.693.00 $1,721.00 $1.693.00 $1,693.00 $1.950,00 $1.450.00 $2,483.00 $1.693.00 $1.693.00 $2,445.00 $1.693.00 $2,295.00 $1.693.00 $2.301.00 $1.800.00 $1.693.00 $1,693.00 $1.785.00 $2.055.00 $2,179.00 $2.010.00 $1.693.00 23 D-301 2x2 8/19/2014 7/18/2016 $56,910.00 114%Y .$2,080.00 24 D-309 1x1 5/17/2013 7/16/2016 $46,500.00 93%Y $1,742.00 25 D-409 1x1 5/4/2014 MTM $48,000.00 96%Y $1,625.00 26 E-105 1X1 8/14/2015 8/13/2016 $57,600.00 116%Y $1,555.00 27 E-220 2x2 8/31/2015 8/30/2016 $56,910.00 114%Y $1,693.00 28 E-222 1x1 1/13/2015 8/12/2016 $51,800.00 104%Y $1,693.00 29 E-232 1x1 8/7/2015 8/6/2016 $48,000.00 96%.Y $1,693.00 30 E-305 2x2 8/20/2013 8/19/2016 $57,364.00 115%Y $1,902.00 31 E-317 1X1 8/15/2014 8/14/2016 $48,000.00 96%Y $1,610.00 32 E-332 1X1 8/28/2014 MTM $48,096.00 96%Y $1,659.00 33 E-405 2x2 9/4/2014 8/3/2016 $48,000.00 96%Y $1,693.00 34 E-407 1x1 8/15/2012 8/14/2016 $59,367.00 119%Y $1,693.00 35 E-409 .2X2 9/17/2015 7/16/2016 $51,273.00 103%Y $1,693.00 36 E-413 1x1 1/2/2015 1/1/2016 $48,000.00 96%Y $1,354.00 37 E-417..1x1 8/28/2011 MTM $48,000.00 96%Y $1,354.00 38 E-421 1X1 3/5/2014 7/4/2016 $56,910.00 114%Y $1,920.00 39 F-101 1x1 8/23/2013 7/21/2016 $59,367.00 119%Y $1,693.00 40 F-103 1x1 8/27/2015 7/26/2016 $56,587.00 113%Y $1,693.00 41 F-104 1x1 9/28/2013 10/27/2016 $51,800.00 104%Y $1,693.00 0% General Notes: HUT)Definition *People with incomes between 80and120 percent of theAMIare moderate income." *State of the Housing Counseling Industry,US Department of Housing and Urban-Development,Office of Policy Development and Research,2008 Report (September 2008) *http://www.huduser-org/Publications/PDF/hsg_counsel.pdf ._. Development Agreement 41 !.i. "2f-Housing-A "requirement often percent (10%)ofthe "units will rent to individuals or families in the moderate income segment of the affordable housing group.If the residential units convert to condominiums ten percent (10%)ofthe units will besoldto individuals or families inthe moderate income segmentofthe affordable housing group.In analyzing compliance with this paragraph,the City shall allow minor deviations resulting from short term vacancies.Incomes shall be based on Area Median Income (AMI)as defined bythe U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development. Proof ofcompliance with this requirement onan annual basts shall be provided in writing onorbefore January 15 of the following year to the City Manager. 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'! 14 C^iarrrcjacy md Qgysfe%^tk&Appetite logsiber *$&&e ^g&aars. ^feStia^^.»'M&&&$ia Sfctea.ail4.;Lf City CNfe,By e^fife.:«£8& Ag^sW**e QiW ^o^&dgss.jfaK^fr $p$&^&to*plaa ^jawS and 9bs li«$'.fss6i^i tiMftute fte^ifljRpiiaa^bR xnft tim .Aggpamm arc 1 rti 3fofl*«£ It 11 14. feefflb T&6 pwMam 4ri!.ft$t Qfe^^Mff .kg^e?Bsm ^ifeH- t^sag -t^Se&te xamra of^ie•fts.pea!^«d &&CSsjr fif SMb Kami apon at fc p\ftllfe sv^feg;It'Ufa QQf.^wmi8p5B trigs*o»sre ttfifr wsm im$im ^{jfa$0*&ai ft»m to if&ti '$©Me fe #&$yfr$fe*ft WB»*£'flR? Ofi^p^%5ei3o^tifeGi^f.^31 pia*W*".ft»A^liaala ^Kifeu itfiefe*{15} ^:ipWM notms *««)a$priiiffi$to outo itys neAHaoiQffitGffi^the A$$Hft S^$i&»^i&^ESifeir'tite s*j>feaften erf Ute Vjb-d^^4UGtti&£i ^^Sc^^^d-beygd^lMJfo-o^wa.3fc ii|^-cjrim|3fe^^Scr'wiifei A*Asmaral iJMgfte &&&»&•or i^&i^.by fl&C%:.The c^|BB^;!fr$^tw amuiai *$pert-$»$canch$B \i$6n &st-fa& Mori&stffefy lisprMstess tflfcte-Dmltyftffiag AgF^asa*ibb?be astetigfait f#&$Mst^Mv Aifa^viWfld%dL JW dvto^-feni toe tq gfi^%^Tded iMtfijfisesi «msffitod by 8te to fttintt*of fh&ft*^aij &t$ft*Cl$r Ai?y- in^SfM&fiDB to tho-Sfttt PW)3 must mtnply v/iih tb f^oM^^for amcntotenl lo WmU ^ahpmnt BonfftfaiGd fe CS^ter SB effte C%t^od Bev^tn«ft! Sn&tlteaeat T1&Qty,ite suodsssos:or ssstgias,.and fire AppEoaut,ife ^occ^&Ta.aM dsstgSs,shall have Lh©;right to ^aforae fe.pro^Blu^a -of thte DiBVftiepi»«ftt Afiy«smQntc Ettfe^cmciil stall!be by soSdw ai few or fe ^ify fig&fesi arty parties-ov pfersops vwiaSng or atem^tof io vioMaftny c^^BBte, •«?5dtiSirlbro^rsJiiy'lolatfen0xWttjcovefdsra'^gesor&&ik th-dpnavn8?ftgp^rtyte reviewed'--^is^lf eft:fisaaiftsig^af^,..,_......_ fe-tcfipflnsal !5U dtJsbttt^^^fe «flora*eft fry tow,««A *iaa ,»'fe "Waft-*&©*•&#*%£to beIterft*sfcrvtecia •$£ta «w^^gliHSSQjftr Sua'p^ahte water <£ii* 18i&4SG0C*Qrj 13fc«f gift JfigflffiMK, .of'ifli&S^inaf3%$jfe,l&eA|>p15^,^^qfe)^^to&*&riagree*&e&«9 cita^tapBdoKfif fee t%/j#£o^i&at *tf%sgeigsMf wlmii&BL*too? have lh&pefeltBjBB'•*"W ttife &*£%mm$wo0^ham d?e^tedag ail WL .^cCteajtedBfea &s ffiTOfogiM fiftrafty jBg^.tiRaBJe^EHtg,&iis grail :fe> gsrJ&bfe mi 1B»-.fesilifiS(«TQtt F*opfi&y :Bffit$&^<^p&with Mb OerofapmsBi iterates**&0 frffe»®9*tt Roy te^ssh^^.^m^3r &^.^^feafcai #(^fiftMp %vftfr -gqphl i'&out ^qiCiqji offte-ii^©1^**usft ss*$w.&fe 17. a.. ©< IS, fegg;£^tt|batk>«fs qfrlEhe.AjrsiMnl.$mm&tb tb&XSfjf *&.Wam&- The'ggsaffii;^€£fts£i;y.;Er*d pes$^&8i&-x£-ffifc Af^CM$$&g&«B v$m+ tt&Bftmstob mi %t#mM*^mm^i»<H*m«sfe wft Afe Agp»#£fewo AppMt •*' This ^©ementtebe^psopftty.*&ec$ifte^ml GBd$#U£&Applicant*legal* vftiid m$%lfiA9^g:«Ssiigiitifin%'aAuroonikl^;«gpiia£"Aj^tiis^rt h accordance wih Tfcgr^atfc no ustf&%suiia or pfrriMtSogj?ly^ndtofe ust ttaiensd fcgaTnSt ^ mnfisnia}wuy^Sb^f Appitahftt RSiSW't6 psdibtt iHb Agce©!ff5tU, ft*i&p*e3S |ERt»j>ikb((gbafl M^18 actons Beeessary to-«naire tfeat iMs Agresineal sfeafl xernaiu ttt f&tt-fcKft sad sffesi ai afi tSsn^s, Ai^pfearrk &*&fe feianofel «<p«?iiy ici psy ot fiance in fhe City *fi fees asd awte^fcftteF.Vany provi^bn of ibis Etevefopmsml AjreBuam^x*tb^5(pJ>BcaUofl <jrarcp:f to my person or citoufiisU^ces is MA invalid,prcdaM^or i«)$t$t^eabfe fbr any n-ftosttn,ibis Ike D'srefc^me&tt Agi^'ement $hali bd S i 15,-^iig^iim^%i,fbia AgNfatititt SH basil ftafttf l^Ck tta£pnj^c^ato of &e £%'tui$Ajpieant mid ficj?-tigfistii,.aai sM ftp ^s^^fii RgaW fee ti$tift£te Jt?efe^iifi|d &Qfe &§RsoK&i aas for e&fc atMtkgoeff ^afctf shall ^rtfer fe:«tti is m Aymtm*ft *wa asm fe s&jmnu--iwe*•« 2d Jabrf^jSatecfe,_Thft banter of &«iA#^M shftfi tte^^i$tt$sag % M*CatffanS tiki Hgaiftfeafo.?$3g&|&ftofidifeggdj$i&t m&®M£tt<&satj aad 2&A«f^ffiite ^pjapeat Mil kt j£M&«£ 'ffiigMjb.wmr$m&w!$die-1nteft4 tes&. 'aftfJidfe tfiasfe raft AgttieMft'ta^ b*&fam&.u$prdvS^'-in Secfteff iS&>343,&terf&Smfojss,Venaa ftar'ag? M^fev f^Buttfcjg;te 1fte s\*jjfca ttra&£r hereof shaUt be i^shdSft'gty Hi Maajni- gjSrffi»eft»- Sffl,#:l43 Hffiwft%#$€'(JrnmjtRil^.DeyglQpmcnl Department CStyafSowbMtol 6130Sni^riif>rlve SouthMtamfcR 3314$ 2mm r 24. U tt. ia2Si0^,B&J5H^Rv«y,Sate 15S Jenyl/iBra^rjasq. SiMyeiafc Ifo tHorcor (fc^fay by iij$few&"qjr Ste GSy to mS5&i ixp0Q &e sftfei fe jefte$g£to'«Jiy £3$t*or $m%&$oimo^tA wan 6»breach ti»m$&$foi$ but •£&£$aiili'•&$^-imj&^.QSf&qa^,lean »&8 tamSiSori oT^'4p^&& shall c^teufc to 6i&force mi eltbe*#{&ssspect &a%-altar ilea gE&Kfig «r .JM^Mto^lMl Ag^»B&is #|w%for fe taroBt aT &e pM$ate^fe^iiilzei-abftBc*&i*andassigai'CrfiMpatifestercfc** S^lyfafMif &&$ooMQAmi ffifta «?problem -offtife AiSBWatf Wbict,in nrfe to b«^B0^&y.ratoi5^v&*^tti^attai):6f Ihis Agre$fci?*ii,shall m$i*&«*jr sfoefe teiBlinRifei Ivftirifag -afehoirt 'MifeU&sh parngtsgiis 2,.Sstid fi:^MA.-^tiJ 21,P&ffoofc al'_^___^,.tewsr «njr*Astei^Afto &to be utaste vt «fcn I*t£be •laker*.«it Ufa spfelfN 1b flfe A^raraw^ifsucfe d«ic shall Ml ob §j&v&iqft Sunday of tegai MWWaj,\MMn itish^aitMft Sate sb$H be gxfoftfod fc>ike i>i# day whlfikfe ml uSffl^h^%$a?qf legal ItoJiday, ISfrtlte A%rsero&d.This Agregmeftf se&forth fts &totte sgreeiiwnt between Sit pifftSes hsreipo *rilh rcapect fc>ihe subjeo*.matter iieriBort AH ejj^maw^ cov^rftiatij,c^frcs^tatkfti9,.ari6 wwr.QDtics,,nptm.ot teapli^ctal prwiifen,.Qf tho pmlfes wi&respect to the «t$Atmstior tanofro ocyjm}rie<l l&mh*ifo 'Dther agYCGffi&Bfc,coveawwe,r^pmeiilalfons!or wHfiranlJ^«^:.pi'€8$or i{apl}di,.oTai or W&lm have-been m^yfto by «ssy pstiy \q ibta oflier wttli i^spe&t io tb©sublet' ftifiier of i%Agre^tttent All pno?awl QQii!^jfcrrnn«Q«5 ooiifveKiaim»} 28. ID I eovefeft wi w®m&®j$&i&p&i©to #£$$#jpsr ;te©c$.are waNaf, mor^'-!b:«mn mi w$m*&&h&w&Saoft p&ym^Gr^tSk^;t^.^fa^@ Sub.no m&toe.SxSfelia,Kid',8ji{paite %&w wUtm^mp fsamim wi^$%®a^fa iky.^^m^£W&'g&l*&felfti Am fc*.a&rdU^&fe e-'^r^©^<*»its bi&ait T1&A£isg8^e&jBffilj not $b Bttp^euffitiled,.amtw<fe&Off-na^SM bjNW so««& r$s -ia» 3&Agscrrffc&ot!*WSiteSS ^after &£®&<&v$wm Ags^sintgic has :bseu sterna bgr feofe the ;Apj&aM m&On*Cte.tfe Ajplbatt!i&e$cussse&x®$$o|&b iio 'fee-*ttosraetf (ft flQ A;p]fflca^%JC3(|a3m&fe &e *egfcb? i;G&tmty. 3tf.i fttfjteifei ABmkMte «^;1M<|(M atSSiSoafci ieritotif:tb&Apste&ft 32*^ffe^ttiess,.W&T^^hjim^-^^m^t sWJ bje^sKs jrffixfjt #er arc ofaif 4J$mhj1 ?&&>itfe f^i^oydl^feft Applh»#a j^'iie^ftigS atejten tfoBafe is^ti^bJisbejJ fa aceottese wltb ftsragftpfo iN*fte flppfitflim feetae^nfeg,.-^iejife ^pioytf,ai$apgjrattg offel5te^^^Aglte&BiJsa.«fe$ feecoiuMSt&i #i&®wn without w&y&faz by ifie ft$$casi. iffi^rifo .ass?,"' u r »i ji m tMfmmrmpkkm the gfty of"SflJi&Whm-«Pl&#te%w jtad «cc$p!fr ft*Jfer&gsiag.I^efopmes* J^bbosm md mtfc tad i\)of ttie fetid?mk ftfyUtem owMmS fbwm, ^™__w:toed *md attashtfi tetefcok (RTSBftb.k&tSg Q$Jt.^im% smimc^ coi^W'sr^^ggt ) "The :teegtfgag^in^rumeKV v/k aekncis/kdgd fcsforc me Mi(4$.3a?x>tffl3&d$2007 by ffiraasfr '£$fj^#y?(!"^/kp*f**of fo©C%<$SM&NQasrf and attested to b^ fd^ne^t')psflROCifi iiaM irf&ifa lipase asHl^i^&llon,* Serial Wo,^nfcJtthi*}* INOTAHiAtSaAL) !swji wccii^aajoN^^p^is?^ ^<srt#..eXP^ittmoM^aass' lw$m i^B^M "AA ft 1Wv rt^gfefcttj]?^was (^b>svwf^%ed before rift.j <if SjfiteUi a ]&$&&;aon-pi^t ^^tioiw tbo Safe Member ot SStG 57*Amrifa QkC,£ ?tenr3a.UJmt«d tet%f^mpacy^^^e fe ge&gj%$y t^om to fos-at to pfadtic^aiti&te of .-......^^liQftte.itelte^ciMtfft. loii Strifes! {NOtA&taEAt} warn U i mWlEwA U of fas MV15HD KAT<#J8EK83»ODDt HGarfsg &&&Blet feeafc *S iscot0g|:fe .Efet B^-SS^stPajpolS^of the P.fttfe3l«eas!&B :^>^^H3^.:Co^yrHo»i^.te« Mi'lw cfeq fofcSksfa 125 fatf of fee Wort 175"JiwS ofitteBwi 325£st,&*&.&&aisfclfce €asf 'tWftBft-38 feel af**1**i^-te-rfflie tetfb m fe**f Itott i,rf'SBJflfiSD PLAT OF Ffi&HWQQD,wammgXP&fc ?Isi.%^as tti^Hfefi to?tet B&$k:SS»At Sage 72,of :t£n& 1$fc%$t132 fi»t of the.SS-1$tf fto MB M -ofiie §S %of SM&35,fowisfetg §4 Seuft, tjf^fe^Towrtfifalp $4 S^,:KgB(j$4Q gag, Tfifc $*#oftfefcSS *4 of *&WE tfsfthe SE &^fScdfeaSS,Tottflsfeifo 5*&aith4 Range 48 fe^ B&gm fti ft**S8 csf'&cr «tf saai SS %.trf Sus MB £of &e;SE %;Ott^ra W&&ttog fe Soafe Sks&-tif *tiUL:SS H of U*ME &atftis £B St&•».sister sFrf&fifii ««>Pofet <*f B^Wiig; fesQa^TOlstafthpsM »ftft Ibr Ifes of ff^tB ft oifiBSsfMB %#te.&&Wfec.*dlsfetaf-af i$&'*a$tta*cSTU&W^tps^ifel tMftaS&flfii Bf»*Md SS H'Qf:&frNJH'«of fl*SH'.tti far a a$#»&&?of 15fl f&tlo 8#&&$fe&juMa#$j tf feeKB 45 of tfc*SE"!^1:Se^Hf§*BM ntePg^'S^iSiilife -6f ttfrSS &sftMH&ft&f8*SB%far a dtesnasi-ef 100 &erfc;fee PoTig tjaiNraSh ISO fasu*H»$o«t>33Q:fet rf Ibe 6iit l§§M oflb*li of RBVI&ED PIAT OF OTUWOfiin,ttcwnKi^g -^to Fki tfter^f,as :f?^c»«fej in P$*Baolq 3S>«i P^>72,of ftve f^»&9»i^idf ^mi^Kto €&m%Ftorida. A fAfettai of Tra(dl I„a^ViSED PLAT OF EBKNWOOO,ftc^rfllsg to \fa f\&\t&ecoa|;S3; i-eectfdod in ;Pkl B^olc S5,atftgg 7^of the Pablic R^Qt<ls of Wian^Bwls Otftf^.Flo/Rh,, TIvm p^it-tff Acs Setittieftsi Qikow t>f to NoaltosJ Qli«rfiep of ft*Swtfhe&fi Q^Yi«r fer'&s^an 25,T?JWTrfil>ip 54 South,,iltuu^40 East,tfeae-rtbed &e fcltowto B<5&3n at ths Softltost cwiw of e^ld S.oiijJie?om Qu^rtar of Ifect^ast Qwrnasr of 5®q$8&sr Miami nnm.i iMtimn soffljrrw Skfcfceast-Qemef ofSercthetefc Q&asfor 139 fei te the Sasffi te df^a Sea&eaai Qasarasr ©£ Morten .Q^rfc^^"BbaflBMt -QUAs:fifcase East aldxjg m$&ffi&te&of fe Sfrrfteftsg • fflftSJSftfflffifibt t^tife-Sftft 25 fee*fto$&^»H& wiAMit25?m.&j -^sarai \r "msnmw ~f AWCOJ«DURRENCY Oa or before'-ft$fBB&Bee .#'&&fe.stJMI:$rf jteftgjl far ft*ftoj©&,'fee ' pat'^^p^^^tov^ai^&s -damaMfef -ap ty ^^^ulti^^^r^f^nKat unfe irte #^^$&-9a ;P$tyK^-^sa*far bs tartg aslfra A %&$m feftfe P^S.fetej the ^feant'-^S faov ar?te&fe&l fte .{& Dsfc^fe^i QM^.tW:1^PiH^ptw%|AfenSOBS,Ifdji fofiMsBfTd^Ja^»im * or'^m^a^ff lW'2ppt fcgf&ffc&fcW^*??^!f ife feferfeiHe^fe paid* aMt^tefC^fl:J^£&^fMKfj&#Ae?Besn RSfBresgf i"4$&G?«$44%IT,&X#,said F&e *#*«nte45S5«i wg$eai47 4 soBoftL t»#jfsiesm*mM^ Mlamr ipe& 9 sabots &mim&:mm q^wpuga^oH; ELgSffiKTA^Y:Sun^Botari^-MSD.8.W.?S Street Coral Sabtes-Ei^anlftiy-4SD glixl Ros^ &W.G&vep Efem^mt^y ~23$Gfsuid Amu** ftRDOL&Poraa*Oe Leon Mfcttte -5501 Augusts SU SSmpR Hiism Gars!Qsbfe$Senior -*m Sw$m. *8ased on (fon*utt &)0&^formation prsvlcted ^:l^arc&qdte Gourtty Dapsrtrt^nl of Flfinniig and Zanfiigf., 3'«*tisrifrsefisufc 0ftf|*mn4 34,IB?'tfcJBfrSS VMS M pari I i His ?d!la#&og pqpafeiem mA !&$%*&$&%6m m*as $%%m&fry Sie Qtee =©t £orai BaiJte^^olor- 1#W fiQS* m issis tt$utis»6tt p$¥rbls.fiBiH-nmN; ftSWKfclY atH03¥T #$?&#£ i*ffR* ata^tpsj^tei so s nsauH ofto pft^^e^:di&W^n^i ft'!&•$£UT3Sla£v&gffept of Q&er approved-or pj^DGsatj xaayela^tBQfds in lha Vft&ttfer;Is:ru» sS ffg^ffisc £^Efira.ia^^|^-|^fHE^r tiff4te tlAns ^a»«ft8aAmMK. ^•affl-W&HfAi;®CU0QL JSKmSlATieMiS The fefev4M^fer^te(n A»(fMta bf Access to!Compa!«rB: Reunion for AoadeftJteAchteveiTjani; Special Programs: Wo^lr^tf^ffensl s$*te uti&ted far B4oJ 0&^*.IBBS-SQfe In&&ft dawsom a&d petite Center - Glj&st&fitoa?arid $&grflj3.Getter fcolfc&merit cWmzs andf after B&gfn$ai 10:S0 aitt -.efUte 1 &0 -pan. Nam Fourteen tsaofcers ! flq>d.califa»^maft^ [fnirpfto^ \fj^te^ 6.Wj&&mptim*T&m to ftslfeemsrfc rwfflaadfor ffi^jaers roqalrsa to QoaUtawtt *k*&a£.H9B&&i»& ifroafih dsa&fetfffiand MediaCeim&r AfW*s0&orf toteri&g Nona Mgafb end Art QHlWMMId 31 IS KJB*JS V003 frf obH .=i iye-1D&toim Sft&ftfle Ascsss.fct computed. C&ptel Im^vBirndfnJs starts® Nd^i^aNui sp*s&^fflfeas for. T&Qtaffi? Assess tett&i!jpateis"t ^^4iisfru©lterisl 0m&uflted for Teac^em rccfufresf to Baat&#V8k •ps^ssssQ© i^Cfc&rosi^jafflg t^aga-A^SBHSL,M^th,Sctefflsa Ma#]f&progiramer eralBprfotarenland. ao8lrw8tlxS4?fciiu Horn BatoAit Mafc,SJotagy^ESE,History, UtigaegftArti^6SQL,gkatoasrand .Ohifdtjara OHXKMfhd 3Xis *asfr*s toss fr.t-.cjaq *** aon :^®OST&.j8Ga&&$to M&sdMtf&lfc $$avarags &$£iariN2 gratis SS$Sj.SflAsd g&tfi©i^&l^tirfAsr 2$H *Wtofli istefen cost footed, aaUBNTiWf 13 x f •SUBS'*VftUFFa Q3L*rQS®$tl&S«IMMUid 31 IB H<f8ir4g fr0Ofc VM N »iii«B«winiii l^ife^lgEfl.pDFCpa^tosftsr fifttt^nfefcrc fegfiBjr.ds^ifbsjl m W^&*A?>sfefc kBossn mMQ&Mffl &W*55 &ma*e and 578?SW ^ J&S&iX^toft.C%«Hpl 3ta £^^-$$fttffefift*!fcMfcstoK8Agf^Afta&i^raaasfed offfe CSy sMths AppS^ftnr%fee dwdfljsm^rft'ofl*i$&*W {ffqlecMm tbProperty;mi rnofi&oiiSaas &lite tfefo^mtfto Jte MF£bper£ft *64 'mSBftMS*toe jotor £taft 4Xto&flfe&ta»<SM jjqI titaig*&e rapoiuribttillfo aad eanudfc&^s ta the0&yeJo|jmeiH Agftettttn^.&&*£ JRMSaff/CSi-crt IfeVtoW 17,2069,fee Ciiy adopted Qrfeaace 829~$>v3G21 agfenfing m&>fflfl&BFGS8t ft&BfteN^ l«A^tfittfo*to&etifbm'lfr rmimmm*mmfM\^ iffi&*<ftfej affi ttrtreea remain fei^^g^g^fc&^^gaiiigca., 3.Aiiiftflte^telas^^ '^fcy*$ toustft socman n«2ttfti» ba &$&$£m \mmmm f [SIOHATU RE MQBSTO KtoS$ „I B^c&jmgRt J^g&attAft imj:e$fe «;&'&of th&terms a &5 &K^2tBg OT&fthtig*.i©te tz$rm-m ^*sfsu ^..aatA A*$h$jCSQ ''* ^AlC6<^ffa^} coumToy^^^e >>»• -toxnfe-$r{)^rdd^CJsd^^<rfjjderive^tieebsfrd3Ift&tiaii^aptL* hteN^itjr ML^H ftty Commi^jQn Shifts: bse^^^ 'RS^Sr1 *WBmwfe HA*Ptente tir iicor psod&ccd $SiaisPwf, MyCsmmiasion ®*$tem #8/10 I ?.:i 'Ham*: •Ms&Mb W tfSftw*^, wti$*£a»tt l$Xm*tm W$fc#fe^t&8s$KT^ftst-oftuM Tract IA Tft nils sw tftum nm in %&ofmm&v&w-*ftn*t,^ttsSBfeD re*r op •^!^~",iS3#mtof^-tfftpjfoj^ia?R«r«rfti»4s &tjra»ftS8n*snWsBs •*KafB»K&1t<.'"!!•If--.-•*y ,»fi*»»»>ivT**,.«**' g,|li t^{Mp$'&rt^ftm^WBasl, of t^s^s^k^^^ii -feat fe pffl&:f^'|%0^ ,n»li%^lto"#»-flf^*F 5SVISED KAT<» |®^^%3T^8%;4'ib:-Pto tec **bx^t*$to Mm §ft&jjj fit ?a#?i of die A.jMSBfr.qf-^fi.^ItBfflfeD -PLAT OP PERftWOOt),tocftBbgto te ftal ftmo&a* i prnxnt fei Soutast %fifte-offtft Xteftfettt QttWfir rf thp gtootefi*Qumtar of Section Belial &s Soultei oraft'of s&A Smlb&sl Quartet of Tferiheasl Qiswrtar of Souftt^t I j Be £Wfi}fia&alaaid ~Bvm&®&QoMttMsf $#$*#$-Qoafttfr of :^pwsr iff a dfe^e of |8$fe&fer POWBT 0?JS8SQ$HI^*6fti#jig*Woife 3£«ate&t:-Qpta*'i?jfe.^ttesa^:r®^S^sat^fsfe^M to itofey*itao rfwN teft^^aja*^ t&s&is&l 'Qugftor of S^ft^.^1^fawes East efoag said Sds&i&b Ctf tte S$ufes£ QuwS^cff'Jfei^^fera <fis&m$fi>ot75fee?to foe POINT QF tfSBft^KQ,X4383 -tf*&dfc&.fa8Jik p&fcj^i i-