Ord. No. 22-98-167022-98-1670 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,RELATING TO THE DELETION OF SECTION 15-7,CHILD MOLESTA TION INTHEATERS-DEFINITION;PATROL,SECTION 15-8,CHILD MOLESTATION INTHEATERS-QUALIFI CATIONSOFSPECIALPOLICE;APPOINTMENT;SECTION 15-9,CHILD.MOLESTATION IN THEATERS -ARREST AND DETENTION OFSUSPECT,SECTION 15-10,CHILD MOLESTATION IN THEATERS,SECTIONS OF THEATER SET ASIDE FOR ADULTS;AUTHORITY TO REFUSE AD MITTANCETOADULTWITHOUT CHILD,SECTION 15-11, CHILDMOLESTATIONINTHEATERS-AGEREQUIREMENT FOR ADULT SECTION;PROVISIONS FOR PARENT WITH CHILD,SECTION 15-12,CHILD MOLESTATION IN THEATERS-REFUSAL TO OBEY REGULATIONS;EJECTMENT AND DISPOSITION OF PATRONS,AND SECTION 15-13 CHILD MOLESTATION IN THEATERS -DUTY OF THEATER OPERATOR,OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI;ELIMINATING THE OFFICE OF SPECIAL POLICE OFFICER;DELETING THE DUTIES OF A SPECIAL POLICE OFFICER;AND DELETING THE RE QUIREMENT OF HAVING SPECIAL POLICE OFFICERS IN EVERYAISLEOFEVERYMOVIETHEATERMATINEE,PRO VIDING FOR SEVERABILITY;ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, WHEREAS,Sections 15-7 through 15-13 of the City Code of Ordinances establishes the office of special police officer and vestswiththemarrestpowersnotconsistentwithcurrentstate law;and WHEREAS,the position ofspecialpolice officer as defined in Section 15-8 conflicts with applicable state minimum requirements for police officers;and WHEREAS,movie theaters are open to all persons of all ages anddonot separate patrons by age;and WHEREAS,responsibility for the proper conduct and deportment of all persons attending movie theaters rests with the management of the theaters and with the police department as their agents;and WHEREAS,theCityCommissionhasexpressedtheirdesireto have the City's Code of Ordinances brought up to date by deleting obsolete material;and NOW,THEREFORE,BEIT ORDAINED BYTHE MAYOR ANDCITY COMMISSION OFTHE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Page2of Ordinance No.2.2-98-1670 -2- SEC.15-7.Child Molestation in Theaters-Definition;Patrol each aisleof such tteaterL"^LT^68 r?ul«ly to patrolmolestationandtodSrJSb&Pureose of Preventing child M upon or ^^•srs0rt?£^iS,^tss^are en- Authority.SAME"QUalifiGations of SPecial Police;Appointment; SectioSei5P-e7rShTreofe<^hI!l E n'^^Z ^the Provisions oflessthantwenty-one years of "ESwU*ffi?moral character,not withthe Police Department ii^tiJ^.^H *Ve been misteredamongotherthinqs!S i ™i ^P**0"*.8 for such registration,demonstrate thTt lither bv B1^mit t0 fln9erPri*ting and shallofthespecialcourseof^«?£a?,ence *°/satisfactory completionoftheCitvofM°a™S 2 instruction offered bythePolice Academy to Tllet from ?L ^.completion ofactsof child molestation,or SoSff they SU^SSS ?oTeSllSevrisPeabSoutWto'UP°n rea?°nableconduct.oeiieve is about to engage in such SEC.15-9.SAME -Arrest and Detention of Suspect detained S hT^ll -by SUCl?Special Police officers shall be ««Sri^ess SEC.15-10.SAME -Sections of Theater Set Aside for Adults- Authority to Refuse Admittance to Adult Without molestati?onrreachm?hlaterlySh^f6*1*^Prot^t against child Page 3of Ordinance No.22-98-1670 -3- C^nf^tinees-^oro^^8.811311 °CCUpy only such action during^er^^'cmSr^^TTn'JF?"*theater °Pe«tor maybyachildac?ua?iydor^r-tg S£E^^STS^ SEC.15-11.SAME^Age ^irement for Adult Section,-Provisions adults^f occupy ^he^rftfL8,?^131 POl-\Ce °"icers to ««**«prevent persons action,P J section provided forthemand to years from occupyingsuch s«5^Vy J"^"^age of twenty-oneAnyparentaccSinaa23??S section during child matinees.above the age of^Stlen vearf an°tL"?actually or apparentlysuchchildduringachildmjt^jf J^des,lres tobeseatedwithsectionofthethUe'r^t f^tMr^ultT ""*Child int°the SEC-15"12-SoS!^S.Re9Ulations;E^'—- the thelt^^ith^ut'rlf^of37 l^^auth°^y to eject fromanyperson,minor or alu??5h„*«*nxsBxon charge paid by him, requirements of Iection is '11 ^.i^11 ^J36 to comP1y wi">thehowever,that in the case of anv r-hi £°l observe o^er provided, and not accompanied bl *L™L ^OVer the age of fourteenwouldbeincap^abiroftak^^J3^^-11^,396'who<if ejected, officer shall notify thrMrfnto?o^Lhlm!e^'the special PoliceofsuchchildtoimediaV^?=t?V ^adult meraber of the familyparentorotherp«son «iL?k °r hxm a5 the theater,or if such child into the pr^tectiv^^-^Cf t^Cted,1 -sha11 surrender such=protective custody of the Police Department. SEC.15-13.SAME -Duty of Theater Operator comply^fth^rea^Irfm^^f™"thS&tSr °Perator not only tosupervisetheact^it felof 1°^f£?°fth',but also to ProperlycommissionorappointmentmLnfspecialpoliceofficers,whoseiftheyfailorrefuseto™li?L*?Yol?s*bY.«»Police DepartmentthetermsofSectionfis^^hSh lfi2 ^in accordance w^h SECTION 7-The rMt-v n^r^i „_•delete Sections 15-7 through^5!!|°n eby amends Section 15 to orOis^^^l^^^^^^^.'^tBncB.or phrase of this court of competent jurfsdictfon £££X?„-°r ^constitutional byavalidityoftPhexm2S£3gg&?Z ^^r af f*""» with thfproviiions oftnl^ordSanlff °f °rd™^s in conflictutcnisordinanceareherebyrepealed. Page4of Ordinance No.22-98-1670 -4- adoptfofhereo'f.^°rdlnance be effective immediately after the PASSEDANDADOPTEDTHIS ATTEST:APPROVED: CITY CLERK READAND APPROVED ASTOFORM "CITY ATTORNEY 1st Reading -10/6/98 2nd Reading -10/20/98 £°!W of October 1998. MAYOR A^^6^*J COMMISSION VOTE: Mayor Robaina: Vice Mayor Oliveros: Commissioner Bethel: Commissioner Feliu: Commissioner Russell 5-0 Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea TO: FROM: SOUTH MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM Mayor and City Commission DATE:Oct.16,1998 z )*SUBJ:Agenda Item L_ ^r Comm.Mtg.Oct 20,1998 Second Reading Section Deletions Chapter 15,Code of Ordinances Charles D.Scurr, City Manager Attached isan Ordinance pertaining tothe deletion ofcertain sections ofChapter15oftheCodeofOrdinancesoftheCityof South Miami. These deletions are necessary to eliminate the office of special police officerandtheensuing duties placeduponthese persons,as wellasthe burden placed upon theater operators asaresultof these sections. The abolition ofthis position in its entiretyis consistent with thevariousstatelawsgoverningpoliceofficer standards and trainingaswellaslawsgoverningarrest powers. Yourconcurrenceisrespectfully requested. CW/gf/esw §15-7 OFFENSES AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS §15-7 Sec.15-7.Child molestation in theaters—Definition;patrol. For the purpose of sections 15-7 through 15-13,child molestation shall be as defined in Section 801 02 Florida Statutes. Every theater operator in the city to which minors are invited for child matinees,shall have on duty one or more adult persons whose duty it shall be during:such matinees regularly to patrol each aisle of such theaters for the purpose of preventing child molestation and to discover and apprehend any patrons who are engaged upon or who may be about to engage in such conduct.(Ord.288,§2,3-2-54) State law reference—Lewd,lascivious or indecent assault or act unon or in presence of &child,§800.04,Florida Statutes. Supp.No.46 204.7 i 15-8 OFFENSES AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS §15-10 Sec.15.8.Same-Qualifications of special police;appoint- ment;authority. of lectonTl f^V^be enfraged under the ProvisionsSrnotL!"Lher?f'**be persons of *ood ™«*<*a™-been rtS*J?*STS7"0™yeara 0I*a**w*o shall haveS"sueTr21?-th th6 P0Uce dePartment.All applicantsfingeSnW1wJ°n,'XT*°ther thin*s'sha11 su°™t toenc??r "J£1 \3ha"demonstrate that,either by experi-ItructL^TJ7 ~mPIetion <»*the special course of in-To?ZT<^vbJl\e P°!2e ACad6my of the Citv of Miami,office AerZn'I V**0™the duties Plaining to hisS!*^P0n'such Pers°ns shall be appointed by the tfZfiE^tTP officers and sha11 ha-^dTheU*?0.e auPt?r°Pfnatf b,?dvfe °r other form ot identification.•nSta^i SKET Sha11 b?t0 maintain order and to makehendhithlptaArPr6m-S6S °f persons whom they appre-of child ",1"^?comn"SSIon oi o'after completion of acts any ner^»l tl0n*°r t0 eject from the theater premisesS"bSll°'Tn reasonable ««WBd*they haJe Suse^believe ,s about to engage in such conduct.(Ord.288,§\. Sec.15-9.Same—Arrest and detention of suspect. beAdneLPiTunntTSelHy s»ch *****PoU«officers shall lodged iMtart i,•u ,H.u he dlaP°s'tion of any charge*MO*3!!§4m3.2ai4.;hereafter be had "r^ired 5 Sec.1S.10.Same-Sections of theater set aside for adults-authonty to refuse admittance to adultwE child Staln^chlirea^r .iSr*Pr°teCt •**»<Propriatelv m^L»*•shall-have set apart an ap-datf he numS tS6Ci:?f rea,s°nably ad«^ate to accommS- «pec ed to >?Lf Si3 Wh°n0rmally attend or »ay "eoeeuSon5Set?matmee3,and such adults shall ver,mat any theater operator may refuse,during child 205 S lS*10 'SOUTH MIAMI CODE 3 15-13 matinees,to admit any adult not accompanied by a child Sl S3.3-2-5P4jrent,y Under f°Urteen yearS 0f i-«*d Sec.I3.li.Same—Age requirement for adult section;pro- visions for parent with child. •tdultf ?«h0 th°d,Uty of the sPecial P°lice of««rs to requireadultstooccupytheseparatesectionprovidedforthem3 wCPntv one T°7 "*"**"™*™tly Und«^the age oSmat"nee?1 """°0Capy,,«SUch 3eparate section duringenmmatinees.Any parent accompanying a child who is no- urtualy or apparently above the age of fourteen years andwhotles.res to be seated with such child during a chiWmat„«shall take such child into the section of ?he theatersetapartforadults.(Ord.288.5 6,3-2-54.) Sec.15.12.Same-Refusa!to obey regulations;ejectment and disposition of patrons. ATS??**1 ?°iice °fficer 8haU have a«thority to eject fromthetheater,without refund of the admission charge paidTJ wkh ah7,PerS°n-min°r or adult'wh0 sha»refuse t0 colly2£r«""«ment.s of section 15-11 hereof,or observe orter ^e of1;ureV6r,ihat in the Case of an>'ch"d notZr theIIIwhoffna*nd,n0t accomPa™d by a person over thathSseTf^th S3?,32?b4.incapab'e of takin*«•* §7,3-2-54.)CUSt0dy of the police department.(Ord.288. Sec.15-13.Same—Duty of theater operator. comp??awibh £?tS^6Very th6ater °perator not only to property uperv?seTraS T ^^but als°tocerewh«!i ••actmtles of such special police officers,whose commlssl0n or appointment may be revoked by 516-13 OFFENSES AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS i 16-15 dutiS6 depaJrtment Kthey fail or refuse to perform theirSS"qS^^J"""-tions^^ug? S«-15-14.Children;improper conduct toward same i-^iSh^'ffJL^rdty \addre3a vfle-indecent-of eighteen v«~""P"**",language to a child under the age 4-20-54)Proposals to the child.(Ord.297, sooloTnoridTsu"1^1*^-,a"civioua wtad"«"—uh on chad.5 Sec 15-15.Concealed weapons. o^f^^^^««;-*an «y o£?aSf SS2"ESS"18lThot-•lu»«^«or to carry anvfJ^ff-*ept ^ord»ary pocket knife, designeTL^X^orfVth0111"deViCe °r ^^^tear gas or oier^ioi «^25"°J *"*-*»«.or other devices or in«tr„«?'Jf ™P thoae fountain Pensthepurpo^d!LSSr2i.d^Md ?di8char^«*»which are des g^ed toTe Lh^^"0ther injUri°US ga9eaman's pants orTt nJ^J !?l"a woman'a handbag or aPen,aTcontS*ngnot ZZ???****P°cket pe"cil °'chemical.(Ordio f974 20^1?n^fVne-haif ounce of CSS"*§'SES^iSKlsr--—•»•—