Ord No 24-15-2231ORDINANCE NO.24-15-2231 An Ordinance amending Chapter 17,Article IV of the City Code entitled "Dangerous Intersection Safety";providing foruse of the traffic infraction detectors to promote compliance with red light signal directives consistent with general law of the State of Florida, WHEREAS,in 2010,theFloridaLegislaturepassed CS/CS/HB325 authorizinga municipalitytousetrafficinfractiondetectorstoenforcecertainprovisions of Chapter316, Florida Statutes;and WHEREAS,the Governor of theState of Florida signed CS/CS/HB325 into law onMay 13,2010,resulting inthe creation of Chapter 2010-80,Laws of Florida,known asthe "Mark Wandall TrafficSafety Act";and WHEREAS,the Mark Wandall Traffic SafetyActwas subsequently amended including by CS/CS/HB 7125 adopted duringthe2013 Legislative Session,signedintolawbythe Governor onJune12,2013,and resulting in Chapter 2013-160,Laws of Florida,taking effecton July1,2013(as used herein theterm "Act"meansthe Mark Wandall Traffic Safety Actas amended);and WHEREAS,the running of redlights continues tobea safety hazard affecting every citizen and traveler intheCity of South Miami;and WHEREAS,theCity wishes to further reduce the running of red lights by amending its Code of Ordinances to implement theAct;and WHEREAS,the Mayor andCity Commission find that portions of Chapter 17,Article IV of theCityCodeentitled "Dangerous Intersection Safety"enacted pursuant totheCity'shome rule authority but which have notbeen implemented bytheCity,have been preempted bythe Statebyits enactment of theAct;and WHEREAS,theMayorandCity Commission desireto amend Chapter 17,ArticleIV of theCityCodesoasto conform withand implement theAct. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1.Recitals Adopted.Theforegoing "WHEREAS"clausesarehereby ratifiedandconfirmedasbeingtrueandcorrectandareherebymadeaspecificpart of this Ordinance upon adoption hereof. Section 2.Dangerous Intersection Safety.Chapter 17,ArticleIV,Dangerous IntersectionSafety,of theCity of SouthMiami'sCode of Ordinancesisherebyamendedtoread as follows: Page 1 of9 Ord.No.24-15-2231 Sec.17-71.-Intent. Thepurpose of thisAarticleistoauthorizetheuse of TrafficInfractionDetectors anautomated cameras/monitoring systemtopromote compliance withredlight signal directivesasproscribedbythisarticle,andtoadoptacivilenforcementsystemforred lightsignal violationsT,inaccordancewithChapter 2010-80,Laws of Florida,as amended,including as amended byChapter 2013-160,Laws of Florida (the "Mark Wandall Traffic Safety Act'9 or the "Act").The use of Traffic Infraction Detectors is just onemeans of enforcing Thisarticlewillalso supplement law enforcement personnel in the enforcement of redlightsignalviolationsandshallnot prohibit law enforcement officersfrom issuing a citation foraredlightsignal violation in accordance withother routinestatutory traffic enforcement techniques authorized bylaw.ThisArticleis intended to comply withtheAct,including any amendments thereto,andthis Article shallbereadin pari materia with theActastheActmaybe amended from time totime. Sec.17-72.-Use of Traffic Infraction Detectorsimagc capture technologies. The Ceity shall utilize Traffic Infraction Detectors pursuant tothe Mark Wandall SafetyActasa image capture technologies asa supplemental means of monitoring compliance with laws related to traffic control signals,while assisting law enforcement personnel inthe enforcement of such laws,which are designed to protect and improve pubhc health,safetyandwelfare.ThisArticle seetien shallnot supersede,infringe,curtail or impinge upon stateor county laws related tored light signal violations or conflict with suchlaws.Nothing herein shallconflictwiththe primary jurisdiction of Miami-Dade County toinstalland maintain traffic signal devices.This Article shallserveto enable the Cityto provide enhanced enforcement with respect to authorized traffic signal devices pursuant to Chapter 316 and including Sections 316.008,316.0083,316.074(1)and 316.075(1 )(c)l,Florida Statutes.Thisarticleshallserveto enable thecitytoprovide enhanced enforcement andrespectforauthorizedtrafficsignaldevices.Thecitymay utilizeimagecapturetechnologiesasanancillarydeterrenttotrafficcontrolsignal violations andtotherebyreduceaccidentsandinjuries associated with suchviolations. Notices of infractionsissuedpursuanttothisarticleshallbeaddressedusingthecity's special master pursuant tosubsection225(f)of theCityCode of Ordinances andnot through uniform traffic citations orcountycourts.Thisshallnotbartheuse of uniform trafficcitationsandthecountycourtswhencitypolicepersonneldecidenottorelyon thisarticleastheenforcementmechanismforaspecificviolation. Sec.17-73.-Definitions. Unlessspecificallydefinedherein,termsusedinthisordinanceshallbedefinedpursuant to the definitions in Section 316.003,Florida Statutes,or as otherwise defined in the FloridaStatutesforpurposes of the Act.The followingdefinitionsshallapplytothis article: Ord.No.24-15-2231 Intersection.Thearea embraced withinthe prolongation or connection of thelateralcurb line;or,if none,thenthelateral boundary lines,of theroadways of two(2)roadswhich join or intersectoneanotherat,orapproximatelyat,rightangles;ortheareawithinwhichvehicles travelingupondifferentroads joining atanyotheranglemaycomeinconflict. Motor vehicle.Any self propelled vehiclenot operated uponrailsorguideway,butnot includingany bicycle or electric personal assisted mobility device. Owner/vehicleowner.The person orentity identified bythe Florida Department of Motor Vehicles,or other state vehicleregistration office,asthe registered owner of a vehicle.Such term shallalsomeana lessee of a motor vehicle pursuant toalease of six(6)months ormore. Recordedimages.Images recorded bya traffic controlsignal monitoring system/device: (a)Two (2)or more photographs: (b)Two (2)or more electronic images; (c)Two (2)or more digital images; (d)Digital or video movies;or (e)Any other medium that can display a violation;and (2)Showing the rear of a motor vehicle andonatleastone image,clearly identifying the license plate number of the vehicle. Redzone infraction.A trafficoffensewherebyatrafficcontrolsignal monitoring system establishedthatavehicleenteredanintersectioncontrolledbyadulyerectedtrafficcontrol deviceatatimewhenthetrafficcontrolsignalforsuchvehicle'sdirection of travelwasemitting a steady red signal. Special master.Thecity'scode enforcement specialmaster,asdescribedin section 2 24 of the City Code of Ordinances. Traffic control infraction review officer.Thecitypolicedepartmentemployeedesignated, pursuanttosection 17 77herein,toreviewrecordedimagesandissueredzoneinfractionsbased uponthose images. Traffic control signal.Adeviceexhibitingdifferentcoloredlightsorcoloredlightedarrows, successivelyoneatatimeorincombination,usingonlythecolorsgreen,yellow,andredwhich indicateandapplytodrivers of motorvehiclesasprovidedinF.S.§316.075. Traffic control signal monitoring systemfdevice.An electronic system consisting ofoneor morevehiclesensors,workinginconjunctionwithatrafficcontrolsignal,stillcameraandvideo recording device,to capture andproduce recorded images ofmotor vehicles entering an intersectionagainstasteadyredlightsignalindication. Sec.17-74.-Adherence tored light traffic control signals. 3 Ord.No.24-15-2231 Pursuanttogenerallaw,mMotor vehicletrafficfacingatrafficcontrolsignal'ssteadyredlight indicationshallstopataclearlymarkedstoplineorifnone,thenbeforeenteringthecrosswalk onthenearside of an intersection or,if none,then before entering the intersection andshall remainstandinguntilagreenindicationisshownonthe traffic controlsignal;however,the driver of avehiclewhichisstoppedataclearlymarkedstopline,but if none,beforeenteringthe crosswalk onthe near side of the intersection or,if none,thenatthe point nearest the intersecting roadwaywherethedriverhasaview of approaching trafficontheintersectingroadwaybefore enteringtheintersectioninobedienceofasteadyredtrafficcontrolsignal,maymakearightturn (unlesssuchturnisotherwiseprohibitedbypostedsignorothertrafficcontrol device^butshall nevertheless yieldthe right-of-way to pedestrians andothertraffic proceeding asdirectedbythe trafficcontrolsignalatthe intersection.Anotice of violation anda uniform traffic citation may notbeissuedunderthis Article whenadriver,whoisnot prohibited from making arightturn while facing a traffic control signal's steady red light indication,does come toa complete stop anywhere at j^jlfe^tlll^l^aa before turning right atthered light or otherwise makes the turn inacarefuland prudent manner.Nothing contained inthis Section shall prohibit theissuance of a ticket or citation when a driver,who is making an otherwise lawful right turn on red,fails to yieldthe right-of-way to pedestrians and/ortoothertraffic proceeding as directed bythetraffic control signal at the intersection. Sec,17-75.-Violation. A violation of this Aarticle,known as a red zone infraction,shall occur when a motor vehicle doesnot comply with the requirements of Sseetion -1^7-74 316.074(1)or 316.075(1 )(c)l,Florida Statutes.Violations shall be enforced pursuant to Section316.0083,Florida Statutes,and this Articel section 17 77. Sec.17-76.Ninety day notice;introductory period -Implementation of General Law Thepolice chief shallnotifythecitymanagerwhentheredlightcamerasystemisoperating correctlyattheinitiallocationestablished.Fortheninety(90)daysfollowingsaidnotification, unlessthedriver of a vehicle receiveda citation fromapolice officer atthetime of aredzone infractioninaccordancewithroutinetrafficenforcementtechniques,thevehicle owner shall receiveawarningintheformofacourtesynoticeoftheviolation.Commencingninetyone(91) daysaftertheabovereferencednotification,thevehicleownerissubjecttotheenforcement provisionsasprovidedhereinandnowarningshallbegivenpursuanttothisarticle. In accordance with the Mark Wandall Traffic Safety Act,the City authorizes the implementation of theprovisionsandrequirements of theActincludingtheissuance of notices ofviolationsanduniformtrafficcitationsbytrafficinfractionenforcementofficersasprovided in Section 316.0083,Florida Statutes.As authorized by Section 316.003(91),Florida Statutes, theCityshallbyresolutionappointamember of City staff asclerktothelocalhearingofficer andthe City's code enforcement SpecialMastershallhavetheexofficioduties of andserveand beknownasthe City's LlocalHearingOfficerauthorizedtoconducthearingsrelatedtoanotice ofviolationissuedpursuanttoSection 316.0083,Florida Statutes.All proceedings beforethe Ord.No.24-15-2231 City's SpeicalMaster,actingasthe City*s LocalHearingOfficershallbeconductedin accordance with the Act and this Article. Sec.17-77.-Review of recorded images.Consistency with State Law. (a)The owner of the vehicle which is observed by recorded imagescommitting aredzone infraction shallbeissuedanotice of violation (hereinafter also known asa"notice").The recorded imageshallbe sufficient groundstoissueanotice. (b)Thecity's chief of policeshalldesignateatrafficcontrol infraction reviewofficer,who shallbeapolice officer of thecityorwhoshallmeetthe qualifications setforthinF.S.§ 316.610(5)(A),oranyother relevant statute.Thetrafficcontrol infraction review officer shall review recorded images priortotheissuance of anoticetoensuretheaccuracyand integrity of the recorded images.Oncethetrafficcontrol infraction review officer has verified the accuracy of the recorded images,he orsheshall complete a report,anda notice shall be sent to the vehicle owner at the address on record with the Florida Department of Highway SafetyandMotor Vehicles orthe address onrecordwiththe appropriate agency having such information in another state. (a)This Article shallbe interpreted and applied so that itis consistent withstatelaw, including but not limited to,the Mark Wandall Traffic Safety Act. (b)Any amendment toany applicable statelawshall automatically apply tothe enforcement and application of this Article,whether ornotthis Article orany provision hereof has been amended to specifically address such amendment tostatelaw.Without limitation,any future amendment regarding the amount of the civil penalty orthe apportionment of the proceeds thereof shallbe deemed applied inthe enforcement of this Article,even prior toa specific amendment tothis Article to make this Article consistent withsuchchangeinstatelawwithrespecttotheamount of thepenaltyorthe apportionment of the proceeds thereof. Sec.17-78.Notice of violation.Administrative Costs. Thenoticeshallbeinthe form asprovidedforin[subsection]225(2)of theCityCode of Ordinances but shall also include: (A)The name and address of the vehicle owner; (B)The license plate number and registration number of the vehicle; (C)The make,model,and year of the vehicle; (D)Noticethattheinfractionchargedispursuanttothisarticle; (E)The location of the intersection where theinfraction occurred; (F)Noticethattherearerecordedimagesrelatingtothe vehicle andastatementthat the recorded images are evidence of ared zone infraction; Ord.No.24-15-2231 (G)Images depicting the infraction; (H)Asignedstatementbyacodeenforcementofficerthatbasedoninspection of recordedimages,thevehiclewasinvolvedinandwasutilizedtocommitaredzone infraction. A fee,pursuant toF.S.§316.0083(5)(e),shallbe imposed intheamountofthecost ofadministration, which may be modified by the City's Schedule ofFees and Fines.Such fee shall be assessed to reimburse theCityforits expenses in providing thelocal hearing,in accordance withtheMark Wandall Traffic Safety Act which fee shall not exceed $250 unless otherwise allowed by the Act asit may be amended. Sec.1779.Vehicle owner responsibilities. (a)A vehicle owner receiving a notice may: (1)Paythe assessed civil penalty pursuant to instructions onthenotice;or (2)Appear before the special magistrate to contest thenotice. (b)Thefailureto pay the assessed civil penalty and failure to appear before the special master to contest the notice willbe considered an admission of liability and in such case an order may be entered against the violator foran amount uptothe maximum civil penalty,plus any administrative costs. Sec.17 80.—Hearing before the special master. (a)Thecity'scode enforcement special master are authorized tohold hearings related tothe enforcement of this article.A hearing shallbe scheduled forall notices for which the vehicle owner timely requests an administrative hearing. (b)Upon receipt of the named violator's timely requestforan administrative hearing,the cityshallschedulea hearing beforethespecialmaster pursuant to[section]225 of the City of SouthMiamiCode.Notice of hearingshallbeprovidedtothevehicle owner pursuanttothenotice provisions containedinsection225 of theCity of SouthMiami Code of Ordinance. (c)Thehearingshallbeheldpursuanttotheproceduressetforthin[section]225 of the SouthMiamiCode.Thecodeenforcementofficermaytestifyatthehearing.Thevehicle owner may present testimony and evidence. (d)Recordedimagesindicatingaredzoneinfraction,verifiedbythecodeenforcement officer,areadmissibleinanyproceedingbeforethecity'sspecialmagistratetoenforce the provisions of thisarticle,andshallconstitute prima facieevidence of theviolation. (e)Unlessanaffidavitisprovidedpursuanttosection 17 81,itispresumedthattheperson registeredasthevehicleownerwiththeFloridaDepartment of MotorVehiclesorany otherstatevehicleregistrationoffice,oranindividualhavingtheowner'sconsent,was operating the vehicle at the time of a red zone infraction. Ord.No.24-15-2231 Sec.1781.Vehicle owner affidavit of non responsibility. (a)Inorderforthevehicleownertoestablishthatthemotorvehiclewas,atthetimeof theredzone infraction,either:(1)inthecare,custody,or control of another person withouttheconsent of theregisteredowneror(2)was subject toashort tenn (lessthan six(6)months)carrentalagreemententeredintobetweenacarrentalagency,whichis licensedasrequiredbyapplicablelawandisauthorizedtoconductbusinessintheState of Florida,andthe operator of thevehicle,thevehicle owner isrequired,withintwenty (20)daysfromthedatelistedonthenotice,tofurnishtothecity,anaffidavitsettingforth the circumstances demonstrating,either:(1)thatthe motor vehicle wasnotinthevehicle owner's care,custody,orcontrol,andwasnotinthecare,custodyorcontrol of another person writh the vehicle owner's consentor(2)thatthe motor vehicle wras subjecttoa short term (less than six(6)months)rental agreement between the car rental agency receiving the notice andthe vehicle operator and provide atrueand correct copy of the shorttermcar rental agreement,as applicable.The affidavit mustbe executed inthe presence of a notary,and include: (1)If known tothe vehicle owner,thename,address,andthe driver's license number of the person whohadcare,custody,orcontrol of the motor vehicle,without the vehicle owner's consent,atthe time of the alleged red zone infraction;or (2)The name,address and drivers license number of the person who rented the motor vehicle from thecar rental agency which has received the notice,atthe time of the alleged red zone infraction;or (3)If the vehicle wras stolen,the police report indicating the vehicle was stolen atthe time of the alleged redzone infraction;and (1)The following language immediately abovethe signature line:"Under penalties of perjury,I declare that I have readthe foregoing affidavit and that thefacts stated in it are true." (5)Upon timely receipt of a sufficient affidavit pursuant tothis section,any prosecution of the notice issued tothe vehicle owner shallbe terminated. Proceedings maybe commenced bythecityagainstthe responsible person identified intheaffidavit,andinsuchevent,theresponsiblepersonshallbesubjecttothe same process and procedures whichare applicable to vehicle owners. Sec.17 82.—Administrative charges. Inadditiontothepenaltypursuanttosection 17 85herein,administrativechargesmaybe assessedpursuanttosection225 of theSouthMiamiCodeintheevent of ahearingand/orthe necessity to institute collection procedures arises. Sec.17 83.—Collection of fines. Ord.No.24-15-2231 Collection of finesshallbe accomplished pursuant to section 225 of the South Miami Code. Sec.17 84.—Exceptions. Thisarticleshall not apply toredzone infractions involving vehicle collisions ortoany authorized emergency vehicle responding toabonafide emergency;norshallanoticebeissued inanycase where the operator of the vehicle wasissueda citation for violating thestate statute regarding the failure to stop atared light indication forthe same event or incident. Sec.1785.Penalty. A violation of this article shall be deemed anon criminal,non moving violation for which acivil penalty,as proscribed in this article,shallbe assessed.As the violation relates to this article and nottothe Florida Statutes,no points as otherwise provided inF.S.§322.27,shall be recorded on the driving record of the vehicle owner or responsible party. Sec.17 86.—Enforcement. This article may be enforced byany other means available tothecity. Sec.1787.Signage. Thecityshall,tothe extent practicable,atthe primary motor vehicle entry points tothecity, causetobe erected and maintained signs,which substantially meetthe design specifications indicatedin Exhibit "A",providing notice of thisarticle.Failure toerect,maintain orcreatethese signsshallnot invalidate or impair any enforcement of this article. Section 3.Codification.The provisions of this ordinance shall become andbe made part of the Code of Ordinances of theCity of South Miami as amended;that the section of thisordinancemaybe renumbered or re-lettered to accomplish such intention;andthattheword "ordinance"maybe changed to "section"orother appropriate word. Section 4.Severability.If anysection,clause,sentence,or phrase of this ordinance isforanyreasonheldinvalidorunconstitutionalbyacourt of competent jurisdiction,this holdingshallnot affect the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 5.Ordinances in Conflict.All ordinances orparts of ordinances andall sectionsorparts of sections of ordinancesindirectconflictherewithareherebyrepealed. However,itisnottheintent of thissectiontorepealentireordinances,orparts of ordinances, thatgivethe appearance of beingin conflict whentwo ordinances canbe harmonized orwhen onlyaportion of theordinanceinconflictneedstoberepealedtoharmonizetheordinances.If theordinanceinconflictcanbeharmonizedbyamendingitsterms,itisherebyamendedto harmonizethetwoordinances.Therefore,onlythatportionthatneedstoberepealedto harmonize thetwo ordinances shallberepealed. 8 Ord.No.24-15-2231 Section 6.Effective Date.This ordinance shall become effective upon enactment. -thPASSEDANDENACTEDthis£!_day of October,2015. ATTEST:APPROVED: CITY-CLERK 1st Reading:9-15-15 2nd Reading:10-06-15 READ AND FORM,L PROVED AS TO COMMISSION VOTE:5-0 Mayor Stoddard:yea Vice Mayor Harris:Yea Commissioner Edmond:yea Commissioner Liebman:Yea Commissioner Welsh:yea 316.0083 Mark Wandall Traffic Safety Program;administration;report— (l)(a)For purposes of administering this section,the department,a county,ora ^* municipality may authorize a traffic infraction enforcement officer under s.316.640 to issue V a traffic citation fora violation of s.316.074(1)ors.316.075(l)(c)l.A notice of violation and a traffic citation may not be issued for failure to stop at a red light if the driver is making a right-hand turn ina careful and prudent manner at an intersection where right- hand turns are permissible.A notice of violation and a traffic citation may not be issued under this section if the driver of the vehicle came to a complete stop after crossing the stop lineandbefore turning rightif permissible ataredlight,butfailedtostop before crossing over the stop line or other point at which a stop is required.This paragraph does not prohibit a review of information from a traffic infraction detector by an authorized employee or agent of the department,a county,ora municipality before issuance of the traffic citation . by the traffic infraction enforcement officer.This paragraph does not prohibit the department,a county,ora municipality from issuing notification as provided in paragraph (b)to the registered owner of the motor vehicle involved in the violation ofs.316.074(1)or s.316.075(l)(c)l. (b)l.a.Within 30 days after a violation,notification must be sent to the registered owner of the motor vehicle involved in the violation specifying the remedies available under s. 318,14 and that the violator must pay the penalty of $158 to the department,county,or municipality,or furnish an affidavit in accordance with paragraph (d),or request a hearing within 60 days following the date of the notification in order to avoid the issuance of a traffic citation.The notification must be sent by first-class mail.The mailing of the notice of violation constitutes notification. b.Included with the notification to the registered owner of the motor vehicle involved in the infraction must be a notice that the owner has the right to review the photographic or electronic images or the streaming video evidence that constitutes a rebuttable presumption against the owner of the vehicle.The notice must state the time andplaceor Internet •—\ location where the evidence may be examined and observed.^J c.Notwithstanding any other provision oflaw,a person who receives a notice of violation under this section may request a hearing within60 days following the notification of violationorpay the penalty pursuant tothenoticeofviolation,buta payment orfeemay not be required before the hearing requested by the person.The notice of violation must be accompanied by,or direct the person to a website that provides,information on the person's right to request a hearing and onall court costs related thereto and a form to request a hearing.As used inthis sub-subparagraph,the term "person"includes anatural person,registered owner or coowner of a motor vehicle,or person identified onan affidavit as having care,custody,or control of the motor vehicle at the time of the violation. d.If the registered owner or coowner ofthe motor vehicle,or the person designated as having care,custody,orcontrol of the motor vehicle at the time of the violation,or an authorized representative of the owner,coowner,or designated person,initiatesa proceeding tochallengethe violation pursuant tothis paragraph,such person waivesany challenge or dispute as to the delivery of the notice of violation. 2.Penalties assessed andcollectedbythe department,county,ormunicipalityauthorized to collect the funds provided for inthis paragraph,lesstheamount retained bythecounty or municipality pursuant to subparagraph 3.,shallbepaidto the Department of Revenue weekly.Paymentby the department,county,or municipality tothestateshallbemadeby • means ofelectronicfundstransfers.In addition tothepayment,summarydetailofthe penalties remitted shall be reported tothe Department of Revenue.j 3.Penalties to be assessed and collected by the department,county,or municipality are as | follows:| a.One hundred fifty-eight dollars for a violation ofs.316.074(1)ors.316.075(l)(c)l.j whenadriver failed tostopatatraffic signal if enforcement isbythe department's traffic infraction enforcement officer.One hundred dollars shall be remitted to the Department of '\) o ) Revenue for deposit into the General Revenue Fund,$10 shall be remitted to the Department of Revenue for deposit into the Department ofHealth Emergency Medical Services Trust Fund,$3shall be remitted to the Department of Revenue for deposit into the BrainandSpinalCordInjury Trust Fund,and$45shallbe distributed to the municipality in which the violation occurred,or,if the violation occurred inan unincorporated area,to the county inwhich the violation occurred.Funds deposited into the Department ofHealth Emergency Medical Services Trust Fund under this sub-subparagraph shallbe distributed as providedins.395.4036(1).Proceedsoftheinfractionsin the Brain andSpinal Cord Injury Trust Fundshall be distributed quarterly to the MiamiProjecttoCureParalysisand used for brain and spinal cord research. b.One hundred fifty-eight dollarsfora violation of s.316.074(1)ors.316.075(l)(c)l. when adriverfailedto stop ata traffic signalif enforcement isbya county or municipal traffic infraction enforcement officer.Seventy dollarsshall be remitted by the county or municipality to the Department of Revenue for deposit into the General Revenue Fund,$10 shallbe remitted to the Department of Revenue for deposit into the Department ofHealth Emergency Medical Services Trust Fund,$3 shall be remitted to the Department of Revenue for deposit into the Brainand Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund,and $75 shallbe retained by the county or municipality enforcing the ordinance enacted pursuant to this section.Funds deposited into the Department of Health Emergency Medical Services Trust Fund under this sub-subparagraph shall be distributed as provided in s.395.4036(1).Proceeds of the infractions in the Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund shall be distributed quarterly to the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis and used for brain and spinal cord research. 4.An individual may not receive a commission from any revenue collected from violations detected through the use of a traffic infraction detector.A manufacturer or vendor may not receive a fee or remuneration based upon the number of violations detected through the use of a traffic infraction detector. (c)l.a.A traffic citation issued under this section shallbe issued by mailing the traffic citation by certified mail to the address of the registered owner of the motor vehicle involved in the violation if payment has not been made within 60 days after notification under paragraph (b),if the registered owner has not requested a hearing as authorized under paragraph (b),orif the registered owner has not submitted an affidavit under this section. b.Delivery of the traffic citation constitutes notification under this paragraph.If the registered owner or coowner of the motor vehicle,or the person designated as having care, custody,or control of the motor vehicle at the time of the violation,ora duly authorized representative of the owner,coowner,or designated person,initiates a proceeding to challenge the citation pursuant to this section,such person waives any challenge or dispute as to the delivery of the traffic citation. c.In the case of joint ownership of a motor vehicle,the traffic citation shall be mailed to the first name appearing on the registration,unless the first name appearing on the registration isa business organization,in which case the second name appearing on the registration may be used. 2.Included with the notification to the registered owner of the motor vehicle involved in the infraction shall be a notice that the owner has the right to review,in person or remotely, the photographic or electronic images or the streaming video evidence that constitutes a rebuttable presumption against the owner of the vehicle.The notice must state the time and placeor Internet location where the evidence may be examined and observed. (d)l.The owner of the motor vehicle involved in the violation is responsible andliablefor paying the uniform traffic citation Issued fora violation of s.316.074(1)ors. 316.075(l)(c)l.when the driver failed to stop at a traffic signal,unless the owner can establish that: a.The motor vehicle passed through the intersection in order to yield right-of-way to an emergency vehicle or as part of a funeral procession; b.The motor vehicle passed through the Intersection at the direction of alaw enforcement officer; c.The motor vehicle was,at the time of the violation,in the care,custody,or control of another person; d.A uniform traffic citation was issued byalaw enforcement officer to the driver of the motor vehicle for the alleged violation of s.316.074(1)ors.316.075(l)(c)l.;or e.The motor vehicle's owner was deceased on or before the date that the uniform traffic citation was issued,as established by an affidavit submitted by the representative of the motor vehicle owner's estate or other designated person or family member. 2.In order to establish such facts,the owner of the motor vehicle shall,within 30 days after the date of issuance of the traffic citation,furnish to the appropriate governmental entity an affidavit setting forth detailed information supporting an exemption as provided in this paragraph. a.An affidavit supporting an exemption under sub-subparagraph I.e.must include the name,address,date of birth,and,if known,the driver license number of the person who leased,rented,or otherwise had care,custody,or control of the motor vehicle at the time of the alleged violation.If the vehicle was stolen at the time of the alleged offense,the affidavit must include the police report indicating that the vehicle was stolen. b.Ifa traffic citation fora violation of s.316.074(1)ors.316.075(l)(c)l.was issued at the location of the violation by a law enforcement officer,the affidavit must include the serial number of the uniform traffic citation. c.If the motor vehicle's owner to whom a traffic citation has been issued is deceased,the affidavit must include a certified copy of the owner's death certificate showing that the date of death occurred on or before the issuance of the uniform traffic citation and one of the following: (I)Abill of sale or other document showing that the deceased owner's motor vehicle was soldor transferred after hisor her death,but on or before the date of the alleged violation. (II)Documentary proof that the registered license plate belonging to the deceased owner's vehicle was returned to the department or any branch office or authorized agent of the department,but onor before the date of the alleged,violation. (III)Acopy of apolicereport showing that the deceased owner's registeredlicenseplate or motor vehiclewasstolen after the owner's death,butonor before the date of the alleged violation. Upon receiptof the affidavit anddocumentationrequiredunderthis sub-subparagraph,the governmental entity must dismiss the citationand provide proofofsuch dismissal tothe person that submitted the affidavit. 3.Upon receipt of an affidavit,the person designated as having care,custody,orcontrolof the motor vehicleat the time of the violation may beissuedanoticeofviolationpursuantto paragraph(b)foraviolationof s.316.074(1)ors.316.075(l)(c)l.when the driverfailed to stop atatrafficsignal.The affidavit is admissible ina proceeding pursuant tothis section for the purpose of providing proof that the person identified in the affidavit was inactual care,custody,or control of the motor vehicle.The owner of a leased vehicle for which a trafficcitationis issued foraviolationofs.316.074(1)ors.316.075(l)(c)l.when the driver failed to stop atatrafficsignalisnotresponsibleforpayingthetrafficcitationandis not required to submit an affidavit as specified in this subsection if the motor vehicle involved in the violation is registered in the name of the lessee of such motor vehicle. 4.Paragraphs (b)and(c)applytothepersonidentifiedon the affidavit,except that the notification under sub-subparagraph (b)l.a.must be sent to the personidentifiedon the affidavit within 30 days after receipt of an affidavit. 5.Thesubmissionofafalseaffidavitisa misdemeanor of the seconddegree,punishable \ as provided in s.775.082 or s.775.083.v ) o ) (e)Thephotographicor electronic images or streaming videoattachedtoor referenced in thetrafficcitationis evidence that aviolationofs.316.074(1)ors.316.075(l)(c)l.when thedriver failed tostopatatrafficsignalhas occurred andisadmissibleinanyproceeding to enforce this section and raises a rebuttable presumption that the motor vehicle named in the report or shown in the photographic or electronic images or streaming video evidence wasusedinviolationofs.316.074(1)ors.316.075(l)(c)l.when the driver failed to stop at a traffic signal. (2)Anotice of violationandatrafficcitation may notbeissuedforfailureto stop at ared lightif the driveris making a right-hand turn in acarefuland prudent manner atan intersection where right-hand turns are permissible.- (3)Thissection supplements the enforcement ofs.316.074(1)or s.316.075(l)(c)l.by law enforcement officers when adriverfailstostopatatrafficsignalanddoesnot prohibit a law enforcement officerfromissuingatrafficcitationforaviolationofs.316.074(1)ors. 316.075(l)(c)l.when a driver failsto stop atatraffic signal in accordance with normal traffic enforcement techniques. (4)(a)Each county or municipality that operates a traffic infraction detector shall submit a report by October 1,2012,and annually thereafter,to the department which details the results of using the traffic infraction detector and.the procedures for enforcement for the preceding state fiscalyear.The information submitted by the counties and municipalities must include statistical data and information required by the department to complete the report required under paragraph (b). (b)Onor before December 31,2012,and annually thereafter,the department shall provide a summary report to the Governor,the President of the Senate,and the Speaker of the House of Representatives regarding the use and operation of traffic infraction detectors under this section,along with the department's recommendations and any necessary legislation.The summary report must include a review of the information submitted to the department by the counties and municipalities and must describe the enhancement of the traffic safety and enforcement programs. (5)Procedures fora hearing under this section are as follows: (a)The department shall publish and make available electronically to each county and municipality a model Request forHearingform to assist each local government administering this section. (b)The charter county,noncharter colinty,or municipality electing to authorize traffic infraction enforcement officers to issue traffic citations under paragraph (l)(a)shall designate by resolution existing staff to serve as the clerk to the local hearing officer. (c)Any person,herein referred to as the *petitioner,"who elects to request a hearing under paragraph (l)(b)shall be scheduled fora hearing by the clerk to the local hearing officer to appear before alocal hearing officer with notice to be sent by first-class mail. Upon receipt of the notice,the petitioner may reschedule the hearing once by submitting a written request to reschedule to the clerk to the local hearing officer,at least 5 calendar •days before the day of the originally scheduled hearing,The petitioner may cancel hisor her appearance before the local hearing officer by paying the penalty assessed under paragraph (l)(b),plus $50 in administrative costs,before the start of the hearing. (d)All testimony at the hearing shallbe under oath and shallbe recorded.The local hearing officer shall take testimony froma traffic infraction enforcement officer and the petitioner,and may take testimony from others.The local hearing officer shall review the photographic or electronic images or the streaming video made available under sub- subparagraph(l)(b)l.b.Formalrulesof evidence donotapply,butdueprocessshallbe observed and govern the proceedings. (e)At the conclusion of the hearing,the localhearing officer shall determine whether a violation under this section has occurred,in which case the hearing officer shall uphold or dismiss the violation.The local hearing officer shall issue afinal administrative order IJ including the determination and,if the notice ofviolationisupheld,require the petitioner to paythepenalty previously assessed underparagraph (l)(b),andmayalsorequire the petitionertopay county ormunicipalcosts,nottoexceed$250.The final administrative order shall be mailed to the petitioner by first-class mail. (f)Anaggrievedpartymayappeala final administrativeorder consistent withtheprocess provided under s.162.11. History.-s.5,ch.2010-80;s.98,ch.2012-174;ss.3,74,ch.2012-181;s.43,ch,2013- 15;s.5,ch.2013-160. 316.00831 Distribution of penalties collected under s.316.0083(l)(b),—The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles or any county or municipality authorized to issue a notification and impose a penalty under.s.316.0083(l)(b)that collects any such penalty after the effective date of this act,but prior to notification by the Department of Revenue of its ability to receive and distribute the penalties collected,must retain the portion of the penalty required to be remitted to the Department of Revenue until the Department of Highway Safety andMotor Vehicles,county,or municipality Is notified by the Department of o 36se|jsews NEIGHBORS Public Notice The Public is advised thatthe SouthA Municipal AdvisoryCommittee (MAC)will be holding a meeting on Tuesday,September 29,2015 at 6:30 P.M.at Deerwbpd Bonita Lakes Park,14445 SW 122nd Avenue,Miami,33186. The MAC will be evaluating the potential incorporation ofthearea into aseparate municipality;it will also be meeting with stafftodiscussthe County's concerns regarding anyadverseimpacttothe remaining unincorporated municipal service areaor other regional municipal-type services that could occur dueto anysuch incorporation. The MAC areaIs generally boundedas follows: NORTHERNMOSTBOUNDARY: SW 120th Street SOUTHERNMOSTBOUNDARY: SW 232nd Street EASTERNMOSTBOUNDARY: US1 WESTERN MOSTBOUNDARY: SW 157th Avenue (BoundariesonlyIncludeareas wftttfn CountyCommissionDistrict9forstudyarea) Thepublic is invited toshareitsthoughtson incorporation,the proposed boundaries,servicesitwishesto see enhanced andany additional Information thatmayassistthe MAC inits deliberations. CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COURTESY NOTICE NOTICEIS HEREBY given thattheCityCommission of(heCilyofSouthMiami,Florida willconduct Public Hearing(s)at its regularCityCommission meeting scheduled foeTuesday,October6.2015 bcgiiroitig «7:00p.m.,intheCityCommission Chambers,6130 SunsetDrive,to considerthefollowinghem(s): A Resolution approving an application fora variance fora new-development locatedat 6201 SunsetDrive. A Resolution forspecialuse approval topermittwo(2)generalrestaurants at 5840SW71 Street. A Resolution approving a special exception waiving strictcompliance withtheprovisions ofthehometown district overlay parking requirements,tolocatetwo(2)general restaurants at5840SW71 Street. A Resolution approving a special exception to construct a5 storyLarge ScaleDevelopment at 6201 SunsetDrive within theTransit Oriented Development District Mixed Usc-5 'TODDMU-5"zoning district. A Resolution authorizing theCityManager toenterintoa three-year agreement andone,two-year option fora total offive consecutive ycors,with Southern Carpet Care Inc.DBA Elite Maintenance &Management Co.for janitorialservicesasrequiredbytheCity. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 17,Article IV ofthe City Code entitled "Dsmguruus Intersection Safety'? providing for use ofthe traffic infraction detectors to promote compliance withredlight signal directives consistentwithgeneral law oftheStateofFlorida. An Ordinance Adopting aSmallScaleAmendment tothe Future LandUse Mop ofthe Comprehensive Plan, amending the designation ofthe Marshall Williamson property located at approximately SW 61'Courtand SW64*Terrace,fromSingleFamilyResidential -TwoStoryto Multifamily Residenrutl -FourStory. An Ordinance amending the Official ZoningMapas provided inthe CityofSouth Miami Land Development Code.Article 111,"Zoning Regulations,"Section 20-J.lfC),andother applicable provisions,amending the designation ofthe Marshall Williamson propertylocatedat approximately SW 61"CourtandSW 64*'Terrace, fromSmallLotSinglo-Family Residential DistrictRS-4toLowDensity Multi-Family Residential DistrictRM-18. ALLinterestedpartiesareinvitedtoattendandwill be heard. Far furtherinformation,pleasecontacttheCityClerk'sOfficeat:30S-663-6340. Maria M.Mcncndcz,CMC CityClerk Pursuant to Florida Smtutcs 2&6.0I03,(heCity herebyadviwstbc publictbatifa person decides to appeal anydecision nutfe by thii Board Agencyor Commission withretpertto anymatterenmidenn)at hameetingorhearing,toorshewilltiMdn record of the pnrceediri&a.andihnt forsuchpurpose,affected person mayneedto eniurcthata verbal im record of the proceedings is madewhichrecord include the tanitnony nnd evidence uponwhich tfioappealis lo bebased. (!) FROMPAGE3SE CORAL GABLES dents who support the outdoor seating. "This is one more in trusion that really isn't needed,isn't wanted,isn't desired,"Don Slesnick said. Others said the pavers and the proposed six ta bles,22 chairs and two umbrellas would not be a significant changeand would add to the cafe and the club's character- "WeliveinMiami;out door spaces are something that we should have,"resi dent Bob Liu said. Ultimately,the Liberty Entertainment Groupwill be allowed to keep some existing benches that are outside the club but noth ing else for the time being. "I would love to see the outdoor dining.However,I just don't think it's com patible at this time with the congestion wegetin that area,"Vice Mayor Frank Quesada said. The city commission previously denied a similar 2009 request from Liberty that called for eight tables and 32 chairs for the out door area. OTHER BUSINESS •Solid waste dispute: The commission granted thecity attorney permis sionto seek a dispute reso lution and settlement with Miami-Dade County over placement ofa solid-waste special assessment onthe tax rolls. The assessment was approvedbythe commis sion in June inan effort to collect delinquent solid- waste fees that exceeded $850. City Attorney Craig Leen said the county taxcollec torand property apprais er's offices have been un willing to place the assess ment onthis year's tax rolls.The resolution argues that based on Florida statu te the two offices are min isterial and cannot prevent the action. "The issue for us is that although they arecalling these delinquent fees,this isan imposed special as sessment this year for work that has done by the city over the past seven,eight, NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATORY POLICY ASTO STUDENTS "Westwood Christian School,a ministry of First Baptist Church of Westwood Lake,Inc.,admits students of any race, color,national and ethnic origin to all the rights,privileges,programs,and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.It does not discriminate on the basis of race,color,national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies,scholarship and loan programs,and athletic and other school-administered programs," SUNOAY SEPTEMBER 27 2015 MIAMIHERALD.COM nineyearsthathas never beenpaid for/'Leensaid. Commissioner Patricia Keonsaidthe county might be hesitant because placing the assessment on the rolls could make Miami-Dade officials seem like debt collectors,but she ulti mately supported thecity attorney moving forward. "Ithink they feelmaybe they're being placed in the position where they are acting asa collection agen cy for delinquent fees, which isnot something that they have traditionally done,"Keon said. •City guardhouses:In an effort to increase safety, the commission approved an item that would allow guardhouse operators to ask specific questions of drivers entering certain communities. The ordinance is in tended primarily toget drivers to roll down their window and to state their reason for visiting the neighborhood and their destination.The commis sionplansto fine-tune the language of the law after receiving input fromPolice Chief Ed Hudak. The new rules would be in effect from 11 p.m.to6 a.m. •Citywide transporta tion plan:Commissioners approved anitem allowing staff to negotiate hiring Atkins North America to prepare the city's compre hensive transportation plan. The plan is intended to identify multimodal forms of transportation,identify bikeand pedestrianpaths and recommend other transit improvements. THE NEXT MEETING •When:9 a.m.Oct.13. •Where:Coral Gabies City Hall.405 Biltmore Way,Coral Gables Lance Dixon: 305-376-3708,@LDixonJ