Ord. No. 03-80-1062^ ORDINANCE NO.3-80-1062 ANORDINANCEOFTHECITYOFSOUTHMIAMI,FLORIDA, DESIGNATINGTHEPLACEOF POLLING;DESIGNATING CLERKANDINSPECTORSOFELECTIONFORREGULAR ELECTIONON FEBRUAKY 12,1980. WHEREAS,the City Charter as amended provided for the Regular City Election to be held during February of each even year;and WHEREAS,the Code of Ordinances of the City provides that the City Commission shall designate the polling place,and certify the Clerk of Election and Inspectors; Attest ,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COMMISSION OFTHECITYOFSOUTHMIAMI,FLORIDA. 1.The polling place for said Regular Municipal Election to be held Tuesday,February 12,1980,shall be the Fire Station located in the Municipal Building at 6130 Sunset Drive,South Miami,Florida. 2.The Clerk ofthe Election shall.be Helen Betty Brooke,the Deputy Clerk shall be Virginia Maxwell,Deputy Sheriff shall be Julian Sklenka,the Inspectors shall be Frances Bentz, Crystal Cannington,Mike Costas,Betty Filippi,Pat Hellmueller, Frances Jenkins,Sylvia Krasnow,Margaret Maquire, Marge Martinson,Mossie Peck,Mary Prentiss,WillieMae Robinson, Dorothy Schwartz,Rudy Schwartz,Ann Scoville,Jerry Seiden, Jean Starling,Frances Stroemer,Juel Tatum,Bertha Rea Taylor, Dorothy Thomas,Zona Wade,01 lie Wilkes andAnna Wolf. PASSED and ADOPTED this 2nd day of January ,1980. APPROVED: . iCJL^LjL*~J City Clerk Moved hy„.Mayor Block^ hy Commissioner Lantz '• Passed on First Reading:12/18/79 Passed on Second Reading:01/02/80 1 'A I':•/.••..:....X _. •i ,on X l.i ;I M :i 1 V 0 N> ^ '^v.... $^a.\v-.^ :V-XX :*v >v..-*f-~.V>X