Res. No. 114-99-10738RESOLUTION NO.114-99-10738 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA,RELATING TO THE CONTRACTS, CONCERNING TREE PURCHASES,AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTS WITH NATIVE TREE NURSERY,HORTICULTURAL SYSTEMS INC.,AND PLASENCIA NURSERY TO PROVIDE TREES FOR THE FUCH'S PARK PROJECT AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $1,400.00,WITH THE DISBURSEMNT TO COME FROM ACCOUNT NO. uu^2io00*131ENTITLED "FUCH'S PARK FLORIDA RECREATION DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM GRANT" FOR FISCAL YEAR 1998/99. WHEREAS,the Mayor andCity Commission of theCity of South Miami hassetforthagoal of providing a nature study trail through Fuch's Parkto enhance the public's enjoyment of thispark,and; WHEREAS,Native Tree Nursery,Horticultural Systems Inc.,and Plasencia Nursery have, collectively,the largest available sizes of thedesiredtree species. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1.The following quotes were received bythe City: Species Height Vendor Cost Cypress 12' Buttonbush 4-6' Southern Willow 3-4' Sweet Bay 8' NativeTreeNursery Horticultural Systems,Inc. Horticultural Systems,Inc. Plasencia Nursery $120 each $4.98ea.+$300 (1-time delivery) $2.06ea.+$300 (1-time delivery) $175 each Section 2.TheCity Manager is hereby authorized to enter into contracts withthe above referenced vendorsatatotalcostnottoexceed$1,400.00fortheproject. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st dayofJune,1999. ATTEST: CITY CLERK READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: --CITY ATTORNEY Scrivener's error 6/9/99 APPROVED: MAYOR COMMISSION VOTE: Mayor Robaina: Vice Mayor Oliveros: Commissioner Feliu: Commissioner Bethel: Commissioner Russell 5-0 Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO:Mayor and Commission DATE:June 1,1999 FROM:Charles D.Scurr SUBJECT:Agenda Item # CityManager ^y CommissionMeeting, June 1,1999 Li AUTHORIZATION OF THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTS WITH CERTAIN NURSERIES TO OBTAIN TREES FOR FUCH'S PARK AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $1,400.00. Theattached resolution seeksapprovaltorecreateanEvergladestypeenvironmentatone comer of the Fuch's Parklake.Thepurpose of this endeavor istoaddtothevisualvariety of treesat thepark,aswellastoserveasone of the "themes"alongafuturenaturestudytrail.Thisproject isbeingfundedthroughaFloridaRecreationDevelopmentAssistanceProgramgrantspecifically earmarkedforthispurpose.Youshouldalsonotethatthe Landscaping Committeehasalready reviewedand approved thisproposal. BACKGROUND Inadditiontothevisualenhancementgoals,thisprojectwillalsoremoveseveralnuisancetrees, andtherebyresultinanimprovementtothelake'swaterquality.Asyoumayknow,thePublic Works Department isresponsibleforanumber of environmental issueson behalf of theCity, particularlywithrespecttotheFederalCleanWaterAct(CWA)NationalPollutantDischarge Elimination System(NPDES)regulations concerningsurfacewater quality.Inasmuch,Public Worksmaintains Fuch's ParkLake,andisalsoresponsiblefortakingproactiveactionto preservesurface water quality. Withregardtowaterquality,Australian Pinesareextremely detrimental.The"pine needles" from thesetreesinhibit understory growth,whichinturn contributes tosoilerosionand embankmentcollapse.Furthermore,thedecomposition of theleavesinthewaterways contributesto eutrophication (theanaerobicdecay of vegetativedebristhatleadstodecreased dissolvedoxygenlevelsinthewater,aswellasmalodors).Accordingly,PublicWorkswould liketocleartheAustralianPinesfromone comer of Fuch's ParkLake,andreplacethemwith nativewetlandfloraspeciesaspart of ourcommitmenttotheCleanWaterAct,aswellasto greatlyenhancethe appearance of thepark. /continued... Mayor and City Commission Fuch's Park Proposal June 1,1999 Page2 of3 ANALYSIS Itis proposed to remove the Australian Pines from a25'x40'area along the lake shore,and plant appropriate Everglade slough and hammock species in their place.The attached plan shows the planting arrangement;each plant was selected for their overall aesthetics,flowering characteristics,fragrance,and topographic requirements along the varying shoreline and embankment elevations.Itis also proposed to attach epiphytic bromeliads (et al.)to the Cypress treesoncetheybecomeestablished,andtoaddappropriateaquaticplantsand terrestrial groundcover.Theoverallvisualeffectshouldbehighlyaesthetic,particularly whenthe Buttonbush treesarein bloom.The restoration projectisbeing proposed nexttothe park pavilion,anidealviewinglocation. This shall bethefirst project toward a greater commitment to creating other landscaping themes foran eventual naturetrail.Future projects caninclude recreations of various coastal communities,hardwood hammocks,and pinelands.Inthis way,such landscaping projects have the potential to serve environmental education goals in addition to providing greater visual variety inthiscommunitypark. Theavailableheights of thetreespeciesareasfollows: Species HeightVendor Cost Cypress 12'Native Tree Nursery $120 each Buttonbush 4-6'Horticultural Systems,Inc.$4.98ea.+$3 00(1-time delivery) Southern Willow 3-4'Horticultural Systems,Inc.$2.06ea.+$300(1-time delivery) Sweet Bay8'Plasencia Nursery $175 each Therefore,the total cost for all the desired trees are as follows: Species Number Unit Price Cost Cypress 4 $120each $480.00 Buttonbush 3 $4.98each $14.94 Southern Willow 4 $2.06each $8.24 $300.00 delivery Sweet Bay 3 $175 each $525.00 Total Cost $1,328.18* *Note:thisfiguredoesnotincludethecostfortheremoval of theAustralianPinestreesin the project area.A separate resolution on tonight's agenda names Aventura Tree Service as the vendor to remove these trees ata cost of $2,750.00,including stump removal. /continued... Mayor and City Commission Fuch's Park Proposal June 1,1999 Page 3 of3 The nurseries contacted for quotes,inadditiontotheones listed above,include:Botanies Wholesale,SylvanFarms,D.R.BatesSeedsNursery,ZoneTenNursery,andSweetBay Nursery.Theseothernurseriesdidnothavethespeciesdesired,oronlyofferedsmallertrees than the vendors listed above. Therefore,the attached resolution namesNativeTree Nursery,Horticultural Systems,Inc.,and Plasencia Nursery for this project. CONCLUSIONS &RECOMMENDATIONS Thisinnovative landscaping proposalshallgreatlyenhancethe aesthetics andambience of Fuch's Park.Moreover,anongoingcommitmenttothecreation of anaturetrailwillnotonly provideaexcitingnewdimensiontothiscommunitypark,butmayalsoestablishtheCity of SouthMiamiasaleaderin environmental preservation. Approval of this resolution is therefore recommended. -The total expenditure wouldnotexceed $1,400.00 (basebidsplussmall contingency),and the disbursement wouldcomefromAccountNo.131.000.2210 entitled "Fuch's Park Grant Matching Fund Renovation ofShelter/Nature Study ".This account currently hasa balance of approximately $11,000 remainingforfiscal year1998/99. Attachments <s NQRTH/ "_1A' 4'Limestone Embankment.Wall EGNKD BB SB IC BuLLonbush(CephalanLhusoccidentalis SweetBay(Magnoliavirginiana SouthernWillow(Salixcaroliniana Drawnby:DKC l!f!vi(!K(ll)y:FJ Dale3-17-99 THECITYOFSOUTHMIAM "CityofPleasantLiving" SW81Street Fuch'sParkLake StreetkUSlj:1 ,-,=,t—J?Rail 'qW<«^'pence SHEET C-l City of South Miami b i .30 .Sunset Drive.South Miami.Florida33 143 —Courtesy Notice — Fuch's Park Improvements Dear Home Owner: Even though you arenota part ofthe City ofSouth Miami,you no doubtenjoythe amenities ofFuch's Park.The City is preparing to install new trees toadd the visual variety at the park.Moreover,the attached plan hasthe potential toserveasa part ofa future nature trail in the park. This project will also remove several nuisance trees called Australian Pines.These trees,besides being environmentally undesirable,are also very tall and have thepotentialto damage the homes on the south sideof the street if they fall duringa storm. If you have any questions or comments,pleasefeelfreetocontact theCityof South Miami Public Works Departmentat 663-6350. "Cityof Pleasant Living" ^p*Br *5 HORTICULTURAL SYSTEMS,INC P.O.BOX 70,GOLF COURSE ROAD PARRISH,FLORIDA 34219 941-776-1760 OR U.S.TOLL FREE 800-771-4114 FAX:941-776-2410 WEB SITE:www.ecomgnit.coni EMAIL:hort@ecomgmt.com FAX COVER SHEET To:David Goodin Fax:305-261-3791 'From:Sandy Mazer Date:5/26/99 Re:Price Quote Pages:2 CC: David, Attached isthe quote yourequested.The freight would be through commercial carrierand the total freight cost is 5^00 00. Ifyouhaveanyquestions,feelfreetocallmeat 800-771-4114.1 willonlybeintheoffice until 1*30 today.however,Iwill be back tomorrow normal times. •v"»'v>*,.>iX'!T^ts^"{"": •••..•••.•••...a. tO'd OOZ.C9ilZTl76 dnoagoog VOt:60 66-9Z-/CeW 35/21/1993 11:25 3052&13791 PUBLIC WORKS PAG£ei City of South Miami 6130 Sunset Drive,South Miami,Florida 33143 ZO "d CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TRANSMITTAL LETTER TO*.Horticultural Systemi FROM:David IC Goodin Engineering Inspector DATE:May 18,1999 SUBJECT:Price Quotes Native TreeSpecies The CityofSouth Miami is undertaking a special nativetree landscaping'project in oneof our parks.Please provide us with prices for the following trees,ifyou have acceis to them: Name Cypress Buttonbush Southern Willow Sweet bay Scientific Name Taxodiuro distichuxn "pond"cypress preferred Cephalanthus occidectalis Salix caroliniana Magnolia virginiana Please provide mc with a quote for your: Available sizes and prices Delivery costs (line-item option) Installation costs (line-item option) Ouantitv 4 -JiJUti*.-Vi98 Cm /CaiI*" H 3.06 4A** r57 Z3 e^cA Please call meat (305)663-6350 if you have any questions,or fax your quote tomeat (305) 261-3791.Thank you. OQZE9Z.Z tf S dno^3oo3 \/qi:60 66-92-/CPW Ot'K'is?*i?::a J-£52S13*31 rua.i-:.wdfks TO: FROM: City pf Sbutti Miami 6130 Sunset Drivd.South Mi.imi,Rorlda 33143 CirV OF SOUTH MIAMI PUBLIC WO*KS PEPARTMENT 'TRANSMITTALLETT 2R Native Tree Nursery Engmeerin|4nsplcto%' 7—It: DATE:Moy 10,1999 SUBJECT;Price.Quotes Native Tree Species •»ie 01 .•^irt!^^^!^^;ffaS-™Ve '"e^""ins project u,«.of our•«m prov«ie us with pnces for the following trees,,f you have access to them 1 1 ' N*me Cypress —"Dultuiibiwh -Sgjthem Wj ~$*ott bay Taxodium distichum CcphaJanlhus occidentalis ;dW Bali*uuuiimana Mafeuulia iiiku iu/ia Please provide me with aquote for your Available sizes and prices Defray co3t? Ins allation colts The trees slould alsoj Lave astandard 1-year w<uxanty. m^t ««*itemL our 5/18/99 CUy Commission(305)26K791.^lank you }663*635°,f >ou have «*^ons,or fax you quote to me at 'City ofPleasant Living -Jf I) r' h •U\.IJ '/•r- toour5/18/99 City Commission .16 MAY 12.I99«> CITY OFSOUTHMIAMI C/0MRDAVID GOODIN ,,f»I.W SUNSET DRJVE SOUTHMIAMI.FL ,1.1m PH'(.105i66?-63ft) DEARMR.GOODIN. THANK YOU FOR GIVING US THE OPPORTUNITY TO WOT*YOU ON THE FOLLOWING: QTY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TAXODIUM DISTICHUM 15 GAL <>'*'$70 (Ml np,^«lVmG,N,AN,A 8'-K,/2*BB J»l CM)DELIVERY CHARGE 2500 INSTALLED %100 00 200 <>o 25.(X) GUARANTEE 11*01 SW 72 Street •Miami,FL 331*3 •(3051 27L.9US5 -Fax (3051 279-8500 rnvas.U..