PB MINS 03-09-04 CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI PLANNING BOARD Regular Meeting Action Summary Minutes Tuesday, March 9, 2004 City Commission Chambers 7:30 P.M. I. Call to Order and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag Action: The meeting was called to order at 7:41 P.M. Action: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison. II. Roll Call. Action: Mr. Morton, Chairperson, requested a roll call. Board members present constituting a quorum: Mr. Morton, Mr. Liddy, Ms. Yates, Ms. Gibson, and Mr. Mann. Board members absent: Mr.Comendeiro. City staff present: Don O’Donniley (Planning Director), Sanford A. Youkilis ( Planning Consultant), Brian Edney (Video Support), and Patricia E. Lauderman (Planning Board Secretary). III. Administrative Matters Mr. Youkilis introduced to the Board members the new Planning and Zoning Director Don O’Donniley. Mr. Youkilis advised that Gary Illas had been automatically removed from the Board due to fact he missed three consecutive meetings. IV. Planning Board Application / Public Hearings PB-04-001 Applicant: City of South Miami. Request: A ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA, Planning Board Meeting March 9, 2004 Page 2 of 5 RELATED TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND PRESERVATION BOARD (ERPB), AMENDING SECTION 20-6.1(C)(1)(A) OF THE SOUTH MIAMI LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, TO MODIFY THE RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT FOR THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MEMBER OF THE ERPB; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Action: Mr. Morton read the item into record and Mr. Youkilis presented the staff report. He explained that in May of 2002, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 8-03-1792 which changed the Environmental Review and Preservation Board by increasing its membership from seven to nine and mandating that one member of the Board must be a landscape architect. It has been difficult to fill the landscape architect position because the Code specifies that all ERPB members must reside or work in the city. The City Commission at its February 17, 2004 meeting adopted a resolution directing the Planning Board to initiate the process to amend Section 20-6.1(C)(1)(a) of the South Miami Land Development Code in order to eliminate the residency requirement for the landscape architect position on the Environmental Review and Preservation Board (ERPB). The Commission further directed that the amendment: 1) provide that the selection of a landscape architect (non-resident) member should only come about if a non-resident can not be appointed; 2) that the person filling the landscape architect position could not have any work or contract ties to the city. At this point, Mr. Morton opened the public hearing. Speakers: NAME ADDRESS David Tucker, Sr 6556 SW 78 Terr. Mr. Liddy inquired if there had been landscape architects that wished to serve on the Board but could not because of the reason they did not reside or work in the city. Mr. Youkilis responded that in the past the Mayor had appointed a landscape architect that lived in the Snapper Creek annexation area but due to the annexation not being approved, he had to be removed from the Board. Ms. Gibson asked if an experienced landscaper with familiarity with trees could fill the position. Mr. Youkilis replied that the Code has always required that the landscape architect be licensed to practice in the State of Florida. Mr. Morton stated that an experienced landscaper or arborist could fill one of the other vacant Board positions. Motion: Ms. Yates moved to approve the draft ordinance. Mr. Mann seconded the motion. The motion was approved by the following vote: Vote: Ayes 5 Nays 0 Planning Board Meeting March 9, 2004 Page 3 of 5 V. Planning Board Work Program Subject: LDC CHAPTER REVIEWS - Mr. Youkilis stated that the Board at its October 14, 2003 and January 27, 2004 meetings reviewed a total of four chapters of the new LDC: Chapter I, Purpose, Authority, Enforcement, Definitions (20-1); Chapter III Administration (20-3) ; Chapter IV, Development Review Process(20-4) Chapter VII Supplemental Regulations (20-7). After review and modifications the Board approved all four chapters. Mr. Youkilis then presented Chapter VI Signage Regulations , explaining that this chapter has been completely reformatted from the existing LDC sign regulations. He explained that at its regular meeting on May 13, 2002, the Zoning Task Force reviewed Chapter VI and adopted a motion accepting the draft as prepared by staff. The signage regulations will become a separate chapter in LDC. In addition, the new format provided signage standards by individual sign type instead of by zoning district. All of the regulations governing a sign type are included in separate charts, each with a graphic illustration of the sign. In addition, new sections that pertained to non-conforming signs and signage for large commercial projects are included in the chapter. Mr. Youkilis informed the Board that the purpose and intent of signage (Sec.20-6.11) had been clarified and strengthened. The section pertaining to non-conforming signs was strengthened by requiring that all non-conforming signs had to be removed after a period of 5 years from date of City notification; and removal would be required earlier if major renovation occurs. Mr. Youkilis advised that a new Sec.20-6.20. contained special provisions for signage on large multi-building/multi-tenant commercial complexes (Shops of Sunset). He also added that a major change had occurred with the definition and size of wall signs, which is to be divided into two types: building identification and retail-tenant. Planning Board members then proceeded to make the following corrections and modifications: (1) all references to the Building Code are to be updated; (2) the beacon sign should remain with a more descriptive illustration and a revised definition clearly indicating that it is an architectural feature; (3) outdoor dining (portable) signs should have no illumination allowed and the height should not exceed four feet nor six square feet in area per panel ; it was suggested that the outdoor dining (portable) signs illustration be changed to an “A” frame; (4) it was suggested that the riders on real estate signs not exceed 4 inches in height and not to exceed the length of the sign; (5) it was suggested that political signs be added to the list of signs excluded from being temporary banner signs Motion: Mr. Mann moved to approve proposed Chapter VI Signage Regulations with the modifications suggested by the Board members. Ms. Yates seconded the motion. Mr. Morton interrupted and requested some clarification on whether the suggestion to make the City adhere to its own regulation was being included on that motion. Mr. Youkilis responded that the suggestion was not included because the LDC exempts city Planning Board Meeting March 9, 2004 Page 4 of 5 government signs from being regulated. Mr. O’Donniley advised the Board members that the City may want to consider establishing a regulations for signage in public rights-of- way, parks, etc. Amended Motion: Mr. Mann moved to amend the above motion , to suggest that the City should consider establishing its own regulations for signage in rights of way, city-owned property, and city parks. Ms. Yates seconded the motion. The motion to amend was approved by the following vote: Vote: Ayes 5 Nays 0 Motion:: Mr. Mann moved to approve proposed Chapter VI Signage Regulations with the amendment as voted above and with the modifications suggested by the Board members. Ms. Yates seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes 5 Nays 0 VI. Remarks The Board and staff remarks included but were not limited to: 1) Mr. Mann and Ms. Yates stated that they would be absent for the meeting of March 30, 2004. Mr. Youkilis replied he would need to check with Mr. Commendeiro to see if he would be attending the next meeting and staff would encourage the mayor to appoint a new Board member. 2) Board members inquired about the agenda items coming before the Board for the next meeting. Mr. Youkilis advised the Board that there were two applications submitted for the March 30, 2004 meeting. 3) Mr. Mann stated that he would like the City Commission to reconsider the issue of fees for outdoor restaurant seating because it is a method to generate money into the city. 4) Mr. Liddy inquired about the next charrette workshop and he suggested that the Board members attend. Mr. Morton recommended that the organizers of the charrette be advised that the Planning Board members would like to participate in the workshop. VII. Approval of Minutes Action: The Board duly voted on and approved the minutes of January 27, 2004, as submitted. Vote: Ayes 5 Nays 0 Planning Board Meeting March 9, 2004 Page 5 of 5 VIII. Next Meeting Action: Mr. Youkilis informed the Board the next Planning Board meeting will be held on March 30, 2004. IX. Adjournment Action: There being no further business before the Board, Mr. Morton adjourned the meeting at 9:25 PM. DOD/SAY K:\PB\PB Minutes\2004 Minutes\MINS 3-9-04.doc