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Res No 139-15-14478
RESOLUTION NO.;139-15-14478 A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and enter into a contract with Coreland Construction Corp.for the construction of the Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements. WHEREAS,the Mayor and City Commission wish to provide traffic calming improvements to the area known as Mango Terrace,and WHEREAS,pursuant to a competitive selection process in accordance with the City Charter,it was determined that Coreland Construction Corp.submitted abidin the amount of $40,342 that was the most comprehensive and cost effective inits construction approach;and WHEREAS,the City desires to providea contingency of $19,658 over the bid amount for unknown factors that may arise during the work;and WHEREAS,the total expenditure,including the contingency amount,is not to exceed $60,000;and WHEREAS,the Mayor and CityCommission desire to authorize the City Manager to negotiateand enter intoa contract withCorelandConstructionCorp.for the constructionof the Mango Terrace Neighborhood TrafficCalming Improvements fora total amount notto exceed $60,000 NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSIONOF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA THAT: Section 1:TheCity Manager is authorized to negotiate the price,terms and conditions andto execute a contract with Coreland Construction Corp.for Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements foran amount notto exceed $40,342,andheis authorized to expend up to $19,658 for unforeseen conditions.Acopyof the approved formof contract is attached and the City Manager may negotiate alowerpriceand more advantageous terms and conditions if approved by the City Attorney. Section 2:The expenditure shallbe charged $60,000 to the Local Option Gas Trust Fund account number 112-1730-541-6210,which has a balance of $274,305 before this request was made. Section 3:If any section clause,sentence,or phrase of this resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional bya court of competent jurisdiction,the holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. Res.No.139-15-14478 Section 4.This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1 sf-dayof sephemhftr 2015. READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM LANGUAGE,LEG^LPTY AND EXECUTION THERE( APPROVED: MAYOR COMMISSION VOTE: Mayor Stoddard Vice Mayor Harris Commissioner Welsh Commissioner Liebman Commissioner Edmond 4-0 Yea absent Yea Yea Yea WkAlSouth'Miami THE CITY OF PLEASANT UVING CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Subject: Background: Amount: Account: TheHonorableMayor&Membersof the CityCommission Steven Alexander,CityManager September 1,2015 Agenda Item No.:.i A Resolution authorizing the CityManager to negotiate and enter into a contract with CorelandConstruction Corp.for the construction of the MangoTerrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements, Theprojectconsists of the construction of eleven trafficcalming speed tables within the MangoTerrace Neighborhood,as per plans developed by T.Y.Lin International. This includes,but is not limited to,the furnishing of all labor,material,tools, equipment,machinery/disposalofallmaterials,superintendence andservices necessary for the completion of the construction of the project. The City received fivebidsinresponsetoasolicitation.Beloware the proposals received: Contractor Bid Price Florida Construction &Engineering $40,188.86 Coreland Construction $40,342.00 Maggolc,Inc.$65,679.00 H.A.Contracting Corp $111,941.88 Sanchez Arango $177,000.00 The two lowestbidshaveadifferenceofapproximately$154.Basedonpast experiencein similar constructionprojectsthat included installing oftraffic calming devices within the CityofSouth Miami,Coreland Construction Corp isbeing recommended for the installation of theMangoTerraceTraffic Calming Improvements.Pursuanttofurtherreview,itwas determined that Coreland Construction Corp.isaresponsiveandresponsiblebidderfor this proposal. A contingency amount of $19,658willbeincludedover the proposal amount to --address for unknown factorsthatmayariseduring the work.The total amount of the contract,includingthe contingency,willbe $60,000. Amount not to exceed $60,000 The expenditure shallbecharged$60,000to Local OptionGasTrustFund account number 112-1730-541-6210,whichhasabalance of $274,305 before this request was made. Attachments:Resolution Bid Opening Report Coreland Construction Corp.Bid Contract RFP ,# Intergovernmental Agreement withMiamiDadeCounty Mango Terrace Traffic Calming Speed Table Locations 71447145 *NSET DR %>70 £t 7220 \- -HP (0 7280 :> 7300 7330 7350 7400 7440 6900 7335 7355 7401 7441 6690 6880 7222 7250 7300 7400 6871 6851 aw>5TfngS^ 68707500 7520 6900 7525 *& 6881 a 7) /SSoo i #7250 i I 7301 -t7300| i 1 t0 1 1 §ss 7441 / 7461 7910 s,wi/T9Tfl^Sf).7862 7902 6925 s a 6811 J "C SW 72ND ST 6750 6795 CO rSW74TITST 6790 3 7861 7901 6791 s 7862E ,?5 7902 :o 6761 g —to 6700 7420 7440 7861 7862 7901 7902 6741 6711 g CO £g Legend Speed Table Location BID OPENING REPORT Bids were opened on:Friday.August 14,2015 after:12:00 pm For:RFP #PW 2015-20 Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calm Improv COMPANIES THAT SUBMITTED PROPOSALS:AMOUNT: 1.CORELAND CONSTRUCTION 2.FLORIDA CONSTRUCTION &ENGINEERING,INC 3.H.A.CONTRACTING CORP 4.MAGGOLCfiNC 3.SANCHEZ ARANGO ENTIRE PROJECT *iefiSf^-co ^5,000.15 ki3S,5ca&* W/O TRAFFIC CIRCLES ^MOySHa-Co *M0,l«U<o fcl<ta,i*3.c&#jT)foa).oo THE ABOVE BIDS HAVE NOT BEEN CHECKED. THE BH)S ARE SUBJECT TO CORRECTION AFTER THE BEDS HAVE BEEN COMPLETELY REVDEWED. City Clerk: Print Name?^->KPrintNam?^->*-\*/ Print Name y Witness:<rit~f'-€^-g__ Print Name WitDess::VjrtrtL A A^Jc Print Name r Signature Coreland Construction Woman-OwnedBusiness SUA (Wtifitrd Smati Disadvantaged (Justness Stale ofFlorida Minority-BusinessEnterprise (MBE) Miami-Dade County Community Smalt'Rusiuets Enterprise (CSRE) SEALED BID ProjectName:MANGO TERRACE NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC CALMING IMPROVEMENTS RFP#PW-2015-20 DueDate:Friday,August 14,2015 /12:00 p.m. Submitted By:CORELAND CONSTRUCTION CORP. Point of Contact:Monica Hernandez Address:12301 SW 128™Court,#107 Miami,FL 33186 Phone Number:305-233-1709 Submitted to:CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 6130 Sunset Drive Miami,FL 33143 12301 S.W.m*Court,Suite107•Miami,FL 33186 •305-233-1709Office•305-233-1809Fax www.corelandconstruction.com ^"H,, (m\<Soutlf Miami IIft CHY Of J'l I ASANT LIVING CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements RFP #PW-2015-20 Submittal Due Date:August 14,2015 at12:00PM (Noon) Solicitation Cover Letter TheCityofSouth Miami,Florida (hereinafter referredtoas "CSM")throughitschief executive officer (City Manager)hereby solicits sealed proposals responsive tothe Cit/s request (hereinafter referred toas "Request for Proposals"or "RFP").All references inthis Solicitation (also referredtoasan "Invitation for Proposals"or "Invitation to Bid")to "City"shall beareferencetotheCity Manager,orthe manager's designee,fortheCityof South Miami unless otherwise specifically defined. TheCityishereby requesting sealed proposals inresponsetothis RFP #PW-2015-20 "Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements."Thepurposeofthis Solicitation istocontractforthe servicesnecessaryforthecompletionoftheprojectinaccordancewiththe Scope of Services,(Exhibit I, Attachment A)and Respondents Cost and Technical Proposol ortheplans and/or specifications,ifany,(Exhibit I; Attachment B)describedinthis Solicitation (hereinafterreferredtoas "the Project"or "Project") Interestedpersonswhowishtorespondtothis Solicitation canobtainthecomplete Solicitation packageatthe City Clerk'soffice Monday throughFridayfrom9:00 A.M.to4:00 P.M.or byaccessingthe following webpage: http://www.southmiamifl.gov/which isthe City ofSouth Miami's webaddressfor solicitation information. Proposalsaresubjectto the StandardTermsandConditionscontainedinthecomplete Solicitation Package, including ail documentslistedinthe Solicitation. TheProposal Package shall consistofone(I)original unbound proposal,three(3)additional copiesandone(i) digital (or comparable medium including Flash Drive,DVD orCD)copy all of which shall be delivered tothe Office oftheCityClerklocatedatSouth Miami City Hall,6130 Sunset Drive,South Miami,Florida 33143.The entire Proposal Package shall beenclosedinasealed envelope orcontainerand shall have the following Envelope Information clearly printed or writtenontheexterioroftheenvelopeorcontainerin which thesealedproposalis delivered:"Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements/'RFP #PW-2015-20 and thenameofthe Respondent (person orentity responding tothe Solicitation.Special envelopes suchasthose provided by UPS or Federal Express will notbeopened unless they contain therequired Envelope Information on thefrontor back ofthe envelope.Sealed Proposals must be received by Office oftheCity Clerk,eitherby mail or hand delivery,nolaterthan 12:00 PMlocal time on August 14,2015.Hand delivery mustbemade during normalbusinessdaysandhoursofthe office ofCityClerk. A public opening will takeplaceat 10 AM.onthesamedateintheCity Commission Chambers locatedat City Hail,6130 Sunset Drive,South Miami 33143.Any Proposal received after 10 A.M.local timeon said date will not beacceptedunderany circumstances.Any uncertainty regarding thetimea Proposal is received will be resolved againsttheperson submitting theproposalandinfavoroftheClerk'sreceiptstamp. A Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting willbe conducted at City Hallin the Commission Chambers located at 6130 Sunset Drive,South Miami,Fl 33143 on,August 3,2015 at 11:00 A.M.The conferenceshallbeheldregardlessofweatherconditions.Proposalsaresubjecttotheterms,conditionsand provisionsofthisletteraswellastothoseprovisions,terms,conditions,affidavits anddocumentscontainedinthis Solicitation Package.TheCityreservestherighttoawardtheProjecttothepersonwiththelowest,most responsive,responsible Proposal,asdeterminedbythe City,subjecttotherightofthe City,ortheCity Commission,to rejectanyandallproposals,andtherightoftheCitytowaiveanyirregularityintheProposalsor Solicitation procedureandsubjectalsototherightoftheCitytoawardtheProject,andexecutea contract with a Respondentor Respondents,otherthantoonewho provided thelowest Proposal Priceor,iftheScopeofthe Work isdividedintodistinctsubdivisions,to awardeachsubdivision to a separate Respondent.. Maria M.Menendez,CMC,CityClerk,CityofSouth Miami INSTRUCTIONS for RESPONDENT Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements RFP#PW*20l5-20 ITISTHERESPONSIBILITY OF THE RESPONDENT TO THE SOLICITATION TO ENSURETHATTHE RESPONSE TOTHE SOLICITATION (HEREINAFTER ALSO REFERRED TO AS THE "PROPOSAL" THROUGHOUT THECONTRACT DOCUMENTS)REACHES THE CITY CLERK ONOR BEFORE THE CLOSING HOUR AND DATE STATED ON THE SOLICITATION FORM. 1.Purposeof Solicitation.TheCityofSouth Miami is requesting proposals forthelowestandmost responsive priceforthe Project.TheCityreservestherighttoawardthecontracttotheRespondentwhoseproposalis foundtobeinthebest interests oftheCity, 2.Qualification ofProposing Firm.Response submittals tothis Solicitation will beconsideredfromfirms normally engaged inprovidingtheservicesrequested.Theproposingfirmmustdemonstrateadequate experience,organization,offices,equipmentand personnel toensurepromptand efficient service totheCity ofSouth Miami.TheCity reserves the right,beforerecommendinganyaward,toinspectthe offices and organization ortotakeany other actionnecessarytodetermine ability toperform In accordancewiththe specifications,termsandconditions.TheCityofSouth Miami will determine whether theevidenceofabilityto performissatisfactoryandreservestherighttorejectallresponse submittals tothis Solicitation where evidencesubmitted,or investigation and evaluation,indicates inability ofa firm toperform. 3.Deviationsfrom Specifications.Theawarded firm shall clearly indicate,as applicable,allareasinwhichthe servicesproposeddonot fully complywiththerequirementsofthis Solicitation.The decision astowhether anitem fully complies withthestatedrequirementsrestssolelywiththeCityofSouth Miami. 4.Designated Contact.The awarded firm shall appointapersontoactasa primary contactwiththeCityof South Miami.Thispersonor back-up shall be readily available during normal workhoursbyphone,email,orin person,andshallbeknowledgeableofthetermsofthe contract 5.Precedence of Conditions.The proposing firm,by virtue of submitting a response,agrees that City's General Provisions,TermsandConditionsherein will takeprecedenceoyeranytermsand conditions submittedwith the response,either appearing separately asan attachment or included within the Proposal.TheContract Documents have been listed below inorderof precedence,withtheone having themost precedence being at thetopofthe list and the remaining documents in descending orderof precedence.This orderof precedence shall apply,unlessclearlycontrarytothe specific termsoftheContractorGeneralConditionstothe Contract: a)AddendatoSolicitation b)Attachments/Exhibitsto c)Solicitation d)Attachment/Exhibits to Supplementary Conditions e)Supplementary Conditions to Contract,ifany f)Attachment/Exhibits to Contract g)Contract h)GeneralConditionstoContract,ifany i)Respondent'sProposal 6.Response Withdrawal.After Proposals are opened,correctionsor modifications to Proposals arenot permitted,buttheCity may allow the proposing firm to withdraw anerroneous Proposal priorto the confirmation oftheproposal award byCity Commission,ifall ofthe following is established: a)The proposing firm actedingood faith in submitting the response; b)The error wasnottheresultofgross negligence or willful Inattention onthepartofthe firm; c)Theerrorwas discovered and communicated totheCity within twenty-four (24)hours(not including Saturday,Sunday ora legal holiday)of opening the proposals received,along witha request for permission to withdraw the firm's Proposal;and d)The firm submitsan explanation in writing,signed under penalty ofperjury,statinghowthe error wasmadeanddeliversadequatedocumentationtothe City tosupporttheexplanationandtoshow thatthe error wasnottheresultofgross negligence or willful inattentionnormadeinbadfaith. 7.Theterms,provisions,conditionsand definitions containedinthe Solicitation Cover Lettershallapplytothese instructions toRespondentsandtheyareherebyadoptedandmadeaparthereofbyreference.Ifthereisa .conflict between theCoverLetterandthese instructions,or any other provision ofthis Solicitation,the CoverLettershallgovernandtakeprecedenceoverthe conflicting provisions)inthe Solicitation. 8.Any questions concerning the Solicitation or any required need for clarification must be made in writing,by)0 AM,August 6,2015 tothe attention of Steven P.Kulick at skunck@southmiamifl.gov orvia facslmiie at (305)663-6346. 9.The issuance ofawrittenaddendumistheonly official methodwherebyinterpretationand/or clarification of information canbe given.Interpretationsor clarifications,considerednecessarybytheCityinresponseto suchquestions,shall beIssuedbyawritten addendum tothe Solicitation Package (alsoknownas "Solicitation Specifications"or "Solicitation")by U.S.mail,e-mail orother delivery method convenient totheCityandthe City will notify all prospective firms viatheCity's website. 10.Verbal interpretations or clarifications shall be without legal effect.No plea bya Respondent of ignorance or the need for additional information shall exempta Respondent from submitting the Proposal onthe required dateandtimeassetforthinthe public notice. 11.Coneof Silence:You arehereby advised thatthis Request for Proposals issubjecttothe "Cone of Silence/' in accordance with Miami-Dade County Ordinance Nos.98106 and 99-1.Fromthetimeof advertising until the City Manager issues his recommendation,thereisa prohibition on verbal communication with the City's professional staff,including theCity Manager and his staff.All written communication must comply withthe requirements oftheConeof Silence.TheConeof Silence doesnot apply to verbal communications atpre- proposal conferences,verbalpresentationsbefore evaluation committees,contract discussions duringany duly noticed public meeting,public presentationsmadetotheCity Commission duringanydulynotice public meeting,contractnegotiationswiththestaff following theCity Manager's written recommendationforthe awardofthe contract,or communicationsinwritingatanytimewithanyCityemployee,official ormemberof theCity Commission unless specifically prohibited.Acopyof all written communications mustbe contemporaneously filed withtheCity Manager andCityClericIn addition,youarerequiredtocomplywith theCity Manager's Administrative Order AO (-15.Ifacopyisnotattached,pleaserequestacopyfromthe City's Procurement Division. WITH REGARD TO THE COUNTY'S CONE OF SILENCE EXCEPTJON FOR WRITTEN COMMUNICATION,PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT,NOTWITHSTANDING THE MIAMI- DADE COUNTY EXCEPTION FOR WRITTEN COMMUNICATION THE COUNTY'S RULES PROHIBITING VERBAL COMMUNICATION DURING AN ESTABLISHED CONE OF SILENCE SHALL,WITH REGARD TO THIS SOLICITATION,ALSO APPLY TO ALL WRITTEN COMMUNICATION UNLESS PROVIDED OTHERWISE BELOW. THEREFORE,WHERE THE CITY OF SOUTH MAIMI CONE OF SILENCE PROHIBITS COMMUNICATION,SUCH PROHIBITION SHALL APPLY TO BOTH VERBAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION. Notwithstanding the foregoing,the Cone of Silence shall not apply to... (1)Duly noticed site visitsto determine the competency of bidders regardinga particular bid during the time period between the opening of bidsand the time that the City Manager makes his or her written recommendation; (2)Any emergency procurement ofgoodsor services pursuant to the Miami-Dade County Administrative Order 3-2; (3)Communications regardingaparticular solicitation between anypersonand the procurement agent or contracting officerresponsibleforadministering the procurement processforsuchsolicitation,providedthe communication is limited strictlyto matters of processor procedure already contained in the corresponding solicitation document;and (4)Communications regardingaparticularsolicitation between the procurement agent or contracting officer,or their designated secretarial/clerical staff responsible for administering the procurement process forsuchsolicitationanda member of the selection committee provided the communication is limited strictly to matters of process or procedure already contained in the corresponding solicitation document.1' 12.Violation ofthese provisions by any particular Respondent orproposer shall render any recommendation for theawardofthe contract or the contract awardedtosaidRespondentor proposer voidable,and,insuch event,said Respondent orproposer shall notbe considered for any Solicitation including butnot limited to onethat requests anyofthe following a proposal,qualifications,aletterofinterestorabid concerning any contractforthe provision ofgoodsor services fora period ofone year.Contact shall only be made through regularly scheduled Commission meetings,or meetings scheduled through the Purchasing Division,which are forthepurposesofobtaining additional or clarifying information. 13.Lobbying.All firms andtheir agents whointendto submit,orwhosubmitted,bidsor responses forthis Solicitation,arehereby placed on formal noticethatneitherCity Commissioners,candidates forCity Commissioner oranyemployeeoftheCityofSouth Miami aretobe lobbied either individually or collectively concerning this Solicitation.Contact shall onlybemadethrough regularly scheduledCommissionmeetings,or meetingsscheduledthroughthe Purchasing Division,whichareforthepurposesof obtaining additional or clarifying information. 14.ReservationofRightTheCity anticipates awarding onecontractforservicesasaresultofthis Solicitation andthe successful firm willberequestedtoenter Into negotiations toproduceacontractfortheProject TheCity,however,reservesthe right,inItssole discretion,todo any ofthe following: a)torejectanyand all submittedResponses and tofurther define orlimitthescopeofthe award. b)towaiveminor irregularities inthe responses orinthe procedure required bythe Solicitation documents. c)torequest additional informationfrom firms asdeemed necessary. d)tomakean award without discussion or after limited negotiations.It is,therefore,important that all the parts ofthe Request for Proposal be completed In all respects. e)tonegotiate modifications tothe Proposal thatItdeems acceptable. f)to terminate negotiations intheeventthe City deems progress towards a contract tobe insufficient and to proceed to negotiate withthe Respondent who made thenextbest Proposal.TheCity reservesthe right to proceed inthis manner until it has negotiated acontractthatis satisfactory to the City. g)To modify theContract Documents.The terms ofthe Contract Documents are general and not necessarily specific tothe Solicitation.Itistherefore anticipated thattheCitymay modify these documents tofitthe specific project orwork in question and the Respondent,by making a Proposal, agrees to such modifications andtobe bound by such modified documents. h)to cancel,In wholeor part,any invitation for Proposals when itis in thebest interest ofthe City, i)to award the Project tothe person withthe lowest,most responsive,responsible Proposal,as determinedby the City. |)to award the Project,and execute a contract with a Respondent or Respondents,otherthan toone who provided thelowest Proposal Price, k)iftheScopeof the Work isdividedinto distinct subdivisions,toawardeach subdivision toa separate Respondent 15.Contingent Fees Prohibited.The proposing firm,by submitting a proposal,warrants that it has not employed or retained a company or person,other than a bona fide employee,contractor or subcontractor,working in its employ,to solicit or secure a contract withthe City,and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company,corporation,individual or firm other than abona fide employee,contractoror sub-consultant, working in its employ,any fee,commission,percentage,gift or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making ofa contract with the City. 16.Public Entity Crimes.A person or affiliate ofthe Respondent who has been placed onthe convicted vendor fist pursuant to Chapter 287 following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a Proposal ona contract to provide any goods or services,ora contract for construction or repair ofa public building may not submit proposals on leases of real property toor with the City of South Miami,may notbe awarded a contract to perform workasa CONTRACTOFt,sub-contractor,supplier,sub-consultant,or consultant under a contract withtheCityof South Miami,and may not transact business withtheCityof South Miami for a period of36monthsfromthedateof being placed onthe convicted vendor list. 17.Respondents shall usethe Proposal Form(s)furnished bytheCity.All erasures and corrections must have the initials ofthe Respondent's authorized representative in blue inkatthe location of each and every erasure and correction.Proposals shall be signed using blue ink;all quotations shall be typewritten,or printed with blue ink.All spaces shall be filled in with the requested information orthe phrase "not applicable"or "NA".The proposal shall be delivered onorbeforethedate and time,andatthe place andin such manner asset forth in the Solicitation Cover Letter.Failure todoso may cause the Proposal tobe rejected.Failure to include any of the Proposal Forms may invalidate the Proposal.Respondent shall deliver tothe City,as part ofits Proposal, thefollowing documents: a)The Invitation for Proposal and Instructions to Respondents. b)Acopyof all issued addenda. c)Thecompleted Proposal Form fully executed. d)Proposal/Bid Bond,(Bond or cashier's check),if required,attached tothe Proposal Form. e)Certificates ofCompetencyas well as all applicable State,CountyandCity Licenses heldby Respondent f)CertificateofInsuranceand/orLetterof insurability. 18.Goods:Ifgoodsare to beprovidedpursuanttothis Solicitation the following applies: a)BrandNames:If abrandname,make,manufacturer'stradename,orvendorcatalog number is mentionedinthis Solicitation,whether ornot followed bythewords "approved equal",itisforthe purposeofestablishingagradeor quality ofmaterialonly.Respondentmayoffergoods that are equaltothegoodsdescribedinthis Solicitation withappropriate identification,samplesand/or specifications forsuch item(s).TheCity shall bethesole judge concerningthemeritsof Items proposed asequals. b)Pricing:Pricesshouldbestatedinunitsofquantity specified intheProposal Form.Incaseofa discrepancy,theCityreservestherighttomakethe final determinationatthelowestnetcost to the City. c)Mistake:In theevent that unitpricesarepartoftheProposalandif there isadiscrepancybetween theunitprice(s)andtheextended price(s),theunit prlce(s)shall prevail andtheextended price(s) shallbeadjustedtocoincide.Respondentsareresponsibleforcheckingtheir calculations.Failureto dososhallbeattheRespondent's risk,anderrors shall notreleasetheRespondentfromhis/heror itsresponsibilityasnotedherein. d)Samples:Samplesofitems,whenrequired,mustbe furnished bytheRespondentfreeofchargeto theCity.Each individual samplemustbe labeled withtheRespondent'snameandmanufacturer's brandnameanddeliveredbyitwithinten (10)calendardaysoftheProposalopeningunlessschedule indicatesadifferenttime.IfsamplesarerequestedsubsequenttotheProposal opening,theyshallbe delivered withinten (10)calendar days oftherequest.TheCityshallnotbe responsible forthe return ofsamples. e)Respondentwarrantsbysignatureonthe Proposal Formthatpricesquotedthereinarein conformity with the latest Federal Price Guidelines. 0 Governmental Restrictions:In theeventanygovernmental restrictions may be imposed which would necessitatealterationofthe material quality,workmanship,orperformanceoftheitemsofferedon thisProposalpriorto the'ir delivery,it shall bethe responsibility ofthe successful Respondentto notify theCityatonce,indicating in its tetterthe specific regulation whichrequiredanalteration. TheCityofSouth Miami reserves the right to accept anysuch alteration,including any price adjustments occasioned thereby,orto cancel all or any portionofthe Contract,atthesole discretion oftheCityandatnofurther expense totheCitywiththirty(30)days advanced notice. g)Respondent warrantsthatthe prices,termsand conditions quotedinthe Proposal shall be firm fora periodofonehundred eighty (180)calendar days fromthedateofthe Proposal opening unless otherwise statedintheProposalForm.Incomplete,unresponsive,irresponsible,vague,or ambiguous responsestothe Solicitation shall be cause for rejection,as determined bythe City. h)Safety Standards:The Respondent warrants thatthe product(s)tobe supplied totheCity conform in all respectstothe standards setforth In the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)and Its amendments.ProposalsmustbeaccompaniedbyaMaterialsDataSafetySheet (M.S.D.S)when applicable. 19.Liability,Licenses &Permits:The successful Respondent shall assume the full duty,obligation,and expense of obtaining all necessary licenses,permits,and inspections requiredbythis Solicitation andas required by law. The Respondent shall be liable for any damages or loss tothe City.occasioned bythe negligence ofthe Respondent (oritsagentor employees)or any person acting foror through the Respondent Respondents shall furnish acertifiedcopyofall licenses,Certificates ofCompetencyor other licensing requirement necessary to practice their profession and applicable totheworktobe performed as required by Florida Statutes,the Florida Building Code,Miami-Dade County CodeorCityofSouth Miami Code.These documents shall be furnished totheCityaspartofthe Proposal.Failure tohave obtained the required licenses andcertificationsorto furnish thesedocuments shall begroundsforrejectingtheProposaland forfeitureoftheProposal/BidBond,ifrequiredforthisProject. 20.Respondent shall comply withthe Cit/s insurance requirements assetforthinthe attached EXHIBIT 2, priorto issuance ofanyContract(s)or Award(s)Ifa recommendation forawardofthecontract,oranaward ofthecontractismadebefore compliance withthis provision,the failure to fully and satisfactorily comply with the Cit/s bonding,if requiredforthis project,and insurance requirementsas set forthherein shall authorize theCityto implement a rescission ofthe Proposal Award or rescission ofthe recommendation for award of contractwithoutfurtherCity action.The Respondent,by submitting a Proposal,thereby agrees toholdthe City harmless andagreestoindemnifytheCityandcovenantsnottosuetheCitybyvirtueofsuch rescission. 21.Copyrights and/orPatent Rights:Respondent warrants thatastothe manufacturing,producing or selling of goodsintendedtobe shipped ororderedbythe Respondent pursuant tothis Proposal,therehasnotbeen, norwilltherebe,any infringement of copyrights orpatent rights.TheRespondent agrees to indemnify City fromanyand all liability,lossorexpense occasioned byanysuch violation orinfringement 22.Executionof Contract*Aresponsetothis Solicitation shall notberesponsiveunlesstheRespondentsignsthe form of contract thatisa part ofthe Solicitation package.The Respondent tothis Solicitation acknowledges thatby submitting aresponseora proposal,Respondent agrees tothetermsoftheformcontractandtothe termsofthe general conditions tothe contract,bothof which are part ofthis Solicitation package.The Respondent agrees that Respondent's signature onthe Bid Form and/or theformof contract thatisa part of the Solicitation package and/or response to this Solicitation,grants totheCitythe authority,onthe Respondent's behalf,toinserted,intoanyblank spaces inthecontractdocuments,information obtainedfrom the proposal and,atthe City's sole and absolute discretion,the City may treat the Respondent's signature on any ofthose documents,asthe Respondent's signature onthe contract,afterthe appropriate information has been inserted,as well asfor any and all purposes,including the enforcement of all oftheterms and conditions of the contract 23.Evaluation of Proposals:The City,atits sole discretion,reserves the right to inspect the facilities of any or all Respondents to determine its capability tomeetthe requirements ofthe Contract.In addition,the price, responsibility and responsiveness ofthe Respondent,the financial position,experience,staffing,equipment, materials,references,and past history of service totheCity and/or with other units of state,and/or local governmentsin Florida,or comparable private entities,will betakeninto consideration in the Awardofthe Contract 24.Drug Free Workplace:Failure to provide proof of compliance with Florida Statute Section 287.087,as amended,when requested shall be cause for rejection ofthe Proposal as determined bythe City. 25.Public Entity Crimes:A person or affiliate who was placed onthe Convicted Vendors List following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a response ona contract to provide any services to a public entity,may not submit Solicitation on leases of real property toa public entity,and may not transact business with any public entity in excess ofthe threshold amount provided in Section 287.017,for a period of 36monthsfromthedateof being placed onthe Convicted Vendors List. 26.Contingent Fees Prohibited:The proposing firm must warrant that it has not employed or retained a company or person,other than a bona fide employee,contractor or subcontractor,working in its employ,to solicit or secure a contract with the City,and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any person,company, corporation,individual or firm other than a bona fide employee,contractor or sub-consultant,working in its employ,any fee,commission,percentage,gift orother consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making ofacontractwiththeCity. 27.Hold Harmless:All Respondents shall hold the City,its officials and employees harmless and covenant notto suethe City,Its officials and employees in reference toits decisions to reject,award,ornot award a contract, as applicable,unless the claim is based solely on allegations of fraud and/or collusion.The submission ofa proposal shall act as an agreement bythe Respondent that the Proposal/Bid Bond,if required for this project, shall notbe released until and unless the Respondent waives any and all claims that the Respondent may have against the City that arise outof this Solicitation process or until a judgment is entered in the Respondent's fayor in any suit filed which concerns this proposal process.In any such suit,the prevailing party shall recover its attorney's fees,courtcostsas well as expenses associated withthe litigation.In theeventthat fees,court costs and expenses associated with the litigation are awarded tothe City,the Proposal/Bid Bond,if required for this project,shall be applied tothe payment of those costs and any balance shall be paid bythe Respondent. 28.Cancellation:Failure onthe part ofthe Respondent to comply withthe conditions,specifications, requirements,and termsasdeterminedbythe City,shall bejustcausefor cancellation oftheAwardor termination of the contract 29.Bonding Requirements:The Respondent,when submitting the Proposal,shall include a Proposal/Bid Bond,if required for this project,inthe amount of 5%ofthe total amount ofthe base Proposal onthe Proposal/Bid Bond Form included herein.A company or personal check shall notbe deemed a valid Proposal Security. 30.Performance and Payment Bond:TheCityof South Miami may require the successful Respondent to furnish a Performance Bond and Payment Bond,each inthe amount of 100%ofthe total Proposal Price,including Alternates if any,naming the City of South Miami,and the entity that may be providing a source of funding for theWork,asthe obligee,as security forthe faithful performance oftheContract and forthe payment of all persons or entities performing labor,services and/or furnishing materials in connection herewith.In addition, ifthe Respondent's employees will be working in secure and sensitive areasoftheCitythe City may require thatthe Respondent provides employee bonding,naming the City of South Miami asthe obligee onthe bond. Thebonds shall bewithasuretycompanyauthorizedtodo business intheStateof Florida. 30.1.Each Performance Bondshallbeintheamountofonehundred percent (100%)ofthe Contract Price guaranteeing toCitythe completion and performance ofthe Work coveredintheContract Documents. 30.2.Each PerformanceBondshallcontinueineffectfor five yearafter final completionandacceptance oftheWorkwiththe liability equaltoone hundred percent (100%)oftheContract Sum. 30.3.Each Paymentbond shall guarantee the full payment of all suppliers,material man,laborers,or subcontractor employedpursuanttothis Project 30.4.Each BondshallbewithaSurety company whose qualifications meettherequirementsof insurancecompaniesassetforthinthe Insurance requirementsofthissolicitation. 30.5.Pursuant to the requirements ofSection255.05,Florida Statutes,Respondent shall ensure that the Bond(s)referencedabove shall berecordedinthe public recordsof Miami-Dade Countyand provideCITYwithevidenceofsuchrecording. 30.6.The surety companyshallholda current certificateofauthorityasacceptablesuretyonfederal bondsin accordance withtheUnitedStatesDepartmentofTreasury Circular 570,current revisions. 31.Proposal Guarantee:NotwithstandingthefactthattheRespondentinsubmittinga proposal,agreestothe termscontainedin the formof contract thatispartofthisSolicitationpackage,thesuccessfulRespondent, withinten (10)calendardaysofNoticeofAwardbytheCity,shalldeliver,totheCity,theexecuted Contractand other Contract Documentsthat provide fortheRespondent'ssignature,anddelivertothe CitytherequiredinsurancedocumentationaswellasaPerformanceandPaymentBondifthesebondsare required.TheRespondentwhohastheContract awarded toitandwho fails toexecutetheContractand furnish therequiredBondsand Insurance Documents withinthe specified time shall,attheCity'soption, forfeitthe Proposal/Bid Bond/Security that accompanied theProposal,andthe Proposal/Bid Bond/Security shall beretainedas liquidated damages bythe City.ItisagreedthatiftheCityacceptspaymentfromthe Proposal/Bid Bond,that thissumisafairestimateoftheamountofdamages the City will sustainincase theRespondentfails to signthe Contract Documentsor fails tofurnishtherequiredBondsandInsurance documentation.IftheCitydoesnotacceptthe Proposal/Bid Bond,theCitymay proceed tosueforbreach of contract ifthe Respondent fails toperforminaccordancewiththe Contract Documents.Proposal/Bid Bond/Security depositedintheformofacashier'scheckdrawnonalocalbankingoodstanding shall be subject to the same requirements asaProposal/BidBond. 32.Pre-proposal Conference Site Visits:If aMandatoryPre-proposalconferenceisscheduledforthis project,all Respondents shall attend the conference and tour allareas referenced in the Solicitation Documents,itshall begroundsforrejectingaProposalfromaRespondentwhodidnot attend themandatorypre-proposal conference.NopleasofignorancebytheRespondentofconditionsthatexist,orthatmayhereinafterexist, asa Solicitation resultoffailuretomakethe necessary examinations or investigations,or failure tocomplete anypartofthe Solicitation Package,will be accepted as basisfor varying therequirementsoftheContract withtheCityofSouth Miami orthecompensationoftheRespondentThe Respondent following receiptofa surveyoftheproperty,if applicable,isboundby knowledge thatcanbeseen or surmisedfromthesurveyand will notbeentitled to anychange order duetoanysuchcondition.Ifthesurveyisprovidedbeforethe proposalissubmitted,the contract price shall include the Work necessitatedbythoseconditions.Ifthe survey is provided subsequenttothe submission ofthe proposal,the Respondent shall have five calendar days to notify theCityofany additional costs required by such conditions andtheCity shall have therighttoreject theproposalandawardthecontracttothesecondmost responsive,responsiblebidderwiththelowestprice or to reject allbids. 33.Timeof Completion:Thetime is oftheessencewith regard tothe completion oftheWorktobe performed underthe Contract tobeawarded.Delaysandextensionsoftimemaybeallowedonlyinaccordancewith the provisions statedintheappropriatesectionoftheContractDocuments,including theProposalForm.No change orders shall be allowed for delays caused bythe City,other thanforextensionsoftimeto complete the Work. 34.Submittal Requirements:All Proposals shall comply with the requirements setforth herein and shall include a fully completed Bid Form foundon EXHIBIT 4 whichisapartofthisSolicitation Package. 35.Cancellationof Bid Solicitation:TheCityreservestherighttocancel,inwholeor part,anyrequestfor proposalwhenitisinthebestinterestoftheCity. 36.Respondent shall not discriminate with regard toits hiring of employees or subcontractors orinits purchase of materials orin any wayinthe performance ofits contract ifoneis awarded,based on race,color,religion, national origin,sex,age,sexualorientation,disability,or familial status. 37.All respondents,atthetimeof bid opening,must have fulfilled all prior obligations and commitments tothe Cityinorderto have their bid considered,including all financial obligations.Prior tothe acceptance ofany bid proposal or quotation,the City's Finance Department shall certify thatthereareno outstanding fines,monies, fees,taxes,liens orother charges owedtotheCitybythe Respondent,any ofthe Respondent's principal, partners,membersor stockholders (collectively referred toas "Respondent Debtors").A bid,proposal or quotation will notbe accepted until all outstanding debtsof all Respondent Debtorsowedtothecityare paid in full.Nobidderwhoisin default ofany prior contractwiththeCitymayhavetheirbid considered untilthe defaultiscuredtothe satisfaction oftheCity Manager. 38.Bid Protest Procedure.See attached EXHIBIT 3. 39.Evaluation Criteria:Ifthisprojectistobe evaluated byan Evaluation Committee,the evaluation criteria is attached as NfA. END OF SECTION Proposal Submittal Checklist Form Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements RFP #PW-2015-20 Thischecklistindicates theformsanddocumentsrequiredtobesubmittedforthis solicitation andtobepresented bythe deadline setforwithinthe solicitation.Fulfillment of all solicitation requirements listed ismandatoryfor considerationofresponsetothe solicitation.Additional documentsmayberequiredand,ifso,they will be identified inanaddendumtothis Solicitation.Theresponseshall include the following items: Attachments add Other Documents described below to be Completed IF MARKED WITH AN "X": Indemnification and Insurance Documents EXHIBIT 2 Bid Form EXHIBIT 4 Signed Contract Documents (All -including GeneralConditions and Supplementary Conditionsifattached)EXHIBIT 5;6<&7 PerformanceandPaymentBonds (As a Condition Award.Not required with Submittal.)EXHIBIT 8&9 Respondents Qualification Statement ListofProposedSubcontractorsand Principal Suppliers Non-Collusion Affidavit Public EntityCrimesandConflictsofInterest DrugFreeWorkplace AcknowledgementofConformancewithOSHAStandards Affidavit ConcerningFederal &StateVendor Listings RelatedPartyTransaction Verification Form Presentation Team Declaration/Affidavit ofRepresentation Completed. Submitthis checklist alongwithyourproposal indicating thecompletionand submission ofeachrequiredforms and/or documents. END OF SECTION RESPONDENT QUALIFICATION STATEMENT Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements RI=P#PW-20I5.20 Theresponsetothis questionnaire shall be utilized aspartofthe CITY'S overall Proposal Evaluation and RESPONDENT selection. 1.Number of similar projectscompleted, a)In thepast5 years 7 In the past 5 years On Schedule 7 b)In the past 10 years 10 In the past 10 years On Schedule 10 2.List the last three (3)completed similar projects.See attached chart a)Project Name: Owner Name: Owner Address: Owner Telephone: Original ContractCompletionTime (Days): Original Contract CompletionDate: Actual Final Contract Completion Date: Original Contract Price: Actual Final Contract Price: b)ProjectName: Owner Name: Owner Address: Owner Telephone: Original Contract Completion Time (Days): OriginalContractCompletionDate: Actual Final Contract Completion Date: Original Contract Price: Actual Final Contract Price 10 c)ProjectName: Owner Name: Owner Address: Owner Telephone: Original ContractCompletionTime (Days): Original ContractCompletion Date: Actual Final ContractCompletion Date: Original Contract Price: Actual Final Contract Price: 3.Current workload Project Name Owner Name Telephone Number Contract Price FY2014 Sidewalk Const.City ofHollywood Frank Leon,PE 954-924-2985 $399,805 Supply &install Cone. Sidewalks,Pads &Curbs CityofLauderhill Charlie Cuyler,PM 954-730-4230 $62,340 4.The following information shall beattachedtotheproposal. a)RESPONDENT'Shomeoffice organization chart.See attached b)RESPONDENTS proposedproject organizational chart,see attached c)Resumes of proposedkeyprojectpersonnel,including on-site Superintendent See attached 5.Listanddescribeany: !i a)Bankruptcy petitions filed byor against the Respondent oranypredecessor organizations,N/A b)Any arbitration or civil or criminal proceedings,or N/A Suspension of contracts or debarring from Bidding or Responding by any public agency brought c)against the Respondent inthelast five (5)years n/a 6.Government References:$ee attached List other Government Agencies or Quasi-government Agencies for which you have done business within thepast five (5)years. Nameof Agency: Address: Telephone No,: Contact Person: TypeofProject: Name of Agency: Address: TelephoneNo.: Contact Person: Type of Project: Name of Agency: Address:_^ TelephoneNo.: Contact Person: Type of Project: 12 LIST OP PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS AND PRINCIPAL SUPPLIERS Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements RFP#PW-20I5-20 Respondent shall list ail proposedsubcontractors,ifsubcontractorsare allowed bythetermsof this Solicitation to be used on this project if they are awarded the Contract Classification of Work Subcontractor Name Address Telephone,Fax &1 Email Landscape N/A SoddingandTurfWork N/A Electrical N/A Irrigation N/A Paving N/A Park Amenities N/A Graphics N/A Utilities N/A Excavation N/A Building N/A Structures N/A Plumbing N/A Painting N/A Testing Laboratory N/A Soil Fumigator N/A Signs N/A Other:N/A This list shall be provided to the City ofSouth Miami by the apparent lowest responsive and responsible Bidder within five (5)businessdaysafter Bid Opening. END OF SECTION 13 NON COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE ) Monica Hernandez ) (I) (2) (3) (4) (S) Witness beingfirstdulysworn,deposesandstates that He/_a__They is/are thePresident (Owner,Partner,Officer,RepresentativeorAgent)of Coreland Construction Corp. attached Proposal; theRespondentthathassubmittedthe He/She/They is/are fully informed concerning the preparation andcontentsoftheattached Proposal andof all pertinentcircumstancesconcerningsuch Proposal; Such Proposal isgenuineandisnota collusive orsham Proposal; Neitherthe said Respondentnoranyofits officers,partners,owners,agents,representatives, employeesorpartiesin interest,including this affiant,have In anyway colluded,conspired,connived oragreed,directlyor indirectly,withanyotherRespondent,firm,orpersontosubmitacollusiveor sham Proposal inconnectionwiththe Work forwhichtheattached Proposal hasbeensubmitted;or to refrain from Bidding or proposing inconnection with suchWork;orhaveinanymanner,directly or indirectly,soughtbyagreementor collusion,or communication,orconferencewithany Respondent,firm,orpersontofixanyoverhead,profit,orcostelementsofthe Proposal orofany other Respondent,orto fix any overhead,profit,orcostelementsofthe Proposal Price orthe Proposal Price ofanyother Respondent,ortosecurethroughany collusion,conspiracy,connivance, or unlawful agreementany advantage against (Recipient),oranypersoninterestedintheproposed Work; Thepriceorpricesquotedintheattached Proposal are fair andproperandare not taintedbyany collusioni conspiracy,connivance,or unlawful agreementonthepartoftheRespondentoranyother of itsagents,representatives,owners,employeesorpartiesofinterest,including this affiant. resence of: :NameandTitleMonicaHernandez,President 8/13/15 Date ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Onthisthe 13th dayof August ,2015,beforeme,the undersigned Notary Public oftheState of Florida,personallyappeared(Name(s)of individuals)whoappearedbefore 14 notary)Monica Hernandez within instrument,andhe/she/they acknowledge that he/she/they exe< WITNESSmyhandand official seal. ename(s)is/areSubscribed to the NOTARY PUBLIC: SEAL OF OFFICE: 15 (Name of Notary Public:Print.SSfl^p^pe asVornmljJoned) X Personally knowntome,or Personal identification: Typeof Identification Produced Did take an oath,or Did Not take anoath. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Pursuant tothe provisions of Paragraph (2)(a)of Section 287.133,Florida StateStatutes -"Apersonor affiliate whohasbeen placed ontheconvictedvendorlist following a conviction fora public entitycrimemaynotsubmita Proposalorbidona Contract toprovideanygoodsorservicestoapublicentity,maynotsubmitaBidor proposal foraContractwitha public entityforthe construction of repair ofa public building or public work,may notsubmitbidsor proposals on leases or real propertytoa public entity,maynotbe awarded toperform Work asa RESPONDENT,Sub-contractor,supplier,Sub-consultant,or Consultant underaContractwithany public entity,andmaynottransactbusinesswithany public entityinexcessofthethresholdamountCategoryTwoof Section 287,017,Florida Statutes,forthirty she (36)monthsfromthedateofbeing placed ontheconvictedvendor list'1. The award ofanycontracthereunder Is subjecttothe provisions ofChapter 112,Florida StateStatutes. Respondents must disclose withtheir Proposals,the name of any officer,director,partner,associate oragentwho isalsoanofficeroremployeeoftheCityofSouth Miami orits agencies. SWORN STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 287.133 (3)(a), FLORIDA STATUTES.ON PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES THISFORMMUSTBE SIGNED AND SWORN TO INTHEPRESENCEOFA NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICIAL AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER OATHS. I.This sworn statement is submitted to City ofSouth Miami [printnameofthe public entity] by Monica Hernandez,President [print individual's nameandtitle] forCorelandConstructionCorp. [printname of entitysubmittingswornstatement] whose business address is 12301 SW 128 Court.#107 Miami,FL 33186 and (if applicable)Its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)is 65-0073665 (If the entityhasno FEIN,includethe Social Security Numberofthe individual signing thisswornstatement: .) 2.I understand thata "public entity crime"as defined in Paragraph 287.133 (l)(g),Rorida Statutes. meansa violation ofanystateor federal law bya person withrespectto and directly related tothe transactionofbusinesswithanypublicentityorwithan agency or political subdivision ofanyotherstate oroftheUnited States,including,butnot limited to,any bid,proposal orcontractforgoodsor services tobeprovidedtoany public entityoranagencyor political subdivision ofanyotherstateorofthe UnitedStatesand involving antitrust,fraud,theft,bribery,collusion,racketeering,conspiracy,or material misrepresentation. 3.I understandthat"convicted"or "conviction"as defined in Paragraph 287.133 (I)(b),Florida Statutes,meansa finding of guilt ora conviction ofa public entity crime,withorwithoutan adjudication ofguiltinany federal orstatetrialcourtofrecord relating to charges broughtbyindictmentor information after July I,1989,asaresultofajury verdict,non-jury trial,orentryofapleaof guilty or nolo contendere, 4.I understand thatan "affiliate"as defined in Paragraph 287.133 (I)(a),Florida Statutes,means; (a)Apredecessororsuccessorofapersonconvictedofa public entity crime;or (b)Anentityunderthecontrolofany natural personwhoisactiveinthe management oftheentity andwhohasbeenconvictedofa public entity crime.Theterm "affiliate"includes those officers, 16 directors,executives,partners,shareholders,employees,members,and agents whoareactivein the management ofan affiliate.Theownershipbyonepersonof shares constituting a controlling interestinanyperson,ora pooling ofequipmentorincomeamongpersonswhen not for fair marketvalueunderanarm'slengthagreement,shall beaprima facte casethatoneperson controlsanotherperson.Apersonwho knowingly enters Into ajointventurewithaperson whohasbeenconvictedofa public entitycrimein Florida duringthe preceding 36months shall be considered an affiliate. 5.I understand thata"person"as defined m Paragraph 287.133 (I)(e),Florida Statutes,meansany natural personorentity organized underthe laws ofanystateorofthe United Stateswiththe legal powerto enter intoa binding contractandwhichbidsor proposal orappliestobidorproposalon contractsforthe provision ofgoodsorservicesletbya public entity,orwhichotherwisetransactsor applies totransact business witha public entity.Theterm"person"includes those officers,directors, executives,partners,shareholders,employees,members,andagentswhoareactiveinmanagementofan entity. 6.Based on information and belief,the statement which I have marked below is true in relation to the entity submitting thissworn statement.[Indicate which statement applies.] X Neither theentity submitting this sworn statement,nor any ofits officers,directors,executives, partners,shareholders,employees,members,oragentswhoareactiveinthemanagementoftheentity, norany affiliate oftheentityhasbeen charged withandconvictedofa public entitycrimesubsequentto July I,1989. The entity submittingthisswornstatement,oroneormore of itsofficers,directors,executives, partners,shareholders,employees,members,oragentswhoareactiveinthe management oftheentity, oran affiliate of theentityhasbeen charged withand convicted ofa public entitycrimesubsequentto July i,1989. Theentitysubmitting this swornstatement,oroneormoreofitsofficers,directors,executives, partners,shareholders,employees,members,or agents whoareactiveinthe management oftheentity, oran affiliate oftheentity has been charged withand convicted ofa public entitycrimesubsequentof July I,1989.However,therehasbeena subsequent proceeding beforea Hearing OfficeroftheStateof Florida,Division of Administrative Hearings andthe Final Orderenteredbythe Hearing Officer determinedthatitwasnotinthe public interesttoplacetheentitysubmittingthisswornstatementon theconvictedvendor list,[attach acopyofthe final order.] I UNDERSTAND THAT THE SUBMISSION OF THIS FORM TO THE CONTRACTING OFFICER FOR THE PUBLIC ENTITY INDENTIFIED IN PARAGRAPH I (ONE)ABOVEISFOR THAT PUBLIC ENTITY ONLY,AND THAT THIS FORMISVALID THROUGH DECEMBER 31 OF THE CALENDAR YEAR IN WHICH IT IS FILED.I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT 1 AM REQUIRED TO INFORM THE PUBLIC ENTITY PRIOR TO ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT INEXCESSOFTHE THRESHOLD AMOUNT PROVIDED IN SECTION 287.017,FLORIDA STATES.jgffCATEGpftY TWO OF Arjl CHANGE IN THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS FORM. Sworn to and subscribed before me this '3th jay 0f Personally known X OR Produced identification Notary Public -State of PL Mycommission expires. (Typeof identification)(Printed,i Form PUR 7068 (Rev.06/11 /92)name o^o^MfeubJ^jfyPuWc^Sinte of FtoiWa 17 Rick Hamish My Commission Exptm*10/21/2016'\*^-yCommteslqn FF 170461 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE Whenever twoormoreBidsor Proposals whichare equal withrespectto price,quality andservicearereceived bytheStateorbyany political subdivisions fortheprocurementofcommoditiesor contractual services,aBidor Proposal received from a business that certifies thatit has implemented a drug-free workplace program shall be given preferenceintheaward process.Established procedures for processing tie Bids or Proposals shall be followed ifnoneofthetiedvendors have a drug-free workplace program.In orderto have a drug-free workplace program,abusiness shall: 1)Publish astatement notifying employeesthatthe unlawful manufacture,distribution,dispensing, possession,oruseofacontrolledsubstanceisprohibitedintheworkplaceand specifying the actions that shall betaken against employeesfor violations ofsuch prohibition. 2)Inform employeesaboutthe dangers of drug abuse inthe workplace,the business*policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace,any available drug counseling,rehabilitation,andemployee assistance programs,andthe penalties thatmaybeimposeduponemployeesfordrugabuse violations. 3)Giveeachemployee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services thatareunder Bid acopy of thestatement specified in Subsection (1). 4)In thestatement specified in Subsection (I),notifythe employees,that,asa condition ofworking ofthecommoditiesorcontractualservicesthatareunder Bid,heemployee shall abidebythe termsofthestatementand shall notifytheemployeeofanyconvictionof,or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to,any violation ofChapter893orofanycontrolled substance lawoftheUnited Statesoranystate,fora violation occurring intheworkplacenolaterthan five (5)business days after such conviction. 5)Impose a sanction on,orrequirethe satisfactory participation inadrugabuse assistance or rehabilitation program,ifsuchis available inthe employee's community,byanyemployeewhois so convicted. 6)Make agood faith efforttocontinueto maintain a drug-free workplacethroughimplementation of this section. Asthe person authorized to sign^Jjgjtatttflent,I certify ttau»his firm complies fully with the above requirements, RESPONDENTS SignaWre^^gP^^^^ Print Name:Monica ffernandez,President Date:8/13/15 18 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF CONFORMANCE WITH OSHA STANDARDS Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements RFP #PW-2015-20 TO THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI We,CorelandConstructionCorp.(Name of CONTRACTOR),hereby acknowledge andagreethatas CONTRACTORfor the Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements projectas specified havethesole responsibility for compliance with all the requirements ofthe Federal Occupational Safety andHealthActof 1970,andallStateand local safety andhealth regulations,andagreeto indemnify andhold harmlessthe City of South MiamiandTYLinn/H.J.Ross(Consultants)againstanyandall liability,daims, damages,lossesandexpensesthey may incurduetothe failure of(Sub-contractor's names): _ tocomplywithsuchact or regulation. CONTRACTOR Coreland Construction Corp. sfozme Monica President Title 19 AFFIDAVIT CONCERNING FEDERAL AND STATE VENDOR LISTINGS Theperson,orentity,whoisrespondingtotheCity's solicitation,hereinafterreferredtoas "Respondent**,must certifythatthe Respondent's nameDoesNotappearontheStateof Florida,Departmentof Management Services, "CONVICTED,SUSPENDED,DISCRIMINATORY FEDERAL EXCLUDED PARTIESand COMPLAINTS VENDOR LISTINGS". IftheRespondent'snameDoesappearonone or allthe "Listings'*summarized below,Respondentsmust"Check ifApplies"nexttothe applicable "Listing "The "Listings"canbe accessed throughthe following linktothe Florida Departmentof Management Services website: http://www.dms.myflorida.com/business operations/state purchasing/vendorjnformation/convicted susp ended discriminatory complaints vendorlists DECLARATION UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY I,Monica Hernandez (hereinafter referred toasthe "Declarant")state,under penalty of perjury, that thefollowing statements are true and correct: (1)I represent the Respondent whose name is Coreland Construction Corp.. (2)I have the following relationship withthe Respondent President(Owner(if Respondent isa soleproprietor),President(if Respondent isacorporation)Partner(if Respondent isa partnership),General Partner(if Respondent isa Limited Partnership)or Managing Member>(if Respondent isa Limited Liability Company). (3)I have reviewed the Florida Departmentof Management Services websiteatthe following URL address: http://www.dms.myflorida.com/business_operatto^ scriminatory_complaints_vendorjists (4)I have enteredan V oracheckmark beside each listing/category setforth below ifthe Respondent's nameappearsinthelistfoundonthe Florida Departmentof Management Services websiteforthatcategoryor listing.If I didnotenteramark beside a listing/category it means that1am attesting tothefactthatthe Respondent'snamedoesnotappearonthe listing forthatcategoryinthe Florida Departmentof Management Services website as of the date of this affidavit Check if Applicable Convicted Vendor List SuspendedVendorList DiscriminatoryVendorList FederalExcludedPartiesList VendorComplaintList FURTHER DECLARANT SAYETH NOT. Monica Hernandez,President ACKNOWLE! STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE ) On this the 13th day ofAugust f 20 15 ,before me,the undersigned authority,personally appearedMonica Hernandez whoispersonallvknowtomeorwhoprovidedthe following identification andwhotookanoathor affirroetftbat that he/she/they executed the foregoing Affidavit astheDeclarant. WITNESS myhandand official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC: SEAL (Nameof1 Stamportypeas commiS 20 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTION VERIFICATION FORM I Monica Hernandez ,individually and on behalf ofCorelandConstructionCorp. ("Brm")have Name of Representative CompanylVendor/Entity readtheCityofSouth Miami ("City")'s Codeof Ethics, Section 8A-1 oftheCity'sCodeofOrdinancesand I hereby certify,underpenaltyofperjurythat to thebestofmy knowledge,information and belief: (1)neither I northeFirmhaveanyconflictofinterest(as defined insection8A-I)withregardtothe contract or businessthat I,and/orthe Firm,am(are)abouttoperformfor,ortotransactwith,the City,and (2)neither I nor any employees,officers,directorsofthe Firm,nor anyone whohasa financial interestgreater than S%inthe Firm,hasany relative(s),as defined insection 8A-I,whoisanemployeeoftheCityorwhois(are) anappointedorelected official ofthe City,orwho is(are)amemberofany public bodycreatedbytheCity Commission,i.e.,aboardorcommitteeoftheCity,[while theethicscode still applies,ifthepersonexecutingthis formisdoingsoon behalf ofa firm whosestockis publicly traded,thestatement In thissection(2)shall bebased solelyonthe signatory's personal knowledge andhe/sheisnotrequiredtomakeanindependent investigation asto therelationshipofemployees or thosewhohavea financial interestinthe Firm.];and (3)neither I northe Firm,noranyonewhohasa financial interestgreaterthan5%inthe Firm,noranymemberof those persons'immediate family (i.e.,spouse,parents,children,brothers andsisters)hastransactedor entered intoanycontract(s)withtheCityorhasa financial interest,directorindirect,inanybusinessbeingtransacted withthecity,orwithanypersonoragencyactingforthecity,other thanasfollows: N/A _{use (if necessary,useaseparatesheet to supplyadditional information that will notfitonthis line;however,you mustmakereference,ontheabove line,tothe additional sheet ^nd theadditional sheet mustbesignedunder oath),[whiletheethicscode still applies,iftheperson executing thisformisdoingsoon behalf ofa firm whose stockis publicly traded,thestatementinthissection(3)shall bebased solely onthe signatorys personal knowledge and he/she isnotrequiredtomakean independent investigation astothe relationship ofthosewho havea financial interest In the Firm.];and (4)noelected and/or appointed official oremployeeoftheCityofSouth Miami,oranyoftheir immediate family members (i.e.,spouse,parents,children,brothersandsisters)hasa financial interest,directlyor Indirectly,inthe contractbetweenyouand/oryour Firm andtheCityotherthanthe following individuals whoseinterestisset forth following their use a separate names:N/A (ifnecessary,useaseparatesheetto supply additional information that will not fit onthis line;however,youmust makereference,ontheabove line,tothe additional sheetandthe additional sheetmustbe signed underoath). Thenamesof all Cityemployeesandthatofallelectedand/or appointed city officials orboard members,who own,directlyor indirectly,aninterestof five percent (5%)or moreofthetotalassetsof capital stockinthe firm are as follows: N/A (ifnecessary,useaseparatesheetto supply additional information that will not fit onthis line;however,youmust makereference,ontheabove line,tothe additional sheetandthe additional sheet mustbe signed under oath), [while the ethicscodestill applies,ifthepersonexecutingthisformisdoingsoonbehalfofafirmwhosestockis publicly traded,thestatementinthissection(4)shall be based solely onthe signatory's personal knowledge and he/sheisnotrequired to makean independent investigation astothe financial interest intheFirmofcity employees,appointed officials orthe immediate family membersofelectedand/orappointed official or employee.] (5)I andthe Firm furtheragreenottouse or attempttouseany knowledge,property orresource which may come to usthrough our positionoftrust,or throughourperformanceofourdutiesunderthe terms ofthe contract withtheCity,tosecurea special privilege,benefit,orexemptionforourselves,orothers.Weagreethat wemaynotdisclose or use Information,not available tomembersofthegeneralpublic,forourpersonal gain or benefit or forthepersonal gam or benefitofany other person or businessentity,outside ofthenormal gain or benefit anticipated throughtheperformanceofthecontract, (6)I andthe Firm hereby acknowledge thatwe have not contracted or transacted any business with the City or anypersonor agency actingforthe City,andthatwe have notappearedinrepresentationofanythirdparty 21 beforeanyboard,commissionoragencyoftheCitywithinthepast two years other thanas follows:N/A (if necessary,usea separate sheetto supply additional information that will notfitonthis line;however,youmust makereference,ontheabove line,tothe additional sheetandthe additional sheet must be signed underoath). X:\PurchasingWendor Re^stration\12.28.I2 RELATED PARTYTRANSACTION VERIFICATION FORM [3].docx (7)Neither I noranyemployees,officers,or directors ofthe Firm,noranyoftheir immediate family (i.e.,asa spouse,son,daughter,parent,brotherorsister)isrelatedbybloodor marriage to:(i)anymemberof the City Commission;(ii)anycityemployee;or (Hi)anymemberofanyboardor agency oftheCityotherthanas follows: N/A (if necessary,useaseparatesheettosupply additional information that will notfitonthis line;however,youmustmake reference,ontheabove line,tothe additional sheet and the additional sheetmustbe signed under oath),[while the ethics code still applies,ifthe person executing this form is doing soon behalf ofa firm whosestockis publicly traded,thestatementin thissection (7) shall be based solely onthe signatory's personal knowledge and he/sheisnot required to make an independent investigation astothe relationship bybloodor marriage of employees,officers,or directors ofthe Firm,orof any oftheir immediate family to any appointed or elected officials ofthe City,ortotheir immediate family members]. (8)NoOther Firm,norany officers or directors ofthatOther Firm or anyone whohasa financial interestgreater than 5%inthatOther Firm,nor any memberofthose persons'immediate family (i.e.,spouse,parents,children, brothersand sisters)noranyofmy Immediate family members (hereinafter referredtoas "Related Parties")has responded toa solicitation bytheCity in which I orthe Firm that1represent or anyone who has a financial interest greater than 5%inthe Firm,oranymemberofthose persons'immediate family (i.e.spouse,parents, children,brothers and sisters)havealso responded,other than the following: N/A (if necessary,usea separate sheetto supply additional information that will notfitonthis line;however,youmust make reference,onthe above line,tothe additional sheet and the additional sheetmustbe signed under oath), [while the ethics code still applies,ifthe person executing this form is doing soon behalf ofa firm whosestockis publidy traded,the statement in this section (8)shall be based solely onthe signatory's personal knowledge and he/sheisnot required tomakean independent investigation intotheOther Firm,orthe Firm he/she represents,as totheir officers,directors oranyone having a financial interestinthose Firms oranyoftheir any memberofthose persons'immediate family.] (9)I and the Firm agree thatwe are obligated to supplement this Verification Form and inform theCityof any change in circumstances that would change our answers tothis document Specifically,after the opening of any responsestoa solicitation,I andthe Firm havean obligation to supplement this Verification Form with the name of ail Related Parties who have also responded tothe same solicitation and to disclose the relationship ofthose parties to me and the Firm. (10)A violation oftheCity's Ethics Code,the giving ofanyfalse information orthe failure to supplement this Verification Form,may subject meorthe Firm to immediate termination of any agreement with the City,and the imposition ofthe maximum fine and/or any penalties allowed by law.Additionally,violations may be considered by andsubjectto action bythe Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics.Under penalty of perjury,I declare that I havemadea diligent effefl:to investigate themattersto which I am attesting hereinabove and thatthestatements made herejpajra^a^elrue^arul correct*®the best of my4cnowledge,information and belief. J%r6£2_£___C Print l^me &Title:Monica Hernandez,President Date:8/13/15 22 PRESENTATION TEAM DECLARATION/AFFIDVA1T OF REPRESENTATION Thisaffidavitis not required for compliance with the City'sSolicitation;however,itmaybeused to avoid the need to register members ofyour presentation team aslobbyists.Pursuant toCity Ordinance 28-14- 2206(c)(9),anypersonwho appears asa representative foran Individual orfirmforanoral presentation before aCity certification,evaluation,selection,technical reviewor similar committee,shalllistonan affidavitprovided by the City staff,allindividualswhomaymakea presentation.Theaffidavitshallbe filedby staff with the Clerk'sofficeat the time the committee's proposal is submitted to the City Manager.Forthe purpose of this subsection only,the listed members of the presentation team,with the exception ofany person otherwise required to register asalobbyist,shallnotbe required to payany registration fees.No person shall appear before any committee on behalf ofan anyone unless he or she has been listedas part of the firm's presentation team pursuant tothis paragraph or unless he or she is registered with the CityClerk's office asa lobbyist and haspaidall applicable lobbyist registration fees. Pursuant to'92.525(2),Florida Statutes,theundersigned,MonicaHernandez,makesthefollowing declaration under penalty ofperjury: Listed below are all individuals who may make a presentation on behalf of the entity that the affiant represents.Please note;Nopersonshallappear before any committee on behalf of anyone unless he or she has been listed aspart of the firm's presentation team pursuant to this paragraphor unless he or she is registered with the Clerk's office asa lobbyist andhaspaidall applicable lobbyist registration fees. NAME Monica Hernandez Nestor Hernandez TITLE President Vice President For the purpose of this Affidavitof Representation only,the listed members of the presentation team, with the exception of any person otherwise required to register asa lobbyist,shall not be required to payany registration fees.TheAffidavitof Representation shallbefiledwith the CityClerk'sofficeat the time the committee's proposal is submitted to the Cityas part of the procurement process. Under penalties of perjury,I declare that I haveread the foregoing declaration and that the facts stated init are true and specifically that the persons listedabove are the members of the presentation team of the entity listed below 13th day Qfr^August tfK&X,, ^nature of Representative ^Monica Hernandez,President Print Name and Title ,2015 23 Coreland Construction Corp. Print name of entity being represented EXHIBIT 2 Insurance &Indemnification Requirements 1.01 Insurance A.Without limiting its liability,the contractor,consultantor consulting firm (hereinafter referredtoas "FIRM"with regard to Insurance and Indemnification requirements)shall be required to procure and maintain atitsownexpenseduringthe life oftheContract,insuranceofthetypesandintheminimum amountsstatedbelowas will protectthe FIRM,from claims whichmay arise outoforresultfromthe contract orthe performance ofthe contract withtheCityofSouth Miami,whether such claim is against the FIRM orany sub-contractor,orby anyone directly or indirectly employed byanyofthemorby anyonefor whose actsanyof them maybe liable. B.No insurance requiredbytheCITY shall beissuedorwrittenbya surplus lines carrierunlessauthorized inwritingby the CITY andsuch authorization shallbeat the CITY's soleand absolute discretion.The FIRM shall purchase insurance from and shall maintain the insurance witha company or companies lawfully authorized to sell insurance in theStateof Florida,onforms approved bytheStateof Florida,as will protectthe FIRM,ata minimum,from all claims as setforthbelowwhichmay arise outoforresult from the FIRM's operations underthe Contract and for which the FIRM maybe legally liable,whether such operations bebythe FIRM orbya Subcontractor orby anyone directly or indirectly employed by anyofthem,orbyanyoneforwhose acts anyofthemmaybe liable:(a)claims underworkers' compensation,disability benefitandother similar employeebenefitactswhichare applicable tothe Work tobeperformed;(b)claims for damages because of bodily injury,occupational sicknessor disease,or death ofthe FIRM's employees;(c)claims for damages because of bodily injury,sickness or disease,or death of any person other than the FIRM's employees;(d)claims for damages insured by usual personal injury liability coverage;(e)claims for damages,other than tothe Work itself,because of injury toor destruction of tangible property,including loss ofuse resulting there from;(f)claims for damages because of bodily injury,death ofa person or property damage arising outof ownership,maintenance oruseofa motor vehicle;(g)claims for bodily injury orproperty damage arising outofcompleted operations;and (h)claims involving contractual liability insurance applicable tothe FIRM's obligations undertheContract. 1.02 Firm's Insurance Generally.The FIRM shall provide and maintain inforceandeffect until all the Work to be performed underthisContract has been completed and accepted byCITY(orfor such duration asisotherwise specified hereinafter),the insurance coverage writtenon Florida approved forms and assetforth below: I-03 Workers'Compensation Insurance atthe statutory amount as to all employees in compliance withthe "Workers'Compensation Law"ofthe State of Florida including Chapter 440,Florida Statutes,as presently written or hereafter amended,and all applicable federal laws.In addition,the policy (ies)must include:Employers'Liability atthe statutory coverage amount.The FIRM shall further insure that all ofits Subcontractors maintain appropriate levelsof Worker's Compensation Insurance. 1.04 Commercial Comprehensive General Liability insurance withbroadformendorsement,as well as automobile liability,completed operations and products liability,contractual liability,severability of interest with cross liability provision,and personal injury and property damage liability with limits of $1,000,000 combined single limit peroccurrenceand $2,000,000 aggregate,including: •Personal Injury:$1,000,000; •Medical Insurance:$5,000perperson; •Property Damage:$500,000 each occurrence; I 05 Umbrella Commercial Comprehensive General Liability insurance shall be written ona Florida approved form with the same coverage as the primary insurance policy but in the amount of$1,000,000 per claim and $2,000,000 Annual Aggregate.Coveragemustbeaffordedonaformnomorerestrictivethanthelatesteditionof the Comprehensive General Liability policy,without restrictive endorsements,as filed bythe Insurance Services Office,and must include: (a)PremisesandOperation (b)Independent Contractors 48 (c)Products and/orCompleted Operations Hazard (d)Explosion,Collapse and Underground Hazard Coverage (e)Broad Form Property Damage (f)Broad Form Contractual Coverage applicable to this specific Contract,including any hold harmless and/or indemnification agreement. (g)Personal Injury Coverage with Employee and Contractual Exclusions removed,with minimum limits of coverage equal to those required for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. I 06 Business Automobile Liability with minimum limits of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00)plus an additional One Million Dollar ($1,000,000.00)umbrella per occurrence combined single limit for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability.Umbrella coverage mustbe afforded ona form nomore restrictive than the latest edition of the Business Automobile Liability policy,without restrictive endorsements,as filed by with the state of Florida,and must include: (a)Owned Vehicles. (b)Hiredand Non-Owned Vehicles (c)Employers'Non-Ownership I-07 SUBCONTRACTS:The FIRM agrees thatif any part oftheWork under the Contract is sublet,the subcontract shall contain thesame insurance provision asset forth insection 5.1 above and 5.4belowand substituting theword Subcontractor for the word FIRM and substituting the word FIRM for CITY where applicable. 108 Fire andExtendedCoverage Insurance (Builders'Risk).IF APPLICABLE: A.In the event thatthiscontract involves theconstructionofastructure,the CONTRACTOR shall maintain,with an Insurance Company or Insurance Companies acceptable tothe CITY,"Broad"form/All Risk Insurance on buildings and structures,including Vandalism &Malicious Mischief coverage,while in the course of construction,including foundations,additions,attachments and all permanent fixtures belonging to and constituting a part of said buildings or structures.The policy or policies shall also cover machinery,ifthe cost of machinery is included in the Contract,orifthe machinery is located in a building thatis being renovated by reason ofthis contract.Theamountof insurance must,at all times,beat least equal tothe replacement and actual cash value ofthe insured property.The policy shall be in the name of theCITY and theCONTRACTOR,as their interest may appear,and shall also covertheinterestsof all Subcontractorsperforming Work. B.All ofthe provisions set forth in Section 5.4 herein below shall apply to this coverage unless it would be clearly not applicable. 1.09 Miscellaneous: A.If any notice of cancellation of insurance or change in coverage is issued bythe insurance company or should any insurance have an expiration date that will occur during the period ofthis contract,the FIRM shall be responsible for securing other acceptable insurance prior to such cancellation,change,or expirationsoastoprovidecontinuous coverage as specified inthissectionandsoasto maintain coverage during the life of this Contract. B.All deductibles mustbe declared bythe FIRM and mustbe approved bythe CITY.Attheoptionofthe CITY,eitherthe FIRM shall eliminate or reduce such deductible orthe FIRM shall procure a Bond,ina form satisfactory totheCITY covering the same. C.The policies shall contain waiver of subrogation against CITY where applicable,shall expressly provide that such policy or policies are primary over any other collectible insurance thatCITY may have.The CITY reserves the right at anytime to request a copy ofthe required policies for review.All policies shall contain a "severability of interest"or"cross liability"clause without obligation for premium payment oftheCITYaswellas contractual liability provision covering the Contractors dutyto indemnify theCityasprovidedinthisAgreement. D.Beforestarting the Work,the FIRM shall delivertotheCITYand CONSULTANT certificatesofsuch insurance,acceptableto the CITY,aswellastheinsurancebinder,ifoneisissued,theinsurance policy, including the declaration page and all applicable endorsementsandprovide the name,addressand telephonenumberofthe insurance agentorbrokerthroughwhomthepolicywasobtained.Theinsurer shall berated A.VII orbetterper A.M.Best'sKey Rating Guide,latesteditionand authorized toissue insurance intheStateof Florida.All insurance policies mustbewrittenonformsapprovedbytheState of Florida andtheymust remain in full force and effectforthe duration ofthecontract period withthe CITY.The FIRM maybe required bythe CITY,atitssole discretion,to provide a "certified copy"ofthe Policy (asdefinedinArticle I ofthisdocument)which shall include the declaration page and all required 49 endorsements.In addition,the FIRM shall deliver,atthetimeof delivery ofthe insurance certificate,the following endorsements: (1)a policy provision or an endorsementwith substantially similar provisions as follows: "The City of South Miami is an additional insured.The insurer shall pay all sums thatthe City of South Miami becomes legally obligated to pay as damages because of 'bodily injury",*property damage',or "personal and advertising injury"and it will provide tothe City all ofthe coverage thatis typically provided underthe standard Florida approved formsfor commercial general liability coverageAandcoverage B"; (2)apolicyprovisionoran endorsement with substantially similar provisionsas follows: "This policy shall notbe cancelled (including cancellation fornon-paymentof premium), terminatedor materially modified without first giving theCityofSouth Miami ten (10)days advanced written noticeoftheintentto materially modifythepolicyor to cancel orterminate the policy forany reason.The notification shall bedeliveredto the Citybycertified mail,with proof of deliveryto the City." E.Ifthe FIRM is providing professional services,such aswouldbe provided byan architect,engineer, attorney,oraccountant,tonameafew,theninsuch event andinadditiontotheabove requirements, the FIRM shall alsoprovide Professional Liability Insurance ona Florida approvedformin the amountof $1,000,000 with deductible per claim if any,nottoexceed 5%ofthelimitof liability providing for all sumswhichthe FIRM shall become legally obligatedtopayas damages forclaims arising out of the servicesor work performedbythe FIRM its agents,representatives,SubContractorsor assigns,orby anyperson employed orretainedbyhiminconnectionwiththis Agreement.Thisinsurance shall be maintained forfouryearsaftercompletionoftheconstructionandacceptanceofanyProjectcoveredby this Agreement.However,the FIRM maypurchaseSpecificProjectProfessional Liability Insurance,inthe amountandundertheterms specified above,whichisalso acceptable.Noinsurance shall beissuedbya surpluslinescarrierunlessauthorizedinwritingbythecityatthecity'ssole,absoluteand unfettered discretion. Indemnification Requirement A.The Contractor acceptsand voluntarily incurs all risksofany injuries,damages,orharmwhichmight ariseduringthe work or event that isoccurringontheCITY's property dueto the negligenceor other faultofthe Contractor or anyone acting through oronbehalf of the Contractor. B.The Contractor shall indemnify,defend,saveandholdCITY,itsofficers,affiliates,employees, successorsandassigns,harmlessfromanyand all damages,claims,liability,losses,claims,demands,suits,fines, judgments or cost and expenses,including reasonableattorney'sfees,paralegal feesandinvestigativecosts incidental there to andincurredpriorto,duringor following any litigation,mediation,arbitrationandat all appellate levels,whichmaybesufferedby,oraccrued against,charged toorrecoverablefromtheCityofSouth Miami,itsofficers,affiliates,employees,successorsand assigns,byreasonofanycausesofactionsor claim ofany kindornature,including claims for injury to,ordeathofanypersonorpersonsandforthelossor damage toany property arising out of anegligent error,omission,misconduct,or anygrossnegligence,intentionalactorharmful conductof the Contractor,its contractor/subcontractor oranyoftheirofficers,directors,agents,representatives, employees,or assigns,oranyoneactingthroughoronbehalfofanyofthem,arising out ofthis Agreement, incidentto it,or resultingfrom the performance or non-performance ofthe Contractor's obligationsunderthis AGREEMENT. C.The Contractor shall pay all claims,lossesandexpensesofanykindornaturewhatsoever,in connection therewith,including theexpenseorlossoftheCITYand/orits affected officers,affiliates,employees, successorsand assigns,including theirattorney'sfees,inthedefenseofanyactioninlaworequitybrought against themand arising fromthenegligenterror,omission,oractofthe Contractor,its Sub-Contractor oranyoftheir agents,representatives,employees,or assigns,and/or arising out of,orincidentto,this Agreement,orincidentto or resulting fromtheperformanceornon-performanceoftheContractor's obligations underthis AGREEMENT. D.TheContractor agrees and recognizes that neither theCITYnorits officers,affiliates,employees, successorsand assigns shall beheld liable orresponsibleforany claims,including thecostsandexpensesof defendingsuchclaimswhichmayresultfromorarise out ofactionsoromissions of the Contractor,its contractor/subcontractor oranyoftheir agents,representatives,employees,or assigns,or anyone acting through oronbehalfofthethem,and arising outoforconcerningthe work oreventthatisoccurringontheCITY's 50 property.In reviewing,approving or rejecting any submissions or acts ofthe Contractor,CITY in no way assumes or shares responsibility or liability for the acts or omissions of the Contractor,its contractor/subcontractor or any of their agents,representatives,employees,or assigns,or anyone acting through oron behalf of them. E.The Contractor has the duty to provide a defense with an attorney or law firm approved by the City of South Miami,which approval will notbe unreasonably withheld. F.However,as to design professional contracts,and pursuant to Section 725.08 (I),Florida Statutes, none ofthe provisions set forth herein above that are in conflict with this subparagraph shall apply and this subparagraph shall set forth the sole responsibility ofthe design professional concerning indemnification.Thus, the design professional's obligations as tothe City and its agencies,as well as to its officers and employees,is to indemnify and hold them harmless from liabilities,damages,losses,and costs,including,butnot limited to, reasonable attorneys'fees,tothe extent caused by the negligence,recklessness,or intentionally wrongful conduct ofthe design professional and other persons employed or utilized bythe design professional in the performance of the contract. END OF SECTION Addendum No.2 REVISED:July30,2015 EXHIBIT 4 Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements RFP#PW-20l5-20 CONSTRUCTION BID FORM THIS PROPOSAL IS SUBMITTED TO: Steven Alexander CityManager CityofSouth Miami 6130 Sunset Drive South Miami,FL 33143 1.IfthisProposalis accepted,the undersigned Respondentagreesto enter intoa Contract withtheCityof South Miami intheform included inthis Solicitation Package andtoperformand furnish all workas specified orindicatedinthis Solicitation,including assetforthin Exhibit I (Scope of Services)forthe Proposed Price as set forth below,withinthe Contract Timeand in accordancewiththe other terms andconditionsofthe Solicitation Package. 2.Respondentacceptsallofthetermsandconditionsofthe Solicitation andInstructions to Respondents, including without limitation those dealing withthe disposition of Proposal/Bid Bond,ifrequired.This Proposal will remain subject to acceptance for 180 calendar days afterthe day ofthe Proposal Opening. The Respondent,by signing and submitting this proposal,agreesto all ofthetermsand conditions ofthe formof contract that isapartofthe Solicitation package withappropriate changes toconformtothe information containedinthis Bid Form.Respondent agreesto sign andsubmitthe Bonds,ifrequiredby this Solicitation,required insurance documents,andotherdocumentsrequiredbythe Solicitation, including theContractifnot already submitted,within ten (10)calendar days afterthedateofthe City's Notice of Award. 3.In submitting this Proposal,Respondent represents thar. a.Respondent has examined copiesof all the Solicitation Documents andofthe following Addenda,ifany (receiptofallwhichishereby acknowledged.) 01 7/28/15 Addendum No.02 Dated:7/30/15 03 8/04/15 b.Respondenthas familiarized himselfwiththenatureand extent oftheContractDocuments,the proposed work,site,locality,and all local conditions and laws and regulations thatinanymanner may affectcost,progress,performance or furnishing oftheWork. c.Subsurface conditions:Ifapplicable tothis Solicitation,the Respondent representsthat: i.Respondenthas studied carefully all reportsand drawings,if applicable,of subsurface conditions and drawingsof physical conditions. ii.Respondent has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for obtaining and carefully studying)all such examinations,investigations,explorations,testsand studies in addition toorto supplement those referred tointhis paragraph which pertaintothe subsurface or physical conditions atthesiteorotherwise may affect the cost,progress,performance,orthe furnishing of the Work at the Contract Price,within the Contract Time andin accordance with the other terms andconditionsoftheContract Documents.TheRespondenthereby acknowledges thatno additional examinations,investigations,explorations,tests,reports or similar information or data are,or will,be required by Respondent for any reason in connection withthe Proposal.The failure Page2 of4 28 oftheRespondenttorequesta pre-bid marking oftheconstructionsitebyanyorall utility companies shall createan irrefutable presumption that.the Respondent's bid,orproposal price,has takenintoconsiderationallpossibleundergroundconditionsandRespondent,ifawardedthe contract,shall notbeentitledtoa change orderforanysuchcondition discovered thereafter. Hi.Respondenthascorrelatedtheresultsof all suchobservations,examinations,investigations, explorations,tests,reportsandstudieswiththetermsandconditionsofthe Contract Documents. iv.Respondent has reviewed and checked ail information anddatashownor indicated inthe Solicitation Package orintheContract Documents withrespectto existing Underground Facilities or conditions ^t or contiguous to thesiteand assumes responsibility fortheaccurate location of all Underground Facilities and conditions that may affect theWork.No additional examinations, investigations,explorations,tests,reportsor similar informationordatainrespecttoany Underground Facilities or conditionsare,or will be,requiredbyRespondentin order toperform andfurnish the Work at the Contract Price,within the Contract Timeandin accordance with the other termsandconditionsoftheContractDocumentsunlesstheProposal specifically statesthat the contract priceissubjecttoadjustmentforfuturediscoveryofunderground facilities and/or conditionsthataffect the cost ofthe Work andunlessthe respondent makesawritten request to theCityfor additional information priorto submitting the bid or proposal as required in subsection ii above, d.Respondent has given theCitywrittennoticeof all conflicts,errorsor discrepancies thatithas discovered intheContract Documents and,if any conflicts,errorsor discrepancies have been found andnotice given,the Respondent represents,by submitting its proposal totheCity,thatthe Respondent has received sufficient notice ofthe resolution thereoffromthe City,that such resolution is acceptable to Respondent andthatthe Respondent waives any claim regarding the conflicts,errors or discrepancies. e.This Proposal is genuine and not made in the interest oforon behalf of any undisclosed person,firm orcorporationandisnotsubmittedpursuanttoanyagreementorrulesofanygroup,association, organization,or corporation;Respondent has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited anyother Respondent to submit a false or sham Proposal;Respondent has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from responding;and Respondent has not sought by collusion or otherwisetoobtainfor itself any advantage over any other Respondent oroverthe CITY. 4.Respondent understands andagreesthattheContract Price istheamountthatit needs to furnish and install allofthe Work completeandin place.TheScheduleof Values,ifrequired,isprovidedforthe purpose of Proposal Evaluation and when initiated bythe CITY,it shall form the basis for calculating the pricing of change orders.The Contract Price shall notbe adjusted in any way soastoresult In a deviation fromthe Schedule of Values,excepttotheextentthatthe CITY changes theScopeofthe WorkaftertheContractDate.As such,the Respondent shall furnish all labor,materials,equipment, tools,superintendence and services necessary to provide a complete,in place,Project forthe Proposal Price.If this Solicitation requires the completion ofaCost and Technical Proposal,as may beset forth in 5.+an exhibit tothis Solicitation,suchproposal must be attached to this Bid Formandwill take theplaceoftheLumpSumPrice,otherwise,theContractPriceforthecompletedwork Is as follows: (I)LUMP SUM BASE PRICE (Entire Project):$69,973,00 Alternates:#1 #2_ (2)LUMP SUM BASE PRICE (Without Traffic Calming Circle):$40,342.00 Alternates:#1 #2 . Page3 of4 29 Afee breakdown for each task included inthe lump sumcontract price,if applicable,mustbe provided. Failure toprovidethisinformation shall rendertheproposalnon-responsive. 6.The ENTIRE WORK shall be completed,in full,within 75 calendar daysfrom thecommencement datesetforthinthe NOTICE TO PROCEED.Failure to complete theentirework during the described timeperiod shall resuftintheassessmentof liquidated damages asmaybesetforthintheContract. 7.Insertthe following information forfuture communication withyouconcerningthis Proposal; RESPONDENT: Address: Telephone: Facsimile: Contact Person Coreland Construction Corp. 12301 SW 128 Court.#107 /Miami.FL 33186 305-233-1709 305-233-1809 Monica Hernandez 8.ThetermsusedinthisProposalwhicharedefinedinthe Contract shallhavethesamemeaningasis assigned tothemintheContract Documents,unless specifically defined Inthis Solicitation Package. 9.If a cost &technical proposal is required bythe Solicitation,Respondenthereby certifies that all of the facts and responses tothe questions posed inthe cost &technical proposal,if such anexhibitis madeapartofthe Solicitation,aretrueandcorrectandareherebyadoptedaspartofthis BidForm, andaremadeapartofthisproposal,byreference. 10.By submittingthis proposal,I,onbehalfofthebusinessthat I represent,herebyagreetothetermsofthe formof contract containedinthe Solicitation packageand I agreetobeboundby those terms,withany appropriate blank boxes,if any,checked andany blank lines filled inwiththeappropriate information contained inthe Solicitation Documentsandthis Proposal,orsuch information thattheCityand I have agreeduponinthecourseofcontract negotiations and which havebeen confirmed bytheCityin writing,including e-mail confirmation,if any.1hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I amthe lawful representativeofthe business entityreferencedinthis Bid Formthat 1 haveauthorityto bid thatentity andthatailofthe information andrepresentations contained hereinaretrueand correct tothebestof my information and belief. SUBMITTED THIS 13th PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY: Coreland Construction Corp. Company Monica Hernandez DAYOF August 305-233-1709 TelephoneNumber 305-233-1809 20 15 Name of Perse, Pp orized to Submit Fax Number mh@corelandconstruction.com&**&?<J&ature President Title Email Address Page4 of 4 30 Cityof South Miami Mango Terrace Neighbourhood TrafficCalming Improvements - Schedule of Values Entire Project PAY ITEM PAY ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PLAN QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST 101-1 MOBILIZATION LS 1 3.500.00 3,500.00 102-1 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC LS 1 2.000.00 2,000.00 110-M CLEARINGAND GRUBBING (Includes removal of asphalt pavement)LS 1 1.500.00 1,500.00 210-2 Umerock-New Material for Reworking Base (8")new driveway SY 61 10.00 610.00 285-711 Optional Base Group 11 (12"Limerock LBR100,new driveway)SY 61 15.00 915.00 327-70-1 MILLINGEXISTINGASPHALTPAVEMENT (0.5-AVERAGE)(at speed tables)SY 538 9.00 4,842.00 334-1-13 SUPERPAVE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE,TRAFFICC (110LBS/SY-IN.)(speed tables 3.5"Avg and new driveway 2")TN 83 200.00 16,600.00 164-4 TYPE B STABILIZATION.6"(traffic circle and sod areas)SY 298 5.00 1,490.00 520-2-2 CONCRETE CURB TYPE "B"LF 248 15.00 3,720.00 520-2-4 CONCRETE CURB TYPE 'TT LF 413 12.00 4,^56.00 570-1-2 PERFORMANCE TURF.SOD SY 228 6.00 1.368.00 0526-1-2 PAVERS (Raised Traffic Circle and Islands)SY 48 60.00 1*66.60 DrivewayBricks SY 52 60.00 3.120.00 0700-20-12 SINGLE POST SIGN,F&l.12-20 SF -Traffic Circle AS 12 225.00 2.700.00 0700-20-12 SINGLE POST SIGN.F&J.12-20 SF -Speed Table AS 42 200.00 8,400.00 0700-48-48 SIGN PANELS RELOCATE.15 OR <AS 1 100.00 100.00 0706-3 RETRO-REFLECTIVE PAVEMENT MARKERS AS 41 5.00 205.00 711-1-6111 6"SOLID TRAFFIC STRIPE (WHITE)NM 0.01 500.000.00 5.000.00 711-1-1123 12-SOLID TRAFFIC STRIPE (WHITE)LF 1,078 1.50 1,617.00 711-1-6131 6"SKIP (2/4)TRAFFIC STRIPE (WHITE)GM 0.01 50.000.00 500.00 711-1-1180 STANDARD.WHITE.YIELDLINE LF 30 5.00 150.00 711-1-6211 6"SOUD TRAFFIC STRIPE (YELLOW)NM 0.12 30.000.00 3.600.00 711-11-224 18-SOLID TRAFFIC STRIPE(YELLOW)LF 10 20.00 2U0.0U I TOTAL $69.973.00 I 31 EXHIBITS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements RFP#PWS20IS.20 TH&CONTRACT was made and entered into on this /jf^day of u/&>f7-20/^by and between Corejatftd Gonstructtom G®n>.(hereafter referred to as "Contractor1^and the City of South Miami (hereafter referred to as "Owner**),throiigh its Cfty Manager (hereafter referredtoas"City"). W1TN6$HH; That,the Contractor,forthe^nsideratiqn herelnafterfolly set out*hereby agrees v4th tthe Owner as follows: 1.The Contractor shall furnish a|l labor,materials,equipment machinery,tools,apparatus,transportation andanyotheritems necessary toperform all oftheworkshownonanddescribedin the Contract Documents and shall do everything required bythis Contract and theotherContract Documents hereinafter referred to as the Work 2.The Contract Documents shall include this Contract,General Conditions tothe Contract,if any,the drawings,plans,specifications and project manual,if any,any supplementary or special conditions,other documents referring to this contract and signed bythe parties,the solicitation documents ("hereinafter referred to,a»"Bitt Documents*!)a#d s*ny documentsto ^ich.*o^eJocuments refer whfdi;are used by tite-Ch*^made a part tfeuiy of^he documents described .herein. 3.The Cbnti^cto^be perfor^^ in a r%)tice^Wrthin the length oftimeset forth m the Gon^ract Docurnenfe. •4.ThtO^^h^bf-^ ^addit^ns^d^^ ^ange :^ M*0 forty thpusandans hundred eighty^eight Mfe 4(felv88 -QQr j,l^p &jft*".^tid^M: included In the Contract Frice.The Oty may:de;m^^ Work be performed after regular waring hours*in jsu#e^ft tfcf ^W&sp^pnt;:^l-h^W*^-:& additional compensation for such work,rWever,*K>th^ *nd during Woiirs that are otherwise prohibited by ordinance unless specially apprized orihs^c^|jn %r^ngby.die^Ci%."7 •;: 6.IftheWork is expected to require more than one^te tothe Contractor onthe basis ofa duly ce during^eaie^• Dots*rm^• projectin accordance withthisContractand fc^; been accepted by the Qty> 7\Upon ^Owher th^aJI bb^r,n«^r^|^ other^os^inas^ full,:arid ater compliance with the,terths for payment prided for in the Contrast Dosunten^^^ payment m a^cpMt ofthis Contract the Contractor-of air Work cc^ered by this^Contract and the a>^^tamse of such v %The;WprR shall fee,completed in IS calendar dlay^In tbfc e*^ ^wptetette^ agreed upon;in accorxfentfe wi%the:procedure as more particularly set forth k the C^ntniCt Document Jiquidated damages shaJi be paid%^Spntr^c^r at tfie rate cif $500:00 ^farspe^&*yi pjus any monies paid by trie Owner to the Consultant,if any,for additional engineering and inspection services If any,associated With such delay." 32 9.It is further mutually agreed between the parties hereto that ifa Payment and/or Performance Bond ("Bond**)is requiredand if,at anytimeafterthe execution ofthisContractandthe Bond forits faithful performance and payment,die City shall deem the Surety or Sureties upon such bond(s)to be unsatisfactory,or if,for any reason such bond ceases to be adequate to cover the performance ofthe Work or payment to subcontractors and suppliers,the Contractor shall,at its expense within five (5) business days alterthe receipt of notice from the City soto do,furnish an additional bond or bonds in such form and amount and with such Surety or Sureties as shall be satisfactory to the City.In such event, nofurther payment totheContractor shall be deemed tobedueunderthisContract until such newor additional security forthe feitMul performance oftheWorkis furnished inthe manner and in the form satisfactory to theCity. 10.No additional Work ©r extras shall be done unless the same is duly authorized in writing,and in advance of the work,by appropriate action bythe City and in accordance with the Contract Documents. 11.Thedatethatthis contract was "made and entered into"and its effective date is thedatethatthecontractis the signed by the City or,if the contract is required to be approved by resolution ofdie City Commission,then the Effective Date is the date ofthe resolution approving the Contract whichever isthelater date. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Contract on the day and date setforth next to their name below and may be signed in one or more counterparts,each ofwhich shall,without proof or accounting fortheother counterpart,be deemed an original Contract. CONTRACT! a Print Signatory's Ni Title of Sij ATTESTED Signature: SteveffAlexander ityManager Read and Maria Menendez CityClerk 33 EXHIBIT 7 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT GENERAL CONDITIONS Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements RFP!PW-?(M5-W Whenever used li these Generaf Conditions or ihi the other Contract Documents,,the following terms shall ftafe the meaning indicated;These definitians shall:always apply when the section ofthe Contract specifically refers to this .ftftftfe$®t tftlrp^rppsg of ^rpretfng a word or group pfwprds inthatsection of the Cpntiact Document* However*Wheritfcte section ofthe Contract,Where the Word to be defined is used,dpe$hot sp^f|cajy refers to this Article to define theword or group of words,the.definitions contained in this Article shall not apply unless tfieWord or group of words*In the context ofitor their use inthe Contract Document in question^ft/are ?^fe?^in addition,these definitions;shall *!sp notapply tp interpret terms in a ^snecife provision pf a Contract Document ifthat spedific provision contains a definition of thSse tertnsv ^ddenfe Writtent*r graphic dpcumentsissued prior to the Bid Opening which modify or interpret die Contract Dbcup^^ Aprjffcatio^Aform approved by the GONStJL!^^if any,or the City Mariapr which is to be used bytrj^CG^T^ i___ifie.cjfer ojr proposal of fihe Bidder submitted onthe prescribed form setting forth the prices and pther tei^i^fer^^ Bidder:Any person,firm or corporation submitting a responsetothe Owner's solicitation for proposals orbids %rM^ Bid ll^arnentss "The soticitatibh for bids orproposals and Ml dpcuhtents thatinafce up thespiicrtatipn inducting ^einsti^ loj__i ^bono^perform and payment bonds and other instruments of security,furnished bythe ...^^MN|!it^r^£TiS^;-^!ft#Ssspjiety fti accordance With the Contract Documents and in accordance with thelaws of litie State of Flbrldi ^n^Orden A written prefer to the CQh^RACTOR signed bythe City Managerauthorteing anaddition, dele^pnW revisfifn $n the WpHfc;or an adjustment in the?Contract Price prthe ^pntracc Time Issued after execution ^rkOr^J^Written proposals from the CONTRACTOR in response to orders or request for^Worfe based mtthe:Sedfesf theWork provided bythe City to ii\eCQHT^ACTQK.The proposal Includes fine item pricing,whereth^re^tre muMpk locatfe 35JI&The C^^nager jfor the City of South Mfemi,6130 Stmset Drive,South Miami FL 33143,unless the cont^^ jE^nstrliieto QjfeerVer:Ah atithorized representative of this CONSOtlTAW,if any,or otherwise a rejfresetfl^0$theSty ass|gpied to observe the Work pe^rjned and materials-furnished bjv the ^NTT^g^f^TJie COir^shall be nptified in writing of the,identity pfthis repre^w^v#v C^ra^The Contract ^shall include the J&pnt^act between $m 0wner and the Cmtrz£X^otW dpcuments^feted tothe Contract and fnodffeitos issued :after execution ofthe Cojitract as well as:ajj|Bid Dpcpmenjts inching butnot limited tothe solicifcai&n for Bid,CONTRACTORS Bid,the Bonds* Insurat^i^ General CoWitfohs^Co^dttions,ifany,any Sdpptementary Conditions,theTechnical Specifioatrans> Drawing Inicjud^spedfi^ipnsi addenda to the drawings issued prior to execution ofthe ^ntra^fe ChSogiB ^d$r&Cpn^i^pn Change tjireciii^s and any written order for a minor change in the Vvork,and Wri^rt jnodfficatibns to any af the Contract Documents. Contract Price:The total»neys payable to the CQiMTRAGTOR pursuant tothetermsofthe Contract Documents. Contratpt Tlftfe*Thenumberof calendar days stated inthe Contract forthe completion of the Work, ContactingOfficer?The IrrcMdMal who is authorized to sign the contract documents on behalf ofthe 0WNI& CONtRAd^Ofe The perspnr flrrn or cpfppration with whom the OV#j^has executed the Contract CONSULTANT:The person identified as the CONSULTANT in the Supplementary Conditions or,if none,then CITTs des^natiad representative asIdentified inthe Supplemeniary Conditions. 34 |_t£A period of twenty-four hours measured from #ie beginning of the day at i2:0l a.m.and it shall be presumed to be,a calendar day unless specifically designated as abusiness day. Sip*'W&$Miffi$$8ec$^W $4}bojurjjeripds following the event towhich the word ^ays^refers coinmencin^at I2:0}amatthestaf^$tfe allowed by the Contract Documents,the day oftheact>mem or defeult from Which thedesignated period of time begins;^riJh sNI l^ Saturday,Sunday or \e$A holiday;in which eyenrthe period shall run until theend pf the-next business day that is nota^turday*Sunday ortegal holiday, C^efec^ye Work:Vyprfc thai Is unsatisfectpry,faulty,ordeficient in that it does not conform tp the Contract Dc^uments^reference stahtferd,test,pr approval refuted to in the Contract -Documents,orhas been damaged prior totheCONSUIJANTS rectMnn^hdatic^n pf final pa#mei&^essr^protection die^ofhgi Wen delegated tothe Owner);isiibsttette that e^pfpmei^fiirhfehed ^^^ perpft$ed fcy the Contract Documents, praw^;;The drawings which s^how the character and Scope ofthe Worfe to be performed and which have hesn pt^e^m^p0m Wft*(^OMMMm^or if none,then by ^archftec^r engineer hired by the $ty ani areyeferred to teithe Cc^traG^i&oairheTit^? field Order:fr wSt&yt order issued bythe CO^ISUl^lSlT Which daflfies or in^rejs-the Contract Document |lhac^(^n^W!%^r^apl 9$orPrders minor changes:m the¥&ric:inaccbrdahce>With para^r^i W& W0^^M $#A written tmiehdnient #the <^nM*signed by b^s^e^^both parties,^Ja wrto ^the^ON^ COi^M^pui^anffp J^ag^i 1Q&Aimpdlflcajjon mayfly be itSsugd after execution of^eCoh&^ct,it mm fee in siting and steRfidoy^ Noft^onforn^Wori<thatdoes njotconfctoto^ uhsatisteOr^fatijtfc pr deggiehl or that does not .meet the requirismMts ^any applicable (n^g^^rej^n^ slant^ites^r^i#ed by*or referred1m%u the Contract Doiumetits,^r: Work thafehas %een imaged prior to CONSULTANT'S recommendatiOh of lhal payment Unless respo^slbffity for ^g^^j^^fe The Written hxstice by ^ff^igjdder siting that upottconipiknc^with IhejcpmWons Drecedentto befulfilled by ft within thetime ^ecified,'GJtff will exeeuteand deliver the Contract ^;M^•-:/'• >^^^^c^t AWiltten ftotSe ©ven ty CrTY to CONTRACTOR Jwfch copy to CO^SUl^^N^i^gle dajqe^on wWch jJieC&mract Time shall commence to run and on which CONTW^OR shall ste ffip^f he entire construction operation being performed as de|n^ted iri the Contract Documents, j^^tlli*^"pplieY^^i^elin theCojtract Documents shall mean the ins^ fi_ftltec|iie^i|o^ Si^^ciifServtees^fhis phrase refers to the scope of the services or work to bepr|oOTe^it has the same •n^ih^&^e ofthe W^arfe iiniess tfe<wmm In which the phase %used ^earif^neani ^yrwjse |hcfeg^diagrams,il(usmtions4 ferMflres,sghedfIes ana3 o&er data wMeh are prepared by the C^TJ^fOR,a^i^pnlractpi^maiapufectare^sMppfierv or disWfbut&r,and Which illustrate the eqtiipment, J§_{^^;^Which Illustrate n^ateflajs,^^entor workmanship and establish standards;by wfcieh i£W?c|w$^^ ^®^fefl9M ffipsfe {>orti#s ofthe Contract Documents consisting of written technical descriptions of materials*equipment,constructron systems,standards aM wpr^manship as applied to the Work, jufeco^ractp"An indi#jm!r firm or corpora^pn havihga direct conti^t with O^ffe^^C^any Other Siab^phtractpr for the performance ofa part :of the Work atthe construction^ske. S^t^M^Bve date,as certffSBd by theC^NSyy^STT*whence instruction of thfe Project ora cer#ed part^ereof k sufficient^completed,in acoojNlance ^^tite Cofirtiract Doctinien^,so that the r>OJem or a substantial part cpi be utfed for the purposes for which it was intended without restrk^on or jitnl^tipn tp any degree*otherthan for the repairdfminor "p^dh |istiB items;©r if there beno such certihcatioti;iiedate when-final payment is due ft accordance with paragraph 149.HoweviBn in no event shall the project or portion 35 thereof be deemed to be su^tarrtiaiiy completed until acertificate of occupancy or certificate of use is lawfully issued i#the^A certificate of Substantial Complete CQr^yi^NT,shall be null and void if it is based on false,misleadihg or inaccurate ^formation,from any source, or when te wouJd not have been issue but for the consideration of Work that is thereafter found to be defective to adegree greater than that Which would normally to be considered by the City to be minor "^unch list"work Sifejpte Anyperson ororganization Who supplies materials or equipmentfpr the Work,including thefabrication of aslitem*butWho doesnot perform:labor atthesiteof thfe Work guffiyi The individual6rer$tywho is an obligor ona Bond and Who is bound with theCOHfBACnX>Rforthe foil and Mthfol performance ofthe Contract and for the payment ofall labor,services and materials used on the ;pfp|Be£ Worte Any and all obiigatipris,duties and responsibilities necessary for the successful performance and completion ofthe Contract. Notice:the-ferm •Wetice"as used herein Shall mean and incjucJe all written notices,demands,instruetfons* clalmsj approvals ^ddisapprovalsrequjred to obtain compliance with Cohtract reqiflrements.Written notice shall bedimed to have been iuly seryed ifdelivered in person to the individual orto f fnember ofthe firm orto anofficer ofthe corporation for whom it isintended,,or to an authorized representative ofsuch IndiyiduaJi firm,or cor|>c^tK^prif delivered ator sent by registered mail to the last kn^own business address,Unless pjtherwise stated :i«*^n^a^^toitheCity Manager and the ^NSULTANT. ARTftetiE -*l>RiLlMlMAftY MATTERS rV^vard; 1 lr The CITY reseryes the rl^Wto reject any and ail Bids,a*|ts sple4jscrejfoii.Bids shall be awarded %thfeCITY to therfowest res Crff has concluded its investigation,as itdeems necessary,to establish,tothe satfefactfon of the ClTYv which Bidder fe^the mpst responsive and responsible of all the Bidders to complete the Work^withinthe timeprescribed ahdln accordant the Bid ^f any Bidder whols not believed to be,in the sole discretion and satis&etion of the Q^to be s^aently responsible,qualified and financial able to perform,the work,in analyzing a Bid,theCITY may also take imp consideratipn alternate and unit prices,If requested bythe Bid forms,Ifthe (^ntract is awardedi the;CITY shad Issue the INotice of Award and gm Urn successful Bidder a Contract for ikilcution wfthininin^ fxect^n<^^ i|^leastfour counterparts ofihe Contract^ N usance,ike Binder cff Insurance if issued,the Insurance Declaration foge ifnot included In the Policy of Insurance)the feficy ofInsurance required by the f^ntraci Documents the written notice of designated stfe^^ Docun^rtts as:reqUJjPed bjf the Contract Documents shall I^e*ec0ted and delr/ered by CONTRACTOR tp the CITY Within ten^lOJcalehdar^ ir^ui^^esj^^and>in such evehift each c^j^rpartseparately executed shall,^tho^prOof or accounting for the ptfeer cxflptfcr^ Forfetonre Of Bid Securtty/I>erformance and Payment Band.If any are required by theapplicable RFP: 2.3 Wmri ten(I €f)calendar days $$helng notified ofthe£ward>CONTRACTOR shall farisha ferformance Bond and a Payment Bond containMg all the provisions of^the Performance Bond and Payment Bond ?tiached; 2.&I lacb Bond shall be fnthi amount of one hundred percent £;l 00^ ^ranteeihgto OWNER the comptetipcj and performance ofthe Work covered insuch Contract as wfcllas full payment of allsuppliers,material man,laborers,or Sujb^pMractpr employed pursuant tothis Project,lach |pnd shall be with a Surety company Whose Qualifications meet the requirements of Sections-^A,1$&and2&& 2.3,2 Each Bond shall continue in effect for five year after final epmfrietipn and acceptance ofthe Work with the lial$ity equal tp one hundred percent (100$)oftheikntract Sum. 36 2.33 P-rsuantto thatthe fiond^i referenced abo^e shali bejrecprded inthe public records of[Miami-Dade County and provide CITY wfth evidence of such recordihg, M,4 Sa^itB^ asasure^^ ^c^ 2.|.5 fh|surety company shall hold a current certrfi^ bonds iri accordancewten die United tta^ rieyisfons. £3,6 TfesfifTYstellp^ betted ..-••• %M B^rk^^ bonds and Insurance documents shall be cause for the CITY to annul the Notice of Award and declare the Bid and any security therefore forfeited. Contractor's Pre-feart Representation: 2.4 CtoNT^CTOR represents that it has familiarized itself with,and assumes fuH responsibility for having famiBarized itself with the nature and extent ofthe Contract Documents,Work,focality,and with afl local conditions and federal state and local laws,ordinance,rules and regulations that may In any manner affect performance of the Work,and represents that it has correlated its study and observations with the requirements of the Contract Documents.CONTRACTOR also represents that it has studied all surveys and Investigations,reports of subsurface and latent physical conditions referred to in the specifications and made such additional surveys and investigations as it deems necessary for the performance ofthe Work-reflected inthe Contract Documents and that he has correlated the resufts of all such data with the requirements ofthe Contract Documents. Commencement of Contract Time: 2.5 TheContractTime shall commence to run onthe date stated intheNoticeto Proceed. ^artin^thePrOfecfe 2L6 CONTRACTOR shall start to perform its obligations under theContraa Documents onthe date the Contract Time commences to run.No Work shall be done at the site (as defined in Article i\prior to the date on which the Contract Time commences to run,except with the written consent ofthe CITY. Before Starting Construction; 27 Before undertaking each part ofthe Work CONTRACTOR shaH carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and checfc and verify pertinent figures shown thereon and all applicable fiejd measurements and conditions.It shall atonce report in writing to CONSUtTANT any conflict,error,or discrepancy which it may discover;Neither the OWNER nor the CONSULTANT shall be liabiefbr any harm:,darnag*orloss suffered by CONTRACTOR as a result ofits failure to.discover any conflict*error, ordiscrepancy In the Drawings orSpecifications nor shall the CONTRACTOR be entitle to any compensation for anjr harm,damage or loss suffered by the CONTRACTOR due to any conflict,error, or discrepancy intheContractDocuments. Schedule of Completion; 2.S Wjtbrri "Five $)business days after delivery oftheNotice to Proceed byCITY to CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR shall submit to CONSULTANT for approval an estimated construction schedule indicating the starting and completion dates Of the various stages ofthe Work,and a preliminary schedule of Shop Drawing submissions.The CONSULTANT shall approve this schedule or require revisions thereto withitt seven (7)calendar days of Its submittal.If there is more than one CONTRACTOR involved in the Project,the responsibility for coordinating the Workof all CONTRACTORS shall,be provided in the.Special Conditions. 2,9 Within five (5y business days after delivery of the executed Contract by CITY to CONTRACTOR,but beforestarting the Work atthe site,a pre-constructipn conference shall beheldtoreviewthe above schedules*to estabfeh procedures for handling Shop Drawings and other submissions,and for processing Applications for Payment,and to establish a working understanding between the parties as to the Project 37 Presentat the conferencewillbethe CRTS representative,CONSULTANT ResidentProject Representatiyesi CONTRACTOR and its:Superintendent Qualifications^:of Subcontractors^Material men and Suppliers: 2.1 &Within five (S)business days after bid opening,the apparent lowest responsive and responsible Bidder shallsubmit to the CITY andtheCONSULTANTfor acceptance a list of the namesof Subcontractors andsucft other pers^itemsof materials or equipment}proposed forthose portions #thg Wprk asto which the identity of Subcontractors and other persons and organizations must be submitted as specified inthe Contract Documents*Vfehir> thirty |?0)^fentiar clays after receiving the list the CONSULTANT Will notify the CONTRACTOR in Writing Ifeitherthe £jTY orthe CONSULTANT has reasonable objection to any Subcontractor,person, or organization onsuch list.The failure of the CITY pf^ Subcontract pei-spn,or pr^anizatipn onthelist within thirty (30)calendar days ofthe receipt shall c^nstitirte an acceptance of such Subcpntractpri person or organization.Acceptance of any such Subcontractor,person ororganization shall not ephstitutit aMiVer ofany right pf the CITY <or the CONSULTANT to reject defective Worfc material or equipment,or any Work,material or equipment not?in cjpnforii^ UI Ifiprforttythels^objectionto any ^bcontractori person or or^nlzatroh listed*the apparent few Hiddjer^rnay,;prior to Notice Of Award, submit an acceptable substitutewithout^ %12 The appafehtsifence of tire <^in^ract Documents as to any detail,or the apparent omission from tirem of a detailed desertion contrerhing any Wbr^ nieanin^thatonlybest pra^ 4®be used in ^ 3J ft isthe Intent ofthe %ecjficatipns and Drawings to describe a cpnpteieProject to |e constructed In accordanceWiethe Comact Documents..Th^ ibetyKeen the OWNERand the CONTRACTOR.They may be altered Only bya modification asdefined in Article L 3.2The Contract Documents are complementary^what is called for by One is as binding asif called for by ajj ^docu^ shaft b^cfe prpce^dihg with the.V^rkaffected thereby,imrmedlateiy call ittp the CONSULTANTS attention in writings The various Contract Dpc^ti^nts are,complementary;in case of conflict error or discrep^c^ theOWnersfiafl apply 3*3 The words ^rai#e and Ornish and install*,4itnstall%and provide"or words with similar meaning shall belnterp^to mean ^furnish and instil icon^lete in place and .rel^'^r^serylc^ 3.4 Mist^lteeoUsi teems and accessories which arenot specifically Mentioned,but which:areessential to tec#ns,shall be$ur$khed and installed wfthout change in the Contract Pricei Such n^scel(ar>eoiB (terns and accessories shall be ofthe same quality statndalf ds,fading n^ateriali style,finish,strengtl.cias^ weightand other applieaW^ niisceljanjepus fcejn or accessary is an essential part and shall fee approved by theCONSULTANT before installation.The aboy§fequireftfeht is notintended to include major components;notcovered by or inferable foam the Drawings and Specifications. IS The Work of alltradesunder this Contractshallbe cport manner 0 obtain thebest Workmanship possible for tire entire:Project and ajj cprnppnents of theWork shall be installed or erected in accordance withthebest prances ofthe particular trade. 3*6;The JPONTRMTTOR shall be responsible for making the construction of bahitabte strjuctures under this Contract ra&t prc>p|and fojr Jnafang ^^hrtent and utifey injtollatiQns properly perform ^specified: function.Ifthe CONTRACTOR is prevented from complying With this provision dueto the Drawinp or Specl^lpns,the?C^)s!TI^CTOR shall Immediately notify thei COjslS0lTANTin writing ofsuch (jnTitpfons b^pre proceedingrwrth cor^trtictipn In the area wjiere the problem exists. 3J Manufacturersliteramrev when referenced,shallbed minimum requirementsacceptable.Whenever reference is given to codes,or standard specifications or 38 other data published by regulating agencies or accepted organizations,including but not limited to National Electrical Code,applicable State Building Code,Florida Building Code,Federal Specifications, ASTM Specifications,various institute specifications,and the like,it shall be understood that such reference istothe latest edition including addenda in effect onthe date ofthe Bid. 3.8 Brand names where used in the technical specifications,are intended to denote the standard or quality required for the particular material or product The term 'equal"or"equivalent",when used in connection with brand names*shall be Interpreted to mean a material or product that is similar and equal fh type,quality*size,capacity composition,finish color and other applicable characteristics to the material or product specified bytrade name,and that is suitable for the^ame use capable of performing the same function,in the opinion of the CONSULTANT,as the material or product so specified,Proposed equivalent items must be approved by CONSULTANT before they are purchased or incorporated in the Work.(When a brand name,catalog number,model number,or other identification,is used without the phrase *oreqaafv the CONTRACTOR shall use the brand,make and model specified).* 3.9 Throughout thjs agreement the male pronoun may be substituted for female and neuter and vice versa and the singular-words substituted for plural and plural Words substituted for singular wherever applicable. 3.1P Alltechnical interpretations shall bemade bythe CONSULTANT as set forth in Section 9,3 below, 3.11 The CONTRACTOR shall advised the CONSULTANT,prior to performing any work involving a conflict fn theContractDocuments ahd theCONSULTANTshall makethe final decision asto which ofthe documents shall take precedence.In the event that there is a conflict between or among theContract Documents,only the latest version shall apply and the latest version ofthe Contract Documents.The CONSULTANT shall use the following list of Contract Documents as aguide.These documents are set forth below rn the order of their precedence so that all the documents listed above a given document shouldhaveprecedenceover all thedocuments listed below it (a)ChangeOrders {h}Amendments/addenda to Contract <c)Supplementary Conditions,if any i(d)Contract with allExhibits thereto (e)GeneralConditions ft)Writtenor figured dimensions lit Scaled dimensions (h)Drawings ofa larger scale (i)Drawings ofa smaller scale $}Drawings a,nd Specifications are to be considered complementary to each other ARTICLE 4rrAVAILABILITYOPLANDS SUBSURPACE CONDITIONS REFERENCEJOINTS ^railabiliyof Lands: 4.1 The OWNER shall furnish^as indicated in the Contract Documents,the lands ,upon which theWork is to bedpne,rights-of-way for access thereto,and such other lands which are designed for the use ofthe CONTRACTOR,^as^meftts for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing fecilfties will be obtained and paid for bythe OWNER,unless otherwise specified inthe Contract Documents.Other access to such lands or rights-of-way forthe CONTRACTOR'S convenience shall bethe responsibility Of the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall provide for all additional lands and accessvthereto that may he required for temporary construction facilities or storage ofmaterial and equipment. 4.2 TheCITY "Will upon request^furnish to the Bidders;copies of all available boundary surveys and subsurface tests at no cost Subsurface Conditions: 43The CONTRACTOR acknowledges thathe has investigated prior to bidding and satisfied himself as to the conations affecting the Work,including butnot limited:tothose bearing upon transportation, disposal,handling and.storage of materials,availability of labor,Water,electric power,roads and uncertainties ofweather,riVeY stages,tides,water tables or similar physical conditions atthe site,the conformation arrd conditions ofthe ground,the character of equipment and facilities needed preliminary taand during prosecution pf the Work TheCONTRACTORfilrther acknowledges thathe has satisfied himself as tothe character,quality and quantity of surface and subsurface materials or obstacles tobe encountered insofar asthis information is reasonably ascertainable froman inspection ofthesite 39 including all exploratory work done by theOWNER/CONSULTANT on the site or any contiguous site, aswell as from information presented by the Drawings and Specifications made part of this Contract*or anyother information jfiade available to it prior to receipt pf bids.Any failure by the CONTRACTOR to acquaint itselfwith the available information shall not reiieve itfrom re^ponsibil^ the difficulty Or cost ofsuccessfully performing Work The OWNER assumes no r^po^siblfity forany conclusions c^interpretatiohs rh^de by the CONTRACTOR on the basis ofthe information made availabfe by the OWNER/CONSULTANT. Differing SfreJCoaditions: 4*4 The X^lWRACTORishall within forty eight -|4tf|hours of its discovery,and before such conditions are disturbed^tipti%^the CITY in writing,o£ 4.4I Subsurface Or latent |»hysicai conditions atthe site differing materially from those -Indicated m the Contract Documents;and 4AZ Unikncwv physical conditions atthe she,ofan unusual nature,differing materially from those ^rdjriarfly ^h<^ni^ed and generally inherent in Work ofthe cfefttcter f royrded for in this Contract.The CITY shall promptly investigate the conditions,and if Itfinds ih do.nraterially differ to*the extern asto cause an increase or decrease in the CONTR^^OR*S cost M c?r the time required for,performance of any partoftheWork tinderthfc Contract,an e^ufbibieao^ 4,S No claim of the CONTRACTOR under this clause shall lb allowed unless:the CONTRACTOR has given the notice required in 4.4 above;provided,however,the time prescribed |herefore may be extended by the CITY,&M pjf%ifdone in writing signed bythe City Manager orthe CONSULIV^. ARTICLE S ~1NSURANCE Contractor shall cofnply with the insurance reqjuirements set forth mthe WP and as set forth in the ^pfementary Conditions tothe feontracti if any.|f bb|h have iraurance requirements and ff there is a conflict be^een the two*the insurance requirements in the Supplemental Conditions shall take precedenti ABTICU4.CONTRECTOR'S RESPONSE LITtES Supervision and ^pe^intendencfe!. ii The CONlffcM^shall supervise and;direct the Work.It Shall be solely responsible for the means, methods,techniques,sequences and procedures of construction.The CONTRACTOR shall employ and main^na qualified supervisor orsuperintendent fliereinajfter referred to as '^wperyisor^at:theWork site who shall be designated En writing by the C^hfrRA£&OR,before the ^NfRAGTOR commences the Work and Within the time required by the Contract as the CONTR^C^f^resentat^at die site.The S«peryispr orsodesignatetf shall have fall authority to ac&on behalf pfthe CONT^^ all comnttmk^^shall be as bfedingas ifgiven to the C<^TfU^OR.The Sop^rvisor^shall be present ateach site atall times as required to perform adequate supervision and coordination ©f the Work.^Copies of written commun^ thel^N^^ 4.U The£^NTRAClt>|ihall keeppne record copy of all Specificatfons,DrawftigSi Addenda, Modific^^ airchar^macfedurihgthec^These shall be available tp the CONSULTANT and arf £ffY ^e^en^tiyeat all reasonable times.Aset of *^Biiifcf*drawing,as well as the original Specifications^Drawing,Addenda,JModifieatipns and Shop Drawings'with annotations, shall bemade available:totheCity at alWmes and It shall be delivered to the CITY upon completion of the Project labor Materials and Iqinpme^tg (>2 The CONTRACTOR shall provide competent*suitably qualified personnel to lay out the Work and perform construction as required by the Contract Documents,It shall at all times maintain good discipline and orderatthe site, 6J The CONTACTOR shall furnish all materials*equipment,labor,transportation,construction equipment and rna^hlnery,tools,appliances,fuejl(power,light,heat,local telephone,water and sanitary facilities and all other feciffties and Incidentals necessary for the execution,testing,initial operation and completion of the Work 40 6.4 All materials and equipment shall be new,except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. When special makes or grades of material which are normally packaged by the supplier or manufacturer are spedfied or approved,such materials shall be delivered to the site in their original packages or containers With seals unbroken andlabels intact. 6.5 All materials,and^equipment shall be applied,Installed,connected,erected,used,cleaned and conditioned in accordance v/fth the instructions ofthe applicable manufacturer,fabricator,or processors,except as otherwiseprovidedinthe Contract Documents, Work.Materials.Eqtdpment,Products andSubstitutions: 6.6 Materials,equipment and products Incorporated in the Work must beapproved for use before being purchased bythe CONTRACTOR.The CONTRACTOR shall submit tothe CONSULTANT a list of proposed materials,equipment or products,together with such samples as may be necessary for them to determine their acceptability and obtain their approval,within ninety (90)calendar days after award of Contract unless otherwise stipulated in the Special Conditions*No request for payment for "or equal" equipment will he approved until this list has been received and approved by the CONSULTANT. 6.6.1 Whenever a material article or piece of equipment is identified on the Drawings or Specifications by reference to brand name orcatalog number,it shall be,understood,that thi$Is referenced for the purpose of defining the performance or other salient requirements and that other products of equal capacities,quality and function shall be considered.The CONTRACTOR may recommend the substitution ofa material,article,or piece of equipment of equal substance and function for those referred to in the Contract Documents by reference to brand name or catalog number,and if,in the opinion ofthe CONSULTANT such material,article,or piece ofequipment is of equal substance and function to that specified,the CONSULTANT may approve Its substitution and use bythe CONTRACTOR.Incidental changes or extra component parts required to accommodate the substitute will be made by the CONTRACTOR without a change in theContract Price orthe Contract Time. 6.6.2 No substitute shall be ordered or installed without the written approval ofthe CONSULTANT who shall bethejudgeof quality. 6.6.3 Delay caused by obtainjngapproyals for substitute materials shall notbe considered justifiable grounds-foranextensionofconstruction time $.6.4 Should any Work or materials,equipment or products not conform to requirements of the Drawings and Specifications or become damaged during theprogress ofthe Work*such Workor materials shall be removed and replaced,together with any Work disarranged bysuch alterations, at any timebeforecompletion and acceptance pfthe Project All suchWork shall bedoneatthe expense of the CONTRACTOR. 6.6.5 No materials _rsupplies for theWork shall be purchased bythe CONTRACTOR or any Subcontractor subject to any chattel mortgage or under a conditional sale or other agreement by Which aji interest is retained bythe Seller,The CONTRACTOR warrants that they have^ood titleto all materials artd supplies used bythem in the Wprk> 6.6.6 Nojt-conforming Work:TheCity of South Miami may withhold acceptance ©£or reject items which are found upon examination,not to meet the specification requirements or conform to the plans and drawings.Upoh written notification of rejection,items shall be removed or unmstalled Within five (5 j business days bytheCONTRACTOR at his own expense and redelivered and/or reinstalled at bis expense.Rejected goods left longer tfian thirty $0)calendar days shall be regarded as abandoned and the CITY shall have the right to dispose of them as fes own property tmd the CONTRACTOR thereby waives anyclaim tothe good orto compensation of any kind for said .goods.Rejection for non-conformance or failure tomeet delivery schedules may result in the-CONTRACTORbeing found in default 6.6 J In case of default bythe CONTRACTOR,the City ofSputh Miami may procure the articles or services from other sources and hold the CONTRACTOR responsible for any excess costs occasioned or incurred thereby. 6.6.8 TheCITY reserves the right,in theeventthe CONTRACTOR cannot provide an item(s)or service(s)in a tlme^manner as requested*to obtain the good and/or services fromother sources and deducting thecostfromtheContract Price without violating theintentoftheContract Concerning SubconOTrtors: 4! 6.7 TheCONTRACTOR shall not employ any Subcontractor,against whom the CITY orthe CONSTANT may have reasonable objection,nor will the CONTRACTOR berequired to employ any Subcontractor #rp has been accepted bythe CITY and the CONSULT^ determines that there isgood cause for doing so. 6.6 The CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible for all acts and omissions of its Subcontractors and of p#3P!$andt organizations directly or Indirectly employed by itand of persons and organisations for whose acts any oftheiji may be liable tothe same extent that they areresponsible for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by them.Nothing in the Contract Documents shall create any ^ntractuai^latlpnship between OWNSft or CONSULTAISlT ^nd any Subcontractor or other person or CM^ization hayinga direct contract with CONTRACTOR,nor shall it create any obligation onthe,part ofOWNER or CONSULTANT to py pr to see to payment ofany persons due subccffitractor or other perm\:or organization,exceptas may othet^se be required by law.CITY or CONSULTANT may forhishtoa^person or organization^to the extent practicable evidence of amountspaid tothe CONTl^CTopi on accpunt ofspecified Work doneln accordance with the ischedule values^ .6.9 Tfediyjsipnsand sectipns SheCOI^RACT^ anyspecific trade &M thi C0NTftA^dR agrees to Mnd specifically every Subcontractor to the applicable terms and <c#nd!tfon^ 6.11 All Work performed for thef C0r4T^GTOR by a Subcontractpr shall be pursuant to an appropriate agreen^ntNbetween theCONTRACT 6.1 i The ^Nfr^CT^shalj be responsible for the coordination ofthe trades,Subc^ntractprs material and menengagedupon their Work 6.J 2r I The CONTRACTOR shall cause appropriate provisions to he Inserted in all subcontracts relative fetiie^ Conditions and other (Sontract Documents insofar as applicable totheWorkpf^bcjontractors, and igwethe CONTRACTOR thfc same power as regatrds to terminating any stdkontract that the iOWNEr\may exercise over the CONTRACTOR unife •Documents, 6.12.2 The WTY or CONSULTANT will notmdert^to settle any differences between the CON^ &12J;IfJ^ incompete^^^ ifand whendirected by die CONSULTANT in Writing ^•l^iDfecrimination:Noaction shall he takent^the^aiy subcontract regard tothe fojfiHment ofthe terms,pfthest&t^ract,including the hiring and retention ofemployees for the perfermanceof Work thatyvputddfecrrrh^^ age,sexual orientation:,ig^i^j^tatus ordlsabltity;This paragraph shall be made a pm ofthe sufecpntracto^s contractwl&the COntrac^r Patent fees and RO^kiesi 6il 3 TheEONtl^TOR shall pay al|license fees^and royalties and assume all costs IhctdtertStcr the use of#y Jnyen^p^des^n,process ordevice which is thesubject of patent rights or copyrights held byothers.Me sMliftdsi^ employed ^either of them from against aft claims,damages,losses and expenses $ncludinf attOrheyjs fees^ir^h^Oitt Of any InJHngemenlof such rights during pr after the completion ofthei Work,and shall jMenii^^ 6.14 The CCWTRMSTOR shafl bg resppnsible-for determining the applicatfon erf patent rights and royalties materials;appliances,articles orsystems prior tolidding.However,he shall not beresponsible for such deterrn^atipn on systems which dp not involve purchase by them Of materials*appliances and articles. Permits: 6*15 The CONTRACTOR shall secureand pay for all construction permits and licenses and shall pay for all governmental charges and;impaction fees necessary for the prosecution ofthe Work*which are applicable at thetime of hisBid.Whensuch Vargas are normally made bythe CITY and when so stated inthe Special Conditions*there will beno charges tothe COrWO^CTdR,The CITY shall assist the 42 C0NfRACTO^when necessaryk in obtaining such permits and licenses.TheCONTACTOR shall also pay all public iitil^charges. glectrical Powerand Ughtingt 6.16 Electrical power required during construction shall be provided by each prime CONTRACTOR as required by it.This servtcteshall be installed by aqualified electrical Contractor approved bythe CONSULTANT lighting shall be provided bythe CONTRACTQR In all spaces at all times where necessary for good and proper workmanship,for inspection or for safety.No temporary power shall be used off temporary lighting lines withoutspecific approval ofthe CONTRACTOR. Laws and Regulations: 6J7 The CONTRACTOR shall comply with all notices,laws,ordinances,rules and regulations applicable to the Work.If the CONTRACTOR observes thatthe Specifications or Drawings are at variance therewith^ frshall give the CONSULTANT prompt written notice theffeoft and any necessary changes shall be adjusted by an appropriate modification.If the CONTRACTOR performs any Work knowing It to be contrary to such laws,ordinances,rules and regulations,and without such notice tothe CONSULTANT it shall bear all costs arising there from;hoWever,it shall notbeits primary responsibility to make certain that the Drawings and Specifications arein accordance with such laws,ordinances,,rules and regulations. Discrimination: 6J7ANo action shall be taken bythe Contractor with regard tothe fulfillment ofthe terms ofthe Contract, including the hiring andretentionof employees for the performance of Work thatwoulddiscriminate againstan/person onthe basis of race,color,creed,religion*national origin,,sex,age,$exual orientation, familial statusor disability. 6,1:8 Cost Ofall applicable sales,consumer use,and othertaxesfor which theCONTRACTORis liable under the Contract shall be included inthe Contract rVice-stated bythe CONTRACTOR. Safetyand Protection: 6.19 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for initiating,maintajning and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work They shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of, and shall provide #ie necessary protection to prevent damage*injury or loss to: 6.19.1 All employees andother persons,,who may be affected thereby, 6.19£All theWork and all materials orequipment tobe incorporated therein*,whether in storage on or off the site,and &.X9.3 Other property atthesiteor adjacent thereto,including trees,shrubs*lawns,walks',pavements, roadways^structures and utilities notdesignated for removal,relocation or replacement in the course of construction. 6.20 The CONTRACTOR.shall designate a responsible member of their organization atthe site whose duty shall bethe prevention of accidents,this person shad be the CONTRACTORS Superintendent unless otherwise designated in writingbythe CONTRACTOR totheCITY. Emergencies; 6*_T In emergencies affecting the safety pf persons orthe.Work or property atthe site or adjacent thereto, the CONTRACTOR,without special instruction or authorization from the CONSULTANT or CITY,Is obligated to act,at Ms discretion,to prevent threatened damage,injury or loss,He shall give the CONSULTANT prompt written notice of any significant changes In theWorkor deviations from the Contract Documents caused thereby.Ifthe CONTRACTQR'betieves thatadditional Work done by him in an emergency which arosefrom causes beyond hiscontrol entitles him toan Increase rn the Contract Price or an extension ofthe Contract Time,he may make a claim therefore as provided in Articles 11 and 12, ShopDrawing*and Samples: .632 Afterchecl^ng a/ld verifying all field measurements;the CQNTRACTQIi shall suhtffeo the CONSULTANT ferreview,In accordance With the accepted schedule ofshop drawing submission^six |^copies (cr atthe have be#n c^ked by and stamped with the approval ofthe CONfRACTOR.The Shop Drawings shall 43 he numbered and identified as the CONSULTANT may require.Thedata shown on the Shop Drawings shall becomplete with respectto dimensions,design criteria,materials of construction and thelike to enable the.CONSULTANT to review the information without any unnecessary investigation. 6.23 The CONTRACTOR shall also submit tp the CONSULTANT for review*with such promptness as to cause no delay in Work,all samples required by the Contract Documents, All samples shall have been checked by and stamped with the approval ofthe;r^NtMwCTOR,identified clearly as to nr^riai,manufacturer,any pertinent catalog numbers and the tise for which intended. 6.24 At the time of each submission,the^CONpiACTQRshall notify the CONSULTANT fa writing of any deviations betweehthe Shop Drawings or samples arid the;requirements ofthe Contract Documents. 6.25 The COtslSULTANf shall review wfch responsible promptness Shop Drawings and Samples*but his review shall be only for conformance with the design concept of the Project and for compliance with the Information given Ih the Contract Doctiftents.The review pf a separate item assuch will not indicate review ^the assembly inwhich the items functions.The CONTj^CT!^shall make any corrections requii^by^ Drawings and resubr^t new samples until the review is satisfactory tothe CONSULT^T.The <^r?TftACTOR shall notify the CONSUITANt;in writing,of any prior Shop Drawing or revisions to Shop JJrawtogs thitiarein conflict with each submission or re^ubmi&ip*i>The t^NTfe^CTOR'S stamp ofapproval est*any Shop Drawings orsample shall constitute representation tothe CITY and the COlMlplANT thatthe CONf RACTC^R has either determined and/or verified all c^antities,dimension, field cpnstruction criteria,materials,catalog numbers and simitar data or they assume foil resppnsibilh^ for doing so*and that they have reviewed or coordinated each Shop Drawing or sample with the requirements of the Worfc^ 42i l^p^rkreqm^^commenced until the submission has been reviewed aj^approved tayyritin^l^tluseC^SULT^T A copy of^chShpp^ approved sample shall be kept in good!order,ina book or binder;in chronoiogteal order or In such other pnter required by the CGr^UlTANT in writing;by the CONTRACTOR atifcsite and shall be available tptl^^ 6.27 The Sb^SUt^^reytew of Shop Drawings or samples shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR from l«s;re^ponsrbil!ty for any deviations fro;m the requNments ofthe Contract Documents unless the ^r^RACTORhas Informed the CONSULTANT in writing,to each deviation 3tthe time;of S#!^!0$aM ^nor shall any review by the^CONSyLTANT relieve the C6MRACTOR from responsibility for errors bromissions in theShop^Drawings or samples. 6^^TN<*Q^delay that is caused fey its failure to notiry^the CQNSULTANTpf any ofsaid deviations or conflicts between Shop Drawings or due toerrorsintheShop Drawings or samples.- 63$The CONTRACTOR shall clean up behind the Work as much as is reasonably possible as the Work progresses,%pncpmpletfonofthe^^ WtMEt^thettoNTRACT^shall remove all Ws surplus and discarded materials,excavated material and rubbish as Well as all other material and equ}pmeht4)at dpj^s not forma part oftheWork,from the properly,roadways sidewalks,parking areas,lawn and all adjacent property,ilh action,the COOTRACTOfcshil dean h^ forther cleaning by the OWNER is necessary prior tp its occupancy and he shall restore all property,both public and private,which has been disturbed or damaged during thepros^Utipn pf the Work sp as tp iea^thewto 609 If the CONTRACTOR does not clean theWorksite,theCITY may clean theWork Site ofthe materials referred to in paragraph 6.29 and charge thecost to the CQNTfM^bR, Public Conv^ence and Safeffi &M the COI^R/^TOR shall,atall times,conduct the Work In such a manner as tp insure the least practicable obstruction to public travel.The ccinvenience ofthe general public and oftile residents along a*d adjacent m the area ofWork shall be provided for in a satisfactory manner,consistent With the Operation and local conditions.''Street Closed'1 sigrts shall be placed immediacy adjacent totheWork,in acon^pkUpUs position*at such locations as traffic demands.At any time that streets are required tp fee closed*the CONTRACTOR shad hotSy law enforcement agencies and in particular,the City ofSouth 44 Niaml Police Depar^em*beforethe streetls closed and again as soon as it is ppehed._Access to fire hydrants and mother $r%e^hguishrng equipment shall ibje provided and maintained at at!times;: Sanitary Provisions: £.31 The^NTR^^ *^ervatiOtt,lo^ In adean arc)sanitary^ndftion and shall comply with the requirejnents and regulations pfthe Public Awhorities haying Jurisdiction*They shall commit no public nuisance.Tenipprary fteld office and sanitary labilities shall be removed upon compfenofj^ Indemnifications 6,32 Contractor shall comply with the indemnification requirements siei forth inthe RFP and as set forth fn the Supplementary Conditions totheContract,ifany.If both have indemnification requirements and ifthere is a conflict between the two,theindemnification requirements in the Supplemental Conditions shall take precedent 6t33 In the event that any action or proceeding is brought against OWNJER or CONSULTANT by reason of any such claim or demand,CONTRACTOR,upon Written notice from CITY shall defend such action or proceeding by counsel satisfactory to CITY,The indemnification provided above shall obligate CONTRACTOR to defend at itsown expense or to provide for such defense at CITY'S option,any and all claims of liability and ad suits and actions of every name and description that may be brought against OWNER orCONSULTANT excluding only thpse claims that allege that the injuries arose out ofthe solenegligence of OWNER or CONSULTANT *M The obligations ofthe CONTRACTOR under paragraph 6.33 shall notextend to the liability ofthe CONSULTANT,Its agents or employees arising out ofja)the preparation or approval ofmaps,drawings, opinions,reports,surveys,Change Orders,designs orspecifications or <b)the giving ofor thefailure to give directions or instructions by theCONSULTANT its agents or employees provided such act or omission is the primary cause of injury or damage. 6.34A All ofthe forgoing indemnification provisions shall survive the term ofthe Contract to which these General Conditions are a part.Indemnification shall notexceed an amount equal tothe total value of all insurance coverage required by Section 5.1 of this document Indemnification ts limited to damages caused fn whole or jn partby any act,omission,or default ofthe Contractor,the Contractor's subcontractors, sub-subcontractors^materialmen,oragents of any tieror their respective employees tothe extent caused by the negligence,recklessness,of intentional wrongful misconduct of the indemnifying party and persons employed or utilized bythe indemnifying party in the performance ofthe construction contract. Responsibility forConnectionto Existing Work 6.35 It shall be the responsibility ofthe CONTRACTOR to connect its Work to each part of the existing Work,existing building of structure or Work previously installed as required by the Drawings and Specifications to provide a complete installation* 6.36 Bccavations*grading,flHU storrn drainage,paving and any other construction or installations in rights-of- ways pfstreets*highways,public carrier fines,Utility lines,either aerial,surface or subsurface;etc*shall be done in accordance With requirements ofthespecial conditions.The OWNER wtfl be responsible for obtaining all permits necessary for the Work described In this paragraph 6.36.Upon completion ofthe Wprfc CONTRACTOR shall present to CONSULTANT certificates.,to triplicate,from the proper authorities,stating that theWork has been done inaccordance With their requirements. 6.36.1 TheCJTY Will cooperate with theCONTRACTOR in obtaining action from any utilities or public authorities involved In theaboverequirements. 6.36.2 TheCONSULTANT shall be responsible for obtaining elevations of curbs and gutters,pavement storm drainage structures*and other items which must be established by governmental departments as soon as grading operations are begun on the site and,In any case,sufficiently early inthe construction period to prevent any adverse effect onthe Project Cooperation with Governmental Departments-Public Utiles.Etc.: 637 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for making all necessary arrangements wfth governmental departments,public utilities,public carriers,service companies and corporations (hereinafter referred to as "third parties")owning or controlling roadways,railways water*Sewer,gas,electrical conduits, telephone*and telegraph facilities such as pavements,tracks,piping,wires,cables,conduits,poles^guys, 45 etc.,including incidental structures connected therewith,that are encountered in the Workinorder that such Items are properly shoredV supported and protected*thattheir location is identified and tpobtain amhorlty from these thirdpartiesfor relocation ifthe CONTRACTOR desiresto relocate^he;item.The CONT^GTOE shall $ve ajj proper notices,shall comply with all requirements of stith third parties*in the performance of^his Work,shall perfnit entrance ofsuchthird parties on the Project in order that they may perform their necessary work,and shall pay all charges and fees made by such third parties fortheir wprk> 6.37.1 The C^NTRACTp&S attention is called t^^may be delays onthe Project due to work to be done bygovernmental departments,public:utilities,and others In repairing or moving poles,conduits,etc The CONTRACTOR shall cooperate With the above parties in every Way possible,sothatthe construction can be completed in the least possible time. 6.37.2 The CONTRACTOR shall hiave fflade itself familiar with all codes,laws,,ordinances;and - regulations which in any manner affect those engaged or employed intheWork**>r materials and ^Wpment use in or upon the Wprfc orinlany way affect ^^plea of misunderstanding Will tje considered on account of damage or delay caused by his ignorance thereof* Use Premises: &38 CONTRACTOR shall confine its apparatus,storage of materials,and operations of its Workmen to t&e limits:bleated by law,,ordinances,permits and directions of CONSUl^NT and CITY*and shall not unnecessaryenjcumber any partofthe site or any areas offsite. 6,38,1 CQHffl^Gf^^be loaded with such ^iveight as Will endanger its safety,nor shall it subject any work to stresses or pressures mat will endanger it $M&GC^^the rules aid regulation promulgated by the CONSUOWT and 63B3 CONTRACTOR shall arrange and cooperate with CFTTYj^ Its employeesi^hc^nkactc^and other personnel,as well as that if tlreTf^eriai delivery trucks and other ^ehfeleS that come to tlieProjectsite 4,38.4 The Gfty wi designate specific areas oh me site for storage,parking,etc-and the job site shall be fenced to protectthe Jobsite and the general public. 638.S The OQNT^CTORshall fornish.Install and maintain adequate construction office facilities.for all Workers employed byitor byits Subcontractors,Temporary offices shall be provided and located where directed andapproved bythe CONSU(TAN"TV Allsuch facilfties^haJI befurnfehed mstrict accordance with existing governing regulations.field Offices shatlf include telephone facilities. Protection of Ekisting F^eTty Irnprovements: 6M Any e^isting^urfaoe or subsurface imprpyement5,such as pavements,curbs,sMeyyaJks,pipes or utilities, footings*;orstructures ^Including portions thereof),trees and shrubbery*rnpt indicated on theDrawings or nxated =in tht Ipecjicatipn^as being removed or altered shall be protected from,damage during construction ofthe Project.Any such improvements damaged during cpn^ be restored;atthe expense ofthe CO^^ award ofContract AIH10Jg7-WORRttV3^^ T\i The CITY may perform additional Work related to the Project or may let other direct contracts therefor Which shaU contain General The CONTRACTOR sb&fl affordthecther cpritpcicprs whoare parties to suchdirect contracts (ordie OWNER,ifit Is performing the additional Work itself reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage ofmaterials and equipment and the execution of Work,and shall properly connect and coordinate its Workwith theirs, 7.2 II any part ^ other cevntr^tojr or #ie OWHlR*the GOJhO'RACTOR shall promptly report to the CONSULTANT m writingany defects or ideficiencies m such Work that render it unsuitablefor the CONTRACTOR'S Work 7.3 The CC^TR^TOR shall do at]cutting,fitting and patching of the Work that may be required to malke its several parts come together prpperiy and fit to receive orbe received by such otherWork.The CONTRACTOR shall not endanger any Work of others by cutting,excavating or•otherwise altering their 46 Workand shall only cutoraltertheirWork with the written consentofthe CONSULTANT andofthe other contractor whose work will be affected. 7.4 Ifthe performance of additional Workbyother contractors orthe OWNER is.not noted intheContract Documents priortothe executipn ofthe Contract,written notice thereof shalf be given tothe CONTRACTOR prior to startinganysuch additional Work.Ifthe CONTRACTOR believes thatthe performance ofsuch additional Workbythe OWNER orothers will causethe CONTRACTOR additional expense or entitles him toan extension ofthe Contract Time,he may make a claim therefore asprovided In Articles 11 and 12. 7.5 Where practicable,the CONTRACTOR shall build around the work ofother separate contractors or shall leave chases,slots and holes as required to receive and to conceal within thegeneral construction Workthe v*ork of such other separate contractors as directed by them.Wheresuch chases,slots,etc, are impracticable,theWork shall require specific approval ofthe CONSULTANT 7.6 Necessary chases,slots,and holes not built or lefthy the CONTRACTOR shall be cut by the separate contractor requiring such alterations after approval pfthe CONTRACTOR.The CONTRACTOR sha|l do all patching and finishing of the work of other contractors where it is cut by them and such patching and finishing shall beat the expenseof CONTRACTOR 7.7Cooperationisrequiredintheuseofsite facilities andinthe detailed execution ofthe Work,Each contractor shall coordinate .their operation with thoseoftheotherContractorsforthebestinterestof theWorkinorderto prevent delay in the execution thereof. 7.8 Each ofseveral contractors working on the Project Site shall keep themselves informed of the progress of the Work of other contractors.Should lack of progress or defective workmanship on the part of other contractors interfere with the CONTRACTOR'S operatipns,the CONTRACTOR shall notify the CONSULTANT immediately and in writing.Lack of such noticetothe CONSULTANT shall be construed as acceptance by the CONTRACTOR ofthe status ofthework of other contractors as being satisfactoryfor proper coordinationofCONTRACTORSown Work, 7.9 The cost of extra Work resulting from lack ofnotice,untimely notice,failure to respond to notice, DefectiveWprfc or lack ofcoordinationshallbe the CONTRACTORS cost 7.T0 The CITY reserves the right in the event the CONTRACTOR cannot provide an ltem(s)or service(s)in a timely manner as requested,to obtain thegood and/or services from other sources and deducting the cost from the Contract Pricewithout violating the intent oftheContract ARTICLE ft-CITY'S RESftONsmiLlTIES. 8.1 The CITY will issue all communications tothe CONTRACTORthrough the CONSULTANT. a2 in cases oftermination of employment ofthe CONSULTANT the CITY will appoint a CONSULTANT whose status under the Contract Documents shafl bethatofthe former CONSULTANT 8,3 TheCITY shall promptly furnish the data required of them under the Contract Documents. 84 The CITY'S duties in respect to providing lands and easements areset forth in Paragraphs 4.1 and 4.1 8.5 The CITY shall have the right to take possession of and use any completed or partiaJly completed portions ofthe Work nptwlthstanding the fact that thetime for completing the entire Work orany portion thereof may not have expired;but such taking possession and use shall notbe deemed an acceptance ofanyWorknot completed In accordance withtheContract Documents. ARTICLE*-CONSULTANTS'STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION. Qrfs Representative; 9J The CONSULTANT shall bethe CITY'S representative during the;construction periods The dutiesand responsibilities;and the limitations of authority ofthe CONSULTANT as the CITY'S representative during oonsfrqction aresetforth in Articles 1through 16ofthese General Conditions and shall notbeextended withofit written consent ofthe CITYandtheCONSULTANT 94.1 The CONSULTANT'S decision,in matters relating to aesthetics,shall be final,ifwithin the terms of the Contract Documents. 9r 1.2 Except as may be otherwise provided in this contract,all claims,counterclaims,disputes and other matters fit question between the CITY and the CONSULTANT arising outof or relating tothis Contract orthe breach thereof,shall be decided In acourtof competent jurisdiction within the State of Florida. Visits to Site; 47 93 The CONSULTANT shall provide an inspector to make periodic visits tothesite ateach phase of construction to observe the progress and quality ofthe executed Work and to determine if the Work is proceeding in accord^cewi^:ftis efifortsshall be directed tpvvardprovic^ assurance for the OWNER and all applicable regulatory agencies that construction is in compliance yvfch tile Construction Documents and applicable lawsi rules and regulations.Onthe basis of these on site- observations as a#experienced and qualified design professional,he sjmlf fcfcep the CITY Informed of the progress ofthe Workan^ a^jrmAc^ Clarifications and InterpretatfQns! 9.3 ^e<^NSULTAiNT shall issue,with reasonable promptness*such written clarifications or in^pretatfcsns oftft#g£a^neces^^whlch shallbe comisll^nlWitfe theCONTRACTOR seeks art increase in theCbn^ract Price orextension ofContract Time based on a Written cjariflcatipn andfor interpretation it shall be required to submit atimely claim as provided In Articles II and J3L Measurement of Quantifies: 9.4 All Work completed under the Contract shall be measured by the CONSULTANT according to the United States Standard Measures.All linear surface measurements shall be made horizontally or vertically asrequiredby the itemmeasured. Rejecting Defective Work: 9.5 The GX>NSULT^T shall have authority to disapprove or reject Work that is •'Detective WorjC as ^efinedlnAr^fe L iticluc^ CONSULTANT requires testing of completed Work*the most of sUeh inspections and/or testing shall he approved in writing by the CITY!At Consequent^l cpst ofsuch Inspections and testing,inciuc3n$but not limited tcr fire costof testing and Inspection,the tost of repairing my ofthe Work,or the work of others, ttecosttomo^ work can be cprnpletedv shall paid bythe CONTACTOR |ftbeWork isrfound to bei Defective Work Shop-Drawings.ChangeOrders and feymentg 9*6 it&eonjje^^seeparagraphs &25 through &2&inclusive 9:7 In ^nnectiofi with the CONSULTANTS i^sponsib%for Change Orders see Articles 10,I:1,and 12, m In cpnnection^h the CONSULTANT i^pOnsibinties with respect to the Application for foment,etc., see Article 14, Decisions on r^s^reements:. 9.16 ^ Limitations on C^nsuitan^Respcgirfbiiities^ 941 fteOO^^methods,techniques,sequences :c*pr^ &t?TfceCC^ fubcpntr^ctorsi or any oftheir agent servants or employees*pr any other person performing any of the Work;underpr throughihem. ARTICLE 10 -CttANfiES M THE WOil^ mi \^ominvalto^the CrjY m^^any time or from time to time,order additions, tfi^ons orrevisfons rnorto the IJ^On receipt ofa Change Order*the CONTRACTOR shall proceed witli the VYprk Involved*All such Work shall he performed under the applicable conditions oftN Contract &QeumentSv If any ^authorized writtenChange Order causes an Increase or decrease Jn the Contract Price or an e*tensjon -Or shortening pfthe Contract Time,an equitable adjustment will be made as provided in Article 11 or Article I_.A written Change Order signed by the CITY and the CX>NTRACTOR indicates their 48 agreement tothe terms ofthe Change Order.All Change Orders shall be certified by the CONSULTANT astothe appropriateness and value ofdie change in the Work as well asto any change inthetimetocompletetheWorkunderthe circumstances.The failure to include atime extension In the Change Orderor in the request fora change prder shall result in a waiver ofany extension oftime duetothe change intheworkas reflected inthe Change Order. 10.2 The CONSULTANT may authorize minor changes or alterations in theWork not involving extra cost and not Inconsistent With theoverallintent ofthe ContractDocumentswithout the needforaformal Written Change Order provided the CONTRACTOR does not request additional time or additional compensation.These may be accomplished byawritten Field Order.Ifthe CONTRACTOR believes that any change or alteration authorized by the CONSULTANTS Field Order Would entities the CONTRACTOR toan increase in the Contract Price or extension ofContractTime,it musrsubmit a written notice ofintentto demand a Change Order within twenty four (24)hours of the issuance ofthe Field Order and submit a written proposal for Change Order within four (4)days thereafter,otherwise the CONTRACTOR shall bedeemed tq have waived such claim. J0.3 -Additional Workperformed by the CONTRACTOR without authorization ofa written Change Order shall not entitle itto an increase In theContraa Price or an extension ofthe Contract Time,except in the case of an emergency as provided in paragraph 6.22 and except as provided In paragraph 10.2* 10.4 TheCITY will execute appropriate Change Orders prepared by the CONSULTANT covering changes in the Work*tobe performed as provided in paragraph 4.4,and Work performed in an emergency as provided In paragraph 6,22 and any other claim ofthe CONTRACTOR for a change in the Contract Time ortheContract Price which is approved bythe CONSULTANT 10.5 It isthe CONTRACTOR'S responsibility to notify itsSurety of any changes affecting the general Scope of the Work or change in the Contract Price or Contract Time and theamount ofthe applicable bonds shall be adjusted accordingly.The CONTRACTOR shall furnish proof of$uqh an adfustment tothe CITY before commencement ofthe Change OrderWork.The Workshall be stopped until the CONTRACTOR provides such proof ofadjustment in the Bond amount and any such delay shall be chared to die CONTRACTOR. ARTICLE 11 -CHAMGE OF CONTRACT PRICE. 11 -tTheContract Price constitutes the total compensation payable tothe CONTRACTOR for Performing the Work.All duties,responsibilities andobligations assigned toor undertaken by $he CONTRACTOR shall t>e at jts expense without changing the Gpntract Price. 11 rl The CITY may,at any time*without written notice tothe sureties*bywritten orderdesignated or indicated tobea Change Order,make any change intheWork within the general scope of the Contract; including but not limited tochangesto or in: 112A Specifications (including drawings and designs); 11,2*2 Method or manner of performanceoftheWork. 11 -2.3 CITY-furnished facilities,equipment,materials,services,orsite;or 11.14 Acceleration \n theperformanceofthe Work. 11.3 Exceptasprovided In this section*or sections referred to inthis section no order,statement,orconduct ofthe CITY shall betreatedasa Changs Orderor entitle the CONTRACTOR toan equitable adjustment unless and until the change fti the Work is specifically and expressly provided for in a written Change Order,or asotherwiseprovidedinanothersection ofthe Contract Documents. 11.4 WhenaChangeOrderis Issued bythe CONSULTANT andsigned bythe CITY or issued bythe CITY in writing;the CONTRACTOR shall perform theWork eyen If^he CONTRACTOR does not agree with the dollar amount ofthe Change 6rder.Ifany Change Order causes an increase or decrease in the CONTRACTOR'S cost of*orthetime required for,the performance of any partoftheWorkunderthis Contract*,for which the CITY andthe CONTRACTOR cannot reach a timely agreement,an equitable adjustment based onthecostoftheWork shall be made and the Contract modified accordingly. I LS Ifthe CONTRACTOR intendsto asserta claim foran equitable adjustment orcontestthe equitable adjustment made by the CONSULTANT,it shall,within ten (10)calendar days after receiptofa written Change Order,submittothe CITY and CONSULTANT awritten notice including astatement setting forth the general natureand monetary extent Of such claim for equitable adjustment,time extension requested and supporting data-Indetermining thecostofthe Change Order,the costs shall be limited to those listed in section I f.7 %nd 1 La 11.6 No claim bytheCONTRACTORforan equitable adfustmenthereunder shall be allowed ifnot submitted inaccordancewiththissection or ifasserted after final paymentunderthis Contract 49 11 *7 The value^of any Work cpyered bya Change Order or of any claim for an increase or decrease in the Contract/Price shall be deterrnined in oneof the following ways: P 7,1 Bynegotiatedlumpsum. j 1.73 ©h the basis;ofthe reasonable cost and savings that results from the change in the Work plus a mutually agreed fee tothe CONTRACTOR tocoveroverhead and profit notto exceed IS^If theCONTRA costs;,the CONTRACT shall provide a list of all tosts together with backup ^cjimejttation 11J The term cost oftheWork means thesum of all direct extra costs necessarily incurred and paid bythe CONTRACTOR ih the proper performance ofthe Change Order Except as otherwise may be agreed to inwriting^CITY,such costs shall be in amounits no higher than those prevailing in Mranii-Dade County arid shall include onlythe following items: 11.8.1 B^rolt cpstsfor employees in thedirect employ of CONTRACTOR in mepe^brmance ofthe Work described in the Change Order under schedules of job classifications agreed upon by CITY and CONTRACTOR.Pa^oll costs feemplcyeesn^ apportioned on the basis of their time spent on the Woric l%ro1i cOsjE *}ftli be limited to: salaries jind Wages*plus the costs Offringe benefits which shall include social security contributions.Unemployment,excise and payroll taxes*workers'compe;nsaticin,health and retirement benefits,sick leave,vacation and holidayp^applicable thereto,luckemployees shall in$^e3Up Th^e^enses^ofperterW^ WoT^g^hours,on Sunday of legal%plidays shalj be included in the above only if authorized by CITY and provided it^tfas notin anyway*whether k wholepr In partthe restiltpfthe fault ofthe CONTRACTOR due to negligence oif the COI^RACTtMorthose acting byor through himor duein Whale orin pa^ f 1.8,2 Cbstof all materials and equi^including costs pf transpprtatipnand storage,and manufacturers-field servicesrequired inconnectiontherewith. The COr^RACTOR shall notify theClTYof all cash discounts that are available and offer the CITY the opportunity to deposit tods with die COJWRACtOR for the paymehtfor items that pfer a discount.Cash discounts shall accrue to CONTftAiCPDR uiifess the^NTMiCTOR felb tofflne^noj^ Wfth which to fr?ake payments in which cases the cash discounts shall accrue to the OWNER,All jtrade discounts,rebates and refunds,and all returns from safe of surplus materials ani equipment s^lj accrue^ Obtained. 1IJB£Payments tnatfe byCONTRACTOR to the Subcj^ntractprs for Work performed fcQr ^|cpntraciprsv tf required by CITY,CONTRACTOR shall obtain corftpetitiye bids from Subcontractors:acceptable to him an<J shall deliver such;bids to CITY Who Will then determine, y#h the,advice:of the CONSULTANT which Bids will be accepted No subcontract shall be a cc^tplus:tohtract unlessapproved In writing by the CITY.If a Subcontract provife that the Subcontractor is to be patfpn the basis of ^pstpfWork plusa fee,thecostof the Work shall be c^ti3i*mlhed In accordance thissection 11-8 ahd in sush casethe word ^Subcontractor-•shall be subs$t^ J1.8.4 '^erih_its -iaif $H ^.e^i^^iJcMcaiin).^qufpfti^n.'fe awwl machinery except hand tools^and departs thereof whether rented fw>hi CONTRACTC^or pth^ apprpvecp by CITY with the advice of CONSUITANT and the costs of tiiaBsportatfonk loading, Unloading^fristift$oji>dismantling andremoval thereof -allinaccordance With termsof said rental agreements.The rental of any such equipment,machinery or parts shall cease when the q$e;thereofisnolonger necessary for the \^rlc I LBS Sales,qse pr similar taxes related tp theWprfe andfor which CONTRACTOR is liable^imposed Jby-any governmental authority. 11.8*6 Payments and fees for permits and licenses.Costs for permits and licenses must be shown as a separate item. f1&?•Theicost of utilities,fuel;and sanitary facilities atthesite, 11.8$Minor expenses such as telegrams,long distance telephone calls;telephone service at the site* expressage and similar petty cash items in connection with theWork. 11.6.9 Cost of premiums for additional &pnds and insurance required solely because of changes in the Work,not to exceed two percent {2%)of the increase in the Gpst of the Work, \\$The term §ostof the Work shall NOT include any ofthe following: 50 1J .9.1 Payroll costs and other compensation ofCONTRACTOR'S officers,executives,principals (of partnership and sole proprietorships),general managers,engineers,architects,estimators,lawyers, agents,expediters*timekeepers,clerks and other personnel employed by CONTRACTOR whether at the site orin Its principal or abranch office for general administration of the Work and not specifically Included In theschedule referred to in.Subparagraph I LS. 11 $2 Expenses of CONTRACTOR'S principal and branch offices other than Its office atthesite. 11.9.3 Any part of CONTRACTOR'S capital expenses,including interest on CONTRACTOR'S capital employed for theWork and charges against CONTRACTOR for delinquent payments. 11.9.4 Costof premiums for all bonds and for all insurance policies whether or notCONTRACTOR is required by the Contract Documents to purchase and maintain the same (except as otherwise provided in Subparagraph 11.8.9). 1\>9S Costs due to the negligence of CONTRACTOR,any Subcontractor,or anyone directly or indirectfy employed by any ofthem or for whose acts any of them may be Tfahle,including but not limited to,the correction of defective work,disposal of materials or equipment wrongly supplied and making good any damage to property. 1l.9£Other overhead or general expense costs ofany kind and the costs of any item not specifically and expressly included in Paragraph IF A U.10 The CONTRACTOR'S fee which shall be allowed to CONTRACTOR for its overhead and profit shall be determined as follows: IIJ 0<f A mutually acceptable firm f\xe:d price?or ifnone can be agreed upon. lf.10.2 A mutually acceptable fixed percentage {not to exceed IS%), 1L1J The amount ofcredit to be allowed by CONTRACTOR to OWNER for any such change which results in a net decrease in cost will bethe amount ofthe actual net decrease incostscalculated inthesame manner as provided in 1>.&When both additions and credits are involved in any onechange,the net shall be computed to mcLude overhead and profit,identified separately,for both additions and credit, provided however,the CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to claim lost profits for any Work not performed. ARTICLE j1«TIME FOR COMPLETION.LIQUIDATED DAMAGES AMD CHANG-OETHE CO»TRACTTTM& I%i Time Is ofthe essence to this contract and the date of beginning and the tiine for cpmpletion of the Work are essential conditions of.the Contract Therefore,the Work shall be commenced on tine date specified In theNotice to Proceed and completed within the time speeded for completion ofthe:^Work. 12.2 TKe CONTRACTOR shall proceed with the Work at such rate of progress to ensure full completion within %*Contract Time.It is expressly understood and ageed,by and between the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER,thatthe Contract Time for the1 completion oftheWork .described herein tea reasonable timej taking Into consideration the average climatic and economic conditions and other factors prevailing in the locality ofthe WorkNo extension oftime shall be granted due conditions that the Contractor knew ofor should have known of before bidding on the project or dueto Inclement weather, except a>providedinsection 12.7. 113 If theC&NTMCTOR shall fail to complete the Work Within fas Contract Time,or extension 6f time granted bythe CITY,then the CONTRACTOR shall pay to tire OWNER the amount of liquidated damages as specified in theContract Documents for each calendar day after |he scheduled date for completion as adjusted fey written Change Orders that extended the Completion dat& 113.1 These amounts are not penalties butare liquidated damages Incurred bythe 6WNEkfor its Inability to obtain full use ofthe Project Liquidated damages are hereby-fixed and agreed upon between the parties*recognizing the impassibility of precisely ascertaining the atnount of*damages that will be sustained as a conseauence of such dejay,and both parties desiring to,ojbviate any question or dispute concerning the amount of satd damages and thecost and effectof the Mure ofCONTRACTOR to complete the Contract on time,The above-stated liquidated damages shall apply separately to each phase pfthe Project for which atime for completion is given. 12.3.2 CITY is authorized todeduct the liquidated damages from monies due tot CONTRACTOR for the Work under this Contract. 12.4 The Contract Time may only be changed by a written Change Order Any claim tor an extension in the CONTRACT TIMEshall be based onwrittennoticedelivered to theCITYandCONSULTANT within five (S)business days ofthe occurrence ofthe event giving rise tothe claim and stating the general nature ofthe clatrh including supporting data.All claims for adjustment in the Contract Ttme shall be evaluated 51 and recommended by the CONSULTANT,with final approval by the CITY'S representative.Ahy change In te&nlr^^ifri^resulting from any such claim shall be incorporated in a written Change Order. 115 Alltimelimits stated in the <&ntract Ejocuments are of the essence ofthe Contract 12;&No claim for delay shall be allowed because of failure to furnish Drawings before the expiration of fourteen (i 4)calendar days after demand has been made in writing totheCONSULTANT for such Diavvjnj|s,Nrth^mprer there shall be no monetary compensation for such delay and the CONTRACTOR'S soleremedy shall be an extension of time for the period of delay* 12U7 Extensions totheContractTimefor delays caused by the effects of inclementWeather shall not be granted unless the weather was unusual for South Florida and could not have been anticipated;the abnormal weather isdocumentedbyrecords from the national weather serviceandthe abnormal weather is documented to havehadasubstantialaffected on the construction sched life. &£No Damages for Delay:TheCONTRACTOR agrees that he shall not have any claim for dafnages due to jifelaylinless the delay exceeds 6 months,whether individually or cumulatively,and then the damages shall be limited to increased costof materials that were unar^csfp^fd and ti^t would m%have been incurred b«t for the delay.Other than as setforthabove,theonly remedy for ftrty delay shall be limited to an extension of time as provided forin Section t2A Which shall bethe sole and exclusive remedy for*Uch resulting delay.Other than as;setforth above*CONTRACTOR shall not fee entitledto an.increase in /the; Contract Price or payment or compensation of any kind from OWNER for direcfe indirect,consequential, irnpact or p$ber costs*expenses or damages,Including but not limited tot costsof acceleration or ineSidenc^overhead or lost profit^arising because of delay,disruption,Interference or hindrance from anycausewhatsoever;whethersuchdelay,cfisruptiohi interference or hindrance bereasenable or unreasonable,foreseeable or unforeseeable,or avoidable or unavoidable. 12#The £^Nfj|^Cr^R yyahres ajj claims that are not presented tothe City in writing onor before the 21 st .day following the date dftheevewupqn^ I2*1 0 Dispute Resolution;If any dispute concerning a question of fact arises Undier the Contract,otherthan torn^the city^department responsibie for the administration ofthe Contract sf^makeagood faitheffort to resolve the dispute If the dispute cannot be resolved:by agreement,then the department with the advice ofthe City Attorney and the i^N|l|inrANT shall rule ^n the disputed issue and send a written copy of its decision to the CONTRACTOR.CONTRACTOR shall comply with such decision and shall notdelay the project. Atm^Eii^GyA IS.I;The :C<^1T^(^OR syil guarantee and unconditionally warrant through either the manufacturer orthe CpNTRAGTORldirect^all materials and equlpmpn^fornisbed and Work performed for patent pefecjiye W^k for a period ofcme(I)year from the date ofFinal A&cejpmte as indicated in the CONSULTANT Letterof Reeornmendation of Acceptance or from the cfete when the defect was first observable*whichew ^yearrifromthedate of Final Ac^ Recommendation of Accep©no5 ^latent Defective Work.The CITY WiM give notice of observed defects withreasonable promptness.inmeeve^tthatthe^O correct such Defective Work within ten (J 0}calendar days after having received:written notice of the defect;Or should,the CONTACTOR commence the corrective work,,but fail to prosecute the corrective vvorkconttexious^and cogently and in accordance with the Contract Documents;applicable Jaw,rules;ajnd regulations^the CITY may declarean event ofdefault,terrftjriate the ^ntract in whofe or in part aid cause tfeOefegtiye Workto fee removed or corrected and to itor^pJete the Workatthe CONTRACTOR'S expense,and the CFff sh#charge the CONTRACTOR the cost thereby incurred. ^he Performance,Bond shall remain in fell force andl effect through the guarantee period I3-1 Tie specific warranty periods listed inthe Contract Documents,ifdiisrent from the period oftime listed in Section 13.1,shalllake precedenceov^ j33 p^TRACTOR shall act as agent,on a limited basis for the OWNER^at the CITY's option,*oie(y for '^*folfow^upconcerning warranty oompiiance for ail items under manufacturers Warran^©uarantee said for the purpose of completing ail forms for Warranty/Guarantee coverage under this Contract. 134 In case of default bytheCONTRACTOR,theCity of South Miami may procure the articles or services tern other sources and hold the CONTRACTOR responsible for any excess costs OcGasioned or incurred thereby. 13J The CITY may Withhold acceptance of;orreject items which are found Upon examjnatiqni notto meet the specification requirements^Upon written notification of rejection)items shall be removed within five 52 (5)business days by the CONTRACTOR at his own expense and redelivered at his expense.Rejected goods left longer than thirty (30)calendar days shall be regarded as abandoned and the City shall have the right to dispose ofthem as its own property and the CONTRACTOR,thereby waives any claim to the good or to compensation of any kind.Rejection for Non-conforming Work or failure to meet delivery schedules may result in the Contract being found in default ARTICLE 14 -PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION Payments to Contractor 14,1 The Contractor shall not be entitled to any money for any Work performed before the issuance ofa Notice to Proceed on the form described in the Contract Documents and the issuance by the City ofa "purchase order**,or any other document,does notand shall not authorfee the commencement ofthe Work.Atleast ten (10)calendar days before each progress payment falls due (but not more often than once a month),the CONTRACTOR shall submit to the CONSULTANT a partial payment estimate filled outand-signed by the CONTRACTOR covering the Work performed during the period covered by the partial payment estimate and supported by such data as the CONSULTANT may reasonabfy require.Alt prog-ess payment applications after she first progress payment shall be accompanied by partial releases of lien executed by all persons,firms and corporations who.have furnished labor,services qr materials incorporated into the woricduring the period of time for which the previous progress payment was made, releastngsuch claims and lien rights,if any,ofthose persons.If payment is requested on the basis of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work but delivered and suitably stored atornear site, the partial payment estimate shall also be accompanied by such supporting data,satisfactory to the CITY, which establishes the OWNERS title tothematerial and equipment as well as certificates of insurance providing coverage for \W%of the value of said material and equipment coveringthe material and equipment from all casualties as weir as theft,vandalism,fire and flood.The CONTRACTOR shall replace at its expense any stored materials paid for which are either damaged or stolen before installation.The CONSULTANT will within ten (10)calendar days after receipt ofeach partial payment estimate,either certifying in writing Its approval of payment and present the partial payment estimate to the OWNER,or rettirn the partial payment estimate to the CONTRACTOR,indicating in writing1 his reasons for refusing to approve payment.Inthe latter case,the CONTRACTOR may make the.necessary corrections and resubmit the partial payment estimate.The OWNER,will withih thirty (30)calendar days ofpresentation toitof any approved partial payment estimate,pay the CONTRACTOR a progress payment on the basis of ths approved partial payment estimate.The OWNERshall retain ten (IG%);percent ofthe amount of each payment until final Completion and Acceptance of all Work covered oy the Contract Documents, Any Interest earned onthe retainage shall accrue tothe benefit of the OWNER. 142 The CONTRACTOR,before ft shall recelye final payment,shall deliver to the CITY a Contractor's Final Payment Affidavit assetforthinthe Florida Construction Lieh Statuteas well as final releases of lien executed by all persons Who have performed or furnished labor,services or materials,directly or indirectly,which Was incorporated into the Work.If any person refuses to provide s&ch a release or provides a conditional release,the CITY shall have the right to issue a joint check made payable to the CONTRACTOR and such person.^ Contractor^Warranty ofTitle \43 7he£®^vyarrants and guarantees that title toall Work,materials and equfipm^by an Applk^n for Pap^ j^ihaflha^ ofajlje^cfeftnA security interest and encumbrances hereafter in the$e ^General Conditions referred to as !lfens%and that no Worfc materials or equipment,covered by art Application forfaymenti wi)j have Semac^ fernishih|materials and equipment for the Project^under or pUrsua;g»t to an agreement under Which an In^rei^^reiiH ^encumbrance thereqi*is retained by the seller or^therWise impeded by the CONTiy^CTOR or such other person, Apprc^^p^me:nt 14*4 TheOQNSUCTANf^approval of any paythent requested in an Application for Payment shall cortstitutea rei^ese^ion hyhim to the CITY,based on weCCWSULTANT 's bit sfteobseTyationsof theWorkin progress asan e^ertenced professional and on his review of the Application for fcpnejrit and supporting data,that:the Work has progressed tothe point indicated in theApplication for Payment;that,tothe S3 besthisknowledge,information and belief the quality oftheWorkisin accordance with the Contract Documents (subject to an evaluation oftheWork as a functioning Project upon substantial completion as defined in Article 11,tothe results of any subsequent tests called for inthe Contract Documents and any qualifkajtipns stated inhis approval):;and thatthe CONTRACTOR is entitled to pa^ftTent ofthe amount approved,However,byapproving any such payment the CONSULTANT shall not thereby he deemed to have represented thathe made exhaustive or continuous pn^site observations to check the quality or the quantitv oftheWork,or that he has reviewed the means,,methods*techniques,sequences and procedures of construction or that he had made any examination to ascertain howOr for What purpose the CONTRACTOR has used the Moneys paid ortobe paid to him onaccount ofthe Contract Pricey or that title to any Work,materials,or equipment has passed to the OWNER free and clear of any liens. 143 the d<^Tl^CTOR shall make the following certification on each request for payment: "I hereby certify thatthe labor and materials listed on this request for payment have been used in thf construction ofthis Work and that all materials included inthis request for payment:and notyet incorporated into the construction are now onthe site or stored at an approved location*and payment received (from the last request for payment has been used to make payments to all his Subcontractors and siippBers,except forthe founts listed below besidetne names ofthe persons who performed work onsupplted materials". •Iff the event that the CONTRACTOR withholds payment from a•Subcontractor or Su jpplfer the same amount ofmoney shall be withheld from the CC3^payment until the tesmis resolved by ^rfttenag^eement between them and then a joint check shall befpz.de payable |p ifee person in question mdthe CONT^CTORin accordance with the settlement agreement,Otherwise themoiley shall be heldby the OWNERuntil apidgment isenteredin f^roJf the CONTRACTORor ^ case the moneyshall be paid according with said judgment:Nothing contained herein shall indicate an Went to.i benefitany third persons whoarenot signatories to th^ 14.6 The CONSULTANT mayrefiise toapprove theWhole or a^ Enable to make sjtjch representations to the OWNER as required this Section f4 It may also refuse to approve any payiieift orit inlay void any prior payment application certification because of subsequeftt^ dfeco^ei^d feVidence of the results 0 subsequent inspection or tests to such extent as may he necessary i(n Its opinfonto protectthe OWNIR fromloss because: 14 AI of Defecti!#V^brki or completed Work has been damaged requiring correction orrepfacement, M&2 the Wbrk^for which payment W&t ffeims^of Liens have been filed or received,or there is reasonable evidence:indicating the probable fiftng^or rlceipt ^ereofi I4&4 the Contract Pricehasbeenreducedbecauseof modificati^^ iMS-the CITY has correct Defective Work or completed the Work;in accordance with Artfete 13. I4i6;6 Of Ufis^pfac^ory prosecution up as required ^paragraphs 6_9 and 430, 14i6.7 of persfstent^feflure to cooperate with other contactors onthe Project and persistent failure to tmfy out theWork In accordance with tl^Cont I4^ft ctfltqii^^ _.J4;6iS ofany other violation of,or feilure to comply with prpym^^ 14^}WtpfM ^ay use any completed or substantially ee^D^^usedoesnotinterfere with tne ^NTRACTQR^completion oftheWork.Such Me shall notconstitute an acceptance of such portions ofjhzifark 14.8 The CITY shall haye the right to enter the premises for the purpose of doing Work not covered by the ContractDocuments.Thisprovision shall ^ re5pensibil%for the care and jprotectidn ofthe Work ortherestoration ofany damaged Work except such as may b^^ 14.9 Upon completion and atieptance ofthe Wfork the CONSUL^NT shall issue a Certificate attached to the final Application for Payment that the Work has been accepted by ft under the conditions ofthe Contract l&c^nient^The entire balance found tobedue the CONTRACTOR,Including the retained percentages,but except such sums as may beJaWfeliy retained bythe OVVNER,shall be paid to the X^NTR^CTOR within thirty (30)calendar days of completion and acceptance of the Work. 54 14,10 Upon The awarded CONTRACTOR will be strongly encouraged to register as an ePayables Vendor with the Owner,The Bank of America ePayables Solution is an automated card payment process that shifts accounts payable disbursements to corporate purchasing cards.ePayables,streamline the process of making payments to your organization going forward,the City will provide the CONTRACTOR with a credit card account number to keep on fife This card has unique security features,with $0of available funds until an invoice ii approved for payment.After an invoice has received proper and complete approval,an electronic remittance advice will besentvia e-mail,or fax,which notifies the CONTRACTOR that the funds have been transferred in to the account linked tothe card for the amount listed on the invoice and/or remittance email.Please refer to the ePayables Questions &Answers Form contained mthis RFP orcontact the OWNER'S Finance department at (305)663-6343 With any questions. Acceotanceof Final Payment as Release I4.i I The Acceptance by the CONTRACTOR of Final Payment shall be and shall operate as a release tothe OWNER and awaiver ofall claims and all liability to the CONTRACTOR other than claims previously filed and unresolved.The waiver shall include all things done or furnished in connection with the Work and for every act and neglect ofthe OWNER and others relating toor arising out.of this Work.Any payment,however,final or otherwise,shall not release the CONTRACTOR orits sureties from any obligations under the Contract Documents orthe Performance Bond and Payment Bonds. 14.(2 The CONSULTANT may vojd any certification ofSubstantial Completion or Final Completion ofthe Work as maybe necessary in his opinion to protect the OVWER from loss ifhe determines,because of subsequently discovered evidence orthe results of subsequent inspection or tests,that 14.12.1 the Work is defective,or that the completed Work has been damaged due.to the fault ofthe CONTRACTOR or any individual or entity operating under orthrough "it requiring correction or replacement totheextentthat the project isno longer Substantially Completed,pr In the case of Final Completion certification,is no longer Finally Competed. 14.12.2 theWork necessary to be completed for the purpose ofcertifying the work as being Substantially Completed or Finally Completed cannot be verified, 14.12.3 claims or Liens have been fiied or received,or there is reasonable evidence indicating the probable filing or receipt thereof that,if valid and paid,would reduce the amount owing to the CONTJ4ACTOR BY 20%in the case of Substantial Completion and 5%in the case of Final Completion. 14.114 there is Defective Work thevalue ofwhich,if deducted from the contract price would reduce the amount owing tothe CONTRACTOR BY 20%in the case of Substantial Completion and 5% in the case,pf Final Completion. 14.13 If the CONSULTANT de-certifies any portion ofthe Work that was certified ("Initial Certification*)by the CONSULTANT,the CONTRACTORS!repay to the City ofSouth Kfcmi any money paid as a result of said Initial Certification being issued which shall be paid only when the decertified work Is re certified. ARTICLE 15 -SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION. IS.I The CITY may,atany time and without cause,suspend the Work orany portion thereof for a period of notmore than ninety (98>calendar days by notice In writing tothe CONTRACTOR and the CONSULTANT,which shall fee thedateon which Work shall he resumed.The CONTRACTOR shall be allowed an increase in the Contract Price oran extension,ofthe Contract Tfmei or both,directly attributable to any suspension andifa claim is timely made and ifitis allowed underthetermsof Articles II OrArticle 12. Qffl^Te^^ benefit ofpscreditors*or £a trustee or receiver fr appointed for the CONli^CTOR or for aiy its property,or if fee fifes a petition totakesdyan&g%of any debtor%act*orto reor^anfee mdet bankruptcy or similar laws,or if he repeatedlyfMls:to supply stifc^workmep #r ^^fe naaMMs W equip^eint,$r ifhe repeatedly fails to make prompt payments to SubcOMmctors or for tabor*materials or equipment ©r he disrejgatds Taws*Cirdihances,rules,replations or orders of-any public body haying jurlsdte^ni or if bertiisre^rds the authority ofthe &NSUOttN^or if he t^rWfse vieja^s any provision OR the Cohtiia*t>ocjumen^s then theCITY may,without prejudice to any other tight or remedy and after giving the CONTRACTOR and the Surety seven (7)calendar days written notice, 55 terminate the services of the CONTRACTOR andtakepossessionof the Project and ofall materials, equipment,tools,construction equipment and machinery thereon owned bythe CONTRACTOR,and finish theWorkby whatever method it may deem expedient.In such case the CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is finished.Ifthe unpaid balance of the Contract Price exceedsthe direct and indirect costs of completing the Project,including compensation for additional professional services^such excess shall be paid tothe CONTRACTOR,Ifsuch costs exceed such unpaid balance*the CONTRACTOR Or the Surei^On thel^r^rrnance Bond shall pay the difference to theOWNER.Such costs incurred bythe OWN ER shall bedetermined by the CONSULTANT and incorporated ina Change Order. If after tormination of theCONTRACTOR under this Section,itis determined by a court of competent jurisdiction foranyreasonthattheCONTRACTORwasnot In default,the rights and Obligations oftfce OWNER and the CONTRACTOR shall be the:same as if the termination had been issued pursuant to Section 15.5 1.5,3-Where tfe C£^have been so terminated bythe CITY said termination shall not affect any rights of the OWNER against the CONTRACTOR then existing or which may thereafter accrue,Any retention or paymentof moneys by tbeOWNER due the CONTRACTOR shall not rejease the C^TRACTXiRfr^ 15.4 Upon seven ^calendar days written notice to the ^NTR#5TORand the CONSULTANT^the CITY may*v^thout cause and withoutprejudice to any Other right or repiedy^eject to terrninatethe Contract forthe convenience of the OWNER.In such case,the CONTRACTOR shall be paid for ail Work executed and accepted bythe CITY as ofthe date of the termJnatiqn*minus any deduction for damage or DefectiveWork.Nopayment shall bemade IS;4A the pTY reserves the right in the event the CONTRACTOR cannot provide an ite1rn($)orM(^icefs5 in a tihfejy mannerM requested,toobtain the good and/or services from other sources and deducting the costifrOm the Contract Price without violating the intent of the Goniraci Removal of Equipment 15.5 In;theCase oftorniihatiOn of this Contract before #mpletion for any cause whatever,the CONTRACTOR^If notified todosobythe CITY,shall promptly removeany part or all ofits equipment and supplies from the properly ofthe OWNER.Should the CONTRACTS equipment and stipp|ies,:the QtY/shail have the,right to remove them atthe expense ofthe CONTRACTOR and the CONTRACTOR agrees:that tlfe OWNER shall mot be liable for loss or damage to such equipment or supplies;Equipment and supplies shall not be construed to include such ifemsfor Which the CONTRACTOR has been paid in Wholeprm part Contractor Nay StopWork or Terminate 15.6 If,through noactor fault ofthe CONTRACTOR,theWork is suspended for a period of more than ninety (90)calendar days by the CITY orbyorder ofother public authority,or under an order of court Or the CONSUD^ANT fails to act on any Application for Payment within thirty poj cafendar days aifer it is submitted,or the OWNER fails to pay jthe COOT^GtOR any sumapproyed by the CONSULTANT, Within thirty |3<$cafendar days ofits approval and presenta^ort,then tie ^NT^C^rv may,upon Wemy$Q)calendar days Written notice to the CITY and the COr^UWANT,terminate the extract, The CrTTY niay i^^the delay or neglect within thetwenty (2Q$calendar day time frame Iftimely remedied by the CITY jthe Contract shall not be considered terminated,In lieu of terminating the Contract,ifthe QBNSULTANT has felled to act onan Application for Payment ortheOWNER has foiled to ma(c0 arty payiiejvt as afore safet theCONTRACTOR may upon ten piOJ calenjdar days"notice to the CITY and the CONSULTANT stopthe Work until it has heen paid all amounts thendue Indemnification of independent Consultant 15.7 the CONTRACTOR and meCl^an independent contractor of the OWNER*the;CONSULTANT may be reluctant to rule on any disputes concerning the ^ntir^^qcjunenjts or on ^e performance ofthe CONTRACTOR orthe -OWNER pursuant to the terras ofthe Contract Documents.Therefore,the OWNER,at the COjr^ULTANT*s request,agrees to provide the CONSULTANT with a written indemnification and hold harmless agreement to indemnify and hold the CONSULTANT harmless as to any decision in this regard before the CONSULTANT makes 56 an interpretation,decertifies a payment application,decertifies Substantial Completion,decertifies Final Completion*certifies an event of default,or approves any action which requires the approval ofthe CONSULTANT. ARTICLE j*-MFSCgtAANEQUS, 16J Whenever any provision ofthe Contract Documents requires the giving ofwritten notice it shall be deemed to have been validly given if delivered in person tothe individual ortoa member ofthe firm or toan officer ofthe corporation for whom it is intended,orifdelivered ator sent by registered or certified mail,postage prepaid,tothe last known business address, 16.2 The Contract Documents shall remain the property ofthe OWNER,The CONTRACTOR and the CONSULTANT shall have the right to keep one record setofthe Contract Documents upon completion ofthe Project 163 The duties and obligations imposed by these General Conditions,5pecial Conditions and Supplementary Conditions,If any,and the rights and remedies available hereunder,and,in particular but without limitation,thewarranties,guarantees and obligations imposed upon CONTRACTOR hy the Contract Documen^and the rigtits and remedies available to the OWNER and CONSULTANT thereunder^shall beinaddition to,and shall notbe construed In any way asa limitation oi any rights and remedies available by Jaw,byspecial guarantee or byother provisions ofthe Contract Documents. 16.4 Should the OVVNER or the CONTRACTOR suffer injury or damage to its person or property because of any error*omission,or act of the other orofany oftheir employees or agents or others for^hose acts they are legally liable,claim shall be made in writing to the other party within twenty one (21)calendar days ofthefirst observance of such injury or damage. ARTICLE J7-WAIVER QP fURY TRIAL 17.J OWNER and CONTRACTOR kffowingly,irrevocably voluntarily and intentionally waive any right either may have toa trial byfury fn State or Federal Court proceedings in respect to any action*proceeding, lawsuit or counterclaim arising out ofthe Contract Documents orthe performance ofthe Work thereunder. ARTICLE IE-ATTORNEYS PEES lURISDICTION /VENUE /GOVERNING LAW. IS,I The Contract shall be construed In accordance with and governed by the law of the State of Florida. IB.2 The parties submit tothe jurisdiction ofany court of competent jurisdiction in Florida regarding any claim or action arising outpf or relating tothe Contract or Contract Documents.Venue ofany action to enforce theContract shall be in Miami-Dade County,Florida, \~B3 Jpccept as may be otherwise provided in the Contract Documents,all claims,counterclaims,disputes and other matters in question between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR arising out ofor relating to this Contractor the breach thereof,shall be decided in a court of competent jurisdiction within the State of Florida ARTICLE 19.PROJECT RECORDS. f9.|The CITY shall have right to inspect and copy during regular business hours at OWNER'S expense^the books and records and accounts of CONTRACTOR which relate in any way tothe Project,and to.any claim for additional compensation made by CONTRACTOR,and ta conductanauditofthe financial and accounting recordsof CONTRACTOR which relatetothe Project,CGNTRACTOftshali retain ^nd makeavailable to CITY all.suchbooksand record&and accounts,financial or otherwise*whichrelateto the Project and to any cbim fora period ofthree (3}years following final completion ofthe Project During the Project and thethree (3)year period following final completion ofthe Project, CONTRACTOR shall provide CITY access to its books and records upon five (5)business da/s written notice, 192 CONTRACTOR and all of its subcontractors are required to comply With the public records law isLi )9*0701)while providing services on behalf ofthe OWNER and the CONTRACTOR,under such conditions*shallincorporatethis paragraph in all ofits subcontracts forthis Project.CONTRACTOR and Itssubcontractors are specifically required to:(a)Keep and maintain public records that ordinarily and necessarily would be required by the public agency in order to perform the service;(b)Provide the public withaccess to public records onthe same terms and conditions thatthe public agency would providetherecordsandatacostthatdoesnotexceedthecostprovidedinthischapteroras otherwise 57 provided by law;(c)Ensure that public records thatare exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements arenot disclosed except as authorized by law,and(d)Meet all requirements for retaining public records and transfer,atno cost tothe public agency all public records in possession ofthe contractor upon termination ofthe contract and destroy any duplicate public records thatare exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements.All records stored electronically must be provided tothe public agency in a format thatis compatible with the information technology systems ofthe public agency. 19.3 If CONTRACCTOR or its subcontractor does not comply with a public records request the CITY shall have the right to enforce this contraa provision by specific performance and the person who violates this provision shall be liable to OWNER for its costs of enforcing this provision,including attorney fees incurred in all proceedings,whether administrative or civil court and in all appellate proceedings. ARTICLE 20 -SEVERABILITY. 20.1 If any provision ofthe Contract or the application thereof to any person or situation shall to any extent be held invalid or unenforceable,the remainder ofthe Contract and the application ofsuch provisions to persons or situations other thanthoseastowhichit shaM havebeenheld invalid or unenforceable shall notbe affected thereby,and shall continue in foil forceandeffectandbeenforcedtothe fullest extent permitted bylaw. ARTICLE It -INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR 21.1 The CONTRACTOR is an independent CONTRACTOR under the Contract Services provided by the CONTRACTOR shaU be by employees of the CONTRACTOR and subject to supervision by the CONTRACTOR,and not as officers,employees,or agents ofthe OWNER.Personnel policies,tax responsibilities,social security and health insurance,employee benefits,purchasing policies and other similar administrative procedures,applicable to services renderedundertheContract shall bethoseof the CONTRACTOR. ARTICLE M -A$SHiNM6NT» 211 The CONTRACTOR shall not transfer or assign any of its rights or duties,obligations and responsibilities arising under die terms,conditions and provisions ofthis Contract without prior written consent ofthe Gey Manager.The CITY will not unreasonably withhold and/or delay its consent to the assignment ofthe CONTRACTOR'S rights.The CITY may,in itssole and absolute discretion,refuse to allow the CONTRACTOR to assign its duties,obligations and responsibilities.In any event the CITY shall not consent to such assignment unless CONTRACTOR remains jointly and severally liable for any breach of the Agreement by the assignee,the assignee meets all of the CITY's requirements to the CRTs sole satisfaction and the assignee executes all ofthe Contract Documents thatwere required tobe executed by che CONTRACTOR IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto haveexecuted the General Conditions to acknowledge theirinclusionaspartoftheContractDocumentsonthis/S^day of ^e^suAj^.20 lT% CONTRACTS Qpfffiftd.Construc Print Signatory': Titleof Signatory:President OWNER: Signature: 58 B. EXHIBIT 8 Supplementary Conditions Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements RFP#PW-20l5-20 Consultant:In accordance with ARTICLE I ofthe General Conditions CONSULTANT is defined as the person identified as the CONSULTANT in the Supplementary Conditions or if none,then CITY's designated representative as identified in the Supplementary Conditions.The CONSULTANTS,if any, ami the Cit/s Designated Representative's name,address,telephone number and facsimile number are as follows: Consultant:T,Y#Lyiui/HJ Ross 201 Alhambra Circle,Suite900 Coral Gables,Fl 33134 Phone:305/567-1888 Fax:305/S67-I77I Termination or Substitution of Consultant:Nothing herein shall prevent the CITY from terminating the services ofthe CONSULTANT or from substituting another "person"to act as the CONSULTANT Plans for Construction:The successful CONTRACTOR will be furnished one (I)sets of Contract Documents without charge.Any additional copies required w«be furnished to the CONTRACTOR at a costtothe CONTRACTOR equal tothe reproduction The Scope of Services,also referred to as the Work in the contract documents,is as set for*in the RFP and in the attached EXHIBIT I and if there is a conflict the attached Exhibit shall take precedence. Contractor shall comply with die insurance and indemnification requirements as set forth in the RFP and in the attached EXHIBIT 2 and If there Is a conflict the attached Exhibit shall take precedence. The Work shall be completed In 75 calendar days unless a shorter time is set forth in the Contract and in such event the Contraa shall take precedent notwithstanding any provision in the General Conditions tothe Contract that may betothe contrary.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have^executed the Suoplementary Conditions to acknowledge their inclusion as part ofthe Contract on this 15 day of ^of^d^tr-,20 ^ CONTRACTOR Signati PrintSignatory's N Titleof Signatory: OWNER:CIPTOF SOUTH MIAMI Signature: D. F. 59 Steven Alexander City Manager ??/V/ti^miSouth*Miami Tllf (IIYOf J'UASAM UVIM'. ADDENDUM No.#1 Project Name:Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming improvements RFP NO.#PW-2015-20 Date:July28.2015 Sent:Fax/E-mail/webpage Thisaddendumsubmissionisissuedto clarify,supplement and/or modify the previouslyissued Solicitation,andisherebymadepartoftheDocuments.All requirementsof the Documents not modified hereinshallremainin full forceandeffectas originally set forth.Itshallbethe sole responsibility ofthebiddertosecure Addendums thatmaybeissuedfora specific solicitation. Question #1: Couldyoupleaseprovidearoughestimateoftheprojectvaluefortheprojectlisted above? Answer to Question #1: Thebudget line itemforthisprojectinthe Cit/s Adopted Budget for FY 2014 -2015,Capital ImprovementProgram5-YearPlanis $140,000. IT SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BIDDER TO SECURE ADDENDUMS THAT MAY BE ISSUED FOR A SPECIFIC SOLICITATION. Page1 of1 60 South"Miami 1MI (ITYCM-PUASA.M 1IVIM; ADDENDUM No.#2 Project Name:Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements RFP NO.#PW-2015-20 Date:July 30,2015 Sent;Fax/E-mail/webpage This addendum submission is issued to clarify,supplement and/or modify the previously issued Solicitation,andisherebymadepartofthe Documents.All requirements oftheDocuments not modified herein shall remain in full forceand effect as originally setforth.It shall bethe sole responsibility ofthebiddertosecure Addendums that may be issued fora specific solicitation. SPECIAL NOTE:Theproposed Traffic Calming Circle included inthe plans as Exhibit l9 Attachment B inthe RFP,isunder Miami-Dade County Review.Ifthe Traffic Calming Circle is not approvedby Miami DadeCounty,theCity will notproceedwithconstructingthe Traffic CalmingCircle.Therefore,the "Construct/on Bid Form/9 Exhibit4,is amended and attachedto Addendum No.2and shall beapartofthe RFP bywayof reference. Respondentsshallsubmittwopriceproposals; (I)a "Lump Sum Price"fortheentireprojectasdepictedintheplans,Exhibit I, Attachment B and; (2),a "Lump Sum Price"WITHOUT theTraffic Calming Circleintheevent Miami-Dade County doesnotapprovethe Traffic Circle. Respondents shall submit therevised "Construction Bid Form"dated July 30,2015 withtheir proposal. IT SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BIDDER TO SECURE ADDENDUMS THAT MAY BE ISSUED FOR A SPECIFIC SOLICITATION. Page1 of4 61 MMiamiSouth'Miami l\ik <1TY <)\VI f ASAM LfYlNC. ADDENDUM No.#3 Project Name:Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements RFP NO.#PW-20I5-20 Date:August4,2015 Sent:Fax/E-mail/webpage Thisaddendumsubmissionisissuedto clarify,supplementand/or modify thepreviouslyissued Solicitation,andisherebymadepartoftheDocuments.All requirementsoftheDocuments not modified hereinshallremainin full forceandeffectasoriginally set forth.Itshallbe the sole responsibility ofthebiddertosecure Addendums thatmaybeissuedfora specific solicitation. 1.In theabove project ifyoulookat sheet 11 andsheet4inthe center ofthecircle should besod,butthecrosssectionD-Donsheet4is showing pavers instead ofsod. Please clarify. RESPONSE: The detail in sectionD-Donsheet4is showing a hatch similar to pavers inthecenter ofthe traffic circle.Thecenter ofthe circleisto have sod,asper plan view. 2.Note I insheet4 say:"Contractor to repair existing pavement damaged during installation of traffic calming devices.Cost shall be incidental to contract price."Doesmeanthatthecostfor asphalt repair will be reimbursable? RESPONSE: No.Thecontractoris responsible forany damage tothe existing pavement caused by his work, 3.Isarevised Schedule of Values available thatdepictsa Lump Sum Base Pricewithout the TrafficCalmingCircle? Page1 of5 62 RESPONSE: A revised schedule of values for Mango Terrace is attached,and shall beapartofthe RFP by way reference.This schedule of values is fortheentire project.Respondents shall subtract all items related tothe traffic circle forthe Lump Sum Base Price (Without Traffic Calming Circle). 4.Is there any traffic signalization orstreet lighting for this project? RESPONSE: No. IT SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BIDDER TO SECURE ADDENDUMS THAT MAY BE ISSUED FOR A SPECIFIC SOLICITATION. Page2 of5 63 Project Information FL City Community Redevelopment Agency Roadway and Sanitary Sewer Improvements P/tyecf#10-01904 SBDD Culvert Replacement No Contrdct/ProjocW Assigned electrical Rehabilitation @ Fort Jefferson National Park Dry Tortuges,FL Owner US Government CDBG Spaed Hump Installation Project*1180$ Frog City Air Boat Ramp ContmcmP12PC41070 Sidewalk Repair Phase II Contract*P0012076 Supply &Installation/Construction ofConcrete Sidewalks,Pads &CurbsDuring the Period February 1,2013 to January 31,2014 mm 2013-009 March 1,2014 to February 28,2015 Bkm 2014-016 Coreland Construction Past Construction Projects Client Information CityofFloridaCity Community Redevelop.Agency 404 west Palm Ortve Florida Ctty.FL 33034 CM:Rick Stauts 305-2474221 creexdin&flonktecitvfi.QQv SouthBroward Drainage District 6591 SW 130 Avenue Southwest Ranches,FL PM:Luis Ochoe 954-680-3337 d.Qffl National Park Service 40001 State Road 9336 Homestead,FL 33034 CO:WilliamLeady 305-242-7792 COTR:William SheDey 30&-242-7748 CityofFort LauderdeJe 100 North Andrews Avenue Ft Lauderdale,FL PM:Dane EsdeHe 954-828-6885 desdetle|^fortteuderc|ajle^ov US National Park Service 40001 State Road 9336 Homestead,FL 33034 PM:WffliamShelley 305-242-7748 wifliam 3heHev@nos.Qov Cityof South Miami 6130 Sunset Drive South Miami,FL 33143 PM:Jorge Vera 305-403-2072 iveraflftBouthmlamifl.oov CityofLauderhili 5561 W.Oakland Park Blvd. LauderWii,FL 33313 PM:Vlnce MJller 954-730-4233 yimltena>[fltKtorhtl).n,poy Contract Amount B 293.119 (lumpsum) $71,673 (lump turn) $320,712 (lump sum) $120.767 (tump sum) $45.348 (lump sum) $20.681 (Urmpeum) $91,619 (lump sum) -M- Completion Date Dec.2011 Dec.2012 Feb.2012 Jul.2012 Feb.2013 Apr.2013 Mar.2014 Project Description Installation of new sewer lines,abandonment of septic tanks and connection to new sewer lines,sitework,installation of new curbs and sidewalks, asphalt paving,striping,signage,landscaping. il Constr Installationof46"reinforced concrete pipe culvert and headwalls across roadway while maintaining egress fortraffic;expansion of roadway,grading, paving,and installation of guardrails. Complete rehabilitation/upgrade to electrical system atFort Jefferson National Park,inDry Tortugas,FL.Remote project site located70milesoffshorefrom Key West,FL,only accessible via boat /plane. general Construction; Installationof31 Mat topprofilespeed humps,38signs,striping,andallother related work. CoHstrgptiop,;penpal livefeillatiInstallation of pre-cast concrete rampforair boat/boat launching.Work incl.: turbidity/erosion control,excavation,grading,haul/disposal of waste material, installation of pre-cast concrete,rip rap. I Construction; Demolition and installationof sidewalks throughout multiple locations within Cityof South Miami. Slanket contract tosupply&install/construct concrete sidewalks,pads & curbs through individual purchase orders based on City's requirements/needs at various locations throughout Cityof Lauderhiil. Coreland Construction Past Construction Projects Project Information Client Information Contract Amount Completion Date Project Description $119,414 (tumpsum) Feb.2014 General Construcjoji; Transit Infrastructures &Bus Shelters Improvements WO#158$nA BrowardCountyTransit Dept 1N.UniversityDrive.24018 Plantation,fl PM:Arethia Douglas Install concretepads,curbs/gutters,&electrical and install new owner-provided bus shelter structures atfive different locationswithinBrowardCounty.Work conductedonroadways,requiring MOT plans/permits. National Park Service New Residence @ Ft Jefferson Dry Tortuga National Park GardenCoveKey,FL DRTCm 1$B911 US National Park Service 12795W.Alameda Parkway.Rm 311 Denver.Colorado CO:Damn Knapp,303-909-205$ COTR:Jose Baerga 305-242-7779 $1.152.000 (lumpsum) Apr.2014 General CorisJmetjon; New construction ofsixunit residence structure to house park staff Trades:Sitework.Concrete/Masonry,Roofing,Plumbing,Electrical, Mechanical,FireSprinklers/Protection.Windows/Doors,Finishes,etc. 65 Coreland Construction Corp. Home Office Organization Chart&Proposed Project Organization Chart Monica Hernandez President Insurance Personnel Marketing &Ciistomer Relations :.Alvaro Medina Construction Manager ;Oscar Beltrari Superintendent I Contract Adrhin. Proposed Project Personnel Construction Personnel/Labor Nestor Hernandez Sr.Project Manager 66 .Nestor Hernandez VP Estimating Project Admin. EDUCATION /LICENSES: NESTOR J.HERNANDEZ 7335 SW 142 Terrace PalmettoBay,FL33158 nhernande2@corelandconstruction.com Florida Licensed General Contractor -CQC1510780 Miami-Dade Community College -Course study focusing in architecture MiamiSeniorHighSchool PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Coreland Construction Corp.-Vice President (1995 -Present),President (1988 -1995) Dutiesandresponsibilitiesinclude: Estimating-attending pre-bid meeting to familiarize site conditions (etc.),reviewing plans and specifications,preparing detailed materials/labor take-off,analyzing and comparing sub-trade bids,finalizing final bid estimate andbid documents for submittal.Soliciting potential work (bid journals,invitations to bid,etc.),preparing &sending invitations tobidto sub- trades and suppliers,preparing &distributing bidding packages to sub-trades and suppliers,preparing pre-bid RFPs (requests for information). Project Management -preparing project schedule,schedule of values,attending pre-construction and construction meetings,preparing/reviewing product specifications submittals,coordinating/scheduling labor &subcontractors,preparing RFJs/correspondence,overseeing field work/progress of work to comply with contract documents,preparing monthly paymentrequisitions. Amcon Inc.-VicePresident (1994 -1996) Dutiesandresponsibilitiesincluded; Estimating -attending pre-bid meeting to familiarize site conditions (etc.),reviewing plans and specifications,preparing detailed materials/labor take-off,analyzing and comparing sub-trade bids,finalizing final bid estimate and bid documents for submittal.Soliciting potential work (bid journals,invitations to bid,etc.),preparing &sending invitations tobidto sub- tradesandsuppliers,preparing &distributing biddingpackagestosub-tradesandsuppliers,preparingpre-bid RFl's (requestsforinformation). Project Management -preparing projectschedule,schedule of values,attending pre-construction and construction meetings,preparing/reviewing product specifications submittals,coordinating/scheduling labor &subcontractors,preparing RFIs/correspondence,overseeing field work/progress ofworkto comply withcontractdocuments,preparing monthly paymentrequisitions. Status Construction -Superintendent (1987 -1988) Duties and responsibilities included:coordinating/scheduling labor and materials deliveries,overseeing labor, subcontractors andprogressofworktocomplywith drawings/code,maintaining dailyjobreportsandlabortimesheets. Deco TrussCorp.-Draftsman/Plantoperationssupervisor (1984 -1987) Dutiesand responsibilities included:designanddraftingoftrusslayoutplans,preparing engineering cutsheets,jobsite trouble shooting,overseeingmanufacturing plant operations. COMPUTER SKILLS /SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Microsoft Project QuickBooksPro Carpenterbytrade(finishandrough) Hands-on experienceinsite preparation,building layout,shell construction,settingwoodtrussesandotherscopeofwork. 67 Coreland Construction Woman-Owned Busitnss SBA Certified Small Diwthwttagi-d Buxrnew StutcofFlorida Minority fitishirsx Enterprise (MBE) Mkmu-Dttde CountyCommunity SmaltBusinessEnterprise K'SBEj Government References 1.Mr.Jerry Lopez,Contracting Officer United States Coast Guard BSUMiami(fp) 909 SE First Avenue,Suite 512 Miami,FL 33159 Phone:305-415-7085 Fax:305-415-7092 JERRY.LQPEZ(%USCG.M1L Type of Projectfsl:Multiple projects from 2008-present withscopeof work ranging from interior renovations,ramp/deck, electrical. 2.Mr.Rick Stauts City of Florida City 404 W.Palm Drive FloridaCity,FL33034 Phone:305-247-8221 CRAEXPIR£)FLORiPACITYFL.GOV Type of Proiect(s):Roadway improvements and construction of emergency generator building. 3.Mr.Darrin Knapp,ContractingOfficer US National Park Service Denver Service Center 12795 W.Alameda Parkway,Rm.311 Denver,CO Phone:303-969-2055 DARRIN KNAPP<S?NPS.GOV TvpeofProiect(s):New construction of6unit housing facility at Fort Jefferson,DryTortugas National Park. 12301 S.W.128*Court,Suite 107 •Miami,FL 33186 •305-233-1709 Office•305-233-1809 Fax www.coreIandconstruction.com 68 RICK SCOTT,GOVERNOR KEN LAWSON.SECRETARY STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD LICENSE NUMBER CGC058444 The GENERAL CONTRACTOR Named below IS CERTIFIED Under the provisions of Chapter 489 FS. Expiration date:AUG31,2016 HERNANDEZ,MONICA- CORELAND CONSTRUCTION CORP 12301 SW128TH COURT-SUITE.107 MIAMI FL33186- ISSUED;08/27/2014 DISPLAY AS REQUIRED BY LAW 49 SEQ#L1408270003523 CORECON-01 CRYSTAL sACORET CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MM/OD/YYYY) 4/22/2015 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED ASA MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLYANDCONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOESNOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND ORALTERTHECOVERAGE AFFORDED BYTHE POLICIES BELOW.THIS CERTIFICATE OFINSURANCEDOESNOTCONSTITUTEACONTRACTBETWEENTHEISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,ANDTHE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT:If thecertificateholderIsan ADDITIONAL INSURED,thepollcy(ies)must beendorsed.If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subjectto thetermsandconditions ofthe policy,certainpoliciesmay require anendorsement.A statement onthiscertificatedoesnot confer rightstothe certificate holder In lieuof such endorsements). PRODUCER Acrlsure,LLCd/b/a InSource 9600 South Dadefand Boulevard 41h Floor Miami,FL 33156-2867 Coreland Construction Corp. 12301 SW 128 Court,Suite 107 Miami,FL 33186 CONTACT NAME: E-MAIL ADORESS: 1Ja%n»):(305)670-9699 INSURERS)AFf OR0INO COVERAGE insurer a:Monroe Guaranty Ins.Co. insurer b:FOCI Insurance Company insurer c •• INSURER D: INSURER E: INSURER F: 10178 COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THATTHEPOLICIESOF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVEBEEN ISSUED TOTHE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FORTHEPOLICYPERIOD INDICATED.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT.TERMORCONDITIONOF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TOWHICHTHIS CERTIFICATE MAYBEISSUEDORMAY PERTAIN.THEINSURANCEAFFORDEDBYTHEPOLICIES DESCRIBED HEREINIS SUBJECT TOALLTHE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OFSUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAYHAVEBEEN REDUCED BYPAIDCLAIMS. INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE STJDL JUSQ. SUBR YWfT POLICY NUMBER POLICYEFFjPOLICYEXP (MM/DD/YYYY)fMM/DD/YYYY)UMITS A X|COMMERCIAL CE NERAL LIABILITY IE [_X_'OCCUR GL00151503 i 03/22/2015 {03/22/201$ EACH OCCURRENCE *$1,000,000 |j CLAIMS-MAT.DAMAGE~TO"RENTED~'~* PREMISES <Ea occurrence)$100,000 i MEDEXP(Anyoneperson)$5,000 1 i PERSONAL &AOV INJURY GENERAL AGGREGATE %1,000,000 *2,000,000GENtAGGREGATELIMITAPPLIESPER: POLICY |_Xj 5§Pf [XJlOC OTHER: PRODUCTS -COMP/OP AGG $2,000,000 $Includec B AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY CA0029372 1 03/22/2015 03/22/2016 COMBINED SINGLE UMIT (Ea aocldenti s 1,000,000 xl X ANY AUTO BODILYINJURY (Par person) BODILYINJURY(Peraccident)ALL OWNED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS X SCHEOULED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS $ PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident*s \s B It UMBRELLA LfAB EXCESS LIAB H OCCUR CLAiMS-MADE UMB0020134 12/05/2014 12/05/2015 -§*P.H PJp-QURRENCE $2,000,000 AGGREGATE $2,000,000 DEO 1 1 RET!ENTlONS •t B WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY y ,N ANVPROPRlETCMVPARTNHRyEXECUTlVe 1 1 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED?(Mandatory InNH)'' If yes.describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below N/A 001WC16A70677 ;v PER !!OTH-;!.^_SJAILrTE_.._i_ER.....j 03/22/2016 j03/22/2016 el eachaccident \%1,000,000 !EL.DISEASE -EA EMPLOYEE)%1,000,000 iE.LOISEASE -POLICY LIMIT :s 1,000,000 I ; | DESCRIPTION OFOPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (ACOR0101,Additional ReentriesSchedule,may be attachedifmore space b required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION City of South Miami 6130 Sunset Drive South Miami,FL 33143 i SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF.NOTICE WILL BE DELIVEREO IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25 (2014/01) 70 ©1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION.Ail rightsreserved. The ACORD name andlogoare registered marks of ACORD EXHIBIT #1 SCOPE OF SERVICES Attachment A Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements RFP#PW-20l5-20 I.Scope of Work: Scope ofworkthe construction of multiple speed tables within the City of South Miami. Work shall comply with applicable standards,including butnot limited totheFDOT and the Miami DadeCounty Public Works standards.Work covered underthis contract shall also include and is not limited to maintenance of traffic,milling,clearing and grubbing,asphalt placement,and striping and shall be reflected in Respondents Lump SumBasePrice,refer to Construction BidForm,EXHIBIT 4. Theconstructionistobeperformedper specifications andtheconstructiondocuments of "Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements,"prepared by T.Y.Lin International/H.J.Ross.This includes,but is not limited to,the furnishing of all goods, materials,supplies andservices,including but not limited to all laborof Contractor and all allowable subcontractors,disposal of materials,and costof machinery,tools, transportation,equipment rentalandpermits,to perform all ofthe Work described below and which is necessary to provide a completed projectthat meets all pfthe needs described in this Scope of Services and which the awarded vendor must obtain any and all permits required.The City will waive all City permit fees.Permits that may be required by other agencies will be the responsibility ofthe awarded vendor,including applicablefees. Work activity is limited to the hours from 7:00 a.m.through 6:00 p.m.,on weekdays from Monday through Friday unless authorized or directed otherwise by the City Manager. II.Site Locations: •SW 69 Avenue,between SW 74th Terrace and SW 80th Street •SW 75 Terrace,between SW 67 Avenue and SW 68 Court •SW 76 Terrace,between SW 67 Avenue and SW 69 Avenue •SW 77 Terrace,between SW 67 Avenue and SW 69 Avenue •SW 78 Terrace,between SW 67 Avenue and SW 69 Avenue ML Plans and Specifications: Plans prepared by T.Y.Lin International/H.J.Ross titled "Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements/9 EXHIBIT I,Attachment B,area part of this RFP by way of reference.SPECIAL NOTE:Respondents shall use the quantitieslistedinthe "Schedule of Values,"EXHIBIT I,Attachment A and NOT the values that appear in the plans in EXHIBIT /,Attachment B when preparing their submittal. 32 IV.Project Duration: The current estimate to complete construction of the project is 45 calendar days for substantial completion.Thermoplastic paint shall be installed 30 calendar days after substantial completion.75total calendar daysto final completion from issuance of Notice to Proceed. V.Project Funding: This projectis funded through City Funds. VI.Warranty: If equipment is being provided,the standard manufacturer's warranty information must be provided in writing for all equipment being proposed,including installation by an authorizeddealerbefore final payment is made. APerformanceandPaymentBondisrequiredfor the full amount ofthe project END OF SECTION 33 EXHIBIT #1 Attachment A Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements RFP#PW-20l5-20 'Schedule of Values" SPECIAL NOTE:Respondents shall use the quantities listed in the "Schedule of Values,"EXHIBIT I,Attachment A and NOT the values that appear in the plans in EXHIBIT I,Attachment B,when preparing their submittal. 34 PAY ITEM 101-1 102-1 110-1-1 210-2 285-711 327-70-1 334-1-13 164-4 520-2-2 520-2-4 570-1-2 0526-1-2 PAY iTEM 0700-20-12 0700-48-48 0706-3 711-1-6111 711-1-1123 711-1-6131 711-1-1180 711-1-6211 711-11-224 City of South Miami Mango Terrace Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Improvements • Schedule of Values ROADWAY PAY ITEM DESCRIPTION CLEARING AND GRUBBING (Includes removal ofasphalt pavement) MOBILIZATION MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC Limerock-New Material for Reworking Base (8W)new driveway Optional Base Group 11 (12*Limerock LBR 100,new driveway) MILLING EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT (0.5"AVERAGE)(at speed tables! SUPERPAVE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE,TRAFFIC C (110LBS/SY-IN.)(speed tables 3.5"Avg and new drivewav~ TYPE R STARII !7ATinM fiM /*r«ffi^~;,«i«~i ~~-i v f *'*'tTYPEBSTABILIZATION,6"(traffic circle andsodareas) CONCRETE CURB TYPE MB' CONCRETE CURB TYPE "D" PERFORMANCE TURF,SOD PAVERS (Raised Traffic Circle and Islands) Driveway Bricks SIGNINGANDPAVEMENTMARKING COMPLETE PERMITTING ALLOWANCE CONTINGENCY (DONOTBID) SIGNING AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS PAY ITEM DESCRIPTION SINGLE POST SIGN,F&l,12-20 SF SIGNPANELS RELOCATE.15 OR< RETRO-REFLECTIVE PAVEMENT MARKERS 6"SOLID TRAFFIC STRIPE (WHITE) 12"SOLIDTRAFFICSTRIPE (WHITE) 6"SKIP(2/4)TRAFFICSTRIPE (WHITE) STANDARD.WHITE.YIELDLINE 6"SOLIDTRAFFIC STRIPE (YELLOW) 18"SOLIDTRAFFICSTRIPE (YELLOW) 35 UNIT LS LS LS SY SY SY TN SY LF LF SY SY SY LS LS LS UNIT AS AS AS NM LF GM LF NM LF PLAN QUANTITY! 61 61 538 83 298 248 413 228 48 52 PLAN QUANTITY 54 1 41 0.01 1,078 0.01 30.00 0.12 10 EXHIBIT #1 Attachment B: Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements RFP#PW-20l5-20 Plans prepared by T.Y.Lin International/H.J.Ross 'Mango Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements/ 36 THE CITY OF PLEASANT LIVING LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE CITY OF SOUTH MIAh MANGO TERRACE NEh TRAFFIC CALMING IM, SW 69 AVE AND SW 75 TERR TRAFFIC CIRCLE SW 69 Ct SPEED TABLE SW 78 Terr SPEED TABLE SW 76 Terr SPEED TABLE SW 75 Terr SPEED TABLE SW 69 CT SPEED TABLE PREPARED FOR: CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI MIAMI-DADE COUNTY,FLORIDA WORK ZONE GENERAL NOTES: J.EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION AND CENTERLINE GEOMETRY SHOWN ON PLANS WERE TAKEN FROM THE SURVEY PREPARED BYAV ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS.PLANNERS AND SURVEYORS.DATED 09/10/2013, 2.ALL PUBLIC LAND CORNERS AND MONUMENTS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION ARETOBE PROTECTED BY THE CONTRACTORASFOL CORNERS ANDMONUMENTSINCONFLICT WITH THE WORK AND IN DANGEROF BEING DAMAGED.DESTROYED ORCOVEREDSHALLBEPRO, REFERENCED BYA REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS OF THE FLORIDA BOAI PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORKATTHAT SITE.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RETAIN THE LAND SURVEYC REFERENCE,AND RESTORE UPONCOMPLETIONOFTHE WORK,ALLSUCHCORNERSANDMONUMENTSANDSHALL FURNISH TOTHE ENGINl SIGNED AND SEALED COPYOF THE LAND SURVEYOR'S REFERENCE DRAWING.COST OF THIS WORK SHALL BE DEEMED INCIDENTAL U TOTAL PROJECT COST 3.THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THESE DRAWINGS IS SOLELYTO ASSIST THE CONTRACTOR IN ASSESSING THE NATURE AND EXTEt CONDITIONSWHICH WILL BEENCOUNTEREDDURINGTHECOURSEOFTHE WORK.THE CONTRACTORS ARE DIRECTED,PRIORTO 8/DO/A CONDUCTALL INVESTIGATIONS DEEMED NECESSARY TO ARRIVE AT THEIR OWN CONCLUSION REGARDING THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS THAT Wl ENCOUNTERED,ANDUPON WHICH BIDS WILL BE BASED. 4.PRIORTOCONSTRUCTIONTHE CONTRACTOR SHALLVERIFY/CONFIRM ALL TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY,INCLUDINGBUTNOTLIMITEDTO PROF CENTERLINES AND RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES AND SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OFANY DISCREPANCIES ENCOUNTERED. 5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALLNOTIFYTHECITYOFWEST MIAMI PUBLICWORKSDEPARTMENTATLEAST 48 HOURSPRIORTO COMMENCEMEI CONSTRUCTION. 6.ALL CONSTRUCTIONANDMATERIALSSHALL CONFORM TO ALL LATESTAPPLICABLE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS OFTHE Fb DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 7.THE CONTRACTOR SHALLBERESPONSIBLETOSATISFY ALL REQUIREMENTS OF ANY REGULATORY AGENCY PERMITSIN REGARD CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ANDRELATEDCONDITIONSPRIORTOTHESTARTOFCONSTRUCTION. 8.PRIORTOTHE COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDESUITABLE EQUIPMENT AND METHODS FOR THE DIS, OF STORM WATER FORTHE DURATION OFTHE PROJECT.COSTSHALLBEDEEMED INCIDENTAL TO THE TOTAL PROJECT COST. 9.THE CONTRACTOR'S ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE TRENCH SAFETY ACT (FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 553.60 ET. AND STANDARDS (29 C.FrR.SECTION 1926.650.SUB-PARTP)WHICH SHALL APPLY TO CONSTRUCTION,OPERATION.AND MAINTENANCE PUR: TO THIS AGREEMENT. 10.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ACCESS TO ALL ADJACENT PROPERTIES AT ALL TIMES UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE CITY. Ih THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT ENCROACH INTO PRIVATE PROPERTY WITH PERSONNEL,MATERIAL OR EQUIPMENT. 12.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOSE OF ALL EXCESS EXCAVATED MATERIAL AND DEBRIS TO AN APPROVED SITE IN A LEGAL MANNER . ADDITIONAL COSTTOTHE CITY,STOCKPILING OF MATERIAL IN ROADWAY IS NOT ALLOWED. 13.UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THE CONTRACTOR LEAVE EXCAVATED TRENCHES,OR PARTS OF SUCH,EXPOSED OR OPEN AT THE El EACH WORKING DAY.WHEN THE CONTRACTOR IS NOT WORKING.ALL TRENCHES SHALL BE COVERED,FIRMLY SECURED AND M/ ACCORDINGLY FORPEDESTRIANTRAFFICAT NO ADDITIONAL COSTTOTHE PROJECT. 14.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY,PHOTOGRAPH AND INVENTORY THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING TREES,STRUCTURES,PAVEMEI OTHER FEATURES.ANY EXISTING STRUCTURE,PAVEMENT,TREE OR OTHER EXISTING FEATURE,WHICH IS IN CONFLICT OR DAMAGED EXI OR IN ANY WAY DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMED UNDER THIS CONTRACT,SHALL BE RESTORED PROMPTLY TO IT'S ORI CONDITION AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE CITY,UNLESS IDENTIFIED BY ABID ITEM IN THE PROPOSAL 15.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT REMOVE OR RELOCATE ANY TREES WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE CITY,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL 0 ALL REQUIRED PERMITS FROM THE CITY OF WEST MIAMI PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.THE CONTRACTOR PRUNE,ROOT PRUNE,AND SUPPORT ALL TREES THAT ARE ADJACENT TO TRENCH EXCAVATION.COST SHALL BE DEEMED INCIDENTAL T( TOTAL PROJECT COST. 16.ALL AVAILABLE UTILITY LOCATION INFORMATION IS DEPICTED,CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM IT BEFORE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. 17.EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN SERVICE DURING CONSTRUCTION UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE UTILITY OWNEi EXISTING UTILITIES ARE TO REMAIN UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 18.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT SUNSHINE AT 1-800-432-4770 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION TO COORDINATE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE AWARE THAT NOT ALL UTILITIES SUBSCRIBE TO SUNSHINE. 19t Tnn^nL0CATI°N AND SlZE 0F EXISTING UTILITIES AND OTHER FEATURES SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS ARE APPROXIMATE AND HAS PREPARED FROM THE MOST RELIABLE INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO THE ENGINEER.OTHER UTILITIES MAY BE ENCOUNTERED DURINC i°JLStIRUCTWN'™E C0NTRACT0R SHALL FIELD VERIFY AND LOCATE (LINE &GRADE)ALL EXISTING UTILITIES.THE CONTRACTOR VERIFY ALL UTILITIES BY ELECTRONIC METHODS AND BY HAND EXCAVATION IN COORDINATION WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES PRU COMMENCING ANY CONSTRUCTION OPERATION.THIS WORK BY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO THE CONTRACT ADDITIONALCOSTTOTHECITY. 20,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH UTILITY COMPANIES TO ARRANGE RELOCATION AND/OR TEMPORARY SUPPORT OF UTILITY FEAT !LS'fLNESES^ARY T°C0MPLETE THE W0RK-IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO VERTICALLY AND HORIZONTALLY PRi tJ^*LL EXI5TING UTILITIES AND/OR STRUCTURES ON THIS PROJECT.ANY DAMAGE TO SUCH UTILITIES/STRUCTURES SHOWN Q) nu3n nt ™E PLANS SHALL BE lmEDlATE^REPAIRED TO THE UTILITY OWNER'S SATISFACTION AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE *$: rnurn RE*ERVES THE R!GHT T0 REMEDY SUCH DAMAGE BY ORDERING OUTSIDE PARTIES TO MAKE SUCH REPAIRS AT THE EXPEN^E^CONTRACTOR*^*,**, 21 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY OF ANY CONFLICT ARISING DURING CONSTRUCTION FOR ANY It&Wfr ....•-,REVISIONS 1 "*iDoeo/Dcn ow"""•''''"'VI mzr j^ DATE:07/23/15 DRAWN:M.MPO DESIGNED:F-ALONSO CHECKED:C DIAZ SCALE:"', PREPARED BYt T-Y-LIN INTERNATIONAL £800000407 201 AlHAHBRA CIRCLE •SUITE 900 CORAL CAOUES.FLORIDA 33134 PHONE:t30S)567-1888 »FAX:(3QS)567-1771 oksc-nrnm REVISIONS TSffF" PAY ITEM 101-1 102-1 110-1-1 210-2 285-711 327-70-1 334-1-13 164-4 520-2-2 520-2-4 570-1-2 0526-1-2 PAY ITEM 0700-20-12 0700-48-48 0706-3 711-1-6111 711-1-1123 711-1-6131 711-1-1180 711-1-6211 711-11-224 DATE: DRAWN : DESIGNED: CHECKED: SCALE: 07/23/15 M,PUPO F.ALONSO C DIAZ PAY ITEM I MOBILIZATION MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC CLEARING AND GRUBBING (Includes removalo Limerock-New Material for Reworking Base(8 Optional Base Group 11 (12"Limerock LBR lOi MILLING EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT (0.5" SUPERPAVE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE,TRAFFIC new driveway 2") TYPE B STABILIZATION,6"(traffic circle and CONCRETE CURB TYPE "B" CONCRETE CURB TYPE "D" PERFORMANCE TURF,SOD PAVERS (Raised Traffic Circle and Islands) Driveway Bricks SIGNING PAY ITEM L SINGLEPOST SIGN,F&I,12-20 SF SIGN PANELS RELOCATE,15 OR RETRO-REFLECTIVE PAVEMENT MARKERS 6"SOLID TRAFFIC STRIPE (WHITE) 12"SOLID TRAFFIC STRIPE (WHITE) 6"SKIP (2/4)TRAFFICSTRIPE(WHITE) STANDARD,WHITE,YIELDLINE 6"SOLID TRAFFIC STRIPE (YELLOW) 18"SOLID TRAFFIC STRIPE (YELLOW) PREPARED BYS ~~~f T-Y-LIN INTERNATIONAL I EB0O0OO4O7 Tl. 201 ALHAHBRA CIRCLE •SUITE 900 CORALCABLES.FLORIDA 33134 PHONE:(305)567-1888 'FAX:(3051 567-1771 H. u 2^3 NOTES: 1.USE SUPERPAVE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PER FOOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. 2.MILL EXIST.PAVEMENT J/2"AND APPLY TACK COAT PER FOOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. -EDGE C J2"WHITE THERMOPLASTIC MARKING (TYP.) 5«4[C S_OF SPEED TABLE PLAN VIEW PROP.S. BI-DIRECTIONAL YELLOW RPM 2'O.C.6"YELLOW LEADING EDGE OF SPEED HUMP REFER TO SHEET JJ FOR REFERENCE POINT PLAN VIEW SPEED HUMP ADVANCE WARNING MARKINGS -JLL2 TYPE B CURB /—TRAFFICBEARING BRICK PAVERS TRAFFIC CIRCLE N.T.S C_OFAPPROACHING LANE DESLRIPT10H REVISIONS PREPARED BY; T-Y-LIN INTERNATIONAL DATE: DRAWN : DES1GHED: CHECKED: SCALE: ES0000040? 201 ALHAHBHA CIRCLE •SUITE 900 CORAL CABLES,FLORIDA 33131 PHONE:1305}567-1888 •FAX:(305)567-177! PAVERS A I" mc-wrm REVISIONS TOOT" **- DATE:.07/23/15 DRAWN :«.PUPO OESIGNED:F..AL0NSO CHECKED:C,DIAZ SCALE: •............,, SW 72 STREET ~ PREPARED BV?TTTr <jl * T-YLIN INTERNATIONAL |«\ EB00000407 201 ALHAHBRA CIRCLE •SUITE900 CORAL CABLES.FLORIDA 33134 PHONE:(3051 567-1080 »FAX:(3051 567-1771 6861 GQNC mtRlPYM REVISIONS mrr mm STA20-T&7J3 .liL-p. +J7&k &3W Ml^idSr...., ^PAVEMENTXJ \o/21+0O* DATE: DRAWN: DESIGNED: CHFXKED: SCALE: 6760 07/23/15 CDIAZ 6751 must? W? i-M 7461 STA15-1-77.93 1AS 671 22+W" «*I -+-•+- SW75TERRACE GRAVEL ft£F§RTOADVANCE WARNINGMARKING DETAIL(SHEET4,TYP.) 6750 PREPAREDBYr T-Y-LININTERNATIONALI EB00000407 201ALHAMBRACIRCLE•SUITE900 CORALGABLES.FLORIDA33134 PHONE:(305)567-1880»FAX:(305)567-1771 O ICQ| 2L I CO •+ r\ 6785 T5+D0" I, R/W- 6794 mttMPTM REVISIONS mrr 6775 6772 DATE: DRAWN : DESIGNED. CHECKED: SCALE: 6765 19+00 6747 "Z0+TJD~" +• R/W -K SW 77 TERRACE ) 6762 6752 6744 PREPARED BY: T-Y-LIN INTERNATIONAL EB00000407 201 ALHAHBRA CIRCLE •SUITE 900 CORAL CABLES.FLORIDA 33134 PHONE:(305)567-1888 •FAX:(305)567-1771 4r Fra, 1AS 6890 6880 67916777 30"xW I24"x12" SfA11+76.43 *1AS 6870 6761 6t -REFERTOADVANCE WARNINGMARKING DETAIL(SHEET4,TYP.) 6850 6747 4 10+00 10+ ^1 7740 I1 II UjII R/W- sjI—it1; S.I|—--—-*»-p- 19+00 LuM 3: ii 1I 7779 mmmth REVISIONS L 6925 V Nv. M—1__ 11+00 --~i: >" / ASPHA/T PAVEMENT R/W E-- itx X R/W iSi i£i 12+00 I-S.iI..I t 7910 si si <0 r K/tv 6090 7700 ^^""lo+oo"*"" CONC. }GRAVEL R/W T" /CONC.\ ASPHALT PAVEMENT N 7T" fc /?/W37- 7630 SW69 21+00 \ W17-1 :(J«AV4 mr 7705 DRAWN:M,PUPO DESIGNED:F.ALONS0 CHECKED:CDIAZ SCALE: R/W 6890 PPEPAiitbtfri T-Y-LININTERNATIONAL EBOOOO0407 201ALHAHBRACIRCLE•SU/re900 CO/MtGABLES.FLORIDA33134 PHONE:(305)567-1888•FAX:(305)S67-1771 T*%a 6910 NOTE: PARTIALSTATION/OFFSET ARETAKEN FROMSW 75 TERRALIGNMENT DESCRlPliiW REVISIONS bATE J^ BRICK DRIVEWAY RELOCATION REFER TO ADVANCE WARNING MARKING DETAIL (SHEjET 4,TYP.) DATE: ORAWN : DESIGNED: CHECKED SCALE: PREPARED BY: T-YLIN INTERNATIONAL £000000407 201 ALHAHBRA CIRCLE•SUITt 900 CORAL CABLES.FLORIDA 33134 PHONE:1305}557-188B -FAX:(305)567-1771 -«»' A y INTERGOVERMENTAL AGENCY AGREEMENT TO PERFORM TRAFFIC ENGINEERING FUNCTIONS THIS INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AGREEMENT TO PERFORM TRAFFIC ENGINEERING FUNCTIONS (AGREEMENT),made and entered Into this _2?i_"<*ay of «%>p.2014 by and between the CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,a municipal corporation ofthe STATE OF FLORIDA hereinafter referred toasthe "CITY"andMIAMI- DADE COUNTY (COUNTY),a political subdivision ofthe STATE OF FLORIDA,MIAMI- DADECounty. WITNESSETH WHEREAS,pursuant toSection 2-96.1 ofthe Miami-Dade CountyCode,all traffic control and traffic engineering services in Miami-Dade County are underthe exclusive jurisdiction oftheCOUNTY; and WHEREAS,the CITY desirestoassumetheinstallationand maintenance responsibilities of certain traffic engineering functions pertaining toits local municipal streets only;and WHEREAS,the COUNTYhasdeterminedthattheCITYisbothequippedandable to perform the traffic engineering functions as herein specified on its local streets;and WHEREAS,the CITY has,by proper resolution attached hereto andby reference madea part hereof,authorized its officers)toenterintothis AGREEMENT. NOW THEREFORE,the CITY and the COUNTY agree as follows: 1.The recitals set forth aboveare incorporated herein by reference. 2.The CITY wilt only install and maintain the following designated types of traffic control devices and/or signs andonlyonthose local municipal streets operated and maintainedbytheCITYwithinits boundaries: a)Traffic Circles b)SpeedHumps c)Historic Street Name Signs d)In-Street Pedestrian Crossing Signs Traffic calming devicesmaybe installed on local municipal streets onlyafteran appropriate traffic engineering study has been performed and sealed and signed plans havebeen submitted tothe Public Works and Waste Management Department ofthe COUNTY for its review and approval. 3.The CITY shall attach a decal tothe back ofthe sign panels indicating ownership anddate of installation. 4.The CITY assumes sole and complete responsibility for the maintenance of all such signs that are installed bythe CITY withinits boundaries. 5.The CITY assumes soleand complete liability for any accidents and/or injuries whichmayor are alleged to occur or arise outofthe installation,operation or maintenanceofsaid traffic control devices,andherebyindemnifiestothe extentallowedby 768.28,Florida Statutes,andsaves harmless theCOUNTY from any and all claims as a result ofthe installation,operation or maintenance of said signs attributable tothe negligence ofthe City. 6.All traffic control signs installed bythe CITY in accordance withthis AGREEMENT shall conform tothe applicable requirements established bythe following publications: Florida Department of Transportation's Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways,U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration,including latest revisions. Standard Highway Signs,U.S.Department of Transportation,Federal Highway Administration. Miami-Dade County Public Works Manual (available from thePublicWorks and Waste Management Department,Reproduction Services,111 NW1 Street, Suite 1604,Miami,FL 33128). 7.For installation of trafficcontroldevices,the CITYshallhirea COUNTY licensed contractor or perform thework in-house by the CITY Public Works crew. 8.Should the CITY install street name signs atthesamesitewherea stop-top street name exists,then the CITYshall utilize the other corners of the intersection. Subsequently,the CITY,shall remove the COUNTY'S stop-top street name signs by an approved sign contractor.All signs and hardware removed shall be dismantled and returned tothe Traffic Signals and Signs Division of the COUNTY'S Public Works and Waste Management Department. 9.The CITY shall be responsible for keeping records ofanyand ail installations and repairs,and furnishing pertinent documents as andwhen said records may berequested. 10.Failure to carry outanyofthe duties and responsibilities assumed herein by theCITYmay result in termination of this AGREEMENT,atthesole discretion of the COUNTY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,theCITYandtheCOUNTYhavesettheirhandsthedayand year above written. Attest: HARVEY RUVIN,CIJRI Miami-DadeCounty By:M^JJ^JeA ^Deputy Mayor Attest:CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI By: Maria M.SSgyerfAlexander,City Manager Approved as to form,Language and legal Approved as to form and legality: sufficiency: By:ttVfr Risk Management Department Soutrr Miami THE CITY Of PLEASANT LIVING LOCATION MAP NOTTO SCALE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI MANGO TERRACE NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC CALMING IMPROVEMENTS SW 69 AVE AND SW 75 TERR TRAFFIC CIRCLE SW 69 Ct SPEED TABLE SW 78 Terr SPEED TABLE SW 76 Terr SPEED TABLE SW 75 Terr SPEED TABLE SW 69 CT SPEED TABLE PREPARED FOR: CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI MIAMI-DADE COUNTY,FLORIDA Y//////AW0X*Z0N? CITY COMMISSION: MAYOR: VICE-MAYOR: COMMISSIONERS: CITY MANAGER: CITY ATTORNEY: CITY CLERK: PUBLIC WORKS: PREPARED BY: TY-LININTERNATIONAL|HJ ROSS ?0l ALHAHBRA CIRCLE SUITC 900 CORAL GABLES,FLORIDA 33134 PHONE:13051 567-1888 FAX'f305}567-1771 EB00002017 PHILIP K.STODDARD WALTER A.HARRIS GABRIEL EDMOND JOSH LIEBMAN ROBERT (BOB)WELSH STEVE ALEXANDER THOMAS F.PEPE MARIA M.MENENDEZ RICARDO A.AYALA P.E. VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE index or SHEETS SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION 1 COVER 2 NOTES 3 SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES 1 DETAILS S PROJECT LAYOUT 6 PLANS -SW 75 TERRACE 7 PLANS -SW 76 TERRACE 9 PLANS -SW 78 TERRACE ' W PLANS -SW 69 AVENUE II PLANS -TRAFFIC CIRCLE 100%SUBMLTiiinll"July ?3,.»Wj.BiSk NOTE.THE SCALE OF THESE ^-ANS^AY^AVB^^ CHANGED DUE 10 fWPlpOUCTilOl m KNOW WIIAT'B BILO$ ALWAYG CALL 9lj nr.ropr you dic 7'Tra!rTt"C*t™n<)\t>r'aw%tsKCLWrk •No)Owe./-??WISnJerwmeJi.vMMwUJWJWjiMJ*?'' GENERAL NOTES: 1.EXISTING TOPOGRAPHICINFORMATIONANDCENTERLINEGEOMETRYSHOWNON ASSOCIATESENGINEERS.PLANNERSANDSURVEYORS.DATED 09/10/2013. 2.ALLPUBLICLANDCORNERSAND MONUMENTS WITHINTHELIMITSOFCONSTRUCTIONARETOBEPROTECTEDBYTHE CONTRACTOR AS FOLLOWS: CORNERSANDMONUMENTS IN CONFLICTWITHTHEWORKAND IN 0ANGER OFBEING DAMAGED.DESTROYEDORCOVEREDSHALLBEPROPERLY REFERENCED BYA REGISTERED LANDSURVEYOR IN ACCORDANCEWITHTHEMINIMUMTECHNICAL STANDARDS OFTHEFLORIDABOARDOF PROFESSIONALLANOSURVEYORSPRIORTOBEGINNINGWORKATTHAT SITE.THE CONTRACTOR SHALLRETAINTHELANDSURVEYORTO REFERENCE,ANDRESTOREUPON COMPLETION OFTHEWORK.ALLSUCHCORNERSAND MONUMENTS ANDSHALLFURNISHTOTHEENGINEERA SIGNEDANDSEALEDCOPYOFTHELANDSURVEYOR'SREFERENCEDRAWING.COSTOFTHISWORKSHALLBEDEEMEDINCIDENTALTOTHE TOTALPROJECTCOST. 3THEINFORMATION PROVIDED INTHESEDRAWINGSISSOLELYTO ASSIST THE CONTRACTOR IN ASSESSING THENATUREANDEXTENTOF CONDITIONSWHICH WILL BEENCOUNTEREDDURINGTHECOURSEOFTHEWORK.THECONTRACTORSAREDIRECTED.PRIORTOBIDDING.TO CONDUCTALLINVESTIGATIONSDEEMEDNECESSARYTOARRIVEATTHEIROWNCONCLUSIONREGARDINGTHEACTUALCONDITIONSTHATWILLBE ENCOUNTERED.ANDUPONWHICH BIDS WILL BE BASED. 4PRIORTOCONSTRUCTIONTHE CONTRACTOR SHALLVERIFY/CONFIRMALL TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY.INCLUDINGBUTNOTLIMITEDTOPROPOSED CENTERLINES ANDRIGHT-OF-WAYLINESANDSHALLNOTIFYTHEENGINEEROFANY DISCREPANCIES ENCOUNTERED. 5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALLNOTIFYTHE CITY OFWESTMIAMIPUBLICWORKSDEPARTMENTATLEAST 48 HOURSPRIORTOCOMMENCEMENTOF CONSTRUCTION. 6.ALLCONSTRUCTIONANDMATERIALSSHALL CONFORM TOALLLATESTAPPLICABLESTANDARDSAND SPECIFICATIONS OFTHEFLORIDA DEPARTMENTOF TRANSPORTATION.UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 7.THECONTRACTORSHALLBE RESPONSIBLE TO SATISFY ALL REQUIREMENTS OFANYREGULATORYAGENCY PERMITS IN REGARDS TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ANDRELATEDCONDITIONSPRIORTOTHESTARTOFCONSTRUCTION. 8.PRIORTOTHECOMMENCEMENTOFCONSTRUCTIONTHECONTRACTORSHALL PROVIDE SUITABLE EQUIPMENT ANDMETHODSFORTHE DISPOSAL OFSTORMWATERFORTHEDURATIONOFTHEPROJECT.COSTSHALLBE DEEMED INCIDENTALTOTHETOTALPROJECTCOST. 9.THE CONTRACTOR'S ATTENTION IS DIRECTEDTOTHEPROVISIONSOFTHETRENCHSAFETYACT(FLORIDASTATUTESSECTION 553.60 EJ.SEQ.) ANDSTANDARDS (29 C.F.R.SECTION 1926.650.SUB-PARTP)WHICHSHALLAPPLYTOCONSTRUCTION.OPERATION.ANDMAINTENANCEPURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT. 10.THE CONTRACTORSHALLMAINTAIN ACCESS TOALL ADJACENT PROPERTIES ATALLTIMES UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BYTHECITY. 11.THE CONTRACTOR SHALLNOTENCROACHINTOPRIVATEPROPERTYWITHPERSONNEL.MATERIAL OREQUIPMENT. 12.THECONTRACTORSHALL DISPOSE OFALL EXCESS EXCAVATED MATERIALAND DEBRIS TOAN APPROVED SITE INALEGALMANNERATNO ADDITIONALCOSTTOTHECITY.STOCKPILINGOFMATERIAL IN ROADWAY IS NOT ALIOWED. 13.UNDERNOCIRCUMSTANCESSHALLTHE CONTRACTOR LEAVEEXCAVATED TRENCHES.ORPARTSOFSUCH.EXPOSED OROPENATTHEENDOF EACHWORKINGDAY.WHENTHE CONTRACTOR ISNOTWORKING.ALL TRENCHES SHALLBECOVERED.FIRMLYSECUREDANDMARKED ACCORDINGLYFOR PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC ATNOADDITIONALCOSTTOTHEPROJECT. 14.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY.PHOTOGRAPHANDINVENTORYTHEEXACT LOCATION OFALLEXISTING TREES,STRUCTURES.PAVEMENTOR OTHERFEATURES.ANYEXISTINGSTRUCTURE.PAVEMENT.TREEOROTHEREXISTINGFEATURE.WHICHIS IN CONFLICTORDAMAGED.EXPOSED OR IN ANYWAY DISTURBED BYCONSTRUCTIONPERFORMEDUNDERTHISCONTRACT.SHALLBE RESTORED PROMPTLYTO ITS ORIGINAL CONDITIONATNOADDITIONALCOSTTOTHECITY.UNLESS IDENTIFIED BYA BID ITEMINTHEPROPOSAL. 15.THE CONTRACTOR SHALLNOT REMOVE OR RELOCATE ANYTREES WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROMTHECITY.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALLREQUIREDPERMITSFROMTHECITYOFWESTMIAMIPUBLICWORKSDEPARTMENTPRIORTOCONSTRUCTION.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRUNE.ROOTPRUNE.ANDSUPPORTALLTREESTHATAREADJACENTTOTRENCHEXCAVATION.COSTSHALLBEDEEMEDINCIDENTALTOTHE TOTAL PROJECT COST. 16.ALL AVAILABLE UTILITY LOCATION INFORMATION IS OEPICJED.CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM ITBEFORE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. 17.EXISTINGUTILITIESSHALLBEMAINTAINED IN SERVICE DURINGCONSTRUCTIONUNLESSOTHERWISE APPROVED BYTHEUTILITYOWNER.ALL EXISTINGUTILITIESARETOREMAIN UNLESS OTHERWISENOTED. 18.THE CONTRACTOR SHALLCONTACTSUNSHINEAT 1-800-432-4770 ATLEAST 48 HOURSPRIORTOANYEXCAVATIONTOCOORDINATETHE LOCATION OFEXISTING UTILITIES.THE CONTRACTOR SHALLBEAWARETHATNOTALLUTILITIES SUBSCRIBE TO SUNSHINE. 19.THE LOCATION AMD SIZE OFEXISTINGUTILITIESANDOTHERFEATURESSHOWNON IHESE DRAWINGSAREAPPROXIMATE.ANDHASBEEN PREPARED FROMTHEMOSTRELIABLEINFORMATIONAVAILABLETOTHEENGINEER.OTHER UTILITIES MAYBEENCOUNTEREDDURINGTHE CONSTRUCTION.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELDVERIFYAND LOCATE (LINE&GRADE)ALL EXISTINGUTILITIES.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFYALL UTILITIES BYELECTRONICMETHODSANDBYHANDEXCAVATION IN COORDINATIONWITHALLUTILITYCOMPANIESPRIORTO COMMENCING ANYCONSTRUCTIONOPERATION.THISWORKBYTHE CONTRACTOR SHALLBE CONSIDERED INCIDENTALTOTHECONTRACTATNO ADDITIONAL COSTTO THE CITY. PLANSWERETAKENFROMTHESURVEY PREPARED BY AVINO &SHOWNONTHESEDRAWINGS. 22.THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT PROPERTIES AOJACENT TO THE PROJECT MAY HAVE ELECTRIC.TELEPHONE.GAS.WATER.AND/OR SEWER LATERALS WHICH MAY NOT BE SHOWN ON THE PLANS.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REQUEST THE LOCATION OF THESE SERVICES f"0*,™f UTILITY COMPANIES.THE ADDITIONAL COST OF EXCAVATING.INSTALLING.BACKFILL AND COMPACTING AROUND THESE SERVICES SHALL BE INCIDENTALTOTHECONTRACTATNOADDITIONALCOSTTOTHECITY. 23.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENGAGE A FLORIDA REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR TO PREPARE AND CERTIFY THE AS-BUILT RECORDS OF ALL IMPROVEMENTS. 24.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE,REMOVAL OR MODIFICATION.ACCIDENTALLY OR PURPOSELY.CAUSED TO ANY IRRIGATION SYSTEMS.PRIVATE OR PUBLIC.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE ANY DAMAGED,REMOVED OR MODIFIED IRRIGATION PIPES.SPRINKLER HEADS OROTHERRELATEDITEMSOFSUCH WORK SHALLBEDETERMINED INCIDENTAL ATNO ADDITIONAL COSTTOTHECITY. 25.ANY MAIL BOXES.WALLS.FENCES OR OTIICR HOMEOWNER PROPERTY OR IMPROVEMENTS IN DIRECT CONFLICT WITH THE WORK BEING PERFORMED SHALL BE TEMPORARILY RELOCATED AND REPLACED.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH THE U.S.POSTAL SERVICE TO PROVIDE UN-INTERRUPTED MAIL SERVICE TO ALL PROPERTIES AFFECTED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES.COST OF SUCH WORK SHALL BE DEEMED INCIDENTAL TOTHETOTALPROJECTCOST. 26.ALLCONSTRUCTIONLAYOUTSHALLBETHE RESPONSIBILITY OFTHE CONTRACTOR. 27.GRADING CONSISTS OFALL EXCAVATION,BACKFILL.SHAPING AND SLOPING NECESSARY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION.PREPARATION AND COMPLETION OF ALL SUBGRADES,SHOULDERS.SLOPES,INTERSECTIONS.PAVEMENT AND OTHER AREAS.ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAYOUT AND GRADES SHOWNIN THESE DRAWINGS 28.ALL EXISTING AND COMPLETED DRAINAGE STRUCTURES SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND CONTAMINATION BY SILT AND CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE FILTER FABRIC BETWEEN FRAME AND INLET GRATE UNTIL CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS ARE COMPLETED.ALL EXISTING AND COMPLETED DRAINAGE STRUCTURES SHALL BEFREEOF ALL SILT.CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS. AND OTHER FOREIGN MATERIAL PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE AND FINAL PAYMENT.COST SHALL BE DEEMED INCIDENTAL TOTHE TOTAL PROJECT COST. 29.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE All.PAVING.STABILIZING EARTH.DRIVEWAYS.SIDEWALKS.ETC.WITH THE SAME TYPE CF MATERIAL THAT WAS REMOVED DURING CONSTRUCTION ORAS OIRECTEO BYTHE CITY.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR RESTORE ALL IMPACTEO PAVEMENT WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE DETAILS ONTHE MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS SHEET.TYPE OF PAVEMENTREPAIRSHALLBEACCORDINGTOTHEMIAMI-DADECOUNTYPUBLICWORKSDEPARTMENT. 30.WHERE NEW PAVEMENT MATCHES EXISTING PAVEMENT.THETIE-IN SHALL BE MADE INA NEAT.STRAIGHT SAWCUT JOINT. 31.EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND STREET SIGNS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY RESTORED TO ORIGINAL CONOlTION.PER THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DETAIL R18.IANDR18.2.ALL INTERSECTION PAVEMENT DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PROPERLY MARKED PERTHE AFOREMENTIONED DETAILS,IF EXISTING MARKINGS WERE PRESENT PRIOR TOCONSTRUCTION. 32.EXCAVATION FORTRENCHANDCURB:ASPERMlAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLICWORKSDEPARTMENT.SECTION 310.03 33.BACKFILLING:ASPER MIAMI-DAOE COUNTY PUBLICWORKSDEPARTMENT,SECTION40. 34.PAVEMENT RESTORATION:ASPERMIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLICWORKSDEPARTMENT.SECTIONHO. SIGNING &PAVEMENT MARKING NOTES: 1.ALL SIGNING AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS INSTALLED AS PART OFTHESE PLANS SHALL CONFORM TO THE CURRENT EDITION OFTHE FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION (FHWA)MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FOR STREET AND HIGHWAYS.FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DESIGN STANDARDS (2009)UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.ALL SIGN PANELS SHALL BE FABRICATED TO COMPLY WITH THE MOSTRECENTEDITIONOFTHEFEDERAL HIGHWAY ANO ADMINISTRATION STANDARD HIGHWAY SIGNS. 2.MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS ATTHE BEGINNING AND THE END OFTHE PROJECT AND AT ALL SIDE STREETS WITHOUT JOGS AND OFFSETS. 3.SIGN ASSEMBLY LOCATIONS SHOWN ONPLANS WHICH ARE IN CONFLICT WITH LIGHTING.UTILITIES.DRIVEWAYS.WHEELCHAIR RAMPS.ETC.,MAY BE ADJUSTED SLIGHTLY AS DIRECTED BYTHE ENGINEER,EXTREME LOCATION CHANGES MUSTBE APPROVED BYTHE CITY. 4.INCORRECTLY PLACED THERMOPLASTIC OR PAINT MARKINGS OVER SURFACE WILL BE REMOVED BY MILLING AND REPLACING THE SURFACE A MINIMUM WIDTH OF18INCHESATTHE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE.THE ENGINEER MAY APPROVE AN ALTERNATIVE METHOD IFIT CAN BE DEMONSTRATEDTO COMPLETELY REMOVE THEMARKINGSWITHOUT DAMAGING THEASPHALT. 5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RELOCATE ALL EXISTING POST-MOUNTED STREET NAME AND STOP SIGNS TO A VISIBLE AREA UNDISTURBED BY THE CONSTRUCTION SOASTOMINIMIZE DAMAGE TO THE SIGNS DURING CONSTRUCTION.THE STREET NAME SHALL BE REATTACHED TO THE TOP OF THE NEW STOP SIGNS ON MINOR SIDE STREETS ATTHEENDOF CONSTRUCTION.THE NEW STOPSIGNS SHALL HAVE ADEQUATE LENGTH TO ACCOMMODATE THE EXISTING STREET NAMES ATTHETOP.COSTOF RELOCATION AND REATTACHMENT OFSAIDSIGN SHALL BEPAIDFOR UNDERPAY ITEM 102-1,MAINTENANCEOFTRAFFIC. 20.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH UTILITY COMPANIES TO ARRANGE RELOCATION AND/OR TEMPORARY SUPPORT OF UTILITY FEATURES^„,t6 rug CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A LIST OF THE EXISTING SIGNS TO THE PROJECT ENGINEER AT THE PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE.ANY ETC.AS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE WORK.IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO VERTICALLY AND HORIZONTALLY PROffCT,,^l&S&flfl DAMAGED SIGNS DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REPLACED AT NO ADDITIONAL COST.COST OF MAINTAINING OF EXISTING SIGNS TO ANY AND ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AND/OR STRUCTURES ON THIS PROJECT.ANY DAMAGE TO SUCH UTILITIES/STRUCTURES SHOWN OR Jffl&VjU J.AffJ^tlUOED IN ITEM 102-1 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC.SHOWN ON THE PLANS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REPAIRED TO THE UTILITY OWNERS SATISFACTION AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE CfTYJttfHt ~CK,*% OWNER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REMEDY SUCH DAMAGE BY ORDERING OUTSIDE PARTIES TO MAKE SUCH REPAIRS AT THE FXPEft4fr&'W&(t CMa'S,Kp \CONTRACTOR.f*£/<&**•"»£\V0 \ 21.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY OF ANY CONFLICT ARISING DURING CONSTRUCTION FOR ANY l$PROV$MEJ$i$\fiftQItt \* 'USOUPfm REVISIONS OtUGHfO CHtCKtO: SCAIf Prepared by: T-Y-LIN INTERNATIONAL HI MintlttU CIKlt •war WO cow Mstri nonioA nttt ""*,,„„,//"" CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI MIAMI-DADE COUNTY,FLORIDA MANGO TERRACE TRAFFIC CALMING IMPROVEMENTS NOTES W/cw.^.Nfro;«^mmWW l*t>«*I'M**«U^fr«rJ«9AJD6fK •HaIMg>JJ«M' BtscMwm- ROADWAY PAY ITEM PAY ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PLAN QUANTITY 101-1 MOBILIZATION LS 1 102-1 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC LS 1 110-1-1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING (Includes removal of asphalt pavement)LS 1 210-2 Limerock-New Material for Reworking Base (8")new driveway SY 61 285-711 Optional Base Group 11 (12"LimerockLBR 100,new driveway)SY 61 327-70-1 MILLING EXISTING ASPHALTPAVEMENT(0.5"AVERAGE)(at speed tables)SY 4,114 334-1-13 SUPERPAVEASPHALTICCONCRETE,TRAFFIC C (110LBS/SY-IN.)(speed tables 3.5"Avg and new driveway 2")TN 13,996 164-4 TYPEB STABILIZATION,6"(traffic circle and sod areas)SY 298 520-2-2 CONCRETE CURB TYPE "B"LF 248 520-2-4 CONCRETE CURB TYPE "D"LF 413 570-1-2 PERFORMANCE TURF,SOD SY 228 0526-1-2 PAVERS (Raised Traffic Circle and Islands)SY 48 Driveway Bricks SY 52 SIGNING AND PAVING MARKING PAY ITEM PAY ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PLAN QUANTITY 0700-20-12 SINGLE POST SIGN,F&l,12-20 SF AS 54 0700-48-48 SIGN PANELS RELOCATE,15 OR<AS 1 0706-3 RETRO-REFLECTIVE PAVEMENT MARKERS AS 41 711-1-6111 6"SOLIDTRAFFIC STRIPE (WHITE)NM 0.01 711-1-1123 12"SOLID TRAFFIC STRIPE (WHITE)LF 1,078 711-1-6131 6"SKIP (2/4)TRAFFIC STRIPE (WHITE)GM 0.01 711-1-1180 STANDARD,WHITE,YIELD LINE LF 30.00 711-1-6211 6"SOLID TRAFFIC STRIPE (YELLOW)NM 0.12 711-11-224 18"SOLID TRAFFIC STRIPE (YELLOW)LF 10 OATl Of/iJ/IS OMHH :H.PUPQ OESICHCO:f.MMSO CHtCKCO:C.DIAZ SCMf. PREPAREO BY: T-Y-LIN INTERNATIONAL Ml A1NAWU ClfiClt 'Witt MO rout utifi.notio*tint HMf:IKil itl-IU*-r*t:UMJJ Mr. ....•.•"....•.%!»"V '"'f",„t,tH*,t{ fo\ CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI MIAMI-DADE COUNTY,FLORIDA MANGO TERRACE TRAFFIC CALMING IMPROVEMENTS SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES /ile«/ne.ViOfO/«f»\SJr»$>«O.WMfo rtrtor*UefHt c«ffl»r»c\o»aivi<ifliMi("imeor 01 ftwiWci •«o*Oaici.71- U S E S U P E R P A V E AS P H A L T I C CO N C R E T E P E R FO O T S T A N D A R D SP E C I F I C A T I O N S MI L L E X I S T . P A V E M E N T J / 2 " AN D AP P L Y TA C K C O A T PE R FO O T S T A N D A R D S P E C I F I C A T I O N S . I T WH I T E TH E R M O P L A S T I C MA R K I N G (T Y P . ) R F F E R TO S H E E T 11 FO R R E F E R E N C E PO I N T - LE A D I N G EO C E OF S P E F O HU M P PL A N v i e w B-* — ' |V - £ OF SP E E D TA B L E PL A N V I E W T Y P E 8 C U R B T R A F F I C C I R C L E N T S £ OF AP P R O A C H I N G ' f i r WH I T E /— £ Of w / / LA N E f K It I; i\ >, •f - / - - P S P E E D H U M P A D V A N C E W A R N I N G M A R K I N G S .M . T . S O M t : 0 ? m t > ) ti f t t y t i • m« fu P " CH E C X F . D : c- a, f l * fC / I L f . PR F . P A R F O BY . T- Y - L I N IN T E R N A T I O N A L i OF S P E E D TA B L E S E E NO T E 2 • S A W C U T EX I S T . PA V E M E N T ( T Y P . ) r m m / z ^ z ^ m z z M m m f t z ^ m EX I S T . PA V E M E N T AR E A PR O P . SP E E D TA B L E A R E A S P E E D T A B L E E D G E OF - P A V E M E N T CO M P A C T O R TO RE P A I R ft l S T I H C PA Y E H E h n OA U A Q C O OU R I H C , I1 S T A U A T I O H OF TR A I f l l CA l H I t I C DE V I C E S . CO S T SM A I I f i f IH C ! O e N T t l L TO CO H T R A C T H I C F . S E C T I O N D - D 4 ~ S E C T I O N A - A S E E NO T E I - -T A P E R ~ ~ \ SE E NOT E 2- ^ E X I S T . PA V E M E N T - ^ M m EX I S T . PA V E M E N T - > s e c t i o n n - a CU R B TY P E "S ' E X I S T . PA V T . E X I S T B A S E E X I S T . B A S E - 5 E C T I O N C - C SA W CU T E X I S T PA V T . (T Y P . ) p EX I S T PA V T . E X I S T . B A S E IR A F F I C BE A R I N G S IC K P A V E R S TY P E B CU R B OR r F L U S H CO N C R E T E CU R B (R F F E R TO S H E E T )) FO R RE F E R E N C E ) PC / P T / P R C (T Y P ) 4 PN C R B f E - '' A S P H A L T JO I N T K i t s '' ' " , „ „ ' » " O ;. PA V E M E N T BA C K E R RO D C I T Y O F S O U T H M I A M I MI A M I - D A D E C O U N T Y , F L O R I D A MO U N T A B L E ME D I A N DE T A I L II M A N G O T E R R A C E T R A F F I C C A L M I N G IM P R O V E M E N T S D E T A I L S xf i . o T t ' t ^ i l H i J b ^ . H ^ o Tt m c v Un i i u Ct M r V \ ^ l s r , \ „ t , i \ o T U \ \ i - Mm '^ " i t ' . f J J fM'«.0//2J/I9 0AAWW .'X.PWO ntsiCHFO:A.410*50 CHICKIO:C.OMZ SCAlf. -SW 72STREET — PREPARED BY:5 T-YLIN INTERNATIONAL \ Hton.Wtiuf iua •*•«.001/Mr-11 *;YNb,66918 " I^L/^^W^J c/rv of south mmm/ _,l^fi^fegfeyTI MIAMI-DADE COUNTY.FLORIDA ''""'«,t,tH'^ \ MANGO TERRACE TRAFFIC CALMING IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT LAYOUT MtMntMtetolHtAJilliiM.U***Ttt'«c Trtllk CtM»9<>l>r<mlotiWo)tl\Itw •Net b»it)ii ft/w-^ v..Jl 2(HflO->r- SL-LXJ-UH I*£ASPA, PAVEMENT£J OATf: OtSIQNED:l-rAtOtfjO tHtCKfOCDM? SCAlf- 0f/i3/li "22-roo" -I AW_75_TERRACE. GRAVEL REFERTOADVANCE WARNINGMARKING DETAIL(SHEET4.TYP.) PttPAREbBV; T-YLININTERNATIONAL IfeI SF/J21+92.73| CITYOFSOUTHMIAMI MIAMI-DADECOUNTY.FLORIDA 25j33 Uj \*l MANGOTERRACETRAFFICCALMING IMPROVEMENTS PLANS-SW75TERRACE fiictrocit&rofatAWiiiMj**f«,«thtw<m*j<*U/*»Ia«mjuu•m0«i*;.jjjuv J l *'*«,„»»'* MANGOTERRACETRAFFICCALMING IMPROVEMENTS PLANS-SW76TERRACE 5 ! ; - ^ ~ - £ 0 * 7 f - 0 7 / t i / H 0 f l « M » • M. FU P O Oe S I C M E O f. A l O H i O CH t C K f O : C. O I A / SC A M : f l f f E R TO AD V A N C E WA R N I N G M A R K I N G j DE T A I L (S H E E T 4, TT P . ) L L . . S W 7 7 T E R R A C E PR E P A R E D BY : T- Y L I N I N T E R N A T I O N A L m i M. i i A u n % A a w • i u n r w o ct W 4 i e t a i t s . r t o u o A » i u rt i c * i : it e s t Mr - i i m - tu n » » » > » » », T ~ . 4 - L > ^ _ ^j A S P H 1 , , 1 «^ ASP H A L T ~? , *" * » IJ \ '" « s i U j / t C / 7 Y O F S O t / T H M M M / MI A M I - D A D E CO U N T Y , F L O R I D A 5 § » \ _ - P . ! + 0 0 0 2 0 I W W S U W 5 M A N G O T E R R A C E T R A F F I C C A L M I N G I M P R O V E M E N T S PL A N S - S W 77 T E R R A C E I Uj I S H l t T No . 8 Fti e M m a : K i \ P r o J * t t t k l s l l i J . O Q _ H a n g o ht t K O IT l D I i TB r n l t y K b r M n g t W i H i - W4» Oi l o H i J . j S f i ' ' < x s > ' , r NO T E : PA R T I A L ST A T I O N / O F F S E T AR E TA K E N FR O M SW 7 5 I ER R AL I G N M E N 1 RE F E R T O A D V A N C E W A R N I N G MA R K I N G DE T A I L (S H E f T 4, TY P . ) O M f . O t / I J / l i OM W H : M. PU P O o e s i c H t o f. AL O H S O CH I C K E D : C. M A ? S C A l f . PR E P A R E b bY : T - Y L I N I N T E R N A T I O N A L M l /U I I J W O W CM C U • fl l W I MO f * w i o w e s , n o m o t n u * w w r n o i l s t i - i f M - M i . fj o » » s » ; - i r n ; jA / o , ~~ ' " • f t C / 7 Y O F S O U T H MI A M I MI A M I - D A D E CO U N T Y . F L O R I D A M A N G O T E R R A C E TR A F F I C C A L M I N G I M P R O V E M E N T S P L A N S • TR A F F I C CI R C L E Hk K m K k W r o J e t U s U H S i M . U s n v e Tt t r t x t Tr § ) H t {f H w K < B r g « l n 9 t \ P l A H S - P/ « n« l t : 7 . l l . h \ l