Ord. No. 12-83-1172* \ N "i ORDINANCE NO.12-83-1172 ANORDINANCEOFTHECITYOFSOUTHMIAMI, FLORIDA,AMENDINGSECTION3(a)(3)OFORDINANCE NO.13-81-1107 HERETOFORE ADOPTED AS THE SOUTH MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BY:CHANGING THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN AND ASSOCIATED WRITTEN DESCRIPTIONS TO ALLOW A PUBLIC/SEMI PUBLIC USE INSTEAD.OF THE CURRENT ALLOWANCE OF LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL,ON CERTAIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7401,7411,7421,7431,7501,7511, 7521AND 7531 S.W.63RD AVENUE AND 6310 &6320 MANOR LANE,SOUTHMIAMI,FLORIDA,ESTABLISHING LAND USE POLICIES;ESTABLISHING NEW BUILDING HEIGHT LIMITATIONS;ALLOWINGRENUMBERINGAND/OR COMBINATION OF PARTS OF THIS ORDINANCE WITH OTHER PARTS OFTHE SOUTH MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE PLAN;REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICTHEREWITH;ANDPROVIDING WHEN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT. WHEREAS,after Public Hearings the Planning Board has made its recommendations 1n accordance with the annual amend ment procedures under Ordinance No.13-81-1107 of the City of South Miami,Florida, NOW,THEREFORE,BEIT ORDAINED BYTHEMAYORAND THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1.That the SubsectionentitledAreaD Government Center/Hospital Area on page L-65 of Section 3(a)(3) of Ordinance No.13-81-1107,heretofore adopted as the South Miami Comprehensive Plan be,and the same is hereby amended as follows: AREAD GOVERNMENT CENTER/HOSPITAL AREA Within the Government Center area no changes in the land use configuration are deemed to be necessary.However,in the hospital area a much more complicated situation exists.The first three goals of this Comprehensive Plan clearly state that residential areas should be protected from encroachment by incompatible land uses.Therefore,the primary goals for the City in this area are fourfold.One,to protect and stabilize the residential area to the west;two,to provide a logical and defensible land use pattern, which will foster number one above,three,to ensure that the residential area is not so inundated with non-local and non residential traffic that the residential character of the area is impaired;and four,to provide for the continued health and viability of the South Miami Hospital,which provides excellent health care for the community and is by far the larqest employer intheCity.r •• After a thorough evaluation of the conditions surrounding the property in the area it has been concluded that the following specific policiesshould apply. Building shown on hei ght Fi gure limitations L-13. should beas The land use east side of Street,lots 12,Block3, 7411 ,7421 , designation for property S.W.63 Avenue south of through 11 andtheNE c ,-^\ heontl S.W/74th of lot Oak Heights,PB 46/64,a/k/a 7401, 7431,7501 ,7511 ,7521 and 7531^ . (. / S.W,63 Avenue and 6310 and 6320 Manor Lane, South Miami,Florida,should be public/semi- public subject to the following limitations: a.Novehicularaccessshouldbeallowedto orfrom S.W.63rd Avenue/Manor Lanefor property being used for non-residential purposes.Access to these lots will come through the adjoining hospital property to the east orS.W.74th Street. b.Non-residential uses onthese lots in a new "H"Hospital zoning district should be governed by Residential Office type district regulations to ensure compata- bility with the nearby residential area. cA heavily landscaped front yard buffer twenty-five feet wide will be required along S.W.63Avenue/ManorLaneon all property beingusedfor non-residential purposes. 3.The City should ensure that action will be taken to test and implement one or more of the traffic patterns for the South Miami Hospital neighbor hood reviewedaA as part of this compre hensive planning process. The construction of the six story building on S.W.62nd Place and the attendant need to change the land use on the east side of W 63rd Avenue north of S.W.74th Street has also had an effect S.W.74th Street in terms of providing here ^0 feet from the property line.That situation coupled with th story building mentioned above creates conditions that are sufficiently changed from the time the present land use con igura- tion was established to necessitate some changes in the land use designations for the area south of S.W.74th Street. In addition,the South Miami Hospital already owns6of the 8 houses in questionandhasrequestedthatit be allowedtoconvertthe existing houses to office use and also use the rear yards for parking purposes.Likewise,the owneroflot 1,block 3,Oak Heights Subdivision,has requested office use subject to R0 type restri cti ons. After evaluating several different possible land use configura tionsforthepast18monthsithasbeen concluded thattheland usepatternthat will bestachievethefourgoalsstatedabove is the designation ofthe east sideof S.W.63rd Avenue south of S.W.74th Street for public/semi-public use subject to the specific policies listed above,andthe attendant creation ofan "H" Hospital District in the zoning ordinance. e There desig a new prope prote are u 1 and aroun gener hospi con tr are natio Hosp rl yc ct th nique use g d the ate a tal s ol re many re n but t ita1zo ontrol e publi in the enerato m,part bnorma1 are not gu1atio for r mary istri owth rest, ds an at is lyof ge am y or chap asons he pri ningd thegr cinte ir nee rs--th 1 cu1ar ly lar easi1 nswhi ecommending the public/semi-public reason isto require the creation of ct,whichcan be carefully writtento oftheSouth Miami Hospitalandto Hospitals,particularly largeones, d characteristics.Theyare powerful they tend to cause land use changes fice development.Theyalsotendto ounts of traffic.As such,large properly regulated under landuse ply to general office development. -2- 5 to/80*h 5T.r mw S5y3#3KS wffit :?:&:£&£ f;8: AS. p-—. J ;3 i '4 s 4 11 n J 9 $7 . Figure L-13 BUILDING HEIGHT LIMITATIONS =] UN ST0RIESI -2- Therefore,thisplancallsforthecreationofnewhospital specificregulations.Thesespecificregulationsarejustified becauseoftheuniquecharacterandsizeoftheSouthMiamiHospital andthefactthatthehospitalabutsasinglefamilyneighborhood. SomewouldarguethatLarkinHospitalshouldalsobesubjectto suchregulations,andindeedLarkinHospitalmaywellrequiresuch regulationinthenearfuturebutatthepresenttimethat hospitalisapproximatelyone-fourththesizeofSouthMiami Hospitalandevenmoreimportantly,LarkinHospitaldoesnotabut anysinglefamilyresidentialproperty. Thepublic/semi-publicdesignationwillalsocovertwoproperties, Lots1and3,Block3,OakHeights,,whicharenotownedbythe SouthMiamiHospital.Thisisnecessaryandpropertoprotectthe integrityoftheproposedhospitalzoningdistrict.Likewise,the ownersofthesesinglefamilyhomeswillcontinuetohavetheuse oftheirpropertiesforresidentialpurposesforaslongasthey shoulddesire.Thischangeoflandusedesignationwilltake nothingfrornthem. Moreparticularly,iftheCityweretoallowtheownersofthese twopropertiesofficeuseontheirproperty,asoneofthemhas requested,thatmightbeconsideredtantamounttoaspotlanduse designationandthenaspotzoning. Likewise,ifth properties,the heightonthose otherROproper publiclanduse istobeablet Hence,theloss and3mightser regulationson Therefore,tof publielanduse regulationssho ofLot12,Bloc eROzoningdistrictwerethenappliedtothesetwo Citycouldnotcontrolvehicularaccessorbuilding twopropertiestoanygreaterdegreethanonall ty.Twooftheprimaryreasonsforapublic/semi- designationandcreationofan"H"HospitalDistrict ocontrolbuildingheightandvehicularaccess. ofcontrolofthesecharacteristicsonlots1 iouslyjeopardizetheCity'sabilitytoenforcesuch adjacentpropertyinanewhospitaldistrict, ullyprotectthepublicinterest,thepublic/semi- designati'onandeventuallytheHospitaldistrict uldapplytoallofLots1through11andtheNE>2 k3,OakHeightsSubdivision.. Asnoted,oneoftheprimaryreasonsforutilizingthepublic/ semi-publiclanduseandlatertheHospitaldistrictistoallow theCitytoeliminatevehicularaccessfromthehospitalproperty, excludingtheexistingwarehousetoS.W.63Avenue/ManorLane. Byeliminatingallvehicularaccess,theproposedchangeinland usewillnotworsentheprimarynoxtiouscharacteristicofthe hospitaltraffic.Infact,theimplementationofthisrestriction andoneormoreofthetrafficplansproposedaspartofthis comprehensiveplanningprocess,willactuallysignificantlyreduce trafficvolumesintheadjacentresidentialarea,therebyimproving thequalityoflifeinthatarea. Finally,itistheintentoftheseproposedchangestotryto establishastablelandusepatterninthehospitalareauponwhich thelocalresidents,theSouthMiamiHospitalitselfandother propertyownerscanrely.Tothatenditisherebyacknowledged thattheSouthMiamiHospitalprovidesavaluableservicetothe communitybyprovidingbothjobsandexcellenthealthcare.To assisttheSouthMiamiHospitalinitseffortstocontinueto providetheseexcellentservices,thislanduseplanhasprovided approximately3.0acresofadditionalareaforhospitalexpansion subjecttothelimitslistedabove. However,theCityherebyputsthehospital,andotherareaproperty ownersonnoticethatitdoesnotintendtoextendnon-residential usesanyfurtherwestthantheeastsideofS.W.63rdAvenue.To thatend,thehospitalandotherinterestedpartiesshouldmake theirfutureplansknowingthatsuchchanqesinlandusearenotintendedandshouldgovernthemselvesaccordingly. Section 2.AnySectionsorpartsofSectionsof this ordinance maybe renumbered and/or combined with other Sectionsorparts of SectionsoftheSouthMiami Comprehensive Plan andanyamendmentstheretoasis necessary toensurethe continuity and consistency within and between the various elements ofsaid Comprehensive Plan. Section 3.All ordinances orpartsof ordinances in conflictherewith be,andthe same areherebyrepealedtothe extent necessary to implement this ordinance. Section 4.This ordinance shall take effect immediately at the time of its pasaage. PASSEDandADOPTEDthis 5th dayof May.1983. ATTEST: m^ Passed on First Reading:6/08/82 Passed on Second Reading:5/03/83 -4- APPROVED