Res. No. 126-99-10750Resolution No.126-99-10750 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MAIM I,FLORIDA,AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DISBURSE THESUMOF $3,650.00 FORTHELISTEDBANDSBELOW,TOPARTICIPATE IN THEFOURTHOFJULYCELEBRATIONEVENTATPALMERPARK,AND CHARGING THE DISBURSEMENT TO ACCOUNT NUMBER2000-4820, "FOURTH OF JULY FIREWORKS". WHEREAS,Article III,Section 5,H,oftheCity Charter,requires bidsbe obtained for purchases of itemsover $1,000.00;and WHEREAS,TheCityofSouth Miami sponsorsthe Fourth of Julyevent;and WHEREAS,This year's event will havethree(3)majorbands;and WHEREAS,The entertainment will come from several different bands,ranging in avariety of styles of music,fromlocalto nationally acclaimedtalent;thebandsareas follows: "Viva"-Top40(5-manband)$1,250.00 HushBrothers (4-man band)$1,200.00 OmarStang&St.John's AMEGospel $1,250.00 NOW THEREFORE BEITRESOLVEDBYTHEMAYORANDCITY COMMISSIONOFTHECITYOFSOUTHMIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1-TheCity Manager is hereby authorized to disburse the sum of $3,700.00 from account number 2000-4820,"Fourth of July Fireworks",for the above mentioned bands. Section 2.This resolution shall take effect immediately upon approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of June,1999. ATTES^^//?APPROVE CITY CLERK &MAYOR COMMISSION VOTE:5-0 READ AtfTD^APPROVED AS TO FORM"Ma^or Robai na:YeaS^*^//<?/zy//si*Vl'ce Mayor Oliveros:Yeapj^vATTODMrv (y&r*ZS Commissioner Feliu:Yea i^lYAIIORNEY 'Commissioner Bethel:Yea Commissioner Russell:Yea 9M Bands Kourth of Jiilv CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO:MayorA Commission DATE:June 1,1999 UCharfes D.Scurr SUBJECT:Agenda #/T City Manager Commission Meeting June 8,1999 Bands Fourth of July x99 FROM: The Parks &Recreation Department has planned a spectacular Fourth of July event for our community.We will unite to celebrate our Nations Freedom tothebeatofa diverse musical production. This will be a farewell to a decade as well as our last Fourth of July event of the century!Omar Stang a native South Miami Band along with the St John's AME Gospel Ensemble will lead off the party.Omar Stang's music is a combination of Jazz &Blues.They have played many venues including Tobacco Road a well-known Miami establishment.Omar Stanq released their first CD.in 1998. The Miami talent continues as the Hush Brothers take the stage and work the crowd to the rhythms of Soul,Funk and Dance Music.In the spring of 1999,they electrified an audience of 10,000 at Bayfront Park.Last year on the Fourth of July the Hush Brothers delighted the South Miami community with their talent and showmanship. Our grand finale will be "Viva".This local band from Miami represents this century very well.Their music is "history"5 decades of Rock &Roll Pop and Dance music is incorporated in their show.For 10 years Viva has entertained thousands at Miami's Bayside.They have played to record crowds at Monty's in the Grove,Art Festivals in Miami Beach and many other venues in which audiences have danced and enjoyed themselves tremendously.The City of South Miami will be proud of this magnificent production.July 4m 1999 will bea fun filled memorable event. I recommend the release of funds from account number 2000-4820 "Fourth of July Fireworks",in an amount of $3,700.00 to cover the entertainment SoQn 6Vent Ba,ance in this account,after amount is released,will be $398.00. Bands July 4 1999 May-20-99 01:42P P.02 SINGLE ENGAGEMENT CONTRACT FOR THE OMAR STANG BAND ANY AMENDMENTS TO OR SUBSTITUTIONS ON THIS CONTRACT OR ANY RIDERS ATTACHED HEREWITH MUST FIRST BE CLEARED WITH THE BAND'S DESIGNATED AGENT/MANAGER (IlERElNAKmR REFERRED TO AS "ARTISTE'S REPRESENTATIVE") THIS AGREEMENT is made this _J±_day of May 19 99 between "THE OMAR STANG BAND"[four 4)individuals]of the first part (hereinafter referred to as "ARTISTE")and Cf-h,of A.41,/Y^,....r (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS THEEMPLOYER/PROMOTER)of the second AND WHEREAS the Employer/Promoter and the Artiste agree to the following: eigeTenHoSr "^*"^*»^*,he «*»•-»^*• (Cbcck boxes a*tire applicable)XX (a)Musical performance _(c)Dance band perfonnance ~Q>Mustcal accompaniment -(f)Entertatament music ~(0)Aguest vocal artiste performance _.(g)A„instrumental act -(d>Show band performance ~(h)Asong and dance act The engagement shall take place at Palmer Park located at 6100 S.W 67 AvenueSouthMiami,Florida with aseating capacity of approximately _N/A__and astanding capacity ol n/A approximately (total approximate capacity) N/A nntho /!«' following conditions: on the 4"day of JulyJ22?_and be subject to the I•The Artiste is scheduled to perform at 6p.m.(time)for aduration of approximately 50 minutes and shall arrive at the venue 60 minutes prior to their performance. May-20-99 01:42P 2."ITie Employer/Promoter shall provide adequate changing facilities for the Artiste to prepare for the engagement,provide adequate accommodations and assume all responsibilities for travel expenses if the venue of the engagement is in an area exceeding twenty-five (25)miles from die base of the Artiste,as per items 10 through 12 ofthe "Hospitality Rider."N/A 3.The Employer/Promoter shall provide asuitable area at the venue with adequate facilities for the use ofthe Artiste prior to die performance,during rest periods and immediately after the performance and the Employer/Promoter shall provide the Artiste with a minimum of one meal and two drinks as per items 6 and 7of die "HospitalityRider"N/A 4.The Employer/Promoter shall provide an adequate PERFORMING AREA, STAGE;LIGHTS,SOUND RE-ENFORCEMENT and BACKLINE EQUIPMENT requirements at the venue of die engagement as per "Technical Rider". The Employer/Promoter shall provide written instructions on the locations)of entrances and exits to the venue for the Artiste and how to access other provisions for the Artiste's security as per item 4of the "Hospitality Rider". Rehearsals for participation in this event will commence on N/A_._19from 5. tiU for __(number ofdays)and will end 19 7.The Artiste shall attend a sound check from "to be announced by the Employer/Promoter"till on the agreed date for die staging of die event as per "Technical Rider". 8.The Employer/Promoter shall provide N/A (number)of P.03 May-ZO-99 01:42P „^ P.04 backstage passes to the Artiste or his/her designated Agent/Manager at ^^(l«nc)on (date)to facilitate free and uninliibited access to the venue as per item 5Aof the "Hospitality Rider." 9.The Employer/Promoter shall provide N/A (number)guest passes to the Artiste or his/her designated Agent/Manager no later than (hrs)prior to the engagementasperitem5B of the "Hospitality Rider" 10.Tliis event shall have a ticket price of N/A _ none (state in words)_____^^ currency!,(state in figure*) 11 In consideration of the above the Employer/Promoter agrees to pay the Artiste the sura of One thousand two hundred and fifty dollars (state in wor<h)$1,250.00 (state in figures).for the engagement. 12.The Artiste acknowledges receipt of the sum of -0-being an advance of fifty percent (50%)as abinder to this contract,which amount is not refundable within ten(10)working days prior tothe date ofthe engagement. 13.The Employer/Promoter shall pay the Artiste or his/her designated Agent/Manager the balance of One thousand two hundred fifty dollars (state in words) $1,250.00 [state currencyj within one (hrs)prior to his/her performance.Said check to bemadepayabletoEricColville. 14.In the event of die Employer/Promoter selling any tickets in excess of the agreed capacity of the venue,the Artiste and/or Artiste's Representative reserves the right to renegotiate the terms of remuneration or other compensation for this agreement. N/A May-20-99 Q1:43P 15.The Employer/Promoter shall provide N/A (state in words) .[state in currency]as a.per diem toall Artiste (state in figures) individualsinclusive of overnight andtraveldays. 16.Any cancellation of thisagreementbytheEmployer/Promotershallforfeitall moniespaiduptothepoint of cancellation,unlesssuchcancellationbecausedby conditionsbeyondthe control of the Employer/Promoter asperitem8 of the "Hospitality Rider." 17.The agreement of theArtistetoperformissubjecttotherightto terminate dueto riots,strikes,power failure,Act's of God,illness of theArtisteoranyother legitimate condition(s)beyondthe control of theArtisteasperitem8 of the "Hospitality Rider." 18.The Employer/Promoter shall obtain forArtisteor his/her designated Agent/Managera separate written contract in pcrsuance of theuse of theArtiste's image,likeness ornameonanyfonn of merchandise asperitem9 of the "Hospitality Rider". 19.Film,Radio,Television,Wire Diffusion,orany mechanical broadcast or recording P.05 May-20-99 01:43P P.06 of thisengagementis NOT permissible underthisagreementasperitem3 of the "Hospitality Rider." 20.The Employer/Promoter shallaccepttheresponsibilityfor die paymenttoor collecting of feesforthe Performing RightsSocietyoranyothersimilar organization inkeepingwithinternationalpractice. 21.TheEmployer/Promotershall insure thatappropriateandadequateinsurance coverageisinplaceatthe venue atwhichthe Artiste willappearand perform.The Employer/Promoter also accepts full responsibility for maintaining adequate insurancecoverageforlossor damage to equipment ownedby die Artiste while suchequipmentisatthe venue andinthecare,custodyorcontrol of the Employer/Promoter. 22.This constitutes the complete and binding agreement between die parties signed hereto.This agreement maynotbe changed,altered or amended except bya written instrumentsignedbyallparties involved. 23.Should any dispute arise over any ofthe terms of this contract,jurisdiction for resolution ofthe dispute shall be inany Court in Miami-Dade County,Florida.All costs of litigation,including,butnot limited to attorneys feesandcourtcostsshall be borne bythelosingparty. 24.This agreement may only be terminated by either party being given a minimum of fourteen (14)days notice in writing and mailed tothe other party IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have hereunder set their signatures and seals. OtyBBHALF OF TH5 EMPLOV£B#ROMOTER ON BEHALF OF Ttr^ARTISROMOTER • SIGNATURE Diversity haslongbeenthe cornerstone of the Miami music scene.Funk,Latin and straight ahead rock 'n'roll all have solid foundations here.Buthow many bands overcometheforcesthatdividethiscity?Whohasemergedfromallthree of these traditions?EnterOmarStang.Foundedinthefall of 1995,thequartetnamedaftera SouthMiamistreetholds"thesong"aboveallother considerations,composing music that reflects the lyrical content."Mostof our songs start from an idea instead ofa jam,"says vocalist and songwriter Eric Colville,"which tends to lead usin more than one direction." But this isnotto say the music is neglected.Talent isinno short supply with Omar Stang.Fredrick "Bam-Bam"Scott,former percussionist with Soul Station and a University of Miami Music School graduate,establishes the groove with jazz-trained Cuban bass player Mario Padrdn.Combined with the guitar artistry of Peter Parente, another Music School graduate and the undiluted,riveting vocals of Eric Colville, formerly with the blues band The Mad Hatters,Omar Stang rocks,grooves,swings andfunksits way through every set. 5SD1 S.W.74th STREET •SUITE 200 •S.MIAMI.FL 33143 •30S-B63-BSBS •FAX 305-663-9B41 From theliltingdrive of "1000 Miles"andthe Beadesque romp"FiveDaysOver,"to the Spanish-inspired "Time Away,"andtheinfectiousgroove of "X-ray Glasses,"the band authoritatively coversan impressive range of styles while forgingitsown identity.Parente remarks,"We come from sucha variety of musical andcultural backgroundsthatthere'snowaytoslipintoanypre-established style."OmarStang hasestablisheditsownstyleandanon-stagepersonalitymatched only bythequality of its songs. OmarStangcontinuestoplayintheMiamiareawhilewritingnewsongsand finalizing arrangements foraCDdueoutinSummer1997.Scottand Padron comment onthe collaborative nature of the band's songwriting,"We all contribute to every song wedo."Colville adds:"GenerallyI'llbringasonginandbythe time itcomes togetherwe usually endupwith something truetothe original ideathat bears the identity of everyone's style.We're trying to write good songs and not necessarily one typeof song.Itjust makes the music alot more interesting." ®0115256395716 LPERFORMANCEAGREEMENT Thisagreement,madeandenteredintothis between -ARTISTE(S) bULLLilu.vo- 1 AND dayoi199byanil "(PURCHASER) WHEREAS: •ruePurchaserintend*topromote,produceandsta^amusicalperformanceUdfife+i THEPARTIESDOHEREBYAGREE. A.TheArtiste(s)willperformlorapproximately.. 5^avenuc"5pSaty7^8-^"""'in^countryofI&Sft--••-""—•(c*-y termsandconditionscontainedherein. onthe_"_^Jayof....^/V /Ominutesonthedaie(s)statedinparagraphone(I). ,lheArtiste*)performance**)onthedu*.)mentionedwillbegin(nolaterthan^t.Z0*^*, ,.ThePurchaseragreeslopaytheArtistc(s)^hjs/herperformance^)thesumol://ZoO-O)^^^ 199 U.S.DollaiM* c"l-—tiltlIIIniii/lTV111 Kaiim/7WpFfotfflfaw7teM0and "S^ef^^m^^^-^isarc-Iel^p^wnh""I PTheotherperformersifany.tobcappearinginaddllloAttTheArtist^i*ure:_- cimadditioninihcitstaff,theArtfatafr)is/aretobeallowed^»P»me'(iM/Hj/WW;,,,,e*«i^,heprovidedwhh.privateftT^!^«S' ySSTsodas.SeeattachedRiderforcample,*listofrequest.fa ivrillRSPfcClAIRHHISISHiTOW wr RoundTrip —persons:AswdiasaiiTravelTaxes "Airlinesbeingthefirstpreference. ^aii*M-ei*sNeverWin!".'fHB Winnet«N'cvt;•-0"•*•'£"»** Phone:(303)865-31 formoreinformationcontact:K-mail:ftfttfgwUompgr:(305)875-HUSl ENTERTAINMENT AGREEMENT AGREEMENT r.-.aoe this 19th :lavofMay ...19 99 ,between VIVA (hereinafter called "Artist")and ^Qityj2L?Jil!:!I[jJ^4'JJ^f:.AttQljMM^{hereinafter called "Purchaser"). IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED BETWEEN THE PARTIES THAT: 1.Artist vvi.i Turriish andThe Purchaser wih accept,tor toe engagement hereinafter described,the fervi^:-?;;;rr.::ri:V"v;' .._v_.Vih_Or.'•'.:-Road Cl'iivV 2.Name ana Aaaress of olace of engagement: v3.txac:oe.j\si,aate(s),hours,duration ana options ot employment: Julv -.1 999 Sundav TIME TO BE ANNOUNCED Note:If Rained-Out on the 4\We vvil!perform on Monday.Juiv 5'",1999 •+.Tvoe ot engagement (soecifv wnetner dance,stage snow,concert,etc.? 5.Agreed once o?engagement.s i 230.00 o.rurcnase'w.i:m&Ke payments as ronows: One-::'";?.ae pavaoie to Pau'Sac a T Artist sr.ali at all times have comolete suoerviston,direction and control over tr.e services ot its personnel or.tr.is engagement ana expressiv reserves the riant to controi tne manner,means ana details of t-js oericrmance ot services,as wen as the ends to be accomplished. 8.itis understood that the Artist executes this agreement as an independent contactor and :s not an employee or Purchaser.It snail be tne responsibilitv-of Artist to withhold e.nv pav over to gcvernme?':a^tnonues anv aii income taxes and social seountv co'~:ricuttons v/nicr "nav be reouired to oe witrve ::rem tne musician s Tees Citv ofS:..:-!Miami/^Ctrrv Mana VIVA y rJiaoiisjJttiStfit-if-jame ot-rr.st.i Siotiytufej /.:S;o.oa..."a> Kt 3C5 66'ic 5 '3 •-•3C3 659-'~?55 :;rs.h.''."3.ii Donna CarolMyutrl IfI Fell Celebration Louie Louie (Doors Twist Sl Shout Sherry Macarena Evil Ways La Bamba Barbara Ann _,.u Reeling In The Years A Hard Days Night Great Balls ofFire Hotel California Silence Is Golden Light A/y Fire I Wanna Hold Your Hand Listen To The Music Do You Wanna Dance ^ Try A Little Tenderness l ^ Unchained Melody {theme from Ghost) VIVA Dear Sir/Madam: VIVA was the house band at the Doral Country Club from 1983 to 1988. VIVA was featured at the An Deco Festival on Miami Beach in 1989 to 1990. VIVA performed at Monty's Raw Bar in Coconut Grove from 1988 to 1992. VIVA was the house band at Penrods in South Beach from 1988 to the present. VIVA released aremake of the hits,"Do You Wanna Dance?";"I'm Your Puppet"Silence Is Golden"and "My Prayer"in 1995.ruppet , V,V^oPoerf°rmed 3t Bayside Marke'P'a«,drawing record crowds every weekendfrom1988to1991andfrom1992tothepresent. TSSSZS"9t ^D°ra'Be3Ch ^^&Spa f°r G°Vern0r Graham's ^h XiyA,h^etrf°m,ed f°nhe BaCardi ImPorts'^'./Bacardi Service North AmericanCorporationChristmasPartiesfrom1987tothepresent.American YhiK'*^be/™ed on the nati°naliy syndicated television show "Beach Bash"which was filmed at Penrods in South Beach from October,1995 through March ^&ww.feamred m°mhly in 0rland0's "0,d Town"at ne Lc"*esl CarSh™ 305^937Tol7eferenCe y°U ™*^^^**Sh3W'do Majic Radio Station-at Thank you for your time and consideration.Ihope to hear from you very soon. Sincerely yours, Paul J.Saca Concert Performnnrps from 1QQ3 f0 the Pr^efit VIVA performed with Blood,Sweat and Tears at Sunrise. VIVA performed aMini Tour with the Lovin'Spoonful and the BuckinghamsintheState of Florida. VIVA performed with the Tokens in Coconut Grove. VIVA performed with Three Dog Nite in Miami Beach. VIVA performed with the Platters at Bayside Marketplace in Miami. VIVA performed with the Turtles in Miami Beach. VIVA performed with Odis Day &The Knights (of Shout fame)in Coconut Grove. VIVA performed with Cheap Trick for the 1995 Super Bowl Party in Miami. VIVA performed in the Friday Nite Live Concert Series in Miami Beach. VIVA performed with The Drifters at Bayside Marketplace in Miami. VIVA performed with Bill Haley's Comets at Bayside Marketplace in Miami. VIVA performed with Paul Revere &The Raiders in Hollywood.