Res No 083-16-14638RESOLUTION NO.:083-16-14638 A Resolution supporting the implementation of an alternative work schedule for staff as determined by the City Manager. WHEREAS,City staff studied the potential foran alternative operating schedule at City Hall to better serve the public;and WHEREAS,beginning June 1,2016 and for asix(6)month pilot program,the City proposes an alternative work schedule for the administrative offices at CityHall;and WHEREAS,under the new schedule,CityHallwillbe open for business on Monday through Thursday,from 7AM to 7PM each week;and WHEREAS,the public,businesses and visitors to the Citywill benefit from the alternative schedule with increased business hours at CityHall;and WHEREAS,City employees will work an alternative schedule of four days per week,10 hours per day and will not change or have any effect on the job classifications or the pay plan for the employees of the City and; WHEREAS,the City estimates aminimumsavingsof $6,368 annually through reductions in energy consumption,water usage,uniform costs and janitorial services. NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OFTHECITYOF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA THAT: Section 1.The Mayor and Commission Support the City Manager's implementation ofan alternative work schedule for staff as determined by the City Manager withCityHall open for business Monday through Thursday,from 7AM to 7PM each week,with the alternative work scheduled for staff offourdays per week,10 hours per dayandwillnotchangeorhaveany effect on the jobclassifications or the payplanfor the employees of the City. Section 2.Severability.Ifany section clause,sentence,or phrase of this resolution isforany reason heldinvalidor unconstitutional bya court of competent jurisdiction,the holdingshall not affect the validityof the remaining portions of this resolution. Section 3.Effective Date.This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by vote of the City Commission. PASSED AND ENACTED this3rd dayofMay,2016. mayor/ READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM:COMMISSION VOTE:3-2 LANGUAGE,LEGALITY AND Mayor Stoddard:Yea Pg.2 of Res.No.083-16-14638 Vice Mayor Welsh:Nay Commissioner Edmond:Yea Commissioner Liebman:Nay Commissioner Harris:Yea South11 Miami THE CITY OF PLEASANT LIVING CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM To:TheHonorableMayor&MembersoftheCityCommission From:StevenAlexander,CityManager Date:May 3,2016 AgendaItemNo.:i Subject: Background; AResolution supporting the implementationofan alternative work scheduleforstaffas determined by the City Manager. ThisCitycontinuallyanalyzeshowwecan better serve the public; including,the residents,businessandvisitors to the City.During the year,we havestudied the potentialofanalternative work schedule that wouldenhancethedeliveryofservicestothe public.The proposed schedule wouldbe4 -day,10 hour work scheduleinwhich the affected employees work four(4)10-hour dayseach week per payperiod.Each Friday,alladministrative offices in the City Hall complex andPublic Works Department willbeclosed.Working hours forthe City Hall administrative offices and Public Works offices would be 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM,Monday through Thursday. The proposed workschedule will providemembersofthe public an increaseof fifteen (15)hoursaweektohandlebusinessintheCity.As anexample,the Finance Departments payment windows are currently open from8AM to 4 PM.Onadailybasis,Financereceivescomplaints from City residentsand businesses that the current hoursmakeit difficult and are inconvenientto satisfy their financial obligations before 4 PM eachday.Additionally,Public Works offices will alsobeinapositionof providingvaluableassistancepast their usual4 PM closingtime. We areestimatingaconservative savings ofapproximately$6,368 annually through reductions inenergy consumption,water usage,uniform costs andjanitorialservices.We anticipate additionalsavingsinfuel consumption and other building relatedoperating expenses which are not measurable at this time.Not to mention the conservation of resources, reductionofvolumeonthe highways andthe greater flexibility addedto City employees lives. Furthermore,studies show alternative work schedules facilitate growth in employeemoralewhichisan important priority inadditionto productivity enhancements and cost cutting.Byshifting to afour,10- hour day work week,manyemployerscould reduce the cost of overhead South11 Miami THE CITY OF PLEASANT LIVING Amount: Account: Attachments: CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM andstillgetthesameproduction.Employees could transportation costs andhave another day to enjoy their lives. save on Additionally,weanticipateareductioninPersonalTimeOffutilization sincea 4-10 work schedulewouldallowemployeesthe option of scheduling appointments on Fridays.Withatraditionalworkschedule, these appointments wouldnormallyrequiretimeoff during working hours.It is important to note that achangein the work week from five daysa week to four daysa week will not change or haveanyeffecton the job classifications or the payplanfor the employeesof the City. Theisa proposal to implement this 4-10 work schedule effectiveJune I, 2016 onasix(6)monthpilotprogram.Over the next 45 days,prior to implementation,all Departments will addressscheduling requirements to ensure a smooth transition.Uponadoption,a memorandum will be prepared tonotifyemployeessotheymay plan accordingly.Additionally, a document will bepreparedforthe public to notifythemofthe enhancedbusinesshours,inaddition to anoticeon the City's website. Savings ofapproximately$6,368 N/A Resolutionforapproval Florida League ofCities Four-Day Work Week Article The Four-Day Work Week: Would ItWorkforYourCity? Record-breaking fuelandfoodprices.Environmental concerns,lightened budgets.Economicwoes. Asthe country realizes that things are not thesame astheywerebefore,and may neverbeagain,ideasthatonce didn't seemfeasible now are making a comeback. One of thoseideasisa four-day work week -apotential solutionthatcouldsavemoney,energyand resources.Al readyadoptedbysomeagenciesof the State of Florida,a four-day work week isbeing considered orpracticedacross the country. Forexample,theState ofUtahrecentlybecamethefirstto institutea mandatory four-day work week foritsemployees. Itis estimated thatUtahcansave$3 milUon peryearby shutting down 1,000 buildingseveryFriday. LocalgovernmentsinFloridaalsohave implemented or areexperimenting with the four-day work week.TheCity ofCoconut Creek adopteda four-day,10-hourworkweek inOctober2005asa way toprovide better customerservice to residents. Coconut Creek City Manager David Rivera said that being open two extra hours allowsresidentstotakecare of businessbeforeorafter work,which most likely wasn't possible with shorterhoursfivedaysa week. 28 Florida Leagueof Cities by Mandy Employeesalsohaveexperiencedthebenefit of thefour- day work week. "What wefound out is that wedohavean86-percent approvalrateonthechange,anditbecameaboonto employees aswellasthecity because employeesaredo ingpersonalerrandson Fridays asopposedtoduringthe week,"Riverasaid. "Ouremployeesareonlydrivingto work forfourdays instead of five,"hesaid."They're savingongasandday care,andsomeofouremployeesaretakingthatextraday togobacktoschool." Riverasaid that itis important tosee what works fora community when altering working hours. "Right now we'rehappy with thesituation,"hesaid. "We're justtryingtodotherightthingforourcommu nity." Tlie City of Margateisscheduledtoconverttoa four-day, 10-hour work scheduleonSeptember29.CityHallandall departmental administrativeofficehourswillbefrom8:00 a.m.to6:00p.m.,Monday throughThursday.Thepolice, fire/rescue,waterand wastewater treatment departments stillwilloperate24hoursaday,sevendaysaweek. Cityleadersfeelthatthenewschedulewillbe beneficial totheresidentsandcity employees. "With the economic timesinsuchsadshape,givingour employees onedaywithouthavingtousegastogetbackand forthtoworkisaplus,"MargateMayor PamDonovan said. "Itallowsfor not havingtotaketimeoff work fordoctor appointmentsandsuchbecausetheycandothatonFriday andhaveanenjoyable weekend,sotheyarerefreshedwhen they comebackto work toservethe community." Frank Porcella,Margate's city manager,said that the changewillallowthecitytosaveonfuel,utilitiesanduni form costs,,and hopefully willboostemployeemorale. Brenda Irvine assists Russ Wilson,aCoconutCreekresident,ashepays hiswaterbillat 530 p.m."It isextremelyconvenientformetopaymy billsduring thistimebecauseitisonmyway home,"statedWilson. TOP PHOTOeiSTOCKPHOTO.COM/ANDREWMANLEY "Since raises don't seem tobeinthe future,hopefully havinganextradayoftheweekwillbeaplusforourem ployees,"he said."If we see thatthis schedule isn't working out,we're flexible and could always gobacktothewayit was." Small-business columnist Jerry Osteryoung,director of outreachfor Florida StateUniversity'sJimMoranInstitute for Global Entrepreneurship,likesthe idea ofa four-day workweek because ofthepositive benefits alltheway around. "The workersI'vetalkedtowho are onthe four-day workweeklove it,"he said."It's thewayweneedtogo- it's today's world. "It's easier foracityor local government to change to that schedule than businesses...there's nota competition forcity services,"Osteryoung said."You can'tgo anyplace else.Mayorsshouldthinkofitthatway-theyhavean advantage. "Citiescanbeaheadofthecurveby demonstrating that thisisthe way weneedto move,"hesaid. One suggestion Osteryoungproposedisbeing proactive when facing challenges suchas parents beingstuckwith findingearlyandlatechildcare. "Maybe thecitycouldcallchild-care facilities toaskthem to consider openingearlyand/orofferinglatepick-up," hesaid."Therearewaysto smooth thistransitionandto overcome obstacles." TheCity of Bradentonconsiders the four-day workweek a way tosaveenergyandevenbenefitresidentsbecause on Fridays,city employees willnotbeontheroadsduring peak traffic times. Bradenton Public Information Officer Tim McCann said thatinthemidst of ahiring freeze andtightened budgets, thefour-day work weekisaperkforall. "Most employeeswerevery much in favor,andI know thepeoplehereinCityHallare pleased,"hesaid."I've heardno complaints fromthepublic." TheNorthMiamiCityCouncilalsohasapproveda four-day,10-hour work week.Thecity'sadministrative officeswillbeopenfrom7:00 a.m.to6:00p.m.,Monday throughThursday,andwillbe closed on Fridays.In addition to anticipated cost savings,thenew schedule ispartofthe city's"Green North Miami"initiatives,whichaimtoreduce North Miami's carbon emissions andthelevelofenergy consumption incrementally overthe next decade. NorthMiamiMayorKevinA.Burnsislooking forward topositiveresultsfromthe new hours. "WeareworkingtomakeNorthMiami'sgovernment servicesmoreaccessibleand more efficient,with lessofan impactonourenvironment,"hesaid."We anticipate saving moneyinoperationalcosts,butthisisalsopart of ourlong- termplantoreducefuelconsumptionandcarbonemissions and increase energy-efficiency inourcityoperations." Mandy Starkisan advertising and publications specialist fortheFloridaLeague of Cities. Quality Cities -September/October 2008 29