Ord. No. 31-83-1189ORDINANCE NO.31-83-1189 AN ORDINANCE OFTHE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA, GRANTING VARIANCES TOMT.OLIVE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCHTO ALLOW AN ADDITION WITHA 5'REAR SETBACK WHERE 25*IS NORMALLY REQUIRED;A 19'5"FRONT SET BACK WHERE 25'IS NORMALLY REQUIRED;33'6"BUILDING HEIGHT WHERE25'ISTHE NORMAL MAXIMUM AND 49%LOT COVERAGE WHERE 30%ISTHE NORMAL MAXIMUM ASTO CERTAIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATED AT 6315 S.W. 59TH PLACE,SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA. WHEREAS,the Planning Board has considered the variances herein requested and made their recommendation for approval thereof; NOW,THEREFORE,BEITORDAINEDBYTHEMAYORANDTHECITY COMMISSIONOFTHECITYOFSOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1.That Mt.Olive Baptist Church be,andit is hereby granted variances to allow an addition with a 5'rear setback where 25'is normally required;a 19'5"front setback where 25'is normally required;33'6" building height where 25'is the normal maximum and 49%lot coverage where 30%is is the normal maximum as to certain described property located at 6315 S.W.59th Place,South Miami,Florida,and legally described as: Lots 10,11,12&13,Block 2, AMENDED PLAT OF HAMLET SUBDIVISION, according tothe Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 4at Page 48 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of November ,1983. APPROVED: .^L&*gt6"& CITY CLERK Passed on 1st Reading:10/18/83 Passed on 2nd Reading:11/01/83 ,b/'<City of South Miami PLANNING BOARD NOTICEOFPUBLIC HEARING HEARING #83-23 DATE:October 11,1983 TIME:7:30P.M. APPLICANT:Mt.Olive Missionary Baptist Church REQUEST:Variance to allow an addition with a 5'-0"rear setback where 25'-0"is normally required Variance to allow an addition with a 19'-5"front setback where 25'-0"is normally required. Variance to allow an addition with a 49%lot coverage where30%isthe normal maximum. Variance to allow an addition with 33'-6"building height where 25'-0"is the normal maximum. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 10,11,12,13 Block 2 Ammended Plat of Hamlet Subdivision Platbook 4-Page 48 LOCATION:6315 S.W.59 Place YOU ARE HEREBY ADVISED THAT IF ANY PERSON DESIRES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING OR HEARING,SUCH PERSON WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS,AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PRO CEEDINGS IS MADE,WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED,(F.S„286,0105) PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS AT THE CITY MALL,6130 SUNSET DRIVE,SOUTH MIAMI.FLORIDA,AT THE TIME AND DATE STATED ABOVE, ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE URGED TO ATTEND,OBJECTIONS OR EXPRESSIONS OF APPROVAL MAY BE MADE IN PERSON AT THE HEARING OR FILED IN WRITING PRIOR TO OR AT THE HEARING.THE BOARD RESERVES THE RIGHT TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COMMISSION WHATEVER THE BOARD CONSIDERS IN THE BEST INTEREST FOR THE AREA INVOLVED.THE BOARD'S RECOMMENDATION ON THIS MATTER WILL BE HEARD BY THE CITY COMMISSION AT A FUTURE DATE.INTERESTED PARTIES REQUESTING INFORMATION ARE ASKED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE ZONING DIRECTORBYCALLING G67-569I ORBYWRITING.REFER TO HEARING NUMBER WHEN MAKING INQUIRY. III V,lii-'l-KI Ronald K.Smith,Chairman PLANNING BOARD THIS IS A COURTESY NOTICE EXCERPTFROMTHEPLANNINGBOARD MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 11,1983 Hearing #83-23 Mt.Olive Missionary Baptist Church Request:Variance to allow an addition with a 5'-0"rear setback where 25'-0"is normally allowed. Variance to allow an addition with a 19'-5"front set back where 25'-0"is normally allowed. Variance to allow an addtion with a 49%lot coverage where 30%isthe normal maximum. Variance toallowan addition with 33'-6"building height where 25'-0"is the normal maximum. Legal Description:Lots 10,11,12,13 Block 2 Ammended Plat of Hamlet Subdivision Plat Book 4-Page 48. Location:6315S.W.59Place. MOTION:Bv Leonard Kalish to approve the request for variance Seconded byLee Kerry. VOTE ON MOTION:Yes -6 MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY *** STAFF RECOMMENDATION Hearing #83 -23 Mt.Olive Missionary Baptist Church Staff recommends approval of all four variances.The applicant is requesting to build a two story addition adjoining an existing church structure.The present church is an existing non-conforming use which, itself,does not meet the RS-4 zoning requirements.RS-4 creates a hard ship in that this zoning classification was intended for the smallest single family residential lots and is therefore,necessarily,the most restrictive zoning caregory 1n the City. The proposed addition will not greatly increase the degree of non-con formity.Indeed,one of the four variance requests,(building height), ?2i cnfor 1eSS than ls Presentlv existing on the site.The request for the19-5 front setback is for the purpose of aligning the proposed addition with the existing structure.The lot coverage variance would allow 19% more building than a single family home but only 9%more than a residence with a pool.The 5'-0"rear setback would place the proposed addition five feet closer to the property line than the existing building. In addition,the church plans indicate a paved parking surface with peri meter landscaping in place of the existing gravel tandem parking.This upgrading is not required by code. •pIan. •" •. * b ^ X 21 l V_ 4 J Ik IS I" U* % *"I s!— _J-l 5".5?>IJ 19 •3 /| ,0'*57" ^t< I* /?2* /J ^w#/*v>r,»I- CoutTiy If5.W57ST r «i -3 vft TR-ACfL ii.4AO£/vs<yoJ * applicant:Mt.OliveMissionaryBaptistChurch owner:Mt.OliveMissionaryBaptistChurch WAPREFERENCE:OfficialCityAtlas-Page5 comments:Fourvariancerequests CITYorSOUTHMIAMI*PLANNINGBOARD Compass N Scale.1=300' Date.9/21/83.' Drn..K.JP..chk.J^U. HearingNo.®?*.23t 7.1 7.* 77 7' T ^ 4./ it "2a KU v. PUBLIC SERVICE DEPARTMENT THE CITY OF iZ^outn <yVliami f.130 SUNSET DRIVE,SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA 33143 Z0NING PETITION Property Description,Location and Legal: Lots 10,11,12,13Block2 Ammended platof hamlet subdivision Plat book 4-Page 48 Request:The Owners of the above property have made the following request: Variance:Toallowan addition witha 5'-0"rear setback where 25*-0"is normally required. Variance:Toallowanadditionwitha 19'-5"frontsetbackwhere 25'-0" is normally required. Variance:To allow an addition with a 49%let coverage where 30%is the normal maximum Variance:To allow an addition with 33'-6"building height where 25'-0" isthenormal maximum. Petition:We,the undersigned property owners,are within 300 feet of the above property.We understand and approve the above request. *\NAME DATE f/20% ADDRESS $A£3qq (i K 6^2^.SoJ.SJrl...•/ \££~r ^Z&. &&&&f&tx-~^J P&& Si ^j Sou }s it -y rpijt&si'./&l^&&dL SO-37 U?5Jai744^57._< (continued on page 2)Page 1 *.V _ZONING PETITION ""***(continued) Petition:We,the undersigned property owners,are within 300 feet of the above property.We understand and approve the above request. S~\NAME S&^.a..- ]a^trr^.... >W50-37 '/offltt ADDRESS ~6>pj7.S>&<.&i*l MT/. Page 2 y. i.\ PUBLIC SERVICE DEPARTMEN-T THE CITY OF ^Jouth <yVliavni 6130 SUNSET DRIVE,SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA 33143 ZONING PETITION Property Description,Location and Legal: Lots 10,11,12,13 Block 2 Ammended plat of hamlet subdivision Plat book4-Page48 Request:TheOwnersoftheabovepropertyhavemadethefollowing request: Variance:To allow an addition with a 5'-0"rear setback where 25'-0"is normally required. Variance:To allow an addition with a 19'-5"front setback where 25'-0" is normally required. Variance:To allow an addition with a 49%let coverage where 30%is the normal maximum Variance:To allow an addition with 33'-6"building height where 25'-0" is the normal maximum. Petition:We,the undersigned property owners,are within 300 feet of the above property.We understand and approve the above request. NAME DATE J/Wn ADDRESS ????y •>',tj-f&yni^x+j v*. pH-dc^Wa^i.$&t\d**¥?v** 97 ^V ~~T7 sty 50-37 continued on page 2)Page 1