Ord. No. 14-91-1479ORDINANCENO.14-91-1479 •i»mSwibS'SS1 ANoviaRmNOA J5SEKU hm SheS AND JuE.L„SL»TBLEPH0NB AND TELEGRAPH EQUIPMENT uff YEARS-S?ntLPR^DlNG F°R A TERM 0P "™ PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.wV«*n.ioi,AWi> WHEREAS,the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company (hereinafter called "Company")desires to renew its franchise with the City of South Miami (hereinafter called "city")for use of public streets in the transaction of its business;and WHEREAS,the City Administration recommends the permission being granted pursuant to the authority of Section 362.01 Florida Statutes; NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: 8ect*on.—i^.That the Company is hereby granted non exclusive permission for use of City right-of-ways upon the following terms and conditions. Section 2.The Company,its successors and assigns,is hereby granted permission to construct,maintain and operate lines of telephone and telegraph equipment,including the necessary poles,conduits,cables,electrical conductors and fiber optics and digital technology fixtures upon,along,under and over the public roads,streets,highways,and rights of way of the City of South Miami,Florida,as its business may from time to time require,provided that all poles shall be neat and symmetrical;provided that no utility poles shall be installed, located or relocated without approval of the City with a written permit issued by the City. Section 3.The work allowed under this franchise shall be done subject to the supervision of the City,and the Company Od,Escaping,or othet iBproveBent that fflay be reason of such work *~*»ucn work,and upon failure of the rftM^or ™e Company so to do, after twenty (20)days notice in writina •ln Siting gxven by the City Manager to the Company,the City *ay repair anv h**y **pair any such sidewalk,.«»«-.<,..„*«.„,„,.„„th.t 1.K„v.,t|)t ^^^ ..,«„„t»e c..„„y,,M coUMi ^>o the Company. i*-!^in consideration of thfi rights ^priwn>ere,„,ranted,the Company ^^^^^^^^^ eoual to one percent (W 0f the gross receipts ^^^^^ recurring local service revenues for services prided within the corporate iimits of the city hy the Company,provi<Jed that ,„_ =hall be credited against 8uch 8Um the amount of all taxes licenses,fees a„d other impositions Except ad valorem taxes and amounts for assessments for special h.„.-„.specialbenefits,suchas sidewalks,street pavinoa »„*..,Pavings and similar improvements,and occupations license taxes,Uvied or imposed by the clty upon the Company and paid during the preceding fiscal year as defined herein. Payment shall be made to the City for each of mtyroreacnofthe years that this Ordinance is in effect and shan k^w«ect and shall be based on the receipts of the Company of the fiscal year.For the purposes of this payment, such fiscal year shall end on December 31st.The annual payment shall be made to the City in four (4)instalments.The fir8t, second and third installments of the annual *..ut cne annual payment shallbe based upon such gross receipts for the first,second and third quarters,respectively of the fiscal year and sh.ll be aaae on or before three (3,month,following th.end of these periods.The fourth installment of the annual payment shall De made on or before three ,3,months following the end of such fiscal year shall oe based upon such gross receipts for the fiscal year but shall be busted to reflect payment of the fi„t three (3, instalments.However,the firat annual payment shall be made in one lump payment on or before three (3,months subsequent to the passage of this Ordinance ,if accepted by the Company)and shall be based upon revenues for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1989 and shall be for the permission year April 21,1989 through April 20,1990.Further,tne second a„nual ^^^^^ in one lump payment on or before three ,3,months subsequent to the passage of this Ordinance (if accepted by the Company,and shall bebaseduponrevenues fnr »h.*i_,v revenues eor the fiscal year ending December 31,1990 and shall be for the permission year April 21,1990 through April 20,1991. ^Ctl°"§"L If the Clty vishes to verify the payments to the City under this Ordinance,the Company shall permit the City or a designated representative of the City,upon reasonable advance written notice,to review the Company's billing and payment records,upon which the payments were based,during normal business hours at the location of the Company where such records are maintained.However,no Company records may be duplicated or taken from the Company's premises,and the City shall maintain the confidentiality of the information disclosed in these records and use the information solely for the purposes of verifying payments by the Company,except as may be provided by the Federal and State public records law. 3eCtion 6-Tne Company shall install underground extensions of telephone distribution lines in new residential subdivisions over five units or new multiple occupancy buildings where all other utilities will also be installed underground. Such installation shall be provided in accordance with and suMect to the requirements of applicable statutes,a„d the Florida Public Service Commission Rules and Regulations, including any requirements applicable to the applicant for such services,such as the provision of necessary rights of way or easements. For new commercial construction over 10,000 square feet,and commercial rehabilitation construction over 15,000 square feet whenever thecostofrehabilitationexceeds50%oftheassessed value of the land and building,the Company and the City agree to cooperateinanefforttoprovide underground extensions of telephone distribution lines.The Company shall not be required to provide such underground extensions unless the applicant or developer cooperates in providing appropriate facilities and pays the costs of providing the facilities underground,and subject to any requirements of applicable statutes of the Florida Public Service Commission Rules and Regulations. Section 7.TheCompanyshall indemnify theCity against, andassumeallliabilities for damageswhichmayariseoraccrue totheCity for aninjuryto persons orpropertyfromthedoing of any work herein authorized,or the neglect of the Company or anyofitsemployeestocomplywithanyOrdinanceregulatingthe useofthestreetsoftheCity,andtheacceptancebytheCompany ofthisOrdinanceshallbeanagreementbyittopaytotheCity any sum of money for which the City may become liable from orby reason of such injury. Section B.Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed as a surrender by the City ofits right or power to pass Ordinances regulatingtheuseofitsstreets,rights-of-way orgranting similar agreements. Section 9.TheCompanyshallfilewiththeCityits acceptance of this Ordinance within sixty (60)days from the date ofitsfinalpassage;otherwise,this Ordinance shall thereupon become null and void. Section10.The permission granted bythis Ordinance,if accepted by the Company,shall bein force and effect fora term of fifteen (15)years from and after April 21,1989. Section 11.Ifanysection,clause,sentence,orphrase of this Ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any courtof competent jurisdiction,then said holding shall inno way affect the validityof the remaining portions of this Ord inance. Section 12.All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7 th day of lay ./1991. APPROVED MAYOR ATTEST: CITY C&E-RK READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM CIT i ATTORNEY '7