Res. No. 100-01-11248ResolutionNo.1 00-01 -11 248 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DISBURSE THE SUM OF $19,126.50 TO MATTY'S SPORTS,FOR PURCHASING FOOTBALL EQUIPMENT,UNIFORMS;CHARGING THE DISBURSEMENT TO ACCOUNT NUMBER 2000-5630,"FOOTBALL",IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,000.00,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER 001-000-219.3500,"RECREATION PROGRAM DONATION", IN THE AMOUNT OF $11,127.50. WHEREAS,ArticleIII,Section5,H,of theCityCharter,requiresbidsbeobtainedfor purchases of itemsover$1,000.00;and WHEREAS,TheParks&Recreation'sGreyGhostFootball Program hasincreasedin participation;and WHEREAS,Eachyearcertainequipmentisupgradedduetowearand tear;and WHEREAS,Inconjunction with the by-laws of theleague,theParks&Recreation Departmentdoesan inventory of allequipmentanduniforms;and WHEREAS,Shoulder pads,hippads,and helmets areallreplacedaccordingto manufacturer's specifications,andthewearandtear of eacharticleand/or equipment;and. WHEREAS,The following threebidswereobtained by theParks&Recreation Department: Matty's Sports $19,126.50 OrlandoTeamSports$24,722.50 DealerSports $26,245.00 WHEREAS,Matty's Sportsisthe lowest bidder. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section1.Thata purchase orderwouldbe awarded toMatty'sSports. Section2.The City Managerisherebyauthorizedtodisbursethesum of $8,000.00 fromaccount number 2000-5630,"Football",and $11,127.00 from accountnumber001-0000-219.3500,"RecreationProgramDonation", equalingthetotalcost of $19,127.00. Section3.Thisresolution shall takeeffectimmediatelyupon approval. Page 2 of Res.NO.100-01-11248 PASSEDANDADOPTEDthis24 th day of July 2001. ATTEST:APPROVED: CITY CLERK"//MAYOR ^ COMMISSION VOTE:5-0 Mayor Robaina:Yea READ AND APPROVEDASTO FORM:Vice Mayor Feliu:Yea Commissioner Bethel:Yea Commissioner Russell:Yea Commissioner Wiscombe:Yea ATTHOMCV 'CITY ATTORNEY Football equipment &uniforms 2001 CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO:Mayor&Commission DATE:July 17,2001 IVFROM:CharlesD.Scurr /'SUBJECT:Agenda #_ City Manager /M /J 1,^/7 Commission /////CJ Meeting AW July 24,2001 Football Equipment/ Uniforms REQUEST The purpose of this memorandum isto recommend the approval of the attached resolution to purchase Football uniforms and equipment for the 2000-2001 season. BACKGROUND &ANALYSIS Eachyear the South Miami GreyGhost Football programhas increased in participationand registration.Last year the South Miami Grey Ghost teams (65lbs.,75lbs,85lbs,and110lbs.)were DadeCountyChampions.Asa new participant in the Miami-Dade Extreme Youth Football League,the above mentioned wasawonderful accomplishment. Wehaveinvitedsurroundingcommunitiestojoin the 2000-2001GreyGhost Football Program.Asthis program increases,newuniformsand equipment need to be purchased. Coinciding with the by-lawsandleaguerules,the Parks&Recreation Departmentdoesaninventory of all equipment anduniforms.Shoulder pads,hippads,and helmets are all replaced according tomanufacturer's specifications,andthewearandtearofeach article and/orequipment. TheParks&RecreationDepartmentreceived three bids: Matty'sSports $19,126.50 Orlando TeamSports $24,722.50 DealerSports $26,245.00 Thelowestbidderis Matty's Sports. Fundswillbe disbursed from account number 001-2000-572.5630, "Football",in theamountof $8,000.00,and $11,127.00 from account number001-0000-219.3500,"Recreation Program Donation",equaling the total cost of $19,127.00. RECOMMENDATION I recommend approval. 2001 FootbaBUniforms&Equipment Athletic Uniforms-CorporateWear Sporting Goods Custom Screehprinting &Embroidery 16656 N.W.54thAve.•Miami,FL33014 (305)621-2424 •Fax:(305)621-3007 1-800-221-0608 S0LD ^Ovtvv CAwvIn W^I (^j^^, SALES ORDER/^UOTATlAj CUSTOMER ORDER NO.DATE TAX EXEMPT NO. *"M" SALESPERSON4\~t SHIP TO: TERMS: CASH CHARGE ••C.O.D.MDSE.RETT)PAID OUT SHIP VIA-F.O.B.POINT QUANTITY V4o STOCK NUMBER -xurmf DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE If ^Cf XL5* AMOUNT i^^—M.^y^x^^\,^iT vy«r i^^j X2o>_xuiyofft.^4 1>W C~c 3b^^Tk \(Lo\v>\rvAjQxt3r?fx,fr-VArJfr fe ftolVL \<L*U<T-ATq^C iirv fruoJlT C |iqlst'U AoC^JV^X^ _X3_tiL2.Hn^-TO !^^wX*Vc LmmoCj^rr^o^W fc>.-jk 5z »^°3 ^O 5V>aA\crt^f^jos •^<a ~-^cl^0-V ^^-^-VaP Mo -^P^'fr iU-Vs^ 3* i2=. IH. -=££• <^(aVlK)ON) fc*Q UJL*><^> M.«SV&fcO o<i IvfX*$4 i&f ^Ngo^<3\yje JWtf /\y^^/ovrTK VtCXf^jQ -x.,^A\g^ -£L <tf ?IH»QSl X^V^\p ^P^ofo^Cvs^W 2T_J3&.*o TAX •z-- A service charge,currently 11/2%permonth (18%Per Annum)will be charged on delinquent accounts. RECEIVED BY TOTAL *Uk\ Athietlc Uniforms-Corporate Wear Sporting Goods Custom Screenprinting &Embroidery -* 16656 N.W.54th Ave.•Miami,FL 33014 (305)621-2424 •Fax:(305)621-3007 1-800-221-0608 S0LD T0:Jqv^^W P*^*fciggiv~ Q<rtJV/o^A Vj«*n^iioV» TERMS: mbiSALESORDERVQUOTAT CUSTOMER ORDER NO. TAX EXEMPT NO. DATE rtyUi SALESPERSON /2-*> SHIP TO: "io~"l^'-.^NS^ CASH CHARGE C.O.D.•MDSE.RETD PAID OUT SHIP VIA.F.O.B.POINT QUANTITY STOCK NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT cT<^UjYufa.Co^Okca J1|v«^>~(C^A^M^^^A i:T <*r iri r<i wC^n L.^\.^^rrv lx*^Cy^-xT tt Flo*-f&~Cops _C/WS^^P&^Ji w<r->/*00 r^oQ Uu w fnr^v^T 2LO^~B^i if uri oo -*\ /^-?.^o ,. •** TAX <L .'-v\rP* A service charge,currently 11/2%per month (18%PerAnnum)willbechargedondelinquent accounts. RECEIVED BY TOTAL \m[<o># v^r^^V \"V"H ^J?^ r~*<L c^-^^/ ^^~K^^^^X n^-^f "Vr^/"^w^ ^*g f^v ^^ iV.£l ^f^Q jsfj^ ORLANDO TEAM SPORTS 782 Big Tree Drive Longwood,Florida 32750 (407)767-TEAM PRICE QUOTE BOLD TOi SdO"tt\/Hfl/n;ParK5jfcwttJ,on (3&S\Ifo^teotf CMAKOi I O.OLO.tmyo I ^Ac oof I ship via stock numbbb OMCP1PTION f><telfl/oP &>Ull fllAnS ^^.^n,«r,^ \3&kw«l £/„^U-+-/HoA-M/Ml„.L£ -ffio/i F<bnj4&«(,k -A^e/p&A-f.j/r.pt-SUt<*' 4d (jl)K.U Wl^(L-b 35" ye>-gtg/go Vo -3o/3^~ £6 fcyfc 1 gliK A.m^k tkU.-J- ^OO llka'ihaite-es ^1 Lsp fipy»ji>^- <>^/fthrtfrt^k-V.^l-fa'i om FKoa/t .-s.^/g oe»gJ77 tt>fxjkik.rB^gpSA.r-TS b*f£*,\orod«<«»'i Fa*4- p.o.a pomt UNIT PRICK AMOUNT _as 5"o •g.T?»DC 31 7.5-£#/<?<TO 12 So /~?5c oo 3/oo t&oo -S3 oo li£L Ol> 35 Oo c>o #>OO fc* "7o DO ^«b Ofc IS 1%oo IS 2s_j$2jy /22L2S.OO 20 -75-7037 50 TOTAL gm ^b <®b *9^««f"ZS?<S°e>:X°d *«^C-S»C <SOC>M<f910CCId'liooioih '400J4S 9/.(seM L99Z //?q ^v %<?£>"^%<?£3*#jI_ 11 -°°-ez '''*-?*£"*v*0<* os-H <"uh-m W9.•/'4^^ sJutoaTTuaiuBa