Res No 113-15-14452RESOLUTION NO.:113-15-14452 A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and enter into a contract with H&R Paving Inc.fortheconstructionofthe Road ResurfacingonSW 60th Place andSW64Terrace Project WHEREAS,the Mayor and City Commission wish to provide road resurfacing onSW60th Place andon SW 64 Terrace,and WHEREAS,pursuant toacompetitiveselection process in accordance withtheCity Charter,it was determinedthatH&RPavingInc.submittedabidintheamountof$70,890.40thatwasthemost comprehensive and cost effective inits construction approach;and WHEREAS,theCity desires toprovidea contingency of $10,633.56 overthebid amount forunknown factors that may arise during the work;and WHEREAS,thetotal expenditure,including thecontingencyamount,isnotto exceed $81,523.96;and WHEREAS,theMayorand City Commissiondesiretoauthorizethe City Managertonegotiateandenter intoa contract with H&RPaving Inc.fortheconstructionoftheRoadwayResurfacingforSW60PlaceandSW 64 Terrace fora total amount not to exceed $70,890.40. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA THAT: Section 1:TheCityManagerisauthorizedtonegotiatethetermsandconditionsandto execute a contract with H&RPaving Inc.forthe construction ofthe Roadway ResurfacingforSW60PlaceandSW64 Terraceforanamountnottoexceed$70,890.40,andheisauthorizedtoexpendupto $10,633.56 forunforeseen conditions.A copy of the bidis attached. Section 2:Theexpenditureshallbecharged$50,000.00tothePeople's Transportation Planaccount number 124-1730-541-6490,which hasa balance of $1,545,388.16 andcharged $31,523.96 tothe Local Option GasTrustaccountnumber 112-1730-541-6210 which hasabalanceof $274,305.00,beforethisrequestwas made. Section 3:If anysectionclause,sentence,orphraseofthis resolution is for anyreason held invalid or unconstitutional byacourtof competent jurisdiction,the holding shall not affect the validity ofthe remaining portions of this resolution. Section 4.Thisresolutionshalltakeeffect immediately uponadoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th dayof July..,2015. CLERK READ AND D AS TO FORM ITY^ND£XK)UTION APPROVED: MAYOR COMMISSION VOTE: Mayor Stoddard ViceMayor Harris Commissioner Welsh Commissioner Liebman Commissioner Edmond 5-0 Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea South'Miami THE CITY OF PLEASANT LIVING CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM The Honorable Mayor&Members of the City Commission Steven Alexander,CityManager To: From: Date:July 14,2015 3AgendaItemNo.:. Subject:Aresolutionauthorizing the CityManagertonegotiateand enter intoacontractwithH&R Paving Inc.forthe construction of the RoadwayResurfacingforSW60PlaceandSW64Terrace Project Background:TheCityofSouthMiami Public WorksDepartmentpreparedaCitywideRoad Resurfacing Master planin2011.Basedon the analysis performedbytheCity,theinformationprovidedbythisplan wasprocessedby the Engineering Department Geographic Information System (GIS)specialist, whichgeneratedamapthatsummarizesthelocationsandconditionsofeachroadwithin the Citylimits. The attached map(dated2014)represents the current status of the original2011planwhichhas been updated throughout the years when new projects are completed,toreflect Improved conditionscitywide.The Engineering Departmentutilizesthismapto determine potentialfuture resurfacingprojects,forthe CIP Plan.Theengineering staff has knowledge andexperiencein roadwayand pavement designandhasworkedpreviouslyinevaluating pavement conditions. This experience isbeingusedtoreevaluate the conditions identified in the RoadConditionsMap andestablish the prioritiesfor these improvements,basedoncurrentconditions. TheEngineeringandConstruction Division hasreceivedcomplaintsand recommendations from the CityCommissionrequestingtheimprovementsof these roads.Theseroadshavebeen included within the CIP budget for FY 15and FY 16. Theprojectinvolvesperformingroad resurfacing workonselected streets withintheCity of South Miami.This includes,but is not limitedto,the furnishing of aillabor,material,tools, equipment,machinery,disposalofall materials,maintenance of traffic,milling,clearing and grubbing,asphaltplacement,andstripingandservicesnecessaryfor the completion of the construction of the project. locations: 1.OnSW 60th Place,between the 4121 property and 4317 property. 2.OnSW 64th Terrace,from SW 61st Court,west to the end of the cul-de-sac The Gty received three bidsinresponsetoasolicitation.Pursuanttoreview,itwas determined that H&RPaving Inc.is the most responsive and responsible bidder for this proposal.Beloware the proposals received: H&R Paving Inc.$70,890.40 M&M Asphalt Maintenance,Inc.$76,834.44 Metro ExpressInc.$82,105.00 South'Miami THE OTY OF PLEASANT LIVING CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM A contingency amount of $10,633.56willbeincluded over the proposal amount to address for unknown factors that mayariseduring the work.The total amount of the contract,including the contingency,willbe $81,523.96 Amount:Amount not to exceed $81,523.96 Account:The expenditure shallbecharged$50,000.00to the People'sTransportation Plan account number 124-1730-541-6490,whichhasabalanceof $1,545,388.16 andcharged $31,523.96 to the Local Option GasTrust account number 112-1730-541-6210 which has a balance of $274,305.00 beforethis request wasmade. Attachments:Resolution H&R PavingInc.Bid Scope of Work Contract Pre-B1d Sign-In Sheet Bid Opening Report Proposal Summary Demand Star Results SunBiz,H &RPavingInc. RFP Advertisement a •J i£2 £f KMIgW CXMOWU'. South Miami Road Surface Conditions 2014 Legend City Roads Condition Poor Fair Good ••• County Roads ••• State Roads City of South Miami Locations being addressed FY 2015 Prepared by the City of South Miami |Public Works Department Table of Contents DEMOGRAPHICS 4 BIKE FRIENDLY CITY 4 PUBLIC SAFETY 5 FUNDAMENTALS OF ROAD STRUCTURE 7 ROADWAY DETERIORATION 9 PREVIOUS RESURFACING ACTIVATES 15 FUNDING 18 CONCLUSION 19 APPENDIX Mapof South MiamiRoad Conditions 2011 Mapof South MiamiRoadResurfacing2005 FINAL EDITION Prepared By: KeithA.Ng,CFM Project Manager and Operations Manager Public Works Department Capital Improvements Program Grizel Martinez,E.I. Special Projects Coordinator Engineering &Construction Division Public Works Department 2011 Citywide Road Resurfacing Master Plan Page 2 INTRODUCTION TheCityofSouth Miami,approximately 3milessouthoftheCityof Miami, encompasses 2.5-square mileswithinMiami-DadeCounty.It borders theUniversity ofMiami'smaincampusand the citiesofCoralGablesandPinecrest.U.S.Highway I (SouthDixieHighway)carries tens of thousands ofvehicles through the cityona dailybasis. South Miami,incorporated in 1927,isoneoftheCounty'soldest municipalities with a permanent residential,tri-ethnic populationof approximately 11,862 asof 12/16/2010.The"town center"areaeastofUS I isavibrantshopping,dining and entertainment venuewitha hometown ambiance.Twomajorhospitalswithin the cityprovide employment andservicestopeople throughout thecountyand beyond. AlthoughNativeAmericanshaddoubtlesslyroamedtheareaforcenturies,the recorded history ofSouthMiamibeganattheturnofthe century whentherich farmlandsofSouthDadelured pioneers downthroughLittleHuntingGround(later knownas Coconut Grove)to Big HuntingGround(nowknownasCutler). City Map of South Miami 2011 Citywide Road Resurfacing Master Plan Page 3 DEMOGRAPHICS TheCityofSouth Miami ishometomorethantenthousandpeople andisadestinationforwork,playandshoppingforthousandsof more people across the Greater Miamiarea. TotalArea:2.30 square miles Population: 10,741 people (2000census) 11,355 (2003 estimated population) Medianagefor residents: 37.4years(thisis older thanaverageageinthe U.S.) Families (non-single residences):60.3%of the population BIKE FRIENDLY CITY The improvement of the roadqualitywouldgreatlyenhanceand promote acycling friendlycity.Potholes,sinkholes,deformations duetopatchesandlargecracks decrease ridequalityandmay pose asahazardtobikeriders.Smooth roads, leading to an increased ridequality encourage bicyclistwithin the CityofSouth Miami tobike throughout theCity. era BIKE so : BikeSoMiisa grass roots initiative by the citizens of the Cityof South Miamitohelp make itabikefriendly community.A city that is truly bicycle-friendly is safer and healthier for everyone - for people whowalk,run,bicycle,drivecarsor just simply spend time in the public spaces.Improvements to road conditions support the City and residential initiatives for abicycle friendly community. 2011 Citywide Road Resurfacing Master Plan Page 4 PUBLIC SAFETY TheCityofSouth Miami Police Department ensuresthesafetyofpeopleand property in the community.The PoliceStationis located centrally,adjacent toCity Hall at 6130 Sunset Drive. The rank structure includes the ChiefofPolice,2Majors,4Lieutenants,4Sergeants and37officersanddetectives.TheCommunicationsSupervisor oversees the CommunicationsUnit supervising 5communications officers.Thatsupervisor istheCrimeAnalystfortheagency. The Operations Section oversees thePatrolUnitwhichisthebasic backbone ofthe Police Department.The response times,visibility andprofessionalismofthatunit are second to none in the South Florida area.The commitment to traffic enforcement isevidentwithover 15,000 citationsissuedinthemost current year. Thisagencyhasalsorisenasa leader in DUI enforcement inthearea. FireRescueServicesintheCityofSouth Miami areprovidedbyMiami-Dade County.Station 14 in South Miamiis located at5860S.W.70th Street.Units on siteareRescue,Engine andBattalion8.Freebloodpressurescreeningsare available at all Miami-Dade FireRescuestations.Ifthereisnoanswerwhenyouringthe stationdoorbell,the crew is likely out ona call. ThePoliceandFire Department utilizethecity'sroad infrastructure ona consistent basis.Increasingridequalityandroadconditionsmayprovetobemost valuable for rescue vehicles transporting individuals toemergencycenters. 2011 Citywide Road Resurfacing Master Plan Page 5 ROAD RESURFACING MASTER PLAN (R2MP) There are a number ofreasonsfor having awellmaintainedroadsystem.TheCity needsareliable transportation systemin order to support economicgrowthandto ensurethatitcanmovepeople safely.Areliableroadsystem will alsoprovidethe necessary level of mobility soCountyresidentscanconvenientlyaccessbusiness, shopping,recreational activitiesandpublic services. TheCityofSouth Miami's Public Works Department isresponsibleforrepairand maintenanceoftherightofwaywithinCityboundaries,whichincludes City-owned roads.Roadmaintenanceis performed tothe extent possiblewithintheannual operating budgetandCapital Improvement Program (CIP).Each yeara proposed budget andCIPis presented to the CityManager,Budget Committee,and Commissionforreviewandapproval prior totheimplementationoftheplan.The resulting budget is then used to cover the expenses forallroadand sidewalk work. FDOTAidhelpssubsidizeroadmaintenanceexpenses. TheR2MP report describes and prioritizes whichroadwaysare needed tobe improved or constructed to better support growth.In support of the study objectives; •Maintenance -in order to provide for the continued useofexisting roadways,continued maintenance wouldbeprovided. •Improvements to current roads -basedontheresultsoftheroad condition analysis,those roadways that currently havehighutilization andsubstantialsurface deterioration would beimprovedtoahigher surface type.This would includeimprovingasphalt pavement surface types that mayinclude reconstruction,millingandresurfacing. Along term pavingandsidewalkplanwillbe developed to provide aguideand prioritylistingof improvements.Theobjectiveoftheplanis to providesufficient maintenance and/or reconstruction activitiesbasedon visual inspections,pavement conditions,and priorities.Ideallyall roads shouldberesurfacedatleastevery 15 years based on deterioration characteristics.However,given budgetary limitations, priorities are established basedonactual pavement conditions.Sidewalk priorities are established onsurface conditions,proximity toschools,andclassificationof the adjacent road. 2011 Citywide Road Resurfacing Master Plan Page 6 FUNDAMENTALS OF ROAD STRUCTURE Ifaroadis properly designedandbuilt,itwillremainingood condition formany yearswithonlyminimal maintenance.Thejobofaroadisto carry theloads under all weather conditions foraspecifieddesign life.Thisisachievedby: •Stabilizing(i.e.,strengthening)theexistingsubgradeandproviding stablebaseand subbase layersabove the subgrade •Providing adequate water drainage,because water canweakensoils andasphalt pavements •Constructing a pavement structure that is: oThickenough to structurallycarry all expectedtrafficloads fora period oftime; oProperly compacted todevelopits full strengthand prevent water penetration into the pavement anditsbase; oSurfacedwithawearing course that resists wear, deformation,weather,and remains skid resistant. Pavementsaremadeupofseverallayersofdifferent materials (Figure I). The in-place soils,calledthesubgrade,serveasthefoundationthat supports the road.When aroadwayis constructed onanembankment,theimported fill materials(embankment)becomethesubgrade.After removal oftopsoiland other organicmaterials,thesubgrademaybestabilizedbycompactionalone,or by compaction after mixinginasphaltemulsion,foamedasphalt,portlandcement,lime, or other proprietary stabilizing materials.Ontopofthesubgrade,abaselayeris usually constructed fromgoodqualitygravel or crusher runaggregates.When heavytrafficis expected,thebaselayeris usually hotmixasphalt (HMA). Subbnso Subgrade surface Figure I:Typical Pavement Cross Section In some cases,because ofvery poor subgrade soils,construction ofasubbaselayer maybenecessarytoserveasa construction platformtopreventtheintrusionof fines intothebase,improvedrainage,or reducedamagefromfrostaction.The subgrade or embankment fill actuallybearsthetrafficloads.The upper pavement layers support the wheel loadsand distribute them across a wider area of the subgrade (Figure2). 2011 Citywide Road Resurfacing Master Plan Page 7 Load,W Figure2:Spreadofwheelload pressure through thepavement structure Figure3 shows how the pavement and subgrade are deformed under aheavyload. The deformation (whichis greatly exaggerated in the figure)causes compressive stresses in the top layersof the pavement and tensile stresses in the bottom.If the deflection islarge enough and occurs enough times,the tension stress can cause a fatigue crack at the bottom of the layer.Additional loadscausethis crack to migrate upward untilit reaches the surface.Surface water canthen penetrate through the crackinto the baseand weaken it.This causes largerdeflectionsin the adjacent pavement and more cracksuntil pavement failure(alligatorcracking)occurs.If the pavement isthickenough and/or the subgrade andbaseare strong enough, deflections and stresses are reduced,and load-related crackingmay not occur for manyyears resulting inalong pavement life. Pavement Structure Subgrade' Figure3 Pavement Deflection Under Loads Load,W Not Drawn to Scale 2011 Citywide Road Resurfacing Master Plan Page 8 Roadway Deterioration Inadditiontoheavywheelheavyloadsimposedbytrucks,there aremany factors that canleadto pavement deterioration,suchas water retainedinthe pavement structure,stresses induced by temperature changes,environmental factors,lossof subgrade support,or inadequate maintenance.Somesymptomsof deterioration are visible surface deterioration,cracking,spalling,andmultiple patches,all of which are described in further description below. Surface Deterioration Surface Deterioration iscausedbythe disintegration andlossofthesurface.Poor construction materialssuchas poor aggregate,cement,or additivesare contributing factorsinsurface deterioration overtime.Poor construction methodssuchas poor placement,curing,finishing,or cuttingarefactorsaswell.Trafficandvehicular imposed damage to the asphalt suchasby tire rims,chains,andmetal or chemical reactants are external causes ofsurface deterioration.Theseverityof surface deterioration maybe measured in terms of: •Moderate -Some coarse aggregatehasbeenexposedandthewearing surfacehas disintegrated uptoadepthofa 1/2" •Severe-Most coarse aggregatehasbeenexposedandsomehasbeen removed.The wearing surfacehasdisintegratedtoadepthof 1/2"or greater. Deterioration ofasphaltmayresultinthe development of depressions that are sometimes referred toas"Birdbaths"orshoulder drop-offs.Itmaybecausedby irregular movement of shoulder material or adropoffintheelevation between the roadwayand the shoulder.Asphaltshoulderdistressmaybecausedbypumpingof water under theshoulder,off-trackingofheavytrucksorenvironmental deterioration over time. The "pumping"ofpavementisaprocesswheretheactionofa heavy wheelload acrossaslabwillcausetheexpulsionof water andfinebasematerialinsuspension underneath the pavement slabstoescape through the pavement jointsattheedge ofpavement.Three conditions that existforpumpingtooccurincludethe presence offreewater,erodiblebasematerialandheavywheelloads. Surface Deterioration 2011 Citywide Road Resurfacing Master Plan Page 9 Cracking Theseverityofcrackingisof great concernbecauseitisameasureofthedegreeof distressanditassistsindirectingtherehabilitationstrategy.Theseverityof transverse,longitudinal,and corner crackingmayrangefromlight (visible cracks lessthan 1/8"wide)tosevere(cracks greater than 1/2"wide,and/orlossof aggregateinterlock,intrusionof water anddebris,faulting,and/or spalling). Spalling Spalling isthecrackingand disintegration attheslabedges.Spalling maybecaused bytheintrusionof incompressible material,which restricts slabexpansionand contraction.Incompressible materials areusuallyrocksandsand.Spalling also occursatcracksduetoirregularshapeofthecracksand poor loadtransfer.The severityof spalling maybe measured fromlight(spalledareas that arelessthan 1.5" wide)to severe (spalledareas that are greater than3"wide). 2011 Citywide Road Resurfacing Master Plan Page 10 Patches Patchingisprimarilyduetomaintenanceforcesto correct or improveasectionof pavement that has deteriorated andmayprovideasolutionthatcanperformaswell as the existingmaterial.Birdbaths or any water that saturates theasphaltfor extended periods oftimeslowly deteriorates thesurfaceasphalt,resultingis pot holes or irregular grading. The severity ofpatchingmaybe measured in terms of: •Fair-Thepatchisproviding marginal performanceandisexpectedtoserve itsfunctionforafewyears. •Poor -Thepatchhas deteriorated to the extent thatitnolongerservesits functionandshouldbereplacedas soon aspossible. 2011 Citywide Road Resurfacing Master Plan Page 11 EVALUATION AND PRIORITIZING OF ROAD CONDITIONS The R2MPisbasedonfieldevaluationsof pavement conditions The goalof the Objective Rating process is to produce indexvalues that represent pavement conditions based on distresses observed in the field.The condition index values are a function of distress type,distress severity,and distress quantity present in the pavement surface.The indexvalueshave been established torangefrom zero to ten.Larger indexvalues indicate better pavement conditions.For example,a new pavement withno distress isassignedanindexvalueoften.Thefollowingtable illustrates the numericalratingsand descriptions of pavement condition corresponding to the numerical ratings. Standard Road Condition Rating Table Category Definition Condition Rating Index Very Good 8-10 Stable,nocracking,nopatchingandno deformation.Excellent riding qualities Good 5.5-8 Stable,minor cracking,generallyhairlineandhardto detect.Minor patchingandpossibly some minor deformation evident.Dry or light coloredappearance.Ruttinglessthan 1/2". Fair 4.5-5.5 Generally stable,minorareasof structural weakness evident. Crackingiseasierto detect,patchedbutnotexcessively. Deformation more pronounced andeasilynoticed.Ridequalities are good to acceptable. Poor 2.5-4.5 Areasofinstability,marked evidenceof structural deficiency,large crack patterns (alligatoring),heavyand numerous patches, deformation very noticeable.Ridingqualitiesrangefrom acceptable to poor. Very Poor 1-2.5 Pavement in extremely deteriorated condition.Numerous areasof instability.Majorityofsectionshowing structural deficiency.Ride qualityis poor. Failed 0-1 Pavement structure failed.Allofsection showing severe structural deficiency. Source:Road Resurfacing Pamphlet byPublicWorks Agency-Transportation Department,VenturaCA 2011 Citywide Road Resurfacing Master Plan Page 12 The City'smodifiedRatingIndexisasfollows: City of SouthMiami Category Definition Condition Rating Index Good 5 Verylittleifanysurface deteriorations,nocracks observed. Fairly Good 4 Minor surface deteriorations with little or no cracks observed Fair 3 Someminorcracking,generallyhairlineandhardto detect.Minorpatchingandpossiblysomeminor deformation evident. Fairly Poor 2 Alligatorcracks,patches or potholes,some unraveling, rutting with some deformation Poor 1 Significant amount of potholes,large or significant amount ofalligatorcracks,deformation and patchworks.Very poor ridequality. Monitoring pavement life cyclesindicates that the cost ofpavementrehabilitation foreveryonemileofroadinvery poor conditionis roughly thesameasthe cost forrenovation/rehabilitationoffourmilesofroadinfairor better condition.Simply stated,itismorecosteffectivetorehabilitate/repairaroadbeforetheratingindex drops too far below anindex of 3.0. 2011 Citywide Road Resurfacing Master Plan Page 13 RESULTS OF THE CITY'S ROAD SURFACE ASSESSMENT A Citywide RoadSurface Assessment was performed in 2011.TheRatingIndexwas employed to rate and prioritize theexistingroadway throughout theCity.The RoadSurface Assessment canbe summarized inthefollowing percentages: •49%,or 19 milesof the roads arein good condition. •24%or 9.23milesoftheroadsarein poor condition. •21 %or 8 miles of roads are in fair condition. •4%or 1.5 milesof roads areinfairly poor condition. •2%or 0.6milesof roads areinfairly good condition Length in Miles Basedon the assessment,itis the City's intent to commence with road resurfacing activities to roads withan index of3 or less,i.e.roads that are in poor or infairly poor condition willhave the highest priority forroad resurfacing.Another consideration istogive preference to roads withhigh population densities i.e. business districts,downtown and apartment complex neighborhood shallreceivea higher priority for resurfacing considerations. Areas for road resurfacing consideration are asfollows: •Cocoplum Terrace Neighborhood; •Mango Terrace specificallySW 76th Terrace between 67thand 69th Avenues and SW 68th Avenue between 76th Terrace and Sunset Drive; •Pinecrest Villas Neighborhood alongSW79*Street,SW 63rd Avenue;SW 59th Court;SW 59thPlaceincludingSW62ndAvenue(US I to 80th Street) The project will continue northward in addressing roads located in residential areas asfunds become available.As sketch mapofexistingroad conditions is included with this document. 2011 Citywide Road Resurfacing Master Plan Page 14 FREQUENCY OF ROAD RESURFACING There are over 40mileswithin the City'sMaintainedRoadSystem.Eachyear,over thepast 10 years,approximately 1/2 mileofroadshasbeenresurfacedbywayof drainage,streetscape,roadway improvements andutilityinstallations,to name a few.Itis anticipated inthe future that only two milesofroadswillbe resurfaced per year depending onthelevelof future funding provided byfederaland state revenue sources. PREVIOUS RESURFACING ACTIVIITES TheCityinitiatedaCitywideRoadResurfacingprogramin2005.Emphasiswas made to resurface areas in the downtown,business,condos and apartment complexes.Projects limits to the area were SW56*Street tothe north,SW57* Avenue to the east,SW 89*Street to the south and SW 69*Avenue to the west. Approximately 85%of the area were resurfaced includingManorLane neighborhood,the North endSection(BirdRoad,SW 62nd Court,SW44*Street andSW64*Avenue),Snapper Creek Neighborhood (SW80*Street,Snapper Creek Drive,RedRoadandSW60*Avenue)andSW58*Avenue between SW 74*Street andSW77*Terrace justtonameafew. SUMMARY RESEARCH An extensive research onCity records asit relates toroadresurfacingrevealedthe following: •The CityofSouth Miami does not haveaCitywideRoadResurfacingPlan tosystematicallymaintain,repair or reconstruct theCity'sroadsystem. •Littleinformationwasavailableforanyresurfacing work from 1996 or earlier. •Foran extended period oftime,Public Works hadarollinglistto document resident complaints of pot holeson the road.Roads were repaired,repaired or resurfaced according to the time the complaint was reported to the department. •Records showed that roadresurfacingactivities complemented improvement projects that include: oRoad improvements o Drainage Improvements o Water Main upgrades o Sewer System upgrades oTrafficCalming o Forcemain Upgrades and Improvements o Streetscape Projects •Historical information obtained from interviews with former City Project Managers,contractors anddesign consultants that providedservicesfor the City. 2011 Citywide Road Resurfacing Master Plan Page 15 TIMELINES 1997 -TheearliestmajorroadresurfacingactivitywasSunsetDrive Downtown Road,Drainageand Streetscape improvement project.Design andconceptualplans were drawnin 1998 andconstruction began in 1999 asfundsbecameavailable.The project wascompleted around 2002. 2002-Northend DrainageImprovements.SW 63rd Street from90*Street to44*StreetandSW62Ct(44Stto44 ST),44St(62Ctto64Ave), intersection of42TR&64Ave.Work wascompletedon2003. 2002-Citywide Drainage Improvements Phase I.(5900and6000blocksof TwinLakesDrive)work was completed on2003. 2003-Snapper Creek Drainage Project (SW84th Street toSW87th Street andfromRedRoadtoSW62ndAvenue)beganin2003andwas completed in 2004. 2003-A WASA Forcemain upgrade onSW62nd Avenue between SW84th Street andSW78thStreet began in 2003 andwas completed in2004. 2003-TrafficCalminginCocoplum Terrace Neighborhood (Approximately from SW 64th Street to Sunset Drive and from 62nd Avenue to SW 63rd Court)beganin2003andwas completed in2004. 2003 -Rood and Drainage Improvements by OCD (SW64th Street toSW58th Terrace and from SW58th Place toSW62nd Avenue)were completed in 2004. 2003-SunsetDrivePhases I,II,III and IV (fromUS to SW67thAvenue) was completed around 2010. 2004-Snapper Creek DrainageImprovementsPhase II (87*Street from 58*to59*Avenues,SW58*Avenuefrom85*to87*streets).Work was completed on2005. 2004-Citywide Drainage Improvements.4800blockofSW64*Street, 49*Street from 67*Avenue to 64*Place,49*Terrace from 67*Avenue to 65*Avenue,64*Court from 48*Street to 49*Street,and 65*Avenue from49*Street to50*Street.Completed in2005. 2004 -Water Main upgrades Phase I (Red Road toSW62nd Avenue and from SW76th Street toSW80th Street)was completed in 2005. 2004 -Water Main upgrades Phase II (SW67th Avenue toSW69th Avenue and from Sunset Drive toSW66th Street)was completed in2005. 2005-Snapper Creek TrafficCalming(SW80th Street toSW84th Street andRedRoadtoSW62ndAvenue)was completed in2008. 2005-Downtown Drainage Improvements Phase IV.SW58*Avenuefrom 72nd Street to US I and SW 71st Street from 58*Avenue to US I. 2006-Citywide Drainage Improvements Phase III.SW 62nd Terrace,SW 62nd Avenue and SW 63rd Street from 62nd Avenue to 60*Avenue.SW 76* Terrace atcul-de-sacofSW58*Avenue.Completed in2007. 2006-Snapper Creek RoadwayandDrainage Improvements Phase MIA. SW85*Street from58*Avenueto60*Street.Completedin2007. 2006-Snapper Creek RoadwayandDrainage Improvements Phase 1MB.SW 84*Street from58*Avenue toSW 62nd Avenue,Completed in2007. 2006 -Drainage Improvements Phase III.SW 62nd Terrace from 62nd Avenue to 60*Avenue,SW 63rd Street from 62nd Avenue to 60*Avenue, SW 63rd Terrace from 62nd Avenue to 60*Avenue,SW 76*Terrace from 2011 Citywide Road Resurfacing Master Plan Page 16 58*Avenuetocul-de-sac,north ROW at 5851 SW 83rd Street.Completed in 2007. 2007 -CitywideDrainage Improvements.SW85*Street from58*Avenue to SW 62nd Avenue.Completed in2008. 2007-SunsetAreaImprovements(SunsetDrivetoSW74th Street and RedRoadtoSW59thCourt)wascompletedin2008. 2008-ManorLaneTrafficCalming(SW67thAvenuetoSW62ndAvenue andSW80th Street toSunsetDrive).Completedin2009. 2008-CitywideDrainageImprovementsPhase IV.SW58*Avenue74* Street to80tyh Street,SW74 Terrace from57*Avenueto58*Avenue. Completed in2009. 2008-CitywideDrainageImprovementsPhase V.SW85*Street from60* Avenueto 62nd Avenue,SW64*Avenuenorthof58*Terrace(250Feet). Completed in2009. 2010 -SW 62nd Avenue Road and Drainage Improvements from SW 64"'Street toSW 70*Street.Completed in 2011. SW 57*Avenue Drainage Improvements from SW 76"'Street toSW 80*Street. 2011 -CitywideRoad Resurfacing Project.Completed.SW 41st Street from SW 65th Avenue to residence home of6446SW 41 st Street;SW 65th Avenue from SW 61st Terrace to SW 64th Street;SW 68th Street fromSW64thPlacetoSW65thAvenue.CompletedinSeptember 201 I. 2011 -SW64th Court DrainageImprovements.SW64*Court from Manor Lane to 7510 SW64*Court.CompletedinAugust 2011. 201 I -SW66*Street Improvements.FromSW59*PlacetoSW 61" Court.Completed inJanuary 2012. Note:Italic Projects were funded and performed by Miami-Dade County. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS •Themajorityof documented road resurfacing workwasconductedfrom 2003-2008.The earliest work was initiated in 1998. •Theaverageageisapproximately 9-10 years. •Poordrainageorchronic flooding maybethecauseforacceleratingroad deterioration. •A stronger asphaltqualitymix will improvethe longevity oftheroad surface.Future projects shallrequireSuperpaveor S-lll asphalttobeuse duringresurfacingactivities. •PlacementofAsphaltmustbeperformedatoptimalclimateconditions,i.e. hot dayswithnorain. •Other factors to consider prior toresurfacingactivitiesareto examine the local characteristics of area suchas flooding,drainage,swaleareas,etc. 2011 Citywide Road Resurfacing Master Plan Paee 17 FUNDING Thisisanongoingproject.There arecurrently 31 municipalities thatare eligible to receive surtax funding with30participatingintheprogram.Themunicipalities incorporated atthetimeof voter approvalofthePTPreceive20%of surtax revenue.Thisamountsto approximately $35,000,000annuallyandis distributed to eachcitybasedonpopulation.Citiesmustspendaminimumof20%on transit projects andnomorethan80%onpublic works improvements. Funding expended of $174.3 million represents audited amounts andbudgeted amountsfor transportation expensesthrough FY 2009-2010.Transportation projects includeabroadrangeofprojectssuchasroad widening,roadresurfacing, intersection improvements,roadway drainage improvements,ADA compliant sidewalksandcurbs,pedestrian signals,trafficcirclesandtrafficcalmingdevices.The amount budgeted bythemunicipalitiesforeligible transportation projects in FY 2010-201 I is$26.0 million.Itshouldbe noted thatmanyofthese projects are multi-yearandthatanumberof municipalities havemulti-yeardebtobligationsto complete capital projects.The Trust and the municipalitiesare about ready to commence anewcycleof Interlocal Agreements.It may occur in 2011 if there isa resolutionofthenewmunicipalityissue or itmaybe deferred until 2012 whichis theendof the fiveyearcycle (Source:Miami-Dade County 5-year PTP Implementation Plan) 2011 Citywide Road Resurfacing Master Plan Page 18 CONCLUSION ItistheCity's intent toutilizefunds approved inthe 2012 Fiscal Yearbudgetinthe amount not to exceed $165,000.Atthistime,theCity selected a vendor tobegin this work pursuant to Commission approval. UponapprovalbytheCommission,theCity's Public Works Department will schedule and coordinate with the vendor tobeginworkduringthefirstor second quarter of the fiscalyear. Sources: •City of South Miami Website •Rigid PavementDesign Manual-PublishedbyFlorida Department of Transportation •Road Resurfacing Pamphletby Public Works Agency-Transportation Department,Ventura CA Asphalt Paving Principles •Cornell Local Roads Program 2011 Citywide Road Resurfacing Master Plan APPENDIX 2011 Citywide Road Resurfacing Master Plan Page20 S|VMTH1^,L City of South Miami ROADS1 CONDITIONS Legend City Roads Condition 1 Poor 2 Fairly Poor 3 Fair —4 Fairly Good 5 Good County Roads State Roads Cityof South Miami Lengths inmiles 0.1 0.2 Monoby City ol South Maml EnomootinQ &Construction, 10&2011 GISDataby Miami-Oada County. M010 City of South Miami:ROADS RESURFACING VO I.HO i'AO MM wo Ql) •fflStssiiJmpEafflfflr^fflMinnuLSnurni«-Bnr UUlUiJt±J bd UJ t±)b±Js^ISS!w G Legend. ••w"'ci'y Boundary J City Zones -Resurfacing Work In Progress (as ofAug.2005) Resurfaced Roads (as ofAug.2005) 1,jagg ramCTfrgffi3lM?n SouthrMiami THE-CITY-OF PLEASANT LIVING CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI RoadwayResurfacing 60*Placeand64*Terrace RFP#PW20I5-M SUBMITTAL DUE DATE:June 30,2015 at 10 AM Solicitation Cover Letter TheCityofSouth Miami,Florida (hereinafter referred toas "CSM")throughits chief executiveofficer(City Manager)hereby solicits sealedproposalsresponsive to theCity'srequest(hereinafterreferred to as"Request forProposals"or "RFP").All referencesinthis Solicitation (alsoreferredtoasan "Invitation forProposals"or "Invitation to Bid")to "City"shall beareferencetotheCity Manager,or the manager's designee,fortheCityof South Miami unlessotherwise specifically defined. The Cky isherebyrequestingsealedproposalsinresponse to this RFP #PW20I5-11 "Roadway Resurfacing 60thPlaceand64th Terrace."Thepurposeofthis Solicitation istocontractforthe services necessaryforthe completion oftheprojectin accordance withtheScopeof Services,(Exhibit I,AttachmentA&Attachment B),or the plans and/or specifications,ifany,described inthisSolicitation (hereinafter referred toas "the Project"or "Project") Interested personswhowishtorespond to this Solicitation canobtainthecomplete Solicitation packageatthe .City Clerk's office Monday through Friday from9:00 A.M.to4:00 P.M.or byaccessingthe following webpage: http://www.southmiamifi.gov/which istheCityofSouth Miami's webaddressfor solicitation information. Proposalsaresubjecttothe Standard TermsandConditionscontainedinthecomplete Solicitation Package, includingalldocumentslistedintheSolicitation. TheProposal Package shall consistofone(I)original unbound proposal,three (3)additional copiesandone (I) digital(orcomparablemedium including FlashDrive,DVD orCD)copyallofwhich shall bedeliveredtothe OfficeoftheCityClerklocatedatSouth Miami City Hall,6130 Sunset Drive,South Miami,Florida 33143.The entire Proposal Package shallbeenclosedinasealedenvelopeorcontainerandshallhavethe following Envelope Information clearly printedorwrittenontheexterioroftheenvelopeorcontainerin which thesealedproposalis delivered:"Roadway Resurfacing 60th Placeand 64th Terrace"RFP#PW2015-I I and the name ofthe Respondent(personorentity responding tothe Solicitation.Special envelopessuchasthoseprovidedby UPS or Federal Express will notbeopenedunlesstheycontaintherequired Envelope Information onthefront or backof the envelope.Sealed ProposalsmustbereceivedbyOfficeoftheCity Clerk,either by.mail orhand delivery,no later than 10 A.M.local time on June 30,2015.Hand delivery must be made during normal business days and hours of the office of City Clerk Apublicopening will takeplaceat 10 A.M.onthesamedateintheCityCommissionChamberslocatedatCity Hall,6130 Sunset Drive,South Miami 33143.AnyProposalreceivedafter 10 A.M.local timeonsaiddate will not beacceptedunder any circumstances.Anyuncertainty regarding thetimeaProposalis received willbe resolved against the personsubmittingtheproposalandinfavoroftheClerk'sreceiptstamp. A Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting willbe conducted at City Hallin the Commission Chambers located at 6130 Sunset Drive,South Miami,Fl 33143 on June 22,2015 at 10:00 A.M.The conference shall beheldregardlessofweatherconditionsProposalsaresubjecttotheterms,conditionsand provisionsofthisletteraswellastothoseprovisions,terms,conditions,affidavits anddocumentscontainedinthis SolicitationPackage.TheCity reserves the right to award the Project to the person with the lowest,most responsive,responsibleProposal,as determined bytheCity,subjecttotherightoftheCity,ortheCity Commission,torejectanyandallproposals,andtherightoftheCitytowaiveany irregularity in the Proposalsor Solicitation procedure andsubjectalso to the rightoftheCitytoawardthe Project,andexecutea contract witha RespondentorRespondents,other than to onewhoprovidedthelowestProposalPriceor,iftheScopeofthe Work isdividedinto distinct subdivisions,to awardeach subdivision toa separate Respondent.. MariaM.Menendez,CMC City Clerk,CityofSouthMiami SCOPE OF SERVICES and SCHEDULE OF VALUES RoadwayResurfacing 60*Placeand 64*Terrace RFP#PW2015-ll TheScopeof Services andthe Schedule of Values,if any,are set forthintheattached EXHIBIT I END OF SECTION SCHEDULE OF EVENTS RoadwayResurfacing 60th Placeand 64th Terrace RFP#PW20I5-U No Event Date*Time* (EST) 1 Advertisement/Distribution of Solicitation &Cone of Silencebegins 6/10/2015 11:00 AM 2 Non-Mandatory Pre-RFP Meeting 6/22/2015 10:00 AM 3 Deadline to Submit Questions 6/24/20 IS 10:00 AM 4 DeadlinetoCityResponses to Questions 6/26/2015 10:00 AM 5 Deadline to Submit RFP Response 6/30/2015 10:00 AM 6 Projected Announcementofselected Contractor/Cone of Silence ends 7/7/2015 7:00 PM Thomas F,Pcpe 02-13-J 5 END OF SECTION Page I of78 INSTRUCTIONS for RESPONDENT Roadway Resurfacing 60thPlaceand 64*Terrace RFP#PW20I5-II IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE RESPONDENT TO THE SOLICITATION TO ENSURE THAT THE RESPONSE TOTHE SOLICITATION (HEREINAFTER ALSO REFERRED TOASTHE "PROPOSAL" THROUGHOUTTHE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS)REACHES THE CITY CLERK ONOR BEFORE THE CLOSING HOUR AND DATE STATED ON THE SOLICITATION FORM. 1.Purposeof Solicitation.TheCityofSouth Miami is requesting proposals forthelowestandmost responsive pricefortheProjectTheCityreservesthe right to award thecontracttothe Respondent whose proposal is foundtobein the bestinterestsof the City 2.Qualification of Proposing Firm,Response submittals tothis Solicitation will beconsideredfromfirms normally engaged in providing the services requested.The proposing firm must demonstrate adequate experience,organization,offices,equipment and personnel toensureprompt and efficient service tothe City ofSouth Miami.TheCityreservesthe right,before recommending anyaward,toinspectthe offices and organization ortotake any otheraction necessary to determine ability to perform in accordance withthe specifications,terms and conditions.The City of South Miami will determine whether the evidence of ability to performis satisfactory andreservesthe right toreject all response submittals to this Solicitation where evidence submitted,or investigation and evaluation,indicates inability ofafirmto perform. 3.Deviations from Specifications.The awarded firm shall clearly indicate,as applicable,all areasin which the services proposed donot fully complywiththerequirementsofthisSolicitation.Thedecisionasto whether anitem fully complies withthestated requirements rests solely withtheCityof South Miami. 4.Designated Contact.The awarded firm shall appoint a person toactasa primary contact with the City of South Miami.This personor back-up shall be readily available during normal workhoursby phone,email,orin person,andshallbeknowledgeable of the terms ofthe contract. 5.Precedence of Conditions.The proposing firm,by virtueof submitting a response,agrees that City's General Provisions,Termsand Conditions herein will take precedence oyeranytermsand conditions submitted with theresponse,either appearing separately asanattachmentor included within the Proposal.TheContract Documents have been listed below inorderof precedence,with theone hav'ng the most precedence being at thetopofthelist and the remaining documents in descending orderofprecedence.This orderof precedence shall apply,unlessclearlycontrary to the specific termsofthe Contract or GeneralConditionstothe Contract: a)Addenda to Solicitation b)Attachments/Exhibits to c)Solicitation d)Attachment/Exhibits to Supplementary Conditions e)Supplementary Conditions to Contract,ifany f)Attachment/Exhibits to Contract g)Contract h)GeneralConditionstoContract,rfany i)Respondent's Proposal 6.Response Withdrawal.AfterProposalsareopened,correctionsor modifications to Proposals arenot permitted,butthe City may allow the proposing firm to withdraw anerroneous Proposal priortothe confirmation ofthe proposal award by City Commission,rf all of die following is established: a)The proposing firm acted in good faith in submitting the response; b)The error was nottheresultofgross negligence or willful inattentiononthepartofthe firm; c)The error was discovered and communicated tothe City within twenty-four (24)hours(not including Saturday,Sunday ora legal holiday)of opening the proposals received,along with arequest forpermissiontowithdrawthe firm's Proposal;and d)The firm submits an explanation in writing,signed under penalty of perjury,stating howtheerror was made and delivers adequate documentation tothe City tosupportthe explanation and toshow thatthe error wasnottheresultofgross negligence or willful inattentionnor made inbad faith. 7.Theterms,provisions,conditions and definitions contained inthe Solicitation CoverLetter shall apply tothese instructionsto Respondents andtheyareherebyadoptedandmadeaparthereofbyreference.If thereisa conflict betweentheCoverLetterandthese instructions,orany other provisionofthis Solicitation,the CoverLettershallgovernandtakeprecedenceoverthe conflicting provision(s)inthe Solicitation. 8.Anyquestionsconcerningthe Solicitation or anyrequiredneedfor clarification must bemadeinwriting,by 10 AM June 24,2015 to the attentionof Steven P.Kulick at skulick@southmiamifl.gov or via facsimile at (30S)663-6346. 9.The issuance ofawritten addendum is theonly official method wherebyinterpretationand/or clarification of j information can be given.Interpretations or clarifications,considered necessary by the City in response to j suchquestions,shallbe issued byawrittenaddendumtothe Solicitation Package (alsoknownas "Solicitation : Specifications'*or "Solicitation")by U.S.mail,e-mail orother delwerf methodconvenienttotheCityandthe CitywillnotifyallprospectivefirmsviatheCity'swebsite. 10.Verbal interpretations or clarifications shall be without legal effect.No plea by a Respondent of ignorance or j theneedforadditionalinformationshall exempt aRespondentfromsubmitting the Proposalontherequired dateandtimeassetforthinthepublicnotice. 11.Coneof Silence:Youarehereby advised that thisRequestforProposals is subjecttothe"Coneof Silence/' inaccordancewith Miami-Dade CountyOrdinanceNos.98106 and 99-1.From the timeofadvertisinguntil j theCityManagerissueshisrecommendation,there isaprohibitiononverbal communication withtheCity's I professional staff,including theCity Manager andhis staff.All written communication must comply withthe ! requirements of the Coneof Silence.TheConeofSilencedoesnotapplytoverbalcommunicationsatpre- proposal conferences,verbalpresentationsbefore evaluation committees,contract discussions duringany duly noticedpublicmeeting,public presentationsmadetothe City Commissionduringanydulynoticepublic j meeting,contract negotiations with the staff following the City Manager's written recommendation forthe j awardofthecontract,or communications inwritingatanytimewithanyCityemployee,official ormemberof the CityCommissionunless specifically prohibited.Acopyof all writtencommunicationsmustbe contemporaneously filed withtheCity Manager andCity Clerk.In addition,youarerequiredto comply with the City Manager's Administrative OrderAO 1-15.If a copy is not attached,please requesta copy fromthe j City's Procurement Division.! WITH REGARD TO THE COUNTY'S CONE OF SILENCE EXCEPTION FOR WRITTEN COMMUNICATION,PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT,NOTWITHSTANDING THE MlAMl- DADE COUNTY EXCEPTION FOR WRITTEN COMMUNICATION THE COUNTY'S RULES PROHIBITING VERBAL COMMUNICATION DURING AN ESTABLISHED CONE j OF SILENCE SHALL,WITH REGARD TO THIS SOLICITATION,ALSO APPLY TO ALL WRITTEN COMMUNICATION UNLESS PROVIDED OTHERWISE BELOW. THEREFORE,WHERE THE CITY OF SOUTH MAIM1 CONE OF SILENCE PROHIBITS COMMUNICATION,SUCH PROHIBITION SHALL APPLYTOBOTH VERBAL AND j WRITTEN COMMUNICATION. Notwithstanding the foregoing,the Cone of Silence shall not apply to... (1)Duly noticed site visits to determine the competency of bidders regarding a particular bid during the time period between the opening of bids and the time that the City Manager makes his or her written recommendation; (2)Any emergency procurement of goods or services pursuant to the Miami-Dade County Administrative Order 3-2; (3)Communications regarding a particular solicitation between any person and the j procurement agent or contracting officer responsible for administering the procurement process for such solicitation,provided the communication is limited strictly to matters of processor procedure already contained in the corresponding solicitation document;and (4)Communications regarding a particular solicitation between the procurement agent or contracting officer,or their designated secretarial/clerical staff responsible for administering the procurement process for such solicitation anda member of the selection committee therefor,provided the communication is limited strictly to matters of process or procedure already contained in the corresponding solicitation document." 12.Violationof these provisionsbyanyparticularRespondent or proposer shall render anyrecommendationfor theawardofthe contract or the contract awardedtosaid Respondent or proposer voidable,and,insuch event,saidRespondent or proposer shallnotbeconsideredforany Solicitation includingbutnot limited to onethat requests anyofthefollowingaproposal,qualifications,a letter of interest or a bid concerningany contract fortheprovisionofgoodsorservicesforaperiodofoneyear.Contactshallonlybemadethrough regularlyscheduledCommissionmeetings,or meetingsscheduledthroughthe Purchasing Division,whteh are for the purposes ofobtaining additional or clarifying information. 13.Lobbying.All firms andtheir agents whointendtosubmit,orwhosubmitted,bids orresponsesforthis Solicitation,arehereby placed on formal noticethatneitherCity Commissioners,candidates forCity Commissioner or any employee oftheCityof South Miami aretobe lobbied either individually or collectively concerningthis Solicitation.Contact shall onlybemadethrough regularly scheduled Commission meetings,or meetings scheduled throughthe Purchasing Division,whichareforthe purposes of obtaining additional or clarifyinginformation. 14.Reservation ofRightTheCity anticipates awarding onecontractfor services asaresultofthis Solicitation and the successful firm will be requested toenter into negotiations to produce a contract for the Project. TheCity,however,reservesthe right,initssole discretion,todo any ofthe following: a)to reject any and all submitted Responses and to further define or limit the scope ofthe award. b)to waive minor irregularities inthe responses or in the procedure required bythe Solicitation documents. c)to request additional information from firms as deemed necessary. d)to make an award without discussion or after limited negotiations.It is,therefore,important that all the parts ofthe Request for Proposal be completed in all respects. e)to negotiate modifications tothe Proposal thatitdeems acceptable. f)toterminate negotiations intheeventtheCitydeems progress towardsacontracttobe insufficient and to proceed to negotiate withthe Respondent who made thenextbest Proposal.TheCity reserves the right to proceed inthis manner until it has negotiated a contract thatis satisfactory to theCity. g)To modify the Contract Documents.The terms ofthe Contract Documents are general and not necessarily specific tothe Solicitation.It is therefore anticipated thatthe City may modify these documents to fit the specific project orworkin question and the Respondent,by making a Proposal, agrees tosuch modifications andtobeboundbysuch modified documents. h)to cancel,in whole or part,any invitation for Proposals when it is in thebest interest ofthe City, i)to award the Project tothe person withthe lowest,most responsive,responsible Proposal,as determinedbythe City, j)to award the Project,and execute a contract with a Respondent or Respondents,other than toone whoprovidedthelowest Proposal Price, k)iftheScope of the Work isdividedintodistinct subdivisions,toawardeach subdivision toa separate Respondent 15.Contingent Fees Prohibited,The proposing firm,by submitting a proposal,warrants that it has not employed or retained a company or person,other than a bona fide employee,contractor or subcontractor,working in itsempby,to solicit or secure a contract with the City,and thatit has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company,corporation,individual or firm other than abona fide employee,contractor or sub-consultant, working in its empby,any fee,commission,percentage,gift or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making ofa contract withthe City. 16.Public Entity Crimes.A person or affiliate ofthe Respondent who has been placed ontheconviaedvendor list pursuant to Chapter 287 following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a Proposal ona contract to provide any goods or services,ora contract for construction or repair ofa public building,may not submit proposals on leases of real property toor with the City of South Miami,may notbe awarded a contracttoperformworkasaCONTRACTOR,sub-contractor,supplier,sub-consultant,or consukant under acontractwiththeCityof South Miami,and maynot transact business withtheCityof South Miami fora period of36months from thedateof being placed onthe convicted vendor list 17.Respondents shall usethe Proposal Form(s)furnished bythe City.All erasures and corrections must have the initials ofthe Respondent's authorized representative in blueinkatthe location of each and every erasure and correction.Proposals shall be signed using blue ink;all quotations shall be typewritten,or printed with blue ink.All spaces shall be filled in withthe requested information orthe phrase "not applicable"or "NA".The proposal shall be delivered onor before thedate and time,and atthe place and in such manner asset forth in the Solicitation Cover Letter.Failure todoso may cause the Proposal tobe rejected.Failure to include any of the Proposal Forms may invalidate the Proposal.Respondent shall deliver tothe City,as part of its Proposal, the folbwing documents: a)The Invitation for Proposal and Instructions to Respondents. b)Acopyof all issuedaddenda. c)The completed Proposal Form fully executed. d)Proposal/Bid Bond,(Bond or cashier's check),if required,attached tothe Proposal Form. e)CertificatesofCompetencyaswellasall applicable State,CountyandCity Licenses heldby Respondent f)CertificateofInsurance and/or Letterof Insurability. 18.Goods:Ifgoodsaretobeprovidedpursuanttothis Solicitation the following applies: a)Brand Names:If abrand name,make,manufacturer's trade name,orvendor catalog numberis j mentioned inthis Solicitation,whetherornot followed bythewords "approved equal",it is forthe j purpose ofestablishingagrade or qualityofmaterialonly.Respondentmayoffergoods that are j equaltothegoods described inthisSolicitationwith appropriate identification,samples and/or specificationsforsuchjtem(s).TheCityshallbethesolejudgeconcerningthemeritsofitems proposed asequals. b)Pricing:Pricesshouldbestatedinunitsofquantity specified intheProposalForm.In caseofa discrepancy,theCity reserves therighttomakethe final determinationatthelowestnet cost tothe City. c)Mistake:In theeventthat unit pricesarepartoftheProposaland if there isa discrepancy between theunit price(s)and the extendedprice(s),theunitprice(s)shall prevailandtheextendedprice(s) shallbeadjustedtocoincide.Respondentsareresponsibleforcheckingtheir calculations.Failureto j doso shall beatthe Respondent's risk,and errors shall not release the Respondent from his/her or I itsresponsibilityasnotedherein.I d)Samples:Samples ofitems,whenrequired,mustbefurnishedbytheRespondentfreeofcharge to theCity.Each individual samplemustbe labeled withtheRespondent'snameand manufacturer's brandnameanddeliveredbyitwithinten (10)calendardaysoftheProposalopeningunlessschedule indicatesadifferenttime.If samplesarerequestedsubsequenttotheProposalopening,theyshallbe i delivered within ten (10)calendar daysoftherequest.TheCity shall notbe responsible forthe j returnof samples.j e)RespondentwarrantsbysignatureontheProposalFormthatpricesquotedthereinareinconformity with the latest Federal Price Guidelines. f)Governmental Restrictions:In theeventany governmental restnctbns maybe imposed whichwould necessitate alteration ofthe material quality,workmanship,or performance ofthe items offered on j this Proposal priortotheir delivery,it shall bethe responsibility ofthe successful Respondent to | notifytheCityatonce,indicating inits letter thespecificregulationwhichrequiredanalteration.\ TheCityofSouth Miami reservestherighttoacceptanysuchalteration,including anyprice adjustmentsoccasionedthereby,ortocancel all oranyportionofthe Contract,atthesole discretion oftheCityandatnofurtherexpensetotheCitywiththirty(30)days advanced notice.j g)Respondent warrants thatthe prices,terms and conditions quoted in the Proposal shall befirm fora j period ofone hundred eighty (180)calendar days from thedateofthe Proposal opening unless j otherwisestatedintheProposalForm.Incomplete,unresponsive,irresponsible,vague,or ambiguous responses tothe Solkitatbn shall becauseforrejection,asdeterminedbythe City, h)Safety Standards:TheRespondentwarrantsthattheproduct(s)tobe supplied totheCityconform inail respects tothe standards setforthintheOccupationalSafetyandHealthAct (OSHA)andits I amendments.Proposalsmustbe accompanied bya Materials Data Safety Sheet (M.S.D.S)when applicable. 19.Liability,Licenses &Permits:The successful Respondent shall assumethe full duty,obligation,andexpenseof obtainingallnecessary licenses,permits,and inspections requiredbythis Solicitation andasrequiredby law. The Respondent shall be liable for any damages or loss to the City occasioned by the negligence ofthe j Respondent (or its agent or employees)or any person acting foror through the Respondent.Respondents j shallfurnishacertifiedcopyofalllicenses,CertificatesofCompetencyor other licensing requirement necessary to practicetheirprofessionand applicable totheworktobeperformedasrequiredbyFlorida Statutes,the Florida Building Code,Miami-Dade CountyCodeorCityofSouth Miami Code.These documents shall be furnished to the City as part of the Proposal.Failure to have obtained the required j licensesandcertificationsor to furnishthesedocumentsshallbegroundsforrejectingtheProposaland forfeiture of the Proposal/BidBond,rf required forthis Project. 20.Respondent shall comply withtheCity's insurance requirementsassetforthintheattached EXHIBIT 2, prior toissuanceofany Contract(s)or Award(s)If a recommendatbn forawardofthe contract,oranaward ofthecontractismadebeforecompliancewiththis provision,thefailureto fully and satisfactorily comply with theCity's bonding,rf requiredforthisproject,and insurance requirementsassetforthherein shall authorize the City to implementarescissionoftheProposalAwardorrescissionof the recommendation forawardof contractwithout further City actbn.The Respondent,by submitting a Proposal,thereby agrees toholdthe Cityharmlessand agrees toindemnifytheCityandcovenantsnottosuetheCitybyvirtueofsuchrescission. 21.Copyrightsand/or Patent Rights:Respondentwarrantsthatastothe manufacturing,producing orsellingof goodsintendedtobe shipped ororderedbythe Respondent pursuant to this Proposal,therehasnotbeen, norwilltherebe,any infringement of copyrights orpatent rights.TheRespondentagreesto indemnify City fromanyandall liability,lossor expense occasionedbyanysuch violation or infringement. 22.Execution of Contract:Aresponsetothis Solicitation shall notbe responsive unless the Respondent signs the form ofcontractthatisapartofthe Solicitation package.The Respondent tothis Solicitation acknowledges thatbysubmittingaresponseora proposal,Respondent agrees tothetermsoftheformcontractandtothe terms of the general conditionstothe contract,bothofwhicharepartofthis Solicitation package.The Respondent agrees that Respondent's signature onthe Bid Form and/or the form ofcontractthat is apartof the Solicitation package and/orresponseto this Solicitation,grants totheCitythe authority,onthe Respondent's behalf,toinserted,intoanyblankspacesinthecontractdocuments,informationobtainedfrom the proposal and,attheCity'ssole and absolute discretion,theCitymaytreatthe Respondent's signature on anyofthosedocuments,astheRespondent's signature onthecontract,afterthe appropriate information has beeninserted,aswellasforanyand all purposes,including theenforcementof all oftheterms and conditions of the contract. 23.Evaluation of Proposals:The City,atitssole discretion,reserves the right to inspect the facilities of any or all Respondents to determine its capability tomeetthe requirements oftheContract In addition,the price, responsibility and responsiveness ofthe Respondent,the financial position,experience,staffing,equipment, materials,references,and past history of service totheCity and/or withotherunitsof state,and/or local governmentsin Florida,orcomparableprivateentities,will betakeninto consideration intheAwardofthe Contract. 24.Drug Free Workplace:Failure to provide proofof compliance with Florida Statute Section 287.087,as amended,when requested shalf be cause for rejection ofthe Proposal as determined bythe City. 25.Public Entity Crimes:A person or affiliate who was placed onthe Convicted Vendors List following a conviction fora public entitycrimemaynotsubmita response onacontractto provide anyservicestoa public entity,maynotsubmit Solicitation on leases of real propertytoa public entity,and maynot transact business with any public entityin excess ofthe threshold amount provided in Section 287.017,for a period of 36 months fromthedateofbeingplacedontheConvictedVendorsList 26.Contingent Fees Prohibited:The proposing firm must warrant thatit has not employed or retained a company or person,other than a bona fide employee,contractor or subcontractor,working in its employ,to solicit or secure a contract with the City,and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any person,company, corporation,individiial or firm other than a bona fide employee,contractor or sub-consultant,working in its employ,anyfee,commission,percentage,giftorother consideration contingent uponor resulting fromthe awardormakingofacontractwiththeCity. 27.Hold Harmless:All Respondents shall holdtheCity,its officials and employees harmless and covenantnotto suetheCity,its officials and employees inreferencetoits decisions toreject,award,ornot award acontract, as applicable,unless the claim isbased solely on allegations of fraud and/or collusion.The submission ofa proposal shall act as an agreement bythe Respondent that the Proposal/Bid Bond,if required for this project, shall notbe released until and unless the Respondent waives any and all claims that the Respondent may have against theCitythat arise outofthis Solicitation process or until a judgment isenteredinthe Respondent's favor inanysuit filed which concerns this proposal process.In any such surt,the prevailing party shall recover itsattorney'sfees,courtcostsaswellasexpenses associated withthe litigation.In theeventthatfees,court costs and expenses associated withthe litigation are awarded tothe City,the Proposal/Bid Bond,if required forthis project,shall be applied tothe payment ofthosecosts and any balance shall be paid bythe Respondent. 28.Cancellation:Failure onthe part ofthe Respondent to comply withthe conditions,specifications, requirements,andtermsasdeterminedbytheCity,shall bejustcausefor cancellation oftheAwardor termination of the contract 29.Bonding Requirements:The Respondent,when submitting the Proposal,shall indudea Proposal/Bid Bond,rf required forthis project,intheamountof 5%ofthe total amountofthe base Proposal onthe Proposal/Bid Bond Form included herein.A company or personal check shall notbe deemed a valid Proposal Security. 30.Performance and Payment Bond:TheCityofSouth Miami may require the successful Respondent to furnish a Performance Bond and Payment Bond,each in the amount of 100%ofthetotal Proposal Price,including Alternatesif any,naming theCityof South Miami,andtheentitythatmaybe providing asourceof funding for the Work,asthe obligee,assecurityforthe faithful performance oftheContractandforthepaymentof all personsorentities performing labor,servicesand/or furnishing materials in connectionherewith.Thebonds shallbewithasuretycompanyauthorizedtodo business intheStateof Florida. 30.1.EachPerformanceBondshallbein the amountofonehundred percent (100%)ofthe Contract Priceguaranteeing to Citythecompletionandperformanceofthe Work coveredinthe Contract Documents. 30.2.EachPerformanceBondshallcontinueineffectforfiveyearafter final completion and acceptance ofthe Work withthe liability equaltoonehundredpercent (100%)oftheContractSum. 30.3.Each Payment bond shall guaranteethe full payment of all suppliers,materialman,laborers,or subcontractor employedpursuant to thisProject. 30.4.Each BondshallbewithaSuretycompanywhosequalificatbns meet therequirementsof insurancecompaniesasset forth intheinsurance requirements ofthissolicitation. 30.5.PursuanttotherequirementsofSection 255.05,FloridaStatutes,Respondentshallensurethat the Bond(s)referencedabove shall berecorded "m the public recordsof Miami-Dade Countyand provide CITY withevidenceofsuchrecording. 30.6.The surety company shall hold acurrent certificate of authority as acceptable surety on federal bondsinaccordancewiththeUnitedStatesDepartmentof Treasury Circular570,current revisions. 31.ProposalGuarantee:Notwithstanding thefactthatthe Respondent,in submitting a proposal,agrees tothe termscontainedintheformofcontractthatispartofthis Solicitation package,the successful Respondent, within ten (10)calendar days ofNoticeof Award bythe City,shall deliver,totheCity,theexecuted ContractandotherContractDocumentsthat provide fortheRespondent's signature,and deliver tothe City the required insurance documentation as well asa Performance and Payment Bond ifthese bonds are required.The Respondent whohastheContract awarded toit and who fails toexecutetheContract and furnishtherequiredBondsand insurance Documents within the specified time shall,attheCity's optbn, forfeitthe Proposal/Bid Bond/Security that accompanied the Proposal,andthe Proposal/Bid Bond/Security shall be retained as liquidated damages bythe City.It is agreed thatiftheCityaccepts payment fromthe Proposal/Bid Bond,thatthis sum isafair estimate ofthe amount of damages the City will sustain in case the Respondent fails to sign theContract Documents or fails to furnish the required Bonds and Insurance documentation.If theCitydoesnotacceptthe Proposal/Bid Bond,the City may proceedtosueforbreach ofcontractiftheRespondent fails toperformin accordance withtheContractDocuments.Proposal/Bid Bond/Security depositedintheformofacashierscheckdrawnona local bankingood standing shallbe subject to thesame requirements asa Proposal/Bid Bond. 32.Pre-proposal Conference Site Visits:If a Mandatory Pre-proposal conference is scheduled forthis project,all Respondents shall attend the conference andtour all areas referenced inthe Solicitation Documents.It shall begroundsfor rejecting a Proposal from a Respondent who did notattendthe mandatory pre-proposal conferenceNo pleas of ignorance by the Respondent of conditions that exist,orthat may hereinafter exist, asa Solicitation resultof failure to makethenecessary examinations or investigations,or failure tocomplete anypartofthe Solicitation Package,will be accepted as basis for varying the requirements oftheContract withtheCityof South Miami orthe compensation ofthe Respondent.The Respondent,following receiptofa survey oftheproperty,ifapplicable,is bound by knowledge thatcanbeseenor surmised fromthe survey and will notbe entitled toany change orderdueto any such condition.If the survey is provided beforethe proposal is submitted,thecontractprice shall include theWork necessitated by those conditions.Ifthe survey is provided subsequent tothe submission ofthe proposal,the Respondent shall have five calendar days to notify theCityof any additional costsrequiredby such conditions andtheCity shall have the right toreject the proposal and award thecontracttothe second most responsive,responsible bidder withthe lowest price or to reject allbids, 33.Timeof Completion:Thetimeisoftheessence with regard tothe completion oftheWorktobe performed underthe Contract tobeawarded.Delays andextensionsoftimemaybeallowedonlyinaccordancewith the provisions statedinthe appropriate sectionoftheContract Documents,including the Proposal Form.No change orders shall be allowed for delays causedbythe City,otherthanforextensionsoftimetocomplete the Work 34.Submittal Requirements:AllProposalsshall comply withthe requirements setforthhereinand shall indudea fully completed Bid Form foundon EXHIBIT 3 which isapartofthis Solicitation Package. 35.Cancellation of Bid Solicitatbn:TheCity reserves theright to cancel,inwhole or part,anyrequestfor proposalwhenitisinthebestinterestofthe City. 36.Respondentshallnot discriminate withregardtoits hiring ofemployeesor subcontraaors orin its purchase ofmaterialsorinanywayintheperformanceofitscontract,ifoneisawarded,basedonrace,color,religion, nationalorigin,sex,age,sexual orientation,disability,or familial status. 37.All respondents,atthetimeofbid opening,musthave fulfilled all prior obligations andcommitments to the Cityin order to have their bid considered,including all financial obligations.Priortothe acceptance ofany bid proposal or quotation,the City's Finance Department shall certify thatthereareno outstanding fines,monies, fees,taxes,liens or other charges owedtothe City bythe Respondent,any ofthe Respondent's principal, partners,membersorstockholders (collectively referredtoas"RespondentDebtors").Abid,proposal or quotation will notbeaccepted until all outstanding debtsof all Respondent Debtorsowedtothe city are paid in full.Nobidderwhoisin default ofanypriorcontractwiththeCitymayhavetheir bid considered untilthe defaultiscuredtothe satisfaction oftheCity Manager. 38.Bid Protest Procedure.See attached EXHIBIT 9. 39.Evaluation Criteria:Ifthisprojectistobeevaluatedbyan Evaluation Committee,theevaluation criteria is attached as N/A. END OF SECTION 10 Proposal Submittal Checklist Form Roadway Resurfacing 60th Placeand64*Terrace RFP#PW20I5-II Thischecklistindicatestheformsand documents required tobesubmittedforthissolicitationandtobe presented bythedeadlinesetforwithinthesolicitation.Fulfillment of all solicitation requirements listedis mandatory for consideration of response tothesolicitation.Additional documents maybe required and,ifso,theywillbe identifiedinan addendum to thisSolicitation.The response shall indude thefollowingitems: X Attachments and Other Documents described below to be Completed IF MARKED WITH AN "X": Indemnification and Insurance Documents EXHIBIT 2 Bid Form EXHIBIT 3 Signed Contract Documents (Ail-includingGeneral Conditions and Supplementary Conditions if attached)EXHIBIT 4;5 &6 PerformanceandPaymentBonds(AsaConditionofAward;Not Required With the Submittal)EXHIBIT 7&8.*Performance Bond:Required asa Condition of Award and Prior to the Contractor Receiving a Notice to Proceed.Not Required with Submittal. Respondents Qualification Statement Listof Proposed Subcontractors andPrincipalSuppliers Non-Collusion Affidavit PublicEntity Crimes andConflictsof Interest DrugFree Workplace Acknowledgement of Conformance with OSHA Standards Affidavit Concerning Federal&State Vendor Listings RelatedParty Transaction VerificationForm Presentation TeamDeclaration/Affidavitof Representation Check Completed. Submitthischecklistalongwithyourproposalindicatingthecompletionandsubmissionofeachrequiredforms and/or documents. END OF SECTION I I RESPONDENT QUALIFICATION STATEMENT Roadway Resurfacing 60th Placeand64*Terrace RFP#PW20J5-II The response tothisquestionnaire shall beutilizedaspartof the CITY'SoverallProposal Evaluation and RESPONDENT selection. I>Number of similar projectscompleted, a)In the past 5 years ^-"r* In the past 5 years On Schedule 2Lfe? b)In the past 10 years $*J In the past 10 years On Schedule Jj / 2~Listthelastthree(3)completed similar projects Project Name:*ftMA ftd4P""%&T5uA F-Cq^T^LA^T " Owner Name:H(*b-d /—D>/kl>^Oo ^^1~^L Owner Address:4 44 AJ\a/Y S£M l A M.I ,"PL 3>^i'Z'S Owner Telephone:Oof"37/"-2J\3 & Original Contract Completion Time O f f"Q A-U C b) Original ContractCompletion Date:03/W/z- Actual Final Contract Completion ~<?A-,y<?Date-O ?/'Z**^ Original Contract Price:y ff£^//Y 3"/. Actual Final Contract Price:$£?&///3 /.^ Project Name:ftSotpZ-j dgV/lgfc <£fiZj>\/&St&€£T dpStf&'F Owner Name:Q,/-hi &F ^i t/tf^l £ Owner Address:3f^O fyj A^gd\cA<0 P£,K^Kc ft 3343 3 Owner Telephone-*3 0 C~~^J ^&-<iG 43 Original Contract Completion Time *J A ft tO /Ktf C Original Contract Completion Date:^0V(3o /2^>/^ Actual Final Contract Completion AfCy/(^0 [^2^4^ Date:!/ Ordinal Contract Price:-^4 O 5u>>OOQ « Actual Final Contract Price jfr 4 f (pSTT*,<9Q6 12 v.t Project Name: Owner Name: Owner Address: Owner Telephone: /It Co ST a/ja/£7 A</€T Original Contract Completion Time (Days): Original Contract Completion Date: ActualFinal Contract Completion Date: 0*7/0 J'j ^043 Original Contract Price:•-££^2L ,4__f-£.g] Actual Final Contract Price:^/2~(?Ill .'7 3.Current workload ProjectName Owner Name Telephone Number Contract Price 1 PLgJK^,SO£{-0L.L0 W/sjG>A-tr-A £tf-^J> P^£=#p<f 3A 4.The following information shall be attached to the proposal.(S^G p0 LL.Q W|*J 6 fAGtz^ a)RESPONDENT'S home office organization chart.-4t /j 0>0 -J(r /J^^_-fe ^p b)RESPONDENT'S proposed project organizational chart. c)Resumes of proposed key project personnel,including on-site Superintendent.'"Jr'A J £- 5.Listand describe any. 4 43 *= 13 JOBS IN PROGRESS Regular Projects Biis '*}lb$£'p YXfkmm$^\*'$A&£$i*y \'!/J>pi^ikxi'-'\;*'•'!;C6ittt&Vf[.''-''•fcdNTRACt^ivtAlhSWG FDOT-B6I75NW 54th Street from EI Av to NW 6 AV FDOT 850-414- 4477 FDOT District 6 May 29,2015 February 3,2016 $3,505,673.00 5%$3.330,389.35 FDOT--T6343NW103St fromBIOAvtoNWfiAV FDOT 850-434. 4477 FDOT District 6 June 6,2015 February 11,2016 $3,891,030.00 5%S 3.696,478.50 Miami-DadeCountyRoadway Resurfacing Contract #2013- 0055 JOAQUIN RABAS A 305-299- 9822 (MIAJMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLICWORKS) MIAMI-DADE COUNTY May 11,2015 May10,2016 $1,834,915.00 7%$1.706,470.95 Miami-DadeCountyRoadway ResurfacingContract #2013- 0112 JOAQUIN RABASA 305-299- 9822 (MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS) MIAMI-DADE COUNTY May 12,2015 May 11,2016 .$2,200,889.00 m $2,024,817.88 Miami-DadeCountyRoadway Resurfacing Contract #2013- 0164 JOAQUIN RABASA 305-299- 9822 (MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLICWORKS) M1AMJ-DADE COUNTY May 13,2015 May 12,2016 $1,537,693.00 5%$1.460,808.35 ITB #2014-06 Resurfacing Contract Cityof Doral 305-593- 6725 Cityof Dora] Public Works June 12,2014 August 11,2015 $3,133,007.00 85%$469,951.05 Projects 'Started'TOTAL =$16,103,207,00 12,688T916.08 Date Printed:6/17/201S JobsIn Progress Paeelofl H&R Paving Home Office Organizational Chart Raul Gonzalez President £ Abe Rodriguez General Manager £ Ernest J Duffoo Arnold Carriilo Philip Johnson Project Manager Superintendent QC Manager Yudisdel Pino Benito Davila 1 EurisAvila Paving Foreman Paving Foreman Milling Foreman QC Specialist f Date Printed:7/10/2013 ;i£ Jose Chagoyen Estimator Anjani Hernandez Accz Payable Hums'Resources Luly Gonzalez Treasurer 1 Amy Gonzalez Administrator Elizabeth Cordoba Comptroller Pedro Cruz Acct.Receivable Oscar Garcia Admin Assist. Page 1of1 H&R Paving Job Site Organizational Chart AbeRodriguez GeneralManager Ernest J.Duffoo Arnold Carrillo Project Manager Superintendent £ Yudisbel Pino Willie Robinson Paving Foreman PavingForeman Date Printed:8/8/2014 -Alt- 1 Philip Johnson QC Manager 1 Haydel Martinez Milling Foreman QC Specialist Page 1of1 Ernest J Duffoo,P.E. Address:6718 Poinciana Court,South Miami,Florida 33143,USA Phone (305)781-8780 E-mail:ejri6718@atfanticbb.net Education: Bachelor ofSciencein Civil Engineering,Florida International University,USA.1985 Associates Degree,Miami-Dade Community College,Florida,USA.1981 ProfessionalRegistrations: Licensed Professional Engineer PE,Stateof Florida,USA,#43923 Certifications 1Professional Training: MOT Advanced Training.Experienced In Department Of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration and Private Development Projects. Primavera Scheduling Hard Dollar Estimating Training. Contractors License (Pending). Skills: Project Manager and Estimator,Analytical Problem Solving.Excellent Proficiency in the useof Primavera Project Suite for Scheduling. Proficient in project cost control,resource allocation,manpower analysis,personnel supervision.Responsible for bidding and administering mutomiifion dollar projects,including but not limited to,owner negotiations,materials procurement,preparation and computation of production rates for crews,day to day project management and project closeout.Duties also included field supervision when necessary,cost analysis and procurement of work;administration and preparation of contracts for subcontractors along with purchase orders for suppliers.Responsible for Design C&vSrcf-cr ss w$.as contracts negotiations.Fluent in English and Spanish. Professional Experience: 2010-Present:Independent Consultant to Contractors:Estimating,bidding,scheduling,contract acquisition,materials procurement projects for contractors:Most recent contractors: 2005-2010:Central Florida Equipment,Miami,Florida,USA:Estimator /Project Manager. Most Recent Projects: •City of Ft.Lauderdale NE/NW 6*Street Renovation.$15 Million •Miami-Dade Water&Sewer Force Main Replacement.$5 Million •JadeOcean Building Sitework.$2,5 Million •City of Coral Springs Public Complex.$2.5 Million •Florida International Building Law SchooL $3.0 Million Scope of Work:Earthwork operations,underground utilities,site clearing,road and parking lot construction,street restoration,concrete operations. 1988-2005:APAC-Florida aka Superfps /Pan American Construction /PJ.Construction,Miami,Florida: MostRelevant Projects: •Florida Turnpike and NW 12th Street Interchange to Dolphin Mall.$24 Million •Miami-Dade NW 12*Street from NW 107th to 111 AvenueRoadConstruction.$6.0 Million •Miami-Dade County Asphalt Resurfacing Contract $3.0 Million •MacArthur Causeway Reconstruction.$27 Million •Miami International Airport Runway27 Extension.$9.0 Million -;43 D - Ernest J Duffoo,P.E, ^Project lUtenftgar. Scope of Work:Earthwork,underground utilities,site clearing,signalization and lighting work,new bridge construction and widening,road construction,airport taxiway and runway construction,asphalt and concrete operations.Resided at Constaiction trailer office performing Office Engineer duties on several projects;responsibilities included review of construction progress,budget analysis and construction engineering administration. 1985-1988:Bristol,CMIds &Associates,Cora!Gables,Florida:Designer/Project Engineer. Most Relevant Work: •Designer and Supervised Florida Department ofTransportation,Miami-Dade Public Works,City of Miami Projects. •CostAnalysis and Marketing for Miami-Dade County. •CostVariance on all Projects. •Designer for Miami International Airport Incinerator Building.$38 Million. Scope of Work:Design of earthwork,underground utilities,site clearing,signalization and lighting work,road construction,airport taxiway and runway widening,construction inspections,survey work,contract administration,coordination and preparation of technical specifications for water,sewer,paving &drainage plans;estimates preparation,rating contractor's performance,resolving field conflict,and preparing final estimates for milling,resurfacing,signalization,drainage,concrete pavement,bridge widening.Also,preparation of letter of interests and technical proposals for customer presentation. 1983*1984:Rinker Southeastern National,Medley,Florida:CO-OP Student,minor engineering design and drafting;worked on survey crew. References:Upon request. +43 E - Your solution company J955NWU0 Avenue Miami,Florida 33172 (305)261-3005 Office (305)592-6079 Fax Abe Rodriguez 7291 S.W.138 Ct .Miami,FL -3182 (305)408-0534 'PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1934-cresent General Manager.UocR Pacing*Inc. Dinks:Responsible (or overseeing entk£operations for the corooany.Managins the day to day operations,pei-sonnei and administration. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES EDUCATION Through H&R Paving,icesber of liic Latit-&vbtez*Attotb.- Greater Mkmi Chajsbsr of Cocoroerce.Engineering Conu?x:c; AssocistioiL,Cuban .American NadodaJ Foundation Hteh School Coral Pork Senior High.Minrxu-Dade County •fC graduated 1983.Elecrives included business and govsmrscr courses. PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY 1an deeply"commined to the concept that consixuctici:road^crX is essential tothe sver incrsssing needs of South Florida-«pec:airy. jMianii-Dode County. R$fe.re£cas availabk -upon request -MP - a)Bankruptcy petitions filed byor against the Respondent or any .predecessor organizations, -KJofJ(Z — b)Any arbitrationor civil or criminal proceedings,or -tiorje - Suspension ofcontractsordebarringfrom Bidding or Responding byany public agency brought c)against the Respondent in the last five (5)years ^-.fo *rKT ^ 6.Government References: List otherGovernment Agencies or Quasi-government Agencies for which you have done business within thepastfive(5)years. Name of Agency P/-£#S^,S&Z 4=»lJ~A)A(t «J G* Address:AlT/frUf^2>P*G^Mr ^4A TelephoneNo.: Contact Person: TypeofProject: Name of Agency: Address: Telephone No.: Contact Person: TypeofProject: Name of Agency: Address: TelephoneNo.: Contact Person: Type of Project: 14 H&R PAVING,INC.. SOME GOVERNMENT REFE REN CES PROJECT AMD LOCATION (!)Miami Cemetery milling/fesurf.-City of-Miami More than 2milliondollars milling/resurf. p^projects @ City of Homestead Project !TB #12-i34304 @ (3>C"Y of Miami Gardens Several milling/resurf.projectsformorethan ($1 $10 million @ Miami-Dade County P.W. "Citywide Resurfacing* (5)City of South Miami RM-6-07/09 Tamiami Afrport (6)Miami-DadeAviation Dpfrn. (7)More than $800,000 mlillng/resurf.Cftywkte Citv of Miami Springs . (8)Maintenance andRepairCity Roads CityofAventura {9}-Asphalt Resurfacing0 Cityof Hollywood (10)FDOT Project T6257 $6*461,991 .oo _RW*th fit MlamlDade County (11)More than $1 miBfon in milling/resurfea Projects inCityof Miami Beach (12)Project B30681 $850,000.00 City of Miami REFERENCE MiX^J^t^A Ramon Berges^RBerges@miamigov.com Bill Schlehuber-BSchi^uber@c%ofh^rnesteadxom SherryAder -sader@cityofhomeslaarj»com fc.•—-M !!•MM »...-•••• Manga Ebbe-mebbe@miarrtigardensjfl.gov Joaquin Rabassa-jra@mlamkiacte.gov Carlos Palma-cpaima@miamidade.gov Grize)Martinez GMartlnez@southmiamifl.gov Miguel Rfera MRiera@miaml-aiiporicom Lazaro Garaboa 03r»boal@miamisprings-fLgov . Anthony Tnmei torne?t@dtyofaventu ra.com Moshe Anuar manuar@hoIlywoodfi.org Emilto Zamora EZamora@bermellodjamii.com Mike Alvarez-P.W.Infrastructure Director mikealvarez@mi8mibeachfi.gov EricRusherush@miamigov.com 44 A — LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS AND PRINCIPAL SUPPLIERS Roadway Resurfacing 60th Place and 64*Terrace RFP#PW2015-II Respondent shall list all proposed subcontractors,ifsubcontractorsareallowedbythetermsofthis Solicitation to beusedonthisprojectiftheyareawardedtheContract. Classification ofWork Subcontractor Name Address Telephone,Fax & Email Landscape SoddingandTurf Work Electrical Irrigation Paving Park Amenities Graphics Utilities Excavation Building Structures Plumbing Painting Testing Laboratory Soil Fumigator Signs Other: Thislistshall tfeprThislistshalltfe'provided tothe City of South Miami b*y the apparent bwest responsive within five (5)businessdaysafter Bid Opening. END OF SECTION /o7?tf**>.issr*>*'?J(/,mj /^W/£&/*? £ andresponsible Bidd"er IS L £#m NON COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMUQ /£o/sZa£-L (I)£j^)ie/They is/are the /V*?/cCf^J (Owner,Partner,Officer,Representative or Agent)of beingfirstdulysworn,deposesandstatesthat: rtner,Ottrcer^Kepresefti (2) (3) (4) (5) attached Proposal; AS/f9-the Respondent thathassubmittedthe He/She/Theyis/are fully informedconcerningthe preparation and contents oftheattachedProposal andofalt pertinent circumstancesconcerningsuchProposal; SuchProposalisgenuineandis not a collusive or shamProposal; Neither thesaid Respondent noranyofitsofficers,partners,owners,agents,representatives, employeesorpartiesininterest,including this affiant,haveinanywaycolluded,conspired,connived or agreed,directly or indirectly,withanyotherRespondent,firm,or persontosubmitacollusiveor shamProposalinconnectionwiththe Work forwhichtheattachedProposalhasbeensubmitted;or torefrainfrom Bidding orproposinginconnectionwithsuchWork;orhaveinanymanner,directly or indirectly,sought by agreement or collusion,or communication,or conferencewithany Respondent,firm,or persontofixanyoverhead,profit,or costelementsofthe Proposal orofany other Respondent,orto fix anyoverhead,profit,or costelementsoftheProposal Price or the ProposalPriceofanyother Respondent,ortosecurethroughanycollusion,conspiracy,connivance, or unlawfuJ agreement anyadvantageagainst (Recipient),orany person interestedinthe proposed Work Thepriceorpricesquotedintheattached Proposal arefairand proper andarenottaintedbyany collusion,conspiracy,connivance,or unlawful agreement onthe part of the Respondent or any other ofitsagents,representatives,owners,employees orpartiesofinterest,including this affiant. Signed,sealedand delivered in thfepfesence of: Witness *^' Witness U\^GOtlo Cf2</2^ STATE OF FLORIDA Signature sO Print Name and Title ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ) ) ,20/0>,before me,the undersigned Notary Public of the State individuals)whoappearedbefore COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE On this the &*&day ofFlorida,personally appeared of Jc/rtl tared ^Name(s)of 16 notary)f xn~\ana wn within instrument,ancfh^she/they acknowledge tha£he/s)Wthey executed it. WITNESS myhandand official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC: SEAL OF OFFICE: ABE RODRIGUEZ W\NoiH'y Public -Slate o!Florida •-x ,»d'J WyComm.Expires Jan 11.2018] ;X&&£/Commission §FF 066088 17 and whose name Notary Public,Stated Rorida (Name of Notary Public Prln^&Gamp or type as commissioned.) \f Personally known to me,or Personalidentification: Typeof Identification Produced Did take anoath,or /V Did Not take an oath. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Pursuant totheprovisions of Paragraph (2)(a)ofSection 287.133,Florida StateStatutes-"Apersonor affiliate whohasbeen placed ontheconvictedvendorlist following aconvictionfora public entitycrimemaynotsubmita Proposal orbidonaContractto provide any goods or services toa public entity,may notsubmita Bid or proposal foraContractwitha public entityforthe construction of repair ofa public building or public work,may notsubmitbidsorproposalson leases orrealpropertytoapublicentity,maynotbe awarded toperform Work asa RESPONDENT,Sub-contractor,supplier,Sub-consultant,orConsultantunderaContractwithany public entity,andmay not transactbusinesswithany public entityinexcessofthe threshold amountCategory Two of Section 287.017,FbridaStatutes,forthirtysix (36)monthsfromthedateofbeing placed ontheconvictedvendor list". Theawardofany contract hereunderissubjecttotheprovisionsofChapter I 12,Florida StateStatutes. Respondentsmustdisclosewiththeir Proposals,thenameofanyofficer,director,partner,associate oragentwho isalsoanofficeror employee oftheCityofSouth Miami orits agencies. SWORN STATEMENTPURSUANTTOSECTION 287.133 (3)(a), FLORIDA STATUTES.ON PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED AND SWORN TO IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICIAL AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER OATHS. f/*£/£«»This sworn statement is submitted to £*&y£s*fl//J^£-iXjLJC!, for -^-[print name of^he public entity] [print individual's nameandtitle] [printnameofentitysubmittingswornstatement] whose business address is Ify^/J*iAJ //^^f and (if applicable)its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)is ^>^/&f4?'\rJ (If the entityhasno FEIN,include the Social SecurityNumber of the individual s'^ning thisswornstatement: •) 2.I understandthata"publicentity crime"asdefinedin Paragraph 287.133 (l)(g),Florida Statutes, meansaviolation of anystateor federal lawbyapersonwithrespecttoanddirectlyrelatedtothe transactbn ofbusinesswithanypublicentityorwithanagencyor political subdivision ofanyotherstate or oftheUnitedStates,including,butnotlimitedto,anybid,proposalorcontractforgoodsorservices to beprovided to anypublicentityoranagency or political subdivision of any other stateorof the UnitedStatesand involving antitrust,fraud,theft,bribery,collusion,racketeering,conspiracy,or material misrepresentation. 3.I understandthat"convicted"or"conviction"asdefinedin Paragraph 287.133 (I)(b),Florida Statutes,meansa finding ofguilt or aconvictionofapublicentitycrime,withorwithoutan adjudication of guilt,inany federal orstatetrialcourtofrecord relating tochargesbroughtbyindictmentor informationafter July 1,1989,asaresultofajury verdict,non-jurytrial,orentryofapleaof guilty or nolo contendere. 4.I understand thatan "affiliate"asdefinedin Paragraph 287.133 (I)(a),Florida Statutes,means: (a)Apredecessororsuccessorofapersonconvictedofa public entity crime;or (b)Anentityunderthecontrolofanynaturalperson who isactiveinthemanagementoftheentity and who hasbeenconvictedofa public entity crime.Theterm "affiliate"includes thoseofficers, 18 directors,executives,partners,shareholders,employees,members,and agents whoareactive In the management ofan affiliate.The ownership byonepersonofshares constituting a controlling interest inanyperson,or apoolingofequipment or incomeamongpersonswhennotforfair marketvalueunderan arm's lengthagreement,shall beaprima facie casethatoneperson controls another person.Apersonwho knowingly entersintoajointventurewithaperson whohasbeenconvictedofapublicentitycrimein Florida duringthepreceding36monthsshall be considered an affiliate. I understand thata "person"as defined in Paragraph 287.133 (1)(e),Fforida Statutes,means any natural person or entity organized under the laws of any stateorofthe United States with the legal power to enter intoa binding contractandwhichbidsorproposal or applies tobid or proposalon contractsforthe provision ofgoodsor services letbya public entity,or which otherwise transacts or applies totransact business with a public entity.Theterm"person"includes those officers,directors, executives,partners,shareholders,employees,members,andagentswhoareactivein management ofan entity. Basedon information andbelief,the statement which I have marked below is true in relation to the entity submitting this sworn statement.[Indicate which statement applies.] £Neithertheentity submitting thisswornstatement,nor any ofits officers,directors,executives, partners,shareholders,employees,members,or agents whoare active inthe management ofthe entity, nor any affiliate ofthe entity hasbeen charged with and convicted ofa public entity crime subsequent to July I,1989. Theentitysubmittingthisswornstatement,or oneormoreofitsofficers,directors,executives, partners,shareholders,employees,members,or agents who are active in the management ofthe entity, oran affiliate ofthe entity has been charged with and convicted ofa public entity crime subsequent to July I,1989. Theentity submitting thissworn statement,or oneormoreofits officers,directors,executives, partners,shareholders,employees,members,or agents who are active in the management ofthe entity, oran affiliate ofthe entity has been charged with and convicted ofa public entity crime subsequent of July 1,1989.However,there has beena subsequent proceeding beforea Hearing Officer oftheStateof Florida,Division of Administrative Hearings and the Final Orderenteredbythe Hearing Officer determined thatitwasnot in the public interestto place theentity submitting thisswornstatementon the convicted vendorlist [attach acopyofthe final order.] I UNDERSTAND THAT THE SUBMISSION OFTHISFORMTOTHE CONTRACTING OFFICERFORTHEPUBUCENTITY INDENTIFIED IN PARAGRAPH I (ONE)ABOVE IS FOR THAT PUBLIC ENTITY ONLY,AND THAT THIS FORM IS VALID THROUGH DECEMBER 31 OFTHECALENDARYEAR IN WHICH IT IS FILED.I ALSOUNDERSTANDTHAT I AM REQUIRED TO INFORMTHE PUBLIC ENTITYPRIORTOENTERING INTO A CONTRACT IN EXCESS OFTHE THRESHOLDAMOUNT PROVIDED IN SECTION 287.017,FLORIDA STATUTES.FOR CATEGORY TWO OFANY CHANGE INTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED INTHISFORM. Sworn to and subscribed before me tfos OR Produced identification (Typeof identification) FormPUR7068 (Rev.06/11/92) «i rti ^^ i 4$g&\ABE RODRIGUEZ [j/j$My Comm.Expires Jan 11,2018 Commission #FF 066088 •sp'ir 19 X [Signature] £-20//V Notary Public -State of jfi& My commission expires^ (Printed,typed or stampe nameofnotary publi DRUG FREE WORKPLACE Whenever twoormore Bids or Proposals whichare equal withrespecttoprice,quality andservicearereceived by the Stateorbyanypoliticalsubdivisionsfor the procurement of commodities or contractualservices,a Bid or Proposalreceivedfromabusinessthatcertifiesthatit has implementedadrug-freeworkplace program shall be givenpreferenceintheawardprocess.Established proceduresforprocessingtieBidsor Proposals shall be followedifnoneofthetied vendors haveadrug-freeworkplaceprogram.In ordertohaveadrug-freeworkplace program,abusiness shall: 1)Publish a statement notifyingemployeesthatthe unlawful manufacture,distribution,dispensing, possession,oruseofacontrolledsubstanceisprohibitedintheworkplaceand specifying the actionsthat shall betaken against employeesfor violations ofsuch prohibition. 2)Inform employeesaboutthe dangers ofdrugabuseinthe workplace,the business'policy of maintainingadrug-freeworkplace,any available drugcounseling,rehabilitation,and employee assistance programs,and the penalties thatmaybe imposed uponemployeesfordrugabuse violations. 3)Giveeachemployee engaged in providing thecommoditiesor contractual servicesthatareunder Bid acopy of thestatementspecifiedinSubsection(I). 4)In the statement specified in Subsection (1),notifythe empbyees,that,asaconditionofworking ofthecommoditiesor contractual services thatareunder Bid,heemployee shall abidebythe termsofthestatementand shall notifytheemployeeofanyconvictionof,or plea of guilty or nob contendere to,anyviobtionofChapter893 or ofanycontrolledsubstancelawoftheUnited Statesorany state,fora violation occurring intheworkplacenolaterthan five (5)businessdays after such conviction. 5)Impose asanctionon,orrequirethe satisfactory participation inadrugabuse assistance or rehabilitation program,ifsuchis available intheemployee s community,byanyemployeewhois so conviaed, 6)Make agood faith efforttocontinueto maintain adrug-freeworkplacethrough implementation of this section. As the personauthorizedtosignthestatement,I certify that.ihis firmcomplies fully withtheaboverequirements. RESPONDENT'S Si Print Name Date:tf?P/6<r 20 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF CONFORMANCE WITH OSHA STANDARDS tocomplywithsuchact or regulation. CONTIsITRAeTpR A BY: Name /)" Title //#/2e^/ (Nameof CONTRACTOR),hereby acknowledgeandagree that as CONTRACTOR forthe Headway Resurfacing 60th Placeand 64th Terrace project as specified have the sole responsibility for compliance with all the requirements ofthe Federal Occupatbnal Safety and Health Actof 1970,and all State and focal safety and health regulations,andagreeto indemnify and hold harmless the City of South Miami and N/A (Consultant)against anyand all liability,claims,damages,losses andexpensesthey may incurduetothe failure of (Sub-contractor's names): Witness,itness/^Vtn / 21 AFFIDAVIT CONCERNING FEDERAL AND STATE VENDOR LISTINGS Theperson,orentity,whois responding totheCity's solicitatbn,hereinafter referredtoas "Respondent",must certifythatthe Respondent's nameDoesNot appear ontheStateof Florida,Department of Management Services, "CONVICTED,SUSPENDED,DISCRIMINATORY FEDERAL EXCLUDEDPARTIESand COMPLAINTS VENDOR LISTINGS". Ifthe Respondent's nameDoes appear ononeor all the "Listings"summarized below,Respondents must"Check ifApplies"next tothe applicable "Listing."The "Listings"canbeaccessedthroughthefolbwinglinktothe Florida Department ofManagementServiceswebsite: http://www.dms.myflorida.com/business_operations/state p urchasing/vendor information/convictedsusp endeddiscriminatory complaints vendorlists j¥f f DECLARATION UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY I,1+*^'vW&f/'Z (hereinafter referred to as the "Declarant")state,under penaky of perjury, that the following statements are true and correct:/£__?//_#->__?/_^~ (1)Irepresent the Respondent whose name is /^^17*^*^7 J*l» (2)I have theJolb^wng relatbnshipwiththeRespondent {Owner (if Respondent isa sole proprietorjVQ^esjd^^Cff Respondent is a corporation)Partner (if Respondent is a partn"eT5tiTp£General Partner (ifRespondentisa Limited Partnership)or Managing Member>('rf Respondentisa Limited Liability Company). (3)1have reviewed the Florida Department of Management Services website atthe following URL address: http://wvvw.dms.myflorida.com/business_operatb^ scriminatory_eomp!aints_vendor_lists (4)I have enteredan "x"oracheckmark beside each listing/category set forth belowifthe Respondent's name appears inthelist found onthe Florida Department of Management Services website for that category or listing.If I didnotenteramarkbesidea listing/category it meansthat I amattesting to thefactthatthe Respondent'snamedoesnot appear onthe listing forthat category inthe Fbrida Departmentof Management Services website as of the date of this affidavit. Check if Applicable Convicted Vendor List Suspended Vendor List Discriminatory Vendor List FederalExcludedPartiesList VendorComplaintList FURTHER DECLARANT SAYETH NOT (C4>*sf(rouriAin STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTYOFM/AMI Onthis the____day of appeared folbwing identification foregoing Affidavit asthe Declarant -DADE ) By: (Signature ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ,20______,before i who is personall know and who took an oath or affirmed WITNESS my handandofficialseal. NOTARY PUBLIC: SEAL *m& 22 Notary Public,Statpr&f Florida (Name of Notary Publk^fVint, Stampor type as commissbned.) /p RELATED PARTY TRANSACTION VERIFICATION FC»M^; ("Firm ")have Nome ofRe/>resentotr/e CompanyfVendorlEntity read the City of South Miami ("City")^Codeof Ethics, Section 8A-1 ofthe City's Codeof Ordinances and I hereby certify,under penalty of perjury thattothebestof my knowledge,informatbn and belief: /*\f (I)nether I northe Firm have any conflict ofinterest(as defined in section 8A-1)with regard tothecontractor Miuwness that I,and/orthe Firm,am(are)abouttoperformfor,ortotransactwith,the City,and (2)neither Jnor any employees,officers,directors ofthe Firm,nor anyone who has a financial interestgreater than 5%in the Firm,has any relative(s),as defined in section 8A-1,who is an empbyee ofthe City orwho is(are) an appointed or elected official ofthe City,or who is(are)a member of any public body created by the City Commission,i.e.,aboardor committee ofthe City,[while the ethics code still applies,ifthe person executing this form is doing soon behalf ofa firm whose stock is publicly traded,the statement in this section (2)shall be based solely onthe signatory's persona!knowledge and he/she is not required to make an independent investigation asto the relationship of employees orthosewho have a financial interest in the Firm.];and (3)neither I northe Firm,nor anyone who has a financial interestgreaterthan 5%in the Firm,noranymemberof those persons'immediate family (i.e.,spouse,parents,children,brothers and sisters)has transacted orentered intoanycontracts)with the City or has a financial interest,direct or indirect,in any business being transacted withthe crty,orwith any personor agency acting forthe city,other than as follows: _(use (rf necessary,use a separate sheetto supply additional information that will not fit on this line;however,you must make reference,onthe above line,tothe additional sheet and the additional sheetmustbe signed under oath),[while the ethics code still applies,if the person executing this form is doing soon behalf ofa firm whose stockis publicly traded,the statement inthis section (3)shall be based solely onthe signatory's personal knowledge and he/she h notrequiredto make an independent investigation astothe relationship ofthosewho havea financial interestinthe Firm.];and (4)no elected and/or appointed official or employee ofthe City of South Miami,or any oftheir immediate family members (i.e.,spouse,parents,children,brothers and sisters)has a financial interest,directly or indirectly,inthe contract between you and/or your Firm and the City other than the following individuals whoseinterestisset forth folbwing theirusea separate names: (if necessary,usea separate sheetto supply additbnal information that will notfiton this line;however,you must make reference,onthe above line,tothe additional sheet and the additional sheet must be signed under oath). The names of all City employees andthatof all elected and/or appointed city officials or board members,who own,directly or indirectly,aninterestof five percent (5%)ormoreofthetotal assets of capital stock \r\the firm are as follows: (ifnecessary,usea separate sheetto supply additional information that will not fit on this line;however,you must make reference,onthe above line,tothe additional sheet and the additional sheet must be signed under oath), [while the ethics code still applies,ifthe person executing this form is doing soon behalf ofa firm whose stock is publicly traded,the statement inthis section (4)shall be based solely onthe signatory's personal knowledge and he/she isnot required to make an independent investigation astothe financial interest in the Firm of city employees,appointed officials orthe immediate family members of elected and/or appointed official or empbyee.] (5)I andthe Firm further agree nottouseorattemptto use any knowledge,property or resource which may cometousthroughour position oftrust,or through our performance ofourdutiesunderthetermsofthe contract withtheCity,tosecureaspecial privilege,benefit,orexemptionforourselves,orothers.Weagreethat wemaynot disclose oruse information,not available tomembersofthegeneral public,forourpersonal gain or benefit orforthe personal gain or benefit of any other person or business entity,outside ofthe normal gain or benefit anticipated throughtheperformanceofthecontract. (6)I andthe Firm hereby acknowledge thatwe have not contracted or transacted any business with the City or anypersonor agency actingfortheCity,andthatwehavenotappearedinrepresentationofany thrd party 23 before anyboard,commissionoragencyofthe Ciry withinthepast two years other thanas follows:(if necessary,useaseparate sheet to supply additbnal informationthatwill not fitonthisline;however,you must makereference,ontheaboveline,tothe additional sheetandthe additional sheetmustbe signed underoath). X:\PurchasingWendor Registration 12.28.12 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTION VERIFICATION FORM [3].docx (7)Neither I norany employees,officers,ordirectorsofthe Firm,norany of theirimmediate family (i.e.,asa I spouse,son,daughter,parent,brotherorsister)is related bybloodor marriage to:(i)anymemberoftheCity ! Commission;(ii)anycityemployee;or (iii)any memberofany board or agency oftheCityotherthanas follows:j (if necessary,usea separate sheetto supply additional j information that will notfitonthis line;however,you must make reference,onthe above line,tothe additional j sheetand the additional sheet must be signed under oath),[while the ethics code still applies,ifthe person I executingthisformisdoingsoonbehalfofa firm whosestockis publicly traded,the statement inthissection(7) shallbebasedsolelyonthe signatory's personal knowledge and he/sheisnotrequired to makeanindependent j investigation as to the relationship by blood or marriage of employees,officers,ordirectors ofthe Firm,orof any j oftheirimmediate family toanyappointedorelected officials oftheCity,ortotheirimmediate family members]. (8)No Other Firm,noranyofficersordirectorsofthatOther Firm oranyonewhohasa financial interestgreater | than 5%in thatOther Firm,nor any member ofthose persons'immediate family (i.e.,spouse,parents,children,j brothersandsisters)noranyofmyimmediate family members (hereinafter referred to as "Related Parties")has respondedtoasolicitatbnbytheCityinwhich I orthe Firm that I represent oranyonewhohasa financial interestgreaterthan 5%inthe Firm,orany member ofthosepersons'immediate family (i.e.spouse,parents, children,brothers andsisters)havealsoresponded,other thanthe following: :(tf necessary,useaseparate sheet tosupplyadditbnalinformationthatwillnotfitonthisline;however,you must makereference,ontheaboveline,tothe additional sheetandthe additional sheet must be signed under oath), [whiletheethicscode still applies,rf thepersonexecutingthisform is doingsoonbehalfofa firm whosestockis publicly traded,thestatementinthissection(8)shall bebasedsolelyonthe signatory's personal knowledgeand he/sheis not required to makeanindependent investigation intotheOther Firm,or the Firm he/she represents,as totheirofficers,directors or anyone having a financial interestinthose Firms oranyoftheiranymemberofthose persons'immediate famity.] (9)I and the Firm agreethatweare obligated tosupplementthis Verrficatbn Form andinformtheCityofany changeincircumstancesthatwouldchangeouranswers to thisdocument.Specifically,aftertheopeningofany responsestoa solicitation,I andthe Firm havean obligation tosupplementthis Verification Form withthenameof allRelatedParties who havealsorespondedto the samesolicitationand to disclose the relationshipof those partiestomeandthe Firm. (10)A violation oftheCity's Ethics Code,the giving ofany false information orthe failure to supplement this VerificationForm,maysubjectmeorthe Firm toimmediate terminatbn of anyagreementwiththeCity,andthe impositbn ofthemaximum fine and/orany penalties albwedby law.Additionally,violationsmaybeconsideredby andsubjecttoactionby the Miami-Dade CountyCommbsionon Ethics.Underpenaltyof perjury,I declare that I havemadeadiligent effort to investigatethe matters to which I amattesting hereinabove andthat the statements madehereinabove arejrue an<Tcorrect tc>thebestofmyknowledge,informationandbelief. Signature:A**<£s/ 24 Sec.8A-1.-Conflict of interest and code of ethics ordinance. (a)Designation. Thissection shall bedesignatedandknownasthe "City ofSouth Miami ConflictofInterestandCodeofEthics Ordinance."Thissection shall be applicable to all city personnel as defined below,and shall alsoconstitutea standard ofethicalconductand behavior for all autonomous personnel,quasi-judicial personnel,advisory personnel and departmental personnel.The provisions ofthis section shall be applied ina cumulative manner.By wayofexample,andnotasa limitation,subsections(c)and (d)maybe applied to the samecontractor transaction. (b)Definitions.For thepurposesofthissectionthefolbwing definitions shall be effective: (1)Theterm "commission members'1 shall refertothemayorandthemembersofthe city commission. (2)Theterm"autonomouspersonnel"shall referto the membersofautonomousauthorities,boardsand agencies, suchasthecitycommunityredevelopmentagency and the health facilities authority. (3)Theterm "quasi-judtciai personnel"shall refertothemembersofthe planning board,the environmentalreview and preservation board,thecode enforcement boardandsuch other individuals,boardsand agencies ofthe city asperform quasi-judicial functions. (4)Theterm "advisory personnel"shall refer to themembersofthosecity advisory boardsand agencies whose soleor primary responsibility istorecommend legislation orgive advice tothecitycommission. (5)Theterm "departmental personnel"shall refertothecity clerk,the city manager,department heads,thecity attorney,and all assistants tothecity clerk,city manager and city attorney,howevertitled. (6)Theterm "employees"shall referto all other personnel employed bythe city. (7)Theterm "compensation"shall refertoanymoney,gift,favor,thing of value or financial benefitconferred,or to be conferred,in return for services rendered or to be rendered. (8)Theterm"controlling financial interest"shall referto ownership,directly or indirectly,often percentormore ofthe outstanding capital stockinany corporation oradirectorindirectinterestoftenpercentormore in a firm, partnership,orother business entityatthetimeof transacting business withthe city. (9)Theterm"immediate family"shall refertothespouse,parents,children,brothersandsistersoftheperson involved. (10)Theterm "transact any business"shall refertothe purchase or sale bythecityof specific goods or services forconsiderationandtosubmittingabid,aproposalinresponse to a Solicitation,a statement of qualifications in responsetoarequestbythecity,orenteringintocontractnegotiatbnsfortheprovision onanygoods or services,whichever firstoccurs. (c)Prohibitionontransacting business withthe city* No person included intheterms defined in paragraphs (b)(1)through (6)and in paragraph (b)(9)shall enterinto anycontractortransactanybusinessinwhichthatpersonoramemberoftheimmediate family hasa financial interest,directorindirectwiththecityoranypersonor agency acting forthecity,andanysuchcontract, agreementorbusinessengagemententeredinviolationofthis subsectbn shall render the transactionvoidable. Willful violation of this subsection shall constitute malfeasance in office andshall affect forfeiture of office or position.Nothinginthis subsectbn shall prohibitormake illegal: (1)Thepaymentoftaxes,special assessments orfeesfor services provided bythecity government; (2)The purchase ofbonds,anticipation notesorother securities thatmaybe issued bythecitythrough underwriters or directlyfrom time to time. Waiver of prohibition.Therequirementsofthis subsection maybe waived for a particular transaction onlybyfour affirmative votes of thecitycommissionafter public hearing upon finding that (1)An open-to-all sealed competitive proposal hasbeen submitted byacity person as defined in paragraphs (b)(2), (3)and (4); (2)The proposal has beensubmittedbyapersonor firm offering services within thescopeofthe practice of architecture,professional engineering,or registered land surveying,as defined by the laws ofthestateand pursuanttothe provisions ofthe Consultants'Competitive Negotiation Act,andwhen the proposal hasbeen submittedbyacityperson defined in paragraphs (b)(2),(3)and (4); (3)Thepropertyorservices to be involved intheproposed transaction areuniqueandthecitycannot avail itself ofsuchpropertyorservices without enteringatransactionwhichwouldviolatethissubsectionbutforwaiverof its requirements;and (4)That the proposed transactionwillbeinthebestinterestof the city. Thissubsection shall be applicable onfy toprospective transactions,and thecitycommissionmayinnocaseratifya transaction entered in violation of this subsection. Provisions cumulative.Thissubsection shall betakentobecumulativeand shall notbeconstrued to amendor repeal any other lawpertaining to the samesubjectmatter. 25 (d)Furtherprohibitionontransactingbusinesswiththe city. Noperson included inthetermsdefinedin paragraphs (b)(1)through(6)andin paragraph (b)(9)shall enterinto anycontractor transact any business through a firm,corporation,partnership or business entityinwhichthat ' personorany member oftheimmediate family hasa controlling financial interest,director indirect,withthecity orany person or agency acting forthe city,and any such contract,agreement or business engagement enteredin j violation of thissubsection shall renderthetransaction voidable.The remaining provisionsof subsectbn (c)will ! also be applicable to this subsection as though incorporated by recitation.j Additionally,noperson included \n thetermdefinedin paragraph (b)(1)shall voteonor participate inanywayin I any matter presented tothe city commission ifthat person has any ofthe following relationships with any ofthe j persons or entities which would beor might be directly or indirectly affected by any action ofthe city commissbn:j (1)Officer,director,partner,of counsel,consultant,employee,fiduciary or beneficiary;or j (2)Stockholder,bondholder,debtor,or creditor,ifin any instance the transaction or matter would affect the j person defined in paragraph (b)(1)in a manner distinct from the manner in which ft would affect the public j generally.Anypersonincludedinthetermdefinedin paragraph (b)(I)whohasanyof the specified relationships i orwhowouldormight,directlyor indirectly,realizeaprofitbytheactionofthecity commissbn shall notvoteon orparticipateinanywayin the matter. (E)Gifts. (l)Defmition.Theterm "gift"shall refertothetransferof anything ofeconomicvalue,whether intheformof money,service,ban,travel,entertainment,hospitality,itemor promise,orinany other form,without adequateandlawfulconsideration. (2)Exceptions.The provisions of paragraph (e)(1)shall not apply to: a.Political contributions specifically authorizedbystate law, b.Giftsfromrelativesormembersofone'shousehold,unlessthepersonisaconduitonbehalfofathirdpartyto the deliveryofagiftthatis prohibited under paragraph(3); c.Awards for professional orcivic achievement; d.Material suchasbooks,reports,periodicals or pamphlets whicharesolely informational orofan advertising nature. (3)Prohibitions.Aperson described in paragraphs (b)(1)through (6)shall neithersolicitnordemandany gift It is also unlawful foranypersonorentitytooffer,giveoragreetogivetoanypersonincludedintheterms defined in paragraphs (b)(1)through (6),orforanyperson included in theterms defined in paragraphs (b)(1)through (6)to acceptoragreetoacceptfromanotherpersonorentity,anygiftfororbecauseof: a.Anofficialpublicactiontaken,ortobetaken,orwhichcouldbetaken,oran omission orfailuretotakea public action; b.A legal duty performed ortobe performed,or which could be performed,oran omission or failure to perform alegalduty; c.A legal dutyviolatedortobevblated,orwhichcouldbevblatedbyanypersonincludedin the term defined in paragraph (b)(I);or d.Attendance orabsencefrom a public meetingatwhich official actbn istobetaken. (4)Disdosure.Anyperson included intheterm defined in paragraphs (b)(1)through(6)shall disclose any gift,or seriesof gifts fromanyonepersonorentity,having avalueinexcessof$25.00.The disclosure shall bemadeby filing acopyof the disdosure formrequiredbychapter 112,Florida Statutes,for "local officers"withthecityclerk simultaneously withthe filing ofthe form with theclerkofthecountyand with the Florida Secretary of State. (f)Compulsory disclosure by employees of firmsdoingbusinesswiththe city. Should anyperson included intheterms defined in paragraphs (b)(1)through(6)beemployedbya corporation, firm,partnership orbusinessentityinwhichthatpersonorthe immediate family doesnothavea controlling financial interest,and should-the corporation,firm,partnership or business entityhave substantial business commitments toorfromthecrtyoranycity agency,orbe subjea to direct regulationbythecityoracity agency, thentheperson shall fileaswornstatement disclosing suchemploymentandinterestwiththeclerk of thecity. (g)Exploitation of officialposition prohibited. Noperson included intheterms defined in paragraphs (b)(1)through (6)shall corruptlyuseorattempttousean official position to secure special privileges or exemptions forthatpersonor others, (h)Prohibitionon use of confidentialinformation. Nopersonincludedinthetermsdefinedin paragraphs (b)(1)through(6)shall accept employment or engage in anybusiness or professionalactivitywhich one might reasonably expect wouldrequireorinduce one todiscloseconfidentialinformationacquiredbyreasonofan official position,nor shall thatpersoninfact ever discloseconfidentialinformationgarneredorgainedthroughan 26 official positionwiththecity,nor shall thatpersoneverusesuch information,directlyor indirectly,forpersonal gainor benefit (i)Conflicting employment prohibited. Noperson included intheterms defined in paragraphs (b)(1)through (6)shall acceptotheremploymentwhich wouldimpair independence ofjudgmentin the performance of any public duties. (j)Prohibitionon outside employment. (1)Nopersonincludedinthetermsdefinedin paragraphs (b)(6)shall receiveanycompensationforservicesasan officeror employee ofthecityfromanysource other thanthecity,exceptasmaybepermittedas follows: a.Generally prohibited.No full-time city empbyee shall acceptoutsideemployment,either incidental,occasional or otherwise,where city time,equipmentor material istobeusedorwheresuch employment oranypart thereof is to beperformedoncitytime. b.When permitted.Afull-timecity empbyee mayaccept incidental or occasional outside employment solongas such employment is not contrary,detrimentaloradversetotheinterestof the cityoranyofitsdepartmentsand the approval required in subparagraph c.isobtained. c.Approvalofdepartment head required.Anyoutsideemploymentby any full-time cityemployeemust first be approvedinwritingbytheemployee'sdepartmentheadwho shall maintain a complete recordofsuch employment. d.Penalty.Anypersonconvictedof violating any provision ofthis subsectbn shall be punished asprovidedin section I-11 oftheCodeof Miami-Dade County and,in additbn shall besubjectto dismissal bythe appointing authority.Thecitymayalsoassess against aviolatora fine nottoexceed$500.00andthecosts of investigation incurredbythecity. (2)All full-time cityemployees engaged inanyoutsideemploymentforanyperson,firm,corporation orentity other thanthecity,or anyofitsagenciesorinstrumentalities,shall file,underoath,anannual report indicatingthe sourceoftheoutsideemployment,thenatureoftheworkbeingdone and anyamountofmoneyorother considerationreceivedbythe empbyee fromtheoutside employment City employee reports shall be filed with the city clerk.Thereports shall be available ata reasonable timeand place forinspectionbythe public.Thecity manager mayrequiremonthlyreportsfrom individual employeesorgroupsofemployeesforgood cause., (k)Prohibited investments. Noperson included intheterms defined in paragraphs (b)(1)through (6)oramemberofthe immediate family shall have personal investments in anyenterprise which will createa substantial conflict between private interests and the public interest. (1)Certain appearances and payment prohibited. (1)Noperson included intheterms defined in paragraphs (b)(1),(5)and (6)shall appear beforeanycity board or agencyandmakeapresentationonbehalfofathirdpersonwithrespecttoanymatter,license,contract, certificate,ruling,decision,opinbn,rate schedule,franchise,orotherbenefitsoughtby the thirdperson.Nor shall thepersonreceiveanycompensationorgift,directlyor indirectly,forservicesrendered to athirdperson,who hasappliedfororisseekingsomebenefitfromthecityoracity agency,inconnection with the particular benefit soughtbythethirdperson.Nor shall theperson appear inanycourtorbeforeany administrative tribunal as counselor legal advisortoapartywhoseeks legal relieffromthecityoracityagencythrough the suitinquestion. (2)Noperson included intheterms defined in paragraphs (b)(2),(3)and (4)shall appear beforethecity commission or agencyonwhichthepersonserves,eitherdirectlyorthroughanassociate,andmakea presentatbn onbehalfofathirdpersonwithrespecttoanymatter,license,contract,certificate,ruling,decision, opinion,rateschedule,franchise,orotherbenefitsoughtbythethirdperson.Nor shall suchpersonreceiveany compensationorgift,directlyor indirectly,for services renderedtoathirdpartywhohas applied fororisseeking somebenefitfrom the citycommissbnoragencyonwhichthepersonservesinconnectionwiththe particular benefitsoughtby the third party.Nor shall thepersonappearinanycourtorbeforeany administrative tribunal as counsebr legal advisortoathirdpartywhoseeks legal relieffromthecitycommissionor agency onwhichsuch person serves through thesuitinquestion. (m)Actions prohibited whenfinancial interests involved. Noperson included intheterms defined in paragraphs (b)(I)through (6)shall participate inany official action directlyor indirectly affectinga business inwhichthatpersonoranymemberoftheimmediate family hasa financial interest A financial interestisdefinedinthissubsectionto include,but not belimitedto,anydirector indirect interest inanyinvestment,equity,or debt (n)Acquiring financial interests. Nopersonincludedin the termsdefinedin paragraphs (b)(1)through(6)shallacquirea financial interestina project,businessentityorpropertyatatimewhentheperson believes orhasreasonto believe thatthe financial 27 interestmaybedirectlyaffectedby official actbns orby official actionsbythecityorcityagency of whichthe person isanofficial,officer or employee. (0)Recommending professional services. Nopersonincludedinthe terms definedin paragraphs (b)(1)through(4)mayrecommend the servicesofany lawyer or lawfirm,architector architectural firm,public relations firm,oranyotherpersonorfirm,professional or otherwise,to assistinanytransaction involving the cityoranyofitsagencies,providedthata recommendation mayproperlybemadewhenrequiredtobemadebythedutiesof officeandinadvanceatapublic meeting attendedby other city officials,officersor employees. (p)Continuing application after city service. (1)Nopersonincludedinthe terms definedin paragraphs (b)(1),(5)and(6)shall,fora perbd oftwoyearsafter hisorhercityserviceor employment hasceased,lobbyany dty official [as definedin paragraphs (b)(1)through (6)]inconnectionwithany judicial orother proceeding,application,Solicitation,RFQ,bid,request forrulingor other determinatbn,contract,claim,controversy,charge,accusation,arrestor other particular subjectmatter in whichthecityoroneof its agencies isapartyorhasanyinterestwhatever,whether director indirect.Nothingcontainedinthis subsectbn shall prohibitany individual fromsubmittingaroutineadministrative requestor application toacitydepartmentor agency duringthetwo-yearperiodafterhisorherservicehas ceased. (2)Theprovisions of thesubsection shall notapplyto personswhobecomeemployedbygovernmentalentities, 501 (c)(3)non-profitentitiesor educational institutions or entities,andwholobbyonbehalfofthoseentitiesin their officialcapacities. (3)The provisions of thissubsection shall apply to all persons described in paragraph (p)(l)whosecityserviceor employmentceasedaftertheeffectivedateofthe ordinance from whichthissectionderives. (4)Noperson described in paragraph (p)(l)whosecityserviceoremployment ceased within two years priorto theeffectivedate of this ordinance shall foraperiodof two yearsafterhisorherserviceoremployment enter intoa lobbying contracttolobbyanycity official inconnectionwithanysubject described in paragraph (p)(l)in whichthe city or one ofitsagenciesisapartyorhasanydirectand substantial interest;andinwhichheorshe participated directlyor indirectly through decision,approval,disapproval,recommendatbn,the rendering of advice,investigation,orotherwise,during hisorhercrtyserviceor employment.Aperson participated "directly" whereheorshewas substantially involved in the particular subject matter through decision,approval,disapproval, recommendation,the renderingofadvice,investigation,orotherwise,duringhisorhercityserviceor employment.Aperson participated "indirectly"whereheorshe knowingly participated inanyway in the particular subjectmatterthroughdecision,approval,disapproval,recommendation,therenderingofadvice,investigation,or otherwise,duringhisorhercityserviceoremployment.Allpersonscoveredbythis paragraph shall executean affidavit onaformapprovedbythe city attorneypriorto lobbying any crty official attestingthatthe requirementsofthissubsectiondonot preclude thepersonfrom lobbying city officials. (5)Any person who violates this subsection shall be subject tothe penalties provided insection 8A-2(p). (q)Crty attorney to render opinions onrequest. Whenever anyperson included intheterms defined in paragraphs (b)(1)through (6)and paragraph (b)(9)isin doubtastotheproperinterpretationor application ofthis conflict ofinterest and codeofethics ordinance,or wheneveranypersonwhorenders services tothecity is indoubtastothe applicability of the ordinance that person,maysubmittothecityattorneya full writtenstatementofthe facts and questions.Thecityattorney shall thenrenderan opinbn tosuchpersonand shall publishtheseopinionswithoutuseofthenameoftheperson j advised unless theperson permits theuseofa name.j (Ord.No.6-99-1680,§2,3-2-99)j Editor's note-Ord.No.6-99-1680,§I,adopted 3-2-99,repealed §§8A-I and 8A-2 in their entirety and replaced j themwithnew§§j 8A-I and 8A-2.Former §§8A-1 and 8A-2 pertained to declaration of policy and definitions,respectively,and j derived from Ord.No.634,§§I (I A-1),1 (1 A-2)adopted Jan.II,1969.! END OF SECTION 28 PRESENTATION TEAM DECLARATION/AFFIDVAIT OF REPRESENTATION This affidavit isnotrequiredforcompliancewiththeCity's Solicitation;however,itmaybeusedto avoidtheneedtoregistermembersofyourpresentationteamas lobbyists.PursuanttoCityOrdinance 28-14-2206 (c)(9),anypersonwhoappearsasarepresentativeforan individual orfirmforanoral presentation beforeaCitycertification,evaluation,selection,technicalreview or similar committee, shalllistonan affidavit providedbytheCity staff,all individuals whomaymakeapresentation.The affidavit shallbe filed bystaffwiththeClerk's office atthetimethecommittee's proposal issubmittedto theCity Manager.Forthepurposeofthis subsection only,the listed membersofthepresentation team,withthe exception ofanypersonotherwiserequired to registerasalobbyist,shallnotbe requiredtopayanyregistration fees.Noperson shall appearbeforeanycommitteeon behalf ofan anyoneunlessheorshehasbeenlistedaspartofthefirm'spresentationteampursuanttothis paragraphor unless heorsheisregisteredwiththeCityClerk's office asa lobbyist andhas paid all applicablelobbyist registration fees. Pursuant to '92.525(2),Florida Statutes,the undersigned,/****'~***',makes the following declarationunderpenaltyof perjury: Listedbeloware all individuals whomaymakeapresentationon behalf oftheentitythatthe affiant represents.Please note;No person shall appear before any committee on behalf of anyone unless he or shehas been listedas part of the firm's presentation team pursuant to this paragraph or unless he or she Is registered with the Clerk's office asa lobbyist andhaspaid all applicable lobbyist registration fees. TITLE dk r&J<K<^i/fl For the purpose ofthisAffidavitof Representation only,the listed members of the presentation team, with the exceptionofanyperson otherwise requiredtoregisterasalobbyist,shallnotberequiredto pay any registration fees.TheAffidavitof Representation shallbefiledwith the CityClerk'sofficeat the time the committee's proposalis submitted tothe City aspartofthe procurement process. Under penalties of perjury,I declare that I have read the foregoing declaration and that the facts stated initare true and specificaIly^hpt thepersonslistedabovearethemembersofthepresentationteamof the entity listed below ___________20 /p* of Reoresentativ^j&*4t//s/?/^''^ frint Nameand Title Printnameofentitybeingrepresented 29 Exhibit #1 Attachment A Scope of Services Roadway Resurfacing 60th Placeand 64th Terrace RFP#PW20I5-1| Scope of Services &Schedule L General Requirements Thework specified inthis Request forProposal (RFP)shall consistsof furnishing all goods,materials,supplies and services,including butnot limited to all laborof Contractor and all allowablesubcontractors,disposalofmaterials,andcostof machinery,tools,transportation,equipment rental andpermits,toperform all ofthe Work describedbelowandwhichisnecessarytoprovideacompleted projea that meets allof the needs described inthisScopeofServices.Permit feesarewaivedfor permitsrequiredtobeissuedbytheCityofSouth Miami.Permitfeesfrom other government entities,ifrequired,shall bethe responsibility of the Respondent/Contractor however,inallcases;itisthe responsibility of Respondents/Contractorstosecureanyand all permitsthatmayberequiredforthis project. II.Site Specifications and Location: Scopeofwork involves performing road resurfacing workonselectedstreets within the CityofSouth Miami andshallcomplywith applicable standards,including but not limited to theFDOTand the Miami Dade County Public Works standards.Work covered under this contract shallalsoincludeandis not limitedto maintenance oftraffic,milling, clearingand grubbing,asphalt placement,and striping. Scopeof work involves performing '/^'milling andI"resurfacing with Type S-lll asphaltic concrete at the locationsdescribedbelow.All striping shall bethermoplastic paint Temporary paintshallbeincludedwithinthe thermoplastic paintitem. Ifthe limerock baseisimpacted within the milling process,thebase will needtobe reworked andcompactedto comply with Miami DadeCounty Public Worksstandards andspecifications. OffdutyPoliceofficers will berequiredforlane closures.Contractor shallinclude cost foroffdutyPoliceofficerswithinthemaintenanceoftrafficitem. Work activityislimitedtothehoursfrom7:00a.m.through6:00 p.m.,onweekdays from Monday through Friday. 32 •Site Locations: •Location #1: oOnSW 60th Place,between the 4121 property and 4317 property.There are approximately2,400SYtobemilled and resurfaced.A24 inch whitestopbar marking ateach ofthestop signs onSW 42nd Street,intersecting with SW 60th Place and 50 linear feetof double yellow 6 inch solid stripeoneachside.Contractor shall fieldverifythearea and quantities forthis location. •Location #2: oOnSW 64th Terrace,fromSW 61st Court,westto the endof the cul-de-sac.Thereareapproximately 1,807 SY tobe milled andresurfacedA24inchwhitestopbar marking atthestop sign intersecting withSW 64th Terrace andSW 61 Court,acrosswalk,following theexisting layoutwitha 12 inchsolidwhitestripe,and50linearfeet ofdoubleyellow6inchsolidstripeonSW 61st Court- Contractor shall field verifytheareaandquantitiesforthis location. Values utilized forthepurposeofthis RFP are approximate.Contractor is responsible to field verifytheareas,asperthe limits defined by thesketchforeach location. WHEN SUBMITTING THE BID PACKAGE,THE RESPONDENT IS TO PROVIDE ALUMPSUMPRICEPER LOCATION,(LOCATIONS #1 &#2); AND A COMBINED TOTAL. RESPONDENTS ARE TO PROVIDE A FEE BREAKDOWN INCLUDING UNIT COST AND QUANTITES FOR EACH TASK INCLUDED IN THE LUMP SUM PRICE;INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO:MAINTENACE OF TRAFFIC,MILLING ASPHALT,RESURFACING (TYPE S-3 ASPHALT CONCRETE,THERMOPLASTIC PAINT,REWORK OF LIMEROCK BASE. REFER TO EXHIBIT 3 "BID FORM."THE CITY WILL AWARD THE ENTIRE PROJECT TO A SINGLE CONTRACTOR BASED ON THE LUMP SUM AMOUNT SUBMITTED. III.Warranty: If equipment isbeingprovided,the standard manufacturer's warranty informationmust beprovidedinwritingforallequipmentbeingproposed,including installation byan authorized dealerbefore final paymentismade. 33 IV.Project Funding: This project isfunded through CityFunds. V.Site Location Sketch: ASiteLocationSketch depicting project locations isincludedwiththe RFP.Refer to Exhibit I,Attachment B. END OF SECTION 34 acorcT CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MIWDQTYYYYj 6/29/2015 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW.THIS CERTIFICATE OFINSURANCEDOESNOTCONSTITUTEA CONTRACT BETWEEN THEISSUING INSURER(S).AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER.AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT:If the certificate holder Is anADDITIONALINSURED,the policy(ies)must be endorsed.If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may requirean endorsement.A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER Eastern Insurance Group,Inc. 9570 SW 107 Avenue Suite 104 Miami FL 33176 name*"David M.Lopez S!?NNEB p*v (305)595-3323 |g*NoV (305,595-7135 address-axnandag easterninsurance.net INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE HA\Ct insurer A Bridgefield Enplovers Insuranc INSURED H&R Paving,Inc. 1955 NW 110 Avenue Miami FL 33172 INSURER B: INSURER C: INSURER 0: INSURER E: INSURER F; COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBERiMaster 15-16 REVISION NUMBER; THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVEBEEN ISSUED TOTHE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT.TERMORCONDITIONOF ANY*CONTRACT OR OTHERDOCUMENTWITH RESPECT TOWHICHTHIS CERTIFICATEMAYBEISSUEDORMAYPERTAIN.THEINSURANCEAFFORDEDBYTHEPOLICIESDESCRIBEDHEREINIS SUBJECT TOALLTHETERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOVW MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. IN5R LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL INSp SUBR wvp POLICY NUMBER POUCY EFF(MNVDDtfYYY)POUCY EXP (MM7DD/YYYY1 UMITS (COMM ERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY LAJMS-MADE ||OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE S I lo DAMAGETO RENTED PREMISES {Ea occurrence}s MEDEXP(Anyoneperson)5IPERSONAL&ADV INJURY S GEWL AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER:GENERAL AGGREGATE s POLICY ||Pg°f LJlOC OTHER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG s $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COM81NE0 SINGLE LIMIT fEa actidentt $ ANY AUTO BODILYINJURY(Perperson)$ ALL OWNED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY {Ptr accident)$ PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident!$ 5 UMBRELLA LlAB EXCESS UAB OCCUR CLAIMS-MADE EACH OCCURRENCE '$ AGGREGATE $ DED RETENTIONS $ A WORKERS COMPENSATION ANDEMPLOYERS'LIABILITY y /N AMY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE 1 1 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory In NH)' If yes.describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below N/A 830-54534 5/23/2015 5/23/2016 X PER 1 1 OTH- STATUTE 1 1 ER EL.EACH ACCIDENT $1.000,000 E.L DISEASE -EA EMPLOYEE $1,000,000 EL DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT s 1,000,000 DESCRIPTIONOFOPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES(ACORD101,AdditionalRemarks Schedule,maybe attached Ifmore space b required) Asphalt paving,sidewalks,curbs,asphalt plant Project:Roadway Resurface 60th Place and 64th Terrace,South Miami CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION City of South Miami Attn:Steven P.Kulick 6130 Sunset Dr. South Miami,FL 33143 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLEO BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,NOTICEWILL 8E DELIVEREDIN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE David Lopez/AMA *,."T=^—,^g--~_ ©1988-2014 ACORDCORPORATION,Allrights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORDACORD25(2014/01) INS025r?oi40i> H&RPA-2 0PIP:LR DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) 06/29/2015 /KCO/RLD'CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIRCATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW.THIS CERTIRCATE OF INSURANCE DOESNOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THEISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT:If the certificate holder isan ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must be endorsed.If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may requirean endorsement.A statement on this certificate does not confer rights tothe certificate holderinlieuof such endorsement(s). PRODUCER BROWN &BROWN OF FLORIDA INC 14900 NW 79th Court Suite#200 Miami Lakes.FL 33016-5869 Ramon A Rodriguez H&R Paving,Inc. 1955 NW 110th Ave Miami,FL33172-1911 name?07 RamonARodriguez TFL ^.305^64-7800 -MAIL ADDRESS: INSURER(S)AFFORDWG COVERAGE insurer a .Wesco Insurance Co, I E&nov 305-714-4401 NAIC# 025011 16691insurerb:*Great American Insurance Co* insurer c :Westchester Surplus Lines Ins 10172 COVERAGES CERTIRCATE NUMBER:REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED:NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM ORCONDITIONOFANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENTWITH RESPECT TOWHICHTHIS CERTIFICATE MAYBE ISSUED OR MAYPERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDEDBYTHEPOLICIES DESCRIBED HEREINIS SUBJECT TOALLTHE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL 1NSD SUBRI WVD POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF IMM/DD/YYYYI POUCY EXP (MM/DDrrYYY)LIMITS A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY >E j X |OCCUR WPP109493502 05/01/2015 05/01/2016 EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 1CLAIMS-MAC DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES (Ea occurrence)$100,000 MEDEXP(Any one person)$5.00C PERSONAL &ADV INJURY $1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: I POLICY |X j JgPf I |LOC I OTHER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,00c PRODUCTS -COMP/OP AGG 5 2,000,000 Emp Ben.$1,000,000 A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY WPP109493502 05/01/2015 05/01/2016 COMBINED SINGLE UMJ7 (Ea acridenfl S 1,000,000 X X ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY (Per person)S ALLOWNED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS X SCHEDULED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS BODILYINJURY{Per accident)s PROPERTY DAMAGE {Per accident $ $ B X UMBRELLA LtAB EXCESS LI AB X OCCUR CLAIMS-MADE TUU048352602 05/01/2015 05/01/2016 EACH OCCURRENCE $10,000,000 AGGREGATE $10,000,000 DEO 1X !RETENTION %10000 s WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS*LIABILITY Y f N ANY PROPRlETC«/PARTNER/£XECUTIVE |1 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? {Mandatory in NH)' If yes,describe under DESCRPTION OF OPERATIONS below N/A PER||OTH- STATUTE I I ER EL EACH ACCIDENT $ EX.DISEASE •EA EMPLOYEE s E.L DISEASE -POUCY LIMIT $ C Pollution G24275516004 05/01/2015 05/01/2016 Limits 1,000,000 DES Pro Cit> CRIP' ect K S< HON OF OPERATIC Name:Road Duth Miami NS/ fwa LOC yF ATIONS/VEH1C Resurface 6 LES </ 0th f\CORt Plac 3 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may e&64th Terrace reattached if more space Is requi red) CERTIRCATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SOUTHMI City Of South Miami Steve P Kulick 6130 Sunset Drive South Maimi,FL 33143 i SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPRATION DATE THEREOF,NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POUCY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Brown and Brown of Florida,Inc. ACORD 25 (2014/01) ©1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION.All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD EXHIBIT 2 Insurance &Indemnification Requirements 1.01 Insurance A.Without limiting its liability,thecontractor,consultantor consulting firm (hereinafter referredtoas "FIRM"with regard to Insurance and Indemnification requirements)shall be required toprocure and maintainatitsown expense duringthelifeof the Contract,insurance ofthetypesandintheminimum amountsstatedbelowas will protectthe FIRM,from claims which may arise outoforresultfromthe contractortheperformanceofthecontractwiththeCityofSouth Miami,whethersuch claim is against the FIRM orany sub-contractor,orbyanyone directly or indirectly employedbyanyofthemorby anyoneforwhoseactsanyofthemmaybe liable. B.NoinsurancerequiredbytheCITY shall beissuedor written byasurpluslines carrier unlessauthorized in writing by the CITYandsuch authorization shallbeattheCITY'ssoleandabsolute discretion.The FIRM shall purchase insurance from and shall maintain the insuranoe witha oompany or companies lawfully authorized to sell insurance in the State of Florida,on forms approved bytheStateof Florida,as willprotectthe FIRM,ata minimum,from all claims asset forth belowwhichmayariseoutoforresult fromthe FIRM's operations undertheContract and for which the FIRM maybe legally liable,whether such operationsbebythe FIRM orbya Subcontractor orby anyone directly or indirectly employed by any ofthem,orby anyone forwhose acts any ofthem may be liable:(a)claims underworkers* compensation,disability benefit and other similar employee benefit actswhichare applicable tothe Work tobe performed;(b)claims for damages because of bodily injury,occupational sickness or disease,or death ofthe FIRM's employees;(c)claims for damages because of bodily injury,sickness or disease,or death ofany person otherthanthe FIRM's employees;(d)claims for damages insured by usual personal injury liability coverage;(e)claims for damages,otherthantothe Work itself,because of injury toor destruction of tangible property,including lossofuse resulting there from;(f)claims for damages because ofbodily injury,death ofapersonor property damage arising outof ownership,maintenance oruseofa motor vehicle;(g)claims for bodily injury or property damage arising outof completed operations;and (h)claims involving contractual liability insurance applicable tothe FIRM's obligations underthe Contract. 1.02 Firm's Insurance Generally.The FIRM shall provide and maintain inforceandeffect until all the Work to be performed underthisContracthasbeen completed and accepted by CITY (orforsuch duration asisotherwise specified hereinafter),the insurance coverage writtenon Florida approved forms and assetforth below: 1.03 yvorkers*Compensation Insurance atthestatutoryamountastoallemployeesin compliance withthe "Workers'Compensation Law"oftheStateof Florida including Chapter 440,Florida Statutes,as presently written or hereafter amended,and all applicable federal laws.In addition,the policy (ies)must include:Employers1 Liability atthestatutorycoverageamountThe FIRM shall further insure that all ofits Subcontractors maintain appropriate levelsof Worker's Compensation Insurance. 1.04 CommercialComprehensive General Liability insurance withbroadformendorsement,aswellas automobile liability,completedoperationsandproducts liability,contractual liability,severability ofinterestwith cross liability provision,and personal injury and property damage liability with limits of $1,000,000 combined single limitperoccurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate,including: •Personal Injury:$1,000,000; •Medical Insurance:$5,000perperson; •Property Damage:$500,000eachoccurrence; 1.05 Umbrella Commercial Comprehensive General Lability insurance shall bewrittenona Florida approved form with thesame coverage asthe primary insuranoe policy butintheamountof$1,000,000 per claim and $2,000,000AnnualAggregate.Coveragemustbeaffordedonaformno more restrictivethanthelatesteditionof the ComprehensiveGeneral Liability policy,withoutrestrictiveendorsements,as filed bythe Insurance Services Office,and must include: (a)PremisesandOperation (b)IndependentContractors (c)Productsand/orCompletedOperations Hazard (d)Explosion,CollapseandUnderground Hazard Coverage 40 (e)BroadFormPropertyDamage (f)BroadFormContractualCoverage applicable tothisspecificContract,including anyholdharmless and/or indemnification agreement. (g)Personal Injury Coverage with EmployeeandContractual Exclusions removed,withminimumlimitsof coverageequaltothoserequiredfor Bodily Injury Liability andProperty Damage Liability. 1.06 Business Automobile Labilitywithminimum limits ofOne Million Dollars($1,000,000.00)plusan additional One Million Dollar ($1,000,000.00)umbrella peroccurrencecombined single limitfor Bodily Injury Liability andProperty Damage Liability.Umbrella coveragemustbeaffordedonaformnomorerestrictivethan thelatestedition of the Business Automobile Liability policy,withoutrestrictiveendorsements,as filed by with the state of Florida,and must include: (a)OwnedVehicles. (b)Hiredand Non•Owned Vehicles (c)Employers'Non-Ownership 1.07 SUBCONTRACTS:The FIRM agreesthat if anypartof the Work undertheContractissublet,the subcontract shall containthesame insurance provision assetforthinsection 5.1 aboveand5.4belowand substituting the word Subcontractor fortheword FIRM and substituting the word FIRM for CITY where applicable. 1.08 Fire andExtendedCoverage Insurance (Builders'Risk).IF APPLICABLE A In the event that this contract involves the construction of a structure,the CONTRACTOR shall maintain,withanInsuranceCompanyor Insuranoe CompaniesacceptabletotheCITY,"Broad"form/All RiskInsuranceonbuildingsandstructures,includingVandalism &.Malicious Mischiefcoverage,whileinthe courseofconstruction,including foundations,additions,attachmentsand all permanentfixturesbelonging toandconstitutingapartof said buildings orstructures.The policy or policies shall alsocover machinery,ifthecostof machinery is included in the Contract,or if the machinery is located in a building thatisbeingrenovatedbyreasonofthis contract.Theamountofinsurancemust,at all times,be at least equaltothereplacementand actual cash valueofthe insured property.The policy shall beinthenameof the CITY andthe CONTRACTOR,astheirinterestmay appear,and shall alsocovertheinterests of all Subcontractorsperforming Work B.AlloftheprovisionssetforthinSection5.4hereinbelow shall applyto this coverageunlessitwouldbe clearly not applicable. 1.09 Miscellaneous: A If anynoticeofcancellationof insurance orchangeincoverageisissuedbytheinsurancecompanyor shouldanyinsurancehaveanexpirationdatethatwilloccurduringtheperiodofthiscontract,the FIRM shall beresponsiblefor securing other acceptable insurance priortosuch cancellation,change,or expirationsoastoprovidecontinuouscoverageas specified in thissectionandsoasto maintain coverageduring the lifeofthis Contract. B.All deductibles mustbe declared bythe FIRM andmustbeapprovedbytheCITY.Attheoption of the CITY,eitherthe FIRM shall eliminateorreducesuchdeductibleorthe FIRM shallprocureaBond,ina formsatisfactory to the CITY coveringthesame. C.The policies shall containwaiverof subrogation against CITYwhere applicable,shall expresslyprovide thatsuch policy orpoliciesare primary overanyothercollectible insurance thatCITYmay have.The CITY reservestherightatanytimetorequestacopyoftherequired policies forreview.Allpolicies shall containa"severabilityof "interest"or"cross liability"clause without obligation forpremium paymentofthe CITY aswellas contractual liability provisioncoveringtheContractorsdutytoindemnify theCityas provided inthisAgreement. D.Beforestarting the Work,the FIRM shall delivertotheCITYand CONSULTANT certificatesofsuch insurance,acceptable totheCITY,aswellasthe insurance binder,ifoneisissued,the insurance policy, includingthedeclarationpageand all applicable endorsements andprovide the name,addressand telephone numberofthe insurance agentor broker throughwhomthepolicywasobtained.Theinsurer shall berated A.VI1 or better perAM.Best'sKey Rating Guide,latesteditionandauthorizedtoissue insuranceintheStateof Florida.All insurance policies mustbewrittenonformsapprovedbytheState of Florida and they must remain in full forceandeffectforthe duration ofthecontract period withthe CITY.The FIRM maybe required bythe CITY,atitssole discretion,to provide a "certified copy"ofthe Policy (asdefinedinArticle1ofthisdocument)which shall includethedeclaration page and all required endorsements.In addition,the FIRM shall deliver,atthetimeofdeliveryof the insurancecertificate,the following endorsements: (1)apolicyprovisionoran endorsement with substantially similarprovisionsas follows: 41 "TheCity of South Miami isan additional insured.Theinsurer shall pay allsumsthattheCityof South Miami becomes legally obligated to pay as damages because of 'bodily injury",'property damage',or"personaland advertising injur/1 and itwillprovidetotheCity all ofthecoverage thatis typically providedunderthe standard Florida approvedformsforcommercial general liability coverageAandcoverage B"; (2)a policy provision oranendorsementwith substantially similar provisions as follows: 'This policy shall notbe cancelled (including cancellation fornon-paymentofpremium), terminatedor materially modified withoutfirst giving theCityofSouth Miami ten (10)days advanced writtennoticeoftheintentto materially modify the policy orto cancel orterminate the policy for any reason.The notification shall be delivered totheCitybycertified mail,with proof ofdeliverytothe Crty." E.If the FIRM is providing professional services,such as would be provided byan architect,engineer, attorney,or accountant,to nameafew,theninsucheventandinadditiontotheaboverequirements, the FIRM shall also provide Professional Liability Insurance ona Florida approved formintheamountof $i,000,000withdeductibleper claim if any,nottoexceed 5%ofthelimitof liability providing for all sumswhichthe FIRM shall become legally obligated to pay as damages for claims arising out ofthe servicesor work performedbythe FIRM its agents,representatives,Sub Contractorsor assigns,orby anypersonemployedorretainedbyhiminconnectionwiththis Agreement Thisinsurance shall be maintained for four years after completion ofthe construction and acceptance ofany Project covered by thisAgreement.However,the FIRM may purchase Specific Project Professional Liability Insurance,inthe amountandundertheterms specified above,which is also acceptable.No insurance shall be issued bya surpluslinescarrierunlessauthorizedinwritingbythecityatthecity'ssole,absoluteandunfettered discretion. Indemnification Requirement A.The Contractor accepts and voluntarily incurs all risks of any injuries,damages,or harm which might arise during theworkoreventthat is occurring ontheCITYs property duetothe negligence orother fauk ofthe Contractor oranyoneactingthroughoronbehalfof the Contractor. B.TheContractor shall indemnify,defend,save and hold CITY,its officers,affiliates,employees, successorsand assigns,harmless fromanyand all damages,claims,liability,losses,claims,demands,suits,fines, judgments orcost and expenses,including reasonable attorney's fees,paralegal fees and investigative costs incidental theretoand incurred priorto,during or following any litigation,mediation,arbitration andat all appellate levels,whichmaybe suffered by,or accrued against,charged toor recoverable fromtheCityofSouth Miami,its officers,affiliates,employees,successors and assigns,by reason ofany causes of actions or claim ofany kind or nature,including claims for injury to,or death of any person or persons and for thelossor damage to any property arisingout ofanegligenterror,omission,misconduct,oranygross negligence,intentionalactorharmful conductofthe Contractor,its contractor/subcontractor oranyof their officers,directors,agents,representatives, employees,or assigns,oranyone acting throughoron behalf of anyofthem,arising outofthisAgreement, incidenttoit,or resulting fromthe performance or non-performance ofthe Contractor's obligations underthis AGREEMENT. C.TheContractor shall pay all claims,losses and expensesofanykindornature whatsoever,in connectiontherewith,including theexpenseorlossoftheCITYand/orits affected officers,affiliates,employees, successorsand assigns,Including their attorne/s fees,inthedefenseofanyactioninlaworequitybrought against them and arising fromthe negligent error,omission,oract of the Contractor,its Sub-Contractor or any oftheir agents,representatives,employees,or assigns,and/or arising outof,orincidentto,this Agreement,orincidentto or resulting fromthe performance or non-performance ofthe Contractor's obligations underthis AGREEMENT. D.The Contractor agreesandrecognizes that neithertheCITYnoritsofficers,affiliates,employees, successorsand assigns shall beheld liable or responsible forany claims,including thecostsandexpensesof defendingsuch daims whichmayresultfromorarise out of actionsoromissions of the Contractor,its contractor/subcontractor oranyoftheir agents,representatives,employees,or assigns,oranyone acting through oron behalf ofthethem,and arising outofor concerning theworkoreventthatisoccurringonthe CITY'S property.)n reviewing,approving or rejecting any submissions or acts ofthe Contractor,CITYinnoway assumes orsharesresponsibilityor liability fortheactsoromissions of theContractor,itscontractor/subcontractororany of their agents,representatives,employees,or assigns,oranyone acting throughoronbehalfofthem. 42 E.TheContractorhasthedutyto provide adefensewithanattorneyor law firm approvedbytheCity ofSouth Miami,which approval willnotbe unreasonably withheld. F.However,asto design professional contracts,and pursuant to Section 725.08 (1),Florida Statutes,none ofthe provisions set forthherein above thatareinconflictwiththis subparagraph shall applyandthis subparagraph shall set forththesoleresponsibilityofthedesign professional concerning indemnification.Thus,the design professional's obligationsasto the Cityandits agencies,as well as to itsofficers and employees,istoindemnifyandhold them harmless fromliabilities,damages,losses,and costs,including,butnotlimitedto,reasonable attorneys'fees,to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness,orintentionallywrongful conduct ofthedesign professional and other persons employed or utilized by the design professional in the performance of the contract. END OF SECTION 43 EXHIBIT 3 RoadwayResurfacing 60th Place and 64th Terrace RFP#PW2015-I! CONSTRUCTION BID FORM THIS PROPOSAL IS SUBMITTED TO: Steven Alexander City Manager City of South Miami 6130 Sunset Drive South Miami,FL 33143 1.Ifthis Proposal is accepted,the undersigned Respondent agrees toenterintoaContract with theCityof South Miami intheform included inthis Solicitation Package and to performand furnish all work as specifiedor indicated inthis Solicitation,including assetforthin Exhibit I (Scope of Services)forthe ProposedPriceassetforthbelow,within the Contract Time andinaccordancewith the other terms and conditionsoftheSolicitation Package. 2.Respondent accepts all oftheterms and conditions ofthe Solicitation and Instruaions to Respondents, including without limitation those dealing withthe disposition of Proposal/Bid Bond,if required.This Proposal will remain subjectto acceptance for 180 calendar days afterthe day ofthe Proposal Opening. The Respondent,by signing and submitting this proposal,agrees to all ofthetermsand conditions ofthe form of contract thatisa part ofthe Solicitation package with appropriate changes to oonform tothe information contained inthis Bid Form.Respondent agrees to sign and submit the Bonds,if required by this Solicitation,required insurance documents,and other documents required bythe Solicitation, including the Contract ifnot already submitted,within ten (10)calendar days afterthe date ofthe City's Notice of Award. 3.In submittingthis Proposal,Respondentrepresents that: a.Respondent has examined copiesof all the Solicitation Documents and ofthefolbwing Addenda,if any (receipt of allwhichis hereby acknowledged.)^/,^ b.Respondent has familiarized himself withthenature and extentoftheContract Documents,the proposed work,site,locality,and all local conditions and laws and regulations that in anymannermay affect cost, progress,performance or furnishing oftheWork. c.Subsurface conditions:If applicable tothis Solicitation,the Respondent representsthat: i.Respondenthas studied carefully all reports and drawings,if applicable,of subsurface conditions and drawings of physical conditions. ii.Respondent has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for obtaining and carefully studying)all such examinations,investigations,explorations,tests and studiesin addition toorto supplementthosereferredtointhis paragraph which pertain tothe subsurface or physical conditions atthesiteorotherwisemayaffectthecost,progress,performance,orthe furnishing ofthe Work at the Contract Price,within the Contract Time andin accordance with the other terms and conditions of the ContractDocuments.TheRespondentherebyacknowledgesthatno additional examinations, investigations,explorations,tests,reportsor similar information or data are,or will,be required by RespondentforanyreasoninconnectionwiththeProposalThe failure of the Respondenttorequest apre-bid marking oftheconstructionsitebyanyor all utility companies shall createan irrefutable presumptionthatthe Respondent's bid,or proposal price,hastakeninto consideration all possible undergroundconditionsandRespondent,ifawarded the contract,shall not beentitledtoachange order foranysuchcondition discovered thereafter. iii.Respondent hascorrelatedtheresultsof all suchobservations,examinations,investigations, explorations,tests,reportsandstudieswiththetermsandconditionsoftheContractDocuments. Addendum No. 44 South^Vtiami THf CITY OF PicAWNUlVIS*;- ADDENDUM No.#1 Project Name:Roadway Resurfacing 60th Place and 64Terrace RFP NO.PW20I5-II Date:June 22,2015 Sent:Fax/E-mail/webpage This addendum submissionisissued to clarify,supplement and/or modify the previouslyissued Solicitation,andisherebymadepartoftheDocuments.All requirements of the Documents not modifiedherein shall remainin full forceandeffectas originally setforth.It shall bethe sole responsibility ofthebiddertosecureAddendumsthatmaybeissuedfora specific solicitation. Question #1: Is there a budget forthis project? Answer to Question #1: The City does not havealineitembudget amount inthe Adopted Budgetfor FY 2014 -2015 forthis project.The ScopeofServicesincludestwositelocations.There isabudgetlineitem amount forLocation #1 for $50,000;Location #2 does not haveabudget amount. Question #2: What is the per hour rateforCityofSouth Miami Policeofficersfor M.OT,? Answer to Question #2: The per hour rate is$45.00forCityofSouth Miami Policeofficers. Question #3: Will the contractor be responsible formanholesandvalve adjustments within the project areas? Page I of2 Answer to Question #3: Yes,the contractor isresponsibleto quantify and adjust all manholes and valvesthat will need tobeadjustedduetothe resurfacing within the projea areas. IT SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BIDDER TO SECURE ADDENDUMS THAT MAY BE ISSUED FOR A SPECIFIC SOLICITATION. Page 2 of2 W'Mi a miSoutlrMiami TH£.07Y OF I't^ASAKT t.IVINX; ADDENDUM No.#2 Project Name:Roadway Resurfacing 60th Place and 64Terrace RFP NO.PW20I5-II Date:June25,2015 Sent:Fax/E-mail/webpage Thisaddendumsubmissionisissuedto clarify,supplementand/or modify the previously issued Solicitation,andisherebymadepartofthe Documents.All requirementsoftheDocuments notmodifiedherein shall remainin full forceandeffectas originally setforth.It shall bethe sole responsibility ofthebidder to secure Addendums thatmaybeissuedfora specific solicitation. QUESTIONS FOR RFP #PW20I5-II •FOR LOCATION #I: oThereisbarelyanyasphaltatthis location.Milling l/i"will most likely makeany contractor hitrockateveryareaofthis location.Pleaseevaluatetheoptionof milling '/V instead of Vi". Answer: Mill Vi"and rework base as needed.When the condition is located at a driveway entrance or curb ramp,contractor to millI"inan 18" path for the extent of the driveway or curb ramp.Contractor to provide the unit price and quantity as a separate item for the rework of the base item. There arenumerous driveways andcurbrampswithinthe limits oftheworkthatare atthismoment flush withthe existing roadway.Milling Vi"and resurfacing I"will generatea Vi"gapataltthese locations,andmostlyanissuewithwater ponding at j every driveway,generating lotsof complains fromtheproperty owners.Please j provide us with instructions as to how to proceed with this matter and avoid further j responsibilities related to this sensitive issue.j Answer: The resurfacing will be I".At a driveway or curb ramp,the I" resurfacing is to be transitioned from the crown to the edge of pavement (EOP)to meet and match the existing driveway or curb ramp elevation. Page1 of2 •FOR LOCATION #2: Thereis barely any asphalt atthis location.Milling Vi"will most likely makeany contractor hitrockateveryareaofthislocation.Pleaseevaluatetheoptionof milling Va"instead of lA%\ Answer Mill Yi"and rework base as needed.When the condition is located at a driveway entrance or curb ramp,contractor to mill I"in an 18" path for the extent of the driveway or curb ramp.Contractor to provide the unit price and quantity asa separate item for the rework of the base item. All this site hascurb&gutterattheedgeofpavement Is theCityinagreementwith leaving theasphalt Vi*higherthanthe gutter elevation everywhere,including driveways. Answer: Yes,the resurfacing will be l.w At a driveway or curb ramp,the I" resurfacing is to be transitioned from the crown to the edge of pavement (EOP)to meet and match the existing driveway or curb ramp elevation. AtthenorthsideofSW 64th Terrace,just west ofSW 61st Court there isacurb& gutter raisedbytherootsofahuge tree Please confirm in writing iftheCityis expectingthiscurb&gutter tobe fixed (andanyadditionalscopesuchas root pruning) or ifthis curb &gutter is not tobe touched. Answer: Curb and gutter:Yes,the curb is to be repaired. Root Pruning:Yes,the root that is affecting the Curb &Gutter and the pavement is to be root pruned.This item shall be submitted as a separate line item in the Respondents submittal. The Awarded Contractor must consult with the City Arborist for evaluation and recommendation concerning root pruning.Upon the review of the City Arborist,corresponding action will be determined. IT SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BIDDER TO SECURE ADDENDUMS THAT MAY BE ISSUED FOR A SPECIFIC SOLICITATION. Page2 of2 iv.Respondenthasreviewedandchecked all informationanddatashown or indicatedintheSolicitation Package orinthe Contract DocumentswithrespecttoexistingUnderground Facilities orconditions atorcontiguoustothe site andassumes responsibility fortheaccuratelocationof ali Underground Facilities andconditionsthat may affectthe Work Noadditionalexaminations,investigations, explorations,tests,reports or similar information ordatainrespect to anyUnderground Facilities or conditionsare,orwillbe,requiredbyRespondentin order toperformandfurnishtheWorkatthe Contract Price,within the Contract Timeandin accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract DocumentsunlesstheProposal specifically states thatthe contract priceissubjectto adjustment forfuturediscoveryofunderground facilities and/or conditions that affectthecostofthe Work andunless the respondent makesawrittenrequesttotheCityforadditionalinformation prior to submitting the bidorproposalasrequiredinsubsectioniiabove, d.Respondenthas .given theCitywrittennoticeof all conflicts,errors ordiscrepanciesthatithas discovered inthe Contract Documentsand,ifanyconflicts,errors or discrepancies havebeenfound andnotice given,theRespondentrepresents,by submitting itsproposaltothe City,thatthe Respondent hasreceivedsufficientnoticeoftheresolution thereof fromtheCity,thatsuchresolution is acceptable to Respondent and that theRespondentwaivesanyclaimregarding the conflicts,errors or discrepancies. e.ThisProposalisgenuineandnotmadeintheinterestoforon behalf ofany undisclosed person,firm or corporation andisnotsubmittedpursuanttoanyagreementorrulesofanygroup,association, organization,or corporation;Respondenthasnotdirectly or indirectlyinducedor solicited any other Respondent to submitafalse or shamProposal;Respondenthasnotsolicited or inducedanyperson, firm or corporationtorefrainfrom responding;andRespondenthasnotsoughtby collusion or otherwise toobtainforitselfanyadvantageoveranyotherRespondentor over the CITY. Respondentunderstandsandagreesthatthe Contract Priceistheamountthatitneedstofurnishand install all ofthe Work completeandinplace.The Schedule ofValues,ifrequired,isprovidedforthe purposeofProposal Evaluation andwheninitiatedbythe CITY,itshallformthebasisfor calculating the pricing of change orders.The Contract Priceshallnotbeadjustedinanywaysoas to result ina deviationfromtheScheduleof Values,excepttothe extent thatthe CITY changestheScopeofthe Work after the Contract Date.Assuch,theRespondentshallfurnishalllabor,materials,equipment, tools,superintendence andservicesnecessarytoprovideacomplete,inplace,ProjectfortheProposal Price.If thisSolicitationrequiresthecompletionofaCostandTechnicalProposal,asmaybesetforthin inanexhibittothisSolicitation,such proposal must be attached to this Bid Form and will take the place of the Lump Sum Price,otherwise,the Contract Price for the completed work is as follows: LOCATION #1:(RefertoExhibit I) LUMP SUM BASE PRICE Alternates:#1 #2. LOCATION #2:(RefertoExhibit I) >txhibst l) :J£C?3/dollars and ^°cents ($AOH\ LUMP SUM BASE PRICE Alternates:#1 #2. TOTAL,LOCATION #1 &LOCATION #2 COMBINED: J%<rZ>I dollars and £0 cents £$/lCtfl~l LUMP SUM BASE PRICE:/€%O/Q dollars and *f*0 cents f $fcCM 0) Alternates:#1 #2 45 5&PUk PAVING 1955 NW 110 Avenue Miami,FL 33172 Ph:(305)261-3005 Fax:(305)592-6079 Licensed and Insured 7#;•* »HtvLLfije/Aa-ooA.^ *fovlriG -Net J-3 0 L^oc^iio^J ^5 /j 7^^r .-'-Kd./. /\/%^:*.l_M4ooo.&* z. ^0F3.- l^Lll^ US I //^ooa^Ao,09o.<*?! C»zz/tStfTdl fef.\£~5 \I j Z/000'^_\eoo.~ 74 PW.£f0 Afeebreakdownincludingunitcostandquantitiesfor each taskincludedinthelump sum contract price,if applicable,mustbeprovided;includingbutnotlimited to:Maintenance of Traffic,Milling Asphalt,Resurfacing (Type$-3AsphaltConcrete),ThermoplasticPaint,Rework of Limerock Base,eta Failure %o providethisinformationshallrenderthe proposal non-responsive. 5.The ENTIRE WORKshallbecompleted,in full,within 50 calendar days fromthecommencementdate set forth in the NOTICETO PROCEED.Failureto complete the entire workduringthedescribedtime periodshallresultin the assessmentof liquidated damages asmay be setforthinthe Contract 6.Insertthe following information fi RESPONDENT: Address: Telephone: Facsimile: Contact Person unicationwithyouconcerningthis Proposal: The terms usedinthisProposalwhicharedefinedinthe Contract shallhavethesamemeaningasis assigned to themintheContractDocuments,unless specifically defined inthis Solicitation Package. If a cost &technical proposal isrequiredbythe Solicitation,Respondentherebycertifiesthatallofthe factsand responses to the questionsposedinthe cost &technical proposal,ifsuchanexhibitismade apartof the Solicitation,are true and correct andareherebyadoptedaspartofthis BidForm,andare madea part ofthisproposal,byreference. Bysubmittingthisproposal,I,onbehalfofthe business that I represent,herebyagree to thetermsofthe formof contract containedinthe Solicitation packageand I agree to beboundby those terms,withany appropriate blankboxes,ifany,checkedandany blank lines filled inwiththeappropriate information containedin the SolicitationDocumentsandthisProposal,or suchinformationthat the Cityand I have agreeduponinthecourseofcontract negotiations and which have beenconfirmedbytheCityin writing, including e-mail confirmation,if any.I hereby certify under penalty ofperjurythat I amthe lawful representativeofthebusinessentityreferencedinthis Bid Formandthat I haveauthoritytobidthat entity. & ^ DAY OF -s^D BY>-- kTSu bmitfVoposa!Name of Person ^*L T/i\e >j. J yJ4.loZTT :pFione Klumber „~~~~TTeiepl "Fax Email Address END OF SECTION 46 EXHIBIT 4 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Roadway Resurfacing 60th Place and 64th Terrace RFP#PW20I5-II THIS CONTRACT was made and entered into on this L^day of ^^fJ8>\20 IS .by and between •//<*-fr£"RaxA iao,(hereafter referred toas "Contractor"),and the City of Soujh Miami (hereafter referred to as "Owner"),through its City Manager (hereafter referred to as "City"). WITNESETH: That the Contractor,for the consideration hereinafter fully setout,herebyagreeswiththe Owner asfollows: 1.The Contractor shallfurnishalllabor,materials,equipment,machinery,tools,apparatus,transportation andany other itemsnecessary to performallof the work shownonanddescribedin the Contract Documentsandshalldoeverythingrequiredbythis Contract andthe other Contract Documents hereinafter referred to as the Work. 2.The Contract Documents shallincludethis Contract,General Conditions to the Contract,ifany,the drawings,plans,specificationsand project manual,ifany,any supplementary or specialconditions,other documents referring to this contract andsignedby the parties,the solicitation documents ("hereinafter referredtoas"BidDocuments")andanydocumentstowhichthosedocumentsreferwhichareusedby the Owner aswellasany attachments orexhibitsthataremadeapartofanyof the documents described herein. 3.The Contractor shallcommencethe Work tobeperformedunderthis Contract onadatetobespecified ina Notice to Proceedandshall complete all Work hereunder within the lengthoftimesetforthinthe Contract Documents. 4.TheOwnerherebyagreestopaytothe Contractor forthe faithful performanceofthisContract,subject toadditionsanddeductionsasprovidedinthe Contract Documentsandanyproperlyapproved,written change orders,in lawful moneyof the UnitedStates,the amountof:(sPeii Dollar Amount here)^v^w^TPuru.^*A -dl*tlV^Mu<WA^ku^^Dollars ($3o^o_.OOjY0J,Lump Sum ("Contract Price")."^ 5.Theexpensesof performing Work after regular workinghours,andon Sunday and legal holidays shall be included inthe Contract Price.TheCity may demand,atanypointintime,thatany part,or all,ofthe Work beperformedafterregularworkinghours.In suchevent,theRespondent shall havenorightto additional compensationforsuchwork.However,nothing containedherein shall authorizeworkon days andduringhours that are otherwise prohibitedbyordinanceunless specifically authorized or instructedin writingby the City. 6.Ifthe Work isexpectedtorequiremorethanonemonth,theOwner shall make monthly partial payments tothe Contractor onthe basis ofa duly certified andapprovedscheduleof values forthe Work performed duringeachcalendarmonthbytheContractor,lesstheretainage (all asprovidedforinthe Contract Documents),whichistobewithheldbytheOwner until completionandacceptanceofthecomplete project in accordance withthis Contract and the other Contract Documents anduntilsuch Work has been accepted by the City. 7.Upon submission bythe Contractor of evidence satisfactory totheOwnerthat all labor,material,and othercostsincurredbytheContractorin connection with the construction oftheWork have been paid in full,andafter compliance withthetermsforpayment provided forintheContract Documents,final payment onaccountofthisContract shall bemade within sixty (60)calendar days afterthe completion by the Contractor of all WorkcoveredbythisContractandtheacceptanceofsuchWorkbytheOwner. 8.The Work shall becompletedin50 calendar days.Intheeventthatthe Contractor shall fail to complete the Work withinthetimelimitstipulatedinthe Contract Documents,ortheextendedtimelimit agreedupon,inaccordancewiththeprocedureasmore particularly setforthintheContract Documents, liquidated damages shall be paid by the Contractor attherateof $600.00 dollars per day,plus any moniespaidbythe Owner totheConsultant,if any,for additional engineeringandinspection services,if any,associated withsuchdelay. 47 9.It Is further mutually agreed between the parties hereto that if a Payment and/or Pertbrmance Bond ("Bond**)is required and if,at any time after the execution of this Contract and the Bond for its faithful performance and payment,the City shall deem the Surety or Sureties upon such bond(s)to be unsatisfactory,or if,for any reason such bond ceases to be adequate to cover the performance ofthe Work or payment to subcontractors and suppliers,the Contractor shall,at Its expense within five (5) business days after the receipt of notice from the City soto do,furnish an additional bond or bonds hi such form and amount and with such Surety or Sureties as shall be satisfactory to die City.In such event; no further payment tothe Contractor shall be deemed tobe due underthis Contract until such newor additional security forthe faithful performance oftheWorkis furnished in the manner and intheform satisfactory tothe City. 10.No additional Work or extras shaH be done unless the sanie Is duly audiorized in writing,and in advance of the work,by appropriate action by the Qtyand in accordance with the Contract Documents. I L Thedate thatthiscontract was "made and entered Into"and itseffective date is the date that the contract Is the signed by the City or,if the contract is required to be approved by resolution ofthe City Commission,then the Effective Date isthe date ofthe resolution approving the Contract whichever is die later date. DW WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Contract on the day and date set forth next to their name below and may be signed in one or more counterparts,each of which shall,without proof or accounting for theother counterpart,be deemed an original Contract. CONTRACTOR: Signature; PrintSgnatory*s Name: Title of Signatory:^frfrg OWNER:CITY OF SQ! Signature: END OF SECTION 48 Date: tWVKA'vSouth11Miami THE CITY OF PLEASANT LIVING Pre-Bid Conference Sign-In Sheet June 22,2015 ahRFPTitle:Roadway Resurfacing 60in Place&64 Terrace ITQ No.:PW2015-11 Please Print Clearly HPf mi "4;-•i.Tf'.'j-. Ml •<••• 8 to 11 Name/Tide \Me ^(vtpRn InoWct Fm GAer - ",.:s:u Wmmm ••;.-........... ^j---ff-7;-wW&8MPjg^-g^ailgiB^; •'••u'iA Company Name/E-mail Address Telephone No. (qetAeycJ!M-fhM Co.,J-nC. oor>i -'X»: ..-•..-••:••••!..-.mm C:\Users\skulick.CSMl\DocLiments\South Miami\Templates\Pre-Bid Meeting Sign-In Sheet.doc BID OPENING REPORT '*&? Bids were opened on:Tuesday.June 30,2015 For:RFP #PW2015-11-Roadway Surfacing 60'h PI &64th Ter COMPANIES THAT SUBMITTED PROPOSALS: 1.II &R PAVING INC. 2.METRO EXPRESS INC. 3.M&M ASPHALT MAINTENANCE,INC. after:10:00am AMOUNT: It,Wl THE ABOVE BIDS HAVE NOT BEEN CHECKED. THE BIDS ARE SUBJECT TO CORRECTION AFTER THE BIDS HAVE BEEN COMPLETELY REVIEWED. City Clerk:Af^t/a 0.M<?MP»Jfir&~ Print Name Witness:~C^-^ Print Name AJJL )Witness:IClCfinLz A yAy^A Print Name 'Signature RFP PW2015-11 Roadway Resurfacing 60th Place&64 Terrace NOTE:RESULTS ARE NOT FINAL UNTIL AN AWARD RECOMMENDTION BYTHECITY MANAGER Bidder Bid Price Bid Package UOrg;3 Copies;1 Digital) Bid Form Bidder Qualtf. Sched. Of Values References Non Coll. Affidavit List of Subs' PublicEntity Crimes and Conflicts of Interest Drug free Workplace OSHA Stds Fed. State Listings Related Party Presentation Declaration (1)Proof of Ins Signed Contract with Original (1)Perf Bond Sun Biz H&R Paving $70,890 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X M&M Asphalt $76,834 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Metro Express $82,105 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X N/A X X (1)Condition of Award Member Name Cityof South Miami Bid Number RFP-RFP #PW2015-ll-0-2015/SK Roadway Resurfacing 60th Placeand64th Bid Name Terrace 4 Document(s)found for this bid 514 Suppliers Notified;11 Downloads Supplier Name Address 1 City State Zip Phone Attributes 3M Traffic Controls AB Construction Journal,Ltd.400 SW 7th Street Stuart FL 34994 8007855165 F.R.ALEMAN &ASSOCIATES INC 10305 NW 41ST STREET MIAMI FL 33178 3055918777 1.HispanicOwned 2.Small Business 3.Woman Owned JMS Construction Services,Inc.4420 Peters Road Plantation FL 33317 9547977710 1.Small Business Johnson Mirmiran &Thompson 72 Loveton Circle Baltimore MD 21152-0949 4103162268 Link Systems LLC 5870 Hummingbird Court Titusville FL 32780 4074010031 1.Small Business M&M Asphalt 1302 South J Street Lake Worth FL 33460 5615880949 Ogden's Traffic Markings Inc 6143#3riverwalkln jupiter FL 33458 5617468601 1.Small Business Onvia,Inc.-Content Department 509 OliveWay,Suite 400 Seattle WA 98101 2063739500 Ra ngerCo nstru ction 1200 Elboc Way Winter Garden FL 34787 4076569255 Weekley Asphalt Paving,Inc.20701 STIRLING ROAD PEMBROKE PINES FL 33332 9546808005 Detail by Entity Name Florida Department of Stati-: Division or Corporations Detail by Entity Name Florida Profit Corporation H&R PAVING,INC. Filinq Information Document Number 513070 FEI/EIN Number 591690152 Date Filed 08/19/1976 State FL Status ACTIVE Last Event AMENDMENT Event Date Filed 09/15/1997 Event Effective Date NONE Principal Address 1955 N.W.110 AVE MIAMI,FL 33172 Changed:09/10/1997 Mailing Address 1955 N.W.110 AVE MIAMI,FL 33172 Changed:09/10/1997 Registered Agent Name &Address GONZALEZ,LUCRECIA 1955 NW 110 AVENUE MIAMI,FL 33172 Name Changed:01/30/2008 Address Changed:05/01/1998 Officer/Director Detail Name &Address Title P GONZALEZ,RAUL JR. 1955 N.W.110 AVE MIAMI,FL 33172 Page 1 of4 •f http://search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/Coi-porationSearch/SearchResultDetail7inqui...7/1/2015 Detail by Entity Name Title ST GONZALEZ,LUCRECIA 1955 N.W.110 AVE MIAMI,FL 33172 Annual Reports Report Year 2013 2014 2015 Filed Date 02/01/2013 02/27/2014 03/20/2015 Document Images 03/20/2015 -ANNUAL REPORT j View image in PDF format 02/27/2014 -ANNUAL REPORT j View image in PDF format 02/01/2013;-ANNUAL REPORT |View image In PDF format 03/22/2012 -ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 02/24/2012 -ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 01/04/2011 -ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 01/20/2010 -ANNUAL REPORT |View image in PDF format 03/30/2009 -ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 01/30/2008 -ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 02/05/2007 -ANNUAL REPORT [View image in PDF format 02/24/2006 -ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 02/21/2005 -ANNUAL REPORT |View image in PDF format 02/04/2004 -ANNUAL REPORT |View image in PDF format 01/17/2003 -ANNUAL REPORT |View image in PDF format 02/27/2002 -ANNUAL REPORT j View image in PDF format 02/06/2001 -ANNUAL REPORT j View image in PDF format 03/30/2000 -ANNUAL REPORT |View imagein PDF format 04/20/1999 -ANNUAL REPORT |View image in PDF format 05/01/1998 -ANNUAL REPORT View imageinPDFformat 09/15/1997 --AMENDMENT View image inPDFformat 09/15/1997 -ANNUAL REPORTj View image in PDF format 09/10/1997 -ANNUAL REPORT j View image in PDF format 05/09/1997 -ANNUAL REPORT View imagein PDF format 04/26/1996 -ANNUAL REPORT |View image in PDF format 01/13/1995 -ANNUAL REPORT View imageinPDFformat Page 2 of 4 http://search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail7inqui...7/1/2015 2015 FLORIDA PROFIT CORPORATION ANNUAL REPORT DOCUMENT#513070 Entity Name:H&R PAVING,INC. Current Principal Place of Business: 1955 N.W.110AVE MIAMI,FL 33172 FILED Mar 20,2015 Secretary of State CC2137259162 Current Mailing Address: 1955 N.W.110 AVE MIAMI,FL 33172 US FEI Number:59-1690152 Name and Address of Current Registered Agent: GONZALEZ,LUCRECIA 1955 NW 110 AVENUE MIAMI,FL 33172 US Certificate of Status Desired:Yes The above namedentitysubmitsthisstatementforthepurposeof changing itsregistered office orregistered sgent,orboth,intheStateof Florida. SIGNATURE: ElectronicSignatureof Registered Agent Officer/Director Detail: Title P Name GONZALEZ,RAUL JR. Address 1955 N.W.110 AVE City-State-Zip:MIAMI FL33172 Title Name Address ST GONZALEZ.LUCRECIA 1955 N.W.110 AVE City-State-Zip:MIAMIFL 33172 Date I hereby certifythatthe information indicatedon this reportor supplemental reportistrveandaccurateandthatmy electronic signature shallhavethesamelegaleffectesifmade under oath;that lam an officer ordirectorofthe corporation orthereceiverortrusteeempoweredto execute thisreportasrequiredbyChapter607.Florida Statutes;andthatmyname appears above,oronanattachmentwith an otherlike empowered. SIGNATURE:LUCRECIA GONZALEZ VPRES 03/20/2015 ElectronicSignatureofSigning Officer/Director Detail Date MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published DaHy exceptSaturday.Sunday and LegalHolidays Miami.Miami-Dade County.Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Beforetheundersigned authority personally appeared M.ZALDIVAR,whoonoath says that heor she isthe LEGAL CLERK,Legal Nolices ofthe Miami Daily Business Reviewf/k/a Miami Review,adaily(exceptSaturday,Sunday andLegal Holidays)newspaper,publishedat Miami In Miami-Dade County,Florida:thatthe attached copyofadvertisement, beingaLegal Advertisement ofNoticeinthematterof CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI RFP ftPW2015-11 in the XXXX Court. was published insaid newspaper inthe issues of 06/12/2015 Affiantfurther says thatthe said MiamiDaily Business Reviewisanewspaperpublishedat Miami insaid Miami-Dade County,Florida and thatthe said newspaper has heretoforebeencontinuouslypublishedinsaid Miami-Dade County. Florida,eachday(exceptSaturday,SundayandLegal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post officein Miami insaidMiami-DadeCounty,Florida,fora periodofoneyearnextprecedingthefirstpublicationofthe attached copyofadvertisement:andaffiantfurther says thatheor she has neitherpaidnor promised any person,firm orcorporation any discount,rebate,commissionorrefundforthepurpose ofsecuring this advertisement fo/publication in the said newspaper. (SEAL) M.ZALDIVAR personally known t Wms"%•••♦,•••• ^W®m% •^•^•: #12, mi itehkace •;;' S!i»tli£W •••• TheGity ,isHereb#^RFP #PW201 Mt •Roadway fr^^ ifteptf^^ lortheTcom^ (Exhibit;"t,^Attec4irtwitV A&^tittk^jnr wetjpage:httpltfwww^diM^:f^r§tebi^^ hours 4tj^frifflc&Q!Jw^^^P^'^jBiilQQ j0&j»tfac*alioAMphtte^ ;io$7^^ tfoncari:obtata(he i^th^Cily b^South C§c(ert(|City of South Mtdrnl