Ord. No. 11-94-1560combined with other Sections orparts of Sections of the South Miami Comprehensive Planand any amendments thereto asisnecessarytoensurethe continuity and consistency within and between thevarious elements of said Comprehensive Plan. SECTION 3.Ifany section,clause,sentence,orphrase of thisOrdinanceisheldtobeinvalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction,then said holding shallinno way effect the validity of the remaining portions of thisOrdinance. SECTION 4.All Ordinances orparts of Ordinancesin conflict herewith be,andthesame herebyare,repealed. SECTION 5.This Ordinance shalltake effect inaccordance with the provisions of F.S. 163.3189(2)(a).^ 11-94-1560 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OFTHE CITY OFSOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA APPROVING THE AMENDMENT OF THE SOUTH MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BY CHANGING THEFUTURE LAND USE PLAN AND LAND USEMAPFOR THAT PORTIONOFTHE PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE BAKERY CENTRE BOUNDED BY RED ROAD,S.W.58TH AVENUE,AND AN EASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE CENTERLINE OF S.W.71ST STREET AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREINBELOW FROM MEDIUM-INTENSITY OFFICETO SPECIALTY RETAIL/RESIDENTIAL USE;ALLOWINGRENUMBERINGAND/ORCOMBINATIONOF PARTS OF THIS ORDINANCE WITH OTHER SECTIONS OR PARTS OR SECTIONS OF THE SOUTH MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE PLAN;PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT;AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,after Public Hearing,the Planning Board of theCity of South Miami, Florida,in its capacity as the Local Planning Agency,has made recommendations in accordance with procedures under Florida Statutes Chapter 163 approving the amendment ofthe South Miami Comprehensive Plan by changing the Future Land Use Plan and Land Use Map for that portion of the property commonly known as the Bakery Centre bounded by Red Road,S.W.58th Avenue,and an easterly extension of the centerline ofS.W.71st Street and which property is legally described in the attached Exhibit "AM from Medium-Intensity Office to Specialty Retail/Residential use;and, WHEREAS,by separate Resolution,onthis Agenda of June 8,1993,theCity Administrationisdirectedtotransmittothe Florida Department of Community Affairsthe aforesaid amendment;and, WHEREAS,theCityCommissiondesirestoacceptthesaidrecommendationsandenact the aforesaid amendment; NOW,THEREFORE,BEIT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI ,FLORIDA: SECTION 1.Thatthe amendment of theSouthMiami Comprehensive PlanchangingtheFuture LandUsePlanandLandUseMapforthatportion of theproperty commonly known asthe BakeryCentreboundedbyRedRoad,S.W.58thAvenue,andaneasterlyextension of the centerline of S.W.71stStreetand which propertyislegallydescribedintheattachedExhibit"A" fromMedium-Intensity Office toSpecialty Retail/Residential use,whichamendmentis attached heretoas Exhibit "B",be,andthesameis,herebyapprovedandadopted. EXHIBIT A: LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel 1 Lots 3,4and 5;Lots6 through 10,inclusive,LesstheEast20 feet; Lots11 through 15inclusive;Lot19,lyingWestofLot18andLots20 through 32,inclusive;and part ofLot33as follows: Beginatthe Southwest cornerof said Lot 33;thencerunNorth99.7 feet; thence run Northeasterly parallel tothe F.E.C.Railway 47 feet;thence at right anglestothelast line,runSoutheasterly80 feet;thence run Southeasterly 68.9feettoapointontheSouthlineof said Lot 33, which point is 100 feet East of the West line of said Lot iS;thence run West along said Southline 100 feettothe Point oiBeginning;all in Block 1 of CARVERS SUBDIVISION according tothePlatthereof,asrecorded in Plat Book 6,Page 36 ofthePublicRecordsofDade County,Floriaa. Lots1and 9,inclusive,Lots 10 through 13,inclusive,LESSthe South13feet;and Lots 17 through 22,inclusive;all in Block 2of CARVERS SUBDIVISION,according to the Plat thereof,as recorded in Plat Book 6,Page36ofthePublicRecordsofDadeCounty,Florida. That certaxii parcel of land which formerly constituted North Red Court, which is bound on tne East side by the West boundary line of Lots 21 to 33, Doth inclusive,BlocK J.ot:CARVERS SUBDIVISION:ana bounded on the West by the East boundary line ot Lots 1to 10,both,inclusive,of Block 2,of CARVERS SUBDIVISION;ontheSouthbytheNortherly lino of Sunset Drive, and on the North by the Southerly line of U.S.Highway #j,all according to the Plat thereof,asrecordedinPlatBook 6,Page 36 ot tiie Public Records of Dade County,Florida. Parcel 2 Lots 1,2 and 33,Block 1,of CARVERS SUBDIVISION,according tothe Plat thereof,as recorded inPlatBook 6,atPage 36 ofthePublic Records of Dade County,Florida,except that portion of said Lot :i i,Block 1,described as follows:Beginatthe Southwest cornerofLot i}f runNorth99.7 feet to the Southeasterly line of Dixie Highway;thence along said highway line Northeasterly 47 feet;thence at right angles to the highway run Southeasterly 80 feet;thenceSoutheasterly68.90 feet,toa Point on the South line of said Lot 33,100 feet East ofthe Southwest corner;thence West 100 feet tothe Point of Beginning;except that portion ofthe above property which was taken in an eminent domain proceeding t>y or conveyed to the CityofSouth Miami forstreet purposes. Parcel 3 Lots16andJ8andLot19,lyingEastoftheLotJ8 all inBlock1 CARVERS SUBDIVISION of the Public Records of Dade County,Florida. EXHIBIT B COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT Proposed Amendment to the South Miami Future Land Use Map Draft 1 February 1993 Application tobe Submitted by the City of South Miami with Technical Assistance from Robert K.Swarthout,Incorporated INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY The purpose of this amendment isto change the Future Land Use Map designation of the northern portion of the Bakery Centre tract from Medium Intensity Officeto Specialty Retail/Residential.Specifically,this is the land bounded byRedRoad,S.W.58th Avenue and an easterly extension of the centerline ofS.W.71st Street. The overall intent isto bring the plan designation of this land into conformance with the balance of downtown South Miami,i.e.,all other land in the triangle bounded by Dixie Highway,RedRoadandS.W.74th Street isnow designated retail. DATA,IMPACT AND PLAN COMPATD3ILITY ANALYSIS FOR FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT This analysis responds to the requirements of 9J-11.006 (1)(b)FAC,i.e.,the Future Land Use Map amendments: 1.Proposed Use Designation Map1shows the area tobechangedand the proposed land use designation-Specialty Retail/Residential (4 stories).The adjacent street system is also shown. 2.Adjacent Land Use Designations Map 2shows the subject area with the current use designation which is Medium Intensity Office (4 stories)and adjacent use categories: •Specialty Retail/Residential (4 stories)-to the west and south •Auto Services/Office Special Redevelopment (2 stories)-across Dixie Highway to the north •Coral Gables -to the east Commercial Mid Rise Intensity (6-8 stories)-south of Madruga Commercial Low Rise Intensity (4-6 stories)-north of Madruga 3.Property Size 6.1 acres or 265,715 sq.ft. Note:See City-wide Future Land UseMapin Appendix package for balance of map legend. 73 (.;.;.'.'.'.v.1.1.'.'.'j.'.'.'.•.'.»> ;•;••••••••••••••••••••••••••,•,•,•,•,>x»x«x»j arm •:•.•.•.•.:•.•.•.:•.:'.'.* tessmm ra^'s's's'ivi'i]r*V/ffF== il^J^ 4.Public Facilities Impact a.Assumptions: This isan analysis of the publicfacility demand if the land isdevelopedin conformance with Specialty Retail/Residential designation.An existing parking garage currently occupiesa portion of the site.This analysis assumes the garage will remain and continue toserve the existing (or redeveloped)retail to the south and partially serve whatever is built on the subject land.There aresome105 more spaces than are needed to serve the existing retail. The proposed land use category permits a range of uses under various circumstances but toavoid undue complexity,this analysis assumes the following: Proposed Retail/Residential Category: 300,000 sq.ft.of retail 100 apartment units 1,050 parking spaces The parking spaces are in addition to the 105 that canbe provided by the existing garage.The abovemixof parking and use square footage assumes a four story building almost fully covering the site and wrapped around the existing garage, i.e.,the maximum permitted intensity.To the extent that the secondfloorisused foroffice rather than retail,the facility impacts wouldbe slightly less. The1992Dover,KohlandAssociates plan fordowntown indicates acompletely redeveloped site (exceptfor retention of the parking structure)witha similar land use mix.However,the balance of the required parking isall at grade effectively reducing the intensity.In short,the following impacts are the maximum possible and realistically will probably be less. The facility generation rates are based upon those used in the South Miami concurrency management systemwith supplemental technical sourceswhen appropriate. b.Analysis: The analysis alsoshowsthepublicfacility impact ofthedevelopmentauthorized by the 1982 Bakery Centre DRI for the northern tract,i.e.,600,000 square feetof office space and a 300 room hotel. Sewage: Retail/Residential category 52,500 gallons per day 1982DRI 74,100 gallons per day Water: Retail/Residential category 57,000 gallons per day 1982DRI 87,300 gallons perday Solid Waste: Retail/Residential category 12,750lbs.perday 1982 DRI 69,000 lbs.per day Traffic: Retail/Residential category1,360 vehicles perP.M.peak hour 1982 DRI 960 vehicles per P.M.peak hour Drainage: The kind of exfiltration trenches installed for Phase I of the Bakery Centre wouldbe installed on the northern portionno matter what the landuse. Recreation: Theimpact of (e.g.)100apartmentunitswouldbe negligible,i.e.,aboutone- tenth ofanacreofparkandopenspacelandwouldbedeductedfromthe City Level of Service Standard surplus acreage. These comparisons showthatthe proposed Retail/Residential category will place less demand onthreeofthefourpublicfacility systems than theoffice/hotel development authorizedbythe1982BakeryCentreDRI. Conclusions: Noneofthepublicfacilityimpactswillexceedthecurrentlevelofservice standardsoftheCity.Thisincludestraffic keeping inmind that the1,360trips are distributed on the roadway system. 5.Compatibility with Plan Goals,Objectives and Policies The principal purpose ofthis amendment istoimplement Future Land Use Goal 2 and related Objective 2.1.They readasfollows: Goal2"Topreserveandenhancethepedestriancharacterand comparisonshoppingfunctionoftheCity's Sunset shoppingarea. South Miami's Sunset commercial area east of U.S.1isone of the most vibrant in south Florida.It serves populations in the city andbeyond.Thepedestriancharacterofthe Sunset commercial area gives a measure ofcharmand sophistication thatis perfectly compatible withthecity'ssmalltown character.Preserving and enhancingthevitalityofthe Sunset commercialareaisthe second most important goalof the comprehensive plan. Objective 2.1 Discourage urban commercial sprawlby enhancing downtown SouthMiamiastheprimeretail and commercialservicecenter,as specified inthe Future Land Use Map.Measurability shallbeno majorcommercialrezoningsoutsideof downtown" By designating theentire Bakery Centre parcel Retail/Residential (4 stories),the northernportioncanalsobe developed for "comparison shopping"witha "pedestrian character."It will enhance "downtown South Miami as the prime retail and commercialservicecenter."Nationwideexperienceshows that office buildings tendto havea blank facade that breaks upthe retail pedestrian continuity andflow, particularly after 5:00 P.M.Conversely,residential units above the retail add tothe pedestrian activity after 5:00P.M. Although this amendment directly implements Goal 2,"the second most important goal ofthe comprehensive plan,"italso implements andis compatible with Goal 1,"the mostimportant goal."Specifically,theretail function "enhances the City's small town character"(Goal 1)more than a monolithic office building. The proposed amendment is also compatible with Goal 3oftheFuture Land Use elementwhichspeaksto strengthening theCity'staxbase.Thelandinquestionis morelikelytobe developed inretailusethan office usebyvirtueofbothits location and the current market. Thereisnoincompatibilitywiththe final goalofthe Future LandUseElementorany othergoal,objectiveorpolicyoftheComprehensivePlan. 6.Additional Analysis Asindicated above,thispropertywaspartofalarger 1982 DRI.Theretailphaseof this Bakery Centre project was constructed onthesouthern portion ofthe parcel but Phase2,the office towers and hotel,were never constructed.The 1989 Comprehensive plan process involved in-depth citizen involvement including a survey questionnaire. The results ofthisprocessshowed disenchantment withtheBakeryCentrein particularandlargescale downtown development in general.Ofthe survey respondents,74percent opposed taller buildings inthe downtown and70percent opposedmore development liketheBakery Centre. Therefore,althoughthe1989 Future LandUseMapreflectedtheBakeryCentre use patternasa compromise to reflect the DRI,it called for a "downzoning"ofthe intensity on this parcel and much of downtown.Based upon the Comprehensive Plan,in 1992 the City denied bothanalternativebutvery intensive project forthe Bakery Centre tract and an extension of the DRI Development Order. Thisplan amendment isthenext logical step,i.e.,to apply aretaillanduse designation tothissiteinordertobe consistent withallofthe other blocksindowntown.Maps1 and2 clearly show this downtown retailarea bounded by Dixie Highway,Red Road and S.W.74th Street.