Ord No 24-82-1147I . ORDINANCE NO.24-82-1147 AN ORDINANCE OFTHECITYOFSOUTHMIAMI,FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 3(a)(3)OF ORDINANCE NO.13-81-1107, HERETOFORE ADOPTED AS THE SOUTH MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BY:CHANGING THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN AND ASSOC IATED WRITTEN DESCRIPTIONS TO ALLOW OFFICE USE,SUBJECT TO CERTAIN LIMITATIONS,INSTEAD OF THE CURRENT ALLOWANCE OF MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL USE,ON CERTAIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7231,7241-45,7321,7325-27,7331, AND 7341 S.W.63RD AVENUE,SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA; ESTABlISHING LAND USE POLICIES;ESTABLISHING NEW BUILDING HEIGHT LIMITATIONS;ALLOWING THE RENUMBERING AND/OR COMBINATION OF PARTS OF THIS ORDINANCE WITH OTHER PARTS OF THE SOUTH MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH;AND PROVIDING WHEN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFE.CT. WHEREAS,after Public Hearings,the Planning Board hasmade its recommendations in accordance with the Annual Amendment Procedures under Ordinance No.13-81-1107 ofthe City of South Miami,Florida. NOW,THEREFORE,BEIT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1.That the subsection entitled Area A-Government Center/Hospital Area on page L-65 of Section 3(a)(3)of Ordinance No.13-81-1107 heretofore adopted as the South Miami Comprehensive Plan beandthesameis hereby amended as follows: AREA D GOVERNMENT CENTER/HOSPITAL AREA no changes in the landuse config- However,inthe hospital areaa ists.The first three goals of ate that residential areas should incompatible landuses.Therefore, this area are fourfold.One,to ial area to the west;two,to andusepattern,which will foster that the residential area is not n-residential traffic that the is impaired;andfour,toprovide 1ity oftheSouth Miami Hospital, reforthe community andisbyfar Within the Government Center area uration are deemed tobe necessary much more complicated situation ex this Comprehensive Plan clearly st be protectedfrom encroachment by the primary goalsfortheCityin protectandstabilizetheresident provide a logical anddefensible1 number one above;three,to ensure so inundated with non-local and no residential character of the area for the continued health and viabi which provides excellent healthca the largest employer intheCity. Afterathorough evaluation ofthe conditions surrounding theproperty intheareaithasbeen concluded thatthe following specific policies should apply: 1.Building height limitations should be as shown on Figure L-13. 2.Theland use designationforpropertyontheeastsideof S.W.53 Avenue northofS.VI.74th Street,lots4 through 11, :•-:;.»£"-:-er:es.?r ;i 59,i ^/a 7231 ,7241-45,7221,7325- 27,7331,7341 S.W.63 Avenue,South Miami,Florida,should be changed to office use from the current Medium Density Residential use designated,with an additional restriction ofRO Residential Office type development. 3.The City should ensure that action will be taken to test and implement one or more of the traffic patterns for the South Miami Hospital neighborhood reviewed as part of this compre hensive planning process. 4\ 4.The existing RO zoning located onthe south sideof Sunset Driveshouldremainandshouldnot be permittedtoextend southward or westward beyond S.W.64thCourt. 5.Thetownhousezoning located immediatelysouthof Item 5 shouldremainexceptthatonlyduplexesshouldbeallowed along thewestsideof S.W.63Court. The construction of the six story office building on the property locatedatthe corner of S.W.62ndPlaceand S.W.72ndStreethas significantly changed the conditions affecting the adjacent properties, Theconstructionofsaid building and the noiseassociatedwithit and its air conditioning units has changed the immediately surrounding environmrnt to such a degree that those properties on the east side of S.W.63rd Avenue,north of S.W.74th Street,are no longer appropriateformediumdensity residential uses.Changingtheland use on the east side ofS.W.63rd Avenue to office use with a restric tion of "RO"Residential Office development will prov ide a logical stepdowninbothbuildingheightandintensitybetweenthesixstory officedevelopmentontheeastandthetwostorymediumdentiy residential townhouse/duplexdevelopmenttothewestacross S.W.63rd Avenue.Further,the RO zoning district is specifically intended to beusedasatransitionalzoningdistrict.Thedistrictregulations providedintheROzoningdistrict will ensurethatnewdevelopment willhavearesidentialcharacterand will providethesame25foot landscaped front yardthat the residential uses in the area are required toprovide. The amount ofland involved inthischangeoflanduse designation wouldbe approximately 1.27acresand is describedaslots4through 11,BeaverHomesites,PB 41/69.It is the remainingmediumdensity residential land on the east sideof S.W.63rd Avenue and north of S.W.74th Street. UndertheROfloorarearatio(FAR)restrictions the maximum amount ofnew office spacethatcouldbe constructed onallofthelandin question would be only approximately 26,000 square feetin three separate buildings.Theamountof traffic generated bytheseoffices wouldbe approximately 320 vehicle tripsperday.That would representanet increase of approximately 220vehicletripsperday overthe current landuseinthearea.Further,ifa parking lot withaccesstoonly S.W.62ndPlaceisbuiltonlots9,10and11, ashasbeen suggested,thatwouldreducethenet traffic generation ofthe proposed landusechangeto107vehicletripsperdayon S.W.63rd Avenue,adjacent tothe residential area.While this represents a significant increase in traffic it should not create an unbearable situation,particularly when someofthe other recom mended traffic changes intheareaare implemented.In fact,there could be a net reduction of traffic on S.W.63rd Avenue when the recommended traffic changes are implemented in conjunction with thechangeofland use. Section 2.Any sections or parts of sections of this ordinance maybe renumbered and/or combined with other sections or partsofsectionsoftheSouth Miami Comprehensive Planandany amendments thereto,as is necessary,to ensurethe continuity and consistencywithinandbetweenthevariouselementsofsaidCompre hensive Plan. Section 3.All ordinances orpartsof ordinances in conflict herewith be,and the same are hereby repealed to the extent necessary to implement this ordinance. -2- I Section 4.This ordinance shall take effect immediately at the time of its passage. PASSES and ADOPTED this 8th day of June ,1982. APPROVED: ATTEST: Passed on 1st Reading:5/18/82 Passed on 2nd Reading:6/08/82 -3-