Ord No 19-15-2226ORDINANCE NO.19-15-2226 An Ordinance amending Chapter 15B of the City of South Miami Code of Ordinances to add Section 15B-7 and provide for the creation and operation of a Parks Trust Fund. WHEREAS,theDepartmentofParksandRecreationrequested,andtheCity Commissionapproved,thecreation of theSouthMiamiParksandRecreationMasterPlan, whichoutlinesacquisition,operation,maintenance,anddevelopmenteffortstobepursuedover the subsequent period of years;and WHEREAS,in 2015,theCitycommencedanoverallstrategytomanagetheCity's growth through theParks Master Planandthe Comprehensive Plan;and WHEREAS,the Commission has repeatedly embraced thegoalsand principles to integrate green infrastructure and urban sustainability efforts;and WHEREAS,the City has sustained a 5-year coordinated effort,including Cityand privatefundingandalargeamount of volunteersupport,torestoreand maintain healthyurban forests,including being designated asa TREE CITY USA for4 years;and WHEREAS,in September of 2007the Commission created the Green Task Force Advisory Committee to ensure citizen participation inthe policy development of issues relating tothe sustainability of theCity,including potential acquisition and expansion of parks,open space,boulevards,trails,green infrastructure and recreation projects aswellasthe funding of these projects;and WHEREAS,the City will seek to leverage City funds through collaboration with other county,state,and federal sources aswellas with private and non-profit organizations,including the Trust for Public Lands,through the development of partnerships for purposes of enhancing the City funded projects;and WHEREAS,as of September 30,2011,the City's independently audited general unassigned fund balance was $1,866,929. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1.Chapter 15B of the City of South Miami Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to add the following Section 15B-7: 15B-7 Parks Acquisition,Development,Operation and Maintenance Fund. (1)Definitions.Asusedinthis ordinance,the following words shallhave the following meanings: "Routine maintenance"means minor repairsand associated tasks necessary to maintainasafeandefficientparkssystem:Thetermincludes:upkeep of parks Ord.No.19-15-2226 fixturessuchas benches,picnic tables,pavement,patching;shoulder repair; cleaningandrepair of drainageditches,signs,andstructures;mowing,litter cleanup,and other similar activities. "Parks Trust Fund"as used inthis Section shall mean the Parks Acquisition, Development,Operation and Maintenance Fund (2)Purpose:TheFundis hereby created forthe purposes of acquiring, developing,operating and maintaining Cityparks. (3)Funding Sources:City budgeted funds aswellas federal,state,county and private funding,including theTrustfor Public Lands and other similar sources. (4)Useof Funds.Any monies deposited intotheFundandtheir interest or investment earnings shall be applied asfollows: a.Categories,subcategories and projects:Thefundhas four three major categories:1)Acquisition;2)Development;and 3)Improvement,and A)Acquisition Fund.Each year as part of the City's annual budget process, the Director of Parks and Recreation (the "Director ")shall submit a proposed spending plan,including the scope of each anticipated project and allocating expected new revenues and interest or investment earnings among the categories,subcategories,and projects for the coming year.Over the term of the program,funding and expenditures will be consistent with this ordinance, unless the City Commission by supermajority (4/5)vote determines otherwise. b.Each proposed project willbe included inthe City's Capital Improvement Program,unless subsequently added tothis program bythe Commission in compliance with thisSection.The proposed scopes of projects will include recommendations bythe Department of Parks and Recreation through a community process involving the Parks &Recreation Board,and shall build upon already developed plans where they exist. c.The Acquisition Fundshallbeafund which willbeusedtopayfor acquisition projects.In making its recommendations,through theParks Director andtheCityManager,regardingthefunding of the Acquisition Fund projects,the Parks &Recreation Board will consider the following criteria. i.Hasthe project beensubjecttoa public review process orisit consistent with approved plans,suchasa neighborhood planorasea levelriseor watershed plan? ii.Doestheprojectaddressaparkoropenspacedeficiencyor underserved community? iii.Istheprojectinanareaexperiencinggrowth,particularlyanurban village or urban center? iv.Doestheprojectaddressanimmediatehealthorsafetyproblem,or take advantage of an opportunity thatwillbelost unless action is taken? v.Does the project contribute to solving major challenges facing our community,such as climate change,the health of our waterways,or growth management? vi.Doestheprojecthavethe potential toleverageotherresources throughtheactions of otherpublicagencies,fundingfrompublic, private or philanthropic partners,and/or in-kind contributions of time and energy from citizen volunteers? Page 2 of4 Ord.No.19-15-2226 vii.Doestheprojectresultinsignificantlyhigheroperatingcostsfor the City? viii.Doestheprojectdemonstratenewandcreativemethodstomeet the community's needsforparksandgreen spaces?and/or ix.Doestheprojectdemonstrateahighdegree of neighborhood involvement and support? d.Fundsunexpendedattheendofanybudgetyearshallautomaticallybe carried over to the next budget year. (5)Deposit of Proceeds.Funds from various sources maybe deposited into the Parks Trust Fund under this ordinance.Funds may be temporarily deposited or invested in such manner as may be lawful,for the investment of such money and any interest and other earnings shallbe deposited intheFund.Any revenue ortaxesandany interestorother earnings fromtheirdepositor investment,deposited intheFund,shallbe appliedsolelyfortheprojectsauthorizedpursuanttothisordinance,orremaininthe Fund until appropriated. (6)Oversight Committee.The Parks and Recreation Oversight Committee ^'Committee")is hereby created to review the expenditure of the additional revenue proceeds and resultant interest or investment earnings,to advise upon expenditures and allocations for the following year,and to make recommendations to the City Commission onthe implementation of particular projects andonany reallocations in addition tothe otherdutiesand responsibilities grantedtothembyany other ordinance.The Committee shallbe comprised of thesame members asareonthe Parks &Recreation Board who shall have the ex-officio duties of and be members of the Parks and Recreation Oversight Committee.The Committee shall conduct its business atthe same time,dateand place as the Parks and Recreation Board.The Parks and Recreation Oversight Committee shall continue in existence through December 31,2018,and thereafter if so provided by ordinance.The number of members of the Committee,who appoints or nominates them, including any qualifications required,the term of membership,and quorum for meetings shall be the same as for the Parks &Recreation Board (7)Bondand Notes.Tothe extent permitted andin accordance withby applicable law,theCity may issue bonds,notes,or other forms of indebtedness,payable wholly orinpartfromthe Parks Trust Fund^.andapply any such proceeds tothe payment of principal,interest on,and premium (if any)on such bonds,notes,orotherform of indebtedness andtothe payment of costs associated with them. (8)Restrictions:This fund shall notbeusedfor routine maintenance as defined by this Section. Section 2.Codification.The provisions of this ordinance shall become andbemade part of the Code of Ordinances of theCity of South Miami as amended;that the sections of this ordinancemayberenumberedorre-letteredtoaccomplishsuchintention;andthattheword "ordinance"maybechangedto"section"orotherappropriateword. Section 3.Severability.If anysection,clause,sentence,orphrase of thisordinanceis foranyreasonheldinvalidorunconstitutionalbyacourt of competentjurisdiction,thisholding shallnotaffectthevalidity of theremainingportions of thisordinance. Page 3 of4 Ord.No.19-15-2226 Section 4.Ordinances in Conflict.Allordinancesorparts of ordinances andall sections andpartsofsectionsof ordinances indirectconflictherewitharehereby repealed. Section 5.Effective Date.This ordinance shall become effective upon enactment. PASSED AND ENACTED this 18_day of Angn?j-2015. ATTEST:APPROVED: :ITY CLEI IstReading 8-04-15 2nd Reading 8-1 8-1 5 READ LANG" S TO FORM: Page 4 of4 COMMISSION VOTE:3-2 Mayor Stoddard:Yea ViceMayorHarris:NaY Commissioner Edmond:Nay Commissioner Liebman:Yea Commissioner Welsh:Yea MIAMIHERALD I MiamiHerald.com •MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BACK-TO-SCHOOL IMMUNIZATION The Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade Country will be providing free back-to-school immuni zations for children between theages of2 months through 18 yearsoldChildrencanbe vaccinatedatanyone of four different centers:the West Perrine Health Center,Little Haiti Health Center,North Miami Clinic or Downtown Clinic For information on their locationsandtimes of oper ation,calltheFloridaDepart ment of Health in Miami- Dade County's Immuniza tion Programat786-845-0550. •MIAMI-DADE LOVE THE GLADES SUMMER SYMPOSIUM The Love the Everglades Movement will have its sec ond annual summer sympo sium Aug 22and Aug.29.The event will feature guest speakers,including South MiamiMayorPhilipStod dard,aswellas PechaKucha presentations,physical and digitalart displays,work shopsandlive entertainment. The free event will take placeatthe Miccosukee Re sort &Convention Center, 500 SW 177th Ave.,Miami. For more information,visit lovetheeverglades.org. •COCONUT GROVE YOGA SCHOOL OFFERS FREE THERAPY SESSIONS FOR THOSE WITH PARKINSON'S DISEASE AUM hOMe Shala,ayoga school in Coconut Grove,will hold free training foryoga teachers,yogatherapistsand anyone interested inworking with those diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and other neuromotor degenerative diseases. The next session will be heldon Aug.16,at 3104 Florida Ave.in Miami. The seriesisbeing funded by the National Parkinson Foundation in hopes of pro viding education foryoga therapists,while empower ingandimprovingthequality of life for those with Parkin son'sdisease.The program alsoaimsto support care givers,engagethe communi tyandraise awareness of the efficacy of yogatherapy,ac cording totheschool's Curri- culum Director Melinda Atkins. For more information about the training and the freeyoga therapy sessions, visit aumhomeshala.org. ftfc. CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COURTESY NOTICE NOTICEISHEREBY givm thatthe City Conmiibiott nf the City uf SoothMiami.Florid* willconductPublic Hearings)M its regular CityCommission meeting scheduledfor Tacadnv.Augnii 1R.2015 beginning (U 7:011 p.m..totheCity Commission Chamber*. 6130 Sunset Drivo,toconsider the following ilcm(s): AResolutionauthorizingibe Crty Managerto cuter mto nPiggybackAgreementthrough the CityofMiamiBeachwithH&R Povinir,toe.for tlic rwxhnsc of Asplwllk:Concnrtc: RelatedMxteriols ti>be Piclcrd'Up or Delivered to tltr City und theStripingof City StrccU and Pnrking Lois. A Rcwiulion authorizingtheCity M-jjugcrtoemend the actwment with Graniciw adding tlw GranieutiAnnlo?8er»cr m enable GoogleChrome web browser usersto view City meetingsontheCity's streaming media archive scrvioc. An Ordinance amending Chamcr ISBof theCU>of South Miami Code of Ordinances to1 addSection I5B-7 andprovideforthe creationandoperation ofn ParksTrustFund. ALL interested rwlics nre invited to attend andwillbe heard. Forfurtherinformation,plcaw contactthe City Clerk's Offkc at;30^-003-6340. Maria M.Menemfe*.CMC CityClerk Pursuant to fkiridaSnmitrs286.0105.the Cityh«rtr;mhises tbc piMie thsrif ii person tfccidwto oppealwrydecisionmadebythis Poird,Agencyor Commiuion wiih roped to any rnoncrconsidered «its meFtlns orItearinc.hiorsbcwillneed brceord of tbcProceedings,and tltai (or such rnirrmsc. afrccrcd pcroron«y nx-ctl toensurellutia vtrttituo recordofthe procevdiog*i*mudcv»hkU record include*the twrimony andevidenceuponwhichtheappealistobe bayed. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS •CORAL GABLES GABLES MUSEUM TO HOST MONTHLY BIKE TOUR On Sunday,Aug.16,the Coral Gables Museum will hostits monthly bike tour. This month,the tour will beguidedbyCoralGablesFi refighterandPublicInforma tion Officer DavidPerez.Cy clists will start at the mu seum,which once served as the City's firstfire station, then travel to Station 1 on Sal- zedo Street The bike tour starts at the Coral Gables Museum,locat edat285 Aragon Ave.,at10 a.m.The tour costs $10for adults,$5for children and$5 for museum members.The Museum presents biketours the third Sunday of each month. Bikes can be rented across the street from the musuem at No Boundaries Sports,220 Aragon Ave.Rentals must be arranged in advance of the tour.To RSVP,call 305-603- 8067.For more information, visit coralgablesmuseum.org. •CUTLER BAY CUTLER BAY OPEN GOLF TOURNAMENT SET FOR AUG.29 The seventh annual Cutler Bay Open Golf Tournament isteed up forSaturday,Aug. 29,at Palmetto Golf Course The event at 9300 SW 152nd St has an 8 am check- in,a9 a.m.shotgunstartanda 1pjn.luncheon with awards. A$65-per-persontourna ment fee includes:18-hole four-man scramble,range balls,on-course beverages, awards and a post-tourna ment luncheon with a cash bar.Foursome sign-ups in cludea$5discountperplay er.Make checks payable to the town of Cutler Bayand SE SUNDAY,AUGUST 9,2015 |33SE return to the Parks and Rec reation department at10100 SW 200th St.,Cutler Bay,FL, 33189. For more information, contact the department at 305-238-4166 or visit cutlerbay-fLgov. •SWEETWATER WOMEN'S PARK TO CELEBRATE 'WOMEN'S EQUALITY DAY' On Saturday,Aug.22,the Miami-Dade Parks,Recre ationandOpenSpacesDe partmentwillhostthecoun ty'sthirdannual "Women's EqualityDay"at The Wom en's Park on West Flagler Street and 102nd Avenue. The free event commem orates the 95th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the US.Constitution,which grantedvotingrightsto LLS. women and continued ef forts on behalf of equal rights.Itis being sponsored by the Miami-Dade County Commission for Women andtheLeague of Women Voters of Miami-Dade County. It will be held from 1030 a.m.to1230 p.m.at 10251W. Flagler St Those who gowillhear from Lynette Long,presi dent and founder of Equal Visibility Everywhere (EVE),anonprofit ©ioniza tion dedicated to achieving genderparityinthe symbols and icons of the United States,such as currency, stamps,statues,monu ments,street names andna tional holidays. Refreshments will be served.For more informa tion and to RSVP,contact Laura Morilla at 305-375-4967 or at CFW@miamidade.gov.For directions,call Anne McCudden at 305-480-1717 WHAT EDUCATION SHOULD BE! RIVIERA DAY SCHOOL 6800 Nervia Street,Coral Gables.FL33146 I Tel.305.666.1856 RIVIERA PREPARATORY SCHOOL 9775 SW 87 Avenue,Miami.FL33176 I Tel.786.300.0300 www.rivieraschools.com I Accreditedby AISF.SACS,MSA,Ai.NCPSA,N1PSA