Ord. No. 08-93-1536ORDINANCE NO.8-93-1536 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY SHrtIcle °iiTHL^L°V°UTH MiaM1'""r?daApSrSSantCITYOP-mifi S2?T5?"S °(3»0P THE CHARTER OF THE -^rOB°nPcyS°mInaGEMm^t.',^prIvide !"«2SK £ MRUcSSi"d#«2-PROVISIONS;EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEcS??L S?™!?:-DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES;S?ATE OF PMpL™JvTE „0P EMBRGE"CV;TERMINATION OF Aui*:?..°P EMEROENCY;POLICE EMERGENCIES;FIRR mnSeatSeRUSEMERC^?^EMERGENCIES;UT?l7tYEMERGENCIES;weather EMERGENCIES;SUSPENSION OF t nrnr n„TT t\T«i pI2mtt^MS;CER""CATION OF EMERGENCY CONDITIONS-aSd pSK"n?K;^°VIDING P0R ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT^MM-MOTtS?2p SEJERABILm'PROVIDING AN EFFECT?VEaSopTIoS°R AUT0MATIC REPEAL 31 DAYS AFTER Dade County,Florida/including the «ty oflou*^."?6 thl°Ugh of ••Hh^i)%i^S:/S^^1^«ty Co.i..loa °*the City the necessary oraan «t<^enacting this legislation,to provide timely and"r£e:^e:iZ^i°nof^lS av^l^lh°r^t0 Bna"e thepreparefor,resDond to **a tt available City resources to...___.'respond to,and recover from emergencies,naturalandman-made,likely to after*111 ..f0W """agencies,naturaltheCityofSouth#J?a^Ss'r^nts;^^1'"he3lth °£ WHEREAS,itis *-h.i«*-A a.^ nothing contained within thi=„,5?the City C<»«"«is5ion thatDepartmentsoftheirn2™nS °fd">ance shall relieve City*nd functions;and?n0r""Uy a8Si^d duties,responsibilities nothrngRcontatned5w?thinnth?ti0n,?£the CitV Amission thatdelegationSfauthority£o abri2«»lnanS??haU ba construed as aadministrativePo-rs^^hfc^rcommfs^Snfa^leglalati-•* addressERnS'tySe^o£th:me^tention of the City Commission to e^rge^Hnage^nt ^.lSSi"t.1WSria.l!2 .^S COMMON SWSfe g SoVM^r^IDAT ««AND CITY the mttl"V&^ty^of^Soutn^Mi17?Se^i0"2F (2>•«Commission finds and determined fL ""'.'m."01"9'the citycircumstancecreatinganeleraenrv"»»?*di*ast«or otherimminenthurricaneseasonan5£hf £,°xlsts bY reasonofthebyHurricaneAndrew"™"t^n one ye«agl*°f the aaWa*e caused Section 2.Th.a4-=%*y*i_ of the-Code of ordinance f he a?'L^l^W *»»9—nt,and the same is,hereby enacted t^Lll l^tollon'P1°rida'»' Chapter 14 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 14.01.Definitions 14.02.Applicability of Provisions 14.03.Emergency Management Structure 14.04.Powers,Duties and Responsibilities 14.05.Declaration of a State of Emergency 14.09.Police Emergencies 14.10.Pire and Hazardous Materials Emergencies 14.11.Utility Emergencies 14.12.Weather Emergencies Suspension of Local Building Regulations Certification of Emergency Conditions 14.13. 14.14. 14.99.Penalty Sec.14.01.Definitions As used in this Chapter: -^SK/IISS ^se^ces^wnlch^^""tail *°*s&.s«-ir{ffi.-',s.gdF """sasss"sssi". Manager?ofSifcity %££*City Mana*«,the Acting City ••«.M.02.Applicability of Provision.. -•-i«i.~f «r-or!Sir*:^co°^cta°aes„crndor!'b°aCd8'sublet to the provisions It thio chap?!"°*the Clty are Sec 14.03.Emergency Management Structure. o*'Director0"?£%»&?toLttltTZ Vll ?"«•«the «»netiooandreportonallactionsISS^™1,Sha11 *"element,manageProvisionsofthischapter?a«t"ori2ed and taken under the of'Emerge^c^serv^s whose^duUeTshafl^1 aPf°lnt ac»°^inatorplanningforandcoordinationoJfu11lnclu«3e the ongoinocanaM?^and maintena"ae Sf^a^^lf"*10"3 "•"—ry fo^thlcapab.nty to prepare for and m^Ve^y SSR^fP""- Sec.14.04.Powers,Duties and Responsibilities. MaAnageTm:n?,lty XE?"'*£"^^J?'""«*«°*"•"-«•*responsibilities:following powers,duti, se^j^urr^Ts*fcof «5;««s.ioS-declaration.status of events requir; es and exircUe of emeraencf10"'reVi8i0n and th«stateand coU„?yeemerayncv0nPa0n8%PlanS ""'or.ing topreparation?or,UlTonse to *^•*"««*ion of, emergencies;and to exercile -?i a"d recovety fromFloridaStatutesChapterill.P "Permi"ed by f3)To assist the effort*«*..u -Emergency Services in preLratu..he Co,:,r<3inator of recovery from,««g.n£foX?™.,*'"SPOnSe '"'3nd the crEtlSTK «iStffiK V*City C°«»^°»forcapabilityasprovidedh«e?n.urgency response protecUonS8of uVJTJ re9ulati°n*necessary for thePublicorder,.&cSntroT^1''••*-»>H.hMnt of affecting public wel£«e «„„?'^verse conditionstotheCityCommission?reBulti"9 *"m an e«ergency, following re°spons?b?lities£^ffi,Service -tall have the control"centerf°toananCdude10P„a?an,er9*ncy operationscP^ati0nal P»««iure 58 '^J'manning,andcontrolofemergencyeonditiSS"••"•Went and -areneJs0 P^^fo^tKrC^S.^^™*™Y ^'theTCitPyePMarnageard ^Vrf1 aerating budgetActivities,Preparations and training 9en°y Hane"****nt isJ'fy innalvlncaf irthf ord^"tW°—^"..o.to be (B)Any declaration of a *i. ;u\-.nr'.der^--"•»""«BssrHSK;-*"" to »ananu Zw anciclPated impacts n*»J:.snail disclose the«-o managethe emeroencv *Z*^of'a<=tions proDosftri =^^i Z ,emergency reguirinr^'o^^^^^i-nt datV^Llin^to*^ Include^uTa^norj^iteTto9^"^!?*thU ^^sh*"the text of which is?a j h t following model resolutions,as follows:attached hereto as Exhibits,and summarized Resolution Subject A Evacuation Curfews;Declaration of areas off limits Suspension or regulation of the sale of ~alco'n ft **">"ith or withoutConsideration'alcoholic beverages;ammunition;firearms'-explosives;or combustibles "rearms, orr°shervicens9 ^mQS*le °*--handise,goods price than the av«rage retail Water use restrictions Suspension of local building regulations icr^in?Hthe Q8e °f and "tioning of fueliceandotheressentialse1' H Emergency procurement procedures (D)a declaration of a «<-**-o „* emergency plans applicable ?o the Citv fSf^i**1*^*ctivate **•of emergency shall antoaaH™?!i ._declaration of a statelistedinFloridaStatutesriection^emergency measures relate*to overt acts or violence r fh**?44<lf the ••agencyviolence.violence or the imminent threat of such shall^ontin^ln,"ef^y'£rr„eSa de?la"d as Prided herein,terminated;however?provided "h&'a iLt?J""1 decla"<*to bepursuanttoFloridaStatutesLefc!nS a™n!?-rg#ncy decla«dcommenceuponthedec!arl*!„-?..Section 870.041 et seo.shallendofapPrloa«£seyen^y^wo (?2?°f0and ^*«"•'*"«*•*Vtolunless,prior to the end of ILL IL consecutlve hours thereafter. City official declaring ?L UC"seventy-two (72)hour period the.tate of emergency*'"2 exLnstoT"^{UT"haVe '"""^^time Ximlt nu8t*be a~n??i?"°*the seventy-two (72)hour official and the concurrence f h.by,u request from the Cityenactedresolution.curEence o£<**City Commission,by duly Manager°shaliepostCaawritt2n «L-a S!ate of emergency,the city•nain bulletin9 board in Si2vSf,?£8UC^decl*«tlon upon thepracticable,fUe in the office of Hi ^*8ha11'as P'omftly asdeclaredstateofemergencyL*Y Cletk a notice of a 2?n*«!d and P"»»lgated by virtue S"2?ncy»easu"declared or870.041 et sea.The Citv M-nl^-l?u f,Plorida Statutes Section telephoneTTf pracUcaSle 26LShall^°tl£y the lo«l media byshallalsocausewriJten^otice ro bTnuM?^the City Mana*«at least three (3)days each week benpu"iahe°'in its entirety,circulation in the city,until '"t '?newspaper of general to be terminated.cne state of emergency is declared ^c.14.O6 Termination of a 8t.t.of Urgency. CollT.liln tr^Sdbte'o^u tet»*nat«<*by av<*«°*the City«ho originally "reqSestld°\g""declar^11 iC^i0n °f th«^«°»emergency,that the condition,^a*ion of the state of emergency no longer exist and the citvffT '?°r causi^<=hear«able to raanage ™..,?"?.•a*en«"«"«departmentssituationwithoutextraordinary B C B P G assistance:provided thai-»t,fai.Q ^cFloridaStatutesSectionho.tll It slT^TJ.T^}^6 und«end of a period of seventy-two (7§>l^L*-*!U terminate at thedeclarationoftheemergency?8°?!'l ^UIS a'tf,E theseventy-two (72)hour period th^nnh?^PSL *°tne end o£the declaration of emergency or'thl C?tv L^f"-13^"111"9 £or asuchstateofemergency?fny extension ^It™haVe terminatedhourtimelimitmustbeaccSLusnfSIZtheseventy-two (72)official and concurrence of ^hl^*X a re9uest from the publicresolution."ot?ce or ^rminatlo^^mission "y duly enacted shall be made to the public Ev ?h»£•?u"6 effler9ency declarationaethenoticeof£Kra^of^s^of^gency'-" Sec.14.09 Police Emergencies. or,iMf„ps"Sr.:rtrnsyb™Y oLdrlared $ecause °f civn «««»tPolice,or if unavailable,the next°rh?ah!^when,the c«*ef ofthePoliceDepartmentchalAnf„»!highest ranking officer in Manager that an emergency condit?^^;.cer"Eies to the City of others,armed o a»»'"'£f°m hostile actions peace or order,requires extranr*-ln,mlnent threat to publicincluding,but not llTtlt to r ^"hL?^80"8 for c°ntrol,the sale of firearm*»„,i curfew,blockade;proscription of explosives ^nd combu^fbles-evlcuftil"9*"!'alcoho1 beverages;The city Manager shall report said «??^"Y^f like act*<"«>'in the order named in Section 14 ns 11tlfi?atlon to the officialsastateofemergencyp£r-..J«;t "3"ding the need to declareofemergencymly^hen"issue?SeCtl°n 14"°5'a declaration {nminent^threlr lo*putuc ,~r««ncy because °<civil unrest or issuance of emergency r'eso ut^'VY^Y^autho"«the appropriate resolutions,„Lv 'li '•a"d "'and otherapplicable,require automatic Irfllu".9"1""and "^"Florida Statutes Section ITo.Ou IS *!„frf^-*pu"uant todiscretionaryemergency»«,,,..?6q-ln Edition,additional870.D45 may be issueS?measuEes P^suant to Florida Statutes hazardous Eare"^^^^^nil All'"^beC8UBe o£fi"a"<emergencies when the Chief of p^?Y en,er9encies,and weather next highest ranking officer in the £o?5™V£u"availa"e,thecommand,certifies to the citv m=!Department chain ofcertifiedbytheofficialsetfor^h 9tl t^t'alt«^«h notconditionassetforthinL^f?therein,such emergency exists.The city Manaaer sh=i1e,°!!a 14-10'"-11,and 14.12officialsintheyortTr^S1 „rseePctELrid n?'"''l?""*0 ^to declare a state of emergency p^.L 1'°!re9arding the need declaration of emergency mly^hen issue t0 Set=tl°n 14-05'a becausDeeC0f "h're °'Bd"^louT'Sia^"9"*t0 SeCtion ""^ emergencies,and weather emergencies ta a„fr?enCleS'utilitvtheissuanceofemeroon™2l-i f.Shall authorize respectively"•10,14.11,and ITU *«"l««tion.set forth inactions See.14.10 Fire and Ha2ardous Materialfl Emftroenciea, A public "..*„,or othervehicleaccident rAm,i™„*.co±lap"0'or plane,for control.Including,b"njt 1 ^fi,"5.6"'"01'"""!'measuresdutyandreservepersonnel"a«^*'d to calUn9 out of off- evacuation;and other like act?™C£u by outsiae agencies; "port said certification to tht official?6•°^y Manag"sha"ne ofricials,m the order named in em«ge°ncy."urs'uant^o'section6^"6^t0 d6Cla"a 8tate ofnaythenissue?Section 14.05,a declaration of emergency haBLrdDouSaraa1e0!?ia?f emerge^.!^!ShJ?"""°<""andemergencyresolutionsI*sf CD T"0*1".th?Issuance of appropriate resolutions,as may b4 required.'a"d °ther Sec.14.11 Utility Emergencies. co„ditionsPUwhen wheTShe^President T^**becaUSe of "tllityutility,or his designee?c«tl£i!-h«°*K *£!«.relevant franchise*gnee,certifies to the City Manager that: the M?eS!ti0Sotrtin2v°r iS im:i?*nt that enda^scollection,'conveyance^'tra^?"^'avalla*Hity,treatment,'or slSrlge of'water "t^L distribution,or within the City.!wa?er 11 2!j-W^er thr°«9hsystem;or,water or wastewater utility the *sarety10"'^Y*is ^"ent that endangerstransmifafony'distr?butio„Qquantitv'availability,or within the CUyYgUaYutiU Y^tlm;1**?***""* sUUatronraredreauiref 1?KS1 J?"ntro1 and co"ect theemergencypurcha^;6 can-fM'0bfdu?*Umited *•assistance bv oth.r *n*l„t,l-off-duty personnel;like actional communities and agencies;and other todeclarea state of il»l 14,05 te9«ding the needdeclarationofemergencyem!y9^yiS3UP?rSUant to Secti°""-05,a oonditiSir'hIIll0,1-uthori«.P!!hli?8mer9ency because of utilityA,B,E and H?and other anLn^^I?06 °f eme^ency resolutionsrequired.°tner aPPr°Pr'ate resolutions,as may be Sec.14.12 Weather Emergencies. condltion8PwhbenCthr^??onCayi ^thS s^'vicTorY^V ^^ p°ubiLocrLte::er-^y "sssrsss.*<*nliT**™*th°<%~0B&yconditionsarepresentorimm!ne"S M^!*"m meteorologicalcoveredbythissectionshallinc?«d»penological conditions hurricane,floods,tornados or n*h?'bUt are not "•"«!toandtheresultstherefrom'Thl citv m*™"weath«conditionsdeclarationofaStateofrl„Clty Onager shall request aordernamedinSectionif05^p1^**?>!he °»i°i«la in thedeclarationofemergencymafthen1,1™**°SeCti°n 14-05'a conditions shall Authorize the^L,,!!?819'"'31'beca"se of weather *through H,and other anDroorf^°f e?ergency "solutionsrequired.appropriate resolutions,as may be Sec.14.13 Suspension of Local Building Regulations. rehgulitLl!sa^urIngayaadUttoeiio2:ing l^T^°f ^-^uildingwhenthechiefBuildingOfficialcertHifr«•S^te °f urgency that such action is necessary for ^h-8..•£?the Citv ManagerpropertydamagedbytheemerL™,expeditious restoration of building regulations may Se9IpoliedVon-SUC|?SU8Pension ofy°e applied on a case by case basis as required to remedy specific conditions and to facilitate th» suspend local hniirii^-,^?City Commission the need to named in Action 14 S!(A)g?Lc?tv°rthe-0ff1CialS'in the ord"suspension pursuant to Section U%^'"^ShaU C°nfi™the Sec.14.14 Certification of Emergency Conditions. ^"erifir*^?2fcSm"n5«r C°n5f"°n!!.to theCi^onager maywritingtthintwenty-four 1*7^t^1™*f?*11 b*c«>!lfl»«d indeclaration.Y Ur (24>hours *ollowing an emergency Sec 14.99 Penalty. Any person,firm thischapterfor provided shall,upcm imprisonment or both as Plorida"~Statut class of exist s whinS P Jk1011 Vh°violates **y Provision ofwhichanotherpenaltyisnotspecifically conviction,be subject such fine or es provide forthe lowest>i misdemeanor.Eachdayanewviolation Ih»iT T.weZ*'hall constitute a separate offense Sh311 COntlnue to this 5rdinance''is he?d to h^"'C^S6'sente"ce,or „llia3t!„, court of competent lurisdlct?^""J"or,u"co"stit"tional by any Ordinance.validity of the remaining portions of this phrase of Section 4.confl!c«^rth ^and^.l.^'h.r.^.r ralc.?.^"'" the tlif'-ofrls paLhige°rdlnanCe EhaU take effect Mediately at the Cit^atterha^?«rS^2^t0 Article "•Secti°n «^ity cnarter this Ordinance PASSEDANDADOPTED thi ATT READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY ^~*—~ dayofJune,1993. APPROVED