Ord. No. 09-85-1225ORDINANCE N0._9-_8_5-l_2.25 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA, GRANTING A VARIANCE TO A &M CLRTITILD CONTRACTORS, INCORPORATED,TO PERMIT AN EXISTING ROOF SIGN TO REMAIN WHERE ROOF SIGNS ARE ORDINARILY NOT PERMITTED ASTO CERTAIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7210-7230 RED ROAD AND 5700-5730 SUNSFT DRIVE, SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOTS 1-2 LESS N.30'LOT2ANDE 17'LOT3LESS N.30'AND LOT82AND NORTHS OF LOT 81LESSE 10'ALLIN W.A.LARKINS SUBDIVISION AS RECORDED INPLAT BOOK 3 ATPAGE198 JDF THEPUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY,FLORIDA WHEREAS,the Planning Board of the City ofSouth Miami has considered the requested variance herein and made their recommendation of approval thereon;and WHEREAS,Staff of the City of South Miami has considered the variance herein requested and made their recommendation of denial thereof; NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1.That A&M Certfied Contractors,Inc.,be andare hereby granted a variance to permit an existing roof sign to remain where roof signs are ordinarily not permitted as to certain described property located at 7210-7230 Red Road and 5700-5730 Sunset Drive,South Miami,Florida,and legally described as: Lots1-2 less N30feetLot2and E17feetLot3lessNorth30feet andLot82andNorth \ofLot81 less East 10 feet,W.A.LARKINS SUBDIVISION.as recorded inPlatBook 3 page 198 of the Public Records of Dade County,Florida. Section 2.This ordinance shall take effect immediately at the time of its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of Marcn ,1985, /vy "''qnf CLERK READANDAPPROVED ASTO FORM: CITty ATTORNEY J Passed on1st Reading: Passedon2nd Reading: APPROVED: MAYOR y B.Hearing #84-21 Request: Location: Legal Description: Chairman Michel sonaskedifthere .....,, either for or against tl\e request and declared the Public Hearing open. Mr.Mike Thompson,President of A&M Construction Co.addressed the Board and explained that the intent of the owner is to retain and refurbish the sign without changing it in any way.He stated that the sign had historical sig nificance as one of the first landmarks of the City of South Miami. Mr.Ed Boaz of Lane's Men Shop spoke in favor of the request and noted that the entire building was being rennovated and that all small signage had been removed and would be replaced with simple shop designations on the edge of the canopy.He further stated that a variance would allow retention of the large sign which otherwise would usurp all alloted square footage of signage leaving none for the tenants. Mr.Vic Logan,Manager of the Crossroads Building addressed the Board and reiterated the historical importance of the sign which has been in place since 1950 marking the area "where town and country meet",which at one time were words also on the sign and which is still a landmark,visible from the Metrorail. Mr.Sergio Fernandez addressed the Board and asked if the sign were approved would other signs be automatically approved without hearing.The Board answered in the negative. A&M Certified Contractors,Inc. Variance to allow an existing roof sign to remain where roof signs are not ordinarily permitted. 7210-7230 Red Road 5700-5730 Sunset Drive Lots1-2lessN30ftlot2andE lot3lessN30ftandlot82andN -2 lot81lessE10ft.W.A.LARKINS. SUBDIVISION, were any persons present wishing to speak 17ft *-of MOTION:ByEdwardCoburn to approve the application. Seconded by Rev.C.E.Standifer. Mr.Prentiss asked staff if,were the Board to approve the roof sign,tenant signage would be affected. Mr.Smith stated that it would have no impact. Discussion ensued concerning possible historical or nostalgic impact of the sign.Mr.Michel son pointed out that the sign serves to designate the build ing which,in turn,benefits the office area of the building above the retail level.He also brought forward the precedent set by the approval of the Allen Drugs request,allowing them retention of a large neon sign on the basis that it wasa unique landmark. Mr.Prentiss did not feel that this was sufficient reason for allowing the sign andMr.Cooper agreed noting that hehad not been convinced of any over riding need for the sign and his intention of adhering to the sign ordinance. Rev.Standifer felt that each sign should be judged on individual merits and that historical sites should receive particular attention. Mr.Smith pointed out that the sign,when first constructed,was also an architectural feature of the building and,in response to a request from the Board read the staff recommendation:--"Staff recommends denial.There are no legal,hardships involved in this application.However,consideration should be given to the possible nostalgic qualities and/or historic significance which this particular sign mayhave to s.ome South Miamians.."•'— Mr.Coburn agreed thatthe sign fCtojfistituted an archit%t«^.feature ofthe building and felt that it should'be considered a lahd$a^%p apartofthe City. VOTE ON MOTION: MOTIONCARRIED. Yes - No-(Richard Prentiss,Thomas Cooper) \v applicant:A&M Certified Contractors,Inc. s::-:Louis M.Jepeway 'r~?rrr;RENCE:Lots 1-2 less N30ft lot 2 and E17ft lot 3 lessN30ftandlot82and N^oflot81lessE10 ft. Variance to allow an existing roof sign to remain where roof signs are ordinarily not permitted. CITY op WUTH MIAMI -Pl'AMNIHG &0&RD Compass Scale.i.T.3>£>P... Date ..l1/**/«... Drn.dUti..Chk tt£~JJHearingNo \7 City of South Miami PLANNING BOARD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST: LOCATION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: CITY COMMISSION HEARING HEARING:#84-21 DATE:December 11,1984 TIME:7:30 P.M. APPLICANT:A&M Certified Contractors,Inc. Variance to allow an existing roof sign to remain where roof signs are ordinarily not permitted. 5700 -5730 RedRoad 7210 -7230 Sunset Drive Lots 1-2lessN30ftlot2 and E17ft lot 3less N30ftandlot82and Hh oflot81lessE10 ft. December18,1984 7:30 P.M. South Miami City Hall YOU ARE HEREBY ADVISED THAT IF ANY PERSON DESIRES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING OR HEARING,SUCH PERSON WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS,ANDFORSUCH PURPOSE MAYNEEDTO ENSURE THATA VERBATIM RECORD OFTHEPRO CEEDINGS ISMADE,WHICHRECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED,,(F.S.286.0105) UBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS AT THE CITY HALL,6130 SUNSET DRIVE,SOUTH MIAMI.FLORIDA,AT THE TIME AND DATE STATED ABOVE, ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE URGED TO ATTEND.OBJECTIONS OR EXPRESSIONS OF APPROVAL.MAY BE MADE IN PERSON AT THE HEARING OR FILED IN WRITING PRIOR TO OR AT THE HEARING.THE BOARD RESERVES THE RIGHT TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COMMISSION WHATEVER THE ROARD CONSIDERS IN THE BEST INTEREST FOR THE AREA INVOLVED.THE BOARD'S RECOMMENDATION ON THIS MATTER WILL BE HEARD BY THE CITY COMMISSION ATA FUTURE DATE.INTERESTED PARTIES REQUESTING INFORMATION ARE ASKED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE ZONING DIRECTOR BY CALLING 667-569.OR BY WRITING.REFER TO HEARING NUMBER WHEN MAKING INQUIRY. PSBHIO-7 BZ REV.12-9—HI Bernard Michel son Chairman PLANNING BOARD THIS IS A COURTESY NOTICE THE CITY OF <Jowm <yVliami 6130 SUNSET DRIVE,SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA 33143 JBUIC SERVICE DEPARTMENT 2*% ZONING PETITION Property Description,Location and Legal:7210 -7230 RedRoad 5700 -5730 sunset Drive Lots 1-2 less N 30 ft lot 2 and E17 ft lot 3 less N 30 ft and lot 82 and N h of lot 81 less E10 ft. Request:The Owners of the above property have made the following request: Variance to allow an existing roof sign to remain where roof sings are ordin arily not permitted. \J)C4./*<t-e-J.j>>' //-cV Petition:We,the undersigned property owners,are within 300 feet of the above property.We understand and approve the above request. /NAME s2 DATE DRESS JsBm S23 EZ K-.LY!JiMx)-J-% / ^^-*^_ ;o-37 (continued on page 2)Page 1