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Ord. No. 18-98-1666
ORDINANCE NO.18-98-1666 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,CREATING A COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD,ESTABLISHING SECTION 2-26.2 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES;ESTABLISHING MEMBERSHIP;ESTABLISHING DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY;ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,The Cityof South Miami and Miami-Dade County have approved the South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency in accordance with Chapter 163F.S.; and WHEREAS,The Mayor and the City Commission wish to create a five-member advisoryboardto represent the community and to advise the Community Redevelopment Agency Board and the Mayor and City Commission regarding proposed plans,programs,projects,and budgets,relatingto the South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency; NOW,THEREFORE BEITORDAINEDBY THE MAYORANDCITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1.Section 2-26.2 of the City Code of Ordinances is hereby established to read. (a)Created;composition There is hereby created a community redevelopment agency advisory board for the city.The Board shall consist offive members.At least two of the five members shall be residents of the Community Redevelopment Agency Area,and shall have livedwithin this area fora minimum of one year priorto appointment;there shall be: 2 resident representatives (one who resides within the CRA area and one outside the CRA area) 2 business owners 1 member shall have banking or finance experience (b)Members of the board shall serve two-year terms,except for the first two appointed who will serve an initial term of three years.Appointees shall thereafter serve two-year terms of appointment or untila successor is appointed,whichever comes first. (c)Chairman and vice-chairman.The members shall meet promptly and select a chairman and vice-chairman bya majority vote of the board. (d)Quorum.A quorum for meeting of the board shall be three-fifths of the members of the board,and all actions shall require a majority vote of those members in attendance. Birr r;G MCiS^hVlMOO VTIO Qi<A flOYAM 3HT 30 BOMAtflGtfO 1iA YTiS/iUWiitfCO A OWTArSTO .AG^O-H .IMAIM HTU03 *-10 YTIO z)Vi\KZ-.Jtt.'\:o:!.G3AO&Y^O^VGA Y0H3OA TH3M30J3V3G3F! 0/i!H8UaAT33 :8r!0/!A^!n>;0 TO 3CJO0 3BT 3G £.3S:-v MOITOI13 :83iT!Ji^:?^Oq3B^GvIA 83ITUO OH!H3ijaAT33 ;SiH3RA.;;v;3M G«/iA TOLRMOO Mi 330tfAl/|iG?!0 ;YT!JI8Afl3V38 ;:IOH OtfiGiVO;^ 3TAG ^vn*0£i3-!3 'AA H03 Sl-lJGJVOr:* 9ii?byvo'tqqs ^v'-ri ytnuoO ebsQ in-siiVI bns imBi-Vi rHsjo3 'to yiiO erlT r3/\S^3BVV ;.A3 odr oJqGfi:j riiiw eonsbioc^s ni yong^A jnennqobvobefi Y^nij/nrnoU ir.-;siivl muo8 bns •eclm^m-svil s eiseio o.t rlaiw naia3ir,imoO yliO ec\j bns "-oysM 3fiT ;3A3£BKVV \iinurnmoO 6fli eeivbs or bns yJinummoo er!t tnee^qe-;o;bi-soc!y'icrAbs bsaoqoiq aniiTiSgfn noiseirnmoO v^iO bns "5oy3i\'i erij bnp b;3o3 vonegA tne ivqc^vobsf; yjinuiTiri'oj imsilvi rituoB erlf oi fcnitel&i .oisQbud bns ,eJo&[oic .ernsirxrnq .sruslq ivone^A jn9P""9l9vabs£? YTIO CMA flOYAM 3HT Y3 CBWAaflO Tl 38 z-r\QP-?MSH{,W/01/» lACHflOJl JMAIM HTU03 TO YTIO 3KT 30 l1O133SMr*iO0 berieiidnjes yde'isri 2i eeonsnibiO to eboO yjiO erij to S.3S-?.<:oiloe8 .r noitosS tnemqoiavsbs-.yiinumrnoo b bsjseio ydensri si 3isr!T nofaec^moo ;b8i£^\0 (s) svjt to teianco Hsrte biGOc er!T .yjjo erit iot bisod y;o2;ybs yofi-scB 9,i?to ejnBbiea!ed Hsris eiedmsm svit eiiJ to owt face!*A .si9dm-?nn aid?nir'-tw bsvii ever!llsrls bns rs9'iA voneoA jrt9;nqol9V9b3?l y-lnurrsmoO :sd llsrte s'is'ij ;Jn9mjnicqqs oi lohq isey vnote rnuminim ••,iot &s;s seis AfiO erl;niriiiw ssbiss'i oriw eno)-eevljiijneaaiqsi insbiasi S (69ia AMD erij sbiaiuc sno b~s aienwo 889fiieud £ eonehsqx©gonenitio Qnldnsd svBii Hsrie ^dmeiT.f o\Ji i8;ft srfj icl iqaoxe .sn'nai 'isey-ow?9v?e;i lleris bisod sri*lo 8'iBdmeM "(d) ilsrla ast^inioqqA..eisey cairlj to nri.ej iBiiini ns 3V133 Iliw or!w b9)nioqq.s ei ipcaaooL\a b liinu io jnerntnioqq^to .arrnsJ "igsv-owJ 9\nsc >ofiBei9fii '.la*iii eomoo levenoirivv .bs.tniocqb bns yijqrnoic-Jse;n Ijeris 8'iedtTiSi'n aril".nBnv\\Bv\o»9rj\v bn~nsrr^sr'.O (p) .b";fiOi.i edt to efov yiiioiBni r yd nsnmisilo-eoiv bns n-sanisrio s jC9ie.-: sri;10 arl^r-esirii ed !!sri3 ;j::iod erit to gnifc^in iot rnuioup A .rruiKMp (b) ".eorlj to siov yJhoisivi s ^iupei ilsria ,noiJo»i!s bns .bisoci sritio r^dtnem .90nsbne?js ni a^drnsrr: »o Page 2 of Ord.#18-98-1666 (e)Duties.The duties of the board shall be as follows: (1)Meet at least once every three months,with meetings held at rotating sites within the CRA area or at cityhall.The meeting agenda shall always include comments from the public.The Chairman of the Advisory Board shall provide a report on meetings and public input at least every 90 days to the CRA Board. (2)Conduct periodic community meetings and workshops tosolicit input regarding redevelopment and other programs.There shall be at least one such meeting per year. (3)Study and review proposed programs,projects and budgets and workin an advisory capacity with the South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency (SMCRA)Board and the City Commission in interpreting the needs of the community and the best way in which the SMCRA can meet those needs within the provisions of Chapter 163 part III F.S.,and the SMCRA Plan. Section 3.All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 4.This ordinance shall take effect immediately at the time of its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th dayofOctober 1998. ATTEST: st1 Reading-9/15/98 ,nd2™Reading -10/6/98 READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: -^l /Q»%Qxs-f^A- CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED: -Au^^lj^^. MAYOR COMMISSION VOTE: Mayor Robaina: Vice Mayor Oliveros Commissioner Feliu: Commissioner Bethel: Commissioner Russell: ^U^^j 5-0 Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea :£vvo!io^z$^1 !!sf!e msod 9*7 ?o aeilub eril ,&9\1uQ (5. is L'leii aoniisern riviw :£ritnom ssirit yievo 3ono iasa!}&jaeiVi gniJesm sriT .Hb»!yJio is 10 ssis AFiO srit nirlJiw asii?grriteioi 9riT .ui{di;q eriy motf ajnernmoo sbubni syswis iieris fibneos agmis^m no hoqs'i 6 sbivo;q llsrte bieoS yioaivbA eril'to ncfrnieriO .bicoQ AP.O srtt oi ayeb 00 yieve ia&ei is iuqni oilduq bns iioiioe of aqorte/how bns sgnitesm yjinummoo oibohaq loubnoO 9d llsric 9i9flT .amsi^cr.q lento bnB insmqcisvebe'i r-nibia^ei juqns ~»R9y "ieq oniJ99fn rioua ano Jase!is bns aJogbud bns atosjpiq .anns'iQoiq bsacqoiq weivsi bns ybulS yiinurnnnoO imGlM r!tuo3 arit riiiw yiioaqso yioaivbs hb ni ;,'\ow noiaaimmoO ytfO any bns bisc8 (AflOivlB)yon-soA fn9mqo!ev3b9>:} ni ysw lasd 9rL»bns yiinumrnoo srii to abecn sri;gnijeiqistni ni to anoiaivoiq srij nirtJiw abeen oaorit loem ;so ASQM3 srlj rloulw .nsIS AflOM3 srii bns ,.8.-1 lll'fisq 68r laiqsdO (0 c?.; (6) ancteivoiq sri;riliw ioilrnoo ni aeonsnibio to absq 10 seonsnlbio ilA Ajjpii'JL 3 .bslB^qe^ydc*;a'1 a^s eo;ir;s ;bio <:-:~:<to >"Taii'to emii erij te yieisibernrni )o&'-it9 9?!bj llsda 90:iBnibio -iti'I rooosd •SSGr ,..-•••-•;>••'-")0 yob „;H.airi!GTf-UXJA OHA G^:'A'l OTVOfiS^A .V >IOYAM :3TOV M0I33IMM00 .i»Ub'.JO^i H/'ojVi 3o;3VJiO 'ioyeM s-,iciV ruitel TonoiaaiinmoO .ta.dteS isnoiaairrifi j.cO I!e-j?u.R lenoiaaimmoO !o:'!'A. /IE3J0 YTA: gnibesR ;Sf ^~-^nibs9'i °"S iwfio7;0 r 8A gsvofwa ui^a cask YHMflOTTA YY;-j CITY OF SOUTH MIAMIj8$$&&$&$&&$&ftft!& INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM To:Mayor and Commission Date:October 1,1998 /l/y /]f Agendaltem#From:Charles Scurr ///l/^JCUl/^1 Subject:Coram.Mtg.10/6/98 City Manager (Jfl&W'CRA Advisory Board 1 This is the second reading and public hearing for an ordinance relating to establishment ofaCommunity Redevelopment AgencyAdvisory Board. ^•H CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM To:Mayor and Commission Date:September 8,1998 Agenda Item #J3From:Charles Scurr /V/V \.^Subject:Comm.Mtg.9/15/98 City Manager /Jfofa J CRA Advisory Board The attached ordinance is presented for discussion on First Reading.This ordinance establishes a Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Board.The Board isto consistoffivemembers.Twoofthefive members must reside within theCRAarea. Further,the Advisory Board shall consist oftwo residents (one within theCRA area and one outside the CRA area);two business owners;and one member with banking/finance experience. The duties of the CRA Advisory Board shall include holding community meetings and workshops toseek public input regarding CRA programs,plans and goals.The Advisory Board is created to represent the community and serve in an advisory capacity to the CRA Board and the Commission.The board must meet at least every three months,and shall provide regular reports totheCRA Board. I recommend approval.