Ord. No. 23-94-157323-94-1573 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA AMENDING SECTION 20-3.5G OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE,PROVIDING ELIMINATION OF FRONTAGE DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS IN "SR"DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY;PROVIDING FOR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,the City of South Miami enacted a Land Development Code on October 25,1989;and, WHEREAS,the Land Development Codecontains Section 20-3.5G, which provides minimum frontage requirements for nonresidential districts;and, WHEREAS,the minimum frontage requirement for all uses in the "SR"Specialty Retail District is50 feet;and, WHEREAS,a50 foot minimum frontage requirement for retail commercial uses discourages traditionally scaled redevelopment and discourages variety and texture that smaller buildings provide;and, WHEREAS,theMayorandCity Commission desire toeliminate the minimum frontage requirement inthe"SR"Specialty Retail District. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: SECTION 1.That Section 20-3.5G is amended by(a)inserting a"c" designatingafootnotetotherightof "50",whichislocatedin the row identified as "Frontage (ft)"and the column "5E"and by (b)adding footnote cat the bottom of page of62toread: c The frontage requirement does not apply to uses in the SR District. A copy of Section 20-3.5G,as amended,is annexed and made a part of this ordinance. Ordinance to Eliminate SR Frontage Page #1 SECTION 2.Ifany section,clause,sentence,orphraseofthis ordinance isforanyreasonheld invalid or unconstitutional bya courtof competent jurisdiction,the holding shallnotaffectthe validity ofthe remaining portionsofthisordinance. SECTION 3.All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 4.This ordinance shall take effect immediately at the time of its passage. IPASSEDANDADOPTEDTHIS20th.DAYOFDECEMBER,1994. ATTEST: femarv J.wkscuratosemary iry Clerk READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM /£-.^/;<y^ Earl G.Gallop City Attorney Neil Carver Mayor c:\reports\sr-front.ord Ordinance to Eliminate SR Frontage Page #2 Secj-fcdLori 20 —3-5<S DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS NONRESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS REQUIREMENT RO LQ MO NR SR GR I Min.Lot Size Net Area (sq ft)7,500 7,500 10,000 7,500 5,000 10,000 5,000 Frontage (ft)75 75 100 75 50c 100 50 Min.Setbacks (ft) Front 25 20 15b 25 10b 20 20 Rear 20 15 10 15 10 15 a Side (Interior)10 1010 ---- Side (Street)20 15 10 15 10b 15 15 Adj.Res.Dist.25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Side (w/driveway)20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Between Buildings 20 2020 ---- Max.Building Height Stories 2 2 4 2 4 2 2 Feet 25 3050 25 50 30 30 Max.Building Coverage (%)30 ------ Max.Impervious Coverage (%)75 80 85 75 90 85 85 Max.Floor Area Ratio (FAR).25 .70 1.60 .25 1.60 .80 .80 5'setback with wall opening adjacent to rear property line; no setback if no openings inwall. Applies to ground floor only;columns are permitted within the set-back.Columns shall not be greater than 24 inches in diameter;columns on the property line shall not be closer to each other than 10 feet. The frontage requirement does not apply to uses in the SR District To: From: CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM Planning Board Members Date:November 25,1994 Brian T.Soltz y^^ PlanningTechnician Re:PB-94-023:Eliminationofthe Frontage Requirement for Lots in"SR"District Background: TheCity Commission wouldliketoamend Section 20-3.5G of theLand Development Code eliminating the50foot frontage requirement forthe"SR"Special Retail/Residential Zoning District.This50footfrontage requirement conflicts withthebasicidea of theHometown DistrictOverlayOrdinance.Thisordinanceestablisheslegislationto encourage theconstruction ofsmall shops and mixed-use projects designedonalot-by-lotand block-by-block basis. Analysis: Theintent of the ordinance presented atfirst reading tothe Commission wasto eliminate the50 footfrontagerequirementforretailusesonly.HoweverduringthereviewtheCityCommission amendedtheproposedfootnotetonowapplytoallusesinthe "SR"district.Thefollowing showshowthefootnotechangedfrombeforetheCityCommissionfirstreadingtoaftertheCity Commission first reading. Before The City Commission First Reading: Thefrontagerequirementdoesnotapplytogradelevelretailusesinthe"SR" district;provided,however,thatthegradelevel retail use occupies notlessthan 1200netsquarefeet.Thefrontagerequirementappliestoallothergradelevel usesandtoallabovegradeleveluses. After The City Commission First Reading: Thefrontagerequirementdoesnotapplytogradelevelretailusesinthe"SR" district;provided,however,thatthegradelevelretailuseoccupiesnotlessthan 1200netsquare feet.Thefrontagerequirementappliestoallothergradelevel usesandtoallabovegradeleveluses. Comprehensive Plan: This ordinance is consistent withthe Comprehensive Plan. Recommendation: Staffrecommends approval oftheproposedordinance.However,duetothefirstreading amendmentsbytheCityCommission,staffrecommendsthatthePlanningBoardsimplystrikeout the50footfrontagerequirementforthe"SR"district,underSection20-3.5GoftheLand DevelopmentCodeinsteadoftheproposedfootnoteamendment.This staff recommendation wouldhavethesameeffectasthelanguageapprovedbytheCity Commission,butwouldprovide for easier readingand understanding of thisamendment. Example of Staff Suggestion: Sec;-fed.on 20 —3 -5G DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS NONRESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS REQUIREMENT RO LO HQ NR SB Gg I Min.Lot Size Net Area (sq ft)7,500 7,500 10,000 7,500 5,000 10,000 5,000 Frontage (ft)7575 100 75 -50-100 50 Dover,Kohl &Partners IjlSvSiSiiwil i SEP -21394UrbanDesign Memorandum Date:September 1,1994 To:Commissioner Tom Cooper,AIA City Attorney EarlGallop,Esq. Planner Bill Mackey CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI From:.Victor Dover,AICP %}!!** Subject:Minimum Frontagerequirementsinthe Hometown District ICT^ I recommend that the Land Development Code be amended to eliminate the minimum Frontage (width)requirements for Minimum Lot Sizes in the Hometown District.See page 62 ofthe Code. Presently the required lot width in the underlying SR District is 50'.Some existing lots do not comply with this requirement In other locations desirable subdivisions of existing parcels would not comply. This amendment is consistent with the intent of the Hometown Plan to encourage traditionally-scaled redevelopment and the variety and texture that smaller buildings provide.This amendment also reflects the input of citizen participants in the 1992 charrette,many of whom expressed that they disfavor large buildings and favor filling in the neighborhood with more,smaller buildings. Two ways occurto me for how todothis: 1)Add a footnote (presumably "c")that indicates that the Frontage requirement "Does not apply withinthe Hometown District"tothose categories found withintheHometownDistrictThiswill primarily affect the SR category but small areas within other underlying categories will also be affected.OR 2)Alternatively,insert language within the section relating to the Hometown District Overlay Ordinance,providing that "there shall beno minimum lot width requirement within the Hometown District"The Overlay Ordinance prevails where there is conflict between the overlay ordinance and theunderlyingzoning. It appears tome that option 1 above is preferable and less confusing. ORDINANCES -FIRST READING #12 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,AMENDING SECTION 20-3.5G OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE PROVIDING ELIMINATION OF FRONTAGE DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS IN "SR"DISTRICTS;PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. .^~ Moved by Commissioner Cooper,seconded by Commissioners Bass and Cunningham,this be considered the first reading of the ordinance and it be placed on second reading and public hearing after consideration bythe Planning Board. Commissioner Cooper spoke to the ordinance stating that this is another ordinance to encourage development intheSR district as well as incremental development.City Attorney stated that this allows for flexibility in texture and design of storefronts inthe SR District. City Attorney noted some amendments to subsection (c)the ordinance: remove the word "retail". Commissioner Cooper asked that the "1,200 net square feet"be removed as there are businesses that may open smaller shops in the SR area.He suggested that no minimum square footage be used. After further discussion,it was moved by Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Vice-Mayor Young,that these amendments plus the words "grade level"be removed from section (c). For clarity in the purpose of the ordinance,the amendment was amended to use only the following words in subsection (c): (c)The frontage requirement does not apply to retail uses in the SR District. Motion on amendment passed 5/0:Mayor Carver,yea;Vice-Mayor Young,yea;Commissioner Bass,yea;Commissioner Cooper,yea; Commissioner Cunningham,yea. 10 PB-94-023 Applicant:Mayor&City Commission Request:AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA AMENDING SECTION 20-3.5G OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE,PROVIDING ELIMINATION OF FRONTAGE DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS IN "SR"DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY;PROVIDING FOR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mr.Kerrreadthe request.Staffrecommendedapprovalofthe request by removing the 50-foot frontage requirement,as opposed to adding the proposed footnote amendment.When queried by the Board,staff confirmed that the amendment calls for no frontage requirement,thus allowing for much diversity. Public Hearing was opened.There being no one present to speak either for or against the proposed ordinance,Public Hearing was closed and executive session was convened. Motion:Mr.Kerrmovedapprovalofthesaidordinance.Mr.Basu seconded the motion. Vote:Approved:5 Disapproved:1 (Mr.Eisenhart) To: From: CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM Mayor &City Commission Eddie Cox City Manager Date:December 14,1994 12/20/94 Commission Agenda Re:Item #(£:Elimination of the Frontage Requirement for Lots in "SR"District Background: OnOctober 19,1993,theCommissionadoptedtheHometownDistrictOverlayOrdinancewhich provides incentives toenhancethe pedestrian environment andtopromote development and redevelopment oftheSouth Miami downtown business district.Theordinance encourages the development ofsmallshopsand mixed-use projectsona lot-by-lot andblock-by-blockbasis. However,theunderlyingzoningdesignationofSR(SpecialtyRetail/Residential)contains provisionsthatrequirea minimum lotfrontagerequirementof50feet. The50 -foot lot frontage requirement prohibits the creation of smaller building sitesby potential developers.This allowance forsmaller building siteswillprovidefor flexibility andencourage infilloftheexistingdowntownbysmallerprojects,andwouldprovideaddedvarietyandtexture for the built environment. The proposed ordinance amendstheLand Development Codebyremovingtheminimumlot frontage requirement for property intheSR (Specialty Retail/Residential)District only.TheCity Commissionmayinthefuturewishtoevaluatepotential elimination ofotherminimumlot frontage requirements afterreviewingresultsofthemorerecentHometownToocharretteprocess. Recommendation:Approval 1.AdvantagetoCity:Amendsprovisionswhichpresentlyprohibitcreationofsmaller buildingsitesinthe"SR"Districtunderthe Hometown DistrictOverlay Ordinance. 2.Disadvantages toCity:None. 3.ThisOrdinanceissponsoredbyCommissionerCooper. 4.ThePlanningBoardvoted5-1torecommendapproval. 5.This OrdinanceamendsSection 20-3.5 GoftheLand Development Code.