Ord No 26-15-2233ORDINANCE NO.26-15-2233 An Ordinance relating tothe City's 2015fiscalyear;amending the budget to take into account an increase in the Debt Service Fund Appropriated Amount. WHEREAS,Florida Statue 166.241 provides that: (4)Thegoverningbody of eachmunicipalityatanytimewithinafiscalyearor within60daysfollowingtheend of thefiscalyearmayamendabudgetforthat year as follows: (a)Appropriationsforexpenditureswithinafundmaybedecreasedorincreased by motion recorded intheminutes if thetotal appropriations of thefundisnot changed. (b)The governing body may establish procedures by which the designated budget officer may authorize budget amendments if the total appropriations of the fund is not changed. (c)If a budget amendment is required fora purpose not specifically authorized in paragraph (a)or paragraph (b),the budget amendment must be adopted inthe same manner astheoriginal budget unless otherwise specified inthe municipality's charter. WHEREAS,perthe adopted Ordinance,theCityhas refinanced certain outstanding bondsandinanefforttoreflecttheapprovedrefinancingintheadoptedFY 2015 budget,the DebtService Fund's FY2015approvedappropriationmustbeamendedtoreflectthe transaction that occurred aspart of therefinancing,and; WHEREAS,the proposed FY 2015 budget amendment tothe Debt ServiceFund appropriationwillreflectarevenueoftheloanamountandanexpenditurefortheamounts paid as part of the refinancing.Below isa detail of theline items within the Debt Service Fundwhichmustbe increased toreflectthe refinancing whichwasapprovedonMay19, 2015 BB&T Bank Loan 2015 4,948,000 201-0000-384-1100 Closing Cost Breakdown 201-1410-519-7110 201-1410-519-7110 201-1410-519-7210 201-1410-519-7210 201-1410-519-7310 201-1410-519-7310 201-1410-519-7310 201-1410-519-7310 201-1500-514-7310 Bond Principle 1,610,000 Bond Principle 3,250,000 Bond Interest 12,534 Bond Interest 25,938 FMLC Expense Reimbursement 4,215 City of South Miami 1,805 BB&T Bank Credit Fee &Counsel 5,000 FirstSouthwest 17,759 Squire Sanders 20,750 TOTAL 4,948,000 Page 1 of2 Ord.No.26-15-2233 NOW,THEREFORE,BEIT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section1.Section1.TheCity Manager isherebyauthorizedtocauseanincreaseinthe City's fiscal year 2015 budget Debt Service Fund Appropriated Amount,as provided below: 201-0000-384-1100 4,948,000 201-1410-519-7110 4,860,000 201-1410-519-7210 38,472 201-1410-519-7310 28,778 201-1500-514-7310 20,750 4,948,000 Section 3.Severability.If any section,clause,sentence,or phrase of this ordinance is forany reason held invalid or unconstitutional bya court of competent jurisdiction,this holding shallnotaffectthe validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 4.Ordinances in Conflict.All ordinances or parts of ordinances andall sections and parts of sections of ordinances in direct conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5.Effective Date.This ordinance shall become effective upon enactment. 7thPASSEDANDENACTEDthis172 day of November,2015. ATTEST:APPROVED: CITY CLERK 1st Reading-11/3/15 2nd Reading-11/17/15 READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: LANGUA0C LEGALITY. THEREC Page 2 of2 COMMISSION VOTE:5-0 Mayor Stoddard:Yea Vice Mayor Harris:Yea Commissioner Edmond:Yea Commissioner Liebman:Yea Commissioner Welsh:Yea ^ THE QtY OF PLEASANT LIVING OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM To:TheHonorableMayor&MembersoftheCity Commission From:Steven Alexander,City Manager Copy:Alfredo Riverol,CPA,CGFM,CGMA,Cr.FA,ChiefFinancial Officer Date:November 3,2015 AgendaItem No.: Subject:An Ordinance relating to the City's 2015 fiscal year;amending the budget to take into account an increase in the Debt Service Fund Appropriated Amount FloridaStatue166.24 lprovides that: (4)Thegoverningbody of each municipalityatany time withinafiscalyearor ()within 60 days following the end of the fiscal year may amend a.budget for that year as follows: (a)Appropriations forexpenditureswithin a fond maybedecreasedorincreased bymotionrecordedin the minutesifthetotalappropriations of thefundisnot changed. (b)The governing bodymay establish procedures bywhichthe designated budgetofficer mayauthorize budgetamendments if thetotalappropriations of the '-.fund isnot changed. (c)If abudgetamendmentis required forapurposenotspecifically authorized inparagraph(a)orparagraph (b),the budget amendmentmustbeadoptedinthe same manner as the original budgetunlessotherwise specified inthe municipality's charter. TheCityis working on closing fiscalyear 2015.PertheadoptedOrdinance,theCity has refinanced certain outstanding bondsandinan effort toreflectthe approved refinancing inthe adopted FY2015 budget,theDebt Service Fund's FY2015 approved appropriation mustbeamendedtoreflectthetransactionthat occurred aspart ofthe refinancing. TheproposedFY 2015 budgetamendmenttotheDebtServiceFundappropriationwill reflectrevenueof the loanamountandan expenditure forthe amounts paid as part ofthe refinancing. j Below is a detail of the line items within the Debt Service Fund which must be increased to reflecttherefinancingwhichwasapprovedonMay 19,2015; BB&T Bank Loan 2015 4,948,000 201-0000-384-1100 Closing Cost Breakdown Bond Principle :1,610,000 201-1410-519-7110 BondPrinciple 3,250,000 201-1410-519-7110 1 Bond Interest 12,534 201-1410-519-7210 h ^ond Interest 25,938 201-1410-519-7210 FMLC Expense Reimbursement 4,215 201-1410-519-7310 CityofSouth Miami 1,805 20i-1410-519/7310 BB&T Bank Credit Fee &Counsel 5,000 20M410-519-7310 FirstSouthwest 17,759 201-1410-519-7310 Squire Sanders 20^750 201-1500-514-7310 TOTAL 4,948,000 Budget Amendment Increases: 201-0000-384-1100 4,948,000 201-1410-519-7110 4,860,000 201-1410-519^7210 38,472 201-1410-519-7310 28,778 201-1500-514-7310 20,750 4,948,000 Documentation:Ordinance 11-15-2218 Florida Statue 166.241 Debt Fund pages from Adopted BudgetFY 2015 o Q )V. J ORDINANCE NO.11-15-2218 An Ordinance authorizing theissuanceof Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding Note,Series 2015,intheprincipal amount nottoexceed 85,000,000, forthe purpose of refinancing certain of the City's outstanding indebtedness and paying the costs of issuance of the Note and of refinancing such indebtedness;covenanting to annually budget and appropriate funds from Legally Available Non-Ad Valorem Revenues to repay suchNote;providing the form,terms anddetails ofthe Note;awarding the Noteto Branch Banking and Trust Company by negotiated sale;making certain covenants and agreements in connection therewith;authorizing and directing officers and employees of the City to take all necessary actions and executeall necessary documents. WHEREAS,theCity ofSouth Miami,Florida(the"City")has previously financed aportion ofcertaincapital improvements intheCitywiththe proceeds of(i)aloanfromthe Florida Municipal LoanCouncil(the "FMLC")pursuanttoaLoan Agreement datedasof November 15,2001 between theCityand FMLC,currently outstanding inthe principal amount of$1,610,000 (the "2001 Loan"), and(ii)aloanfromFMLCpursuanttoaLoan Agreement datedasof May 1,2002 betweentheCity and FMLC,currently outstanding inthe principal amount of $3,250,000 (the"2002Loan"and, togetherwiththe2001Loan,the"Prior Loans'3); WHEREAS,theCitydesirestoissueits Capital Improvement RevenueRefundingNote, Series2015(the"Note"),intheprincipalamountnottoexceed $5,000,000,to refinance allora portion ofthePriorLoansinordertoachievedebtservicesavingsfortheCity;and WHEREAS,theCitydoesnotexpectto issue morethan $10 millionintax-exempt obligations duringcalendaryear 2015;and WHEREAS,forthe reasons setforthinSection 14 of this Ordinance,theCityhas determined thatitisinthebestinterestoftheCityto authorize the negotiated saleoftheNote;and WHEREAS,theCityhas received a proposal from BranchBanking andTrust Company (the "Bank")tomakealoantotheCitytobe evidenced bytheNoteand,subject tothe provisions ofthis Ordinance,theCitywishestoacceptsuchloanandawardthesale of theNotetotheBank. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA THAT: Section 1.Recitals.Theaboverecitalsareincorporatedhereinasfindings. Section 2*Definitions.Asusedherein,unlessthe context otherwiserequires: "Act"means,as applicable,ArticleVIII,Section2 oftheConstitution oftheState ofFlorida, Chapter166,FloridaStatutes,theCharteroftheCity of SouthMiami,andotherapplicable provisions of law. 010-8062-482 7/4/AMERlCAS Ord.No.11-15-2218 "Annual Budget**meansthe annual budget prepared bytheCityforeach Fiscal Year in accordance with Section 12 below and in accordance with the laws ofthe State of Florida. "Annual Debt Service"means,as ofany particular date ofcalculation,the annual debtservice requirement for all DebtineachsuchBondYearexceptthatwith respect toanyDebt for "which amortization installments havebeen established,the amount of principal coming due onthe final maturity date with respect to such Debt shall be reduced bythe aggregate principal amount of such Debt that istobe redeemed or paid from amortization installments tobemade in prior Bond Years. "Bank"means Branch Banking and Trust Company,the purchaser of the Note. "BondYear"meansthe annual period beginning onthe first dayof October ofeachyearand ending onthe last day of September of the immediately succeeding year;provided however,that when such term isusedto describe the period during which deposits are tobemadeto amortize principal and interest on Debt maturing or becoming subject to redemption,including without limitation,interest and principal maturing or becoming subject to redemption on October 1 of any year shall be deemed to mature or become subject to redemption onthe last day of preceding Bond Year. "Business Day"means any day whichisnota Saturday,Sunday or day onwhich banking institutions in Miami-Dade County,Florida,are authorized tobe closed. "City"means the City of South Miami,Florida,a Florida municipal corporation. "City Manager"meanstheCity Manager ofthe City,orhisorher successor. "Clerk"meanstheCityClerkorany Deputy Clerk ofthe City. "Code"meansthe Internal Revenue Code of 1986,as amended,including the applicable regulations of the Department of the Treasury (including applicable final regulations,temporary regulations and proposed regulations),the applicable rulings ofthe Internal Revenue Service (including published Revenue Rulings and private letter rulings)and applicable court decisions. "Costof Essential Services"means the cost of services necessary for the conducting ofthe public safety and general governmental operations oftheCity,as shown intherowstitled"General Government"and"Public Safety"intheCity'saudited financial statements. "Dated Date"means the date ofissuance ofthe Note. "Debt"means as of any date and without duplication,allofthe following tothe extent that they are payable inwholeorin part from any Legally Available Non-AdValorem Revenues:(i)all obligations oftheCity for borrowed moneyor evidenced by bonds,debentures,notes orother similar instruments;(ii)all obligations of the City aslesseeunder capitalized leases;and (hi)all indebtedness of otherpersonstotheextent guaranteed by,or secured byLegallyAvailableNon-Ad ValoremRevenues of theCity. "Finance Director"meansthe Finance Director of the City,orhisorher successor. 010-8062-4827/4/AMERICAS Ord.No.11-15-2218 "FinancialAdvisor"meansFirstSouthwestCompany,LLC. "Fiscal Year"meanstheperiod commencing on October 1ofeachyearandendingonthe succeeding September 30,orsuchother consecutive 12-month period as may be hereafter designated asthefiscalyear oftheCity. "FMLC"meanstheFloridaMunicipalLoan Council "GoverningBody"meanstheMayorandCityCommissionoftheCity,oritssuccessorin function. "Holder"or "Noteholder"meanstheregisteredowner(oritsauthorizedrepresentative)ofthe Note. "legally AvailableNon-AdValoremRevenues"meansallrevenuesoftheCityderived from anysourcewhatsoeverotherthanadvaloremtaxationonrealandpersonalproperty,including, withoutlimitation,investmentincome,whicharelegallyavailableforthepaymentbytheCity of debtserviceontheNoteorotherNon-Self-Supporting Revenue Debt,including,without limitation, legally available non-ad valorem revenues derived from sources subjecttoapriorpledgethereoffor thepaymentofother obligations oftheCityand available afterpayment of principal andintereston suchotherobligations,butexcludingrevenuesderivedfromtherevenues ofanyenterprisefund of theCity,excepttotheextentthat revenues derived fromsuch sources havebeen deposited intothe City's General Fund. "Maximum AnnualDebtService"means,asofany particular dateof calculation,the largest AnnualDebtServiceinanyBondYear. "Mayor"meanstheMayor oftheCityor,in the Mayor's absence,theViceMayor oftheCity, andsuchotherpersonasmaybedulyauthorizedtoactonthe Mayor's behalf. "Non-Self-Supporting RevenueDebt"means obligations evidencing indebtedness for borrowed money,includingtheNote,(i)theprimarysecurityforwhichisprovidedbyacovenantof theCitytobudgetandappropriateLegally Available Non-AdValoremRevenues oftheCityforthe payment ofdebtserviceonsuchobligations,or(ii)primarilysecuredor payable from another source of funds,butwithrespecttowhichtheCityhasalso covenanted tobudgetand appropriate Legally Available Non-AdValoremRevenues of theCityforthepayment of debtserviceonsuch obligations,providedthatobligations described inthisclause(ii)shallonlybe considered Non-Self- SupportingRevenueDebttotheextenttheCityhasincludedinitsbudget(by amendment or otherwise)thepayment of suchLegallyAvailableNon-AdValoremRevenuespursuanttosuch covenanttopaydebtserviceonsuch obligations.t4Non-Self-Supporting RevenueDebt"shall expresslynotincludeindebtednesspayablefromtherevenues of autilitysystem,oranyother enterprise fund ofthe City,whichare pledged tothe payment ofsuch indebtedness. tcNote"meanstheCity of SouthMiami,FloridaCapitalImprovementRevenueRefunding Note,Series 2015,authorizedtobeissuedbytheCityintheaggregateprincipalamountnotto exceed $5,000,000,the foim of which isattachedas Exhibit "A"hereto. 0l0-8062~4B27/4/AMERICA5 Ord.No.11-15-2218 "Ordinance"means this Ordinance,authorizing the issuance oftheNote,asthesamemay fromtimetotimebe amended,modified or supplemented. "Permitted Lender"meansanybank,trust company,savings institution or insurance company thatisengagedasaregularpart of itsbusinessinmakingloansandauthorizedtodobusinessinthe State. "PriorLoans"means,collectively,(i)theloanfromtheFMLCtotheCitypursuanttoaLoan Agreement datedas ofNovember 15,2001 betweentheCityand FMLC,currently outstanding inthe principal amount of $1,610,000,and(ii)theloanfromFMLCtotheCitypursuanttoaLoan Agreement datedasofMay1,2002betweentheCityandFMLC,currently outstanding inthe principalamount of $3,250,000. "Refinanced Loans"meansalloraportionofthePriorLoansbeingprepaidwiththeproceeds of theNote,as determined bytheCity Manager tobeinthebest interest oftheCityinorderto achievedebtservicesavings. "State"means the State of Florida. Section3.Authority forOrdinance.This Ordinance is enacted pursuant totheAct.The Cityhas ascertained andhereby determined thatenactment ofthisOrdinance is necessary to carry out the powers,purposes and duties expressly provided in the Act,thateach and every matter andthing asto which provision is made herein is necessary in order to carry out and effectuate thepurposes of ^, the City,in accordance with the Act and to carry out and effectuate the plan and purpose of the Act,(j andthatthepowers oftheCityhereinexercisedareineachcaseexercisedinaccordancewiththe provisions oftheAct and in furtherance ofthe purposes ofthe City. Section 4-Ordinanceto Constitute Contract In consideration of the purchase and acceptance oftheNotebythosewhoshallholdthe same fromtimetotime,the provisions of this Ordinance shall beapartofthe contract oftheCitywiththe Holder,and shall be deemed tobe and shall constitute a contract between the City andthe Holder,The provisions,covenants and agreements hereinsetforthtobe performed byoronbehalf of theCityshallbeforthe benefit, protectionandsecurityoftheHolderinaccordancewiththetermshereof. Section5.Authority for Issuance ofNote;DesignationUnderCode;Prepaymentof Refinanced Loans*Subject and pursuant tothe provisions hereof,anotetobe known as"Cityof South Miami,Florida Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding Note,Series 2015"is hereby authorized tobe issued inan aggregate principal amount notto exceed Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000)forthe purpose of refinancing the Refinanced Loans and paying the costs of issuance of theNoteandof refinancing the Refinanced Loans. TheNoteisherebydesignatedasa"qualifiedtax-exemptobligation"underSection 265(b)(3)(B)of theCode. The prepayment ofthe Refinanced Loansis hereby authorized. 010-8062 4827/4/AMERICAS j O Ord.No.11-15-2218 Section6.DescriptionofNote;Assignment and Transfer of Note.TheNoteshall be issuedinone(1)typewrittencertificate,shallbedatedtheDatedDateandshallmature on May1, 2032.TheNoteshall bear interestfromtheDatedDateatafixedinterestrate,subjectto adjustment asprovidedintheNote,of 2.80%perannum.Interest ontheNoteshallbecalculatedonthebasisof a360dayyearconsisting oftwelvethirtydaymonths.AccruedinterestontheNotewillbepayable semiannuallyonMay1andNovember1 ofeachyear,beginningonNovember 1,2015.Principalof theNotewillbepayablein semiannual installments onMay1 and November1of each year, beginningNovember1,2015,asshallbesetforthintheformofNoteattachedas Exhibit "A" hereto.Additional details of the Note shallbeas provided in Exhibit "A"attached hereto. TheNoteshallbeinregisteredform,containsubstantiallythesametermsandconditionsas set forth in Exhibit "A"hereto,shallbe payable in lawful money oftheUnited States of America, andthe principal thereof,interestthereonandanyother payments thereundershallbepayableby check,wire,draftorbanktransfertotheHolderatsuchaddressasmaybeprovidedinwritingby suchHoldertotheFinanceDirector.SolongastheNoteshallremainoutstanding,theCityshall maintain andkeep books forthe registration andtransfer of theNote. TheNotemaynotbe assigned or transferred exceptinwholeandinadenominationofnot lessthan$100,000 toaPermittedLender,withthepriorwrittenconsent oftheCity.Innoeventwill theNotebeassignedor transferred toanykind of trust. Section 7.Execution of Note.TheNoteshallbeexecutedinthename of theCitybythe manualsignature of theCityManager,theseal of theCityshallbeimprinted,reproducedor lithographed ontheNote,andtheNoteshallbeattestedtobythemanualsignatureofthe Clerk.If anyofficerwhosesignature appears ontheNoteceasestoholdofficebeforethe deliveiy ofthe Note, such signature shallneverthelessbevalidand sufficient forall purposes.In addition,theNotemay bearthesignatureof,ormaybesignedby,suchpersonsasattheactualtimeof execution oftheNote shallbetheproperofficerstosigntheNotealthoughatthedate oftheNoteorthedateof delivery thereofsuchpersonsmaynothavebeensuchofficers. Section8.Note Mutilated,Destroyed,Stolenor Lost.IftheNoteismutilated,destroyed, stolenorlost,theCitymay,initsdiscretion(i)deliveraduplicatereplacementNote,or(ii)paya Note that has matured or is about to mature.A mutilated Note shall be surrendered to and canceled bytheClerkoritsdulyauthorized agent TheHoldermustfurnishtheCityoritsagentproofof ownership ofany destroyed,stolenorlostNote,post satisfactory indemnity,comply withany reasonable conditionstheCityoritsagentmay prescribe,andpaytheCity'soritsagent's reasonable expenses. AnysuchduplicateNoteshallconstituteanoriginalcontractualobligationoftheCity whetherornotthedestroyed,stolen,orlostNotebeatanytimefoundbyanyone,andsuch duplicate Noteshallbeentitledtoequaland proportionate benefitsandrightsastolienon,and source ofand security for payment from,the funds pledged tothe payment oftheNoteso mutilated,destroyed, stolen or lost Section9.Provisions for Prepayment TheNotemaybeprepaidpriortoitsmaturity,in ;)whole,but not in part,as provided in the form ofNote attached as Exhibit "A"hereto. 010-8062-4827/4/AMERICAS Ord.No.11-15-2218 Section10.NoteNot to be General Indebtedness oftheCity.TheNoteshall not beor constitutea general obligationorindebtedness oftheCitywithinthemeaningoftheConstitutionof theState,butshallbepayablefromandsecuredsolelybythecovenant of the Cityto budget and appropriateLegallyAvailable Non-Ad Valorem Revenues,inthemannerandtothe extent herein andintheNote provided.NoHoldershalleverhavetherighttocompelthe exercise of thead valorem taxing powerof the Cityor taxation inany form onanyrealor personal property topaythe Note,the interest thereonoranyotheramountsdue thereunder,nor shall anyHolderbeentitledto paymentofsuchprincipal,interestoranyother amounts due thereunder fromany funds ofthe City otherthantheLegallyAvailable Non-Ad ValoremRevenues,allinthemannerandtotheextent hereinandintheNote provided.The Holders shallhave nohen upon any realor tangible personal property of theCity. Section 11.Covenant to Budgetand Appropriate.The City hereby covenants to budget and appropriate initsAnnual Budget,by amendment if necessary,from LegallyAvailable Non-Ad Valorem Revenues ineachFiscalYear,sufficient moneys topaythe principal ofand interest onthe Note and any other amounts due thereunder in such Fiscal Year,until theNoteis paid infull.Such covenantand agreement onthepartoftheCityshallbe cumulative totheextentnotpaid,and shall continue untilLegallyAvailableNon-AdValoremRevenuesorotheravailablefundsinamounts sufficient to make all required payments shall have been budgeted,appropriated and actually paid. Notwithstanding the foregoing covenant of the City,theCity does not covenant to maintain any services or programs now provided or maintained bythe City which generate Legally Available Non- Ad Valorem Revenues. Such covenant tobudgetand appropriate does notcreateanyhenuponor pledge of such Legally Available Non-Ad Valorem Revenues nor does it preclude theCity from pledging in the futurea particular sourceorsourcesofnon-ad valorem revenues.Such covenant tobudgetand appropriate Legally Available Non-Ad Valorem Revenues is subject inallrespects tothe payment of obligations heretofore or hereafter entered into,including butnot limited tothe payment of debt service on bonds andotherdebt instruments.However,the covenant to budget and appropriate inits Annual Budget forthe purposes andinthemannerstatedhereinshallhavetheeffectofmaking available in the manner described herein Legally Available Non-Ad Valorem Revenues and placing ontheCitya positive duty tobudgetand appropriate,byamendment if necessary,amounts sufficient tomeetits obligations hereunder;subject,however,inall respects tothe restrictions of Section 166.241(3),Florida Statutes,which provides,in part,thatthe governing body of each municipality make appropriations foreach fiscal year which,in any one year,shall not exceed the amount tobe received from taxation orother revenue sources;and subject further,tothe payment of services and programs which arefor essential publicservices affecting the health,welfareandsafety of the inhabitants ofthe City or which are legally mandated by applicable law. Section12.Operating Budget;Financial Statements.Beforethefirstday ofeachFiscal Year,the Governing Bodyshall prepare,approve andadoptinthe manner prescribed bylaw,a detailed Annual Budget.Such Annual Budget shall,subject to Section 11 hereof,provide for revenues sufficient to comply withthe City's obligations hereunder,includingany unsatisfied obligations from prior Fiscal Years.TheCity shall annually provide tothe Bank a copy of the Annual Budget andthe City's audited financial statements prepared in accordance with law,each 010-8062-4827/4/AMERJCAS d v ) Ord.No.11-15-2218 V )within thirty (30)days ofits completion and,in the case ofthe audited financial statements,within 180 days of theend of eachFiscal Year. Section13.Issuance of Additional Non-Self Supporting Revenue Debt Exceptwith respectto Non-Self-Supporting Revenue Debt issuedto refund existingNon-Self-Supporting RevenueDebtwherethe aggregate debtserviceofthe refunding Non-Self-Supporting RevenueDebt willnotbe greater thanthatforthe Non-Self-Supporting RevenueDebtbeing refunded,theCitymay incur additional Non-Self-SupportingRevenueDebt only if,asset forth ina certificate oftheMayor ortheCity Manager executed prior tothe issuance thereof,acopy ofwhich shall beprovidedtothe Bank,theamount of LegallyAvailableNon-AdValoremRevenues,afterdeductingtheCost of Essential Services that are not supported by ad-valorem tax revenues,equals orexceeds 1.25 times the Maximum AnnualDebtServiceinall future BondYearsonalloutstandingDebtandtheDebt proposedtobeissued.These calculations required above shall be determined usingthe average of actualreceiptsfor the priortwoFiscalYearsbasedontheCity'saudited financial statements. For purposes of calculating the foregoing,if anyDebt bears a rate ofinterest thatisnot fixed forthe entire term oftheDebt(excludingany provisions that adjust the interest rate upona change in tax law orinthetaxtreatment ofinterestonthedebtoruponadefault),thentheinterestrateonsuch Debt shall beassumedtobethehigher of (a)the average rate ofactual interest bornebysuchDebt duringthemostrecentcompletemonthpriortothedate of calculation,and(b)(i)forDebtthe interestonwhichis excluded fromgrossincome oftheholders thereof for federal taxpurposes,The BondBuyerRevenueBondIndexlastpublishedinthemonth preceding the date of calculation plus one percent,or(ii)forDebttheinterestonwhichisnotexcludedfromthegrossincome of the holdersthereof for federal taxpurposes,theyieldonaU.S.Treasury obligation withaconstant maturityclosestto but notbeforethematurity date of suchDebt,asreportedinStatisticalRelease H.15 of the Federal Reserve onthelastday of themonth preceding thedate of issuance of such proposedDebt,plusthree percent (3%);provided,however,thatiftheCity shall have entered into an. interest rate swap or interest rate capor shall havetakenanyotheractionwhichhastheeffect of fixingor capping theinterestrateonsuchDebt for the entire term thereof,thensuchfixedor capped rateshallbeusedasthe applicable ratefortheperiod ofsuchswaporcap,andprovided further that if TheBondBuyer Revenue Bond Index orStatisticalReleaseH.15 of the Federal Reserveisno longeravailableornolongercontainsthenecessarydata,suchothercomparablesource of comparable data asselectedbythe Bank shallbe utilized intheforegoingcalculations.Forthe purpose of calculatingtheforegoing,"balloon indebtedness*'(asdefinedintheimmediately succeedingsentence)shallbeassumedtoamortizeoveraperiodnottoexceed20 years in substantially equal annualpaymentsatthe interest ratesetforthintheinstrumentevidencingsuch Debt if theinterestrateisfixedand,iftheinterestrateis notfixed,attherate calculated pursuant to theimmediatelypreceding sentenceandanyputortenderrights ofa lender with respect toanyDebt shallbeignoredandsuchDebtshallbeassumedtomatureasotherwiseprovidedinthe instrument evidencing such Debt."Balloon indebtedness"isanyDebttwenty percent (20%)ormore of the principalamount of whichcomesdueinanysingle Fiscal Year. Section14.Award of Note by NegotiatedSale.Because of the nature of theNote,the maturity oftheNoteandthe prevailing market conditions,andthe recommendations ofthe Financial Advisor,the negotiated sale of the Note tothe Bank insubstantialaccordance with the Bank's ^)proposal dehvered to the City and dated April 15,2015 (the "Bank's Proposal"),is hereby found to O 010-8062-4827/4/AMEmCAS Ord.No.11-15-2218 be in the best interests ofthe City and,upon compliance with the requirements of Section 218.385,(j Florida Statutes,authorized;provided,however,thattheprovisionsofthis Ordinance andtheNote shallcontroltotheextent of anyconflictwiththeBank's Proposal. Section 15,Modification,Amendment or Supplement ThisOrdinance may be modified, amended or supplemented bytheCityfromtimetotimepriortothe issuance oftheNotehereunder. Thereafter,no modification,amendment or supplement of this Ordinance,orof any ordinance amendatory hereofor supplemental hereto,maybemadewithouttheconsentinwriting of the Holder. Section16.Tax Compliance.Neither the City,noranythird partyoverwhom theCityhas control,willmakeanyuse ofthe proceeds oftheNoteorofthe refinanced capitalimprovements at anytimeduringtheterm of theNotewhichwouldcause the Note(i)tobe(a)a "private activity bond"withinthe meaning of Section 103(b)(1)ofthe Code,or (b)an "arbitrage bond"withinthe meaning of Section 103(b)(2)ofthe Code,or(ii)nottobea "qualified tax-exempt obligation" withinthe meaning ofSection265(b)(3)(B)ofthe Code.TheCity covenants throughout thetermof theNotetocomplywiththerequirements of the Codeandtotakeallactionsnecessarytomaintain the exclusion from gross incomefor purposes oftheCodeofinterestontheNoteandthestatusof theNoteasa"qualifiedtax-exemptobligation"tothesameextentasonthedateofissuance ofthe Note. Section 17-Events of Default;Remedies. A.Events ofDefault.Any one or more of the following events shall be an "Event () ofDefault": (i)theCityshallfailtopaythe principal oforinterestontheNotewhen due; (ii)theCityshall(a)admitinwritingits inability topayitsdebts generally asthey become due,(b)file(orhave filed against itandnot dismissed within90 days)a petition in bankruptcy ortake advantage ofanyinsolvency act,(c)make an assignment for the general benefit of creditors,(d)consenttotheappointmentofareceiverforitselforforthewholeorany substantial partofits property,or (e)be adjudicated a bankrupt;or (iii)theCityshall default inthedueand punctual performance ofanyofits covenants,conditions,agreementsandprovisionscontainedhereinorintheNote,andsuchdefault shallcontinue for thirty (30)days after written notice specifying such default andrequiring thesame tobe remedied shallhavebeengiventotheCitybytheHolderoftheNote;provided thatsuch defaultshallnotbeanEvent ofDefault iftheCitywithinsuch30dayperiodcommences and carries outwithduediligencetocompletion(althoughnotnecessarilywithinsuchthirty(30)dayperiod) suchactionasisnecessarytocurethesame. B.Remedies on Default.If an Event of Default shall have occunred and be continuing,theHoldermayproceedtoprotectandenforceitsrights hereunder byasuit,actionor specialproceedinginequityoratlaw,by mandamus or otherwise,eitherforthe specific performance 8 010-8062-4827/4/AMERlCAS U ) Ord.No.11-15-2218 ofany covenant or agreement contained herein orfor enforcement of any proper legal or equitable remedyassuchHoldershalldeemmost effectual to protect and enforce therightsaforesaid. No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved tothe Holder is intended tobe exclusive of any other remedy or remedies,andeachand every such remedy shallbe cumulative,and shallbein addition to every other remedy given hereunder ornowor hereafter existing atlaworinequity. Nodelayoromission ofaHoldertoexerciseanyrightorpoweraccruinguponanyEventof Default shallimpairanysuchrightorpowerorshallbe construed tobeawaiverofanysuchEvent ofDefault,or an acquiescence therein;andeverypowerand remedy givenbythisarticlemaybe exercisedfromtimetotime,andasoftenasmaybedeemed expeditious byaHolder. Notwithstanding the foregoing,underno circumstances willthe remedies foranEventof Defaultincludeacceleration of thepaymentoftheNote. Section 18.General Authority.Theofficersandemployees of theCityarehereby authorized anddirectedtotakeallother necessary actions and execute all necessary documents to cany outtheprovisions of this Ordinance. Section 19.Severability.Ifanyoneormore ofthecovenants,agreementsorprovisions of this Ordinance shouldbeheld contrary toany express provision oflawor contrary tothepolicyof express law,though notexpressly prohibited,or against public policy,or shall forany reason *-v whatsoever beheld invalid,then suchcovenantsshallbenullandvoidandshallbedeemedseparate ()from the remaining covenants,agreements or provisions of this Ordinance or of the Note issued hereunder,which remaining covenants,agreements and provisions shall remainin full force and effect. Section20.No Third-Party Beneficiaries.Except as herein otherwise expressly provided, nothing inthis Ordinance expressed or implied is intended or shall be construed to confer upon any person,firmor corporation otherthantheCityandthe Holder from timetotimeoftheNote issued hereunder,any right,remedyorclaim,legalor equitable,underorbyreasonofthis Ordinance orany provision hereof,this Ordinance andallits provisions being intended tobeandbeing forthesoleand exclusivebenefit of theCityandtheHolderfromtimetotime of theNoteissuedhereunder. Section21.Controlling Law;Officials of CityNot Liable.All covenants,stipulations, obligationsand agreements oftheCitycontainedinthisOrdinanceandtheNoteshallbe covenants, stipulations,obligationsandagreementsoftheCitytothefullextentauthorizedbytheActand providedbytheConstitutionandlawsoftheState.No covenant,stipulation,obligation or agreement contained inthis Ordinance ortheNoteshallbea covenant,stipulation,obhgationor agreement of anypresentorfuturemember,agent,officeror employee oftheCityorthe Governing Bodyinhisor herindividualcapacity,and neither themembersorofficers oftheGoverningBodynoranyofficial executingtheNoteshallbeliablepersonallyontheNoteorshallbesubjecttoanypersonal liability or accountability by reason ofthe issuance orthe execution ofthe Note by the City or suchmembers thereof. Q10-8062-4827/4/AMemCAS Ord.No.11-15-2218 Section 22.Repeal of Inconsistent Ordinances.Ordinance No.18-12-2134 enacted September24,2012ishereby superseded and repealed.In addition,allother ordinances or parts thereofinconflictherewith are,totheextent of such conflict,superseded and repealed. Section 23.Effective Date.This Ordinance shallbecome effect immediately upon its enactment. PASSED AND ENACTED this 19^_day of May,2015. ATTEST: CITY CLERK 1 st Reading: 2nd Reading: 5/5/15 5/19/15 READ AND LANGU EXE* 3PROVEDASTOFORM, 3GALITY, THEREOF/ 010-8062-4827/4/AMERICAS APPROVED: MAY COMMISSION VOTE:5-0 Mayor Stoddard:Yea Vice Mayor Harris:Yea Commissioner Welsh:Yea CommissionerLiebman:Yea Commissioner Edmond:Yea 10 o v. o EXHIBIT "A» FORM OF NOTE REGISTERED REGISTERED No.R-$_ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF FLORIDA CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REVENUE REFUNDING NOTE,SERIES 2015 Date of InterestRate MaturityDate OriginalIssuance 180%May 1,2032 ,2015 REGISTERED OWNER: PRINCIPAL AMOUNT:MILLION DOLLARS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,thattheCity of SouthMiami,Florida,a municipal corporation of theState of Florida (hereinafter calledthe "City")forvalue received, hereby promises topaytotheRegistered Owner identified above,orto registered assignsor legal representatives,butsolely from therevenueshereinaftermentioned,onthedates hereinafter provided,the Principal Amountidentified above,and to pay,solely from suchrevenues,interest on the Principal Amountremainingunpaid from timetotime,atthe interest rate perannumset forth herein (the"NoteRate"),untilthe entire Principal Amount has beenrepaid.Principal ofand interest onthisNote will bepaidby bank wire,check,draft or bank transfer delivered tothe Registered Owner hereof at such address as may be provided in writing by the Registered Owner totheCity no later than the close of business on the fifth Business Day (as defined inthe hereinafter described Ordinance),next preceding each interest payment date (the "Record Date").Interest on this Note shall be calculated onthe basis ofa360 day year consisting of twelve thirty day months. Payments of accrued interest willbedueonMay1 and November 1 ofeach year,beginning November 1,2015.Payments of principal onthisNotewillbedueonMay1and November 1of eachyear,beginning November 1,2015,in accordance withSchedule1 attached hereto. Each date when principal and/or interest on this Note is due isa "Payment Date/'If any Payment Date isnota Business Day,the payment otherwise due on such Payment Date shall bedue onthenext succeeding BusinessDayas if paid onsuch Payment Date. Any payment ofprincipal hereofor interest hereonnot paid withinten (10)days ofwhendue shall bear interest from the due date until paid at the lesser of (i)theNoteRate plus 2%per annum or (ii)themaximum rate permittedbylaw. A-l 010-6062-4827/4/AMERICAS ThisNoteisissuedinthe principal amount of $to refinance the Refinanced Loans (as definedinthe Ordinance defined below),pursuant tothe authority of andinfull compliance withthe Constitution andlawsofthe State ofFlorida,including particularly ArticleVIII, Section2of the Constitution ofthe State ofFlorida,Chapter 166,Florida Statutes and theCharter of the;City (collectively,the "Act"),and Ordinance No.,enacted bythe Mayor and City Commission oftheCityon ,2015 (the "Ordinance"). ThisNoteandthe interest hereon and anyotheramount due hereunder are secured by City's covenanttobudgetand appropriate in each Fiscal Year from itsLegallyAvailableNon-AdValorem Revenues,sufficient moneys topaythe principal of and interest onthis Note andanyother amounts due hereunder,untilthisNotehasbeen paid infull,asmore particularly setforthinthe Ordinance, Reference is hereby madetothe Ordinance for the provisions,among others,relating totheterms and security for theNote,therightsand remedies of the Registered Owner of theNoteandthe limitations thereon,andtheextent of andlimitationsonthe City's rights,dutiesand obligations,to all ofwhichprovisionstheRegisteredOwnerhereofforhimselfandhis successors in interest assents by acceptance of thisNote.Alltermsusedhereinin capitalized form,unless otherwise defined herein,shall have the meaningsascribedtheretointhe Ordinance, ThisNotehasbeen designated bytheCity as a "qualified tax-exempt obligation"under Section265(bX3)(B)of the Internal RevenueCode of 1986,asamended(the "Code")* If for any reason thisNotelosesits "qualifiedtax-exempt obligation"status under Section 265(b)(3)(B)ofthe Code (an "Event of BQ Loss"),this Note shall bear interest from the earliest .-^ effective date of such Event of BQ Loss at the Non-BQ Rate (hereinbelow defined).(J NoEvent ofBQLossshallbe deemed tooccurunless theCityhasbeengiventimelywritten notice of such occurrence bythe Registered Owner and,totheextent permitted bylaw,an opportunity to participate inandseek,attheCity'sown expense,a final administrative determination bythe Internal Revenue Service or determination bya court of competent jurisdiction (from which no further right of appeal exists)astothe occurrence of such EventofBQ Loss;provided thatthe City,atits own expense,delivers tothe Registered Owner an opinion ofbondcounselacceptable to such Registered Ownerto the effectthatsuch appeal oraction for judicial oradministrative review is notwithoutmeritand there isa reasonable possibility thatthe judgment,order,ruling or decision from which such appeal or action for judicial or administrative reviewistakenwillbe reversed, vacated or otherwise set aside. "Non-BQRate"shall mean,uponanEvent ofBQLoss,the interest rate per annum that shall provide the Registered Owner withthe same aftertaxyieldthatthe Registered Owner would have otherwise received had the Event ofBQ Loss not occurred,taking into account the inability of the Registered Owner to deduct a portion ofits carrying cost for thisNoteasaresultof such Event of BQLoss.TheRegisteredOwnershall provide theCitywithawritten statement explaining the calculation oftheNon-BQRate,which statement shall,inthe absence of manifest error,be conclusiveand binding ontheCity. If for anyreasontheinterestonthisNotebecomes includable inthegross income of the Registered Owner for Federal incometax purposes (an "Event of Taxability"),this Note shall bear \ A-2 010-8O62-4827/4/AMERICAS interest from the earliest effective date ofsuchEventofTaxabilityattheTaxableRate(hereinbelow defined). NoEvent of Taxability shall bedeemedto occur unlesstheCityhasbeengiventimely written notice of such occurrence bythe Registered Owner and,totheextent permitted by law,an opportunity to participate in and seek,at the City's own expense,afinal administrative determination bythe Interna!RevenueServiceor determination bya court ofcompetent jurisdiction (fromwhich no further right ofappeal exists)as tothe occurrence of such Eventof Taxability;provided thatthe City,at its own expense,delivers tothe Registered Owner an opinion of bond counsel acceptable to such Registered Owner totheeffectthat such appeal or action for judicial oradministrative reviewis notwithoutmeritand there isa reasonable possibility that the judgment,order,ruling ordecision from which such appeal or action for judicial or administrative review istakenwillbe reversed, vacated or otherwise set aside. 'Taxable Rate"shallmean,uponanEvent ofTaxability,the interest rateper annum that shall providetheRegisteredOwnerwiththesameaftertaxyieldthattheRegisteredOwner would have otherwise received hadtheEvent of Taxability not occurred,taking into account the increased taxable income ofthe Registered Owner asa result of such Eventof Taxability.The Registered Owner shall provide the City with awritten statement explaining the calculation of the Taxable Rate, which statement shall,intheabsence of manifest error,beconclusiveandbindingontheCity. THIS NOTE SHALL NOT BE DEEMED TO CONSTITUTE A GENERAL DEBT OR A -.PLEDGE OF THE FAITH AND CREDIT OFTHE CITY,OR A DEBT OR PLEDGEOFTHE ()FAITH AND CREDIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA OR ANY POLITICAL SUBDIVISION THEREOF WITHIN THE MEANING OF ANY CONSTITUTIONAL,LEGISLATIVE OR CHARTER PROVISION OR LIMITATION,AND ITIS EXPRESSLY AGREED BY THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THIS NOTE THAT SUCH REGISTERED OWNER SHALL NEVER HAVE THE RIGHT,DIRECTLY ORINDIRECTLY,TOREQUIREORCOMPELTHE EXERCISE OF THE AD VALOREM TAXING POWER OF THE CITY OR ANY OTHER POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA OR TAXATION IN ANY FORM ON ANY REAL ORPERSONAL PROPERTY FORTHE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL OF,AND INTEREST ON THIS NOTE OR FOR THE PAYMENT OF ANY OTHER AMOUNTS PROVIDED FOR IN THE ORDINANCE. ThisNoteshallbeandhaveallthe qualities and incidents ofnegotiable instruments underthe lawmerchantandtheUnifoitn Commercial CodeoftheState of Florida,subjecttotheassignment provisionscontainedhereinand in the Ordinance. Itis further agreed betweentheCityandthe Registered OwnerofthisNote that this Note and the indebtedness evidencedhereby shall not constitute alienuponanyrealor tangible personal property of orintheCity.Neitherthemembers of the governing bodyoftheCity nor any person executingtheNote shall beliable personally onthe Note by reason of its issuance. ThisNotemaybe prepaid bytheCity prior toits maturity,inwhole,butnotin part,onany scheduled principal paymentdatewithout premium. u A-3 01O-BQ62-4827/4/AMERICAS ThisNotemaynotbe assigned bythe Registered Owner exceptas provided inSection6 of the Ordinance.Such assignment shall onlybe effective,and the City obligated to pay such asisignee, upondeliverytotheFinance Director atthe address set forth below of awritten instrument or instruments of assignment inthe form provided herein,duly executed bythe Registered Ownerorby his attorney-in-fact or legal representative,containing written instructions astothedetails of assignment ofthisNote,alongwiththe social security number or federal employer identification number of such assignee.Inall cases of an assignment of thisNotetheCity shall attheearliest practical time enterthechangeof ownership inthe registration books;provided,however,thewritten notice ofassignment mustbe received bythe Finance Director no later thanthe close ofbusinesson thefifth Business Day prior toa Payment Date in order for the assignee to receive theinterest and principal payment due on such Payment Date.The City may conclusively relyontheauthenticity of anyFonn of Assignment delivered toitin accordance withthis paragraph and accompanied by the original of theNotetowhichit relates.TheCitymay charge theRegisteredOwnerforthe registration ofeverysuchassignment oftheNoteanamountsufficientto reimburse itforanytax,fee orany other governmental charge required tobe paid,except for anysuch governmental charge imposedbytheCity,withrespecttothe registration of such assignment,andmay require thatsuch amountsbe paid beforeanysuch assignment of theNote shall beeffective. Anypaymentornotice required tobegiventotheBank hereunder shallbegiventoBranch Banking and Trust Company at 5130 Parkway Plaza Boulevard,Building #9,Charlotte,North Carolina 28217,Attention:AccountAdministration/Municipal,orsuchotheraddress oraddresses as theBankshallprovidetheCityinwriting.Intheevent of anassignment ofthisNote,anypayment or notice required to be given to the Registered Owner hereunder shall be given to the Registered ^-^ Owner at the address or addresses shown on the Form of Assignment hereto,or such other address or (J addresses asthe Registered Owner shall provide theCityin writing.Anynoticerequired tobegiven totheCity hereunder shall be giventothe Finance Director at6130Sunset Drive,SouthMiami, Florida 33143,orsuchother address or addresses astheCity shall providethe Bank orany future holder of thisNoteinwriting Itishereby certified andrecitedthatall acts,conditionsandthings required toexist,to happen,andtobe perfonned precedent toandin the issuance ofthisNoteexist,have happened and havebeen performed in regular and due form and timeas required bythelaws and Constitution of the State of Florida applicable hereto,and that the issuance of theNote does not violate any constitutional or statutory limitationor provision. A-4 010-8082 -4827/4/AM£RtCAS r^\IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the City has caused this Note to be executed in its name asof the *date hereinafter set forth. t ) The date ofthisNoteis ,2015. CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA (SEAL) By: ATTEST:CityManager "City Clerk v^'"A READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM, LANGUAGE,LEGALITY AND EXECUTION THEREOF: By: CityAttorney A-5 010*8062-482 7/4/AMERICAS FORM OF ASSIGNMENT FOR VALUE RECEIVED,the undersigned herebysells,assignsandtransfersunto ^_______thewithinNoteandall rights thereunder, andhereby irrevocably constitutes and appoints m attorney to transfer thewithinNoteinthe books keptbytheCity for the registration thereof,with fall powerof substitution inthe premises. Dated:•_*__• NOTICE:The signature ofthisassignment must correspond withthenameasit appears uponthe within Noteinevery particular,orany SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OR changewhatever. FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER OF ASSIGNEE [Form of Abbreviations] The following abbreviations,when used inthe inscription onthe face of thewithinNote, shallbe construed asthoughtheywere written outin full according tothe applicable lawsor regulations. TEN COM -as tenants in common TEN ENT -as tenants bythe entireties JT TEN -asjointtenantswiththeright of survivorship andnotastenantsin common UNIFORM TRANS MIN ACT-Custodian for (Cust)(Minor) Under Unifonn Transfersto Minors Actof (State) Additional abbreviations may also beusedthoughnotintheabovelist. Name and address of assigneeforpaymentandnoticepurposes Notice:Payment:- Date:Assignee: By: Title: A-6 010-8062-4827/4/AMEWCAS O o u r~ ) Payment Date November 1,2015 May 1,2016 November 1,2016 May 1,2017 November 1,2017 May 1,2018 November1,2018 May 1,2019 November 1,2019 May 1,2020. November 1,2020 May 1,2021 November 1,2021 May 1,2022 November 1,2022 May 1,2023 November 1,2023 May 1,2024 November 1,2024 May 1,2025 November 1,2025 May 1,2026 November 1,2026 May 1,2027 November 1,2027 May 1,2028 November 1,2028 May 1,2029 November 1,2029 May 1,2030 November 1,2030 May 1,2031 November 1,2031 May 1,2032 010-80S2-4827/4/AMEMCAS SCHEDULE 1 A-7 Principal Amount Due $ bb&i BranchBankingand Trust Company Governmental Finance P.O.Box 714 Columbia,SC 29202 (803)251-1328 April 15,2015 Mr*Alfredo Riverol Chief Financial Officer City of SouthMiami 6130 Sunset Drive South Miami,FL33143 Dear Mn Riverol: Branch Banking and Trust Company ("BB&T")is pleased to offer this proposal for the financing requested bytheCity of South Miami,FL ("City"). (1)Projects:Refunding Revenue Note,Series 2015 ("Note") (2)Amount tobe financed:Nottoexceed$5,000,000 (3)Interest Rates,FinancingTermsandCorrespondingPayments: Final Maturity BO Rate May 1,2032 2.80% o Unless otherwise requested,principal and interest payments shall be due semiannually each May 1and November 1,commencing November 1,2015.Interest onthe principal balance oftheNote shall accrue based ona 30/360 daycount basis.BB&Tmustapprove the final amortization schedule. The interest rate stated above is valid for a closing not later than 45 days after today.Closing of the financing is contingent upon completing documentation acceptable toBB&Tandits counsel. BB&T's legal review expenses and underwriting fees for this financing transaction shall be $5,000.00.All applicable taxes,permits,costsof counsel fortheCity and any other costs shall bethe City's responsibility and separately payable bythe City. The transaction willbe prepayable in whole onany regularly scheduled payment date without penalty. Thefinancingdocumentsshallinclude provisions thatwilloutline appropriate changestobe implemented inthe event that this transactionis determined tobetaxableornonbankqualifiedin accordance with Florida StateStatutesorthe Internal Revenue Service code.These provisions mustbe acceptable toBB&T.In addition,any amount due hereunder not paid when dueshall bear interest ata defaultrateequaltotheinterestrateontheSeries 2015 Noteplus 2%per annumfromand after ten (10) days after the date due., V.) () ThestatedinterestrateaboveassumesthattheCityexpectstoborrow $10,000,000 or less inthe calendar year 2015 and thatthe financing shall comply with die applicable IRS Code Sections 141,148, 149(e),265(bX3).BB&T reservestherightto terminate itsinterestinthisbidortonegotiateamutually acceptable rate ifthefinancingisnotaqualifiedtax-exempt financing. (4)Financing Documents: It shall bethe responsibility of theCityto retain and compensate counsel to appropriately structure the financing documents according to Florida State statutes.BB&T shall also require theCityto provide an unqualified bond counsel opinion.BB&T and its counsel reserve the right toreview and approve all documentationbefore closing. (5)Security: The Note shall be secured byacovenantto budget and appropriate from legally available Non-Ad Valorem Revenues oftheCityin amounts sufficient to repay the principal and interest oftheloanwhen due. BB&T appreciates the opportunity to make this financing proposal and requests tobe notified withintendaysofthisproposal should BB&T bethesuccessful proposer. BB&T shall havethe right tocancelthisofferby notifying theCityofitselectiontodoso (whether ornotthisofferhas previously been accepted bytheCity)if atanytime prior tothe closing there isa material adverse change intheCity's financial condition,ifwediscover adverse circumstances ofwhichwe are currently unaware,ifwe are unable to agree on acceptable documentation withtheCity or if thereisachangeinlaw(orproposed change inlaw)that changes theeconomic effect of this financing to BB&T. Please call meat(803)251-1328 with your questions and comments.Welook forward to hearing fromyou. Sincerely, BRANCH BANKINCL&NB^PKDSTTOMPANY v. Andrew G.Smith Sr.Vice President TotalDebt Service Savings $1,068,672 Average Annual Savings $62,863 Present Value Savings $828,748 PresentValueSavingsas%of Refunded Principal 17.05% FinalMaturity 5/1/2032 Principal Amount $4,958,000 Total Debt Service $6,251,184 Total Interest Cost $1,293,184 Estimated Issuance Costs $58,154 Interest Rate 2.80% All-in True Interest Cost 2.95% Principal Amount Outstanding (after 5/1/2015)$4,860,000 Principal Amount Refunded $4,860,000 Average Coupon Refunded 5.06% Final Maturity 5/1/2032 Prepayment Currently @100% -Analysis ispre Ii mi nary and subject to change. -Assumes closing of the refunding on May28,2015. -Present value savings calculated attheall-intrue interest cost -Savings figures net of estimated issuance costs. o J o o Capital improvement Revenue Refunding.Note,S* rpmasicing'SchGdule .".'";.:"/ ie.s!2015 4/15/15 4/15-21/15 : A/22/15 4/23/15 5/5/15 5/19/15 TBD 5/28/15 mmsi&Mitiimm\ms&mmiMmm aaaoDiaaicioficiaaEi 1 "2 3 4 1 2 5 6 ^8 9 10 tl 3 4 m 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 m 22 23 24 25 17 18 m 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Gty Commission Meetings ore held every 1st and3rd Tuesday @7pm BankLoanProposalReceivedby City Completion of Ordinance/Loan Documents Financing Documents providedto the City Clerkfor the AgendabyNoon Provide FMLC Notice of Intent to Refund 2001A &2O02A Loans FMLC begins preparation of Escrow Agreement City Commission Meeting -Is1 ReadingofOrdinance CityCommission Meeting-2ndReadingofOrdinance&ApprovalofLoan Pre-closing Closing &Transfer ofFunds CityCityof South Miami,FL BCBond Counsel -Squire Patton Boggs FA financial Advisor -FirstSouthwest BK Bank-BB&T BKC Bank Counsel -Edwards Cohen FMLC Florida MunicipalLoanCouncil/FMLC Counsel ALL Working Group 8K/City BC BC City FMLC City City All All r MIAMI HERALD I MiamiHerdld.com •CORAL GABLES 'CAPTURE GABLES' PHOTO CONTEST TOeCondGables Museum isnow accepting photo sub- missions for the fourth an nual "CaptureCoralCables" contest.The photography contest Is open toall teens and adults. The contest isfreetoentet Deadline toenterisMay4. Photo categories include: Portraicuje,Stteet Photogra phy,Nature/Landscape.Ab stractCulinary Arts aid Dig italPhoto Manipulation.Ju rors include Maggie StebeL John B.Gyoell andJ.Brian King.Grand prizes include the Juror**Choice Awardand achancetopresenta solo ex hibit along with a Leica D- Lux6. Tosubmitaphoto entry* visit www.capeure coralgable9.0rg. •MIAMJ ADVANCED STUDIES COLLEGE FORUM Acollege fbrum including theUniversityofPennsylva nia,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Princeton, Dartmouth andJohnsHop kinswill beheld from 10 am. tonoonMay9atthe Kfiami DadeCollege Wolfcon Cam pus,245NW Fourth St.. Room ZOO. High school students are invited to attend the forum and team aboutthecomplex admissionsprocess at top- tieruniversities,Representa- tilves will be available to answer questions aboutad mission,academics and fi nancial aid Registration Is requiredlb register;visitwww.sa5.dade NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS charitable designation tore ceivea donation.The South MiamiPolice Explorers will be awajrfedtfc&year-Thc city commissionpassed a resolu tionto waive parking meter fees in thearea for the event. The eventis supported by BaptistSouthMiamiHospi tal and Town Kitchen and Bar •CUTLER BAY WHAT'S AT NEXT CITIZENS MEETING? The Concerned Citizens of cutlerSaywillfeaturerep resentatives from the state of Hori<k'sDivisionofElderAf fairsatitsMaymeeting The meetingisfrom7to9 pjn.May5at the Cutler Ridge United Methodist Church,20740Old Cutler Road.Two seminars will be presentedatthe meeting,one schoo&set For more infor mation,contact Dennis Undr sayat3QS»237-OS10. •SOUTH MIAMI ANNUAL TWILIGHT SK RETURNS DOWNTOWN For the 27th consecutive year.South Miami's down- town area wiE host the Twi light 5K Walk/Run event From6pjn,to8p.m>Sunday, May3L *Ine event starts on SW 74 Tezrace and 58th Avenue and finishes near First National Bank on57th Court Food.iun and music will entrain those whoattend and partake in the event,operated by Team Footworks Educational and FitnessCorporation,a non- for-piofit organization. Each year,Team Foot works Educational and Fit ness Corporation awarda' CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COURTESY NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhat the City Commisiion of the Cityof Sooth Mi«mi.Florida will conduct Public Hearing^)at H*regular City Commission meeting scheduled for T^iefdj^Mav 19.2015 beginning at7:00 p.m.,inthe CityCommission Chambers,6130SunsetDrive,toconsiderthe following itcm(s): An Ordinate*authorizing the issuance of CapitalImprovement Revenue Refunding Note,Series2015, inthe principal amount notto exceed $5,000,000,forthe purpose of refinancing certim ofthe City's outstanding indebtedness and paying the costs ofissuance oftheNote andofrefinancing -such indebtedness; covenanting to annually budget and appropriate funds Aom Legally Available Non*Ad valorem Revenues to repay such Note;providing the form,tenna anddetails of thr Note;awarding (he Note to Branch Banking and Trust Company by negotiated sale;nuking certain covenants and ogicemems inconnection therewith;authorizing and directing officers and employees ofthe City to taKe all necessary actions and executeall accessary documents. ALL inletested partiesareinvited lo attendand will be heard. Fot nunher information,pleasecontact the Oty Clerk's Officeah305-663-6340. Maris M.Menendez.CMC CityClerk FurtMM toFfatfaStatutes 366.0105,tire City hereby advfecn thepublic ifaat ifa petfoo decides toappeal sny decide*aide by flwBoexd,Agency orCommtoion withrape*to imy muter considered at its meeting or hearing,heor she willoeeo0recordof tbt proceeding!,ind thai forweh purpose,affectedpenon rosyneedto «asws thaib vatatiin recordcfthe proeoedmgii is made whichrecord include*the testinwnyandevidence upon which fte appealis Co be toed. SE SUNDAY,MAY 3,201b I 39SE for mils preventionandone for safe hemes.The seminars areintendedtoreduceinjury risk and allow individuals to stay comfbrtibk andsafein theirhomesastheyage. -CORAL GABLES FAMILY DAY BIKE SALE AT THE MUSEUM The Coral GablesMuseum willhostaFamilyDayBike Sate from 2 to 5pm.May 9 at 285Aragon Aye.Guestscan buyailtypesofusedbicycles attheevent Admission to the museum is free, During Family Day,guests canvisitthe "ARIcyele:Cy clists Matter"and "Under line:Make it Yours"exhibits. Children can learn howto DJ from D)ESelo of Scratch DJ Academyfrom2 to 4pm At3 p.m.,the Miami Youthfor Chamber Music will per form.. To donate a bfcyde,call 3Q5-&&SQ67 ordropthebi cycleoffattheMuseumfrom 9 a>m.to 6 p.m.Monday through Friday,21 am to5 p.nt Saturday or noon to5 pjcn.Sunday. •DEERJNG ESTATE «SEAGBASSES AND MANGROVES'SHOW Part of the "Speaking Sus- 'tainably"mmand lecture se ries*theDeeringEstatewill hostafreescreeningof Sett- grasses and Mangroves at7 pmMay27at 36701 SW 72nd Ave, The film explorestheen dangerednatureof seagiass- «andmangroves,whichare in declineglobally.Screening is opentothe public For more information*visit www.decringestate.org. LEARN -PREPARE -PROTECT DEFEND WHAT YOU LOVE TOP-GUN FIREARMS TRAINING CLASSES PROTECT YOURSCLP NOW GOT YOUR CCW PERMIT CCW -CONCEALED CARRY WEAPON •DON'T BB A VICTIM •BC FKEPAR6D •DON'T BE ANOTHER CRIME NUMBER Si LIFE IS PRECIOUS -SAVE YOURS •PONT BE HELPLESS -gTANP TALL *CCW CLASS SPKCIAL IS ONLY $49 *»INBTBUCTORS are nha ckktifieo ft IT TAKBS LESS THAN 2 HOURS *cqnvbnicntly located *YOU WILL HKCttlVEr ♦NRA DIPLOMA ♦AGA DIPLOMA LIMITED TIME &4*.OFFER DO NOT MISS IT CALL NOW; 305 600*490 1*889-5130312 TOP-CUN mNKARMStflAINlNO SCHVIN8 TWG PUBLIC SINCE W* lie.NO.»»»03*0|7L917<» 2BSE |SUNDAY,MAY TO,2015 SE MiamlHerald.com |MIAMI HERALD ^Community Meeting SOAPBOX Public Works and WasteManagementDepartment Community Meeting Drainage Improvement Project#20130263 Main HighwayfromRoyalRoadto McFartane Road Noticeis hereby given Itiat tha Miami-DadeCountyPubOcWorks anil Waste Management Department (PWWM)will conduct a Community ffleetfna regarding thesubjectproject on Tuesday,Way19,2015, from6:30pmto 8r00 pm atthe dty oi Miami City Hall,located at 350(7 PanAmerican Drive.Coconut Grove,33133. This Community Meeting willbe conducted to provide areabusinessesandresidents with information rotated totheconstruction phaseofthis project.Trie scopeofwork forthisprojectconsistsoftheretrofitting ofOta existing,drainage system,whfch hasexceeded its(He expectancy andhasbeencompromised bytree rootIntrusion,funding forthisprojectwgi be provided by trioGeneralObligation Bond(GOB]program.The project is listed m the County's 2014-2015 Capital Budget Book. The construction plans,maps,drawingsandotherpertinent information developedby PWWM wit)ba available tor public review at the meeting sitefrom6:30 pmuntil 7:30pmonthedayoftriemeeting.The first partof ttie Community Meeting provides an opportunity forattendeestoviewthe construction plans andto discuss the project with PWWM staff.During thesecondpart,which is expected to begin at 730 pm. (here will bea brief presentation ofthe project,followed bya question andanswerperiod fortheremainder of the meeting. Itisthe policy ofMiami-Dado County tocomply withalfoftherequirements oftheAmericans withDisabilities Act(ADA)of1990.Themeeting facility rsADA accessible,forsign language interpreters,assistivelistening devicesor materials m accessible format,pleasecat)30S-375-45S2 atleast five (5)businessdaysin advance. Site of fire,station 'about polities' This letter follows the council meeting ofPalmetto BayonMay 4,2015: As I presented at the meeting theescalating,tar geted harassment of my neighbor,Itoofeelthetear and insecurity ofactionsby afew,specificallyoneresi dent AND the actions and inactions of our mayor and council members.I will re peat thatleaving unmarked boxes ona doorstep isnot funny norshouldbe accept* edbythis mayor otcouncil oranybodyinthe Village. Unmarked boxes ata school ^would cause a lockdown or atanairportwould dose the airport.Nor should "cele- orations"be acceptable es pecially when council mem- bars know about it AND participate (a celebration where Just one invitation was given.).This person/ peopleare causing fear and Justas importanta misuse of public funds andresources asthepolicehave needed to intervene The children of thisvillagedon'tbehavelike this. Havingsaidallofthis,itis apparenttomanyandnow to all that the location ofthe fire station was NEVER about coverage or response times.It was about politics* harassment,secret meet- logs and sticking it to a neighbor who disagreed with yourpoliticsorsup portedanothercandidateor issue.So when the first alarmbellrings one morn- ingaround8 ajn.and the truck carft access Old Cut ler Road and the cars cant move because of the newCITYOFSOOTHMIAMI COURTESY NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the Cily Commission ofthe City of South Miami,Florida will conduct Public Hearing^)atitsregular CityCommission meeting scheduled for Tnesdav.Mnv 19.2015 becinninp at7:00 pan.,inthe City Commission Chambers,6130Sunset Drive,to consider the following itetn(s); An Ordinance authorizing the issuance ofCapital Improvement RevenueRefunding Note,Series 2015,intheprincipal amount nottoexceed $6,000,000,forthe purpose ofrefinancingcertainoftheCity'soutstanding Indebtedness andpayingthecostsof issuance of the Note and of refinancing such Indebtedness;covenanting to annually budgetandappropriatefundsfrom Legally Available Non-Ad Valorem Revenues to repaysuch Note;providing the form,termsanddetailsofthe Note;awarding the NotetoBranch Banting andTrustCompanyby negotiated sale;makingcertain covenants and agreements in connection therewith;authorizing anddirectingofficers and employees oftheCitytotake all necessary actionsandexecute all necessary documents, AIL interested parries are rnvjtedtoattendandwillbeheard. Forfurther information,please contact the City Clerks Office at:305-663-6340. MariaM.Mencndcz,CMC City Clerk Pursuant to Florid?Statutes 286.0J05,th»City berebyadvises tic public lootifapersondecides to appeal anydecision rote by this 0o*rd..Agmcy or dmuBiuton wiuifcsf ecttoapymattereontidftied «f itsmcttfouor hearing,he or sbcwilt needa record of theproceedings,andthatfor«ucn pucoos*.afibctert pa*M»may need to emwretbsl n vmbunm recordofthe ptoeeeding*U wade whichimord includesthe testioioty and «vi<hsc» uponwhich (he appeal Istobebased. extended street curb,and the truck can't goeastor west (except by accessing Farmer Road to 136th)and the response time is not fas ter than IS minutes,Ido sin cerely hope none of these people made the call And am thankful they can walk to my house! —Usa GraanberpA PalmettoBay NEIGHBORS CALENDAR .CAUNDAR,FROn275E ChtWNetCorefor KWs Luncheon tenanting thechildreninmechild welfaresystemin Broward County. PresentedbyBoles,Schiller and Ffexner UP.the luncheon willhonor Lorrainemoras,widowof De»e Thomas founder ot wenayt restaii' rants.Cave wasadoptedasa baby and committed hispnJiantnropJc (lie to advocating andsupporting adoption issues.MayISW0 am.-? pm $7S Piflftop Lounge 2301S£. m %.FortLauderdale. Annual Simmer Spree Auction The Att ofSouth Florida's 20th Annual SummerSpreeAuction,wis feature flavor fu!cuisinepreparedby the. Marriott'sChef,hors dtouvres complimentsform ElGranInto Restaurant Tho OldLisbonRestau rant,Joybon Baking Products, Mimmo's ItalianMarket Aldler Wormier,GablesDelightsandMama's Gtuva Bars.Taste wines compliment of €1Carejo.playonthecasino tanks,win excitingraffleprizes,And participate ina thrilling liveMiction featuringworldwidetripswith auctioneer Mr.Michael Guyor.among hundreds of silent auction items. •May155*5 pm-lOpm $75ad vance;$85dayof event www.sum- mcrspreeeMCtieacom Marriott Miami Airport Hotel 1201NW LeJeune Rd„ Miami. Artists tn Action!with Christina Mttnson HearChristina Pettersson speak about herwort,creative inspirations,andrecentprojects, Christina ftttersson*workexplores resurrecttdn and savage demise on o grandscaleoncereservedforhistory painting.Her targagraphiteworks onpaperreference classic mytholo gyand literature,and inck/de herself as therecurringfemale ilguw surroundedby 3ftiTttH.mostpartic ularly birds,PathArtistsin Action! presenter isalso commissioned by •TURN TO CALENDAR USE 10/26/2015 Statutes &Constitution:View Statutes :Online Sunshine Select Year:2015 •Go The 2015 Florida Statutes Title XH Chapter 166 View Entire Chapter MUNICIPALITIES ;MUNICIPALITIES 166.241 Fiscal years,budgets,and budget amendments.- (1)EachmunicipalityshallestablishafiscalyearbeginningOctober1 of eachyearand ending September 30ofthe following year. (2)The governing body ofeachmunicipality shall adoptabudgeteach fiscal year*Thebudgetmust be adopted by ordinance or resolution unless otherwise specified in the respective municipality's charter.The amount availablefrom taxation and other sources,includingbalances brought forwardfrompriorfiscal years,must equal the total appropriations for expenditures and reserves.Ataminimum,the adopted budget must showforeachfund,asrequiredbylawandsound financial practices,budgeted revenues and expenditures by organizational unit whichareatleastat the level of detail requiredfor the annual financial reportunders.218:32(1).Theadoptedbudgetmust regulate expendituresof the municipality, andanofficerofa municipal government maynotexpendorcontract for expendituresinany fiscal year except pursuantto the adopted budget. "•(3)'Thetentativebudgetmustbe posted onthe municipality's official websiteatleast2 days before the budget hearing,heldpursuantto s.200.065 orotherlaw,to consider suchbudget.The final adopted budget must be posted on the municipality's official website within30days after adoption.If the municipality doesnot operate anofficial website,themunicipalitymust,within areasonableperiod of time as established by the county or counties inwhich the municipalityislocated,transmit the tentative budget andfinal budget to the manageroradministrator of suchcountyor counties whoshallpostthe budgets on the county-s website, (4)The governing body ofeachmunicipalityatany time withinafiscalyearorwithin60daysfollowing the endof the fiscalyearmayamenda budget forthatyear as follows: (a)Appropriationsfor expenditures within afundmaybedecreasedor increased bymotionrecordedin the minutesif thetotal appropriations ofthe fund isnot changed. (b)the governing body may establish procedures by which the designated budget officer may authorize budget amendments if the total appropriationsof the fundisnotchanged. (c);If abudgetamendmentis required fora purpose not specifically authorized in paragraph (a)or paragraph (b),the budget amendment must beadoptedin the samemanneras the originalbudget unless otherwise specified in the municipality's charter. (5)If the governing body ofa municipality amends the budget pursuant to paragraph(4)(c),the adopted amendment must be posted on the official website of the municipality within 5 days after adoption.If the municipality does not operate an official website,the municipality must,within a reasonable periodof time as established by the county or counties in which the municipality is located, transmit the adopted amendment to the manager or administrator of such county or counties who shall post 'v_) the adopted amendment on the county's website. History-s.1,ch.73-129;s.4,ch.83-106;s.6,ch.96-324;s.14,ch.2004-305;s.11,ch.2011-144. http:/Avww Jeg.state.fl.u$/Statutes/indexxfm?Appjnrxle=66.241 .html 112 10/26/2015 Statutes&Constitution :View Statutes :Online Sunshine Copyright c 1995-2Q15 The Florida Legislature *Privacy Statement •Contact Us C) o http:/Arvww.leg.stateA^2/2 Sou#Miami tHE CITY OF PLEASANT LIVlfoG DEBT SERVICE FUND CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI FUND 201 TheDebt Service Fund has been established in aneffortto make clearly the City scurrent Long Term Liability.TheCityhasseveralloansoutstandingwiththe Florida Municipal Loan Council (FMLC).The council,asa subsidiary ofFlorida League ofCitiesadministersthe Florida Municipal Loan Program.Small and mediumsizedcitiesinthe state obtain loansfromthe FMLC,throughbondsandbackedby MBIA Insurance Corporation. |nthiscurrent Fiscal Year,the CityofSouth Miami has no intention of issuing any additional debt tohelp fundanyrecurring or nonrecurring capitalimprovementprojects. Gibson-Bethel Community Center (previouslyknownas South Miami Multi-Purpose Center) On April 10,2001 TheCityofSouth Miami Commission adoptedOrdinance II -01 -1742 authorizing the City Manager toenter into agreement with the Florida Municipal Loan Council forthe borrowing of $2.5 millionand using South Miami Hospital'sannualcontribution of $150,000.ThisCommissionadministers a loan program withavariablerate revolving loanpool uniquely designedforFloridalocalgovernments. FundingfortheprogramwasthroughanAAArated tax-exempt bondissueadministeredbythe Florida ,~< League of Cities on behalf of local governments in order to achieve better economies of scale.The (J program was created pursuantto Chapter 163,part I,of Florida Statestatutes,forthepurpose of issuing the bonds. In 1998,the Citywasawardeda grant bytheSafeNeighborhoodPark Agency to construct amulti purposecenterat Murray Park.The SNP Grant required a dollar for dollar match,and contingent upon the City utilizing itsownmatchbeforethe Agency releaseditsown.Thepurposeofthemultipurpose community center is to providesocialandrecreational activities for all residentsofSouth Miami. CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI BUDGET FY 2014-2015 223 u lami THE CITY OF PLEASANT LIVING FLORIDA MUNICIPAL LOAN COUNCIL BOND 2001 a FY DATE PRINCIPAL INTEREST FEES PAYMENT BALANCE m illlllBIli lilil Ml%m &$««6 9/30/2016 II/I/20I5 5/1/2016 60,000 40,288 38,713 1,055 1,025 101,343 39,738 1,550,000 9/30/2017 II/I/20I6 5/1/2017 65,000 38,713 37,006 1,025 993 104,738 37,999 1,485,000 9/30/2018 lt/l/2017 5/1/2018 70,000 37,006 35,169 993 958 107,999 36,126 1,415,000 9/30/2019 11/1/2018 5/1/2019 75,000 35,169 33,200 958 920 111,126 34,120 1,340,000 9/30/2020 11/1/2019 5/1/2020 75,000 33,200 31,419 920 883 109,120 32,301 1,265,000 9/30/2021 11/J/2020 5/1/2021 80,000 31,419 29,519 883 843 112,301 30,361 1,185,000 9/30/2022 ll/i/2021 5/1/2022 85,000 29,519 27,500 843 800 115,36! 28,300 1,100,000 9/30/2023 il/i/2022 5/172023 90,000 27,500 25,250 800 755 118,300 26,005 1,010,000 9/30/2024 11/1/2023 5/1/2024 90,000 25.250 23,000 755 710 116,005 23JI0 920,000 9/30/2025 11/1/2(84 95,000 5/1/2025 23,000 710 20,625 663 118,710 21,288 825,000 9/30/2026 11/1/2025 5/1/2026 100,000 20,625 18,125 663 613 121,288 18,738 725,000 9/30/2027 11/1/2026 5/1/2027 105,000 18,125 15,500 613 560 123,738 16,060 620,000 9/30/2028 11/1/2027 5/172028 110,000 15,500 IZ750 560 505 126,060 13,255 510,000 9/30/2029 11/1/2028 5/t/2029 120,000 12,750 9,750 505 445 133,255 10,195 390,000 9/30/2030 11/1/2029 5/1/2030 125,000 9,750 6,625 445 383 135.195 7,008 265,000 9/30/2031 11/172030 5/1/2031 130,000 6,625 3,375 383 318 137.008 3,693 135,000 9/30/2032 11/1/2031 135,000 3,375 318 138,693 TOTAL 2,200,000 2,080,771 56,588 4,337,359 u CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI BUDGET FY 2014-2015 224 South^Miami THE CITY Of PtEASANT LIVING : CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI MUNICIPAL PARKING GARAGE The City secured financing forthe design and construction of the Municipal Parking Garage onSW 73rd Street. The CityofSouth Miami entered intoaleaseagreementwith Mark Richman Properties Inc.(MRP)to manage the municipal garage.The Parking Garage exists of ground floor retail space and restaurants with 4-floors ofpublic parking. MRP compensates the citya minimum rent guaranteedpaymentinadditiontothepaymentofalldebt serviceonthe Florida LeagueofCitiesBonds Issued.Paymentofthe debt service shall commenceasto the amount drawn on the Florida League of Cities Bond Issue andany other debtonthe date thefunds were drawnandare payable inaccordancewiththe principal andinterestpaymentscheduleestablished bythe Florida Municipal Loan Council (FMLC)fortheCityof South Miami pursuanttothe issuance of FMLC Revenue Bonds,series 2002A and 2006. Interest ispaidatthe same rate as the city's rate of interest on the bonds together with a pro-rata share of all the totalamountof the borrowingsoas to include amortizedexpensesofthebond,andallcosts associated with the bonds. Furthermore,in March of2008,theCity Commission authorizedtheCity Manager to executean additional loan with SunTrust Bank forOne Million Dollars.The purpose ofthe SunTrust loan was to Y"~\ repay $300,000 tothe City's reserve account,which funds were utilized for improvements made tothe \v / street immediately adjacent to the parking garage.Seven hundredthousand dollars fromtheSunTrust Loanwasearmarkedforthe completion ofthe 'construction of theparking garage. MRP isnot subsidized bytheCityand pays its full shareof borrowing expenses.Thefundsusedby MRP for design andconstructionofthe parking garageprojectrepresent 83.36%ofthe funds borrowedon the Bonds and 70%of the SunTrust Loan. Background on "Private Loan"and "Private Activity".$2,500,000 ofthe proceeds ofthe 2002 Loan were inturnloanedtotheDeveloper("Developer Loan")onJune 12,2002.TheCity also enteredinto a Lease AgreementwiththeDeveloperon March 11,2005 ("Developer Agreement")whereby the Developerwouldoperatethe Garage Projectand retain certain income fromthe Garage Projectfor a termof50 years from the opening date ofthe Garage Project.Thus the Developer Agreement expires in 2057as the Garage Project was completed in2007.Thesetwoactions constituted an impermissible privateloanand impermissible private activity,respectively,underSection 141 of the Internal Revenue Codeof 1986,as amended ("Code"),adversely affecting the governmental status ofthe Council Bonds. The private loain arose immediaitely upon making the Developer Loan.The private activity did not arise atthetimeofthe Developer Agreement.It did notoccur until parking rateswere first charged at the Garage Project inJanuary of 2008. IRS Proceduresand Negotiations.On July 13,2010,the City,jointly withtheIssuer (FMLC), approachedtheInternalRevenue Service ("IRS")toseek permission to apply forasettlementunder the Voluntary Compliance Agreement Program ("VCAP")in orderto preserve thetax exempt status () CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI "BUDGET FY 2014-2015 ~~72S Sou#Miami THE CJTY OF PLfASANT LIVING of the CouncilBondsandthe2009 SunTrust Loanunder the Code.Asthenameimplies,theVCAP program involves a self-reporting of potential problems with atax exempt issueor series oftax exempt issues and thatis what theCityundertook.Theprocedureisthereforesomewhatdifferent thanan IRS Examination becauseitis self-reported and typically more beneficial toanissuerof tax exempt bonds.The IRS granted permission foraVCAP and onAugust 13,2010,theCityandthe Issuer jointly submitted a Request for Closing Agreement Pursuant'to Internal Revenue Manual Section which outlines the VCAP procedures.An IRS Agent was assigned tothe CityYVCAP request < Aseriesofexploratory calls commencedas the agent began todevelopthe case,Thereafter, negotiations ensued to attemptto resolve all issues with tine IRS and protectthe status ofthe Council Bondsand the 2009Sun Trust Loan under theCode.Specifically,discussionsfocusedondetermining any settlement amount tobe paid tothe IRS to resolve the matter,the language ofthe settlement agreement,and the amount of Council Bonds and 2009 SunTrust Loan tobe redeemed,orifnot immediately eligible forredemption,defeased until thefirstredemptiondate.The IRS andCityof South Miami came to an agreement and duetothis issue,defeased a partial amountofthe2002A and 2006 FMLC Bonds and all oftheSunTrust2009 loan.TheCity'snew loan whichwasusedtodue accomplish the required negotiation is thenewSunTrust 2011 loan for $7,575,000. o ;v.... CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI BUDGET FY 2014-2015 226 9/30/2016 II/I/I5 5/1/16 9/30/2017 11/1716 5/1/17 9/30/2018 II/I/I7 5/1/18 9/30/2019 II/I/I8 5/1/19 9/30/2020: II/I/I9 5/1/20 9/30/2021 11/1/20 5/1/21 9/30/2022 11/1/21 5/1/22 9/30/2023 11/1/22 5/1/23 : 9/30/2024 11/1/23 5/1/24 9/30/2025 11/1/25 5/1/25 9/30/2026 11/1/25 5/1/26 9/30/2027 11/1/26 5/1/27 9/30/2028 11/1/27 5/1/28 9/30/2029 11/1/28 5/1/29 9/30/2030 11/1/29 5/1/30 9/30/2031 11/1/30 5/1/31 9/30/2032 11/1/31: 5/1/32 TOTAL CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI South*Miami THECITYOF PLEASANT L1VINC 83,37188 X500.00 125,000.00 83,371.88 2,500.00 79,934:38 2,500.00 130,000.00 79,934.38 2,500.00 76,359.38 £500.00 135,000.00 76,359.38 2,500.00 72,646.88 Z500.00 145,000.00 72,646:88 2,500.00 68,659.38 2,500.00 155,000.00 68,659.38 2,500.00 64,78438 2300.00 160,000.00 64,784.38 2,500.00 60.784.38 2,500.00 170,000.00 60,784.38 2,500.00 56,534.38 2,500.00 175,000.00 56,534.38 2,500.00 52,159.38 2,500.00 185,000.00 52,159.38 2,500.00 47,534.38 2,500.00 195,000.00 47,534.38 2,500.00 42,659.38 2,500.00 205.000.00 42,659.38 2,500.00 37,534.38 2,500.00 215,000.00 37,534.38 2,500.00 32,159.38 2,500.00 230,000.00 3%159.38 2,500.00 26,265.63 2,500.00 240,000.00 26,265.63 2,500.00 20.115.63 2,500.00 250,000.00 20,115.63 2,500.00 13,709.38 2,500.00 260,000.00 13,709.38 2,500.00 7,046.88 2,500.00 275.000.00 7,046.88 2,500.00 3,690,000 2,412,844 96,000 BUDGET FY 2014-2015 83.372 208,372 .3,125,000 79,934. 209,934 2,995,000 76.359 211.359 2.860.000 72,647 217,647 Z715,000 68,659 223.659 2,560,000 64,784 224.784 2.400.000 60.784 230,784 2.230.000 56.534 231,534 52,159 2,055,000 o 237,159 1,870,000 47,534 242,534 1,675,000 42,659 247,659 1,470,000 37,534 252,534 1,255,000 32,159 262,159 1,025.000 26,266 266.266 785,000 20,116 270.116 535,000 13,709 273,709 275,000 7.047 282,047 6,102,844 227 O o SoutlrMiami THE GCTY OF PLEASANT LIVING FLORIDA MUNICIPAL LOAN COUNCIL BOND 2006 FY DATE PRINCIPAL INTEREST FEES 88Bii«Bi SB® fllllli wmmm mgm 9/30/16 10/01/15 04/01/16 35,000 29,834 28,959 2,000 2,000 9/30/17 10/01/16. 04/01/17 40,000 28,959 27,959 2,000 2,000 9/30/18 10/01/17 04/01/18 40,000 27.959 26,959 zooo 2,000 9/30/19 10/01/18 04/01/19 40,000 26,959 25,959 2,000 2,000 9/30/20 10/01/19 04/01/20 45,000 25,959 25,059 2,000 2,000 9/30/21 10/01/20 04/01/21 45,000 25,059 24,131 ZOOO 2,000 9/30/22 10/01/21 04/01/22 50,000 24,131 23,100 2,000 2,000 9/30/23 10/01/22 04/01/23 50,000 23,100 22,069 2,000 2,000 9/30/24 10/01/23 04/01/24 55,000 22,069 20,934 Z00O 2,000 9/30/25 10/01/24 04/01/25 55,000 20,934 19,800 2,000 2,000 9/30/26 10/01/25 04/01/26 60,000 19,800 18,563 2,000 2,000 9/30/27 10/01/26 04/01/27 60,000 18,563 17,325 2,000 2,000 9/30/28 10/01/27 04/01/28 60,000 17,325 15,975 Z000 2,000 9/30/29 10/01/28 04/01/29 65,000 15,975 14,513 2,000 2,000 9/30/30 10/01/29 04/01/30 70,000 14,513 12,938 2,000 2,000 9/30/31 10/01/30 04/01/31 70,000 12,938 11,363 2,000 2,000 9/30/32 10/01/31 04/01/32 75,000 11,363 9,675 2,000 2,000 9/30/33 10/01/32 04/01/33 80,000 9,675 7,875 2,000 2,000 9/30/34 10/01/33 04/01/34 80,000 7,875 6,075 2,000 2,000 9/30/35 10/01/34 04/01/35 85,000 6,075 4,163 2,000 Z000 9/30/36 10/01/35 04/01/36 90,000 4,163 2,138 2,000 2,000 10/01/36 95,000 2,138 2,000 TOTAL:1,475,000 1,011,597 94,000 CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI BUDGET FY 2014-2015 TOTAL BALANCE iggaiiaaagg 64,834 1,310,000 28,959 68,959 1.270,000 27,959 67,959 1,230,000 26,959 66,959 1,190,000 25,959 70,959 1,145,000 25,059 70,059 1,100,000 24,131 74,131 1,050,000 23,100 73,100 1,000,000 22,069 77,069 945,000 20,934 75,934 890.000 19,800 79,800 830,000 18,563 78,563 770,000 17,325 77,325 710,000 15,975 80,975 645,000 14,513 84,513 575,000 12,938 82,938 505,000 11,363 86,363 430,000 9,675 89,675 350,000 7,875 87,875 270,000 6,075 91,075 185,000 4J63 94,163 95,000 2,138 97.138 2,486,597 228 2016 10/1/2015 4/1/2016 2017 10/1/2016 4/1/2017 2018 10/1/2017 4/1/2018 2019 10/1/2018 4/1/2019 2020. 10/1/2019 4/1/2020 2021 10/1/2020 4/1/2021 2022 10/1/2021 4/1/2022 2023 10/1/2022 4/1/2023 2024 10/1/2023 4/1/2024 2025 10/1/2024 4/1/2025 2026 10/1/2025 4/1/2026 2027 10/1/2026 TOTAL CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI South^Miami THECITY Of PLEASANT LtVINC 410,000 148,605 139,122 435,000 139,122 128,356 450,000 129,061 418,004 480.000 118,653 106,963 495,000 107,551 96,102 520,000 96,102 83.615 540,000 84,075 71,194 565,000 71,585 58,197 590,000 58,517 44,871 620,000 44,871 30,364 645.000 30,531 15,527 675,000 15,612 7,575,000 3,125,339 558,605 139,122 574,122 128,356 579,061 118,004 59a653 106,963 602,551 96,102 616.102 83,615 624,075 71,194 636,585 58.197 648,517 44.871 664.871 30.364 675,531 15,527 690,612 10,700,339 BUDGET FY 2014-2015 6.015,000 6,015,000 5,580,000 5,580,000 5,130,000 5,130,000 4,650,000 4,650,000 4,155.000 4,155,000 3,635,000 3,635.000 3,095,000 3,095,000 2,530.000 Z530.000 1.940,000 ,940,000 1.320,000 ,320,000 675,000 675.000 'J 229 o FMLC Series 2001A Bonds Multipurpose FMLC Series 2002A South Miami Parkjng Garage FMLC Series 2006 South MiamiParking Garage SunTrust Bank Loan RefinanceSMParking Garage $1,670,000 $3,370,000 $1,380,000 $6,825,000 ^Pp^PP^i^PP^ mm« South'Miami THECITY Of HEA5ANT LIVING $60,000 $82,150 $120,000 $173,344 $35,000 $60,544 $400,000 $305,649 ^^^SSiS CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI BUDGET FY 2014-2015 $2,140 $144,290 $1,610,000 $5,000 $298,344 $3,250,000 $4,000 $99,544 $1,345,000 $0 $705,649 $6,425,000 liM^&^r^^i 230 o TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES 20M4IO 5197110 DEBT PRINCIPLE 2011410 5197210 DEBT INTEREST 2011410 5197310 DEBT OTHER COST 2011500 5147310 DEBT OTHER COST TOTAL DEBT SERVICE ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,575,833 1,026,487 872,683 871,767 874,444 198,436 555,000 585,000 565,000 615,000 564,072 677,628 650,437 650,897 621,687 6,070 9,282 6,198 9,125 11.140 0 0 0 0 0 768,578 1,241,910 1,241,635 1,225,022 1,247,827 1,086,247 870,824 501,872 517,569 144,187 CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI BUDGET FY 2014-2015 231 V. Soutlf Miami tHE GITY OF PLEASANT LIVING DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI FUND 201 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 278,992 1,086,247 870,824 870,824 517,569 REVENUES 2010000 3612000 INTEREST INCOME 2010000 3669000 S.HOSP FOUNDATION 20IO000 3669300 RICHMAN PROP LN PMT 311 4,693 2,400 1.556 Z400 142,918 145,240 142,366 142,366 144,290 750.054 726,554 727,917 727,845 727,754 u o o u Watsco reports record earnings inthirdquarter Fadedby ahct air-ocmdi- faner replacementmarket, residts&rthethirdquarter andf "'" ended Sept30.Onthe strengthofthe rerolis re leasedTuesday,theleading announcedits board ap- dividend to$3.40pershare begbming m January.It wiR be its40th cmaecutive year ofdividendpayouts(or Watsco shareholders. lathethird gutter,sales grew4 percent toa record $1-18 trillion.Its earnings persharelose 5percenttoa record$164,on netincome incomewas tip 5 percentto a record$U1milioa Tiard- quarterresultsfellshort of however,andthestock dosed on the New York StockExchangeat $116.84, down 105 percent For the.rune-mouth re sells,sale*grew5percent to $3JUbQfiao andearnings per dare grew H percentto $426.Operating income was up 11percentto$283 "Watsco delivered anoth er soEdquarterofperform ance drivenbysales provedsellingmarginsand expandedoperatingmsr~ oar history.Weexperienced healthy salesgrowthfor rtsdenfislHvAC systems iattieUnited States from sm^unitgrowth andthe cootinutd trend toward higher-efficency systems," saidAlbert Nihmad,Wat- jco's presidentand CEO,in The companyalsosaidit is activelyincreasingits 2012,Watsco bat grownin »0 innovations that Watsco has created to enhancethe baying experiencetorits 83^000 customers andthe servicecapabiSties ofper sonnel at its 567 locations e-corrunerce tools,data, analyticstoenablemore Watsccfs revised outlook pershareis $4>8S to $450 DIVIDENDS S5 S -JU K «r«trt*n FMbtlSn*! ass? Tamil u-ttna IMS MS 'U-lflMO Jttll-U ,„JHflJW* ifodMM Q J»IMrKS Q M>U4 M-JJ -—•o Jn »**hi0asa-uit-ts &SS__-.^r-)M lUtMJ Ctn&atuilbnrp o J11S U-MU-ft —o a u-uiua Q M JUll-O o jm ii-»i>j 5 41 1-4 W? 0 JJ U-JSXM Sitae u-m-n msu-uim <JS lt«H-U i M U-Un-30 I JT n-WUK *-ll-HMfl imims I.0*7SIMI1_ j .IT u-uums 0 .nu.-isn.ai0Jfil1I-SJ14J 0 .ta umi-a o i J>ihm>h --as ii-tiMJ OS IKU-K _M ttttJM o .it n-tauai o jt rttonat 0 49 IMS W o jo a-m-v 0 .IS 1MU-St o «M«SM» kMCBUCBQI 0 j)H*U-i OHta&6n o.«r iHSU-1-..U-tSU-11 .JBSIHU-U 0 Ji 1H5MJStthMhHattfc saauanw'i 0 1(1M 14 0 M IJ-tllJJ CJU»431H 35\nn«Hcmtb I Business Luxe condo tower breaks ground near Sawgrass Mills mall Numberofluxury condo towersplannedfor Metropka development (n Sunrise SalsaFiesta,gourmetfood shopOiland Vinegar,and gaming arcade/restaurant KingsBowl. The mall will bo an choredby luxurydine-in cinema iPic Thedeveloperssaidthey ultimatelyplantobuilda total ofeightluxurycondo towerswith 1,800 resi dential units.Kavaoa has ownedtheland since 1995, buthisinitialplanstode velopwere derailed bythe crisis in 2007. BTmCROLASNXRAMAS THE CONDO TOWER WILL BETHE FIRST STAGE OF WHAT DEVELOPERS SAY WILL BEA 65-ACRE MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT CALLED METROPICA.A HOST OF NEW RESTAURANTS AND SHOPS FORTHE PROJECTS RETAIL CENTER WERE ALSO ANNOUNCED. DONATE YOUR CAR Wheels For, Wishes te Developersbrokeground ooaluxury condo towerin Sunrise on Tuesday,her aldingthefirststageof whattheysaywillbea massive 65-acre, mixed-use development called Metropfcanearthe SawgrassMills malL They alsoannounceda host ofnew restaurants andshopsfortheproject's retailcenter,a 480,000- iquare-foot mall,including NewYork-basedburger chainShakeShack,Peru- •viangastrobar Ssco y Naict and dothmg store The28-storyresidential tower will include 263 amenities that have be comestandardatprojects downtown and on the beach:24-hoor gym,tennis courts,children'splay room,privatedubroom, businesscenterandmovie. screeningroom.Units rangefrom $300,000 to morethan $lnuu»a,and arcpricedbetween$375 and $425 persquarefoot That'sexpensiveforWest Browardbutstillcheaper than sew construction in BrkkeQ ($641persquare foot)andEdgewater($563 per square foot). KCH International De Physicians group saves Medicare $9.9 million Agroupofphysiciansin Palm Beach and Broward• countiesissucceeding where others across the countryarefailing,keeping theirolderpatients healthy andoutof the hospital whilereducingtheoaststo care,the puhhe health Americans 65andolder. AccountableCareOp tions,tbephystrian group, reportedearningabonus thisyearundera pay-for- perf ormance programmat rewardsdoctorsandhospi talsformeetingcertain standardsdesignedto lowercostsinthelongrun byreducing medical com plications andtripstothe emergency room. Byfocusingonintensive who are at risk fororal ready suffering withchron icdiseases,Accountable CareOptionssaved more than$9.9 mfliion,ormore than $1,500 perpatient withoriginalMedicarein 2014,accordingto (he TAVERNAOPA- BRICKELLVILLAGE $29~Taverna0pain Brickell:Food &Drink for2, Reg.$45 RESORTS WORLD RIMINI $225 for a 2-night mid week cruise for two OR $290 for a roundtrip cruise withtwo-nightstayatthe Bimini Hilton dealsaver.com/miami Ytaiosa poctee crrfk*to cBEclwfttM desk. velopment andthe TxSlist Companies have formed a partnership todevelopthe tower,whichisbeingde signedbyLondon-based Yoo Studio.KOH chairman andCEOJosephKavarta saidhiscompanywill breakgroundonthe mall inearly2016.Trillist isa partneronly en Metrop- ica's residential side. Also announced for the mall are retailer Free Peo ple,JewelerKendraScott, organiceateryTrueFood Under the terms ofthe program,hospitalsand doctorsform a company known as an accountable meet qualityandcoststan dards setbyMedicare.The groupsaxeentitledtoshare m halfofthesavingsthey achieve,butonly92ofthe 333suchprogramsacross (hecountryreceiveda bonus for 2014. SincepassageoftheAf- tedabte Care Act m March 2010,more than 420 Medi- garaaattons havebeenes tablished,providingcarefor more than 7.B million Amer icanswithoriginalMedicare asofJanuary. Make-A-Wish^ Southern Florida] •F«e Vekicl.Pickup ANYVVKBtt^^fe*0*jP',o^^;> *V*qIk>occipt Twdu,BVt,SUV^BSoijVK*?8'''.•'•&-<* Call:(305)692-0540 3« \*i^r>rjn^baOMrf^Vtt^^m^mr-' CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COURTESY NOTICE NOTICEIS BBRBBY ghee that fa City CanBniajlcc ofthe C%of Sooth Miami,Florida will conduct Public Htimig(a)atinregularCity Ctanoisatm.meeting scheduled tbrTussdiyiNiKeoibtr 3,2015 begiaoiagal 7:00 pm,to die City Cosusitslon Cbanibes,6130 SunsetDrive,to rmtHTfr tbefoilowicg uem(a}: ( An OrdisaoMretatingto the Gtyb 2015 fiscal year,imeadiag (be budjtt totak« mtoaecouotea racrctteia oxDebtService FundAppropnatedAnaxot ) ALL mlerwied parties« wlU be beard. Forfannerinformation,pkase contacttheCity Qerk>OfSce at:305-6ffl-O40. Mam M.Meceniior,CMC ChyCSerk ittrts TluUiSatMu MtaV.«•Our iittlir »<K«o **plOt dut J r«o *jf xtiaa tooUcmtttSawcetaj atbaOcf.be tttx wOJi ^.^„«._^~-lpB10»O»JP0«0* «i3 hduja*«Mdsny »4 ••isvited to artesd and c^ieut «pa «tkaeu»ffal*»tctaK& American Heritage School Saturday,February 6,2016 at 8:30 a*m. Colltitprtpomwyttkocl for bright,pvtnye toxi/raistudents to PS3 -Grade12 American Heritage willawardfulland partial academic scholarships cohigh-achieving eighthgraders entering ninth grade forthe 2016-17 schoolyear. For an application and registration information, please call 954-472-0022 Ext3021 Some of our school's Highlights &Recognitions include: •Nurob«rone high*diool inthe scareantlntimber one privntcecltoolIn rU«nattoo for htghctrnumberofNationalMeritScholars •ri^kedTtbotfiofJ^OOOh^b^toobUiU^tmaenforHailoodMtrjtScbcbo -57 Naiioml Merit Sehobr SemiRralUu (rngkcRnombcr la dicctste) •39 Nadoial Merlr Comreendtd Scholar* -25NationalHupaatcSdicbw •$72js>Hli«ttiocoltc£C«chobrrhtp»cfetdrodicCI»ttof2015 »2)0%pasiingtue on aDAdvanced Placementaomt {52%pawnaratein chcMarcof Florida:571t pa«inj;ncc naoorolly):AP average tor norc:4 •Number one privatesehua)in liteVS.in naUotia]nutb campelitiont •XusibcroncKicDcr ratsdtitchanl ardts Florida ScueSctento Fair •Moxnberono ia Robotiei 1st die Southeast RcgHmand number It>m die world Free Nonstop ExpressBus Transportation Stmny bles,MtomlSboics,Oool,Avcotuta.Miami Lakes,rtatbutddc.EmeraldHi lb, Hottywmod (N.8tS.Laluo).Mtraroir.renttrota Pino,WcMvn.M-E.8f.SX FkLottdcrckl*, CoralSpring*.&OTacVKcttRtitdand 12200West Broward Boulevard.Plantation,FL 33325 954472-0022 www.ahschool.coin MiAMIBEACH SftmuiHrraft CITYOF MIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA NOTICE OF RUN-OFF ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thata Run-Off ElectionhasbeencalledbytheMayorandCityCommissionoftheCityof Miami Beach,Florida, pursuant to City Resolution 2015-29091,and will beheldinthe City of Miami Beach from7:00a.m.until7:00 pjn.onTuosday,November 17, 2015,forthepurposeofelectingaCityCommissionerin Group IV,whoshallholdofficeforthetermasprovidedby law.AttheNovember17, 2015Run-Off Election,thefollowingshallbesubmittedtothedulyregisteredandqualifiedvotersoftheCityofMiamiBeach: GROUP IV-COMMISSIONER (Vote for One) Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Betsy Perez 44 47 Miami-Dade Countyelectionofficials shallconductthe Run-off Election hereby called,withacceptance ofthe certification oftheresultsof theelectiontobeperformedbytheCityCommission.Theofficial returnsforeachprecinctshallbofurnishedtotheCityClerk oftheCityof MiamiBeach as soon as the bailots from ail precincts havebeen tabulated. ThevotingprecinctsintheCityforthe Run-Off Electionshallbeasestablishedbythe Miami-Dade Countyelection officials.OnElection Osy. allelectorsshallvoteatthevotinglocationandthevotingprecinctsinwhichtheofficialregistrationbooksshowthattheelectorsreside. All questions concerning votinglocation and votingprecincts should bedirectedtothe Mlami-Dade CountyElections Department, 2700NW87 Avenue,Doral,Florida 33172;Telephone:305.499.VOTE (8683)orTTY 305.499.8480. Registrationofpersons desiring tovote In the Run-Off Election shallbe In accordancewiththegenerallawoftheStateofFloridagoverning voterregistration.QualifiedpersonsmayobtainregistrationformstovoteattheOfficeoftheCityClerk,CityHall,1700ConventionCenter Drive,FirstFloor.MiamiBeach,Florida.33139,duringnormalbusinesshours,andatsuchothervoterregistrationcentersandduringsuch timesasmaybeprovidedbytheSupervisorof Elections of Miami-Dade County.Thevoterregistrationdeadlineforthe Run-Off Election wasMonday,October 19,2015.All persons eligibleto vote attheElectionsmustberegisteredbeforethedatesetforthhereinorhave registered previously,as providedbylaw.Each person desiringto become a registered votershallbe responsible for property fflllng out the registration formandreturningittotheMiami-DadeCountyElectionsDepartment.AH questions concerning voterregistrationshould bedirectedtotheMiami-DadeCountyElectionsDepartment,2700 NW87 Avenue,Doral,Florida 33172;Telephone:305.499.VOTE (8683)or TTY:305.499.8480. Absenteevotersparticipating in the Run-OffElectionshallbeentitledto castthoir ballotsin accordance withtheproviEionsoftheLaws oftheStateofFloridawithrespectto absentee voting.Thedeadlineto request anabsenteeballotfromthe Miami-Dade CountyElections Departmentforthe Run-Off Electionis 5:00 p.m.,Wednesday,November 11.2015.Allquestionsconcerningabsenteeballotsshouldbe directedtotheMiami-DadeCountyElectionsDepartment,2700 NW 87Avenue.Doral,Florida33172;Telephone:305.499.VOTE (8683)or TTY:305.499.8480. TheRun-OffElectionwillbe conducted in accordance withthe applicable provisionsof the Florida Statutes andtheCharterand CodeoftheCityofMiamiBeach,Florida.AcopyofResolution 2015-29091 isavailableattheOfficeoftheCityClerkandonlineat: rtno://docmomtmiamibeachfl.oov^/sb«nlr8yO/rir»c/l4p?S5/Paoe1.aBnv RafaelE.Granado,CityClerk CityofMiamiBeach,Florida Ad No.1066 CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COURTESY NOTICE NOTICEISHEREBYgiventhattheCityCommission oftheCityof South Miami.Florida willconduct Public Hcaring(s)atitsregular CityCommission meeting scheduled fa Tuesu^November 17.2015 beginning at 7:00 pjm.,intheCityCommission Chambers.6130 SunsetDrive,to consider the following itemls): A Resolution authorizing theCity Manager to negotiate andotterintoathree-year agreement -with anoptiontorenewfor&maximumoffiveconsecutive years,with Southern Carpet CareInc.DBA.EliteMaintenance &Management Co.forjanitorial services asrcqoired by tlteCity. AResolutionforspecial useapproval to permita general restaurant at5801 SunsetDrive. A Resolution,authorizing (beCiry Manager toenterintoan agreement with Gtanicu!,Inc.,through aCityof Dehay Beach piggyback agreement, RFP82015-27.lo chahle thepubBc toviewpublicmeetings. A Resolution authorizing theCityManager toenterinto*tbtec-yrar agreement withanoption torenew uittiTbroPest Management farCireen Pest Services. A Resolution miUioriziug theG\y Manager to cuterintoa ihree-yiar agreement withanoption to renew withARCOElectronics fortheMaintenance and Monitoringof tho FiroAlarm System at the Gibson-BethelCommunityCenter. A Absolution autbormngtheCity Mutineer toenterintohihrcc-ycar egrecmenl withanoptiontorenew withSoutltcmWasteSystemsfortheremoval and disposalofoon-hnzanlouswaste. A Resolution forspecial use approval topermita general restaurant at5M0 5\V 7.1 siStreet(Commercial Space-A). A Resolution forspec!aluseapproval to permitageneral restaurant ot5840SW 71st Street(Commercial Space-B). A Resolution approving a special exception waivingstrict compliance with the provisions of the Hometown District Overlay parking reqinremenu;.fora general restmrranu at5840SW 71 Street(Commercial Space-A). A Resolution approving a special exception waivingstrict compliance withthe provisions of 0w Hometown District Overlay parking retirements,fora general reslauranU at 5840SW71 Street (Commercial Space •B). A Resolution approving a special exception to ocnsrruet h 5 slory Large Scale Development at6201 Sunset Drive within theTransit Oriented Development District MixedOte-5"TODDMU-5"zoningdistrict. A Resolution approving theconstruction more thantwostories ontheMadison Square sitefor.theMadison Square affordable housing project pursuant to Section20-3.S(D)0)andotherapplicable provisions of theChy%Land Development Code. An Ordmmtce relating totheycar2016 General andSpecial Election oftheMaycmnd CityCommissiooew forGroups.Ii andill:scheduling (beday,place andtoneoftheelection;scheduling theday,place andfiuw ofcariy voting;providing for qualification of candidates;providing forclose ofelection books; approving the official ballot;providing fornotification. (AnOrdinance relating tothe Chys20l5 fiscal year amending (be budget to (ate into account an increase:in (he Debt Service Fund Apprcprbted Amountl An Ordinance Adopting TheCityofSouthMiami201S TextAmendments lo the Comprehensive Plait Future LandDaeAnd Rousing Elements.And Authorizing Transmittal ToTheFlorida Dcpartmati Of Economic Opportunity and Review Agencies. An Ordinance amending (beCityofSouth Miami Land Development Code,ArticleVia Trans*Oriented DevdopmaH District,"Defeutious." Sccuoo 20-8.2,'^Definitions,"to arnatdveri^ An Ordnance Adopting a Small Scale Amendment totheFuture Land Use Map oftheComprchrnsivc Plan,amending thedesignation of (lie Sy)vs»Martin Bufldrag andasking lot OTtfttGryi^ An Ordinance amending theOfficial Zoning Mop as provided intheCityofSouthMiami Land Development Code.Article OL"Zoning Regulations,"' Section 20-3.1(C),and other applicable provisions to apply a Historic Preservation Overlay (HP-OV)upon the Itiatoric Sylva Martin Building and front porchonlylocatedat approximately 6130Sunset Drive. AnOrdnanceunendingtheCity ot"SouthMinimLand Development Code,Article li,"Definitions."Section 20-2.3,"Definitions,"toadddefinitions for"VarietyRetail"and"RetailOutlet-OfT-Price Retail,"andArticleVII,••Hometown District Overlay Ordinance,"Section20-7.12,Permitted usei? toprovidethatsuchuses akd)notbe permitted in(he Hometown District Overlay. ALL interestedparties are invitedtoattendandwillbeheard Forfurther inforwation.please contact theCity ClorWs Office at:305-663-6340. Maria M.Menendez,CMC CityClerk PurmnlR>Flc^Sutia«3286.0IOi,lb«Gtybcicty «bt tncotagwJiemngJttorsUrwfflJKtxUrecord ofOknrocce^i^,milUMttfersueti poipost.aficecco pence rmyneed toouuKthata vertiatim recorder BKjmucedingtuimnc wnicbrvcerd includes thetestioniry x«l evidence 1900which dieappeal btobebred.