Ord. No. 13-90-1452ORDINANCE N'O.13-90-1452 OF SOUraAMlL?F ?THnPT^°R Am CITV COMMISSION OF -E CITYOFIeCT^ON f'eaSSg Bhc-MEnT^Sl'BSEC^ONS (^"and ?M requirements,'ot sec™%?VES52?./B''SPECIALOFTHELAMPDEVELOPMENTCODEHP'4^^^USE CONDITIONS,FLORIDA,LIMITING ANrDEFINENGT^ppnrT;D21,SOtTTH MIAMIPLACESWHICHPROVIDEWALK-HP np?vrRESU^EMENTS 0F ^"NC WHEREAS:the Dresenr [anj r,iofSouthMiami,Florida »™mm?DeyeloPraent Code oftheCityeatingplacesinthl^tyTf^outh h££?''J/^'^^f°°d be desiSio pe^it^hTeSMS "TH"100 ».lleve it wouldtheCityofSouthMiamiasaofe°ffchSUCh e?t1in?P^ces inrequirementstherefore.•al Use wlth special COMMISsS'o^PSfe 0BF ISofflffiS,^JgjX?"*AOT THE CITY Eating pficTTo^Sect^n Jft'SESi £^°°°f Se«ion 4"3.4,Special Use Conditions of th»r Requirements of Section 20-City of South Miami,Florida b!„£*?£Development Code of theasfollows:'oe and the same arehereby amended (4lEating Place (a)All such establishmpni-c ou_n or patio service ^.1 **U ^ovide °^V inside in or fast food naturrihanSK°f *Walk"Up>driSRDistricts.Cure sha11 be permitted in NR ive- lIR or Plans^and0^1?^0"?ha11 review a*l sitetrSf«r ^P ?lf^cation8 wich "Sard toaccess?ClrCUlati°">landscanin?!lot size and no ingress and eeress shall k^«•.,streets and rirhtJ-of-wav L ??r~lttec al°ng residential zonme districts. in.Such eating daces which orovide walk-uo crive-m or fast food facilities shall be SDacea a minimum of three hundred '300^feet trom any eating place. iv,The Cltv C<.ommission shall review and recommend approval,disaDproval o^- modification on all site'Dlans specifications. anc S|ction|^If any section,sentence,clause or phrase is held ir^E^e an^^hl^^-re^r^by^re^ea0^-"3 *^^ txme^E Its oa^Le^1"3""ShaU take effect Mediately at the PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of August APPROVED: ^rprp-r*q rn . READANDAPPROVEDASTOFORM ultv Attorney ,19°n. July 30,1990 Bill Hampton City Manager City of South Miami 6130 Sunset Drive South Miami,Florida 33143 RE:Restaurant zoning regulations Dear Bill: i-t •_.I,._.I-,I,_.,,J..„.._.,_,,_x f^ JAMES DUNCAN AND ASSOCIATES that the City .wishes to distinguish between s?How!£t 'fJS ?*,understan«»«of restaurants,to develop some special londitifn^f f ^"d ***-"*tJW r.,u,m the *_.^ta,„.«„.«„,rabtoh£S,tppw£for SSSr SSJ" "^™*d restaurant/1 vhich would delude a sit-down,cafeteria „r JiJrL,"'*cnange wouldbeto hnut the spacing requirement to th*sr CoSion *UOW ^8PaCin8 "«ul~»«*teb.lai^bV the cS TwfT^tT0*,JlStaUrant"Would ,nclude drive-in and fast-food restaurants [9030-1 CAPITAL OF TEXAS HWY.N.,SUITE 3M •AUSTIN,TEXAS 787S9 •(512)343-PLAN ._»U |_—•»»£.•5"«!•I'I •—»I 1 A •_• Bill Hampton July 30,1990 page 2 11 •_•I—I I -1 I—l l -1 *.• £ub\^ti^for tho City mott*M "Know ix ve can oe Qf fur,fher AaftR^r>^«<n *u.matter. Sincerely, JAMBS DUNCAN AND ASSOCIATES y^ames B.Duncan,AICP /Principal Attachments further assistance in this ATTACHMENT A:CURRENT RESTAURANT-RELATED REGULATIONS 20-2.3 DEFINITIONS SK^J^S?1 ^Tf>'ShaU mcan an -fbltehment devoted^enter^">«—**»on presses and DRIVE-IN.Shall mean an establishment designed or operated to serveapatronwhileseatedinaparkedvehicleorwntleavehiAe7b momentarily stoppedatadrive-through window. ^AIIolPL^CE'ShfU m_?an any eatin*establishment where food and crinkisprepared,served and consumed on the premises. 20-3.3(E)PERMITTED USE SCHEDULE 533 Drinking Plact S81 Ettlntf "»©• 581 Bating Pl*c«(Acctssory) i b"r r'e'*'bb"bIs'i Vmvis'o'i''h'?? S8S9TTMM|OOOBHB I R 12 3 4 6 0 12 6 4 SI P Is Is slsls 20-3.4 SPECIAL USE CONDITIONS (4)Eating Place (a)AU such establishments shall provide only inside or patio service. (b)No services of a walk-up,drive-in or fast-food nature shall be permitted. (C)f^mbliSh^entS Bhfdl be located not leSB than three hundred\4Vv)feet from another such use. CURRENT RESTAURANT REGS A-l CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI (16)Accessory Retail and Service Uses Within any permitted principal building in LO cr MO districts, accessory retail or service uses may be permitted provided that: (a)such u3es are located entirely within the principal building for the convenience of the occupants of or visitors to the principal use; (b)such uses donotoccupymore than ten (10)percent of the gross floor area of the principal building in which located;and (c)such uses shall not have any signs or advertising visible from outside the principal building. CURRENT RESTAURANT REGS A-2 CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI ATTACHMENT B:PROPOSED RESTAURANT REGULATIONS 20-2.3 DEFINITIONS RESTAURANT,CONVENIENCE.Shall mean an establishment where the principal business is the sale of food and beverages to the customer in a ready-to- consume state and where the design or principal method of operation is that of a fast-food or drive-in restaurant offering quick food service,v.*here orders are generally not taken at the customer's table,where food is generally served in disposable wrapping or containers,and where foodand beverages may be served directly to the customer in a motor vehicle. RESTAURANT,WALK-UP.Shall mean an establishment where the principal business is the sale of food and beverages to the customer in a ready-to- consume state and where the design or principal method of operation is that of a storefront restaurant offering quick food service to pedestrians where orders are taken at a counter,where food is generally served in disposable wrapping or containers,and where food and beverages may be carried out or consumed at tables in a patio area.This use excludes any service to a customer in a motor vehicle. RESTAURANT,GENERAL.Shall mean an establishment where the principal business is the sale of food and beverages in a ready-to-consume state and where the design or principal method of operation consists of one or more of the following: A sit-down restaurant where customers,normally provided with an individual menu,are generally served in non-disposable containers by a restaurant employee at the same table or counter at which said ftems are consumed;or A cafeteria or cafeteria-type operation where foods and beverages generally are served in non-disposable containers and consumed within the restaurant building;or Small specialty restaurants having floor area exclusively within a shopping or office center,sharing common parking facilities with other businesses within the center,and having access to a common interior pedestrian accessway within the center. This use may include take^out service,but excludes any service to a customer in a motor vehicle. PROPOSED RESTAURANT REGS B-l CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI 20-3.3(E)PERMITTED USE SCHEDULE 583 Drinking Flaca 583 Drinking Place (Accessory) 581 Baataurant,Convanlanca 581 Baataurant,Walk-up 581 Baataurant*Ganaral 581 Baataurant,Ganaral (Accessory) zowihij irisx&lCT. RRRRRRRR 883STTMH 12 3 469 12 84 RLMNSCIHPP OOOBBB IB C P 0A M R D K SG 19 J 20 is 20-3.4 SPECIAL USE CONDITIONS (4)Drinking Place (a)All such establishments shall provide only inside orpatio service. (b)No services of a walk-up,drive-in or fast-food nature shall be permitted. (c)Establishments shall be located not less than three hundred (300)feet from another such use. (16)Accessory Retail and Service Uses Within any permitted principal building in LO or MO districts, accessory retail or service uses may be permitted provided that: (a)such uses are located entirely within the principal building for the convenience of the occupants of or visitors to the principal use; (b)such uses do not occupy more than ten (10)percent of the gross floor area of the principal building in which located;and (c)such uses shall not have any signs or advertising visible from outside the principal building. (18)Restaurant,Convenience (a)Suchuseshallhavea minimum lotsizeoftenthousand (10,000) square feet and a minimum street frontage of one hundred (100) square feet. PROPOSED RESTAURANT REGS B-2 CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI *•* .: (b)Suchuseshall provide a minimum offour (4)automobile stacking spaces for each drive-up window. (c)Suchuseshallprovidetwo(2)access driveways.Iflocatedon the same street,thedrivewaysshallbespacedaparta minimum distance of fifty (50)feet,measured from centerline to centerline. (19)Restaurant,Walk-up (a)Allsuchestablishmentsshallprovideonlycounterserviceto pedestrians. (b)Food andbeveragesshallnotbeconsumedonthe premises, except in an outdoor patio area. (c)Inthe SR district,nosuchestablishmentshallbe permitted within three hundred (300)feetofanotherwalk-uprestaurant, general restaurant or drinking place,unless the City Commission finds that the proposed location will not result inan overconcentration of such uses in the downtown area. (20)Restaurant,General (a)All such establishments shall provide only inside orpatio service. (b)No services of a walk-up,drive-in or fast-food nature shall be permitted. (c)In the SR district,no such establishment shall be permitted within three hundred (300)feet of another general restaurant, walk-up restaurant or drinking place,unless the City Commission finds that the proposed location will not result in an overconcentration of such uses in the downtown area. PROPOSED RESTAURANTREGS B-3 CITYOF SOUTH MIAMI 1 .* w